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[43/49] couchdb commit: updated refs/heads/1843-feature-bigcouch to 3069c01

Remove src/twig


Branch: refs/heads/1843-feature-bigcouch
Commit: 26dbcc160ee6b019fe6513d02edbe8821af4af18
Parents: 350a7ef
Author: Paul J. Davis <>
Authored: Tue Feb 4 17:42:54 2014 -0600
Committer: Paul J. Davis <>
Committed: Tue Feb 4 17:42:54 2014 -0600

 src/twig/                  |  11 --
 src/twig/src/trunc_io.erl           | 215 -------------------------------
 src/twig/src/           |  20 ---
 src/twig/src/twig.erl               |  53 --------
 src/twig/src/twig_app.erl           |  21 ---
 src/twig/src/twig_event_handler.erl | 162 -----------------------
 src/twig/src/twig_int.hrl           |  24 ----
 src/twig/src/twig_monitor.erl       |  46 -------
 src/twig/src/twig_sup.erl           |  24 ----
 src/twig/src/twig_util.erl          |  80 ------------
 10 files changed, 656 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/twig/ b/src/twig/
deleted file mode 100644
index 97852ef..0000000
--- a/src/twig/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-Twig is a SASL-compliant Erlang/OTP logger.  It installs a gen_event handler in the error_logger event manager, where it consumes standard OTP reports and messages as well as events generated by twig:log/2,3,4.  Log messages are written to a syslog server over UDP using the format specified in RFC 5424.
-Twig's behavior is controlled using the application environment:
-* host (undefined): the hostname of the syslog server
-* port (514): the port of the syslog server
-* facility (local2): syslog facility to be used
-* level (info): logging threshold. Messages "above" this threshold (in syslog parlance) will be discarded. Acceptable values are debug, info, notice, warn, err, crit, alert, and emerg.
-* appid ("twig"): inserted as the APPID in the syslog message
-* max_term_size (8192): raw data size below which we format normally
-* max_message_size (16000): approx. max size of truncated string
diff --git a/src/twig/src/trunc_io.erl b/src/twig/src/trunc_io.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index cfa6c97..0000000
--- a/src/twig/src/trunc_io.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,215 +0,0 @@
-%% ``The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
-%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
-%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
-%% Erlang Public License along with your Erlang distribution. If not, it can be
-%% retrieved via the world wide web at
-%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
-%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
-%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
-%% under the License.
-%% The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Corelatus AB.
-%% Portions created by Corelatus are Copyright 2003, Corelatus
-%% AB. All Rights Reserved.''
-%% Module to print out terms for logging. Limits by length rather than depth.
-%% The resulting string may be slightly larger than the limit; the intention
-%% is to provide predictable CPU and memory consumption for formatting
-%% terms, not produce precise string lengths.
-%% Typical use:
-%%   trunc_io:print(Term, 500).
-%% And thanks to Chris Newcombe for a bug fix 
--export([print/2, fprint/2, safe/2]).               % interface functions
--export([perf/0, perf/3, perf1/0, test/0, test/2]). % testing functions
--version("$Id: trunc_io.erl,v 1.11 2009-02-23 12:01:06 matthias Exp $").
-%% Returns an flattened list containing the ASCII representation of the given
-%% term.
-fprint(T, Max) -> 
-    {L, _} = print(T, Max),
-    lists:flatten(L).
-%% Same as print, but never crashes. 
-%% This is a tradeoff. Print might conceivably crash if it's asked to
-%% print something it doesn't understand, for example some new data
-%% type in a future version of Erlang. If print crashes, we fall back
-%% to io_lib to format the term, but then the formatting is
-%% depth-limited instead of length limited, so you might run out
-%% memory printing it. Out of the frying pan and into the fire.
-safe(What, Len) ->
-    case catch print(What, Len) of
-	{L, Used} when is_list(L) -> {L, Used};
-	_ -> {"unable to print" ++ io_lib:write(What, 99)}
-    end.	     
