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[11/12] update mochiweb to 2.3.2
diff --git a/src/mochiweb/src/mochiweb_multipart.erl b/src/mochiweb/src/mochiweb_multipart.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a83a88c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mochiweb/src/mochiweb_multipart.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,872 @@
+%% @author Bob Ippolito <>
+%% @copyright 2007 Mochi Media, Inc.
+%% @doc Utilities for parsing multipart/form-data.
+-export([parse_form/1, parse_form/2]).
+-export([parts_to_body/3, parts_to_multipart_body/4]).
+-define(CHUNKSIZE, 4096).
+-record(mp, {state, boundary, length, buffer, callback, req}).
+%% @type key() = atom() | string() | binary().
+%% @type value() = atom() | iolist() | integer().
+%% @type header() = {key(), value()}.
+%% @type bodypart() = {Start::integer(), End::integer(), Body::iolist()}.
+%% @type formfile() = {Name::string(), ContentType::string(), Content::binary()}.
+%% @type request().
+%% @type file_handler() = (Filename::string(), ContentType::string()) -> file_handler_callback().
+%% @type file_handler_callback() = (binary() | eof) -> file_handler_callback() | term().
+%% @spec parts_to_body([bodypart()], ContentType::string(),
+%%                     Size::integer()) -> {[header()], iolist()}
+%% @doc Return {[header()], iolist()} representing the body for the given
+%%      parts, may be a single part or multipart.
+parts_to_body([{Start, End, Body}], ContentType, Size) ->
+    HeaderList = [{"Content-Type", ContentType},
+                  {"Content-Range",
+                   ["bytes ",
+                    mochiweb_util:make_io(Start), "-", mochiweb_util:make_io(End),
+                    "/", mochiweb_util:make_io(Size)]}],
+    {HeaderList, Body};
+parts_to_body(BodyList, ContentType, Size) when is_list(BodyList) ->
+    parts_to_multipart_body(BodyList, ContentType, Size,
+                            mochihex:to_hex(crypto:rand_bytes(8))).
+%% @spec parts_to_multipart_body([bodypart()], ContentType::string(),
+%%                               Size::integer(), Boundary::string()) ->
+%%           {[header()], iolist()}
+%% @doc Return {[header()], iolist()} representing the body for the given
+%%      parts, always a multipart response.
+parts_to_multipart_body(BodyList, ContentType, Size, Boundary) ->
+    HeaderList = [{"Content-Type",
+                   ["multipart/byteranges; ",
+                    "boundary=", Boundary]}],
+    MultiPartBody = multipart_body(BodyList, ContentType, Boundary, Size),
+    {HeaderList, MultiPartBody}.
+%% @spec multipart_body([bodypart()], ContentType::string(),
+%%                      Boundary::string(), Size::integer()) -> iolist()
+%% @doc Return the representation of a multipart body for the given [bodypart()].
+multipart_body([], _ContentType, Boundary, _Size) ->
+    ["--", Boundary, "--\r\n"];
+multipart_body([{Start, End, Body} | BodyList], ContentType, Boundary, Size) ->
+    ["--", Boundary, "\r\n",
+     "Content-Type: ", ContentType, "\r\n",
+     "Content-Range: ",
+         "bytes ", mochiweb_util:make_io(Start), "-", mochiweb_util:make_io(End),
+             "/", mochiweb_util:make_io(Size), "\r\n\r\n",
+     Body, "\r\n"
+     | multipart_body(BodyList, ContentType, Boundary, Size)].
+%% @spec parse_form(request()) -> [{string(), string() | formfile()}]
+%% @doc Parse a multipart form from the given request using the in-memory
+%%      default_file_handler/2.
+parse_form(Req) ->
+    parse_form(Req, fun default_file_handler/2).
+%% @spec parse_form(request(), F::file_handler()) -> [{string(), string() | term()}]
+%% @doc Parse a multipart form from the given request using the given file_handler().
+parse_form(Req, FileHandler) ->
+    Callback = fun (Next) -> parse_form_outer(Next, FileHandler, []) end,
+    {_, _, Res} = parse_multipart_request(Req, Callback),
+    Res.
+parse_form_outer(eof, _, Acc) ->
+    lists:reverse(Acc);
+parse_form_outer({headers, H}, FileHandler, State) ->
+    {"form-data", H1} = proplists:get_value("content-disposition", H),
+    Name = proplists:get_value("name", H1),
+    Filename = proplists:get_value("filename", H1),
+    case Filename of
+        undefined ->
+            fun (Next) ->
+                    parse_form_value(Next, {Name, []}, FileHandler, State)
+            end;
+        _ ->
+            ContentType = proplists:get_value("content-type", H),
+            Handler = FileHandler(Filename, ContentType),
+            fun (Next) ->
+                    parse_form_file(Next, {Name, Handler}, FileHandler, State)
+            end
+    end.
+parse_form_value(body_end, {Name, Acc}, FileHandler, State) ->
+    Value = binary_to_list(iolist_to_binary(lists:reverse(Acc))),
+    State1 = [{Name, Value} | State],
+    fun (Next) -> parse_form_outer(Next, FileHandler, State1) end;
+parse_form_value({body, Data}, {Name, Acc}, FileHandler, State) ->
+    Acc1 = [Data | Acc],
+    fun (Next) -> parse_form_value(Next, {Name, Acc1}, FileHandler, State) end.
+parse_form_file(body_end, {Name, Handler}, FileHandler, State) ->
+    Value = Handler(eof),
+    State1 = [{Name, Value} | State],
+    fun (Next) -> parse_form_outer(Next, FileHandler, State1) end;
+parse_form_file({body, Data}, {Name, Handler}, FileHandler, State) ->
+    H1 = Handler(Data),
+    fun (Next) -> parse_form_file(Next, {Name, H1}, FileHandler, State) end.
+default_file_handler(Filename, ContentType) ->
+    default_file_handler_1(Filename, ContentType, []).
+default_file_handler_1(Filename, ContentType, Acc) ->
+    fun(eof) ->
+            Value = iolist_to_binary(lists:reverse(Acc)),
+            {Filename, ContentType, Value};
+       (Next) ->
+            default_file_handler_1(Filename, ContentType, [Next | Acc])
+    end.
+parse_multipart_request(Req, Callback) ->
+    %% TODO: Support chunked?
+    Length = list_to_integer(Req:get_combined_header_value("content-length")),
+    Boundary = iolist_to_binary(
+                 get_boundary(Req:get_header_value("content-type"))),
+    Prefix = <<"\r\n--", Boundary/binary>>,
+    BS = byte_size(Boundary),
+    Chunk = read_chunk(Req, Length),
+    Length1 = Length - byte_size(Chunk),
+    <<"--", Boundary:BS/binary, "\r\n", Rest/binary>> = Chunk,
+    feed_mp(headers, flash_multipart_hack(#mp{boundary=Prefix,
+                                              length=Length1,
+                                              buffer=Rest,
+                                              callback=Callback,
+                                              req=Req})).
+parse_headers(<<>>) ->
+    [];
+parse_headers(Binary) ->
+    parse_headers(Binary, []).
+parse_headers(Binary, Acc) ->
+    case find_in_binary(<<"\r\n">>, Binary) of
+        {exact, N} ->
+            <<Line:N/binary, "\r\n", Rest/binary>> = Binary,
+            parse_headers(Rest, [split_header(Line) | Acc]);
+        not_found ->
+            lists:reverse([split_header(Binary) | Acc])
+    end.
+split_header(Line) ->
+    {Name, [$: | Value]} = lists:splitwith(fun (C) -> C =/= $: end,
+                                           binary_to_list(Line)),
+    {string:to_lower(string:strip(Name)),
+     mochiweb_util:parse_header(Value)}.
+read_chunk(Req, Length) when Length > 0 ->
+    case Length of
+        Length when Length < ?CHUNKSIZE ->
+            Req:recv(Length);
+        _ ->
+            Req:recv(?CHUNKSIZE)
+    end.
+read_more(State=#mp{length=Length, buffer=Buffer, req=Req}) ->
+    Data = read_chunk(Req, Length),
+    Buffer1 = <<Buffer/binary, Data/binary>>,
+    flash_multipart_hack(State#mp{length=Length - byte_size(Data),
+                                  buffer=Buffer1}).
+flash_multipart_hack(State=#mp{length=0, buffer=Buffer, boundary=Prefix}) ->
+    %%
+    %% Flash doesn't terminate multipart with \r\n properly so we fix it up here
+    PrefixSize = size(Prefix),
+    case size(Buffer) - (2 + PrefixSize) of
+        Seek when Seek >= 0 ->
+            case Buffer of
+                <<_:Seek/binary, Prefix:PrefixSize/binary, "--">> ->
+                    Buffer1 = <<Buffer/binary, "\r\n">>,
+                    State#mp{buffer=Buffer1};
+                _ ->
+                    State
+            end;
+        _ ->
+            State
+    end;
+flash_multipart_hack(State) ->
+    State.
+feed_mp(headers, State=#mp{buffer=Buffer, callback=Callback}) ->
+    {State1, P} = case find_in_binary(<<"\r\n\r\n">>, Buffer) of
+                      {exact, N} ->
+                          {State, N};
+                      _ ->
+                          S1 = read_more(State),
+                          %% Assume headers must be less than ?CHUNKSIZE
+                          {exact, N} = find_in_binary(<<"\r\n\r\n">>,
+                                                      S1#mp.buffer),
+                          {S1, N}
+                  end,
+    <<Headers:P/binary, "\r\n\r\n", Rest/binary>> = State1#mp.buffer,
+    NextCallback = Callback({headers, parse_headers(Headers)}),
+    feed_mp(body, State1#mp{buffer=Rest,
+                            callback=NextCallback});
+feed_mp(body, State=#mp{boundary=Prefix, buffer=Buffer, callback=Callback}) ->
+    Boundary = find_boundary(Prefix, Buffer),
+    case Boundary of
+        {end_boundary, Start, Skip} ->
+            <<Data:Start/binary, _:Skip/binary, Rest/binary>> = Buffer,
+            C1 = Callback({body, Data}),
+            C2 = C1(body_end),
+            {State#mp.length, Rest, C2(eof)};
+        {next_boundary, Start, Skip} ->
+            <<Data:Start/binary, _:Skip/binary, Rest/binary>> = Buffer,
+            C1 = Callback({body, Data}),
+            feed_mp(headers, State#mp{callback=C1(body_end),
+                                      buffer=Rest});
+        {maybe, Start} ->
+            <<Data:Start/binary, Rest/binary>> = Buffer,
+            feed_mp(body, read_more(State#mp{callback=Callback({body, Data}),
+                                             buffer=Rest}));
+        not_found ->
+            {Data, Rest} = {Buffer, <<>>},
+            feed_mp(body, read_more(State#mp{callback=Callback({body, Data}),
+                                             buffer=Rest}))
+    end.
