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Posted to by Vineet Mangla <> on 2018/10/17 09:18:50 UTC

Custom typeahead using Solr

Hi All,

We have a requirement to create typeahead using Solr with following logic:

Let's say my Solr core has a field called jobtitle with two values as
"senior software engineer" and "software engineer"

   1. Now, if I search for "*sen*", result should be "*sen*ior software

   if I search for "*soft*", result should be in following order:

   "*soft*ware engineer"

   "senior *soft*ware engineer"
   3. If I search for "*soft**ware eng*",result should be in following
   order:   "*soft*ware engineer"

   "senior *soft*ware engineer"

Is there anyway we can achieve this functionality?

Vineet Mangla