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[GitHub] [hudi] xiarixiaoyao commented on a diff in pull request #5364: [HUDI-3204] Fixing partition-values being derived from partition-path instead of source columns

xiarixiaoyao commented on code in PR #5364:

@@ -17,279 +17,301 @@
 package org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.parquet
-import java.util
 import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration
 import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path
 import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.task.TaskAttemptContextImpl
 import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.{JobID, TaskAttemptID, TaskID, TaskType}
+import org.apache.hudi.HoodieSparkUtils
 import org.apache.hudi.client.utils.SparkInternalSchemaConverter
 import org.apache.hudi.common.fs.FSUtils
-import org.apache.hudi.HoodieSparkUtils
-import org.apache.hudi.common.util.InternalSchemaCache
+import org.apache.hudi.common.util.StringUtils.isNullOrEmpty
+import org.apache.hudi.common.util.{InternalSchemaCache, StringUtils}
 import org.apache.hudi.common.util.collection.Pair
 import org.apache.hudi.internal.schema.InternalSchema
-import org.apache.hudi.internal.schema.utils.{InternalSchemaUtils, SerDeHelper}
 import org.apache.hudi.internal.schema.action.InternalSchemaMerger
+import org.apache.hudi.internal.schema.utils.{InternalSchemaUtils, SerDeHelper}
 import org.apache.parquet.filter2.compat.FilterCompat
 import org.apache.parquet.filter2.predicate.FilterApi
 import org.apache.parquet.format.converter.ParquetMetadataConverter.SKIP_ROW_GROUPS
 import org.apache.parquet.hadoop.{ParquetFileReader, ParquetInputFormat, ParquetRecordReader}
 import org.apache.spark.TaskContext
 import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession
+import org.apache.spark.sql.avro.AvroDeserializer
 import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.InternalRow
-import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.{Cast, JoinedRow}
 import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.codegen.GenerateUnsafeProjection
+import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.{Cast, JoinedRow}
 import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.util.DateTimeUtils
+import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.parquet.Spark312HoodieParquetFileFormat.{createParquetFilters, pruneInternalSchema, rebuildFilterFromParquet}
 import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.{DataSourceUtils, PartitionedFile, RecordReaderIterator}
-import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.parquet._
 import org.apache.spark.sql.internal.SQLConf
 import org.apache.spark.sql.sources._
 import org.apache.spark.sql.types.{AtomicType, DataType, StructField, StructType}
 import org.apache.spark.util.SerializableConfiguration
-class Spark312HoodieParquetFileFormat extends ParquetFileFormat {
-  // reference ParquetFileFormat from spark project
-  override def buildReaderWithPartitionValues(
-                                               sparkSession: SparkSession,
-                                               dataSchema: StructType,
-                                               partitionSchema: StructType,
-                                               requiredSchema: StructType,
-                                               filters: Seq[Filter],
-                                               options: Map[String, String],
-                                               hadoopConf: Configuration): PartitionedFile => Iterator[InternalRow] = {
-    if (hadoopConf.get(SparkInternalSchemaConverter.HOODIE_QUERY_SCHEMA, "").isEmpty) {
-      // fallback to origin parquet File read
-      super.buildReaderWithPartitionValues(sparkSession, dataSchema, partitionSchema, requiredSchema, filters, options, hadoopConf)
-    } else {
-      hadoopConf.set(ParquetInputFormat.READ_SUPPORT_CLASS, classOf[ParquetReadSupport].getName)
-      hadoopConf.set(
-        ParquetReadSupport.SPARK_ROW_REQUESTED_SCHEMA,
-        requiredSchema.json)
-      hadoopConf.set(
-        ParquetWriteSupport.SPARK_ROW_SCHEMA,
-        requiredSchema.json)
-      hadoopConf.set(
-        sparkSession.sessionState.conf.sessionLocalTimeZone)
-      hadoopConf.setBoolean(
-        sparkSession.sessionState.conf.nestedSchemaPruningEnabled)
-      hadoopConf.setBoolean(
-        SQLConf.CASE_SENSITIVE.key,
-        sparkSession.sessionState.conf.caseSensitiveAnalysis)
-      ParquetWriteSupport.setSchema(requiredSchema, hadoopConf)
-      // Sets flags for `ParquetToSparkSchemaConverter`
-      hadoopConf.setBoolean(
-        sparkSession.sessionState.conf.isParquetBinaryAsString)
-      hadoopConf.setBoolean(
-        sparkSession.sessionState.conf.isParquetINT96AsTimestamp)
-      // for dataSource v1, we have no method to do project for spark physical plan.
