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[23/56] [abbrv] libcloud git commit: Removed sdist
diff --git a/apache-libcloud-1.0.0rc2/libcloud/compute/drivers/ b/apache-libcloud-1.0.0rc2/libcloud/compute/drivers/
deleted file mode 100644
index e24e367..0000000
--- a/apache-libcloud-1.0.0rc2/libcloud/compute/drivers/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,683 +0,0 @@
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
-# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
-# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
-# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
-# the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-"""libcloud driver for the Linode(R) API
-This driver implements all libcloud functionality for the Linode API.
-Since the API is a bit more fine-grained, create_node abstracts a significant
-amount of work (and may take a while to run).
-Linode home page          
-Linode API documentation  
-Alternate bindings for reference
-Linode(R) is a registered trademark of Linode, LLC.
-import os
-    import simplejson as json
-except ImportError:
-    import json
-import itertools
-import binascii
-from copy import copy
-from libcloud.utils.py3 import PY3
-from libcloud.common.linode import (API_ROOT, LinodeException,
-                                    LinodeConnection, LINODE_PLAN_IDS,
-                                    LINODE_DISK_FILESYSTEMS)
-from libcloud.compute.types import Provider, NodeState
-from libcloud.compute.base import NodeDriver, NodeSize, Node, NodeLocation
-from libcloud.compute.base import NodeAuthPassword, NodeAuthSSHKey
-from libcloud.compute.base import NodeImage, StorageVolume
-class LinodeNodeDriver(NodeDriver):
-    """libcloud driver for the Linode API
-    Rough mapping of which is which:
-    - list_nodes              linode.list
-    - reboot_node             linode.reboot
-    - destroy_node            linode.delete
-    - create_node             linode.create, linode.update,
-                              linode.disk.createfromdistribution,
-                              linode.disk.create, linode.config.create,
-                              linode.ip.addprivate, linode.boot
-    - list_sizes              avail.linodeplans
-    - list_images             avail.distributions
-    - list_locations          avail.datacenters
-    - list_volumes            linode.disk.list
-    - destroy_volume          linode.disk.delete
-    For more information on the Linode API, be sure to read the reference:
-    """
-    type = Provider.LINODE
-    name = "Linode"
-    website = ''
-    connectionCls = LinodeConnection
-    _linode_plan_ids = LINODE_PLAN_IDS
-    _linode_disk_filesystems = LINODE_DISK_FILESYSTEMS
-    features = {'create_node': ['ssh_key', 'password']}
-    def __init__(self, key):
-        """Instantiate the driver with the given API key
-        :param   key: the API key to use (required)
-        :type    key: ``str``
-        :rtype: ``None``
-        """
-        self.datacenter = None
-        NodeDriver.__init__(self, key)
-    # Converts Linode's state from DB to a NodeState constant.
-        (-2): NodeState.UNKNOWN,    # Boot Failed
-        (-1): NodeState.PENDING,    # Being Created
-        0: NodeState.PENDING,     # Brand New
-        1: NodeState.RUNNING,     # Running
-        2: NodeState.TERMINATED,  # Powered Off
-        3: NodeState.REBOOTING,   # Shutting Down
-        4: NodeState.UNKNOWN      # Reserved
-    }
-    def list_nodes(self):
-        """
-        List all Linodes that the API key can access
-        This call will return all Linodes that the API key in use has access
-         to.
-        If a node is in this list, rebooting will work; however, creation and
-        destruction are a separate grant.
-        :return: List of node objects that the API key can access
-        :rtype: ``list`` of :class:`Node`
-        """
-        params = {"api_action": "linode.list"}
-        data = self.connection.request(API_ROOT, params=params).objects[0]
-        return self._to_nodes(data)
-    def reboot_node(self, node):
-        """
-        Reboot the given Linode
-        Will issue a shutdown job followed by a boot job, using the last booted
-        configuration.  In most cases, this will be the only configuration.
-        :param      node: the Linode to reboot
-        :type       node: :class:`Node`
-        :rtype: ``bool``
-        """
-        params = {"api_action": "linode.reboot", "LinodeID":}
-        self.connection.request(API_ROOT, params=params)
-        return True
-    def destroy_node(self, node):
-        """Destroy the given Linode
-        Will remove the Linode from the account and issue a prorated credit. A
-        grant for removing Linodes from the account is required, otherwise this
-        method will fail.
-        In most cases, all disk images must be removed from a Linode before the
-        Linode can be removed; however, this call explicitly skips those
-        safeguards. There is no going back from this method.
-        :param       node: the Linode to destroy
-        :type        node: :class:`Node`
-        :rtype: ``bool``
-        """
-        params = {"api_action": "linode.delete", "LinodeID":,
-                  "skipChecks": True}
-        self.connection.request(API_ROOT, params=params)
-        return True
-    def create_node(self, **kwargs):
-        """Create a new Linode, deploy a Linux distribution, and boot
-        This call abstracts much of the functionality of provisioning a Linode
-        and getting it booted.  A global grant to add Linodes to the account is
-        required, as this call will result in a billing charge.
-        Note that there is a safety valve of 5 Linodes per hour, in order to
-        prevent a runaway script from ruining your day.
-        :keyword name: the name to assign the Linode (mandatory)
-        :type    name: ``str``
-        :keyword image: which distribution to deploy on the Linode (mandatory)
-        :type    image: :class:`NodeImage`
-        :keyword size: the plan size to create (mandatory)
-        :type    size: :class:`NodeSize`
-        :keyword auth: an SSH key or root password (mandatory)
-        :type    auth: :class:`NodeAuthSSHKey` or :class:`NodeAuthPassword`
-        :keyword location: which datacenter to create the Linode in
-        :type    location: :class:`NodeLocation`
-        :keyword ex_swap: size of the swap partition in MB (128)
-        :type    ex_swap: ``int``
-        :keyword ex_rsize: size of the root partition in MB (plan size - swap).
-        :type    ex_rsize: ``int``
-        :keyword ex_kernel: a kernel ID from avail.kernels (Latest 2.6 Stable).
