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[52/57] incubator-corinthia git commit: removed all non-release files
diff --git a/sample/code/objc_bindings/EDJSInterface.m b/sample/code/objc_bindings/EDJSInterface.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 51fd1cf..0000000
--- a/sample/code/objc_bindings/EDJSInterface.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1788 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-// IMPORTANT NOTE: This code does not work in it's current form,
-// and exists for illustrative purposes only. It is an excerpt
-// from the UX Write source code indented to show how the bindings
-// between Objective C and JavaScript are implemented, both in
-// terms of calling *in* to JavaScript, and calling *out* of
-// JavaScript (that is, callback functions).
-// The functions are referenced by number, which is due to the
-// fact that prior to the editor code becoming open source, it
-// was obfuscated in the files distributed with UX Write. Thus,
-// each API function was represented as an index into an array
-// of JavaScript functions to be called. This was necessary
-// because the obfuscator I was using (UglifyJS) renamed all the
-// global functions and this was the only way to keep track of them.
-// This numeric referencing of functions is no longer relevant
-// not that there's no need to obfuscate the code (quite the opposite
-// in fact), so when implementing bindings for other languages you
-// can just reference the function names directly.
-#import "EDJSInterface.h"
-#import "EDScan.h"
-#import "EDUtil.h"
-#import <FileClient/FCError.h>
-#import <FileClient/FCUtil.h>
-typedef enum {
-    AutoCorrect_correctPrecedingWord,
-    AutoCorrect_getCorrection,
-    AutoCorrect_getCorrectionCoords,
-    AutoCorrect_acceptCorrection,
-    AutoCorrect_replaceCorrection,
-    ChangeTracking_showChanges,
-    ChangeTracking_trackChanges,
-    ChangeTracking_setShowChanges,
-    ChangeTracking_setTrackChanges,
-    Clipboard_cut,
-    Clipboard_copy,
-    Clipboard_pasteHTML,
-    Clipboard_pasteText,
-    Cursor_positionCursor,
-    Cursor_getCursorPosition,
-    Cursor_moveLeft,
-    Cursor_moveRight,
-    Cursor_moveToStartOfDocument,
-    Cursor_moveToEndOfDocument,
-    Cursor_insertReference,
-    Cursor_insertLink,
-    Cursor_insertCharacter,
-    Cursor_deleteCharacter,
-    Cursor_enterPressed,
-    Cursor_getPrecedingWord,
-    Cursor_getLinkProperties,
-    Cursor_setLinkProperties,
-    Cursor_setReferenceTarget,
-    Cursor_insertFootnote,
-    Cursor_insertEndnote,
-    Editor_getBackMessages,
-    Equations_insertEquation,
-    Figures_insertFigure,
-    Figures_getSelectedFigureId,
-    Figures_getProperties,
-    Figures_setProperties,
-    Figures_getGeometry,
-    Formatting_getFormatting,
-    Formatting_applyFormattingChanges,
-    Input_removePosition,
-    Input_textInRange,
-    Input_replaceRange,
-    Input_selectedTextRange,
-    Input_setSelectedTextRange,
-    Input_markedTextRange,
-    Input_setMarkedText,
-    Input_unmarkText,
-    Input_forwardSelectionAffinity,
-    Input_setForwardSelectionAffinity,
-    Input_positionFromPositionOffset,
-    Input_positionFromPositionInDirectionOffset,
-    Input_comparePositionToPosition,
-    Input_offsetFromPositionToPosition,
-    Input_positionWithinRangeFarthestInDirection,
-    Input_characterRangeByExtendingPositionInDirection,
-    Input_firstRectForRange,
-    Input_caretRectForPosition,
-    Input_closestPositionToPoint,
-    Input_closestPositionToPointWithinRange,
-    Input_characterRangeAtPoint,
-    Input_positionWithinRangeAtCharacterOffset,
-    Input_characterOffsetOfPositionWithinRange,
-    Input_isPositionAtBoundaryGranularityInDirection,
-    Input_isPositionWithinTextUnitInDirection,
-    Input_positionFromPositionToBoundaryInDirection,
-    Input_rangeEnclosingPositionWithGranularityInDirection,
-    Lists_increaseIndent,
-    Lists_decreaseIndent,
-    Lists_clearList,
-    Lists_setUnorderedList,
-    Lists_setOrderedList,
-    Main_getLanguage,
-    Main_setLanguage,
-    Main_setGenerator,
-    Main_init,
-    Main_getErrorReportingInfo,
-    Main_execute,
-    Main_prepareForSave,
-    Main_getHTML,
-    Main_isEmptyDocument,
-    Metadata_getMetadata,
-    Metadata_setMetadata,
-    Outline_moveSection,
-    Outline_deleteItem,
-    Outline_goToItem,
-    Outline_scheduleUpdateStructure,
-    Outline_setNumbered,
-    Outline_setTitle,
-    Outline_getOutline,
-    Outline_insertTableOfContents,
-    Outline_insertListOfFigures,
-    Outline_insertListOfTables,
-    Outline_setPrintMode,
-    Outline_examinePrintLayout,
-    Outline_detectSectionNumbering,
-    Outline_findUsedStyles,
-    Preview_showForStyle,
-    Scan_reset,
-    Scan_next,
-    Scan_addMatch,
-    Scan_showMatch,
-    Scan_replaceMatch,
-    Scan_removeMatch,
-    Scan_goToMatch,
-    Selection_update,
-    Selection_selectAll,
-    Selection_selectParagraph,
-    Selection_selectWordAtCursor,
-    Selection_dragSelectionBegin,
-    Selection_dragSelectionUpdate,
-    Selection_moveStartLeft,
-    Selection_moveStartRight,
-    Selection_moveEndLeft,
-    Selection_moveEndRight,
-    Selection_setSelectionStartAtCoords,
-    Selection_setSelectionEndAtCoords,
-    Selection_setTableSelectionEdgeAtCoords,
-    Selection_print,
-    Styles_getCSSText,
-    Styles_setCSSText,
-    Styles_getParagraphClass,
-    Styles_setParagraphClass,
-    Tables_insertTable,
-    Tables_addAdjacentRow,
-    Tables_addAdjacentColumn,
-    Tables_removeAdjacentRow,
-    Tables_removeAdjacentColumn,
-    Tables_clearCells,
-    Tables_mergeCells,
-    Tables_splitSelection,
-    Tables_getSelectedTableId,
-    Tables_getProperties,
-    Tables_setProperties,
-    Tables_setColWidths,
-    Tables_getGeometry,
-    UndoManager_getLength,
-    UndoManager_getIndex,
-    UndoManager_setIndex,
-    UndoManager_undo,
-    UndoManager_redo,
-    UndoManager_newGroup,
-    UndoManager_groupType,
-    Viewport_setViewportWidth,
-    Viewport_setTextScale,
-    JSInterfaceFunctionCount,
-} JSInterfaceFunction;
-static BOOL functionModifiesDocument(JSInterfaceFunction fun)
-    switch (fun)
-    {
-        case AutoCorrect_correctPrecedingWord:
-        case AutoCorrect_acceptCorrection:
-        case AutoCorrect_replaceCorrection:
-        case ChangeTracking_setShowChanges:
-        case ChangeTracking_setTrackChanges:
-        case Clipboard_cut:
-        case Clipboard_pasteHTML:
-        case Clipboard_pasteText:
-        case Cursor_insertReference:
-        case Cursor_insertLink:
-        case Cursor_insertCharacter:
-        case Cursor_deleteCharacter:
-        case Cursor_enterPressed:
-        case Cursor_setLinkProperties:
-        case Cursor_setReferenceTarget:
-        case Cursor_insertFootnote:
-        case Cursor_insertEndnote:
-        case Equations_insertEquation:
-        case Figures_insertFigure:
-        case Figures_setProperties:
-        case Formatting_applyFormattingChanges:
-        case Lists_increaseIndent:
-        case Lists_decreaseIndent:
-        case Lists_clearList:
-        case Lists_setUnorderedList:
-        case Lists_setOrderedList:
-        case Main_setLanguage:
-        case Main_prepareForSave:
-        case Metadata_setMetadata:
-        case Outline_moveSection:
-        case Outline_deleteItem:
-        case Outline_scheduleUpdateStructure:
-        case Outline_setNumbered:
-        case Outline_setTitle:
-        case Outline_insertTableOfContents:
-        case Outline_insertListOfFigures:
-        case Outline_insertListOfTables:
-        case Outline_setPrintMode:
-        case Outline_examinePrintLayout:
-        case Scan_replaceMatch:
-        case Styles_setCSSText:
-        case Tables_insertTable:
-        case Tables_addAdjacentRow:
-        case Tables_addAdjacentColumn:
-        case Tables_removeAdjacentRow:
-        case Tables_removeAdjacentColumn:
-        case Tables_clearCells:
-        case Tables_mergeCells:
-        case Tables_splitSelection:
-        case Tables_setProperties:
-        case Tables_setColWidths:
-        case UndoManager_undo:
-        case UndoManager_redo:
-            return true;
-        case AutoCorrect_getCorrection:
-        case AutoCorrect_getCorrectionCoords:
-        case ChangeTracking_showChanges:
-        case ChangeTracking_trackChanges:
-        case Clipboard_copy:
-        case Cursor_positionCursor:
-        case Cursor_getCursorPosition:
-        case Cursor_moveLeft:
-        case Cursor_moveRight:
-        case Cursor_moveToStartOfDocument:
-        case Cursor_moveToEndOfDocument:
-        case Cursor_getPrecedingWord:
-        case Cursor_getLinkProperties:
-        case Editor_getBackMessages:
-        case Figures_getSelectedFigureId:
-        case Figures_getProperties:
-        case Figures_getGeometry:
-        case Formatting_getFormatting:
-        case Input_removePosition:
-        case Input_textInRange:
-        case Input_replaceRange:
-        case Input_selectedTextRange:
-        case Input_setSelectedTextRange:
-        case Input_markedTextRange:
-        case Input_setMarkedText:
-        case Input_unmarkText:
-        case Input_forwardSelectionAffinity:
-        case Input_setForwardSelectionAffinity:
-        case Input_positionFromPositionOffset:
-        case Input_positionFromPositionInDirectionOffset:
-        case Input_comparePositionToPosition:
-        case Input_offsetFromPositionToPosition:
-        case Input_positionWithinRangeFarthestInDirection:
-        case Input_characterRangeByExtendingPositionInDirection:
-        case Input_firstRectForRange:
-        case Input_caretRectForPosition:
-        case Input_closestPositionToPoint:
-        case Input_closestPositionToPointWithinRange:
-        case Input_characterRangeAtPoint:
-        case Input_positionWithinRangeAtCharacterOffset:
-        case Input_characterOffsetOfPositionWithinRange:
-        case Input_isPositionAtBoundaryGranularityInDirection:
-        case Input_isPositionWithinTextUnitInDirection:
-        case Input_positionFromPositionToBoundaryInDirection:
-        case Input_rangeEnclosingPositionWithGranularityInDirection:
-        case Main_getLanguage:
-        case Main_setGenerator:
-        case Main_init:
-        case Main_getErrorReportingInfo:
-        case Main_execute:
-        case Main_getHTML:
-        case Main_isEmptyDocument:
-        case Metadata_getMetadata:
-        case Outline_getOutline:
-        case Outline_goToItem:
-        case Outline_detectSectionNumbering:
-        case Outline_findUsedStyles:
-        case Preview_showForStyle:
-        case Scan_reset:
-        case Scan_next:
-        case Scan_addMatch:
-        case Scan_showMatch:
-        case Scan_removeMatch:
-        case Scan_goToMatch:
-        case Selection_update:
-        case Selection_selectAll:
-        case Selection_selectParagraph:
-        case Selection_selectWordAtCursor:
-        case Selection_dragSelectionBegin:
-        case Selection_dragSelectionUpdate:
-        case Selection_moveStartLeft:
-        case Selection_moveStartRight:
-        case Selection_moveEndLeft:
-        case Selection_moveEndRight:
-        case Selection_setSelectionStartAtCoords:
-        case Selection_setSelectionEndAtCoords:
-        case Selection_setTableSelectionEdgeAtCoords:
-        case Selection_print:
-        case Styles_getCSSText:
-        case Styles_getParagraphClass:
-        case Styles_setParagraphClass:
-        case Tables_getSelectedTableId:
-        case Tables_getProperties:
-        case Tables_getGeometry:
-        case UndoManager_getLength:
-        case UndoManager_getIndex:
-        case UndoManager_setIndex:
-        case UndoManager_newGroup:
-        case UndoManager_groupType:
-        case Viewport_setViewportWidth:
-        case Viewport_setTextScale:
-        case JSInterfaceFunctionCount:
-            return false;
-    }
-//                                                                                                //
-//                                             JSError                                            //
-//                                                                                                //
-@implementation JSError
-- (JSError *)initWithType:(NSString *)type
-                  message:(NSString *)message
-                operation:(NSString *)operation
-                     html:(NSString *)html
-    if (!(self = [super init]))
-        return nil;
-    _type = [type copy];
-    _message = [message copy];
-    _operation = [operation copy];
-    _html = [html copy];
-    return self;
-- (NSString *)description
-    NSMutableString *errorInfo = [NSMutableString stringWithCapacity: 0];
-    [errorInfo appendFormat: @"%@\n", _message];
-    [errorInfo appendFormat: @"Operation: %@\n", _operation];
-    [errorInfo appendFormat: @"\n"];
-    [errorInfo appendFormat: @"HTML:\n%@\n", _html];
-    return errorInfo;
-- (NSString *)localizedDescription
-    return [self description];
-//                                                                                                //
-//                                           JSInterface                                          //
-//                                                                                                //
-@implementation JSInterface
-    NSUInteger _numCalls[JSInterfaceFunctionCount];
-    NSTimeInterval _timeUsed[JSInterfaceFunctionCount];
-    NSTimeInterval _totalTimeUsed;
-- (JSInterface *)initWithEvaluator:(NSObject<JSEvaluator> *)evaluator
-    if (!(self = [super init]))
-        return nil;
-    _evaluator = evaluator;
-    _autoCorrect = [[JSAutoCorrect alloc] initWithJS: self];
-    _changeTracking = [[JSChangeTracking alloc] initWithJS: self];
-    _clipboard = [[JSClipboard alloc] initWithJS: self];
-    _cursor = [[JSCursor alloc] initWithJS: self];
-    _equations = [[JSEquations alloc] initWithJS: self];
-    _figures = [[JSFigures alloc] initWithJS: self];
-    _formatting = [[JSFormatting alloc] initWithJS: self];
-    _input = [[JSInput alloc] initWithJS: self];
-    _lists = [[JSLists alloc] initWithJS: self];
-    _main = [[JSMain alloc] initWithJS: self];
-    _metadata = [[JSMetadata alloc] initWithJS: self];
-    _outline = [[JSOutline alloc] initWithJS: self];
-    _preview = [[JSPreview alloc] initWithJS: self];
-    _scan = [[JSScan alloc] initWithJS: self];
-    _selection = [[JSSelection alloc] initWithJS: self];
-    _styles = [[JSStyles alloc] initWithJS: self];
-    _tables = [[JSTables alloc] initWithJS: self];
-    _undoManager = [[JSUndoManager alloc] initWithJS: self];
-    _viewport = [[JSViewport alloc] initWithJS: self];
-    return self;
-- (void)dealloc
-    _autoCorrect.js = nil;
-    _changeTracking.js = nil;
-    _clipboard.js = nil;
-    _cursor.js = nil;
-    _equations.js = nil;
-    _figures.js = nil;
-    _formatting.js = nil;
-    _input.js = nil;
-    _lists.js = nil;
-    _main.js = nil;
-    _metadata.js = nil;
-    _outline.js = nil;
-    _preview.js = nil;
-    _scan.js = nil;
-    _selection.js = nil;
-    _styles.js = nil;
-    _tables.js = nil;
-    _undoManager.js = nil;
-    _viewport.js = nil;
-- (BOOL)initJavaScriptWidth:(int)width textScale:(int)textScale cssURL:(NSString *)cssURL
-             clientRectsBug:(BOOL)clientRectsBug
-    // Special case javascript call to Main_init(). We don't use the normal mechanism here because
-    // at this point the JS interface has not been initialised, and the check for this in
-    // executeJavaScriptWithJSONResult would cause it to fail.