-      // it's safe to do cols project here.
-      val internalSchemaString = hadoopConf.get(SparkInternalSchemaConverter.HOODIE_QUERY_SCHEMA)
-      val querySchemaOption = SerDeHelper.fromJson(internalSchemaString)
-      if (querySchemaOption.isPresent && !requiredSchema.isEmpty) {
-        val prunedSchema = SparkInternalSchemaConverter.convertAndPruneStructTypeToInternalSchema(requiredSchema, querySchemaOption.get())
-        hadoopConf.set(SparkInternalSchemaConverter.HOODIE_QUERY_SCHEMA, SerDeHelper.toJson(prunedSchema))
+ * This class is an extension of [[ParquetFileFormat]] overriding Spark-specific behavior
+ * that's not possible to customize in any other way
+ *
+ * NOTE: This is a version of [[AvroDeserializer]] impl from Spark 3.1.2 w/ w/ the following changes applied to it:
+ * <ol>
+ *   <li>Avoiding appending partition values to the rows read from the data file</li>
+ *   <li>Schema on-read</li>
+ * </ol>
+ */
+class Spark312HoodieParquetFileFormat(private val shouldAppendPartitionValues: Boolean) extends ParquetFileFormat {
+  override def buildReaderWithPartitionValues(sparkSession: SparkSession,
+                                              dataSchema: StructType,
+                                              partitionSchema: StructType,
+                                              requiredSchema: StructType,
+                                              filters: Seq[Filter],
+                                              options: Map[String, String],
+                                              hadoopConf: Configuration): PartitionedFile => Iterator[InternalRow] = {
+    hadoopConf.set(ParquetInputFormat.READ_SUPPORT_CLASS, classOf[ParquetReadSupport].getName)
+    hadoopConf.set(
+      ParquetReadSupport.SPARK_ROW_REQUESTED_SCHEMA,
+      requiredSchema.json)
+    hadoopConf.set(
+      ParquetWriteSupport.SPARK_ROW_SCHEMA,
+      requiredSchema.json)
+    hadoopConf.set(
+      sparkSession.sessionState.conf.sessionLocalTimeZone)
+    hadoopConf.setBoolean(
+      sparkSession.sessionState.conf.nestedSchemaPruningEnabled)
+    hadoopConf.setBoolean(
+      SQLConf.CASE_SENSITIVE.key,
+      sparkSession.sessionState.conf.caseSensitiveAnalysis)
+    ParquetWriteSupport.setSchema(requiredSchema, hadoopConf)
+    // Sets flags for `ParquetToSparkSchemaConverter`
+    hadoopConf.setBoolean(
+      sparkSession.sessionState.conf.isParquetBinaryAsString)
+    hadoopConf.setBoolean(
+      sparkSession.sessionState.conf.isParquetINT96AsTimestamp)
+    val internalSchemaStr = hadoopConf.get(SparkInternalSchemaConverter.HOODIE_QUERY_SCHEMA)
+    // For Spark DataSource v1, there's no Physical Plan projection/schema pruning w/in Spark itself,
+    // therefore it's safe to do schema projection here
+    if (!isNullOrEmpty(internalSchemaStr)) {
+      val prunedInternalSchemaStr =
+        pruneInternalSchema(internalSchemaStr, requiredSchema)
+      hadoopConf.set(SparkInternalSchemaConverter.HOODIE_QUERY_SCHEMA, prunedInternalSchemaStr)
+    }
+    val broadcastedHadoopConf =
+      sparkSession.sparkContext.broadcast(new SerializableConfiguration(hadoopConf))
+    // TODO: if you move this into the closure it reverts to the default values.