-        :type    ex_kernel: ``str``
-        :keyword ex_payment: one of 1, 12, or 24; subscription length (1)
-        :type    ex_payment: ``int``
-        :keyword ex_comment: a small comment for the configuration (libcloud)
-        :type    ex_comment: ``str``
-        :keyword ex_private: whether or not to request a private IP (False)
-        :type    ex_private: ``bool``
-        :keyword lconfig: what to call the configuration (generated)
-        :type    lconfig: ``str``
-        :keyword lroot: what to call the root image (generated)
-        :type    lroot: ``str``
-        :keyword lswap: what to call the swap space (generated)
-        :type    lswap: ``str``
-        :return: Node representing the newly-created Linode
-        :rtype: :class:`Node`
-        """
-        name = kwargs["name"]
-        image = kwargs["image"]
-        size = kwargs["size"]
-        auth = self._get_and_check_auth(kwargs["auth"])
-        # Pick a location (resolves LIBCLOUD-41 in JIRA)
-        if "location" in kwargs:
-            chosen = kwargs["location"].id
-        elif self.datacenter:
-            chosen = self.datacenter
-        else:
-            raise LinodeException(0xFB, "Need to select a datacenter first")
-        # Step 0: Parameter validation before we purchase
-        # We're especially careful here so we don't fail after purchase, rather
-        # than getting halfway through the process and having the API fail.
-        # Plan ID
-        plans = self.list_sizes()
-        if not in [ for p in plans]:
-            raise LinodeException(0xFB, "Invalid plan ID -- avail.plans")
-        # Payment schedule
-        payment = "1" if "ex_payment" not in kwargs else \
-            str(kwargs["ex_payment"])
-        if payment not in ["1", "12", "24"]:
-            raise LinodeException(0xFB, "Invalid subscription (1, 12, 24)")
-        ssh = None
-        root = None
-        # SSH key and/or root password
-        if isinstance(auth, NodeAuthSSHKey):
-            ssh = auth.pubkey
-        elif isinstance(auth, NodeAuthPassword):
-            root = auth.password
-        if not ssh and not root:
-            raise LinodeException(0xFB, "Need SSH key or root password")
-        if root is not None and len(root) < 6:
-            raise LinodeException(0xFB, "Root password is too short")
-        # Swap size
-        try:
-            swap = 128 if "ex_swap" not in kwargs else int(kwargs["ex_swap"])
-        except:
-            raise LinodeException(0xFB, "Need an integer swap size")
-        # Root partition size
-        imagesize = (size.disk - swap) if "ex_rsize" not in kwargs else\
-            int(kwargs["ex_rsize"])
-        if (imagesize + swap) > size.disk:
-            raise LinodeException(0xFB, "Total disk images are too big")
-        # Distribution ID
-        distros = self.list_images()
-        if not in [ for d in distros]:
-            raise LinodeException(0xFB,
-                                  "Invalid distro -- avail.distributions")
-        # Kernel
-        if "ex_kernel" in kwargs:
-            kernel = kwargs["ex_kernel"]
-        else:
-            if image.extra['64bit']:
-                # For a list of available kernel ids, see
-                #
-                kernel = 138
-            else:
-                kernel = 137
-        params = {"api_action": "avail.kernels"}
-        kernels = self.connection.request(API_ROOT, params=params).objects[0]
-        if kernel not in [z["KERNELID"] for z in kernels]:
-            raise LinodeException(0xFB, "Invalid kernel -- avail.kernels")
-        # Comments
-        comments = "Created by Apache libcloud <>" if\
-            "ex_comment" not in kwargs else kwargs["ex_comment"]
-        # Step 1: linode.create
-        params = {
-            "api_action": "linode.create",
-            "DatacenterID": chosen,
-            "PlanID":,
-            "PaymentTerm": payment
-        }
-        data = self.connection.request(API_ROOT, params=params).objects[0]
-        linode = {"id": data["LinodeID"]}
-        # Step 1b. linode.update to rename the Linode
-        params = {
-            "api_action": "linode.update",
-            "LinodeID": linode["id"],
-            "Label": name
-        }
-        self.connection.request(API_ROOT, params=params)
-        # Step 1c. linode.ip.addprivate if it was requested
-        if "ex_private" in kwargs and kwargs["ex_private"]:
-            params = {
-                "api_action": "linode.ip.addprivate",
-                "LinodeID": linode["id"]
-            }
-            self.connection.request(API_ROOT, params=params)
-        # Step 1d. Labels
-        # use the linode id as the name can be up to 63 chars and the labels
-        # are limited to 48 chars
-        label = {
-            "lconfig": "[%s] Configuration Profile" % linode["id"],
-            "lroot": "[%s] %s Disk Image" % (linode["id"],,
-            "lswap": "[%s] Swap Space" % linode["id"]
-        }
-        for what in ["lconfig", "lroot", "lswap"]:
-            if what in kwargs:
-                label[what] = kwargs[what]
-        # Step 2: linode.disk.createfromdistribution
-        if not root:
-            root = binascii.b2a_base64(os.urandom(8)).decode('ascii').strip()
-        params = {
-            "api_action": "linode.disk.createfromdistribution",
-            "LinodeID": linode["id"],
-            "DistributionID":,
-            "Label": label["lroot"],
-            "Size": imagesize,
-            "rootPass": root,
-        }
-        if ssh:
-            params["rootSSHKey"] = ssh
-        data = self.connection.request(API_ROOT, params=params).objects[0]
-        linode["rootimage"] = data["DiskID"]
-        # Step 3: linode.disk.create for swap
-        params = {
-            "api_action": "linode.disk.create",
-            "LinodeID": linode["id"],
-            "Label": label["lswap"],
-            "Type": "swap",
-            "Size": swap
-        }
-        data = self.connection.request(API_ROOT, params=params).objects[0]
-        linode["swapimage"] = data["DiskID"]
-        # Step 4: linode.config.create for main profile
-        disks = "%s,%s,,,,,,," % (linode["rootimage"], linode["swapimage"])
-        params = {
-            "api_action": "linode.config.create",
-            "LinodeID": linode["id"],
-            "KernelID": kernel,
-            "Label": label["lconfig"],
-            "Comments": comments,
-            "DiskList": disks
-        }
-        data = self.connection.request(API_ROOT, params=params).objects[0]
-        linode["config"] = data["ConfigID"]
-        # Step 5: linode.boot
-        params = {
-            "api_action": "linode.boot",
-            "LinodeID": linode["id"],
-            "ConfigID": linode["config"]
-        }
-        self.connection.request(API_ROOT, params=params)
-        # Make a node out of it and hand it back
-        params = {"api_action": "linode.list", "LinodeID": linode["id"]}
-        data = self.connection.request(API_ROOT, params=params).objects[0]
-        nodes = self._to_nodes(data)
-        if len(nodes) == 1:
-            node = nodes[0]
-            if getattr(auth, "generated", False):
-                node.extra['password'] = auth.password
-            return node
-        return None
-    def list_sizes(self, location=None):
-        """
-        List available Linode plans
-        Gets the sizes that can be used for creating a Linode.  Since available
-        Linode plans vary per-location, this method can also be passed a
-        location to filter the availability.
