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Posted to by Brett Porter <> on 2003/05/23 03:42:22 UTC

Re: Newbie: How to configure 3rd party and internal dependencies in project.xml

> As far as I understand, our central directory is what you call the
> "repository".
> So how do I configure my project.xml to use the 3rd party libraries
> within Maven's repository?   and,.. 


This gets xalan-2.4.1.jar from a repository, specified by
maven.repo.remote, which by default points to

> How do I get my own libraries into the repository so that the Maven
> build can reference them?

To put your own JARs in your local repo, just copy them into groupId/jars/artifactId-version.jar


Corresponds to groupId = com.mycompany, artifactID = nmr, version = 1.4

If that project is mavenised, maven jar:install does this.

I like to set up a HTTP server or file location for a local repository
that isn't directly what Maven uses. To do this, setup the URL of it in
maven.repo.remote in ~/

If your project is mavenised, you would then use maven jar:deploy to put
your artifacts into that repository.


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