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[49/51] [partial] qpid-dispatch git commit: DISPATCH-561 Added program to return fake management data
diff --git a/console/test/mock/ b/console/test/mock/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b20538d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/console/test/mock/
@@ -0,0 +1,358 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+# distributed with this work for additional information
+# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+# specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+import json
+from proton import generate_uuid
+import collections
+class Schema(object):
+    schema = {}
+    @staticmethod
+    def i(entity, attribute):
+        return Schema.schema[entity]["attributeNames"].index(attribute)
+    @staticmethod
+    def type(entity):
+        return Schema.schema[entity]["fullyQualifiedType"]
+    @staticmethod
+    def init():
+        with open("topologies/schema.json") as fp:
+            data = json.load(fp)
+            for entity in data["entityTypes"]:
+                Schema.schema[entity] = {"attributeNames": [],
+                                         "fullyQualifiedType": data["entityTypes"][entity]["fullyQualifiedType"]}
+                for attribute in data["entityTypes"][entity]["attributes"]:
+                    Schema.schema[entity]["attributeNames"].append(attribute)
+                Schema.schema[entity]["attributeNames"].append("type")
+class SparseList(list):
+    '''
+    from
+    '''
+    def __setitem__(self, index, value):
+        missing = index - len(self) + 1
+        if missing > 0:
+            self.extend([None] * missing)
+        list.__setitem__(self, index, value)
+    def __getitem__(self, index):
+        try: return list.__getitem__(self, index)
+        except IndexError: return None
+class Entity(object):
+    def __init__(self, name):
+ = name
+        self.value = SparseList()
+        self.settype()
+    def setval(self, attribute, value):
+        self.value[Schema.i(, attribute)] = value
+    def settype(self):
+        self.setval("type", Schema.type(
+    def setZero(self, attributes):
+        for attribute in attributes:
+            self.setval(attribute, 0)
+    def getval(self, attr):
+        return self.value[Schema.i(, attr)]
+    def vals(self):
+        return self.value
+class Multiple(object):
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.results = []
+    def vals(self):
+        return self.results
+class RouterNode(Entity):
+    instance = 0
+    def __init__(self, f, t, links, hopper):
+        super(RouterNode, self).__init__("router.node")
+        self.hopper = hopper
+        self.init(f, t, links)
+    def init(self, f, t, links):
+        RouterNode.instance += 1
+        self.setval("name", "router.node/" + t)
+        self.setval("nextHop", "(self)" if f == t else self.hopper.get(f, t, links))
+        self.setval("validOrigins", [])
+        self.setval("linkState", [])
+        self.setval("instance", RouterNode.instance)
+        self.setval("cost", 1)
+        self.setval("address", "amqp:/_topo/0/" + t)
+        self.setval("id", t)
+        self.setval("identity", self.value[Schema.i(, "name")])
+    def reset(self):
+        RouterNode.nh = NextHop()
+class Connector(Entity):
+    def __init__(self, host, port):
+        super(Connector, self).__init__("connector")
+        self.init(host, port)
+    def init(self, host, port):
+        self.setval("verifyHostName", True)
+        self.setval("cost", 1)
+        self.setval("addr", "")
+        self.setval("maxSessions", 32768)
+        self.setval("allowRedirect", True)
+        self.setval("idleTimeoutSeconds", 16)
+        self.setval("saslMechanisms", "AMONYMOUS")
+        self.setval("maxFrameSize", 16384)
+        self.setval("maxSessionFrames", 100)
+        self.setval("host", host)
+        self.setval("role", "inter-router")
+        self.setval("stripAnnotations", "both")
+        self.setval("port", port)
+        self.setval("identity", "connector/" + host + ":" + port)
+        self.setval("name", self.getval("identity"))
+class Policy(Entity):
+    def __init__(self):
+        super(Policy, self).__init__("policy")
+        self.init()
+    def init(self):
+        self.setval("connectionsProcessed", 2)
+        self.setval("defaultVhost", "$default")
+        self.setval("connectionsDenied", 0)
+        self.setval("enableVhostPolicy", False)
+        self.setval("maxConnections", 65535)
+        self.setval("connectionsCurrent", self.getval("connectionsProcessed"))
+        self.setval("identity", 1)
+        self.setval("name", "policy/" + str(self.getval("identity")))
+class Logs(Multiple):
+               "ROUTER_LS", "ROUTER_MA", "SERVER"]
+    def __init__(self):
+        super(Logs, self).__init__()
+        for module in Logs.modules:
+            self.results.append(Log(module).vals())
+class Log(Entity):
+    def __init__(self, module):
+        super(Log, self).__init__("log")
+        self.init(module)
+    def init(self, module):
+        self.setval("name", "log/" + module)
+        self.setval("identity", self.getval("name"))
+        self.setval("module", module)
+class Allocators(Multiple):
+    names = [["qd_bitmask", 24], ["_buffer", 536], ["_composed_field", 64], ["_composite", 112], ["_connection", 232],
+             ["_connector", 56], ["_deferred_call", 32], ["_field_iterator", 128], ["_hash_handle", 16],
