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Posted to by GitBox <> on 2018/06/12 01:27:23 UTC

[GitHub] daisy-ycguo closed pull request #216: Stop testing non-Helm based deployments

daisy-ycguo closed pull request #216: Stop testing non-Helm based deployments

This is a PR merged from a forked repository.
As GitHub hides the original diff on merge, it is displayed below for
the sake of provenance:

As this is a foreign pull request (from a fork), the diff is supplied
below (as it won't show otherwise due to GitHub magic):

diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml
index 888237c..da8d137 100644
--- a/.travis.yml
+++ b/.travis.yml
@@ -7,10 +7,9 @@ env:
   - secure: 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
   - secure: CJtnU94HTDqd4A6uvhFl8IpnmU+wTdlzb8bPBFUl/lI/VKXiRrYpgJdKUro5xEoxFKuqMprLhbyf66niyWLTIeogjUAEu/h/o2dBVeGgSGKoqC0hQgqvnxKFeGlzFJ0XuEs3vbStJGRnQszGsfnnDrscJtR0x9X+1w4aBKI7iPyyuFtVkDD1UsmBbSi+M8FTeq7G7A0reMDaey7uog3CFCpIMl4geshcohQEcKEGbnXQZoLPFpb7cBOE83VXBJ7Y7Dgf/U4keiLovvnuJThGKZm/SVV2KlELmBmtmbx3rMT6Vb5k9ChSdRWapromNnnzmJBIQ5Scc2mwV3A93/SMha1F3IlYpDKs5djfTw8jZfVnuiou7HhTaRjHkmmcwP12/k30gLe2kw0Vezg1TCY4zgtOpcmCxc8RHEy0ceA74rKvRi8LbexTCwX+iAMQFn/pSrh/OqAq/50JbLyczcoO1zXWS38txUQNLW8i+XllhCg9pjkjyfBeGjOOcWiVIz9rWJd2XufjSXDcj6xoZHtkh1XDt1CnVkpsYKtyyZucQnhUM9ebmaWqbSW2+bpqC/2hI+G+kOyyCesGdB1q+VmN1augMMs6RgWjk4yw5dyLAshATSoUlE8KH2cDcJL19r4ECaQ99PSLwxoB89yfPoJiNc42vwxRdsLmB1BMNyPa81Y=
   - docker
@@ -29,7 +28,6 @@ before_install:
   - ./tools/travis/
   - ./tools/travis/
-  - ./tools/travis/
   - ./tools/travis/
   - ./tools/travis/ "logs" "deploy-kube-$TRAVIS_BUILD_ID-$TRAVIS_BRANCH-$TRAVIS_JOB_NUMBER.tar.gz"
diff --git a/tools/travis/ b/tools/travis/
index b4b4857..f73740a 100755
--- a/tools/travis/
+++ b/tools/travis/
@@ -115,11 +115,6 @@ set -x
 SCRIPTDIR=$(cd $(dirname "$0") && pwd)
-# If TRAVIS and !TRAVIS_USE_HELM, just exit (don't test HELM deploy)
-if [[ "$TRAVIS" = "true" ]] && [[ "$TRAVIS_USE_HELM" = "false" ]]; then
-    exit 0
 # Default to docker container factory if not specified
diff --git a/tools/travis/ b/tools/travis/
deleted file mode 100755
index 48f1348..0000000
--- a/tools/travis/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,331 +0,0 @@
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor
-# license agreements; and to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0.
-# Helper functions for verifying pod creation
-couchdbHealthCheck () {
-  # wait for the pod to be created before getting the job name
-  sleep 5
-  POD_NAME=$(kubectl -n openwhisk get pods -l name=couchdb -o wide --show-all | grep "couchdb" | awk '{print $1}')
-  PASSED=false
-  until [ $TIMEOUT -eq $TIMEOUT_STEP_LIMIT ]; do
-    if [ -n "$(kubectl -n openwhisk logs $POD_NAME | grep "successfully setup and configured CouchDB")" ]; then
-      PASSED=true
-      break
-    fi
-    sleep 10
-  done
-  if [ "$PASSED" = false ]; then
-    echo "Failed to finish deploying CouchDB"
-    kubectl -n openwhisk logs $POD_NAME
-    exit 1
-  fi
-  echo "CouchDB is up and running"
-deploymentHealthCheck () {
-  if [ -z "$1" ]; then
-    echo "Error, component health check called without a component parameter"
-    exit 1
-  fi
-  PASSED=false
-  until $PASSED || [ $TIMEOUT -eq $TIMEOUT_STEP_LIMIT ]; do
-    KUBE_DEPLOY_STATUS=$(kubectl -n openwhisk get pods -l name="$1" -o wide | grep "$1" | awk '{print $3}')
-    if [ "$KUBE_DEPLOY_STATUS" == "Running" ]; then
-      PASSED=true
-      break
-    fi
-    kubectl get pods --all-namespaces -o wide --show-all
-    sleep 10
-  done
-  if [ "$PASSED" = false ]; then
-    echo "Failed to finish deploying $1"
-    kubectl -n openwhisk logs $(kubectl -n openwhisk get pods -l name="$1" -o wide | grep "$1" | awk '{print $1}')
-    exit 1
-  fi
-  echo "$1 is up and running"
-statefulsetHealthCheck () {
-  if [ -z "$1" ]; then
-    echo "Error, StatefulSet health check called without a parameter"
