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Posted to by on 2011/03/30 15:44:01 UTC

svn commit: r1086954 [11/16] - in /incubator/stanbol/trunk/kres/ontologymanager/store: ./ api/ api/src/ api/src/main/ api/src/main/java/ api/src/main/java/org/ api/src/main/java/org/apache/ api/src/main/java/org/apache/stanbol/ api/src/main/java/org/ap...

Added: incubator/stanbol/trunk/kres/ontologymanager/store/rest/src/main/resources/META-INF/static/scripts/jit.js
--- incubator/stanbol/trunk/kres/ontologymanager/store/rest/src/main/resources/META-INF/static/scripts/jit.js (added)
+++ incubator/stanbol/trunk/kres/ontologymanager/store/rest/src/main/resources/META-INF/static/scripts/jit.js Wed Mar 30 13:43:53 2011
@@ -0,0 +1,9046 @@
+(function () { 
+  File: Core.js
+  Description:
+  Provides common utility functions and the Class object used internally by the library.
+  Also provides the <TreeUtil> object for manipulating JSON tree structures
+  Some of the Basic utility functions and the Class system are based in the MooTools Framework <>. Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Valerio Proietti, <>. MIT license <>.
+  Author: 
+  Nicolas Garcia Belmonte
+  Copyright: 
+  Copyright 2008-2009 by Nicolas Garcia Belmonte.
+  Homepage: 
+  <>
+  Version: 
+  1.1.3
+  License: 
+  BSD License
+> Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+> modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+>      * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+>        notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+>      * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+>        notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+>        documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+>      * Neither the name of the organization nor the
+>        names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products
+>        derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
+>  THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY Nicolas Garcia Belmonte ``AS IS'' AND ANY
+ */
+function $empty() {};
+function $extend(original, extended){
+    for (var key in (extended || {})) original[key] = extended[key];
+    return original;
+function $lambda(value){
+    return (typeof value == 'function') ? value : function(){
+        return value;
+    };
+var $time = || function(){
+    return +new Date;
+function $splat(obj){
+    var type = $type(obj);
+    return (type) ? ((type != 'array') ? [obj] : obj) : [];
+var $type = function(elem) {
+  return $^\[object\s(.*)\]$/)[1].toLowerCase();
+$type.s = Object.prototype.toString;
+function $each(iterable, fn){
+    var type = $type(iterable);
+  if(type == 'object') {
+    for (var key in iterable) fn(iterable[key], key);
+  } else {
+    for(var i=0; i < iterable.length; i++) fn(iterable[i], i);
+  }
+function $merge(){
+    var mix = {};
+    for (var i = 0, l = arguments.length; i < l; i++){
+        var object = arguments[i];
+        if ($type(object) != 'object') continue;
+        for (var key in object){
+            var op = object[key], mp = mix[key];
+            mix[key] = (mp && $type(op) == 'object' && $type(mp) == 'object') ? $merge(mp, op) : $unlink(op);
+        }
+    }
+    return mix;
+function $unlink(object){
+    var unlinked;
+    switch ($type(object)){
+        case 'object':
+            unlinked = {};
+            for (var p in object) unlinked[p] = $unlink(object[p]);
+        break;
+        case 'array':
+            unlinked = [];
+            for (var i = 0, l = object.length; i < l; i++) unlinked[i] = $unlink(object[i]);
+        break;
+        default: return object;
+    }
+    return unlinked;
+function $rgbToHex(srcArray, array){
+    if (srcArray.length < 3) return null;
+    if (srcArray.length == 4 && srcArray[3] == 0 && !array) return 'transparent';
+    var hex = [];
+    for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++){
+        var bit = (srcArray[i] - 0).toString(16);
+        hex.push((bit.length == 1) ? '0' + bit : bit);
+    }
+    return (array) ? hex : '#' + hex.join('');
+function $destroy(elem) {
+   $clean(elem);
+   if(elem.parentNode) elem.parentNode.removeChild(elem);
+   if(elem.clearAttributes) elem.clearAttributes(); 
+function $clean(elem) {
+  for(var ch = elem.childNodes, i=0; i < ch.length; i++) {
+      $destroy(ch[i]);
+  }  
+function $addEvent(obj, type, fn) {
+    if (obj.addEventListener) 
+        obj.addEventListener(type, fn, false);
+    else 
+        obj.attachEvent('on' + type, fn);
+function $hasClass(obj, klass) {
+    return (' ' + obj.className + ' ').indexOf(' ' + klass + ' ') > -1;
+function $addClass(obj, klass) {
+    if(!$hasClass(obj, klass)) obj.className = (obj.className + " " + klass);
+function $removeClass(obj, klass) {
+    obj.className = obj.className.replace(new RegExp('(^|\\s)' + klass + '(?:\\s|$)'), '$1');
+function $get(id) {
+  return document.getElementById(id);  
+var Class = function(properties){
+  properties = properties || {};
+  var klass = function(){
+//      not defining any attributes in Class properties.
+//    for (var key in this){
+//          if (typeof this[key] != 'function') this[key] = $unlink(this[key]);
+//      }
+      this.constructor = klass;
+      if (Class.prototyping) return this;
+      var instance = (this.initialize) ? this.initialize.apply(this, arguments) : this;
+      return instance;
+  };
+  for (var mutator in Class.Mutators){
+      if (!properties[mutator]) continue;
+      properties = Class.Mutators[mutator](properties, properties[mutator]);
+      delete properties[mutator];
+  }
+  $extend(klass, this);
+  klass.constructor = Class;
+  klass.prototype = properties;
+  return klass;
+Class.Mutators = {
+    Extends: function(self, klass){
+        Class.prototyping = klass.prototype;
+        var subclass = new klass;
+        delete subclass.parent;
+        subclass = Class.inherit(subclass, self);
+        delete Class.prototyping;
+        return subclass;
+    },
+    Implements: function(self, klasses){
+        $each($splat(klasses), function(klass){
+            Class.prototying = klass;
+            $extend(self, ($type(klass) == 'function') ? new klass : klass);
+            delete Class.prototyping;
+        });
+        return self;
+    }
+$extend(Class, {
+    inherit: function(object, properties){
+        var caller = arguments.callee.caller;
+        for (var key in properties){
+            var override = properties[key];
+            var previous = object[key];
+            var type = $type(override);
+            if (previous && type == 'function'){
+                if (override != previous){
+                    if (caller){
+                        override.__parent = previous;
+                        object[key] = override;
+                    } else {
+                        Class.override(object, key, override);
+                    }
+                }
+            } else if(type == 'object'){
+                object[key] = $merge(previous, override);
+            } else {
+                object[key] = override;
+            }
+        }
+        if (caller) object.parent = function(){
+            return arguments.callee.caller.__parent.apply(this, arguments);
+        };
+        return object;
+    },
+    override: function(object, name, method){
+        var parent = Class.prototyping;
+        if (parent && object[name] != parent[name]) parent = null;
+        var override = function(){
+            var previous = this.parent;
+            this.parent = parent ? parent[name] : object[name];
+            var value = method.apply(this, arguments);
+            this.parent = previous;
+            return value;
+        };
+        object[name] = override;
+    }
+Class.prototype.implement = function(){
+    var proto = this.prototype;
+    $each( || []), function(properties){
+        Class.inherit(proto, properties);
+    });
+    return this;
+   Object: TreeUtil
+   Some common JSON tree manipulation methods.
+this.TreeUtil = {
+    /*
+       Method: prune
+       Clears all tree nodes having depth greater than maxLevel.
+       Parameters:
+          tree - A JSON tree object. For more information please see <Loader.loadJSON>.
+          maxLevel - An integer specifying the maximum level allowed for this tree. All nodes having depth greater than max level will be deleted.
+    */
+    prune: function(tree, maxLevel) {
+        this.each(tree, function(elem, i) {
+            if(i == maxLevel && elem.children) {
+                delete elem.children;
+                elem.children = [];
+            }
+        });
+    },
+    /*
+       Method: getParent
+       Returns the parent node of the node having _id_ as id.
+       Parameters:
+          tree - A JSON tree object. See also <Loader.loadJSON>.
+          id - The _id_ of the child node whose parent will be returned.
+      Returns:
+          A tree JSON node if any, or false otherwise.
+    */
+    getParent: function(tree, id) {
+        if( == id) return false;
+        var ch = tree.children;
+        if(ch && ch.length > 0) {
+            for(var i=0; i<ch.length; i++) {
+                if(ch[i].id == id) 
+                    return tree;
+                else {
+                    var ans = this.getParent(ch[i], id);
+                    if(ans) return ans;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        return false;       
+    },
+    /*
+       Method: getSubtree
+       Returns the subtree that matches the given id.
+       Parameters:
+          tree - A JSON tree object. See also <Loader.loadJSON>.
+          id - A node *unique* identifier.
+       Returns:
+          A subtree having a root node matching the given id. Returns null if no subtree matching the id is found.
+    */
+    getSubtree: function(tree, id) {
+        if( == id) return tree;
+        for(var i=0, ch=tree.children; i<ch.length; i++) {
+            var t = this.getSubtree(ch[i], id);
+            if(t != null) return t;
+        }
+        return null;
+    },
+    /*
+       Method: getLeaves
+        Returns the leaves of the tree.
+       Parameters:
+          node - A JSON tree node. See also <Loader.loadJSON>.
+          maxLevel - _optional_ A subtree's max level.
+       Returns:
+       An array having objects with two properties. 
+        - The _node_ property contains the leaf node. 
+        - The _level_ property specifies the depth of the node.
+    */
+    getLeaves: function (node, maxLevel) {
+        var leaves = [], levelsToShow = maxLevel || Number.MAX_VALUE;
+        this.each(node, function(elem, i) {
+            if(i < levelsToShow && 
+            (!elem.children || elem.children.length == 0 )) {
+                leaves.push({
+                    'node':elem,
+                    'level':levelsToShow - i
+                });
+            }
+        });
+        return leaves;
+    },
+    /*
+       Method: eachLevel
+        Iterates on tree nodes with relative depth less or equal than a specified level.
+       Parameters:
+          tree - A JSON tree or subtree. See also <Loader.loadJSON>.