+             ["_hash_item", 32], ["_hash_segment", 24], ["_link", 48], ["_listener", 32], ["_log_entry", 2104],
+             ["_management_context", 56], ["_message_context", 640], ["_message", 128], ["_node", 56],
+             ["_parsed_field", 88], ["_timer", 56], ["_work_item", 24], ["pn_connector", 600], ["pn_listener", 48],
+             ["r_action", 160], ["r_address_config", 56], ["r_address", 264], ["r_connection", 232],
+             ["r_connection_work", 56], ["r_delivery_ref", 24], ["r_delivery", 144], ["r_field", 40],
+             ["r_general_work", 64], ["r_link_ref", 24], ["r_link", 304], ["r_node", 64], ["r_query", 336],
+             ["r_terminus", 64], ["tm_router", 16]]
+    def __init__(self):
+        super(Allocators, self).__init__()
+        for name in Allocators.names:
+            self.results.append(Allocator(name).vals())
+class Allocator(Entity):
+    def __init__(self, name):
+        super(Allocator, self).__init__("allocator")
+        self.init(name)
+    def init(self, name):
+        n = "qd" + name[0] + "_t"
+        self.setZero(["heldByThreads", "transferBatchSize", "globalFreeListMax", "batchesRebalancedToGlobal", "batchesRebalancedToThreads",
+                      "totalFreeToHeap", "totalAllocFromHeap", "localFreeListMax"])
+        self.setval("name", "allocator/" + n)
+        self.setval("identity", self.getval("name"))
+        self.setval("typeName", n)
+        self.setval("typeSize", name[1])
+class RouterAddresses(Multiple):
+    def __init__(self, node, nodes):
+        super(RouterAddresses, self).__init__()
+        addresses = {}
+        others = []
+        for n in nodes:
+            if n['nodeType'] == 'inter-router':
+                if n['name'] != node['name']:
+                    self.results.append(RouterAddress("R"+n['name'], [n['name']], "closest", 0).vals())
+                    others.append(n['name'])
+            else:
+                for normal in n['normals']:
+                    nname = '.'.join(normal['name'].split('.')[:-1])
+                    if "console_identifier" not in node['properties']:
+                        maddr = "M0" + normal['addr']
+                        if maddr not in addresses:
+                            addresses[maddr] = []
+                        if nname != node['name']:
+                            if nname not in addresses[maddr]:
+                                addresses[maddr].append(nname)
+        for address in addresses:
+            self.results.append(RouterAddress(address, addresses[address], "balanced", 0).vals())
+        self.results.append(RouterAddress("L_$management_internal", [], "closest", 1).vals())
+        self.results.append(RouterAddress("M0$management", [], "closest", 1).vals())
+        self.results.append(RouterAddress("L$management", [], "closest", 1).vals())
+        self.results.append(RouterAddress("L$qdhello", [], "flood", 1).vals())
+        self.results.append(RouterAddress("L$qdrouter", [], "flood", 1).vals())
+        self.results.append(RouterAddress("L$", [], "multicast", 1).vals())
+        self.results.append(RouterAddress("Tqdrouter", others, "flood", 1).vals())
+        self.results.append(RouterAddress("", others, "multicast", 1).vals())
+class RouterAddress(Entity):
+    def __init__(self, name, rhrList, distribution, inProcess):
+        super(RouterAddress, self).__init__("router.address")
+        self.init(name, rhrList, distribution, inProcess)
+    def init(self, name, rhrList, distribution, inProcess):
+        self.setZero(["subscriberCount", "deliveriesEgress", "deliveriesIngress",
+                      "deliveriesFromContainer", "deliveriesTransit", "containerCount",
+                      "trackedDeliveries", "deliveriesToContainer"])
+        self.setval("name", name)
+        self.setval("key", self.getval("name"))
+        self.setval("distribution", distribution)
+        self.setval("identity", self.getval("name"))
+        self.setval("remoteHostRouters", rhrList)
+        self.setval("remoteCount", len(rhrList))
+        self.setval("inProcess", inProcess)
+class Address(Entity):
+    def __init__(self):
+        super(Address, self).__init__("address")
+        self.init()
+    def init(self):
+        self.setval("egressPhase", 0)
+        self.setval("ingressPhase", 0)
+        self.setval("prefix", "closest")
+        self.setval("waypoint", False)
+        self.setval("distribution", "closest")
+        self.setval("identity", 1)
+        self.setval("name", "address/" + str(self.getval("identity")))
+class Router(Entity):
+    def __init__(self, node):
+        super(Router, self).__init__("router")
+        self.init(node)
+    def init(self, node):
+        self.setval("mobileAddrMaxAge", 60)
+        self.setval("raIntervalFlux", 4)
+        self.setval("workerThreads", 4)
+        self.setval("name", "router/" + node['name'])
+        self.setval("helloInterval", 1)
+        self.setval("area", 0)
+        self.setval("helloMaxAge", 3)
+        self.setval("remoteLsMaxAge", 60)
+        self.setval("addrCount", 0)
+        self.setval("raInterval", 30)
+        self.setval("mode", "interior")
+        self.setval("nodeCount", 0)
+        self.setval("saslConfigName", "qdrouterd")
+        self.setval("linkCount", 0)
+        self.setval("id", node['name'])
+        self.setval("identity", "router/" + node['name'])
+class Listener(Entity):
+    def __init__(self, port):
+        super(Listener, self).__init__("listener")
