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[2/2] kudu git commit: [tools] separated rebalancer tests from kudu-admin-test

[tools] separated rebalancer tests from kudu-admin-test

This changelist separates rebalancer-related integration tests
from kudu-admin-test into rebalancer_tool-test.  It also contains some
other refactoring, such as preparing the RebalancingTest to be used as
non-parameterized base class for 3-4-3-only test scenarios.

Change-Id: Ia9e0ed25f2dae789f2ef56095d239a7e78139e77
Tested-by: Kudu Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Will Berkeley <>


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: 66b0a4ccaa714834cd65c0f391a37007f0268b98
Parents: 159c695
Author: Alexey Serbin <>
Authored: Tue Oct 9 15:54:00 2018 -0700
Committer: Alexey Serbin <>
Committed: Thu Oct 11 17:00:54 2018 +0000

 src/kudu/tools/CMakeLists.txt          |    4 +
 src/kudu/tools/      | 1021 +-----------------------
 src/kudu/tools/ | 1148 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 src/kudu/tools/tool_test_util.h        |    5 +
 4 files changed, 1163 insertions(+), 1015 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/kudu/tools/CMakeLists.txt b/src/kudu/tools/CMakeLists.txt
index c9c7db3..890e0fd 100644
--- a/src/kudu/tools/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/src/kudu/tools/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -181,4 +181,8 @@ ADD_KUDU_TEST_DEPENDENCIES(kudu-ts-cli-test
+  kudu)
diff --git a/src/kudu/tools/ b/src/kudu/tools/
index ff7e84c..7702777 100644
--- a/src/kudu/tools/
+++ b/src/kudu/tools/
@@ -19,7 +19,6 @@
 #include <atomic>
 #include <cstdint>
 #include <cstdio>
-#include <cstdlib>
 #include <deque>
 #include <iterator>
 #include <memory>
@@ -42,7 +41,6 @@
 #include "kudu/common/common.pb.h"
 #include "kudu/common/wire_protocol.pb.h"
 #include "kudu/consensus/consensus.pb.h"
-#include "kudu/consensus/consensus.proxy.h"
 #include "kudu/consensus/metadata.pb.h"
 #include "kudu/consensus/opid.pb.h"
 #include "kudu/consensus/quorum_util.h"
@@ -56,23 +54,22 @@
 #include "kudu/integration-tests/ts_itest-base.h"
 #include "kudu/master/master.pb.h"
 #include "kudu/mini-cluster/external_mini_cluster.h"
-#include "kudu/rpc/rpc_controller.h"
 #include "kudu/tablet/metadata.pb.h"
-#include "kudu/tablet/tablet.pb.h"
 #include "kudu/tools/tool_test_util.h"
 #include "kudu/tserver/tablet_server-test-base.h"
-#include "kudu/tserver/tserver.pb.h"
-#include "kudu/util/countdown_latch.h"
 #include "kudu/util/monotime.h"
-#include "kudu/util/net/net_util.h"
 #include "kudu/util/net/sockaddr.h"
 #include "kudu/util/pb_util.h"
-#include "kudu/util/random.h"
-#include "kudu/util/scoped_cleanup.h"
 #include "kudu/util/status.h"
 #include "kudu/util/test_macros.h"
 #include "kudu/util/test_util.h"
+namespace kudu {
+namespace tserver {
+class ListTabletsResponsePB;
+}  // namespace tserver
+}  // namespace kudu
@@ -122,8 +119,6 @@ using strings::Substitute;
 namespace kudu {
-class Schema;
 namespace tools {
   // Helper to format info when a tool action fails.
@@ -276,10 +271,6 @@ TEST_F(AdminCliTest, TestChangeConfig) {
-enum class Kudu1097 {
-  Disable,
-  Enable,
 enum class DownTS {
@@ -1366,1005 +1357,5 @@ TEST_F(AdminCliTest, TestListTablesDetail) {
-TEST_F(AdminCliTest, RebalancerReportOnly) {
-  static const char kReferenceOutput[] =
-    R"***(Per-server replica distribution summary:
-       Statistic       |  Value
- Minimum Replica Count | 0
- Maximum Replica Count | 1
- Average Replica Count | 0.600000
-Per-table replica distribution summary:
- Replica Skew |  Value
- Minimum      | 1
- Maximum      | 1
- Average      | 1.000000)***";
-  FLAGS_num_tablet_servers = 5;
-  NO_FATALS(BuildAndStart());
-  string out;
-  string err;
-  Status s = RunKuduTool({
-    "cluster",
-    "rebalance",
-    cluster_->master()->bound_rpc_addr().ToString(),
-    "--report_only",
-  }, &out, &err);
-  ASSERT_TRUE(s.ok()) << ToolRunInfo(s, out, err);
-  // The rebalancer should report on tablet replica distribution. The output
-  // should match the reference report: the distribution of the replicas
-  // is 100% repeatable given the number of tables created by the test,
-  // the replication factor and the number of tablet servers.
-  ASSERT_STR_CONTAINS(out, kReferenceOutput);
-  // The actual rebalancing should not run.
-  ASSERT_STR_NOT_CONTAINS(out, "rebalancing is complete:")
-      << ToolRunInfo(s, out, err);
-// Make sure the rebalancer doesn't start if a tablet server is down.
-class RebalanceStartCriteriaTest :
-    public AdminCliTest,
-    public ::testing::WithParamInterface<Kudu1097> {
-INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(, RebalanceStartCriteriaTest,
-                        ::testing::Values(Kudu1097::Disable, Kudu1097::Enable));
-TEST_P(RebalanceStartCriteriaTest, TabletServerIsDown) {
-  const bool is_343_scheme = (GetParam() == Kudu1097::Enable);
-  const vector<string> kMasterFlags = {
-    Substitute("--raft_prepare_replacement_before_eviction=$0", is_343_scheme),
-  };
-  const vector<string> kTserverFlags = {
-    Substitute("--raft_prepare_replacement_before_eviction=$0", is_343_scheme),
-  };
-  FLAGS_num_tablet_servers = 5;
-  NO_FATALS(BuildAndStart(kTserverFlags, kMasterFlags));
-  // Shutdown one of the tablet servers.
-  HostPort ts_host_port;
-  {
-    auto* ts = cluster_->tablet_server(0);
-    ASSERT_NE(nullptr, ts);
-    ts_host_port = ts->bound_rpc_hostport();
-    ts->Shutdown();
-  }
-  string out;
-  string err;
-  Status s = RunKuduTool({
-    "cluster",
-    "rebalance",
-    cluster_->master()->bound_rpc_addr().ToString()
-  }, &out, &err);
-  ASSERT_TRUE(s.IsRuntimeError()) << ToolRunInfo(s, out, err);
-  const auto err_msg_pattern = Substitute(
-      "Illegal state: tablet server .* \\($0\\): "
-      "unacceptable health status UNAVAILABLE",
-      ts_host_port.ToString());
-  ASSERT_STR_MATCHES(err, err_msg_pattern);
-// Create tables with unbalanced replica distribution: useful in
-// rebalancer-related tests.
-static Status CreateUnbalancedTables(
-    cluster::ExternalMiniCluster* cluster,
-    client::KuduClient* client,
-    const Schema& table_schema,
-    const string& table_name_pattern,
-    int num_tables,
-    int rep_factor,
-    int tserver_idx_from,
-    int tserver_num,
-    int tserver_unresponsive_ms) {
-  // Keep running only some tablet servers and shut down the rest.
-  for (auto i = tserver_idx_from; i < tserver_num; ++i) {
-    cluster->tablet_server(i)->Shutdown();
-  }
-  // Wait for the catalog manager to understand that not all tablet servers
-  // are available.
-  SleepFor(MonoDelta::FromMilliseconds(5 * tserver_unresponsive_ms / 4));
-  // Create tables with their tablet replicas landing only on the tablet servers
-  // which are up and running.
-  KuduSchema client_schema(client::KuduSchemaFromSchema(table_schema));
-  for (auto i = 0; i < num_tables; ++i) {
-    const string table_name = Substitute(table_name_pattern, i);
-    unique_ptr<KuduTableCreator> table_creator(client->NewTableCreator());
-    RETURN_NOT_OK(table_creator->table_name(table_name)
-                  .schema(&client_schema)
-                  .add_hash_partitions({ "key" }, 3)
-                  .num_replicas(rep_factor)
-                  .Create());
-    RETURN_NOT_OK(RunKuduTool({
-      "perf",
-      "loadgen",
-      cluster->master()->bound_rpc_addr().ToString(),
-      Substitute("--table_name=$0", table_name),
-      Substitute("--table_num_replicas=$0", rep_factor),
-      "--string_fixed=unbalanced_tables_test",
-    }));
-  }
-  for (auto i = tserver_idx_from; i < tserver_num; ++i) {
-    RETURN_NOT_OK(cluster->tablet_server(i)->Restart());
-  }
-  return Status::OK();
-// A test to verify that rebalancing works for both 3-4-3 and 3-2-3 replica
-// management schemes. During replica movement, a light workload is run against
-// every table being rebalanced. This test covers different replication factors.
-class RebalanceParamTest :
-    public AdminCliTest,
-    public ::testing::WithParamInterface<tuple<int, Kudu1097>> {
-INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(, RebalanceParamTest,
-    ::testing::Combine(::testing::Values(1, 2, 3, 5),
-                       ::testing::Values(Kudu1097::Disable, Kudu1097::Enable)));
-TEST_P(RebalanceParamTest, Rebalance) {
-  if (!AllowSlowTests()) {
-    LOG(WARNING) << "test is skipped; set KUDU_ALLOW_SLOW_TESTS=1 to run";
-    return;
-  }
-  const auto& param = GetParam();
-  const auto kRepFactor = std::get<0>(param);
-  const auto is_343_scheme = (std::get<1>(param) == Kudu1097::Enable);
-  constexpr auto kNumTservers = 7;
-  constexpr auto kNumTables = 5;
-  const string table_name_pattern = "rebalance_test_table_$0";
-  constexpr auto kTserverUnresponsiveMs = 3000;
-  const auto timeout = MonoDelta::FromSeconds(30);
-  const vector<string> kMasterFlags = {
-    "--allow_unsafe_replication_factor",
-    Substitute("--raft_prepare_replacement_before_eviction=$0", is_343_scheme),
-    Substitute("--tserver_unresponsive_timeout_ms=$0", kTserverUnresponsiveMs),
-  };
-  const vector<string> kTserverFlags = {
-    Substitute("--raft_prepare_replacement_before_eviction=$0", is_343_scheme),
-  };
-  FLAGS_num_tablet_servers = kNumTservers;
-  FLAGS_num_replicas = kRepFactor;
-  NO_FATALS(BuildAndStart(kTserverFlags, kMasterFlags));
-  ASSERT_OK(CreateUnbalancedTables(
-      cluster_.get(), client_.get(), schema_, table_name_pattern, kNumTables,
-      kRepFactor, kRepFactor + 1, kNumTservers, kTserverUnresponsiveMs));
-  // Workloads aren't run for 3-2-3 replica movement with RF = 1 because
-  // the tablet is unavailable during the move until the target voter replica
-  // is up and running. That might take some time, and to avoid flakiness or
-  // setting longer timeouts, RF=1 replicas are moved with no concurrent
-  // workload running.
