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[20/52] [partial] start of lazy loading: axe all vendored-in libs
diff --git a/lib/cordova-blackberry/bin/test/cordova/unit/spec/lib/config-parser.js b/lib/cordova-blackberry/bin/test/cordova/unit/spec/lib/config-parser.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 41775f4..0000000
--- a/lib/cordova-blackberry/bin/test/cordova/unit/spec/lib/config-parser.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1411 +0,0 @@
-/*jshint sub:true*/
-var testData = require("./test-data"),
-    configParser = require(testData.libPath + "/config-parser"),
-    packagerUtils = require(testData.libPath + "/packager-utils"),
-    fileManager = require(testData.libPath + "/file-manager"),
-    logger = require(testData.libPath + "./logger"),
-    testUtilities = require("./test-utilities"),
-    xml2js = require('xml2js'),
-    localize = require(testData.libPath + "/localize"),
-    path = require("path"),
-    fs = require("fs"),
-    session = testData.session,
-    configPath = path.resolve("bin/test/cordova/unit/config.xml"),
-    configBadPath = path.resolve("test2/config.xml"),
-    configBareMinimumPath = path.resolve("bin/test/cordova/unit/config-bare-minimum.xml"),
-    mockParsing = testUtilities.mockParsing;
-describe("config parser", function () {
-    beforeEach(function () {
-        spyOn(logger, "warn");
-        spyOn(packagerUtils, "copyFile");
-    });
-    it("tries to open a config.xml file that doesn't exist", function () {
-        expect(function () {
-            configParser.parse(configBadPath, session, {});
-        }).toThrow(localize.translate("EXCEPTION_CONFIG_NOT_FOUND"));
-    });
-    it("parses standard elements in a config.xml", function () {
-        configParser.parse(configPath, session, function (configObj) {
-            expect(configObj.content).toEqual("local:///startPage.html");
-            expect("My WidgetId");
-            expect(configObj.customHeaders).toEqual({ 'RIM-Widget' : 'rim/widget'});
-            expect(configObj.version).toEqual("1.0.0");
-            expect(configObj.license).toEqual("My License");
-            expect(configObj.licenseURL).toEqual("");
-            expect(configObj.icon).toEqual(["test.png"]);
-            expect(configObj.configXML).toEqual("config.xml");
-            expect("Research In Motion Ltd.");
-            expect(configObj.authorURL).toEqual("");
-            expect(configObj.copyright).toEqual("No Copyright");
-            expect(configObj.authorEmail).toEqual("");
-            expect({ default : 'Demo' });
-            expect(configObj.description).toEqual({ default : 'This app does everything.' });
-            expect(configObj.permissions).toContain('access_shared');
-            expect(configObj.permissions).toContain('read_geolocation');
-            expect(configObj.permissions).toContain('use_camera');
-            expect(configObj.enableChildWebView).toBe(false);
-            expect(configObj.enableChildWebView).toBe(false);
-        });
-    });
-    it("parses Feature elements in a config.xml", function () {
-        var localAccessList,
-            accessListFeature;
-        configParser.parse(configPath, session, function (configObj) {
-            //validate WIDGET_LOCAL accessList
-            localAccessList = testUtilities.getAccessListForUri(configObj.accessList, "WIDGET_LOCAL");
-            expect(localAccessList).toBeDefined();
-            expect(localAccessList.uri).toEqual("WIDGET_LOCAL");
-            expect(localAccessList.allowSubDomain).toEqual(true);
-        });
-    });
-    it("parses Access elements a config.xml", function () {
-        var customAccessList,
-            accessListFeature;
-        configParser.parse(configPath, session, function (configObj) {
-            //validate accessList
-            customAccessList = testUtilities.getAccessListForUri(configObj.accessList, "");
-            expect(customAccessList).toBeDefined();
-            expect(customAccessList.uri).toEqual("");
-            expect(customAccessList.allowSubDomain).toEqual(true);
-        });
-    });
-    it("parses a bare minimum config.xml without error", function () {
-        var bareMinimumConfigPath = path.resolve("bin/test/cordova/unit/config-bare-minimum.xml");
-        configParser.parse(bareMinimumConfigPath, session, function (configObj) {
-            expect(configObj.content).toEqual("local:///startPage.html");
-            expect(configObj.version).toEqual("1.0.0");
-        });
-    });
-    it("license url is set even if license body is empty", function () {
-        var licenseConfigPath = path.resolve("bin/test/cordova/unit/config-license.xml");
-        configParser.parse(licenseConfigPath, session, function (configObj) {
-            expect(configObj.license).toEqual("");
-            expect(configObj.licenseURL).toEqual("");
-        });
-    });
-    it("fails when id is undefined", function () {
-        var data = testUtilities.cloneObj(testData.xml2jsConfig);
-        data["@"].id = undefined;
-        mockParsing(data);
-        //Should throw an EXCEPTION_INVALID_ID error
-        expect(function () {
-            configParser.parse(configPath, session, {});
-        }).toThrow(localize.translate("EXCEPTION_INVALID_ID"));
-    });
-    it("fails when id is empty", function () {
-        var data = testUtilities.cloneObj(testData.xml2jsConfig);
-        data["@"].id = "";
-        mockParsing(data);
-        //Should throw an EXCEPTION_INVALID_ID error
-        expect(function () {
-            configParser.parse(configPath, session, {});
-        }).toThrow(localize.translate("EXCEPTION_INVALID_ID"));
-    });
-    it("Fails when no name was provided - single element", function () {
-        var data = testUtilities.cloneObj(testData.xml2jsConfig);
- = "";
-        mockParsing(data);
-        expect(function () {
-            configParser.parse(configPath, session, {});
-        }).toThrow(localize.translate("EXCEPTION_INVALID_NAME"));
-    });
-    it("Fails when no name was provided - multiple elements", function () {
-        var data = testUtilities.cloneObj(testData.xml2jsConfig);
- = ["",
-            { '#': 'API Smoke Test-FR', '@': { 'xml:lang': 'fr' } },
-        ];
-        mockParsing(data);
-        expect(function () {
-            configParser.parse(configPath, session, {});
-        }).toThrow(localize.translate("EXCEPTION_INVALID_NAME"));
-    });
-    it("Fails when localized name was provided but empty", function () {
-        var data = testUtilities.cloneObj(testData.xml2jsConfig);
- = ["API Smoke Test",
-            { '#': '', '@': { 'xml:lang': 'fr' } },
-        ];
-        mockParsing(data);
-        expect(function () {
-            configParser.parse(configPath, session, {});
-        }).toThrow(localize.translate("EXCEPTION_INVALID_NAME"));
-    });
-    it("Parses a name element - single element", function () {
-        var data = testUtilities.cloneObj(testData.xml2jsConfig);
- = "API Smoke Test";
-        mockParsing(data);
-        configParser.parse(configPath, session, function (configObj) {
-            expect({"default": "API Smoke Test"});
-        });
-    });
-    it("Parses a name element with xml:lang - single element", function () {
-        var data = testUtilities.cloneObj(testData.xml2jsConfig);
- = { '#': 'EN VALUE', '@': { 'xml:lang': 'en' } };
-        mockParsing(data);
-        configParser.parse(configPath, session, function (configObj) {
-            expect({"en": "EN VALUE"});
-        });
-    });
-    it("Parses a name element that is not case sensitive", function () {
-        var data = testUtilities.cloneObj(testData.xml2jsConfig);
- = { '#': 'EN VALUE', '@': { 'xml:lang': 'eN' } };
-        mockParsing(data);
-        configParser.parse(configPath, session, function (configObj) {
-            expect({"en": "EN VALUE"});
-        });
-    });
-    it("Parses a name element with xml:lang - multi element", function () {
-        var data = testUtilities.cloneObj(testData.xml2jsConfig);
- = ['API Smoke Test',
-            { '#': 'EN VALUE', '@': { 'xml:lang': 'en' } },
-            { '#': 'FR VALUE', '@': { 'xml:lang': 'fr' } }
-        ];
-        mockParsing(data);
-        configParser.parse(configPath, session, function (configObj) {
-            expect({"default": "API Smoke Test", "en": "EN VALUE", "fr": "FR VALUE"});
-        });
-    });
-    it("Fails when localized name was provided but empty", function () {
-        var data = testUtilities.cloneObj(testData.xml2jsConfig);
- = ['API Smoke Test',
-            { '#': '', '@': { 'xml:lang': 'fr' } },
-        ];
-        mockParsing(data);
-        expect(function () {
-            configParser.parse(configPath, session, {});
-        }).toThrow(localize.translate("EXCEPTION_INVALID_NAME"));
-    });
-    it("Parses a description element - single element", function () {
-        var data = testUtilities.cloneObj(testData.xml2jsConfig);
-        data.description = "This is my app";
-        mockParsing(data);
-        configParser.parse(configPath, session, function (configObj) {
-            expect(configObj.description).toEqual({"default": "This is my app"});
-        });
-    });
-    it("Parses a description element with xml:lang - single element", function () {
-        var data = testUtilities.cloneObj(testData.xml2jsConfig);
-        data.description = { '#': 'EN VALUE', '@': { 'xml:lang': 'en' } };
-        mockParsing(data);
-        configParser.parse(configPath, session, function (configObj) {
-            expect(configObj.description).toEqual({"en": "EN VALUE"});
-        });
-    });
-    it("Parses a description element that is not case sensitive", function () {
-        var data = testUtilities.cloneObj(testData.xml2jsConfig);
-        data.description = { '#': 'EN VALUE', '@': { 'xml:lang': 'eN' } };
-        mockParsing(data);
-        configParser.parse(configPath, session, function (configObj) {
-            expect(configObj.description).toEqual({"en": "EN VALUE"});
-        });
-    });
-    it("Parses a description element with xml:lang - multi element", function () {
-        var data = testUtilities.cloneObj(testData.xml2jsConfig);
-        data.description = ['This is my app',
-            { '#': 'EN VALUE', '@': { 'xml:lang': 'en' } },
-            { '#': 'FR VALUE', '@': { 'xml:lang': 'fr' } }
-        ];
-        mockParsing(data);
-        configParser.parse(configPath, session, function (configObj) {
-            expect(configObj.description).toEqual({"default": "This is my app", "en": "EN VALUE", "fr": "FR VALUE"});
-        });
-    });
-    it("Fails when missing content error is not shown", function () {
-        var data = testUtilities.cloneObj(testData.xml2jsConfig);
-        data.content = "";
-        mockParsing(data);
-        expect(function () {
-            configParser.parse(configPath, session, {});
-        }).toThrow(localize.translate("EXCEPTION_INVALID_CONTENT"));
-    });
-    it("adds local:/// protocol to urls", function () {
-        var data = testUtilities.cloneObj(testData.xml2jsConfig);
-        data.content["@"].src = "localFile.html";
-        mockParsing(data);
-        configParser.parse(configPath, session, function (configObj) {
-            expect(configObj.content).toEqual("local:///localFile.html");
-        });
-    });
-    it("cleans source folder on error", function () {