+        self.init(port)
+    def init(self, port):
+        self.setval("stripAnnotations", "both")
+        self.setval("requireSsl", False)
+        self.setval("idleTimeoutSeconds", 16)
+        self.setval("cost", 1)
+        self.setval("port", str(port))
+        self.setval("addr", "")
+        self.setval("saslMechanisms", "ANONYMOUS")
+        self.setval("requireEncryption", False)
+        self.setval("linkCapacity", 4)
+        self.setval("role", "normal")
+        self.setval("authenticatePeer", False)
+        self.setval("host", "::")
+        self.setval("identity", "listener/:::" + str(port))
+        self.setval("name", self.getval("identity"))
+        self.setval("maxFrameSize", 16384)
+class Connection(Entity):
+    def __init__(self, node, id):
+        super(Connection, self).__init__("connection")
+        self.init(node, id)
+    def init(self, node, id):
+        if "container" not in node:
+            self.setval("container", str(generate_uuid()))
+        else:
+            self.setval("container", node["container"])
+        self.setval("opened", True)
+        self.setval("name", "connection/" + str(id))
+        self.setval("properties", node["properties"])
+        self.setval("ssl", False)
+        if "host" in node:
+            self.setval("host", node["host"])
+        else:
+            self.setval("host", "")
+        if "isEncrypted" not in node:
+            self.setval("isEncrypted", False)
+        else:
+            self.setval("isEncrypted", node["isEncrypted"])
+        if "user" not in node:
+            self.setval("user", "anonymous")
+        else:
+            self.setval("user", node["user"])
+        self.setval("role", node["nodeType"])
+        self.setval("isAuthenticated", False)
+        self.setval("identity", id)
+        self.setval("dir", node["cdir"])
+class RouterLink(Entity):
+    def __init__(self, node, identity, ldir, owningAddr, linkType, connId):
+        super(RouterLink, self).__init__("")
+        self.init(node, identity, ldir, owningAddr, linkType, connId)
+    def init(self, node, identity, ldir, owningAddr, linkType, connId):
+        linkUuid = str(generate_uuid())
+        self.setval("name", linkUuid)
+        self.setval("identity", identity)
+        self.setval("linkName", linkUuid)
+        self.setval("linkType", linkType)
+        self.setval("linkDir", ldir)
+        self.setval("owningAddr", owningAddr)
+        self.setval("capacity", 250)
+        self.setZero(["undeliveredCount", "unsettledCount", "deliveryCount", "presettledCount", "acceptedCount",
+                      "rejectedCount", "releasedCount", "modifiedCount"])
+        self.setval("connectionId", connId)
+        self.setval("adminStatus", "enabled")
+        self.setval("operStatus", "up")
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/console/test/mock/ b/console/test/mock/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ab0c01a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/console/test/mock/
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+# distributed with this work for additional information
+# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+# specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+import collections
+class TreeNode(object):
+    def __init__(self, f, parent):
+ = f
+        self.parent = parent
+        self.children = []
+        self.visited = False
+    def procreate(self, links):
+        if self.visited:
+            return
+        self.visited = True
+        for link in links:
+            if link['source']['nodeType'] == 'inter-router' and link['target']['nodeType'] == 'inter-router':
+                if (link['source']['name'] == or link['target']['name'] ==
+                    name = link['source']['name'] if link['target']['name'] == else link['target']['name']
+                    if not name in self.ancestors():
+                        self.children.append(TreeNode(name, self))
+    def ancestors(self):
+        a = self.geneology(self.parent)
+        a.reverse()
+        return a
+    def geneology(self, parent):
+        if parent is None:
+            return []
+        ret = []
+        ret.extend(self.geneology(parent.parent))
+        return ret
+class Hopper(object):
+    def __init__(self, verbose):
+        self.tree = {}
+        self.table = {}
+        self.verbose = verbose
+    def get(self, f, t, links):
+        if self.verbose:
+            print ("------- asked to get " + f + " to " + t)
+        if f in self.table and t in self.table[f]:
+            if self.verbose:
+                print " ------- returning existing " + str(self.table[f][t])
+            return self.table[f][t]
+        self.tree = {}
+        #treef = self.highest(f)
+        #if treef is None:
+        treef = self.root(f)
+        q = collections.deque([treef])
+        while len(q):
+            node = q.popleft()
+            self.process(f, node,, links)
+            if f in self.table and t in self.table[f]:
+                if self.verbose:
+                    print " ------- returning " + str(self.table[f][t])
+                ret = self.table[f][t]
+                self.table = {}
+                return ret
+            for n in node.children:
+                q.append(n)
+        if self.verbose:
+            print (" ------- returning unfound nextHop of None")
+    def process(self, f, node, r, links):
+        node.procreate(links)
+        for n in node.children:
+            self.populateTable(f, n, r)
+    def populateTable(self, f, node, r):
+        n =
+        if not f in self.table:
+            self.table[f] = {}
+            self.table[f][f] = None
+        if not n in self.table:
+            self.table[n] = {}
+            self.table[n][n] = None
+        if not node.parent:
+            return
+        if == f:
+            self.table[f][n] = None
+            self.table[n][f] = None
+        else:
+            def setHop(n, a, p):
+                if not a in self.table[n]:
+                    self.table[n][a] = p
+            def loop(ancestors):
+                for i in range(1): #range(len(ancestors)):
+                    start = ancestors[i]
+                    for j in range(i+1, len(ancestors)):
+                        stop = ancestors[j]
+                        if j-i == 1:
+                            setHop(start, stop, None)
+                        else:
+                            setHop(start, stop, ancestors[i+1])
+            ancestors = node.ancestors()
+            while len(ancestors) > 0 and ancestors[0] != r:
+                ancestors.pop(0)
+            ancestors.append(n)
+            loop(ancestors)
+            ancestors.reverse()
+            loop(ancestors)
+    def root(self, f):
+        if not self.tree:
+            self.tree[f] = TreeNode(f, None)
+        return self.tree[list(self.tree.keys())[0]]
+    def highest(self, f):
+        r = self.root(f)
+        if == f:
+            return r
+        q = collections.deque([r])
+        while len(q):
+            node = q.popleft()
+            for n in node.children:
+                if == f:
+                    return n
+                q.append(n)
+        return None
diff --git a/console/test/topologies/config-1/R.0.json b/console/test/topologies/config-1/R.0.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..53467c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/console/test/topologies/config-1/R.0.json
@@ -0,0 +1,1725 @@
+  ".allocator": {
+    "attributeNames": [
+      "heldByThreads", 
+      "localFreeListMax", 
+      "transferBatchSize", 
+      "globalFreeListMax", 
+      "batchesRebalancedToGlobal", 
+      "typeName", 
+      "batchesRebalancedToThreads", 
+      "totalFreeToHeap", 
+      "totalAllocFromHeap", 
+      "typeSize", 
+      "identity", 
+      "name", 
+      "type"
+    ], 
+    "results": [
+      [
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        "qdqd_bitmask_t", 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        24, 
+        "allocator/qdqd_bitmask_t", 
+        "allocator/qdqd_bitmask_t", 
+        "org.apache.qpid.dispatch.allocator"
+      ], 
+      [
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        "qd_buffer_t", 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        536, 
+        "allocator/qd_buffer_t", 
+        "allocator/qd_buffer_t", 
+        "org.apache.qpid.dispatch.allocator"
+      ], 
+      [
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        "qd_composed_field_t", 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        64, 
+        "allocator/qd_composed_field_t", 
+        "allocator/qd_composed_field_t", 
+        "org.apache.qpid.dispatch.allocator"
+      ], 
+      [
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        "qd_composite_t", 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        112, 
+        "allocator/qd_composite_t", 
+        "allocator/qd_composite_t", 
+        "org.apache.qpid.dispatch.allocator"
+      ], 
+      [
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        "qd_connection_t", 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        232, 
+        "allocator/qd_connection_t", 
+        "allocator/qd_connection_t", 
+        "org.apache.qpid.dispatch.allocator"
+      ], 
+      [
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        "qd_connector_t", 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        56, 
+        "allocator/qd_connector_t", 
+        "allocator/qd_connector_t", 
+        "org.apache.qpid.dispatch.allocator"
+      ], 
+      [
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        "qd_deferred_call_t", 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        32, 
+        "allocator/qd_deferred_call_t", 
+        "allocator/qd_deferred_call_t", 
+        "org.apache.qpid.dispatch.allocator"
+      ], 
+      [
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        "qd_field_iterator_t", 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        128, 
+        "allocator/qd_field_iterator_t", 
+        "allocator/qd_field_iterator_t", 
+        "org.apache.qpid.dispatch.allocator"
+      ], 
+      [
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        "qd_hash_handle_t", 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        16, 
+        "allocator/qd_hash_handle_t", 
+        "allocator/qd_hash_handle_t", 
+        "org.apache.qpid.dispatch.allocator"
+      ], 
+      [
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        "qd_hash_item_t", 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        32, 
+        "allocator/qd_hash_item_t", 
+        "allocator/qd_hash_item_t", 
+        "org.apache.qpid.dispatch.allocator"
+      ], 
+      [
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        "qd_hash_segment_t", 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        24, 