-  //
-  // TODO(aserbin): clarify why even with 3-4-3 it's a bit flaky now.
-  vector<unique_ptr<TestWorkload>> workloads;
-  //if (kRepFactor > 1 || is_343_scheme) {
-  if (kRepFactor > 1) {
-    for (auto i = 0; i < kNumTables; ++i) {
-      const string table_name = Substitute(table_name_pattern, i);
-      // The workload is light (1 thread, 1 op batches) so that new replicas
-      // bootstrap and converge quickly.
-      unique_ptr<TestWorkload> workload(new TestWorkload(cluster_.get()));
-      workload->set_table_name(table_name);
-      workload->set_num_replicas(kRepFactor);
-      workload->set_num_write_threads(1);
-      workload->set_write_batch_size(1);
-      workload->set_write_timeout_millis(timeout.ToMilliseconds());
-      workload->set_already_present_allowed(true);
-      workload->Setup();
-      workload->Start();
-      workloads.emplace_back(std::move(workload));
-    }
-  }
-  const vector<string> tool_args = {
-    "cluster",
-    "rebalance",
-    cluster_->master()->bound_rpc_addr().ToString(),
-    "--move_single_replicas=enabled",
-  };
-  {
-    string out;
-    string err;
-    const Status s = RunKuduTool(tool_args, &out, &err);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(s.ok()) << ToolRunInfo(s, out, err);
-    ASSERT_STR_CONTAINS(out, "rebalancing is complete: cluster is balanced")
-        << "stderr: " << err;
-  }
-  // Next run should report the cluster as balanced and no replica movement
-  // should be attempted.
-  {
-    string out;
-    string err;
-    const Status s = RunKuduTool(tool_args, &out, &err);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(s.ok()) << ToolRunInfo(s, out, err);
-        "rebalancing is complete: cluster is balanced (moved 0 replicas)")
-        << "stderr: " << err;
-  }
-  for (auto& workload : workloads) {
-    workload->StopAndJoin();
-  }
-  NO_FATALS(cluster_->AssertNoCrashes());
-  NO_FATALS(ClusterVerifier(cluster_.get()).CheckCluster());
-  // Now add a new tablet server into the cluster and make sure the rebalancer
-  // will re-distribute replicas.
-  ASSERT_OK(cluster_->AddTabletServer());
-  {
-    string out;
-    string err;
-    const Status s = RunKuduTool(tool_args, &out, &err);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(s.ok()) << ToolRunInfo(s, out, err);
-    ASSERT_STR_CONTAINS(out, "rebalancing is complete: cluster is balanced")
-        << "stderr: " << err;
-    // The cluster was un-balanced, so many replicas should have been moved.
-    ASSERT_STR_NOT_CONTAINS(out, "(moved 0 replicas)");
-  }
-  NO_FATALS(cluster_->AssertNoCrashes());
-  NO_FATALS(ClusterVerifier(cluster_.get()).CheckCluster());
-// Common base for the rebalancer-related test below.
-class RebalancingTest :
-    public tserver::TabletServerIntegrationTestBase,
-    public ::testing::WithParamInterface<Kudu1097> {
- public:
-  RebalancingTest(int num_tables = 10,
-                  int rep_factor = 3,
-                  int num_tservers = 8,
-                  int tserver_unresponsive_ms = 3000,
-                  const string& table_name_pattern = "rebalance_test_table_$0")
-      : TabletServerIntegrationTestBase(),
-        is_343_scheme_(GetParam() == Kudu1097::Enable),
-        num_tables_(num_tables),
-        rep_factor_(rep_factor),
-        num_tservers_(num_tservers),
-        tserver_unresponsive_ms_(tserver_unresponsive_ms),
-        table_name_pattern_(table_name_pattern) {
-    master_flags_ = {
-      Substitute("--raft_prepare_replacement_before_eviction=$0", is_343_scheme_),
-      Substitute("--tserver_unresponsive_timeout_ms=$0", tserver_unresponsive_ms_),
-    };
-    tserver_flags_ = {
-      Substitute("--raft_prepare_replacement_before_eviction=$0", is_343_scheme_),
-    };
-  }
- protected:
-  static const char* const kExitOnSignalStr;
-  void Prepare(const vector<string>& extra_tserver_flags = {},
-               const vector<string>& extra_master_flags = {}) {
-    copy(extra_tserver_flags.begin(), extra_tserver_flags.end(),
-         back_inserter(tserver_flags_));
-    copy(extra_master_flags.begin(), extra_master_flags.end(),
-         back_inserter(master_flags_));
-    FLAGS_num_tablet_servers = num_tservers_;
-    FLAGS_num_replicas = rep_factor_;
-    NO_FATALS(BuildAndStart(tserver_flags_, master_flags_));
-    ASSERT_OK(CreateUnbalancedTables(
-        cluster_.get(), client_.get(), schema_, table_name_pattern_,
-        num_tables_, rep_factor_, rep_factor_ + 1, num_tservers_,
-        tserver_unresponsive_ms_));
-  }
-  // When the rebalancer starts moving replicas, ksck detects corruption
-  // (that's why RuntimeError), seeing affected tables as non-healthy
-  // with data state of corresponding tablets as TABLET_DATA_COPYING. If using
-  // this method, it's a good idea to inject some latency into tablet copying
-  // to be able to spot the TABLET_DATA_COPYING state, see the
-  // '--tablet_copy_download_file_inject_latency_ms' flag for tservers.
-  bool IsRebalancingInProgress() {
-    string out;
-    const auto s = RunKuduTool({
-      "cluster",
-      "ksck",
-      cluster_->master()->bound_rpc_addr().ToString(),
-    }, &out);
-    if (s.IsRuntimeError() &&
-        out.find("Data state:  TABLET_DATA_COPYING") != string::npos) {
-      return true;
-    }
-    return false;
-  }
-  const bool is_343_scheme_;
-  const int num_tables_;
-  const int rep_factor_;
-  const int num_tservers_;
-  const int tserver_unresponsive_ms_;
-  const string table_name_pattern_;
-  vector<string> tserver_flags_;
-  vector<string> master_flags_;
-const char* const RebalancingTest::kExitOnSignalStr = "kudu: process exited on signal";
-// Make sure the rebalancer is able to do its job if running concurrently
-// with DDL activity on the cluster.
-class DDLDuringRebalancingTest : public RebalancingTest {
- public:
-  DDLDuringRebalancingTest()
-      : RebalancingTest(20 /* num_tables */) {
-  }
-INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(, DDLDuringRebalancingTest,
-                        ::testing::Values(Kudu1097::Disable, Kudu1097::Enable));
-TEST_P(DDLDuringRebalancingTest, TablesCreatedAndDeletedDuringRebalancing) {
-  if (!AllowSlowTests()) {
-    LOG(WARNING) << "test is skipped; set KUDU_ALLOW_SLOW_TESTS=1 to run";
-    return;
-  }
-  NO_FATALS(Prepare());
-  // The latch that controls the lifecycle of the concurrent DDL activity.
-  CountDownLatch run_latch(1);
-  thread creator([&]() {
-    KuduSchema client_schema(client::KuduSchemaFromSchema(schema_));
-    for (auto idx = 0; ; ++idx) {
-      if (run_latch.WaitFor(MonoDelta::FromMilliseconds(500))) {
-        break;
-      }
-      const string table_name = Substitute("rebalancer_extra_table_$0", idx++);
-      unique_ptr<KuduTableCreator> table_creator(client_->NewTableCreator());
-      CHECK_OK(table_creator->table_name(table_name)
-               .schema(&client_schema)
-               .add_hash_partitions({ "key" }, 3)
-               .num_replicas(rep_factor_)
-               .Create());
-    }
-  });
-  auto creator_cleanup = MakeScopedCleanup([&]() {
-    run_latch.CountDown();
-    creator.join();
-  });
-  thread deleter([&]() {
-    for (auto idx = 0; idx < num_tables_; ++idx) {
-      if (run_latch.WaitFor(MonoDelta::FromMilliseconds(500))) {
-        break;
-      }
-      CHECK_OK(client_->DeleteTable(Substitute(table_name_pattern_, idx++)));
-    }
-  });
-  auto deleter_cleanup = MakeScopedCleanup([&]() {
-    run_latch.CountDown();
-    deleter.join();
-  });
-  thread alterer([&]() {
-    const string kTableName = "rebalancer_dynamic_table";
-    const string kNewTableName = "rebalancer_dynamic_table_new_name";
-    while (true) {
-      // Create table.
-      {
-        KuduSchema schema;
-        KuduSchemaBuilder builder;
-        builder.AddColumn("key")->Type(KuduColumnSchema::INT64)->
-            NotNull()->
-            PrimaryKey();
-        builder.AddColumn("a")->Type(KuduColumnSchema::INT64);
-        CHECK_OK(builder.Build(&schema));
-        unique_ptr<KuduTableCreator> table_creator(client_->NewTableCreator());
-        CHECK_OK(table_creator->table_name(kTableName)
-                 .schema(&schema)
-                 .set_range_partition_columns({})
-                 .num_replicas(rep_factor_)
-                 .Create());
-      }
-      if (run_latch.WaitFor(MonoDelta::FromMilliseconds(100))) {
-          break;
-      }
-      // Drop a column.
-      {
-        unique_ptr<KuduTableAlterer> alt(client_->NewTableAlterer(kTableName));
-        alt->DropColumn("a");
-        CHECK_OK(alt->Alter());
-      }
-      if (run_latch.WaitFor(MonoDelta::FromMilliseconds(100))) {
-          break;
-      }
-      // Add back the column with different type.
-      {
-        unique_ptr<KuduTableAlterer> alt(client_->NewTableAlterer(kTableName));
-        alt->AddColumn("a")->Type(KuduColumnSchema::STRING);
-        CHECK_OK(alt->Alter());
-      }
-      if (run_latch.WaitFor(MonoDelta::FromMilliseconds(100))) {
-          break;
-      }
-      // Rename the table.
-      {
-        unique_ptr<KuduTableAlterer> alt(client_->NewTableAlterer(kTableName));
-        alt->RenameTo(kNewTableName);
-        CHECK_OK(alt->Alter());
-      }
-      if (run_latch.WaitFor(MonoDelta::FromMilliseconds(100))) {
-          break;
-      }
-      // Drop the renamed table.
