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+<div class="refnamediv"><table width="100%"><tr>
+<td valign="top">
+<h2><span class="refentrytitle"><a name="top_of_page"></a>Iterators</span></h2>
+<p>Iterators &#8212; How you can move between the elements</p>
+<td valign="top" align="right"></td>
+<div class="refsynopsisdiv">
+<a name="synopsis"></a><h2>Synopsis</h2>
+<pre class="synopsis">
+typedef     <a href="B-Iterators.html#b-iterator-type-t">b_iterator_type_t</a>;
+typedef     <a href="B-Iterators.html#b-iterator-triple-t">b_iterator_triple_t</a>;
+<a href="B-Init.html#b-error-t">b_error_t</a>   <a href="B-Iterators.html#b-iterator-type-new">b_iterator_type_new</a>             (<a href="B-Init.html#b-t">b_t</a> *data,
+                                             <a href="B-Init.html#b-type-t">b_type_t</a> type,
+                                             <a href="B-Iterators.html#b-iterator-type-t">b_iterator_type_t</a> **iterator);
+<a href="B-Init.html#b-error-t">b_error_t</a>   <a href="B-Iterators.html#b-iterator-type-step">b_iterator_type_step</a>            (<a href="B-Iterators.html#b-iterator-type-t">b_iterator_type_t</a> *iterator,
+                                             unsigned char **ret,
+                                             <a href="B-Init.html#b-uint64">b_uint64</a> *ret_size);
+<a href="B-Init.html#b-error-t">b_error_t</a>   <a href="B-Iterators.html#b-iterator-type-destroy">b_iterator_type_destroy</a>         (<a href="B-Iterators.html#b-iterator-type-t">b_iterator_type_t</a> *iterator);
+<a href="B-Init.html#b-error-t">b_error_t</a>   <a href="B-Iterators.html#b-iterator-triple-new">b_iterator_triple_new</a>           (<a href="B-Init.html#b-t">b_t</a> *data,
+                                             <a href="B-Iterators.html#b-iterator-triple-t">b_iterator_triple_t</a> **iterator,
+                                             b_triple_t *compare);
+<a href="B-Init.html#b-error-t">b_error_t</a>   <a href="B-Iterators.html#b-iterator-triple-step">b_iterator_triple_step</a>          (<a href="B-Iterators.html#b-iterator-triple-t">b_iterator_triple_t</a> *iterator,
+                                             b_triple_t **triple);
+<a href="B-Init.html#b-error-t">b_error_t</a>   <a href="B-Iterators.html#b-iterator-triple-destroy">b_iterator_triple_destroy</a>       (<a href="B-Iterators.html#b-iterator-triple-t">b_iterator_triple_t</a> *iterator);
+<div class="refsect1" lang="en">
+<a name="desc"></a><h2>Description</h2>
+The iterators are useful to get any data from a storage. The triple iterator
+permit you to get triples with a template. For any other information you
+should read the Introduction.
+<div class="refsect1" lang="en">
+<a name="details"></a><h2>Details</h2>
+<div class="refsect2" lang="en">
+<a name="id2540544"></a><h3>
+<a name="b-iterator-type-t"></a>b_iterator_type_t</h3>
+<a class="indexterm" name="id2540556"></a><pre class="programlisting">typedef struct b_iterator_type_t b_iterator_type_t;
+The data struct for a Type Iterator. You should use this data struct
+only with b_iterator_type_*() functions.</p>
+<div class="refsect2" lang="en">
+<a name="id2540578"></a><h3>
+<a name="b-iterator-triple-t"></a>b_iterator_triple_t</h3>
+<a class="indexterm" name="id2540590"></a><pre class="programlisting">typedef struct b_iterator_triple_t b_iterator_triple_t;
+The data struct for a Triple Iterator. You should use this data struct
+only with b_iterator_triple_*() functions.</p>
+<div class="refsect2" lang="en">
+<a name="id2540612"></a><h3>
+<a name="b-iterator-type-new"></a>b_iterator_type_new ()</h3>
+<a class="indexterm" name="id2540625"></a><pre class="programlisting"><a href="B-Init.html#b-error-t">b_error_t</a>   b_iterator_type_new             (<a href="B-Init.html#b-t">b_t</a> *data,
+                                             <a href="B-Init.html#b-type-t">b_type_t</a> type,
+                                             <a href="B-Iterators.html#b-iterator-type-t">b_iterator_type_t</a> **iterator);</pre>
+Creates a new Iterator for a type of element. The iterator must be destoyed
+with <a href="B-Iterators.html#b-iterator-type-destroy"><code class="function">b_iterator_type_destroy()</code></a>. You should use <a href="B-Iterators.html#b-iterator-type-step"><code class="function">b_iterator_type_step()</code></a> to get
+the list of results.</p>
+<div class="variablelist"><table border="0">
+<col align="left" valign="top">
+<span class="term"><em class="parameter"><code>data</code></em>&#160;:</span></td>
+<td> The pointer to a b_t data struct.
+<span class="term"><em class="parameter"><code>type</code></em>&#160;:</span></td>
+<td> The type of the elements
+<span class="term"><em class="parameter"><code>iterator</code></em>&#160;:</span></td>
+<td> The return pointer.
+<span class="term"><span class="emphasis"><em>Returns</em></span>&#160;:</span></td>
+<td> The error code.
+<div class="refsect2" lang="en">
+<a name="id2518129"></a><h3>
+<a name="b-iterator-type-step"></a>b_iterator_type_step ()</h3>
+<a class="indexterm" name="id2518140"></a><pre class="programlisting"><a href="B-Init.html#b-error-t">b_error_t</a>   b_iterator_type_step            (<a href="B-Iterators.html#b-iterator-type-t">b_iterator_type_t</a> *iterator,
+                                             unsigned char **ret,
+                                             <a href="B-Init.html#b-uint64">b_uint64</a> *ret_size);</pre>
+Returns the next element of the storage iterator. If *ret will be NULL
+no other results are into the storage. The new *ret string must be freed
+with a normal <code class="function">free()</code>.</p>
+<div class="variablelist"><table border="0">
+<col align="left" valign="top">
+<span class="term"><em class="parameter"><code>iterator</code></em>&#160;:</span></td>
+<td> The pointer of a b_iterator_t struct.
+<span class="term"><em class="parameter"><code>ret</code></em>&#160;:</span></td>
+<td> The return string for the next result.
+<span class="term"><em class="parameter"><code>ret_size</code></em>&#160;:</span></td>
+<td> the len of the ret string. It can be NULL.
+<span class="term"><span class="emphasis"><em>Returns</em></span>&#160;:</span></td>
+<td> The error code.
+<div class="refsect2" lang="en">
+<a name="id2518253"></a><h3>
+<a name="b-iterator-type-destroy"></a>b_iterator_type_destroy ()</h3>
+<a class="indexterm" name="id2518264"></a><pre class="programlisting"><a href="B-Init.html#b-error-t">b_error_t</a>   b_iterator_type_destroy         (<a href="B-Iterators.html#b-iterator-type-t">b_iterator_type_t</a> *iterator);</pre>
+Destroies a b_iterator_t struct.</p>
+<div class="variablelist"><table border="0">
+<col align="left" valign="top">
+<span class="term"><em class="parameter"><code>iterator</code></em>&#160;:</span></td>
+<td> The pointer of a b_iterator_t struct.
+<span class="term"><span class="emphasis"><em>Returns</em></span>&#160;:</span></td>
+<td> The error code.
+<div class="refsect2" lang="en">
+<a name="id2555686"></a><h3>
+<a name="b-iterator-triple-new"></a>b_iterator_triple_new ()</h3>
+<a class="indexterm" name="id2555697"></a><pre class="programlisting"><a href="B-Init.html#b-error-t">b_error_t</a>   b_iterator_triple_new           (<a href="B-Init.html#b-t">b_t</a> *data,
+                                             <a href="B-Iterators.html#b-iterator-triple-t">b_iterator_triple_t</a> **iterator,
+                                             b_triple_t *compare);</pre>
+Creates a new iterator for triples. It must be destroied with 
+<a href="B-Iterators.html#b-iterator-triple-destroy"><code class="function">b_iterator_triple_destroy()</code></a>. You can get the list of results with 
+<a href="B-Iterators.html#b-iterator-triple-step"><code class="function">b_iterator_triple_step()</code></a>.</p>
+<div class="variablelist"><table border="0">
+<col align="left" valign="top">
+<span class="term"><em class="parameter"><code>data</code></em>&#160;:</span></td>
+<td> The pointer to a b_t data struct.
