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svn commit: r1775862 - /jena/site/trunk/content/documentation/notes/

Author: andy
Date: Fri Dec 23 17:49:58 2016
New Revision: 1775862

Documentation for rdfconnection


Added: jena/site/trunk/content/documentation/notes/
--- jena/site/trunk/content/documentation/notes/ (added)
+++ jena/site/trunk/content/documentation/notes/ Fri Dec 23 17:49:58 2016
@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
+Title: RDF Connection : SPARQL operations API
+`RDFConnection` provides a unified set of operations for working on RDF
+with SPARQL operations. It provides <a
+href="">SPARQL Query</a>, <a
+href="">SPARQL Update</a> and the <a
+href="">SPARQL Graph
+Store</a> operations.  The interface is uniform - the same interface
+applies to local data and to remote data using HTTP and the SPARQL
+protocols ( <a href="">SPARQL
+protocol</a> and <a
+href="">SPARQL Graph Store
+## Outline
+`RDFConnection` provides a number of different styles for working with RDF
+data in Java.  It provides support for try-resource and functional code
+passing styles, as well the more basic sequence of methods calls.
+For example: using `try-resources` to manage the connection, and perform two operations, one to load
+some data, and one to make a query can be written as:
+    try ( RDFConnection conn = RDFConnectionFactory.connect(...) ) {
+        conn.load("data.ttl") ;
+        conn.querySelect("SELECT DISTINCT ?s { ?s ?p ?o }", (qs)->
+           Resource subject = qs.getResource("s") ;
+           System.out.println("Subject: "+subject) ;
+        }) ;
+    }
+This could have been written as (approximately -- the error handling is better
+in the example above):
+    RDFConnection conn = RDFConnectionFactory.connect(...)
+    conn.load("data.ttl") ;
+    QueryExecution qExec = conn.query("SELECT DISTINCT ?s { ?s ?p ?o }") ;
+    ResultSet rs = qExec.execSelect() ;
+    while(rs.hasNext()) {
+        QuerySolution qs = ;
+        Resource subject = qs.getResource("s") ;
+        System.out.println("Subject: "+subject) ;
+    }
+    qExec.close() ;
+    conn.close() ;
+Jena also provides a separate
+[SPARQL over JDBC driver](
+## Transactions
+Transactions are the preferred way to work with RDF data.
+Operations on an `RDFConnection` outside of an application-controlled
+transaction will cause the system to add one for the duration of the
+operation. This "autocommit" feature may lead to inefficient operations due
+to excessive overhead.
+The `Txn` class provides a Java8-style transaction API.  Transactions are
+code passed in the `Txn` library that handles the transaction lifecycle.
+    try ( RDFConnection conn = RDFConnectionFactory.connect(...) ) {
+        Txn.execWrite(conn, ()-> {
+            conn.load("data1.ttl") ;
+            conn.load("data2.ttl") ;
+            conn.querySelect("SELECT DISTINCT ?s { ?s ?p ?o }", (qs)->
+               Resource subject = qs.getResource("s") ;
+               System.out.println("Subject: "+subject) ;
+            }) ;
+        }) ;
+    }
+The traditional style of explicit `begin`, `commit`, `abort` is also available.
+    try ( RDFConnection conn = RDFConnectionFactory.connect(...) ) {
+        conn.begin(ReadWrite.WRITE) ;
+        try {
+            conn.load("data1.ttl") ;
+            conn.load("data2.ttl") ;
+            conn.querySelect("SELECT DISTINCT ?s { ?s ?p ?o }", (qs)->
+               Resource subject = qs.getResource("s") ;
+               System.out.println("Subject: "+subject) ;
+            }) ;
+            conn.commit() ;
+        } finally { conn.end() ; }
+    }
+The use of `try-finally` ensures that transactions are properly finished.
+The `conn.end()` provides an abort in case an exception occurs in the
+transaction and a commit has not been issued.  The use of `try-finally`
+ensures that transactions are properly finished.
+`Txn` is wrapping these steps up and calling the application supplied code
+for the transaction body.
+### Remote Transactions
+SPARQL does not define a remote transaction standard protocol. Each remote
+operation shuld be atomic (all happens or nothing happens) - this is the
+responsibility of the remote server.
+An `RDFConnection` will at least provide the client-side locking features.
