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Posted to by on 2014/01/16 00:25:06 UTC

[3/8] removed sammy, using angular now
diff --git a/attachments/sammy/plugins/sammy.path_location_proxy.js b/attachments/sammy/plugins/sammy.path_location_proxy.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 13f9014..0000000
--- a/attachments/sammy/plugins/sammy.path_location_proxy.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-(function($) {
-  Sammy = Sammy || {};
-  // `Sammy.PathLocationProxy` is a simple Location Proxy that just
-  // gets and sets window.location. This allows you to use
-  // Sammy to route on the full URL path instead of just the hash. It
-  // will take a full refresh to get the app to change state.
-  //
-  // To read more about location proxies, check out the
-  // documentation for `Sammy.HashLocationProxy`
-  Sammy.PathLocationProxy = function(app) {
- = app;
-  };
-  Sammy.PathLocationProxy.prototype = {
-    bind: function() {},
-    unbind: function() {},
-    getLocation: function() {
-      return [window.location.pathname,].join('');
-    },
-    setLocation: function(new_location) {
-      return window.location = new_location;
-    }
-  };
diff --git a/attachments/sammy/plugins/sammy.pure.js b/attachments/sammy/plugins/sammy.pure.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 16fe3df..0000000
--- a/attachments/sammy/plugins/sammy.pure.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,756 +0,0 @@
-(function($) {
-  PURE Unobtrusive Rendering Engine for HTML
-  Licensed under the MIT licenses.
-  More information at:
-  Copyright (c) 2010 Michael Cvilic -
-  Thanks to Rog Peppe for the functional JS jump
-  revision: 2.47
-var $p, pure = $p = function(){
-  var sel = arguments[0],
-    ctxt = false;
-  if(typeof sel === 'string'){
-    ctxt = arguments[1] || false;
-  }
-  return $p.core(sel, ctxt);
-$p.core = function(sel, ctxt, plugins){
-  //get an instance of the plugins
-  var plugins = getPlugins(),
-    templates = [];
-  //search for the template node(s)
-  switch(typeof sel){
-    case 'string':
-      templates = plugins.find(ctxt || document, sel);
-      if(templates.length === 0) {
-        error('The template "' + sel + '" was not found');
-      }
-    break;
-    case 'undefined':
-      error('The template root is undefined, check your selector');
-    break;
-    default:
-      templates = [sel];
-  }
-  for(var i = 0, ii = templates.length; i < ii; i++){
-    plugins[i] = templates[i];
-  }
-  plugins.length = ii;
-  // set the signature string that will be replaced at render time
-  var Sig = '_s' + Math.floor( Math.random() * 1000000 ) + '_',
-    // another signature to prepend to attributes and avoid checks: style, height, on[events]...
-    attPfx = '_a' + Math.floor( Math.random() * 1000000 ) + '_',
-    // rx to parse selectors, e.g. "[class]"
-    selRx = /^(\+)?([^\@\+]+)?\@?([^\+]+)?(\+)?$/,
-    // set automatically attributes for some tags
-    autoAttr = {
-      IMG:'src',
-      INPUT:'value'
-    },
-    // check if the argument is an array - thanks salty-horse (Ori Avtalion)
-    isArray = Array.isArray ?
-      function(o) {
-        return Array.isArray(o);
-      } :
-      function(o) {
-        return === "[object Array]";
-      };
-  return plugins;
-  /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
-    core functions
-   * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
-  // error utility
-  function error(e){
-    if(typeof console !== 'undefined'){
-      console.log(e);
-    }else{ alert(e); }
-    throw('pure error: ' + e);
-  }
-  //return a new instance of plugins
-  function getPlugins(){
-    var plugins = $p.plugins,
-      f = function(){};
-    f.prototype = plugins;
-    // do not overwrite functions if external definition
-    f.prototype.compile    = plugins.compile || compile;
-    f.prototype.render     = plugins.render || render;
-    f.prototype.autoRender = plugins.autoRender || autoRender;
-    f.prototype.find       = plugins.find || find;
-    // give the compiler and the error handling to the plugin context
-    f.prototype._compiler  = compiler;
-    f.prototype._error     = error;
-    return new f();
-  }
-  // returns the outer HTML of a node
-  function outerHTML(node){
-    // if IE take the internal method otherwise build one
-    return node.outerHTML || (
-      function(n){
-            var div = document.createElement('div'), h;
-            div.appendChild( n.cloneNode(true) );
-        h = div.innerHTML;
-        div = null;
-        return h;
-      })(node);
-  }
-  // returns the string generator function
-  function wrapquote(qfn, f){
-    return function(ctxt){
-      return qfn('' +, ctxt));
-    };
-  }
-  // default find using querySelector when available on the browser
-  function find(n, sel){
-    if(typeof n === 'string'){
-      sel = n;
-      n = false;
-    }
-    if(typeof document.querySelectorAll !== 'undefined'){
-      return (n||document).querySelectorAll( sel );
-    }else{
-      error('You can test PURE standalone with: iPhone, FF3.5+, Safari4+ and IE8+\n\nTo run PURE on your browser, you need a JS library/framework with a CSS selector engine');
-    }
-  }
-  // create a function that concatenates constant string
-  // sections (given in parts) and the results of called
-  // functions to fill in the gaps between parts (fns).
-  // fns[n] fills in the gap between parts[n-1] and parts[n];
-  // fns[0] is unused.
-  // this is the inner template evaluation loop.
-  function concatenator(parts, fns){
-    return function(ctxt){
-      var strs = [ parts[ 0 ] ],
-        n = parts.length,
-        fnVal, pVal, attLine, pos;
-      for(var i = 1; i < n; i++){
-        fnVal = fns[i]( ctxt );
-        pVal = parts[i];
-        // if the value is empty and attribute, remove it
-        if(fnVal === ''){
-          attLine = strs[ strs.length - 1 ];
-          if( ( pos = /[\w]+=\"?$/ ) ) > -1){
-            strs[ strs.length - 1 ] = attLine.substring( 0, pos );
-            pVal = pVal.substr( 1 );
-          }
-        }
-        strs[ strs.length ] = fnVal;
-        strs[ strs.length ] = pVal;
-      }
-      return strs.join('');
-    };
-  }
-  // parse and check the loop directive
-  function parseloopspec(p){
-    var m = p.match( /^(\w+)\s*<-\s*(\S+)?$/ );
-    if(m === null){
-      error('bad loop spec: "' + p + '"');
-    }
-    if(m[1] === 'item'){
-      error('"item<-..." is a reserved word for the current running iteration.\n\nPlease choose another name for your loop.');
-    }
-    if( !m[2] || (m[2] && (/context/i).test(m[2]))){ //undefined or space(IE)
-      m[2] = function(ctxt){return ctxt.context;};
-    }
-    return {name: m[1], sel: m[2]};
-  }
-  // parse a data selector and return a function that
-  // can traverse the data accordingly, given a context.