+<span class="term"><em class="parameter"><code>iterator</code></em>&#160;:</span></td>
+<td> The return pointer for the new iterator.
+<span class="term"><em class="parameter"><code>compare</code></em>&#160;:</span></td>
+<td> If you want have only results from a template, this b_triple_t
+describes the template. You can create it with <a href="B-Triples.html#b-triple-new-incomplete"><code class="function">b_triple_new_incomplete()</code></a>.
+<span class="term"><span class="emphasis"><em>Returns</em></span>&#160;:</span></td>
+<td> The error code.
+<div class="refsect2" lang="en">
+<a name="id2555830"></a><h3>
+<a name="b-iterator-triple-step"></a>b_iterator_triple_step ()</h3>
+<a class="indexterm" name="id2555841"></a><pre class="programlisting"><a href="B-Init.html#b-error-t">b_error_t</a>   b_iterator_triple_step          (<a href="B-Iterators.html#b-iterator-triple-t">b_iterator_triple_t</a> *iterator,
+                                             b_triple_t **triple);</pre>
+Gets the next results. The new b_triple_t must be freed with
+<a href="B-Triples.html#b-triple-destroy"><code class="function">b_triple_destroy()</code></a>.</p>
+<div class="variablelist"><table border="0">
+<col align="left" valign="top">
+<span class="term"><em class="parameter"><code>iterator</code></em>&#160;:</span></td>
+<td> The triple iterator.
+<span class="term"><em class="parameter"><code>triple</code></em>&#160;:</span></td>
+<td> The return pointer for the next b_triple_t. If it is NULL, no other
+results are into the storage.
+<span class="term"><span class="emphasis"><em>Returns</em></span>&#160;:</span></td>
+<td> The error code.
+<div class="refsect2" lang="en">
+<a name="id2555934"></a><h3>
+<a name="b-iterator-triple-destroy"></a>b_iterator_triple_destroy ()</h3>
+<a class="indexterm" name="id2555945"></a><pre class="programlisting"><a href="B-Init.html#b-error-t">b_error_t</a>   b_iterator_triple_destroy       (<a href="B-Iterators.html#b-iterator-triple-t">b_iterator_triple_t</a> *iterator);</pre>
+Destroies a b_iterator_triple_t data struct.</p>
+<div class="variablelist"><table border="0">
+<col align="left" valign="top">
+<span class="term"><em class="parameter"><code>iterator</code></em>&#160;:</span></td>
+<td> The triple iterator.
+<span class="term"><span class="emphasis"><em>Returns</em></span>&#160;:</span></td>
+<td> The error code.

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+<td valign="top">
+<h2><span class="refentrytitle"><a name="top_of_page"></a>Remove functions</span></h2>
+<p>Remove functions &#8212; How you can remove elements from a storage</p>
+<td valign="top" align="right"></td>
+<div class="refsynopsisdiv">
+<a name="synopsis"></a><h2>Synopsis</h2>
+<pre class="synopsis">
+<a href="B-Init.html#b-error-t">b_error_t</a>   <a href="B-Remove.html#b-remove-type">b_remove_type</a>                   (<a href="B-Init.html#b-t">b_t</a> *data,
+                                             <a href="B-Init.html#b-type-t">b_type_t</a> type,
+                                             unsigned char *what,
+                                             <a href="B-Init.html#b-uint64">b_uint64</a> len);
+<a href="B-Init.html#b-error-t">b_error_t</a>   <a href="B-Remove.html#b-remove-triple">b_remove_triple</a>                 (<a href="B-Init.html#b-t">b_t</a> *data,
+                                             b_triple_t *triple);
+<div class="refsect1" lang="en">
+<a name="desc"></a><h2>Description</h2>
+For any other informantion, read the Introduction.
+<div class="refsect1" lang="en">
+<a name="details"></a><h2>Details</h2>
+<div class="refsect2" lang="en">
+<a name="id2546555"></a><h3>
+<a name="b-remove-type"></a>b_remove_type ()</h3>
+<a class="indexterm" name="id2546567"></a><pre class="programlisting"><a href="B-Init.html#b-error-t">b_error_t</a>   b_remove_type                   (<a href="B-Init.html#b-t">b_t</a> *data,
+                                             <a href="B-Init.html#b-type-t">b_type_t</a> type,
+                                             unsigned char *what,
+                                             <a href="B-Init.html#b-uint64">b_uint64</a> len);</pre>
+Removes a element into the storage. The element is removed if it is not 
+used by some triple.</p>
+<div class="variablelist"><table border="0">
+<col align="left" valign="top">
+<span class="term"><em class="parameter"><code>data</code></em>&#160;:</span></td>
+<td> The pointer to a b_t data struct.
+<span class="term"><em class="parameter"><code>type</code></em>&#160;:</span></td>
+<td> The type of the element
+<span class="term"><em class="parameter"><code>what</code></em>&#160;:</span></td>
+<td> the value of the element
+<span class="term"><em class="parameter"><code>len</code></em>&#160;:</span></td>
+<td> The len. It can be 0
+<span class="term"><span class="emphasis"><em>Returns</em></span>&#160;:</span></td>
+<td> The error code.
+<div class="refsect2" lang="en">
+<a name="id2534537"></a><h3>
+<a name="b-remove-triple"></a>b_remove_triple ()</h3>
+<a class="indexterm" name="id2534550"></a><pre class="programlisting"><a href="B-Init.html#b-error-t">b_error_t</a>   b_remove_triple                 (<a href="B-Init.html#b-t">b_t</a> *data,
+                                             b_triple_t *triple);</pre>
+Removes a triple into the storage.</p>
+<div class="variablelist"><table border="0">
+<col align="left" valign="top">
+<span class="term"><em class="parameter"><code>data</code></em>&#160;:</span></td>
+<td> The pointer to a b_t data struct.
+<span class="term"><em class="parameter"><code>triple</code></em>&#160;:</span></td>
+<td> The pointer of the triple.
+<span class="term"><span class="emphasis"><em>Returns</em></span>&#160;:</span></td>
+<td> The error code.

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+<p>Timers &#8212; Some timer functions</p>
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+<a name="synopsis"></a><h2>Synopsis</h2>
+<pre class="synopsis">
+typedef     <a href="B-Timers.html#b-timer-t">b_timer_t</a>;
+<a href="B-Init.html#b-error-t">b_error_t</a>   <a href="B-Timers.html#b-timer-new">b_timer_new</a>                     (<a href="B-Timers.html#b-timer-t">b_timer_t</a> **timer);
+<a href="B-Init.html#b-error-t">b_error_t</a>   <a href="B-Timers.html#b-timer-destroy">b_timer_destroy</a>                 (<a href="B-Timers.html#b-timer-t">b_timer_t</a> *timer,
+                                             <a href="B-Init.html#b-uint64">b_uint64</a> *nanosec);
+<a href="B-Init.html#b-error-t">b_error_t</a>   <a href="B-Timers.html#b-timer-start">b_timer_start</a>                   (<a href="B-Timers.html#b-timer-t">b_timer_t</a> *timer);
+<a href="B-Init.html#b-error-t">b_error_t</a>   <a href="B-Timers.html#b-timer-stop">b_timer_stop</a>                    (<a href="B-Timers.html#b-timer-t">b_timer_t</a> *timer);
+<a href="B-Init.html#b-error-t">b_error_t</a>   <a href="B-Timers.html#b-timer-diff">b_timer_diff</a>                    (<a href="B-Timers.html#b-timer-t">b_timer_t</a> *timer,
+                                             <a href="B-Init.html#b-uint64">b_uint64</a> *nanosec);
+<div class="refsect1" lang="en">
+<a name="desc"></a><h2>Description</h2>
+These functions could be useful into your software.