+          initLevel - An integer specifying the initial relative level. Usually zero.
+          toLevel - An integer specifying a top level. This method will iterate only through nodes with depth less than or equal this number.
+          action - A function that receives a node and an integer specifying the actual level of the node.
+      Example:
+     (start code js)
+       TreeUtil.eachLevel(tree, 0, 3, function(node, depth) {
+          alert( + ' ' + depth);
+       });
+     (end code)
+    */
+    eachLevel: function(tree, initLevel, toLevel, action) {
+        if(initLevel <= toLevel) {
+            action(tree, initLevel);
+            for(var i=0, ch = tree.children; i<ch.length; i++) {
+                this.eachLevel(ch[i], initLevel +1, toLevel, action);   
+            }
+        }
+    },
+    /*
+       Method: each
+        A tree iterator.
+       Parameters:
+          tree - A JSON tree or subtree. See also <Loader.loadJSON>.
+          action - A function that receives a node.
+      Example:
+      (start code js)
+        TreeUtil.each(tree, function(node) {
+          alert(;
+        });
+      (end code)
+    */
+    each: function(tree, action) {
+        this.eachLevel(tree, 0, Number.MAX_VALUE, action);
+    },
+    /*
+       Method: loadSubtrees
+        Appends subtrees to leaves by requesting new subtrees
+        with the _request_ method.
+       Parameters:
+          tree - A JSON tree node. <Loader.loadJSON>.
+          controller - An object that implements a request method.
+       Example:
+        (start code js)
+          TreeUtil.loadSubtrees(leafNode, {
+            request: function(nodeId, level, onComplete) {
+              //Pseudo-code to make an ajax request for a new subtree
+              // that has as root id _nodeId_ and depth _level_ ...
+              Ajax.request({
+                'url': 'http://subtreerequesturl/',
+                onSuccess: function(json) {
+                  onComplete.onComplete(nodeId, json);
+                }
+              });
+            }
+          });
+        (end code)
+    */
+    loadSubtrees: function(tree, controller) {
+        var maxLevel = controller.request && controller.levelsToShow;
+        var leaves = this.getLeaves(tree, maxLevel),
+        len = leaves.length,
+        selectedNode = {};
+        if(len == 0) controller.onComplete();
+        for(var i=0, counter=0; i<len; i++) {
+            var leaf = leaves[i], id =;
+            selectedNode[id] = leaf.node;
+            controller.request(id, leaf.level, {
+                onComplete: function(nodeId, tree) {
+                    var ch = tree.children;
+                    selectedNode[nodeId].children = ch;
+                    if(++counter == len) {
+                        controller.onComplete();
+                    }
+                }
+            });
+        }
+    }
+ * File: Canvas.js
+ *
+ * A cross browser Canvas widget.
+ *
+ * Used By:
+ *
+ * <ST>, <Hypertree>, <RGraph>
+ */
+ Class: Canvas
+ 	A multi-purpose Canvas Class. This Class can be used with the ExCanvas library to provide
+ cross browser Canvas based visualizations.
+ Parameters:
+ id - The canvas id. This id will be used as prefix for the canvas widget DOM elements ids.
+ options - An object containing multiple options such as
+ - _injectInto_ This property is _required_ and it specifies the id of the DOM element
+ to which the Canvas widget will be appended
+ - _width_ The width of the Canvas widget. Default's to 200px
+ - _height_ The height of the Canvas widget. Default's to 200px
+ - _backgroundColor_ Used for compatibility with IE. The canvas' background color.
+ Default's to '#333'
+ - _styles_ A hash containing canvas specific style properties such as _fillStyle_ and _strokeStyle_ among others.
+ Example:
+ Suppose we have this HTML
+ (start code xml)
+ 	<div id="infovis"></div>
+ (end code)
+ Now we create a new Canvas instance
+ (start code js)
+ 	//Create a new canvas instance
+ 	var canvas = new Canvas('mycanvas', {
+ 		//Where to inject the canvas. Any div container will do.
+ 		'injectInto':'infovis',
+		 //width and height for canvas. Default's to 200.
+		 'width': 900,
+		 'height':500,
+		 //Canvas styles
+		 'styles': {
+		 'fillStyle': '#ccddee',
+		 'strokeStyle': '#772277'
+		 }
+	 });
+ (end code)
+ The generated HTML will look like this
+ (start code xml)
+ <div id="infovis">
+ 	<div id="mycanvas" style="position:relative;">
+ 	<canvas id="mycanvas-canvas" width=900 height=500
+ 	style="position:absolute; top:0; left:0; width:900px; height:500px;" />
+ 	<div id="mycanvas-label"
+ 	style="overflow:visible; position:absolute; top:0; left:0; width:900px; height:0px">
+ 	</div>
+ 	</div>
+ </div>
+ (end code)
+ As you can see, the generated HTML consists of a canvas DOM element of id _mycanvas-canvas_ and a div label container
+ of id _mycanvas-label_, wrapped in a main div container of id _mycanvas_.
+ You can also add a background canvas, for making background drawings.
+ This is how the <RGraph> background concentric circles are drawn
+ Example:
+ (start code js)
+ 	//Create a new canvas instance.
+ 	var canvas = new Canvas('mycanvas', {
+		//Where to inject the canvas. Any div container will do.
+		'injectInto':'infovis',
+		//width and height for canvas. Default's to 200.
+		'width': 900,
+		'height':500,
+		//Canvas styles
+		'styles': {
+			'fillStyle': '#ccddee',
+			'strokeStyle': '#772277'
+		},
+		//Add a background canvas for plotting
+		//concentric circles.
+		'backgroundCanvas': {
+			//Add Canvas styles for the bck canvas.
+			'styles': {
+				'fillStyle': '#444',
+				'strokeStyle': '#444'
+			},
+			//Add the initialization and plotting functions.
+			'impl': {
+				'init': function() {},
+				'plot': function(canvas, ctx) {
+					var times = 6, d = 100;
+					var pi2 = Math.PI*2;
+					for(var i=1; i<=times; i++) {
+						ctx.beginPath();
+						ctx.arc(0, 0, i * d, 0, pi2, true);
+						ctx.stroke();
+						ctx.closePath();
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	});
+ (end code)
+ The _backgroundCanvas_ object contains a canvas _styles_ property and
+ an _impl_ key to be used for implementing background canvas specific code.
+ The _init_ method is only called once, at the instanciation of the background canvas.
+ The _plot_ method is called for plotting a Canvas image.
+ */
+this.Canvas = (function(){
+    var config = {
+        'injectInto': 'id',
+        'width': 200,
+        'height': 200,
+        //deprecated
+        'backgroundColor': '#333333',
+        'styles': {
+            'fillStyle': '#000000',
+            'strokeStyle': '#000000'
+        },
+        'backgroundCanvas': false
+    };
+    function hasCanvas(){
+        hasCanvas.t = hasCanvas.t || typeof(HTMLCanvasElement);
+        return "function" == hasCanvas.t || "object" == hasCanvas.t;
+    };
+    function create(tag, prop, styles){
+        var elem = document.createElement(tag);
+        (function(obj, prop){
+            if (prop) {
+              for (var p in prop) {
+                obj[p] = prop[p];
+              }  
+            }
+            return arguments.callee;
+        })(elem, prop)(, styles);
+        //feature check
+        if (tag == "canvas" && !hasCanvas() && G_vmlCanvasManager) {
+            elem = G_vmlCanvasManager.initElement(document.body.appendChild(elem));
+        }
+        return elem;
+    };
+    function get(id){
+        return document.getElementById(id);
+    };
+    function translateToCenter(canvas, ctx, w, h){
+        var width = w ? (canvas.width - w) : canvas.width;
+        var height = h ? (canvas.height - h) : canvas.height;
+        ctx.translate(width / 2, height / 2);
+    };
+    return function(id, opt){
+        var ctx, bkctx, mainContainer, labelContainer, canvas, bkcanvas;
+        if (arguments.length < 1) 
+            throw "Arguments missing";
+        var idLabel = id + "-label", idCanvas = id + "-canvas", idBCanvas = id + "-bkcanvas";
+        opt = $merge(config, opt || {});
+        //create elements
+        var dim = {
+            'width': opt.width,
+            'height': opt.height
+        };
+        mainContainer = create("div", {
+            'id': id
+        }, $merge(dim, {
+            'position': 'relative'
+        }));
+        labelContainer = create("div", {
+            'id': idLabel
+        }, {
+            'overflow': 'visible',
+            'position': 'absolute',
+            'top': 0,
+            'left': 0,
+            'width': dim.width + 'px',
+            'height': 0
+        });
+        var dimPos = {
+            'position': 'absolute',
+            'top': 0,
+            'left': 0,
+            'width': dim.width + 'px',
+            'height': dim.height + 'px'
+        };
+        canvas = create("canvas", $merge({
+            'id': idCanvas
+        }, dim), dimPos);
+        var bc = opt.backgroundCanvas;
+        if (bc) {
+            bkcanvas = create("canvas", $merge({
+                'id': idBCanvas
+            }, dim), dimPos);
+            //append elements
+            mainContainer.appendChild(bkcanvas);
+        }
+        mainContainer.appendChild(canvas);
+        mainContainer.appendChild(labelContainer);
+        get(opt.injectInto).appendChild(mainContainer);
+        //create contexts
+        ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
+        translateToCenter(canvas, ctx);
+        var st = opt.styles;
+        var s;
+        for (s in st) 
+            ctx[s] = st[s];
+        if (bc) {
+            bkctx = bkcanvas.getContext('2d');
+            st = bc.styles;
+            for (s in st) {
+              bkctx[s] = st[s];
+            }
+            translateToCenter(bkcanvas, bkctx);
+            bc.impl.init(bkcanvas, bkctx);
+            bc.impl.plot(bkcanvas, bkctx);
+        }
+        //create methods
+        return {
+            'id': id,
+            /*
+             Method: getCtx
+             Returns the main canvas context object
+             Returns:
+             Main canvas context
+             Example:
+             (start code js)
+             	var ctx = canvas.getCtx();
+             	//Now I can use the native canvas context
+             	//and for example change some canvas styles
+             	ctx.globalAlpha = 1;
+             (end code)
+             */
+            getCtx: function(){
+                return ctx;
+            },
+            /*
+             Method: getElement
+             Returns the main Canvas DOM wrapper
+             Returns:
+             DOM canvas wrapper generated, (i.e the div wrapper element with id _mycanvas_)
+             Example:
+             (start code js)
+             	var wrapper = canvas.getElement();
+             	//Returns <div id="mycanvas" ... >...</div> as element
+             (end code)
+             */
+            getElement: function(){
+                return mainContainer;
+            },
+            /*
+             Method: resize
+             Resizes the canvas.
