You are viewing a plain text version of this content. The canonical link for it is here.
Posted to by on 2013/12/04 16:21:23 UTC

[6/9] CLEREZZA-435: repaced tabs with spaces in scala files
diff --git a/platform.accountcontrolpanel/platform.accountcontrolpanel.core/src/main/scala/org/apache/clerezza/platform/accountcontrolpanel/html/PersonBox.scala b/platform.accountcontrolpanel/platform.accountcontrolpanel.core/src/main/scala/org/apache/clerezza/platform/accountcontrolpanel/html/PersonBox.scala
index ada733a..2b9913c 100644
--- a/platform.accountcontrolpanel/platform.accountcontrolpanel.core/src/main/scala/org/apache/clerezza/platform/accountcontrolpanel/html/PersonBox.scala
+++ b/platform.accountcontrolpanel/platform.accountcontrolpanel.core/src/main/scala/org/apache/clerezza/platform/accountcontrolpanel/html/PersonBox.scala
@@ -32,32 +32,32 @@ import scala.xml.Text
  * Metadata class for the person panel
 class PersonBox extends SRenderlet {
-	def getRdfType() = FOAF.Person
-	override def getModePattern = "box-naked"
-	override def renderedPage(arguments: XmlResult.Arguments) = new XmlPerson(arguments)
-	/**
-	 * Content class for the Person Panel
-	 */
-	class XmlPerson(args: XmlResult.Arguments) extends XmlResult(args) {
-		import RenderingUtility._
-		//
-		// the content itself.
-		// This is the piece that is closest to a pure ssp, though there is still too much code in it
-		//
-		override def content = {
-			val pixml= getAgentPix(res)
-			<div class="personInABox">
-				<table><tr><td>{pixml}</td></tr>
-				<tr><td>{new Text(getName(res))}</td></tr>
-				</table>
-			</div>
-		}
-	}
+  def getRdfType() = FOAF.Person
+  override def getModePattern = "box-naked"
+  override def renderedPage(arguments: XmlResult.Arguments) = new XmlPerson(arguments)
+  /**
+   * Content class for the Person Panel
+   */
+  class XmlPerson(args: XmlResult.Arguments) extends XmlResult(args) {
+    import RenderingUtility._
+    //
+    // the content itself.
+    // This is the piece that is closest to a pure ssp, though there is still too much code in it
+    //
+    override def content = {
+      val pixml= getAgentPix(res)
+      <div class="personInABox">
+        <table><tr><td>{pixml}</td></tr>
+        <tr><td>{new Text(getName(res))}</td></tr>
+        </table>
+      </div>
+    }
+  }
diff --git a/platform.accountcontrolpanel/platform.accountcontrolpanel.core/src/main/scala/org/apache/clerezza/platform/accountcontrolpanel/html/ProfilePanel.scala b/platform.accountcontrolpanel/platform.accountcontrolpanel.core/src/main/scala/org/apache/clerezza/platform/accountcontrolpanel/html/ProfilePanel.scala
index d0d095e..7d65dff 100644
--- a/platform.accountcontrolpanel/platform.accountcontrolpanel.core/src/main/scala/org/apache/clerezza/platform/accountcontrolpanel/html/ProfilePanel.scala
+++ b/platform.accountcontrolpanel/platform.accountcontrolpanel.core/src/main/scala/org/apache/clerezza/platform/accountcontrolpanel/html/ProfilePanel.scala
@@ -33,263 +33,263 @@ import org.apache.clerezza.rdf.ontologies.{RDFS, DC, FOAF}
 class ProfilePanel extends SRenderlet {
-	override def getRdfType() = CONTROLPANEL.ProfilePage
-	override def renderedPage(arguments: XmlResult.Arguments) = new ProfilePanelXHTML(arguments)
-	class ProfilePanelXHTML(arguments: XmlResult.Arguments) extends XmlResult(arguments ) {
-		//set header properties
-		resultDocModifier.addStyleSheet("/account-control-panel/style/profile.css");
-		resultDocModifier.addScriptReference("/account-control-panel/scripts/profile.js");
-		resultDocModifier.addScriptReference("/account-control-panel/scripts/IEKeygen.js");
-		resultDocModifier.setTitle("Account Control Panel");
-		resultDocModifier.addNodes2Elem("tx-module", <h1>Account Control Panel</h1>);
-		resultDocModifier.addNodes2Elem("tx-module-tabs-ol", <li class="tx-active"><a href="#">Profile</a></li>);
-		resultDocModifier.addNodes2Elem("tx-module-tabs-ol", <li><a href="control-panel">Settings</a></li>);
-		//constants and variables
-		lazy val agent: RichGraphNode = res / FOAF.primaryTopic
-		// the content itself
-		// clearly in this case there is so much more in the the methods, that one could hesitate to call this an ssp
-		override def content = {
-		  <div id="tx-content">
-			  <h2>Personal Profile</h2>{agent ! match {
-					case _: BNode => createWebId()
-					case _: UriRef => existingWebId()
-				 }}
-		  </div>
-		}
-		//methods used to create content
-		def cp(s: Any) =  new UriRef("" + s)
-		def platform(s: Any) = new UriRef("" + s)
-		def createWebId() = {
-		  <h3>Associate Profile to WebID</h3>
-		  <div id="newOrExistingSelection">
-			<p>Your profile is not currently associated to a WebID. A WebID allows you
-			  to link your friends as well as to log-in to many sites (supporting foaf+ssl
-			  or open-id).
-			</p>
-			<p>You may either create a new WebID or associate your account to an
-			  existing WebID. Only creating a WebID here will allow you to manage your
-			  profile here.
-			</p>
-			<form action="#" id="associateSelection">
-			  <button type="button" id="newWebIdButton">Create a new Web-Id</button>
-			  <button type="button" id="existingWebIdButton">I already have a Web-ID and want to use it</button>
-			</form>
-		  </div>
-		  <div id="createNewWebId">
-			<p>You have chosen to create a new Web-Id.</p>
-			<p>The Web-ID will be created as follows:
-			  <br/>
-			  <ol>
-				<li>Web-Id:
-				  {var webId = res / cp("suggestedPPDUri") *;
-					webId += "#me";
-					webId}
-				</li>
-				<li>Personal-Profile Document: {res/cp("suggestedPPDUri")*}</li>
-			  </ol>
-			</p>
-			<form method="post" action="profile/create-new-web-id">
-			  <input value="Create it!" type="submit"/>
-			</form>
-		  </div>
-		  <div id="setExistingWebId">
-			<p>Please enter your Web-Id, if your Web-Id supports Foaf+SSL you will
-			  be able to use it to log in to this site.</p>
-			<form method="post" action="profile/set-existing-webid">
-			  <label for="webid">WebID</label> <input type="text" name="webid" size="80" title="Web-ID"/>
-			  <br/>
-			  <input value="Associate Profile to Web-Id" type="submit"/>
-			  <p/>
-			</form>
-		  </div>
-		}
-		def existingWebId() = {
-		  if ((res / cp("isLocalProfile")).as[Boolean]) {
-			existingLocalWebId()
-		  } else {
-			roamingUser()
-		  }
-		}
-		def existingLocalWebId() = {
-		  <h3>Manage your profile</h3>
-			 <p>Here you can change your public profile.</p>
-		  <form method="post" action="profile/modify">
-			<input type="hidden" name="webId" value={agent *}/>
-			<table>
-			  <tr><td class="formlabel">Name:</td>
-				<td><input type="text" name="name" value={agent / *}/></td>
-			  </tr>
-			  <tr><td class="formlabel multiline">Description:</td>
-				<td><textarea name="description" rows="3" cols="80">{agent / DC.description *}</textarea></td>
-			  </tr>
-			  <tr><td class="formlabel"><input value="Modify" type="submit"/></td><td/></tr>
-			</table>
-			<p/>
-		  </form>
-		  <h3>Contacts</h3>
-		  <table>{ var i =0
-			  val friends = for (friend <- agent/FOAF.knows) yield {
-				  <td><form method="post" action="profile/deleteContact">
-					  {
-						  friend! match {
-							  case webId: UriRef => render(webId, "box-naked")
-							  case _ => render(friend, "box-naked")
-						  }
-					  }
-					  <br/>
-					  <input type="hidden" name="contactWebId" value={friend*}/>
-					  <input type="submit" value="remove contact" />
-				  </form></td>
-			  /*render(friend!.asInstanceOf[UriRef])
-							import PersonPanel._
-			  <td class="personInABox">{personInABox(friend)}</td>*/
-			 }
-			 for (row <- friends.grouped(5)) yield <tr>{row}</tr>
-		  }</table>
-		  <form id="addContact" method="get" action="profile/addContact">
-		  <label for="contactWebId">Add contact bei WebId:<br/></label>
-		  <input type="text" name="contactWebId" size="80"/><input type="submit" value="add contact" />
-		  </form>
-		  <h3>Key and Certificate Creation</h3>
-		  <script type="text/javascript"> <![CDATA[$(document).ready(  function() { configurePage(); }   ); ]]> </script>
-		  <div id="iehelptext" style="display: none;">
-			<p>Using Internet Explorer under Windows Vista or above or Windows
-			  Server 2008, you need to configure the following for this to work:</p>
-			<ul>
-			  <li>Add this site to the <i>Trusted Sites</i> list: in Internet
-				Options -&gt; Security -&gt; Trusted Sites -&gt; Sites -&gt; Add ...</li>
-			  <li>You may need to configure the trust level (in this tab), using
-				<i>Custom Level...</i>: enable <i>Initialize and script ActiveX
-				  controls not marked as safe for scripting</i>.</li>
-			  <li>If you are using Windows Vista without SP1 or above, you will
-				probably need to install <a href="cacert.crt">this certificate</a> as a
-				Trusted Root Certification Authority Certificate for your own
-				certificate installation to succeed. You should probably remove that
-				trusted root CA certificate afterwards.</li>
-			</ul>
-		  </div>
-		  <form id="keygenform" method="post" action="profile/keygen">
-			<input name="webId" id="webId" type="hidden" value={agent*} />
-			<table>
-			  <colgroup><col width="1*"/><col/></colgroup>
-			  <tr>
-				<td class="formlabel">Certificate Name:</td>
-				<td>
-				  <input alt="create a certificate name that will help you distinguish it from others you may have" name="cn"
-							size="35" id="cn" type="text" value={ ((agent/*)+"@clerezza")}/>
-				</td>
-			  </tr>
-			  <tr>
-				<td class="formlabel">Key strength:</td>
-				<td id="keystrenghtd">
-				  <keygen id="spkac" name="spkac" challenge="TheChallenge1"/>
-				</td>
-			  </tr>
-			  <tr>
-				<td class="formlabel">Valid for:</td>
-				<td>
-				  <input type="text" name="days" value="365" size="4"/>
-				  days <input type="text" name="hours" value="0.0" size="4"/> hours</td>
-			  </tr>
-			  <tr>
-				<td class="formlabel">Comment:</td>
-				<td><input type="text" name="comment" value="" size="80"/></td>
-			  </tr>
-			  <tr><td class="formlabel"><input id="keygensubmit" type="submit" value="create certificate" /></td><td/></tr>
-			</table>
-		  </form>
-		  <h3>Existing Certificates</h3>
-		  <form method="post" action="profile/deletekey">
-			<table>
-			  <tr><th>Delete</th><th>Certificate Details</th></tr>
-			  <input name="webId" id="webId" type="hidden" value={agent*} />
-			  <tbody>{
-				  for (key <- agent/-CERT.identity )
-					yield { val modulus = (key/RSA.modulus).as[BigInteger]