+get_boundary(ContentType) ->
+    {"multipart/form-data", Opts} = mochiweb_util:parse_header(ContentType),
+    case proplists:get_value("boundary", Opts) of
+        S when is_list(S) ->
+            S
+    end.
+%% @spec find_in_binary(Pattern::binary(), Data::binary()) ->
+%%            {exact, N} | {partial, N, K} | not_found
+%% @doc Searches for the given pattern in the given binary.
+find_in_binary(P, Data) when size(P) > 0 ->
+    PS = size(P),
+    DS = size(Data),
+    case DS - PS of
+        Last when Last < 0 ->
+            partial_find(P, Data, 0, DS);
+        Last ->
+            case binary:match(Data, P) of
+                {Pos, _} -> {exact, Pos};
+                nomatch -> partial_find(P, Data, Last+1, PS-1)
+            end
+    end.
+partial_find(_B, _D, _N, 0) ->
+    not_found;
+partial_find(B, D, N, K) ->
+    <<B1:K/binary, _/binary>> = B,
+    case D of
+        <<_Skip:N/binary, B1:K/binary>> ->
+            {partial, N, K};
+        _ ->
+            partial_find(B, D, 1 + N, K - 1)
+    end.
+find_boundary(Prefix, Data) ->
+    case find_in_binary(Prefix, Data) of
+        {exact, Skip} ->
+            PrefixSkip = Skip + size(Prefix),
+            case Data of
+                <<_:PrefixSkip/binary, "\r\n", _/binary>> ->
+                    {next_boundary, Skip, size(Prefix) + 2};
+                <<_:PrefixSkip/binary, "--\r\n", _/binary>> ->
+                    {end_boundary, Skip, size(Prefix) + 4};
+                _ when size(Data) < PrefixSkip + 4 ->
+                    %% Underflow
+                    {maybe, Skip};
+                _ ->
+                    %% False positive
+                    not_found
+            end;
+        {partial, Skip, Length} when (Skip + Length) =:= size(Data) ->
+            %% Underflow
+            {maybe, Skip};
+        _ ->
+            not_found
+    end.
+%% Tests
+ssl_cert_opts() ->
+    EbinDir = filename:dirname(code:which(?MODULE)),
+    CertDir = filename:join([EbinDir, "..", "support", "test-materials"]),
+    CertFile = filename:join(CertDir, "test_ssl_cert.pem"),
+    KeyFile = filename:join(CertDir, "test_ssl_key.pem"),
+    [{certfile, CertFile}, {keyfile, KeyFile}].
+with_socket_server(Transport, ServerFun, ClientFun) ->
+    ServerOpts0 = [{ip, ""}, {port, 0}, {loop, ServerFun}],
+    ServerOpts = case Transport of
+        plain ->
+            ServerOpts0;
+        ssl ->
+            ServerOpts0 ++ [{ssl, true}, {ssl_opts, ssl_cert_opts()}]
+    end,
+    {ok, Server} = mochiweb_socket_server:start_link(ServerOpts),
+    Port = mochiweb_socket_server:get(Server, port),
+    ClientOpts = [binary, {active, false}],
+    {ok, Client} = case Transport of
+        plain ->
+            gen_tcp:connect("", Port, ClientOpts);
+        ssl ->
+            ClientOpts1 = [{ssl_imp, new} | ClientOpts],
+            {ok, SslSocket} = ssl:connect("", Port, ClientOpts1),
+            {ok, {ssl, SslSocket}}
+    end,
+    Res = (catch ClientFun(Client)),
+    mochiweb_socket_server:stop(Server),
+    Res.
+fake_request(Socket, ContentType, Length) ->
+    mochiweb_request:new(Socket,
+                         'POST',
+                         "/multipart",
+                         {1,1},
+                         mochiweb_headers:make(
+                           [{"content-type", ContentType},
+                            {"content-length", Length}])).
+test_callback({body, <<>>}, Rest=[body_end | _]) ->
+    %% When expecting the body_end we might get an empty binary
+    fun (Next) -> test_callback(Next, Rest) end;
+test_callback({body, Got}, [{body, Expect} | Rest]) when Got =/= Expect ->
+    %% Partial response
+    GotSize = size(Got),
+    <<Got:GotSize/binary, Expect1/binary>> = Expect,
+    fun (Next) -> test_callback(Next, [{body, Expect1} | Rest]) end;
+test_callback(Got, [Expect | Rest]) ->
+    ?assertEqual(Got, Expect),
+    case Rest of
+        [] ->
+            ok;
+        _ ->
+            fun (Next) -> test_callback(Next, Rest) end
+    end.
+parse3_http_test() ->
+    parse3(plain).
+parse3_https_test() ->
+    parse3(ssl).
+parse3(Transport) ->
+    ContentType = "multipart/form-data; boundary=---------------------------7386909285754635891697677882",
+    BinContent = <<"-----------------------------7386909285754635891697677882\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name=\"hidden\"\r\n\r\nmultipart message\r\n-----------------------------7386909285754635891697677882\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name=\"file\"; filename=\"test_file.txt\"\r\nContent-Type: text/plain\r\n\r\nWoo multiline text file\n\nLa la la\r\n-----------------------------7386909285754635891697677882--\r\n">>,
+    Expect = [{headers,
+               [{"content-disposition",
+                 {"form-data", [{"name", "hidden"}]}}]},
+              {body, <<"multipart message">>},
+              body_end,
+              {headers,
+               [{"content-disposition",
+                 {"form-data", [{"name", "file"}, {"filename", "test_file.txt"}]}},
+                {"content-type", {"text/plain", []}}]},
+              {body, <<"Woo multiline text file\n\nLa la la">>},
+              body_end,
+              eof],
+    TestCallback = fun (Next) -> test_callback(Next, Expect) end,
+    ServerFun = fun (Socket) ->
+                        ok = mochiweb_socket:send(Socket, BinContent),
+                        exit(normal)
+                end,
+    ClientFun = fun (Socket) ->
+                        Req = fake_request(Socket, ContentType,
+                                           byte_size(BinContent)),
+                        Res = parse_multipart_request(Req, TestCallback),
+                        {0, <<>>, ok} = Res,
+                        ok
+                end,
+    ok = with_socket_server(Transport, ServerFun, ClientFun),
+    ok.
+parse2_http_test() ->
+    parse2(plain).
+parse2_https_test() ->
+    parse2(ssl).
+parse2(Transport) ->
+    ContentType = "multipart/form-data; boundary=---------------------------6072231407570234361599764024",
+    BinContent = <<"-----------------------------6072231407570234361599764024\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name=\"hidden\"\r\n\r\nmultipart message\r\n-----------------------------6072231407570234361599764024\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name=\"file\"; filename=\"\"\r\nContent-Type: application/octet-stream\r\n\r\n\r\n-----------------------------6072231407570234361599764024--\r\n">>,
+    Expect = [{headers,
+               [{"content-disposition",
+                 {"form-data", [{"name", "hidden"}]}}]},
+              {body, <<"multipart message">>},
+              body_end,
+              {headers,
+               [{"content-disposition",
+                 {"form-data", [{"name", "file"}, {"filename", ""}]}},
+                {"content-type", {"application/octet-stream", []}}]},
+              {body, <<>>},
+              body_end,
+              eof],
+    TestCallback = fun (Next) -> test_callback(Next, Expect) end,
+    ServerFun = fun (Socket) ->
+                        ok = mochiweb_socket:send(Socket, BinContent),
+                        exit(normal)
+                end,
+    ClientFun = fun (Socket) ->
+                        Req = fake_request(Socket, ContentType,
+                                           byte_size(BinContent)),
+                        Res = parse_multipart_request(Req, TestCallback),
+                        {0, <<>>, ok} = Res,
+                        ok
+                end,
+    ok = with_socket_server(Transport, ServerFun, ClientFun),
+    ok.
+parse_form_http_test() ->
+    do_parse_form(plain).
+parse_form_https_test() ->
+    do_parse_form(ssl).
+do_parse_form(Transport) ->
+    ContentType = "multipart/form-data; boundary=AaB03x",
+    "AaB03x" = get_boundary(ContentType),
+    Content = mochiweb_util:join(
+                ["--AaB03x",
+                 "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"submit-name\"",
+                 "",
+                 "Larry",
+                 "--AaB03x",
+                 "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"files\";"
+                 ++ "filename=\"file1.txt\"",
+                 "Content-Type: text/plain",
+                 "",
+                 "... contents of file1.txt ...",
+                 "--AaB03x--",
+                 ""], "\r\n"),
+    BinContent = iolist_to_binary(Content),
+    ServerFun = fun (Socket) ->
+                        ok = mochiweb_socket:send(Socket, BinContent),
+                        exit(normal)
+                end,
+    ClientFun = fun (Socket) ->
+                        Req = fake_request(Socket, ContentType,
+                                           byte_size(BinContent)),
+                        Res = parse_form(Req),
+                        [{"submit-name", "Larry"},
+                         {"files", {"file1.txt", {"text/plain",[]},
+                                    <<"... contents of file1.txt ...">>}
+                         }] = Res,
+                        ok
+                end,
+    ok = with_socket_server(Transport, ServerFun, ClientFun),
+    ok.
+parse_http_test() ->
+    do_parse(plain).
+parse_https_test() ->
+    do_parse(ssl).
+do_parse(Transport) ->
+    ContentType = "multipart/form-data; boundary=AaB03x",
+    "AaB03x" = get_boundary(ContentType),
+    Content = mochiweb_util:join(
+                ["--AaB03x",
+                 "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"submit-name\"",
+                 "",
+                 "Larry",
+                 "--AaB03x",
+                 "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"files\";"
+                 ++ "filename=\"file1.txt\"",
+                 "Content-Type: text/plain",
+                 "",
+                 "... contents of file1.txt ...",
+                 "--AaB03x--",
+                 ""], "\r\n"),
+    BinContent = iolist_to_binary(Content),
+    Expect = [{headers,
+               [{"content-disposition",
+                 {"form-data", [{"name", "submit-name"}]}}]},
+              {body, <<"Larry">>},
+              body_end,
+              {headers,
+               [{"content-disposition",
+                 {"form-data", [{"name", "files"}, {"filename", "file1.txt"}]}},
+                 {"content-type", {"text/plain", []}}]},
+              {body, <<"... contents of file1.txt ...">>},
+              body_end,
+              eof],
+    TestCallback = fun (Next) -> test_callback(Next, Expect) end,
+    ServerFun = fun (Socket) ->
+                        ok = mochiweb_socket:send(Socket, BinContent),
+                        exit(normal)
+                end,
+    ClientFun = fun (Socket) ->
+                        Req = fake_request(Socket, ContentType,
+                                           byte_size(BinContent)),
+                        Res = parse_multipart_request(Req, TestCallback),
+                        {0, <<>>, ok} = Res,
+                        ok
+                end,
+    ok = with_socket_server(Transport, ServerFun, ClientFun),
+    ok.