-        mockParsing({}, "ERROR");
-        spyOn(logger, "error");
-        spyOn(fileManager, "cleanSource");
-        configParser.parse(configPath, session, function () {});
-        expect(fileManager.cleanSource).toHaveBeenCalled();
-    });
-    it("parses a single permission (comes in as string)", function () {
-        var data = testUtilities.cloneObj(testData.xml2jsConfig);
-        data['rim:permissions'] = {};
-        data['rim:permissions']['rim:permit'] = 'onePermissionNoAttribs';
-        mockParsing(data);
-        configParser.parse(configPath, session, function (configObj) {
-            expect(configObj.permissions).toContain('onePermissionNoAttribs');
-        });
-    });
-    it("parses a single permission with attribs (comes in as object)", function () {
-        var data = testUtilities.cloneObj(testData.xml2jsConfig);
-        data['rim:permissions'] = {};
-        data['rim:permissions']['rim:permit'] = { '#': 'systemPerm', '@': { system: 'true' } };
-        mockParsing(data);
-        configParser.parse(configPath, session, function (configObj) {
-            expect(configObj.permissions).toContain({ '#': 'systemPerm', '@': { system: 'true' } });
-        });
-    });
-    it("parses multiple permissions with no attribs (comes in as array)", function () {
-        var data = testUtilities.cloneObj(testData.xml2jsConfig);
-        data['rim:permissions'] = {};
-        data['rim:permissions']['rim:permit'] = [ 'access_shared', 'read_geolocation', 'use_camera' ];
-        mockParsing(data);
-        configParser.parse(configPath, session, function (configObj) {
-            expect(configObj.permissions).toContain('access_shared');
-            expect(configObj.permissions).toContain('read_geolocation');
-            expect(configObj.permissions).toContain('use_camera');
-        });
-    });
-    it("parses multiple permissions with attribs (comes in as array)", function () {
-        var data = testUtilities.cloneObj(testData.xml2jsConfig);
-        data['rim:permissions'] = {};
-        data['rim:permissions']['rim:permit'] = [
-            { '#': 'systemPerm', '@': { system: 'true' } },
-            { '#': 'nonSystemPerm', '@': { system: 'false' } }
-        ];
-        mockParsing(data);
-        configParser.parse(configPath, session, function (configObj) {
-            expect(configObj.permissions).toContain({ '#': 'systemPerm', '@': { system: 'true' } });
-            expect(configObj.permissions).toContain({ '#': 'nonSystemPerm', '@': { system: 'false' } });
-        });
-    });
-    it("parses a config with no permissions set", function () {
-        var data = testUtilities.cloneObj(testData.xml2jsConfig);
-        delete data['rim:permissions']; //No permissions set in config
-        mockParsing(data);
-        configParser.parse(configPath, session, function (configObj) {
-            expect(configObj.permissions).toEqual([]);
-        });
-    });
-    it("enables the enable-flash feature when specified", function () {
-        var data = testUtilities.cloneObj(testData.xml2jsConfig);
-        //Add the enable-flash feature element
-        data['feature'] = {'@': {id: 'enable-flash'}};
-        mockParsing(data);
-        configParser.parse(configPath, session, function (configObj) {
-            expect(configObj.enableFlash).toEqual(true);
-        });
-    });
-    it("does not enable the enable-flash feature when specified in an access element", function () {
-        var data = testUtilities.cloneObj(testData.xml2jsConfig);
-        //Add the enable-flash to an access element
-        data['access'] = {"@" : {"uri" : ""}, "feature" : {"@": {id: 'enable-flash'}}};
-        mockParsing(data);
-        configParser.parse(configPath, session, function (configObj) {
-            expect(configObj.enableFlash).toEqual(false);
-        });
-    });
-    it("disables the enable-flash feature by default", function () {
-        var data = testUtilities.cloneObj(testData.xml2jsConfig);
-        data['feature'] = undefined;//no features
-        mockParsing(data);
-        configParser.parse(configPath, session, function (configObj) {
-            expect(configObj.enableFlash).toEqual(false);
-        });
-    });
-    it("sets autoDeferNetworkingAndJavaScript to false when the blackberry.push feature is specified", function () {
-        var data = testUtilities.cloneObj(testData.xml2jsConfig);
-        //Add the blackberry.push feature element
-        data["rim:permissions"] = {}; // ensure no run_when_backgrounded permission exists
-        data['feature'] = {'@': {id: 'blackberry.push'}};
-        mockParsing(data);
-        configParser.parse(configPath, session, function (configObj) {
-            expect(configObj.autoDeferNetworkingAndJavaScript).toEqual(false);
-        });
-    });
-    it("sets autoDeferNetworkingAndJavaScript to false when the run_when_backgrounded permission is specified", function () {
-        var data = testUtilities.cloneObj(testData.xml2jsConfig);
-        //Add the run_when_backgrounded permission
-        data['feature'] = undefined; // no features
-        data["rim:permissions"] = {
-            "rim:permit" : [ 'read_geolocation', 'run_when_backgrounded', 'access_internet' ]
-        };
-        mockParsing(data);
-        configParser.parse(configPath, session, function (configObj) {
-            expect(configObj.permissions).toContain('run_when_backgrounded');
-            expect(configObj.autoDeferNetworkingAndJavaScript).toEqual(false);
-        });
-    });
-    it("sets autoDeferNetworkingAndJavaScript to true by default", function () {
-        var data = testUtilities.cloneObj(testData.xml2jsConfig);
-        data['feature'] = undefined; // no features
-        data["rim:permissions"] = {}; // ensure no run_when_backgrounded permission exists
-        mockParsing(data);
-        configParser.parse(configPath, session, function (configObj) {
-            expect(configObj.autoDeferNetworkingAndJavaScript).toEqual(true);
-        });
-    });
-    it("does not throw an exception with empty permit tags", function () {
-        var data = testUtilities.cloneObj(testData.xml2jsConfig);
-        data['rim:permit'] = ['read_geolocation', {}, 'access_internet' ];
-        mockParsing(data);
-        expect(function () {
-            configParser.parse(configPath, session, function (configObj) {});
-        }).not.toThrow();
-    });
-    it("multi access should be false if no access", function () {
-        var data = testUtilities.cloneObj(testData.xml2jsConfig);
-        mockParsing(data);
-        configParser.parse(configPath, session, function (configObj) {
-            //hasMultiAccess was set to false
-            expect(configObj.hasMultiAccess).toEqual(false);
-            expect(configObj.accessList).toEqual([ {
-                uri : 'WIDGET_LOCAL',
-                allowSubDomain : true
-            } ]);
-        });
-    });
-    it("multi access should be false if no uri is equal to *", function () {
-        var data = testUtilities.cloneObj(testData.xml2jsConfig);
-        data['access'] = {"@" : {"uri" : ""}};
-        mockParsing(data);
-        configParser.parse(configPath, session, function (configObj) {
-            //hasMultiAccess was set to false
-            expect(configObj.hasMultiAccess).toEqual(false);
-            expect(configObj.accessList).toEqual([ {
-                uri : 'WIDGET_LOCAL',
-                allowSubDomain : true
-            }, {
-                "uri" : ""
-            } ]);
-        });
-    });
-    it("multi access should be true with the uri being equal to *", function () {
-        var data = testUtilities.cloneObj(testData.xml2jsConfig);
-        data['access'] = {"@" : {"uri" : "*"}};
-        mockParsing(data);
-        configParser.parse(configPath, session, function (configObj) {
-            //hasMultiAccess was set to true
-            expect(configObj.hasMultiAccess).toEqual(true);
-            expect(configObj.accessList).toEqual([ {
-                uri : 'WIDGET_LOCAL',
-                allowSubDomain : true
-            } ]);
-        });
-    });
-    it("multi access should be true with one uri being equal to *", function () {
-        var data = testUtilities.cloneObj(testData.xml2jsConfig);
-        data['access'] = [{"@" : {"uri" : "*"}}, {"@" : {"uri" : ""}}];
-        mockParsing(data);
-        configParser.parse(configPath, session, function (configObj) {
-            //hasMultiAccess was set to true
-            expect(configObj.hasMultiAccess).toEqual(true);
-            expect(configObj.accessList).toEqual([ {
-                uri : 'WIDGET_LOCAL',
-                allowSubDomain : true
-            }, {
-                "uri" : ""
-            } ]);
-        });
-    });
-    it("should fail when feature is defined with the uri being equal to *", function () {
-        var data = testUtilities.cloneObj(testData.xml2jsConfig);
-        data['access'] = {"@" : {"uri" : "*"}, "feature" : {"@": {"id": ""}}};
-        mockParsing(data);
-        expect(function () {
-            configParser.parse(configPath, session, function (configObj) {});
-        }).toThrow(localize.translate("EXCEPTION_FEATURE_DEFINED_WITH_WILDCARD_ACCESS_URI"));
-    });
-    it("should fail when multi features are defined with the uri being equal to *", function () {
-        var data = testUtilities.cloneObj(testData.xml2jsConfig);
-        data['access'] = {"@" : {"uri" : "*"}, "feature" : [{"@": {"id": ""}}, {"@": {"id": "blackberry.system"}}, {"@": {"id": "blackberry.invoke"}}]};
-        mockParsing(data);
-        expect(function () {
-            configParser.parse(configPath, session, function (configObj) {});
-        }).toThrow(localize.translate("EXCEPTION_FEATURE_DEFINED_WITH_WILDCARD_ACCESS_URI"));
-    });
-    it("should fail when the access uri attribute does not specify a protocol", function () {
-        var data = testUtilities.cloneObj(testData.xml2jsConfig);
-        //Add an access element with one feature
-        data['access'] = {
-            '@': {
-                uri: '',
-                subdomains: 'true'
-            },
-            feature: {
-                '@': { id: 'blackberry.system' }
-            }
-        };
-        mockParsing(data);
-        expect(function () {
-            configParser.parse(configPath, session, function (configObj) {});
-        }).toThrow(localize.translate("EXCEPTION_INVALID_ACCESS_URI_NO_PROTOCOL", data['access']['@'].uri));
-    });
-    it("should fail when the access uri attribute does not specify a URN", function () {
-        var data = testUtilities.cloneObj(testData.xml2jsConfig);
-        //Add an access element with one feature
-        data['access'] = {
-            '@': {
-                uri: 'http://',
-                subdomains: 'true'
-            },
-            feature: {
-                '@': { id: 'blackberry.system' }
-            }
-        };
-        mockParsing(data);
-        expect(function () {
-            configParser.parse(configPath, session, function (configObj) {});
-        }).toThrow(localize.translate("EXCEPTION_INVALID_ACCESS_URI_NO_URN", data['access']['@'].uri));
-    });
-    it("does not fail when there is a single feature element in the access list", function () {
-        var data = testUtilities.cloneObj(testData.xml2jsConfig);
-        //Add an access element with one feature
