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[15/26] CC refactoring, API cleaning r1
diff --git a/components/ b/components/
index 41742f1..0c08332 100644
--- a/components/
+++ b/components/
@@ -34,7 +34,6 @@ import;
-import org.apache.stratos.messaging.domain.topology.Partition;
 import org.apache.stratos.messaging.domain.topology.Scope;
 import org.jaxen.JaxenException;
 import org.w3c.dom.Element;
@@ -58,1720 +57,1720 @@ import java.util.*;
 public class AxiomXpathParser {
-    private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(AxiomXpathParser.class);
-    private OMElement documentElement;
-    private final File xmlSource;
-    public AxiomXpathParser(final File xmlFile) {
-        xmlSource = xmlFile;
-    }
-    /**
-     * @param cartridgeElementString Cartridges section as a {@link String}
-     * @param aCartridge             {@link} instance.
-     * @param appTypesNodes          nodes of App types.
-     */
-    private void getAppTypes(String cartridgeElementString, Cartridge aCartridge,
-                             List<?> appTypesNodes) {
-        Object nodeObj;
-        if (!appTypesNodes.isEmpty()) {
-            if ((nodeObj = appTypesNodes.get(0)) instanceof OMNode) {
-                OMNode appTypeNode = (OMNode) nodeObj;
-                if (appTypeNode.getType() == OMNode.ELEMENT_NODE) {
-                    OMElement appTypesElt = (OMElement) appTypeNode;
-                    for (Iterator<?> iterator =
-                                 appTypesElt.getChildrenWithName(new QName(
-                                         CloudControllerConstants.APP_TYPE_ELEMENT)); iterator.hasNext();) {
-                        OMElement appElt = (OMElement);
-                        String name =
-                                appElt.getAttributeValue(new QName(
-                                        CloudControllerConstants.NAME_ATTR));
-                        String appSpecificMapping =
-                                appElt.getAttributeValue(new QName(
-                                        CloudControllerConstants.APP_SPECIFIC_MAPPING_ATTR));
-                        AppType appType;
-                        if (appSpecificMapping == null) {
-                            appType = new AppType(name);
-                        } else {
-                            appType =
-                                    new AppType(name,
-                                            Boolean.valueOf(appSpecificMapping));
-                        }
-                        aCartridge.addAppType(appType);
-                    }
-                } else {
-                    String msg =
-                            "Essential '" + CloudControllerConstants.APP_TYPE_ELEMENT +
-                                    "' element cannot" + " be found in " +
-                                    cartridgeElementString + " of " +
-                                    xmlSource;
-                    handleException(msg);
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    /**
-     * @return a List of {@link Cartridge}s.
-     */
-    public List<Cartridge> getCartridgesList() {
-        FasterLookUpDataHolder dataHolder = FasterLookUpDataHolder.getInstance();
-        List<IaasProvider> iaasProviders = dataHolder.getIaasProviders();
-        if (iaasProviders == null) {
-            dataHolder.setIaasProviders((iaasProviders = new ArrayList<IaasProvider>()));
-        }
-        List<Cartridge> cartridges = new ArrayList<Cartridge>();
-        String xpath = CloudControllerConstants.CARTRIDGES_ELEMENT_XPATH;
-        // cartridges can be found from this XPATH
-        List<?> cartridgeNodes = getMatchingNodes(xpath, documentElement);
-        if (cartridgeNodes == null || cartridgeNodes.isEmpty()) {
-            // or from this XPATH
-            xpath = CloudControllerConstants.CARTRIDGE_ELEMENT_XPATH;
-            cartridgeNodes = getMatchingNodes(xpath, documentElement);
-        }
-        if (cartridgeNodes == null || cartridgeNodes.isEmpty()) {
-            log.warn("No cartridge found in this configuration file : " + xmlSource.getPath());
-            return cartridges;
-        }
-        for (Object obj : cartridgeNodes) {
-            if (obj instanceof OMNode) {
-                OMNode cartridgeNode = (OMNode) obj;
-                if (cartridgeNode.getType() == OMNode.ELEMENT_NODE) {
-                    OMElement cartridgeElement = (OMElement) cartridgeNode;
-                    // retrieve Attributes of a Cartridge definition
-                    String type = cartridgeElement.getAttributeValue(new QName(
-                            CloudControllerConstants.TYPE_ATTR));
-                    String host = cartridgeElement.getAttributeValue(new QName(
-                            CloudControllerConstants.HOST_ATTR));
-                    String provider = cartridgeElement.getAttributeValue(new QName(
-                            CloudControllerConstants.PROVIDER_ATTR));
-                    String version =
-                            cartridgeElement.getAttributeValue(new QName(
-                                    CloudControllerConstants.VERSION_ATTR));
-                    boolean multiTenant = Boolean.valueOf(cartridgeElement.getAttributeValue(new QName(
-                            CloudControllerConstants.MULTI_TENANT_ATTR)));
-                    Cartridge aCartridge;
-                    if ((aCartridge = dataHolder.getCartridge(type)) == null) {
-                        aCartridge = new Cartridge(type, host, provider, version, multiTenant);