-  function dataselectfn(sel){
-    if(typeof(sel) === 'function'){
-      return sel;
-    }
-    //check for a valid js variable name with hyphen(for properties only), $, _ and :
-    var m = sel.match(/^[a-zA-Z\$_\@][\w\$:-]*(\.[\w\$:-]*[^\.])*$/);
-    if(m === null){
-      var found = false, s = sel, parts = [], pfns = [], i = 0, retStr;
-      // check if literal
-      if(/\'|\"/.test( s.charAt(0) )){
-        if(/\'|\"/.test( s.charAt(s.length-1) )){
-          retStr = s.substring(1, s.length-1);
-          return function(){ return retStr; };
-        }
-      }else{
-        // check if literal + #{var}
-        while((m = s.match(/#\{([^{}]+)\}/)) !== null){
-          found = true;
-          parts[i++] = s.slice(0, m.index);
-          pfns[i] = dataselectfn(m[1]);
-          s = s.slice(m.index + m[0].length, s.length);
-        }
-      }
-      if(!found){
-        error('bad data selector syntax: ' + sel);
-      }
-      parts[i] = s;
-      return concatenator(parts, pfns);
-    }
-    m = sel.split('.');
-    return function(ctxt){
-      var data = ctxt.context;
-      if(!data){
-        return '';
-      }
-      var  v = ctxt[m[0]],
-        i = 0;
-      if(v && v.item){
-        data = v.item;
-        i += 1;
-      }
-      var n = m.length;
-      for(; i < n; i++){
-        if(!data){break;}
-        data = data[m[i]];
-      }
-      return (!data && data !== 0) ? '':data;
-    };
-  }
-  // wrap in an object the target node/attr and their properties
-  function gettarget(dom, sel, isloop){
-    var osel, prepend, selector, attr, append, target = [];
-    if( typeof sel === 'string' ){
-      osel = sel;
-      var m = sel.match(selRx);
-      if( !m ){
-        error( 'bad selector syntax: ' + sel );
-      }
-      prepend = m[1];
-      selector = m[2];
-      attr = m[3];
-      append = m[4];
-      if(selector === '.' || ( !selector && attr ) ){
-        target[0] = dom;
-      }else{
-        target = plugins.find(dom, selector);
-      }
-      if(!target || target.length === 0){
-        return error('The node "' + sel + '" was not found in the template');
-      }
-    }else{
-      // autoRender node
-      prepend = sel.prepend;
-      attr = sel.attr;
-      append = sel.append;
-      target = [dom];
-    }
-    if( prepend || append ){
-      if( prepend && append ){
-        error('append/prepend cannot take place at the same time');
-      }else if( isloop ){
-        error('no append/prepend/replace modifiers allowed for loop target');
-      }else if( append && isloop ){
-        error('cannot append with loop (sel: ' + osel + ')');
-      }
-    }
-    var setstr, getstr, quotefn, isStyle, isClass, attName, setfn;
-    if(attr){
-      isStyle = (/^style$/i).test(attr);
-      isClass = (/^class$/i).test(attr);
-      attName = isClass ? 'className' : attr;
-      setstr = function(node, s) {
-        node.setAttribute(attPfx + attr, s);
-        if (attName in node && !isStyle) {
-          node[attName] = '';
-        }
-        if (node.nodeType === 1) {
-          node.removeAttribute(attr);
-          isClass && node.removeAttribute(attName);
-        }
-      };
-      if (isStyle || isClass) {//IE no quotes special care
-        if(isStyle){
-          getstr = function(n){ return; };
-        }else{
-          getstr = function(n){ return n.className;  };
-        }
-        quotefn = function(s){ return s.replace(/\"/g, '&quot;'); };
-      }else {
-        getstr = function(n){ return n.getAttribute(attr); };
-        quotefn = function(s){ return s.replace(/\"/g, '&quot;').replace(/\s/g, '&nbsp;'); };
-      }
-      if(prepend){
-        setfn = function(node, s){ setstr( node, s + getstr( node )); };
-      }else if(append){
-        setfn = function(node, s){ setstr( node, getstr( node ) + s); };
-      }else{
-        setfn = function(node, s){ setstr( node, s ); };
-      }
-    }else{
-      if (isloop) {
-        setfn = function(node, s) {
-          var pn = node.parentNode;
-          if (pn) {
-            //replace node with s
-            pn.insertBefore(document.createTextNode(s), node.nextSibling);
-            pn.removeChild(node);
-          }
-        };
-      } else {
-        if (prepend) {
-          setfn = function(node, s) { node.insertBefore(document.createTextNode(s), node.firstChild);  };
-        } else if (append) {
-          setfn = function(node, s) { node.appendChild(document.createTextNode(s));};
-        } else {
-          setfn = function(node, s) {
-            while (node.firstChild) { node.removeChild(node.firstChild); }
-            node.appendChild(document.createTextNode(s));
-          };
-        }
-      }
-      quotefn = function(s) { return s; };
-    }
-    return { attr: attr, nodes: target, set: setfn, sel: osel, quotefn: quotefn };
-  }
-  function setsig(target, n){
-    var sig = Sig + n + ':';
-    for(var i = 0; i < target.nodes.length; i++){
-      // could check for overlapping targets here.