+        "allocator/qd_hash_segment_t", 
+        "allocator/qd_hash_segment_t", 
+        "org.apache.qpid.dispatch.allocator"
+      ], 
+      [
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        "qd_link_t", 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        48, 
+        "allocator/qd_link_t", 
+        "allocator/qd_link_t", 
+        "org.apache.qpid.dispatch.allocator"
+      ], 
+      [
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        "qd_listener_t", 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        32, 
+        "allocator/qd_listener_t", 
+        "allocator/qd_listener_t", 
+        "org.apache.qpid.dispatch.allocator"
+      ], 
+      [
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        "qd_log_entry_t", 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        2104, 
+        "allocator/qd_log_entry_t", 
+        "allocator/qd_log_entry_t", 
+        "org.apache.qpid.dispatch.allocator"
+      ], 
+      [
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        "qd_management_context_t", 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        56, 
+        "allocator/qd_management_context_t", 
+        "allocator/qd_management_context_t", 
+        "org.apache.qpid.dispatch.allocator"
+      ], 
+      [
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        "qd_message_context_t", 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        640, 
+        "allocator/qd_message_context_t", 
+        "allocator/qd_message_context_t", 
+        "org.apache.qpid.dispatch.allocator"
+      ], 
+      [
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        "qd_message_t", 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        128, 
+        "allocator/qd_message_t", 
+        "allocator/qd_message_t", 
+        "org.apache.qpid.dispatch.allocator"
+      ], 
+      [
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        "qd_node_t", 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        56, 
+        "allocator/qd_node_t", 
+        "allocator/qd_node_t", 
+        "org.apache.qpid.dispatch.allocator"
+      ], 
+      [
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        "qd_parsed_field_t", 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        88, 
+        "allocator/qd_parsed_field_t", 
+        "allocator/qd_parsed_field_t", 
+        "org.apache.qpid.dispatch.allocator"
+      ], 
+      [
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        "qd_timer_t", 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        56, 
+        "allocator/qd_timer_t", 
+        "allocator/qd_timer_t", 
+        "org.apache.qpid.dispatch.allocator"
+      ], 
+      [
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        "qd_work_item_t", 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        24, 
+        "allocator/qd_work_item_t", 
+        "allocator/qd_work_item_t", 
+        "org.apache.qpid.dispatch.allocator"
+      ], 
+      [
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        "qdpn_connector_t", 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        600, 
+        "allocator/qdpn_connector_t", 
+        "allocator/qdpn_connector_t", 
+        "org.apache.qpid.dispatch.allocator"
+      ], 
+      [
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        "qdpn_listener_t", 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        48, 
+        "allocator/qdpn_listener_t", 
+        "allocator/qdpn_listener_t", 
+        "org.apache.qpid.dispatch.allocator"
+      ], 
+      [
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        "qdr_action_t", 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        160, 
+        "allocator/qdr_action_t", 
+        "allocator/qdr_action_t", 
+        "org.apache.qpid.dispatch.allocator"
+      ], 
+      [
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        "qdr_address_config_t", 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        56, 
+        "allocator/qdr_address_config_t", 
+        "allocator/qdr_address_config_t", 
+        "org.apache.qpid.dispatch.allocator"
+      ], 
+      [
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        "qdr_address_t", 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        264, 
+        "allocator/qdr_address_t", 
+        "allocator/qdr_address_t", 
+        "org.apache.qpid.dispatch.allocator"
+      ], 
+      [
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        "qdr_connection_t", 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        232, 
+        "allocator/qdr_connection_t", 
+        "allocator/qdr_connection_t", 
+        "org.apache.qpid.dispatch.allocator"
+      ], 
+      [
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        "qdr_connection_work_t", 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        56, 
+        "allocator/qdr_connection_work_t", 
+        "allocator/qdr_connection_work_t", 
+        "org.apache.qpid.dispatch.allocator"
+      ], 
+      [
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        "qdr_delivery_ref_t", 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        24, 
+        "allocator/qdr_delivery_ref_t", 
+        "allocator/qdr_delivery_ref_t", 
+        "org.apache.qpid.dispatch.allocator"
+      ], 
+      [
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        "qdr_delivery_t", 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        144, 