-      CHECK_OK(client_->DeleteTable(kNewTableName));
-      if (run_latch.WaitFor(MonoDelta::FromMilliseconds(100))) {
-          break;
-      }
-    }
-  });
-  auto alterer_cleanup = MakeScopedCleanup([&]() {
-    run_latch.CountDown();
-    alterer.join();
-  });
-  thread timer([&]() {
-    SleepFor(MonoDelta::FromSeconds(30));
-    run_latch.CountDown();
-  });
-  auto timer_cleanup = MakeScopedCleanup([&]() {
-    timer.join();
-  });
-  const vector<string> tool_args = {
-    "cluster",
-    "rebalance",
-    cluster_->master()->bound_rpc_addr().ToString(),
-  };
-  // Run the rebalancer concurrently with the DDL operations. The second run
-  // of the rebalancer (the second run starts after joining the timer thread)
-  // is necessary to balance the cluster after the DDL activity stops: that's
-  // the easiest way to make sure the rebalancer will take into account
-  // all DDL changes that happened.
-  //
-  // The signal to terminate the DDL activity (done via run_latch.CountDown())
-  // is sent from a separate timer thread instead of doing SleepFor() after
-  // the first run of the rebalancer followed by run_latch.CountDown().
-  // That's to avoid dependency on the rebalancer behavior if it spots on-going
-  // DDL activity and continues running over and over again.
-  for (auto i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
-    if (i == 1) {
-      timer.join();
-      timer_cleanup.cancel();
-      // Wait for all the DDL activity to complete.
-      alterer.join();
-      alterer_cleanup.cancel();
-      deleter.join();
-      deleter_cleanup.cancel();
-      creator.join();
-      creator_cleanup.cancel();
-    }
-    string out;
-    string err;
-    const auto s = RunKuduTool(tool_args, &out, &err);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(s.ok()) << ToolRunInfo(s, out, err);
-    ASSERT_STR_CONTAINS(out, "rebalancing is complete: cluster is balanced")
-        << "stderr: " << err;
-  }
-  // Next (3rd) run should report the cluster as balanced and
-  // no replica movement should be attempted.
-  {
-    string out;
-    string err;
-    const auto s = RunKuduTool(tool_args, &out, &err);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(s.ok()) << ToolRunInfo(s, out, err);
-        "rebalancing is complete: cluster is balanced (moved 0 replicas)")
-        << "stderr: " << err;
-  }
-  NO_FATALS(cluster_->AssertNoCrashes());
-  NO_FATALS(ClusterVerifier(cluster_.get()).CheckCluster());
-// Make sure it's safe to run multiple rebalancers concurrently. The rebalancers
-// might report errors, but they should not get stuck and the cluster should
-// remain in good shape (i.e. no crashes, no data inconsistencies). Re-running a
-// single rebalancer session again should bring the cluster to a balanced state.
-class ConcurrentRebalancersTest : public RebalancingTest {
- public:
-  ConcurrentRebalancersTest()
-      : RebalancingTest(10 /* num_tables */) {
-  }
-INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(, ConcurrentRebalancersTest,
-    ::testing::Values(Kudu1097::Disable, Kudu1097::Enable));
-TEST_P(ConcurrentRebalancersTest, TwoConcurrentRebalancers) {
-  if (!AllowSlowTests()) {
-    LOG(WARNING) << "test is skipped; set KUDU_ALLOW_SLOW_TESTS=1 to run";
-    return;
-  }
-  NO_FATALS(Prepare());
-  const vector<string> tool_args = {
-    "cluster",
-    "rebalance",
-    cluster_->master()->bound_rpc_addr().ToString(),
-  };
-  const auto runner_func = [&]() {
-    string out;
-    string err;
-    const auto s = RunKuduTool(tool_args, &out, &err);
-    if (!s.ok()) {
-      // One might expect a bad status returned: e.g., due to some race so
-      // the rebalancer didn't able to make progress for more than
-      // --max_staleness_interval_sec, etc.
-      LOG(INFO) << "rebalancer run info: " << ToolRunInfo(s, out, err);
-    }
-    // Should not exit on a signal: not expecting SIGSEGV, SIGABRT, etc.
-    return s.ToString().find(kExitOnSignalStr) == string::npos;
-  };
-  CountDownLatch start_synchronizer(1);
-  vector<thread> concurrent_runners;
-  for (auto i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
-    concurrent_runners.emplace_back([&]() {
-      start_synchronizer.Wait();
-      CHECK(runner_func());
-    });
-  }
-  // Run rebalancers concurrently and wait for their completion.
-  start_synchronizer.CountDown();
-  for (auto& runner : concurrent_runners) {
-    runner.join();
-  }
-  NO_FATALS(cluster_->AssertNoCrashes());
-  NO_FATALS(ClusterVerifier(cluster_.get()).CheckCluster());
-  {
-    string out;
-    string err;
-    const auto s = RunKuduTool(tool_args, &out, &err);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(s.ok()) << ToolRunInfo(s, out, err);
-    ASSERT_STR_CONTAINS(out, "rebalancing is complete: cluster is balanced")
-        << "stderr: " << err;
-  }
-  // Next run should report the cluster as balanced and no replica movement
-  // should be attempted: at least one run of the rebalancer prior to this
-  // should succeed, so next run is about running the tool against already
-  // balanced cluster.
-  {
-    string out;
-    string err;
-    const auto s = RunKuduTool(tool_args, &out, &err);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(s.ok()) << ToolRunInfo(s, out, err);
-        "rebalancing is complete: cluster is balanced (moved 0 replicas)")
-        << "stderr: " << err;
-  }
-  NO_FATALS(cluster_->AssertNoCrashes());
-  NO_FATALS(ClusterVerifier(cluster_.get()).CheckCluster());
-// The rebalancer should stop and exit upon detecting a tablet server that
-// went down. That's a simple and effective way of preventing concurrent replica
-// movement by the rebalancer and the automatic re-replication (the catalog
-// manager tries to move replicas from the unreachable tablet server).
-class TserverGoesDownDuringRebalancingTest : public RebalancingTest {
- public:
-  TserverGoesDownDuringRebalancingTest() :
-      RebalancingTest(5 /* num_tables */) {
-  }
-INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(, TserverGoesDownDuringRebalancingTest,
-    ::testing::Values(Kudu1097::Disable, Kudu1097::Enable));
-TEST_P(TserverGoesDownDuringRebalancingTest, TserverDown) {
-  if (!AllowSlowTests()) {
-    LOG(WARNING) << "test is skipped; set KUDU_ALLOW_SLOW_TESTS=1 to run";
-    return;
-  }
-  const vector<string> kTserverExtraFlags = {
-    // Slow down tablet copy to make rebalancing step running longer
-    // and become observable via tablet data states output by ksck.
-    "--tablet_copy_download_file_inject_latency_ms=1500",
-    "--follower_unavailable_considered_failed_sec=30",
-  };
-  NO_FATALS(Prepare(kTserverExtraFlags));
-  // Pre-condition: 'kudu cluster ksck' should be happy with the cluster state
-  // shortly after initial setup.
-      "cluster",
-      "ksck",
-      cluster_->master()->bound_rpc_addr().ToString()
-    )
-  });
-  Random r(SeedRandom());
-  const uint32_t shutdown_tserver_idx = r.Next() % num_tservers_;
-  atomic<bool> run(true);
-  // The thread that shuts down the selected tablet server.
-  thread stopper([&]() {
-    while (run && !IsRebalancingInProgress()) {
-      SleepFor(MonoDelta::FromMilliseconds(10));
-    }
-    // All right, it's time to stop the selected tablet server.
-    cluster_->tablet_server(shutdown_tserver_idx)->Shutdown();
-  });
-  auto stopper_cleanup = MakeScopedCleanup([&]() {
-    run = false;
-    stopper.join();
-  });
-  {
-    string out;
-    string err;
-    const auto s = RunKuduTool({
-      "cluster",
-      "rebalance",
-      cluster_->master()->bound_rpc_addr().ToString(),
-      // Limiting the number of replicas to move. This is to make the rebalancer
-      // run longer, making sure the rebalancing is in progress when the tablet
-      // server goes down.
-      "--max_moves_per_server=1",
-    }, &out, &err);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(s.IsRuntimeError()) << ToolRunInfo(s, out, err);
-    // The rebalancer tool should not crash.
-    ASSERT_STR_NOT_CONTAINS(s.ToString(), kExitOnSignalStr);
-        err, "Illegal state: tablet server .* \\(.*\\): "
-             "unacceptable health status UNAVAILABLE");
-  }
-  run = false;
-  stopper.join();
-  stopper_cleanup.cancel();
-  ASSERT_OK(cluster_->tablet_server(shutdown_tserver_idx)->Restart());
-  NO_FATALS(cluster_->AssertNoCrashes());
-// The rebalancer should continue working and complete rebalancing successfully
-// if a new tablet server is added while the cluster is being rebalanced.
-class TserverAddedDuringRebalancingTest : public RebalancingTest {
- public:
-  TserverAddedDuringRebalancingTest()
-      : RebalancingTest(10 /* num_tables */) {
-  }
-INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(, TserverAddedDuringRebalancingTest,
-    ::testing::Values(Kudu1097::Disable, Kudu1097::Enable));
-TEST_P(TserverAddedDuringRebalancingTest, TserverStarts) {
-  if (!AllowSlowTests()) {
-    LOG(WARNING) << "test is skipped; set KUDU_ALLOW_SLOW_TESTS=1 to run";
-    return;
-  }
-  const vector<string> kTserverExtraFlags = {
-    // Slow down tablet copy to make rebalancing step running longer
-    // and become observable via tablet data states output by ksck.
-    "--tablet_copy_download_file_inject_latency_ms=1500",
-    "--follower_unavailable_considered_failed_sec=30",
-  };
-  NO_FATALS(Prepare(kTserverExtraFlags));
-  const vector<string> tool_args = {
-    "cluster",
-    "rebalance",
-    cluster_->master()->bound_rpc_addr().ToString(),
-  };
-  atomic<bool> run(true);
-  thread runner([&]() {
-    while (run) {
-      string out;
-      string err;
-      const auto s = RunKuduTool(tool_args, &out, &err);
-      CHECK(s.ok()) << ToolRunInfo(s, out, err);
-    }
-  });
-  auto runner_cleanup = MakeScopedCleanup([&]() {
-    run = false;
-    runner.join();
-  });
-  while (!IsRebalancingInProgress()) {
-    SleepFor(MonoDelta::FromMilliseconds(10));
-  }
-  // It's time to sneak in and add new tablet server.
-  ASSERT_OK(cluster_->AddTabletServer());
-  run = false;
-  runner.join();
-  runner_cleanup.cancel();
-  // The rebalancer should not fail, and eventually, after a new tablet server
-  // is added, the cluster should become balanced.
-    string out;
-    string err;
-    const auto s = RunKuduTool(tool_args, &out, &err);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(s.ok()) << ToolRunInfo(s, out, err);
-        "rebalancing is complete: cluster is balanced (moved 0 replicas)")
-        << "stderr: " << err;
-  });
-  NO_FATALS(cluster_->AssertNoCrashes());
-  NO_FATALS(ClusterVerifier(cluster_.get()).CheckCluster());
-// Run rebalancer in 'election storms' environment and make sure the rebalancer
-// does not exit prematurely or exhibit any other unexpected behavior.