+<div class="refsect1" lang="en">
+<a name="details"></a><h2>Details</h2>
+<div class="refsect2" lang="en">
+<a name="id2528812"></a><h3>
+<a name="b-timer-t"></a>b_timer_t</h3>
+<a class="indexterm" name="id2528824"></a><pre class="programlisting">typedef struct b_timer_t b_timer_t;
+The data struct for a Timer. You should use this data struct only with 
+b_timer_*() functions.</p>
+<div class="refsect2" lang="en">
+<a name="id2527359"></a><h3>
+<a name="b-timer-new"></a>b_timer_new ()</h3>
+<a class="indexterm" name="id2527371"></a><pre class="programlisting"><a href="B-Init.html#b-error-t">b_error_t</a>   b_timer_new                     (<a href="B-Timers.html#b-timer-t">b_timer_t</a> **timer);</pre>
+Creates a timer. This function execs the <a href="B-Timers.html#b-timer-start"><code class="function">b_timer_start()</code></a>.</p>
+<div class="variablelist"><table border="0">
+<col align="left" valign="top">
+<span class="term"><em class="parameter"><code>timer</code></em>&#160;:</span></td>
+<td> The return pointer to a b_timer_t struct.
+<span class="term"><span class="emphasis"><em>Returns</em></span>&#160;:</span></td>
+<td> The error code.
+<div class="refsect2" lang="en">
+<a name="id2527440"></a><h3>
+<a name="b-timer-destroy"></a>b_timer_destroy ()</h3>
+<a class="indexterm" name="id2527452"></a><pre class="programlisting"><a href="B-Init.html#b-error-t">b_error_t</a>   b_timer_destroy                 (<a href="B-Timers.html#b-timer-t">b_timer_t</a> *timer,
+                                             <a href="B-Init.html#b-uint64">b_uint64</a> *nanosec);</pre>
+Destroies the b_timer_t data struct and returns the nanonsec from the start 
+<div class="variablelist"><table border="0">
+<col align="left" valign="top">
+<span class="term"><em class="parameter"><code>timer</code></em>&#160;:</span></td>
+<td> The timer you want destroy.
+<span class="term"><em class="parameter"><code>nanosec</code></em>&#160;:</span></td>
+<td> If it != NULL, It will contain the number of nanosec from the
+start moment and the stop event. If no stop was execed, the <a href="B-Timers.html#b-timer-stop"><code class="function">b_timer_stop()</code></a> 
+will be executed.
+<span class="term"><span class="emphasis"><em>Returns</em></span>&#160;:</span></td>
+<td> The error code.
+<div class="refsect2" lang="en">
+<a name="id2526907"></a><h3>
+<a name="b-timer-start"></a>b_timer_start ()</h3>
+<a class="indexterm" name="id2526919"></a><pre class="programlisting"><a href="B-Init.html#b-error-t">b_error_t</a>   b_timer_start                   (<a href="B-Timers.html#b-timer-t">b_timer_t</a> *timer);</pre>
+starts the timer.</p>
+<div class="variablelist"><table border="0">
+<col align="left" valign="top">
+<span class="term"><em class="parameter"><code>timer</code></em>&#160;:</span></td>
+<td> The b_timer_t data struct.
+<span class="term"><span class="emphasis"><em>Returns</em></span>&#160;:</span></td>
+<td> The error code.
+<div class="refsect2" lang="en">
+<a name="id2526979"></a><h3>
+<a name="b-timer-stop"></a>b_timer_stop ()</h3>
+<a class="indexterm" name="id2526992"></a><pre class="programlisting"><a href="B-Init.html#b-error-t">b_error_t</a>   b_timer_stop                    (<a href="B-Timers.html#b-timer-t">b_timer_t</a> *timer);</pre>
+stops the timer.</p>
+<div class="variablelist"><table border="0">
+<col align="left" valign="top">
+<span class="term"><em class="parameter"><code>timer</code></em>&#160;:</span></td>
+<td> The b_timer_t data struct.
+<span class="term"><span class="emphasis"><em>Returns</em></span>&#160;:</span></td>
+<td> The error code.
+<div class="refsect2" lang="en">
+<a name="id2527052"></a><h3>
+<a name="b-timer-diff"></a>b_timer_diff ()</h3>
+<a class="indexterm" name="id2527064"></a><pre class="programlisting"><a href="B-Init.html#b-error-t">b_error_t</a>   b_timer_diff                    (<a href="B-Timers.html#b-timer-t">b_timer_t</a> *timer,
+                                             <a href="B-Init.html#b-uint64">b_uint64</a> *nanosec);</pre>
+checks and returns the differences from the start and the stop (or now).</p>
+<div class="variablelist"><table border="0">
+<col align="left" valign="top">
+<span class="term"><em class="parameter"><code>timer</code></em>&#160;:</span></td>
+<td> The b_timer_t data struct.
+<span class="term"><em class="parameter"><code>nanosec</code></em>&#160;:</span></td>
+<td> The nanosec variable'll contain the nanosec from the start moment
+and the stop moment. If no <a href="B-Timers.html#b-timer-stop"><code class="function">b_timer_stop()</code></a> was executed, the stop moment is
+<span class="term"><span class="emphasis"><em>Returns</em></span>&#160;:</span></td>
+<td> The error code.

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+<a name="B-Triples"></a><div class="titlepage"></div>
+<div class="refnamediv"><table width="100%"><tr>
+<td valign="top">
+<h2><span class="refentrytitle"><a name="top_of_page"></a>Triples</span></h2>
+<p>Triples &#8212; How you can create, destroy complete or incomplete triples</p>
+<td valign="top" align="right"></td>
+<div class="refsynopsisdiv">
+<a name="synopsis"></a><h2>Synopsis</h2>
+<pre class="synopsis">
+<a href="B-Init.html#b-error-t">b_error_t</a>   <a href="B-Triples.html#b-triple-new">b_triple_new</a>                    (b_triple_t **triple,
+                                             unsigned char *subject_uri,
+                                             <a href="B-Init.html#b-uint64">b_uint64</a> subject_uri_len,
+                                             unsigned char *subject_bnode,
+                                             <a href="B-Init.html#b-uint64">b_uint64</a> subject_bnode_len,
+                                             unsigned char *property,
+                                             <a href="B-Init.html#b-uint64">b_uint64</a> property_len,
+                                             unsigned char *object_uri,
+                                             <a href="B-Init.html#b-uint64">b_uint64</a> object_uri_len,
+                                             unsigned char *object_bnode,
+                                             <a href="B-Init.html#b-uint64">b_uint64</a> object_bnode_len,
+                                             unsigned char *object_literal,
+                                             <a href="B-Init.html#b-uint64">b_uint64</a> object_literal_len,
+                                             unsigned char *context,
+                                             <a href="B-Init.html#b-uint64">b_uint64</a> context_len,
+                                             unsigned char *datatype,
+                                             <a href="B-Init.html#b-uint64">b_uint64</a> datatype_len,
+                                             unsigned char *lang,
+                                             <a href="B-Init.html#b-uint64">b_uint64</a> lang_len);
+<a href="B-Init.html#b-error-t">b_error_t</a>   <a href="B-Triples.html#b-triple-new-incomplete">b_triple_new_incomplete</a>         (b_triple_t **triple,
+                                             unsigned char *subject_uri,
+                                             <a href="B-Init.html#b-uint64">b_uint64</a> subject_uri_len,
+                                             unsigned char *subject_bnode,
+                                             <a href="B-Init.html#b-uint64">b_uint64</a> subject_bnode_len,
+                                             unsigned char *property,
+                                             <a href="B-Init.html#b-uint64">b_uint64</a> property_len,
+                                             unsigned char *object_uri,
+                                             <a href="B-Init.html#b-uint64">b_uint64</a> object_uri_len,
+                                             unsigned char *object_bnode,
+                                             <a href="B-Init.html#b-uint64">b_uint64</a> object_bnode_len,
+                                             unsigned char *object_literal,
+                                             <a href="B-Init.html#b-uint64">b_uint64</a> object_literal_len,
+                                             unsigned char *context,
+                                             <a href="B-Init.html#b-uint64">b_uint64</a> context_len,
+                                             unsigned char *datatype,
+                                             <a href="B-Init.html#b-uint64">b_uint64</a> datatype_len,
+                                             unsigned char *lang,
+                                             <a href="B-Init.html#b-uint64">b_uint64</a> lang_len);
+<a href="B-Init.html#b-error-t">b_error_t</a>   <a href="B-Triples.html#b-triple-destroy">b_triple_destroy</a>                (b_triple_t *triple);
+<a href="B-Init.html#b-error-t">b_error_t</a>   <a href="B-Triples.html#b-triple-print">b_triple_print</a>                  (FILE *file,
+                                             b_triple_t *triple);
+<div class="refsect1" lang="en">
+<a name="desc"></a><h2>Description</h2>
+How you can create, destroy complete or incomplete triples. For any information read the Introduction.