+             Parameters:
+             width - New canvas width.
+             height - New canvas height.
+             This method can be used with the <ST>, <Hypertree> or <RGraph> visualizations to resize
+             the visualizations
+             Example:
+             (start code js)
+             	function resizeViz(width, height) {
+             		canvas.resize(width, height);
+             		rgraph.refresh(); //ht.refresh or st.refresh() also work.
+             		rgraph.onAfterCompute();
+             	}
+             (end code)
+             */
+            resize: function(width, height){
+                var pwidth = canvas.width, pheight = canvas.height;
+            	canvas.width = width;
+                canvas.height = height;
+       = width + "px";
+       = height + "px";
+                if (bc) {
+                    bkcanvas.width = width;
+                    bkcanvas.height = height;
+           = width + "px";
+           = height + "px";
+                }
+                //small ExCanvas fix
+                if(!hasCanvas()) {
+                	translateToCenter(canvas, ctx, pwidth, pheight);
+                } else {
+                	translateToCenter(canvas, ctx);
+                }
+                var st = opt.styles;
+                var s;
+                for (s in st) {
+                  ctx[s] = st[s];
+                }
+                if (bc) {
+                    st = bc.styles;
+                    for (s in st) 
+                        bkctx[s] = st[s];
+                    //same ExCanvas fix here
+                    if(!hasCanvas()) {
+                    	translateToCenter(bkcanvas, bkctx, pwidth, pheight);
+                    } else {
+                    	translateToCenter(bkcanvas, bkctx);	
+                    }
+                    bc.impl.init(bkcanvas, bkctx);
+                    bc.impl.plot(bkcanvas, bkctx);
+                }
+            },
+            /*
+             Method: getSize
+             Returns canvas dimensions.
+             Returns:
+             An object with _width_ and _height_ properties.
+             Example:
+             (start code js)
+             canvas.getSize(); //returns { width: 900, height: 500 }
+             (end code)
+             */
+            getSize: function(){
+                return {
+                    'width': canvas.width,
+                    'height': canvas.height
+                };
+            },
+            path: function(type, action){
+                ctx.beginPath();
+                action(ctx);
+                ctx[type]();
+                ctx.closePath();
+            },
+            /*
+             Method: clear
+             Clears the canvas object.
+             */
+            clear: function(){
+                var size = this.getSize();
+                ctx.clearRect(-size.width / 2, -size.height / 2, size.width, size.height);
+            },
+            /*
+             Method: clearReactangle
+             Same as <Canvas.clear> but only clears a section of the canvas.
+             Parameters:
+             top - An integer specifying the top of the rectangle.
+             right -  An integer specifying the right of the rectangle.
+             bottom - An integer specifying the bottom of the rectangle.
+             left - An integer specifying the left of the rectangle.
+             */
+            clearRectangle: function(top, right, bottom, left){
+                //if using excanvas
+                if (!hasCanvas()) {
+                    var f0 = ctx.fillStyle;
+                    ctx.fillStyle = opt.backgroundColor;
+                    ctx.fillRect(left, top, Math.abs(right - left), Math.abs(bottom - top));
+                    ctx.fillStyle = f0;
+                }
+                else {
+                    ctx.clearRect(left, top, Math.abs(right - left), Math.abs(bottom - top));
+                }
+            }
+        };
+    };
+ * File: Polar.js
+ * 
+ * Defines the <Polar> class.
+ *
+ * Description:
+ *
+ * The <Polar> class, just like the <Complex> class, is used by the <Hypertree>, <ST> and <RGraph> as a 2D point representation.
+ *
+ * See also:
+ *
+ * <>
+ *
+   Class: Polar
+   A multi purpose polar representation.
+   Description:
+   The <Polar> class, just like the <Complex> class, is used by the <Hypertree>, <ST> and <RGraph> as a 2D point representation.
+   See also:
+   <>
+   Parameters:
+      theta - An angle.
+      rho - The norm.
+this.Polar = function(theta, rho) {
+  this.theta = theta;
+  this.rho = rho;
+Polar.prototype = {
+    /*
+       Method: getc
+       Returns a complex number.
+       Parameters:
+       simple - _optional_ If *true*, this method will return only an object holding x and y properties and not a <Complex> instance. Default's *false*.
+      Returns:
+          A complex number.
+    */
+    getc: function(simple) {
+        return this.toComplex(simple);
+    },
+    /*
+       Method: getp
+       Returns a <Polar> representation.
+       Returns:
+          A variable in polar coordinates.
+    */
+    getp: function() {
+        return this;
+    },
+    /*
+       Method: set
+       Sets a number.
+       Parameters:
+       v - A <Complex> or <Polar> instance.
+    */
+    set: function(v) {
+        v = v.getp();
+        this.theta = v.theta; this.rho = v.rho;
+    },
+    /*
+       Method: setc
+       Sets a <Complex> number.
+       Parameters:
+       x - A <Complex> number real part.
+       y - A <Complex> number imaginary part.
+    */
+    setc: function(x, y) {
+        this.rho = Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y);
+        this.theta = Math.atan2(y, x);
+        if(this.theta < 0) this.theta += Math.PI * 2;
+    },
+    /*
+       Method: setp
+       Sets a polar number.
+       Parameters:
+       theta - A <Polar> number angle property.
+       rho - A <Polar> number rho property.
+    */
+    setp: function(theta, rho) {
+        this.theta = theta; 
+        this.rho = rho;
+    },
+    /*
+       Method: clone
+       Returns a copy of the current object.
+       Returns:
+          A copy of the real object.
+    */
+    clone: function() {
+        return new Polar(this.theta, this.rho);
+    },
+    /*
+       Method: toComplex
+        Translates from polar to cartesian coordinates and returns a new <Complex> instance.
+        Parameters:
+        simple - _optional_ If *true* this method will only return an object with x and y properties (and not the whole <Complex> instance). Default's *false*.
+        Returns:
+          A new <Complex> instance.
+    */
+    toComplex: function(simple) {
+        var x = Math.cos(this.theta) * this.rho;
+        var y = Math.sin(this.theta) * this.rho;
+        if(simple) return { 'x': x, 'y': y};
+        return new Complex(x, y);
+    },
+    /*
+       Method: add
+        Adds two <Polar> instances.
+       Parameters:
+       polar - A <Polar> number.
+       Returns:
+          A new Polar instance.
+    */
+    add: function(polar) {
+        return new Polar(this.theta + polar.theta, this.rho + polar.rho);
+    },
+    /*
+       Method: scale
+        Scales a polar norm.
+        Parameters:
+        number - A scale factor.
+        Returns:
+          A new Polar instance.
+    */
+    scale: function(number) {
+        return new Polar(this.theta, this.rho * number);
+    },
+    /*
+       Method: equals
+       Comparison method.
+       Returns *true* if the theta and rho properties are equal.
+       Parameters:
+       c - A <Polar> number.
+       Returns:
+       *true* if the theta and rho parameters for these objects are equal. *false* otherwise.
+    */
+    equals: function(c) {
+        return this.theta == c.theta && this.rho == c.rho;
+    },
+    /*
+       Method: $add
+        Adds two <Polar> instances affecting the current object.
+       Paramters:
+       polar - A <Polar> instance.
+       Returns:
+          The changed object.
+    */
+    $add: function(polar) {
+        this.theta = this.theta + polar.theta; this.rho += polar.rho;
+        return this;
+    },
+    /*
+       Method: $madd
+        Adds two <Polar> instances affecting the current object. The resulting theta angle is modulo 2pi.
+       Parameters:
+       polar - A <Polar> instance.
+       Returns:
+          The changed object.
+    */
+    $madd: function(polar) {
+        this.theta = (this.theta + polar.theta) % (Math.PI * 2); this.rho += polar.rho;
+        return this;
+    },
+    /*
+       Method: $scale
+        Scales a polar instance affecting the object.
+      Parameters:
+      number - A scaling factor.
+      Returns:
+          The changed object.
+    */
+    $scale: function(number) {
+        this.rho *= number;
+        return this;
+    },
+    /*
+       Method: interpolate
+        Calculates a polar interpolation between two points at a given delta moment.
+        Parameters:
+        elem - A <Polar> instance.
+        delta - A delta factor ranging [0, 1].
+       Returns:
+          A new <Polar> instance representing an interpolation between _this_ and _elem_
+    */
+    interpolate: function(elem, delta) {
+        var pi = Math.PI, pi2 = pi * 2;
+        var ch = function(t) {
+            return (t < 0)? (t % pi2) + pi2 : t % pi2;
+        };
+        var tt = this.theta, et = elem.theta;
+        var sum;
+        if(Math.abs(tt - et) > pi) {
+            if(tt > et) {
+                sum =ch((et + ((tt - pi2) - et) * delta)) ;
+            } else {
+                sum =ch((et - pi2 + (tt - (et - pi2)) * delta));
+            }
+        } else {
+            sum =ch((et + (tt - et) * delta)) ;
+        }
+        var r = (this.rho - elem.rho) * delta + elem.rho;
+        return {
+            'theta': sum,
+            'rho': r
+        };
+    }
+var $P = function(a, b) { return new Polar(a, b); };
+Polar.KER = $P(0, 0);
+ * File: Complex.js
+ * 
+ * Defines the <Complex> class.
+ *
+ * Description:
+ *
+ * The <Complex> class, just like the <Polar> class, is used by the <Hypertree>, <ST> and <RGraph> as a 2D point representation.