-class RebalancingDuringElectionStormTest : public RebalancingTest {
-INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(, RebalancingDuringElectionStormTest,
-    ::testing::Values(Kudu1097::Disable, Kudu1097::Enable));
-TEST_P(RebalancingDuringElectionStormTest, RoundRobin) {
-  if (!AllowSlowTests()) {
-    LOG(WARNING) << "test is skipped; set KUDU_ALLOW_SLOW_TESTS=1 to run";
-    return;
-  }
-  NO_FATALS(Prepare());
-  atomic<bool> elector_run(true);
-  // The timeout is a time-to-run for the stormy elector thread as well.
-  // Making longer timeout for workload in case of TSAN/ASAN is not needed:
-  // having everything generated written is not required.
-  const auto timeout = MonoDelta::FromSeconds(5);
-  const auto timeout = MonoDelta::FromSeconds(10);
-  const auto start_time = MonoTime::Now();
-  thread elector([&]() {
-    // Mininum viable divider for modulo ('%') to allow the result to grow by
-    // the rules below.
-    auto max_sleep_ms = 2.0;
-    while (elector_run && MonoTime::Now() < start_time + timeout) {
-      for (const auto& e : tablet_servers_) {
-        const auto& ts_uuid = e.first;
-        const auto* ts = e.second;
-        vector<ListTabletsResponsePB::StatusAndSchemaPB> tablets;
-        auto const s = itest::ListTablets(ts, timeout, &tablets);
-        if (!s.ok()) {
-          LOG(WARNING) << ts_uuid << ": failed to get tablet list :"
-                       << s.ToString();
-          continue;
-        }
-        consensus::ConsensusServiceProxy proxy(
-            cluster_->messenger(),
-            cluster_->tablet_server_by_uuid(ts_uuid)->bound_rpc_addr(),
-            "tserver " + ts_uuid);
-        for (const auto& tablet : tablets) {
-          const auto& tablet_id = tablet.tablet_status().tablet_id();
-          consensus::RunLeaderElectionRequestPB req;
-          req.set_tablet_id(tablet_id);
-          req.set_dest_uuid(ts_uuid);
-          rpc::RpcController rpc;
-          rpc.set_timeout(timeout);
-          consensus::RunLeaderElectionResponsePB resp;
-          WARN_NOT_OK(proxy.RunLeaderElection(req, &resp, &rpc),
-                      Substitute("failed to start election for tablet $0",
-                                 tablet_id));
-        }
-        if (!elector_run || start_time + timeout <= MonoTime::Now()) {
-          break;
-        }
-        auto sleep_ms = rand() % static_cast<int>(max_sleep_ms);
-        SleepFor(MonoDelta::FromMilliseconds(sleep_ms));
-        max_sleep_ms = std::min(max_sleep_ms * 1.1, 2000.0);
-      }
-    }
-  });
-  auto elector_cleanup = MakeScopedCleanup([&]() {
-    elector_run = false;
-    elector.join();
-  });
-#if !defined(ADDRESS_SANITIZER) && !defined(THREAD_SANITIZER)
-  vector<unique_ptr<TestWorkload>> workloads;
-  for (auto i = 0; i < num_tables_; ++i) {
-    const string table_name = Substitute(table_name_pattern_, i);
-    // The workload is light (1 thread, 1 op batches) and lenient to failures.
-    unique_ptr<TestWorkload> workload(new TestWorkload(cluster_.get()));
-    workload->set_table_name(table_name);
-    workload->set_num_replicas(rep_factor_);
-    workload->set_num_write_threads(1);
-    workload->set_write_batch_size(1);
-    workload->set_write_timeout_millis(timeout.ToMilliseconds());
-    workload->set_already_present_allowed(true);
-    workload->set_remote_error_allowed(true);
-    workload->set_timeout_allowed(true);
-    workload->Setup();
-    workload->Start();
-    workloads.emplace_back(std::move(workload));
-  }
-  const vector<string> tool_args = {
-    "cluster",
-    "rebalance",
-    cluster_->master()->bound_rpc_addr().ToString(),
-  };
-  while (MonoTime::Now() < start_time + timeout) {
-    // Rebalancer should not report any errors even if it's an election storm
-    // unless a tablet server is reported as unavailable by ksck: the latter
-    // usually happens because GetConsensusState requests are dropped due to
-    // backpressure.
-    string out;
-    string err;
-    const Status s = RunKuduTool(tool_args, &out, &err);
-    if (s.ok()) {
-      ASSERT_STR_CONTAINS(out, "rebalancing is complete: cluster is balanced")
-          << ToolRunInfo(s, out, err);
-    } else {
-      ASSERT_STR_CONTAINS(err, "unacceptable health status UNAVAILABLE")
-          << ToolRunInfo(s, out, err);
-    }
-  }
-  elector_run = false;
-  elector.join();
-  elector_cleanup.cancel();
-#if !defined(ADDRESS_SANITIZER) && !defined(THREAD_SANITIZER)
-  for (auto& workload : workloads) {
-    workload->StopAndJoin();
-  }
-  // There might be some re-replication started as a result of election storm,
-  // etc. Eventually, the system should heal itself and 'kudu cluster ksck'
-  // should report no issues.
-      "cluster",
-      "ksck",
-      cluster_->master()->bound_rpc_addr().ToString()
-    )
-  });
-  // The rebalancer should successfully rebalance the cluster after ksck
-  // reported 'all is well'.
-  {
-    string out;
-    string err;
-    const Status s = RunKuduTool(tool_args, &out, &err);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(s.ok()) << ToolRunInfo(s, out, err);
-    ASSERT_STR_CONTAINS(out, "rebalancing is complete: cluster is balanced")
-        << ToolRunInfo(s, out, err);
-  }
-  NO_FATALS(cluster_->AssertNoCrashes());
-// A test to verify how the rebalancer handles replicas of single-replica
-// tablets in case of various values of the '--move_single_replicas' flag
-// and replica management schemes.
-class RebalancerAndSingleReplicaTablets :
-    public AdminCliTest,
-    public ::testing::WithParamInterface<tuple<string, Kudu1097>> {
-INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(, RebalancerAndSingleReplicaTablets,
-    ::testing::Combine(::testing::Values("auto", "enabled", "disabled"),
-                       ::testing::Values(Kudu1097::Disable, Kudu1097::Enable)));
-TEST_P(RebalancerAndSingleReplicaTablets, SingleReplicasStayOrMove) {
-  if (!AllowSlowTests()) {
-    LOG(WARNING) << "test is skipped; set KUDU_ALLOW_SLOW_TESTS=1 to run";
-    return;
-  }
-  constexpr auto kRepFactor = 1;
-  constexpr auto kNumTservers = 2 * (kRepFactor + 1);
-  constexpr auto kNumTables = kNumTservers;
-  constexpr auto kTserverUnresponsiveMs = 3000;
-  const auto& param = GetParam();
-  const auto& move_single_replica = std::get<0>(param);
-  const auto is_343_scheme = (std::get<1>(param) == Kudu1097::Enable);
-  const string table_name_pattern = "rebalance_test_table_$0";
-  const vector<string> master_flags = {
-    Substitute("--raft_prepare_replacement_before_eviction=$0", is_343_scheme),
-    Substitute("--tserver_unresponsive_timeout_ms=$0", kTserverUnresponsiveMs),
-  };
-  const vector<string> tserver_flags = {
-    Substitute("--raft_prepare_replacement_before_eviction=$0", is_343_scheme),
-  };
-  FLAGS_num_tablet_servers = kNumTservers;
-  FLAGS_num_replicas = kRepFactor;
-  NO_FATALS(BuildAndStart(tserver_flags, master_flags));
-  // Keep running only (kRepFactor + 1) tablet servers and shut down the rest.
-  for (auto i = kRepFactor + 1; i < kNumTservers; ++i) {
-    cluster_->tablet_server(i)->Shutdown();
-  }
-  // Wait for the catalog manager to understand that only (kRepFactor + 1)
-  // tablet servers are available.
-  SleepFor(MonoDelta::FromMilliseconds(5 * kTserverUnresponsiveMs / 4));
-  // Create few tables with their tablet replicas landing only on those
-  // (kRepFactor + 1) running tablet servers.
-  KuduSchema client_schema(client::KuduSchemaFromSchema(schema_));
-  for (auto i = 0; i < kNumTables; ++i) {
-    const string table_name = Substitute(table_name_pattern, i);
-    unique_ptr<KuduTableCreator> table_creator(client_->NewTableCreator());
-    ASSERT_OK(table_creator->table_name(table_name)
-              .schema(&client_schema)
-              .add_hash_partitions({ "key" }, 3)
-              .num_replicas(kRepFactor)
-              .Create());
-      "perf",
-      "loadgen",
-      cluster_->master()->bound_rpc_addr().ToString(),
-      Substitute("--table_name=$0", table_name),
-      // Don't need much data in there.
-      "--num_threads=1",
-      "--num_rows_per_thread=1",
-    );
-  }
-  for (auto i = kRepFactor + 1; i < kNumTservers; ++i) {
-    ASSERT_OK(cluster_->tablet_server(i)->Restart());
-  }
-  string out;
-  string err;
-  const Status s = RunKuduTool({
-    "cluster",
-    "rebalance",
-    cluster_->master()->bound_rpc_addr().ToString(),
-    Substitute("--move_single_replicas=$0", move_single_replica),
-  }, &out, &err);
-  ASSERT_TRUE(s.ok()) << ToolRunInfo(s, out, err);
-  ASSERT_STR_CONTAINS(out, "rebalancing is complete: cluster is balanced")
-      << "stderr: " << err;
-  if (move_single_replica == "enabled" ||
-      (move_single_replica == "auto" && is_343_scheme)) {
-    // Should move appropriate replicas of single-replica tablets.
-        "rebalancing is complete: cluster is balanced (moved 0 replicas)")
-        << "stderr: " << err;
-    ASSERT_STR_NOT_CONTAINS(err, "has single replica, skipping");
-  } else {
-        "rebalancing is complete: cluster is balanced (moved 0 replicas)")
-        << "stderr: " << err;
-    ASSERT_STR_MATCHES(err, "tablet .* of table '.*' (.*) has single replica, skipping");
-  }
-  NO_FATALS(cluster_->AssertNoCrashes());
-  ClusterVerifier v(cluster_.get());
-  NO_FATALS(v.CheckCluster());
 } // namespace tools
 } // namespace kudu
diff --git a/src/kudu/tools/ b/src/kudu/tools/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3e6c8d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/kudu/tools/
@@ -0,0 +1,1148 @@
+// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+// distributed with this work for additional information
+// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+// specific language governing permissions and limitations
+// under the License.