+<div class="refsect1" lang="en">
+<a name="details"></a><h2>Details</h2>
+<div class="refsect2" lang="en">
+<a name="id2523695"></a><h3>
+<a name="b-triple-new"></a>b_triple_new ()</h3>
+<a class="indexterm" name="id2523706"></a><pre class="programlisting"><a href="B-Init.html#b-error-t">b_error_t</a>   b_triple_new                    (b_triple_t **triple,
+                                             unsigned char *subject_uri,
+                                             <a href="B-Init.html#b-uint64">b_uint64</a> subject_uri_len,
+                                             unsigned char *subject_bnode,
+                                             <a href="B-Init.html#b-uint64">b_uint64</a> subject_bnode_len,
+                                             unsigned char *property,
+                                             <a href="B-Init.html#b-uint64">b_uint64</a> property_len,
+                                             unsigned char *object_uri,
+                                             <a href="B-Init.html#b-uint64">b_uint64</a> object_uri_len,
+                                             unsigned char *object_bnode,
+                                             <a href="B-Init.html#b-uint64">b_uint64</a> object_bnode_len,
+                                             unsigned char *object_literal,
+                                             <a href="B-Init.html#b-uint64">b_uint64</a> object_literal_len,
+                                             unsigned char *context,
+                                             <a href="B-Init.html#b-uint64">b_uint64</a> context_len,
+                                             unsigned char *datatype,
+                                             <a href="B-Init.html#b-uint64">b_uint64</a> datatype_len,
+                                             unsigned char *lang,
+                                             <a href="B-Init.html#b-uint64">b_uint64</a> lang_len);</pre>
+Creates a new triples. This triple must be destroy with <a href="B-Triples.html#b-triple-destroy"><code class="function">b_triple_destroy()</code></a>.</p>
+<div class="variablelist"><table border="0">
+<col align="left" valign="top">
+<span class="term"><em class="parameter"><code>triple</code></em>&#160;:</span></td>
+<td> The return pointer for the new b_triple_t data struct.
+<span class="term"><em class="parameter"><code>subject_uri</code></em>&#160;:</span></td>
+<td> The subject URI. It can be NULL if the subject_object is not 
+<span class="term"><em class="parameter"><code>subject_uri_len</code></em>&#160;:</span></td>
+<td> The length of the subject_uri. Can be 0.
+<span class="term"><em class="parameter"><code>subject_bnode</code></em>&#160;:</span></td>
+<td> The subject BNODE.
+<span class="term"><em class="parameter"><code>subject_bnode_len</code></em>&#160;:</span></td>
+<td> The length of the subject_bnode. Can be 0.
+<span class="term"><em class="parameter"><code>property</code></em>&#160;:</span></td>
+<td> The property of this triple.
+<span class="term"><em class="parameter"><code>property_len</code></em>&#160;:</span></td>
+<td> The length of the property. Can be 0.
+<span class="term"><em class="parameter"><code>object_uri</code></em>&#160;:</span></td>
+<td> The object as URI. It can be NULL if the triple has not a URI
+<span class="term"><em class="parameter"><code>object_uri_len</code></em>&#160;:</span></td>
+<td> The length of the URI object. Can be 0.
+<span class="term"><em class="parameter"><code>object_bnode</code></em>&#160;:</span></td>
+<td> The object as BNODE. It can be NULL if the triple has not a
+BNODE object.
+<span class="term"><em class="parameter"><code>object_bnode_len</code></em>&#160;:</span></td>
+<td> The length of the BNODE object. Can be 0.
+<span class="term"><em class="parameter"><code>object_literal</code></em>&#160;:</span></td>
+<td> The object as Literal. It can be NULL if the triple has not
+a Literal object.
+<span class="term"><em class="parameter"><code>object_literal_len</code></em>&#160;:</span></td>
+<td> The length of the Literal Object. Can be 0.
+<span class="term"><em class="parameter"><code>context</code></em>&#160;:</span></td>
+<td> The context. Can be NULL.
+<span class="term"><em class="parameter"><code>context_len</code></em>&#160;:</span></td>
+<td> The Context Length.
+<span class="term"><em class="parameter"><code>datatype</code></em>&#160;:</span></td>
+<td> The datatype for this Object Literal. It can be NULL.
+<span class="term"><em class="parameter"><code>datatype_len</code></em>&#160;:</span></td>
+<td> The length of the datatype.
+<span class="term"><em class="parameter"><code>lang</code></em>&#160;:</span></td>
+<td> The lang of this Object Literal.
+<span class="term"><em class="parameter"><code>lang_len</code></em>&#160;:</span></td>
+<td> The length of the lang.
+<span class="term"><span class="emphasis"><em>Returns</em></span>&#160;:</span></td>
+<td> The error code.
+<div class="refsect2" lang="en">
+<a name="id2528365"></a><h3>
+<a name="b-triple-new-incomplete"></a>b_triple_new_incomplete ()</h3>
+<a class="indexterm" name="id2528376"></a><pre class="programlisting"><a href="B-Init.html#b-error-t">b_error_t</a>   b_triple_new_incomplete         (b_triple_t **triple,
+                                             unsigned char *subject_uri,
+                                             <a href="B-Init.html#b-uint64">b_uint64</a> subject_uri_len,
+                                             unsigned char *subject_bnode,
+                                             <a href="B-Init.html#b-uint64">b_uint64</a> subject_bnode_len,
+                                             unsigned char *property,
+                                             <a href="B-Init.html#b-uint64">b_uint64</a> property_len,
+                                             unsigned char *object_uri,
+                                             <a href="B-Init.html#b-uint64">b_uint64</a> object_uri_len,
+                                             unsigned char *object_bnode,
+                                             <a href="B-Init.html#b-uint64">b_uint64</a> object_bnode_len,
+                                             unsigned char *object_literal,
+                                             <a href="B-Init.html#b-uint64">b_uint64</a> object_literal_len,
+                                             unsigned char *context,
+                                             <a href="B-Init.html#b-uint64">b_uint64</a> context_len,
+                                             unsigned char *datatype,
+                                             <a href="B-Init.html#b-uint64">b_uint64</a> datatype_len,
+                                             unsigned char *lang,
+                                             <a href="B-Init.html#b-uint64">b_uint64</a> lang_len);</pre>
+Creates a new triples. It will not checked so you can create a incomplete
+triple for the iterator. This triple must be destroy with
+<a href="B-Triples.html#b-triple-destroy"><code class="function">b_triple_destroy()</code></a>.</p>
+<div class="variablelist"><table border="0">
+<col align="left" valign="top">
+<span class="term"><em class="parameter"><code>triple</code></em>&#160;:</span></td>
+<td> The return pointer for the new b_triple_t data struct.
+<span class="term"><em class="parameter"><code>subject_uri</code></em>&#160;:</span></td>
+<td> The subject URI. It can be NULL if the subject_object is not 
+<span class="term"><em class="parameter"><code>subject_uri_len</code></em>&#160;:</span></td>
+<td> The length of the subject_uri. Can be 0.
+<span class="term"><em class="parameter"><code>subject_bnode</code></em>&#160;:</span></td>
+<td> The subject BNODE.
+<span class="term"><em class="parameter"><code>subject_bnode_len</code></em>&#160;:</span></td>
+<td> The length of the subject_bnode. Can be 0.
+<span class="term"><em class="parameter"><code>property</code></em>&#160;:</span></td>
+<td> The property of this triple.
+<span class="term"><em class="parameter"><code>property_len</code></em>&#160;:</span></td>
+<td> The length of the property. Can be 0.