+This means that overlapping operations that change data are naturally
+handled by the transaction pattern within a single JVM.
+## Graph Store Protocol
+The <a href="">SPARQL Graph
+Store Protocol</a> (GSP) is a set of operations to work on whole graphs in a
+dataset.  It provides a standardised way to manage the data in a dataset.
+The operations are to fetch a graph, set the RDF data in a graph,
+add more RDF data into a graph, and delete a graph from a dataset.
+For example: load two files:
+    try ( RDFConnection conn = RDFConnectionFactory.connect(...) ) {
+        conn.load("data1.ttl") ;
+        conn.load("data2.nt") ;
+      } 
+The file extension is used to determine the syntax.
+There is also a set of scripts to help do these operations from the command
+line with <a href=""
+>SOH</a>. It is possible to write curl scripts as well.  The SPARQL Graph
+Store Protocol provides a standardised way to manage the data in a dataset.
+In addition, `RDFConnection` provides an extension to give the same style
+of operation to work on a whole dataset (deleting the dataset is not
+    conn.loadDataset("data-complete.trig") ;
+### Local vs Remote
+GSP operations work on while models and datasets. When used on a remote connection, 
+the result of a GSP operation is a separate copy of the remote RDF data.  When working
+with local connections, 3 isolations modes are available:
+* Copy &ndash; the models and datasets returned are independent copies.
+Updates are made to the return copy only. This is most like
+a remote connectionand is useful for testing.
+* Read-only &ndash; the models and datasets are made read-only but any changes
+to the underlying RDF data by changes by another route will be visible.
+This provides a form of checking for large datasets when "copy" is impractical.
+* None &ndash; the models and datasets are passed back with no additional wrappers
+and they can be updated with the changes being made the underlying dataset.
+The default for a local `RDFConnection` is "none".  
+## Query Usage
+`RDFConnection` provides methods for each of the SPARQL query forms (`SELECT`,
+`CONSTRUCT`, `DESCRIBE`, `ASK`) as well as a way to get the lower level
+`QueryExecution` for specialized configuration.
+When creating an `QueryExecution` explicitly, care shoud be taken to close
+it. If the application wishes to capture the result set from a SELECT query and
+retain it across the lifetime of the transaction or `QueryExecution`, then
+the application should create a copy which is not attached to any external system
+with `ResultSetFactory.copyResults`.
+      try ( RDFConnection conn = RDFConnectionFactory.connect("foo") ) {
+          ResultSet safeCopy =
+              Txn.execReadReturn(conn, ()-> {
+                  // Process results by row:
+                  conn.querySelect("SELECT DISTINCT ?s { ?s ?p ?o }", (qs)->{
+                      Resource subject = qs.getResource("s") ;
+                      System.out.println("Subject: "+subject) ;
+                  }) ;
+                  ResultSet rs = conn.query("SELECT * { ?s ?p ?o }").execSelect() ;
+                  return ResultSetFactory.copyResults(rs) ;
+              }) ;
+      }
+## Update Usage
+SPARQL Update opertions can be performed and mixed with other operations.
+      try ( RDFConnection conn = RDFConnectionFactory.connect(...) ) {
+          Txn.execWrite(conn, ()-> {
+             conn.update("DELETE DATA { ... }" ) ;
+             conn.load("data.ttl") ;
+             }) ;
+## Dataset operations
+In addition to the SPARQL Graph Store Protocol, operations on whole
+datasets are provided for fetching (HTTP GET), adding data (HTTP POST) and
+setting the data (HTTP PUT) on a dataset URL.  This assumes the remote
+server supported these REST-style operations.  Apache Jena Fuseki does
+provide these.
+## Subinterfaces
+To help structure code, the `RDFConnection` consists of a number of
+different interfaces.  An `RDFConnection` can be passed to application code
+as one of these interfaces so that only certain subsets of the full
+operations are visible to the called code.
+* query via `SparqlQueryConnection`
+* update via `SparqlUpdateConnection`
+* graph store protocol `RDFDatasetAccessConnection` (read operations),
+   and `RDFDatasetConnection` (read and write operations).
+## Examples