+parse_partial_body_boundary_http_test() ->
+   parse_partial_body_boundary(plain).
+parse_partial_body_boundary_https_test() ->
+   parse_partial_body_boundary(ssl).
+parse_partial_body_boundary(Transport) ->
+    Boundary = string:copies("$", 2048),
+    ContentType = "multipart/form-data; boundary=" ++ Boundary,
+    ?assertEqual(Boundary, get_boundary(ContentType)),
+    Content = mochiweb_util:join(
+                ["--" ++ Boundary,
+                 "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"submit-name\"",
+                 "",
+                 "Larry",
+                 "--" ++ Boundary,
+                 "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"files\";"
+                 ++ "filename=\"file1.txt\"",
+                 "Content-Type: text/plain",
+                 "",
+                 "... contents of file1.txt ...",
+                 "--" ++ Boundary ++ "--",
+                 ""], "\r\n"),
+    BinContent = iolist_to_binary(Content),
+    Expect = [{headers,
+               [{"content-disposition",
+                 {"form-data", [{"name", "submit-name"}]}}]},
+              {body, <<"Larry">>},
+              body_end,
+              {headers,
+               [{"content-disposition",
+                 {"form-data", [{"name", "files"}, {"filename", "file1.txt"}]}},
+                {"content-type", {"text/plain", []}}
+               ]},
+              {body, <<"... contents of file1.txt ...">>},
+              body_end,
+              eof],
+    TestCallback = fun (Next) -> test_callback(Next, Expect) end,
+    ServerFun = fun (Socket) ->
+                        ok = mochiweb_socket:send(Socket, BinContent),
+                        exit(normal)
+                end,
+    ClientFun = fun (Socket) ->
+                        Req = fake_request(Socket, ContentType,
+                                           byte_size(BinContent)),
+                        Res = parse_multipart_request(Req, TestCallback),
+                        {0, <<>>, ok} = Res,
+                        ok
+                end,
+    ok = with_socket_server(Transport, ServerFun, ClientFun),
+    ok.
+parse_large_header_http_test() ->
+    parse_large_header(plain).
+parse_large_header_https_test() ->
+    parse_large_header(ssl).
+parse_large_header(Transport) ->
+    ContentType = "multipart/form-data; boundary=AaB03x",
+    "AaB03x" = get_boundary(ContentType),
+    Content = mochiweb_util:join(
+                ["--AaB03x",
+                 "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"submit-name\"",
+                 "",
+                 "Larry",
+                 "--AaB03x",
+                 "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"files\";"
+                 ++ "filename=\"file1.txt\"",
+                 "Content-Type: text/plain",
+                 "x-large-header: " ++ string:copies("%", 4096),
+                 "",
+                 "... contents of file1.txt ...",
+                 "--AaB03x--",
+                 ""], "\r\n"),
+    BinContent = iolist_to_binary(Content),
+    Expect = [{headers,
+               [{"content-disposition",
+                 {"form-data", [{"name", "submit-name"}]}}]},
+              {body, <<"Larry">>},
+              body_end,
+              {headers,
+               [{"content-disposition",
+                 {"form-data", [{"name", "files"}, {"filename", "file1.txt"}]}},
+                {"content-type", {"text/plain", []}},
+                {"x-large-header", {string:copies("%", 4096), []}}
+               ]},
+              {body, <<"... contents of file1.txt ...">>},
+              body_end,
+              eof],
+    TestCallback = fun (Next) -> test_callback(Next, Expect) end,
+    ServerFun = fun (Socket) ->
+                        ok = mochiweb_socket:send(Socket, BinContent),
+                        exit(normal)
+                end,
+    ClientFun = fun (Socket) ->
+                        Req = fake_request(Socket, ContentType,
+                                           byte_size(BinContent)),
+                        Res = parse_multipart_request(Req, TestCallback),
+                        {0, <<>>, ok} = Res,
+                        ok
+                end,
+    ok = with_socket_server(Transport, ServerFun, ClientFun),
+    ok.
+find_boundary_test() ->
+    B = <<"\r\n--X">>,
+    {next_boundary, 0, 7} = find_boundary(B, <<"\r\n--X\r\nRest">>),
+    {next_boundary, 1, 7} = find_boundary(B, <<"!\r\n--X\r\nRest">>),
+    {end_boundary, 0, 9} = find_boundary(B, <<"\r\n--X--\r\nRest">>),
+    {end_boundary, 1, 9} = find_boundary(B, <<"!\r\n--X--\r\nRest">>),
+    not_found = find_boundary(B, <<"--X\r\nRest">>),
+    {maybe, 0} = find_boundary(B, <<"\r\n--X\r">>),
+    {maybe, 1} = find_boundary(B, <<"!\r\n--X\r">>),
+    P = <<"\r\n-----------------------------16037454351082272548568224146">>,
+    B0 = <<55,212,131,77,206,23,216,198,35,87,252,118,252,8,25,211,132,229,
+          182,42,29,188,62,175,247,243,4,4,0,59, 13,10,45,45,45,45,45,45,45,
+          45,45,45,45,45,45,45,45,45,45,45,45,45,45,45,45,45,45,45,45,45,45,
+          49,54,48,51,55,52,53,52,51,53,49>>,
+    {maybe, 30} = find_boundary(P, B0),
+    not_found = find_boundary(B, <<"\r\n--XJOPKE">>),
+    ok.
+find_in_binary_test() ->
+    {exact, 0} = find_in_binary(<<"foo">>, <<"foobarbaz">>),
+    {exact, 1} = find_in_binary(<<"oo">>, <<"foobarbaz">>),
+    {exact, 8} = find_in_binary(<<"z">>, <<"foobarbaz">>),
+    not_found = find_in_binary(<<"q">>, <<"foobarbaz">>),
+    {partial, 7, 2} = find_in_binary(<<"azul">>, <<"foobarbaz">>),
+    {exact, 0} = find_in_binary(<<"foobarbaz">>, <<"foobarbaz">>),
+    {partial, 0, 3} = find_in_binary(<<"foobar">>, <<"foo">>),
+    {partial, 1, 3} = find_in_binary(<<"foobar">>, <<"afoo">>),
+    ok.
+flash_parse_http_test() ->
+    flash_parse(plain).
+flash_parse_https_test() ->
+    flash_parse(ssl).
+flash_parse(Transport) ->
+    ContentType = "multipart/form-data; boundary=----------ei4GI3GI3Ij5Ef1ae0KM7Ij5ei4Ij5",
+    "----------ei4GI3GI3Ij5Ef1ae0KM7Ij5ei4Ij5" = get_boundary(ContentType),
+    BinContent = <<"------------ei4GI3GI3Ij5Ef1ae0KM7Ij5ei4Ij5\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name=\"Filename\"\r\n\r\nhello.txt\r\n------------ei4GI3GI3Ij5Ef1ae0KM7Ij5ei4Ij5\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name=\"success_action_status\"\r\n\r\n201\r\n------------ei4GI3GI3Ij5Ef1ae0KM7Ij5ei4Ij5\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name=\"file\"; filename=\"hello.txt\"\r\nContent-Type: application/octet-stream\r\n\r\nhello\n\r\n------------ei4GI3GI3Ij5Ef1ae0KM7Ij5ei4Ij5\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name=\"Upload\"\r\n\r\nSubmit Query\r\n------------ei4GI3GI3Ij5Ef1ae0KM7Ij5ei4Ij5--">>,
+    Expect = [{headers,
+               [{"content-disposition",
+                 {"form-data", [{"name", "Filename"}]}}]},
+              {body, <<"hello.txt">>},
+              body_end,
+              {headers,
+               [{"content-disposition",
+                 {"form-data", [{"name", "success_action_status"}]}}]},
+              {body, <<"201">>},
+              body_end,
+              {headers,
+               [{"content-disposition",
+                 {"form-data", [{"name", "file"}, {"filename", "hello.txt"}]}},
+                {"content-type", {"application/octet-stream", []}}]},
+              {body, <<"hello\n">>},
+              body_end,
+              {headers,
+               [{"content-disposition",
+                 {"form-data", [{"name", "Upload"}]}}]},
+              {body, <<"Submit Query">>},
+              body_end,
+              eof],
+    TestCallback = fun (Next) -> test_callback(Next, Expect) end,
+    ServerFun = fun (Socket) ->
+                        ok = mochiweb_socket:send(Socket, BinContent),
+                        exit(normal)
+                end,
+    ClientFun = fun (Socket) ->
+                        Req = fake_request(Socket, ContentType,
+                                           byte_size(BinContent)),
+                        Res = parse_multipart_request(Req, TestCallback),
+                        {0, <<>>, ok} = Res,
+                        ok
+                end,
+    ok = with_socket_server(Transport, ServerFun, ClientFun),
+    ok.
+flash_parse2_http_test() ->
+    flash_parse2(plain).
+flash_parse2_https_test() ->
+    flash_parse2(ssl).
+flash_parse2(Transport) ->
+    ContentType = "multipart/form-data; boundary=----------ei4GI3GI3Ij5Ef1ae0KM7Ij5ei4Ij5",
+    "----------ei4GI3GI3Ij5Ef1ae0KM7Ij5ei4Ij5" = get_boundary(ContentType),
+    Chunk = iolist_to_binary(string:copies("%", 4096)),
+    BinContent = <<"------------ei4GI3GI3Ij5Ef1ae0KM7Ij5ei4Ij5\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name=\"Filename\"\r\n\r\nhello.txt\r\n------------ei4GI3GI3Ij5Ef1ae0KM7Ij5ei4Ij5\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name=\"success_action_status\"\r\n\r\n201\r\n------------ei4GI3GI3Ij5Ef1ae0KM7Ij5ei4Ij5\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name=\"file\"; filename=\"hello.txt\"\r\nContent-Type: application/octet-stream\r\n\r\n", Chunk/binary, "\r\n------------ei4GI3GI3Ij5Ef1ae0KM7Ij5ei4Ij5\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name=\"Upload\"\r\n\r\nSubmit Query\r\n------------ei4GI3GI3Ij5Ef1ae0KM7Ij5ei4Ij5--">>,
+    Expect = [{headers,
+               [{"content-disposition",
+                 {"form-data", [{"name", "Filename"}]}}]},
+              {body, <<"hello.txt">>},
+              body_end,
+              {headers,
+               [{"content-disposition",
+                 {"form-data", [{"name", "success_action_status"}]}}]},
+              {body, <<"201">>},
+              body_end,
+              {headers,
+               [{"content-disposition",
+                 {"form-data", [{"name", "file"}, {"filename", "hello.txt"}]}},
+                {"content-type", {"application/octet-stream", []}}]},
+              {body, Chunk},
+              body_end,
+              {headers,
+               [{"content-disposition",
+                 {"form-data", [{"name", "Upload"}]}}]},
+              {body, <<"Submit Query">>},
+              body_end,
+              eof],
+    TestCallback = fun (Next) -> test_callback(Next, Expect) end,
+    ServerFun = fun (Socket) ->
+                        ok = mochiweb_socket:send(Socket, BinContent),
+                        exit(normal)
+                end,
+    ClientFun = fun (Socket) ->
+                        Req = fake_request(Socket, ContentType,
+                                           byte_size(BinContent)),
+                        Res = parse_multipart_request(Req, TestCallback),
+                        {0, <<>>, ok} = Res,
+                        ok
+                end,
+    ok = with_socket_server(Transport, ServerFun, ClientFun),
+    ok.