-							if (modulus == null)  <span/> //todo: broken public key, should delete it
-							else <tr><td><input type="checkbox" name="keyhash" value={modulus.hashCode().toString()}/></td>
-						<td><table>
-							<tr><td class="propvalue">Created:</td><td>{beautifyDate(key/ )}</td></tr>
-							<tr><td class="propvalue">Comment:</td><td>{ key/RDFS.comment* }</td></tr>
-							<tr><td class="propvalue multiline">Modulus:</td><td><code>{ beautifyHex(key/RSA.modulus) }</code></td></tr>
-							<tr><td class="propvalue">Exponent:</td><td><code>{ beautifyInt(key/RSA.public_exponent) }</code></td></tr>
-							</table>
-						</td>
-								</tr>}
-				}</tbody>
-			</table>
-			<input type="submit" value="Disable Keys"/>
-		  </form>
-		  <p></p>
-		}
-		def roamingUser() = {
-		  <h3>Using remote profile</h3>
-			 <p>
-			{agent / FOAF.nick *}, you have accessed this site using your WebID
-				{"<" + (agent *) + ">"}
-				which has not been
-				created on this site.To edit your profile you should visit the site issuing the
-				profile.</p>
-		}
-	  def beautifyDate(dtIt: CollectedIter[RichGraphNode]) {
-		  if (0 == dtIt.size) return "_"
-		  DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(DateFormat.LONG,DateFormat.FULL).format([Date])
-	  }
-	  def beautifyHex(dtIt: CollectedIter[RichGraphNode]): String = {
-		  if (0 == dtIt.size) return "warning! missing. Key invalid"
-		  //this is a problem, it should always be here or it is invalid, and key should be removed
-		  val bigint: BigInteger =[BigInteger]
-		  val bstr = bigint.toString(16).toUpperCase;
-		  val sbuf = new StringBuffer(bstr.size + (bstr.size/2)+10)
-		  var cnt = 0
-		  for (c <- bstr.toCharArray) {
-			if ((cnt % 2) == 0) sbuf.append(' ')
-			sbuf.append(c)
-			cnt += 1
-		  }
-		  sbuf.toString
-		}
-	  def beautifyInt(dtIt: CollectedIter[RichGraphNode] ) :String = {
-		  if (0 == dtIt.size) return "warning! missing. Key invalid"
-		  else return[BigInteger].toString
-	  }
-	}
+  override def getRdfType() = CONTROLPANEL.ProfilePage
+  override def renderedPage(arguments: XmlResult.Arguments) = new ProfilePanelXHTML(arguments)
+  class ProfilePanelXHTML(arguments: XmlResult.Arguments) extends XmlResult(arguments ) {
+    //set header properties
+    resultDocModifier.addStyleSheet("/account-control-panel/style/profile.css");
+    resultDocModifier.addScriptReference("/account-control-panel/scripts/profile.js");
+    resultDocModifier.addScriptReference("/account-control-panel/scripts/IEKeygen.js");
+    resultDocModifier.setTitle("Account Control Panel");
+    resultDocModifier.addNodes2Elem("tx-module", <h1>Account Control Panel</h1>);
+    resultDocModifier.addNodes2Elem("tx-module-tabs-ol", <li class="tx-active"><a href="#">Profile</a></li>);
+    resultDocModifier.addNodes2Elem("tx-module-tabs-ol", <li><a href="control-panel">Settings</a></li>);
+    //constants and variables
+    lazy val agent: RichGraphNode = res / FOAF.primaryTopic
+    // the content itself
+    // clearly in this case there is so much more in the the methods, that one could hesitate to call this an ssp
+    override def content = {
+      <div id="tx-content">
+        <h2>Personal Profile</h2>{agent ! match {
+          case _: BNode => createWebId()
+          case _: UriRef => existingWebId()
+         }}
+      </div>
+    }
+    //methods used to create content
+    def cp(s: Any) =  new UriRef("" + s)
+    def platform(s: Any) = new UriRef("" + s)
+    def createWebId() = {
+      <h3>Associate Profile to WebID</h3>
+      <div id="newOrExistingSelection">
+      <p>Your profile is not currently associated to a WebID. A WebID allows you
+        to link your friends as well as to log-in to many sites (supporting foaf+ssl
+        or open-id).
+      </p>
+      <p>You may either create a new WebID or associate your account to an
+        existing WebID. Only creating a WebID here will allow you to manage your
+        profile here.
+      </p>
+      <form action="#" id="associateSelection">
+        <button type="button" id="newWebIdButton">Create a new Web-Id</button>
+        <button type="button" id="existingWebIdButton">I already have a Web-ID and want to use it</button>
+      </form>
+      </div>
+      <div id="createNewWebId">
+      <p>You have chosen to create a new Web-Id.</p>
+      <p>The Web-ID will be created as follows:
+        <br/>
+        <ol>
+        <li>Web-Id:
+          {var webId = res / cp("suggestedPPDUri") *;
+          webId += "#me";
+          webId}
+        </li>
+        <li>Personal-Profile Document: {res/cp("suggestedPPDUri")*}</li>
+        </ol>
+      </p>
+      <form method="post" action="profile/create-new-web-id">
+        <input value="Create it!" type="submit"/>
+      </form>
+      </div>
+      <div id="setExistingWebId">
+      <p>Please enter your Web-Id, if your Web-Id supports Foaf+SSL you will
+        be able to use it to log in to this site.</p>
+      <form method="post" action="profile/set-existing-webid">
+        <label for="webid">WebID</label> <input type="text" name="webid" size="80" title="Web-ID"/>
+        <br/>
+        <input value="Associate Profile to Web-Id" type="submit"/>
+        <p/>
+      </form>
+      </div>
+    }
+    def existingWebId() = {
+      if ((res / cp("isLocalProfile")).as[Boolean]) {
+      existingLocalWebId()
+      } else {
+      roamingUser()
+      }
+    }
+    def existingLocalWebId() = {
+      <h3>Manage your profile</h3>
+       <p>Here you can change your public profile.</p>
+      <form method="post" action="profile/modify">
+      <input type="hidden" name="webId" value={agent *}/>
+      <table>
+        <tr><td class="formlabel">Name:</td>
+        <td><input type="text" name="name" value={agent / *}/></td>
+        </tr>
+        <tr><td class="formlabel multiline">Description:</td>
+        <td><textarea name="description" rows="3" cols="80">{agent / DC.description *}</textarea></td>
+        </tr>
+        <tr><td class="formlabel"><input value="Modify" type="submit"/></td><td/></tr>
+      </table>
+      <p/>
+      </form>
+      <h3>Contacts</h3>
+      <table>{ var i =0
+        val friends = for (friend <- agent/FOAF.knows) yield {
+          <td><form method="post" action="profile/deleteContact">
+            {
+              friend! match {
+                case webId: UriRef => render(webId, "box-naked")
+                case _ => render(friend, "box-naked")
+              }
+            }
+            <br/>
+            <input type="hidden" name="contactWebId" value={friend*}/>
+            <input type="submit" value="remove contact" />
+          </form></td>
+        /*render(friend!.asInstanceOf[UriRef])
+              import PersonPanel._
+        <td class="personInABox">{personInABox(friend)}</td>*/
+       }
+       for (row <- friends.grouped(5)) yield <tr>{row}</tr>
+      }</table>
+      <form id="addContact" method="get" action="profile/addContact">
+      <label for="contactWebId">Add contact bei WebId:<br/></label>
+      <input type="text" name="contactWebId" size="80"/><input type="submit" value="add contact" />
+      </form>
+      <h3>Key and Certificate Creation</h3>
+      <script type="text/javascript"> <![CDATA[$(document).ready(  function() { configurePage(); }   ); ]]> </script>
+      <div id="iehelptext" style="display: none;">
+      <p>Using Internet Explorer under Windows Vista or above or Windows
+        Server 2008, you need to configure the following for this to work:</p>
+      <ul>
+        <li>Add this site to the <i>Trusted Sites</i> list: in Internet
+        Options -&gt; Security -&gt; Trusted Sites -&gt; Sites -&gt; Add ...</li>
+        <li>You may need to configure the trust level (in this tab), using
+        <i>Custom Level...</i>: enable <i>Initialize and script ActiveX
+          controls not marked as safe for scripting</i>.</li>
+        <li>If you are using Windows Vista without SP1 or above, you will
+        probably need to install <a href="cacert.crt">this certificate</a> as a
+        Trusted Root Certification Authority Certificate for your own
+        certificate installation to succeed. You should probably remove that
+        trusted root CA certificate afterwards.</li>
+      </ul>
+      </div>
+      <form id="keygenform" method="post" action="profile/keygen">
+      <input name="webId" id="webId" type="hidden" value={agent*} />
+      <table>
+        <colgroup><col width="1*"/><col/></colgroup>
+        <tr>
+        <td class="formlabel">Certificate Name:</td>
+        <td>
+          <input alt="create a certificate name that will help you distinguish it from others you may have" name="cn"
+              size="35" id="cn" type="text" value={ ((agent/*)+"@clerezza")}/>
+        </td>
+        </tr>
+        <tr>
+        <td class="formlabel">Key strength:</td>
+        <td id="keystrenghtd">
+          <keygen id="spkac" name="spkac" challenge="TheChallenge1"/>
+        </td>
+        </tr>
+        <tr>
+        <td class="formlabel">Valid for:</td>
+        <td>
+          <input type="text" name="days" value="365" size="4"/>
+          days <input type="text" name="hours" value="0.0" size="4"/> hours</td>
+        </tr>
+        <tr>
+        <td class="formlabel">Comment:</td>
+        <td><input type="text" name="comment" value="" size="80"/></td>
+        </tr>
+        <tr><td class="formlabel"><input id="keygensubmit" type="submit" value="create certificate" /></td><td/></tr>
+      </table>
+      </form>
+      <h3>Existing Certificates</h3>
+      <form method="post" action="profile/deletekey">
+      <table>
+        <tr><th>Delete</th><th>Certificate Details</th></tr>
+        <input name="webId" id="webId" type="hidden" value={agent*} />
+        <tbody>{
+          for (key <- agent/-CERT.identity )
+          yield { val modulus = (key/RSA.modulus).as[BigInteger]
+              if (modulus == null)  <span/> //todo: broken public key, should delete it
+              else <tr><td><input type="checkbox" name="keyhash" value={modulus.hashCode().toString()}/></td>
+            <td><table>
+              <tr><td class="propvalue">Created:</td><td>{beautifyDate(key/ )}</td></tr>
+              <tr><td class="propvalue">Comment:</td><td>{ key/RDFS.comment* }</td></tr>
+              <tr><td class="propvalue multiline">Modulus:</td><td><code>{ beautifyHex(key/RSA.modulus) }</code></td></tr>
