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diff --git a/rcmet/src/main/python/rcmes/toolkit/ b/rcmet/src/main/python/rcmes/toolkit/
deleted file mode 100644
index c03329d..0000000
--- a/rcmet/src/main/python/rcmes/toolkit/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,226 +0,0 @@
-#  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
-#  contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
-#  this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
-#  The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
-#  (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
-#  the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-#  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-#  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-#  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-#  limitations under the License.
-"""Module that handles the generation of data plots"""
-# Import Statements
-from math import floor, log
-from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
-from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap
-import matplotlib as mpl
-import numpy as np
-import os
-def pow_round(x):
-    '''
-     Function to round x to the nearest power of 10
-    '''
-    return 10 ** (floor(log(x, 10) - log(0.5, 10)))
-def calc_nice_color_bar_values(mymin, mymax, target_nlevs):
-    '''
-     Function to help make nicer plots. 
-     Calculates an appropriate min, max and number of intervals to use in a color bar 
-     such that the labels come out as round numbers.
-     i.e. often, the color bar labels will come out as  0.1234  0.2343 0.35747 0.57546
-     when in fact you just want  0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5 etc
-     Method::
-         Adjusts the max,min and nlevels slightly so as to provide nice round numbers.
-     Input::
-        mymin        - minimum of data range (or first guess at minimum color bar value)
-        mymax        - maximum of data range (or first guess at maximum color bar value)
-        target_nlevs - approximate number of levels/color bar intervals you would like to have
-     Output::
-        newmin       - minimum value of color bar to use
-        newmax       - maximum value of color bar to use
-        new_nlevs    - number of intervals in color bar to use
-        * when all of the above are used, the color bar should have nice round number labels.
-    '''
-    myrange = mymax - mymin
-    # Find target color bar label interval, given target number of levels.
-    #  NB. this is likely to be not a nice rounded number.
-    target_interval = myrange / float(target_nlevs)
-    # Find power of 10 that the target interval lies in
-    nearest_ten = pow_round(target_interval)
-    # Possible interval levels, 
-    #  i.e.  labels of 1,2,3,4,5 etc are OK, 
-    #        labels of 2,4,6,8,10 etc are OK too
-    #        labels of 3,6,9,12 etc are NOT OK (as defined below)
-    #  NB.  this is also true for any multiple of 10 of these values
-    #    i.e.  0.01,0.02,0.03,0.04 etc are OK too.
-    pos_interval_levels = np.array([1, 2, 5])
-    # Find possible intervals to use within this power of 10 range
-    candidate_intervals = (pos_interval_levels * nearest_ten)
-    # Find which of the candidate levels is closest to the target level
-    absdiff = abs(target_interval - candidate_intervals)
-    rounded_interval = candidate_intervals[np.where(absdiff == min(absdiff))]
-    # Define actual nlevels to use in colorbar
-    nlevels = myrange / rounded_interval
-    # Define the color bar labels
-    newmin = mymin - mymin % rounded_interval
-    all_labels = np.arange(newmin, mymax + rounded_interval, rounded_interval) 
-    newmin = all_labels.min()  
-    newmax = all_labels.max()
-    new_nlevs = int(len(all_labels)) - 1
-    return newmin, newmax, new_nlevs
-def draw_cntr_map_single(pVar, lats, lons, mnLvl, mxLvl, pTitle, pName, pType = 'png', cMap = None):
-    '''
-    Purpose::
-        Plots a filled contour map.
-    Input::
-        pVar - 2d array of the field to be plotted with shape (nLon, nLat)
-        lon - array of longitudes 
-        lat - array of latitudes
-        mnLvl - an integer specifying the minimum contour level
-        mxLvl - an integer specifying the maximum contour level
-        pTitle - a string specifying plot title
-        pName  - a string specifying the filename of the plot
-        pType  - an optional string specifying the filetype, default is .png
-        cMap - an optional matplotlib.LinearSegmentedColormap object denoting the colormap,
-               default is
-        TODO: Let user specify map projection, whether to mask bodies of water??
-    '''
-    if cMap is None:
-        cMap =
-    # Set up the figure
-    fig = plt.figure()
-    ax = fig.gca()
-    # Determine the map boundaries and construct a Basemap object
-    lonMin = lons.min()
-    lonMax = lons.max()
-    latMin = lats.min()
-    latMax = lats.max()
-    m = Basemap(projection = 'cyl', llcrnrlat = latMin, urcrnrlat = latMax,
-            llcrnrlon = lonMin, urcrnrlon = lonMax, resolution = 'l', ax = ax)
-    # Draw the borders for coastlines and countries
-    m.drawcoastlines(linewidth = 1)
-    m.drawcountries(linewidth = .75)
-    # Draw 6 parallels / meridians.
-    m.drawmeridians(np.linspace(lonMin, lonMax, 5), labels = [0, 0, 0, 1])
-    m.drawparallels(np.linspace(latMin, latMax, 5), labels = [1, 0, 0, 1])
-    # Convert lats and lons to projection coordinates
-    if lats.ndim == 1 and lons.ndim == 1:
-        lons, lats = np.meshgrid(lons, lats)
-    x, y = m(lons, lats)
-    # Plot data with filled contours
-    nsteps = 24
-    mnLvl, mxLvl, nsteps = calc_nice_color_bar_values(mnLvl, mxLvl, nsteps)
-    spLvl = (mxLvl - mnLvl) / nsteps
-    clevs = np.arange(mnLvl, mxLvl, spLvl)
-    cs = m.contourf(x, y, pVar, cmap = cMap)
-    # Add a colorbar and save the figure
-    cbar = m.colorbar(cs, ax = ax, pad = .05)
-    plt.title(pTitle)
-    fig.savefig('%s.%s' %(pName, pType))
-def draw_time_series_plot(data, times, myfilename, myworkdir, data2='', mytitle='', ytitle='Y', xtitle='time', year_labels=True):
-    '''
-     Purpose::
-         Function to draw a time series plot
-     Input:: 
-         data - a masked numpy array of data masked by missing values		
-         times - a list of python datetime objects
-         myfilename - stub of png file created e.g. 'myfile' -> myfile.png
-         myworkdir - directory to save images in
-         data2 - (optional) second data line to plot assumes same time values)
-         mytitle - (optional) chart title
-    	 xtitle - (optional) y-axis title
-    	 ytitle - (optional) y-axis title
-     Output::
-         no data returned from function
-         Image file produced with name {filename}.png
-    '''
-    print 'Producing time series plot'
-    fig = plt.figure()
-    ax = fig.gca()
-    if year_labels == False:
-        xfmt = mpl.dates.DateFormatter('%b')
-        ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(xfmt)
-    # x-axis title
-    plt.xlabel(xtitle)
-    # y-axis title
-    plt.ylabel(ytitle)
-    # Main title
-    fig.suptitle(mytitle, fontsize=12)
-    # Set y-range to sensible values
-    # NB. if plotting two lines, then make sure range appropriate for both datasets
-    ymin = data.min()
-    ymax = data.max()
-    # If data2 has been passed in, then set plot range to fit both lines.