+parse_headers_test() ->
+    ?assertEqual([], parse_headers(<<>>)).
+flash_multipart_hack_test() ->
+    Buffer = <<"prefix-">>,
+    Prefix = <<"prefix">>,
+    State = #mp{length=0, buffer=Buffer, boundary=Prefix},
+    ?assertEqual(State,
+                 flash_multipart_hack(State)).
+parts_to_body_single_test() ->
+    {HL, B} = parts_to_body([{0, 5, <<"01234">>}],
+                            "text/plain",
+                            10),
+    [{"Content-Range", Range},
+     {"Content-Type", Type}] = lists:sort(HL),
+    ?assertEqual(
+       <<"bytes 0-5/10">>,
+       iolist_to_binary(Range)),
+    ?assertEqual(
+       <<"text/plain">>,
+       iolist_to_binary(Type)),
+    ?assertEqual(
+       <<"01234">>,
+       iolist_to_binary(B)),
+    ok.
+parts_to_body_multi_test() ->
+    {[{"Content-Type", Type}],
+     _B} = parts_to_body([{0, 5, <<"01234">>}, {5, 10, <<"56789">>}],
+                        "text/plain",
+                        10),
+    ?assertMatch(
+       <<"multipart/byteranges; boundary=", _/binary>>,
+       iolist_to_binary(Type)),
+    ok.
+parts_to_multipart_body_test() ->
+    {[{"Content-Type", V}], B} = parts_to_multipart_body(
+                                   [{0, 5, <<"01234">>}, {5, 10, <<"56789">>}],
+                                   "text/plain",
+                                   10,
+                                   "BOUNDARY"),
+    MB = multipart_body(
+           [{0, 5, <<"01234">>}, {5, 10, <<"56789">>}],
+           "text/plain",
+           "BOUNDARY",
+           10),
+    ?assertEqual(
+       <<"multipart/byteranges; boundary=BOUNDARY">>,
+       iolist_to_binary(V)),
+    ?assertEqual(
+       iolist_to_binary(MB),
+       iolist_to_binary(B)),
+    ok.
+multipart_body_test() ->
+    ?assertEqual(
+       <<"--BOUNDARY--\r\n">>,
+       iolist_to_binary(multipart_body([], "text/plain", "BOUNDARY", 0))),
+    ?assertEqual(
+       <<"--BOUNDARY\r\n"
+         "Content-Type: text/plain\r\n"
+         "Content-Range: bytes 0-5/10\r\n\r\n"
+         "01234\r\n"
+         "--BOUNDARY\r\n"
+         "Content-Type: text/plain\r\n"
+         "Content-Range: bytes 5-10/10\r\n\r\n"
+         "56789\r\n"
+         "--BOUNDARY--\r\n">>,
+       iolist_to_binary(multipart_body([{0, 5, <<"01234">>}, {5, 10, <<"56789">>}],
+                                       "text/plain",
+                                       "BOUNDARY",
+                                       10))),
+    ok.
+%% @todo Move somewhere more appropriate than in the test suite
+multipart_parsing_benchmark_test() ->
+  run_multipart_parsing_benchmark(1).
+run_multipart_parsing_benchmark(0) -> ok;
+run_multipart_parsing_benchmark(N) ->
+     multipart_parsing_benchmark(),
+     run_multipart_parsing_benchmark(N-1).
+multipart_parsing_benchmark() ->
+    ContentType = "multipart/form-data; boundary=----------ei4GI3GI3Ij5Ef1ae0KM7Ij5ei4Ij5",
+    Chunk = binary:copy(<<"This Is_%Some=Quite0Long4String2Used9For7BenchmarKing.5">>, 102400),
+    BinContent = <<"------------ei4GI3GI3Ij5Ef1ae0KM7Ij5ei4Ij5\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name=\"Filename\"\r\n\r\nhello.txt\r\n------------ei4GI3GI3Ij5Ef1ae0KM7Ij5ei4Ij5\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name=\"success_action_status\"\r\n\r\n201\r\n------------ei4GI3GI3Ij5Ef1ae0KM7Ij5ei4Ij5\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name=\"file\"; filename=\"hello.txt\"\r\nContent-Type: application/octet-stream\r\n\r\n", Chunk/binary, "\r\n------------ei4GI3GI3Ij5Ef1ae0KM7Ij5ei4Ij5\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name=\"Upload\"\r\n\r\nSubmit Query\r\n------------ei4GI3GI3Ij5Ef1ae0KM7Ij5ei4Ij5--">>,
+    Expect = [{headers,
+               [{"content-disposition",
+                 {"form-data", [{"name", "Filename"}]}}]},
+              {body, <<"hello.txt">>},
+              body_end,
+              {headers,
+               [{"content-disposition",
+                 {"form-data", [{"name", "success_action_status"}]}}]},
+              {body, <<"201">>},
+              body_end,
+              {headers,
+               [{"content-disposition",
+                 {"form-data", [{"name", "file"}, {"filename", "hello.txt"}]}},
+                {"content-type", {"application/octet-stream", []}}]},
+              {body, Chunk},
+              body_end,
+              {headers,
+               [{"content-disposition",
+                 {"form-data", [{"name", "Upload"}]}}]},
+              {body, <<"Submit Query">>},
+              body_end,
+              eof],
+    TestCallback = fun (Next) -> test_callback(Next, Expect) end,
+    ServerFun = fun (Socket) ->
+                        ok = mochiweb_socket:send(Socket, BinContent),
+                        exit(normal)
+                end,
+    ClientFun = fun (Socket) ->
+                        Req = fake_request(Socket, ContentType,
+                                           byte_size(BinContent)),
+                        Res = parse_multipart_request(Req, TestCallback),
+                        {0, <<>>, ok} = Res,
+                        ok
+                end,
+    ok = with_socket_server(plain, ServerFun, ClientFun),
+    ok.
diff --git a/src/mochiweb/src/mochiweb_request.erl b/src/mochiweb/src/mochiweb_request.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4bc2d63
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mochiweb/src/mochiweb_request.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,840 @@
+%% @author Bob Ippolito <>
+%% @copyright 2007 Mochi Media, Inc.
+%% @doc MochiWeb HTTP Request abstraction.
+-module(mochiweb_request, [Socket, Method, RawPath, Version, Headers]).
+-define(QUIP, "Any of you quaids got a smint?").
+-export([get_header_value/1, get_primary_header_value/1, get_combined_header_value/1, get/1, dump/0]).
+-export([send/1, recv/1, recv/2, recv_body/0, recv_body/1, stream_body/3]).
+-export([start_response/1, start_response_length/1, start_raw_response/1]).
+-export([respond/1, ok/1]).
+-export([not_found/0, not_found/1]).
+-export([parse_post/0, parse_qs/0]).
+-export([should_close/0, cleanup/0]).
+-export([parse_cookie/0, get_cookie_value/1]).
+-export([serve_file/2, serve_file/3]).
+-export([accepts_content_type/1, accepted_content_types/1]).
+-define(SAVE_QS, mochiweb_request_qs).
+-define(SAVE_PATH, mochiweb_request_path).
+-define(SAVE_RECV, mochiweb_request_recv).
+-define(SAVE_BODY, mochiweb_request_body).
+-define(SAVE_BODY_LENGTH, mochiweb_request_body_length).
+-define(SAVE_POST, mochiweb_request_post).
+-define(SAVE_COOKIE, mochiweb_request_cookie).
+-define(SAVE_FORCE_CLOSE, mochiweb_request_force_close).
+%% @type key() = atom() | string() | binary()
+%% @type value() = atom() | string() | binary() | integer()
+%% @type headers(). A mochiweb_headers structure.
+%% @type response(). A mochiweb_response parameterized module instance.
+%% @type ioheaders() = headers() | [{key(), value()}].
+% 5 minute default idle timeout
+-define(IDLE_TIMEOUT, 300000).
+% Maximum recv_body() length of 1MB
+-define(MAX_RECV_BODY, (1024*1024)).
+%% @spec get_header_value(K) -> undefined | Value
+%% @doc Get the value of a given request header.
+get_header_value(K) ->
+    mochiweb_headers:get_value(K, Headers).
+get_primary_header_value(K) ->
+    mochiweb_headers:get_primary_value(K, Headers).
+get_combined_header_value(K) ->
+    mochiweb_headers:get_combined_value(K, Headers).
+%% @type field() = socket | scheme | method | raw_path | version | headers | peer | path | body_length | range
+%% @spec get(field()) -> term()
+%% @doc Return the internal representation of the given field. If
+%%      <code>socket</code> is requested on a HTTPS connection, then
+%%      an ssl socket will be returned as <code>{ssl, SslSocket}</code>.
+%%      You can use <code>SslSocket</code> with the <code>ssl</code>
+%%      application, eg: <code>ssl:peercert(SslSocket)</code>.
+get(socket) ->
+    Socket;
+get(scheme) ->
+    case mochiweb_socket:type(Socket) of
+        plain ->
+            http;
+        ssl ->
+            https
+    end;
+get(method) ->
+    Method;
+get(raw_path) ->
+    RawPath;
+get(version) ->
+    Version;
+get(headers) ->
+    Headers;
+get(peer) ->
+    case mochiweb_socket:peername(Socket) of
+        {ok, {Addr={10, _, _, _}, _Port}} ->
+            case get_header_value("x-forwarded-for") of
+                undefined ->
+                    inet_parse:ntoa(Addr);
+                Hosts ->
+                    string:strip(lists:last(string:tokens(Hosts, ",")))
+            end;
+        {ok, {{127, 0, 0, 1}, _Port}} ->
+            case get_header_value("x-forwarded-for") of
+                undefined ->
+                    "";
+                Hosts ->
+                    string:strip(lists:last(string:tokens(Hosts, ",")))
+            end;
+        {ok, {Addr, _Port}} ->
+            inet_parse:ntoa(Addr);
+        {error, enotconn} ->
+            exit(normal)
+    end;
+get(path) ->
+    case erlang:get(?SAVE_PATH) of
+        undefined ->
+            {Path0, _, _} = mochiweb_util:urlsplit_path(RawPath),
+            Path = mochiweb_util:unquote(Path0),
+            put(?SAVE_PATH, Path),
+            Path;
+        Cached ->
+            Cached
+    end;
+get(body_length) ->
+    case erlang:get(?SAVE_BODY_LENGTH) of
+        undefined ->
+            BodyLength = body_length(),
+            put(?SAVE_BODY_LENGTH, {cached, BodyLength}),
+            BodyLength;
+        {cached, Cached} ->
+            Cached
+    end;
+get(range) ->
+    case get_header_value(range) of
+        undefined ->
+            undefined;
+        RawRange ->
+            mochiweb_http:parse_range_request(RawRange)
+    end.