-        data['access'] = {
-            '@': {
-                uri: '',
-                subdomains: 'true'
-            },
-            feature: {
-                '@': { id: 'blackberry.system' }
-            }
-        };
-        mockParsing(data);
-        expect(function () {
-            configParser.parse(configPath, session, function (configObj) {});
-        }).not.toThrow();
-    });
-    it("supports 4 digit version [build id]", function () {
-        var data = testUtilities.cloneObj(testData.xml2jsConfig);
-        data["@"].version = "";
-        mockParsing(data);
-        configParser.parse(configPath, session, function (configObj) {
-            expect(configObj.version).toEqual("1.0.0");
-            expect(configObj.buildId).toEqual("50");
-        });
-    });
-    it("uses --buildId when set", function () {
-        var data = testUtilities.cloneObj(testData.xml2jsConfig);
-        //--buildId 100
-        session.buildId = "100";
-        mockParsing(data);
-        configParser.parse(configPath, session, function (configObj) {
-            expect(configObj.buildId).toEqual("100");
-        });
-    });
-    it("overides the build id specified in version with --buildId flag", function () {
-        var data = testUtilities.cloneObj(testData.xml2jsConfig);
-        data["@"].version = "";
-        //--buildId 100
-        session.buildId = "100";
-        mockParsing(data);
-        configParser.parse(configPath, session, function (configObj) {
-            expect(configObj.version).toEqual("1.0.0");
-            expect(configObj.buildId).toEqual("100");
-        });
-    });
-    it("throws a proper error when author tag is empty", function () {
-        var data = testUtilities.cloneObj(testData.xml2jsConfig);
- = {};
-        mockParsing(data);
-        //Should throw an EXCEPTION_INVALID_AUTHOR error
-        expect(function () {
-            configParser.parse(configPath, session, {});
-        }).toThrow(localize.translate("EXCEPTION_INVALID_AUTHOR"));
-    });
-    it("can parse a standard rim:invoke-target element", function () {
-        configParser.parse(configPath, session, function (configObj) {
-            var invokeTarget = configObj["invoke-target"][0];
-            expect(invokeTarget).toBeDefined();
-            expect(invokeTarget["@"]).toBeDefined();
-            expect(invokeTarget["@"]["id"]).toBeDefined();
-            expect(invokeTarget["@"]["id"]).toEqual("com.domain.subdomain.appname.app1");
-            expect(invokeTarget.type).toBeDefined();
-            expect(invokeTarget.type).toEqual("APPLICATION");
-            expect(invokeTarget["require-source-permissions"]).toBeDefined();
-            expect(invokeTarget["require-source-permissions"]).toEqual("invoke_accross_perimeters,access_shared");
-            expect(invokeTarget.filter).toBeDefined();
-            expect(invokeTarget.filter[0].action).toBeDefined();
-            expect(invokeTarget.filter[0].action).toContain("bb.action.VIEW");
-            expect(invokeTarget.filter[0].action).toContain("bb.action.SET");
-            expect(invokeTarget.filter[0].action).toContain("bb.action.OPEN");
-            expect(invokeTarget.filter[0]["mime-type"]).toBeDefined();
-            expect(invokeTarget.filter[0]["mime-type"]).toContain("image/*");
-            expect(invokeTarget.filter[0]["mime-type"]).toContain("text/*");
-            expect(invokeTarget.filter[0].property).toBeDefined();
-            invokeTarget.filter[0].property.forEach(function (property) {
-                expect(property["@"]).toBeDefined();
-                expect(property["@"]["var"]).toBeDefined();
-                expect(property["@"]["var"]).toMatch("^(exts|uris)$");
-                if (property["@"]["var"] === "uris") {
-                    expect(property["@"]["value"]).toMatch("^(ftp|http|https):\/\/$");
-                } else if (property["@"]["var"] === "exts") {
-                    expect(property["@"]["value"]).toMatch("^(jpg|png|txt|doc)$");
-                }
-            });
-        });
-    });
-    it("can parse multiple filters in one element", function () {
-        var data = testUtilities.cloneObj(testData.xml2jsConfig);
-        data["rim:invoke-target"] = {
-            "@": {
-                "id": ""
-            },
-            "type": "application",
-            "filter":  [{
-                "action":  "bb.action.OPEN",
-                "mime-type": ["text/*", "image/*"]
-            }, {
-                "action": "bb.action.SET",
-                "mime-type": "image/*"
-            }]
-        };
-        mockParsing(data);
-        expect(function () {
-            configParser.parse(configPath, session, function (configObj) {});
-        }).not.toThrow();
-    });
-    it("can parse multiple invoke targets", function () {
-        var data = testUtilities.cloneObj(testData.xml2jsConfig);
-        data["rim:invoke-target"] = [{
-            "@": {
-                "id": ""
-            },
-            "type": "application"
-        }, {
-            "@": {
-                "id": "com.domain.subdomain.appName.viewer"
-            },
-            "type": "viewer"
-        }];
-        mockParsing(data);
-        expect(function () {
-            configParser.parse(configPath, session, function (configObj) {});
-        }).not.toThrow();
-    });
-    it("throws an error when an invoke target doesn't specify an invocation id", function () {
-        var data = testUtilities.cloneObj(testData.xml2jsConfig);
-        data["rim:invoke-target"] = {
-            type: "APPLICATION"
-        };
-        mockParsing(data);
-        expect(function () {
-            configParser.parse(configPath, session, function (configObj) {});
-        }).toThrow(localize.translate("EXCEPTION_INVOKE_TARGET_INVALID_ID"));
-    });
-    it("throws and error when an invoke target xml doesn't specify an invocation type", function () {
-        var data = testUtilities.cloneObj(testData.xml2jsConfig);
-        data["rim:invoke-target"] = {
-            "@": {
-                "id": ""
-            },
-            type: {}
-        };
-        mockParsing(data);
-        expect(function () {
-            configParser.parse(configPath, session, function (configObj) {});
-        }).toThrow(localize.translate("EXCEPTION_INVOKE_TARGET_INVALID_TYPE"));
-    });
-    it("throws an error when an invoke target doesn't specify an invocation type", function () {
-        var data = testUtilities.cloneObj(testData.xml2jsConfig);
-        data["rim:invoke-target"] = {
-            "@": {
-                "id": ""
-            }
-        };
-        mockParsing(data);
-        expect(function () {
-            configParser.parse(configPath, session, function (configObj) {});
-        }).toThrow(localize.translate("EXCEPTION_INVOKE_TARGET_INVALID_TYPE"));
-    });
-    it("throws an error when an invoke target filter doesn't contain an action",  function () {
-        var data = testUtilities.cloneObj(testData.xml2jsConfig);
-        data["rim:invoke-target"] = {
-            "@": {
-                "id": ""
-            },
-            "type": "APPLICATION",
-            "filter": {
-                "mime-type": "text/*",
-                "property": [{
-                    "@": {
-                        "var": "uris",
-                        "value": "https://"
-                    }
-                }, {
-                    "@": {
-                        "var": "exts",
-                        "value": "html"
-                    }
-                }, {
-                    "@": {
-                        "var": "exts",
-                        "value": "htm"
-                    }
-                }]
-            }
-        };
-        mockParsing(data);
-        expect(function () {
-            configParser.parse(configPath, session, function (configObj) {});
-        }).toThrow(localize.translate("EXCEPTION_INVOKE_TARGET_ACTION_INVALID"));
-    });
-    it("throws an error when a filter doesn't contain a mime-type",  function () {
-        var data = testUtilities.cloneObj(testData.xml2jsConfig);
-        data["rim:invoke-target"] = {
-            "@": {
-                "id": ""
-            },
-            "type": "application",
-            "filter": {
-                "action": "bb.action.OPEN",
-                "property": [{
-                    "@": {
-                        "var": "uris",
-                        "value": "https://"
-                    }
-                }, {
-                    "@": {
-                        "var": "exts",
-                        "value": "html"
-                    }
-                }]
-            }
-        };
-        mockParsing(data);
-        expect(function () {
-            configParser.parse(configPath, session, function (configObj) {});
-        }).toThrow(localize.translate("EXCEPTION_INVOKE_TARGET_MIME_TYPE_INVALID"));
-    });
-    describe("splash screen", function () {
-        it("throws error when rim:splash element does not contain src attribute", function () {
-            var data = testUtilities.cloneObj(testData.xml2jsConfig);
-            data["rim:splash"] = {};
-            mockParsing(data);
-            expect(function () {
-                configParser.parse(configPath, session, function (configObj) {});
-            }).toThrow(localize.translate("EXCEPTION_INVALID_SPLASH_SRC"));
-        });
-        it("throws error when rim:splash element contains empty src attribute", function () {
-            var data = testUtilities.cloneObj(testData.xml2jsConfig);
-            data["rim:splash"] = {
-                "@": {
-                    "src": ""
-                }
-            };
-            mockParsing(data);
-            expect(function () {
-                configParser.parse(configPath, session, function (configObj) {});
-            }).toThrow(localize.translate("EXCEPTION_INVALID_SPLASH_SRC"));
-        });
-        it("throws error when one of many rim:splash elements does not contain attribute", function () {
-            var data = testUtilities.cloneObj(testData.xml2jsConfig);
-            data["rim:splash"] = [{
-                "@": {
-                    "src": "a.jpg"
-                }
-            }, {
-                "#": "blah"
-            }];
-            mockParsing(data);
-            expect(function () {
-                configParser.parse(configPath, session, function (configObj) {});
-            }).toThrow(localize.translate("EXCEPTION_INVALID_SPLASH_SRC"));
-        });
-        it("allow one rim:splash element that contains non-empty src attribute", function () {
-            var data = testUtilities.cloneObj(testData.xml2jsConfig);
-            data["rim:splash"] = {
-                "@": {
-                    "src": "a.jpg"
-                }
-            };
-            mockParsing(data);
-            expect(function () {
-                configParser.parse(configPath, session, function (configObj) {});
-            }).not.toThrow();
-        });
-        it("allow multiple rim:splash elements that contain non-empty src attribute", function () {
-            var data = testUtilities.cloneObj(testData.xml2jsConfig);
-            data["rim:splash"] = [{
-                "@": {
-                    "src": "a.jpg"
-                }
-            }, {
-                "@": {
-                    "src": "b.jpg"
-                }