+<span class="term"><em class="parameter"><code>object_uri</code></em>&#160;:</span></td>
+<td> The object as URI. It can be NULL if the triple has not a URI
+<span class="term"><em class="parameter"><code>object_uri_len</code></em>&#160;:</span></td>
+<td> The length of the URI object. Can be 0.
+<span class="term"><em class="parameter"><code>object_bnode</code></em>&#160;:</span></td>
+<td> The object as BNODE. It can be NULL if the triple has not a
+BNODE object.
+<span class="term"><em class="parameter"><code>object_bnode_len</code></em>&#160;:</span></td>
+<td> The length of the BNODE object. Can be 0.
+<span class="term"><em class="parameter"><code>object_literal</code></em>&#160;:</span></td>
+<td> The object as Literal. It can be NULL if the triple has not
+a Literal object.
+<span class="term"><em class="parameter"><code>object_literal_len</code></em>&#160;:</span></td>
+<td> The length of the Literal Object. Can be 0.
+<span class="term"><em class="parameter"><code>context</code></em>&#160;:</span></td>
+<td> The context. Can be NULL.
+<span class="term"><em class="parameter"><code>context_len</code></em>&#160;:</span></td>
+<td> The Context Length.
+<span class="term"><em class="parameter"><code>datatype</code></em>&#160;:</span></td>
+<td> The datatype for this Object Literal. It can be NULL.
+<span class="term"><em class="parameter"><code>datatype_len</code></em>&#160;:</span></td>
+<td> The length of the datatype.
+<span class="term"><em class="parameter"><code>lang</code></em>&#160;:</span></td>
+<td> The lang of this Object Literal.
+<span class="term"><em class="parameter"><code>lang_len</code></em>&#160;:</span></td>
+<td> The length of the lang.
+<span class="term"><span class="emphasis"><em>Returns</em></span>&#160;:</span></td>
+<td> The error code.
+<div class="refsect2" lang="en">
+<a name="id2562012"></a><h3>
+<a name="b-triple-destroy"></a>b_triple_destroy ()</h3>
+<a class="indexterm" name="id2562025"></a><pre class="programlisting"><a href="B-Init.html#b-error-t">b_error_t</a>   b_triple_destroy                (b_triple_t *triple);</pre>
+Destroies the triple data struct.</p>
+<div class="variablelist"><table border="0">
+<col align="left" valign="top">
+<span class="term"><em class="parameter"><code>triple</code></em>&#160;:</span></td>
+<td> The Pointer to the b_triple_t data struct.
+<span class="term"><span class="emphasis"><em>Returns</em></span>&#160;:</span></td>
+<td> The error code.
+<div class="refsect2" lang="en">
+<a name="id2562086"></a><h3>
+<a name="b-triple-print"></a>b_triple_print ()</h3>
+<a class="indexterm" name="id2562098"></a><pre class="programlisting"><a href="B-Init.html#b-error-t">b_error_t</a>   b_triple_print                  (FILE *file,
+                                             b_triple_t *triple);</pre>
+Prints the b_triple_t in n3 syntax in a FILE *.</p>
+<div class="variablelist"><table border="0">
+<col align="left" valign="top">
+<span class="term"><em class="parameter"><code>file</code></em>&#160;:</span></td>
+<td> The FILE.
+<span class="term"><em class="parameter"><code>triple</code></em>&#160;:</span></td>
+<td> The b_triple_t pointer.
+<span class="term"><span class="emphasis"><em>Returns</em></span>&#160;:</span></td>
+<td> The error code.

Added: incubator/triplesoup/donations/TRIPLES-2-libb/docs/html/B.devhelp
--- incubator/triplesoup/donations/TRIPLES-2-libb/docs/html/B.devhelp (added)
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+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no"?>
+<!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">
+<book xmlns="" title="B Storage - Reference Manual" link="index.html" author="" name="B">
+  <chapters>
+    <sub name="B Storage - Introduction" link="b-intro.html"/>
+    <sub name="Functions and Operations" link="b2.html">
+      <sub name="Basic functions" link="B-Init.html"/>
+      <sub name="Cache System" link="B-Cache.html"/>
+      <sub name="Error" link="B-Error.html"/>
+      <sub name="Triples" link="B-Triples.html"/>
+      <sub name="Add functions" link="B-Add.html"/>
+      <sub name="Get data" link="B-Get.html"/>
+      <sub name="Remove functions" link="B-Remove.html"/>
+      <sub name="Count functions" link="B-Count.html"/>
+      <sub name="Iterators" link="B-Iterators.html"/>
+      <sub name="Timers" link="B-Timers.html"/>
+    </sub>
+    <sub name="An Example" link="b-example.html"/>
+    <sub name="Stats and comparations" link="b-stats.html"/>
+  </chapters>
+  <functions>
+    <function name="enum b_error_t" link="B-Init.html#b-error-t"/>
+    <function name="b_strerror ()" link="B-Init.html#b-strerror"/>
+    <function name="b_t" link="B-Init.html#b-t"/>
+    <function name="enum b_type_t" link="B-Init.html#b-type-t"/>
+    <function name="b_int64" link="B-Init.html#b-int64"/>
+    <function name="b_uint64" link="B-Init.html#b-uint64"/>
+    <function name="b_new ()" link="B-Init.html#b-new"/>
+    <function name="b_destroy ()" link="B-Init.html#b-destroy"/>
+    <function name="b_sync ()" link="B-Init.html#b-sync"/>
+    <function name="b_set_max_cache ()" link="B-Cache.html#b-set-max-cache"/>
+    <function name="b_get_max_cache ()" link="B-Cache.html#b-get-max-cache"/>
+    <function name="enum b_error_t" link="B-Error.html#b-error-t"/>
+    <function name="b_strerror ()" link="B-Error.html#b-strerror"/>
+    <function name="b_triple_new ()" link="B-Triples.html#b-triple-new"/>
+    <function name="b_triple_new_incomplete ()" link="B-Triples.html#b-triple-new-incomplete"/>
+    <function name="b_triple_destroy ()" link="B-Triples.html#b-triple-destroy"/>
+    <function name="b_triple_print ()" link="B-Triples.html#b-triple-print"/>
+    <function name="b_add_type ()" link="B-Add.html#b-add-type"/>
+    <function name="b_add_triple ()" link="B-Add.html#b-add-triple"/>
+    <function name="b_get_type ()" link="B-Get.html#b-get-type"/>
+    <function name="b_get_triple ()" link="B-Get.html#b-get-triple"/>
+    <function name="b_remove_type ()" link="B-Remove.html#b-remove-type"/>
+    <function name="b_remove_triple ()" link="B-Remove.html#b-remove-triple"/>
+    <function name="b_count_type ()" link="B-Count.html#b-count-type"/>
+    <function name="b_count_triple ()" link="B-Count.html#b-count-triple"/>
+    <function name="b_iterator_type_t" link="B-Iterators.html#b-iterator-type-t"/>
+    <function name="b_iterator_triple_t" link="B-Iterators.html#b-iterator-triple-t"/>
+    <function name="b_iterator_type_new ()" link="B-Iterators.html#b-iterator-type-new"/>
+    <function name="b_iterator_type_step ()" link="B-Iterators.html#b-iterator-type-step"/>
+    <function name="b_iterator_type_destroy ()" link="B-Iterators.html#b-iterator-type-destroy"/>
+    <function name="b_iterator_triple_new ()" link="B-Iterators.html#b-iterator-triple-new"/>
+    <function name="b_iterator_triple_step ()" link="B-Iterators.html#b-iterator-triple-step"/>
+    <function name="b_iterator_triple_destroy ()" link="B-Iterators.html#b-iterator-triple-destroy"/>
+    <function name="b_timer_t" link="B-Timers.html#b-timer-t"/>
+    <function name="b_timer_new ()" link="B-Timers.html#b-timer-new"/>
+    <function name="b_timer_destroy ()" link="B-Timers.html#b-timer-destroy"/>
+    <function name="b_timer_start ()" link="B-Timers.html#b-timer-start"/>
+    <function name="b_timer_stop ()" link="B-Timers.html#b-timer-stop"/>