-    NSString *code = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"interface_functions[%d](%d,%d,\"%@\",%@)",
-                      Main_init, width, textScale, cssURL, clientRectsBug ? @"true" : @"false"];
-    NSString *result = [_evaluator stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString: code];
-    [self jsCallCompleted];
-    if ([@"true" isEqualToString: result]) {
-        return YES;
-    }
-    else {
-        self.currentOperation = @"JavaScript initialisation";
-        [self reportErrorWithType: nil format: @"%@", result];
-        self.currentOperation = nil;
-        return NO;
-    }
-- (void)jsCallCompleted
-    // Process pending callbacks
-    NSString *getBackMessages = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"interface_functions[%d]()",
-                                 Editor_getBackMessages];
-    NSString *str = [_evaluator stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString: getBackMessages];
-    NSData *data = [str dataUsingEncoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding];
-    NSArray *array = [NSJSONSerialization JSONObjectWithData: data options: 0 error: nil];
-    for (NSArray *message in array)
-        [self dispatchCallbackMessage: message];
-- (NSString *)operationStringWithFunction:(JSInterfaceFunction)function nargs:(int)nargs arguments:(va_list)ap
-    NSMutableString *operation = [NSMutableString stringWithCapacity: 0];
-    [operation appendFormat: @"interface_functions[%d](", function];
-    NSObject *arg;
-    for (int argno = 0; argno < nargs; argno++) {
-        arg = va_arg(ap,NSObject*);
-        if (argno > 0)
-            [operation appendString: @","];
-        if (arg == nil) {
-            [operation appendString: @"null"];
-        }
-        else if ([arg isKindOfClass: [NSNumber class]]) {
-            [operation appendString: [arg description]];
-        }
-        else if ([arg isKindOfClass: [NSNull class]]) {
-            [operation appendString: @"null"];
-        }
-        else if ([arg isKindOfClass: [NSArray class]] || [arg isKindOfClass: [NSDictionary class]]) {
-            NSError *err = nil;
-            NSData *data = [NSJSONSerialization dataWithJSONObject: arg options: 0 error: &err];
-            if (data == nil) {
-                [NSException raise: @"NSJSONSerialization"
-                            format: @"executeJavaScript %d: cannot serialise argument %d to JSON: %@",
-                                    function, argno, FCErrorDescription(err)];
-            }
-            else {
-                NSString *str = [[NSString alloc] initWithBytes: data.bytes length: data.length
-                                                       encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding];
-                [operation appendString: str];
-            }
-        }
-        else {
-            char *quoted = DFQuote(arg.description.UTF8String);
-            NSString *nsQuoted = [NSString stringWithUTF8String: quoted];
-            [operation appendString: nsQuoted];
-            free(quoted);
-        }
-    }
-    [operation appendString: @")"];
-    return operation;
-- (id)executeJavaScriptWithJSONResult:(BOOL)jsonResult function:(JSInterfaceFunction)function nargs:(int)nargs arguments:(va_list)ap
-    NSDate *start = [NSDate date];
-    if (!_jsInitialised) {
-        [NSException raise: @"JavaScriptNotInitialised"
-                    format: @"Yet to receive a jsInterfaceInitFinished from JavaScript code"];
-    }
-    self.currentOperation = [self operationStringWithFunction: function nargs: nargs arguments: ap];
-    id result;
-    if (!jsonResult) {
-        NSString *code = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"interface_functions[%d](function() { return %@; });",
-                                                     Main_execute, self.currentOperation];
-        result = [_evaluator stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString: code];
-        [self jsCallCompleted];
-    }
-    else {
-        NSString *code = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"interface_functions[%d](function() { return JSON.stringify(%@); });",
-                                                     Main_execute, self.currentOperation];
-        NSString *str = [_evaluator stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString: code];
-        [self jsCallCompleted];
-        if ([str isEqualToString: @"null"]) {
-            result = nil;
-        }
-        else {
-            NSData *data = [str dataUsingEncoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding];
-            NSError *err = nil;
-            result = [NSJSONSerialization JSONObjectWithData: data options: 0 error: &err];
-            if (result == nil) {
-                [self reportErrorWithType: nil format: @"Cannot deserialise JSON result \"%@\": %@",
-                 str, FCErrorDescription(err)];
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    NSDate *end = [NSDate date];
-    NSTimeInterval interval = [end timeIntervalSinceDate: start];
-    _numCalls[function]++;
-    _timeUsed[function] += interval;
-    _totalTimeUsed += interval;
-    self.currentOperation = nil;
-    if (functionModifiesDocument(function))
-        self.documentModified = YES;
-    return result;
-- (void)printStatistics
-    if (_totalTimeUsed == 0.0)
-        return;
-    printf("\n");
-    printf("%-10s %-10s %-10s %-10s\n","Function","Calls","Time","Time pct");
-    NSMutableArray *order = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity: 0];
-    for (NSUInteger i = 0; i < JSInterfaceFunctionCount; i++)
-        [order addObject: [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedInteger: i]];
-    [order sortUsingComparator:^NSComparisonResult(NSNumber *n1, NSNumber *n2) {
-        NSUInteger i1 = n1.unsignedIntValue;
-        NSUInteger i2 = n2.unsignedIntValue;
-        if (_timeUsed[i1] < _timeUsed[i2])
-            return NSOrderedAscending;
-        else if (_timeUsed[i1] > _timeUsed[i2])
-            return NSOrderedDescending;
-        else
-            return NSOrderedSame;
-    }];
-    for (NSNumber *n in order) {
-        NSUInteger i = n.unsignedIntValue;
-        double pct = 100*(_timeUsed[i]/_totalTimeUsed);
-        if (pct >= 0.01) {
-            printf("%-10d %-10d %-10d %.2f%%\n",(int)i,(int)_numCalls[i],(int)(_timeUsed[i]*1000),pct);
-        }
-    }
-    printf("totalTimeUsed = %.2fms\n",1000*_totalTimeUsed);
-- (id)executeJavaScriptJSON:(JSInterfaceFunction)function nargs:(int)nargs, ...
-    va_list ap;
-    va_start(ap,nargs);
-    NSString *result = (NSString *)[self executeJavaScriptWithJSONResult: YES
-                                                                function: function
-                                                                   nargs: nargs
-                                                               arguments: ap];
-    va_end(ap);
-    return result;
-- (NSString *)executeJavaScript:(JSInterfaceFunction)function nargs:(int)nargs, ...
-    va_list ap;
-    va_start(ap,nargs);
-    NSString *result = (NSString *)[self executeJavaScriptWithJSONResult: NO
-                                                                function: function
-                                                                   nargs: nargs
-                                                               arguments: ap];
-    va_end(ap);
-    return result;
-- (void)dispatchCallbackMessage:(NSArray*)array
-    if (array.count == 0)
-        return;
-    if (![[array objectAtIndex: 0] isKindOfClass: [NSString class]])
-        return;
-    NSString *functionName = [array objectAtIndex: 0];
-    if ([functionName isEqualToString: @"debug"] &&
-        ([array count] == 2) &&
-        [[array objectAtIndex: 1] isKindOfClass: [NSString class]]) {
-        NSString *message = [array objectAtIndex: 1];
-        debug(@"%@\n",message);
-    }
-    else if ([functionName isEqualToString: @"addOutlineItem"] &&
-             [_delegate respondsToSelector: @selector(jsAddOutlineItem:type:title:)] &&
-             ([array count] == 4) &&
-             [[array objectAtIndex: 1] isKindOfClass: [NSString class]] &&
-             [[array objectAtIndex: 2] isKindOfClass: [NSString class]]) {
-        // 3 could be a a string or null
-        NSString *title = [array objectAtIndex: 3];
-        if ([title isKindOfClass: [NSNull class]])
-            title = nil;
-        [_delegate jsAddOutlineItem: [array objectAtIndex: 1]
-                              type: [array objectAtIndex: 2]
-                             title: title];
-    }
-    else if ([functionName isEqualToString: @"updateOutlineItem"] &&
-             [_delegate respondsToSelector: @selector(jsUpdateOutlineItem:title:)] &&
-             ([array count] == 3) &&
-             [[array objectAtIndex: 1] isKindOfClass: [NSString class]] &&
-             [[array objectAtIndex: 2] isKindOfClass: [NSString class]]) {
-        [_delegate jsUpdateOutlineItem: [array objectAtIndex: 1] title: [array objectAtIndex: 2]];
-    }
-    else if ([functionName isEqualToString: @"removeOutlineItem"] &&
-             [_delegate respondsToSelector: @selector(jsRemoveOutlineItem:)] &&