+              <tr><td class="propvalue">Exponent:</td><td><code>{ beautifyInt(key/RSA.public_exponent) }</code></td></tr>
+              </table>
+            </td>
+                </tr>}
+        }</tbody>
+      </table>
+      <input type="submit" value="Disable Keys"/>
+      </form>
+      <p></p>
+    }
+    def roamingUser() = {
+      <h3>Using remote profile</h3>
+       <p>
+      {agent / FOAF.nick *}, you have accessed this site using your WebID
+        {"<" + (agent *) + ">"}
+        which has not been
+        created on this site.To edit your profile you should visit the site issuing the
+        profile.</p>
+    }
+    def beautifyDate(dtIt: CollectedIter[RichGraphNode]) {
+      if (0 == dtIt.size) return "_"
+      DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(DateFormat.LONG,DateFormat.FULL).format([Date])
+    }
+    def beautifyHex(dtIt: CollectedIter[RichGraphNode]): String = {
+      if (0 == dtIt.size) return "warning! missing. Key invalid"
+      //this is a problem, it should always be here or it is invalid, and key should be removed
+      val bigint: BigInteger =[BigInteger]
+      val bstr = bigint.toString(16).toUpperCase;
+      val sbuf = new StringBuffer(bstr.size + (bstr.size/2)+10)
+      var cnt = 0
+      for (c <- bstr.toCharArray) {
+      if ((cnt % 2) == 0) sbuf.append(' ')
+      sbuf.append(c)
+      cnt += 1
+      }
+      sbuf.toString
+    }
+    def beautifyInt(dtIt: CollectedIter[RichGraphNode] ) :String = {
+      if (0 == dtIt.size) return "warning! missing. Key invalid"
+      else return[BigInteger].toString
+    }
+  }
diff --git a/platform.accountcontrolpanel/platform.accountcontrolpanel.core/src/main/scala/org/apache/clerezza/platform/accountcontrolpanel/html/RenderingUtility.scala b/platform.accountcontrolpanel/platform.accountcontrolpanel.core/src/main/scala/org/apache/clerezza/platform/accountcontrolpanel/html/RenderingUtility.scala
index 7de03f0..735aee0 100644
--- a/platform.accountcontrolpanel/platform.accountcontrolpanel.core/src/main/scala/org/apache/clerezza/platform/accountcontrolpanel/html/RenderingUtility.scala
+++ b/platform.accountcontrolpanel/platform.accountcontrolpanel.core/src/main/scala/org/apache/clerezza/platform/accountcontrolpanel/html/RenderingUtility.scala
@@ -35,60 +35,60 @@ import rdf.scala.utils.Preamble._
  * Some utility methods for the renderlets
 object RenderingUtility {
-	val emptyText = new Text("")
+  val emptyText = new Text("")
-	def ifE[T](arg:T)(template: T=>Node ):NodeSeq = {
-		def isEmpty(arg: Any): Boolean = {
-			arg match {
-				case prod: Product => prod.productIterator.forall(isEmpty(_))
-				case str: String => (str.size == 0)
-				case it: CollectedIter[RichGraphNode] => (it.size == 0)
-				case node: RichGraphNode => (null == node)
-				case other: AnyRef => (null == other)
-				case _ => false //literals can't be empty
-			}
-		}
-		if (isEmpty(arg)) return emptyText else template(arg)
-	}
+  def ifE[T](arg:T)(template: T=>Node ):NodeSeq = {
+    def isEmpty(arg: Any): Boolean = {
+      arg match {
+        case prod: Product => prod.productIterator.forall(isEmpty(_))
+        case str: String => (str.size == 0)
+        case it: CollectedIter[RichGraphNode] => (it.size == 0)
+        case node: RichGraphNode => (null == node)
+        case other: AnyRef => (null == other)
+        case _ => false //literals can't be empty
+      }
+    }
+    if (isEmpty(arg)) return emptyText else template(arg)
+  }
-	def firstOf(node: RichGraphNode, uris: UriRef*):CollectedIter[RichGraphNode] = {
-		for (uri <- uris) {
-			val res : CollectedIter[RichGraphNode] = node/uri
-			if (res.size>0) return res
-		}
-		return new CollectedIter[RichGraphNode]()
-	}
+  def firstOf(node: RichGraphNode, uris: UriRef*):CollectedIter[RichGraphNode] = {
+    for (uri <- uris) {
+      val res : CollectedIter[RichGraphNode] = node/uri
+      if (res.size>0) return res
+    }
+    return new CollectedIter[RichGraphNode]()
+  }
-	/**
-	 * Show a person: a picture, a link to their local profile and their name
-	 * Different default icons should be shown if the agent is a person, company, group, robot...
-	 *
-	 * assumes the p is WebID node (can change later)
-	 */
-	def getAgentPix(p: RichGraphNode) = {
-		val pix = firstOf(p, FOAF.depiction, FOAF.logo, FOAF.img).getNode match {
-			case uri: UriRef => uri.getUnicodeString
-			case _ => ""
-		}
-		<a href={"/browse/person?uri="+encode(p*)}><img class="mugshot" src={pix}/></a>
-	}
+  /**
+   * Show a person: a picture, a link to their local profile and their name
+   * Different default icons should be shown if the agent is a person, company, group, robot...
+   *
+   * assumes the p is WebID node (can change later)
+   */
+  def getAgentPix(p: RichGraphNode) = {
+    val pix = firstOf(p, FOAF.depiction, FOAF.logo, FOAF.img).getNode match {
+      case uri: UriRef => uri.getUnicodeString
+      case _ => ""
+    }
+    <a href={"/browse/person?uri="+encode(p*)}><img class="mugshot" src={pix}/></a>
+  }
-	private def encode(url: String): String =  URLEncoder.encode(url,"UTF8")
+  private def encode(url: String): String =  URLEncoder.encode(url,"UTF8")
-	/**
-	 * get a usable name from the properties available including nick
-	 */
-	def getName(p: RichGraphNode): String =  {
-		 val name = p/*;
-		 if ("" != name ) { return name }
-		 val firstNm: String = p/FOAF.firstName*;
-		 val fmlyNm :String = firstOf(p, FOAF.family_name,FOAF.familyName)*;
-  		 if ("" != firstNm || "" != fmlyNm) { return firstNm+" "+fmlyNm }
-		 return p*
+  /**
+   * get a usable name from the properties available including nick
+   */
+  def getName(p: RichGraphNode): String =  {
+     val name = p/*;
+     if ("" != name ) { return name }
+     val firstNm: String = p/FOAF.firstName*;
+     val fmlyNm :String = firstOf(p, FOAF.family_name,FOAF.familyName)*;
+       if ("" != firstNm || "" != fmlyNm) { return firstNm+" "+fmlyNm }
+     return p*
-	}
+  }
diff --git a/platform.accountcontrolpanel/platform.accountcontrolpanel.core/src/main/scala/org/apache/clerezza/platform/accountcontrolpanel/html/SettingsPanel.scala b/platform.accountcontrolpanel/platform.accountcontrolpanel.core/src/main/scala/org/apache/clerezza/platform/accountcontrolpanel/html/SettingsPanel.scala
index afa4ffa..a2a58e6 100644
--- a/platform.accountcontrolpanel/platform.accountcontrolpanel.core/src/main/scala/org/apache/clerezza/platform/accountcontrolpanel/html/SettingsPanel.scala
+++ b/platform.accountcontrolpanel/platform.accountcontrolpanel.core/src/main/scala/org/apache/clerezza/platform/accountcontrolpanel/html/SettingsPanel.scala
@@ -26,10 +26,10 @@ import org.apache.clerezza.platform.typerendering.scala._
 class SettingsPanel extends SRenderlet {
-	val getRdfType = CONTROLPANEL.SettingsPage
+  val getRdfType = CONTROLPANEL.SettingsPage
-  	override def renderedPage(arguments: XmlResult.Arguments) = new XmlResult(arguments ) {
-		override def content = {
+    override def renderedPage(arguments: XmlResult.Arguments) = new XmlResult(arguments ) {
+    override def content = {
 import org.apache.clerezza.rdf.core.UriRef
 import scala.xml.NodeBuffer
 import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
@@ -43,121 +43,121 @@ resultDocModifier.addNodes2Elem("tx-module-tabs-ol", <li><a href="profile">Profi
 resultDocModifier.addNodes2Elem("tx-module-tabs-ol", <li class="tx-active"><a href="#">Settings</a></li>);
 if ((res/cp("userBundlePermission")*) == "true") {
-	nodeBuff +=(<h2>Bundle Control Panel</h2>
-	<h3>Install Bundle</h3>
-	<form method="post" action="control-panel/install-bundle" enctype="multipart/form-data">
-		<input type="file" class="FieldText" name="bundle" size="30" title="bundle path"/><br/><br/>
-		<input style="width: 5em;" value="Install" type="submit"/><p />
-	</form>
-	<br/><br/>
-	<h3>User Bundles</h3>
-	<table border="1">
-	<tbody>
-		<tr>
-			<th>Location</th>
-			<th>Status</th>
-			<th colspan="4">Action</th>
-		</tr>
-		{for (renderlet <- (res/-osgi("owner")).sort((a,b) => ((a*)<(b*)))) yield
-		<tr>
-			<td>{renderlet*}</td>
-			<td>{renderlet/osgi("status")* match {
-				case "2" => "Installed"
-				case "4" => "Resolved"
-				case "8" => "Starting"
-				case "16" => "Stopping"
-				case "32" => "Active"
-				}}
-			</td>
-			{if (((renderlet/osgi("bundle_id")).length) > 0)
-			<td>
-			<form method="post" action="control-panel/start-bundle">
-			<input name="bundleId" value={(renderlet/osgi("bundle_id"))*} type="hidden"/>
-			<input value="start" type="submit"/>
-			</form>
-			</td>
-			<td>
-			<form method="post" action="control-panel/stop-bundle">
-			<input name="bundleId" value={(renderlet/osgi("bundle_id"))*} type="hidden"/>
-			<input value="stop" type="submit"/>
-			</form>
-			</td>
-			<td>
-			<form method="post" action="control-panel/uninstall-bundle">
-			<input name="bundleId" value={(renderlet/osgi("bundle_id"))*} type="hidden"/>
-			<input value="uninstall" type="submit"/>
-			</form>
-			</td>
-			else
-			<td colspan="3">Not registered as bundle</td>}
-			</tr>
-			}
-		</tbody>
-	</table>
-	<br/>)
+  nodeBuff +=(<h2>Bundle Control Panel</h2>
+  <h3>Install Bundle</h3>
+  <form method="post" action="control-panel/install-bundle" enctype="multipart/form-data">
+    <input type="file" class="FieldText" name="bundle" size="30" title="bundle path"/><br/><br/>
+    <input style="width: 5em;" value="Install" type="submit"/><p />
+  </form>
+  <br/><br/>
+  <h3>User Bundles</h3>
+  <table border="1">
+  <tbody>
+    <tr>
+      <th>Location</th>
+      <th>Status</th>
+      <th colspan="4">Action</th>
+    </tr>
+    {for (renderlet <- (res/-osgi("owner")).sort((a,b) => ((a*)<(b*)))) yield
+    <tr>
+      <td>{renderlet*}</td>
+      <td>{renderlet/osgi("status")* match {
+        case "2" => "Installed"
+        case "4" => "Resolved"
+        case "8" => "Starting"
+        case "16" => "Stopping"
+        case "32" => "Active"
+        }}
+      </td>
+      {if (((renderlet/osgi("bundle_id")).length) > 0)
+      <td>
+      <form method="post" action="control-panel/start-bundle">
+      <input name="bundleId" value={(renderlet/osgi("bundle_id"))*} type="hidden"/>
+      <input value="start" type="submit"/>
+      </form>
+      </td>
+      <td>
+      <form method="post" action="control-panel/stop-bundle">
+      <input name="bundleId" value={(renderlet/osgi("bundle_id"))*} type="hidden"/>
+      <input value="stop" type="submit"/>
+      </form>
+      </td>
+      <td>