-%% Returns {List, Length}
-print(_, Max) when Max < 0 -> {"...", 3};
-print(Tuple, Max) when is_tuple(Tuple) ->
-    {TC, Len} = tuple_contents(Tuple, Max-2),
-    {[${, TC, $}], Len + 2};
-%% We assume atoms, floats, funs, integers, PIDs, ports and refs never need 
-%% to be truncated. This isn't strictly true, someone could make an 
-%% arbitrarily long bignum. Let's assume that won't happen unless someone
-%% is being malicious.
-print(Atom, _Max) when is_atom(Atom) ->
-    L = atom_to_list(Atom),
-    {L, length(L)};
-print(<<>>, _Max) ->
-    {"<<>>", 4};
-print(Binary, Max) when is_binary(Binary) ->
-    B = binary_to_list(Binary, 1, lists:min([Max, size(Binary)])),
-    {L, Len} = alist_start(B, Max-4),
-    {["<<", L, ">>"], Len};
-print(Float, _Max) when is_float(Float) ->
-    L = float_to_list(Float),
-    {L, length(L)};
-print(Fun, _Max) when is_function(Fun) ->
-    L = erlang:fun_to_list(Fun),
-    {L, length(L)};
-print(Integer, _Max) when is_integer(Integer) ->
-    L = integer_to_list(Integer),
-    {L, length(L)};
-print(Pid, _Max) when is_pid(Pid) ->
-    L = pid_to_list(Pid),
-    {L, length(L)};
-print(Ref, _Max) when is_reference(Ref) ->
-    L = erlang:ref_to_list(Ref),
-    {L, length(L)};
-print(Port, _Max) when is_port(Port) ->
-    L = erlang:port_to_list(Port),
-    {L, length(L)};
-print(List, Max) when is_list(List) ->
-    alist_start(List, Max).
-%% Returns {List, Length}
-tuple_contents(Tuple, Max) ->
-    L = tuple_to_list(Tuple),
-    list_body(L, Max).
-%% Format the inside of a list, i.e. do not add a leading [ or trailing ].
-%% Returns {List, Length}
-list_body([], _) -> {[], 0};
-list_body(_, Max) when Max < 4 -> {"...", 3};
-list_body([H|T], Max) -> 
-    {List, Len} = print(H, Max),
-    {Final, FLen} = list_bodyc(T, Max - Len),
-    {[List|Final], FLen + Len};
-list_body(X, Max) ->  %% improper list
-    {List, Len} = print(X, Max - 1),
-    {[$|,List], Len + 1}.
-list_bodyc([], _) -> {[], 0};
-list_bodyc(_, Max) when Max < 4 -> {"...", 3};
-list_bodyc([H|T], Max) -> 
-    {List, Len} = print(H, Max),
-    {Final, FLen} = list_bodyc(T, Max - Len - 1),
-    {[$,, List|Final], FLen + Len + 1};
-list_bodyc(X,Max) ->  %% improper list
-    {List, Len} = print(X, Max - 1),
-    {[$|,List], Len + 1}.
-%% The head of a list we hope is ascii. Examples:
-%% [65,66,67] -> "ABC"
-%% [65,0,67] -> "A"[0,67]
-%% [0,65,66] -> [0,65,66]
-%% [65,b,66] -> "A"[b,66]
-alist_start([], _) -> {"[]", 2};
-alist_start(_, Max) when Max < 4 -> {"...", 3};
-alist_start([H|T], Max) when H >= 16#20, H =< 16#7e ->  % definitely printable
-    {L, Len} = alist([H|T], Max-1),
-    {[$\"|L], Len + 1};
-alist_start([H|T], Max) when H == 9; H == 10; H == 13 ->   % show as space
-    {L, Len} = alist(T, Max-1),
-    {[$ |L], Len + 1};
-alist_start(L, Max) ->
-    {R, Len} = list_body(L, Max-2),
-    {[$[, R, $]], Len + 2}.