-             ([array count] == 2) &&
-             [[array objectAtIndex: 1] isKindOfClass: [NSString class]]) {
-        [_delegate jsRemoveOutlineItem: [array objectAtIndex: 1]];
-    }
-    else if ([functionName isEqualToString: @"outlineUpdated"] &&
-             [_delegate respondsToSelector: @selector(jsOutlineUpdated)] &&
-             [array count] == 1) {
-        [_delegate jsOutlineUpdated];
-    }
-    else if ([functionName isEqualToString: @"setSelectionHandles"] &&
-             [_delegate respondsToSelector: @selector(jsSetSelectionHandlesX1:y1:height1:x2:y2:height2:)] &&
-             ([array count] == 7) &&
-             ([[array objectAtIndex: 1] isKindOfClass: [NSNumber class]]) &&
-             ([[array objectAtIndex: 2] isKindOfClass: [NSNumber class]]) &&
-             ([[array objectAtIndex: 3] isKindOfClass: [NSNumber class]]) &&
-             ([[array objectAtIndex: 4] isKindOfClass: [NSNumber class]]) &&
-             ([[array objectAtIndex: 5] isKindOfClass: [NSNumber class]]) &&
-             ([[array objectAtIndex: 6] isKindOfClass: [NSNumber class]])) {
-        [_delegate jsSetSelectionHandlesX1: ((NSNumber *)[array objectAtIndex: 1]).intValue
-                                       y1: ((NSNumber *)[array objectAtIndex: 2]).intValue
-                                  height1: ((NSNumber *)[array objectAtIndex: 3]).intValue
-                                       x2: ((NSNumber *)[array objectAtIndex: 4]).intValue
-                                       y2: ((NSNumber *)[array objectAtIndex: 5]).intValue
-                                  height2: ((NSNumber *)[array objectAtIndex: 6]).intValue];
-    }
-    else if ([functionName isEqualToString: @"setTableSelection"] &&
-             [_delegate respondsToSelector: @selector(jsSetTableSelectionX:y:width:height:)] &&
-             ([array count] == 5) &&
-             ([[array objectAtIndex: 1] isKindOfClass: [NSNumber class]]) &&
-             ([[array objectAtIndex: 2] isKindOfClass: [NSNumber class]]) &&
-             ([[array objectAtIndex: 3] isKindOfClass: [NSNumber class]]) &&
-             ([[array objectAtIndex: 4] isKindOfClass: [NSNumber class]])) {
-        [_delegate jsSetTableSelectionX: ((NSNumber *)[array objectAtIndex: 1]).intValue
-                                     y: ((NSNumber *)[array objectAtIndex: 2]).intValue
-                                 width: ((NSNumber *)[array objectAtIndex: 3]).intValue
-                                height: ((NSNumber *)[array objectAtIndex: 4]).intValue];
-    }
-    else if ([functionName isEqualToString: @"setCursor"] &&
-             [_delegate respondsToSelector: @selector(jsSetCursorX:y:width:height:)] &&
-             ([array count] == 5) &&
-             ([[array objectAtIndex: 1] isKindOfClass: [NSNumber class]]) &&
-             ([[array objectAtIndex: 2] isKindOfClass: [NSNumber class]]) &&
-             ([[array objectAtIndex: 3] isKindOfClass: [NSNumber class]]) &&
-             ([[array objectAtIndex: 4] isKindOfClass: [NSNumber class]])) {
-        [_delegate jsSetCursorX: ((NSNumber *)[array objectAtIndex: 1]).intValue
-                             y: ((NSNumber *)[array objectAtIndex: 2]).intValue
-                         width: ((NSNumber *)[array objectAtIndex: 3]).intValue
-                        height: ((NSNumber *)[array objectAtIndex: 4]).intValue];
-    }
-    else if ([functionName isEqualToString: @"clearSelectionHandlesAndCursor"] &&
-             [_delegate respondsToSelector: @selector(jsClearSelectionHandlesAndCursor)] &&
-             ([array count] == 1)) {
-        [_delegate jsClearSelectionHandlesAndCursor];
-    }
-    else if ([functionName isEqualToString: @"setSelectionBounds"] &&
-             [_delegate respondsToSelector: @selector(jsSetSelectionBoundsLeft:top:right:bottom:)] &&
-             ([array count] == 5) &&
-             ([[array objectAtIndex: 1] isKindOfClass: [NSNumber class]]) &&
-             ([[array objectAtIndex: 2] isKindOfClass: [NSNumber class]]) &&
-             ([[array objectAtIndex: 3] isKindOfClass: [NSNumber class]]) &&
-             ([[array objectAtIndex: 4] isKindOfClass: [NSNumber class]])) {
-        [_delegate jsSetSelectionBoundsLeft: ((NSNumber *)[array objectAtIndex: 1]).intValue
-                                       top: ((NSNumber *)[array objectAtIndex: 2]).intValue
-                                     right: ((NSNumber *)[array objectAtIndex: 3]).intValue
-                                    bottom: ((NSNumber *)[array objectAtIndex: 4]).intValue];
-    }
-    else if ([functionName isEqualToString: @"updateAutoCorrect"] &&
-             [_delegate respondsToSelector: @selector(jsUpdateAutoCorrect)]) {
-        [_delegate jsUpdateAutoCorrect];
-    }
-    else if ([functionName isEqualToString: @"error"] &&
-             (array.count == 3) &&
-             [[array objectAtIndex: 1] isKindOfClass: [NSString class]] &&
-             [[array objectAtIndex: 2] isKindOfClass: [NSString class]]) {
-        NSString *message = [array objectAtIndex: 1];
-        NSString *type = [array objectAtIndex: 2];
-        if (type.length == 0)
-            type = nil;
-        [self reportErrorWithType: type format: @"%@", message];
-    }
-- (void)reportErrorWithType:(NSString *)type format:(NSString *)format, ...
-    if (self.error != nil)
-        return;
-    va_list ap;
-    va_start(ap,format);
-    NSString *basicError = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat: format arguments: ap];
-    va_end(ap);
-    NSString *getErrorReportingInfo = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"interface_functions[%d]()",
-                                       Main_getErrorReportingInfo];
-    NSString *html = [_evaluator stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString: getErrorReportingInfo];
-    self.error = [[JSError alloc] initWithType: type
-                                       message: basicError
-                                     operation: self.currentOperation
-                                          html: html];
-//                                                                                                //
-//                                            JSModule                                            //
-//                                                                                                //
-@implementation JSModule
-- (JSModule *)initWithJS:(JSInterface *)js
-    if (!(self = [super init]))
-        return nil;
-    _js = js;
-    return self;
-//                                                                                                //
-//                                          JSAutoCorrect                                         //
-//                                                                                                //
-@implementation JSAutoCorrect
-- (void)correctPreceding:(int)numChars word:(NSString *)replacement confirmed:(BOOL)confirmed;
-    [self.js executeJavaScript: AutoCorrect_correctPrecedingWord nargs: 3,
-     [NSNumber numberWithInt: numChars], replacement, [NSNumber numberWithBool: confirmed]];
-- (NSDictionary *)getCorrection
-    return [self.js executeJavaScriptJSON: AutoCorrect_getCorrection nargs: 0];
-- (NSDictionary *)getCorrectionCoords
-    return [self.js executeJavaScriptJSON: AutoCorrect_getCorrectionCoords nargs: 0];
-- (void)acceptCorrection
-    [self.js executeJavaScript: AutoCorrect_acceptCorrection nargs: 0];
-- (void)replaceCorrection:(NSString *)replacement
-    [self.js executeJavaScript: AutoCorrect_replaceCorrection nargs: 1, replacement];
-//                                                                                                //
-//                                        JSChangeTracking                                        //
-//                                                                                                //
-@implementation JSChangeTracking
-- (BOOL)showChanges
-    NSString *result = [self.js executeJavaScript: ChangeTracking_showChanges nargs: 0];
-    return [result isEqualToString: @"true"];
-- (BOOL)trackChanges
-    NSString *result = [self.js executeJavaScript: ChangeTracking_trackChanges nargs: 0];
-    return [result isEqualToString: @"true"];
-- (void)setShowChanges:(BOOL)showChanges
-    [self.js executeJavaScript: ChangeTracking_setShowChanges
-                         nargs: 1, [NSNumber numberWithBool: showChanges]];
-- (void)setTrackChanges:(BOOL)trackChanges
-    [self.js executeJavaScript: ChangeTracking_setTrackChanges
-                         nargs: 1, [NSNumber numberWithBool: trackChanges]];
-//                                                                                                //
-//                                           JSClipboard                                          //
-//                                                                                                //
-@implementation JSClipboard
-// The copy operation is called clipboardCopy to keep the static analyzer happy, because it thinks
-// that it relates to making a copy of the object and reports a memory leak. The cut operation
-// is named similarly just for consistency.
