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[03/10] libcloud git commit: [LIBCLOUD-802] Add drivers for Aliyun cloud
diff --git a/libcloud/loadbalancer/drivers/ b/libcloud/loadbalancer/drivers/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a7eab40
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libcloud/loadbalancer/drivers/
@@ -0,0 +1,754 @@
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+# the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+__all__ = [
+    'SLBDriver'
+import sys
+    import simplejson as json
+except ImportError:
+    import json
+from libcloud.common.aliyun import AliyunXmlResponse, SignedAliyunConnection
+from libcloud.common.types import LibcloudError
+from libcloud.loadbalancer.types import State
+from libcloud.loadbalancer.base import Algorithm, Driver, LoadBalancer, Member
+from libcloud.utils.misc import ReprMixin
+from libcloud.utils.py3 import u
+from libcloud.utils.xml import findattr, findtext, findall
+SLB_API_VERSION = '2014-05-15'
+    'inactive': State.UNKNOWN,
+    'active': State.RUNNING,
+    'locked': State.PENDING
+    'balancer': {
+        'create_timestamp': {
+            'xpath': 'CreateTimeStamp',
+            'transform_func': int
+        },
+        'address_type': {
+            'xpath': 'AddressType',
+            'transform_func': u
+        },
+        'region_id': {
+            'xpath': 'RegionId',
+            'transform_func': u
+        },
+        'region_id_alias': {
+            'xpath': 'RegionIdAlias',
+            'transform_func': u
+        },
+        'create_time': {
+            'xpath': 'CreateTime',
+            'transform_func': u
+        },
+        'master_zone_id': {
+            'xpath': 'MasterZoneId',
+            'transform_func': u
+        },
+        'slave_zone_id': {
+            'xpath': 'SlaveZoneId',
+            'transform_func': u
+        },
+        'network_type': {
+            'xpath': 'NetworkType',
+            'transform_func': u
+        }
+    }
+    'wrr': Algorithm.WEIGHTED_ROUND_ROBIN,
+    Algorithm.WEIGHTED_ROUND_ROBIN: 'wrr',
+class SLBConnection(SignedAliyunConnection):
+    version = SLB_API_VERSION
+    host = SLB_API_HOST
+    responseCls = AliyunXmlResponse
+    service_name = 'slb'
+class SLBLoadBalancerAttribute(object):
+    """
+    This class used to get listeners and backend servers related to a balancer
+    listeners is a ``list`` of ``dict``, each element contains
+    'ListenerPort' and 'ListenerProtocol' keys.
+    backend_servers is a ``list`` of ``dict``, each element contains
+    'ServerId' and 'Weight' keys.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, balancer, listeners, backend_servers, extra=None):
+        self.balancer = balancer
+        self.listeners = listeners or []
+        self.backend_servers = backend_servers or []
+        self.extra = extra or {}
+    def is_listening(self, port):
+        for listener in self.listeners:
+            if listener.get('ListenerPort') == port:
+                return True
+        return False
+    def is_attached(self, member):
+        for server in self.backend_servers:
+            if server.get('Serverid') ==
+                return True
+        return False
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return ('<SLBLoadBalancerAttribute id=%s, ports=%s, servers=%s ...>' %
+                (, self.listeners, self.backend_servers))
+class SLBLoadBalancerListener(ReprMixin, object):
+    """
+    Base SLB load balancer listener class
+    """
+    _repr_attributes = ['port', 'backend_port', 'scheduler', 'bandwidth']
+    action = None
+    option_keys = []
+    def __init__(self, port, backend_port, algorithm, bandwidth, extra=None):
+        self.port = port
+        self.backend_port = backend_port
+        self.scheduler = ALGORITHM_TO_SLB_SCHEDULER.get(algorithm, 'wrr')
+        self.bandwidth = bandwidth
+        self.extra = extra or {}
+    @classmethod
+    def create(cls, port, backend_port, algorithm, bandwidth, extra=None):
+        return cls(port, backend_port, algorithm, bandwidth, extra=extra)
+    def get_create_params(self):
+        params = self.get_required_params()
+        options = self.get_optional_params()
+        options.update(params)
+        return options
+    def get_required_params(self):
+        params = {'Action': self.action,
+                  'ListenerPort': self.port,
+                  'BackendServerPort': self.backend_port,
+                  'Scheduler': self.scheduler,
+                  'Bandwidth': self.bandwidth}
+        return params
+    def get_optional_params(self):
+        options = {}
+        for option in self.option_keys:
+            if self.extra and option in self.extra:
+                options[option] = self.extra[option]
+        return options
+class SLBLoadBalancerHttpListener(SLBLoadBalancerListener):
+    """
+    This class represents a rule to route http request to the backends.
+    """
+    action = 'CreateLoadBalancerHTTPListener'
+    option_keys = ['XForwardedFor', 'StickySessionType', 'CookieTimeout',
+                   'Cookie', 'HealthCheckDomain', 'HealthCheckURI',
+                   'HealthCheckConnectPort', 'HealthyThreshold',
+                   'UnhealthyThreshold', 'HealthCheckTimeout',
+                   'HealthCheckInterval', 'HealthCheckHttpCode']
+    def __init__(self, port, backend_port, algorithm, bandwidth,
+                 sticky_session, health_check, extra=None):
+        super(SLBLoadBalancerHttpListener, self).__init__(
+            port, backend_port, algorithm, bandwidth, extra=extra)
+        self.sticky_session = sticky_session
+        self.health_check = health_check
+    def get_required_params(self):
+        params = super(SLBLoadBalancerHttpListener,
+                       self).get_required_params()
+        params['StickySession'] = self.sticky_session
+        params['HealthCheck'] = self.health_check
+        return params
+    @classmethod
+    def create(cls, port, backend_port, algorithm, bandwidth, extra={}):
+        if 'StickySession' not in extra:
+            raise AttributeError('StickySession is required')
+        if 'HealthCheck' not in extra:
+            raise AttributeError('HealthCheck is required')
+        sticky_session = extra['StickySession']
+        health_check = extra['HealthCheck']
+        return cls(port, backend_port, algorithm, bandwidth, sticky_session,
+                   health_check, extra=extra)
+class SLBLoadBalancerHttpsListener(SLBLoadBalancerListener):
+    """
+    This class represents a rule to route https request to the backends.
+    """
+    action = 'CreateLoadBalancerHTTPSListener'
+    option_keys = ['XForwardedFor', 'StickySessionType', 'CookieTimeout',
+                   'Cookie', 'HealthCheckDomain', 'HealthCheckURI',
+                   'HealthCheckConnectPort', 'HealthyThreshold',
+                   'UnhealthyThreshold', 'HealthCheckTimeout',
+                   'HealthCheckInterval', 'HealthCheckHttpCode']
+    def __init__(self, port, backend_port, algorithm, bandwidth,
+                 sticky_session, health_check, certificate_id, extra=None):
+        super(SLBLoadBalancerHttpsListener, self).__init__(
+            port, backend_port, algorithm, bandwidth, extra=extra)
+        self.sticky_session = sticky_session
+        self.health_check = health_check
+        self.certificate_id = certificate_id
+    def get_required_params(self):
+        params = super(SLBLoadBalancerHttpsListener,
+                       self).get_required_params()
+        params['StickySession'] = self.sticky_session
+        params['HealthCheck'] = self.health_check
+        params['ServerCertificateId'] = self.certificate_id
+        return params
+    @classmethod
+    def create(cls, port, backend_port, algorithm, bandwidth, extra={}):
+        if 'StickySession' not in extra:
+            raise AttributeError('StickySession is required')
+        if 'HealthCheck' not in extra:
+            raise AttributeError('HealthCheck is required')
+        if 'ServerCertificateId' not in extra:
+            raise AttributeError('ServerCertificateId is required')
+        sticky_session = extra['StickySession']
+        health_check = extra['HealthCheck']
+        certificate_id = extra['ServerCertificateId']
+        return cls(port, backend_port, algorithm, bandwidth, sticky_session,
+                   health_check, certificate_id, extra=extra)
+class SLBLoadBalancerTcpListener(SLBLoadBalancerListener):
+    """
+    This class represents a rule to route tcp request to the backends.
+    """
+    action = 'CreateLoadBalancerTCPListener'
+    option_keys = ['PersistenceTimeout', 'HealthCheckType',
+                   'HealthCheckDomain', 'HealthCheckURI',
+                   'HealthCheckConnectPort', 'HealthyThreshold',
+                   'UnhealthyThreshold', 'HealthCheckConnectTimeout',
+                   'HealthCheckInterval', 'HealthCheckHttpCode']
+class SLBLoadBalancerUdpListener(SLBLoadBalancerTcpListener):
+    """
+    This class represents a rule to route udp request to the backends.
