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Posted to by on 2013/10/30 14:43:23 UTC

[29/52] [partial] Remove unneeded ace files and codemirror
diff --git a/src/fauxton/assets/js/libs/ace/mode/_test/tokens_dart.json b/src/fauxton/assets/js/libs/ace/mode/_test/tokens_dart.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 5964791..0000000
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-  ["text","  "],
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-  ["text","("],
-  ["string","'Hello World!'"],
-  ["text",");"]
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-   "start",
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-  ["text","("],
-  ["storage.type.primitive.dart","int"],
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-  ["keyword.operator.comparison.dart",">"],
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-  ["identifier","n"],
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-  ["text","  "],
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-  ["text","("],
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-  ["text","."],
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-  ["text","  "],
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-  ["text","  "],
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-  ["text","("],
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-  ["text"," "],
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-  ["text"," "],
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-  ["text"," "],
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-  ["text","."],
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-   "start"
-   "start",
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-   "start",
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-  ["text","("],
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\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/fauxton/assets/js/libs/ace/mode/_test/tokens_diff.json b/src/fauxton/assets/js/libs/ace/mode/_test/tokens_diff.json
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-   "start",
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-   "start",
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-   "start"
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-   "start",
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-   "start",
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-   "start"
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-   "start",
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-   "start"
-   "start",
-  ["support.function","-"],
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-   "start"
-   "start",
-  ["support.function","-"],
-  ["string","            }, 30, this);"]
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-   "start",
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-   "start"
-   "start",
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\ No newline at end of file
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-  ["comment","##\"A few people in the field of genetics are using dot to draw \"marriage node diagram\"  pedigree drawings.  Here is one I have done of a test pedigree from the FTREE pedigree drawing package (Lion Share was a racehorse).\" Contributed by David Duffy."]
-   "start"
-   "start",
-  ["comment","##Command to get the layout: \"dot -Tpng thisfile > thisfile.png\""]
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-   "start",
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-  ["meta.block.forth"," "],
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-  ["keyword.other.compile-only.forth",";"]
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-  ["meta.block.forth"," "],
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-  ["meta.block.forth","      "],
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-  ["keyword.other.compile-only.forth",";"]
-   "start",
-  ["keyword.other.compile-only.forth",":"],
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-  ["meta.block.forth","     "],
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-  ["keyword.other.compile-only.forth",":"],
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-   "keyword.other.compile-only.forth",
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-  ["keyword.other.immediate.forth"," TO"],
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-  ["meta.block.forth","   "],
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-  ["meta.block.forth"," "],
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-   "keyword.other.compile-only.forth",
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\ No newline at end of file