-      target.set( target.nodes[i], sig );
-    }
-  }
-  // read de loop data, and pass it to the inner rendering function
-  function loopfn(name, dselect, inner, sorter, filter){
-    return function(ctxt){
-      var a = dselect(ctxt),
-        old = ctxt[name],
-        temp = { items : a },
-        filtered = 0,
-        length,
-        strs = [],
-        buildArg = function(idx, temp, ftr, len){
-          ctxt.pos = temp.pos = idx;
-          ctxt.item = temp.item = a[ idx ];
-          ctxt.items = a;
-          //if array, set a length property - filtered items
-          typeof len !== 'undefined' &&  (ctxt.length = len);
-          //if filter directive
-          if(typeof ftr === 'function' && ftr(ctxt) === false){
-            filtered++;
-            return;
-          }
-          strs.push(, ctxt ) );
-        };
-      ctxt[name] = temp;
-      if( isArray(a) ){
-        length = a.length || 0;
-        // if sort directive
-        if(typeof sorter === 'function'){
-          a.sort(sorter);
-        }
-        //loop on array
-        for(var i = 0, ii = length; i < ii; i++){
-          buildArg(i, temp, filter, length - filtered);
-        }
-      }else{
-        if(a && typeof sorter !== 'undefined'){
-          error('sort is only available on arrays, not objects');
-        }
-        //loop on collections
-        for(var prop in a){
-          a.hasOwnProperty( prop ) && buildArg(prop, temp, filter);
-        }
-      }
-      typeof old !== 'undefined' ? ctxt[name] = old : delete ctxt[name];
-      return strs.join('');
-    };
-  }
-  // generate the template for a loop node
-  function loopgen(dom, sel, loop, fns){
-    var already = false, ls, sorter, filter, prop;
-    for(prop in loop){
-      if(loop.hasOwnProperty(prop)){
-        if(prop === 'sort'){
-          sorter = loop.sort;
-          continue;
-        }else if(prop === 'filter'){
-          filter = loop.filter;
-          continue;
-        }
-        if(already){
-          error('cannot have more than one loop on a target');
-        }
-        ls = prop;
-        already = true;
-      }
-    }
-    if(!ls){
-      error('Error in the selector: ' + sel + '\nA directive action must be a string, a function or a loop(<-)');
-    }
-    var dsel = loop[ls];
-    // if it's a simple data selector then we default to contents, not replacement.
-    if(typeof(dsel) === 'string' || typeof(dsel) === 'function'){
-      loop = {};
-      loop[ls] = {root: dsel};
-      return loopgen(dom, sel, loop, fns);
-    }
-    var spec = parseloopspec(ls),
-      itersel = dataselectfn(spec.sel),
-      target = gettarget(dom, sel, true),
-      nodes = target.nodes;
-    for(i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++){
-      var node = nodes[i],
-        inner = compiler(node, dsel);
-      fns[fns.length] = wrapquote(target.quotefn, loopfn(, itersel, inner, sorter, filter));
-      target.nodes = [node];    // N.B. side effect on target.
-      setsig(target, fns.length - 1);
-    }
-  }
-  function getAutoNodes(n, data){
-    var ns = n.getElementsByTagName('*'),
-      an = [],
-      openLoops = {a:[],l:{}},
-      cspec,
-      isNodeValue,
-      i, ii, j, jj, ni, cs, cj;
-    //for each node found in the template
-    for(i = -1, ii = ns.length; i < ii; i++){
-      ni = i > -1 ?ns[i]:n;
-      if(ni.nodeType === 1 && ni.className !== ''){
-        //when a className is found
-        cs = ni.className.split(' ');
-        // for each className
-        for(j = 0, jj=cs.length;j<jj;j++){
-          cj = cs[j];
-          // check if it is related to a context property
-          cspec = checkClass(cj, ni.tagName);
-          // if so, store the node, plus the type of data
-          if(cspec !== false){
-            isNodeValue = (/nodevalue/i).test(cspec.attr);
-            if(cspec.sel.indexOf('@') > -1 || isNodeValue){
-              ni.className = ni.className.replace('@'+cspec.attr, '');
-              if(isNodeValue){
-                cspec.attr = false;
-              }
-            }
-            an.push({n:ni, cspec:cspec});
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    return an;
-    function checkClass(c, tagName){
-      // read the class
-      var ca = c.match(selRx),
-        attr = ca[3] || autoAttr[tagName],
-        cspec = {prepend:!!ca[1], prop:ca[2], attr:attr, append:!!ca[4], sel:c},
-        i, ii, loopi, loopil, val;
-      // check in existing open loops
-      for(i = openLoops.a.length-1; i >= 0; i--){
-        loopi = openLoops.a[i];
-        loopil = loopi.l[0];
-        val = loopil && loopil[cspec.prop];
-        if(typeof val !== 'undefined'){
-          cspec.prop = loopi.p + '.' + cspec.prop;
-          if(openLoops.l[cspec.prop] === true){
-            val = val[0];
-          }
-          break;
-        }
-      }
-      // not found check first level of data
-      if(typeof val === 'undefined'){
-        val = isArray(data) ? data[0][cspec.prop] : data[cspec.prop];
-        // nothing found return
-        if(typeof val === 'undefined'){
-          return false;
-        }
-      }
-      // set the spec for autoNode
-      if(isArray(val)){
-        openLoops.a.push( {l:val, p:cspec.prop} );
-        openLoops.l[cspec.prop] = true;
-        cspec.t = 'loop';
-      }else{
-        cspec.t = 'str';
-      }
-      return cspec;
-    }
-  }
-  // returns a function that, given a context argument,
-  // will render the template defined by dom and directive.
-  function compiler(dom, directive, data, ans){
-    var fns = [];
-    // autoRendering nodes parsing -> auto-nodes
-    ans = ans || data && getAutoNodes(dom, data);
-    if(data){
-      var j, jj, cspec, n, target, nodes, itersel, node, inner;
-      // for each auto-nodes
-      while(ans.length > 0){
-        cspec = ans[0].cspec;
-        n = ans[0].n;
-        ans.splice(0, 1);
-        if(cspec.t === 'str'){
-          // if the target is a value
-          target = gettarget(n, cspec, false);
-          setsig(target, fns.length);
-          fns[fns.length] = wrapquote(target.quotefn, dataselectfn(cspec.prop));
-        }else{
-          // if the target is a loop
-          itersel = dataselectfn(cspec.sel);
-          target = gettarget(n, cspec, true);
-          nodes = target.nodes;
-          for(j = 0, jj = nodes.length; j < jj; j++){
-            node = nodes[j];
-            inner = compiler(node, false, data, ans);
-            fns[fns.length] = wrapquote(target.quotefn, loopfn(cspec.sel, itersel, inner));
-            target.nodes = [node];
-            setsig(target, fns.length - 1);
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    // read directives
-    var target, dsel;
-    for(var sel in directive){
-      if(directive.hasOwnProperty(sel)){
-        dsel = directive[sel];
-        if(typeof(dsel) === 'function' || typeof(dsel) === 'string'){
-          // set the value for the node/attr
-          target = gettarget(dom, sel, false);
-          setsig(target, fns.length);
-          fns[fns.length] = wrapquote(target.quotefn, dataselectfn(dsel));
-        }else{
-          // loop on node
-          loopgen(dom, sel, dsel, fns);
-        }
-      }
-    }
-        // convert node to a string
-        var h = outerHTML(dom), pfns = [];
-    // IE adds an unremovable "selected, value" attribute
-    // hard replace while waiting for a better solution
-        h = h.replace(/<([^>]+)\s(value\=""|selected)\s?([^>]*)>/ig, "<$1 $3>");
-        // remove attribute prefix
-        h = h.split(attPfx).join('');
-    // slice the html string at "Sig"
-    var parts = h.split( Sig ), p;
-    // for each slice add the return string of
-    for(var i = 1; i < parts.length; i++){
-      p = parts[i];
-      // part is of the form "fn-number:..." as placed there by setsig.