-        :keyword location: the facility to retrieve plans in
-        :type    location: :class:`NodeLocation`
-        :rtype: ``list`` of :class:`NodeSize`
-        """
-        params = {"api_action": "avail.linodeplans"}
-        data = self.connection.request(API_ROOT, params=params).objects[0]
-        sizes = []
-        for obj in data:
-            n = NodeSize(id=obj["PLANID"], name=obj["LABEL"], ram=obj["RAM"],
-                         disk=(obj["DISK"] * 1024), bandwidth=obj["XFER"],
-                         price=obj["PRICE"], driver=self.connection.driver)
-            sizes.append(n)
-        return sizes
-    def list_images(self):
-        """
-        List available Linux distributions
-        Retrieve all Linux distributions that can be deployed to a Linode.
-        :rtype: ``list`` of :class:`NodeImage`
-        """
-        params = {"api_action": "avail.distributions"}
-        data = self.connection.request(API_ROOT, params=params).objects[0]
-        distros = []
-        for obj in data:
-            i = NodeImage(id=obj["DISTRIBUTIONID"],
-                          name=obj["LABEL"],
-                          driver=self.connection.driver,
-                          extra={'pvops': obj['REQUIRESPVOPSKERNEL'],
-                                 '64bit': obj['IS64BIT']})
-            distros.append(i)
-        return distros
-    def list_locations(self):
-        """
-        List available facilities for deployment
-        Retrieve all facilities that a Linode can be deployed in.
-        :rtype: ``list`` of :class:`NodeLocation`
-        """
-        params = {"api_action": "avail.datacenters"}
-        data = self.connection.request(API_ROOT, params=params).objects[0]
-        nl = []
-        for dc in data:
-            country = None
-            if "USA" in dc["LOCATION"]:
-                country = "US"
-            elif "UK" in dc["LOCATION"]:
-                country = "GB"
-            elif "JP" in dc["LOCATION"]:
-                country = "JP"
-            else:
-                country = "??"
-            nl.append(NodeLocation(dc["DATACENTERID"],
-                                   dc["LOCATION"],
-                                   country,
-                                   self))
-        return nl
-    def linode_set_datacenter(self, dc):
-        """
-        Set the default datacenter for Linode creation
-        Since Linodes must be created in a facility, this function sets the
-        default that :class:`create_node` will use.  If a location keyword is
-        not passed to :class:`create_node`, this method must have already been
-        used.
-        :keyword dc: the datacenter to create Linodes in unless specified
-        :type    dc: :class:`NodeLocation`
-        :rtype: ``bool``
-        """
-        did =
-        params = {"api_action": "avail.datacenters"}
-        data = self.connection.request(API_ROOT, params=params).objects[0]
-        for datacenter in data:
-            if did == dc["DATACENTERID"]:
-                self.datacenter = did
-                return
-        dcs = ", ".join([d["DATACENTERID"] for d in data])
-        self.datacenter = None
-        raise LinodeException(0xFD, "Invalid datacenter (use one of %s)" % dcs)
-    def destroy_volume(self, volume):
-        """
-        Destroys disk volume for the Linode. Linode id is to be provided as
-        extra["LinodeId"] whithin :class:`StorageVolume`. It can be retrieved
-        by :meth:`libcloud.compute.drivers.linode.LinodeNodeDriver\
-                 .ex_list_volumes`.
-        :param volume: Volume to be destroyed
-        :type volume: :class:`StorageVolume`
-        :rtype: ``bool``
-        """
-        if not isinstance(volume, StorageVolume):
-            raise LinodeException(0xFD, "Invalid volume instance")
-        if volume.extra["LINODEID"] is None:
-            raise LinodeException(0xFD, "Missing LinodeID")
-        params = {
-            "api_action": "linode.disk.delete",
-            "LinodeID": volume.extra["LINODEID"],
-            "DiskID":,
-        }
-        self.connection.request(API_ROOT, params=params)
-        return True
-    def ex_create_volume(self, size, name, node, fs_type):
-        """
-        Create disk for the Linode.
-        :keyword    size: Size of volume in megabytes (required)
-        :type       size: ``int``
-        :keyword    name: Name of the volume to be created
-        :type       name: ``str``
-        :keyword    node: Node to attach volume to.
-        :type       node: :class:`Node`
-        :keyword    fs_type: The formatted type of this disk. Valid types are:
-                             ext3, ext4, swap, raw
-        :type       fs_type: ``str``
-        :return: StorageVolume representing the newly-created volume
-        :rtype: :class:`StorageVolume`
-        """
-        # check node
-        if not isinstance(node, Node):
-            raise LinodeException(0xFD, "Invalid node instance")
-        # check space available
-        total_space = node.extra['TOTALHD']
-        existing_volumes = self.ex_list_volumes(node)
-        used_space = 0
-        for volume in existing_volumes:
-            used_space = used_space + volume.size
-        available_space = total_space - used_space
-        if available_space < size:
-            raise LinodeException(0xFD, "Volume size too big. Available space\
-                    %d" % available_space)
-        # check filesystem type
-        if fs_type not in self._linode_disk_filesystems:
-            raise LinodeException(0xFD, "Not valid filesystem type")
-        params = {
-            "api_action": "linode.disk.create",
-            "LinodeID":,
-            "Label": name,
-            "Type": fs_type,
-            "Size": size
-        }
-        data = self.connection.request(API_ROOT, params=params).objects[0]
-        volume = data["DiskID"]
-        # Make a volume out of it and hand it back
-        params = {
-            "api_action": "linode.disk.list",
-            "LinodeID":,
-            "DiskID": volume
-        }
-        data = self.connection.request(API_ROOT, params=params).objects[0]
-        return self._to_volumes(data)[0]
-    def ex_list_volumes(self, node, disk_id=None):
-        """
-        List existing disk volumes for for given Linode.