+        "allocator/qdr_delivery_t", 
+        "allocator/qdr_delivery_t", 
+        "org.apache.qpid.dispatch.allocator"
+      ], 
+      [
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        "qdr_field_t", 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        40, 
+        "allocator/qdr_field_t", 
+        "allocator/qdr_field_t", 
+        "org.apache.qpid.dispatch.allocator"
+      ], 
+      [
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        "qdr_general_work_t", 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        64, 
+        "allocator/qdr_general_work_t", 
+        "allocator/qdr_general_work_t", 
+        "org.apache.qpid.dispatch.allocator"
+      ], 
+      [
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        "qdr_link_ref_t", 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        24, 
+        "allocator/qdr_link_ref_t", 
+        "allocator/qdr_link_ref_t", 
+        "org.apache.qpid.dispatch.allocator"
+      ], 
+      [
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        "qdr_link_t", 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        304, 
+        "allocator/qdr_link_t", 
+        "allocator/qdr_link_t", 
+        "org.apache.qpid.dispatch.allocator"
+      ], 
+      [
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        "qdr_node_t", 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        64, 
+        "allocator/qdr_node_t", 
+        "allocator/qdr_node_t", 
+        "org.apache.qpid.dispatch.allocator"
+      ], 
+      [
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        "qdr_query_t", 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        336, 
+        "allocator/qdr_query_t", 
+        "allocator/qdr_query_t", 
+        "org.apache.qpid.dispatch.allocator"
+      ], 
+      [
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        "qdr_terminus_t", 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        64, 
+        "allocator/qdr_terminus_t", 
+        "allocator/qdr_terminus_t", 
+        "org.apache.qpid.dispatch.allocator"
+      ], 
+      [
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        "qdtm_router_t", 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        16, 
+        "allocator/qdtm_router_t", 
+        "allocator/qdtm_router_t", 
+        "org.apache.qpid.dispatch.allocator"
+      ]
+    ]
+  }, 
+  ".autoLink": {
+    "attributeNames": [
+      "addr", 
+      "linkRef", 
+      "containerId", 
+      "operStatus", 
+      "connection", 
+      "dir", 
+      "phase", 
+      "lastError", 
+      "externalAddr", 
+      "identity", 
+      "name", 
+      "type"
+    ], 
+    "results": []
+  }, 
+  ".connection": {
+    "attributeNames": [
+      "container", 
+      "opened", 
+      "sslCipher", 
+      "user", 
+      "sslProto", 
+      "dir", 
+      "ssl", 
+      "host", 
+      "isEncrypted", 
+      "role", 
+      "identity", 
+      "sasl", 
+      "sslSsf", 
+      "properties", 
+      "isAuthenticated", 
+      "name", 
+      "type"
+    ], 
+    "results": [
+      [
+        "b9053259-30b3-4c3f-b080-74e529da07a3", 
+        true, 
+        null, 
+        "anonymous", 
+        null, 
+        "both", 
+        false, 
+        "", 
+        false, 
+        "normal", 
+        1, 
+        null, 
+        null, 
+        {
+          "console_identifier": "Dispatch console"
+        }, 
+        false, 
+        "connection/", 
+        "org.apache.qpid.dispatch.connection"
+      ], 
+      [
+        "efe7ddf0-fc6d-49cb-8a17-ca571e12fe98", 
+        true, 
+        null, 
+        "anonymous", 
+        null, 
+        "both", 
+        false, 
+        "", 
+        false, 
+        "normal", 
+        2, 
+        null, 
+        null, 
+        {
+          "console_identifier": "Dispatch console"
+        }, 
+        false, 
+        "connection/", 
+        "org.apache.qpid.dispatch.connection"
+      ], 
+      [
+        "fdc6626f-7e1d-465f-99cf-8b02842faf6c", 
+        true, 
+        null, 
+        "anonymous", 
+        null, 
+        "out", 
+        false, 
+        "", 
+        false, 
+        "normal", 
+        3, 
+        null, 
+        null, 
+        {}, 
+        false, 
+        "connection/", 
+        "org.apache.qpid.dispatch.connection"
+      ], 
+      [
+        "9b24bcaa-1e6c-4498-99cd-a123865744ee", 
+        true, 
+        null, 
+        "anonymous", 
+        null, 
+        "out", 
+        false, 
+        "", 
+        false, 
+        "normal", 
+        4, 
+        null, 
+        null, 
+        {}, 
+        false, 
+        "connection/", 
+        "org.apache.qpid.dispatch.connection"
+      ], 
+      [
+        "faf3c05e-c1eb-4ce8-af30-d034273d3e9d", 
+        true, 
+        null, 
+        "anonymous", 
+        null, 
+        "out", 
+        false, 
+        "", 
+        false, 
+        "normal", 
+        5, 
+        null, 
+        null, 
+        {}, 
+        false, 
+        "connection/", 
+        "org.apache.qpid.dispatch.connection"
+      ], 
+      [
+        "aaf5a8ec-3e6c-4289-9204-7178a539d37f", 
+        true, 
+        null, 
+        "anonymous", 
+        null, 
+        "in", 
+        false, 
+        "", 
+        false, 
+        "normal", 
+        6, 
+        null, 
+        null, 
+        {}, 
+        false, 
+        "connection/", 
+        "org.apache.qpid.dispatch.connection"
+      ], 
+      [