-    # NB. if data2 has been passed in, then it is an array, otherwise it defaults to an empty string
-    if type(data2) != str:
-        ymin = min(data.min(), data2.min())
-        ymax = max(data.max(), data2.max())
-    # add a bit of padding so lines don't touch bottom and top of the plot
-    ymin = ymin - ((ymax - ymin) * 0.1)
-    ymax = ymax + ((ymax - ymin) * 0.1)
-    # Set y-axis range
-    plt.ylim((ymin, ymax))
-    # Make plot, specifying marker style ('x'), linestyle ('-'), linewidth and line color
-    line1 = ax.plot_date(times, data, 'bo-', markersize=6, linewidth=2, color='#AAAAFF')
-    # Make second line, if data2 has been passed in.
-    # TODO:  Handle the optional second dataset better.  Maybe set the Default to None instead 
-    # of an empty string
-    if type(data2) != str:
-        line2 = ax.plot_date(times, data2, 'rx-', markersize=6, linewidth=2, color='#FFAAAA')
-        lines = []
-        lines.extend(line1)
-        lines.extend(line2)
-        fig.legend((lines), ('model', 'obs'), loc='upper right')
-    fig.savefig(myworkdir + '/' + myfilename + '.png')
diff --git a/rcmet/src/main/python/rcmes/toolkit/ b/rcmet/src/main/python/rcmes/toolkit/
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index 7367ee7..0000000
--- a/rcmet/src/main/python/rcmes/toolkit/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1007 +0,0 @@
-#  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
-#  contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
-#  this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
-#  The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
-#  (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
-#  the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-#  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-#  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-#  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-#  limitations under the License.
-"""Collection of functions that process numpy arrays of varying shapes.
-Functions can range from subsetting to regridding"""
-# Python Standard Libary Imports
-import math
-import datetime
-import re
-import string
-import sys
-import time
-# 3rd Party Imports
-import netCDF4
-import numpy as np
-import as ma
-def extract_subregion_from_data_array(data, lats, lons, latmin, latmax, lonmin, lonmax):
-    '''
-     Extract a sub-region from a data array.
-     Example::
-       **e.g.** the user may load a global model file, but only want to examine data over North America
-            This function extracts a sub-domain from the original data.
-            The defined sub-region must be a regular lat/lon bounding box,
-            but the model data may be on a non-regular grid (e.g. rotated, or Guassian grid layout).
-            Data are kept on the original model grid and a rectangular (in model-space) region
-            is extracted which contains the rectangular (in lat/lon space) user supplied region.
-     INPUT::
-       data - 3d masked data array
-       lats - 2d array of latitudes corresponding to data array
-       lons - 2d array of longitudes corresponding to data array
-       latmin, latmax, lonmin, lonmax - bounding box of required region to extract
-     OUTPUT::
-       data2 - subset of original data array containing only data from required subregion
-       lats2 - subset of original latitude data array
-       lons2 - subset of original longitude data array
-    '''
-    # Mask model data array to find grid points inside the supplied bounding box
-    whlat = (lats > latmin) & (lats < latmax)
-    whlon = (lons > lonmin) & (lons < lonmax)
-    wh = whlat & whlon
-    # Find required matrix indices describing the limits of the regular lat/lon bounding box
-    jmax = np.where(wh == True)[0].max()
-    jmin = np.where(wh == True)[0].min()
-    imax = np.where(wh == True)[1].max()
-    imin = np.where(wh == True)[1].min()
-    # Cut out the sub-region from the data array
-    data2 = ma.zeros((data.shape[0], jmax - jmin, imax - imin))
-    data2 = data[:, jmin:jmax, imin:imax]
-    # Cut out sub-region from lats,lons arrays
-    lats2 = lats[jmin:jmax, imin:imax]
-    lons2 = lons[jmin:jmax, imin:imax]
-    return data2, lats2, lons2
-def calc_area_mean(data, lats, lons, mymask='not set'):
-    '''
-     Calculate Area Average of data in a masked array
-     INPUT::
-         data:  a masked array of data (NB. only data from one time expected to be passed at once)
-         lats:  2d array of regularly gridded latitudes
-         lons:  2d array of regularly gridded longitudes
-         mymask:  (optional) defines spatial region to do averaging over
-     OUTPUT::
-         area_mean: a value for the mean inside the area
-    '''
-    # If mask not passed in, then set maks to cover whole data domain
-    if(mymask == 'not set'):
-        mymask = np.empty(data.shape)
-        mymask[:] = False        # NB. mask means (don't show), so False everywhere means use everything.
-    # Dimension check on lats, lons
-    #  Sometimes these arrays are 3d, sometimes 2d, sometimes 1d
-    #  This bit of code just converts to the required 2d array shape
-    if(len(lats.shape) == 3):
-        lats = lats[0, :, :]
-    if(len(lons.shape) == 3):
-        lons = lons[0, :, :]
-    if(np.logical_and(len(lats.shape) == 1, len(lons.shape) == 1)):
-        lons, lats = np.meshgrid(lons, lats)
-    # Calculate grid length (assuming regular lat/lon grid)
-    dlat = lats[1, 0] - lats[0, 0]
-    dlon = lons[0, 1] - lons[0, 0]
-    # Calculates weights for each grid box
-    myweights = calc_area_in_grid_box(lats, dlon, dlat)
-    # Create a new masked array covering just user selected area (defined in mymask)
-    #   NB. this preserves missing data points in the observations data
-    subdata = ma.masked_array(data, mask=mymask)
-    if(myweights.shape != subdata.shape):
-        myweights.resize(subdata.shape)
-        myweights[1:, :] = myweights[0, :]
-    # Calculate weighted mean using ma.average (which takes weights)
-    area_mean = ma.average(subdata, weights=myweights)
-    return area_mean
-def calc_area_in_grid_box(latitude, dlat, dlon):
-    '''
-     Calculate area of regular lat-lon grid box
-     INPUT::
-        latitude: latitude of grid box (degrees)
-        dlat:     grid length in latitude direction (degrees)
-        dlon:     grid length in longitude direction (degrees)
-     OUTPUT::
-        A:        area of the grid box
-      '''
-    R = 6371000  # radius of Earth in metres
-    C = 2 * math.pi * R
-    latitude = np.radians(latitude)
-    A = (dlon * (C / 360.)) * (dlat * (C / 360.) * np.cos(latitude))
-    return A
-def do_regrid(q, lat, lon, lat2, lon2, order=1, mdi=-999999999):
-    """ 
-    This function has been moved to the ocw/dataset_processor module
-    """
-    from ocw import dataset_processor
-    q2 = dataset_processor._rcmes_spatial_regrid(q, lat, lon, lat2, lon2, order=1)
-    return q2
-def create_mask_using_threshold(masked_array, threshold=0.5):
-    """ 
-    .. deprecated:: 0.3-incubating
-       Use :func:`ocw.dataset_processor._rcmes_create_mask_using_threshold` instead.