-alist([], _) -> {"\"", 1};
-alist(_, Max) when Max < 5 -> {"...\"", 4};
-alist([H|T], Max) when H >= 16#20, H =< 16#7e ->     % definitely printable
-    {L, Len} = alist(T, Max-1),
-    {[H|L], Len + 1};
-alist([H|T], Max) when H == 9; H == 10; H == 13 ->   % show as space
-    {L, Len} = alist(T, Max-1),
-    {[$ |L], Len + 1};
-alist(L, Max) ->
-    {R, Len} = list_body(L, Max-3),
-    {[$\", $[, R, $]], Len + 3}.
-%% The start of a test suite. So far, it only checks for not crashing.
-test() ->
-    test(trunc_io, print).
-test(Mod, Func) ->
-    Simple_items = [atom, 1234, 1234.0, {tuple}, [], [list], "string", self(),
-		    <<1,2,3>>, make_ref(), fun() -> ok end],
-    F = fun(A) ->
-		Mod:Func(A, 100),
-		Mod:Func(A, 2),
-		Mod:Func(A, 20)
-	end,
-    G = fun(A) ->
-		case catch F(A) of
-		    {'EXIT', _} -> exit({failed, A});
-		    _ -> ok
-		end
-	end,
-    lists:foreach(G, Simple_items),
-    Tuples = [ {1,2,3,a,b,c}, {"abc", def, 1234},
-	       {{{{a},b,c,{d},e}},f}],
-    Lists = [ [1,2,3,4,5,6,7], lists:seq(1,1000),
-	      [{a}, {a,b}, {a, [b,c]}, "def"], [a|b], [$a|$b] ],
-    lists:foreach(G, Tuples),
-    lists:foreach(G, Lists).
-perf() ->
-    {New, _} = timer:tc(trunc_io, perf, [trunc_io, print, 1000]),
-    {Old, _} = timer:tc(trunc_io, perf, [io_lib, write, 1000]),
-    io:fwrite("New code took ~p us, old code ~p\n", [New, Old]).
-perf(M, F, Reps) when Reps > 0 ->
-    test(M,F),
-    perf(M,F,Reps-1);
-perf(_,_,_) ->
-    done.    
-%% Performance test. Needs a particularly large term I saved as a binary...
-perf1() ->
-    {ok, Bin} = file:read_file("bin"),
-    A = binary_to_term(Bin),
-    {N, _} = timer:tc(trunc_io, print, [A, 1500]),
-    {M, _} = timer:tc(io_lib, write, [A]),
-    {N, M}.
diff --git a/src/twig/src/ b/src/twig/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index 751375e..0000000
--- a/src/twig/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
-% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
-% the License at
-% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
-% the License.
-{application, twig, [
-    {description, "Logger"},
-    {vsn, git},
-    {registered, []},
-    {applications, [kernel, stdlib]},
-    {mod, {twig_app, []}},
-    {env, []}
diff --git a/src/twig/src/twig.erl b/src/twig/src/twig.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index e62cd33..0000000
--- a/src/twig/src/twig.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
-% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
-% the License at
-% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
-% the License.
--export([log/2, log/3, log/4, set_level/1]).
-set_level(LevelAtom) ->
-    application:set_env(twig, level, twig_util:level(LevelAtom)).
-log(LevelAtom, String) ->
-    log(LevelAtom, String, [], []).
-log(LevelAtom, Format, Data) ->
-    log(LevelAtom, Format, Data, []).
-log(LevelAtom, Format, Data, _Options) ->
-    %% TODO do something useful with options
-    Level = twig_util:level(LevelAtom),
-    case application:get_env(twig, level) of
-        {ok, Threshold} when Level =< Threshold ->
-            send_message(Level, Format, Data);
-        undefined when Level =< ?LEVEL_INFO ->
-            send_message(Level, Format, Data);
-        _ ->
-            ok
-    end.
-%% internal
-send_message(Level, Format, Data) ->
-    gen_event:sync_notify(error_logger, format(Level, Format, Data)).