+ *
+ * See also:
+ *
+ * <>
+ *
+   Class: Complex
+   A multi-purpose Complex Class with common methods.
+   Description:
+   The <Complex> class, just like the <Polar> class, is used by the <Hypertree>, <ST> and <RGraph> as a 2D point representation.
+   See also:
+   <>
+   Parameters:
+   x - _optional_ A Complex number real part.
+   y - _optional_ A Complex number imaginary part.
+this.Complex = function(x, y) {
+  this.x = x;
+  this.y = y;
+Complex.prototype = {
+    /*
+       Method: getc
+       Returns a complex number.
+       Returns:
+          A complex number.
+    */
+    getc: function() {
+        return this;
+    },
+    /*
+       Method: getp
+       Returns a <Polar> representation of this number.
+       Parameters:
+       simple - _optional_ If *true*, this method will return only an object holding theta and rho properties and not a <Polar> instance. Default's *false*.
+       Returns:
+          A variable in <Polar> coordinates.
+    */
+    getp: function(simple) {
+        return this.toPolar(simple);
+    },
+    /*
+       Method: set
+       Sets a number.
+       Parameters:
+       c - A <Complex> or <Polar> instance.
+    */
+    set: function(c) {
+        c = c.getc(true);
+        this.x = c.x; 
+    this.y = c.y;
+    },
+    /*
+       Method: setc
+       Sets a complex number.
+       Parameters:
+       x - A <Complex> number Real part.
+       y - A <Complex> number Imaginary part.
+    */
+    setc: function(x, y) {
+        this.x = x; 
+        this.y = y;
+    },
+    /*
+       Method: setp
+       Sets a polar number.
+       Parameters:
+       theta - A <Polar> number theta property.
+       rho - A <Polar> number rho property.
+    */
+    setp: function(theta, rho) {
+        this.x = Math.cos(theta) * rho;
+        this.y = Math.sin(theta) * rho;
+    },
+    /*
+       Method: clone
+       Returns a copy of the current object.
+       Returns:
+          A copy of the real object.
+    */
+    clone: function() {
+        return new Complex(this.x, this.y);
+    },
+    /*
+       Method: toPolar
+       Transforms cartesian to polar coordinates.
+       Parameters:
+       simple - _optional_ If *true* this method will only return an object with theta and rho properties (and not the whole <Polar> instance). Default's *false*.
+       Returns:
+          A new <Polar> instance.
+    */
+    toPolar: function(simple) {
+        var rho = this.norm();
+        var atan = Math.atan2(this.y, this.x);
+        if(atan < 0) atan += Math.PI * 2;
+        if(simple) return { 'theta': atan, 'rho': rho };
+        return new Polar(atan, rho);
+    },
+    /*
+       Method: norm
+       Calculates a <Complex> number norm.
+       Returns:
+          A real number representing the complex norm.
+    */
+    norm: function () {
+        return Math.sqrt(this.squaredNorm());
+    },
+    /*
+       Method: squaredNorm
+       Calculates a <Complex> number squared norm.
+       Returns:
+          A real number representing the complex squared norm.
+    */
+    squaredNorm: function () {
+        return this.x*this.x + this.y*this.y;
+    },
+    /*
+       Method: add
+       Returns the result of adding two complex numbers.
+       Does not alter the original object.
+       Parameters:
+          pos - A <Complex> instance.
+       Returns:
+         The result of adding two complex numbers.
+    */
+    add: function(pos) {
+        return new Complex(this.x + pos.x, this.y + pos.y);
+    },
+    /*
+       Method: prod
+       Returns the result of multiplying two <Complex> numbers.
+       Does not alter the original object.
+       Parameters:
+          pos - A <Complex> instance.
+       Returns:
+         The result of multiplying two complex numbers.
+    */
+    prod: function(pos) {
+        return new Complex(this.x*pos.x - this.y*pos.y, this.y*pos.x + this.x*pos.y);
+    },
+    /*
+       Method: conjugate
+       Returns the conjugate of this <Complex> number.
+       Does not alter the original object.
+       Returns:
+         The conjugate of this <Complex> number.
+    */
+    conjugate: function() {
+        return new Complex(this.x, -this.y);
+    },
+    /*
+       Method: scale
+       Returns the result of scaling a <Complex> instance.
+       Does not alter the original object.
+       Parameters:
+          factor - A scale factor.
+       Returns:
+         The result of scaling this complex to a factor.
+    */
+    scale: function(factor) {
+        return new Complex(this.x * factor, this.y * factor);
+    },
+    /*
+       Method: equals
+       Comparison method.
+       Returns *true* if both real and imaginary parts are equal.
+       Parameters:
+       c - A <Complex> instance.
+       Returns:
+       A boolean instance indicating if both <Complex> numbers are equal.
+    */
+    equals: function(c) {
+        return this.x == c.x && this.y == c.y;
+    },
+    /*
+       Method: $add
+       Returns the result of adding two <Complex> numbers.
+       Alters the original object.
+       Parameters:
+          pos - A <Complex> instance.
+       Returns:
+         The result of adding two complex numbers.
+    */
+    $add: function(pos) {
+        this.x += pos.x; this.y += pos.y;
+        return this;    
+    },
+    /*
+       Method: $prod
+       Returns the result of multiplying two <Complex> numbers.
+       Alters the original object.
+       Parameters:
+          pos - A <Complex> instance.
+       Returns:
+         The result of multiplying two complex numbers.
+    */
+    $prod:function(pos) {
+        var x = this.x, y = this.y;
+        this.x = x*pos.x - y*pos.y;
+        this.y = y*pos.x + x*pos.y;
+        return this;
+    },
+    /*
+       Method: $conjugate
+       Returns the conjugate for this <Complex>.
+       Alters the original object.
+       Returns:
+         The conjugate for this complex.
+    */
+    $conjugate: function() {
+        this.y = -this.y;
+        return this;
+    },
+    /*
+       Method: $scale
+       Returns the result of scaling a <Complex> instance.
+       Alters the original object.
+       Parameters:
+          factor - A scale factor.
+       Returns:
+         The result of scaling this complex to a factor.
+    */
+    $scale: function(factor) {
+        this.x *= factor; this.y *= factor;
+        return this;
+    },
+    /*
+       Method: $div
+       Returns the division of two <Complex> numbers.
+       Alters the original object.
+       Parameters:
+          pos - A <Complex> number.
+       Returns:
+         The result of scaling this complex to a factor.
+    */
+    $div: function(pos) {
+        var x = this.x, y = this.y;
+        var sq = pos.squaredNorm();
+        this.x = x * pos.x + y * pos.y; this.y = y * pos.x - x * pos.y;
+        return this.$scale(1 / sq);
+    }
+var $C = function(a, b) { return new Complex(a, b); };
+Complex.KER = $C(0, 0);
+ * File: Graph.js
+ *
+ * Generic <Graph>, <Graph.Node> and <Graph.Adjacence> classes.
+ *
+ * Used by:
+ *
+ * <Hypertree>, <RGraph> and <ST>.
+ *
+ Class: Graph
+ A generic Graph class.
+ Description:
+ When a json graph/tree structure is loaded by <Loader.loadJSON>, an internal <Graph> representation is created. 
+ In most cases you'll be dealing with an already created <Graph> structure, so methods like <Graph.addNode> or <Graph.addAdjacence> won't 
+ be of many use. However methods like <Graph.getNode> and <Graph.hasNode> are pretty useful.
+ <Graph.Util> provides also iterators for <Graphs> and advanced and useful graph operations and methods.
+ Used by:
+ <Loader.loadJSON>, <Hypertree>, <RGraph> and <ST>.
+ Access:
+ An instance of this class can be accessed by using the _graph_ parameter of a <Hypertree>, <RGraph> or <ST> instance
+ Example:
+ (start code js)
+   var st = new ST(canvas, config);
+   st.graph.getNode //or any other <Graph> method.
+   var ht = new Hypertree(canvas, config);
+   ht.graph.getNode //or any other <Graph> method.
+   var rg = new RGraph(canvas, config);
+   rg.graph.getNode //or any other <Graph> method.
+ (end code)
+this.Graph = new Class({
+ initialize: function(opt) {
+    var innerOptions = {
+    'complex': false,
+    'Node': {}
+  };
+    this.opt = $merge(innerOptions, opt || {});
+    this.nodes= {};
+ },
+     Method: getNode
+     Returns a <Graph.Node> by _id_.
+     Parameters:
+     id - A <Graph.Node> id.
+     Returns:
+     A <Graph.Node> having _id_ as id. Returns *false* otherwise.
+     Example:
+     (start code js)
+       var node = graph.getNode('someid');
+     (end code)
+ getNode: function(id) {
+    if(this.hasNode(id)) return this.nodes[id];
+    return false;
+ },
+     Method: getAdjacence
+     Returns an array of <Graph.Adjacence> objects connecting nodes with ids _id_ and _id2_.
+     Parameters:
+     id - A <Graph.Node> id.
+     id2 - A <Graph.Node> id.
+     Returns:
+     An Array of <Graph.Adjacence> objects. Returns *false* if there's not a <Graph.Adjacence> connecting those two nodes.
+  getAdjacence: function (id, id2) {
+    var adjs = [];
+    if(this.hasNode(id)     && this.hasNode(id2) 
+    && this.nodes[id].adjacentTo({ 'id':id2 }) && this.nodes[id2].adjacentTo({ 'id':id })) {
+        adjs.push(this.nodes[id].getAdjacency(id2));
+        adjs.push(this.nodes[id2].getAdjacency(id));
+        return adjs;
+    }
+    return false;   
+ },
+    /*
+     Method: addNode
+     Adds a node.
+     Parameters:
+        obj - An object containing as properties
+        - _id_ node's id
+        - _name_ node's name
+        - _data_ node's data hash
+    See also:
+    <Graph.Node>
+  */  
+  addNode: function(obj) {
+    if(!this.nodes[]) {
+        this.nodes[] = new Graph.Node($extend({
+      'id':,
+      'name':,
+      'data':
+    }, this.opt.Node), this.opt.complex);
+    }
+    return this.nodes[];
+  },
+    /*
+     Method: addAdjacence
+     Connects nodes specified by _obj_ and _obj2_. If not found, nodes are created.