-    """
-    from ocw import dataset_processor
-    mask = dataset_processor._rcmes_create_mask_using_threshold(masked_array, threshold)
-    return mask
-def calc_average_on_new_time_unit(data, dateList, unit='monthly'):
-    '''
-     Routine to calculate averages on longer time units than the data exists on.
-     Example::
-         If the data is 6-hourly, calculate daily, or monthly means.
-     Input::
-         data     - data values
-         dateList - list of python datetime structures corresponding to data values
-         unit     - string describing time unit to average onto.
-         *Valid values are: 'monthly', 'daily', 'pentad','annual','decadal'*
-      Output:
-         meanstorem - numpy masked array of data values meaned over required time period
-         newTimesList - a list of python datetime objects representing the data in the new averagin period
-         *NB.* currently set to beginning of averaging period,
-         **i.e. mean Jan 1st - Jan 31st -> represented as Jan 1st, 00Z.**
-    '''
-    # First catch unknown values of time unit passed in by user
-    acceptable = (unit == 'full') | (unit == 'annual') | (unit == 'monthly') | (unit == 'daily') | (unit == 'pentad')
-    if not acceptable:
-        print 'Error: unknown unit type selected for time averaging'
-        print '       Please check your code.'
-        return
-    # Calculate arrays of years (2007,2007),
-    #                     yearsmonths (200701,200702),
-    #                     or yearmonthdays (20070101,20070102)
-    #  -depending on user selected averaging period.
-    # Year list
-    if unit == 'annual':
-        print 'Calculating annual mean data'
-        timeunits = []
-        for i in np.arange(len(dateList)):
-            timeunits.append(str(dateList[i].year))
-        timeunits = np.array(timeunits, dtype=int)
-    # YearMonth format list
-    if unit == 'monthly':
-        print 'Calculating monthly mean data'
-        timeunits = []
-        for i in np.arange(len(dateList)):
-            timeunits.append(str(dateList[i].year) + str("%02d" % dateList[i].month))
-        timeunits = np.array(timeunits, dtype=int)
-    # YearMonthDay format list
-    if unit == 'daily':
-        print 'Calculating daily mean data'
-        timeunits = []
-        for i in np.arange(len(dateList)):
-            timeunits.append(str(dateList[i].year) + str("%02d" % dateList[i].month) + \
-                             str("%02d" % dateList[i].day))
-        timeunits = np.array(timeunits, dtype=int)
-    # TODO: add pentad setting using Julian days?
-    # Full list: a special case
-    if unit == 'full':
-        print 'Calculating means data over full time range'
-        timeunits = []
-        for i in np.arange(len(dateList)):
-            timeunits.append(999)  # i.e. we just want the same value for all times.
-        timeunits = np.array(timeunits, dtype=int)
-    # empty list to store new times
-    newTimesList = []
-    # Decide whether or not you need to do any time averaging.
-    #   i.e. if data are already on required time unit then just pass data through and
-    #        calculate and return representative datetimes.
-    processing_required = True
-    if len(timeunits) == (len(np.unique(timeunits))):
-        processing_required = False
-    # 1D data arrays, i.e. time series
-    if data.ndim == 1:
-        # Create array to store the resulting data
-        meanstore = np.zeros(len(np.unique(timeunits)))
-        # Calculate the means across each unique time unit
-        i = 0
-        for myunit in np.unique(timeunits):
-            if processing_required:
-                datam = ma.masked_array(data, timeunits != myunit)
-                meanstore[i] = ma.average(datam)
-            # construct new times list
-            smyunit = str(myunit)
-            if len(smyunit) == 4:  # YYYY
-                yyyy = int(myunit[0:4])
-                mm = 1
-                dd = 1
-            if len(smyunit) == 6:  # YYYYMM
-                yyyy = int(smyunit[0:4])
-                mm = int(smyunit[4:6])
-                dd = 1
-            if len(smyunit) == 8:  # YYYYMMDD
-                yyyy = int(smyunit[0:4])
-                mm = int(smyunit[4:6])
-                dd = int(smyunit[6:8])
-            if len(smyunit) == 3:  # Full time range
-                # Need to set an appropriate time representing the mid-point of the entire time span
-                dt = dateList[-1] - dateList[0]
-                halfway = dateList[0] + (dt / 2)
-                yyyy = int(halfway.year)
-                mm = int(halfway.month)
-                dd = int(
-            newTimesList.append(datetime.datetime(yyyy, mm, dd, 0, 0, 0, 0))
-            i = i + 1
-    # 3D data arrays
-    if data.ndim == 3:
-        #datamask = create_mask_using_threshold(data,threshold=0.75)
-        # Create array to store the resulting data
-        meanstore = np.zeros([len(np.unique(timeunits)), data.shape[1], data.shape[2]])
-        # Calculate the means across each unique time unit
-        i = 0
-        datamask_store = []
-        for myunit in np.unique(timeunits):
-            if processing_required:
-                mask = np.zeros_like(data)
-                mask[timeunits != myunit, :, :] = 1.0
-                # Calculate missing data mask within each time unit...
-                datamask_at_this_timeunit = np.zeros_like(data)
-                datamask_at_this_timeunit[:] = create_mask_using_threshold(data[timeunits == myunit, :, :], threshold=0.75)
-                # Store results for masking later
-                datamask_store.append(datamask_at_this_timeunit[0])
-                # Calculate means for each pixel in this time unit, ignoring missing data (using masked array).