+    // If true, enable using the custom RecordReader for parquet. This only works for
+    // a subset of the types (no complex types).
+    val resultSchema = StructType(partitionSchema.fields ++ requiredSchema.fields)
+    val sqlConf = sparkSession.sessionState.conf
+    val enableOffHeapColumnVector = sqlConf.offHeapColumnVectorEnabled
+    val enableVectorizedReader: Boolean =
+      sqlConf.parquetVectorizedReaderEnabled &&
+        resultSchema.forall(_.dataType.isInstanceOf[AtomicType])
+    val enableRecordFilter: Boolean = sqlConf.parquetRecordFilterEnabled
+    val timestampConversion: Boolean = sqlConf.isParquetINT96TimestampConversion
+    val capacity = sqlConf.parquetVectorizedReaderBatchSize
+    val enableParquetFilterPushDown: Boolean = sqlConf.parquetFilterPushDown
+    // Whole stage codegen (PhysicalRDD) is able to deal with batches directly
+    val returningBatch = supportBatch(sparkSession, resultSchema)
+    val pushDownDate = sqlConf.parquetFilterPushDownDate
+    val pushDownTimestamp = sqlConf.parquetFilterPushDownTimestamp
+    val pushDownDecimal = sqlConf.parquetFilterPushDownDecimal
+    val pushDownStringStartWith = sqlConf.parquetFilterPushDownStringStartWith
+    val pushDownInFilterThreshold = sqlConf.parquetFilterPushDownInFilterThreshold
+    val isCaseSensitive = sqlConf.caseSensitiveAnalysis
+    (file: PartitionedFile) => {
+      assert(!shouldAppendPartitionValues || file.partitionValues.numFields == partitionSchema.size)
+      val filePath = new Path(new URI(file.filePath))
+      val split =
+        new org.apache.parquet.hadoop.ParquetInputSplit(
+          filePath,
+          file.start,
+          file.start + file.length,
+          file.length,
+          Array.empty,
+          null)
+      val sharedConf = broadcastedHadoopConf.value.value
+      // Fetch internal schema
+      val internalSchemaStr = sharedConf.get(SparkInternalSchemaConverter.HOODIE_QUERY_SCHEMA)
+      // Internal schema has to be pruned at this point
+      val querySchemaOption = SerDeHelper.fromJson(internalSchemaStr)
+      val shouldUseInternalSchema = !isNullOrEmpty(internalSchemaStr) && querySchemaOption.isPresent
+      val tablePath = sharedConf.get(SparkInternalSchemaConverter.HOODIE_TABLE_PATH)
+      val commitInstantTime = FSUtils.getCommitTime(filePath.getName).toLong;
+      val fileSchema = if (shouldUseInternalSchema) {
+        val validCommits = sharedConf.get(SparkInternalSchemaConverter.HOODIE_VALID_COMMITS_LIST)
+        InternalSchemaCache.getInternalSchemaByVersionId(commitInstantTime, tablePath, sharedConf, if (validCommits == null) "" else validCommits)
+      } else {
+        null
-      val broadcastedHadoopConf =
-        sparkSession.sparkContext.broadcast(new SerializableConfiguration(hadoopConf))
-      // TODO: if you move this into the closure it reverts to the default values.
-      // If true, enable using the custom RecordReader for parquet. This only works for
-      // a subset of the types (no complex types).
