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camel git commit: CAMEL-11438 documentation improved

Repository: camel
Updated Branches:
  refs/heads/master f09e20b2e -> 23d39d469

CAMEL-11438 documentation improved


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: 23d39d469555edc6bc23b0a6e24dd713cf468dc4
Parents: f09e20b
Author: Franz Forsthofer <>
Authored: Tue Aug 22 11:15:27 2017 +0200
Committer: Franz Forsthofer <>
Committed: Tue Aug 22 11:16:04 2017 +0200

 .../src/main/docs/crypto-cms-component.adoc     | 330 ++++++++++++++++++-
 1 file changed, 329 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/components/camel-crypto-cms/src/main/docs/crypto-cms-component.adoc b/components/camel-crypto-cms/src/main/docs/crypto-cms-component.adoc
index 95f14d0..3c2456f 100644
--- a/components/camel-crypto-cms/src/main/docs/crypto-cms-component.adoc
+++ b/components/camel-crypto-cms/src/main/docs/crypto-cms-component.adoc
@@ -2,6 +2,33 @@
 *Available as of Camel version 2.20*
+[Cryptographic Message Syntax (CMS)] is a well established standard for signing and encrypting messages. The Apache Crypto CMS component supports the following parts of this standard:
+* Content Type "Enveloped Data" with Key Transport (asymmetric key),
+* Content Type "Signed Data".
+You can create CMS Enveloped Data instances, decrypt CMS Enveloped Data instances, create CMS Signed Data instances, and validate CMS Signed Data instances.
+The component uses the[Bouncy Castle] libraries bcprov-jdk15on and bcpkix-jdk15on.
+Maven users will need to add the following dependency to their `pom.xml` for this component:
+    <groupId>org.apache.camel</groupId>
+    <artifactId>camel-crypto-cms</artifactId>
+    <version>x.x.x</version>
+    <!-- use the same version as your Camel core version -->
+We recommend to register the Bouncy Castle security provider in your application before you call an endpoint of this component:
+Security.addProvider(new BouncyCastleProvider());
+If the Bouncy Castle security provider is not registered then the Crypto CMS component will register the provider.
 ### Options
@@ -54,7 +81,308 @@ with the following path and query parameters:
 | **includeContent** (sign) | Indicates whether the signed content should be included into the Signed Data instance. If false then a detached Signed Data instance is created in the header CamelCryptoCmsSignedData. | true | Boolean
 | **signer** (sign) | Signer information: reference to a bean which implements org.apache.camel.component.crypto.cms.api.SignerInfo |  | List
 | **signedDataHeaderBase64** (verify) | Indicates whether the value in the header CamelCryptoCmsSignedData is base64 encoded. Default value is false. Only relevant for detached signatures. In the detached signature case the header contains the Signed Data object. | false | Boolean
-| **verifySignaturesOfAll Signers** (verify) | If true then the signatures of all signers contained in the Signed Data object are verified. If false then only one signature whose signer info matches with one of the specified certificates is verified. Default value is true. | true | Boolean
+| **verifySignaturesOfAllSigners** (verify) | If true then the signatures of all signers contained in the Signed Data object are verified. If false then only one signature whose signer info matches with one of the specified certificates is verified. Default value is true. | true | Boolean
 // endpoint options: END
+### Enveloped Data
+Note, that a `crypto-cms:encypt` endpoint is typically defined in one route and the complimentary `crypto-cms:decrypt` in another, though for simplicity in the
+examples they appear one after the other.
+The following example shows how you can create an Enveloped Data message and how you can decrypt an Enveloped Data message.