+      <form method="post" action="control-panel/uninstall-bundle">
+      <input name="bundleId" value={(renderlet/osgi("bundle_id"))*} type="hidden"/>
+      <input value="uninstall" type="submit"/>
+      </form>
+      </td>
+      else
+      <td colspan="3">Not registered as bundle</td>}
+      </tr>
+      }
+    </tbody>
+  </table>
+  <br/>)
 if((res/cp("changePasswordPermission")*) == "true") {
-	nodeBuff +=(<h2>Change Password</h2>
-	<form action="control-panel/change-password" method="post">
-		<fieldset>
-			<ol style="display: block;">
-				<li class="tx-line" style="background-image: none;">
-					<label>Current Password:</label>
-					<span class="tx-item">
-						<input type="password" name="oldPW"/>
-					</span>
-				</li>
-				<li class="tx-line" style="background-image: none;">
-					<label>New Password:</label>
-					<span class="tx-item">
-						<input type="password" name="newPW"/>
-					</span>
-				</li>
-				<li class="tx-line" style="background-image: none;">
-					<label>Confirm new Password:</label>
-					<span class="tx-item">
-						<input type="password" name="confirmNewPW"/>
-					</span>
-				</li>
-				<br />
-				<input style="width: 5em;" type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit"/>
-			</ol>
-			<br/>
-		</fieldset>
-	</form>)
+  nodeBuff +=(<h2>Change Password</h2>
+  <form action="control-panel/change-password" method="post">
+    <fieldset>
+      <ol style="display: block;">
+        <li class="tx-line" style="background-image: none;">
+          <label>Current Password:</label>
+          <span class="tx-item">
+            <input type="password" name="oldPW"/>
+          </span>
+        </li>
+        <li class="tx-line" style="background-image: none;">
+          <label>New Password:</label>
+          <span class="tx-item">
+            <input type="password" name="newPW"/>
+          </span>
+        </li>
+        <li class="tx-line" style="background-image: none;">
+          <label>Confirm new Password:</label>
+          <span class="tx-item">
+            <input type="password" name="confirmNewPW"/>
+          </span>
+        </li>
+        <br />
+        <input style="width: 5em;" type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit"/>
+      </ol>
+      <br/>
+    </fieldset>
+  </form>)
 if((res/cp("changedPassword")).length > 0) {
-	nodeBuff +=(<br /><span>Password has not changed, either wrong current password or the
-				new password and the confirmation didn't match!<br /><br /></span>)
+  nodeBuff +=(<br /><span>Password has not changed, either wrong current password or the
+        new password and the confirmation didn't match!<br /><br /></span>)
 nodeBuff +=(<h2>Change user's default language</h2>
-	<form method="post" action="control-panel/change-language">
-		{render(context/platform("instance")/platform("languages"), "naked")}
-		<br/><br/>
-		<script type="text/javascript">$("#availablelanguages").val({"'" + (context/platform("user")/platform("preferredLangInISOCode")*) + "'"})</script>
-		<input style="width: 5em;" type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit"/>
-		<br/><br/>
-	</form>)
+  <form method="post" action="control-panel/change-language">
+    {render(context/platform("instance")/platform("languages"), "naked")}
+    <br/><br/>
+    <script type="text/javascript">$("#availablelanguages").val({"'" + (context/platform("user")/platform("preferredLangInISOCode")*) + "'"})</script>
+    <input style="width: 5em;" type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit"/>
+    <br/><br/>
+  </form>)
 <div id="tx-content">
-	<div class="tx-edit" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">
-	{if(nodeBuff.isEmpty)
-		<span>There are no settings you can configure for this account!</span>
-	else
-		nodeBuff
-	}
-	</div>
+  <div class="tx-edit" style="margin-left: 0.5em;">
+  {if(nodeBuff.isEmpty)
+    <span>There are no settings you can configure for this account!</span>
+  else
+    nodeBuff
+  }
+  </div>
-		}
-	}
+    }
+  }
diff --git a/platform.accountcontrolpanel/platform.accountcontrolpanel.core/src/main/scala/org/apache/clerezza/platform/accountcontrolpanel/permissions.scala b/platform.accountcontrolpanel/platform.accountcontrolpanel.core/src/main/scala/org/apache/clerezza/platform/accountcontrolpanel/permissions.scala
index 5684ba6..ae7953f 100644
--- a/platform.accountcontrolpanel/platform.accountcontrolpanel.core/src/main/scala/org/apache/clerezza/platform/accountcontrolpanel/permissions.scala
+++ b/platform.accountcontrolpanel/platform.accountcontrolpanel.core/src/main/scala/org/apache/clerezza/platform/accountcontrolpanel/permissions.scala
@@ -32,40 +32,40 @@ import org.slf4j.scala.Logging
 class AbstractPermission(val accountName: String, val actions: String ="")
-	extends Permission(accountName) with Logging  {
+  extends Permission(accountName) with Logging  {
-	if (actions != "") {
-		throw new RuntimeException(getClass.getName+": actions must be an empty String "+
-			"(second argument only in constructor for supporting building from canonical form")
-	}
+  if (actions != "") {
+    throw new RuntimeException(getClass.getName+": actions must be an empty String "+
+      "(second argument only in constructor for supporting building from canonical form")
+  }
-	def getActions: String = actions
+  def getActions: String = actions
-	/**
-	 * A subclass implies another permission if and only if they are equals
-	 */
+  /**
+   * A subclass implies another permission if and only if they are equals
+   */
-	def implies(permission: Permission): Boolean = {
-		logger.debug("checking for "+permission+" is implied by "+ this)
-		var result: Boolean = equals(permission)
-		return result
-	}
-	override
-	def equals(other: Any): Boolean =
-	    other match {
-			case that:  AbstractPermission  =>  
-				(that eq this ) || ((this.getClass == that.getClass) && accountName == that.accountName )
-			case _ => false
-	    }
-	/**
-	 * For the hashCode the class and the accountName is considered
-	 */
-	override
-	def hashCode: Int = {
-		return  getClass.hashCode + (if (accountName != null) accountName.hashCode else 0)
-	}
+  def implies(permission: Permission): Boolean = {
+    logger.debug("checking for "+permission+" is implied by "+ this)
+    var result: Boolean = equals(permission)
+    return result
+  }
+  override
+  def equals(other: Any): Boolean =
+      other match {
+      case that:  AbstractPermission  =>  
+        (that eq this ) || ((this.getClass == that.getClass) && accountName == that.accountName )
+      case _ => false
+      }
+  /**
+   * For the hashCode the class and the accountName is considered
+   */
+  override
+  def hashCode: Int = {
+    return  getClass.hashCode + (if (accountName != null) accountName.hashCode else 0)
+  }
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ class AbstractPermission(val accountName: String, val actions: String ="")
 class ChangePasswordPermission(accountName: String, actions: String ="")
-	extends AbstractPermission(accountName, actions) {
+  extends AbstractPermission(accountName, actions) {
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ class ChangePasswordPermission(accountName: String, actions: String ="")
 class AccountControlPanelAppPermission(accountName: String, actions: String ="")
-	extends AbstractPermission(accountName)  {
+  extends AbstractPermission(accountName)  {
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ class AccountControlPanelAppPermission(accountName: String, actions: String ="")
 class UserBundlePermission( accountName: String, actions: String ="")
-	extends AbstractPermission(accountName)  {
+  extends AbstractPermission(accountName)  {
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/platform.content.default404/src/main/scala/org/apache/clerezza/platform/content/default404/DefaultPageNotFoundService.scala b/platform.content.default404/src/main/scala/org/apache/clerezza/platform/content/default404/DefaultPageNotFoundService.scala
index af7d6fe..a0c4ab6 100644
--- a/platform.content.default404/src/main/scala/org/apache/clerezza/platform/content/default404/DefaultPageNotFoundService.scala
+++ b/platform.content.default404/src/main/scala/org/apache/clerezza/platform/content/default404/DefaultPageNotFoundService.scala
@@ -35,30 +35,30 @@ import
 class DefaultPageNotFoundService extends PageNotFoundService {
-	private val notFoundPagePath = "/page-not-found"
+  private val notFoundPagePath = "/page-not-found"
-	override def createResponse(uriInfo: UriInfo) = {
-		if (uriInfo.getPath == notFoundPagePath) {
-			Response.status(Status.NOT_FOUND).build();
-		} else {
-			val pageNotFoundUrl = new URL(uriInfo.getBaseUri.toURL, notFoundPagePath)
-			AccessController.doPrivileged(
-				new PrivilegedAction[Option[(String, InputStream)]] {
-					def run() = {
-						val connection = pageNotFoundUrl.openConnection()
-						try {
-							Some(connection.getContentType, connection.getInputStream)
-						} catch {
-							case _: FileNotFoundException => None
-						}
-					}
-				}
-			) match {
-				case Some((mediaTypeString, in)) => Response.status(Status.NOT_FOUND).`type`(mediaTypeString).entity(in).build();
-				case None => Response.status(Status.NOT_FOUND).build();
-			}
+  override def createResponse(uriInfo: UriInfo) = {
+    if (uriInfo.getPath == notFoundPagePath) {
+      Response.status(Status.NOT_FOUND).build();
+    } else {
+      val pageNotFoundUrl = new URL(uriInfo.getBaseUri.toURL, notFoundPagePath)
+      AccessController.doPrivileged(
+        new PrivilegedAction[Option[(String, InputStream)]] {
+          def run() = {
+            val connection = pageNotFoundUrl.openConnection()
+            try {
+              Some(connection.getContentType, connection.getInputStream)
+            } catch {
+              case _: FileNotFoundException => None
+            }
+          }
+        }
+      ) match {
+        case Some((mediaTypeString, in)) => Response.status(Status.NOT_FOUND).`type`(mediaTypeString).entity(in).build();
+        case None => Response.status(Status.NOT_FOUND).build();
+      }
-		}
-	}
+    }
+  }
diff --git a/platform.content.fsadaptor/src/main/scala/org/apache/clerezza/platform/content/fsadaptor/BundleFsLoader.scala b/platform.content.fsadaptor/src/main/scala/org/apache/clerezza/platform/content/fsadaptor/BundleFsLoader.scala
index 5aa7ef8..d9548c1 100644
--- a/platform.content.fsadaptor/src/main/scala/org/apache/clerezza/platform/content/fsadaptor/BundleFsLoader.scala