-                    }
-                    // read displayName
-                    Iterator<?> itName =
-                            cartridgeElement.getChildrenWithName(new QName(
-                                    CloudControllerConstants.DISPLAY_NAME_ELEMENT));
-                    if (itName.hasNext()) {
-                        OMElement name = (OMElement);
-                        aCartridge.setDisplayName(name.getText());
-                    }
-                    // read description
-                    Iterator<?> it =
-                            cartridgeElement.getChildrenWithName(new QName(
-                                    CloudControllerConstants.DESCRIPTION_ELEMENT));
-                    if (it.hasNext()) {
-                        OMElement desc = (OMElement);
-                        aCartridge.setDescription(desc.getText());
-                    }
-                    // load properties of this cartridge
-                    loadProperties(cartridgeElement, aCartridge.getProperties());
-                    // retrieve the list of IaaS providers
-                    List<?> iaasProviderNodes = getMatchingNodes(xpath + CloudControllerConstants.IAAS_PROVIDER_ELEMENT_XPATH,
-                            cartridgeElement);
-                    getIaasProviders(iaasProviders, cartridgeElement.toString(), aCartridge, iaasProviderNodes);
-                    // load dirs
-                    List<?> deploymentNodes = getMatchingNodes(xpath + CloudControllerConstants.DEPLOYMENT_ELEMENT_XPATH,
-                            cartridgeElement);
-                    setDeploymentDirs(cartridgeElement.toString(), aCartridge, deploymentNodes);
-                    // load port mappings
-                    List<?> portMappingNodes =
-                            getMatchingNodes(xpath +
-                                    CloudControllerConstants.PORT_MAPPING_ELEMENT_XPATH,
-                                    cartridgeElement);
-                    getPortMappings(cartridgeElement.toString(), aCartridge, portMappingNodes);
-                    // load appTypes
-                    List<?> appTypesNodes =
-                            getMatchingNodes(xpath +
-                                    CloudControllerConstants.APP_TYPES_ELEMENT_XPATH,
-                                    cartridgeElement);
-                    getAppTypes(cartridgeElement.toString(), aCartridge, appTypesNodes);
-                    cartridges.add(aCartridge);
-                    if (dataHolder.getCartridge(type) == null) {
-                        dataHolder.addCartridge(aCartridge);
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        return cartridges;
-    }
-    /**
-     * @param iaasProviders
-     * @param cartridgeElementString
-     * @param aCartridge
-     * @param iaasProviderNodes
-     */
-    private void getIaasProviders(List<IaasProvider> iaasProviders,
-                                  String cartridgeElementString, Cartridge aCartridge,
-                                  List<?> iaasProviderNodes) {
-        for (Object nodeObj : iaasProviderNodes) {
-            if (nodeObj instanceof OMNode) {
-                OMNode iaasProviderNode = (OMNode) nodeObj;
-                if (iaasProviderNode.getType() == OMNode.ELEMENT_NODE) {
-                    OMElement iaasElt = (OMElement) iaasProviderNode;
-                    // add the IaasProvider to this cartridge
-                    aCartridge.addIaasProvider(getIaasProvider(iaasElt, iaasProviders));
-                } else {
-                    String msg =
-                            "Essential '" +
-                                    CloudControllerConstants.IAAS_PROVIDER_ELEMENT +
-                                    "' element cannot" + " be found in " +
-                                    cartridgeElementString + " of " +
-                                    xmlSource;
-                    handleException(msg);
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    private Element getDOMElement(final OMElement omElement) {
-        // Get the StAX reader from the created element
-        XMLStreamReader llomReader = omElement.getXMLStreamReader();
-        // Create the DOOM OMFactory
-        OMFactory doomFactory = DOOMAbstractFactory.getOMFactory();
-        // Create the new builder
-        StAXOMBuilder doomBuilder = new StAXOMBuilder(doomFactory, llomReader);
-        // Get the document element
-        OMElement newElem = doomBuilder.getDocumentElement();
-        return newElem instanceof Element ? (Element) newElem : null;
-    }
-    private OMElement getElement(final Object obj) {
-        OMNode node;
-        if ((obj instanceof OMNode) && (node = (OMNode) obj).getType() == OMNode.ELEMENT_NODE) {
-            OMElement element = (OMElement) node;
-            return element;
-        }
-        return null;
-    }
-    private OMElement getElement(final OMElement rootElt, final String eltStr, final String xpath) {
-        List<?> nodes = getMatchingNodes(xpath, rootElt);
-        neglectingWarn(eltStr, nodes.size());
-        OMElement element = getElement(nodes.get(0));
-        return element;
-    }
-    private OMElement getFirstChildElement(final OMElement root, final String childName) {
-        Iterator<?> it = root.getChildrenWithName(new QName(childName));
-        if (it.hasNext()) {
-            return (OMElement);
-        }
-        return null;
-    }
-    /**
-     * @param xpath XPATH expression to be read.