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <atomic>
+#include <cstdint>
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <iterator>
+#include <memory>
+#include <ostream>
+#include <string>
+#include <thread>
+#include <utility>
+#include <vector>
+#include <gflags/gflags_declare.h>
+#include <glog/logging.h>
+#include <gtest/gtest.h>
+#include "kudu/client/client-test-util.h"
+#include "kudu/client/client.h"
+#include "kudu/client/schema.h"
+#include "kudu/client/shared_ptr.h"
+#include "kudu/consensus/consensus.pb.h"
+#include "kudu/consensus/consensus.proxy.h"
+#include "kudu/gutil/gscoped_ptr.h"
+#include "kudu/gutil/strings/substitute.h"
+#include "kudu/integration-tests/cluster_itest_util.h"
+#include "kudu/integration-tests/cluster_verifier.h"
+#include "kudu/integration-tests/test_workload.h"
+#include "kudu/integration-tests/ts_itest-base.h"
+#include "kudu/mini-cluster/external_mini_cluster.h"
+#include "kudu/rpc/rpc_controller.h"
+#include "kudu/tablet/tablet.pb.h"
+#include "kudu/tools/tool_test_util.h"
+#include "kudu/tserver/tserver.pb.h"
+#include "kudu/util/countdown_latch.h"
+#include "kudu/util/monotime.h"
+#include "kudu/util/net/net_util.h"
+#include "kudu/util/net/sockaddr.h"
+#include "kudu/util/random.h"
+#include "kudu/util/scoped_cleanup.h"
+#include "kudu/util/status.h"
+#include "kudu/util/test_macros.h"
+#include "kudu/util/test_util.h"
+namespace kudu {
+class Schema;
+}  // namespace kudu
+using kudu::client::KuduClient;
+using kudu::client::KuduColumnSchema;
+using kudu::client::KuduSchema;
+using kudu::client::KuduSchemaBuilder;
+using kudu::client::KuduTableAlterer;
+using kudu::client::KuduTableCreator;
+using kudu::itest::TabletServerMap;
+using kudu::tserver::ListTabletsResponsePB;
+using std::atomic;
+using std::back_inserter;
+using std::copy;
+using std::endl;
+using std::ostringstream;
+using std::string;
+using std::thread;
+using std::tuple;
+using std::unique_ptr;
+using std::vector;
+using strings::Substitute;
+namespace kudu {
+namespace tools {
+  // Helper to format info when a tool action fails.
+static string ToolRunInfo(const Status& s, const string& out, const string& err) {
+  ostringstream str;
+  str << s.ToString() << endl;
+  str << "stdout: " << out << endl;
+  str << "stderr: " << err << endl;
+  return str.str();
+// Helper macro for tool tests. Use as follows:
+// ASSERT_TOOL_OK("cluster", "ksck", master_addrs);
+// The failure Status result of RunKuduTool is usually useless, so this macro
+// also logs the stdout and stderr in case of failure, for easier diagnosis.
+// TODO(wdberkeley): Add a macro to retrieve stdout or stderr, or a macro for
+//                   when one of those should match a string.
+#define ASSERT_TOOL_OK(...) do { \
+  const vector<string>& _args{__VA_ARGS__}; \
+  string _out, _err; \
+  const Status& _s = RunKuduTool(_args, &_out, &_err); \
+  if (_s.ok()) { \
+    SUCCEED(); \
+  } else { \
+    FAIL() << ToolRunInfo(_s, _out, _err); \
+  } \
+} while (0);
+class AdminCliTest : public tserver::TabletServerIntegrationTestBase {
+TEST_F(AdminCliTest, RebalancerReportOnly) {
+  static const char kReferenceOutput[] =
+    R"***(Per-server replica distribution summary:
+       Statistic       |  Value
+ Minimum Replica Count | 0
+ Maximum Replica Count | 1
+ Average Replica Count | 0.600000
+Per-table replica distribution summary:
+ Replica Skew |  Value
+ Minimum      | 1
+ Maximum      | 1
+ Average      | 1.000000)***";
+  FLAGS_num_tablet_servers = 5;
+  NO_FATALS(BuildAndStart());
+  string out;
+  string err;
+  Status s = RunKuduTool({
+    "cluster",
+    "rebalance",
+    cluster_->master()->bound_rpc_addr().ToString(),
+    "--report_only",
+  }, &out, &err);
+  ASSERT_TRUE(s.ok()) << ToolRunInfo(s, out, err);
+  // The rebalancer should report on tablet replica distribution. The output
+  // should match the reference report: the distribution of the replicas
+  // is 100% repeatable given the number of tables created by the test,
+  // the replication factor and the number of tablet servers.
+  ASSERT_STR_CONTAINS(out, kReferenceOutput);
+  // The actual rebalancing should not run.
+  ASSERT_STR_NOT_CONTAINS(out, "rebalancing is complete:")
+      << ToolRunInfo(s, out, err);
+// Make sure the rebalancer doesn't start if a tablet server is down.
+class RebalanceStartCriteriaTest :
+    public AdminCliTest,
+    public ::testing::WithParamInterface<Kudu1097> {
+INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(, RebalanceStartCriteriaTest,
+                        ::testing::Values(Kudu1097::Disable, Kudu1097::Enable));
+TEST_P(RebalanceStartCriteriaTest, TabletServerIsDown) {
+  const bool is_343_scheme = (GetParam() == Kudu1097::Enable);
+  const vector<string> kMasterFlags = {
+    Substitute("--raft_prepare_replacement_before_eviction=$0", is_343_scheme),
+  };
+  const vector<string> kTserverFlags = {
+    Substitute("--raft_prepare_replacement_before_eviction=$0", is_343_scheme),
+  };
+  FLAGS_num_tablet_servers = 5;
+  NO_FATALS(BuildAndStart(kTserverFlags, kMasterFlags));
+  // Shutdown one of the tablet servers.
+  HostPort ts_host_port;
+  {
+    auto* ts = cluster_->tablet_server(0);
+    ASSERT_NE(nullptr, ts);
+    ts_host_port = ts->bound_rpc_hostport();
+    ts->Shutdown();
+  }
+  string out;
+  string err;
+  Status s = RunKuduTool({
+    "cluster",
+    "rebalance",
+    cluster_->master()->bound_rpc_addr().ToString()
+  }, &out, &err);
+  ASSERT_TRUE(s.IsRuntimeError()) << ToolRunInfo(s, out, err);
+  const auto err_msg_pattern = Substitute(
+      "Illegal state: tablet server .* \\($0\\): "
+      "unacceptable health status UNAVAILABLE",
+      ts_host_port.ToString());
+  ASSERT_STR_MATCHES(err, err_msg_pattern);
+// Create tables with unbalanced replica distribution: useful in
+// rebalancer-related tests.
+static Status CreateUnbalancedTables(
+    cluster::ExternalMiniCluster* cluster,
+    client::KuduClient* client,
+    const Schema& table_schema,
+    const string& table_name_pattern,
+    int num_tables,
+    int rep_factor,
+    int tserver_idx_from,
+    int tserver_num,
+    int tserver_unresponsive_ms) {
+  // Keep running only some tablet servers and shut down the rest.
+  for (auto i = tserver_idx_from; i < tserver_num; ++i) {
+    cluster->tablet_server(i)->Shutdown();
+  }
+  // Wait for the catalog manager to understand that not all tablet servers
+  // are available.
+  SleepFor(MonoDelta::FromMilliseconds(5 * tserver_unresponsive_ms / 4));
+  // Create tables with their tablet replicas landing only on the tablet servers
+  // which are up and running.
+  KuduSchema client_schema(client::KuduSchemaFromSchema(table_schema));
+  for (auto i = 0; i < num_tables; ++i) {
+    const string table_name = Substitute(table_name_pattern, i);
+    unique_ptr<KuduTableCreator> table_creator(client->NewTableCreator());
+    RETURN_NOT_OK(table_creator->table_name(table_name)
+                  .schema(&client_schema)
+                  .add_hash_partitions({ "key" }, 3)
+                  .num_replicas(rep_factor)
+                  .Create());
+    RETURN_NOT_OK(RunKuduTool({
+      "perf",
+      "loadgen",
+      cluster->master()->bound_rpc_addr().ToString(),
+      Substitute("--table_name=$0", table_name),
+      Substitute("--table_num_replicas=$0", rep_factor),
+      "--string_fixed=unbalanced_tables_test",
+    }));
+  }
+  for (auto i = tserver_idx_from; i < tserver_num; ++i) {
+    RETURN_NOT_OK(cluster->tablet_server(i)->Restart());
+  }
+  return Status::OK();
+// A test to verify that rebalancing works for both 3-4-3 and 3-2-3 replica
+// management schemes. During replica movement, a light workload is run against
+// every table being rebalanced. This test covers different replication factors.
+class RebalanceParamTest :
+    public AdminCliTest,
+    public ::testing::WithParamInterface<tuple<int, Kudu1097>> {
+INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(, RebalanceParamTest,
+    ::testing::Combine(::testing::Values(1, 2, 3, 5),
+                       ::testing::Values(Kudu1097::Disable, Kudu1097::Enable)));
+TEST_P(RebalanceParamTest, Rebalance) {
+  if (!AllowSlowTests()) {
+    LOG(WARNING) << "test is skipped; set KUDU_ALLOW_SLOW_TESTS=1 to run";
+    return;
+  }
+  const auto& param = GetParam();
+  const auto kRepFactor = std::get<0>(param);
+  const auto is_343_scheme = (std::get<1>(param) == Kudu1097::Enable);
+  constexpr auto kNumTservers = 7;
+  constexpr auto kNumTables = 5;
+  const string table_name_pattern = "rebalance_test_table_$0";
+  constexpr auto kTserverUnresponsiveMs = 3000;
+  const auto timeout = MonoDelta::FromSeconds(30);
+  const vector<string> kMasterFlags = {
+    "--allow_unsafe_replication_factor",
+    Substitute("--raft_prepare_replacement_before_eviction=$0", is_343_scheme),
+    Substitute("--tserver_unresponsive_timeout_ms=$0", kTserverUnresponsiveMs),
+  };
+  const vector<string> kTserverFlags = {
+    Substitute("--raft_prepare_replacement_before_eviction=$0", is_343_scheme),
+  };
+  FLAGS_num_tablet_servers = kNumTservers;
+  FLAGS_num_replicas = kRepFactor;
+  NO_FATALS(BuildAndStart(kTserverFlags, kMasterFlags));
+  ASSERT_OK(CreateUnbalancedTables(
+      cluster_.get(), client_.get(), schema_, table_name_pattern, kNumTables,
+      kRepFactor, kRepFactor + 1, kNumTservers, kTserverUnresponsiveMs));
+  // Workloads aren't run for 3-2-3 replica movement with RF = 1 because
+  // the tablet is unavailable during the move until the target voter replica
+  // is up and running. That might take some time, and to avoid flakiness or
+  // setting longer timeouts, RF=1 replicas are moved with no concurrent
+  // workload running.
+  //
+  // TODO(aserbin): clarify why even with 3-4-3 it's a bit flaky now.
+  vector<unique_ptr<TestWorkload>> workloads;
+  //if (kRepFactor > 1 || is_343_scheme) {
+  if (kRepFactor > 1) {
+    for (auto i = 0; i < kNumTables; ++i) {
+      const string table_name = Substitute(table_name_pattern, i);
+      // The workload is light (1 thread, 1 op batches) so that new replicas
+      // bootstrap and converge quickly.