+%% @spec dump() -> {mochiweb_request, [{atom(), term()}]}
+%% @doc Dump the internal representation to a "human readable" set of terms
+%%      for debugging/inspection purposes.
+dump() ->
+    {?MODULE, [{method, Method},
+               {version, Version},
+               {raw_path, RawPath},
+               {headers, mochiweb_headers:to_list(Headers)}]}.
+%% @spec send(iodata()) -> ok
+%% @doc Send data over the socket.
+send(Data) ->
+    case mochiweb_socket:send(Socket, Data) of
+        ok ->
+            ok;
+        _ ->
+            exit(normal)
+    end.
+%% @spec recv(integer()) -> binary()
+%% @doc Receive Length bytes from the client as a binary, with the default
+%%      idle timeout.
+recv(Length) ->
+    recv(Length, ?IDLE_TIMEOUT).
+%% @spec recv(integer(), integer()) -> binary()
+%% @doc Receive Length bytes from the client as a binary, with the given
+%%      Timeout in msec.
+recv(Length, Timeout) ->
+    case mochiweb_socket:recv(Socket, Length, Timeout) of
+        {ok, Data} ->
+            put(?SAVE_RECV, true),
+            Data;
+        _ ->
+            exit(normal)
+    end.
+%% @spec body_length() -> undefined | chunked | unknown_transfer_encoding | integer()
+%% @doc  Infer body length from transfer-encoding and content-length headers.
+body_length() ->
+    case get_header_value("transfer-encoding") of
+        undefined ->
+            case get_combined_header_value("content-length") of
+                undefined ->
+                    undefined;
+                Length ->
+                    list_to_integer(Length)
+            end;
+        "chunked" ->
+            chunked;
+        Unknown ->
+            {unknown_transfer_encoding, Unknown}
+    end.
+%% @spec recv_body() -> binary()
+%% @doc Receive the body of the HTTP request (defined by Content-Length).
+%%      Will only receive up to the default max-body length of 1MB.
+recv_body() ->
+    recv_body(?MAX_RECV_BODY).
+%% @spec recv_body(integer()) -> binary()
+%% @doc Receive the body of the HTTP request (defined by Content-Length).
+%%      Will receive up to MaxBody bytes.
+recv_body(MaxBody) ->
+    case erlang:get(?SAVE_BODY) of
+        undefined ->
+            % we could use a sane constant for max chunk size
+            Body = stream_body(?MAX_RECV_BODY, fun
+                ({0, _ChunkedFooter}, {_LengthAcc, BinAcc}) ->
+                    iolist_to_binary(lists:reverse(BinAcc));
+                ({Length, Bin}, {LengthAcc, BinAcc}) ->
+                    NewLength = Length + LengthAcc,
+                    if NewLength > MaxBody ->
+                        exit({body_too_large, chunked});
+                    true ->
+                        {NewLength, [Bin | BinAcc]}
+                    end
+                end, {0, []}, MaxBody),
+            put(?SAVE_BODY, Body),
+            Body;
+        Cached -> Cached
+    end.
+stream_body(MaxChunkSize, ChunkFun, FunState) ->
+    stream_body(MaxChunkSize, ChunkFun, FunState, undefined).
+stream_body(MaxChunkSize, ChunkFun, FunState, MaxBodyLength) ->
+    Expect = case get_header_value("expect") of
+                 undefined ->
+                     undefined;
+                 Value when is_list(Value) ->
+                     string:to_lower(Value)
+             end,
+    case Expect of
+        "100-continue" ->
+            _ = start_raw_response({100, gb_trees:empty()}),
+            ok;
+        _Else ->
+            ok
+    end,
+    case body_length() of
+        undefined ->
+            undefined;
+        {unknown_transfer_encoding, Unknown} ->
+            exit({unknown_transfer_encoding, Unknown});
+        chunked ->
+            % In this case the MaxBody is actually used to
+            % determine the maximum allowed size of a single
+            % chunk.
+            stream_chunked_body(MaxChunkSize, ChunkFun, FunState);
+        0 ->
+            <<>>;
+        Length when is_integer(Length) ->
+            case MaxBodyLength of
+            MaxBodyLength when is_integer(MaxBodyLength), MaxBodyLength < Length ->
+                exit({body_too_large, content_length});
+            _ ->
+                stream_unchunked_body(Length, ChunkFun, FunState)
+            end
+    end.
+%% @spec start_response({integer(), ioheaders()}) -> response()
+%% @doc Start the HTTP response by sending the Code HTTP response and
+%%      ResponseHeaders. The server will set header defaults such as Server
+%%      and Date if not present in ResponseHeaders.
+start_response({Code, ResponseHeaders}) ->
+    HResponse = mochiweb_headers:make(ResponseHeaders),
+    HResponse1 = mochiweb_headers:default_from_list(server_headers(),
+                                                    HResponse),
+    start_raw_response({Code, HResponse1}).
+%% @spec start_raw_response({integer(), headers()}) -> response()
+%% @doc Start the HTTP response by sending the Code HTTP response and
+%%      ResponseHeaders.
+start_raw_response({Code, ResponseHeaders}) ->
+    F = fun ({K, V}, Acc) ->
+                [mochiweb_util:make_io(K), <<": ">>, V, <<"\r\n">> | Acc]
+        end,
+    End = lists:foldl(F, [<<"\r\n">>],
+                      mochiweb_headers:to_list(ResponseHeaders)),
+    send([make_version(Version), make_code(Code), <<"\r\n">> | End]),
+    mochiweb:new_response({THIS, Code, ResponseHeaders}).
+%% @spec start_response_length({integer(), ioheaders(), integer()}) -> response()
+%% @doc Start the HTTP response by sending the Code HTTP response and
+%%      ResponseHeaders including a Content-Length of Length. The server
+%%      will set header defaults such as Server
+%%      and Date if not present in ResponseHeaders.
+start_response_length({Code, ResponseHeaders, Length}) ->
+    HResponse = mochiweb_headers:make(ResponseHeaders),
+    HResponse1 = mochiweb_headers:enter("Content-Length", Length, HResponse),
+    start_response({Code, HResponse1}).
+%% @spec respond({integer(), ioheaders(), iodata() | chunked | {file, IoDevice}}) -> response()
+%% @doc Start the HTTP response with start_response, and send Body to the
+%%      client (if the get(method) /= 'HEAD'). The Content-Length header
+%%      will be set by the Body length, and the server will insert header
+%%      defaults.
+respond({Code, ResponseHeaders, {file, IoDevice}}) ->
+    Length = mochiweb_io:iodevice_size(IoDevice),
+    Response = start_response_length({Code, ResponseHeaders, Length}),
+    case Method of
+        'HEAD' ->
+            ok;
+        _ ->
+            mochiweb_io:iodevice_stream(fun send/1, IoDevice)
+    end,
+    Response;
+respond({Code, ResponseHeaders, chunked}) ->
+    HResponse = mochiweb_headers:make(ResponseHeaders),
+    HResponse1 = case Method of
+                     'HEAD' ->
+                         %% This is what Google does,
+                         %% is chunked but HEAD gets Content-Length: 0.
+                         %% The RFC is ambiguous so emulating Google is smart.
+                         mochiweb_headers:enter("Content-Length", "0",
+                                                HResponse);
+                     _ when Version >= {1, 1} ->
+                         %% Only use chunked encoding for HTTP/1.1
+                         mochiweb_headers:enter("Transfer-Encoding", "chunked",
+                                                HResponse);
+                     _ ->
+                         %% For pre-1.1 clients we send the data as-is
+                         %% without a Content-Length header and without
+                         %% chunk delimiters. Since the end of the document
+                         %% is now ambiguous we must force a close.
+                         put(?SAVE_FORCE_CLOSE, true),
+                         HResponse
+                 end,
+    start_response({Code, HResponse1});
+respond({Code, ResponseHeaders, Body}) ->
+    Response = start_response_length({Code, ResponseHeaders, iolist_size(Body)}),
+    case Method of
+        'HEAD' ->
+            ok;
+        _ ->
+            send(Body)
+    end,
+    Response.
+%% @spec not_found() -> response()
+%% @doc Alias for <code>not_found([])</code>.
+not_found() ->
+    not_found([]).
+%% @spec not_found(ExtraHeaders) -> response()
+%% @doc Alias for <code>respond({404, [{"Content-Type", "text/plain"}
+%% | ExtraHeaders], &lt;&lt;"Not found."&gt;&gt;})</code>.
+not_found(ExtraHeaders) ->
+    respond({404, [{"Content-Type", "text/plain"} | ExtraHeaders],
+             <<"Not found.">>}).
+%% @spec ok({value(), iodata()} | {value(), ioheaders(), iodata() | {file, IoDevice}}) ->
+%%           response()
+%% @doc respond({200, [{"Content-Type", ContentType} | Headers], Body}).
+ok({ContentType, Body}) ->
+    ok({ContentType, [], Body});
+ok({ContentType, ResponseHeaders, Body}) ->
+    HResponse = mochiweb_headers:make(ResponseHeaders),
+    case THIS:get(range) of
+        X when (X =:= undefined orelse X =:= fail) orelse Body =:= chunked ->
+            %%
+            %% Range header not supported when chunked, return 200 and provide
+            %% full response.
+            HResponse1 = mochiweb_headers:enter("Content-Type", ContentType,
+                                                HResponse),
+            respond({200, HResponse1, Body});
+        Ranges ->
+            {PartList, Size} = range_parts(Body, Ranges),
+            case PartList of
+                [] -> %% no valid ranges
+                    HResponse1 = mochiweb_headers:enter("Content-Type",
+                                                        ContentType,
+                                                        HResponse),
+                    %% could be 416, for now we'll just return 200
+                    respond({200, HResponse1, Body});
+                PartList ->
+                    {RangeHeaders, RangeBody} =
+                        mochiweb_multipart:parts_to_body(PartList, ContentType, Size),
+                    HResponse1 = mochiweb_headers:enter_from_list(
+                                   [{"Accept-Ranges", "bytes"} |
+                                    RangeHeaders],
+                                   HResponse),
+                    respond({206, HResponse1, RangeBody})
+            end
+    end.
+%% @spec should_close() -> bool()
+%% @doc Return true if the connection must be closed. If false, using
+%%      Keep-Alive should be safe.