-     * @param elt   OMElement to be used for the search.
-     * @return List matching OMNode list
-     */
-    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
-    public OMNode getFirstMatchingNode(final String xpath, final OMElement elt) {
-        AXIOMXPath axiomXpath;
-        List<OMNode> nodeList = null;
-        try {
-            axiomXpath = new AXIOMXPath(xpath);
-            nodeList = axiomXpath.selectNodes(elt);
-        } catch (JaxenException e) {
-            String msg = "Error occurred while reading the Xpath (" + xpath + ")";
-            log.error(msg, e);
-            throw new CloudControllerException(msg, e);
-        }
-        return nodeList != null ? nodeList.get(0) : null;
-    }
-    private IaasProvider getIaasProvider(final OMNode item, List<IaasProvider> iaases) {
-        IaasProvider iaas = null;
-        if (item.getType() == OMNode.ELEMENT_NODE) {
-            OMElement iaasElt = (OMElement) item;
-            if (iaases != null) {
-                // check whether this is a reference to a predefined IaaS.
-                for (IaasProvider iaasProvider : iaases) {
-                    if (iaasProvider.getType()
-                            .equals(iaasElt.getAttribute(new QName(
-                                    CloudControllerConstants.TYPE_ATTR))
-                                    .getAttributeValue())) {
-                        iaas = new IaasProvider(iaasProvider);
-                        break;
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            if (iaas == null) {
-                iaas = new IaasProvider();
-            }
-            if (iaas.getType() == null) {
-                iaas.setType(iaasElt.getAttribute(new QName(CloudControllerConstants.TYPE_ATTR))
-                        .getAttributeValue());
-            }
-            if ("".equals(iaas.getType())) {
-                String msg =
-                        "'" + CloudControllerConstants.IAAS_PROVIDER_ELEMENT + "' element's '" +
-                                CloudControllerConstants.TYPE_ATTR +
-                                "' attribute should be specified!";
-                handleException(msg);
-            }
-            // this is not mandatory
-            String name =
-                    (iaasElt.getAttribute(new QName(CloudControllerConstants.NAME_ATTR)) == null)
-                            ? iaas.getName()
-                            : iaasElt.getAttributeValue(new QName(
-                            CloudControllerConstants.NAME_ATTR));
-            iaas.setName(name);
-            String xpath = CloudControllerConstants.IAAS_PROVIDER_ELEMENT_XPATH;
-            // load other elements
-            loadClassName(iaas, iaasElt);
-            loadProvider(iaas, iaasElt);
-            //load region
-            loadRegion(iaas);
-//			loadMaxInstanceLimit(iaas, iaasElt);
-            loadProperties(iaasElt, iaas.getProperties());
-            loadTemplate(iaas, iaasElt);
-//			loadScalingOrders(iaas, iaasElt);
-            loadIdentity(iaas, iaasElt);
-            loadCredentials(iaas, iaasElt, xpath);
-        }
-        return iaas;
-    }
-    private Partition getPartition(final OMNode item) {
-        Partition partition = null;
-        Partition oldPartition = null;
-        String id = null;
-        String type = null;
-        if (item.getType() == OMNode.ELEMENT_NODE) {
-            OMElement iaasElt = (OMElement) item;
-            Iterator<?> it =
-                    iaasElt.getChildrenWithName(new QName(CloudControllerConstants.ID_ELEMENT));
-            if (it.hasNext()) {
-                OMElement providerElt = (OMElement);
-                id = providerElt.getText();
-            }
-            if (it.hasNext()) {
-                log.warn(xmlSource + " contains more than one " + CloudControllerConstants.ID_ELEMENT +
-                        " elements!" + " Elements other than the first will be neglected.");
-            }
-            if (id == null) {
-                String msg =