+    <function name="b_timer_diff ()" link="B-Timers.html#b-timer-diff"/>
+  </functions>

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+<book xmlns="" title="B Storage - Reference Manual" link="index.html" author="" name="B" version="2">
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+    <sub name="Functions and Operations" link="b2.html">
+      <sub name="Basic functions" link="B-Init.html"/>
+      <sub name="Cache System" link="B-Cache.html"/>
+      <sub name="Error" link="B-Error.html"/>
+      <sub name="Triples" link="B-Triples.html"/>
+      <sub name="Add functions" link="B-Add.html"/>
+      <sub name="Get data" link="B-Get.html"/>
+      <sub name="Remove functions" link="B-Remove.html"/>
+      <sub name="Count functions" link="B-Count.html"/>
+      <sub name="Iterators" link="B-Iterators.html"/>
+      <sub name="Timers" link="B-Timers.html"/>
+    </sub>
+    <sub name="An Example" link="b-example.html"/>
+    <sub name="Stats and comparations" link="b-stats.html"/>
+  </chapters>
+  <functions>
+    <keyword type="enum" name="enum b_error_t" link="B-Init.html#b-error-t"/>
+    <keyword type="function" name="b_strerror ()" link="B-Init.html#b-strerror"/>
+    <keyword type="typedef" name="b_t" link="B-Init.html#b-t"/>
+    <keyword type="enum" name="enum b_type_t" link="B-Init.html#b-type-t"/>
+    <keyword type="typedef" name="b_int64" link="B-Init.html#b-int64"/>
+    <keyword type="typedef" name="b_uint64" link="B-Init.html#b-uint64"/>
+    <keyword type="function" name="b_new ()" link="B-Init.html#b-new"/>
+    <keyword type="function" name="b_destroy ()" link="B-Init.html#b-destroy"/>
+    <keyword type="function" name="b_sync ()" link="B-Init.html#b-sync"/>
+    <keyword type="function" name="b_set_max_cache ()" link="B-Cache.html#b-set-max-cache"/>
+    <keyword type="function" name="b_get_max_cache ()" link="B-Cache.html#b-get-max-cache"/>
+    <keyword type="enum" name="enum b_error_t" link="B-Error.html#b-error-t"/>
+    <keyword type="function" name="b_strerror ()" link="B-Error.html#b-strerror"/>
+    <keyword type="function" name="b_triple_new ()" link="B-Triples.html#b-triple-new"/>
+    <keyword type="function" name="b_triple_new_incomplete ()" link="B-Triples.html#b-triple-new-incomplete"/>
+    <keyword type="function" name="b_triple_destroy ()" link="B-Triples.html#b-triple-destroy"/>
+    <keyword type="function" name="b_triple_print ()" link="B-Triples.html#b-triple-print"/>
+    <keyword type="function" name="b_add_type ()" link="B-Add.html#b-add-type"/>
+    <keyword type="function" name="b_add_triple ()" link="B-Add.html#b-add-triple"/>
+    <keyword type="function" name="b_get_type ()" link="B-Get.html#b-get-type"/>
+    <keyword type="function" name="b_get_triple ()" link="B-Get.html#b-get-triple"/>
+    <keyword type="function" name="b_remove_type ()" link="B-Remove.html#b-remove-type"/>
+    <keyword type="function" name="b_remove_triple ()" link="B-Remove.html#b-remove-triple"/>
+    <keyword type="function" name="b_count_type ()" link="B-Count.html#b-count-type"/>
+    <keyword type="function" name="b_count_triple ()" link="B-Count.html#b-count-triple"/>
+    <keyword type="typedef" name="b_iterator_type_t" link="B-Iterators.html#b-iterator-type-t"/>
+    <keyword type="typedef" name="b_iterator_triple_t" link="B-Iterators.html#b-iterator-triple-t"/>
+    <keyword type="function" name="b_iterator_type_new ()" link="B-Iterators.html#b-iterator-type-new"/>
+    <keyword type="function" name="b_iterator_type_step ()" link="B-Iterators.html#b-iterator-type-step"/>
+    <keyword type="function" name="b_iterator_type_destroy ()" link="B-Iterators.html#b-iterator-type-destroy"/>
+    <keyword type="function" name="b_iterator_triple_new ()" link="B-Iterators.html#b-iterator-triple-new"/>
+    <keyword type="function" name="b_iterator_triple_step ()" link="B-Iterators.html#b-iterator-triple-step"/>
+    <keyword type="function" name="b_iterator_triple_destroy ()" link="B-Iterators.html#b-iterator-triple-destroy"/>
+    <keyword type="typedef" name="b_timer_t" link="B-Timers.html#b-timer-t"/>
+    <keyword type="function" name="b_timer_new ()" link="B-Timers.html#b-timer-new"/>
+    <keyword type="function" name="b_timer_destroy ()" link="B-Timers.html#b-timer-destroy"/>
+    <keyword type="function" name="b_timer_start ()" link="B-Timers.html#b-timer-start"/>
+    <keyword type="function" name="b_timer_stop ()" link="B-Timers.html#b-timer-stop"/>
+    <keyword type="function" name="b_timer_diff ()" link="B-Timers.html#b-timer-diff"/>
+  </functions>

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+<div class="titlepage"><div><div><h1 class="title">
+<a name="b-example"></a>An Example</h1></div></div></div>
+<div class="partintro" lang="en">
+<pre class="programlisting">
+#include &lt;b.h&gt;
+#define TEST7_MAX 1024
+#ifdef WIN32
+#define snprintf sprintf_s
+#define TEST7_FILE ".\\TEST7"
+#define TEST7_FILE "/tmp/test7"
+main (int argc, char **argv)
+  b_t *b;
+  b_triple_t *triple;
+  char subject[128];
+  int subject_type;
+  char property[128];
+  char object[128];
+  int object_type;
+  char context[128];
+  int context_type;
+  char datatype[128];
+  char lang[128];
+  int lang_type;
+  int i, m, c;
+  b_error_t err;
+  b_iterator_triple_t *iterator;
+  fprintf (stderr, "Creating new b struct... ");
+  if ((err = b_new (&amp;b, (unsigned char *) TEST7_FILE)) != B_OK)
+    {
+      fprintf (stderr, "b_new: %s\n", b_strerror (err));
+      return 1;
+    }
+  if (argc &gt; 1 &amp;&amp; (c = atoi (argv[1])))
+    {
+      fprintf (stderr, "done.\nSetting cache to %d... ", c);
+      b_set_max_cache (b, c);
+    }
+  if (argc &lt;= 2 || !(m = atoi (argv[2])))
+    m = TEST7_MAX;
+  fprintf (stderr, "done.\nStoring %d triples...", m);
+  for (i = 0; i &lt; m; i++)
+    {
+      subject_type = i % 2;
+      snprintf (subject, sizeof (subject), "subject %d %s", i % 111,
+		!subject_type ? "uri" : "bnode");
+      snprintf (property, sizeof (property), "property %d", i);
+      object_type = i % 3;
+      snprintf (object, sizeof (object), "object %d %s", i % 333,
+		!object_type ? "uri" : object_type ==
+		1 ? "bnode" : "literal");
+      context_type = i % 4;
+      snprintf (context, sizeof (context), "context %d", i % 222);
+      snprintf (datatype, sizeof (datatype), "datatype");
+      lang_type = i % 7;
+      snprintf (lang, sizeof (lang), "lang %d", i % 222);
+      if ((err =
+	   b_triple_new (&amp;triple,
+			 !subject_type ? (unsigned char *) subject : NULL, 0,
+			 !subject_type ? NULL : (unsigned char *) subject, 0,
+			 (unsigned char *) property, 0,
+			 !object_type ? (unsigned char *) object : NULL, 0,
+			 object_type == 1 ? (unsigned char *) object : NULL,
+			 0,
+			 object_type == 2 ? (unsigned char *) object : NULL,
+			 0, context_type ? (unsigned char *) context : NULL,
+			 0, (unsigned char *) datatype,
+			 0, lang_type ? (unsigned char *) lang : NULL,
+			 0)) != B_OK)
+	{
+	  fprintf (stderr, "b_triple_new: %s\n", b_strerror (err));
+	  return 1;
+	}
+      if ((err = b_add_triple (b, triple)) != B_OK)
+	{
+	  fprintf (stderr, "b_triple_new: %s\n", b_strerror (err));
+	  return 1;
+	}
+      b_triple_destroy (triple);
+    }
+  fprintf (stderr, "done.\nDeleting %d triples...", m / 2);
+  for (i = 0; i &lt; m; i++)
+    {
+      if ((i % 2))