+        "1aa7d699-650c-423a-a31a-c25dc2794931", 
+        true, 
+        null, 
+        "anonymous", 
+        null, 
+        "in", 
+        false, 
+        "", 
+        false, 
+        "normal", 
+        7, 
+        null, 
+        null, 
+        {}, 
+        false, 
+        "connection/", 
+        "org.apache.qpid.dispatch.connection"
+      ], 
+      [
+        "3a948171-9075-42fd-941c-71998faa6106", 
+        true, 
+        null, 
+        "anonymous", 
+        null, 
+        "both", 
+        false, 
+        "", 
+        false, 
+        "normal", 
+        8, 
+        null, 
+        null, 
+        {}, 
+        false, 
+        "connection/", 
+        "org.apache.qpid.dispatch.connection"
+      ]
+    ]
+  }, 
+  ".connector": {
+    "attributeNames": [
+      "maxSessionFrames", 
+      "verifyHostName", 
+      "stripAnnotations", 
+      "addr", 
+      "saslUsername", 
+      "allowRedirect", 
+      "idleTimeoutSeconds", 
+      "saslMechanisms", 
+      "maxFrameSize", 
+      "port", 
+      "linkCapacity", 
+      "host", 
+      "cost", 
+      "role", 
+      "saslPassword", 
+      "sslProfile", 
+      "maxSessions", 
+      "protocolFamily", 
+      "identity", 
+      "name", 
+      "type"
+    ], 
+    "results": [
+      [
+        100, 
+        true, 
+        "both", 
+        "", 
+        null, 
+        true, 
+        16, 
+        "AMONYMOUS", 
+        16384, 
+        "20004", 
+        null, 
+        "", 
+        1, 
+        "inter-router", 
+        null, 
+        null, 
+        32768, 
+        null, 
+        "connector/", 
+        "connector/", 
+        "org.apache.qpid.dispatch.connector"
+      ], 
+      [
+        100, 
+        true, 
+        "both", 
+        "", 
+        null, 
+        true, 
+        16, 
+        "AMONYMOUS", 
+        16384, 
+        "20004", 
+        null, 
+        "", 
+        1, 
+        "inter-router", 
+        null, 
+        null, 
+        32768, 
+        null, 
+        "connector/", 
+        "connector/", 
+        "org.apache.qpid.dispatch.connector"
+      ], 
+      [
+        100, 
+        true, 
+        "both", 
+        "", 
+        null, 
+        true, 
+        16, 
+        "AMONYMOUS", 
+        16384, 
+        "20004", 
+        null, 
+        "", 
+        1, 
+        "inter-router", 
+        null, 
+        null, 
+        32768, 
+        null, 
+        "connector/", 
+        "connector/", 
+        "org.apache.qpid.dispatch.connector"
+      ]
+    ]
+  }, 
+  ".linkRoute": {
+    "attributeNames": [
+      "containerId", 
+      "operStatus", 
+      "prefix", 
+      "connection", 
+      "dir", 
+      "distribution", 
+      "identity", 
+      "name", 
+      "type"
+    ], 
+    "results": []
+  }, 
+  ".listener": {
+    "attributeNames": [
+      "stripAnnotations", 
+      "requireSsl", 
+      "idleTimeoutSeconds", 
+      "trustedCerts", 
+      "maxSessionFrames", 
+      "cost", 
+      "port", 
+      "allowNoSasl", 
+      "addr", 
+      "saslMechanisms", 
+      "requireEncryption", 
+      "linkCapacity", 
+      "requirePeerAuth", 
+      "allowUnsecured", 
+      "maxSessions", 
+      "authenticatePeer", 
+      "host", 
+      "role", 
+      "protocolFamily", 
+      "identity", 
+      "name", 
+      "maxFrameSize", 
+      "sslProfile", 
+      "type"
+    ], 
+    "results": [
+      [
+        "both", 
+        false, 
+        16, 
+        null, 
+        null, 
+        1, 
+        "20001", 
+        null, 
+        "", 
+        "ANONYMOUS", 
+        false, 
+        4, 
+        null, 
+        null, 
+        null, 
+        false, 
+        "::", 
+        "normal", 
+        null, 
+        "listener/:::20001", 
+        "listener/:::20001", 
+        16384, 
+        null, 
+        "org.apache.qpid.dispatch.listener"
+      ]
+    ]
+  }, 
+  ".log": {
+    "attributeNames": [
+      "enable", 
+      "name", 
+      "timestamp", 
+      "module", 
+      "source", 
+      "output", 
+      "identity", 
+      "type"
+    ], 
+    "results": [
+      [
+        null, 
+        "log/AGENT", 
+        null, 
+        "AGENT", 
+        null, 
+        null, 
+        "log/AGENT", 
+        "org.apache.qpid.dispatch.log"
+      ], 
+      [
+        null, 
+        "log/CONTAINER", 
+        null, 
+        "CONTAINER", 
+        null, 
+        null, 
+        "log/CONTAINER", 
+        "org.apache.qpid.dispatch.log"
+      ], 
+      [
+        null, 
+        "log/DEFAULT", 
+        null, 
+        "DEFAULT", 
+        null, 
+        null, 
+        "log/DEFAULT", 
+        "org.apache.qpid.dispatch.log"
+      ], 
+      [
+        null, 
+        "log/ERROR", 
+        null, 
+        "ERROR", 
+        null, 
+        null, 
+        "log/ERROR", 
+        "org.apache.qpid.dispatch.log"
+      ], 
+      [
+        null, 
+        "log/MESSAGE", 
+        null, 
+        "MESSAGE", 
+        null, 
+        null, 
+        "log/MESSAGE", 
+        "org.apache.qpid.dispatch.log"
+      ], 
+      [
+        null, 
+        "log/POLICY", 
+        null, 
+        "POLICY", 
+        null, 
+        null, 
+        "log/POLICY", 
+        "org.apache.qpid.dispatch.log"
+      ], 
+      [
+        null, 
+        "log/ROUTER", 
+        null, 
+        "ROUTER", 
+        null, 
+        null, 
+        "log/ROUTER", 
+        "org.apache.qpid.dispatch.log"
+      ], 
+      [
+        null, 
+        "log/ROUTER_CORE", 