-            }];
-            mockParsing(data);
-            expect(function () {
-                configParser.parse(configPath, session, function (configObj) {});
-            }).not.toThrow();
-        });
-        it("throws error when rim:splash src starts with 'locales' subfolder", function () {
-            var data = testUtilities.cloneObj(testData.xml2jsConfig);
-            data["rim:splash"] = [{
-                "@": {
-                    "src": "a.jpg"
-                }
-            }, {
-                "@": {
-                    "src": "locales/en/b.jpg"
-                }
-            }];
-            mockParsing(data);
-            expect(function () {
-                configParser.parse(configPath, session, function (configObj) {});
-            }).toThrow(localize.translate("EXCEPTION_INVALID_SPLASH_SRC_LOCALES"));
-        });
-    });
-    describe("icon", function () {
-        it("throws error when icon element does not contain src attribute", function () {
-            var data = testUtilities.cloneObj(testData.xml2jsConfig);
-            data["icon"] = {};
-            mockParsing(data);
-            expect(function () {
-                configParser.parse(configPath, session, function (configObj) {});
-            }).toThrow(localize.translate("EXCEPTION_INVALID_ICON_SRC"));
-        });
-        it("throws error when icon element contains empty src attribute", function () {
-            var data = testUtilities.cloneObj(testData.xml2jsConfig);
-            data["icon"] = {
-                "@": {
-                    "src": ""
-                }
-            };
-            mockParsing(data);
-            expect(function () {
-                configParser.parse(configPath, session, function (configObj) {});
-            }).toThrow(localize.translate("EXCEPTION_INVALID_ICON_SRC"));
-        });
-        it("throws error when one of many icon elements does not contain attribute", function () {
-            var data = testUtilities.cloneObj(testData.xml2jsConfig);
-            data["icon"] = [{
-                "@": {
-                    "src": "a.jpg"
-                }
-            }, {
-                "#": "blah"
-            }];
-            mockParsing(data);
-            expect(function () {
-                configParser.parse(configPath, session, function (configObj) {});
-            }).toThrow(localize.translate("EXCEPTION_INVALID_ICON_SRC"));
-        });
-        it("allow one icon element that contains non-empty src attribute", function () {
-            var data = testUtilities.cloneObj(testData.xml2jsConfig);
-            data["icon"] = {
-                "@": {
-                    "src": "a.jpg"
-                }
-            };
-            mockParsing(data);
-            expect(function () {
-                configParser.parse(configPath, session, function (configObj) {});
-            }).not.toThrow();
-        });
-        it("allow multiple icon elements that contain non-empty src attribute", function () {
-            var data = testUtilities.cloneObj(testData.xml2jsConfig);
-            data["icon"] = [{
-                "@": {
-                    "src": "a.jpg"
-                }
-            }, {
-                "@": {
-                    "src": "b.jpg"
-                }
-            }];
-            mockParsing(data);
-            expect(function () {
-                configParser.parse(configPath, session, function (configObj) {});
-            }).not.toThrow();
-        });
-        it("throws error when icon src starts with 'locales' subfolder", function () {
-            var data = testUtilities.cloneObj(testData.xml2jsConfig);
-            data["icon"] = [{
-                "@": {
-                    "src": "a.jpg"
-                }
-            }, {
-                "@": {
-                    "src": "locales/en/b.jpg"
-                }
-            }];
-            mockParsing(data);
-            expect(function () {
-                configParser.parse(configPath, session, function (configObj) {});
-            }).toThrow(localize.translate("EXCEPTION_INVALID_ICON_SRC_LOCALES"));
-        });
-        it("should copy the default icon to the src dir when no icon specified", function () {
-            var data = testUtilities.cloneObj(testData.xml2jsConfig);
-            mockParsing(data);
-            expect(function () {
-                configParser.parse(configPath, session, function (configObj) {});
-            }).not.toThrow();
-            expect(packagerUtils.copyFile).toHaveBeenCalled();
-        });
-        it("should use the default icon config when no icon is specified", function () {
-            var data = testUtilities.cloneObj(testData.xml2jsConfig);
-            mockParsing(data);
-            configParser.parse(configBareMinimumPath, session, function (configObj) {
-                expect(configObj.icon).toEqual(["default-icon.png"]);
-            });
-        });
-        it("should not use the default icon config when icon is specified", function () {
-            var data = testUtilities.cloneObj(testData.xml2jsConfig);
-            data["icon"] = {
-                "@": {
-                    "src": "test.png"
-                }
-            };
-            mockParsing(data);
-            configParser.parse(configPath, session, function (configObj) {
-                expect(configObj.icon).toEqual(["test.png"]);
-                expect(configObj.icon).not.toEqual(["default-icon.png"]);
-                expect(configObj.icon).not.toContain("default-icon.png");
-            });
-        });
-        it("sets orientation to landscape when specified", function () {
-            var data = testUtilities.cloneObj(testData.xml2jsConfig);
-            data['feature'] = { '@': { id: '', required: true },
-                param: { '@': { name: 'orientation', value: 'landscape' } } };
-            mockParsing(data);
-            configParser.parse(configPath, session, function (configObj) {
-                expect(configObj.orientation).toEqual("landscape");
-                expect(configObj.autoOrientation).toEqual(false);
-            });
-        });
-        it("sets orientation to portrait when specified", function () {
-            var data = testUtilities.cloneObj(testData.xml2jsConfig);
-            data['feature'] = { '@': { id: '', required: true },
-                param: { '@': { name: 'orientation', value: 'portrait' } } };
-            mockParsing(data);
-            configParser.parse(configPath, session, function (configObj) {
-                expect(configObj.orientation).toEqual("portrait");
-                expect(configObj.autoOrientation).toEqual(false);
-            });
-        });
-        it("sets auto orientation to true by default", function () {
-            var data = testUtilities.cloneObj(testData.xml2jsConfig);
-            delete data["feature"];//Remove any orientation data
-            mockParsing(data);
-            configParser.parse(configPath, session, function (configObj) {
-                expect(configObj.autoOrientation).toEqual(true);
-            });
-        });
-        it("throws a warning when exists", function () {
-            var data = testUtilities.cloneObj(testData.xml2jsConfig);
-            data['feature'] = { '@': { id: '', required: true },
-                param: { '@': { name: 'mode', value: 'portrait' } } };
-            mockParsing(data);
-            configParser.parse(configPath, session, function (configObj) {});
-            expect(logger.warn).toHaveBeenCalled();
-        });
-        it("throws an error when orientation exists with an invalid mode param", function () {
-            var data = testUtilities.cloneObj(testData.xml2jsConfig);
-            data['feature'] = { '@': { id: '', required: true },
-                param: { '@': { name: 'orientation', value: 'notAValidMode' } } };
-            mockParsing(data);
-            //Should throw an EXCEPTION_INVALID_ORIENTATION_MODE error
-            expect(function () {
-                configParser.parse(configPath, session, function (configObj) {});
-            }).toThrow(localize.translate("EXCEPTION_INVALID_ORIENTATION_MODE", "notAValidMode"));
-        });
-        it("sets backgroundColor when specified via namespace", function () {
-            var data = testUtilities.cloneObj(testData.xml2jsConfig);
-            data['feature'] = { '@': { id: '', required: true },
-                param: { '@': { name: 'backgroundColor', value: '0xffffff' } } };
-            mockParsing(data);
-            configParser.parse(configPath, session, function (configObj) {
-                expect(configObj.backgroundColor).toEqual(16777215);//Decimal value of 0xffffff
-            });
-        });
-        it("throws an error when backgroundColor param is not a number", function () {
-            var data = testUtilities.cloneObj(testData.xml2jsConfig);
-            data['feature'] = { '@': { id: '', required: true },
-                param: { '@': { name: 'backgroundColor', value: '$UI*@@$' } } };
-            mockParsing(data);
-            //Should throw an EXCEPTION_BGCOLOR_INVALID error
-            expect(function () {
-                configParser.parse(configPath, session, {});
-            }).toThrow(localize.translate("EXCEPTION_BGCOLOR_INVALID", "$UI*@@$"));
-        });
-        it("can properly parse the custom RIM-Wiget:rim/wiget element", function () {
-            var data = testUtilities.cloneObj(testData.xml2jsConfig);
-            mockParsing(data);
-            configParser.parse(configPath, session, function (configObj) {
-                expect(configObj.customHeaders).toEqual({ 'RIM-Widget' : 'rim/widget'});
-            });
-        });
-        it("can properly parse the custom attributes but ignores improper headers", function () {
-            var data = testUtilities.cloneObj(testData.xml2jsConfig);
-            data["@"] = {
-                "xmlns": "",
-                "xmlns:rim": "",
-                "version": "1.0.0",
-                "id": "myID"
-            };
-            mockParsing(data);
-            configParser.parse(configPath, session, function (configObj) {
-                expect("myID");
-                expect(configObj.customHeaders).toEqual(undefined);
-            });
-        });
-        it("can properly parse the custom attributes but ignores improper headers", function () {
-            var data = testUtilities.cloneObj(testData.xml2jsConfig);
-            data["@"] = {
-                "xmlns": "",
-                "xmlns:rim": "",
-                "version": "1.0.0",
-                "id": "myID",
-                "rim:userAgent" : "A Test-User-Agent/(Blackberry-Agent)"
-            };
-            mockParsing(data);
-            configParser.parse(configPath, session, function (configObj) {
-                expect("myID");
-                expect(configObj.userAgent).toEqual("A Test-User-Agent/(Blackberry-Agent)");
-            });
-        });
-        describe('disabling childBrowser (childWebView)', function () {
-            // { '@': { id: '', required: true, version: '' },
-            //   param: { '@': { name: 'childBrowser', value: 'disable' } } }
-            it("sets enableChildWebView to true when childBrowser value is enable", function () {
-                var data = testUtilities.cloneObj(testData.xml2jsConfig);
-                data['feature'] = { '@': { id: '' },