-                datam = ma.masked_array(data, np.logical_or(mask, datamask_at_this_timeunit))
-                meanstore[i, :, :] = ma.average(datam, axis=0)
-            # construct new times list
-            smyunit = str(myunit)
-            if len(smyunit) == 4:  # YYYY
-                yyyy = int(smyunit[0:4])
-                mm = 1
-                dd = 1
-            if len(smyunit) == 6:  # YYYYMM
-                yyyy = int(smyunit[0:4])
-                mm = int(smyunit[4:6])
-                dd = 1
-            if len(smyunit) == 8:  # YYYYMMDD
-                yyyy = int(smyunit[0:4])
-                mm = int(smyunit[4:6])
-                dd = int(smyunit[6:8])
-            if len(smyunit) == 3:  # Full time range
-                # Need to set an appropriate time representing the mid-point of the entire time span
-                dt = dateList[-1] - dateList[0]
-                halfway = dateList[0] + (dt / 2)
-                yyyy = int(halfway.year)
-                mm = int(halfway.month)
-                dd = int(
-            newTimesList.append(datetime.datetime(yyyy, mm, dd, 0, 0, 0, 0))
-            i += 1
-        if not processing_required:
-            meanstorem = data
-        if processing_required:
-            # Create masked array (using missing data mask defined above)
-            datamask_store = np.array(datamask_store)
-            meanstorem = ma.masked_array(meanstore, datamask_store)
-    return meanstorem, newTimesList
-def calc_running_accum_from_period_accum(data):
-    '''
-     Routine to calculate running total accumulations from individual period accumulations.
-     ::
-         e.g.  0,0,1,0,0,2,2,1,0,0
-            -> 0,0,1,1,1,3,5,6,6,6
-     Input::
-          data: numpy array with time in the first axis
-     Output::
-          running_acc: running accumulations
-    '''
-    running_acc = np.zeros_like(data)
-    if(len(data.shape) == 1):
-        running_acc[0] = data[0]
-    if(len(data.shape) > 1):
-        running_acc[0, :] = data[0, :]
-    for i in np.arange(data.shape[0] - 1):
-        if(len(data.shape) == 1):
-            running_acc[i + 1] = running_acc[i] + data[i + 1]
-        if(len(data.shape) > 1):
-            running_acc[i + 1, :] = running_acc[i, :] + data[i + 1, :]
-    return running_acc
-def ignore_boundaries(data, rim=10):
-    '''
-     Routine to mask the lateral boundary regions of model data to ignore them from calculations.
-     Input::
-         data - a masked array of model data
-         rim - (optional) number of grid points to ignore
-     Output::
-         data - data array with boundary region masked
-    '''
-    nx = data.shape[1]
-    ny = data.shape[0]
-    rimmask = np.zeros_like(data)
-    for j in np.arange(rim):
-        rimmask[j, 0:nx - 1] = 1.0
-    for j in ny - 1 - np.arange(rim):
-        rimmask[j, 0:nx - 1] = 1.0
-    for i in np.arange(rim):
-        rimmask[0:ny - 1, i] = 1.0
-    for i in nx - 1 - np.arange(rim):
-        rimmask[0:ny - 1, i] = 1.0
-    data = ma.masked_array(data, mask=rimmask)
-    return data
-def normalizeDatetimes(datetimes, timestep):
-    """ This function has been moved to the ocw/dataset_processor module """
-    from ocw import dataset_processor as dsp
-    return dsp._rcmes_normalize_datetimes(datetimes, timestep)
-def getModelTimes(modelFile, timeVarName):
-    '''
-    TODO:  Do a better job handling dates here
-    Routine to convert from model times ('hours since 1900...', 'days since ...')
-    into a python datetime structure
-    Input::
-        modelFile - path to the model tile you want to extract the times list and modelTimeStep from
-        timeVarName - name of the time variable in the model file
-    Output::
-        times  - list of python datetime objects describing model data times
-        modelTimeStep - 'hourly','daily','monthly','annual'
-    '''
-    f = netCDF4.Dataset(modelFile, mode='r')
-    xtimes = f.variables[timeVarName]
-    timeFormat = xtimes.units.encode()
-    # search to check if 'since' appears in units
-    try:
-        sinceLoc ='since', timeFormat).end()
-    except AttributeError:
-        print 'Error decoding model times: time variable attributes do not contain "since"'
-        raise
-    units = None
-    TIME_UNITS = ('minutes', 'hours', 'days', 'months', 'years')
-    # search for 'seconds','minutes','hours', 'days', 'months', 'years' so know units
-    for unit in TIME_UNITS:
-        if, timeFormat):
-            units = unit
-            break
-    # cut out base time (the bit following 'since')
-    base_time_string = string.lstrip(timeFormat[sinceLoc:])
-    # decode base time
-    base_time = decodeTimeFromString(base_time_string)
-    times = []
-    for xtime in xtimes[:]:
-        # Cast time as an int
-        #TODO: KDW this may cause problems for data that is hourly with more than one timestep in it
-        xtime = int(xtime)
-        if units == 'minutes':
-            dt = datetime.timedelta(minutes=xtime)
-            new_time = base_time + dt
-        elif units == 'hours':
-            dt = datetime.timedelta(hours=xtime)
-            new_time = base_time + dt
-        elif units == 'days':
-            dt = datetime.timedelta(days=xtime)
-            new_time = base_time + dt
-        elif units == 'months':
-            # NB. adding months in python is complicated as month length varies and hence ambiguous.
-            # Perform date arithmatic manually
-            #  Assumption: the base_date will usually be the first of the month
-            #              NB. this method will fail if the base time is on the 29th or higher day of month
-            #                      -as can't have, e.g. Feb 31st.
-            new_month = int(base_time.month + xtime % 12)
-            new_year = int(math.floor(base_time.year + xtime / 12.))