+        null, 
+        "ROUTER_CORE", 
+        null, 
+        null, 
+        "log/ROUTER_CORE", 
+        "org.apache.qpid.dispatch.log"
+      ], 
+      [
+        null, 
+        "log/ROUTER_HELLO", 
+        null, 
+        "ROUTER_HELLO", 
+        null, 
+        null, 
+        "log/ROUTER_HELLO", 
+        "org.apache.qpid.dispatch.log"
+      ], 
+      [
+        null, 
+        "log/ROUTER_LS", 
+        null, 
+        "ROUTER_LS", 
+        null, 
+        null, 
+        "log/ROUTER_LS", 
+        "org.apache.qpid.dispatch.log"
+      ], 
+      [
+        null, 
+        "log/ROUTER_MA", 
+        null, 
+        "ROUTER_MA", 
+        null, 
+        null, 
+        "log/ROUTER_MA", 
+        "org.apache.qpid.dispatch.log"
+      ], 
+      [
+        null, 
+        "log/SERVER", 
+        null, 
+        "SERVER", 
+        null, 
+        null, 
+        "log/SERVER", 
+        "org.apache.qpid.dispatch.log"
+      ]
+    ]
+  }, 
+  ".policy": {
+    "attributeNames": [
+      "connectionsProcessed", 
+      "policyDir", 
+      "defaultVhost", 
+      "connectionsDenied", 
+      "enableVhostPolicy", 
+      "maxConnections", 
+      "connectionsCurrent", 
+      "identity", 
+      "name", 
+      "type"
+    ], 
+    "results": [
+      [
+        2, 
+        null, 
+        "$default", 
+        0, 
+        false, 
+        65535, 
+        2, 
+        1, 
+        "policy/1", 
+        "org.apache.qpid.dispatch.policy"
+      ]
+    ]
+  }, 
+  ".router": {
+    "attributeNames": [
+      "identity", 
+      "debugDump", 
+      "raIntervalFlux", 
+      "workerThreads", 
+      "name", 
+      "helloInterval", 
+      "area", 
+      "helloMaxAge", 
+      "saslConfigPath", 
+      "remoteLsMaxAge", 
+      "addrCount", 
+      "routerId", 
+      "raInterval", 
+      "mode", 
+      "nodeCount", 
+      "saslConfigName", 
+      "mobileAddrMaxAge", 
+      "id", 
+      "linkCount", 
+      "type"
+    ], 
+    "results": [
+      [
+        "router/R.0", 
+        null, 
+        4, 
+        4, 
+        "router/R.0", 
+        1, 
+        0, 
+        3, 
+        null, 
+        60, 
+        0, 
+        null, 
+        30, 
+        "interior", 
+        0, 
+        "qdrouterd", 
+        60, 
+        "R.0", 
+        0, 
+        "org.apache.qpid.dispatch.router"
+      ]
+    ]
+  }, 
+  ".router.address": {
+    "attributeNames": [
+      "subscriberCount", 
+      "deliveriesEgress", 
+      "name", 
+      "deliveriesIngress", 
+      "transitOutstanding", 
+      "remoteCount", 
+      "inProcess", 
+      "deliveriesFromContainer", 
+      "deliveriesTransit", 
+      "containerCount", 
+      "key", 
+      "distribution", 
+      "trackedDeliveries", 
+      "deliveriesToContainer", 
+      "identity", 
+      "remoteHostRouters", 
+      "type"
+    ], 
+    "results": [
+      [
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        "M0addr1", 
+        0, 
+        null, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        "M0addr1", 
+        "balanced", 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        "M0addr1", 
+        [], 
+        "org.apache.qpid.dispatch.router.address"
+      ], 
+      [
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        "L_$management_internal", 
+        0, 
+        null, 
+        0, 
+        1, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        "L_$management_internal", 
+        "closest", 
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        "L_$management_internal", 
+        [], 
+        "org.apache.qpid.dispatch.router.address"
+      ], 
+      [
+        0, 
+        0, 
+        "M0$management", 
+        0, 
+        null, 
+        0, 
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+    ], 
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+      ]
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+      "address", 
+      "id", 
+      "identity", 
+      "type"
+    ], 
+    "results": [
+      [
+        null, 
+        "(self)", 
+        "router.node/R.0", 
+        [], 
+        [], 
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+    ]
+  }, 
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+    "attributeNames": [
+      "certFile", 
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+      "passwordFile", 
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+      "name", 
+      "type"
+    ], 
+    "results": []
+  }, 
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+    "attributeNames": [
+      "allowUnknownUser", 
+      "maxConnectionsPerUser", 
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+      "maxConnections", 
+      "maxConnectionsPerHost", 
+      "id", 
+      "identity", 
+      "name", 
+      "type"
+    ], 
+    "results": []
+  }, 
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+    "attributeNames": [
+      "name", 
+      "perHostState", 
+      "id", 
+      "perUserState", 
+      "sessionDenied", 
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+      "receiverDenied", 
+      "connectionsCurrent", 
+      "connectionsDenied", 
+      "senderDenied", 
+      "identity", 
+      "type"
+    ], 
+    "results": []
+  }
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new file mode 100644
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+      }
+    }
+  ], 
+  "topology": "config-1"
\ No newline at end of file

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