-format(Level, Format, Data) ->
-    %% TODO truncate large messages
-    #twig{
-        level = Level,
-        msg = iolist_to_binary(twig_util:format(Format, Data)),
-        msgid = erlang:get(nonce),
-        pid = self()
-    }.
diff --git a/src/twig/src/twig_app.erl b/src/twig/src/twig_app.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index e16ad58..0000000
--- a/src/twig/src/twig_app.erl
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@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
-% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
-% the License at
-% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
-% the License.
--export([start/2, stop/1]).
-start(_StartType, _StartArgs) ->
-    twig_sup:start_link().
-stop(_State) ->
-    ok.
diff --git a/src/twig/src/twig_event_handler.erl b/src/twig/src/twig_event_handler.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index d7b691b..0000000
--- a/src/twig/src/twig_event_handler.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,162 +0,0 @@
-% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
-% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
-% the License at
-% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
-% the License.
--export([init/1, handle_event/2, handle_call/2, handle_info/2, terminate/2,
-        code_change/3]).
--import(twig_util, [get_env/2]).
--record(state, {
-    socket,
-    host,
-    port,
-    hostname,
-    os_pid,
-    appid,
-    facility,
-    level
-init([]) ->
-    {ok, Socket} = gen_udp:open(0),
-    {ok, ok, State} = handle_call(load_config, #state{socket=Socket}),
-    {ok, State}.
-handle_event(#twig{level=Level, msgid=MsgId, msg=Msg, pid=Pid}, State) ->
-    write(Level, MsgId, Msg, Pid, State),
-    {ok, State};
-% OTP standard events
-handle_event({Class, _GL, {Pid, Format, Args}}, #state{level=Max} = State) ->
-    case otp_event_level(Class, Format) of
-        undefined ->
-            {ok, State};
-        Level when Level > Max ->
-            {ok, State};
-        Level ->
-            {MsgId, Msg} = message(Format, Args),
-            write(Level, MsgId, Msg, Pid, State),
-            {ok, State}
-    end;
-handle_event(_Event, State) ->
-    {ok, State}.
-handle_call({set_level, Level}, State) ->
-    {ok, ok, State#state{level = Level}};
-handle_call(load_config, State) ->
-    Host = case inet:getaddr(get_env(host, undefined), inet) of
-    {ok, Address} ->
-        Address;
-    {error, _} ->
-        undefined
-    end,
-    NewState = State#state{
-        host = Host,
-        port = get_env(port, 514),
-        hostname = net_adm:localhost(),
-        os_pid = os:getpid(),
-        appid = get_env(appid, "twig"),
-        facility = twig_util:facility(get_env(facility, local2)),
-        level = twig_util:level(get_env(level, info))
-    },
-    {ok, ok, NewState};
-handle_call(_Call, State) ->
-    {ok, ignored, State}.
-handle_info(_Info, State) ->
-    {ok, State}.
-terminate(_Reason, State) ->
-    gen_udp:close(State#state.socket).
-code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) ->
-    {ok, State}.
-write(Level, undefined, Msg, Pid, State) ->
-    write(Level, "--------", Msg, Pid, State);
-write(Level, MsgId, Msg, Pid, State) when is_list(Msg); is_binary(Msg) ->
-    #state{facility=Facil, appid=App, hostname=Hostname, host=Host, port=Port,
-        socket=Socket} = State,
-    Pre = io_lib:format("<~B>~B ~s ~s ~s ~p ~s - ", [Facil bor Level,
-        ?SYSLOG_VERSION, twig_util:iso8601_timestamp(), Hostname, App, Pid,
-        MsgId]),
-    send(Socket, Host, Port, [Pre, Msg, $\n]).
-send(_, undefined, _, Packet) ->
-    io:put_chars(Packet);
-send(Socket, Host, Port, Packet) ->
-    gen_udp:send(Socket, Host, Port, Packet).