-- (NSDictionary *)clipboardCut
-    return [self.js executeJavaScriptJSON: Clipboard_cut nargs: 0];
-- (NSDictionary *)clipboardCopy
-    return [self.js executeJavaScriptJSON: Clipboard_copy nargs: 0];
-- (void)pasteHTML:(NSString *)html
-    [self.js executeJavaScript: Clipboard_pasteHTML nargs: 1, html];
-- (void)pasteText:(NSString *)text
-    [self.js executeJavaScript: Clipboard_pasteText nargs: 1, text];
-//                                                                                                //
-//                                            JSCursor                                            //
-//                                                                                                //
-// Functions implemented in Cursor.js
-@implementation JSCursor
-- (NSString *)positionCursorX:(int)x y:(int)y wordBoundary:(BOOL)wordBoundary
-    return [self.js executeJavaScript: Cursor_positionCursor nargs: 3,
-            [NSNumber numberWithInt: x], [NSNumber numberWithInt: y],
-            [NSNumber numberWithBool: wordBoundary]];
-- (CGRect)getCursorPosition
-    NSDictionary *result = [self.js executeJavaScriptJSON: Cursor_getCursorPosition nargs: 0];
-    return CGRectMake(NSDictionaryGetInt(result,@"x"),
-                      NSDictionaryGetInt(result,@"y"),
-                      NSDictionaryGetInt(result,@"width"),
-                      NSDictionaryGetInt(result,@"height"));
-- (void)moveLeft
-    [self.js executeJavaScript: Cursor_moveLeft nargs: 0];
-- (void)moveRight
-    [self.js executeJavaScript: Cursor_moveRight nargs: 0];
-- (void)moveToStartOfDocument
-    [self.js executeJavaScript: Cursor_moveToStartOfDocument nargs: 0];
-- (void)moveToEndOfDocument
-    [self.js executeJavaScript: Cursor_moveToEndOfDocument nargs: 0];
-- (void)insertReference:(NSString *)itemId
-    [self.js executeJavaScript: Cursor_insertReference nargs: 1, itemId];
-- (void)insertLinkWithText:(NSString *)text URL:(NSString *)URL
-    [self.js executeJavaScript: Cursor_insertLink nargs: 2, text, URL];
-- (void)insertCharacter:(unichar)character allowInvalidPos:(BOOL)allowInvalidPos
-    NSString *str = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%C", character];
-    [self.js executeJavaScript: Cursor_insertCharacter nargs: 2, str,
-     [NSNumber numberWithBool: allowInvalidPos]];
-- (void)deleteCharacter
-    [self.js executeJavaScript: Cursor_deleteCharacter nargs: 0];
-- (void)enterPressed
-    [self.js executeJavaScript: Cursor_enterPressed nargs: 0];
-- (NSString *)getPrecedingWord
-    return [self.js executeJavaScript: Cursor_getPrecedingWord nargs: 0];
-- (NSDictionary *)getLinkProperties
-    return [self.js executeJavaScriptJSON: Cursor_getLinkProperties nargs: 0];
-- (void)setLinkProperties:(NSDictionary *)properties
-    [self.js executeJavaScript: Cursor_setLinkProperties nargs: 1, properties];
-- (void)setReferenceTarget:(NSString *)itemId
-    [self.js executeJavaScript: Cursor_setReferenceTarget nargs: 1, itemId];
-- (void)insertFootnote:(NSString *)content
-    [self.js executeJavaScript: Cursor_insertFootnote nargs: 1, content];
-- (void)insertEndnote:(NSString *)content
-    [self.js executeJavaScript: Cursor_insertEndnote nargs: 1, content];
-//                                                                                                //
-//                                            Equations                                           //
-//                                                                                                //
-@implementation JSEquations
-- (void)insertEquation
-    [self.js executeJavaScript: Equations_insertEquation nargs: 0];
-//                                                                                                //
-//                                            JSFigures                                           //
-//                                                                                                //
-@implementation JSFigures
-- (void)insertFigure:(NSString *)filename width:(NSString *)width
-            numbered:(BOOL)numbered caption:(NSString *)caption
-    [self.js executeJavaScript: Figures_insertFigure nargs: 4,
-     filename, width, [NSNumber numberWithBool: numbered], caption];
-- (NSString *)getSelectedFigureId
-    return [self.js executeJavaScript: Figures_getSelectedFigureId nargs: 0];
-- (NSDictionary *)getProperties:(NSString *)itemId
-    return [self.js executeJavaScriptJSON: Figures_getProperties nargs: 1, itemId];
-- (void)setProperties:(NSString *)itemId width:(NSString *)width src:(NSString *)src
-    [self.js executeJavaScript: Figures_setProperties nargs: 3, itemId, width, src];
-- (NSDictionary *)getGeometry:(NSString *)itemId
-    return [self.js executeJavaScriptJSON: Figures_getGeometry nargs: 1, itemId];
-//                                                                                                //
-//                                          JSFormatting                                          //
-//                                                                                                //
-// Functions implemented in Formatting.js
-@implementation JSFormatting
-- (NSDictionary *)getFormatting
-    return [self.js executeJavaScriptJSON: Formatting_getFormatting nargs: 0];
-- (void)applyFormattingChangesStyle:(NSString *)style properties:(NSDictionary *)properties
-    [self.js executeJavaScript: Formatting_applyFormattingChanges nargs: 2, style, properties];
-//                                                                                                //
-//                                             JSInput                                            //
-//                                                                                                //
-@implementation JSInput
-- (void)removePosition:(int)posId
-    [self.js executeJavaScript: Input_removePosition nargs: 1, [NSNumber numberWithInt: posId]];
-- (NSString *)textInRangeStartId:(int)startId startAdjust:(int)startAdjust
-                           endId:(int)endId endAdjust:(int)endAdjust
-    return [self.js executeJavaScript: Input_textInRange nargs: 4,
-            [NSNumber numberWithInt: startId],
-            [NSNumber numberWithInt: startAdjust],
-            [NSNumber numberWithInt: endId],
-            [NSNumber numberWithInt: endAdjust]];
-- (void)replaceRangeStart:(int)startId end:(int)endId withText:(NSString *)text
-    [self.js executeJavaScript: Input_replaceRange nargs: 3,
-     [NSNumber numberWithInt: startId], [NSNumber numberWithInt: endId], text];
-- (NSDictionary *)selectedTextRange
-    return [self.js executeJavaScriptJSON: Input_selectedTextRange nargs: 0];
-- (void)setSelectedTextRangeStart:(int)startId end:(int)endId
-    [self.js executeJavaScript: Input_setSelectedTextRange nargs: 2,
-     [NSNumber numberWithInt: startId], [NSNumber numberWithInt: endId]];
-- (NSDictionary *)markedTextRange
-    return [self.js executeJavaScriptJSON: Input_markedTextRange nargs: 0];
-- (void)setMarkedText:(NSString *)text startOffset:(int)startOffset endOffset:(int)endOffset
-    [self.js executeJavaScript: Input_setMarkedText nargs: 3,
-     text, [NSNumber numberWithInt: startOffset], [NSNumber numberWithInt: endOffset]];
-- (void)unmarkText
-    [self.js executeJavaScript: Input_unmarkText nargs: 0];
-- (BOOL)forwardSelectionAffinity
-    NSString *result = [self.js executeJavaScript: Input_forwardSelectionAffinity nargs: 0];
-    return [result isEqualToString: @"true"];
-- (void)setForwardSelectionAffinity:(BOOL)forwardSelectionAffinity
-    [self.js executeJavaScript: Input_setForwardSelectionAffinity nargs: 1,
-     [NSNumber numberWithBool: forwardSelectionAffinity]];
-- (int)positionFromPosition:(int)posId offset:(int)offset
-    NSString *result = [self.js executeJavaScript: Input_positionFromPositionOffset nargs: 2,
-                        [NSNumber numberWithInt: posId], [NSNumber numberWithInt: offset]];
-    return result.intValue;
-- (int)positionFromPosition:(int)posId inDirection:(NSString *)direction offset:(int)offset
-    NSString *result = [self.js executeJavaScript: Input_positionFromPositionInDirectionOffset nargs: 3,
-                        [NSNumber numberWithInt: posId], direction, [NSNumber numberWithInt: offset]];
-    return result.intValue;
-- (int)comparePosition:(int)positionId toPosition:(int)otherId
-    NSString *result = [self.js executeJavaScript: Input_comparePositionToPosition nargs: 2,
-                        [NSNumber numberWithInt: positionId], [NSNumber numberWithInt: otherId]];
-    return result.intValue;
-- (int)offsetFromPosition:(int)fromPosition toPosition:(int)toPosition
-    NSString *result = [self.js executeJavaScript: Input_offsetFromPositionToPosition nargs: 2,
-                        [NSNumber numberWithInt: fromPosition], [NSNumber numberWithInt: toPosition]];
-    return result.intValue;
-- (int)positionWithinRangeStart:(int)startId end:(int)endId farthestInDirection:(NSString *)direction
-    NSString *result = [self.js executeJavaScript: Input_positionWithinRangeFarthestInDirection nargs: 3,
-                        [NSNumber numberWithInt: startId], [NSNumber numberWithInt: endId], direction];