+should_close() ->
+    ForceClose = erlang:get(?SAVE_FORCE_CLOSE) =/= undefined,
+    DidNotRecv = erlang:get(?SAVE_RECV) =:= undefined,
+    ForceClose orelse Version < {1, 0}
+        %% Connection: close
+        orelse is_close(get_header_value("connection"))
+        %% HTTP 1.0 requires Connection: Keep-Alive
+        orelse (Version =:= {1, 0}
+                andalso get_header_value("connection") =/= "Keep-Alive")
+        %% unread data left on the socket, can't safely continue
+        orelse (DidNotRecv
+                andalso get_combined_header_value("content-length") =/= undefined
+                andalso list_to_integer(get_combined_header_value("content-length")) > 0)
+        orelse (DidNotRecv
+                andalso get_header_value("transfer-encoding") =:= "chunked").
+is_close("close") ->
+    true;
+is_close(S=[_C, _L, _O, _S, _E]) ->
+    string:to_lower(S) =:= "close";
+is_close(_) ->
+    false.
+%% @spec cleanup() -> ok
+%% @doc Clean up any junk in the process dictionary, required before continuing
+%%      a Keep-Alive request.
+cleanup() ->
+    lists:foreach(fun(K) ->
+                          erase(K)
+                  end, L),
+    ok.
+%% @spec parse_qs() -> [{Key::string(), Value::string()}]
+%% @doc Parse the query string of the URL.
+parse_qs() ->
+    case erlang:get(?SAVE_QS) of
+        undefined ->
+            {_, QueryString, _} = mochiweb_util:urlsplit_path(RawPath),
+            Parsed = mochiweb_util:parse_qs(QueryString),
+            put(?SAVE_QS, Parsed),
+            Parsed;
+        Cached ->
+            Cached
+    end.
+%% @spec get_cookie_value(Key::string) -> string() | undefined
+%% @doc Get the value of the given cookie.
+get_cookie_value(Key) ->
+    proplists:get_value(Key, parse_cookie()).
+%% @spec parse_cookie() -> [{Key::string(), Value::string()}]
+%% @doc Parse the cookie header.
+parse_cookie() ->
+    case erlang:get(?SAVE_COOKIE) of
+        undefined ->
+            Cookies = case get_header_value("cookie") of
+                          undefined ->
+                              [];
+                          Value ->
+                              mochiweb_cookies:parse_cookie(Value)
+                      end,
+            put(?SAVE_COOKIE, Cookies),
+            Cookies;
+        Cached ->
+            Cached
+    end.
+%% @spec parse_post() -> [{Key::string(), Value::string()}]
+%% @doc Parse an application/x-www-form-urlencoded form POST. This
+%%      has the side-effect of calling recv_body().
+parse_post() ->
+    case erlang:get(?SAVE_POST) of
+        undefined ->
+            Parsed = case recv_body() of
+                         undefined ->
+                             [];
+                         Binary ->
+                             case get_primary_header_value("content-type") of
+                                 "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" ++ _ ->
+                                     mochiweb_util:parse_qs(Binary);
+                                 _ ->
+                                     []
+                             end
+                     end,
+            put(?SAVE_POST, Parsed),
+            Parsed;
+        Cached ->
+            Cached
+    end.
+%% @spec stream_chunked_body(integer(), fun(), term()) -> term()
+%% @doc The function is called for each chunk.
+%%      Used internally by read_chunked_body.
+stream_chunked_body(MaxChunkSize, Fun, FunState) ->
+    case read_chunk_length() of
+        0 ->
+            Fun({0, read_chunk(0)}, FunState);
+        Length when Length > MaxChunkSize ->
+            NewState = read_sub_chunks(Length, MaxChunkSize, Fun, FunState),
+            stream_chunked_body(MaxChunkSize, Fun, NewState);
+        Length ->
+            NewState = Fun({Length, read_chunk(Length)}, FunState),
+            stream_chunked_body(MaxChunkSize, Fun, NewState)
+    end.
+stream_unchunked_body(0, Fun, FunState) ->
+    Fun({0, <<>>}, FunState);
+stream_unchunked_body(Length, Fun, FunState) when Length > 0 ->
+    PktSize = case Length > ?RECBUF_SIZE of
+        true ->
+            ?RECBUF_SIZE;
+        false ->
+            Length
+    end,
+    Bin = recv(PktSize),
+    NewState = Fun({PktSize, Bin}, FunState),
+    stream_unchunked_body(Length - PktSize, Fun, NewState).
+%% @spec read_chunk_length() -> integer()
+%% @doc Read the length of the next HTTP chunk.
+read_chunk_length() ->
+    ok = mochiweb_socket:setopts(Socket, [{packet, line}]),
+    case mochiweb_socket:recv(Socket, 0, ?IDLE_TIMEOUT) of
+        {ok, Header} ->
+            ok = mochiweb_socket:setopts(Socket, [{packet, raw}]),
+            Splitter = fun (C) ->
+                               C =/= $\r andalso C =/= $\n andalso C =/= $
+                       end,
+            {Hex, _Rest} = lists:splitwith(Splitter, binary_to_list(Header)),
+            mochihex:to_int(Hex);
+        _ ->
+            exit(normal)
+    end.
+%% @spec read_chunk(integer()) -> Chunk::binary() | [Footer::binary()]
+%% @doc Read in a HTTP chunk of the given length. If Length is 0, then read the
+%%      HTTP footers (as a list of binaries, since they're nominal).
+read_chunk(0) ->
+    ok = mochiweb_socket:setopts(Socket, [{packet, line}]),
+    F = fun (F1, Acc) ->
+                case mochiweb_socket:recv(Socket, 0, ?IDLE_TIMEOUT) of
+                    {ok, <<"\r\n">>} ->
+                        Acc;
+                    {ok, Footer} ->
+                        F1(F1, [Footer | Acc]);
+                    _ ->
+                        exit(normal)
+                end
+        end,
+    Footers = F(F, []),
+    ok = mochiweb_socket:setopts(Socket, [{packet, raw}]),
+    put(?SAVE_RECV, true),
+    Footers;
+read_chunk(Length) ->
+    case mochiweb_socket:recv(Socket, 2 + Length, ?IDLE_TIMEOUT) of
+        {ok, <<Chunk:Length/binary, "\r\n">>} ->
+            Chunk;
+        _ ->
+            exit(normal)
+    end.
+read_sub_chunks(Length, MaxChunkSize, Fun, FunState) when Length > MaxChunkSize ->
+    Bin = recv(MaxChunkSize),
+    NewState = Fun({size(Bin), Bin}, FunState),
+    read_sub_chunks(Length - MaxChunkSize, MaxChunkSize, Fun, NewState);
+read_sub_chunks(Length, _MaxChunkSize, Fun, FunState) ->
+    Fun({Length, read_chunk(Length)}, FunState).
+%% @spec serve_file(Path, DocRoot) -> Response
+%% @doc Serve a file relative to DocRoot.
+serve_file(Path, DocRoot) ->
+    serve_file(Path, DocRoot, []).
+%% @spec serve_file(Path, DocRoot, ExtraHeaders) -> Response
+%% @doc Serve a file relative to DocRoot.
+serve_file(Path, DocRoot, ExtraHeaders) ->
+    case mochiweb_util:safe_relative_path(Path) of
+        undefined ->
+            not_found(ExtraHeaders);
+        RelPath ->
+            FullPath = filename:join([DocRoot, RelPath]),
+            case filelib:is_dir(FullPath) of
+                true ->
+                    maybe_redirect(RelPath, FullPath, ExtraHeaders);
+                false ->
+                    maybe_serve_file(FullPath, ExtraHeaders)
+            end
+    end.
+%% Internal API
+%% This has the same effect as the DirectoryIndex directive in httpd
+directory_index(FullPath) ->
+    filename:join([FullPath, "index.html"]).
+maybe_redirect([], FullPath, ExtraHeaders) ->
+    maybe_serve_file(directory_index(FullPath), ExtraHeaders);
+maybe_redirect(RelPath, FullPath, ExtraHeaders) ->
+    case string:right(RelPath, 1) of
+        "/" ->
+            maybe_serve_file(directory_index(FullPath), ExtraHeaders);
+        _   ->
+            Host = mochiweb_headers:get_value("host", Headers),
+            Location = "http://" ++ Host  ++ "/" ++ RelPath ++ "/",
+            LocationBin = list_to_binary(Location),
+            MoreHeaders = [{"Location", Location},
+                           {"Content-Type", "text/html"} | ExtraHeaders],
+            Top = <<"<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0//EN\">"
+            "<html><head>"
+            "<title>301 Moved Permanently</title>"
+            "</head><body>"
+            "<h1>Moved Permanently</h1>"
+            "<p>The document has moved <a href=\"">>,
+            Bottom = <<">here</a>.</p></body></html>\n">>,
+            Body = <<Top/binary, LocationBin/binary, Bottom/binary>>,
+            respond({301, MoreHeaders, Body})
+    end.
+maybe_serve_file(File, ExtraHeaders) ->
+    case file:read_file_info(File) of
+        {ok, FileInfo} ->
+            LastModified = httpd_util:rfc1123_date(FileInfo#file_info.mtime),
+            case get_header_value("if-modified-since") of
+                LastModified ->
+                    respond({304, ExtraHeaders, ""});
+                _ ->
+                    case file:open(File, [raw, binary]) of
+                        {ok, IoDevice} ->
+                            ContentType = mochiweb_util:guess_mime(File),
+                            Res = ok({ContentType,
+                                      [{"last-modified", LastModified}
+                                       | ExtraHeaders],
+                                      {file, IoDevice}}),
+                            ok = file:close(IoDevice),
+                            Res;
+                        _ ->
+                            not_found(ExtraHeaders)
+                    end
+            end;
+        {error, _} ->
+            not_found(ExtraHeaders)
+    end.
+server_headers() ->
+    [{"Server", "MochiWeb/1.0 (" ++ ?QUIP ++ ")"},
+     {"Date", httpd_util:rfc1123_date()}].
+make_code(X) when is_integer(X) ->
+    [integer_to_list(X), [" " | httpd_util:reason_phrase(X)]];
+make_code(Io) when is_list(Io); is_binary(Io) ->
+    Io.
+make_version({1, 0}) ->
+    <<"HTTP/1.0 ">>;
+make_version(_) ->
+    <<"HTTP/1.1 ">>.