+++ b/platform.content.fsadaptor/src/main/scala/org/apache/clerezza/platform/content/fsadaptor/BundleFsLoader.scala
@@ -55,242 +55,242 @@ import scala.util._
 class BundleFsLoader extends BundleListener with Logger with WeightedTcProvider {
-	private val RESOURCE_MGRAPH_URI = new UriRef(Constants.URN_LOCAL_INSTANCE+"/web-resources.graph")
-	private val cacheGraphPrefix = Constants.URN_LOCAL_INSTANCE+"/web-resources-cache.graph"
-	private var currentCacheUri: UriRef = null
-	private var tcManager: TcManager = null
-	private var cgProvider: ContentGraphProvider = null
-	private var startLevel: StartLevel = null
-	private var pathNodes: List[PathNode] = Nil 
-	private var bundleList = List[Bundle]()
-	private var currentCacheMGraph: MGraph = null
-	private var frequentUpdateDirectory: Option[PathNode] = None
-	private val virtualMGraph: MGraph = new AbstractMGraph() {
-		private def baseGraph: TripleCollection = frequentUpdateDirectory match {
-		    case Some(p) => new DirectoryOverlay(p, currentCacheMGraph)
-		    case None => currentCacheMGraph
-		}
-		override def performFilter(s: NonLiteral, p: UriRef,
-											o: Resource): java.util.Iterator[Triple] = {
-			val baseIter = baseGraph.filter(s,p,o)
-			new java.util.Iterator[Triple]() {
-				override def next = {
-				}
-				override def hasNext = baseIter.hasNext
-				override def remove = throw new UnsupportedOperationException
-			}
-		}
-		override def size = baseGraph.size
-		override def toString = "BundleFsLoader virtual graph"
-	}
-	class UpdateThread extends Thread {
-		private var updateRequested = false;
-		start()
-		override def run() {
-			try {
-				while (!isInterrupted) {
-					synchronized {
-						while (!updateRequested) wait();
-					}
-					updateRequested = false
-					updateCache()
-				}
-			} catch {
-				case e: InterruptedException => BundleFsLoader.log.debug("Update thread interrupted");
-			}
-		}
-		def update() = {
-			synchronized {
-				updateRequested = true
-				notify();
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	private var updateThread: UpdateThread = null
-	private def deleteCacheGraphs() {
-		import collection.JavaConversions._
-		for(mGraphUri <- tcManager.listMGraphs) {
-			if(mGraphUri.getUnicodeString.startsWith(cacheGraphPrefix)) {
-				tcManager.deleteTripleCollection(mGraphUri);
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	protected def activate(context: ComponentContext) {
-		synchronized {
-			deleteCacheGraphs()
-			for (bundle <- context.getBundleContext().getBundles();
-					if bundle.getState == Bundle.ACTIVE) {
-				bundleList ::= bundle
-			}
-			context.getBundleContext().addBundleListener(this);
-			updateCache
-			tcManager.getTcAccessController.setRequiredReadPermissions(
-					RESOURCE_MGRAPH_URI, Collections.singleton(new TcPermission(Constants.CONTENT_GRAPH_URI_STRING, TcPermission.READ)))
-			cgProvider.addTemporaryAdditionGraph(RESOURCE_MGRAPH_URI)
-			updateThread = new UpdateThread()
-		}
-	}
-	protected def deactivate(context: ComponentContext) {
-		synchronized {
-			context.getBundleContext().removeBundleListener(this);
-			updateThread.interrupt()
-			cgProvider.removeTemporaryAdditionGraph(RESOURCE_MGRAPH_URI)
-			tcManager.deleteTripleCollection(currentCacheUri);
-		}
-	}
-	private def updateCache() = {
-		def getVirtualTripleCollection(bundles: Seq[Bundle]): TripleCollection = {
-			if (bundles.isEmpty) {
-				new SimpleMGraph()
-			} else {
-				val pathNode = new BundlePathNode(bundles.head, "CLEREZZA-INF/web-resources");
-				if (pathNode.isDirectory) {
-					BundleFsLoader.log.debug("Creating directory overlay for "+bundles.head)
-					new DirectoryOverlay(pathNode, getVirtualTripleCollection(bundles.tail))
-				} else {
-					getVirtualTripleCollection(bundles.tail)
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		synchronized {
-			val sortedList = Sorting.stableSort(bundleList, (b:Bundle) => -startLevel.getBundleStartLevel(b))
-			val newCacheUri = new UriRef(cacheGraphPrefix+System.currentTimeMillis)
-			val newChacheMGraph = tcManager.createMGraph(newCacheUri);
-			tcManager.getTcAccessController.setRequiredReadPermissions(
-					newCacheUri, Collections.singleton(new TcPermission(Constants.CONTENT_GRAPH_URI_STRING, TcPermission.READ)))
-			newChacheMGraph.addAll(getVirtualTripleCollection(sortedList))
-			currentCacheMGraph = newChacheMGraph
-			val oldCacheUri = currentCacheUri
-			currentCacheUri = newCacheUri
-			if (oldCacheUri != null) tcManager.deleteTripleCollection(oldCacheUri);
-			BundleFsLoader.log.debug("updated web-resource cache")
-		}
-	}
-	override def getWeight() = 30
-	override def getMGraph(name: UriRef) = {
-		if (name.equals(RESOURCE_MGRAPH_URI)) {
-		  virtualMGraph
-		} else {
-			throw new NoSuchEntityException(name);
-		}
-	}
-	override def getTriples(name: UriRef) = {
-		getMGraph(name);
-	}
-	override def getGraph(name: UriRef) = {
-		throw new NoSuchEntityException(name);
-	}
-	override def listMGraphs(): java.util.Set[UriRef] = {
-		java.util.Collections.singleton(RESOURCE_MGRAPH_URI);
-	}
-	override def listGraphs() = {
-		new java.util.HashSet[UriRef]();
-	}
-	override def listTripleCollections() = {
-		Collections.singleton(RESOURCE_MGRAPH_URI);
-	}
-	override def createMGraph(name: UriRef) =  {
-		throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported.");
-	}
-	override def createGraph(name: UriRef, triples: TripleCollection): Graph = {
-		throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported.");
-	}
-	override def deleteTripleCollection(name: UriRef) {
-		throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported.");
-	}
-	override def getNames(graph: Graph) = {
-		val result = new java.util.HashSet[UriRef]();
-		result;
-	}
-	def bundleChanged(event: BundleEvent) {
-		val bundle = event.getBundle();
-		event.getType() match  {
-			case BundleEvent.STARTED => {
-				bundleList ::= bundle
-				updateThread.update()
-			}
-			case BundleEvent.STOPPED => {
-				bundleList = bundleList.filterNot(b => b == bundle)
-				updateThread.update()
-			}
-			case _ => BundleFsLoader.log.debug("only reacting on bundle start and stop")
-		}
-	}
-	def bindTcManager(tcManager: TcManager) {
-		this.tcManager = tcManager;
-	}
-	def unbindTcManager(tcManager: TcManager) {
-		this.tcManager = null;
-	}
-	def bindContentGraphProvider(p: ContentGraphProvider) {
-		cgProvider = p
-	}
-	def unbindContentGraphProvider(p: ContentGraphProvider) {
-		cgProvider = null
-	}
-	def bindStartLevel(startLevel: StartLevel) {
-		this.startLevel = startLevel;
-	}
-	def unbindStartLevel(startLevel: StartLevel) {
-		this.startLevel = null;
-	}
-	def bindPathNode(pathNode: PathNode) {
-		this.pathNodes ::= pathNode;
-		frequentUpdateDirectory = Some(new MultiPathNode(pathNodes: _*))
-	}
-	def unbindPathNode(pathNode: PathNode) {
-		this.pathNodes = this.pathNodes.filter(_ != pathNode);
-		frequentUpdateDirectory = pathNodes match {
-		  case Nil => None
-		  case _ => Some(new MultiPathNode(pathNodes: _*))
-		}
-	}
+  private val RESOURCE_MGRAPH_URI = new UriRef(Constants.URN_LOCAL_INSTANCE+"/web-resources.graph")
+  private val cacheGraphPrefix = Constants.URN_LOCAL_INSTANCE+"/web-resources-cache.graph"
+  private var currentCacheUri: UriRef = null
+  private var tcManager: TcManager = null
+  private var cgProvider: ContentGraphProvider = null
+  private var startLevel: StartLevel = null
+  private var pathNodes: List[PathNode] = Nil 
+  private var bundleList = List[Bundle]()
+  private var currentCacheMGraph: MGraph = null
+  private var frequentUpdateDirectory: Option[PathNode] = None
+  private val virtualMGraph: MGraph = new AbstractMGraph() {
+    private def baseGraph: TripleCollection = frequentUpdateDirectory match {
+        case Some(p) => new DirectoryOverlay(p, currentCacheMGraph)
+        case None => currentCacheMGraph
+    }
+    override def performFilter(s: NonLiteral, p: UriRef,
+                      o: Resource): java.util.Iterator[Triple] = {
+      val baseIter = baseGraph.filter(s,p,o)
+      new java.util.Iterator[Triple]() {
+        override def next = {
+        }
+        override def hasNext = baseIter.hasNext
+        override def remove = throw new UnsupportedOperationException
+      }
+    }
+    override def size = baseGraph.size
+    override def toString = "BundleFsLoader virtual graph"
+  }
+  class UpdateThread extends Thread {
+    private var updateRequested = false;
+    start()
+    override def run() {
+      try {
+        while (!isInterrupted) {
+          synchronized {
+            while (!updateRequested) wait();
+          }
+          updateRequested = false
+          updateCache()
+        }
+      } catch {
+        case e: InterruptedException => BundleFsLoader.log.debug("Update thread interrupted");
+      }
+    }
+    def update() = {
+      synchronized {
+        updateRequested = true
+        notify();
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  private var updateThread: UpdateThread = null
+  private def deleteCacheGraphs() {
+    import collection.JavaConversions._
+    for(mGraphUri <- tcManager.listMGraphs) {
+      if(mGraphUri.getUnicodeString.startsWith(cacheGraphPrefix)) {
+        tcManager.deleteTripleCollection(mGraphUri);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  protected def activate(context: ComponentContext) {
+    synchronized {
+      deleteCacheGraphs()
+      for (bundle <- context.getBundleContext().getBundles();
+          if bundle.getState == Bundle.ACTIVE) {
+        bundleList ::= bundle
+      }
+      context.getBundleContext().addBundleListener(this);
+      updateCache
+      tcManager.getTcAccessController.setRequiredReadPermissions(
+          RESOURCE_MGRAPH_URI, Collections.singleton(new TcPermission(Constants.CONTENT_GRAPH_URI_STRING, TcPermission.READ)))
+      cgProvider.addTemporaryAdditionGraph(RESOURCE_MGRAPH_URI)
+      updateThread = new UpdateThread()
+    }
+  }
+  protected def deactivate(context: ComponentContext) {
+    synchronized {
+      context.getBundleContext().removeBundleListener(this);
+      updateThread.interrupt()
+      cgProvider.removeTemporaryAdditionGraph(RESOURCE_MGRAPH_URI)
+      tcManager.deleteTripleCollection(currentCacheUri);
+    }
+  }
+  private def updateCache() = {
+    def getVirtualTripleCollection(bundles: Seq[Bundle]): TripleCollection = {
+      if (bundles.isEmpty) {
+        new SimpleMGraph()