-                        "Essential '" + CloudControllerConstants.ID_ELEMENT + "' element " +
-                                "has not specified in " + xmlSource;
-                handleException(msg);
-            }
-            oldPartition = TopologyManager.getInstance().getTopology().getPartition(id);
-            Iterator<?> it1 =
-                    iaasElt.getChildrenWithName(new QName(CloudControllerConstants.SCOPE_ELEMENT));
-            if (it1.hasNext()) {
-                OMElement providerElt = (OMElement);
-                type = providerElt.getText();
-            }
-            if (it1.hasNext()) {
-                log.warn(xmlSource + " contains more than one " + CloudControllerConstants.SCOPE_ELEMENT +
-                        " elements!" + " Elements other than the first will be neglected.");
-            }
-            if (type == null) {
-                String msg =
-                        "Essential '" + CloudControllerConstants.SCOPE_ELEMENT + "' element " +
-                                "has not specified in " + xmlSource;
-                handleException(msg);
-            }
-            if (oldPartition != null) {
-                //load region id
-                if (oldPartition.getId().equals(id)) {
-                    partition = oldPartition;
-                }
-            }
-            if (partition == null) {
-                partition = new Partition();
-                partition.setId(id);
-                partition.setScope(Scope.valueOf(type));
-                loadProperties(iaasElt, partition.getProperties());
-                //handle partition created event
-                TopologyBuilder.handlePartitionCreated(partition);
-            } else {
-                Partition partition1 = new Partition();
-                partition1.setId(id);
-                partition1.setScope(Scope.valueOf(type));
-                loadProperties(iaasElt, partition1.getProperties());
-                Gson gson = new Gson();
-                String partitionS = gson.toJson(partition);
-                String partition1S = gson.toJson(partition1);
-                if (!partitionS.endsWith(partition1S)) {
-                    partition.setId(id);
-                    partition.setScope(Scope.valueOf(type));
-                    loadProperties(iaasElt, partition.getProperties());
-                    //handle update partition event
-                    TopologyBuilder.handlePartitionUpdated(partition, oldPartition);
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        return partition;
-    }
-    private Region getRegion(final OMNode item, List<Region> regions, IaasProvider provider) {
-        Region region = null;
-        String type = null;
-        if (item.getType() == OMNode.ELEMENT_NODE) {
-            OMElement regionElm = (OMElement) item;
-            OMElement iaasElt = (OMElement) regionElm.getParent();
-            if (!iaasElt.getAttribute(new QName(CloudControllerConstants.TYPE_ATTR))
-                    .getAttributeValue().equals(provider.getType())) {
-                return region;
-            }
-            Iterator<?> it =
-                    regionElm.getChildrenWithName(new QName(CloudControllerConstants.TYPE_ELEMENT));
-            if (it.hasNext()) {
-                OMElement providerElt = (OMElement);
-                type = providerElt.getText();
-            }
-            if (it.hasNext()) {
-                log.warn(xmlSource + " contains more than one " + CloudControllerConstants.TYPE_ELEMENT +
-                        " elements!" + " Elements other than the first will be neglected.");
-            }
-            if (type == null) {
-                String msg =
-                        "Essential '" + CloudControllerConstants.TYPE_ELEMENT + "' element " +
-                                "has not specified in " + xmlSource;
-                handleException(msg);
-            }
-            if (regions != null) {
-                // check whether this is a reference to a predefined Region.