-            new_time = datetime.datetime(new_year, new_month,, base_time.hour, base_time.second, 0)
-        elif units == 'years':
-            dt = datetime.timedelta(years=xtime)
-            new_time = base_time + dt
-        times.append(new_time)
-    try:
-        if len(xtimes) == 1:
-            timeStepLength = 0
-        else:
-            timeStepLength = int(xtimes[1] - xtimes[0] + 1.e-12)
-        modelTimeStep = getModelTimeStep(units, timeStepLength)
-        #if timeStepLength is zero do not normalize times as this would create an empty list for MERG (hourly) data
-        if timeStepLength != 0:
-            times = normalizeDatetimes(times, modelTimeStep) 
-    except:
-        raise
-    return times, modelTimeStep
-def getModelTimeStep(units, stepSize):
-    # Time units are now determined. Determine the time intervals of input data (mdlTimeStep)
-    if units == 'minutes':
-        if stepSize == 60:
-            modelTimeStep = 'hourly'
-        elif stepSize == 1440:
-            modelTimeStep = 'daily'
-        # 28 days through 31 days
-        elif 40320 <= stepSize <= 44640:
-            modelTimeStep = 'monthly'
-        # 365 days through 366 days
-        elif 525600 <= stepSize <= 527040:
-            modelTimeStep = 'annual'
-        else:
-            raise Exception('model data time step interval exceeds the max time interval (annual)', units, stepSize)
-    elif units == 'hours':
-        #need a check for fractional hrs and only one hr i.e. stepSize=0 e.g. with MERG data
-        if stepSize == 0 or stepSize == 1:
-            modelTimeStep = 'hourly'
-        elif stepSize == 24:
-            modelTimeStep = 'daily'
-        elif 672 <= stepSize <= 744:
-            modelTimeStep = 'monthly'
-        elif 8760 <= stepSize <= 8784:
-            modelTimeStep = 'annual'
-        else:
-            raise Exception('model data time step interval exceeds the max time interval (annual)', units, stepSize)
-    elif units == 'days':
-        if stepSize == 1:
-            modelTimeStep = 'daily'
-        elif 28 <= stepSize <= 31:
-            modelTimeStep = 'monthly'
-        elif 365 <= stepSize <= 366:
-            modelTimeStep = 'annual'
-        else:
-            raise Exception('model data time step interval exceeds the max time interval (annual)', units, stepSize)
-    elif units == 'months':
-        if stepSize == 1:
-            modelTimeStep = 'monthly'
-        elif stepSize == 12:
-            modelTimeStep = 'annual'
-        else:
-            raise Exception('model data time step interval exceeds the max time interval (annual)', units, stepSize)
-    elif units == 'years':
-        if stepSize == 1:
-            modelTimeStep = 'annual'
-        else:
-            raise Exception('model data time step interval exceeds the max time interval (annual)', units, stepSize)
-    else:
-        errorMessage = 'the time unit ', units, ' is not currently handled in this version.'
-        raise Exception(errorMessage)
-    return modelTimeStep
-def decodeTimeFromString(time_string):
-    '''
-     Decodes string into a python datetime object
-     *Method:* tries a bunch of different time format possibilities and hopefully one of them will hit.
-     ::
-       **Input:**  time_string - a string that represents a date/time
-       **Output:** mytime - a python datetime object
-    '''
-    # This will deal with times that use decimal seconds
-    if '.' in time_string:
-        time_string = time_string.split('.')[0] + '0'
-    else:
-        pass
-    try:
-        mytime = time.strptime(time_string, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
-        mytime = datetime.datetime(*mytime[0:6])
-        return mytime
-    except ValueError:
-        pass
-    try:
-        mytime = time.strptime(time_string, '%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S')
-        mytime = datetime.datetime(*mytime[0:6])
-        return mytime
-    except ValueError:
-        pass
-    try:
-        mytime = time.strptime(time_string, '%Y%m%d %H:%M:%S')
-        mytime = datetime.datetime(*mytime[0:6])
-        return mytime
-    except ValueError:
-        pass
-    try:
-        mytime = time.strptime(time_string, '%Y:%m:%d %H:%M:%S')
-        mytime = datetime.datetime(*mytime[0:6])
-        return mytime
-    except ValueError:
-        pass
-    try:
-        mytime = time.strptime(time_string, '%Y%m%d%H%M%S')
-        mytime = datetime.datetime(*mytime[0:6])
-        return mytime
-    except ValueError:
-        pass
-    try:
-        mytime = time.strptime(time_string, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')
-        mytime = datetime.datetime(*mytime[0:6])
-        return mytime
-    except ValueError:
-        pass
-    try:
-        mytime = time.strptime(time_string, '%Y-%m-%d %H')
-        mytime = datetime.datetime(*mytime[0:6])
-        return mytime
-    except ValueError:
-        pass
-    try:
-        mytime = time.strptime(time_string, '%Y-%m-%d')
-        mytime = datetime.datetime(*mytime[0:6])
-        return mytime
-    except ValueError:
-        pass
-    print 'Error decoding time string: string does not match a predefined time format'
-    return 0
-def regrid_wrapper(regrid_choice, obsdata, obslats, obslons, wrfdata, wrflats, wrflons):
-    '''
-     Wrapper routine for regridding.
-     Either regrids model to obs grid, or obs to model grid, depending on user choice
-         Inputs::
-             regrid_choice - [0] = Regrid obs data onto model grid or
-                             [1] = Regrid model data onto obs grid
-             obsdata,wrfdata - data arrays
-             obslats,obslons - observation lat,lon arrays
-             wrflats,wrflons - model lat,lon arrays
-         Output::
-             rdata,rdata2 - regridded data
-                 lats,lons    - latitudes and longitudes of regridded data
-    '''
-    # Regrid obs data onto model grid
-    if(regrid_choice == '0'):
-        ndims = len(obsdata.shape)
-        if(ndims == 3):
-            newshape = [obsdata.shape[0], wrfdata.shape[1], wrfdata.shape[2]]
-            nT = obsdata.shape[0]
-        if(ndims == 2):
-            newshape = [wrfdata.shape[0], wrfdata.shape[1]]
-            nT = 0
-        rdata = wrfdata
-        lats, lons = wrflats, wrflons
-        # Create a new masked array with the required dimensions
-        tmp = np.zeros(newshape)
-        rdata2 = ma.MaskedArray(tmp, mask=(tmp == 0))
-        tmp = 0 # free up some memory
-        rdata2[:] = 0.0
-        if(nT > 0):
-            for t in np.arange(nT):
-                rdata2[t, :, :] = do_regrid(obsdata[t, :, :], obslats[:, :], obslons[:, :], wrflats[:, :], wrflons[:, :])
-        if(nT == 0):
-            rdata2[:, :] = do_regrid(obsdata[:, :], obslats[:, :], obslons[:, :], wrflats[:, :], wrflons[:, :])
-    # Regrid model data onto obs grid
-    if(regrid_choice == '1'):
-        ndims = len(wrfdata.shape)
-        if(ndims == 3):
-            newshape = [wrfdata.shape[0], obsdata.shape[1], obsdata.shape[2]]
-            nT = obsdata.shape[0]
-        if(ndims == 2):
-            newshape = [obsdata.shape[0], obsdata.shape[1]]
-            nT = 0
-        rdata2 = obsdata
-        lats, lons = obslats, obslons
-        tmp = np.zeros(newshape)
-        rdata = ma.MaskedArray(tmp, mask=(tmp == 0))
-        tmp = 0 # free up some memory
-        rdata[:] = 0.0
-        if(nT > 0):
-            for t in np.arange(nT):
-                rdata[t, :, :] = do_regrid(wrfdata[t, :, :], wrflats[:, :], wrflons[:, :], obslats[:, :], obslons[:, :])
-        if(nT == 0):
-            rdata[:, :] = do_regrid(wrfdata[:, :], wrflats[:, :], wrflons[:, :], obslats[:, :], obslons[:, :])
-    return rdata, rdata2, lats, lons
-def extract_sub_time_selection(allTimes, subTimes, data):
-    '''
-     Routine to extract a sub-selection of times from a data array.