+      unique_ptr<TestWorkload> workload(new TestWorkload(cluster_.get()));
+      workload->set_table_name(table_name);
+      workload->set_num_replicas(kRepFactor);
+      workload->set_num_write_threads(1);
+      workload->set_write_batch_size(1);
+      workload->set_write_timeout_millis(timeout.ToMilliseconds());
+      workload->set_already_present_allowed(true);
+      workload->Setup();
+      workload->Start();
+      workloads.emplace_back(std::move(workload));
+    }
+  }
+  const vector<string> tool_args = {
+    "cluster",
+    "rebalance",
+    cluster_->master()->bound_rpc_addr().ToString(),
+    "--move_single_replicas=enabled",
+  };
+  {
+    string out;
+    string err;
+    const Status s = RunKuduTool(tool_args, &out, &err);
+    ASSERT_TRUE(s.ok()) << ToolRunInfo(s, out, err);
+    ASSERT_STR_CONTAINS(out, "rebalancing is complete: cluster is balanced")
+        << "stderr: " << err;
+  }
+  // Next run should report the cluster as balanced and no replica movement
+  // should be attempted.
+  {
+    string out;
+    string err;
+    const Status s = RunKuduTool(tool_args, &out, &err);
+    ASSERT_TRUE(s.ok()) << ToolRunInfo(s, out, err);
+        "rebalancing is complete: cluster is balanced (moved 0 replicas)")
+        << "stderr: " << err;
+  }
+  for (auto& workload : workloads) {
+    workload->StopAndJoin();
+  }
+  NO_FATALS(cluster_->AssertNoCrashes());
+  NO_FATALS(ClusterVerifier(cluster_.get()).CheckCluster());
+  // Now add a new tablet server into the cluster and make sure the rebalancer
+  // will re-distribute replicas.
+  ASSERT_OK(cluster_->AddTabletServer());
+  {
+    string out;
+    string err;
+    const Status s = RunKuduTool(tool_args, &out, &err);
+    ASSERT_TRUE(s.ok()) << ToolRunInfo(s, out, err);
+    ASSERT_STR_CONTAINS(out, "rebalancing is complete: cluster is balanced")
+        << "stderr: " << err;
+    // The cluster was un-balanced, so many replicas should have been moved.
+    ASSERT_STR_NOT_CONTAINS(out, "(moved 0 replicas)");
+  }
+  NO_FATALS(cluster_->AssertNoCrashes());
+  NO_FATALS(ClusterVerifier(cluster_.get()).CheckCluster());
+// Common base for the rebalancer-related test below.
+class RebalancingTest : public tserver::TabletServerIntegrationTestBase {
+ public:
+  explicit RebalancingTest(int num_tables = 10,
+                           int rep_factor = 3,
+                           int num_tservers = 8,
+                           int tserver_unresponsive_ms = 3000)
+      : num_tables_(num_tables),
+        rep_factor_(rep_factor),
+        num_tservers_(num_tservers),
+        tserver_unresponsive_ms_(tserver_unresponsive_ms) {
+    master_flags_ = {
+      Substitute("--tserver_unresponsive_timeout_ms=$0",
+                 tserver_unresponsive_ms_),
+    };
+  }
+  virtual bool is_343_scheme() const = 0;
+ protected:
+  static const char* const kExitOnSignalStr;
+  static const char* const kTableNamePattern;
+  void Prepare(const vector<string>& extra_tserver_flags = {},
+               const vector<string>& extra_master_flags = {}) {
+    const auto& scheme_flag = Substitute(
+        "--raft_prepare_replacement_before_eviction=$0", is_343_scheme());
+    master_flags_.push_back(scheme_flag);
+    tserver_flags_.push_back(scheme_flag);
+    copy(extra_tserver_flags.begin(), extra_tserver_flags.end(),
+         back_inserter(tserver_flags_));
+    copy(extra_master_flags.begin(), extra_master_flags.end(),
+         back_inserter(master_flags_));
+    FLAGS_num_tablet_servers = num_tservers_;
+    FLAGS_num_replicas = rep_factor_;
+    NO_FATALS(BuildAndStart(tserver_flags_, master_flags_));
+    ASSERT_OK(CreateUnbalancedTables(
+        cluster_.get(), client_.get(), schema_, kTableNamePattern,
+        num_tables_, rep_factor_, rep_factor_ + 1, num_tservers_,
+        tserver_unresponsive_ms_));
+  }
+  // When the rebalancer starts moving replicas, ksck detects corruption
+  // (that's why RuntimeError), seeing affected tables as non-healthy
+  // with data state of corresponding tablets as TABLET_DATA_COPYING. If using
+  // this method, it's a good idea to inject some latency into tablet copying
+  // to be able to spot the TABLET_DATA_COPYING state, see the
+  // '--tablet_copy_download_file_inject_latency_ms' flag for tservers.
+  bool IsRebalancingInProgress() {
+    string out;
+    const auto s = RunKuduTool({
+      "cluster",
+      "ksck",
+      cluster_->master()->bound_rpc_addr().ToString(),
+    }, &out);
+    return s.IsRuntimeError() &&
+        out.find("Data state:  TABLET_DATA_COPYING") != string::npos;
+  }
+  const int num_tables_;
+  const int rep_factor_;
+  const int num_tservers_;
+  const int tserver_unresponsive_ms_;
+  vector<string> tserver_flags_;
+  vector<string> master_flags_;
+const char* const RebalancingTest::kExitOnSignalStr = "kudu: process exited on signal";
+const char* const RebalancingTest::kTableNamePattern = "rebalance_test_table_$0";
+typedef testing::WithParamInterface<Kudu1097> Kudu1097ParamTest;
+// Make sure the rebalancer is able to do its job if running concurrently
+// with DDL activity on the cluster.
+class DDLDuringRebalancingTest : public RebalancingTest,
+                                 public Kudu1097ParamTest {
+ public:
+  DDLDuringRebalancingTest()
+      : RebalancingTest(/*num_tables=*/ 20) {
+  }
+  bool is_343_scheme() const override {
+    return GetParam() == Kudu1097::Enable;
+  }
+INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(, DDLDuringRebalancingTest,
+                        ::testing::Values(Kudu1097::Disable, Kudu1097::Enable));
+TEST_P(DDLDuringRebalancingTest, TablesCreatedAndDeletedDuringRebalancing) {
+  if (!AllowSlowTests()) {
+    LOG(WARNING) << "test is skipped; set KUDU_ALLOW_SLOW_TESTS=1 to run";
+    return;
+  }
+  NO_FATALS(Prepare());
+  // The latch that controls the lifecycle of the concurrent DDL activity.
+  CountDownLatch run_latch(1);
+  thread creator([&]() {
+    KuduSchema client_schema(client::KuduSchemaFromSchema(schema_));
+    for (auto idx = 0; ; ++idx) {
+      if (run_latch.WaitFor(MonoDelta::FromMilliseconds(500))) {
+        break;
+      }
+      const string table_name = Substitute("rebalancer_extra_table_$0", idx++);
+      unique_ptr<KuduTableCreator> table_creator(client_->NewTableCreator());
+      CHECK_OK(table_creator->table_name(table_name)
+               .schema(&client_schema)
+               .add_hash_partitions({ "key" }, 3)
+               .num_replicas(rep_factor_)
+               .Create());
+    }
+  });
+  auto creator_cleanup = MakeScopedCleanup([&]() {
+    run_latch.CountDown();
+    creator.join();
+  });
+  thread deleter([&]() {
+    for (auto idx = 0; idx < num_tables_; ++idx) {
+      if (run_latch.WaitFor(MonoDelta::FromMilliseconds(500))) {
+        break;
+      }
+      CHECK_OK(client_->DeleteTable(Substitute(kTableNamePattern, idx++)));
+    }
+  });
+  auto deleter_cleanup = MakeScopedCleanup([&]() {
+    run_latch.CountDown();
+    deleter.join();
+  });
+  thread alterer([&]() {
+    const string kTableName = "rebalancer_dynamic_table";
+    const string kNewTableName = "rebalancer_dynamic_table_new_name";
+    while (true) {
+      // Create table.
+      {
+        KuduSchema schema;
+        KuduSchemaBuilder builder;
+        builder.AddColumn("key")->Type(KuduColumnSchema::INT64)->
+            NotNull()->
+            PrimaryKey();
+        builder.AddColumn("a")->Type(KuduColumnSchema::INT64);
+        CHECK_OK(builder.Build(&schema));
+        unique_ptr<KuduTableCreator> table_creator(client_->NewTableCreator());
+        CHECK_OK(table_creator->table_name(kTableName)
+                 .schema(&schema)
+                 .set_range_partition_columns({})
+                 .num_replicas(rep_factor_)
+                 .Create());
+      }
+      if (run_latch.WaitFor(MonoDelta::FromMilliseconds(100))) {
+          break;
+      }
+      // Drop a column.
+      {
+        unique_ptr<KuduTableAlterer> alt(client_->NewTableAlterer(kTableName));
+        alt->DropColumn("a");
+        CHECK_OK(alt->Alter());
+      }
+      if (run_latch.WaitFor(MonoDelta::FromMilliseconds(100))) {
+          break;
+      }
+      // Add back the column with different type.
+      {
+        unique_ptr<KuduTableAlterer> alt(client_->NewTableAlterer(kTableName));
+        alt->AddColumn("a")->Type(KuduColumnSchema::STRING);
+        CHECK_OK(alt->Alter());
+      }
+      if (run_latch.WaitFor(MonoDelta::FromMilliseconds(100))) {
+          break;
+      }
+      // Rename the table.
+      {
+        unique_ptr<KuduTableAlterer> alt(client_->NewTableAlterer(kTableName));
+        alt->RenameTo(kNewTableName);
+        CHECK_OK(alt->Alter());
+      }
+      if (run_latch.WaitFor(MonoDelta::FromMilliseconds(100))) {
+          break;
+      }
+      // Drop the renamed table.
+      CHECK_OK(client_->DeleteTable(kNewTableName));
+      if (run_latch.WaitFor(MonoDelta::FromMilliseconds(100))) {
+          break;
+      }
+    }
+  });
+  auto alterer_cleanup = MakeScopedCleanup([&]() {
+    run_latch.CountDown();
+    alterer.join();
+  });
+  thread timer([&]() {
+    SleepFor(MonoDelta::FromSeconds(30));
+    run_latch.CountDown();
+  });
+  auto timer_cleanup = MakeScopedCleanup([&]() {
+    timer.join();
+  });
+  const vector<string> tool_args = {
+    "cluster",
+    "rebalance",
+    cluster_->master()->bound_rpc_addr().ToString(),
+  };
+  // Run the rebalancer concurrently with the DDL operations. The second run
+  // of the rebalancer (the second run starts after joining the timer thread)
+  // is necessary to balance the cluster after the DDL activity stops: that's
+  // the easiest way to make sure the rebalancer will take into account
+  // all DDL changes that happened.
+  //
+  // The signal to terminate the DDL activity (done via run_latch.CountDown())
+  // is sent from a separate timer thread instead of doing SleepFor() after
+  // the first run of the rebalancer followed by run_latch.CountDown().