-                for (Region region1 : regions) {
-                    //load region id
-                    if (region1.getType().equals(type)) {
-                        region = region1;
-                        break;
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            if (region == null) {
-                region = new Region();
-                region.setType(type);
-            }
-            Iterator<?> it1 =
-                    regionElm.getChildrenWithName(new QName(CloudControllerConstants.ID_ELEMENT));
-            if (it1.hasNext()) {
-                OMElement providerElt = (OMElement);
-                region.setId(providerElt.getText());
-            }
-            if (it1.hasNext()) {
-                log.warn(xmlSource + " contains more than one " + CloudControllerConstants.TYPE_ELEMENT +
-                        " elements!" + " Elements other than the first will be neglected.");
-            }
-            if (region.getId() == null) {
-                String msg =
-                        "Essential '" + CloudControllerConstants.TYPE_ELEMENT + "' element " +
-                                "has not specified in " + xmlSource;
-                handleException(msg);
-            }
-            if (provider.getCredential() != null) {
-                log.warn("Provider credential will be overwritten by region credential");
-            }
-            loadCredentials(region, regionElm);
-            if (provider.getIdentity() != null) {
-                log.warn("Provider identity will be overwritten by region credential");
-            }
-            loadIdentity(region, regionElm);
-            loadProperties(regionElm, region.getProperties());
-            //load zone
-            loadZone(region);
-        }
-        return region;
-    }
-    private Zone getZone(final OMNode item, List<Zone> zones, Region region) {
-        Zone zone = null;
-        String type = null;
-        String typeRegion = null;
-        if (item.getType() == OMNode.ELEMENT_NODE) {
-            OMElement zoneElm = (OMElement) item;
-            OMElement regionElt = (OMElement) zoneElm.getParent();
-            Iterator<?> it2 =
-                    regionElt.getChildrenWithName(new QName(CloudControllerConstants.TYPE_ELEMENT));
-            if (it2.hasNext()) {
-                OMElement providerElt = (OMElement);
-                typeRegion = providerElt.getText();
-            }
-            if (!region.getType().equals(typeRegion)) {
-                return zone;
-            }
-            Iterator<?> it =
-                    zoneElm.getChildrenWithName(new QName(CloudControllerConstants.TYPE_ELEMENT));
-            if (it.hasNext()) {
-                OMElement providerElt = (OMElement);
-                type = providerElt.getText();
-            }
-            if (it.hasNext()) {
-                log.warn(xmlSource + " contains more than one " + CloudControllerConstants.TYPE_ELEMENT +
-                        " elements!" + " Elements other than the first will be neglected.");
-            }
-            if (type == null) {
-                String msg =
-                        "Essential '" + CloudControllerConstants.TYPE_ELEMENT + "' element " +
-                                "has not specified in " + xmlSource;
-                handleException(msg);
-            }
-            if (zones != null) {
-                // check whether this is a reference to a predefined Region.
-                for (Zone zone1 : zones) {
-                    //load region id
-                    if (zone1.getType().equals(type)) {
-                        zone = zone1;
-                        break;
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            if (zone == null) {
-                zone = new Zone();
-                zone.setType(type);
-            }
-            Iterator<?> it1 =
-                    zoneElm.getChildrenWithName(new QName(CloudControllerConstants.ID_ELEMENT));
-            if (it1.hasNext()) {
-                OMElement providerElt = (OMElement);
-                zone.setId(providerElt.getText());
-            }
-            if (it1.hasNext()) {
-                log.warn(xmlSource + " contains more than one " + CloudControllerConstants.TYPE_ELEMENT +
-                        " elements!" + " Elements other than the first will be neglected.");
-            }
-            if (region.getId() == null) {
-                String msg =
-                        "Essential '" + CloudControllerConstants.TYPE_ELEMENT + "' element " +
-                                "has not specified in " + xmlSource;
-                handleException(msg);
-            }
-            loadProperties(zoneElm, zone.getProperties());
-            //load Host
-            loadHost(zone);
-        }
-        return zone;
-    }
-    private Host getHost(final OMNode item, List<Host> hosts, Zone zone) {
-        Host host = null;
-        String type = null;
-        String typeZone = null;
-        if (item.getType() == OMNode.ELEMENT_NODE) {
-            OMElement hostElt = (OMElement) item;
-            OMElement zoneElt = (OMElement) hostElt.getParent();
-            Iterator<?> it2 =
-                    zoneElt.getChildrenWithName(new QName(CloudControllerConstants.TYPE_ELEMENT));
-            if (it2.hasNext()) {
-                OMElement providerElt = (OMElement);
-                typeZone = providerElt.getText();
-            }
-            if (!zone.getType().equals(typeZone)) {
-                return host;
-            }
-            Iterator<?> it =
-                    hostElt.getChildrenWithName(new QName(CloudControllerConstants.TYPE_ELEMENT));
-            if (it.hasNext()) {
-                OMElement providerElt = (OMElement);
-                type = providerElt.getText();
-            }
-            if (it.hasNext()) {
-                log.warn(xmlSource + " contains more than one " + CloudControllerConstants.TYPE_ELEMENT +
-                        " elements!" + " Elements other than the first will be neglected.");
-            }
-            if (type == null) {
-                String msg =
-                        "Essential '" + CloudControllerConstants.TYPE_ELEMENT + "' element " +
-                                "has not specified in " + xmlSource;
-                handleException(msg);
-            }
-            if (hosts != null) {
-                // check whether this is a reference to a predefined Region.