-      pfns[i] = fns[ parseInt(p, 10) ];
-      parts[i] = p.substring( p.indexOf(':') + 1 );
-    }
-    return concatenator(parts, pfns);
-  }
-  // compile the template with directive
-  // if a context is passed, the autoRendering is triggered automatically
-  // return a function waiting the data as argument
-  function compile(directive, ctxt, template){
-    var rfn = compiler( ( template || this[0] ).cloneNode(true), directive, ctxt);
-    return function(context){
-      return rfn({context:context});
-    };
-  }
-  //compile with the directive as argument
-  // run the template function on the context argument
-  // return an HTML string
-  // should replace the template and return this
-  function render(ctxt, directive){
-    var fn = typeof directive === 'function' ? directive : plugins.compile( directive, false, this[0] );
-    for(var i = 0, ii = this.length; i < ii; i++){
-      this[i] = replaceWith( this[i], fn( ctxt, false ));
-    }
-    context = null;
-    return this;
-  }
-  // compile the template with autoRender
-  // run the template function on the context argument
-  // return an HTML string
-  function autoRender(ctxt, directive){
-    var fn = plugins.compile( directive, ctxt, this[0] );
-    for(var i = 0, ii = this.length; i < ii; i++){
-      this[i] = replaceWith( this[i], fn( ctxt, false));
-    }
-    context = null;
-    return this;
-  }
-  function replaceWith(elm, html) {
-    var ne,
-      ep = elm.parentNode,
-      depth = 0;
-    switch (elm.tagName) {
-      case 'TBODY': case 'THEAD': case 'TFOOT':
-        html = '<TABLE>' + html + '</TABLE>';
-        depth = 1;
-      break;
-      case 'TR':
-        html = '<TABLE><TBODY>' + html + '</TBODY></TABLE>';
-        depth = 2;
-      break;
-      case 'TD': case 'TH':
-        html = '<TABLE><TBODY><TR>' + html + '</TR></TBODY></TABLE>';
-        depth = 3;
-      break;
-    }
-    tmp = document.createElement('SPAN');
- = 'none';
-    document.body.appendChild(tmp);
-    tmp.innerHTML = html;
-    ne = tmp.firstChild;
-    while (depth--) {
-      ne = ne.firstChild;
-    }
-    ep.insertBefore(ne, elm);
-    ep.removeChild(elm);
-    document.body.removeChild(tmp);
-    elm = ne;
-    ne = ep = null;
-    return elm;
-  }
-$p.plugins = {};
-$p.libs = {
-  dojo:function(){
-    if(typeof document.querySelector === 'undefined'){
-      $p.plugins.find = function(n, sel){
-        return dojo.query(sel, n);
-      };
-    }
-  },
-  domassistant:function(){
-    if(typeof document.querySelector === 'undefined'){
-      $p.plugins.find = function(n, sel){
-        return $(n).cssSelect(sel);
-      };
-    }
-    DOMAssistant.attach({
-      publicMethods : [ 'compile', 'render', 'autoRender'],
-      compile:function(directive, ctxt){ return $p(this).compile(directive, ctxt); },
-      render:function(ctxt, directive){ return $( $p(this).render(ctxt, directive) )[0]; },
-      autoRender:function(ctxt, directive){ return $( $p(this).autoRender(ctxt, directive) )[0]; }
-    });
-  },
-  jquery:function(){
-    if(typeof document.querySelector === 'undefined'){
-      $p.plugins.find = function(n, sel){
-        return jQuery(n).find(sel);
-      };
-    }
-    jQuery.fn.extend({
-      compile:function(directive, ctxt){ return $p(this[0]).compile(directive, ctxt); },
-      render:function(ctxt, directive){ return jQuery( $p( this[0] ).render( ctxt, directive ) ); },
-      autoRender:function(ctxt, directive){ return jQuery( $p( this[0] ).autoRender( ctxt, directive ) ); }
-    });
-  },
-  mootools:function(){
-    if(typeof document.querySelector === 'undefined'){
-      $p.plugins.find = function(n, sel){
-        return $(n).getElements(sel);
-      };
-    }
-    Element.implement({
-      compile:function(directive, ctxt){ return $p(this).compile(directive, ctxt); },
-      render:function(ctxt, directive){ return $p(this).render(ctxt, directive); },
-      autoRender:function(ctxt, directive){ return $p(this).autoRender(ctxt, directive); }
-    });
-  },
-  prototype:function(){
-    if(typeof document.querySelector === 'undefined'){
-      $p.plugins.find = function(n, sel){
-        n = n === document ? n.body : n;
-        return typeof n === 'string' ? $$(n) : $(n).select(sel);
-      };
-    }
-    Element.addMethods({
-      compile:function(element, directive, ctxt){ return $p(element).compile(directive, ctxt); },
-      render:function(element, ctxt, directive){ return $p(element).render(ctxt, directive); },
-      autoRender:function(element, ctxt, directive){ return $p(element).autoRender(ctxt, directive); }
-    });
-  },
-  sizzle:function(){
-    if(typeof document.querySelector === 'undefined'){
-      $p.plugins.find = function(n, sel){
-        return Sizzle(sel, n);
-      };
-    }
-  },
-  sly:function(){
-    if(typeof document.querySelector === 'undefined'){
-      $p.plugins.find = function(n, sel){
-        return Sly(sel, n);
-      };
-    }
-  }
-// get lib specifics if available
-  var libkey =
-    typeof dojo         !== 'undefined' && 'dojo' ||
-    typeof DOMAssistant !== 'undefined' && 'domassistant' ||
-    typeof jQuery       !== 'undefined' && 'jquery' ||
-    typeof MooTools     !== 'undefined' && 'mootools' ||
-    typeof Prototype    !== 'undefined' && 'prototype' ||
-    typeof Sizzle       !== 'undefined' && 'sizzle' ||
-    typeof Sly          !== 'undefined' && 'sly';
-  libkey && $p.libs[libkey]();
-  Sammy = Sammy || {};
-  // `Sammy.Pure` is a simple wrapper around the pure.js templating engine for
-  // use in Sammy apps.