+range_parts({file, IoDevice}, Ranges) ->
+    Size = mochiweb_io:iodevice_size(IoDevice),
+    F = fun (Spec, Acc) ->
+                case mochiweb_http:range_skip_length(Spec, Size) of
+                    invalid_range ->
+                        Acc;
+                    V ->
+                        [V | Acc]
+                end
+        end,
+    LocNums = lists:foldr(F, [], Ranges),
+    {ok, Data} = file:pread(IoDevice, LocNums),
+    Bodies = lists:zipwith(fun ({Skip, Length}, PartialBody) ->
+                                   {Skip, Skip + Length - 1, PartialBody}
+                           end,
+                           LocNums, Data),
+    {Bodies, Size};
+range_parts(Body0, Ranges) ->
+    Body = iolist_to_binary(Body0),
+    Size = size(Body),
+    F = fun(Spec, Acc) ->
+                case mochiweb_http:range_skip_length(Spec, Size) of
+                    invalid_range ->
+                        Acc;
+                    {Skip, Length} ->
+                        <<_:Skip/binary, PartialBody:Length/binary, _/binary>> = Body,
+                        [{Skip, Skip + Length - 1, PartialBody} | Acc]
+                end
+        end,
+    {lists:foldr(F, [], Ranges), Size}.
+%% @spec accepted_encodings([encoding()]) -> [encoding()] | bad_accept_encoding_value
+%% @type encoding() = string().
+%% @doc Returns a list of encodings accepted by a request. Encodings that are
+%%      not supported by the server will not be included in the return list.
+%%      This list is computed from the "Accept-Encoding" header and
+%%      its elements are ordered, descendingly, according to their Q values.
+%%      Section 14.3 of the RFC 2616 (HTTP 1.1) describes the "Accept-Encoding"
+%%      header and the process of determining which server supported encodings
+%%      can be used for encoding the body for the request's response.
+%%      Examples
+%%      1) For a missing "Accept-Encoding" header:
+%%         accepted_encodings(["gzip", "identity"]) -> ["identity"]
+%%      2) For an "Accept-Encoding" header with value "gzip, deflate":
+%%         accepted_encodings(["gzip", "identity"]) -> ["gzip", "identity"]
+%%      3) For an "Accept-Encoding" header with value "gzip;q=0.5, deflate":
+%%         accepted_encodings(["gzip", "deflate", "identity"]) ->
+%%            ["deflate", "gzip", "identity"]
+accepted_encodings(SupportedEncodings) ->
+    AcceptEncodingHeader = case get_header_value("Accept-Encoding") of
+        undefined ->
+            "";
+        Value ->
+            Value
+    end,
+    case mochiweb_util:parse_qvalues(AcceptEncodingHeader) of
+        invalid_qvalue_string ->
+            bad_accept_encoding_value;
+        QList ->
+            mochiweb_util:pick_accepted_encodings(
+                QList, SupportedEncodings, "identity"
+            )
+    end.
+%% @spec accepts_content_type(string() | binary()) -> boolean() | bad_accept_header
+%% @doc Determines whether a request accepts a given media type by analyzing its
+%%      "Accept" header.
+%%      Examples
+%%      1) For a missing "Accept" header:
+%%         accepts_content_type("application/json") -> true
+%%      2) For an "Accept" header with value "text/plain, application/*":
+%%         accepts_content_type("application/json") -> true
+%%      3) For an "Accept" header with value "text/plain, */*; q=0.0":
+%%         accepts_content_type("application/json") -> false
+%%      4) For an "Accept" header with value "text/plain; q=0.5, */*; q=0.1":
+%%         accepts_content_type("application/json") -> true
+%%      5) For an "Accept" header with value "text/*; q=0.0, */*":
+%%         accepts_content_type("text/plain") -> false
+accepts_content_type(ContentType1) ->
+    ContentType = re:replace(ContentType1, "\\s", "", [global, {return, list}]),
+    AcceptHeader = accept_header(),
+    case mochiweb_util:parse_qvalues(AcceptHeader) of
+        invalid_qvalue_string ->
+            bad_accept_header;
+        QList ->
+            [MainType, _SubType] = string:tokens(ContentType, "/"),
+            SuperType = MainType ++ "/*",
+            lists:any(
+                fun({"*/*", Q}) when Q > 0.0 ->
+                        true;
+                    ({Type, Q}) when Q > 0.0 ->
+                        Type =:= ContentType orelse Type =:= SuperType;
+                    (_) ->
+                        false
+                end,
+                QList
+            ) andalso
+            (not lists:member({ContentType, 0.0}, QList)) andalso
+            (not lists:member({SuperType, 0.0}, QList))
+    end.
+%% @spec accepted_content_types([string() | binary()]) -> [string()] | bad_accept_header
+%% @doc Filters which of the given media types this request accepts. This filtering
+%%      is performed by analyzing the "Accept" header. The returned list is sorted
+%%      according to the preferences specified in the "Accept" header (higher Q values
+%%      first). If two or more types have the same preference (Q value), they're order
+%%      in the returned list is the same as they're order in the input list.
+%%      Examples
+%%      1) For a missing "Accept" header:
+%%         accepted_content_types(["text/html", "application/json"]) ->
+%%             ["text/html", "application/json"]
+%%      2) For an "Accept" header with value "text/html, application/*":
+%%         accepted_content_types(["application/json", "text/html"]) ->
+%%             ["application/json", "text/html"]
+%%      3) For an "Accept" header with value "text/html, */*; q=0.0":
+%%         accepted_content_types(["text/html", "application/json"]) ->
+%%             ["text/html"]
+%%      4) For an "Accept" header with value "text/html; q=0.5, */*; q=0.1":
+%%         accepts_content_types(["application/json", "text/html"]) ->
+%%             ["text/html", "application/json"]
+accepted_content_types(Types1) ->
+    Types = lists:map(
+        fun(T) -> re:replace(T, "\\s", "", [global, {return, list}]) end,
+        Types1),
+    AcceptHeader = accept_header(),
+    case mochiweb_util:parse_qvalues(AcceptHeader) of
+        invalid_qvalue_string ->
+            bad_accept_header;
+        QList ->
+            TypesQ = lists:foldr(
+                fun(T, Acc) ->
+                    case proplists:get_value(T, QList) of
+                        undefined ->
+                            [MainType, _SubType] = string:tokens(T, "/"),
+                            case proplists:get_value(MainType ++ "/*", QList) of
+                                undefined ->
+                                    case proplists:get_value("*/*", QList) of
+                                        Q when is_float(Q), Q > 0.0 ->
+                                            [{Q, T} | Acc];
+                                        _ ->
+                                            Acc
+                                    end;
+                                Q when Q > 0.0 ->
+                                    [{Q, T} | Acc];
+                                _ ->
+                                    Acc
+                            end;
+                        Q when Q > 0.0 ->
+                            [{Q, T} | Acc];
+                        _ ->
+                            Acc
+                    end
+                end,
+                [], Types),
+            % Note: Stable sort. If 2 types have the same Q value we leave them in the
+            % same order as in the input list.
+            SortFun = fun({Q1, _}, {Q2, _}) -> Q1 >= Q2 end,
+            [Type || {_Q, Type} <- lists:sort(SortFun, TypesQ)]
+    end.
+accept_header() ->
+    case get_header_value("Accept") of
+        undefined ->
+            "*/*";
+        Value ->
+            Value
+    end.
+%% Tests
diff --git a/src/mochiweb/src/mochiweb_request_tests.erl b/src/mochiweb/src/mochiweb_request_tests.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b40c867
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mochiweb/src/mochiweb_request_tests.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+accepts_content_type_test() ->
+    Req1 = mochiweb_request:new(nil, 'GET', "/foo", {1, 1},
+        mochiweb_headers:make([{"Accept", "multipart/related"}])),
+    ?assertEqual(true, Req1:accepts_content_type("multipart/related")),
+    ?assertEqual(true, Req1:accepts_content_type(<<"multipart/related">>)),
+    Req2 = mochiweb_request:new(nil, 'GET', "/foo", {1, 1},
+        mochiweb_headers:make([{"Accept", "text/html"}])),
+    ?assertEqual(false, Req2:accepts_content_type("multipart/related")),
+    Req3 = mochiweb_request:new(nil, 'GET', "/foo", {1, 1},
+        mochiweb_headers:make([{"Accept", "text/html, multipart/*"}])),
+    ?assertEqual(true, Req3:accepts_content_type("multipart/related")),
+    Req4 = mochiweb_request:new(nil, 'GET', "/foo", {1, 1},
+        mochiweb_headers:make([{"Accept", "text/html, multipart/*; q=0.0"}])),
+    ?assertEqual(false, Req4:accepts_content_type("multipart/related")),
+    Req5 = mochiweb_request:new(nil, 'GET', "/foo", {1, 1},
+        mochiweb_headers:make([{"Accept", "text/html, multipart/*; q=0"}])),
+    ?assertEqual(false, Req5:accepts_content_type("multipart/related")),
+    Req6 = mochiweb_request:new(nil, 'GET', "/foo", {1, 1},
+        mochiweb_headers:make([{"Accept", "text/html, */*; q=0.0"}])),
+    ?assertEqual(false, Req6:accepts_content_type("multipart/related")),
+    Req7 = mochiweb_request:new(nil, 'GET', "/foo", {1, 1},
+        mochiweb_headers:make([{"Accept", "multipart/*; q=0.0, */*"}])),
+    ?assertEqual(false, Req7:accepts_content_type("multipart/related")),
+    Req8 = mochiweb_request:new(nil, 'GET', "/foo", {1, 1},
+        mochiweb_headers:make([{"Accept", "*/*; q=0.0, multipart/*"}])),
+    ?assertEqual(true, Req8:accepts_content_type("multipart/related")),
+    Req9 = mochiweb_request:new(nil, 'GET', "/foo", {1, 1},
+        mochiweb_headers:make([{"Accept", "*/*; q=0.0, multipart/related"}])),
+    ?assertEqual(true, Req9:accepts_content_type("multipart/related")),
+    Req10 = mochiweb_request:new(nil, 'GET', "/foo", {1, 1},
+        mochiweb_headers:make([{"Accept", "text/html; level=1"}])),
+    ?assertEqual(true, Req10:accepts_content_type("text/html;level=1")),
+    Req11 = mochiweb_request:new(nil, 'GET', "/foo", {1, 1},
+        mochiweb_headers:make([{"Accept", "text/html; level=1, text/html"}])),
+    ?assertEqual(true, Req11:accepts_content_type("text/html")),
+    Req12 = mochiweb_request:new(nil, 'GET', "/foo", {1, 1},
+        mochiweb_headers:make([{"Accept", "text/html; level=1; q=0.0, text/html"}])),
+    ?assertEqual(false, Req12:accepts_content_type("text/html;level=1")),
+    Req13 = mochiweb_request:new(nil, 'GET', "/foo", {1, 1},
+        mochiweb_headers:make([{"Accept", "text/html; level=1; q=0.0, text/html"}])),
+    ?assertEqual(false, Req13:accepts_content_type("text/html; level=1")),
+    Req14 = mochiweb_request:new(nil, 'GET', "/foo", {1, 1},
+        mochiweb_headers:make([{"Accept", "text/html;level=1;q=0.1, text/html"}])),
+    ?assertEqual(true, Req14:accepts_content_type("text/html; level=1")).