+    """
+    action = 'CreateLoadBalancerUDPListener'
+    option_keys = ['PersistenceTimeout', 'HealthCheckConnectPort',
+                   'HealthyThreshold', 'UnhealthyThreshold',
+                   'HealthCheckConnectTimeout', 'HealthCheckInterval']
+class SLBServerCertificate(ReprMixin, object):
+    _repr_attributes = ['id', 'name', 'fingerprint']
+    def __init__(self, id, name, fingerprint):
+ = id
+ = name
+        self.fingerprint = fingerprint
+    'http': SLBLoadBalancerHttpListener,
+    'https': SLBLoadBalancerHttpsListener,
+    'tcp': SLBLoadBalancerTcpListener,
+    'udp': SLBLoadBalancerUdpListener
+class SLBDriver(Driver):
+    """
+    Aliyun SLB load balancer driver.
+    """
+    name = 'Aliyun Server Load Balancer'
+    website = ''
+    connectionCls = SLBConnection
+    path = '/'
+    namespace = None
+    def __init__(self, access_id, secret, region):
+        super(SLBDriver, self).__init__(access_id, secret)
+        self.region = region
+    def list_protocols(self):
+        return list(PROTOCOL_TO_LISTENER_MAP.keys())
+    def list_balancers(self, ex_balancer_ids=[], ex_filters=None):
+        """
+        List all loadbalancers
+        @inherits :class:`Driver.list_balancers`
+        :keyword ex_balancer_ids: a list of balancer ids to filter results
+                                  Only balancers which's id in this list
+                                  will be returned
+        :type ex_balancer_ids: ``list``
+        :keyword ex_filters: attributes to filter results. Only balancers
+                             which have all the desired attributes
+                             and values will be returned
+        :type ex_filters: ``dict``
+        """
+        params = {'Action': 'DescribeLoadBalancers',
+                  'RegionId': self.region}
+        if ex_balancer_ids and isinstance(ex_balancer_ids, list):
+            params['LoadBalancerId'] = ','.join(ex_balancer_ids)
+        if ex_filters and isinstance(ex_filters, dict):
+            ex_filters.update(params)
+            params = ex_filters
+        resp_body = self.connection.request(self.path, params=params).object
+        return self._to_balancers(resp_body)
+    def create_balancer(self, name, port, protocol, algorithm, members,
+                        **kwargs):
+        # 1.Create load balancer
+        params = {'Action': 'CreateLoadBalancer',
+                  'RegionId': self.region}
+        if name:
+            params['LoadBalancerName'] = name
+        if not port:
+            raise AttributeError('port is required')
+        if not protocol:
+            # NOTE(samsong8610): Use http listener as default
+            protocol = 'http'
+        if protocol not in PROTOCOL_TO_LISTENER_MAP:
+            raise AttributeError('unsupport protocol %s' % protocol)
+        extra_param_keys = [
+            'AddressType',
+            'VSwitchId',
+            'InternetChargeType',
+            'Bandwidth',
+            'ClientToken',
+            'MasterZoneId',
+            'SlaveZoneId'
+        ]
+        extra = self._get_extra_params(extra_param_keys, kwargs)
+        # Bandwidth in range [1, 1000] Mbps
+        bandwidth = -1
+        if 'Bandwidth' in extra and extra['Bandwidth']:
+            try:
+                bandwidth = int(extra['Bandwidth'])
+            except ValueError:
+                raise AttributeError('Bandwidth should be a integer in '
+                                     'range [1, 1000].')
+        charge_type = extra.get('InternetChargeType', None)
+        if charge_type and charge_type.lower() == 'paybybandwidth':
+            if bandwidth == -1:
+                raise AttributeError('PayByBandwidth need Bandwidth be set')
+        params.update(extra)
+        if members and isinstance(members, list):
+            backend_ports = [member.port for member in members]
+            if len(set(backend_ports)) != 1:
+                raise AttributeError('the ports of members should be unique')
+            # NOTE(samsong8610): If members do not provide backend port,
+            #                    default to listening port
+            backend_port = backend_ports[0] or port
+        else:
+            backend_port = port
+        balancer = None
+        try:
+            resp_body = self.connection.request(self.path, params).object
+            balancer = self._to_balancer(resp_body)
+            balancer.port = port
+            # 2.Add backend servers
+            if members is None:
+                members = []
+            for member in members:
+                self.balancer_attach_member(balancer, member)
+            # 3.Create listener
+            # NOTE(samsong8610): Assume only create a listener which uses all
+            #                    the bandwidth.
+            self.ex_create_listener(balancer, backend_port, protocol,
+                                    algorithm, bandwidth, **kwargs)
+            self.ex_start_listener(balancer, port)
+            return balancer
+        except Exception:
+            e = sys.exc_info()[1]
+            if balancer is not None:
+                try:
+                    self.destroy_balancer(balancer)
+                except Exception:
+                    pass
+            raise e
+    def destroy_balancer(self, balancer):
+        params = {'Action': 'DeleteLoadBalancer',
+                  'LoadBalancerId':}
+        resp = self.connection.request(self.path, params)
+        return resp.success()
+    def get_balancer(self, balancer_id):
+        balancers = self.list_balancers(ex_balancer_ids=[balancer_id])
+        if len(balancers) != 1:
+            raise LibcloudError('could not find load balancer with id %s' %
+                                balancer_id)
+        return balancers[0]
+    def balancer_attach_compute_node(self, balancer, node):
+        if len(node.public_ips) > 0:
+            ip = node.public_ips[0]
+        else:
+            ip = node.private_ips[0]
+        member = Member(, ip=ip, port=balancer.port)
+        return self.balancer_attach_member(balancer, member)
+    def balancer_attach_member(self, balancer, member):
+        params = {'Action': 'AddBackendServers',
+                  'LoadBalancerId':}
+        if member and isinstance(member, Member):
+            params['BackendServers'] = self._to_servers_json([member])
+        self.connection.request(self.path, params)
+        return member
+    def balancer_detach_member(self, balancer, member):
+        params = {'Action': 'RemoveBackendServers',
+                  'LoadBalancerId':}
+        if member and isinstance(member, Member):
+            params['BackendServers'] = self._list_to_json([])
+        self.connection.request(self.path, params)
+        return member
+    def balancer_list_members(self, balancer):
+        attribute = self.ex_get_balancer_attribute(balancer)
+        members = [Member(server['ServerId'], None, None, balancer=balancer,
+                          extra={'Weight': server['Weight']})
+                   for server in attribute.backend_servers]
+        return members
+    def ex_get_balancer_attribute(self, balancer):
+        """
+        Get balancer attribute
+        :param balancer: the balancer to get attribute
+        :type balancer: ``LoadBalancer``
+        :return: the balancer attribute
+        :rtype: ``SLBLoadBalancerAttribute``
+        """
+        params = {'Action': 'DescribeLoadBalancerAttribute',
+                  'LoadBalancerId':}
+        resp_body = self.connection.request(self.path, params).object
+        attribute = self._to_balancer_attribute(resp_body)
+        return attribute
+    def ex_list_listeners(self, balancer):
+        """
+        Get all listener related to the given balancer
+        :param balancer: the balancer to list listeners
+        :type balancer: ``LoadBalancer``
+        :return: a list of listeners
+        :rtype: ``list`` of ``SLBLoadBalancerListener``
+        """
+        attribute = self.ex_get_balancer_attribute(balancer)
+        listeners = [SLBLoadBalancerListener(each['ListenerPort'], None,
+                                             None, None)
+                     for each in attribute.listeners]
+        return listeners
+    def ex_create_listener(self, balancer, backend_port, protocol, algorithm,
+                           bandwidth, **kwargs):
+        """
+        Create load balancer listening rule.
+        :param balancer: the balancer which the rule belongs to.
+                         The listener created will listen on the port of the
+                         the balancer as default. 'ListenerPort' in kwargs
+                         will *OVERRIDE* it.
+        :type balancer: ``LoadBalancer``
+        :param backend_port: the backend server port
+        :type backend_port: ``int``
+        :param protocol: the balancer protocol, default to http
+        :type protocol: ``str``
+        :param algorithm: the balancer routing algorithm
+        :type algorithm: ``Algorithm``
+        :param bandwidth: the listener bandwidth limits
+        :type bandwidth: ``str``
+        :return: the created listener
+        :rtype: ``SLBLoadBalancerListener``
+        """
+        cls = PROTOCOL_TO_LISTENER_MAP.get(protocol,
+                                           SLBLoadBalancerHttpListener)
+        if 'ListenerPort' in kwargs:
+            port = kwargs['ListenerPort']
+        else:
+            port = balancer.port
+        listener = cls.create(port, backend_port, algorithm,
+                              bandwidth, extra=kwargs)
+        params = listener.get_create_params()
+        params['LoadBalancerId'] =
+        params['RegionId'] = self.region
+        resp = self.connection.request(self.path, params)
+        return resp.success()
+    def ex_start_listener(self, balancer, port):
+        """
+        Start balancer's listener listening the given port.
