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Posted to by Heliqi via TVM Discuss <> on 2020/06/07 13:37:10 UTC

[TVM Discuss] [Troubleshooting] Some questions about Windows

I recently spent two weeks debugging in the Windwos environment and found some problems about AutoTVM.

My env: windows10 intel-CPU ; TVM 0.7dev; python 3.6; LLVM 9.0;

1.On windows, is a non-routable meta-address used to designate an invalid, unknown, or non-applicable target (a ‘no particular address’ place holder). So replace with .

2.On windows,pickle function's closure seems problematic.
"..\multiprocessing\", line 60, in dump
      ForkingPickler(file, protocol).dump(obj)
Can't pickle local object '_wrap_build_func.<locals>._wrapped'
I change the [code]( to this:
def _wrap_build_func(build_func,measure_input, tmp_dir, **kwargs):

    if not hasattr(build_func, "output_format"):
        raise AttributeError("Expect build_func to have the attribute output_format.")
    output_format = build_func.output_format

    tic = time.time()
            filename = os.path.join(tmp_dir, "tmp_func_%0x.%s" % (
                getrandbits(64), output_format))
            # TODO(tvm-team) consider linline _build_func_common
            func, arg_info = _build_func_common(measure_input, **kwargs)
            func.export_library(filename, build_func)
     except Exception as e:  # pylint: disable=broad-except
          return BuildResult(None, None, e, time.time() - tic)
     return BuildResult(filename, arg_info, None, time.time() - tic)
The use of  '_wrap_build_func'  function  also change, but the changes will be minimal.

3.If the windows10 version < 17063, no 'tar' command. My  method:
I download the Cygwin and  install tar from it. Then, add it to environment variable.You can use the 'tar' command on Windows Command Prompt.

4.If path on the 'tar' command contain ':' (example 'D;\User\xxx'), need to add the '--force-local'. 
[tar code](
md += [output]
cmd += ["--force-local"]
cmd += ["-C", temp.temp_dir]
cmd += temp.listdir()

5.On the untar function ['code'](, If the 'tar_file' and 'directory'  path is in 'xxx\\xxx\\xxx' format and '\\' needs to be replaced with '/'. Otherwise,Python failed to execute the tar command.
if platform.system() == "Windows":
     if tar_file.find('\\') != -1:
          tar_file = '/'.join(tar_file.split('\\'))
     if directory.find('\\') != -1:
          directory = '/'.join(directory.split('\\'))

6.The Windows Socket error 10048 , Address already in use.So add 10048 to the [list](

7.Use the LocalRunner ,after starting the Tracker, server don't connect it.  You need to compile cpp_rpc and start the tvm_rpc.exe.  You also can use process-pool.

8.The basegraphtuner. benchmark_layout_transform is creating tracker and server in a loop,On windows this's a big price to pay.  [code 1]( and [code 2](

I think we can add some judgment reuse tracker and server.example:
def set_task(self, task):
        if self.tracker and server:

            self.task = task
            tracker = Tracker('', port=9000, port_end=10000, silent=True)
            device_key = '$local$device$%d' % tracker.port
            server = Server('', port=9000, port_end=10000,
                        use_popen=True, silent=True,
                        tracker_addr=(, tracker.port))
            self.key = device_key
            self.port = tracker.port

            super(LocalRunner, self).set_task(task)
            self.server = server
            self.tracker = tracker
        return self.server, self.tracker

9." Compilation error: lld-link: error: : undefined symbol:  **tvm_main**"

This is a temporary fix, annotation “__tvm_main__”:

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