+*Basic Example in Java DSL*
+import org.apache.camel.util.jsse.KeyStoreParameters;
+import org.apache.camel.component.crypto.cms.crypt.DefaultKeyTransRecipientInfo;
+KeyStoreParameters keystore  = new KeyStoreParameters();
+keystore.setPassword("some_password"); // this password will also be used for accessing the private key if not specified in the crypto-cms:decrypt endpoint
+DefaultKeyTransRecipientInfo recipient1 = new DefaultKeyTransRecipientInfo();
+recipient1.setCertificateAlias("rsa"); // alias of the public key used for the encryption
+simpleReg.put("keyStoreParameters", keystore); // register keystore in the registry
+simpleReg.put("recipient1", recipient1); // register recipient info in the registry
+    .to("crypto-cms:encrypt://testencrpyt?toBase64=true&recipient=#recipient1&contentEncryptionAlgorithm=DESede/CBC/PKCS5Padding&secretKeyLength=128")
+    .to("crypto-cms:decrypt://testdecrypt?fromBase64=true&keyStoreParameters=#keyStoreParameters")
+    .to("mock:result");
+*Basic Example in Spring XML*
+   <keyStoreParameters xmlns=""
+        id="keyStoreParameters1" resource="./keystore/keystore.jceks"
+        password="some_password" type="JCEKS" />
+    <bean id="recipient1"
+        class="org.apache.camel.component.crypto.cms.crypt.DefaultKeyTransRecipientInfo">
+        <property name="keyStoreParameters" ref="keyStoreParameters1" />
+        <property name="certificateAlias" value="rsa" />
+    </bean>
+    <route>
+        <from uri="direct:start" />
+        <to uri="crypto-cms:encrypt://testencrpyt?toBase64=true&amp;recipient=#recipient1&amp;contentEncryptionAlgorithm=DESede/CBC/PKCS5Padding&amp;secretKeyLength=128" />
+        <to uri="crypto-cms:decrypt://testdecrypt?fromBase64=true&amp;keyStoreParameters=#keyStoreParameters1" />
+         <to uri="mock:result" />
+    </route> 
+*Two Recipients in Java DSL*
+import org.apache.camel.util.jsse.KeyStoreParameters;
+import org.apache.camel.component.crypto.cms.crypt.DefaultKeyTransRecipientInfo;
+KeyStoreParameters keystore  = new KeyStoreParameters();
+keystore.setPassword("some_password"); // this password will also be used for accessing the private key if not specified in the crypto-cms:decrypt endpoint
+DefaultKeyTransRecipientInfo recipient1 = new DefaultKeyTransRecipientInfo();
+recipient1.setCertificateAlias("rsa"); // alias of the public key used for the encryption
+DefaultKeyTransRecipientInfo recipient2 = new DefaultKeyTransRecipientInfo();
+simpleReg.put("keyStoreParameters", keystore); // register keystore in the registry
+simpleReg.put("recipient1", recipient1); // register recipient info in the registry
+    .to("crypto-cms:encrypt://testencrpyt?toBase64=true&recipient=#recipient1&recipient=#recipient2&contentEncryptionAlgorithm=DESede/CBC/PKCS5Padding&secretKeyLength=128")
+    //the decryptor will automatically choose one of the two private keys depending which one is in the decryptor keystore
+    .to("crypto-cms:decrypt://testdecrypt?fromBase64=true&keyStoreParameters=#keyStoreParameters")
+    .to("mock:result");
+*Two Recipients in Spring XML*
+   <keyStoreParameters xmlns=""
+        id="keyStoreParameters1" resource="./keystore/keystore.jceks"
+        password="some_password" type="JCEKS" />
+    <bean id="recipient1"
+        class="org.apache.camel.component.crypto.cms.crypt.DefaultKeyTransRecipientInfo">
+        <property name="keyStoreParameters" ref="keyStoreParameters1" />
+        <property name="certificateAlias" value="rsa" />
+    </bean>
+    <bean id="recipient2"
+        class="org.apache.camel.component.crypto.cms.crypt.DefaultKeyTransRecipientInfo">
+        <property name="keyStoreParameters" ref="keyStoreParameters1" />
+        <property name="certificateAlias" value="dsa" />
+    </bean>
+    <route>
+        <from uri="direct:start" />
+        <to uri="crypto-cms:encrypt://testencrpyt?toBase64=true&amp;recipient=#recipient1&amp;recipient=#recipient2&amp;contentEncryptionAlgorithm=DESede/CBC/PKCS5Padding&amp;secretKeyLength=128" />
+        <!-- the decryptor will automatically choose one of the two private keys depending which one is in the decryptor keystore -->
+        <to uri="crypto-cms:decrypt://testdecrypt?fromBase64=true&amp;keyStoreParameters=#keyStoreParameters1" />
+         <to uri="mock:result" />
+    </route> 
+### Signed Data
+Note, that a `crypto-cms:sign` endpoint is typically defined in one route and the complimentary `crypto-cms:verify` in another, though for simplicity in the
+examples they appear one after the other.
+The following example shows how you can create a Signed Data message and how you can validate a Signed Data message.
+*Basic Example in Java DSL*
+import org.apache.camel.util.jsse.KeyStoreParameters;
+import org.apache.camel.component.crypto.cms.sig.DefaultSignerInfo;
+KeyStoreParameters keystore  = new KeyStoreParameters();
+keystore.setPassword("some_password"); // this password will also be used for accessing the private key if not specified in the signerInfo1 bean
+//Signer Information, by default the following signed attributes are included: contentType, signingTime, messageDigest, and cmsAlgorithmProtect; by default no unsigned attribute is included.