-     Example::
-           Suppose a data array has 30 time values for daily data for a whole month,
-           but you only want the data from the 5th-15th of the month.
-     Input::
-           allTimes - list of datetimes describing what times the data in the data array correspond to
-           subTimes - the times you want to extract data from
-           data     - the data array
-     Output::
-           subdata     - subselection of data array
-    '''
-    # Create new array to store the subselection
-    subdata = np.zeros([len(subTimes), data.shape[1], data.shape[2]])
-    # Loop over all Times and when it is a member of the required subselection, copy the data across
-    i = 0     # counter for allTimes
-    subi = 0  # counter for subTimes
-    for t in allTimes:
-        if(np.in1d(allTimes, subTimes)):
-            subdata[subi, :, :] = data[i, :, :]
-            subi += 1
-        i += 1
-    return subdata
-def calc_average_on_new_time_unit_K(data, dateList, unit):
-    """ 
-    This function has been moved to the ocw/dataset_processor module
-    """
-    from ocw import dataset_processor
-    temporally_regridded_data = dataset_processor._rcmes_calc_average_on_new_time_unit_K(data, dateList, unit)
-    return temporally_regridded_data
-def decode_model_timesK(ifile,timeVarName,file_type):
-    #################################################################################################
-    #  Convert model times ('hours since 1900...', 'days since ...') into a python datetime structure
-    #  Input:
-    #      filelist - list of model files
-    #      timeVarName - name of the time variable in the model files
-    #  Output:
-    #      times  - list of python datetime objects describing model data times
-    #     Peter Lean February 2011
-    #################################################################################################
-    f = netCDF4.Dataset(ifile,mode='r',format=file_type)
-    xtimes = f.variables[timeVarName]
-    timeFormat = xtimes.units.encode()
-    #timeFormat = "days since 1979-01-01 00:00:00"
-    # search to check if 'since' appears in units
-    try:
-        sinceLoc ='since',timeFormat).end()
-    except:
-        print 'Error decoding model times: time var attributes do not contain "since": Exit'
-        sys.exit()
-    # search for 'seconds','minutes','hours', 'days', 'months', 'years' so know units
-    # TODO:  Swap out this section for a set of if...elseif statements
-    units = ''
-    try:
-        _ ='minutes',timeFormat).end()
-        units = 'minutes'
-    except:
-        pass
-    try:
-        _ ='hours',timeFormat).end()
-        units = 'hours'
-    except:
-        pass
-    try:
-        _ ='days',timeFormat).end()
-        units = 'days'
-    except:
-        pass
-    try:
-        _ ='months',timeFormat).end()
-        units = 'months'
-    except:
-        pass
-    try:
-        _ ='years',timeFormat).end()
-        units = 'years'
-    except:
-        pass
-    # cut out base time (the bit following 'since')
-    base_time_string = string.lstrip(timeFormat[sinceLoc:])
-    # decode base time
-    # 9/25/2012: datetime.timedelta has problem with the argument because xtimes is NioVariable.
-    # Soln (J. Kim): use a temp variable ttmp in the for loop, then convert it into an integer xtime.
-    base_time = decodeTimeFromString(base_time_string)
-    times=[]
-    for ttmp in xtimes[:]:
-        xtime = int(ttmp)
-        if(units=='minutes'):
-            dt = datetime.timedelta(minutes=xtime); new_time = base_time + dt
-        if(units=='hours'):
-            dt = datetime.timedelta(hours=xtime); new_time = base_time + dt
-        if(units=='days'):
-            dt = datetime.timedelta(days=xtime); new_time = base_time + dt
-        if(units=='months'):   # NB. adding months in python is complicated as month length varies and hence ambigous.
-            # Perform date arithmatic manually
-            #  Assumption: the base_date will usually be the first of the month
-            #              NB. this method will fail if the base time is on the 29th or higher day of month
-            #                      -as can't have, e.g. Feb 31st.
-            new_month = int(base_time.month + xtime % 12)
-            new_year = int(math.floor(base_time.year + xtime / 12.))
-            #print type(new_year),type(new_month),type(,type(base_time.hour),type(base_time.second)
-            new_time = datetime.datetime(new_year,new_month,,base_time.hour,base_time.second,0)
-        if(units=='years'):
-            dt = datetime.timedelta(years=xtime); new_time = base_time + dt
-        times.append(new_time)
-    return times
-def regrid_in_time(data,dateList,unit):
-    #################################################################################################
-    # Routine to calculate averages on longer time units than the data exists on.
-    #  e.g. if the data is 6-hourly, calculate daily, or monthly means.
-    #  Input:
-    #         data     - data values
-    #         dateList - list of python datetime structures corresponding to data values
-    #         unit     - string describing time unit to average onto
-    #                       e.g. 'monthly', 'daily', 'pentad','annual','decadal'
-    #  Output:
-    #         meanstorem - numpy masked array of data values meaned over required time period
-    #         newTimesList - a list of python datetime objects representing the data in the new averagin period
-    #                            NB. currently set to beginning of averaging period,
-    #                            i.e. mean Jan 1st - Jan 31st -> represented as Jan 1st, 00Z.
-    # ..............................
-    #   Jinwon Kim, Sept 30, 2012
-    #   Created from calc_average_on_new_time_unit_K, Peter's original, with the modification below:
-    #   Instead of masked array used by Peter, use wh to defined data within the averaging range.