-                    param: { '@': { name: 'childBrowser', value: 'enable' } } };
-                mockParsing(data);
-                configParser.parse(configPath, session, function (configObj) {
-                    expect(configObj.enableChildWebView).toBe(true);
-                });
-            });
-            it("sets enableChildWebView to false when value is disable", function () {
-                var data = testUtilities.cloneObj(testData.xml2jsConfig);
-                data['feature'] = { '@': { id: '' },
-                    param: { '@': { name: 'childBrowser', value: 'disable' } } };
-                mockParsing(data);
-                configParser.parse(configPath, session, function (configObj) {
-                    expect(configObj.enableChildWebView).toBe(false);
-                });
-            });
-        });
-        describe('disabling formcontrol', function () {
-            it("sets enableFormControl to true when formControl value is enable", function () {
-                var data = testUtilities.cloneObj(testData.xml2jsConfig);
-                data['feature'] = { '@': { id: '' },
-                    param: { '@': { name: 'formControl', value: 'enable' } } };
-                mockParsing(data);
-                configParser.parse(configPath, session, function (configObj) {
-                    expect(configObj.enableFormControl).toBe(true);
-                });
-            });
-            it("sets enableFormControl to false when value is disable", function () {
-                var data = testUtilities.cloneObj(testData.xml2jsConfig);
-                data['feature'] = { '@': { id: '' },
-                    param: { '@': { name: 'formControl', value: 'disable' } } };
-                mockParsing(data);
-                configParser.parse(configPath, session, function (configObj) {
-                    expect(configObj.enableFormControl).toBe(false);
-                });
-            });
-        });
-        describe('setting theme for some core ui elements', function () {
-            function testTheme(themeInConfig, themeParsed) {
-                var data = testUtilities.cloneObj(testData.xml2jsConfig);
-                if (themeInConfig) {
-                    data['feature'] = { '@': { id: '' },
-                        param: { '@': { name: 'theme', value: themeInConfig } } };
-                    mockParsing(data);
-                }
-                configParser.parse(configPath, session, function (configObj) {
-                    expect(configObj.theme).toBe(themeParsed);
-                });
-            }
-            it("sets theme to dark when config has theme with dark", function () {
-                testTheme("dark", "dark");
-            });
-            it("sets theme to bright when config has theme with bright", function () {
-                testTheme("bright", "bright");
-            });
-            it("sets theme to inherit when config has theme with inherit", function () {
-                testTheme("inherit", "inherit");
-            });
-            it("sets theme to default when config has theme with default", function () {
-                testTheme("default", "default");
-            });
-            it("sets theme to default when config has unsupported theme", function () {
-                testTheme("unsupportedthemename", "default");
-            });
-            it("sets theme to default when config has no theme provided", function () {
-                testTheme(undefined, "default");
-            });
-            it("sets theme to dark when config has theme with case insensitive dark", function () {
-                testTheme("dArK", "dark");
-            });
-            it("sets theme to bright when config has theme with case insensitive bright", function () {
-                testTheme("BriGht", "bright");
-            });
-            it("sets theme to inherit when config has theme with case insensitive inherit", function () {
-                testTheme("inHerIt", "inherit");
-            });
-            it("sets theme to inherit when config has theme with case insensitive inherit", function () {
-                testTheme("DefAulT", "default");
-            });
-            it("sets theme to default when config has NO theme tag provided", function () {
-                configParser.parse(configPath, session, function (configObj) {
-                    expect(configObj.theme).toBe("default");
-                });
-            });
-        });
-        describe('disabling WebSecurity', function () {
-            // { '@': { id: '', required: true, version: '' },
-            //   param: { '@': { name: 'childBrowser', value: 'disable' } } }
-            it("doesn't set enableWebSecurity to anything when param value is anything but disable", function () {
-                var data = testUtilities.cloneObj(testData.xml2jsConfig);
-                data.feature = { '@': { id: '' },
-                    param: { '@': { name: 'websecurity', value: (new Date()).toString() } } };
-                mockParsing(data);
-                configParser.parse(configPath, session, function (configObj) {
-                    expect(configObj.enableWebSecurity).toBe(undefined);
-                    expect(logger.warn).not.toHaveBeenCalledWith(localize.translate("WARNING_WEBSECURITY_DISABLED"));
-                });
-            });
-            it("sets enableWebSecurity to false when value is disable", function () {
-                var data = testUtilities.cloneObj(testData.xml2jsConfig);
-                data.feature = { '@': { id: '' },
-                    param: { '@': { name: 'websecurity', value: 'disable' } } };
-                mockParsing(data);
-                configParser.parse(configPath, session, function (configObj) {
-                    expect(configObj.enableWebSecurity).toBe(false);
-                    expect(logger.warn).toHaveBeenCalledWith(localize.translate("WARNING_WEBSECURITY_DISABLED"));
-                });
-            });
-            it("sets enableWebSecurity to false when value is disable case insensitive", function () {
-                var data = testUtilities.cloneObj(testData.xml2jsConfig);
-                data.feature = { '@': { id: '' },
-                    param: { '@': { name: 'websecurity', value: 'DisAble' } } };
-                mockParsing(data);
-                configParser.parse(configPath, session, function (configObj) {
-                    expect(configObj.enableWebSecurity).toBe(false);
-                    expect(logger.warn).toHaveBeenCalledWith(localize.translate("WARNING_WEBSECURITY_DISABLED"));
-                });
-            });
-        });
-        describe('enabling popupBlocker', function () {
-            // { '@': { id: '', required: true, version: '' },
-            //   param: { '@': { name: 'childBrowser', value: 'disable' } } }
-            it("sets enableWebSecurity to false when value is disable", function () {
-                var data = testUtilities.cloneObj(testData.xml2jsConfig);
-                data.feature = { '@': { id: '' },
-                    param: { '@': { name: 'popupBlocker', value: 'enable' } } };
-                mockParsing(data);
-                configParser.parse(configPath, session, function (configObj) {
-                    expect(configObj.enablePopupBlocker).toBe(true);
-                });
-            });
-            it("sets enableWebSecurity to false when value is disable case insensitive", function () {
-                var data = testUtilities.cloneObj(testData.xml2jsConfig);
-                data.feature = { '@': { id: '' },
-                    param: { '@': { name: 'popupBlocker', value: 'EnAbLe' } } };
-                mockParsing(data);
-                configParser.parse(configPath, session, function (configObj) {
-                    expect(configObj.enablePopupBlocker).toBe(true);
-                });
-            });
-        });
-    });
diff --git a/lib/cordova-blackberry/bin/test/cordova/unit/spec/lib/file-manager.js b/lib/cordova-blackberry/bin/test/cordova/unit/spec/lib/file-manager.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 1b1c6ff..0000000
--- a/lib/cordova-blackberry/bin/test/cordova/unit/spec/lib/file-manager.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-var srcPath = __dirname + "/../../../../../templates/project/cordova/lib/",
-    barconf = require(srcPath + "bar-conf.js"),
-    fs = require("fs"),
-    path = require("path"),
-    util = require("util"),
-    packager_utils = require(srcPath + "packager-utils"),
-    localize = require(srcPath + "localize"),
-    wrench = require("wrench"),
-    logger = require(srcPath + "logger"),
-    conf = require(srcPath + "conf"),
-    fileMgr = require(srcPath + "file-manager"),
-    testData = require("./test-data"),
-    testUtilities = require("./test-utilities"),
-    session = testData.session,
-    extManager = {
-        getAllExtensionsToCopy: function (accessList) {
-            return ["app"];
-        },
-        getFeatureIdByExtensionBasename: function (extBasename) {
-            return "blackberry." + extBasename;
-        }
-    };
-describe("File manager", function () {
-    beforeEach(function () {
-        wrench.mkdirSyncRecursive(testData.session.outputDir);
-    });
-    afterEach(function () {
-        //cleanup packager-tests temp folder
-        wrench.rmdirSyncRecursive(testData.session.outputDir);
-    });
-    it("unzip() should extract 'from' zip file to 'to' directory", function () {
-        var from = session.archivePath,
-            to = session.sourceDir;
-        fileMgr.unzip(from, to);
-        expect(fs.statSync(session.sourceDir + "/a").isDirectory()).toBeTruthy();
-        expect(fs.statSync(session.sourceDir + "/a/dummy.txt").isFile()).toBeTruthy();
-        expect(fs.statSync(session.sourceDir + "/a/b").isDirectory()).toBeTruthy();
-        expect(fs.statSync(session.sourceDir + "/a/b/dummy2.txt").isFile()).toBeTruthy();
-        expect(fs.statSync(session.sourceDir + "/startPage.html").isFile()).toBeTruthy();
-        expect(fs.statSync(session.sourceDir + "/config.xml").isFile()).toBeTruthy();
-        expect(fs.statSync(session.sourceDir + "/test.png").isFile()).toBeTruthy();
-    });
-    it("cleanSource() should delete source folder", function () {
-        //Create packager-tests source folder
-        wrench.mkdirSyncRecursive(session.sourceDir);
-        fileMgr.cleanSource(session);
-        expect(fs.existsSync(session.sourceDir)).toBeFalsy();
-    });
-    it("prepareOutputFiles() should throw an error if the archive path doesn't exist", function () {
-        spyOn(wrench, "copyDirSyncRecursive");
-        var tempSession = testUtilities.cloneObj(session);
-        tempSession.archivePath = path.resolve("test/");
-        expect(function () {
-            fileMgr.prepareOutputFiles(tempSession);
-        }).toThrow(localize.translate("EXCEPTION_INVALID_ARCHIVE_PATH", tempSession.archivePath));
-    });
diff --git a/lib/cordova-blackberry/bin/test/cordova/unit/spec/lib/i18n-manager.js b/lib/cordova-blackberry/bin/test/cordova/unit/spec/lib/i18n-manager.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 50d7225..0000000
--- a/lib/cordova-blackberry/bin/test/cordova/unit/spec/lib/i18n-manager.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,298 +0,0 @@
- *  Copyright 2012 Research In Motion Limited.