-        :keyword    node: Node to list disk volumes for. (required)
-        :type       node: :class:`Node`
-        :keyword    disk_id: Id for specific disk volume. (optional)
-        :type       disk_id: ``int``
-        :rtype: ``list`` of :class:`StorageVolume`
-        """
-        if not isinstance(node, Node):
-            raise LinodeException(0xFD, "Invalid node instance")
-        params = {
-            "api_action": "linode.disk.list",
-            "LinodeID":
-        }
-        # Add param if disk_id was specified
-        if disk_id is not None:
-            params["DiskID"] = disk_id
-        data = self.connection.request(API_ROOT, params=params).objects[0]
-        return self._to_volumes(data)
-    def _to_volumes(self, objs):
-        """
-        Covert returned JSON volumes into StorageVolume instances
-        :keyword    objs: ``list`` of JSON dictionaries representing the
-                         StorageVolumes
-        :type       objs: ``list``
-        :return: ``list`` of :class:`StorageVolume`s
-        """
-        volumes = {}
-        for o in objs:
-            vid = o["DISKID"]
-            volumes[vid] = vol = StorageVolume(id=vid, name=o["LABEL"],
-                                               size=int(o["SIZE"]),
-                                               driver=self.connection.driver)
-            vol.extra = copy(o)
-        return list(volumes.values())
-    def _to_nodes(self, objs):
-        """Convert returned JSON Linodes into Node instances
-        :keyword objs: ``list`` of JSON dictionaries representing the Linodes
-        :type objs: ``list``
-        :return: ``list`` of :class:`Node`s"""
-        # Get the IP addresses for the Linodes
-        nodes = {}
-        batch = []
-        for o in objs:
-            lid = o["LINODEID"]
-            nodes[lid] = n = Node(id=lid, name=o["LABEL"], public_ips=[],
-                                  private_ips=[],
-                                  state=self.LINODE_STATES[o["STATUS"]],
-                                  driver=self.connection.driver)
-            n.extra = copy(o)
-            n.extra["PLANID"] = self._linode_plan_ids.get(o.get("TOTALRAM"))
-            batch.append({"api_action": "linode.ip.list", "LinodeID": lid})
-        # Avoid batch limitation
-        ip_answers = []
-        args = [iter(batch)] * 25
-        if PY3:
-            izip_longest = itertools.zip_longest
-        else:
-            izip_longest = getattr(itertools, 'izip_longest', _izip_longest)
-        for twenty_five in izip_longest(*args):
-            twenty_five = [q for q in twenty_five if q]
-            params = {"api_action": "batch",
-                      "api_requestArray": json.dumps(twenty_five)}
-            req = self.connection.request(API_ROOT, params=params)
-            if not req.success() or len(req.objects) == 0:
-                return None
-            ip_answers.extend(req.objects)
-        # Add the returned IPs to the nodes and return them
-        for ip_list in ip_answers:
-            for ip in ip_list:
-                lid = ip["LINODEID"]
-                which = nodes[lid].public_ips if ip["ISPUBLIC"] == 1 else\
-                    nodes[lid].private_ips
-                which.append(ip["IPADDRESS"])
-        return list(nodes.values())
-def _izip_longest(*args, **kwds):
-    """Taken from Python docs
-    """
-    fillvalue = kwds.get('fillvalue')
-    def sentinel(counter=([fillvalue] * (len(args) - 1)).pop):
-        yield counter()  # yields the fillvalue, or raises IndexError
-    fillers = itertools.repeat(fillvalue)
-    iters = [itertools.chain(it, sentinel(), fillers) for it in args]
-    try:
-        for tup in itertools.izip(*iters):
-            yield tup
-    except IndexError:
-        pass
diff --git a/apache-libcloud-1.0.0rc2/libcloud/compute/drivers/ b/apache-libcloud-1.0.0rc2/libcloud/compute/drivers/
deleted file mode 100644
index 2273303..0000000
--- a/apache-libcloud-1.0.0rc2/libcloud/compute/drivers/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
-# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
-# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
-# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
-# the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-Med-1 Driver
-from libcloud.compute.providers import Provider
-from libcloud.common.dimensiondata import (DimensionDataConnection,
-                                           API_ENDPOINTS)
-from libcloud.compute.drivers.dimensiondata import DimensionDataNodeDriver
-DEFAULT_REGION = 'med1-il'
-class MedOneNodeDriver(DimensionDataNodeDriver):
-    """
-    Med-1 node driver, based on Dimension Data driver
-    """
-    selected_region = None
-    connectionCls = DimensionDataConnection
-    name = 'MedOne'
-    website = ''
-    type = Provider.MEDONE
-    features = {'create_node': ['password']}
-    api_version = 1.0
-    def __init__(self, key, secret=None, secure=True, host=None, port=None,
-                 api_version=None, region=DEFAULT_REGION, **kwargs):
-        if region not in API_ENDPOINTS:
-            raise ValueError('Invalid region: %s' % (region))
-        self.selected_region = API_ENDPOINTS[region]
-        super(MedOneNodeDriver, self).__init__(
-            key=key,
-            secret=secret,
-            secure=secure,
-            host=host,
-            port=port,
-            api_version=api_version,
-            region=region,
-            **kwargs)
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index e06b7d3..0000000
--- a/apache-libcloud-1.0.0rc2/libcloud/compute/drivers/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,448 +0,0 @@
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
-# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
-# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
-# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
-# the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-NephoScale Cloud driver (
-API documentation:
-Created by Markos Gogoulos (
-import base64
-import sys
-import time
-import os
-import binascii
-from libcloud.utils.py3 import httplib
-from libcloud.utils.py3 import b
-from libcloud.utils.py3 import urlencode
-from libcloud.compute.providers import Provider
-from libcloud.common.base import JsonResponse, ConnectionUserAndKey
-from libcloud.compute.types import (NodeState, InvalidCredsError,
-                                    LibcloudError)
-from libcloud.compute.base import (Node, NodeDriver, NodeImage, NodeSize,
-                                   NodeLocation)
-from libcloud.utils.networking import is_private_subnet
-API_HOST = ''
-    'on': NodeState.RUNNING,
-    'off': NodeState.UNKNOWN,
-    'unknown': NodeState.UNKNOWN,
-VALID_RESPONSE_CODES = [httplib.OK, httplib.ACCEPTED, httplib.CREATED,
-                        httplib.NO_CONTENT]
-# used in create_node and specifies how many times to get the list of nodes and
-# check if the newly created node is there. This is because when a request is
-# sent to create a node, NephoScale replies with the job id, and not the node
-# itself thus we don't have the ip addresses, that are required in deploy_node
-class NodeKey(object):
-    def __init__(self, id, name, public_key=None, key_group=None,
-                 password=None):
- = id
- = name
-        self.key_group = key_group
-        self.password = password
-        self.public_key = public_key
-    def __repr__(self):
-        return (('<NodeKey: id=%s, name=%s>') %
-                (,
-class NephoscaleResponse(JsonResponse):
-    """
-    Nephoscale API Response
-    """
-    def parse_error(self):
-        if self.status == httplib.UNAUTHORIZED:
-            raise InvalidCredsError('Authorization Failed')
-        if self.status == httplib.NOT_FOUND:
-            raise Exception("The resource you are looking for is not found.")
