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Posted to by DZISIAK Jean-Paul <> on 2007/05/13 19:47:02 UTC

[Tomahawk 1.1.5] panelNavigation2 questions...



I do use a Tomahawk panelNavigation2.


The JSF page has the following statements:



<t:panelNavigation2 id="navigationMenu" layout="list">

<t:navigationMenuItems id="navitems"




The binding Bean has the following statement:


public List getPanelNavigationItems() {

            // Builds menu panel

             List menu = new ArrayList();

NavigationMenuItem catItem = getMenuCategoryItem(catID, categoryLabel,




My questions are :


1) I cannot add an icon and a label simultaneously to a NavigationMenuItem
except separately. Is it a know bug ? 

Moreover when an icon is displayed, there's a 1px border around it. How can
I get rid of it ?


2) When I want to change the content displayed by the navigationMenuItems,
how can I force the navigationMenuItems to reread its data ? I do use the
following utility and the "getPanelNavigationItems" is reread but the view
is not updated.


public static void updateView() {

        FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();

        ViewHandler viewHandler = context.getApplication().getViewHandler();

        UIViewRoot viewRoot = context.getViewRoot();

        try {

            viewHandler.renderView(context, viewRoot);

        } catch (IOException ioe) {

            log.error("Utilities: updateView: " +




Help would be very appreciated !