-  //
-  // See for detailed documentation.
-  Sammy.Pure = function(app, method_alias) {
-    var pure = function(template, data, directives) {
-      return $(template).autoRender(data, directives);
-    };
-    // set the default method name/extension
-    if (!method_alias) method_alias = 'pure';
-    app.helper(method_alias, pure);
-  };
diff --git a/attachments/sammy/plugins/ b/attachments/sammy/plugins/
deleted file mode 100644
index d97ab93..0000000
--- a/attachments/sammy/plugins/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,577 +0,0 @@
-(function($) {
-  Sammy = Sammy || {};
-  // Sammy.Store is an abstract adapter class that wraps the multitude of in
-  // browser data storage into a single common set of methods for storing and
-  // retreiving data. The JSON library is used (through the inclusion of the
-  // Sammy.JSON) plugin, to automatically convert objects back and forth from
-  // stored strings.
-  //
-  // Sammy.Store can be used directly, but within a Sammy.Application it is much
-  // easier to use the `Sammy.Storage` plugin and its helper methods.
-  //
-  // Sammy.Store also supports the KVO pattern, by firing DOM/jQuery Events when
-  // a key is set.
-  //
-  // ### Example
-  //
-  //      // create a new store named 'mystore', tied to the #main element, using HTML5 localStorage
-  //      // Note: localStorage only works on browsers that support it
-  //      var store = new Sammy.Store({name: 'mystore', element: '#element', type: 'local'});
-  //      store.set('foo', 'bar');
-  //      store.get('foo'); //=> 'bar'
-  //      store.set('json', {obj: 'this is an obj'});
-  //      store.get('json'); //=> {obj: 'this is an obj'}
-  //      store.keys(); //=> ['foo','json']
-  //      store.clear('foo');
-  //      store.keys(); //=> ['json']
-  //      store.clearAll();
-  //      store.keys(); //=> []
-  //
-  // ### Arguments
-  //
-  // The constructor takes a single argument which is a Object containing these possible options.
-  //
-  // * `name` The name/namespace of this store. Stores are unique by name/type. (default 'store')
-  // * `element` A selector for the element that the store is bound to. (default 'body')
-  // * `type` The type of storage/proxy to use (default 'memory')
-  //
-  // Extra options are passed to the storage constructor.
-  // Sammy.Store supports the following methods of storage:
-  //
-  // * `memory` Basic object storage
-  // * `data` DOM Storage
-  // * `cookie` Access to document.cookie. Limited to 2K
-  // * `local` HTML5 DOM localStorage, browswer support is currently limited.
-  // * `session` HTML5 DOM sessionStorage, browswer support is currently limited.
-  //
-  Sammy.Store = function(options) {
-    var store = this;
-    this.options  = options || {};
-     = || 'store';
-    this.element  = this.options.element || 'body';
-    this.$element = $(this.element);
-    if ($.isArray(this.options.type)) {
-      $.each(this.options.type, function(i, type) {
-        if (Sammy.Store.isAvailable(type)) {
-          store.type = type;
-          return false;
-        }
-      });
-    } else {
-      this.type = this.options.type || 'memory';
-    }
-    this.meta_key = this.options.meta_key || '__keys__';
-  = new Sammy.Store[Sammy.Store.stores[this.type]](, this.element, this.options);
-  };
-  Sammy.Store.stores = {
-    'memory': 'Memory',
-    'data': 'Data',
-    'local': 'LocalStorage',
-    'session': 'SessionStorage',
-    'cookie': 'Cookie'
-  };
-  $.extend(Sammy.Store.prototype, {
-    // Checks for the availability of the current storage type in the current browser/config.
-    isAvailable: function() {
-      if ($.isFunction( {
-        return;
-      } else {
-        true;
-      }
-    },
-    // Checks for the existance of `key` in the current store. Returns a boolean.
-    exists: function(key) {
-      return;
-    },
-    // Sets the value of `key` with `value`. If `value` is an
-    // object, it is turned to and stored as a string with `JSON.stringify`.
-    // It also tries to conform to the KVO pattern triggering jQuery events on the
-    // element that the store is bound to.
-    //
-    // ### Example
-    //
-    //      var store = new Sammy.Store({name: 'kvo'});
-    //      $('body').bind('set-kvo-foo', function(e, data) {
-    //        Sammy.log(data.key + ' changed to ' + data.value);
-    //      });
-    //      store.set('foo', 'bar'); // logged: foo changed to bar
-    //
-    set: function(key, value) {
-      var string_value = (typeof value == 'string') ? value : JSON.stringify(value);
-      key = key.toString();
-, string_value);
-      if (key != this.meta_key) {
-        this._addKey(key);
-        this.$element.trigger('set-' +, {key: key, value: value});
-        this.$element.trigger('set-' + + '-' + key, {key: key, value: value});
-      };
-      // always return the original value
-      return value;
-    },
-    // Returns the set value at `key`, parsing with `JSON.parse` and
-    // turning into an object if possible
-    get: function(key) {
-      var value =;
-      if (typeof value == 'undefined' || value == null || value == '') {
-        return value;
-      }
-      try {
-        return JSON.parse(value);
-      } catch(e) {
-        return value;
-      }
-    },
-    // Removes the value at `key` from the current store
-    clear: function(key) {
-      this._removeKey(key);
-      return;
-    },
-    // Clears all the values for the current store.
-    clearAll: function() {
-      var self = this;
-      this.each(function(key, value) {
-        self.clear(key);
-      });
-    },
-    // Returns the all the keys set for the current store as an array.
-    // Internally Sammy.Store keeps this array in a 'meta_key' for easy access.
-    keys: function() {
-      return this.get(this.meta_key) || [];
-    },
-    // Iterates over each key value pair passing them to the `callback` function
-    //
-    // ### Example
-    //
-    //      store.each(function(key, value) {
-    //        Sammy.log('key', key, 'value', value);
-    //      });
-    //
-    each: function(callback) {
-      var i = 0,
-          keys = this.keys(),
-          returned;
-      for (i; i < keys.length; i++) {
-        returned = callback(keys[i], this.get(keys[i]));
-        if (returned === false) { return false; }
-      };
-    },
-    // Filters the store by a filter function that takes a key value.
-    // Returns an array of arrays where the first element of each array
-    // is the key and the second is the value of that key.