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-var testData = require("./test-data"),
-    i18nMgr = require(testData.libPath + "/i18n-manager"),
-    session = testData.session,
-    fs = require("fs"),
-    wrench = require("wrench"),
-    pkgrUtils = require(testData.libPath + "/packager-utils");
-function mockOSReturnFiles(files) {
-    if (pkgrUtils.isWindows()) {
-        var newFiles = [];
-        files.forEach(function (f) {
-            newFiles.push(session.sourceDir + "\\locales\\" + f.split("/").join("\\"));
-        });
-        return newFiles;
-    } else {
-        return files;
-    }
-describe("i18n manager", function () {
-    it("generate correct metadata for icon", function () {
-        var config = {
-                icon: ["logo.png"]
-            },
-            xmlObject = {};
-        spyOn(fs, "existsSync").andReturn(true);
-        spyOn(wrench, "readdirSyncRecursive").andReturn(mockOSReturnFiles([
-            'fr',
-            'fr/logo.png'
-        ]));
-        i18nMgr.generateLocalizedMetadata(session, config, xmlObject, "icon");
-        expect(xmlObject.icon).toBeDefined();
-        expect(xmlObject.icon.image).toBeDefined();
-        expect(xmlObject.icon.image.length).toBe(2);
-        expect(xmlObject.icon.image).toContain({
-            _value: "logo.png"
-        });
-        expect(xmlObject.icon.image).toContain({
-            text: {
-                _attr: {
-                    "xml:lang": "fr"
-                },
-                _value: "locales/fr/logo.png"
-            }
-        });
-    });
-    it("generate correct metadata for icon when locales folder does not exist", function () {
-        var config = {
-                icon: ["logo.png"]
-            },
-            xmlObject = {};
-        spyOn(fs, "existsSync").andReturn(false);
-        i18nMgr.generateLocalizedMetadata(session, config, xmlObject, "icon");
-        expect(xmlObject.icon).toBeDefined();
-        expect(xmlObject.icon.image).toBeDefined();
-        expect(xmlObject.icon.image.length).toBe(1);
-        expect(xmlObject.icon.image).toContain({
-            _value: "logo.png"
-        });
-    });
-    it("generate correct metadata for icon when locale folder does not contain matching image", function () {
-        var config = {
-                icon: ["logo.png"]
-            },
-            xmlObject = {};
-        spyOn(fs, "existsSync").andReturn(true);
-        spyOn(wrench, "readdirSyncRecursive").andReturn(mockOSReturnFiles([
-            'fr',
-            'fr/logo-mismatch.png'
-        ]));
-        i18nMgr.generateLocalizedMetadata(session, config, xmlObject, "icon");
-        expect(xmlObject.icon).toBeDefined();
-        expect(xmlObject.icon.image).toBeDefined();
-        expect(xmlObject.icon.image.length).toBe(1);
-        expect(xmlObject.icon.image).toContain({
-            _value: "logo.png"
-        });
-    });
-    it("generate correct metadata for icon when image is in subfolder", function () {
-        var config = {
-                icon: ["assets\\images\\logo.png"]
-            },
-            xmlObject = {};
-        spyOn(fs, "existsSync").andReturn(true);
-        spyOn(wrench, "readdirSyncRecursive").andReturn(mockOSReturnFiles([
-            'fr',
-            'fr/assets/images/logo.png'
-        ]));
-        i18nMgr.generateLocalizedMetadata(session, config, xmlObject, "icon");
-        expect(xmlObject.icon).toBeDefined();
-        expect(xmlObject.icon.image).toBeDefined();
-        expect(xmlObject.icon.image.length).toBe(2);
-        expect(xmlObject.icon.image).toContain({
-            _value: "assets/images/logo.png"
-        });
-        expect(xmlObject.icon.image).toContain({
-            text: {
-                _attr: {
-                    "xml:lang": "fr"
-                },
-                _value: "locales/fr/assets/images/logo.png"
-            }
-        });
-    });
-    it("generate correct metadata for icon when image is in subfolder and OS is windows", function () {
-        var config = {
-                icon: ["assets\\images\\logo.png"]
-            },
-            xmlObject = {};
-        spyOn(pkgrUtils, 'isWindows').andReturn(true);
-        spyOn(fs, "existsSync").andReturn(true);
-        spyOn(wrench, "readdirSyncRecursive").andReturn(mockOSReturnFiles([
-            'fr',
-            'fr\\assets\\images\\logo.png'
-        ]));
-        i18nMgr.generateLocalizedMetadata(session, config, xmlObject, "icon");
-        expect(xmlObject.icon).toBeDefined();
-        expect(xmlObject.icon.image).toBeDefined();
-        expect(xmlObject.icon.image.length).toBe(1);
-        expect(xmlObject.icon.image).toContain({
-            _value: "assets/images/logo.png"
-        });
-    });
-    it("generate correct metadata for splash and OS is *nx", function () {
-        var config = {
-                "rim:splash": ["splash-1280x768.jpg", "splash-768x1280.jpg"]
-            },
-            xmlObject = {};
-        spyOn(pkgrUtils, 'isWindows').andReturn(false);
-        spyOn(fs, "existsSync").andReturn(true);
-        spyOn(wrench, "readdirSyncRecursive").andReturn(mockOSReturnFiles([
-            'fr',
-            'fr/splash-1280x768.jpg',
-            'fr/splash-768x1280.jpg'
-        ]));
-        i18nMgr.generateLocalizedMetadata(session, config, xmlObject, "rim:splash");
-        expect(xmlObject.splashScreens).toBeDefined();
-        expect(xmlObject.splashScreens.image).toBeDefined();
-        expect(xmlObject.splashScreens.image.length).toBe(4);
-        expect(xmlObject.splashScreens.image).toContain({
-            _value: "splash-1280x768.jpg"
-        });
-        expect(xmlObject.splashScreens.image).toContain({
-            _value: "splash-768x1280.jpg"
-        });
-        expect(xmlObject.splashScreens.image).toContain({
-            text: {
-                _attr: {
-                    "xml:lang": "fr"
-                },
-                _value: "locales/fr/splash-1280x768.jpg"
-            }
-        });
-        expect(xmlObject.splashScreens.image).toContain({
-            text: {
-                _attr: {
-                    "xml:lang": "fr"
-                },
-                _value: "locales/fr/splash-768x1280.jpg"
-            }
-        });
-    });
-    it("generate correct metadata for splash when locales folder does not exist", function () {
-        var config = {
-                "rim:splash": ["splash-1280x768.jpg", "splash-768x1280.jpg"]
-            },
-            xmlObject = {};
-        spyOn(fs, "existsSync").andReturn(false);
-        i18nMgr.generateLocalizedMetadata(session, config, xmlObject, "rim:splash");
-        expect(xmlObject.splashScreens).toBeDefined();
-        expect(xmlObject.splashScreens.image).toBeDefined();
-        expect(xmlObject.splashScreens.image.length).toBe(2);
-        expect(xmlObject.splashScreens.image).toContain({
-            _value: "splash-1280x768.jpg"
-        });
-        expect(xmlObject.splashScreens.image).toContain({
-            _value: "splash-768x1280.jpg"
-        });
-    });
-    it("generate correct metadata for splash when locale folder does not contain matching image", function () {
-        var config = {
-                "rim:splash": ["splash-1280x768.jpg", "splash-768x1280.jpg"]
-            },
-            xmlObject = {};
-        spyOn(fs, "existsSync").andReturn(true);
-        spyOn(wrench, "readdirSyncRecursive").andReturn(mockOSReturnFiles([
-            'fr',
-            'fr/splash-1280x768-mismatch.jpg',
-            'fr/splash-768x1280.jpg'
-        ]));
-        i18nMgr.generateLocalizedMetadata(session, config, xmlObject, "rim:splash");
-        expect(xmlObject.splashScreens).toBeDefined();
-        expect(xmlObject.splashScreens.image).toBeDefined();
-        expect(xmlObject.splashScreens.image.length).toBe(3);
-        expect(xmlObject.splashScreens.image).toContain({
-            _value: "splash-1280x768.jpg"
-        });
-        expect(xmlObject.splashScreens.image).toContain({
-            _value: "splash-768x1280.jpg"
-        });
-        expect(xmlObject.splashScreens.image).toContain({
-            text: {
-                _attr: {
-                    "xml:lang": "fr"
-                },
-                _value: "locales/fr/splash-768x1280.jpg"
-            }
-        });
-    });
-    it("generate correct metadata for splash when image is in subfolder", function () {
-        var config = {
-                "rim:splash": ["assets\\images\\splash-1280x768.jpg", "assets\\images\\splash-768x1280.jpg"]
-            },
-            xmlObject = {};
-        spyOn(fs, "existsSync").andReturn(true);
-        spyOn(wrench, "readdirSyncRecursive").andReturn(mockOSReturnFiles([
-            'fr',
-            'fr/assets/images/splash-1280x768.jpg',
-            'fr/assets/images/splash-768x1280.jpg'
-        ]));
-        i18nMgr.generateLocalizedMetadata(session, config, xmlObject, "rim:splash");
-        expect(xmlObject.splashScreens).toBeDefined();
-        expect(xmlObject.splashScreens.image).toBeDefined();
-        expect(xmlObject.splashScreens.image.length).toBe(4);
-        expect(xmlObject.splashScreens.image).toContain({
-            _value: "assets/images/splash-1280x768.jpg"
-        });
-        expect(xmlObject.splashScreens.image).toContain({
-            _value: "assets/images/splash-768x1280.jpg"
-        });
-        expect(xmlObject.splashScreens.image).toContain({
-            text: {
-                _attr: {
-                    "xml:lang": "fr"
-                },
-                _value: "locales/fr/assets/images/splash-1280x768.jpg"
-            }
-        });
-        expect(xmlObject.splashScreens.image).toContain({
-            text: {
-                _attr: {
-                    "xml:lang": "fr"
-                },
-                _value: "locales/fr/assets/images/splash-768x1280.jpg"
-            }
-        });
-    });
diff --git a/lib/cordova-blackberry/bin/test/cordova/unit/spec/lib/logger.js b/lib/cordova-blackberry/bin/test/cordova/unit/spec/lib/logger.js
deleted file mode 100644
index c8aadb9..0000000
--- a/lib/cordova-blackberry/bin/test/cordova/unit/spec/lib/logger.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
- *  Copyright 2012 Research In Motion Limited.