+        :param balancer: a load balancer
+        :type balancer: ``LoadBalancer``
+        :param port: listening port
+        :type port: ``int``
+        :return: whether operation is success
+        :rtype: ``bool``
+        """
+        params = {'Action': 'StartLoadBalancerListener',
+                  'LoadBalancerId':,
+                  'ListenerPort': port}
+        resp = self.connection.request(self.path, params)
+        return resp.success()
+    def ex_stop_listener(self, balancer, port):
+        """
+        Stop balancer's listener listening the given port.
+        :param balancer: a load balancer
+        :type balancer: ``LoadBalancer``
+        :param port: listening port
+        :type port: ``int``
+        :return: whether operation is success
+        :rtype: ``bool``
+        """
+        params = {'Action': 'StopLoadBalancerListener',
+                  'LoadBalancerId':,
+                  'ListenerPort': port}
+        resp = self.connection.request(self.path, params)
+        return resp.success()
+    def ex_upload_certificate(self, name, server_certificate,
+                              private_key):
+        """
+        Upload certificate and private key for https load balancer listener
+        :param name: the certificate name
+        :type name: ``str``
+        :param server_certificate: the content of the certificate to upload
+                                   in PEM format
+        :type server_certificate: ``str``
+        :param private_key: the content of the private key to upload
+                            in PEM format
+        :type private_key: ``str``
+        :return: new created certificate info
+        :rtype: ``SLBServerCertificate``
+        """
+        params = {'Action': 'UploadServerCertificate',
+                  'RegionId': self.region,
+                  'ServerCertificate': server_certificate,
+                  'PrivateKey': private_key}
+        if name:
+            params['ServerCertificateName'] = name
+        resp_body = self.connection.request(self.path, params).object
+        return self._to_server_certificate(resp_body)
+    def ex_list_certificates(self, certificate_ids=[]):
+        """
+        List all server certificates
+        :param certificate_ids: certificate ids to filter results
+        :type certificate_ids: ``str``
+        :return: certificates
+        :rtype: ``SLBServerCertificate``
+        """
+        params = {'Action': 'DescribeServerCertificates',
+                  'RegionId': self.region}
+        if certificate_ids and isinstance(certificate_ids, list):
+            params['ServerCertificateId'] = ','.join(certificate_ids)
+        resp_body = self.connection.request(self.path, params).object
+        cert_elements = findall(resp_body,
+                                'ServerCertificates/ServerCertificate',
+                                namespace=self.namespace)
+        certificates = [self._to_server_certificate(el)
+                        for el in cert_elements]
+        return certificates
+    def ex_delete_certificate(self, certificate_id):
+        """
+        Delete the given server certificate
+        :param certificate_id: the id of the certificate to delete
+        :type certificate_id: ``str``
+        :return: whether process is success
+        :rtype: ``bool``
+        """
+        params = {'Action': 'DeleteServerCertificate',
+                  'RegionId': self.region,
+                  'ServerCertificateId': certificate_id}
+        resp = self.connection.request(self.path, params)
+        return resp.success()
+    def ex_set_certificate_name(self, certificate_id, name):
+        """
+        Set server certificate name.
+        :param certificate_id: the id of the server certificate to update
+        :type certificate_id: ``str``
+        :param name: the new name
+        :type name: ``str``
+        :return: whether updating is success
+        :rtype: ``bool``
+        """
+        params = {'Action': 'SetServerCertificateName',
+                  'RegionId': self.region,
+                  'ServerCertificateId': certificate_id,
+                  'ServerCertificateName': name}
+        resp = self.connection.request(self.path, params)
+        return resp.success()
+    def _to_balancers(self, element):
+        xpath = 'LoadBalancers/LoadBalancer'
+        return [self._to_balancer(el)
+                for el in findall(element=element, xpath=xpath,
+                                  namespace=self.namespace)]
+    def _to_balancer(self, el):
+        _id = findtext(element=el, xpath='LoadBalancerId',
+                       namespace=self.namespace)
+        name = findtext(element=el, xpath='LoadBalancerName',
+                        namespace=self.namespace)
+        status = findtext(element=el, xpath='LoadBalancerStatus',
+                          namespace=self.namespace)
+        state = STATE_MAPPINGS.get(status, State.UNKNOWN)
+        address = findtext(element=el, xpath='Address',
+                           namespace=self.namespace)
+        extra = self._get_extra_dict(
+            el, RESOURCE_EXTRA_ATTRIBUTES_MAP['balancer'])
+        balancer = LoadBalancer(id=_id, name=name, state=state, ip=address,
+                                port=None, driver=self, extra=extra)
+        return balancer
+    def _create_list_params(self, params, items, label):
+        """
+        return parameter list
+        """
+        if isinstance(items, str):
+            items = [items]
+        for index, item in enumerate(items):
+            params[label % (index + 1)] = item
+        return params
+    def _get_extra_dict(self, element, mapping):
+        """
+        Extract attributes from the element based on rules provided in the
+        mapping dictionary.
+        :param      element: Element to parse the values from.
+        :type       element: xml.etree.ElementTree.Element.
+        :param      mapping: Dictionary with the extra layout
+        :type       node: :class:`Node`
+        :rtype: ``dict``
+        """
+        extra = {}
+        for attribute, values in mapping.items():
+            transform_func = values['transform_func']
+            value = findattr(element=element,
+                             xpath=values['xpath'],
+                             namespace=self.namespace)
+            if value:
+                try:
+                    extra[attribute] = transform_func(value)
+                except Exception:
+                    extra[attribute] = None
+            else:
+                extra[attribute] = value
+        return extra
+    def _to_servers_json(self, members):
+        servers = []
+        for each in members:
+            server = {'ServerId':,
+                      'Weight': '100'}
+            if 'Weight' in each.extra:
+                server['Weight'] = each.extra['Weight']
+            servers.append(server)
+        try:
+            return json.dumps(servers)
+        except Exception:
+            raise AttributeError('could not convert member to backend server')
+    def _to_balancer_attribute(self, element):
+        balancer = self._to_balancer(element)
+        port_proto_elements = findall(
+            element, 'ListenerPortsAndProtocol/ListenerPortAndProtocol',
+            namespace=self.namespace)
+        if len(port_proto_elements) > 0:
+            listeners = [self._to_port_and_protocol(el)
+                         for el in port_proto_elements]
+        else:
+            port_elements = findall(element, 'ListenerPorts/ListenerPort',
+                                    namespace=self.namespace)
+            listeners = [{'ListenerPort': el.text, 'ListenerProtocol': 'http'}
+                         for el in port_elements]
+        server_elements = findall(element,
+                                  'BackendServers/BackendServer',
+                                  namespace=self.namespace)
+        backend_servers = [self._to_server_and_weight(el)
+                           for el in server_elements]
+        return SLBLoadBalancerAttribute(balancer, listeners, backend_servers)
+    def _to_port_and_protocol(self, el):
+        port = findtext(el, 'ListenerPort', namespace=self.namespace)
+        protocol = findtext(el, 'ListenerProtocol', namespace=self.namespace)
+        return {'ListenerPort': port, 'ListenerProtocol': protocol}
+    def _to_server_and_weight(self, el):
+        server_id = findtext(el, 'ServerId', namespace=self.namespace)
+        weight = findtext(el, 'Weight', namespace=self.namespace)
+        return {'ServerId': server_id, 'Weight': weight}
+    def _to_server_certificate(self, el):
+        _id = findtext(el, 'ServerCertificateId', namespace=self.namespace)
+        name = findtext(el, 'ServerCertificateName', namespace=self.namespace)
+        fingerprint = findtext(el, 'Fingerprint', namespace=self.namespace)
+        return SLBServerCertificate(id=_id, name=name,
+                                    fingerprint=fingerprint)
+    def _get_extra_params(self, extra_param_keys, kwargs):
+        params = {}
+        for key in extra_param_keys:
+            if key in kwargs:
+                params[key] = kwargs[key]
+        return params
+    def _list_to_json(self, value):
+        try:
+            return json.dumps(value)
+        except Exception:
+            return '[]'
diff --git a/libcloud/loadbalancer/ b/libcloud/loadbalancer/
index a4ff090..b619c9d 100644
--- a/libcloud/loadbalancer/
+++ b/libcloud/loadbalancer/
@@ -42,6 +42,9 @@ DRIVERS = {
     ('libcloud.loadbalancer.drivers.softlayer', 'SoftlayerLBDriver'),
     ('libcloud.loadbalancer.drivers.dimensiondata', 'DimensionDataLBDriver'),
+    Provider.SLB:
+    ('libcloud.loadbalancer.drivers.slb', 'SLBDriver'),
     # Deprecated
     ('libcloud.loadbalancer.drivers.rackspace', 'RackspaceLBDriver'),
diff --git a/libcloud/loadbalancer/ b/libcloud/loadbalancer/
index c7e390b..0d5deec 100644
--- a/libcloud/loadbalancer/
+++ b/libcloud/loadbalancer/
@@ -32,6 +32,9 @@ class LibcloudLBImmutableError(LibcloudLBError):
 class Provider(object):
+    """
+    :cvar SLB: Aliyun SLB loadbalancer driver
+    """
     RACKSPACE = 'rackspace'
     GOGRID = 'gogrid'
     NINEFOLD = 'ninefold'
@@ -41,6 +44,7 @@ class Provider(object):
     GCE = 'gce'
     SOFTLAYER = 'softlayer'
     DIMENSIONDATA = 'dimensiondata'
+    SLB = 'slb'
     # Deprecated
     RACKSPACE_US = 'rackspace_us'
diff --git a/libcloud/storage/drivers/ b/libcloud/storage/drivers/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..84df44f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libcloud/storage/drivers/
@@ -0,0 +1,1069 @@
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+# the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import base64
+import codecs
+import hmac
+import os
+import time
+import sys
+from hashlib import sha1
+    from lxml import etree as ET
+except ImportError:
+    from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET
+    from lxml.etree import Element, SubElement
+except ImportError:
+    from xml.etree.ElementTree import Element, SubElement
+from libcloud.utils.py3 import httplib
+from libcloud.utils.py3 import urlquote
+from libcloud.utils.py3 import urlencode
+from libcloud.utils.py3 import b
+from libcloud.utils.py3 import tostring
+from libcloud.utils.py3 import PY3
+from libcloud.utils.xml import fixxpath, findtext
+from libcloud.utils.files import guess_file_mime_type, read_in_chunks, \
+    exhaust_iterator
+from libcloud.common.types import InvalidCredsError, LibcloudError
+from libcloud.common.base import ConnectionUserAndKey, RawResponse, \
+    XmlResponse
+from libcloud.common.types import MalformedResponseError
+from import Object, Container, StorageDriver, \
+from import ContainerError
+from import ContainerIsNotEmptyError
+from import InvalidContainerNameError
+from import ContainerDoesNotExistError
+from import ObjectDoesNotExistError
+from import ObjectHashMismatchError
+__all__ = [
+    'OSSStorageDriver',
+    'OSSMultipartUpload',
+    'CHUNK_SIZE',
+GMT_TIME_FORMAT = "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT"
+# OSS multi-part chunks must be great than 100KB except the last one
+CHUNK_SIZE = 100 * 1024
+# Desired number of items in each response inside a paginated request in
+# ex_iterate_multipart_uploads.