-    return result.intValue;
-- (NSDictionary *)characterRangeByExtendingPosition:(int)positionId inDirection:(NSString *)direction
-    return [self.js executeJavaScriptJSON: Input_characterRangeByExtendingPositionInDirection nargs: 2,
-            [NSNumber numberWithInt: positionId], direction];
-- (NSDictionary *)firstRectForRangeStart:(int)startId end:(int)endId
-    return [self.js executeJavaScriptJSON: Input_firstRectForRange nargs: 2,
-            [NSNumber numberWithInt: startId], [NSNumber numberWithInt: endId]];
-- (NSDictionary *)caretRectForPosition:(int)posId
-    return [self.js executeJavaScriptJSON: Input_caretRectForPosition nargs: 1,
-            [NSNumber numberWithInt: posId]];
-- (int)closestPositionToPointX:(int)x y:(int)y
-    NSString *result = [self.js executeJavaScript: Input_closestPositionToPoint nargs: 2,
-                        [NSNumber numberWithInt: x], [NSNumber numberWithInt: y]];
-    return result.intValue;
-- (int)closestPositionToPointX:(int)x y:(int)y withinRangeStart:(int)startId end:(int)endId
-    NSString *result = [self.js executeJavaScript: Input_closestPositionToPointWithinRange nargs: 4,
-                        [NSNumber numberWithInt: x], [NSNumber numberWithInt: y],
-                        [NSNumber numberWithInt: startId], [NSNumber numberWithInt: endId]];
-    return result.intValue;
-- (NSDictionary *)characterRangeAtPointX:(int)x y:(int)y
-    return [self.js executeJavaScriptJSON: Input_characterRangeAtPoint nargs: 2,
-            [NSNumber numberWithInt: x], [NSNumber numberWithInt: y]];
-- (int)positionWithinRangeStart:(int)startId end:(int)endId atCharacterOffset:(int)offset
-    NSString *result = [self.js executeJavaScript: Input_positionWithinRangeAtCharacterOffset nargs: 3,
-                        [NSNumber numberWithInt: startId], [NSNumber numberWithInt: endId],
-                        [NSNumber numberWithInt: offset]];
-    return result.intValue;
-- (int)characterOffsetOfPosition:(int)positionId withinRangeStart:(int)startId end:(int)endId
-    NSString *result = [self.js executeJavaScript: Input_characterOffsetOfPositionWithinRange nargs: 3,
-                        [NSNumber numberWithInt: positionId],
-                        [NSNumber numberWithInt: startId], [NSNumber numberWithInt: endId]];
-    return result.intValue;
-// UITextInputTokenizer methods
-- (BOOL)isPosition:(int)posId atBoundary:(NSString *)granularity inDirection:(NSString *)direction
-    NSString *result = [self.js executeJavaScript: Input_isPositionAtBoundaryGranularityInDirection nargs: 3,
-                        [NSNumber numberWithInt: posId], granularity, direction];
-    return [result isEqualToString: @"true"];
-- (BOOL)isPosition:(int)posId withinTextUnit:(NSString *)granularity inDirection:(NSString *)direction
-    NSString *result = [self.js executeJavaScript: Input_isPositionWithinTextUnitInDirection nargs: 3,
-                        [NSNumber numberWithInt: posId], granularity, direction];
-    return [result isEqualToString: @"true"];
-- (int)positionFromPosition:(int)posId toBoundary:(NSString *)granularity inDirection:(NSString *)direction
-    NSString *result = [self.js executeJavaScript: Input_positionFromPositionToBoundaryInDirection nargs: 3,
-                        [NSNumber numberWithInt: posId], granularity, direction];
-    return result.intValue;
-- (NSDictionary *)rangeEnclosingPosition:(int)posId withGranularity:(NSString *)granularity inDirection:(NSString *)direction
-    return [self.js executeJavaScriptJSON: Input_rangeEnclosingPositionWithGranularityInDirection nargs: 3,
-            [NSNumber numberWithInt: posId], granularity, direction];
-//                                                                                                //
-//                                             JSLists                                            //
-//                                                                                                //
-// Functions implemented in Lists.js
-@implementation JSLists
-- (void)increaseIndent
-    [self.js executeJavaScript: Lists_increaseIndent nargs: 0];
-- (void)decreaseIndent
-    [self.js executeJavaScript: Lists_decreaseIndent nargs: 0];
-- (void)clearList
-    [self.js executeJavaScript: Lists_clearList nargs: 0];
-- (void)setUnorderedList
-    [self.js executeJavaScript: Lists_setUnorderedList nargs: 0];
-- (void)setOrderedList
-    [self.js executeJavaScript: Lists_setOrderedList nargs: 0];
-//                                                                                                //
-//                                             JSMain                                             //
-//                                                                                                //
-// Functions implemented in Main.js
-@implementation JSMain
-- (NSString *)getLanguage
-    return [self.js executeJavaScript: Main_getLanguage nargs: 0];
-- (void)setLanguage:(NSString *)language
-    [self.js executeJavaScript: Main_setLanguage nargs: 1, language];
-- (NSString *)setGenerator:(NSString *)generator
-    return [self.js executeJavaScript: Main_setGenerator nargs: 1, generator];
-- (BOOL)prepareForSave
-    NSString *result = [self.js executeJavaScript: Main_prepareForSave nargs: 0];
-    return [@"true" isEqualToString: result];
-- (NSString *)getHTML;
-    return [self.js executeJavaScript: Main_getHTML nargs: 0];
-- (BOOL)isEmptyDocument
-    NSString *result = [self.js executeJavaScript: Main_isEmptyDocument nargs: 0];
-    return [result isEqualToString: @"true"];
-//                                                                                                //
-//                                           JSMetadata                                           //
-//                                                                                                //
-@implementation JSMetadata
-- (NSDictionary *)getMetadata
-    return [self.js executeJavaScriptJSON: Metadata_getMetadata nargs: 0];
-- (void)setMetadata:(NSDictionary *)metadata
-    [self.js executeJavaScriptJSON: Metadata_setMetadata nargs: 1, metadata];
-//                                                                                                //
-//                                            JSOutline                                           //
-//                                                                                                //
-// Functions implemented in Outline.js
-@implementation JSOutline
-- (NSDictionary *)getOutline
-    return [self.js executeJavaScriptJSON: Outline_getOutline nargs: 0];
-- (void)moveSection:(NSString *)sectionId parentId:(NSString *)parentId nextId:(NSString *)nextId
-    [self.js executeJavaScript: Outline_moveSection nargs: 3, sectionId, parentId, nextId];
-- (void)deleteItem:(NSString *)itemId
-    [self.js executeJavaScript: Outline_deleteItem nargs: 1, itemId];
-- (void)scheduleUpdateStructure
-    [self.js executeJavaScript: Outline_scheduleUpdateStructure nargs: 0];
-- (void)goToItem:(NSString *)itemId
-    [self.js executeJavaScript: Outline_goToItem nargs: 1, itemId];
-- (void)set:(NSString *)itemId numbered:(BOOL)numbered
-    [self.js executeJavaScript: Outline_setNumbered nargs: 2, itemId, [NSNumber numberWithBool: numbered]];
-- (void)set:(NSString *)itemId title:(NSString *)title
-    [self.js executeJavaScript: Outline_setTitle nargs: 2, itemId, title];
-- (void)insertTableOfContents
-    [self.js executeJavaScript: Outline_insertTableOfContents nargs: 0];
-- (void)insertListOfFigures
-    [self.js executeJavaScript: Outline_insertListOfFigures nargs: 0];
-- (void)insertListOfTables
-    [self.js executeJavaScript: Outline_insertListOfTables nargs: 0];
-- (void)setPrintMode:(BOOL)printMode
-    [self.js executeJavaScript: Outline_setPrintMode nargs: 1, [NSNumber numberWithBool: printMode]];
-- (NSDictionary *)examinePrintLayout:(int)pageHeight
-    return [self.js executeJavaScriptJSON: Outline_examinePrintLayout nargs: 1,
-            [NSNumber numberWithInt: pageHeight]];
-- (BOOL)detectSectionNumbering
-    NSString *result = [self.js executeJavaScript: Outline_detectSectionNumbering nargs: 0];
-    return [result isEqualToString: @"true"];
-- (NSDictionary *)findUsedStyles
-    return [self.js executeJavaScriptJSON: Outline_findUsedStyles nargs: 0];
-//                                                                                                //
-//                                            JSPreview                                           //
-//                                                                                                //
-@implementation JSPreview
-- (void)showForStyle:(NSString *)styleId uiName:(NSString *)uiName title:(NSString *)title
-    [self.js executeJavaScript: Preview_showForStyle nargs: 3, styleId, uiName, title];
-//                                                                                                //
-//                                             JSScan                                             //
-//                                                                                                //
-@implementation JSScan
-- (void)reset