+	{
+	  subject_type = i % 2;
+	  snprintf (subject, sizeof (subject), "subject %d %s", i % 111,
+		    !subject_type ? "uri" : "bnode");
+	  snprintf (property, sizeof (property), "property %d", i);
+	  object_type = i % 3;
+	  snprintf (object, sizeof (object), "object %d %s", i % 333,
+		    !object_type ? "uri" : object_type ==
+		    1 ? "bnode" : "literal");
+	  context_type = i % 4;
+	  snprintf (context, sizeof (context), "context %d", i % 222);
+	  snprintf (datatype, sizeof (datatype), "datatype");
+	  lang_type = i % 7;
+	  snprintf (lang, sizeof (lang), "lang %d", i % 222);
+	  if ((err =
+	       b_triple_new (&amp;triple,
+			     !subject_type ? (unsigned char *) subject : NULL,
+			     0,
+			     !subject_type ? NULL : (unsigned char *) subject,
+			     0, (unsigned char *) property, 0,
+			     !object_type ? (unsigned char *) object : NULL,
+			     0,
+			     object_type ==
+			     1 ? (unsigned char *) object : NULL, 0,
+			     object_type ==
+			     2 ? (unsigned char *) object : NULL, 0,
+			     context_type ? (unsigned char *) context : NULL,
+			     0,
+			     (unsigned char *) datatype, 0,
+			     lang_type ? (unsigned char *) lang : NULL,
+			     0)) != B_OK)
+	    {
+	      fprintf (stderr, "b_triple_new: %s\n", b_strerror (err));
+	      return 1;
+	    }
+	  if ((err = b_remove_triple (b, triple)) != B_OK)
+	    {
+	      fprintf (stderr, "b_triple_new: %s\n", b_strerror (err));
+	      return 1;
+	    }
+	  b_triple_destroy (triple);
+	}
+    }
+  fprintf (stderr, "done.\nCreating iterator... ");
+  if ((err = b_iterator_triple_new (b, &amp;iterator, NULL)) != B_OK)
+    {
+      fprintf (stderr, "b_iterator_new: %s\n", b_strerror (err));
+      return 1;
+    }
+  fprintf (stderr, "done.\n");
+  while ((err = b_iterator_triple_step (iterator, &amp;triple)) == B_OK &amp;&amp; triple)
+    {
+      fprintf (stderr, "Next data: ");
+      b_triple_print (stderr, triple);
+      b_triple_destroy (triple);
+    }
+  if (err != B_OK)
+    {
+      fprintf (stderr, "b_iterator_step: %s\n", b_strerror (err));
+      return 1;
+    }
+  fprintf (stderr, "Destroying iterator... ");
+  if ((err = b_iterator_triple_destroy (iterator)) != B_OK)
+    {
+      fprintf (stderr, "b_iterator_destroy: %s\n", b_strerror (err));
+      return 1;
+    }
+  fprintf (stderr, "done.\nDestroing the b struct... ");
+  if ((err = b_destroy (b)) != B_OK)
+    {
+      fprintf (stderr, "b_destroy: %s\n", b_strerror (err));
+      return 1;
+    }
+  fprintf (stderr, "done.\n");
+  return 0;

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+<div class="titlepage"><div><div><h1 class="title">
+<a name="b-intro"></a>B Storage - Introduction</h1></div></div></div>
+<div class="partintro" lang="en">
+The B Storage memorizes on binary files two kind of data: -Simple Data 
+String- and -RDF Triples-. The Simple Data Strings can be URIs, BNodes, 
+Literals, Contexts, Datatypes, Properties. These 6 elements are in 6 different
+B-Trees. For any B-Tree we have a separated file. So, If you open the B storage
+'foo', this code opens:
+<div class="variablelist"><table border="0">
+<col align="left" valign="top">
+<span class="term"></span></td>
+<td><p>This is the file for the B-Tree of the URIs</p></td>
+<span class="term"></span></td>
+<td><p>Like the previous one, it is for the Properties. The
+      properties in the RDF world are URI but the B storage uses a
+      separated file and a separated cache list becuase it is faster
+      the property in the URIs file.</p></td>
+<span class="term"></span></td>
+<td><p>This is for the Literals. The literals elements are Object 
+      (type Literal) and xml:lang.</p></td>
+<span class="term"></span></td>
+<td><p>This is the file for the B-Tree of the BNodes.</p></td>
+<span class="term"></span></td>
+<td><p>Like the properties, the B storage splits the Contexts in a
+      separated file and a separated queues.</p></td>
+<span class="term"></span></td>
+<td><p>They are URIs like Context and Properties.</p></td>
+<span class="term"></span></td>
+<td><p>This file is for the triples. It is different and you should
+      read about it later.</p></td>
+These files have a list of this struct and for each data. This struct creates
+a B-Tree:
+<pre class="programlisting">
+struct b_map_t {
+  unsigned char		hash[16];
+  b_uint64		len;
+  b_uint64              instances;
+  b_uint64		left;
+  b_uint66		right;
+  b_uint64		parent;
+A important stuff is the instances flag because this storage removes
+automatically not used elements, so, when you add a new triple, B increments
+the instances for any used elements and when you remove it, it decrement
+the instances flag. If the instances flag is 0, the element is removed from
+the B-Tree.
+The RDF triples have 9 elements:
+<pre class="programlisting">typedef struct {
+  unsigned char *	subject_uri;
+  b_uint64		subject_uri_len;
+  unsigned char *	subject_bnode;
+  b_uint64		subject_bnode_len;
+  unsigned char *	property;
+  b_uint64		property_len;
+  unsigned char *	object_uri;
+  b_uint64		object_uri_len;
+  unsigned char *	object_bnode;
+  b_uint64		object_bnode_len;
+  unsigned char *	object_literal;
+  b_uint64		object_literal_len;
+  unsigned char *	context;
+  b_uint64		context_len;
+  unsigned char *	datatype;
+  b_uint64		datatype_len;
+  unsigned char *	lang;
+  b_uint64		lang_len;
+} b_triple_t;
+Subject URI, Object URI are into the URIs file; Subject BNode and Object BNode
+into the BNODEs file; Properties, contexts, datatypes into the different 3
+files; Object Literal into the Literal file.
+Into any struct you can find some hash element. This is because the URIs or the
+literals has different size and often they don't change too much. The hash 
+(md5 - bmd5.c) has always 16 byte of dimension and it changes a lot. The md5
+operation is done if the element is not in a list, so the B storage has a
+cache of hashes (bhash.c).
+This datastruct is not written into the triples file. This file is totaly 
+different and it is based on sparse matrixies. They are based on this data
+<pre class="programlisting">
+struct b_tmap_t {
+  unsigned char         map[B_TMAP_NUMB];
+  unsigned char         subjects_uri[B_TMAP_NUMB];
+  unsigned char         subjects_bnode[B_TMAP_NUMB];
+  unsigned char         properties[B_TMAP_NUMB];
+  unsigned char         objects_uri[B_TMAP_NUMB];
+  unsigned char         objects_bnode[B_TMAP_NUMB];
+  unsigned char         objects_literal[B_TMAP_NUMB];
+  unsigned char         contexts[B_TMAP_NUMB];
+  unsigned char         datatypes[B_TMAP_NUMB];
+  unsigned char         langs[B_TMAP_NUMB];
+B_TMAP_NUMB is the size of the matrix. Now it is 128 byte. The explanation
+is in this introduction in the next paragraph.
+The array 'map' has 0 or 1 if the single triple exist in the matrix or not. So
+if matix[3] is 0, that space will be empty. The other variables are the
+triples ordered by the name of the array (the object_uri contains the index of
+the triples ordered by the object_uri, and so on).
+<p>After this matrix, the B_TMAP_NUMB triples has list of this struct:
+<pre class="programlisting">
+struct b_tmap_item_t {
+  unsigned char         hash[B_HASH_SIZE];
+  b_uint64              pointer;
+Where hash is the hash of the element (subject uri, property, ...) and pointer
+is where this element is in the correct B-Tree.