+class OSSResponse(XmlResponse):
+    namespace = None
+    valid_response_codes = [httplib.NOT_FOUND, httplib.CONFLICT,
+                            httplib.BAD_REQUEST]
+    def success(self):
+        i = int(self.status)
+        return i >= 200 and i <= 299 or i in self.valid_response_codes
+    def parse_body(self):
+        """
+        OSSResponse body is in utf-8 encoding.
+        """
+        if len(self.body) == 0 and not self.parse_zero_length_body:
+            return self.body
+        try:
+            if PY3:
+                parser = ET.XMLParser(encoding='utf-8')
+                body = ET.XML(self.body.encode('utf-8'), parser=parser)
+            else:
+                body = ET.XML(self.body)
+        except:
+            raise MalformedResponseError('Failed to parse XML',
+                                         body=self.body,
+                                         driver=self.connection.driver)
+        return body
+    def parse_error(self):
+        if self.status in [httplib.UNAUTHORIZED, httplib.FORBIDDEN]:
+            raise InvalidCredsError(self.body)
+        elif self.status == httplib.MOVED_PERMANENTLY:
+            raise LibcloudError('This bucket is located in a different ' +
+                                'region. Please use the correct driver.',
+                                driver=OSSStorageDriver)
+        elif self.status == httplib.METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED:
+            raise LibcloudError('The method is not allowed. Status code: %d, '
+                                'headers: %s' % (self.status, self.headers))
+        raise LibcloudError('Unknown error. Status code: %d, body: %s' %
+                            (self.status, self.body),
+                            driver=OSSStorageDriver)
+class OSSRawResponse(OSSResponse, RawResponse):
+    pass
+class OSSConnection(ConnectionUserAndKey):
+    """
+    Represents a single connection to the Aliyun OSS Endpoint
+    """
+    _domain = ''
+    _default_location = 'oss'
+    responseCls = OSSResponse
+    rawResponseCls = OSSRawResponse
+    @staticmethod
+    def _get_auth_signature(method, headers, params, expires, secret_key, path,
+                            vendor_prefix):
+        """
+        Signature = base64(hmac-sha1(AccessKeySecret,
+          VERB + "\n"
+          + CONTENT-MD5 + "\n"
+          + CONTENT-TYPE + "\n"
+          + EXPIRES + "\n"
+          + CanonicalizedOSSHeaders
+          + CanonicalizedResource))
+        """
+        special_headers = {'content-md5': '',
+                           'content-type': '',
+                           'expires': ''}
+        vendor_headers = {}
+        for key, value in list(headers.items()):
+            key_lower = key.lower()
+            if key_lower in special_headers:
+                special_headers[key_lower] = value.strip()
+            elif key_lower.startswith(vendor_prefix):
+                vendor_headers[key_lower] = value.strip()
+        if expires:
+            special_headers['expires'] = str(expires)
+        buf = [method]
+        for _, value in sorted(special_headers.items()):
+            buf.append(value)
+        string_to_sign = '\n'.join(buf)
+        buf = []
+        for key, value in sorted(vendor_headers.items()):
+            buf.append('%s:%s' % (key, value))
+        header_string = '\n'.join(buf)
+        values_to_sign = []
+        for value in [string_to_sign, header_string, path]:
+            if value:
+                values_to_sign.append(value)
+        string_to_sign = '\n'.join(values_to_sign)
+        b64_hmac = base64.b64encode(
+  , b(string_to_sign), digestmod=sha1).digest()
+        )
+        return b64_hmac
+    @staticmethod
+    def _get_expires(params):
+        """
+        Get expires timeout seconds from parameters.
+        """
+        expires = None
+        if 'expires' in params:
+            expires = params['expires']
+        elif 'Expires' in params:
+            expires = params['Expires']
+        if expires:
+            try:
+                return int(expires)
+            except Exception:
+                pass
+        return int(time.time()) + EXPIRATION_SECONDS
+    def add_default_params(self, params):
+        expires_at = self._get_expires(params)
+        expires = str(expires_at)
+        params['OSSAccessKeyId'] = self.user_id
+        params['Expires'] = expires
+        return params
+    def add_default_headers(self, headers):
+        headers['Date'] = time.strftime(GMT_TIME_FORMAT, time.gmtime())
+        return headers
+    def pre_connect_hook(self, params, headers):
+        if self._container:
+            path = '/%s%s' % (, self.action)
+        else:
+            path = self.action
+        params['Signature'] = self._get_auth_signature(
+            method=self.method, headers=headers, params=params,
+            expires=params['Expires'], secret_key=self.key, path=path,
+            vendor_prefix=self.driver.http_vendor_prefix)
+        return params, headers
+    def request(self, action, params=None, data=None, headers=None,
+                method='GET', raw=False, container=None):
+ = '%s.%s' % (self._default_location, self._domain)
+        self._container = container
+        if container and
+            if 'location' in container.extra:
+       = '%s.%s.%s' % (,
+                                          container.extra['location'],
+                                          self._domain)
+            else:
+       = '%s.%s' % (,
+        return super(OSSConnection, self).request(action=action,
+                                                  params=params,
+                                                  data=data,
+                                                  headers=headers,
+                                                  method=method,
+                                                  raw=raw)
+class OSSMultipartUpload(object):
+    """
+    Class representing an Aliyun OSS multipart upload
+    """
+    def __init__(self, key, id, initiated):
+        """
+        Class representing an Aliyun OSS multipart upload
+        :param key: The object/key that was being uploaded
+        :type key: ``str``
+        :param id: The upload id assigned by Aliyun
+        :type id: ``str``
+        :param initiated: The date/time at which the upload was started
+        :type created_at: ``str``
+        """
+        self.key = key
+ = id
+        self.initiated = initiated
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return ('<OSSMultipartUpload: key=%s>' % (self.key))
+class OSSStorageDriver(StorageDriver):
+    name = 'Aliyun OSS'
+    website = ''
+    connectionCls = OSSConnection
+    hash_type = 'md5'
+    supports_chunked_encoding = False
+    supports_multipart_upload = True
+    namespace = None
+    http_vendor_prefix = 'x-oss-'
+    def iterate_containers(self):
+        response = self.connection.request('/')
+        if response.status == httplib.OK:
+            containers = self._to_containers(obj=response.object,
+                                             xpath='Buckets/Bucket')
+            return containers
+        raise LibcloudError('Unexpected status code: %s' % (response.status),
+                            driver=self)
+    def list_container_objects(self, container, ex_prefix=None):
+        """
+        Return a list of objects for the given container.
+        :param container: Container instance.