+      } else {
+        val pathNode = new BundlePathNode(bundles.head, "CLEREZZA-INF/web-resources");
+        if (pathNode.isDirectory) {
+          BundleFsLoader.log.debug("Creating directory overlay for "+bundles.head)
+          new DirectoryOverlay(pathNode, getVirtualTripleCollection(bundles.tail))
+        } else {
+          getVirtualTripleCollection(bundles.tail)
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    synchronized {
+      val sortedList = Sorting.stableSort(bundleList, (b:Bundle) => -startLevel.getBundleStartLevel(b))
+      val newCacheUri = new UriRef(cacheGraphPrefix+System.currentTimeMillis)
+      val newChacheMGraph = tcManager.createMGraph(newCacheUri);
+      tcManager.getTcAccessController.setRequiredReadPermissions(
+          newCacheUri, Collections.singleton(new TcPermission(Constants.CONTENT_GRAPH_URI_STRING, TcPermission.READ)))
+      newChacheMGraph.addAll(getVirtualTripleCollection(sortedList))
+      currentCacheMGraph = newChacheMGraph
+      val oldCacheUri = currentCacheUri
+      currentCacheUri = newCacheUri
+      if (oldCacheUri != null) tcManager.deleteTripleCollection(oldCacheUri);
+      BundleFsLoader.log.debug("updated web-resource cache")
+    }
+  }
+  override def getWeight() = 30
+  override def getMGraph(name: UriRef) = {
+    if (name.equals(RESOURCE_MGRAPH_URI)) {
+      virtualMGraph
+    } else {
+      throw new NoSuchEntityException(name);
+    }
+  }
+  override def getTriples(name: UriRef) = {
+    getMGraph(name);
+  }
+  override def getGraph(name: UriRef) = {
+    throw new NoSuchEntityException(name);
+  }
+  override def listMGraphs(): java.util.Set[UriRef] = {
+    java.util.Collections.singleton(RESOURCE_MGRAPH_URI);
+  }
+  override def listGraphs() = {
+    new java.util.HashSet[UriRef]();
+  }
+  override def listTripleCollections() = {
+    Collections.singleton(RESOURCE_MGRAPH_URI);
+  }
+  override def createMGraph(name: UriRef) =  {
+    throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported.");
+  }
+  override def createGraph(name: UriRef, triples: TripleCollection): Graph = {
+    throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported.");
+  }
+  override def deleteTripleCollection(name: UriRef) {
+    throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported.");
+  }
+  override def getNames(graph: Graph) = {
+    val result = new java.util.HashSet[UriRef]();
+    result;
+  }
+  def bundleChanged(event: BundleEvent) {
+    val bundle = event.getBundle();
+    event.getType() match  {
+      case BundleEvent.STARTED => {
+        bundleList ::= bundle
+        updateThread.update()
+      }
+      case BundleEvent.STOPPED => {
+        bundleList = bundleList.filterNot(b => b == bundle)
+        updateThread.update()
+      }
+      case _ => BundleFsLoader.log.debug("only reacting on bundle start and stop")
+    }
+  }
+  def bindTcManager(tcManager: TcManager) {
+    this.tcManager = tcManager;
+  }
+  def unbindTcManager(tcManager: TcManager) {
+    this.tcManager = null;
+  }
+  def bindContentGraphProvider(p: ContentGraphProvider) {
+    cgProvider = p
+  }
+  def unbindContentGraphProvider(p: ContentGraphProvider) {
+    cgProvider = null
+  }
+  def bindStartLevel(startLevel: StartLevel) {
+    this.startLevel = startLevel;
+  }
+  def unbindStartLevel(startLevel: StartLevel) {
+    this.startLevel = null;
+  }
+  def bindPathNode(pathNode: PathNode) {
+    this.pathNodes ::= pathNode;
+    frequentUpdateDirectory = Some(new MultiPathNode(pathNodes: _*))
+  }
+  def unbindPathNode(pathNode: PathNode) {
+    this.pathNodes = this.pathNodes.filter(_ != pathNode);
+    frequentUpdateDirectory = pathNodes match {
+      case Nil => None
+      case _ => Some(new MultiPathNode(pathNodes: _*))
+    }
+  }
 object BundleFsLoader {
-	private val log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(classOf[BundleFsLoader])
+  private val log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(classOf[BundleFsLoader])
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/platform.content.fsadaptor/src/main/scala/org/apache/clerezza/platform/content/fsadaptor/DirectoryOverlay.scala b/platform.content.fsadaptor/src/main/scala/org/apache/clerezza/platform/content/fsadaptor/DirectoryOverlay.scala
index 8c78010..40bfb21 100644
--- a/platform.content.fsadaptor/src/main/scala/org/apache/clerezza/platform/content/fsadaptor/DirectoryOverlay.scala
+++ b/platform.content.fsadaptor/src/main/scala/org/apache/clerezza/platform/content/fsadaptor/DirectoryOverlay.scala
@@ -31,56 +31,56 @@ import org.wymiwyg.commons.util.dirbrowser.PathNode
 import java.util.Iterator
 class DirectoryOverlay(pathNode: PathNode, base: TripleCollection)
-	extends AbstractTripleCollection {
+  extends AbstractTripleCollection {
-	import collection.JavaConversions._
+  import collection.JavaConversions._
-	override def performFilter(s: NonLiteral, p: UriRef,
-		o: Resource): Iterator[Triple] = {
-		val addedTriples = new SimpleMGraph()
+  override def performFilter(s: NonLiteral, p: UriRef,
+    o: Resource): Iterator[Triple] = {
+    val addedTriples = new SimpleMGraph()
-		PathNode2MGraph.describeInGraph(pathNode, addedTriples)
-		val subjects = (for (triple <- addedTriples; subject = triple.getSubject) yield {
-			subject
-		}).toSet
-		class FilteringIterator(baseIter: Iterator[Triple]) extends Iterator[Triple] {
-			var nextElem: Triple = null
-			def prepareNext {
-				nextElem = if (baseIter.hasNext) else null
-				if ((nextElem != null) && 
-					(subjects.contains(nextElem.getSubject))) {
-						//println("skipping "+nextElem)
-						prepareNext
-				}
-			}
-			prepareNext
-			override def next = {
-				val result = nextElem
-				prepareNext
-				result
-			}
-			override def hasNext = nextElem != null
-			override def remove = throw new UnsupportedOperationException
-		}
-		new IteratorMerger(new FilteringIterator(base.filter(s, p, o)), addedTriples.filter(s,p, o))
-	}
+    PathNode2MGraph.describeInGraph(pathNode, addedTriples)
+    val subjects = (for (triple <- addedTriples; subject = triple.getSubject) yield {
+      subject
+    }).toSet
+    class FilteringIterator(baseIter: Iterator[Triple]) extends Iterator[Triple] {
+      var nextElem: Triple = null
+      def prepareNext {
+        nextElem = if (baseIter.hasNext) else null
+        if ((nextElem != null) && 
+          (subjects.contains(nextElem.getSubject))) {
+            //println("skipping "+nextElem)
+            prepareNext
+        }
+      }
+      prepareNext
+      override def next = {
+        val result = nextElem
+        prepareNext
+        result
+      }
+      override def hasNext = nextElem != null
+      override def remove = throw new UnsupportedOperationException
+    }
+    new IteratorMerger(new FilteringIterator(base.filter(s, p, o)), addedTriples.filter(s,p, o))
+  }
-	/**
-	 * returns an upper bound of the size (removals in abse are not deducted)
-	 */
-	override def size = {
-	  val addedTriples = new SimpleMGraph()
+  /**
+   * returns an upper bound of the size (removals in abse are not deducted)
+   */
+  override def size = {
+    val addedTriples = new SimpleMGraph()
-			PathNode2MGraph.describeInGraph(pathNode, addedTriples)
+      PathNode2MGraph.describeInGraph(pathNode, addedTriples)
-	 base.size+addedTriples.size 
-	}
+   base.size+addedTriples.size 
+  }
diff --git a/platform.content.fsadaptor/src/main/scala/org/apache/clerezza/platform/content/fsadaptor/Logger.scala b/platform.content.fsadaptor/src/main/scala/org/apache/clerezza/platform/content/fsadaptor/Logger.scala
index bac16ce..684992a 100644
--- a/platform.content.fsadaptor/src/main/scala/org/apache/clerezza/platform/content/fsadaptor/Logger.scala
+++ b/platform.content.fsadaptor/src/main/scala/org/apache/clerezza/platform/content/fsadaptor/Logger.scala
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory
 trait Logger {
-	private val slf4jLogger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass)
-//	val logger: org.slf4j.Logger = new LoggerWrapper(slf4jLogger, this.getClass.getName)
+  private val slf4jLogger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass)
+//  val logger: org.slf4j.Logger = new LoggerWrapper(slf4jLogger, this.getClass.getName)
diff --git a/platform.content.fsadaptor/src/main/scala/org/apache/clerezza/platform/content/fsadaptor/PathNode2MGraph.scala b/platform.content.fsadaptor/src/main/scala/org/apache/clerezza/platform/content/fsadaptor/PathNode2MGraph.scala
index ad9b189..8a62774 100644
--- a/platform.content.fsadaptor/src/main/scala/org/apache/clerezza/platform/content/fsadaptor/PathNode2MGraph.scala
+++ b/platform.content.fsadaptor/src/main/scala/org/apache/clerezza/platform/content/fsadaptor/PathNode2MGraph.scala
@@ -41,106 +41,106 @@ import org.wymiwyg.commons.util.dirbrowser.PathNode
 object PathNode2MGraph {
-	private val URI_PREFIX = Constants.URN_LOCAL_INSTANCE
+  private val URI_PREFIX = Constants.URN_LOCAL_INSTANCE
-	private val literalFactory = LiteralFactory.getInstance
+  private val literalFactory = LiteralFactory.getInstance
-	private def getMediaType(file: PathNode) = {
-		val guessedMediaType: MediaType = MediaTypeGuesser.getInstance().guessTypeForName(file.getPath());
-		if (guessedMediaType != null) {
-			guessedMediaType.toString
-		} else {
-			"application/octet-stream"
-		}
+  private def getMediaType(file: PathNode) = {
+    val guessedMediaType: MediaType = MediaTypeGuesser.getInstance().guessTypeForName(file.getPath());
+    if (guessedMediaType != null) {
+      guessedMediaType.toString
+    } else {
+      "application/octet-stream"
+    }
-	}
+  }
-	private def getData(file: PathNode) = {
-		val baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream
-		val in = file.getInputStream()
-		val buffer = new Array[Byte](4096)
-		var read =
-		while (read != -1) {
-			baos.write(buffer, 0, read)
-			read =
-		}
-		in.close()
-		baos.toByteArray
-	}
+  private def getData(file: PathNode) = {
+    val baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream
+    val in = file.getInputStream()
+    val buffer = new Array[Byte](4096)
+    var read =
+    while (read != -1) {
+      baos.write(buffer, 0, read)
+      read =
+    }
+    in.close()
+    baos.toByteArray
+  }
-	def describeInGraph(directory: PathNode, mGraph: MGraph) {
-		val basePathLength = directory.getPath.length
-		def createUriRef(file: PathNode, isDirectory: Boolean) = {