-        return self.body
-    def success(self):
-        return self.status in VALID_RESPONSE_CODES
-class NephoscaleConnection(ConnectionUserAndKey):
-    """
-    Nephoscale connection class.
-    Authenticates to the API through Basic Authentication
-    with username/password
-    """
-    host = API_HOST
-    responseCls = NephoscaleResponse
-    allow_insecure = False
-    def add_default_headers(self, headers):
-        """
-        Add parameters that are necessary for every request
-        """
-        user_b64 = base64.b64encode(b('%s:%s' % (self.user_id, self.key)))
-        headers['Authorization'] = 'Basic %s' % (user_b64.decode('utf-8'))
-        return headers
-class NephoscaleNodeDriver(NodeDriver):
-    """
-    Nephoscale node driver class.
-    >>> from libcloud.compute.providers import get_driver
-    >>> driver = get_driver('nephoscale')
-    >>> conn = driver('nepho_user','nepho_password')
-    >>> conn.list_nodes()
-    """
-    type = Provider.NEPHOSCALE
-    api_name = 'nephoscale'
-    name = 'NephoScale'
-    website = ''
-    connectionCls = NephoscaleConnection
-    features = {'create_node': ['ssh_key']}
-    def list_locations(self):
-        """
-        List available zones for deployment
-        :rtype: ``list`` of :class:`NodeLocation`
-        """
-        result = self.connection.request('/datacenter/zone/').object
-        locations = []
-        for value in result.get('data', []):
-            location = NodeLocation(id=value.get('id'),
-                                    name=value.get('name'),
-                                    country='US',
-                                    driver=self)
-            locations.append(location)
-        return locations
-    def list_images(self):
-        """
-        List available images for deployment
-        :rtype: ``list`` of :class:`NodeImage`
-        """
-        result = self.connection.request('/image/server/').object
-        images = []
-        for value in result.get('data', []):
-            extra = {'architecture': value.get('architecture'),
-                     'disks': value.get('disks'),
-                     'billable_type': value.get('billable_type'),
-                     'pcpus': value.get('pcpus'),
-                     'cores': value.get('cores'),
-                     'uri': value.get('uri'),
-                     'storage': value.get('storage'),
-                     }
-            image = NodeImage(id=value.get('id'),
-                              name=value.get('friendly_name'),
-                              driver=self,
-                              extra=extra)
-            images.append(image)
-        return images
-    def list_sizes(self):
-        """
-        List available sizes containing prices
-        :rtype: ``list`` of :class:`NodeSize`
-        """
-        result = self.connection.request('/server/type/cloud/').object
-        sizes = []
-        for value in result.get('data', []):
-            value_id = value.get('id')
-            size = NodeSize(id=value_id,
-                            name=value.get('friendly_name'),
-                            ram=value.get('ram'),
-                            disk=value.get('storage'),
-                            bandwidth=None,
-                            price=self._get_size_price(size_id=str(value_id)),
-                            driver=self)
-            sizes.append(size)
-        return sorted(sizes, key=lambda k: k.price)
-    def list_nodes(self):
-        """
-        List available nodes
-        :rtype: ``list`` of :class:`Node`
-        """
-        result = self.connection.request('/server/cloud/').object
-        nodes = [self._to_node(value) for value in result.get('data', [])]
-        return nodes
-    def rename_node(self, node, name, hostname=None):
-        """rename a cloud server, optionally specify hostname too"""
-        data = {'name': name}
-        if hostname:
-            data['hostname'] = hostname
-        params = urlencode(data)
-        result = self.connection.request('/server/cloud/%s/' %,
-                                         data=params, method='PUT').object
-        return result.get('response') in VALID_RESPONSE_CODES
-    def reboot_node(self, node):
-        """reboot a running node"""
-        result = self.connection.request('/server/cloud/%s/initiator/restart/'
-                                         %, method='POST').object
-        return result.get('response') in VALID_RESPONSE_CODES
-    def ex_start_node(self, node):
-        """start a stopped node"""
-        result = self.connection.request('/server/cloud/%s/initiator/start/'
-                                         %, method='POST').object
-        return result.get('response') in VALID_RESPONSE_CODES
-    def ex_stop_node(self, node):
-        """stop a running node"""
-        result = self.connection.request('/server/cloud/%s/initiator/stop/'
-                                         %, method='POST').object
-        return result.get('response') in VALID_RESPONSE_CODES
-    def destroy_node(self, node):
-        """destroy a node"""
-        result = self.connection.request('/server/cloud/%s/' %,
-                                         method='DELETE').object
-        return result.get('response') in VALID_RESPONSE_CODES
-    def ex_list_keypairs(self, ssh=False, password=False, key_group=None):
-        """
-        List available console and server keys
-        There are two types of keys for NephoScale, ssh and password keys.
-        If run without arguments, lists all keys. Otherwise list only
-        ssh keys, or only password keys.
-        Password keys with key_group 4 are console keys. When a server
-        is created, it has two keys, one password or ssh key, and
-        one password console key.