-    #################################################################################################
-    print '***  Begin calc_average_on_new_time_unit_KK  ***'
-    # Check if the user-selected temporal grid is valid. If not, EXIT
-    acceptable = (unit=='full')|(unit=='annual')|(unit=='monthly')|(unit=='daily')|(unit=='pentad')
-    if not acceptable:
-        print 'Error: unknown unit type selected for time averaging: EXIT'; return -1,-1,-1,-1
-    # Calculate time arrays of: annual (yyyy, [2007]), monthly (yyyymm, [200701,200702]), daily (yyyymmdd, [20070101,20070102])
-    # "%02d" is similar to i2.2 in Fortran
-    if unit=='annual':                      # YYYY
-        timeunits = []
-        for i in np.arange(len(dateList)):
-            timeunits.append(str(dateList[i].year))
-    elif unit=='monthly':                   # YYYYMM
-        timeunits = []
-        for i in np.arange(len(dateList)):
-            timeunits.append(str(dateList[i].year) + str("%02d" % dateList[i].month))
-    elif unit=='daily':                     # YYYYMMDD
-        timeunits = []
-        for i in np.arange(len(dateList)):
-            timeunits.append(str(dateList[i].year) + str("%02d" % dateList[i].month) + str("%02d" % dateList[i].day))
-    elif unit=='full':                      # Full list: a special case
-        comment='Calculating means data over the entire time range: i.e., annual-mean climatology'
-        timeunits = []
-        for i in np.arange(len(dateList)):
-            timeunits.append(999)             # i.e. we just want the same value for all times.
-    timeunits = np.array(timeunits,dtype=int)
-    print 'timeRegridOption= ',unit#'; output timeunits= ',timeunits
-    #print 'timeRegridOption= ',unit,'; output timeunits= ',timeunits
-    # empty list to store time levels after temporal regridding
-    newTimesList = []
-    # Decide whether or not you need to do any time averaging.
-    #   i.e. if data are already on required time unit then just pass data through and calculate and return representative datetimes.
-    processing_required = True
-    if len(timeunits)==(len(np.unique(timeunits))):
-        processing_required = False
-    print 'processing_required= ',processing_required,': input time steps= ',len(timeunits),': regridded output time steps = ',len(np.unique(timeunits))
-    #print 'np.unique(timeunits): ',np.unique(timeunits)
-    print 'data.ndim= ',data.ndim
-    if data.ndim==1:                                           # 1D data arrays, i.e. 1D time series
-        # Create array to store the temporally regridded data
-        meanstore = np.zeros(len(np.unique(timeunits)))
-        # Calculate the means across each unique time unit
-        i=0
-        for myunit in np.unique(timeunits):
-            if processing_required:
-                wh = timeunits==myunit
-                datam = data[wh]
-                meanstore[i] = ma.average(datam)
-        # construct new times list
-            smyunit = str(myunit)
-            if len(smyunit)==4:  # YYYY
-                yyyy = int(myunit[0:4])
-                mm = 1
-                dd = 1
-            if len(smyunit)==6:  # YYYYMM
-                yyyy = int(smyunit[0:4])
-                mm = int(smyunit[4:6])
-                dd = 1
-            if len(smyunit)==8:  # YYYYMMDD
-                yyyy = int(smyunit[0:4])
-                mm = int(smyunit[4:6])
-                dd = int(smyunit[6:8])
-            if len(smyunit)==3:  # Full time range
-                # Need to set an appropriate time representing the mid-point of the entire time span
-                dt = dateList[-1]-dateList[0]
-                halfway = dateList[0]+(dt/2)
-                yyyy = int(halfway.year)
-                mm = int(halfway.month)
-                dd = int(
-            newTimesList.append(datetime.datetime(yyyy,mm,dd,0,0,0,0))
-            i = i+1
-    elif data.ndim==3:                                         # 3D data arrays, i.e. 2D time series
-        # Create array to store the resulting data
-        meanstore = np.zeros([len(np.unique(timeunits)),data.shape[1],data.shape[2]])
-        # Calculate the means across each unique time unit
-        i=0
-        datamask_store = []
-        for myunit in np.unique(timeunits):
-            if processing_required:
-                wh = timeunits==myunit
-                datam = data[wh,:,:]
-                meanstore[i,:,:] = ma.average(datam,axis=0)
-                # construct new times list
-            smyunit = str(myunit)
-            if len(smyunit)==4:  # YYYY
-                yyyy = int(smyunit[0:4])
-                mm = 1
-                dd = 1
-            if len(smyunit)==6:  # YYYYMM
-                yyyy = int(smyunit[0:4])
-                mm = int(smyunit[4:6])
-                dd = 1
-            if len(smyunit)==8:  # YYYYMMDD
-                yyyy = int(smyunit[0:4])
-                mm = int(smyunit[4:6])
-                dd = int(smyunit[6:8])
-            if len(smyunit)==3:  # Full time range
-                # Need to set an appropriate time representing the mid-point of the entire time span
-                dt = dateList[-1]-dateList[0]
-                halfway = dateList[0]+(dt/2)
-                yyyy = int(halfway.year)
-                mm = int(halfway.month)
-                dd = int(
-            newTimesList.append(datetime.datetime(yyyy,mm,dd,0,0,0,0))
-            i += 1
-        if not processing_required:
-            meanstorem = data
-        elif processing_required:
-            meanstorem = meanstore
-    print '***  End calc_average_on_new_time_unit_KK  ***'
-    return meanstorem,newTimesList
diff --git a/rcmet/src/main/python/rcmes/toolkit/ b/rcmet/src/main/python/rcmes/toolkit/
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@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-#  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
-#  contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
-#  this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
-#  The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
-#  (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
-#  the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-#  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-#  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-#  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-#  limitations under the License.
-"""Collection of functions to visualize the data analysis output artifacts"""
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deleted file mode 100644
index 0368738..0000000
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-# distributed with this work for additional information
-# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-# specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-"""Collection of modules that provide functionality across all of the RCMES
\ No newline at end of file
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deleted file mode 100644
index 7ff7850..0000000
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,274 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2008, 2009 Neil Martinsen-Burrell
-# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
-# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
-# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
-# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
-# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
-# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
-# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
-# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
-Defines a file-derived class to read/write Fortran unformatted files.
-The assumption is that a Fortran unformatted file is being written by
-the Fortran runtime as a sequence of records.  Each record consists of
-an integer (of the default size [usually 32 or 64 bits]) giving the
-length of the following data in bytes, then the data itself, then the
-same integer as before.