+        :type container: :class:`Container`
+        :keyword ex_prefix: Only return objects starting with ex_prefix
+        :type ex_prefix: ``str``
+        :return: A list of Object instances.
+        :rtype: ``list`` of :class:`Object`
+        """
+        return list(self.iterate_container_objects(container,
+                    ex_prefix=ex_prefix))
+    def iterate_container_objects(self, container, ex_prefix=None):
+        """
+        Return a generator of objects for the given container.
+        :param container: Container instance
+        :type container: :class:`Container`
+        :keyword ex_prefix: Only return objects starting with ex_prefix
+        :type ex_prefix: ``str``
+        :return: A generator of Object instances.
+        :rtype: ``generator`` of :class:`Object`
+        """
+        params = {}
+        if ex_prefix:
+            params['prefix'] = ex_prefix
+        last_key = None
+        exhausted = False
+        while not exhausted:
+            if last_key:
+                params['marker'] = last_key
+            response = self.connection.request('/',
+                                               params=params,
+                                               container=container)
+            if response.status != httplib.OK:
+                raise LibcloudError('Unexpected status code: %s' %
+                                    (response.status), driver=self)
+            objects = self._to_objs(obj=response.object,
+                                    xpath='Contents', container=container)
+            is_truncated = response.object.findtext(fixxpath(
+                xpath='IsTruncated', namespace=self.namespace)).lower()
+            exhausted = (is_truncated == 'false')
+            last_key = None
+            for obj in objects:
+                last_key =
+                yield obj
+    def get_container(self, container_name):
+        for container in self.iterate_containers():
+            if == container_name:
+                return container
+        raise ContainerDoesNotExistError(value=None,
+                                         driver=self,
+                                         container_name=container_name)
+    def get_object(self, container_name, object_name):
+        container = self.get_container(container_name=container_name)
+        object_path = self._get_object_path(container, object_name)
+        response = self.connection.request(object_path,
+                                           method='HEAD',
+                                           container=container)
+        if response.status == httplib.OK:
+            obj = self._headers_to_object(object_name=object_name,
+                                          container=container,
+                                          headers=response.headers)
+            return obj
+        raise ObjectDoesNotExistError(value=None, driver=self,
+                                      object_name=object_name)
+    def create_container(self, container_name, ex_location=None):
+        """
+        @inherits :class:`StorageDriver.create_container`
+        :keyword ex_location: The desired location where to create container
+        :type keyword: ``str``
+        """
+        extra = None
+        if ex_location:
+            root = Element('CreateBucketConfiguration')
+            child = SubElement(root, 'LocationConstraint')
+            child.text = ex_location
+            data = tostring(root)
+            extra = {'location': ex_location}
+        else:
+            data = ''
+        container = Container(name=container_name, extra=extra, driver=self)
+        response = self.connection.request('/',
+                                           data=data,
+                                           method='PUT',
+                                           container=container)
+        if response.status == httplib.OK:
+            return container
+        elif response.status == httplib.CONFLICT:
+            raise InvalidContainerNameError(
+                value='Container with this name already exists. The name must '
+                      'be unique among all the containers in the system',
+                container_name=container_name, driver=self)
+        elif response.status == httplib.BAD_REQUEST:
+            raise ContainerError(
+                value='Bad request when creating container: %s' %
+                      response.body,
+                container_name=container_name, driver=self)
+        raise LibcloudError('Unexpected status code: %s' % (response.status),
+                            driver=self)
+    def delete_container(self, container):
+        # Note: All the objects in the container must be deleted first
+        response = self.connection.request('/',
+                                           method='DELETE',
+                                           container=container)
+        if response.status == httplib.NO_CONTENT:
+            return True
+        elif response.status == httplib.CONFLICT:
+            raise ContainerIsNotEmptyError(
+                value='Container must be empty before it can be deleted.',
+      , driver=self)
+        elif response.status == httplib.NOT_FOUND:
+            raise ContainerDoesNotExistError(value=None,
+                                             driver=self,
+        return False
+    def download_object(self, obj, destination_path, overwrite_existing=False,
+                        delete_on_failure=True):
+        obj_path = self._get_object_path(obj.container,
+        response = self.connection.request(obj_path,
+                                           method='GET',
+                                           raw=True,
+                                           container=obj.container)
+        return self._get_object(obj=obj, callback=self._save_object,
+                                response=response,
+                                callback_kwargs={
+                                    'obj': obj,
+                                    'response': response.response,
+                                    'destination_path': destination_path,
+                                    'overwrite_existing': overwrite_existing,
+                                    'delete_on_failure': delete_on_failure},
+                                success_status_code=httplib.OK)
+    def download_object_as_stream(self, obj, chunk_size=None):
+        obj_path = self._get_object_path(obj.container,
+        response = self.connection.request(obj_path,
+                                           method='GET',
+                                           raw=True,
+                                           container=obj.container)
+        return self._get_object(obj=obj, callback=read_in_chunks,
+                                response=response,
+                                callback_kwargs={'iterator': response.response,
+                                                 'chunk_size': chunk_size},
+                                success_status_code=httplib.OK)
+    def upload_object(self, file_path, container, object_name, extra=None,
+                      verify_hash=True, headers=None):
+        upload_func = self._upload_file
+        upload_func_kwargs = {'file_path': file_path}
+        return self._put_object(container=container, object_name=object_name,
+                                upload_func=upload_func,
+                                upload_func_kwargs=upload_func_kwargs,
+                                extra=extra, file_path=file_path,
+                                verify_hash=verify_hash)
+    def upload_object_via_stream(self, iterator, container, object_name,
+                                 extra=None, headers=None):
+        method = 'PUT'
+        params = None
+        if self.supports_multipart_upload:
+            # Initiate the multipart request and get an upload id
+            upload_func = self._upload_multipart
+            upload_func_kwargs = {'iterator': iterator,
+                                  'container': container,
+                                  'object_name': object_name}
+            method = 'POST'
+            iterator = iter('')
+            params = 'uploads'
+        elif self.supports_chunked_encoding:
+            upload_func = self._stream_data
+            upload_func_kwargs = {'iterator': iterator}
+        else:
+            # In this case, we have to load the entire object to
+            # memory and send it as normal data
+            upload_func = self._upload_data
+            upload_func_kwargs = {}
+        return self._put_object(container=container, object_name=object_name,
+                                upload_func=upload_func,
+                                upload_func_kwargs=upload_func_kwargs,
+                                extra=extra, method=method, query_args=params,
+                                iterator=iterator, verify_hash=False)
+    def delete_object(self, obj):
+        object_path = self._get_object_path(obj.container,
+        response = self.connection.request(object_path, method='DELETE',
+                                           container=obj.container)
+        if response.status == httplib.NO_CONTENT:
+            return True
+        elif response.status == httplib.NOT_FOUND:
+            raise ObjectDoesNotExistError(value=None, driver=self,
+        return False
+    def ex_iterate_multipart_uploads(self, container, prefix=None,
+                                     delimiter=None,
+                                     max_uploads=MAX_UPLOADS_PER_RESPONSE):
+        """
+        Extension method for listing all in-progress OSS multipart uploads.
+        Each multipart upload which has not been committed or aborted is
+        considered in-progress.
+        :param container: The container holding the uploads
+        :type container: :class:`Container`
+        :keyword prefix: Print only uploads of objects with this prefix
+        :type prefix: ``str``
+        :keyword delimiter: The object/key names are grouped based on
+            being split by this delimiter
+        :type delimiter: ``str``
+        :keyword max_uploads: The max uplod items returned for one request
+        :type max_uploads: ``int``
+        :return: A generator of OSSMultipartUpload instances.
+        :rtype: ``generator`` of :class:`OSSMultipartUpload`
+        """
+        if not self.supports_multipart_upload:
+            raise LibcloudError('Feature not supported', driver=self)
+        request_path = '/?uploads'
+        params = {'max-uploads': max_uploads}
+        if prefix:
+            params['prefix'] = prefix
+        if delimiter:
+            params['delimiter'] = delimiter
+        def finder(node, text):
+            return node.findtext(fixxpath(xpath=text,
+                                          namespace=self.namespace))
+        while True:
+            response = self.connection.request(request_path, params=params,
+                                               container=container)
+            if response.status != httplib.OK:
+                raise LibcloudError('Error fetching multipart uploads. '
+                                    'Got code: %s' % response.status,
+                                    driver=self)
+            body = response.parse_body()
+            # pylint: disable=maybe-no-member
+            for node in body.findall(fixxpath(xpath='Upload',
+                                              namespace=self.namespace)):
+                key = finder(node, 'Key')
+                upload_id = finder(node, 'UploadId')
+                initiated = finder(node, 'Initiated')
+                yield OSSMultipartUpload(key, upload_id, initiated)
+            # Check if this is the last entry in the listing
+            # pylint: disable=maybe-no-member
+            is_truncated = body.findtext(fixxpath(xpath='IsTruncated',
+                                                  namespace=self.namespace))
+            if is_truncated.lower() == 'false':
+                break
+            # Provide params for the next request
+            upload_marker = body.findtext(fixxpath(xpath='NextUploadIdMarker',
+                                                   namespace=self.namespace))
+            key_marker = body.findtext(fixxpath(xpath='NextKeyMarker',
+                                                namespace=self.namespace))
+            params['key-marker'] = key_marker
+            params['upload-id-marker'] = upload_marker
+    def ex_abort_all_multipart_uploads(self, container, prefix=None):
+        """
+        Extension method for removing all partially completed OSS multipart
+        uploads.