+  // That's to avoid dependency on the rebalancer behavior if it spots on-going
+  // DDL activity and continues running over and over again.
+  for (auto i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
+    if (i == 1) {
+      timer.join();
+      timer_cleanup.cancel();
+      // Wait for all the DDL activity to complete.
+      alterer.join();
+      alterer_cleanup.cancel();
+      deleter.join();
+      deleter_cleanup.cancel();
+      creator.join();
+      creator_cleanup.cancel();
+    }
+    string out;
+    string err;
+    const auto s = RunKuduTool(tool_args, &out, &err);
+    ASSERT_TRUE(s.ok()) << ToolRunInfo(s, out, err);
+    ASSERT_STR_CONTAINS(out, "rebalancing is complete: cluster is balanced")
+        << "stderr: " << err;
+  }
+  // Next (3rd) run should report the cluster as balanced and
+  // no replica movement should be attempted.
+  {
+    string out;
+    string err;
+    const auto s = RunKuduTool(tool_args, &out, &err);
+    ASSERT_TRUE(s.ok()) << ToolRunInfo(s, out, err);
+        "rebalancing is complete: cluster is balanced (moved 0 replicas)")
+        << "stderr: " << err;
+  }
+  NO_FATALS(cluster_->AssertNoCrashes());
+  NO_FATALS(ClusterVerifier(cluster_.get()).CheckCluster());
+// Make sure it's safe to run multiple rebalancers concurrently. The rebalancers
+// might report errors, but they should not get stuck and the cluster should
+// remain in good shape (i.e. no crashes, no data inconsistencies). Re-running a
+// single rebalancer session again should bring the cluster to a balanced state.
+class ConcurrentRebalancersTest : public RebalancingTest,
+                                  public Kudu1097ParamTest {
+ public:
+  ConcurrentRebalancersTest()
+      : RebalancingTest(/*num_tables=*/ 10) {
+  }
+  bool is_343_scheme() const override {
+    return GetParam() == Kudu1097::Enable;
+  }
+INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(, ConcurrentRebalancersTest,
+    ::testing::Values(Kudu1097::Disable, Kudu1097::Enable));
+TEST_P(ConcurrentRebalancersTest, TwoConcurrentRebalancers) {
+  if (!AllowSlowTests()) {
+    LOG(WARNING) << "test is skipped; set KUDU_ALLOW_SLOW_TESTS=1 to run";
+    return;
+  }
+  NO_FATALS(Prepare());
+  const vector<string> tool_args = {
+    "cluster",
+    "rebalance",
+    cluster_->master()->bound_rpc_addr().ToString(),
+  };
+  const auto runner_func = [&]() {
+    string out;
+    string err;
+    const auto s = RunKuduTool(tool_args, &out, &err);
+    if (!s.ok()) {
+      // One might expect a bad status returned: e.g., due to some race so
+      // the rebalancer didn't able to make progress for more than
+      // --max_staleness_interval_sec, etc.
+      LOG(INFO) << "rebalancer run info: " << ToolRunInfo(s, out, err);
+    }
+    // Should not exit on a signal: not expecting SIGSEGV, SIGABRT, etc.
+    return s.ToString().find(kExitOnSignalStr) == string::npos;
+  };
+  const constexpr auto kNumConcurrentRunners = 5;
+  CountDownLatch start_synchronizer(1);
+  vector<thread> concurrent_runners;
+  concurrent_runners.reserve(kNumConcurrentRunners);
+  for (auto i = 0; i < kNumConcurrentRunners; ++i) {
+    concurrent_runners.emplace_back([&]() {
+      start_synchronizer.Wait();
+      CHECK(runner_func());
+    });
+  }
+  // Run rebalancers concurrently and wait for their completion.
+  start_synchronizer.CountDown();
+  for (auto& runner : concurrent_runners) {
+    runner.join();
+  }
+  NO_FATALS(cluster_->AssertNoCrashes());
+  NO_FATALS(ClusterVerifier(cluster_.get()).CheckCluster());
+  {
+    string out;
+    string err;
+    const auto s = RunKuduTool(tool_args, &out, &err);
+    ASSERT_TRUE(s.ok()) << ToolRunInfo(s, out, err);
+    ASSERT_STR_CONTAINS(out, "rebalancing is complete: cluster is balanced")
+        << "stderr: " << err;
+  }
+  // Next run should report the cluster as balanced and no replica movement
+  // should be attempted: at least one run of the rebalancer prior to this
+  // should succeed, so next run is about running the tool against already
+  // balanced cluster.
+  {
+    string out;
+    string err;
+    const auto s = RunKuduTool(tool_args, &out, &err);
+    ASSERT_TRUE(s.ok()) << ToolRunInfo(s, out, err);
+        "rebalancing is complete: cluster is balanced (moved 0 replicas)")
+        << "stderr: " << err;
+  }
+  NO_FATALS(cluster_->AssertNoCrashes());
+  NO_FATALS(ClusterVerifier(cluster_.get()).CheckCluster());
+// The rebalancer should stop and exit upon detecting a tablet server that
+// went down. That's a simple and effective way of preventing concurrent replica
+// movement by the rebalancer and the automatic re-replication (the catalog
+// manager tries to move replicas from the unreachable tablet server).
+class TserverGoesDownDuringRebalancingTest : public RebalancingTest,
+                                             public Kudu1097ParamTest {
+ public:
+  TserverGoesDownDuringRebalancingTest() :
+      RebalancingTest(/*num_tables=*/ 5) {
+  }
+  bool is_343_scheme() const override {
+    return GetParam() == Kudu1097::Enable;
+  }
+INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(, TserverGoesDownDuringRebalancingTest,
+    ::testing::Values(Kudu1097::Disable, Kudu1097::Enable));
+TEST_P(TserverGoesDownDuringRebalancingTest, TserverDown) {
+  if (!AllowSlowTests()) {
+    LOG(WARNING) << "test is skipped; set KUDU_ALLOW_SLOW_TESTS=1 to run";
+    return;
+  }
+  const vector<string> kTserverExtraFlags = {
+    // Slow down tablet copy to make rebalancing step running longer
+    // and become observable via tablet data states output by ksck.
+    "--tablet_copy_download_file_inject_latency_ms=1500",
+    "--follower_unavailable_considered_failed_sec=30",
+  };
+  NO_FATALS(Prepare(kTserverExtraFlags));
+  // Pre-condition: 'kudu cluster ksck' should be happy with the cluster state
+  // shortly after initial setup.
+      "cluster",
+      "ksck",
+      cluster_->master()->bound_rpc_addr().ToString()
+    )
+  });
+  Random r(SeedRandom());
+  const uint32_t shutdown_tserver_idx = r.Next() % num_tservers_;
+  atomic<bool> run(true);
+  // The thread that shuts down the selected tablet server.
+  thread stopper([&]() {
+    while (run && !IsRebalancingInProgress()) {
+      SleepFor(MonoDelta::FromMilliseconds(10));
+    }
+    // All right, it's time to stop the selected tablet server.
+    cluster_->tablet_server(shutdown_tserver_idx)->Shutdown();
+  });
+  auto stopper_cleanup = MakeScopedCleanup([&]() {
+    run = false;
+    stopper.join();
+  });
+  {
+    string out;
+    string err;
+    const auto s = RunKuduTool({
+      "cluster",
+      "rebalance",
+      cluster_->master()->bound_rpc_addr().ToString(),
+      // Limiting the number of replicas to move. This is to make the rebalancer
+      // run longer, making sure the rebalancing is in progress when the tablet
+      // server goes down.
+      "--max_moves_per_server=1",
+    }, &out, &err);
+    ASSERT_TRUE(s.IsRuntimeError()) << ToolRunInfo(s, out, err);
+    // The rebalancer tool should not crash.
+    ASSERT_STR_NOT_CONTAINS(s.ToString(), kExitOnSignalStr);
+        err, "Illegal state: tablet server .* \\(.*\\): "
+             "unacceptable health status UNAVAILABLE");
+  }
+  run = false;
+  stopper.join();
+  stopper_cleanup.cancel();
+  ASSERT_OK(cluster_->tablet_server(shutdown_tserver_idx)->Restart());
+  NO_FATALS(cluster_->AssertNoCrashes());
+// The rebalancer should continue working and complete rebalancing successfully
+// if a new tablet server is added while the cluster is being rebalanced.
+class TserverAddedDuringRebalancingTest : public RebalancingTest,
+                                          public Kudu1097ParamTest {
+ public:
+  TserverAddedDuringRebalancingTest()
+      : RebalancingTest(/*num_tables=*/ 10) {
+  }
+  bool is_343_scheme() const override {
+    return GetParam() == Kudu1097::Enable;
+  }
+INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(, TserverAddedDuringRebalancingTest,
+    ::testing::Values(Kudu1097::Disable, Kudu1097::Enable));
+TEST_P(TserverAddedDuringRebalancingTest, TserverStarts) {
+  if (!AllowSlowTests()) {
+    LOG(WARNING) << "test is skipped; set KUDU_ALLOW_SLOW_TESTS=1 to run";
+    return;
+  }
+  const vector<string> kTserverExtraFlags = {
+    // Slow down tablet copy to make rebalancing step running longer
+    // and become observable via tablet data states output by ksck.
+    "--tablet_copy_download_file_inject_latency_ms=1500",
+    "--follower_unavailable_considered_failed_sec=30",
+  };
+  NO_FATALS(Prepare(kTserverExtraFlags));
+  const vector<string> tool_args = {
+    "cluster",
+    "rebalance",
+    cluster_->master()->bound_rpc_addr().ToString(),
+  };
+  atomic<bool> run(true);
+  thread runner([&]() {
+    while (run) {
+      string out;
+      string err;
+      const auto s = RunKuduTool(tool_args, &out, &err);
+      CHECK(s.ok()) << ToolRunInfo(s, out, err);
+    }
+  });
+  auto runner_cleanup = MakeScopedCleanup([&]() {
+    run = false;
+    runner.join();
+  });
+  while (!IsRebalancingInProgress()) {
+    SleepFor(MonoDelta::FromMilliseconds(10));
+  }
+  // It's time to sneak in and add new tablet server.
+  ASSERT_OK(cluster_->AddTabletServer());
+  run = false;
+  runner.join();
+  runner_cleanup.cancel();
+  // The rebalancer should not fail, and eventually, after a new tablet server
+  // is added, the cluster should become balanced.
+    string out;
+    string err;
+    const auto s = RunKuduTool(tool_args, &out, &err);
+    ASSERT_TRUE(s.ok()) << ToolRunInfo(s, out, err);
+        "rebalancing is complete: cluster is balanced (moved 0 replicas)")
+        << "stderr: " << err;
+  });
+  NO_FATALS(cluster_->AssertNoCrashes());
+  NO_FATALS(ClusterVerifier(cluster_.get()).CheckCluster());
+// Run rebalancer in 'election storms' environment and make sure the rebalancer
+// does not exit prematurely or exhibit any other unexpected behavior.