-    exit 1
-  fi
-  PASSED=false
-  until $PASSED || [ $TIMEOUT -eq $TIMEOUT_STEP_LIMIT ]; do
-    KUBE_DEPLOY_STATUS=$(kubectl -n openwhisk get pods -l name="$1" -o wide | grep "$1"-0 | awk '{print $3}')
-    if [ "$KUBE_DEPLOY_STATUS" == "Running" ]; then
-      PASSED=true
-      break
-    fi
-    kubectl get pods --all-namespaces -o wide --show-all
-    sleep 10
-  done
-  if [ "$PASSED" = false ]; then
-    echo "Failed to finish deploying $1"
-    kubectl -n openwhisk logs $(kubectl -n openwhisk get pods -o wide | grep "$1"-0 | awk '{print $1}')
-    exit 1
-  fi
-  echo "$1-0 is up and running"
-jobHealthCheck () {
-  if [ -z "$1" ]; then
-    echo "Error, job health check called without a component parameter"
-    exit 1
-  fi
-  PASSED=false
-  until $PASSED || [ $TIMEOUT -eq $TIMEOUT_STEP_LIMIT ]; do
-    KUBE_SUCCESSFUL_JOB=$(kubectl -n openwhisk get jobs -o wide | grep "$1" | awk '{print $3}')
-    if [ "$KUBE_SUCCESSFUL_JOB" == "1" ]; then
-      PASSED=true
-      break
-    fi
-    kubectl get jobs --all-namespaces -o wide --show-all
-    sleep 10
-  done
-  if [ "$PASSED" = false ]; then
-    echo "Failed to finish running $1"
-    kubectl -n openwhisk logs jobs/$1
-    exit 1
-  fi
-  echo "$1 completed"
-# Main body of script -- deploy OpenWhisk
-set -x
-SCRIPTDIR=$(cd $(dirname "$0") && pwd)
-# If TRAVIS and TRAVIS_USE_HELM, just exit (don't test non-HELM deploy)
-if [[ "$TRAVIS" = "true" ]] && [[ "$TRAVIS_USE_HELM" = "true" ]]; then
-    exit 0
-# Default to docker container factory if not specified
-# Default timeout limit to 60 steps
-# Label invoker nodes (needed for DockerContainerFactory-based invoker deployment)
-echo "Labeling invoker node"
-kubectl label nodes --all openwhisk-role=invoker
-kubectl describe nodes
-# Initial cluster setup
-echo "Performing steps from cluster-setup"
-pushd kubernetes/cluster-setup
-  kubectl apply -f namespace.yml
-  kubectl apply -f services.yml
-  kubectl -n openwhisk create cm whisk.config --from-env-file=config.env
-  if [ "$TRAVIS" = "true" ]; then
-      # when running a CI job, skip pulling images we don't need to significantly reduce testing time.
-      kubectl -n openwhisk create cm whisk.runtimes --from-file=runtimes=runtimes-minimal-travis.json
-  else
-      kubectl -n openwhisk create cm whisk.runtimes --from-file=runtimes=runtimes.json
-  fi
-  kubectl -n openwhisk create cm whisk.limits --from-env-file=limits.env
-  kubectl -n openwhisk create secret generic whisk.auth --from-file=system=auth.whisk.system --from-file=guest=auth.guest
-  kubectl apply -f persistent-volumes.yml
-# configure Ingress and wsk CLI
-# We use the NodePorts for nginx and apigateway services for Travis CI testing
-pushd kubernetes/ingress
-  WSK_PORT=$(kubectl -n openwhisk describe service nginx | grep https-api | grep NodePort| awk '{print $3}' | cut -d'/' -f1)
-  APIGW_PORT=$(kubectl -n openwhisk describe service apigateway | grep mgmt | grep NodePort| awk '{print $3}' | cut -d'/' -f1)
-  WSK_HOST=$(kubectl describe nodes | grep Hostname: | awk '{print $2}')
-  if [ "$WSK_HOST" = "minikube" ]; then
-      WSK_HOST=$(minikube ip)
-  fi
-  kubectl -n openwhisk create configmap whisk.ingress --from-literal=api_host=$WSK_HOST:$WSK_PORT --from-literal=apigw_url=http://$WSK_HOST:$APIGW_PORT
-  wsk property set --auth `cat ../cluster-setup/auth.guest` --apihost $WSK_HOST:$WSK_PORT
-# setup couchdb
-echo "Deploying couchdb"
-pushd kubernetes/couchdb
-  kubectl -n openwhisk create secret generic db.auth --from-literal=db_username=whisk_admin --from-literal=db_password=some_passw0rd
-  kubectl -n openwhisk create configmap db.config --from-literal=db_protocol=http --from-literal=db_provider=CouchDB --from-literal=db_host=couchdb.openwhisk.svc.cluster.local --from-literal=db_port=5984 --from-literal=db_whisk_activations=test_activations --from-literal=db_whisk_actions=test_whisks --from-literal=db_whisk_auths=test_subjects --from-literal=db_prefix=test_