+        :param container: The container holding the uploads
+        :type container: :class:`Container`
+        :keyword prefix: Delete only uploads of objects with this prefix
+        :type prefix: ``str``
+        """
+        # Iterate through the container and delete the upload ids
+        for upload in self.ex_iterate_multipart_uploads(container, prefix,
+                                                        delimiter=None):
+            object_path = self._get_object_path(container, upload.key)
+            self._abort_multipart(object_path,, container=container)
+    def _clean_object_name(self, name):
+        name = urlquote(name)
+        return name
+    def _put_object(self, container, object_name, upload_func,
+                    upload_func_kwargs, method='PUT', query_args=None,
+                    extra=None, file_path=None, iterator=None,
+                    verify_hash=False):
+        """
+        Create an object and upload data using the given function.
+        """
+        headers = {}
+        extra = extra or {}
+        content_type = extra.get('content_type', None)
+        meta_data = extra.get('meta_data', None)
+        acl = extra.get('acl', None)
+        if meta_data:
+            for key, value in list(meta_data.items()):
+                key = self.http_vendor_prefix + 'meta-%s' % (key)
+                headers[key] = value
+        if acl:
+            if acl not in ['public-read', 'private', 'public-read-write']:
+                raise AttributeError('invalid acl value: %s' % acl)
+            headers[self.http_vendor_prefix + 'object-acl'] = acl
+        request_path = self._get_object_path(container, object_name)
+        if query_args:
+            request_path = '?'.join((request_path, query_args))
+        # TODO: Let the underlying exceptions bubble up and capture the SIGPIPE
+        # here.
+        # SIGPIPE is thrown if the provided container does not exist or the
+        # user does not have correct permission
+        result_dict = self._upload_object(
+            object_name=object_name, content_type=content_type,
+            upload_func=upload_func, upload_func_kwargs=upload_func_kwargs,
+            request_path=request_path, request_method=method,
+            headers=headers, file_path=file_path, iterator=iterator,
+            container=container)
+        response = result_dict['response']
+        bytes_transferred = result_dict['bytes_transferred']
+        headers = response.headers
+        response = response.response
+        server_hash = headers['etag'].replace('"', '')
+        if (verify_hash and result_dict['data_hash'].upper() != server_hash):
+            raise ObjectHashMismatchError(
+                value='MD5 hash checksum does not match',
+                object_name=object_name, driver=self)
+        elif response.status == httplib.OK:
+            obj = Object(
+                name=object_name, size=bytes_transferred, hash=server_hash,
+                extra={'acl': acl}, meta_data=meta_data, container=container,
+                driver=self)
+            return obj
+        else:
+            raise LibcloudError(
+                'Unexpected status code, status_code=%s' % (response.status),
+                driver=self)
+    def _upload_multipart(self, response, data, iterator, container,
+                          object_name, calculate_hash=True):
+        """
+        Callback invoked for uploading data to OSS using Aliyun's
+        multipart upload mechanism
+        :param response: Response object from the initial POST request
+        :type response: :class:`OSSRawResponse`
+        :param data: Any data from the initial POST request
+        :type data: ``str``
+        :param iterator: The generator for fetching the upload data
+        :type iterator: ``generator``
+        :param container: The container owning the object to which data is
+            being uploaded
+        :type container: :class:`Container`
+        :param object_name: The name of the object to which we are uploading
+        :type object_name: ``str``
+        :keyword calculate_hash: Indicates if we must calculate the data hash
+        :type calculate_hash: ``bool``
+        :return: A tuple of (status, checksum, bytes transferred)
+        :rtype: ``tuple``
+        """
+        object_path = self._get_object_path(container, object_name)
+        # Get the upload id from the response xml
+        response.body =
+        body = response.parse_body()
+        upload_id = body.find(fixxpath(xpath='UploadId',
+                                       namespace=self.namespace)).text
+        try:
+            # Upload the data through the iterator
+            result = self._upload_from_iterator(iterator, object_path,
+                                                upload_id, calculate_hash,
+                                                container=container)
+            (chunks, data_hash, bytes_transferred) = result
+            # Commit the chunk info and complete the upload
+            etag = self._commit_multipart(object_path, upload_id, chunks,
+                                          container=container)
+        except Exception:
+            exc = sys.exc_info()[1]
+            # Amazon provides a mechanism for aborting an upload.
+            self._abort_multipart(object_path, upload_id, container=container)
+            raise exc
+        # Modify the response header of the first request. This is used
+        # by other functions once the callback is done
+        response.headers['etag'] = etag
+        return (True, data_hash, bytes_transferred)
+    def _upload_from_iterator(self, iterator, object_path, upload_id,
+                              calculate_hash=True, container=None):
+        """
+        Uploads data from an interator in fixed sized chunks to OSS
+        :param iterator: The generator for fetching the upload data
+        :type iterator: ``generator``
+        :param object_path: The path of the object to which we are uploading
+        :type object_name: ``str``
+        :param upload_id: The upload id allocated for this multipart upload
+        :type upload_id: ``str``
+        :keyword calculate_hash: Indicates if we must calculate the data hash
+        :type calculate_hash: ``bool``
+        :keyword container: the container object to upload object to
+        :type container: :class:`Container`
+        :return: A tuple of (chunk info, checksum, bytes transferred)
+        :rtype: ``tuple``
+        """
+        data_hash = None
+        if calculate_hash:
+            data_hash = self._get_hash_function()
+        bytes_transferred = 0
+        count = 1
+        chunks = []
+        params = {'uploadId': upload_id}
+        # Read the input data in chunk sizes suitable for AWS
+        for data in read_in_chunks(iterator, chunk_size=CHUNK_SIZE,
+                                   fill_size=True, yield_empty=True):
+            bytes_transferred += len(data)
+            if calculate_hash:
+                data_hash.update(data)
+            chunk_hash = self._get_hash_function()
+            chunk_hash.update(data)
+            chunk_hash = base64.b64encode(chunk_hash.digest()).decode('utf-8')
+            # OSS will calculate hash of the uploaded data and
+            # check this header.
+            headers = {'Content-MD5': chunk_hash}
+            params['partNumber'] = count
+            request_path = '?'.join((object_path, urlencode(params)))
+            resp = self.connection.request(request_path, method='PUT',
+                                           data=data, headers=headers,
+                                           container=container)
+            if resp.status != httplib.OK:
+                raise LibcloudError('Error uploading chunk', driver=self)
+            server_hash = resp.headers['etag']
+            # Keep this data for a later commit
+            chunks.append((count, server_hash))
+            count += 1
+        if calculate_hash:
+            data_hash = data_hash.hexdigest()
+        return (chunks, data_hash, bytes_transferred)
+    def _commit_multipart(self, object_path, upload_id, chunks,
+                          container=None):
+        """
+        Makes a final commit of the data.
+        :param object_path: Server side object path.
+        :type object_path: ``str``
+        :param upload_id: ID of the multipart upload.
+        :type upload_id: ``str``
+        :param upload_id: A list of (chunk_number, chunk_hash) tuples.
+        :type upload_id: ``list``
+        :keyword container: The container owning the object to which data is
+            being uploaded
+        :type container: :class:`Container`
+        """
+        root = Element('CompleteMultipartUpload')
+        for (count, etag) in chunks:
+            part = SubElement(root, 'Part')
+            part_no = SubElement(part, 'PartNumber')
+            part_no.text = str(count)
+            etag_id = SubElement(part, 'ETag')
+            etag_id.text = str(etag)
+        data = tostring(root)
+        params = {'uploadId': upload_id}
+        request_path = '?'.join((object_path, urlencode(params)))
+        response = self.connection.request(request_path, data=data,
+                                           method='POST', container=container)
+        if response.status != httplib.OK:
+            element = response.object
+            # pylint: disable=maybe-no-member
+            code, message = response._parse_error_details(element=element)
+            msg = 'Error in multipart commit: %s (%s)' % (message, code)
+            raise LibcloudError(msg, driver=self)
+        # Get the server's etag to be passed back to the caller
+        body = response.parse_body()
+        server_hash = body.find(fixxpath(xpath='ETag',
+                                         namespace=self.namespace)).text
+        return server_hash
+    def _abort_multipart(self, object_path, upload_id, container=None):
+        """
+        Aborts an already initiated multipart upload
+        :param object_path: Server side object path.