-      val resultSchema = StructType(partitionSchema.fields ++ requiredSchema.fields)
-      val sqlConf = sparkSession.sessionState.conf
-      val enableOffHeapColumnVector = sqlConf.offHeapColumnVectorEnabled
-      val enableVectorizedReader: Boolean =
-        sqlConf.parquetVectorizedReaderEnabled &&
-          resultSchema.forall(_.dataType.isInstanceOf[AtomicType])
-      val enableRecordFilter: Boolean = sqlConf.parquetRecordFilterEnabled
-      val timestampConversion: Boolean = sqlConf.isParquetINT96TimestampConversion
-      val capacity = sqlConf.parquetVectorizedReaderBatchSize
-      val enableParquetFilterPushDown: Boolean = sqlConf.parquetFilterPushDown
-      // Whole stage codegen (PhysicalRDD) is able to deal with batches directly
-      val returningBatch = supportBatch(sparkSession, resultSchema)
-      val pushDownDate = sqlConf.parquetFilterPushDownDate
-      val pushDownTimestamp = sqlConf.parquetFilterPushDownTimestamp
-      val pushDownDecimal = sqlConf.parquetFilterPushDownDecimal
-      val pushDownStringStartWith = sqlConf.parquetFilterPushDownStringStartWith
-      val pushDownInFilterThreshold = sqlConf.parquetFilterPushDownInFilterThreshold
-      val isCaseSensitive = sqlConf.caseSensitiveAnalysis
-      (file: PartitionedFile) => {
-        assert(file.partitionValues.numFields == partitionSchema.size)
-        val filePath = new Path(new URI(file.filePath))
-        val split =
-          new org.apache.parquet.hadoop.ParquetInputSplit(
-            filePath,
-            file.start,
-            file.start + file.length,
-            file.length,
-            Array.empty,
-            null)
-        val sharedConf = broadcastedHadoopConf.value.value
-        // do deal with internalSchema
-        val internalSchemaString = sharedConf.get(SparkInternalSchemaConverter.HOODIE_QUERY_SCHEMA)
-        // querySchema must be a pruned schema.
-        val querySchemaOption = SerDeHelper.fromJson(internalSchemaString)
-        val internalSchemaChangeEnabled = if (internalSchemaString.isEmpty || !querySchemaOption.isPresent) false else true
-        val tablePath = sharedConf.get(SparkInternalSchemaConverter.HOODIE_TABLE_PATH)
-        val commitInstantTime = FSUtils.getCommitTime(filePath.getName).toLong;
-        val fileSchema = if (internalSchemaChangeEnabled) {
-          val validCommits = sharedConf.get(SparkInternalSchemaConverter.HOODIE_VALID_COMMITS_LIST)
-          InternalSchemaCache.getInternalSchemaByVersionId(commitInstantTime, tablePath, sharedConf, if (validCommits == null) "" else validCommits)
+      lazy val footerFileMetaData =
+        ParquetFileReader.readFooter(sharedConf, filePath, SKIP_ROW_GROUPS).getFileMetaData
+      val datetimeRebaseMode = DataSourceUtils.datetimeRebaseMode(
+        footerFileMetaData.getKeyValueMetaData.get,
+      // Try to push down filters when filter push-down is enabled.
+      val pushed = if (enableParquetFilterPushDown) {
+        val parquetSchema = footerFileMetaData.getSchema
+        val parquetFilters = if (HoodieSparkUtils.gteqSpark3_1_3) {
+          createParquetFilters(
+            parquetSchema,
+            pushDownDate,
+            pushDownTimestamp,
+            pushDownDecimal,
+            pushDownStringStartWith,
+            pushDownInFilterThreshold,
+            isCaseSensitive,
+            datetimeRebaseMode)
         } else {
-          // this should not happened, searchSchemaAndCache will deal with correctly.