+// If you want to add your own signed attributes or unsigned attributes, see methods DefaultSignerInfo.setSignedAttributeGenerator and DefaultSignerInfo.setUnsignedAttributeGenerator.
+DefaultSignerInfo signerInfo1 = new DefaultSignerInfo();
+signerInfo1.setIncludeCertificates(true); // if set to true then the certificate chain of the private key will be added to the Signed Data object
+signerInfo1.setSignatureAlgorithm("SHA256withRSA"); // signature algorithm; attention, the signature algorithm must fit to the signer private key.
+signerInfo1.setPrivateKeyAlias("rsa"); // alias of the private key used for the decryption
+signerInfo1.setPassword("private_key_pw".toCharArray()); // optional parameter, if not set then the password of the KeyStoreParameters will be used for accessing the private key
+simpleReg.put("keyStoreParameters", keystore); //register keystore in the registry
+simpleReg.put("signer1", signerInfo1); //register signer info in the registry
+    .to("crypto-cms:sign://testsign?signer=#signer1&includeContent=true&toBase64=true")
+    .to("crypto-cms:verify://testverify?keyStoreParameters=#keyStoreParameters&fromBase64=true"")
+    .to("mock:result");
+*Basic Example in Spring XML*
+   <keyStoreParameters xmlns=""
+        id="keyStoreParameters1" resource="./keystore/keystore.jceks"
+        password="some_password" type="JCEKS" />
+    <bean id="signer1"
+        class="org.apache.camel.component.crypto.cms.sig.DefaultSignerInfo">
+        <property name="keyStoreParameters" ref="keyStoreParameters1" />
+        <property name="privateKeyAlias" value="rsa" />
+        <property name="signatureAlgorithm" value="SHA256withRSA" />
+        <property name="includeCertificates" value="true" />
+        <!-- optional parameter 'password', if not set then the password of the KeyStoreParameters will be used for accessing the private key -->
+        <property name="password" value="private_key_pw" />
+    </bean>
+    <route>
+        <from uri="direct:start" />
+        <to uri="crypto-cms:sign://testsign?signer=#signer1&amp;includeContent=true&amp;toBase64=true" />
+        <to uri="crypto-cms:verify://testverify?keyStoreParameters=#keyStoreParameters1&amp;fromBase64=true" />
+        <to uri="mock:result" />
+    </route>    
+*Example with two Signers in Java DSL*
+import org.apache.camel.util.jsse.KeyStoreParameters;
+import org.apache.camel.component.crypto.cms.sig.DefaultSignerInfo;
+KeyStoreParameters keystore  = new KeyStoreParameters();
+keystore.setPassword("some_password"); // this password will also be used for accessing the private key if not specified in the signerInfo1 bean
+//Signer Information, by default the following signed attributes are included: contentType, signingTime, messageDigest, and cmsAlgorithmProtect; by default no unsigned attribute is included.
+// If you want to add your own signed attributes or unsigned attributes, see methods DefaultSignerInfo.setSignedAttributeGenerator and DefaultSignerInfo.setUnsignedAttributeGenerator.
+DefaultSignerInfo signerInfo1 = new DefaultSignerInfo();
+signerInfo1.setIncludeCertificates(true); // if set to true then the certificate chain of the private key will be added to the Signed Data object
+signerInfo1.setSignatureAlgorithm("SHA256withRSA"); // signature algorithm; attention, the signature algorithm must fit to the signer private key.