-message(crash_report, Report) ->
-    Msg = case erts_debug:flat_size(Report) > get_env(max_term_size, 8192) of
-        true ->
-            MaxString = get_env(max_message_size, 16000),
-            ["*Truncated* - ", trunc_io:print(Report, MaxString)];
-        false ->
-            proc_lib:format(Report)
-    end,
-    {crash_report, Msg};
-message(supervisor_report, Report) ->
-    Name = get_value(supervisor, Report),
-    Error = get_value(errorContext, Report),
-    Reason = get_value(reason, Report),
-    Offender = get_value(offender, Report),
-    ChildPid = get_value(pid, Offender),
-    ChildName = get_value(name, Offender),
-    case get_value(mfa, Offender) of
-        undefined ->
-            {M,F,_} = get_value(mfargs, Offender);
-        {M,F,_} ->
-            ok
-    end,
-    {supervisor_report, twig_util:format("~p ~p (~p) child: ~p [~p] ~p:~p",
-            [Name, Error, Reason, ChildName, ChildPid, M, F])};
-message(Type, Report) when Type == std_error;
-                           Type == std_info;
-                           Type == std_warning;
-                           Type == progress_report;
-                           Type == progress ->
-    {Type, twig_util:format("~2048.0p", [Report])};
-message(Format, Args) when is_list(Format) ->
-    {msg, twig_util:format(Format, Args)};
-message(Format, Args) ->
-    {unknown, twig_util:format("~2048.0p ~2048.0p", [Format, Args])}.
-otp_event_level(_, crash_report) ->         ?LEVEL_CRIT;
-otp_event_level(_, supervisor_report) ->    ?LEVEL_WARN;
-otp_event_level(_, supervisor) ->           ?LEVEL_WARN;
-otp_event_level(_, progress_report) ->      ?LEVEL_DEBUG;
-otp_event_level(_, progress) ->             ?LEVEL_DEBUG;
-otp_event_level(error, _) ->                ?LEVEL_ERR;
-otp_event_level(warning_msg, _) ->          ?LEVEL_WARN;
-otp_event_level(info_msg, _) ->             ?LEVEL_NOTICE;
-otp_event_level(error_report, _) ->         ?LEVEL_ERR;
-otp_event_level(warning_report, _) ->       ?LEVEL_WARN;
-otp_event_level(info_report, _) ->          ?LEVEL_NOTICE;
-otp_event_level(_, _) ->                    ?LEVEL_DEBUG.
-get_value(Key, Props) ->
-    case lists:keyfind(Key, 1, Props) of
-        {Key, Value} ->
-            Value;
-        false ->
-            undefined
-    end.
diff --git a/src/twig/src/twig_int.hrl b/src/twig/src/twig_int.hrl
deleted file mode 100644
index 81ef8b5..0000000
--- a/src/twig/src/twig_int.hrl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
-% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
-% the License at
-% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
-% the License.
--define(SYSLOG_VERSION, 1).
--define(LEVEL_DEBUG, 7).
--define(LEVEL_INFO, 6).
--define(LEVEL_NOTICE, 5).
--define(LEVEL_WARN, 4).
--define(LEVEL_ERR, 3).
--define(LEVEL_CRIT, 2).
--define(LEVEL_ALERT, 1).
--define(LEVEL_EMERG, 0).
--record(twig, {level, msgid, msg, pid}).
diff --git a/src/twig/src/twig_monitor.erl b/src/twig/src/twig_monitor.erl
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index 81b04bd..0000000
--- a/src/twig/src/twig_monitor.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
-% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
-% the License at
-% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
-% the License.
--export([init/1, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2, terminate/2,
-        code_change/3]).
-start_link() ->
-    gen_server:start_link(?MODULE, [], []).
-init(_) ->
-    ok = gen_event:add_sup_handler(error_logger, twig_event_handler, []),
-    {ok, nil}.
-handle_call(_Call, _From, State) ->
-    {reply, ignored, State}.
-handle_cast(_Cast, State) ->
-    {noreply, State}.
-handle_info({gen_event_EXIT, twig_event_handler, Reason} = Msg, State) ->
-    io:format("~p~n", [Msg]),
-    {stop, Reason, State};
-handle_info(_Msg, State) ->
-    {noreply, State}.