-          null
+          createParquetFilters(
+            parquetSchema,
+            pushDownDate,
+            pushDownTimestamp,
+            pushDownDecimal,
+            pushDownStringStartWith,
+            pushDownInFilterThreshold,
+            isCaseSensitive)
+, fileSchema, querySchemaOption.orElse(null)))
+          // Collects all converted Parquet filter predicates. Notice that not all predicates can be
+          // converted (`ParquetFilters.createFilter` returns an `Option`). That's why a `flatMap`
+          // is used here.
+          .flatMap(parquetFilters.createFilter)
+          .reduceOption(FilterApi.and)
+      } else {
+        None
+      }
-        lazy val footerFileMetaData =
-          ParquetFileReader.readFooter(sharedConf, filePath, SKIP_ROW_GROUPS).getFileMetaData
-        val datetimeRebaseMode = DataSourceUtils.datetimeRebaseMode(
-          footerFileMetaData.getKeyValueMetaData.get,
-        // Try to push down filters when filter push-down is enabled.
-        val pushed = if (enableParquetFilterPushDown) {
-          val parquetSchema = footerFileMetaData.getSchema
-          val parquetFilters = if (HoodieSparkUtils.gteqSpark3_1_3) {
-            Spark312HoodieParquetFileFormat.createParquetFilters(
-              parquetSchema,
-              pushDownDate,
-              pushDownTimestamp,
-              pushDownDecimal,
-              pushDownStringStartWith,
-              pushDownInFilterThreshold,
-              isCaseSensitive,
-              datetimeRebaseMode)
-          } else {
-            Spark312HoodieParquetFileFormat.createParquetFilters(
-              parquetSchema,
-              pushDownDate,
-              pushDownTimestamp,
-              pushDownDecimal,
-              pushDownStringStartWith,
-              pushDownInFilterThreshold,
-              isCaseSensitive)
-          }
-, fileSchema, querySchemaOption.get()))
-            // Collects all converted Parquet filter predicates. Notice that not all predicates can be
-            // converted (`ParquetFilters.createFilter` returns an `Option`). That's why a `flatMap`
-            // is used here.
-            .flatMap(parquetFilters.createFilter(_))
-            .reduceOption(FilterApi.and)
+      // PARQUET_INT96_TIMESTAMP_CONVERSION says to apply timezone conversions to int96 timestamps'
+      // *only* if the file was created by something other than "parquet-mr", so check the actual
+      // writer here for this file.  We have to do this per-file, as each file in the table may
+      // have different writers.
+      // Define isCreatedByParquetMr as function to avoid unnecessary parquet footer reads.
+      def isCreatedByParquetMr: Boolean =
+        footerFileMetaData.getCreatedBy().startsWith("parquet-mr")
+      val convertTz =
+        if (timestampConversion && !isCreatedByParquetMr) {
+          Some(DateTimeUtils.getZoneId(sharedConf.get(SQLConf.SESSION_LOCAL_TIMEZONE.key)))
         } else {
-        // PARQUET_INT96_TIMESTAMP_CONVERSION says to apply timezone conversions to int96 timestamps'
-        // *only* if the file was created by something other than "parquet-mr", so check the actual
-        // writer here for this file.  We have to do this per-file, as each file in the table may
-        // have different writers.
-        // Define isCreatedByParquetMr as function to avoid unnecessary parquet footer reads.