+accepted_encodings_test() ->
+    Req1 = mochiweb_request:new(nil, 'GET', "/foo", {1, 1},
+                                mochiweb_headers:make([])),
+    ?assertEqual(["identity"],
+                 Req1:accepted_encodings(["gzip", "identity"])),
+    Req2 = mochiweb_request:new(nil, 'GET', "/foo", {1, 1},
+        mochiweb_headers:make([{"Accept-Encoding", "gzip, deflate"}])),
+    ?assertEqual(["gzip", "identity"],
+                 Req2:accepted_encodings(["gzip", "identity"])),
+    Req3 = mochiweb_request:new(nil, 'GET', "/foo", {1, 1},
+        mochiweb_headers:make([{"Accept-Encoding", "gzip;q=0.5, deflate"}])),
+    ?assertEqual(["deflate", "gzip", "identity"],
+                 Req3:accepted_encodings(["gzip", "deflate", "identity"])),
+    Req4 = mochiweb_request:new(nil, 'GET', "/foo", {1, 1},
+        mochiweb_headers:make([{"Accept-Encoding", "identity, *;q=0"}])),
+    ?assertEqual(["identity"],
+                 Req4:accepted_encodings(["gzip", "deflate", "identity"])),
+    Req5 = mochiweb_request:new(nil, 'GET', "/foo", {1, 1},
+        mochiweb_headers:make([{"Accept-Encoding", "gzip; q=0.1, *;q=0"}])),
+    ?assertEqual(["gzip"],
+                 Req5:accepted_encodings(["gzip", "deflate", "identity"])),
+    Req6 = mochiweb_request:new(nil, 'GET', "/foo", {1, 1},
+        mochiweb_headers:make([{"Accept-Encoding", "gzip; q=, *;q=0"}])),
+    ?assertEqual(bad_accept_encoding_value,
+                 Req6:accepted_encodings(["gzip", "deflate", "identity"])),
+    Req7 = mochiweb_request:new(nil, 'GET', "/foo", {1, 1},
+        mochiweb_headers:make([{"Accept-Encoding", "gzip;q=2.0, *;q=0"}])),
+    ?assertEqual(bad_accept_encoding_value,
+                 Req7:accepted_encodings(["gzip", "identity"])),
+    Req8 = mochiweb_request:new(nil, 'GET', "/foo", {1, 1},
+        mochiweb_headers:make([{"Accept-Encoding", "deflate, *;q=0.0"}])),
+    ?assertEqual([],
+                 Req8:accepted_encodings(["gzip", "identity"])).
+accepted_content_types_test() ->
+    Req1 = mochiweb_request:new(nil, 'GET', "/foo", {1, 1},
+        mochiweb_headers:make([{"Accept", "text/html"}])),
+    ?assertEqual(["text/html"],
+        Req1:accepted_content_types(["text/html", "application/json"])),
+    Req2 = mochiweb_request:new(nil, 'GET', "/foo", {1, 1},
+        mochiweb_headers:make([{"Accept", "text/html, */*;q=0"}])),
+    ?assertEqual(["text/html"],
+        Req2:accepted_content_types(["text/html", "application/json"])),
+    Req3 = mochiweb_request:new(nil, 'GET', "/foo", {1, 1},
+        mochiweb_headers:make([{"Accept", "text/*, */*;q=0"}])),
+    ?assertEqual(["text/html"],
+        Req3:accepted_content_types(["text/html", "application/json"])),
+    Req4 = mochiweb_request:new(nil, 'GET', "/foo", {1, 1},
+        mochiweb_headers:make([{"Accept", "text/*;q=0.8, */*;q=0.5"}])),
+    ?assertEqual(["text/html", "application/json"],
+        Req4:accepted_content_types(["application/json", "text/html"])),
+    Req5 = mochiweb_request:new(nil, 'GET', "/foo", {1, 1},
+        mochiweb_headers:make([{"Accept", "text/*;q=0.8, */*;q=0.5"}])),
+    ?assertEqual(["text/html", "application/json"],
+        Req5:accepted_content_types(["text/html", "application/json"])),
+    Req6 = mochiweb_request:new(nil, 'GET', "/foo", {1, 1},
+        mochiweb_headers:make([{"Accept", "text/*;q=0.5, */*;q=0.5"}])),
+    ?assertEqual(["application/json", "text/html"],
+        Req6:accepted_content_types(["application/json", "text/html"])),
+    Req7 = mochiweb_request:new(nil, 'GET', "/foo", {1, 1},
+        mochiweb_headers:make(
+            [{"Accept", "text/html;q=0.5, application/json;q=0.5"}])),
+    ?assertEqual(["application/json", "text/html"],
+        Req7:accepted_content_types(["application/json", "text/html"])),
+    Req8 = mochiweb_request:new(nil, 'GET', "/foo", {1, 1},
+        mochiweb_headers:make([{"Accept", "text/html"}])),
+    ?assertEqual([],
+        Req8:accepted_content_types(["application/json"])),
+    Req9 = mochiweb_request:new(nil, 'GET', "/foo", {1, 1},
+        mochiweb_headers:make([{"Accept", "text/*;q=0.9, text/html;q=0.5, */*;q=0.7"}])),
+    ?assertEqual(["application/json", "text/html"],
+        Req9:accepted_content_types(["text/html", "application/json"])).
+should_close_test() ->
+    F = fun (V, H) ->
+                (mochiweb_request:new(
+                   nil, 'GET', "/", V,
+                   mochiweb_headers:make(H)
+                  )):should_close()
+        end,
+    ?assertEqual(
+       true,
+       F({1, 1}, [{"Connection", "close"}])),
+    ?assertEqual(
+       true,
+       F({1, 0}, [{"Connection", "close"}])),
+    ?assertEqual(
+       true,
+       F({1, 1}, [{"Connection", "ClOSe"}])),
+    ?assertEqual(
+       false,
+       F({1, 1}, [{"Connection", "closer"}])),
+    ?assertEqual(
+       false,
+       F({1, 1}, [])),
+    ?assertEqual(
+       true,
+       F({1, 0}, [])),
+    ?assertEqual(
+       false,
+       F({1, 0}, [{"Connection", "Keep-Alive"}])),
+    ok.
diff --git a/src/mochiweb/src/mochiweb_response.erl b/src/mochiweb/src/mochiweb_response.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6c31fed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mochiweb/src/mochiweb_response.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+%% @author Bob Ippolito <>
+%% @copyright 2007 Mochi Media, Inc.
+%% @doc Response abstraction.
+-module(mochiweb_response, [Request, Code, Headers]).
+-define(QUIP, "Any of you quaids got a smint?").
+-export([get_header_value/1, get/1, dump/0]).
+-export([send/1, write_chunk/1]).
+%% @spec get_header_value(string() | atom() | binary()) -> string() | undefined
+%% @doc Get the value of the given response header.
+get_header_value(K) ->
+    mochiweb_headers:get_value(K, Headers).
+%% @spec get(request | code | headers) -> term()
+%% @doc Return the internal representation of the given field.
+get(request) ->
+    Request;
+get(code) ->
+    Code;
+get(headers) ->
+    Headers.
+%% @spec dump() -> {mochiweb_request, [{atom(), term()}]}
+%% @doc Dump the internal representation to a "human readable" set of terms
+%%      for debugging/inspection purposes.
+dump() ->
+    [{request, Request:dump()},
+     {code, Code},
+     {headers, mochiweb_headers:to_list(Headers)}].
+%% @spec send(iodata()) -> ok
+%% @doc Send data over the socket if the method is not HEAD.
+send(Data) ->
+    case Request:get(method) of
+        'HEAD' ->
+            ok;
+        _ ->
+            Request:send(Data)
+    end.
+%% @spec write_chunk(iodata()) -> ok
+%% @doc Write a chunk of a HTTP chunked response. If Data is zero length,
+%%      then the chunked response will be finished.
+write_chunk(Data) ->
+    case Request:get(version) of
+        Version when Version >= {1, 1} ->
+            Length = iolist_size(Data),
+            send([io_lib:format("~.16b\r\n", [Length]), Data, <<"\r\n">>]);
+        _ ->
+            send(Data)
+    end.
+%% Tests
diff --git a/src/mochiweb/src/mochiweb_socket.erl b/src/mochiweb/src/mochiweb_socket.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..76b018c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mochiweb/src/mochiweb_socket.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+%% @copyright 2010 Mochi Media, Inc.
+%% @doc MochiWeb socket - wrapper for plain and ssl sockets.
+-export([listen/4, accept/1, recv/3, send/2, close/1, port/1, peername/1,
+         setopts/2, type/1]).
+-define(ACCEPT_TIMEOUT, 2000).
+listen(Ssl, Port, Opts, SslOpts) ->
+    case Ssl of
+        true ->
+            case ssl:listen(Port, Opts ++ SslOpts) of
+                {ok, ListenSocket} ->
+                    {ok, {ssl, ListenSocket}};
+                {error, _} = Err ->
+                    Err
+            end;
+        false ->
+            gen_tcp:listen(Port, Opts)
+    end.
+accept({ssl, ListenSocket}) ->
+    % There's a bug in ssl:transport_accept/2 at the moment, which is the
+    % reason for the try...catch block. Should be fixed in OTP R14.
+    try ssl:transport_accept(ListenSocket) of
+        {ok, Socket} ->
+            case ssl:ssl_accept(Socket) of
+                ok ->
+                    {ok, {ssl, Socket}};
+                {error, _} = Err ->
+                    Err
+            end;
+        {error, _} = Err ->
+            Err
+    catch
+        error:{badmatch, {error, Reason}} ->
+            {error, Reason}
+    end;
+accept(ListenSocket) ->
+    gen_tcp:accept(ListenSocket, ?ACCEPT_TIMEOUT).
+recv({ssl, Socket}, Length, Timeout) ->
+    ssl:recv(Socket, Length, Timeout);
+recv(Socket, Length, Timeout) ->
+    gen_tcp:recv(Socket, Length, Timeout).
+send({ssl, Socket}, Data) ->
+    ssl:send(Socket, Data);
+send(Socket, Data) ->
+    gen_tcp:send(Socket, Data).
+close({ssl, Socket}) ->
+    ssl:close(Socket);
+close(Socket) ->
+    gen_tcp:close(Socket).
+port({ssl, Socket}) ->
+    case ssl:sockname(Socket) of
+        {ok, {_, Port}} ->
+            {ok, Port};
+        {error, _} = Err ->
+            Err
+    end;
+port(Socket) ->
+    inet:port(Socket).
+peername({ssl, Socket}) ->
+    ssl:peername(Socket);
+peername(Socket) ->
+    inet:peername(Socket).
+setopts({ssl, Socket}, Opts) ->
+    ssl:setopts(Socket, Opts);
+setopts(Socket, Opts) ->
+    inet:setopts(Socket, Opts).
+type({ssl, _}) ->
+    ssl;
+type(_) ->
+    plain.