+signerInfo1.setPrivateKeyAlias("rsa"); // alias of the private key used for the decryption
+signerInfo1.setPassword("private_key_pw".toCharArray()); // optional parameter, if not set then the password of the KeyStoreParameters will be used for accessing the private key
+DefaultSignerInfo signerInfo2 = new DefaultSignerInfo();
+simpleReg.put("keyStoreParameters", keystore); //register keystore in the registry
+simpleReg.put("signer1", signerInfo1); //register signer info in the registry
+simpleReg.put("signer2", signerInfo2); //register signer info in the registry
+    .to("crypto-cms:sign://testsign?signer=#signer1&signer=#signer2&includeContent=true")
+    .to("crypto-cms:verify://testverify?keyStoreParameters=#keyStoreParameters")
+    .to("mock:result");
+*Example with two Signers in Spring XML*
+   <keyStoreParameters xmlns=""
+        id="keyStoreParameters1" resource="./keystore/keystore.jceks"
+        password="some_password" type="JCEKS" />
+    <bean id="signer1"
+        class="org.apache.camel.component.crypto.cms.sig.DefaultSignerInfo">
+        <property name="keyStoreParameters" ref="keyStoreParameters1" />
+        <property name="privateKeyAlias" value="rsa" />
+        <property name="signatureAlgorithm" value="SHA256withRSA" />
+        <property name="includeCertificates" value="true" />
+        <!-- optional parameter 'password', if not set then the password of the KeyStoreParameters will be used for accessing the private key -->
+        <property name="password" value="private_key_pw" />
+    </bean>
+    <bean id="signer2"
+        class="org.apache.camel.component.crypto.cms.sig.DefaultSignerInfo">
+        <property name="keyStoreParameters" ref="keyStoreParameters1" />
+        <property name="privateKeyAlias" value="dsa" />
+        <property name="signatureAlgorithm" value="SHA256withDSA" />
+        <!-- optional parameter 'password', if not set then the password of the KeyStoreParameters will be used for accessing the private key -->
+        <property name="password" value="private_key_pw2" />
+    </bean>
+    <route>
+        <from uri="direct:start" />
+        <to uri="crypto-cms:sign://testsign?signer=#signer1&amp;signer=#signer2&amp;includeContent=true" />
+        <to uri="crypto-cms:verify://testverify?keyStoreParameters=#keyStoreParameters1" />
+        <to uri="mock:result" />
+    </route>    
+*Detached Signature Example in Java DSL*
+import org.apache.camel.util.jsse.KeyStoreParameters;
+import org.apache.camel.component.crypto.cms.sig.DefaultSignerInfo;
+KeyStoreParameters keystore  = new KeyStoreParameters();
+keystore.setPassword("some_password"); // this password will also be used for accessing the private key if not specified in the signerInfo1 bean
+//Signer Information, by default the following signed attributes are included: contentType, signingTime, messageDigest, and cmsAlgorithmProtect; by default no unsigned attribute is included.
+// If you want to add your own signed attributes or unsigned attributes, see methods DefaultSignerInfo.setSignedAttributeGenerator and DefaultSignerInfo.setUnsignedAttributeGenerator.
+DefaultSignerInfo signerInfo1 = new DefaultSignerInfo();
+signerInfo1.setIncludeCertificates(true); // if set to true then the certificate chain of the private key will be added to the Signed Data object
+signerInfo1.setSignatureAlgorithm("SHA256withRSA"); // signature algorithm; attention, the signature algorithm must fit to the signer private key.
+signerInfo1.setPrivateKeyAlias("rsa"); // alias of the private key used for the decryption
+signerInfo1.setPassword("private_key_pw".toCharArray()); // optional parameter, if not set then the password of the KeyStoreParameters will be used for accessing the private key
+simpleReg.put("keyStoreParameters", keystore); //register keystore in the registry
+simpleReg.put("signer1", signerInfo1); //register signer info in the registry
+     //with the option includeContent=false the SignedData object without the signed text will be written into the header "CamelCryptoCmsSignedData"  
+    .to("crypto-cms:sign://testsign?signer=#signer1&includeContent=false&toBase64=true")
+    //the verifier reads the Signed Data object form the header CamelCryptoCmsSignedData and assumes that the signed content is in the message body
+    .to("crypto-cms:verify://testverify?keyStoreParameters=#keyStoreParameters&signedDataHeaderBase64=true")
+    .to("mock:result");
+*Detached Signature Example in Spring XML*
+   <keyStoreParameters xmlns=""
+        id="keyStoreParameters1" resource="./keystore/keystore.jceks"
+        password="some_password" type="JCEKS" />
+    <bean id="signer1"
+        class="org.apache.camel.component.crypto.cms.sig.DefaultSignerInfo">
+        <property name="keyStoreParameters" ref="keyStoreParameters1" />
+        <property name="privateKeyAlias" value="rsa" />
+        <property name="signatureAlgorithm" value="SHA256withRSA" />
+        <property name="includeCertificates" value="true" />
+        <!-- optional parameter 'password', if not set then the password of the KeyStoreParameters will be used for accessing the private key -->
+        <property name="password" value="private_key_pw" />
+    </bean>
+    <route>
+        <from uri="direct:start" />
+        <!-- with the option includeContent=false the SignedData object without the signed text will be written into the header "CamelCryptoCmsSignedData" -->
+        <to uri="crypto-cms:sign://testsign?signer=#signer1&amp;includeContent=false&amp;toBase64=true" />
+        <!-- the verifier reads the Signed Data object form the header CamelCryptoCmsSignedData and assumes that the signed content is in the message body -->
+        <to uri="crypto-cms:verify://testverify?keyStoreParameters=#keyStoreParameters1&amp;signedDataHeaderBase64=true" />
+        <to uri="mock:result" />
+    </route>    
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