+        :type object_path: ``str``
+        :param upload_id: ID of the multipart upload.
+        :type upload_id: ``str``
+        :keyword container: The container owning the object to which data is
+            being uploaded
+        :type container: :class:`Container`
+        """
+        params = {'uploadId': upload_id}
+        request_path = '?'.join((object_path, urlencode(params)))
+        resp = self.connection.request(request_path, method='DELETE',
+                                       container=container)
+        if resp.status != httplib.NO_CONTENT:
+            raise LibcloudError('Error in multipart abort. status_code=%d' %
+                                (resp.status), driver=self)
+    def _upload_object(self, object_name, content_type, upload_func,
+                       upload_func_kwargs, request_path, request_method='PUT',
+                       headers=None, file_path=None, iterator=None,
+                       container=None):
+        """
+        Helper function for setting common request headers and calling the
+        passed in callback which uploads an object.
+        """
+        headers = headers or {}
+        if file_path and not os.path.exists(file_path):
+            raise OSError('File %s does not exist' % (file_path))
+        if iterator is not None and not hasattr(iterator, 'next') and not \
+                hasattr(iterator, '__next__'):
+            raise AttributeError('iterator object must implement next() ' +
+                                 'method.')
+        if not content_type:
+            if file_path:
+                name = file_path
+            else:
+                name = object_name
+            content_type, _ = guess_file_mime_type(name)
+            if not content_type:
+                if self.strict_mode:
+                    raise AttributeError('File content-type could not be '
+                                         'guessed and no content_type value '
+                                         'is provided')
+                else:
+                    # Fallback to a content-type
+                    content_type = DEFAULT_CONTENT_TYPE
+        file_size = None
+        if iterator:
+            if self.supports_chunked_encoding:
+                headers['Transfer-Encoding'] = 'chunked'
+                upload_func_kwargs['chunked'] = True
+            else:
+                # Chunked transfer encoding is not supported. Need to buffer
+                # all the data in memory so we can determine file size.
+                iterator = read_in_chunks(
+                    iterator=iterator)
+                data = exhaust_iterator(iterator=iterator)
+                file_size = len(data)
+                upload_func_kwargs['data'] = data
+        else:
+            file_size = os.path.getsize(file_path)
+            upload_func_kwargs['chunked'] = False
+        if file_size is not None and 'Content-Length' not in headers:
+            headers['Content-Length'] = file_size
+        headers['Content-Type'] = content_type
+        response = self.connection.request(request_path,
+                                           method=request_method, data=None,
+                                           headers=headers, raw=True,
+                                           container=container)
+        upload_func_kwargs['response'] = response
+        success, data_hash, bytes_transferred = upload_func(
+            **upload_func_kwargs)
+        if not success:
+            raise LibcloudError(
+                value='Object upload failed, Perhaps a timeout?', driver=self)
+        result_dict = {'response': response, 'data_hash': data_hash,
+                       'bytes_transferred': bytes_transferred}
+        return result_dict
+    def _to_containers(self, obj, xpath):
+        for element in obj.findall(fixxpath(xpath=xpath,
+                                   namespace=self.namespace)):
+            yield self._to_container(element)
+    def _to_container(self, element):
+        extra = {
+            'creation_date': findtext(element=element, xpath='CreationDate',
+                                      namespace=self.namespace),
+            'location': findtext(element=element, xpath='Location',
+                                 namespace=self.namespace)
+        }
+        container = Container(name=findtext(element=element, xpath='Name',
+                                            namespace=self.namespace),
+                              extra=extra,
+                              driver=self
+                              )
+        return container
+    def _to_objs(self, obj, xpath, container):
+        return [self._to_obj(element, container) for element in
+                obj.findall(fixxpath(xpath=xpath, namespace=self.namespace))]
+    def _to_obj(self, element, container):
+        owner_id = findtext(element=element, xpath='Owner/ID',
+                            namespace=self.namespace)
+        owner_display_name = findtext(element=element,
+                                      xpath='Owner/DisplayName',
+                                      namespace=self.namespace)
+        meta_data = {'owner': {'id': owner_id,
+                               'display_name': self._safe_decode(
+                                   owner_display_name)}}
+        last_modified = findtext(element=element,
+                                 xpath='LastModified',
+                                 namespace=self.namespace)
+        extra = {'last_modified': last_modified}
+        name = self._safe_decode(findtext(element=element, xpath='Key',
+                                          namespace=self.namespace))
+        obj = Object(name=name,
+                     size=int(findtext(element=element, xpath='Size',
+                                       namespace=self.namespace)),
+                     hash=findtext(element=element, xpath='ETag',
+                                   namespace=self.namespace).replace('"', ''),
+                     extra=extra,
+                     meta_data=meta_data,
+                     container=container,
+                     driver=self
+                     )
+        return obj
+    def _safe_decode(self, encoded):
+        """
+        Decode it as an escaped string and then treate the content as
+        UTF-8 encoded.
+        """
+        try:
+            if encoded:
+                unescaped, _ign = codecs.escape_decode(encoded)
+                return unescaped.decode('utf-8')
+            return encoded
+        except Exception:
+            return encoded
+    def _get_container_path(self, container):
+        """
+        Return a container path
+        :param container: Container instance
+        :type  container: :class:`Container`
+        :return: A path for this container.
+        :rtype: ``str``
+        """
+        return '/%s' % (
+    def _get_object_path(self, container, object_name):
+        """
+        Return an object's path.
+        Aliyun OSS api puts the container name in the host,
+        so ignore container here.
+        :param container: Container instance
+        :type  container: :class:`Container`
+        :param object_name: Object name
+        :type  object_name: :class:`str`
+        :return: A  path for this object.
+        :rtype: ``str``
+        """
+        object_name_cleaned = self._clean_object_name(object_name)
+        object_path = '/%s' % object_name_cleaned
+        return object_path
+    def _headers_to_object(self, object_name, container, headers):
+        hash = headers['etag'].replace('"', '')
+        extra = {'content_type': headers['content-type'],
+                 'etag': headers['etag']}
+        meta_data = {}
+        if 'last-modified' in headers:
+            extra['last_modified'] = headers['last-modified']
+        for key, value in headers.items():
+            if not key.lower().startswith(self.http_vendor_prefix + 'meta-'):
+                continue
+            key = key.replace(self.http_vendor_prefix + 'meta-', '')
+            meta_data[key] = value
+        obj = Object(name=object_name, size=int(headers['content-length']),
+                     hash=hash, extra=extra,
+                     meta_data=meta_data,
+                     container=container,
+                     driver=self)
+        return obj
diff --git a/libcloud/storage/ b/libcloud/storage/
index f02588c..0bf1e41 100644
--- a/libcloud/storage/
+++ b/libcloud/storage/
@@ -58,6 +58,8 @@ DRIVERS = {
     ('', 'AuroraObjectsStorageDriver'),
     ('', 'BackblazeB2StorageDriver'),
+    Provider.OSS:
+    ('', 'OSSStorageDriver'),
     # Deprecated
diff --git a/libcloud/storage/ b/libcloud/storage/
index 837897f..9c536e3 100644
--- a/libcloud/storage/
+++ b/libcloud/storage/
@@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ class Provider(object):
     :cvar NIMBUS: driver
     :cvar LOCAL: Local storage driver
     :cvar AURORAOBJECTS: AuroraObjects storage driver
+    :cvar OSS: Aliyun OSS storage driver
     DUMMY = 'dummy'
     S3 = 's3'
@@ -64,6 +65,7 @@ class Provider(object):
     KTUCLOUD = 'ktucloud'
     AURORAOBJECTS = 'auroraobjects'
     BACKBLAZE_B2 = 'backblaze_b2'
+    OSS = 'oss'
     # Deperecated
     CLOUDFILES_US = 'cloudfiles_us'
diff --git a/libcloud/test/common/ b/libcloud/test/common/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..da071ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libcloud/test/common/