-To use the default endian and size settings, one can just do::
-    >>> f = FortranFile('filename')
-    >>> x = f.readReals()
-One can read arrays with varying precisions::
-    >>> f = FortranFile('filename')
-    >>> x = f.readInts('h')
-    >>> y = f.readInts('q')
-    >>> z = f.readReals('f')
-Where the format codes are those used by Python's struct module.
-One can change the default endian-ness and header precision::
-    >>> f = FortranFile('filename', endian='>', header_prec='l')
-for a file with little-endian data whose record headers are long
-__docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"
-import struct
-import numpy
-class FortranFile(file):
-    """File with methods for dealing with fortran unformatted data files"""
-    def _get_header_length(self):
-        return struct.calcsize(self._header_prec)
-    _header_length = property(fget=_get_header_length)
-    def _set_endian(self,c):
-        """
-        Set endian to big (c='>') or little (c='<') or native (c='@')
-        Parameters:
-          `c` : string
-            The endian-ness to use when reading from this file.
-        """
-        if c in '<>@=':
-            self._endian = c
-        else:
-            raise ValueError('Cannot set endian-ness')
-    def _get_endian(self):
-        return self._endian
-    ENDIAN = property(fset=_set_endian,
-                      fget=_get_endian,
-                      doc="Possible endian values are '<', '>', '@', '='"
-                     )
-    def _set_header_prec(self, prec):
-        if prec in 'hilq':
-            self._header_prec = prec
-        else:
-            raise ValueError('Cannot set header precision')
-    def _get_header_prec(self):
-        return self._header_prec
-    HEADER_PREC = property(fset=_set_header_prec,
-                           fget=_get_header_prec,
-                           doc="Possible header precisions are 'h', 'i', 'l', 'q'"
-                          )
-    def __init__(self, fname, endian='@', header_prec='i', *args, **kwargs):
-        """Open a Fortran unformatted file for writing.
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        endian : character, optional
-            Specify the endian-ness of the file.  Possible values are
-            '>', '<', '@' and '='.  See the documentation of Python's
-            struct module for their meanings.  The deafult is '@' (native
-            byte order)
-        header_prec : character, optional
-            Specify the precision used for the record headers.  Possible
-            values are 'h', 'i', 'l' and 'q' with their meanings from
-            Python's struct module.  The default is 'i' (the system's
-            default integer).
-        """
-        file.__init__(self, fname, *args, **kwargs)
-        self.ENDIAN = endian
-        self.HEADER_PREC = header_prec
-    def _read_exactly(self, num_bytes):
-        """Read in exactly num_bytes, raising an error if it can't be done."""
-        data = ''
-        while True:
-            l = len(data)
-            if l == num_bytes:
-                return data
-            else:
-                read_data = - l)
-            if read_data == '':
-                raise IOError('Could not read enough data.'
-                              '  Wanted %d bytes, got %d.' % (num_bytes, l))
-            data += read_data
-    def _read_check(self):
-        return struct.unpack(self.ENDIAN+self.HEADER_PREC,
-                             self._read_exactly(self._header_length)
-                            )[0]
-    def _write_check(self, number_of_bytes):
-        """Write the header for the given number of bytes"""
-        self.write(struct.pack(self.ENDIAN+self.HEADER_PREC,
-                               number_of_bytes))
-    def readRecord(self):
-        """Read a single fortran record"""
-        l = self._read_check()
-        data_str = self._read_exactly(l)
-        check_size = self._read_check()
-        if check_size != l:
-            raise IOError('Error reading record from data file')
-        return data_str
-    def writeRecord(self,s):
-        """Write a record with the given bytes.
-        Parameters
-            s : the string to write
-        """
-        length_bytes = len(s)
-        self._write_check(length_bytes)
-        self.write(s)
-        self._write_check(length_bytes)
-    def readString(self):
-        """Read a string."""
-        return self.readRecord()
-    def writeString(self,s):
-        """Write a string
-        Parameters
-            s : the string to write
-        """
-        self.writeRecord(s)
-    _real_precisions = 'df'
-    def readReals(self, prec='f'):
-        """
-        Read in an array of real numbers.
-        Parameters
-            prec : character, optional
-            Specify the precision of the array using character codes from
-            Python's struct module.  Possible values are 'd' and 'f'.
-        """
-        _numpy_precisions = {'d': numpy.float64,
-                             'f': numpy.float32
-                            }
-        if prec not in self._real_precisions:
-            raise ValueError('Not an appropriate precision')
-        data_str = self.readRecord()
-        num = len(data_str)/struct.calcsize(prec)
-        numbers =struct.unpack(self.ENDIAN+str(num)+prec,data_str) 
-        return numpy.array(numbers, dtype=_numpy_precisions[prec])
-    def writeReals(self, reals, prec='f'):
-        """
-        Write an array of floats in given precision
-        Parameters
-        reals : array
-            Data to write
-        prec` : string
-            Character code for the precision to use in writing
-        """
-        if prec not in self._real_precisions:
-            raise ValueError('Not an appropriate precision')
-        # Don't use writeRecord to avoid having to form a
-        # string as large as the array of numbers
-        length_bytes = len(reals)*struct.calcsize(prec)
-        self._write_check(length_bytes)
-        _fmt = self.ENDIAN + prec
-        for r in reals:
-            self.write(struct.pack(_fmt,r))
-        self._write_check(length_bytes)
-    _int_precisions = 'hilq'
-    def readInts(self, prec='i'):
-        """
-        Read an array of integers.
-        Parameters
-            prec : character, optional
-                Specify the precision of the data to be read using 
-                character codes from Python's struct module.  Possible
-                values are 'h', 'i', 'l' and 'q'
-        """
-        if prec not in self._int_precisions:
-            raise ValueError('Not an appropriate precision')
-        data_str = self.readRecord()
-        num = len(data_str)/struct.calcsize(prec)
-        return numpy.array(struct.unpack(self.ENDIAN+str(num)+prec,data_str))
-    def writeInts(self, ints, prec='i'):
-        """
-        Write an array of integers in given precision
-        Parameters
-            reals : array
-                Data to write
-            prec : string
-                Character code for the precision to use in writing
-        """
-        if prec not in self._int_precisions:
-            raise ValueError('Not an appropriate precision')
-        # Don't use writeRecord to avoid having to form a
-        # string as large as the array of numbers
-        length_bytes = len(ints)*struct.calcsize(prec)
-        self._write_check(length_bytes)
-        _fmt = self.ENDIAN + prec
-        for item in ints:
-            self.write(struct.pack(_fmt,item))
-        self._write_check(length_bytes)