-    //
-    // ### Example
-    //
-    //      var store = new Sammy.Store;
-    //      store.set('one', 'two');
-    //      store.set('two', 'three');
-    //      store.set('1', 'two');
-    //      var returned = store.filter(function(key, value) {
-    //        // only return
-    //        return value === 'two';
-    //      });
-    //      // returned => [['one', 'two'], ['1', 'two']];
-    //
-    filter: function(callback) {
-      var found = [];
-      this.each(function(key, value) {
-        if (callback(key, value)) {
-          found.push([key, value]);
-        }
-        return true;
-      });
-      return found;
-    },
-    // Works exactly like filter except only returns the first matching key
-    // value pair instead of all of them
-    first: function(callback) {
-      var found = false;
-      this.each(function(key, value) {
-        if (callback(key, value)) {
-          found = [key, value];
-          return false;
-        }
-      });
-      return found;
-    },
-    // Returns the value at `key` if set, otherwise, runs the callback
-    // and sets the value to the value returned in the callback.
-    //
-    // ### Example
-    //
-    //    var store = new Sammy.Store;
-    //    store.exists('foo'); //=> false
-    //    store.fetch('foo', function() {
-    //      return 'bar!';
-    //    }); //=> 'bar!'
-    //    store.get('foo') //=> 'bar!'
-    //    store.fetch('foo', function() {
-    //      return 'baz!';
-    //    }); //=> 'bar!
-    //
-    fetch: function(key, callback) {
-      if (!this.exists(key)) {
-        return this.set(key, callback.apply(this));
-      } else {
-        return this.get(key);
-      }
-    },
-    // loads the response of a request to `path` into `key`.
-    //
-    // ### Example
-    //
-    // In /mytemplate.tpl:
-    //
-    //    My Template
-    //
-    // In app.js:
-    //
-    //    var store = new Sammy.Store;
-    //    store.load('mytemplate', '/mytemplate.tpl', function() {
-    //      s.get('mytemplate') //=> My Template
-    //    });
-    //
-    load: function(key, path, callback) {
-      var s = this;
-      $.get(path, function(response) {
-        s.set(key, response);
-        if (callback) { callback.apply(this, [response]); }
-      });
-    },
-    _addKey: function(key) {
-      var keys = this.keys();
-      if ($.inArray(key, keys) == -1) { keys.push(key); }
-      this.set(this.meta_key, keys);
-    },
-    _removeKey: function(key) {
-      var keys = this.keys();
-      var index = $.inArray(key, keys);
-      if (index != -1) { keys.splice(index, 1); }
-      this.set(this.meta_key, keys);
-    }
-  });
-  // Tests if the type of storage is available/works in the current browser/config.
-  // Especially useful for testing the availability of the awesome, but not widely
-  // supported HTML5 DOM storage
-  Sammy.Store.isAvailable = function(type) {
-    try {
-      return Sammy.Store[Sammy.Store.stores[type]].prototype.isAvailable();
-    } catch(e) {
-      return false;
-    }
-  };
-  // Memory ('memory') is the basic/default store. It stores data in a global
-  // JS object. Data is lost on refresh.
-  Sammy.Store.Memory = function(name, element) {
-  = name;
-    this.element = element;
-    this.namespace = [this.element,].join('.');
- = || {};
-[this.namespace] =[this.namespace] || {};
- =[this.namespace];
-  };
-  $.extend(Sammy.Store.Memory.prototype, {
-    isAvailable: function() { return true; },
-    exists: function(key) {
-      return (typeof[key] != "undefined");
-    },
-    set: function(key, value) {
-      return[key] = value;
-    },
-    get: function(key) {
-      return[key];
-    },
-    clear: function(key) {
-      delete[key];
-    }
-  });
-  // Data ('data') stores objects using the methods. This has the advantadge
-  // of scoping the data to the specific element. Like the 'memory' store its data
-  // will only last for the length of the current request (data is lost on refresh/etc).
-  Sammy.Store.Data = function(name, element) {
- = name;
-    this.element = element;
-    this.$element = $(element);
-  };
-  $.extend(Sammy.Store.Data.prototype, {
-    isAvailable: function() { return true; },
-    exists: function(key) {
-      return (typeof this.$ != "undefined");
-    },
-    set: function(key, value) {
-      return this.$, value);
-    },
-    get: function(key) {
-      return this.$;
-    },
-    clear: function(key) {
-      this.$element.removeData(this._key(key));
-    },
-    _key: function(key) {
-      return ['store',, key].join('.');
-    }
-  });
-  // LocalStorage ('local') makes use of HTML5 DOM Storage, and the window.localStorage
-  // object. The great advantage of this method is that data will persist beyond
-  // the current request. It can be considered a pretty awesome replacement for
-  // cookies accessed via JS. The great disadvantage, though, is its only available
-  // on the latest and greatest browsers.
-  //
-  // For more info on DOM Storage:
-  // []
-  // []
-  //
-  Sammy.Store.LocalStorage = function(name, element) {
- = name;
-    this.element = element;
-  };
-  $.extend(Sammy.Store.LocalStorage.prototype, {
-    isAvailable: function() {
-      return ('localStorage' in window) && (window.location.protocol != 'file:');
-    },
-    exists: function(key) {
-      return (this.get(key) != null);
-    },
-    set: function(key, value) {
-      return window.localStorage.setItem(this._key(key), value);
-    },
-    get: function(key) {
-      return window.localStorage.getItem(this._key(key));
-    },
-    clear: function(key) {
-      window.localStorage.removeItem(this._key(key));;
-    },
-    _key: function(key) {
-      return ['store', this.element,, key].join('.');
-    }
-  });
-  // .SessionStorage ('session') is similar to LocalStorage (part of the same API)
-  // and shares similar browser support/availability. The difference is that
-  // SessionStorage is only persistant through the current 'session' which is defined
-  // as the length that the current window is open. This means that data will survive
-  // refreshes but not close/open or multiple windows/tabs. For more info, check out
-  // the `LocalStorage` documentation and links.
