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Posted to by "Craig R. McClanahan" <> on 2001/08/15 21:11:51 UTC

RE: Does the servlet security model work with the J2EE Blueprint MVC?

On Wed, 15 Aug 2001, Lin, Zhongwu wrote:

> I have a question about the last paragraph of you answer.
> 	[Lin, Zhongwu]  
> 	can you explain in more detail on the last paragraph:
> 	put those JSP pages inside the /WEB-INF
> 	directory.  This works because the container will refuse to serve
> anything
> 	under /WEB-INF directly to the user, but RequestDispatcher.forward()
> can
> 	still be used to display them.
> 	[Lin, Zhongwu]  How do I reference those JSP pages inmy app?
> 	should I do like:
> 	/WEB_INF/mypage.jsp   
> > > -Jerome
> > 
> > Craig McClanahan
> > 

Let's start with a simple experiment.  Start up Tomcat and request the
following URL:


What happens?  You get a 404 error, even though the web.xml file is really
there.  This is based on a Servlet Specification restriction that
*nothing* inside the "/WEB-INF" directory may be served directly to a
client in response to a request.

However, it is legal to access these contents from within a servlet or JSP
page, or access them through a request dispatcher.  For example, I could
read the contents of web.xml myself like this:

  InputStream is =

or, if I have a JSP page "foo.jsp" in the /WEB-INF directory, I can do

  RequestDispatcher rd =
  rd.forward(request, response);

or (from a JSP page):

  <jsp:forward page="/WEB-INF/foo.jsp">

This works because the access is from *inside* the web app, whereas the
following request (from a client) will generate a 404:


In summary, if you are using an MVC style application architecture like
that proposed in J2EE Blueprints (or in Struts), you can easily make it
impossible for your users to navigate directly to a page without going
through the controller first.