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-var srcPath = __dirname + "/../../../../../templates/project/cordova/lib/",
-    logger = require(srcPath + "logger");
-describe("logger", function () {
-    describe("when the log level is verbose", function () {
-        beforeEach(function () {
-            spyOn(console, "log");
-            logger.level('verbose');
-        });
-        it("logs info messages", function () {
-  "cheese is made from milk");
-            expect(console.log).toHaveBeenCalledWith("[INFO]    cheese is made from milk");
-        });
-        it("logs error messages", function () {
-            logger.error("PC LOAD LETTER");
-            expect(console.log).toHaveBeenCalledWith("[ERROR]   PC LOAD LETTER");
-        });
-        it("logs warning messages", function () {
-            logger.warn("beware the ides of march");
-            expect(console.log).toHaveBeenCalledWith("[WARN]    beware the ides of march");
-        });
-        it("logs messages", function () {
-            logger.log("Hulk Smash!");
-            expect(console.log).toHaveBeenCalledWith("[BUILD]   Hulk Smash!");
-        });
-    });
-    describe("when the log level is warn", function () {
-        beforeEach(function () {
-            spyOn(console, "log");
-            logger.level('warn');
-        });
-        it("doesn't log info messages", function () {
-  "cheese is made from milk");
-            expect(console.log).not.toHaveBeenCalledWith("[INFO]    cheese is made from milk");
-        });
-        it("logs error messages", function () {
-            logger.error("PC LOAD LETTER");
-            expect(console.log).toHaveBeenCalledWith("[ERROR]   PC LOAD LETTER");
-        });
-        it("logs warning messages", function () {
-            logger.warn("beware the ides of march");
-            expect(console.log).toHaveBeenCalledWith("[WARN]    beware the ides of march");
-        });
-        it("logs messages", function () {
-            logger.log("Hulk Smash!");
-            expect(console.log).toHaveBeenCalledWith("[BUILD]   Hulk Smash!");
-        });
-    });
-    describe("when the log level is error", function () {
-        beforeEach(function () {
-            spyOn(console, "log");
-            logger.level('error');
-        });
-        it("doesn't log info messages", function () {
-  "cheese is made from milk");
-            expect(console.log).not.toHaveBeenCalledWith("[INFO]    cheese is made from milk");
-        });
-        it("logs error messages", function () {
-            logger.error("PC LOAD LETTER");
-            expect(console.log).toHaveBeenCalledWith("[ERROR]   PC LOAD LETTER");
-        });
-        it("doesn't log warning messages", function () {
-            logger.warn("beware the ides of march");
-            expect(console.log).not.toHaveBeenCalledWith("[WARN]    beware the ides of march");
-        });
-        it("logs messages", function () {
-            logger.log("Hulk Smash!");
-            expect(console.log).toHaveBeenCalledWith("[BUILD]   Hulk Smash!");
-        });
-    });
diff --git a/lib/cordova-blackberry/bin/test/cordova/unit/spec/lib/native-packager.js b/lib/cordova-blackberry/bin/test/cordova/unit/spec/lib/native-packager.js
deleted file mode 100644
index a4ab63e..0000000
--- a/lib/cordova-blackberry/bin/test/cordova/unit/spec/lib/native-packager.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,347 +0,0 @@
-var path = require("path"),
-    util = require("util"),
-    fs = require("fs"),
-    childProcess = require("child_process"),
-    wrench = require("wrench"),
-    srcPath = __dirname + "/../../../../../templates/project/cordova/lib/",
-    nativePkgr = require(srcPath + "/native-packager"),
-    pkgrUtils = require(srcPath + "/packager-utils"),
-    testUtils = require("./test-utilities"),
-    testData = require("./test-data"),
-    logger = require(srcPath + "logger"),
-    localize = require(srcPath + "/localize"),
-    conf = require(srcPath + "./conf"),
-    callback,
-    config,
-    session,
-    target,
-    result,
-    orgDebugEnabled,
-    orgDebugTokenPath,
-    NL = pkgrUtils.isWindows() ? "\r\n" : "\n";
-describe("Native packager", function () {
-    beforeEach(function () {
-        callback = jasmine.createSpy();
-        config = testData.config;
-        session = testData.session;
-        target = session.targets[0];
-        result = {
-            stdout: {
-                on: jasmine.createSpy()
-            },
-            stderr: {
-                on: jasmine.createSpy()
-            },
-            on: function (eventName, callback) {
-                callback(0);
-            }
-        };
-        // Store original debug token setting and later restore them in afterEach
-        // to be able to test positive and negative cases of each.
-        orgDebugEnabled = session.debug;
-        orgDebugTokenPath = session.conf.DEBUG_TOKEN;
-        spyOn(wrench, "readdirSyncRecursive").andReturn(["abc", "xyz"]);
-        spyOn(fs, "statSync").andReturn({
-            isDirectory: function () {
-                return false;
-            }
-        });
-        spyOn(fs, "writeFileSync");
-        spyOn(childProcess, "spawn").andReturn(result);
-        spyOn(fs, "existsSync").andCallFake(function (path) {
-            //Return true if this is the bbndk folder check
-            return path.indexOf("bbndk") !== -1;
-        });
-    });
-    afterEach(function () {
-        session.debug = orgDebugEnabled;
-        session.conf.DEBUG_TOKEN = orgDebugTokenPath;
-    });
-    it("should not display empty messages in logger", function () {
-        spyOn(pkgrUtils, "writeFile");
-        spyOn(logger, "warn");
-        spyOn(logger, "error");
-        spyOn(logger, "info");
-        nativePkgr.exec(session, target, testData.config, callback);
-        expect(logger.warn).not.toHaveBeenCalledWith("");
-        expect(logger.error).not.toHaveBeenCalledWith("");
-        expect("");
-    });
-    it("shows debug token warning when path to file is not valid", function () {
-        spyOn(pkgrUtils, "writeFile");
-        spyOn(logger, "warn");
-        session.debug = true;
-        //Current time will ensure that the file doesn't exist.
-        session.conf.DEBUG_TOKEN = new Date().getTime() + ".bar";
-        nativePkgr.exec(session, target, testData.config, callback);
-        expect(logger.warn).toHaveBeenCalledWith(localize.translate("EXCEPTION_DEBUG_TOKEN_NOT_FOUND"));
-    });
-    it("won't show debug token warning when -d options wasn't provided", function () {
-        spyOn(pkgrUtils, "writeFile");
-        spyOn(logger, "warn");
-        session.debug = false;
-        //Current time will ensure that the file doesn't exist.
-        session.conf.DEBUG_TOKEN = new Date().getTime() + ".bar";
-        nativePkgr.exec(session, target, testData.config, callback);
-        expect(logger.warn).not.toHaveBeenCalled();
-    });
-    it("shows debug token warning when debug token not a .bar file", function () {
-        spyOn(pkgrUtils, "writeFile");
-        spyOn(logger, "warn");
-        session.debug = true;
-        //Current time will ensure that the file doesn't exist.
