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Posted to by Anatoliy Soldatov <> on 2019/09/10 10:31:12 UTC

Possible improvement of controller failure detection mechanism


We are running Kafka 2.1.1. Yesterday we accidentally  corrupted dns record for our controller broker. As a result, broker was not visible from outside, but was able to connect to zookeeper cluster (zookeepers were on remote servers) and other Kafka Brokers (also on remote servers) from inside. Thus, zookeeper did not delete ephemeral node of the controller and controller reelection was not triggered. Also leader reassignment of partitions was not triggered (because broker continued reporting itself as heathy).

To sum up, we experienced a lot of connection timeouts from clients and replicas to some partitions of Kafka cluster (leader partitions on corrupted broker) and we lost a broker for some time (it was inaccessible). Though, Kafka cluster did not react somehow and reported health state of cluster.

I believe, this is not a bug, but behavior of Kafka could be improved (for example, heart beats from zookeeper to Kafka brokers or some kind of ACKs, that Kafka really accessible from outside world). I am interested in community opinion.


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