+<p>B_TMAP_NUMB is 128. Why? It is 128 because the single ordered arrays
+don't contain exacly the triples with a specified order. It is more complex
+the this. A single 'unsigned char' of these arrays is 8 bits where the 1
+describes if the element is empty and the other 7 bits describe the correct 
+<pre class="programlisting">
+#define B_TMAP_NUMB		128 /* &lt;= 127 = 0xFE &gt;&gt; 0x1 -&gt; 01111111 */
+#define B_TMAP_VALUE( x )	(x &amp; 0x01)
+#define B_TMAP_DATA( x )	((x &amp; 0xFE) &gt;&gt; 0x1)
+#define B_TMAP_SET( x , y )     ((x &lt;&lt; 0x1 ) | y)
+#define B_TMAP_VALUE_EMPTY	0x0
+#define B_TMAP_VALUE_FULL	0x1
+So 128 because 7bits contain a number between 0 and 128.

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+Any test was done on this computer:
+<pre class="programlisting">
+CPU: Intel(R) Pentium(R) M processor 2.00GHz
+Ram: 1.5 GiB
+The test was done with this C code:
+<pre class="programlisting">
+#include &lt;b.h&gt;
+#define TEST_MAX 4096
+#ifdef WIN32
+#define snprintf sprintf_s
+#define TEST_FILE ".\\TEST"
+#define TEST_FILE "/tmp/test"
+main (int argc, char **argv)
+  b_t *b;
+  b_triple_t *triple;
+  char subject[128];
+  int subject_type;
+  char property[128];
+  char object[128];
+  int object_type;
+  char context[128];
+  int context_type;
+  char datatype[128];
+  int datatype_type;
+  char lang[128];
+  int lang_type;
+  int i, m, c;
+  b_error_t err;
+  fprintf (stderr, "Creating new b struct... ");
+  if ((err = b_new (&amp;b, (unsigned char *) TEST_FILE)) != B_OK)
+    {
+      fprintf (stderr, "b_new: %s\n", b_strerror (err));
+      return 1;
+    }
+  if (argc &gt; 1 &amp;&amp; (c = atoi (argv[1])))
+    {
+      fprintf (stderr, "done.\nSetting cache to %d... ", c);
+      b_set_max_cache (b, c);
+    }
+  if (argc &lt;= 2 || !(m = atoi (argv[2])))
+    m = TEST_MAX;
+  fprintf (stderr, "done.\nStoring %d triples...", m);
+  for (i = 0; i &lt; m; i++)
+    {
+      subject_type = i % 2;
+      snprintf (subject, sizeof (subject), "subject %d %s", i % 111,
+                !subject_type ? "uri" : "bnode");
+      snprintf (property, sizeof (property), "property %d", i);
+      object_type = i % 3;
+      snprintf (object, sizeof (object), "object %d %s", i % 333,
+                !object_type ? "uri" : object_type ==
+                1 ? "bnode" : "literal");
+      context_type = i % 4;
+      snprintf (context, sizeof (context), "context %d", i % 222);
+      datatype_type = i % 5;
+      snprintf (datatype, sizeof (datatype), "datatype %d", i % 222);
+      lang_type = i % 6;
+      snprintf (lang, sizeof (lang), "lang %d", i % 222);
+      if ((err =
+           b_triple_new (&amp;triple,
+                         !subject_type ? (unsigned char *) subject : NULL, 0,
+                         !subject_type ? NULL : (unsigned char *) subject, 0,
+                         (unsigned char *) property, 0,
+                         !object_type ? (unsigned char *) object : NULL, 0,
+                         object_type == 1 ? (unsigned char *) object : NULL,
+                         0,
+                         object_type == 2 ? (unsigned char *) object : NULL,
+                         0, context_type ? (unsigned char *) context : NULL,
+                         0, datatype_type ? (unsigned char *) datatype : NULL,
+                         0, lang_type ? (unsigned char *) lang : NULL,
+                         0)) != B_OK)
+        {
+          fprintf (stderr, "b_triple_new: %s\n", b_strerror (err));
+          return 1;
+        }
+      if ((err = b_add_triple (b, triple)) != B_OK)
+        {
+          fprintf (stderr, "b_add: %s\n", b_strerror (err));
+          return 1;
+        }
+      b_triple_destroy (triple);
+    }
+  fprintf (stderr, "done.\nDestroing the b struct... ");
+  if ((err = b_destroy (b)) != B_OK)
+    {
+      fprintf (stderr, "b_destroy: %s\n", b_strerror (err));
+      return 1;
+    }
+  fprintf (stderr, "done.\n");
+  return 0;
+50,000 triples:
+<pre class="programlisting">
+Memorizing:      4.687s
+Counting:        0.128s
+Serialising*:    0.374s
+Size:          11311048 byte (11M)
+500,000 (half milion) triples:
+<pre class="programlisting">
+Memorizing:     51.356s
+Counting:        0.165s
+Serialising*:    3.837s
+Size:         113022144 byte (108M)
+2,000,000 (2 milions) triples:
+<pre class="programlisting">
+Memorizing:   4m15.637s
+Counting:        0.191s
+Serialising*:   13.390s
+Size:         452000672 byte (432M)
+Any serializing operation is redirected to /dev/null.
+Here a comparation between B and the other redland's storages:
+4096 triples on file:
+<pre class="programlisting">
+Memorizing:      3.025s
+Counting:        2.661s
+Serialising*:    2.132s
+Size:            808664 byte (790K)
+4096 triples on sqlite3 (with single_transaction patch):
+<pre class="programlisting">
+Memorizing:     13.679s
+Counting:        0.008s
+Serialising*:    1.094s
+Size:            633856 byte (619K)
+4096 triples on MySQL:
+<pre class="programlisting">
+Memorizing:      4.748s
+Counting:        0.066s
+Serialising*:    0.893s
+Size:            903689 byte (882k)
+4096 triples on BDB:
+<pre class="programlisting">
+Memorizing:      1.080s
+Counting:        n/p
+Serialising*:    0.525s
+Size:            925696 byte (903k)
+4096 triples on B storage:
+<pre class="programlisting">
+Memorizing:      0.827s
+Counting:        0.004s
+Serialising*:    0.364s
+Size:            934008 byte (913K)

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+<div><p class="releaseinfo">for B Storage 0.1
+<div class="toc">
+<p><b>Table of Contents</b></p>
+<dt><span class="part"><a href="b-intro.html">I. B Storage - Introduction</a></span></dt>
+<dt><span class="part"><a href="b2.html">II. Functions and Operations</a></span></dt>
+<span class="refentrytitle"><a href="B-Init.html">Basic functions</a></span><span class="refpurpose"> - new, destroy, sync</span>
+<span class="refentrytitle"><a href="B-Cache.html">Cache System</a></span><span class="refpurpose"> - Get or Change the Cache level</span>
+<span class="refentrytitle"><a href="B-Error.html">Error</a></span><span class="refpurpose"> - Error messages and error functions</span>
+<span class="refentrytitle"><a href="B-Triples.html">Triples</a></span><span class="refpurpose"> - How you can create, destroy complete or incomplete triples</span>
+<span class="refentrytitle"><a href="B-Add.html">Add functions</a></span><span class="refpurpose"> - How you can add triples or simple data elements</span>
+<span class="refentrytitle"><a href="B-Get.html">Get data</a></span><span class="refpurpose"> - Check function of elements in the B Storage</span>
+<span class="refentrytitle"><a href="B-Remove.html">Remove functions</a></span><span class="refpurpose"> - How you can remove elements from a storage</span>
+<span class="refentrytitle"><a href="B-Count.html">Count functions</a></span><span class="refpurpose"> - How many elements do you have into your storage?</span>
+<span class="refentrytitle"><a href="B-Iterators.html">Iterators</a></span><span class="refpurpose"> - How you can move between the elements</span>
+<span class="refentrytitle"><a href="B-Timers.html">Timers</a></span><span class="refpurpose"> - Some timer functions</span>
+<dt><span class="part"><a href="b-example.html">III. An Example</a></span></dt>
+<dt><span class="part"><a href="b-stats.html">IV. Stats and comparations</a></span></dt>