-    [self.js executeJavaScript: Scan_reset nargs: 0];
-- (EDScanParagraph *)next
-    NSDictionary *dict = [self.js executeJavaScriptJSON: Scan_next nargs: 0];
-    if ((dict == nil) || ![dict isKindOfClass: [NSDictionary class]])
-        return nil;
-    NSString *text = FCGetString(dict,@"text",nil);
-    NSString *sectionId = FCGetString(dict,@"sectionId",nil);
-    if (text == nil)
-        return nil;
-    return [[EDScanParagraph alloc] initWithText: text sectionId: sectionId];
-- (int)addMatchStart:(int)start end:(int)end
-    return [self.js executeJavaScript: Scan_addMatch nargs: 2,
-            [NSNumber numberWithInt: start],
-            [NSNumber numberWithInt: end]].intValue;
-- (void)showMatch:(int)matchId
-    [self.js executeJavaScript: Scan_showMatch nargs: 1, [NSNumber numberWithInt: matchId]];
-- (void)replaceMatch:(int)matchId with:(NSString *)text
-    [self.js executeJavaScript: Scan_replaceMatch nargs: 2, [NSNumber numberWithInt: matchId], text];
-- (void)removeMatch:(int)matchId
-    [self.js executeJavaScript: Scan_removeMatch nargs: 1, [NSNumber numberWithInt: matchId]];
-- (void)goToMatch:(int)matchId
-    [self.js executeJavaScript: Scan_goToMatch nargs: 1, [NSNumber numberWithInt: matchId]];
-//                                                                                                //
-//                                           JSSelection                                          //
-//                                                                                                //
-// Functions implemented in Selection.js
-@implementation JSSelection
-- (void)update
-    [self.js executeJavaScript: Selection_update nargs: 0];
-- (void)selectAll
-    [self.js executeJavaScript: Selection_selectAll nargs: 0];
-- (void)selectParagraph
-    [self.js executeJavaScript: Selection_selectParagraph nargs: 0];
-- (void)selectWordAtCursor
-    [self.js executeJavaScript: Selection_selectWordAtCursor nargs: 0];
-- (NSString *)dragSelectionBeginX:(int)x y:(int)y selectWord:(BOOL)selectWord
-    return [self.js executeJavaScript: Selection_dragSelectionBegin nargs: 3,
-            [NSNumber numberWithInt: x], [NSNumber numberWithInt: y],
-            [NSNumber numberWithBool: selectWord]];
-- (NSString *)dragSelectionUpdateX:(int)x y:(int)y selectWord:(BOOL)selectWord
-    return [self.js executeJavaScript: Selection_dragSelectionUpdate nargs: 3,
-            [NSNumber numberWithInt: x], [NSNumber numberWithInt: y],
-            [NSNumber numberWithBool: selectWord]];
-- (NSString *)moveStartLeft
-    return [self.js executeJavaScript: Selection_moveStartLeft nargs: 0];
-- (NSString *)moveStartRight
-    return [self.js executeJavaScript: Selection_moveStartRight nargs: 0];
-- (NSString *)moveEndLeft
-    return [self.js executeJavaScript: Selection_moveEndLeft nargs: 0];
-- (NSString *)moveEndRight
-    return [self.js executeJavaScript: Selection_moveEndRight nargs: 0];
-- (void)setSelectionStartAtCoordsX:(int)x y:(int)y
-    [self.js executeJavaScript: Selection_setSelectionStartAtCoords nargs: 2,
-                             [NSNumber numberWithInt: x], [NSNumber numberWithInt: y]];
-- (void)setSelectionEndAtCoordsX:(int)x y:(int)y
-    [self.js executeJavaScript: Selection_setSelectionEndAtCoords nargs: 2,
-                             [NSNumber numberWithInt: x], [NSNumber numberWithInt: y]];
-- (void)setTableSelectionEdge:(NSString *)edge atCoordsX:(int)x y:(int)y
-    [self.js executeJavaScript: Selection_setTableSelectionEdgeAtCoords nargs: 3,
-                           edge, [NSNumber numberWithInt: x], [NSNumber numberWithInt: y]];
-- (void)print
-    [self.js executeJavaScript: Selection_print nargs: 0];
-//                                                                                                //
-//                                            JSStyles                                            //
-//                                                                                                //
-@implementation JSStyles
-- (NSString *)getCSSText
-    return [self.js executeJavaScript: Styles_getCSSText nargs: 0];
-- (void)setCSSText:(NSString *)cssText rules:(NSDictionary *)rules
-//    debug(@"---------------------- setCSSText ----------------------\n");
-//    debug(@"%@",cssText);
-//    if ((cssText.length > 0) && ([cssText characterAtIndex: cssText.length-1] != '\n'))
-//        debug(@"\n");
-//    debug(@"--------------------------------------------------------\n");
-    [self.js executeJavaScriptJSON: Styles_setCSSText nargs: 2, cssText, rules];
-- (NSString *)paragraphClass
-    return [self.js executeJavaScript: Styles_getParagraphClass nargs: 0];
-- (void)setParagraphClass:(NSString *)paragraphClass;
-    [self.js executeJavaScript: Styles_setParagraphClass nargs: 1, paragraphClass];
-//                                                                                                //
-//                                            JSTables                                            //
-//                                                                                                //
-// Functions implemented in Tables.js
-@implementation JSTables
-- (void)insertTableRows:(int)rows cols:(int)cols width:(NSString *)width numbered:(BOOL)numbered
-                caption:(NSString *)caption className:(NSString *)className;
-    [self.js executeJavaScript: Tables_insertTable nargs: 6,
-                             [NSNumber numberWithInt: rows], [NSNumber numberWithInt: cols],
-                             width, [NSNumber numberWithBool: numbered], caption, className];
-- (void)addAdjacentRow
-    [self.js executeJavaScript: Tables_addAdjacentRow nargs: 0];
-- (void)addAdjacentColumn
-    [self.js executeJavaScript: Tables_addAdjacentColumn nargs: 0];
-- (void)removeAdjacentRow
-    [self.js executeJavaScript: Tables_removeAdjacentRow nargs: 0];
-- (void)removeAdjacentColumn
-    [self.js executeJavaScript: Tables_removeAdjacentColumn nargs: 0];
-- (void)clearCells
-    [self.js executeJavaScript: Tables_clearCells nargs: 0];
-- (void)mergeCells
-    [self.js executeJavaScript: Tables_mergeCells nargs: 0];
-- (void)splitSelection
-    [self.js executeJavaScript: Tables_splitSelection nargs: 0];
-- (NSString *)getSelectedTableId
-    return [self.js executeJavaScript: Tables_getSelectedTableId nargs: 0];
-- (NSDictionary *)getProperties:(NSString *)itemId
-    return [self.js executeJavaScriptJSON: Tables_getProperties nargs: 1, itemId];
-- (void)setProperties:(NSString *)itemId width:(NSString *)width
-    [self.js executeJavaScript: Tables_setProperties nargs: 2, itemId, width];
-- (void)set:(NSString *)itemId colWidths:(NSArray *)colWidths
-    [self.js executeJavaScript: Tables_setColWidths nargs: 2, itemId, colWidths];
-- (NSDictionary *)getGeometry:(NSString *)itemId
-    return [self.js executeJavaScriptJSON: Tables_getGeometry nargs: 1, itemId];
-//                                                                                                //
-//                                          JSUndoManager                                         //
-//                                                                                                //
-@implementation JSUndoManager
-- (int)getLength
-    NSString *result = [self.js executeJavaScript: UndoManager_getLength nargs: 0];
-    return result.intValue;
-- (int)getIndex
-    NSString *result = [self.js executeJavaScript: UndoManager_getIndex nargs: 0];
-    return result.intValue;
-- (void)setIndex:(int)index
-    [self.js executeJavaScript: UndoManager_setIndex nargs: 1, [NSNumber numberWithInt: index]];
-- (void)undo
-    [self.js executeJavaScript: UndoManager_undo nargs: 0];
-- (void)redo
-    [self.js executeJavaScript: UndoManager_redo nargs: 0];
-- (void)newGroup:(NSString *)name
-    [self.js executeJavaScript: UndoManager_newGroup nargs: 1, name];
-- (NSString *)groupType
-    return [self.js executeJavaScript: UndoManager_groupType nargs: 0];
-//                                                                                                //
-//                                           JSViewport                                           //
-//                                                                                                //
-// Functions implemented in Viewport.js
-@implementation JSViewport
-- (void)setViewportWidth:(int)width
-    [self.js executeJavaScript: Viewport_setViewportWidth nargs: 1, [NSNumber numberWithInt: width]];
-- (void)setTextScale:(int)textScale
-    [self.js executeJavaScript: Viewport_setTextScale nargs: 1, [NSNumber numberWithInt: textScale]];
diff --git a/sample/code/objc_bindings/WARNING b/sample/code/objc_bindings/WARNING
deleted file mode 100644
index cbc20f2..0000000
--- a/sample/code/objc_bindings/WARNING
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-IMPORTANT NOTE: This code does not work in it's current form, and exists for
-illustrative purposes only. It is an excerpt from the UX Write source code
-indented to show how the bindings between Objective C and JavaScript are
-implemented, both in terms of calling *in* to JavaScript, and calling *out* of
-JavaScript (that is, callback functions).