+     Parameters:
+        obj - a <Graph.Node> object.
+        obj2 - Another <Graph.Node> object.
+        data - A DataSet object. Used to store some extra information in the <Graph.Adjacence> object created.
+    See also:
+    <Graph.Node>, <Graph.Adjacence>
+    */  
+  addAdjacence: function (obj, obj2, data) {
+    var adjs = [];
+    if(!this.hasNode( { this.addNode(obj); }
+    if(!this.hasNode( { this.addNode(obj2); }
+    obj = this.nodes[]; obj2 = this.nodes[];
+    for(var i in this.nodes) {
+        if(this.nodes[i].id == {
+            if(!this.nodes[i].adjacentTo(obj2)) {
+                adjs.push(this.nodes[i].addAdjacency(obj2, data));
+            }
+        }
+        if(this.nodes[i].id == {   
+            if(!this.nodes[i].adjacentTo(obj)) {
+                adjs.push(this.nodes[i].addAdjacency(obj, data));
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return adjs;
+ },
+    /*
+     Method: removeNode
+     Removes a <Graph.Node> matching the specified _id_.
+     Parameters:
+     id - A node's id.
+    */  
+  removeNode: function(id) {
+    if(this.hasNode(id)) {
+        var node = this.nodes[id];
+        for(var i=0 in node.adjacencies) {
+            var adj = node.adjacencies[i];
+            this.removeAdjacence(id,;
+        }
+        delete this.nodes[id];
+    }
+  },
+     Method: removeAdjacence
+     Removes a <Graph.Adjacence> matching _id1_ and _id2_.
+     Parameters:
+     id1 - A <Graph.Node> id.
+     id2 - A <Graph.Node> id.
+  removeAdjacence: function(id1, id2) {
+    if(this.hasNode(id1)) this.nodes[id1].removeAdjacency(id2);
+    if(this.hasNode(id2)) this.nodes[id2].removeAdjacency(id1);
+  },
+    /*
+     Method: hasNode
+     Returns a Boolean instance indicating if the node belongs to the <Graph> or not.
+     Parameters:
+        id - Node id.
+     Returns:
+     A Boolean instance indicating if the node belongs to the graph or not.
+    */  
+  hasNode: function(id) {
+    return id in this.nodes;
+  }
+     Class: Graph.Node
+     A <Graph> node.
+     Parameters:
+     obj - An object containing an 'id', 'name' and 'data' properties as described in <Graph.addNode>.
+     complex - Whether node position properties should contain <Complex> or <Polar> instances.
+     See also:
+     <Graph>
+     Description:
+     An instance of <Graph.Node> is usually passed as parameter for most configuration/controller methods in the 
+     <Hypertree>, <RGraph> and <ST> classes.
+     A <Graph.Node> object has as properties
+      id - Node id.
+      name - Node name.
+      data - Node data property containing a hash (i.e {}) with custom options. For more information see <Loader.loadJSON>.
+      selected - Whether the node is selected or not. Used by <ST> for selecting nodes that are between the root node and the selected node.
+      angleSpan - For radial layouts such as the ones performed by the <Hypertree> and the <RGraph>. Contains _begin_ and _end_ properties containing angle values describing the angle span for this subtree.
+      alpha - Current opacity value.
+      startAlpha - Opacity begin value. Used for interpolation.
+      endAlpha - Opacity end value. Used for interpolation.
+      pos - Current position. Can be a <Complex> or <Polar> instance.
+      startPos - Starting position. Used for interpolation.
+      endPos - Ending position. Used for interpolation.
+Graph.Node = new Class({
+    initialize: function(opt, complex) {
+    var innerOptions = {
+      'id': '',
+      'name': '',
+      'data': {},
+      'adjacencies': {},
+      'selected': false,
+      'drawn': false,
+      'exist': false,
+      'angleSpan': {
+        'begin': 0,
+        'end' : 0
+      },
+      'alpha': 1,
+      'startAlpha': 1,
+      'endAlpha': 1,
+      'pos': (complex && $C(0, 0)) || $P(0, 0),
+      'startPos': (complex && $C(0, 0)) || $P(0, 0),
+      'endPos': (complex && $C(0, 0)) || $P(0, 0)
+    };
+    $extend(this, $extend(innerOptions, opt));
+  },
+    /*
+       Method: adjacentTo
+       Indicates if the node is adjacent to the node specified by id
+       Parameters:
+          id - A node id.
+       Returns:
+         A Boolean instance indicating whether this node is adjacent to the specified by id or not.
+       Example:
+       (start code js)
+        node.adjacentTo('mynodeid');
+       (end code)
+    */
+    adjacentTo: function(node) {
+        return in this.adjacencies;
+    },
+    /*
+       Method: getAdjacency
+       Returns a <Graph.Adjacence> object connecting the current <Graph.Node> and the node having _id_ as id.
+       Parameters:
+          id - A node id.
+       Returns:
+          A <Graph.Adjacence> object or undefined.
+    */  
+    getAdjacency: function(id) {
+        return this.adjacencies[id];
+    },
+    /*
+       Method: addAdjacency
+       Connects the current node and the given node.
+       Parameters:
+          node - A <Graph.Node>.
+          data - Some custom hash information.
+    */  
+    addAdjacency: function(node, data) {
+        var adj = new Graph.Adjacence(this, node, data);
+        return this.adjacencies[] = adj;
+    },
+    /*
+       Method: removeAdjacency
+       Removes a <Graph.Adjacence> by _id_.
+       Parameters:
+          id - A node id.
+    */  
+    removeAdjacency: function(id) {
+        delete this.adjacencies[id];
+    }
+     Class: Graph.Adjacence
+     A <Graph> adjacence (or edge). Connects two <Graph.Nodes>.
+     Parameters:
+     nodeFrom - A <Graph.Node>.
+     nodeTo - A <Graph.Node>.
+     data - Some custom hash data.
+     See also:
+     <Graph>
+     Description:
+     An instance of <Graph.Adjacence> is usually passed as parameter for some configuration/controller methods in the 
+     <Hypertree>, <RGraph> and <ST> classes.
+     A <Graph.Adjacence> object has as properties
+      nodeFrom - A <Graph.Node> connected by this edge.
+      nodeTo - Another  <Graph.Node> connected by this edge.
+      data - Node data property containing a hash (i.e {}) with custom options. For more information see <Loader.loadJSON>.
+      alpha - Current opacity value.
+      startAlpha - Opacity begin value. Used for interpolation.
+      endAlpha - Opacity end value. Used for interpolation.
+Graph.Adjacence = function(nodeFrom, nodeTo, data) {
+    this.nodeFrom = nodeFrom;
+    this.nodeTo = nodeTo;
+ = data || {};
+    this.alpha = 1;
+    this.startAlpha = 1;
+    this.endAlpha = 1;
+   Object: Graph.Util
+   <Graph> traversal and processing utility object.
+Graph.Util = {
+    /*
+       filter
+       For internal use only. Provides a filtering function based on flags.
+    */
+    filter: function(param) {
+        if(!param || !($type(param) == 'string')) return function() { return true; };
+        var props = param.split(" ");
+        return function(elem) {
+            for(var i=0; i<props.length; i++) { 
+              if(elem[props[i]]) { 
+                return false; 
+              }
+            }
+            return true;
+        };
+    },
+    /*
+       Method: getNode
+       Returns a <Graph.Node> by _id_.
+       Parameters:
+       graph - A <Graph> instance.
+       id - A <Graph.Node> id.
+       Returns:
+       A <Graph> node.
+       Example:
+       (start code js)
+         Graph.Util.getNode(graph, 'nodeid');
+       (end code)
+    */
+    getNode: function(graph, id) {
+        return graph.getNode(id);
+    },
+    /*
+       Method: eachNode
+       Iterates over <Graph> nodes performing an _action_.
+       Parameters:
+       graph - A <Graph> instance.
+       action - A callback function having a <Graph.Node> as first formal parameter.
+       Example:
+       (start code js)
+         Graph.Util.each(graph, function(node) {
+          alert(;
+         });
+       (end code)
+    */
+    eachNode: function(graph, action, flags) {
+        var filter = this.filter(flags);
+        for(var i in graph.nodes) {
+          if(filter(graph.nodes[i])) action(graph.nodes[i]);
+        } 
+    },
+    /*
+       Method: eachAdjacency
+       Iterates over <Graph.Node> adjacencies applying the _action_ function.
+       Parameters:
+       node - A <Graph.Node>.
+       action - A callback function having <Graph.Adjacence> as first formal parameter.
+       Example:
+       (start code js)
+         Graph.Util.eachAdjacency(node, function(adj) {
+          alert(;
+         });
+       (end code)
+    */
+    eachAdjacency: function(node, action, flags) {
+        var adj = node.adjacencies, filter = this.filter(flags);
+        for(var id in adj) {
+          if(filter(adj[id])) {
+            action(adj[id], id);
+          }
+        }
+    },
+     /*
+       Method: computeLevels
+       Performs a BFS traversal setting the correct depth for each node.
+       The depth of each node can then be accessed by 
+       >node._depth
+       Parameters:
+       graph - A <Graph>.
+       id - A starting node id for the BFS traversal.
+       startDepth - _optional_ A minimum depth value. Default's 0.
+    */
+    computeLevels: function(graph, id, startDepth, flags) {
+        startDepth = startDepth || 0;
+        var filter = this.filter(flags);
+        this.eachNode(graph, function(elem) {
+            elem._flag = false;
+            elem._depth = -1;
+        }, flags);
+    var root = graph.getNode(id);
+        root._depth = startDepth;
+        var queue = [root];
+        while(queue.length != 0) {
+            var node = queue.pop();
+            node._flag = true;
+            this.eachAdjacency(node, function(adj) {
+                var n = adj.nodeTo;
+                if(n._flag == false && filter(n)) {
+                    if(n._depth < 0) n._depth = node._depth + 1 + startDepth;
+                    queue.unshift(n);
+                }
+            }, flags);
+        }
+    },
+    /*
+       Method: eachBFS
+       Performs a BFS traversal applying _action_ to each <Graph.Node>.