-        :keyword ssh: if specified, show ssh keys only (optional)
-        :type    ssh: ``bool``
-        :keyword password: if specified, show password keys only (optional)
-        :type    password: ``bool``
-        :keyword key_group: if specified, show keys with this key_group only
-                            eg key_group=4 for console password keys (optional)
-        :type    key_group: ``int``
-        :rtype: ``list`` of :class:`NodeKey`
-        """
-        if (ssh and password):
-            raise LibcloudError('You can only supply ssh or password. To \
-get all keys call with no arguments')
-        if ssh:
-            result = self.connection.request('/key/sshrsa/').object
-        elif password:
-            result = self.connection.request('/key/password/').object
-        else:
-            result = self.connection.request('/key/').object
-        keys = [self._to_key(value) for value in result.get('data', [])]
-        if key_group:
-            keys = [key for key in keys if
-                    key.key_group == key_group]
-        return keys
-    def ex_create_keypair(self, name, public_key=None, password=None,
-                          key_group=None):
-        """Creates a key, ssh or password, for server or console
-           The group for the key (key_group) is 1 for Server and 4 for Console
-           Returns the id of the created key
-        """
-        if public_key:
-            if not key_group:
-                key_group = 1
-            data = {
-                'name': name,
-                'public_key': public_key,
-                'key_group': key_group
-            }
-            params = urlencode(data)
-            result = self.connection.request('/key/sshrsa/', data=params,
-                                             method='POST').object
-        else:
-            if not key_group:
-                key_group = 4
-            if not password:
-                password = self.random_password()
-                data = {
-                    'name': name,
-                    'password': password,
-                    'key_group': key_group
-                }
-            params = urlencode(data)
-            result = self.connection.request('/key/password/', data=params,
-                                             method='POST').object
-        return result.get('data', {}).get('id', '')
-    def ex_delete_keypair(self, key_id, ssh=False):
-        """Delete an ssh key or password given it's id
-        """
-        if ssh:
-            result = self.connection.request('/key/sshrsa/%s/' % key_id,
-                                             method='DELETE').object
-        else:
-            result = self.connection.request('/key/password/%s/' % key_id,
-                                             method='DELETE').object
-        return result.get('response') in VALID_RESPONSE_CODES
-    def create_node(self, name, size, image, server_key=None,
-                    console_key=None, zone=None, **kwargs):
-        """Creates the node, and sets the ssh key, console key
-        NephoScale will respond with a 200-200 response after sending a valid
-        request. If nowait=True is specified in the args, we then ask a few
-        times until the server is created and assigned a public IP address,
-        so that deploy_node can be run
-        >>> from libcloud.compute.providers import get_driver
-        >>> driver = get_driver('nephoscale')
-        >>> conn = driver('nepho_user','nepho_password')
-        >>> conn.list_nodes()
-        >>> name = 'staging-server'
-        >>> size = conn.list_sizes()[0]
-        <NodeSize: id=27, - 0.25GB, 10GB, ...>
-        >>> image = conn.list_images()[9]
-        <NodeImage: id=49, name=Linux Ubuntu Server 10.04 LTS 64-bit, ...>
-        >>> server_keys = conn.ex_list_keypairs(key_group=1)[0]
-        <NodeKey: id=71211, name=markos>
-        >>> server_key = conn.ex_list_keypairs(key_group=1)[0].id
-        70867
-        >>> console_keys = conn.ex_list_keypairs(key_group=4)[0]
-        <NodeKey: id=71213, name=mistio28434>
-        >>> console_key = conn.ex_list_keypairs(key_group=4)[0].id
-        70907
-        >>> node = conn.create_node(name=name, size=size, image=image, \
-                console_key=console_key, server_key=server_key)
-        We can also create an ssh key, plus a console key and
-        deploy node with them
-        >>> server_key = conn.ex_create_keypair(name, public_key='123')
-        71211
-        >>> console_key = conn.ex_create_keypair(name, key_group=4)
-        71213
-        We can increase the number of connect attempts to wait until
-        the node is created, so that deploy_node has ip address to
-        deploy the script
-        We can also specify the location
-        >>> location = conn.list_locations()[0]
-        >>> node = conn.create_node(name=name,
-        >>> ...                     size=size,
-        >>> ...                     image=image,
-        >>> ...                     console_key=console_key,
-        >>> ...                     server_key=server_key,
-        >>> ...                     connect_attempts=10,
-        >>> ...                     nowait=True,
-        >>> ...           
-        """
-        hostname = kwargs.get('hostname', name)
-        service_type =
-        image =
-        connect_attempts = int(kwargs.get('connect_attempts',
-                               CONNECT_ATTEMPTS))
-        data = {'name': name,
-                'hostname': hostname,
-                'service_type': service_type,
-                'image': image,
-                'server_key': server_key,
-                'console_key': console_key,
-                'zone': zone
-                }
-        params = urlencode(data)
-        try:
-            node = self.connection.request('/server/cloud/', data=params,
-                                           method='POST')
-        except Exception:
-            e = sys.exc_info()[1]
-            raise Exception("Failed to create node %s" % e)
-        node = Node(id='', name=name, state=NodeState.UNKNOWN, public_ips=[],
-                    private_ips=[], driver=self)
-        nowait = kwargs.get('ex_wait', False)
-        if not nowait:
-            return node
-        else:
-            # try to get the created node public ips, for use in deploy_node
-            # At this point we don't have the id of the newly created Node,
-            # so search name in nodes
-            created_node = False
-            while connect_attempts > 0:
-                nodes = self.list_nodes()
-                created_node = [c_node for c_node in nodes if
-                       == name]
-                if created_node:
-                    return created_node[0]
-                else:
-                    time.sleep(60)
-                    connect_attempts = connect_attempts - 1
-            return node
-    def _to_node(self, data):
-        """Convert node in Node instances
-        """
-        state = NODE_STATE_MAP.get(data.get('power_status'), '4')
-        public_ips = []
-        private_ips = []
-        ip_addresses = data.get('ipaddresses', '')
-        # E.g. "ipaddresses": ","
-        if ip_addresses:
-            for ip in ip_addresses.split(','):
-                ip = ip.replace(' ', '')
-                if is_private_subnet(ip):
-                    private_ips.append(ip)
-                else:
-                    public_ips.append(ip)
-        extra = {
-            'zone_data': data.get('zone'),
-            'zone': data.get('zone', {}).get('name'),
-            'image': data.get('image', {}).get('friendly_name'),
-            'create_time': data.get('create_time'),
-            'network_ports': data.get('network_ports'),
-            'is_console_enabled': data.get('is_console_enabled'),
-            'service_type': data.get('service_type', {}).get('friendly_name'),
-            'hostname': data.get('hostname')
-        }
-        node = Node(id=data.get('id'), name=data.get('name'), state=state,
-                    public_ips=public_ips, private_ips=private_ips,
-                    driver=self, extra=extra)
-        return node
-    def _to_key(self, data):
-        return NodeKey(id=data.get('id'),
-                       name=data.get('name'),
-                       password=data.get('password'),
-                       key_group=data.get('key_group'),
-                       public_key=data.get('public_key'))
-    def random_password(self, size=8):
-        value = os.urandom(size)