-			def addSlashIfNeeded(s: String) = {
-				 if (s.endsWith("/")) {
-					 s
-				 } else {
-					 s+'/'
-				 }
-			}
-			val path =	if (isDirectory) {
-				addSlashIfNeeded(file.getPath.substring(basePathLength))
-			} else {
-				file.getPath.substring(basePathLength)
-			}
-			new UriRef(URI_PREFIX+path)
-		}
-		def processDirectory(directory: PathNode) {
-			val directoryResource = createUriRef(directory, true)
-			mGraph.add(new TripleImpl(directoryResource, RDF.`type`, HIERARCHY.Collection))
-			for (subPath <- directory.list) {
-				val file = directory.getSubPath(subPath)
-				val isDirectory = file.isDirectory
-				val resource = createUriRef(file, isDirectory)
-				mGraph.add(new TripleImpl(resource, HIERARCHY.parent, directoryResource))
-				if (isDirectory) {
-					processDirectory(file)
-				} else {
-					mGraph.add(new TripleImpl(resource, RDF.`type`, DISCOBITS.InfoDiscoBit))
-					val data = getData(file)
-					mGraph.add(new TripleImpl(resource, DISCOBITS.infoBit, literalFactory.createTypedLiteral(data)))
-					mGraph.add(new TripleImpl(resource, DISCOBITS.mediaType,
-											  literalFactory.createTypedLiteral(getMediaType(file))));
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		processDirectory(directory)
-	}
+  def describeInGraph(directory: PathNode, mGraph: MGraph) {
+    val basePathLength = directory.getPath.length
+    def createUriRef(file: PathNode, isDirectory: Boolean) = {
+      def addSlashIfNeeded(s: String) = {
+         if (s.endsWith("/")) {
+           s
+         } else {
+           s+'/'
+         }
+      }
+      val path =  if (isDirectory) {
+        addSlashIfNeeded(file.getPath.substring(basePathLength))
+      } else {
+        file.getPath.substring(basePathLength)
+      }
+      new UriRef(URI_PREFIX+path)
+    }
+    def processDirectory(directory: PathNode) {
+      val directoryResource = createUriRef(directory, true)
+      mGraph.add(new TripleImpl(directoryResource, RDF.`type`, HIERARCHY.Collection))
+      for (subPath <- directory.list) {
+        val file = directory.getSubPath(subPath)
+        val isDirectory = file.isDirectory
+        val resource = createUriRef(file, isDirectory)
+        mGraph.add(new TripleImpl(resource, HIERARCHY.parent, directoryResource))
+        if (isDirectory) {
+          processDirectory(file)
+        } else {
+          mGraph.add(new TripleImpl(resource, RDF.`type`, DISCOBITS.InfoDiscoBit))
+          val data = getData(file)
+          mGraph.add(new TripleImpl(resource, DISCOBITS.infoBit, literalFactory.createTypedLiteral(data)))
+          mGraph.add(new TripleImpl(resource, DISCOBITS.mediaType,
+                        literalFactory.createTypedLiteral(getMediaType(file))));
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    processDirectory(directory)
+  }
-	def removeNodesFromGraph(directory: PathNode, mGraph: MGraph) {
-		val basePathLength = directory.getPath.length
-		def createUriRef(file: PathNode, isDirectory: Boolean) = {
-			def addSlashIfNeeded(s: String) = {
-				 if (s.endsWith("/")) {
-					 s
-				 } else {
-					 s+'/'
-				 }
-			}
-			val path =	if (isDirectory) {
-				addSlashIfNeeded(file.getPath.substring(basePathLength))
-			} else {
-				file.getPath.substring(basePathLength)
-			}
-			new UriRef(URI_PREFIX+path)
-		}
-		def processDirectory(directory: PathNode) {
-			val directoryResource = createUriRef(directory, true)
-			mGraph.remove(new TripleImpl(directoryResource, RDF.`type`, HIERARCHY.Collection))
-			for (subPath <- directory.list) {
-				val file = directory.getSubPath(subPath)
-				val isDirectory = file.isDirectory
-				val resource = createUriRef(file, isDirectory)
-				val node = new GraphNode(resource, mGraph)
-				if (isDirectory) {
-					processDirectory(file)
-				}
-				node.deleteProperties(HIERARCHY.parent)
-				node.deleteProperties(RDF.`type`)
-				node.deleteProperties(DISCOBITS.infoBit)
-				node.deleteProperties(DISCOBITS.mediaType)
-			}
-		}
-		processDirectory(directory)
-	}
+  def removeNodesFromGraph(directory: PathNode, mGraph: MGraph) {
+    val basePathLength = directory.getPath.length
+    def createUriRef(file: PathNode, isDirectory: Boolean) = {
+      def addSlashIfNeeded(s: String) = {
+         if (s.endsWith("/")) {
+           s
+         } else {
+           s+'/'
+         }
+      }
+      val path =  if (isDirectory) {
+        addSlashIfNeeded(file.getPath.substring(basePathLength))
+      } else {
+        file.getPath.substring(basePathLength)
+      }
+      new UriRef(URI_PREFIX+path)
+    }
+    def processDirectory(directory: PathNode) {
+      val directoryResource = createUriRef(directory, true)
+      mGraph.remove(new TripleImpl(directoryResource, RDF.`type`, HIERARCHY.Collection))
+      for (subPath <- directory.list) {
+        val file = directory.getSubPath(subPath)
+        val isDirectory = file.isDirectory
+        val resource = createUriRef(file, isDirectory)
+        val node = new GraphNode(resource, mGraph)
+        if (isDirectory) {
+          processDirectory(file)
+        }
+        node.deleteProperties(HIERARCHY.parent)
+        node.deleteProperties(RDF.`type`)
+        node.deleteProperties(DISCOBITS.infoBit)
+        node.deleteProperties(DISCOBITS.mediaType)
+      }
+    }
+    processDirectory(directory)
+  }
diff --git a/platform.editor/src/main/scala/org/apache/clerezza/platform/editor/renderlets/HtmlInfoDicobitRDFaNaked.scala b/platform.editor/src/main/scala/org/apache/clerezza/platform/editor/renderlets/HtmlInfoDicobitRDFaNaked.scala
index 408ac6d..5b5c23b 100644
--- a/platform.editor/src/main/scala/org/apache/clerezza/platform/editor/renderlets/HtmlInfoDicobitRDFaNaked.scala
+++ b/platform.editor/src/main/scala/org/apache/clerezza/platform/editor/renderlets/HtmlInfoDicobitRDFaNaked.scala
@@ -15,22 +15,22 @@ import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Service;import scala.xml.Unparsed
 class HtmlInfoDicobitRDFaNaked extends SRenderlet {
-	val getRdfType = DISCOBITS.XHTMLInfoDiscoBit 
+  val getRdfType = DISCOBITS.XHTMLInfoDiscoBit 
   override val getMediaType = MediaType.TEXT_HTML_TYPE
-	override def getModePattern = "rdfa-naked"
+  override def getModePattern = "rdfa-naked"
-	override def renderedPage(arguments: XmlResult.Arguments) = {
-		new XmlResult(arguments) {
-			override def content = {
+  override def renderedPage(arguments: XmlResult.Arguments) = {
+    new XmlResult(arguments) {
+      override def content = {
               <div typeof="disco:XHTMLInfoDiscoBit" about={res*}>
                 <span property="disco:infoBit">
-			}
-		}
-	}
+      }
+    }
+  }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/platform.editor/src/main/scala/org/apache/clerezza/platform/editor/renderlets/OrderedContentRDFaNaked.scala b/platform.editor/src/main/scala/org/apache/clerezza/platform/editor/renderlets/OrderedContentRDFaNaked.scala
index 1427f34..e8e00f5 100644
--- a/platform.editor/src/main/scala/org/apache/clerezza/platform/editor/renderlets/OrderedContentRDFaNaked.scala
+++ b/platform.editor/src/main/scala/org/apache/clerezza/platform/editor/renderlets/OrderedContentRDFaNaked.scala
@@ -14,15 +14,15 @@ import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Service;
 class OrderedContentRDFaNaked extends SRenderlet {
-	val getRdfType = DISCOBITS.OrderedContent
+  val getRdfType = DISCOBITS.OrderedContent
   override val getMediaType = MediaType.TEXT_HTML_TYPE
-	override def getModePattern = "rdfa-naked"
+  override def getModePattern = "rdfa-naked"
-	override def renderedPage(arguments: XmlResult.Arguments) = {
-		new XmlResult(arguments) {
-			override def content = {
+  override def renderedPage(arguments: XmlResult.Arguments) = {
+    new XmlResult(arguments) {
+      override def content = {
               <div about={res*} typeof="disco:OrderedContent">
                 {for (part <- (res/DISCOBITS.contains).sortBy(part => (part/DISCOBITS.pos*).toInt)) 
                   yield <div property="disco:contains" typeof="disco:Entry">
@@ -31,8 +31,8 @@ class OrderedContentRDFaNaked extends SRenderlet {
-			}
-		}
-	}
+      }
+    }
+  }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/platform.editor/src/main/scala/org/apache/clerezza/platform/editor/renderlets/TitledContentRDFaNaked.scala b/platform.editor/src/main/scala/org/apache/clerezza/platform/editor/renderlets/TitledContentRDFaNaked.scala
index ad0deda..5e1e1cc 100644
--- a/platform.editor/src/main/scala/org/apache/clerezza/platform/editor/renderlets/TitledContentRDFaNaked.scala
+++ b/platform.editor/src/main/scala/org/apache/clerezza/platform/editor/renderlets/TitledContentRDFaNaked.scala
@@ -14,15 +14,15 @@ import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Service;
 class TitledContentRDFaNaked extends SRenderlet {
-	val getRdfType = DISCOBITS.TitledContent 
+  val getRdfType = DISCOBITS.TitledContent 
   override val getMediaType = MediaType.TEXT_HTML_TYPE
-	override def getModePattern = "rdfa-naked"
+  override def getModePattern = "rdfa-naked"
-	override def renderedPage(arguments: XmlResult.Arguments) = {
-		new XmlResult(arguments) {
-			override def content = {
+  override def renderedPage(arguments: XmlResult.Arguments) = {
+    new XmlResult(arguments) {
+      override def content = {
               <div typeof="disco:TitledContent" about={res*}>
               {for (part <- res/DISCOBITS.contains;  if ((part/DISCOBITS.pos*) == "0")) 
                 yield <span property="disco:holds" typeof="disco:Entry">
@@ -35,8 +35,8 @@ class TitledContentRDFaNaked extends SRenderlet {
                        <div property="disco:holds" resource={part/DISCOBITS.holds*}>{render(part/DISCOBITS.holds, "rdfa-naked")}</div>
-			}
-		}
-	}
+      }
+    }
+  }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/platform.graphnodeprovider/src/main/scala/org/apache/clerezza/platform/graphnodeprovider/GraphNodeProvider.scala b/platform.graphnodeprovider/src/main/scala/org/apache/clerezza/platform/graphnodeprovider/GraphNodeProvider.scala
index e8d3edd..5c9f12b 100644
--- a/platform.graphnodeprovider/src/main/scala/org/apache/clerezza/platform/graphnodeprovider/GraphNodeProvider.scala
+++ b/platform.graphnodeprovider/src/main/scala/org/apache/clerezza/platform/graphnodeprovider/GraphNodeProvider.scala
@@ -40,27 +40,27 @@ import{PrivilegedAction, AccessController}
 class GraphNodeProvider extends Logging {
-	/**
-	 * Get a GraphNode for the specified resource, see class comments for details.