+       Parameters:
+       graph - A <Graph>.
+       id - A starting node id for the BFS traversal.
+       action - A callback function having a <Graph.Node> as first formal parameter.
+       Example:
+       (start code js)
+         Graph.Util.eachBFS(graph, 'mynodeid', function(node) {
+          alert(;
+         });
+       (end code)
+    */
+    eachBFS: function(graph, id, action, flags) {
+        var filter = this.filter(flags);
+        this.clean(graph);
+        var queue = [graph.getNode(id)];
+        while(queue.length != 0) {
+            var node = queue.pop();
+            node._flag = true;
+            action(node, node._depth);
+            this.eachAdjacency(node, function(adj) {
+                var n = adj.nodeTo;
+                if(n._flag == false && filter(n)) {
+                    n._flag = true;
+                    queue.unshift(n);
+                }
+            }, flags);
+        }
+    },
+    /*
+       Method: eachLevel
+       Iterates over a node's subgraph applying _action_ to the nodes of relative depth between _levelBegin_ and _levelEnd_.
+       Parameters:
+       node - A <Graph.Node>.
+       levelBegin - A relative level value.
+       levelEnd - A relative level value.
+       action - A callback function having a <Graph.Node> as first formal parameter.
+    */
+    eachLevel: function(node, levelBegin, levelEnd, action, flags) {
+        var d = node._depth, filter = this.filter(flags), that = this;
+    levelEnd = levelEnd === false? Number.MAX_VALUE -d : levelEnd;
+        (function loopLevel(node, levelBegin, levelEnd) {
+            var d = node._depth;
+            if(d >= levelBegin && d <= levelEnd && filter(node)) action(node, d);
+            if(d < levelEnd) {
+                that.eachAdjacency(node, function(adj) {
+                    var n = adj.nodeTo;
+                    if(n._depth > d) loopLevel(n, levelBegin, levelEnd);
+                });
+            }
+        })(node, levelBegin + d, levelEnd + d);      
+    },
+    /*
+       Method: eachSubgraph
+       Iterates over a node's children recursively.
+       Parameters:
+       node - A <Graph.Node>.
+       action - A callback function having a <Graph.Node> as first formal parameter.
+       Example:
+       (start code js)
+         Graph.Util.eachSubgraph(node, function(node) {
+          alert(;
+         });
+       (end code)
+    */
+    eachSubgraph: function(node, action, flags) {
+    this.eachLevel(node, 0, false, action, flags);
+    },
+    /*
+       Method: eachSubnode
+       Iterates over a node's children (without deeper recursion).
+       Parameters:
+       node - A <Graph.Node>.
+       action - A callback function having a <Graph.Node> as first formal parameter.
+       Example:
+       (start code js)
+         Graph.Util.eachSubnode(node, function(node) {
+          alert(;
+         });
+       (end code)
+    */
+    eachSubnode: function(node, action, flags) {
+        this.eachLevel(node, 1, 1, action, flags);
+    },
+    /*
+       Method: anySubnode
+       Returns *true* if any subnode matches the given condition.
+       Parameters:
+       node - A <Graph.Node>.
+       cond - A callback function returning a Boolean instance. This function has as first formal parameter a <Graph.Node>.
+       Returns:
+       A boolean value.
+       Example:
+       (start code js)
+         Graph.Util.anySubnode(node, function(node) { return == "mynodename"; });
+       (end code)
+    */
+    anySubnode: function(node, cond, flags) {
+        var flag = false;
+    cond = cond || $lambda(true);
+    var c = $type(cond) == 'string'? function(n) { return n[cond]; } : cond;
+    this.eachSubnode(node, function(elem) {
+      if(c(elem)) flag = true;
+    }, flags);
+    return flag;
+    },
+    /*
+       Method: getSubnodes
+       Collects all subnodes for a specified node. The _level_ parameter filters nodes having relative depth of _level_ from the root node.
+       Parameters:
+       node - A <Graph.Node>.
+       level - _optional_ A starting relative depth for collecting nodes. Default's 0.
+       Returns:
+       An array of nodes.
+    */
+    getSubnodes: function(node, level, flags) {
+        var ans = [], that = this;
+        level = level || 0;
+        var levelStart, levelEnd;
+        if($type(level) == 'array') {
+            levelStart = level[0];
+            levelEnd = level[1];
+        } else {
+            levelStart = level;
+            levelEnd = Number.MAX_VALUE - node._depth;
+        }
+        this.eachLevel(node, levelStart, levelEnd, function(n) {
+      ans.push(n);
+    }, flags);
+        return ans;
+    },
+    /*
+       Method: getParents
+       Returns an Array of <Graph.Nodes> wich are parents of the given node. 
+       Parameters:
+       node - A <Graph.Node>.
+       Returns:
+       An Array of <Graph.Nodes>.
+       Example:
+       (start code js)
+         var pars = Graph.Util.getParents(node);
+         if(pars.length > 0) {
+           //do stuff with parents
+         }
+       (end code)
+    */
+    getParents: function(node) {
+        var ans = [];
+        this.eachAdjacency(node, function(adj) {
+            var n = adj.nodeTo;
+            if(n._depth < node._depth) ans.push(n);
+        });
+        return ans;
+    },
+    /*
+    Method: isDescendantOf
+    Returns a Boolean instance indicating if some node is descendant of the node with the given id. 
+    Parameters:
+    node - A <Graph.Node>.
+    id - A <Graph.Node> id.
+    Returns:
+    Ture if _node_ is descendant of the node with the given _id_. False otherwise.
+    Example:
+    (start code js)
+      var pars = Graph.Util.isDescendantOf(node, "nodeid");
+    (end code)
+ */
+ isDescendantOf: function(node, id) {
+    if( == id) return true;
+    var pars = this.getParents(node), ans = false;
+    for ( var i = 0; !ans && i < pars.length; i++) {
+    ans = ans || this.isDescendantOf(pars[i], id);
+  }
+    return ans;
+ },
+ /*
+       Method: clean
+       Cleans flags from nodes (by setting the _flag_ property to false).
+       Parameters:
+       graph - A <Graph> instance.
+    */
+    clean: function(graph) { this.eachNode(graph, function(elem) { elem._flag = false; }); }
+ * File: Graph.Op.js
+ *
+ * Defines an abstract class for performing <Graph> Operations.
+   Object: Graph.Op
+   Generic <Graph> Operations.
+   Description:
+   An abstract class holding unary and binary powerful graph operations such as removingNodes, removingEdges, adding two graphs and morphing.
+   Implemented by:
+   <Hypertree.Op>, <RGraph.Op> and <ST.Op>.
+   Access:
+   The subclasses for this abstract class can be accessed by using the _op_ property of the <Hypertree>, <RGraph> or <ST> instances created.
+   See also:
+   <Hypertree.Op>, <RGraph.Op>, <ST.Op>, <Hypertree>, <RGraph>, <ST>, <Graph>.
+Graph.Op = {
+    options: {
+        type: 'nothing',
+        duration: 2000,
+    hideLabels: true,
+        fps:30
+    },
+    /*
+       Method: removeNode
+       Removes one or more <Graph.Nodes> from the visualization. 
+       It can also perform several animations like fading sequentially, fading concurrently, iterating or replotting.
+       Parameters:
+          node - The node's id. Can also be an array having many ids.
+          opt - Animation options. It's an object with optional properties
+          - _type_ Type of the animation. Can be "nothing", "replot", "fade:seq",  "fade:con" or "iter". Default's "nothing".
+          - _duration_ Duration of the animation in milliseconds. Default's 2000.
+          - _fps_ Frames per second for the animation. Default's 30.
+          - _hideLabels_ Hide labels during the animation. Default's *true*.
+          - _transition_ Transitions defined in the <Animation> class. Default's the default transition option of the 
+          <RGraph>, <Hypertree> or <ST> instance created.
+      Example:
+      (start code js)
+        var rg = new RGraph(canvas, config); //could be new ST or new Hypertree also.
+        rg.op.removeNode('nodeid', {
+          type: 'fade:seq',
+          duration: 1000,
+          hideLabels: false,
+          transition: Trans.Quart.easeOut
+        });
+        //or also
+        rg.op.removeNode(['someid', 'otherid'], {
+          type: 'fade:con',
+          duration: 1500
+        });
+      (end code)
+    */
+    removeNode: function(node, opt) {
+        var viz = this.viz;
+        var options = $merge(this.options, viz.controller, opt);
+        var n = $splat(node);
+        var i, that, nodeObj;
+        switch(options.type) {
+            case 'nothing':
+                for(i=0; i<n.length; i++) viz.graph.removeNode(n[i]);
+                break;
+            case 'replot':
+                this.removeNode(n, { type: 'nothing' });
+                viz.fx.clearLabels();
+                viz.refresh(true);
+                break;
+            case 'fade:seq': case 'fade':
+                that = this;
+                //set alpha to 0 for nodes to remove.
+                for(i=0; i<n.length; i++) {
+                    nodeObj = viz.graph.getNode(n[i]);
+                    nodeObj.endAlpha = 0;
+                }
+                viz.fx.animate($merge(options, {
+                    modes: ['fade:nodes'],
+                    onComplete: function() {
+                        that.removeNode(n, { type: 'nothing' });
+                        viz.fx.clearLabels();
+                        viz.reposition();
+                        viz.fx.animate($merge(options, {
+                            modes: ['linear']
+                        }));
+                    }
+                }));
+                break;
+            case 'fade:con':
+                that = this;
+                //set alpha to 0 for nodes to remove. Tag them for being ignored on computing positions.
+                for(i=0; i<n.length; i++) {
+                    nodeObj = viz.graph.getNode(n[i]);
+                    nodeObj.endAlpha = 0;
+                    nodeObj.ignore = true;
+                }
+                viz.reposition();
+                viz.fx.animate($merge(options, {
+                    modes: ['fade:nodes', 'linear'],
+                    onComplete: function() {
+                        that.removeNode(n, { type: 'nothing' });
+                    }
+                }));
+                break;
+            case 'iter':
+                that = this;
+                viz.fx.sequence({
+                    condition: function() { return n.length != 0; },
+                    step: function() { that.removeNode(n.shift(), { type: 'nothing' });  viz.fx.clearLabels(); },
+                    onComplete: function() { options.onComplete(); },
+                    duration: Math.ceil(options.duration / n.length)
+                });
+                break;
+            default: this.doError();
+        }
+    },
+    /*
+       Method: removeEdge
+       Removes one or more edges from the visualization. 