-        password = binascii.hexlify(value).decode('ascii')
-        return password[:size]
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index 5ef5cb9..0000000
--- a/apache-libcloud-1.0.0rc2/libcloud/compute/drivers/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
-# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
-# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
-# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
-# the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-NTT America Driver
-from libcloud.compute.providers import Provider
-from libcloud.common.dimensiondata import (DimensionDataConnection,
-                                           API_ENDPOINTS)
-from libcloud.compute.drivers.dimensiondata import DimensionDataNodeDriver
-DEFAULT_REGION = 'ntta-na'
-class NTTAmericaNodeDriver(DimensionDataNodeDriver):
-    """
-    NTT America node driver, based on Dimension Data driver
-    """
-    selected_region = None
-    connectionCls = DimensionDataConnection
-    name = 'NTTAmerica'
-    website = ''
-    type = Provider.NTTA
-    features = {'create_node': ['password']}
-    api_version = 1.0
-    def __init__(self, key, secret=None, secure=True, host=None, port=None,
-                 api_version=None, region=DEFAULT_REGION, **kwargs):
-        if region not in API_ENDPOINTS:
-            raise ValueError('Invalid region: %s' % (region))
-        self.selected_region = API_ENDPOINTS[region]
-        super(NTTAmericaNodeDriver, self).__init__(
-            key=key,
-            secret=secret,
-            secure=secure,
-            host=host,
-            port=port,
-            api_version=api_version,
-            region=region,
-            **kwargs)
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index 2b0811e..0000000
--- a/apache-libcloud-1.0.0rc2/libcloud/compute/drivers/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,406 +0,0 @@
-import json
-from libcloud.compute.base import Node, NodeDriver
-from libcloud.common.onapp import OnAppConnection
-from libcloud.utils.networking import is_private_subnet
-from libcloud.compute.providers import Provider
-__all__ = [
-    "OnAppNodeDriver"
-Define the extra dictionary for specific resources
-    "node": {
-        "add_to_marketplace": {
-            "key_name": "add_to_marketplace",
-            "transform_func": bool
-        },
-        "admin_note": {
-            "key_name": "admin_note",
-            "transform_func": str
-        },
-        "allow_resize_without_reboot": {
-            "key_name": "allow_resize_without_reboot",
-            "transform_func": bool
-        },
-        "allowed_hot_migrate": {
-            "key_name": "allowed_hot_migrate",
-            "transform_func": bool
-        },
-        "allowed_swap": {
-            "key_name": "allowed_swap",
-            "transform_func": bool
-        },
-        "booted": {
-            "key_name": "booted",
-            "transform_func": bool
-        },
-        "built": {
-            "key_name": "built",
-            "transform_func": bool
-        },
-        "cpu_priority": {
-            "key_name": "cpu_priority",
-            "transform_func": int
-        },
-        "cpu_shares": {
-            "key_name": "cpu_shares",
-            "transform_func": int
-        },
-        "cpu_sockets": {
-            "key_name": "cpu_sockets",
-            "transform_func": int
-        },
-        "cpu_threads": {
-            "key_name": "cpu_threads",
-            "transform_func": int
-        },
-        "cpu_units": {
-            "key_name": "cpu_units",
-            "transform_func": int
-        },
-        "cpus": {
-            "key_name": "cpus",
-            "transform_func": int
-        },
-        "created_at": {
-            "key_name": "created_at",
-            "transform_func": str
-        },
-        "customer_network_id": {
-            "key_name": "customer_network_id",
-            "transform_func": str
-        },
-        "deleted_at": {
-            "key_name": "deleted_at",
-            "transform_func": str
-        },
-        "edge_server_type": {
-            "key_name": "edge_server_type",
-            "transform_func": str
-        },
-        "enable_autoscale": {
-            "key_name": "enable_autoscale",
-            "transform_func": bool
-        },
-        "enable_monitis": {
-            "key_name": "enable_monitis",
-            "transform_func": bool
-        },
-        "firewall_notrack": {
-            "key_name": "firewall_notrack",
-            "transform_func": bool
-        },
-        "hostname": {
-            "key_name": "hostname",
-            "transform_func": str
-        },
-        "hypervisor_id": {
-            "key_name": "hypervisor_id",
-            "transform_func": int
-        },
-        "id": {
-            "key_name": "id",
-            "transform_func": int
-        },
-        "initial_root_password": {
-            "key_name": "initial_root_password",
-            "transform_func": str
-        },
-        "initial_root_password_encrypted": {
-            "key_name": "initial_root_password_encrypted",
-            "transform_func": bool
-        },
-        "local_remote_access_ip_address": {
-            "key_name": "local_remote_access_ip_address",
-            "transform_func": str
-        },
-        "local_remote_access_port": {
-            "key_name": "local_remote_access_port",
-            "transform_func": int
-        },
-        "locked": {
-            "key_name": "locked",
-            "transform_func": bool
-        },
-        "memory": {
-            "key_name": "memory",
-            "transform_func": int
-        },
-        "min_disk_size": {
-            "key_name": "min_disk_size",
-            "transform_func": int
-        },
-        "monthly_bandwidth_used": {
-            "key_name": "monthly_bandwidth_used",
-            "transform_func": int
-        },
-        "note": {
-            "key_name": "note",
-            "transform_func": str
-        },
-        "operating_system": {
-            "key_name": "operating_system",
-            "transform_func": str
-        },
-        "operating_system_distro": {
-            "key_name": "operating_system_distro",
-            "transform_func": str
-        },
-        "preferred_hvs": {
-            "key_name": "preferred_hvs",
-            "transform_func": list
-        },
-        "price_per_hour": {
-            "key_name": "price_per_hour",
-            "transform_func": float
-        },
-        "price_per_hour_powered_off": {
-            "key_name": "price_per_hour_powered_off",
-            "transform_func": float
-        },
-        "recovery_mode": {
-            "key_name": "recovery_mode",
-            "transform_func": bool
-        },
-        "remote_access_password": {
-            "key_name": "remote_access_password",
-            "transform_func": str
-        },
-        "service_password": {
-            "key_name": "service_password",
-            "transform_func": str
-        },
-        "state": {
-            "key_name": "state",
-            "transform_func": str
-        },
-        "storage_server_type": {
-            "key_name": "storage_server_type",
-            "transform_func": str
-        },
-        "strict_virtual_machine_id": {
-            "key_name": "strict_virtual_machine_id",
-            "transform_func": str
-        },
-        "support_incremental_backups": {
-            "key_name": "support_incremental_backups",
-            "transform_func": bool
-        },
-        "suspended": {
-            "key_name": "suspended",
-            "transform_func": bool
-        },
-        "template_id": {
-            "key_name": "template_id",
-            "transform_func": int
-        },
-        "template_label": {
-            "key_name": "template_label",
-            "transform_func": str
-        },
-        "total_disk_size": {
-            "key_name": "total_disk_size",
-            "transform_func": int
-        },
-        "updated_at": {
-            "key_name": "updated_at",
-            "transform_func": str
-        },
-        "user_id": {
-            "key_name": "user_id",
-            "transform_func": int
-        },
-        "vip": {
-            "key_name": "vip",
-            "transform_func": bool
-        },
-        "xen_id": {
-            "key_name": "xen_id",
-            "transform_func": int
-        }
-    }
-class OnAppNodeDriver(NodeDriver):
-    """
-    Base OnApp node driver.