-  Sammy.Store.SessionStorage = function(name, element) {
- = name;
-    this.element = element;
-  };
-  $.extend(Sammy.Store.SessionStorage.prototype, {
-    isAvailable: function() {
-      return ('sessionStorage' in window) &&
-      (window.location.protocol != 'file:') &&
-      ($.isFunction(window.sessionStorage.setItem));
-    },
-    exists: function(key) {
-      return (this.get(key) != null);
-    },
-    set: function(key, value) {
-      return window.sessionStorage.setItem(this._key(key), value);
-    },
-    get: function(key) {
-      var value = window.sessionStorage.getItem(this._key(key));
-      if (value && typeof value.value != "undefined") { value = value.value }
-      return value;
-    },
-    clear: function(key) {
-      window.sessionStorage.removeItem(this._key(key));;
-    },
-    _key: function(key) {
-      return ['store', this.element,, key].join('.');
-    }
-  });
-  // .Cookie ('cookie') storage uses browser cookies to store data. JavaScript
-  // has access to a single document.cookie variable, which is limited to 2Kb in
-  // size. Cookies are also considered 'unsecure' as the data can be read easily
-  // by other sites/JS. Cookies do have the advantage, though, of being widely
-  // supported and persistent through refresh and close/open. Where available,
-  // HTML5 DOM Storage like LocalStorage and SessionStorage should be used.
-  //
-  // .Cookie can also take additional options:
-  //
-  // * `expires_in` Number of seconds to keep the cookie alive (default 2 weeks).
-  // * `path` The path to activate the current cookie for (default '/').
-  //
-  // For more information about document.cookie, check out the pre-eminint article
-  // by ppk: []
-  //
-  Sammy.Store.Cookie = function(name, element, options) {
- = name;
-    this.element = element;
-    this.options = options || {};
-    this.path = this.options.path || '/';
-    // set the expires in seconds or default 14 days
-    this.expires_in = this.options.expires_in || (14 * 24 * 60 * 60);
-  };
-  $.extend(Sammy.Store.Cookie.prototype, {
-    isAvailable: function() {
-      return ('cookie' in document) && (window.location.protocol != 'file:');
-    },
-    exists: function(key) {
-      return (this.get(key) != null);
-    },
-    set: function(key, value) {
-      return this._setCookie(key, value);
-    },
-    get: function(key) {
-      return this._getCookie(key);
-    },
-    clear: function(key) {
-      this._setCookie(key, "", -1);
-    },
-    _key: function(key) {
-      return ['store', this.element,, key].join('.');
-    },
-    _getCookie: function(key) {
-      var escaped = this._key(key).replace(/(\.|\*|\(|\)|\[|\])/g, '\\$1');
-      var match = document.cookie.match("(^|;\\s)" + escaped + "=([^;]*)(;|$)")
-      return (match ? match[2] : null);
-    },
-    _setCookie: function(key, value, expires) {
-      if (!expires) { expires = (this.expires_in * 1000) }
-      var date = new Date();
-      date.setTime(date.getTime() + expires);
-      var set_cookie = [
-        this._key(key), "=", value,
-        "; expires=", date.toGMTString(),
-        "; path=", this.path
-      ].join('');
-      document.cookie = set_cookie;
-    }
-  });
-  // Sammy.Storage is a plugin that provides shortcuts for creating and using
-  // Sammy.Store objects. Once included it provides the `store()` app level
-  // and helper methods. Depends on Sammy.JSON (or json2.js).
-  Sammy.Storage = function(app) {
-    this.use(Sammy.JSON);
-    this.stores = this.stores || {};
-    // `store()` creates and looks up existing `Sammy.Store` objects
-    // for the current application. The first time used for a given `'name'`
-    // initializes a `Sammy.Store` and also creates a helper under the store's
-    // name.
-    //
-    // ### Example
-    //
-    //      var app = $.sammy(function() {
-    //        this.use(Sammy.Storage);
-    //
-    //        // initializes the store on app creation.
-    //'mystore', {type: 'cookie'});
-    //
-    //        this.get('#/', function() {
-    //          // returns the Sammy.Store object
-    //'mystore');
-    //          // sets 'foo' to 'bar' using the shortcut/helper
-    //          // equivilent to'mystore').set('foo', 'bar');
-    //          this.mystore('foo', 'bar');
-    //          // returns 'bar'
-    //          // equivilent to'mystore').get('foo');
-    //          this.mystore('foo');
-    //          // returns 'baz!'
-    //          // equivilent to:
-    //          //'mystore').fetch('foo!', function() {
-    //          //   return 'baz!';
-    //          // })
-    //          this.mystore('foo!', function() {
-    //            return 'baz!';
-    //          });
-    //
-    //          this.clearMystore();
-    //          // equivilent to:
-    //          //'mystore').clearAll()
-    //        });
-    //
-    //      });
-    //
-    // ### Arguments
-    //
-    // * `name` The name of the store and helper. the name must be unique per application.
-    // * `options` A JS object of options that can be passed to the Store constuctor on initialization.
-    //
- = function(name, options) {
-      // if the store has not been initialized
-      if (typeof this.stores[name] == 'undefined') {
-        // create initialize the store
-        var clear_method_name = "clear" + name.substr(0,1).toUpperCase() + name.substr(1);
-        this.stores[name] = new Sammy.Store($.extend({
-          name: name,
-          element: this.element_selector
-        }, options || {}));
-        //
-        this[name] = function(key, value) {
-          if (typeof value == 'undefined') {
-            return this.stores[name].get(key);
-          } else if ($.isFunction(value)) {
-            return this.stores[name].fetch(key, value);
-          } else {
-            return this.stores[name].set(key, value)
-          }
-        };
-        // app.clearName();
-        this[clear_method_name] = function() {
-          return this.stores[name].clearAll();
-        }
-        //
-        this.helper(name, function() {
-          return[name].apply(, arguments);
-        });
-        // context.clearName();
-        this.helper(clear_method_name, function() {
-          return[clear_method_name]();
-        });
-      }
-      return this.stores[name];
-    };
-    this.helpers({
-      store: function() {
-        return, arguments);
-      }
-    });
-  };
-  // Sammy.Session is an additional plugin for creating a common 'session' store
-  // for the given app. It is a very simple wrapper around `Sammy.Storage`
-  // that provides a simple fallback mechanism for trying to provide the best
-  // possible storage type for the session. This means, `LocalStorage`
-  // if available, otherwise `Cookie`, otherwise `Memory`.
-  // It provides the `session()` helper through `Sammy.Storage#store()`.
-  //
-  // See the `Sammy.Storage` plugin for full documentation.