+       It can also perform several animations like fading sequentially, fading concurrently, iterating or replotting.
+       Parameters:
+       vertex - An array having two strings which are the ids of the nodes connected by this edge (i.e ['id1', 'id2']). Can also be a two dimensional array holding many edges (i.e [['id1', 'id2'], ['id3', 'id4'], ...]).
+          opt - Animation options. It's an object with optional properties
+          - _type_ Type of the animation. Can be "nothing", "replot", "fade:seq",  "fade:con" or "iter". Default's "nothing".
+          - _duration_ Duration of the animation in milliseconds. Default's 2000.
+          - _fps_ Frames per second for the animation. Default's 30.
+          - _hideLabels_ Hide labels during the animation. Default's *true*.
+          - _transition_ Transitions defined in the <Animation> class. Default's the default transition option of the 
+          <RGraph>, <Hypertree> or <ST> instance created.
+      Example:
+      (start code js)
+        var rg = new RGraph(canvas, config); //could be new ST or new Hypertree also.
+        rg.op.removeEdge(['nodeid', 'otherid'], {
+          type: 'fade:seq',
+          duration: 1000,
+          hideLabels: false,
+          transition: Trans.Quart.easeOut
+        });
+        //or also
+        rg.op.removeEdge([['someid', 'otherid'], ['id3', 'id4']], {
+          type: 'fade:con',
+          duration: 1500
+        });
+      (end code)
+    */
+    removeEdge: function(vertex, opt) {
+        var viz = this.viz;
+        var options = $merge(this.options, viz.controller, opt);
+        var v = ($type(vertex[0]) == 'string')? [vertex] : vertex;
+        var i, that, adjs;
+        switch(options.type) {
+            case 'nothing':
+                for(i=0; i<v.length; i++)   viz.graph.removeAdjacence(v[i][0], v[i][1]);
+                break;
+            case 'replot':
+                this.removeEdge(v, { type: 'nothing' });
+                viz.refresh(true);
+                break;
+            case 'fade:seq': case 'fade':
+                that = this;
+                //set alpha to 0 for edges to remove.
+                for(i=0; i<v.length; i++) {
+                    adjs = viz.graph.getAdjacence(v[i][0], v[i][1]);
+                    if(adjs) {
+                        adjs[0].endAlpha = 0;
+                        adjs[1].endAlpha = 0;
+                    }
+                }
+                viz.fx.animate($merge(options, {
+                    modes: ['fade:vertex'],
+                    onComplete: function() {
+                        that.removeEdge(v, { type: 'nothing' });
+                        viz.reposition();
+                        viz.fx.animate($merge(options, {
+                            modes: ['linear']
+                        }));
+                    }
+                }));
+                break;
+            case 'fade:con':
+                that = this;
+                //set alpha to 0 for nodes to remove. Tag them for being ignored when computing positions.
+                for(i=0; i<v.length; i++) {
+                    adjs = viz.graph.getAdjacence(v[i][0], v[i][1]);
+                    if(adjs) {
+                        adjs[0].endAlpha = 0;
+                        adjs[0].ignore = true;
+                        adjs[1].endAlpha = 0;
+                        adjs[1].ignore = true;
+                    }
+                }
+                viz.reposition();
+                viz.fx.animate($merge(options, {
+                    modes: ['fade:vertex', 'linear'],
+                    onComplete: function() {
+                        that.removeEdge(v, { type: 'nothing' });
+                    }
+                }));
+                break;
+            case 'iter':
+                that = this;
+                viz.fx.sequence({
+                    condition: function() { return v.length != 0; },
+                    step: function() { that.removeEdge(v.shift(), { type: 'nothing' }); viz.fx.clearLabels(); },
+                    onComplete: function() { options.onComplete(); },
+                    duration: Math.ceil(options.duration / v.length)
+                });
+                break;
+            default: this.doError();
+        }
+    },
+    /*
+       Method: sum
+       Adds a new graph to the visualization. 
+       The json graph (or tree) must at least have a common node with the current graph plotted by the visualization. 
+       The resulting graph can be defined as follows <>
+       Parameters:
+          json - A json tree or graph structure. See also <Loader.loadJSON>.
+           opt - Animation options. It's an object with optional properties
+          - _type_ Type of the animation. Can be "nothing", "replot", "fade:seq" or "fade:con". Default's "nothing".
+          - _duration_ Duration of the animation in milliseconds. Default's 2000.
+          - _fps_ Frames per second for the animation. Default's 30.
+          - _hideLabels_ Hide labels during the animation. Default's *true*.
+          - _transition_ Transitions defined in the <Animation> class. Default's the default transition option of the 
+          <RGraph>, <Hypertree> or <ST> instance created.
+      Example:
+      (start code js)
+        //json contains a tree or graph structure.
+        var rg = new RGraph(canvas, config); //could be new ST or new Hypertree also.
+        rg.op.sum(json, {
+          type: 'fade:seq',
+          duration: 1000,
+          hideLabels: false,
+          transition: Trans.Quart.easeOut
+        });
+        //or also
+        rg.op.sum(json, {
+          type: 'fade:con',
+          duration: 1500
+        });
+      (end code)
+    */
+    sum: function(json, opt) {
+        var viz = this.viz;
+        var options = $merge(this.options, viz.controller, opt), root = viz.root;
+        var GUtil, graph;
+        viz.root = || viz.root;
+        switch(options.type) {
+            case 'nothing':
+                graph = viz.construct(json);
+                GUtil = Graph.Util;
+                GUtil.eachNode(graph, function(elem) {
+                    GUtil.eachAdjacency(elem, function(adj) {
+                        viz.graph.addAdjacence(adj.nodeFrom, adj.nodeTo,;
+                    });
+                });
+                break;
+            case 'replot':
+                viz.refresh(true);
+                this.sum(json, { type: 'nothing' });
+                viz.refresh(true);
+                break;
+            case 'fade:seq': case 'fade': case 'fade:con':
+                GUtil = Graph.Util;
+                that = this;
+                graph = viz.construct(json);
+                //set alpha to 0 for nodes to add.
+                var fadeEdges = this.preprocessSum(graph);
+                var modes = !fadeEdges? ['fade:nodes'] : ['fade:nodes', 'fade:vertex'];
+                viz.reposition();
+                if(options.type != 'fade:con') {
+                    viz.fx.animate($merge(options, {
+                        modes: ['linear'],
+                        onComplete: function() {
+                            viz.fx.animate($merge(options, {
+                                modes: modes,
+                                onComplete: function() {
+                                    options.onComplete();
+                                }
+                            }));
+                        }
+                    }));
+                } else {
+                    GUtil.eachNode(viz.graph, function(elem) {
+                        if ( != root && elem.pos.getp().equals(Polar.KER)) {
+                          elem.pos.set(elem.endPos); elem.startPos.set(elem.endPos);
+                        }
+                    });
+                    viz.fx.animate($merge(options, {
+                        modes: ['linear'].concat(modes)
+                    }));
+                }
+                break;
+            default: this.doError();
+        }
+    },
+    /*
+       Method: morph
+       This method will _morph_ the current visualized graph into the new _json_ representation passed in the method. 
+       Can also perform multiple animations. The _json_ object must at least have the root node in common with the current visualized graph.
+       Parameters:
+           json - A json tree or graph structure. See also <Loader.loadJSON>.
+           opt - Animation options. It's an object with optional properties
+          - _type_ Type of the animation. Can be "nothing", "replot", or "fade". Default's "nothing".
+          - _duration_ Duration of the animation in milliseconds. Default's 2000.
+          - _fps_ Frames per second for the animation. Default's 30.
+          - _hideLabels_ Hide labels during the animation. Default's *true*.
+          - _transition_ Transitions defined in the <Animation> class. Default's the default transition option of the 
+          <RGraph>, <Hypertree> or <ST> instance created.
+      Example:
+      (start code js)
+        //json contains a tree or graph structure.
+        var rg = new RGraph(canvas, config); //could be new ST or new Hypertree also.
+        rg.op.morph(json, {
+          type: 'fade',
+          duration: 1000,
+          hideLabels: false,
+          transition: Trans.Quart.easeOut
+        });
+        //or also
+        rg.op.morph(json, {
+          type: 'fade',
+          duration: 1500
+        });
+      (end code)
+    */
+    morph: function(json, opt) {
+        var viz = this.viz;
+        var options = $merge(this.options, viz.controller, opt), root = viz.root;
+        var GUtil, graph;
+        viz.root = || viz.root;
+        switch(options.type) {
+            case 'nothing':
+                graph = viz.construct(json);
+                GUtil = Graph.Util;
+                GUtil.eachNode(graph, function(elem) {
+                    GUtil.eachAdjacency(elem, function(adj) {
+                        viz.graph.addAdjacence(adj.nodeFrom, adj.nodeTo,;
+                    });
+                });
+                GUtil.eachNode(viz.graph, function(elem) {
+                    GUtil.eachAdjacency(elem, function(adj) {
+                        if(!graph.getAdjacence(, {
+                            viz.graph.removeAdjacence(,;
+                        }
+                    });
+                    if(!graph.hasNode( viz.graph.removeNode(;
+                });
+                break;
+            case 'replot':
+                viz.fx.clearLabels(true);
+                this.morph(json, { type: 'nothing' });
+                viz.refresh(true);
+                viz.refresh(true);
+                break;
+            case 'fade:seq': case 'fade': case 'fade:con':
+                GUtil = Graph.Util;
+                that = this;
+                graph = viz.construct(json);
+                //preprocessing for adding nodes.
+                var fadeEdges = this.preprocessSum(graph);
+                //preprocessing for nodes to delete.