-        session.conf.DEBUG_TOKEN = new Date().getTime() + ".xyz";
-        nativePkgr.exec(session, target, testData.config, callback);
-        expect(logger.warn).toHaveBeenCalledWith(localize.translate("EXCEPTION_DEBUG_TOKEN_WRONG_FILE_EXTENSION"));
-    });
-    it("exec blackberry-nativepackager", function () {
-        var bbTabletXML = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n" +
-            "<qnx><id>" + + "</id>" +
-            "<versionNumber>" + config.version + "</versionNumber>" +
-            "<author>" + + "</author>" +
-            "<asset entry=\"true\" type=\"qnx/elf\">wwe</asset>" +
-            "<asset>abc</asset>" +
-            "<asset>xyz</asset>" +
-            "<entryPointType>Qnx/WebKit</entryPointType>" +
-            "<cascadesTheme>" + config.theme + "</cascadesTheme>" +
-            "<initialWindow><systemChrome>none</systemChrome><transparent>true</transparent><autoOrients>true</autoOrients></initialWindow>",
-            bbTabletXML2 = "<permission system=\"true\">run_native</permission>" +
-            "<permission system=\"false\">access_internet</permission>" +
-            "<name>" +['default'] + "</name>" +
-            "<description>" + config.description['default'] + "</description></qnx>",
-            cmd = path.normalize(session.conf.DEPENDENCIES_TOOLS + "/bin/blackberry-nativepackager" + (pkgrUtils.isWindows() ? ".bat" : ""));
-        spyOn(pkgrUtils, "writeFile").andCallFake(function (sourceDir, outputDir, data) {
-            expect(sourceDir).toEqual(session.sourceDir);
-            expect(outputDir).toEqual(conf.BAR_DESCRIPTOR);
-            //We have to validate the xml data in 2 chucks, because the WEBWORKS_VERSION env variable
-            //has a different value for SCM builds and we can't mock the webworks-info file
-            expect(data).toContain(bbTabletXML);
-            expect(data).toContain(bbTabletXML2);
-        });
-        nativePkgr.exec(session, target, testData.config, callback);
-        expect(fs.writeFileSync).toHaveBeenCalledWith(jasmine.any(String), jasmine.any(String));
-        expect(childProcess.spawn).toHaveBeenCalledWith(cmd, ["@options"], {"cwd": session.sourceDir, "env": process.env});
-        expect(callback).toHaveBeenCalledWith(0);
-    });
-    it("makes sure slog2 logging is enabled in debug mode", function () {
-        var tabletXMLEntry = "<env value=\"slog2\" var=\"CONSOLE_MODE\"></env>";
-        //Silence the logger during unit tests
-        spyOn(logger, "warn").andCallFake(function () { });
-        spyOn(pkgrUtils, "writeFile").andCallFake(function (sourceDir, outputDir, data) {
-            expect(data).toContain(tabletXMLEntry);
-        });
-        session.debug = true;
-        nativePkgr.exec(session, target, testData.config, callback);
-    });
-    it("makes sure slog2 logging is not enabled when not in debug mode", function () {
-        var tabletXMLEntry = "<env value=\"slog2\" var=\"CONSOLE_MODE\"></env>";
-        spyOn(pkgrUtils, "writeFile").andCallFake(function (sourceDir, outputDir, data) {
-            expect(data).not.toContain(tabletXMLEntry);
-        });
-        session.debug = false;
-        nativePkgr.exec(session, target, testData.config, callback);
-    });
-    it("can process application name", function () {
-        var config = testUtils.cloneObj(testData.config);
- = {"default": "API Smoke Test"};
-        spyOn(pkgrUtils, "writeFile").andCallFake(function (fileLocation, fileName, fileData) {
-            expect(fileData).toContain("<name>API Smoke Test</name>");
-        });
-        nativePkgr.exec(session, target, config, callback);
-    });
-    it("can process localized application name", function () {
-        var config = testUtils.cloneObj(testData.config);
- = {"FR": "API Smoke Test - FR"};
-        spyOn(pkgrUtils, "writeFile").andCallFake(function (fileLocation, fileName, fileData) {
-            expect(fileData).toContain('<name><text xml:lang="FR">API Smoke Test - FR</text></name>');
-        });
-        nativePkgr.exec(session, target, config, callback);
-    });
-    it("can process mutiple application names", function () {
-        var config = testUtils.cloneObj(testData.config);
- = {
-            "default": "API Smoke Test",
-            "EN": "API Smoke Test - EN",
-            "FR": "API Smoke Test - FR"
-        };
-        spyOn(pkgrUtils, "writeFile").andCallFake(function (fileLocation, fileName, fileData) {
-            expect(fileData).toContain('<name>API Smoke Test<text xml:lang="EN">API Smoke Test - EN</text><text xml:lang="FR">API Smoke Test - FR</text></name>');
-        });
-        nativePkgr.exec(session, target, config, callback);
-    });
-    it("can process application description", function () {
-        var config = testUtils.cloneObj(testData.config);
-        config.description = {"default": "My app description"};
-        spyOn(pkgrUtils, "writeFile").andCallFake(function (fileLocation, fileName, fileData) {
-            expect(fileData).toContain("<description>My app description</description>");
-        });
-        nativePkgr.exec(session, target, config, callback);
-    });
-    it("can process localized application description", function () {
-        var config = testUtils.cloneObj(testData.config);
-        config.description = {"FR": "My app description - FR"};
-        spyOn(pkgrUtils, "writeFile").andCallFake(function (fileLocation, fileName, fileData) {
-            expect(fileData).toContain('<description><text xml:lang="FR">My app description - FR</text></description>');
-        });
-        nativePkgr.exec(session, target, config, callback);
-    });
-    it("can process mutiple application descriptions", function () {
-        var config = testUtils.cloneObj(testData.config);
-        config.description = {
-            "default": "My app description",
-            "EN": "My app description - EN",
-            "FR": "My app description - FR"
-        };
-        spyOn(pkgrUtils, "writeFile").andCallFake(function (fileLocation, fileName, fileData) {
-            expect(fileData).toContain('<description>My app description<text xml:lang="EN">My app description - EN</text><text xml:lang="FR">My app description - FR</text></description>');
-        });
-        nativePkgr.exec(session, target, config, callback);
-    });
-    it("can process permissions with no attributes", function () {
-        var config = testUtils.cloneObj(testData.config);
-        config.permissions = ['read_device_identifying_information'];
-        spyOn(pkgrUtils, "writeFile").andCallFake(function (fileLocation, fileName, fileData) {
-            expect(fileData).toContain("<permission>read_device_identifying_information</permission>");
-        });
-        nativePkgr.exec(session, target, config, callback);
-    });
-    it("can process permissions with attributes", function () {
-        var config = testUtils.cloneObj(testData.config);
-        config.permissions = [{ '#': 'systemPerm', '@': {"system": "true"}}];
-        spyOn(pkgrUtils, "writeFile").andCallFake(function (fileLocation, fileName, fileData) {
-            expect(fileData).toContain("<permission system=\"true\">systemPerm</permission>");
-        });
-        nativePkgr.exec(session, target, config, callback);
-    });
-    it("adds the mandatory permissions for webworks", function () {
-        var config = testUtils.cloneObj(testData.config);
-        config.permissions = [];
-        spyOn(pkgrUtils, "writeFile").andCallFake(function (fileLocation, fileName, fileData) {
-            expect(fileData).toContain("<permission system=\"false\">access_internet</permission>");
-            expect(fileData).toContain("<permission system=\"true\">run_native</permission>");
-        });
-        nativePkgr.exec(session, target, config, callback);
-    });
-    it("omits -devMode when signing and specifying -d", function () {
-        testUtils.mockResolve(path);
-        spyOn(pkgrUtils, "writeFile");
-        var session = testUtils.cloneObj(testData.session),
-            config = testUtils.cloneObj(testData.config),
-            target = "device",
-            optionsFile = "-package" + NL +
-                "-buildId" + NL +
-                "100" + NL +
-                path.normalize("c:/device/") + NL +
-                "-barVersion" + NL +
-                "1.5" + NL +
-                "-C" + NL +
-                path.normalize("c:/src/") + NL +
-                conf.BAR_DESCRIPTOR + NL +
-                path.normalize("c:/src/abc") + NL +
-                path.normalize("c:/src/xyz") + NL;
-        //Set signing params [-g --buildId]
-        session.keystore = path.normalize("c:/author.p12");
-        session.storepass = "password";
-        config.buildId = "100";
-        session.barPath = path.normalize("c:/%s/" + "");
-        session.sourceDir = path.normalize("c:/src/");
-        session.isSigningRequired = function () {
-            return true;
-        };
-        //Set -d param
-        session.debug = "";
-        nativePkgr.exec(session, target, config, callback);
-        //options file should NOT contain -devMode
-        expect(fs.writeFileSync).toHaveBeenCalledWith(jasmine.any(String), optionsFile);
-    });
-    it("exec blackberry-nativepackager with additional params", function () {
-        var cmd = path.normalize(session.conf.DEPENDENCIES_TOOLS + "/bin/blackberry-nativepackager" + (pkgrUtils.isWindows() ? ".bat" : ""));
-        spyOn(pkgrUtils, "writeFile");
-        session.getParams = jasmine.createSpy("session getParams").andReturn({
-            "-installApp": "",
-            "-device": "",
-            "-password": "abc"
-        });
-        nativePkgr.exec(session, "simulator", testData.config, callback);
-        expect(fs.writeFileSync.mostRecentCall.args[0]).toBe(path.resolve(session.sourceDir, "options"));
-        expect(fs.writeFileSync.mostRecentCall.args[1]).toContain("-package" + NL);
-        expect(fs.writeFileSync.mostRecentCall.args[1]).toContain("-password" + NL);
-        expect(fs.writeFileSync.mostRecentCall.args[1]).toContain("abc" + NL);
-        expect(fs.writeFileSync.mostRecentCall.args[1]).toContain("-device" + NL);
-        expect(fs.writeFileSync.mostRecentCall.args[1]).toContain("" + NL);
-        expect(fs.writeFileSync.mostRecentCall.args[1]).toContain("-installApp" + NL);
-        expect(childProcess.spawn).toHaveBeenCalledWith(cmd, ["@options"], {"cwd": session.sourceDir, "env": process.env});
-        expect(callback).toHaveBeenCalledWith(0);
-    });