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+import sys
+import unittest
+from libcloud.common import aliyun
+from libcloud.common.aliyun import AliyunRequestSignerAlgorithmV1_0
+from libcloud.test import LibcloudTestCase
+class AliyunRequestSignerAlgorithmV1_0TestCase(LibcloudTestCase):
+    def setUp(self):
+        self.signer = AliyunRequestSignerAlgorithmV1_0('testid', 'testsecret',
+                                                       '1.0')
+    def test_sign_request(self):
+        params = {'TimeStamp': '2012-12-26T10:33:56Z',
+                  'Format': 'XML',
+                  'AccessKeyId': 'testid',
+                  'Action': 'DescribeRegions',
+                  'SignatureMethod': 'HMAC-SHA1',
+                  'RegionId': 'region1',
+                  'SignatureNonce': 'NwDAxvLU6tFE0DVb',
+                  'Version': '2014-05-26',
+                  'SignatureVersion': '1.0'}
+        method = 'GET'
+        path = '/'
+        expected = 'K9fCVP6Jrklpd3rLYKh1pfrrFNo='
+        self.assertEqual(expected,
+                         self.signer._sign_request(params, method, path))
+class AliyunCommonTestCase(LibcloudTestCase):
+    def test_percent_encode(self):
+        data = {
+            'abc': 'abc',
+            ' *~': '%20%2A~'
+        }
+        for key in data:
+            self.assertEqual(data[key], aliyun._percent_encode(key))
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    sys.exit(unittest.main())
diff --git a/libcloud/test/compute/fixtures/ecs/attach_disk.xml b/libcloud/test/compute/fixtures/ecs/attach_disk.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cfce115
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libcloud/test/compute/fixtures/ecs/attach_disk.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
+	<RequestId>DA38B11A-9D6D-420B-942F-95D68606C4FC</RequestId>
diff --git a/libcloud/test/compute/fixtures/ecs/copy_image.xml b/libcloud/test/compute/fixtures/ecs/copy_image.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a25cba5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libcloud/test/compute/fixtures/ecs/copy_image.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
+	<ImageId>i-28n7dkvov</ImageId>
+	<RequestId>DA38B11A-9D6D-420B-942F-95D68606C4FC</RequestId>
diff --git a/libcloud/test/compute/fixtures/ecs/create_disk.xml b/libcloud/test/compute/fixtures/ecs/create_disk.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9ba554e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libcloud/test/compute/fixtures/ecs/create_disk.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
+	<DiskId>i-28n7dkvov</DiskId>
+	<RequestId>DA38B11A-9D6D-420B-942F-95D68606C4FC</RequestId>
diff --git a/libcloud/test/compute/fixtures/ecs/create_image.xml b/libcloud/test/compute/fixtures/ecs/create_image.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f25bc69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libcloud/test/compute/fixtures/ecs/create_image.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
+	<ImageId>i-28n7dkvov</ImageId>
+	<RequestId>DA38B11A-9D6D-420B-942F-95D68606C4FC</RequestId>
diff --git a/libcloud/test/compute/fixtures/ecs/create_instance.xml b/libcloud/test/compute/fixtures/ecs/create_instance.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b9699bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libcloud/test/compute/fixtures/ecs/create_instance.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
+	<InstanceId>i-28n7dkvov</InstanceId>
+	<RequestId>DA38B11A-9D6D-420B-942F-95D68606C4FC</RequestId>
diff --git a/libcloud/test/compute/fixtures/ecs/create_node_describe_instances.xml b/libcloud/test/compute/fixtures/ecs/create_node_describe_instances.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..24eae7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libcloud/test/compute/fixtures/ecs/create_node_describe_instances.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
+	<PageNumber>1</PageNumber>
+	<TotalCount>1</TotalCount>
+	<PageSize>10</PageSize>
+	<RequestId>CA75EE06-D5F7-433C-870B-5042EED6C1DC</RequestId>
+	<Instances>
+		<Instance>
+			<ImageId>ubuntu1404_64_20G_aliaegis_20150325.vhd</ImageId>
+			<InnerIpAddress>
+				<IpAddress></IpAddress>
+			</InnerIpAddress>
+			<InstanceTypeFamily>ecs.t1</InstanceTypeFamily>
+			<VlanId></VlanId>
+			<InstanceId>i-28n7dkvov</InstanceId>
+			<EipAddress>
+				<IpAddress></IpAddress>
+				<AllocationId></AllocationId>
+				<InternetChargeType></InternetChargeType>
+			</EipAddress>
+			<InternetMaxBandwidthIn>-1</InternetMaxBandwidthIn>
+			<ZoneId>cn-qingdao-b</ZoneId>
+			<InternetChargeType>PayByTraffic</InternetChargeType>
+			<SerialNumber>ca0122d9-374d-4fce-9fc0-71f7c3eaf1c3</SerialNumber>
+			<IoOptimized>false</IoOptimized>
+			<Memory>1024</Memory>
+			<Cpu>1</Cpu>
+			<VpcAttributes>
+				<NatIpAddress></NatIpAddress>
+				<PrivateIpAddress />
+				<VSwitchId></VSwitchId>
+				<VpcId></VpcId>
+			</VpcAttributes>
+			<InternetMaxBandwidthOut>1</InternetMaxBandwidthOut>
+			<DeviceAvailable>true</DeviceAvailable>
+			<SecurityGroupIds>
+				<SecurityGroupId>sg-28ou0f3xa</SecurityGroupId>
+			</SecurityGroupIds>
+			<InstanceName>iZ28n7dkvovZ</InstanceName>
+			<Description></Description>
+			<InstanceNetworkType>classic</InstanceNetworkType>
+			<PublicIpAddress>
+				<IpAddress></IpAddress>
+			</PublicIpAddress>
+			<HostName>iZ28n7dkvovZ</HostName>
+			<InstanceType>ecs.t1.small</InstanceType>
+			<CreationTime>2015-12-27T07:35Z</CreationTime>
+			<Status>Running</Status>
+			<ClusterId></ClusterId>
+			<RegionId>cn-qingdao</RegionId>
+			<OperationLocks />
+			<InstanceChargeType>PostPaid</InstanceChargeType>
+			<ExpiredTime>2999-09-08T16:00Z</ExpiredTime>
+		</Instance>
+	</Instances>
diff --git a/libcloud/test/compute/fixtures/ecs/create_snapshot.xml b/libcloud/test/compute/fixtures/ecs/create_snapshot.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..54793b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libcloud/test/compute/fixtures/ecs/create_snapshot.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
+	<SnapshotId>i-28n7dkvov</SnapshotId>
+	<RequestId>DA38B11A-9D6D-420B-942F-95D68606C4FC</RequestId>
diff --git a/libcloud/test/compute/fixtures/ecs/create_volume_describe_disks.xml b/libcloud/test/compute/fixtures/ecs/create_volume_describe_disks.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d25c9a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libcloud/test/compute/fixtures/ecs/create_volume_describe_disks.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
+    <Disks>
+        <Disk>
+	    <DiskChargeType>PostPaid</DiskChargeType>
+            <DeleteAutoSnapshot>true</DeleteAutoSnapshot>
+            <DeleteWithInstance>true</DeleteWithInstance>
+            <EnableAutoSnapshot>true</EnableAutoSnapshot>
+            <Category>cloud</Category>
+            <Description>Description</Description>
+            <DiskName>ubuntu1404sys</DiskName>
+            <Size>5</Size>
+            <Type>system</Type>
+            <InstanceId>i-28whl2nj2</InstanceId>
+            <CreationTime>2014-07-23T02:44:06Z</CreationTime>
+            <ImageId>ubuntu1404_64_20G_aliaegis_20150325.vhd</ImageId>
+            <ZoneId>cn-qingdao-b</ZoneId>
+            <AttachedTime>2016-01-04T15:02:17Z</AttachedTime>
+            <DetachedTime></DetachedTime>
+	    <Device>/dev/xvda</Device>
+            <OperationLocks></OperationLocks>
+            <Portable>false</Portable>
+            <ProductCode></ProductCode>
+            <RegionId>cn-qingdao</RegionId>
+            <DiskId>d-28zfrmo13</DiskId>
+            <SourceSnapshotId></SourceSnapshotId>
+            <Status>In_use</Status>
+	    <OperationLocks />
+	    <ExpiredTime>2999-09-08T16:00Z</ExpiredTime>
+        </Disk>
+    </Disks>
+    <PageNumber>1</PageNumber>
+    <PageSize>10</PageSize>
+    <TotalCount>1</TotalCount>
+    <RequestId>ED5CF6DD-71CA-462C-9C94-A61A78A01479</RequestId>
diff --git a/libcloud/test/compute/fixtures/ecs/delete_disk.xml b/libcloud/test/compute/fixtures/ecs/delete_disk.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d83b677
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libcloud/test/compute/fixtures/ecs/delete_disk.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
+	<RequestId>DA38B11A-9D6D-420B-942F-95D68606C4FC</RequestId>
diff --git a/libcloud/test/compute/fixtures/ecs/delete_image.xml b/libcloud/test/compute/fixtures/ecs/delete_image.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9c0382f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libcloud/test/compute/fixtures/ecs/delete_image.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
+	<RequestId>DA38B11A-9D6D-420B-942F-95D68606C4FC</RequestId>
diff --git a/libcloud/test/compute/fixtures/ecs/delete_instance.xml b/libcloud/test/compute/fixtures/ecs/delete_instance.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b1f017c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libcloud/test/compute/fixtures/ecs/delete_instance.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
+	<RequestId>DA38B11A-9D6D-420B-942F-95D68606C4FC</RequestId>
diff --git a/libcloud/test/compute/fixtures/ecs/delete_snapshot.xml b/libcloud/test/compute/fixtures/ecs/delete_snapshot.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7fac47b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libcloud/test/compute/fixtures/ecs/delete_snapshot.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
+	<RequestId>DA38B11A-9D6D-420B-942F-95D68606C4FC</RequestId>