+class RebalancingDuringElectionStormTest : public RebalancingTest,
+                                           public Kudu1097ParamTest {
+ public:
+  bool is_343_scheme() const override {
+    return GetParam() == Kudu1097::Enable;
+  }
+INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(, RebalancingDuringElectionStormTest,
+    ::testing::Values(Kudu1097::Disable, Kudu1097::Enable));
+TEST_P(RebalancingDuringElectionStormTest, RoundRobin) {
+  if (!AllowSlowTests()) {
+    LOG(WARNING) << "test is skipped; set KUDU_ALLOW_SLOW_TESTS=1 to run";
+    return;
+  }
+  NO_FATALS(Prepare());
+  atomic<bool> elector_run(true);
+  // The timeout is a time-to-run for the stormy elector thread as well.
+  // Making longer timeout for workload in case of TSAN/ASAN is not needed:
+  // having everything generated written is not required.
+  const auto timeout = MonoDelta::FromSeconds(5);
+  const auto timeout = MonoDelta::FromSeconds(10);
+  const auto start_time = MonoTime::Now();
+  thread elector([&]() {
+    // Mininum viable divider for modulo ('%') to allow the result to grow by
+    // the rules below.
+    auto max_sleep_ms = 2.0;
+    while (elector_run && MonoTime::Now() < start_time + timeout) {
+      for (const auto& e : tablet_servers_) {
+        const auto& ts_uuid = e.first;
+        const auto* ts = e.second;
+        vector<ListTabletsResponsePB::StatusAndSchemaPB> tablets;
+        auto const s = itest::ListTablets(ts, timeout, &tablets);
+        if (!s.ok()) {
+          LOG(WARNING) << ts_uuid << ": failed to get tablet list :"
+                       << s.ToString();
+          continue;
+        }
+        consensus::ConsensusServiceProxy proxy(
+            cluster_->messenger(),
+            cluster_->tablet_server_by_uuid(ts_uuid)->bound_rpc_addr(),
+            "tserver " + ts_uuid);
+        for (const auto& tablet : tablets) {
+          const auto& tablet_id = tablet.tablet_status().tablet_id();
+          consensus::RunLeaderElectionRequestPB req;
+          req.set_tablet_id(tablet_id);
+          req.set_dest_uuid(ts_uuid);
+          rpc::RpcController rpc;
+          rpc.set_timeout(timeout);
+          consensus::RunLeaderElectionResponsePB resp;
+          WARN_NOT_OK(proxy.RunLeaderElection(req, &resp, &rpc),
+                      Substitute("failed to start election for tablet $0",
+                                 tablet_id));
+        }
+        if (!elector_run || start_time + timeout <= MonoTime::Now()) {
+          break;
+        }
+        auto sleep_ms = rand() % static_cast<int>(max_sleep_ms);
+        SleepFor(MonoDelta::FromMilliseconds(sleep_ms));
+        max_sleep_ms = std::min(max_sleep_ms * 1.1, 2000.0);
+      }
+    }
+  });
+  auto elector_cleanup = MakeScopedCleanup([&]() {
+    elector_run = false;
+    elector.join();
+  });
+#if !defined(ADDRESS_SANITIZER) && !defined(THREAD_SANITIZER)
+  vector<unique_ptr<TestWorkload>> workloads;
+  for (auto i = 0; i < num_tables_; ++i) {
+    const string table_name = Substitute(kTableNamePattern, i);
+    // The workload is light (1 thread, 1 op batches) and lenient to failures.
+    unique_ptr<TestWorkload> workload(new TestWorkload(cluster_.get()));
+    workload->set_table_name(table_name);
+    workload->set_num_replicas(rep_factor_);
+    workload->set_num_write_threads(1);
+    workload->set_write_batch_size(1);
+    workload->set_write_timeout_millis(timeout.ToMilliseconds());
+    workload->set_already_present_allowed(true);
+    workload->set_remote_error_allowed(true);
+    workload->set_timeout_allowed(true);
+    workload->Setup();
+    workload->Start();
+    workloads.emplace_back(std::move(workload));
+  }
+  const vector<string> tool_args = {
+    "cluster",
+    "rebalance",
+    cluster_->master()->bound_rpc_addr().ToString(),
+  };
+  while (MonoTime::Now() < start_time + timeout) {
+    // Rebalancer should not report any errors even if it's an election storm
+    // unless a tablet server is reported as unavailable by ksck: the latter
+    // usually happens because GetConsensusState requests are dropped due to
+    // backpressure.
+    string out;
+    string err;
+    const Status s = RunKuduTool(tool_args, &out, &err);
+    if (s.ok()) {
+      ASSERT_STR_CONTAINS(out, "rebalancing is complete: cluster is balanced")
+          << ToolRunInfo(s, out, err);
+    } else {
+      ASSERT_STR_CONTAINS(err, "unacceptable health status UNAVAILABLE")
+          << ToolRunInfo(s, out, err);
+    }
+  }
+  elector_run = false;
+  elector.join();
+  elector_cleanup.cancel();
+#if !defined(ADDRESS_SANITIZER) && !defined(THREAD_SANITIZER)
+  for (auto& workload : workloads) {
+    workload->StopAndJoin();
+  }
+  // There might be some re-replication started as a result of election storm,
+  // etc. Eventually, the system should heal itself and 'kudu cluster ksck'
+  // should report no issues.
+      "cluster",
+      "ksck",
+      cluster_->master()->bound_rpc_addr().ToString()
+    )
+  });
+  // The rebalancer should successfully rebalance the cluster after ksck
+  // reported 'all is well'.
+  {
+    string out;
+    string err;
+    const Status s = RunKuduTool(tool_args, &out, &err);
+    ASSERT_TRUE(s.ok()) << ToolRunInfo(s, out, err);
+    ASSERT_STR_CONTAINS(out, "rebalancing is complete: cluster is balanced")
+        << ToolRunInfo(s, out, err);
+  }
+  NO_FATALS(cluster_->AssertNoCrashes());
+// A test to verify how the rebalancer handles replicas of single-replica
+// tablets in case of various values of the '--move_single_replicas' flag
+// and replica management schemes.
+class RebalancerAndSingleReplicaTablets :
+    public AdminCliTest,
+    public ::testing::WithParamInterface<tuple<string, Kudu1097>> {
+INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(, RebalancerAndSingleReplicaTablets,
+    ::testing::Combine(::testing::Values("auto", "enabled", "disabled"),
+                       ::testing::Values(Kudu1097::Disable, Kudu1097::Enable)));
+TEST_P(RebalancerAndSingleReplicaTablets, SingleReplicasStayOrMove) {
+  if (!AllowSlowTests()) {
+    LOG(WARNING) << "test is skipped; set KUDU_ALLOW_SLOW_TESTS=1 to run";
+    return;
+  }
+  constexpr auto kRepFactor = 1;
+  constexpr auto kNumTservers = 2 * (kRepFactor + 1);
+  constexpr auto kNumTables = kNumTservers;
+  constexpr auto kTserverUnresponsiveMs = 3000;
+  const auto& param = GetParam();
+  const auto& move_single_replica = std::get<0>(param);
+  const auto is_343_scheme = (std::get<1>(param) == Kudu1097::Enable);
+  const string table_name_pattern = "rebalance_test_table_$0";
+  const vector<string> master_flags = {
+    Substitute("--raft_prepare_replacement_before_eviction=$0", is_343_scheme),
+    Substitute("--tserver_unresponsive_timeout_ms=$0", kTserverUnresponsiveMs),
+  };
+  const vector<string> tserver_flags = {
+    Substitute("--raft_prepare_replacement_before_eviction=$0", is_343_scheme),
+  };
+  FLAGS_num_tablet_servers = kNumTservers;
+  FLAGS_num_replicas = kRepFactor;
+  NO_FATALS(BuildAndStart(tserver_flags, master_flags));
+  // Keep running only (kRepFactor + 1) tablet servers and shut down the rest.
+  for (auto i = kRepFactor + 1; i < kNumTservers; ++i) {
+    cluster_->tablet_server(i)->Shutdown();
+  }
+  // Wait for the catalog manager to understand that only (kRepFactor + 1)
+  // tablet servers are available.
+  SleepFor(MonoDelta::FromMilliseconds(5 * kTserverUnresponsiveMs / 4));
+  // Create few tables with their tablet replicas landing only on those
+  // (kRepFactor + 1) running tablet servers.
+  KuduSchema client_schema(client::KuduSchemaFromSchema(schema_));
+  for (auto i = 0; i < kNumTables; ++i) {
+    const string table_name = Substitute(table_name_pattern, i);
+    unique_ptr<KuduTableCreator> table_creator(client_->NewTableCreator());
+    ASSERT_OK(table_creator->table_name(table_name)
+              .schema(&client_schema)
+              .add_hash_partitions({ "key" }, 3)
+              .num_replicas(kRepFactor)
+              .Create());
+      "perf",
+      "loadgen",
+      cluster_->master()->bound_rpc_addr().ToString(),
+      Substitute("--table_name=$0", table_name),
+      // Don't need much data in there.
+      "--num_threads=1",
+      "--num_rows_per_thread=1",
+    );
+  }
+  for (auto i = kRepFactor + 1; i < kNumTservers; ++i) {
+    ASSERT_OK(cluster_->tablet_server(i)->Restart());
+  }
+  string out;
+  string err;
+  const Status s = RunKuduTool({
+    "cluster",
+    "rebalance",
+    cluster_->master()->bound_rpc_addr().ToString(),
+    Substitute("--move_single_replicas=$0", move_single_replica),
+  }, &out, &err);
+  ASSERT_TRUE(s.ok()) << ToolRunInfo(s, out, err);
+  ASSERT_STR_CONTAINS(out, "rebalancing is complete: cluster is balanced")
+      << "stderr: " << err;
+  if (move_single_replica == "enabled" ||
+      (move_single_replica == "auto" && is_343_scheme)) {
+    // Should move appropriate replicas of single-replica tablets.
+        "rebalancing is complete: cluster is balanced (moved 0 replicas)")
+        << "stderr: " << err;
+    ASSERT_STR_NOT_CONTAINS(err, "has single replica, skipping");
+  } else {
+        "rebalancing is complete: cluster is balanced (moved 0 replicas)")
+        << "stderr: " << err;
+    ASSERT_STR_MATCHES(err, "tablet .* of table '.*' (.*) has single replica, skipping");
+  }
+  NO_FATALS(cluster_->AssertNoCrashes());
+  ClusterVerifier v(cluster_.get());
+  NO_FATALS(v.CheckCluster());
+} // namespace tools
+} // namespace kudu
diff --git a/src/kudu/tools/tool_test_util.h b/src/kudu/tools/tool_test_util.h
index 6925468..1d7eae7 100644
--- a/src/kudu/tools/tool_test_util.h
+++ b/src/kudu/tools/tool_test_util.h
@@ -27,6 +27,11 @@
 namespace kudu {
 namespace tools {
+enum class Kudu1097 {
+  Disable,
+  Enable,
 // Get full path to the top-level 'kudu' tool binary.
 std::string GetKuduToolAbsolutePath();