+                GUtil.eachNode(viz.graph, function(elem) {
+                    if(!graph.hasNode( {
+                        elem.alpha = 1; elem.startAlpha = 1; elem.endAlpha = 0; elem.ignore = true;
+                    }
+                }); 
+                GUtil.eachNode(viz.graph, function(elem) {
+                    if(elem.ignore) return;
+                    GUtil.eachAdjacency(elem, function(adj) {
+                        if(adj.nodeFrom.ignore || adj.nodeTo.ignore) return;
+                        var nodeFrom = graph.getNode(;
+                        var nodeTo = graph.getNode(;
+                        if(!nodeFrom.adjacentTo(nodeTo)) {
+                            var adjs = viz.graph.getAdjacence(,;
+                            fadeEdges = true;
+                            adjs[0].alpha = 1; adjs[0].startAlpha = 1; adjs[0].endAlpha = 0; adjs[0].ignore = true;
+                            adjs[1].alpha = 1; adjs[1].startAlpha = 1; adjs[1].endAlpha = 0; adjs[1].ignore = true;
+                        }
+                    });
+                }); 
+                var modes = !fadeEdges? ['fade:nodes'] : ['fade:nodes', 'fade:vertex'];
+                viz.reposition();
+                GUtil.eachNode(viz.graph, function(elem) {
+                    if ( != root && elem.pos.getp().equals(Polar.KER)) {
+                      elem.pos.set(elem.endPos); elem.startPos.set(elem.endPos);
+                    }
+                });
+                viz.fx.animate($merge(options, {
+                    modes: ['polar'].concat(modes),
+                    onComplete: function() {
+                        GUtil.eachNode(viz.graph, function(elem) {
+                            if(elem.ignore) viz.graph.removeNode(;
+                        });
+                        GUtil.eachNode(viz.graph, function(elem) {
+                            GUtil.eachAdjacency(elem, function(adj) {
+                                if(adj.ignore) viz.graph.removeAdjacence(,;
+                            });
+                        });
+                        options.onComplete();
+                    }
+                }));
+                break;
+            default: this.doError();
+        }
+    },
+    preprocessSum: function(graph) {
+        var viz = this.viz;
+    var GUtil = Graph.Util;
+        GUtil.eachNode(graph, function(elem) {
+            if(!viz.graph.hasNode( {
+                viz.graph.addNode(elem);
+                var n = viz.graph.getNode(;
+                n.alpha = 0; n.startAlpha = 0; n.endAlpha = 1;
+            }
+        }); 
+        var fadeEdges = false;
+        GUtil.eachNode(graph, function(elem) {
+            GUtil.eachAdjacency(elem, function(adj) {
+                var nodeFrom = viz.graph.getNode(;
+                var nodeTo = viz.graph.getNode(;
+                if(!nodeFrom.adjacentTo(nodeTo)) {
+                    var adjs = viz.graph.addAdjacence(nodeFrom, nodeTo,;
+                    if(nodeFrom.startAlpha == nodeFrom.endAlpha 
+                    && nodeTo.startAlpha == nodeTo.endAlpha) {
+                        fadeEdges = true;
+                        adjs[0].alpha = 0; adjs[0].startAlpha = 0; adjs[0].endAlpha = 1;
+                        adjs[1].alpha = 0; adjs[1].startAlpha = 0; adjs[1].endAlpha = 1;
+                    } 
+                }
+            });
+        }); 
+        return fadeEdges;
+    }
+ * File: Graph.Plot.js
+ *
+ * Defines an abstract class for performing <Graph> rendering and animation.
+ *
+ */
+   Object: Graph.Plot
+   Generic <Graph> rendering and animation methods.
+   Description:
+   An abstract class for plotting a generic graph structure.
+   Implemented by:
+   <Hypertree.Plot>, <RGraph.Plot>, <ST.Plot>.
+   Access:
+   The subclasses for this abstract class can be accessed by using the _fx_ property of the <Hypertree>, <RGraph>, or <ST> instances created.
+   See also:
+   <Hypertree.Plot>, <RGraph.Plot>, <ST.Plot>, <Hypertree>, <RGraph>, <ST>, <Graph>.
+Graph.Plot = {
+    Interpolator: {
+        'moebius': function(elem, delta, vector) {
+            if(delta <= 1 || vector.norm() <= 1) {
+        var x = vector.x, y = vector.y;
+              var ans = elem.startPos.getc().moebiusTransformation(vector);
+              elem.pos.setc(ans.x, ans.y);
+              vector.x = x; vector.y = y;
+            }           
+    },
+        'linear': function(elem, delta) {
+            var from = elem.startPos.getc(true);
+            var to = elem.endPos.getc(true);
+            elem.pos.setc((to.x - from.x) * delta + from.x, (to.y - from.y) * delta + from.y);
+        },
+        'fade:nodes': function(elem, delta) {
+            if(delta <= 1 && (elem.endAlpha != elem.alpha)) {
+                var from = elem.startAlpha;
+                var to   = elem.endAlpha;
+                elem.alpha = from + (to - from) * delta;
+            }
+        },
+        'fade:vertex': function(elem, delta) {
+            var adjs = elem.adjacencies;
+            for(var id in adjs) this['fade:nodes'](adjs[id], delta);
+        },
+        'polar': function(elem, delta) {
+            var from = elem.startPos.getp(true);
+            var to = elem.endPos.getp();
+      var ans = to.interpolate(from, delta);
+            elem.pos.setp(ans.theta, ans.rho);
+        }
+    },
+    //A flag value indicating if node labels are being displayed or not.
+    labelsHidden: false,
+    //Label DOM element
+    labelContainer: false,
+    //Label DOM elements hash.
+    labels: {},
+    /*
+       Method: getLabelContainer
+       Lazy fetcher for the label container.
+       Returns:
+       The label container DOM element.
+       Example:
+      (start code js)
+        var rg = new RGraph(canvas, config); //can be also Hypertree or ST
+        var labelContainer = rg.fx.getLabelContainer();
+        alert(labelContainer.innerHTML);
+      (end code)
+    */
+    getLabelContainer: function() {
+        return this.labelContainer? this.labelContainer : this.labelContainer = document.getElementById(this.viz.config.labelContainer);
+    },
+    /*
+       Method: getLabel
+       Lazy fetcher for the label DOM element.
+       Parameters:
+       id - The label id (which is also a <Graph.Node> id).
+       Returns:
+       The label DOM element.
+       Example:
+      (start code js)
+        var rg = new RGraph(canvas, config); //can be also Hypertree or ST
+        var label = rg.fx.getLabel('someid');
+        alert(label.innerHTML);
+      (end code)
+    */
+    getLabel: function(id) {
+        return (id in this.labels && this.labels[id] != null)? this.labels[id] : this.labels[id] = document.getElementById(id);
+    },
+    /*
+       Method: hideLabels
+       Hides all labels (by hiding the label container).
+       Parameters:
+       hide - A boolean value indicating if the label container must be hidden or not.
+       Example:
+       (start code js)
+        var rg = new RGraph(canvas, config); //can be also Hypertree or ST
+        rg.fx.hideLabels(true);
+       (end code)
+    */
+    hideLabels: function (hide) {
+        var container = this.getLabelContainer();
+        if(hide) = 'none';
+        else = '';
+        this.labelsHidden = hide;
+    },
+    /*
+       Method: clearLabels
+       Clears the label container.
+       Useful when using a new visualization with the same canvas element/widget.
+       Parameters:
+       force - Forces deletion of all labels.
+       Example:
+       (start code js)
+        var rg = new RGraph(canvas, config); //can be also Hypertree or ST
+        rg.fx.clearLabels();
+        (end code)
+    */
+    clearLabels: function(force) {
+        for(var id in this.labels) {
+            if (force || !this.viz.graph.hasNode(id)) {
+                this.disposeLabel(id);
+                delete this.labels[id];
+            }
+        }
+    },
+    /*
+       Method: disposeLabel
+       Removes a label.
+       Parameters:
+       id - A label id (which generally is also a <Graph.Node> id).
+       Example:
+       (start code js)
+        var rg = new RGraph(canvas, config); //can be also Hypertree or ST
+        rg.fx.disposeLabel('labelid');
+       (end code)
+    */
+    disposeLabel: function(id) {
+        var elem = this.getLabel(id);
+        if(elem && elem.parentNode) {
+      elem.parentNode.removeChild(elem);
+    }  
+    },
+    /*
+       Method: hideLabel
+       Hides the corresponding <Graph.Node> label.
+       Parameters:
+       node - A <Graph.Node>. Can also be an array of <Graph.Nodes>.
+       flag - If *true*, nodes will be shown. Otherwise nodes will be hidden.
+       Example:
+       (start code js)
+        var rg = new RGraph(canvas, config); //can be also Hypertree or ST
+        rg.fx.hideLabel(rg.graph.getNode('someid'), false);
+       (end code)
+    */
+    hideLabel: function(node, flag) {
+    node = $splat(node);
+    var st = flag? "" : "none", lab, that = this;
+    $each(node, function(n) {
+      var lab = that.getLabel(;
+      if (lab) {
+  = st;
+      } 
+    });
+    },
+    /*
+       Method: sequence
+       Iteratively performs an action while refreshing the state of the visualization.
+       Parameters:
+       options - Some sequence options like
+       - _condition_ A function returning a boolean instance in order to stop iterations.
+       - _step_ A function to execute on each step of the iteration.
+       - _onComplete_ A function to execute when the sequence finishes.
+       - _duration_ Duration (in milliseconds) of each step.
+      Example:
+       (start code js)
+        var rg = new RGraph(canvas, config); //can be also Hypertree or ST
+        var i = 0;
+        rg.fx.sequence({
+          condition: function() {
+           return i == 10;
+          },
+          step: function() {
+            alert(i++);
+          },
+          onComplete: function() {
+           alert('done!');
+          }
+        });
+       (end code)
+    */
+    sequence: function(options) {
+        var that = this;
+    options = $merge({
+            condition: $lambda(false),
+            step: $empty,
+            onComplete: $empty,
+            duration: 200
+        }, options || {});
+        var interval = setInterval(function() {
+            if(options.condition()) {
+                options.step();
+            } else {

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