-The files in this directory should be considered temporary. They are here for
-the purpose of demonstrating to developers of various bindings how this can be
-achieved. It is envisaged that once there is at least one binding that has been
-developed purely as part of the Corinthia project, that will serve as the
-example for any future bindings, and the Objective-C/Apple-specific files can be
diff --git a/sample/documents/INDEX b/sample/documents/INDEX
deleted file mode 100644
index de74ddc..0000000
--- a/sample/documents/INDEX
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-This directory contains various files in the document formats that
-Corinthia supports.
-Contents of /html
-Name:                  Tags:
-h1-6_center_p.html     H1-H6, b, i, u, p, center, bgcolor
-lists.html             ul, ol ,li
-tables.html            tr, td, th, border, cellpadding, br
-Contents of /docx
-Name:                  Tags:
-Contents of /odf
-Name:                  Tags:
-Contents of /tex
-Name:                  Tags:
diff --git a/sample/documents/docx/we-need-more-samples b/sample/documents/docx/we-need-more-samples
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
diff --git a/sample/documents/html/h1-6_center_p.html b/sample/documents/html/h1-6_center_p.html
deleted file mode 100644
index afdd014..0000000
--- a/sample/documents/html/h1-6_center_p.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-<title>HTML: Headers 1-6, comment, center, paragraph</title>
-<body bgcolor="PINK">
-<h1>This is a H1 header</h1>
-<h2>This is a H2 header</h2>
-<h3>This is a H3 header</h3>
-<h4>This is a H4 header</h4>
-<h5>This is a H5 header</h5>
-<h6>This is a H6 header</H6>
-<!-- This is a comment -->
-<center>This sentence is centered.</center>
-<p>This is a paragraph with five sentences, this sentence is plain.
-<b>This is a paragraph with five sentences, this sentence is bold.</b>
-<u>This is a paragraph with five sentences, this sentence is
-<i>This is a paragraph with five sentences, this
-sentence is slanted.</i>
-<b><i>This is a paragraph with five
-sentences, this sentence is bold and slanted.</b></i>
diff --git a/sample/documents/html/lists.html b/sample/documents/html/lists.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 6a932c1..0000000
--- a/sample/documents/html/lists.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-<title>HTML: Lists</title>
-<body bgcolor="BLUE">
-<ol> Ordered List:
-  <li> Item 1 </li>
-  <li> Item 2 </li>
-  <li> Item 3 </li>
-<ul> Bulleted List:
-  <li> Item 1 </li>
-  <li> Item 2 </li>
-  <li> Item 3 </li>
diff --git a/sample/documents/html/simple_1.html b/sample/documents/html/simple_1.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 6a932c1..0000000
--- a/sample/documents/html/simple_1.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-<title>HTML: Lists</title>
-<body bgcolor="BLUE">
-<ol> Ordered List:
-  <li> Item 1 </li>
-  <li> Item 2 </li>
-  <li> Item 3 </li>
-<ul> Bulleted List:
-  <li> Item 1 </li>
-  <li> Item 2 </li>
-  <li> Item 3 </li>
diff --git a/sample/documents/html/table.html b/sample/documents/html/table.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 18cd7ab..0000000
--- a/sample/documents/html/table.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-<title>HTML: Tables</title>
-<body bgcolor="YELLOW">
-<table border="2">
-  <tr>
-    <td>Cell Line 1 (right)</td>
-    <td>cell Line 1 (left)</td>
-  </tr>
-  <tr>
-    <td>Cell Line 2 (right)</td>
-    <td>cell Line 2 (left)</td>
-  </tr>
-<table cellpadding=5 border="5">
-  <tr>
-    <th>Column 1</th>
-    <th>Column 2</th>
-  </tr>
-  <tr>
-    <td>Line 1 column 1</td>
-    <td>Line 1 column 2</td>
-  </tr>
-  <tr>
-    <td>Line 2 column 1</td>
-    <td>Line 2 column 2</td>
-  </tr>
diff --git a/sample/documents/odf/DupStyleName.odt b/sample/documents/odf/DupStyleName.odt
deleted file mode 100644
index c307532..0000000
Binary files a/sample/documents/odf/DupStyleName.odt and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/sample/documents/odf/README.txt b/sample/documents/odf/README.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 5f9b66f..0000000
--- a/sample/documents/odf/README.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-    Contains a paragraph and character style with the same name, DupStyleName.
-    Contains span tag inside other span tag.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/sample/documents/odf/we-need-more-samples b/sample/documents/odf/we-need-more-samples
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
diff --git a/sample/documents/tex/we-need-more-samples b/sample/documents/tex/we-need-more-samples
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
diff --git a/sample/documents/we-need-more-samples b/sample/documents/we-need-more-samples
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
diff --git a/scripts/README.txt b/scripts/README.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 1b26243..0000000
--- a/scripts/README.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-This directory contains scripts that may, or may not be useful.
-Please read any script carefully before you use it.
-Current scripts:               
-build-corinthia-on-linux  Fetch and build Corinthia with TAGS and/or tags files.
diff --git a/scripts/build-corinthia-on-linux b/scripts/build-corinthia-on-linux
deleted file mode 100755
index 25ee62b..0000000
--- a/scripts/build-corinthia-on-linux
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/bash
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-# distributed with this work for additional information
-# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-# specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-# Download and build a new Corinthia on linux, assuming that you
-# already have all the supporting libraries installed and your git set
-# up with your comitter id.
-# The script also makes a TAG and/or a ctags file if it finds the
-# emacs or vi init files in your home directory.
-# Usage: build-corinthia <name of directory>
-readonly TARGET_DIR=($1)
-if [[ ${TARGET_DIR} == 'help' ||
-            ${TARGET_DIR} == '--help' || 
-            ${TARGET_DIR} == '-h' ]]; then
-    echo ''
-    echo ' Download and build a new Corinthia on linux, assuming that you'
-    echo ' already have all the supporting libraries installed and your git set'
-    echo ' up with your comitter id.'
-    echo ''
-    echo ' The script also makes a TAG and/or a ctags file if it finds the'
-    echo ' emacs or vi init files in your home directory.'
-    echo ''
-    echo ' Usage: build-corinthia <name of new directory>'
-    echo ''
-    exit
-if [[ -z ${TARGET_DIR} ]]; then
-    echo 'Usage: build-corinthia <name of new directory>';
-    exit;
-if [[ -d ${TARGET_DIR} ]]; then
-    echo "The directory \"$TARGET_DIR\" already exists.";
-    exit;
-mkdir ${TARGET_DIR}
-git clone 
-if [[ ! -d 'incubator-corinthia' ]]; then
-    echo "build-corinthia: git clone failed."
-    cd ..
-    rmdir ${TARGET_DIR}
-    exit
-cd "incubator-corinthia"
-readonly CORINTHIA_CURRENT=$(pwd)
-# make a fresh TAGS FILE for emacs and/or vi (some people use both!)
-if [[ -e "$HOME/.emacs" ]]; then
-    find . -name "*.[ch]" -print0 | xargs -0 etags -
-if [[ -e "$HOME/.vimrc" || -e "$HOME/.gvimrc" ]]; then
-    find . -name "*.[ch]" -print0 | xargs -0 ctags -
-# Build outside of the source tree in a build directory
-mkdir "build"
-cd "build"
-cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" ${CORINTHIA_CURRENT}
-# Report results
-echo "Corinthia build complete in $CORINTHIA_CURRENT"
-if [[ -e "../TAGS" ]]; then
-    echo "TAGS file for Emacs built."
-if [[ -e "../tags" ]]; then
-    echo "tags file for vi built."
-echo "Environment variable suggestion: "
-echo "   cmake -G \"Unix Makefiles\" \$DOCFORMATS_DIR"