-    """
-    connectionCls = OnAppConnection
-    type = Provider.ONAPP
-    name = 'OnApp'
-    website = ''
-    def create_node(self, name, ex_memory, ex_cpus, ex_cpu_shares,
-                    ex_hostname, ex_template_id, ex_primary_disk_size,
-                    ex_swap_disk_size, ex_required_virtual_machine_build=1,
-                    ex_required_ip_address_assignment=1, **kwargs):
-        """
-        Add a VS
-        :param  kwargs: All keyword arguments to create a VS
-        :type   kwargs: ``dict``
-        :rtype: :class:`OnAppNode`
-        """
-        server_params = dict(
-            label=name,
-            memory=ex_memory,
-            cpus=ex_cpus,
-            cpu_shares=ex_cpu_shares,
-            hostname=ex_hostname,
-            template_id=ex_template_id,
-            primary_disk_size=ex_primary_disk_size,
-            swap_disk_size=ex_swap_disk_size,
-            required_virtual_machine_build=ex_required_virtual_machine_build,
-            required_ip_address_assignment=ex_required_ip_address_assignment,
-            rate_limit=kwargs.get("rate_limit")
-        )
-        server_params.update(OnAppNodeDriver._create_args_to_params(**kwargs))
-        data = json.dumps({"virtual_machine": server_params})
-        response = self.connection.request(
-            "/virtual_machines.json",
-            data=data,
-            headers={
-                "Content-type": "application/json"},
-            method="POST")
-        return self._to_node(response.object["virtual_machine"])
-    def destroy_node(self,
-                     node,
-                     ex_convert_last_backup=0,
-                     ex_destroy_all_backups=0):
-        """
-        Delete a VS
-        :param node: OnApp node
-        :type  node: :class: `OnAppNode`
-        :param convert_last_backup: set 1 to convert the last VS's backup to
-                                    template, otherwise set 0
-        :type  convert_last_backup: ``int``
-        :param destroy_all_backups: set 1 to destroy all existing backups of
-                                    this VS, otherwise set 0
-        :type  destroy_all_backups: ``int``
-        """
-        server_params = {
-            "convert_last_backup": ex_convert_last_backup,
-            "destroy_all_backups": ex_destroy_all_backups
-        }
-        action = "/virtual_machines/{identifier}.json".format(
-        self.connection.request(action, params=server_params, method="DELETE")
-        return True
-    def list_nodes(self):
-        """
-        List all VS
-        :rtype: ``list`` of :class:`OnAppNode`
-        """
-        response = self.connection.request("/virtual_machines.json")
-        nodes = []
-        for vm in response.object:
-            nodes.append(self._to_node(vm["virtual_machine"]))
-        return nodes
-    #
-    # Helper methods
-    #
-    def _to_node(self, data):
-        identifier = data["identifier"]
-        name = data["label"]
-        private_ips = []
-        public_ips = []
-        for ip in data["ip_addresses"]:
-            address = ip["ip_address"]['address']
-            if is_private_subnet(address):
-                private_ips.append(address)
-            else:
-                public_ips.append(address)
-        extra = OnAppNodeDriver._get_extra_dict(
-            data, RESOURCE_EXTRA_ATTRIBUTES_MAP["node"]
-        )
-        return Node(identifier,
-                    name,
-                    extra['state'],
-                    public_ips,
-                    private_ips,
-                    self,
-                    extra=extra)
-    @staticmethod
-    def _get_extra_dict(response, mapping):
-        """
-        Extract attributes from the element based on rules provided in the
-        mapping dictionary.
-        :param   response: The JSON response to parse the values from.
-        :type    response: ``dict``
-        :param   mapping: Dictionary with the extra layout
-        :type    mapping: ``dict``
-        :rtype:  ``dict``
-        """
-        extra = {}
-        for attribute, values in mapping.items():
-            transform_func = values["transform_func"]
-            value = response.get(values["key_name"])
-            extra[attribute] = transform_func(value) if value else None
-        return extra
-    @staticmethod
-    def _create_args_to_params(**kwargs):
-        """
-        Extract server params from keyword args to create a VS
-        :param   kwargs: keyword args
-        :return: ``dict``
-        """
-        params = [
-            "ex_cpu_sockets",
-            "ex_cpu_threads",
-            "ex_enable_autoscale",
-            "ex_data_store_group_primary_id",
-            "ex_data_store_group_swap_id",
-            "ex_hypervisor_group_id",
-            "ex_hypervisor_id",
-            "ex_initial_root_password",
-            "ex_note",
-            "ex_primary_disk_min_iops",
-            "ex_primary_network_id",
-            "ex_primary_network_group_id",
-            "ex_recipe_ids",
-            "ex_required_automatic_backup",
-            "ex_required_virtual_machine_startup",
-            "ex_required_virtual_machine_startup",
-            "ex_selected_ip_address_id",
-            "ex_swap_disk_min_iops",
-            "ex_type_of_format",
-            "ex_custom_recipe_variables",
-            "ex_licensing_key",
-            "ex_licensing_server_id",
-            "ex_licensing_type",
-        ]
-        server_params = {}
-        for p in params:
-            value = kwargs.get(p)
-            if value:
-                server_params[p[3:]] = value
-        return server_params