-terminate(_Reason, _State) ->
-    ok.
-code_change(_, State, _) ->
-    {ok, State}.
diff --git a/src/twig/src/twig_sup.erl b/src/twig/src/twig_sup.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index f778f0d..0000000
--- a/src/twig/src/twig_sup.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
-% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
-% the License at
-% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
-% the License.
--export([start_link/0, init/1]).
-%% Helper macro for declaring children of supervisor
--define(CHILD(I, Type), {I, {I, start_link, []}, permanent, 5000, Type, [I]}).
-start_link() ->
-    supervisor:start_link({local, ?MODULE}, ?MODULE, []).
-init([]) ->
-    {ok, { {one_for_one, 5, 10}, [?CHILD(twig_monitor, worker)]} }.
diff --git a/src/twig/src/twig_util.erl b/src/twig/src/twig_util.erl
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index f5442fd..0000000
--- a/src/twig/src/twig_util.erl
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@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
-% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
-% the License at
-% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
-% the License.
--export([format/2, get_env/2, level/1, facility/1, iso8601_timestamp/0]).
-level(debug) ->     7;
-level(info) ->      6;
-level(notice) ->    5;
-level(warn) ->      4;
-level(warning) ->   4;
-level(err) ->       3;
-level(error) ->     3;
-level(crit) ->      2;
-level(alert) ->     1;
-level(emerg) ->     0;
-level(panic) ->     0;
-level(I) when is_integer(I), I >= 0, I =< 7 ->
-    I;
-level(_BadLevel) ->
-    3.
-facility(kern)     -> (0 bsl 3) ; % kernel messages
-facility(user)     -> (1 bsl 3) ; % random user-level messages
-facility(mail)     -> (2 bsl 3) ; % mail system
-facility(daemon)   -> (3 bsl 3) ; % system daemons
-facility(auth)     -> (4 bsl 3) ; % security/authorization messages
-facility(syslog)   -> (5 bsl 3) ; % messages generated internally by syslogd
-facility(lpr)      -> (6 bsl 3) ; % line printer subsystem
-facility(news)     -> (7 bsl 3) ; % network news subsystem
-facility(uucp)     -> (8 bsl 3) ; % UUCP subsystem
-facility(cron)     -> (9 bsl 3) ; % clock daemon
-facility(authpriv) -> (10 bsl 3); % security/authorization messages (private)
-facility(ftp)      -> (11 bsl 3); % ftp daemon
-facility(local0)   -> (16 bsl 3);
-facility(local1)   -> (17 bsl 3);
-facility(local2)   -> (18 bsl 3);
-facility(local3)   -> (19 bsl 3);
-facility(local4)   -> (20 bsl 3);
-facility(local5)   -> (21 bsl 3);
-facility(local6)   -> (22 bsl 3);
-facility(local7)   -> (23 bsl 3).
-iso8601_timestamp() ->
-    {_,_,Micro} = Now = os:timestamp(),
-    {{Year,Month,Date},{Hour,Minute,Second}} = calendar:now_to_datetime(Now),
-    Format = "~4.10.0B-~2.10.0B-~2.10.0BT~2.10.0B:~2.10.0B:~2.10.0B.~6.10.0BZ",
-    io_lib:format(Format, [Year, Month, Date, Hour, Minute, Second, Micro]).
-format(Format, Data) ->
-    MaxTermSize = get_env(max_term_size, 8192),
-    case erts_debug:flat_size(Data) > MaxTermSize of
-        true ->
-            MaxString = get_env(max_message_size, 16000),
-            {Truncated, _} = trunc_io:print(Data, MaxString),
-            ["*Truncated* ", Format, " - ", Truncated];
-        false ->
-            io_lib:format(Format, Data)
-    end.
-get_env(Key, Default) ->
-    case application:get_env(twig, Key) of
-        {ok, Value} ->
-            Value;
-        undefined ->
-            Default
-    end.