-        def isCreatedByParquetMr: Boolean =
-          footerFileMetaData.getCreatedBy().startsWith("parquet-mr")
-        val convertTz =
-          if (timestampConversion && !isCreatedByParquetMr) {
-            Some(DateTimeUtils.getZoneId(sharedConf.get(SQLConf.SESSION_LOCAL_TIMEZONE.key)))
-          } else {
-            None
-          }
-        val int96RebaseMode = DataSourceUtils.int96RebaseMode(
-          footerFileMetaData.getKeyValueMetaData.get,
-        val attemptId = new TaskAttemptID(new TaskID(new JobID(), TaskType.MAP, 0), 0)
-        // use new conf
-        val hadoopAttempConf = new Configuration(broadcastedHadoopConf.value.value)
-        //
-        // reset request schema
-        var typeChangeInfos: java.util.Map[Integer, Pair[DataType, DataType]] = new java.util.HashMap()
-        if (internalSchemaChangeEnabled) {
-          val mergedInternalSchema = new InternalSchemaMerger(fileSchema, querySchemaOption.get(), true, true).mergeSchema()
-          val mergedSchema = SparkInternalSchemaConverter.constructSparkSchemaFromInternalSchema(mergedInternalSchema)
-          typeChangeInfos = SparkInternalSchemaConverter.collectTypeChangedCols(querySchemaOption.get(), mergedInternalSchema)
-          hadoopAttempConf.set(ParquetReadSupport.SPARK_ROW_REQUESTED_SCHEMA, mergedSchema.json)
-        }
-        val hadoopAttemptContext =
-          new TaskAttemptContextImpl(hadoopAttempConf, attemptId)
+      val int96RebaseMode = DataSourceUtils.int96RebaseMode(
+        footerFileMetaData.getKeyValueMetaData.get,
-        // Try to push down filters when filter push-down is enabled.
-        // Notice: This push-down is RowGroups level, not individual records.
-        if (pushed.isDefined) {
-          ParquetInputFormat.setFilterPredicate(hadoopAttemptContext.getConfiguration, pushed.get)
-        }
-        val taskContext = Option(TaskContext.get())
-        if (enableVectorizedReader) {
-          val vectorizedReader = new Spark312HoodieVectorizedParquetRecordReader(
-            convertTz.orNull,
-            datetimeRebaseMode.toString,
-            int96RebaseMode.toString,
-            enableOffHeapColumnVector && taskContext.isDefined,
-            capacity, typeChangeInfos)
-          val iter = new RecordReaderIterator(vectorizedReader)
-          // SPARK-23457 Register a task completion listener before `initialization`.
-          taskContext.foreach(_.addTaskCompletionListener[Unit](_ => iter.close()))
-          vectorizedReader.initialize(split, hadoopAttemptContext)
+      val attemptId = new TaskAttemptID(new TaskID(new JobID(), TaskType.MAP, 0), 0)
+      // Clone new conf
+      val hadoopAttemptConf = new Configuration(broadcastedHadoopConf.value.value)
+      var typeChangeInfos: java.util.Map[Integer, Pair[DataType, DataType]] = new java.util.HashMap()
+      if (shouldUseInternalSchema) {
+        val mergedInternalSchema = new InternalSchemaMerger(fileSchema, querySchemaOption.get(), true, true).mergeSchema()
+        val mergedSchema = SparkInternalSchemaConverter.constructSparkSchemaFromInternalSchema(mergedInternalSchema)
+        typeChangeInfos = SparkInternalSchemaConverter.collectTypeChangedCols(querySchemaOption.get(), mergedInternalSchema)
+        hadoopAttemptConf.set(ParquetReadSupport.SPARK_ROW_REQUESTED_SCHEMA, mergedSchema.json)
+      }
+      val hadoopAttemptContext =
+        new TaskAttemptContextImpl(hadoopAttemptConf, attemptId)
+      // Try to push down filters when filter push-down is enabled.
+      // Notice: This push-down is RowGroups level, not individual records.
+      if (pushed.isDefined) {
+        ParquetInputFormat.setFilterPredicate(hadoopAttemptContext.getConfiguration, pushed.get)
+      }
+      val taskContext = Option(TaskContext.get())
+      if (enableVectorizedReader) {
+        val vectorizedReader = new Spark312HoodieVectorizedParquetRecordReader(
+          convertTz.orNull,

Review Comment:
   Pls use shouldUseInternalSchema to fallback origin VectorizedParquetRecordReader.  Spark312HoodieVectorizedParquetRecordReader is used for schema evolution.

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