-  //
-  Sammy.Session = function(app, options) {
-    this.use(Sammy.Storage);
-    // check for local storage, then cookie storage, then just use memory
-'session', $.extend({type: ['local', 'cookie', 'memory']}, options));
-  };
-  // Sammy.Cache provides helpers for caching data within the lifecycle of a
-  // Sammy app. The plugin provides two main methods on `Sammy.Application`,
-  // `cache` and `clearCache`. Each app has its own cache store so that
-  // you dont have to worry about collisions. As of 0.5 the original Sammy.Cache module
-  // has been deprecated in favor of this one based on Sammy.Storage. The exposed
-  // API is almost identical, but Sammy.Storage provides additional backends including
-  // HTML5 Storage. `Sammy.Cache` will try to use these backends when available
-  // (in this order) `LocalStorage`, `SessionStorage`, and `Memory`
-  Sammy.Cache = function(app, options) {
-    this.use(Sammy.Storage);
-    // set cache_partials to true
-    this.cache_partials = true;
-    // check for local storage, then session storage, then just use memory
-'cache', $.extend({type: ['local', 'session', 'memory']}, options));
-  };
diff --git a/attachments/sammy/plugins/sammy.template.js b/attachments/sammy/plugins/sammy.template.js
deleted file mode 100644
index f24c23e..0000000
--- a/attachments/sammy/plugins/sammy.template.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
-(function($) {
-  // Simple JavaScript Templating
-  // John Resig - - MIT Licensed
-  // adapted from:
-  // originally $.srender by Greg Borenstein in Feb 2009
-  // modified for Sammy by Aaron Quint for caching templates by name
-  var srender_cache = {};
-  var srender = function(name, template, data) {
-    // target is an optional element; if provided, the result will be inserted into it
-    // otherwise the result will simply be returned to the caller
-    if (srender_cache[name]) {
-      fn = srender_cache[name];
-    } else {
-      if (typeof template == 'undefined') {
-        // was a cache check, return false
-        return false;
-      }
-      // Generate a reusable function that will serve as a template
-      // generator (and which will be cached).
-      fn = srender_cache[name] = new Function("obj",
-      "var p=[],print=function(){p.push.apply(p,arguments);};" +
-      // Introduce the data as local variables using with(){}
-      "with(obj){p.push(\"" +
-      // Convert the template into pure JavaScript
-      template
-        .replace(/[\r\t\n]/g, " ")
-        .replace(/\"/g, '\\"')
-        .split("<%").join("\t")
-        .replace(/((^|%>)[^\t]*)/g, "$1\r")
-        .replace(/\t=(.*?)%>/g, "\",$1,\"")
-        .split("\t").join("\");")
-        .split("%>").join("p.push(\"")
-        .split("\r").join("")
-        + "\");}return p.join('');");
-    }
-    if (typeof data != 'undefined') {
-      return fn(data);
-    } else {
-      return fn;
-    }
-  };
-  Sammy = Sammy || {};
-  // <tt>Sammy.Template</tt> is a simple plugin that provides a way to create
-  // and render client side templates. The rendering code is based on John Resig's
-  // quick templates and Greg Borenstien's srender plugin.
-  // This is also a great template/boilerplate for Sammy plugins.
-  //
-  // Templates use <% %> tags to denote embedded javascript.
-  //
-  // ### Examples
-  //
-  // Here is an example template (user.template):
-  //
-  //      <div class="user">
-  //        <div class="user-name"><%= %></div>
-  //        <% if (user.photo_url) { %>
-  //          <div class="photo"><img src="<%= user.photo_url %>" /></div>
-  //        <% } %>
-  //      </div>
-  //
-  // Given that is a publicly accesible file, you would render it like:
-  //
-  //       $.sammy(function() {
-  //         // include the plugin
-  //         this.use(Sammy.Template);
-  //
-  //         this.get('#/', function() {
-  //           // the template is rendered in the current context.
-  //           this.user = {name: 'Aaron Quint'};
-  //           // partial calls template() because of the file extension
-  //           this.partial('user.template');
-  //         })
-  //       });
-  //
-  // You can also pass a second argument to use() that will alias the template
-  // method and therefore allow you to use a different extension for template files
-  // in <tt>partial()</tt>
-  //
-  //      // alias to 'tpl'
-  //      this.use(Sammy.Template, 'tpl');
-  //
-  //      // now .tpl files will be run through srender
-  //      this.get('#/', function() {
-  //        this.partial('myfile.tpl');
-  //      });
-  //
-  Sammy.Template = function(app, method_alias) {
-    // *Helper:* Uses simple templating to parse ERB like templates.
-    //
-    // ### Arguments
-    //
-    // * `template` A String template. '<% %>' tags are evaluated as Javascript and replaced with the elements in data.
-    // * `data` An Object containing the replacement values for the template.
-    //   data is extended with the <tt>EventContext</tt> allowing you to call its methods within the template.
-    // * `name` An optional String name to cache the template.
-    //
-    var template = function(template, data, name) {
-      // use name for caching
-      if (typeof name == 'undefined') name = template;
-      return srender(name, template, $.extend({}, this, data));
-    };
-    // set the default method name/extension
-    if (!method_alias) method_alias = 'template';
-    // create the helper at the method alias
-    app.helper(method_alias, template);
-  };
diff --git a/attachments/sammy/plugins/sammy.title.js b/attachments/sammy/plugins/sammy.title.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 9874a1e..0000000
--- a/attachments/sammy/plugins/sammy.title.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-(function($) {
-  Sammy = Sammy || {};
-  // Sammy.Title is a very simple plugin to easily set the document's title.
-  // It supplies a helper for setting the title (`title()`) within routes,
-  // and an app level method for setting the global title (`setTitle()`)
-  Sammy.Title = function() {
-    // setTitle allows setting a global title or a function that modifies the
-    // title for each route/page.
-    //
-    // ### Example
-    //
-    //    // setting a title prefix
-    //    $.sammy(function() {
-    //
-    //      this.setTitle('My App -');
-    //
-    //      this.get('#/', function() {
-    //        this.title('Home'); // document's title == "My App - Home"
-    //      });
-    //    });
-    //
-    //    // setting a title with a function
-    //    $.sammy(function() {
-    //
-    //      this.setTitle(function(title) {
-    //        return [title, " /// My App"].join('');
-    //      });
-    //
-    //      this.get('#/', function() {
-    //        this.title('Home'); // document's title == "Home /// My App";
-    //      });
-    //    });
-    //
-    this.setTitle = function(title) {
-      if (!$.isFunction(title)) {
-        this.title_function = function(additional_title) {
-          return [title, additional_title].join(' ');
-        }
-      } else {
-        this.title_function = title;
-      }
-    };
-    // *Helper* title() sets the document title, passing it through the function
-    // defined by setTitle() if set.
-    this.helper('title', function() {
-      var new_title = $.makeArray(arguments).join(' ');
-      if ( {
-        new_title =;
-      }
-      document.title = new_title;
-    });
-  };