-	 */
-	def get(uriRef: UriRef): GraphNode = {
-		val uriString = uriRef.getUnicodeString
-		val isLocal: Boolean = {
-			import scala.collection.JavaConversions._
-			//we assume all non http* uris to be local
-			!uriString.toLowerCase.startsWith("http") || platformConfig.getBaseUris.exists(baseUri => uriString.startsWith(baseUri.getUnicodeString))
-		}
-		get(uriRef, isLocal)
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Get a GraphNode for the specified resource, The resource is assumed to be local, i.e. the method behaves like
-	 * get(UriRef) for a Uri with an authority section contained in the Set retuned by
-	 * <code>org.apache.clerezza.platform.config.PlatformConfig#getBaseUris()</code>
-	 */
-	def getLocal(uriRef: UriRef): GraphNode = {
-		get(uriRef, true)
-	}
+  /**
+   * Get a GraphNode for the specified resource, see class comments for details.
+   */
+  def get(uriRef: UriRef): GraphNode = {
+    val uriString = uriRef.getUnicodeString
+    val isLocal: Boolean = {
+      import scala.collection.JavaConversions._
+      //we assume all non http* uris to be local
+      !uriString.toLowerCase.startsWith("http") || platformConfig.getBaseUris.exists(baseUri => uriString.startsWith(baseUri.getUnicodeString))
+    }
+    get(uriRef, isLocal)
+  }
+  /**
+   * Get a GraphNode for the specified resource, The resource is assumed to be local, i.e. the method behaves like
+   * get(UriRef) for a Uri with an authority section contained in the Set retuned by
+   * <code>org.apache.clerezza.platform.config.PlatformConfig#getBaseUris()</code>
+   */
+  def getLocal(uriRef: UriRef): GraphNode = {
+    get(uriRef, true)
+  }
@@ -70,8 +70,8 @@ class GraphNodeProvider extends Logging {
         val cgGraph = cgProvider.getContentGraph
         lazy val localInstanceUri = {
             val uri = new
-			new UriRef(Constants.URN_LOCAL_INSTANCE + uri.getPath)
-		}
+      new UriRef(Constants.URN_LOCAL_INSTANCE + uri.getPath)
+    }
         //TODO handle /user/
         existsInGraph(uriRef,cgGraph) || existsInGraph(localInstanceUri, cgGraph)
@@ -88,157 +88,157 @@ class GraphNodeProvider extends Logging {
-	private def get(uriRef: UriRef, isLocal: Boolean): GraphNode = {
-		val uriString = uriRef.getUnicodeString
-		val uriPath = {
-			val uri = new
-			uri.getPath
-		}
-		lazy val uriPrefix = {
-			val uri = new
-			uri.getScheme+"://"+uri.getAuthority
-		}
-		val anyHostUri = new UriRef(Constants.URN_LOCAL_INSTANCE + uriPath)
-		var mGraphs: List[TripleCollection] = Nil
-		def addToUnion(mGraph: LockableMGraph) {
-			//adding uncondinionately if (existsInGraph(uriRef, mGraph)) {
-			mGraphs ::= mGraph
-			//}
-			if (isLocal) {
-				if (existsInGraph(anyHostUri, mGraph)) {
-					mGraphs ::= new UriMutatingTripleCollection(mGraph, Constants.URN_LOCAL_INSTANCE, uriPrefix)
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		val cgGraph = cgProvider.getContentGraph
-		addToUnion(cgGraph)
-		if (isLocal && uriPath.startsWith("/user/")) {
-			val nextSlash = uriPath.indexOf('/',6)		
-			if (nextSlash != -1) {
-				val userName = uriPath.substring(6, nextSlash)
-				val webIdOption = AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction[Option[UriRef]]() {
-						def run(): Option[UriRef] = {
-							val userNode: GraphNode = userManager.getUserInSystemGraph(userName)
-							if (userNode != null) {
-								userNode.getNode match {
-									case u: UriRef => Some(u)
-									case _ => None
-								}
-							} else {
-								None
-							}
-						}
-					}
-				)
-				webIdOption match {
-					case Some(u) => {
-						val webIdInfo = webIdGraphsService.getWebIdInfo(u)
-						addToUnion(webIdInfo.localPublicUserData)
-					}
-					case None => ;
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		if (!isLocal) {
-			/**
-			 * As the resource might identify something other than a document we use this to find the redirect location
-			 */
-			lazy val redirectLocationString = {
-				val acceptHeader = "application/rdf+xml,*/*;q.1"
-				val url = new URL(uriString)
-				val connection = url.openConnection()
-				connection match {
-					case hc : HttpURLConnection => {
-							hc.setRequestMethod("HEAD");
-							hc.setInstanceFollowRedirects(false)
-							hc.addRequestProperty("Accept",  acceptHeader)
-							hc.getResponseCode match {
-								case HttpURLConnection.HTTP_SEE_OTHER  => {
-										val location = hc.getHeaderField("Location")
-										if (location == null) {
-											throw new RuntimeException("No Location Headers in 303 response")
-										}
-										location
-									}
-								case _ => uriString
-							}
-						}
-					case _ => uriString
-				}
-			}
-			//TODO add method to WebProxy to get the graph location location
-			val graphUriString = {
-				val hashPos = uriString.indexOf('#')
-				if (hashPos != -1) {
-					uriString.substring(0, hashPos)
-				} else {
-					redirectLocationString
-				}
-			}
-			addToUnion(tcManager.getMGraph(new UriRef(graphUriString)))
-		}
-		val unionMGraph = new UnionMGraph(mGraphs:_*);
-		new GraphNode(uriRef, unionMGraph)
-	}
-	private var tcManager: TcManager = null;
-	protected def bindTcManager(tcManager: TcManager) = {
-		this.tcManager = tcManager
-	}
-	protected def unbindTcManager(tcManager: TcManager) = {
-		this.tcManager = null
-	}
-	private var platformConfig: PlatformConfig = null;
-	protected def bindPlatformConfig(c: PlatformConfig) = {
-		this.platformConfig = c
-	}
-	protected def unbindPlatformConfig(c: PlatformConfig) = {
-		this.platformConfig = null
-	}
-	private var cgProvider: ContentGraphProvider = null
-	protected def bindCgProvider(p: ContentGraphProvider) {
-		this.cgProvider = p
-	}
-	protected def unbindCgProvider(p: ContentGraphProvider) {
-		this.cgProvider = null
-	}
-	private var webIdGraphsService: WebIdGraphsService = null
-	protected def bindWebIdGraphsService(webIdGraphsService: WebIdGraphsService): Unit = {
-		this.webIdGraphsService = webIdGraphsService
-	}
-	protected def unbindWebIdGraphsService(webIdGraphsService: WebIdGraphsService): Unit = {
-		this.webIdGraphsService = null
-	}
-	private var userManager: UserManager = null
-	protected def bindUserManager(userManager: UserManager): Unit = {
-		this.userManager = userManager
-	}
-	protected def unbindUserManager(userManager: UserManager): Unit = {
-		this.userManager = null
-	}
+  private def get(uriRef: UriRef, isLocal: Boolean): GraphNode = {
+    val uriString = uriRef.getUnicodeString
+    val uriPath = {
+      val uri = new
+      uri.getPath
+    }
+    lazy val uriPrefix = {
+      val uri = new
+      uri.getScheme+"://"+uri.getAuthority
+    }
+    val anyHostUri = new UriRef(Constants.URN_LOCAL_INSTANCE + uriPath)
+    var mGraphs: List[TripleCollection] = Nil
+    def addToUnion(mGraph: LockableMGraph) {
+      //adding uncondinionately if (existsInGraph(uriRef, mGraph)) {
+      mGraphs ::= mGraph
+      //}
+      if (isLocal) {
+        if (existsInGraph(anyHostUri, mGraph)) {
+          mGraphs ::= new UriMutatingTripleCollection(mGraph, Constants.URN_LOCAL_INSTANCE, uriPrefix)
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    val cgGraph = cgProvider.getContentGraph
+    addToUnion(cgGraph)
+    if (isLocal && uriPath.startsWith("/user/")) {
+      val nextSlash = uriPath.indexOf('/',6)    
+      if (nextSlash != -1) {
+        val userName = uriPath.substring(6, nextSlash)
+        val webIdOption = AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction[Option[UriRef]]() {
+            def run(): Option[UriRef] = {
+              val userNode: GraphNode = userManager.getUserInSystemGraph(userName)
+              if (userNode != null) {
+                userNode.getNode match {
+                  case u: UriRef => Some(u)
+                  case _ => None
+                }
+              } else {
+                None
+              }
+            }
+          }
+        )
+        webIdOption match {
+          case Some(u) => {
+            val webIdInfo = webIdGraphsService.getWebIdInfo(u)
+            addToUnion(webIdInfo.localPublicUserData)
+          }
+          case None => ;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    if (!isLocal) {
+      /**
+       * As the resource might identify something other than a document we use this to find the redirect location
+       */
+      lazy val redirectLocationString = {
+        val acceptHeader = "application/rdf+xml,*/*;q.1"
+        val url = new URL(uriString)
+        val connection = url.openConnection()
+        connection match {
+          case hc : HttpURLConnection => {
+              hc.setRequestMethod("HEAD");
+              hc.setInstanceFollowRedirects(false)
+              hc.addRequestProperty("Accept",  acceptHeader)
+              hc.getResponseCode match {
+                case HttpURLConnection.HTTP_SEE_OTHER  => {
+                    val location = hc.getHeaderField("Location")
+                    if (location == null) {
+                      throw new RuntimeException("No Location Headers in 303 response")
+                    }
+                    location
+                  }
+                case _ => uriString
+              }
+            }
+          case _ => uriString
+        }
+      }
+      //TODO add method to WebProxy to get the graph location location
+      val graphUriString = {
+        val hashPos = uriString.indexOf('#')
+        if (hashPos != -1) {
+          uriString.substring(0, hashPos)
+        } else {
+          redirectLocationString
+        }
+      }
+      addToUnion(tcManager.getMGraph(new UriRef(graphUriString)))
+    }
+    val unionMGraph = new UnionMGraph(mGraphs:_*);
+    new GraphNode(uriRef, unionMGraph)
+  }
+  private var tcManager: TcManager = null;
+  protected def bindTcManager(tcManager: TcManager) = {
+    this.tcManager = tcManager
+  }
+  protected def unbindTcManager(tcManager: TcManager) = {
+    this.tcManager = null
+  }
+  private var platformConfig: PlatformConfig = null;
+  protected def bindPlatformConfig(c: PlatformConfig) = {
+    this.platformConfig = c
+  }
+  protected def unbindPlatformConfig(c: PlatformConfig) = {
+    this.platformConfig = null
+  }
+  private var cgProvider: ContentGraphProvider = null
+  protected def bindCgProvider(p: ContentGraphProvider) {
+    this.cgProvider = p
+  }
+  protected def unbindCgProvider(p: ContentGraphProvider) {
+    this.cgProvider = null
+  }
+  private var webIdGraphsService: WebIdGraphsService = null
+  protected def bindWebIdGraphsService(webIdGraphsService: WebIdGraphsService): Unit = {
+    this.webIdGraphsService = webIdGraphsService
+  }
+  protected def unbindWebIdGraphsService(webIdGraphsService: WebIdGraphsService): Unit = {
+    this.webIdGraphsService = null
+  }
+  private var userManager: UserManager = null
+  protected def bindUserManager(userManager: UserManager): Unit = {
+    this.userManager = userManager
+  }
+  protected def unbindUserManager(userManager: UserManager): Unit = {
+    this.userManager = null
+  }