-  kubectl apply -f couchdb.yml
-  couchdbHealthCheck
-# setup apigateway
-echo "Deploying apigateway"
-pushd kubernetes/apigateway
-  kubectl apply -f apigateway.yml
-  deploymentHealthCheck "apigateway"
-# setup zookeeper
-echo "Deploying zookeeper"
-pushd kubernetes/zookeeper
-  kubectl apply -f zookeeper.yml
-  deploymentHealthCheck "zookeeper"
-# setup kafka
-echo "Deploying kafka"
-pushd kubernetes/kafka
-  kubectl apply -f kafka.yml
-  deploymentHealthCheck "kafka"
-# setup the controller
-echo "Deploying controller"
-pushd kubernetes/controller
-  kubectl -n openwhisk create cm controller.config --from-env-file=controller.env
-  kubectl apply -f controller.yml
-  statefulsetHealthCheck "controller"
-# setup the invoker
-pushd kubernetes/invoker
-    if [ "$OW_CONTAINER_FACTORY" = "docker" ]; then
-        echo "Deploying invoker using DockerContainerFactory"
-        kubectl -n openwhisk create cm invoker.config --from-env-file=invoker-dcf.env
-        kubectl apply -f invoker-dcf.yml
-    elif [ "$OW_CONTAINER_FACTORY" = "kubernetes" ]; then
-        echo "Deploying invoker using KubernetesContainerFactory"
-        kubectl -n openwhisk create cm invoker.config --from-env-file=invoker-k8scf.env
-        kubectl apply -f invoker-agent.yml
-        deploymentHealthCheck "invoker-agent"
-        kubectl apply -f invoker-k8scf.yml
-    else
-        echo "Unknown container factory $OW_CONTAINER_FACTORY"
-        exit 1
-    fi
-    # wait until invoker is ready
-    deploymentHealthCheck "invoker"
-# setup nginx
-echo "Deploying nginx"
-pushd kubernetes/nginx
-  ./ localhost
-  kubectl -n openwhisk create configmap nginx --from-file=nginx.conf
-  kubectl -n openwhisk create secret tls nginx --cert=certs/cert.pem --key=certs/key.pem
-  # have seen this fail where nginx pod is applied but never created. Hard to know
-  # why that is happening without having access to Kube component logs.
-  sleep 5
-  kubectl apply -f nginx.yml
-  # wait until nginx is ready
-  deploymentHealthCheck "nginx"
-# install routemgmt
-echo "Installing routemgmt"
-pushd kubernetes/routemgmt
-  kubectl apply -f install-routemgmt.yml
-  jobHealthCheck "install-routemgmt"
-# install openwhisk-catalog
-echo "Installing catalog"
-pushd kubernetes/openwhisk-catalog
-  kubectl apply -f install-catalog.yml
-  jobHealthCheck "install-catalog"
-# install package-kafka
-echo "Installing kafka package"
-pushd kubernetes/package-kafka
-  kubectl -n openwhisk create cm packages.kafkaprovider --from-literal=kafkapkg_db_prefix=mq
-  kubectl apply -f kafkaprovider.yml
-  kubectl apply -f kafkapkginstaller.yml
-  jobHealthCheck "kafkapkginstaller"
-# list packages and actions now installed in /whisk.system
-wsk -i --auth `cat kubernetes/cluster-setup/auth.whisk.system` package list
-wsk -i --auth `cat kubernetes/cluster-setup/auth.whisk.system` action list
-# Sniff test: create and invoke a simple Hello world action
-# create wsk action
-cat > /tmp/hello.js << EOL
-function main() {
-  return {body: 'Hello world'};
-wsk -i action create hello /tmp/hello.js --web true
-# first list the actions and expect to see hello
-RESULT=$(wsk -i action list | grep hello)
-if [ -z "$RESULT" ]; then
-  echo "FAILED! Could not list hello action via CLI"
-  exit 1
-# next invoke the new hello world action via the CLI
-RESULT=$(wsk -i action invoke --blocking hello | grep "\"status\": \"success\"")
-if [ -z "$RESULT" ]; then
-  echo "FAILED! Could not invoke hello action via CLI"
-  exit 1
-# now run it as a web action
-HELLO_URL=$(wsk -i action get hello --url | grep "https://")
-RESULT=$(wget --no-check-certificate -qO- $HELLO_URL | grep 'Hello world')
-if [ -z "$RESULT" ]; then
-  echo "FAILED! Could not invoke hello as a web action"
-  exit 1
-echo "PASSED! Deployed openwhisk and invoked Hello action"


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