-                for (Host host1 : hosts) {
-                    //load region id
-                    if (host1.getType().equals(type)) {
-                        host = host1;
-                        break;
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            if (host == null) {
-                host = new Host();
-                host.setType(type);
-            }
-            Iterator<?> it1 =
-                    hostElt.getChildrenWithName(new QName(CloudControllerConstants.ID_ELEMENT));
-            if (it1.hasNext()) {
-                OMElement providerElt = (OMElement);
-                host.setId(providerElt.getText());
-            }
-            if (it1.hasNext()) {
-                log.warn(xmlSource + " contains more than one " + CloudControllerConstants.TYPE_ELEMENT +
-                        " elements!" + " Elements other than the first will be neglected.");
-            }
-            if (host.getId() == null) {
-                String msg =
-                        "Essential '" + CloudControllerConstants.TYPE_ELEMENT + "' element " +
-                                "has not specified in " + xmlSource;
-                handleException(msg);
-            }
-            loadProperties(hostElt, host.getProperties());
-        }
-        return host;
-    }
-    /**
-     * @param xpath XPATH expression to be read.
-     * @return List matching OMNode list
-     */
-    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
-    public List<OMNode> getMatchingNodes(final String xpath) {
-        AXIOMXPath axiomXpath;
-        List<OMNode> nodeList = null;
-        try {
-            axiomXpath = new AXIOMXPath(xpath);
-            nodeList = axiomXpath.selectNodes(documentElement);
-        } catch (JaxenException e) {
-            String msg = "Error occurred while reading the Xpath (" + xpath + ")";
-            log.error(msg, e);
-            throw new CloudControllerException(msg, e);
-        }
-        return nodeList;
-    }
-    /**
-     * @param xpath XPATH expression to be read.
-     * @param elt   OMElement to be used for the search.
-     * @return List matching OMNode list
-     */
-    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
-    public List<OMNode> getMatchingNodes(final String xpath, final OMElement elt) {
-        AXIOMXPath axiomXpath;
-        List<OMNode> nodeList = null;
-        try {
-            axiomXpath = new AXIOMXPath(xpath);
-            nodeList = axiomXpath.selectNodes(elt);
-        } catch (JaxenException e) {
-            String msg = "Error occurred while reading the Xpath (" + xpath + ")";
-            log.error(msg, e);
-            throw new CloudControllerException(msg, e);
-        }
-        return nodeList;
-    }
-    /**
-     * @param cartridgeElementString Cartridges section as a {@link String}
-     * @param aCartridge             {@link Cartridge} instance.
-     * @param portMappingNodes       nodes of port mapping elements
-     */
-    private void getPortMappings(String cartridgeElementString, Cartridge aCartridge,
-                                 List<?> portMappingNodes) {
-        Object nodeObj;
-        if (!portMappingNodes.isEmpty()) {
-            if ((nodeObj = portMappingNodes.get(0)) instanceof OMNode) {
-                OMNode portMappingNode = (OMNode) nodeObj;
-                if (portMappingNode.getType() == OMNode.ELEMENT_NODE) {
-                    OMElement portMappingElt = (OMElement) portMappingNode;
-                    for (Iterator<?> iterator =
-                                 portMappingElt.getChildrenWithName(new QName(
-                                         CloudControllerConstants.HTTP_ELEMENT)); iterator.hasNext();) {
-                        OMElement httpElt = (OMElement);
-                        String port =
-                                httpElt.getAttributeValue(new QName(
-                                        CloudControllerConstants.PORT_ATTR));
-                        String proxyPort =
-                                httpElt.getAttributeValue(new QName(
-                                        CloudControllerConstants.PROXY_PORT_ATTR));
-                        PortMapping mapping =
-                                new PortMapping(
-                                        CloudControllerConstants.HTTP_ELEMENT,
-                                        port, proxyPort);
-                        aCartridge.addPortMapping(mapping);
-                    }
-                    for (Iterator<?> iterator =
-                                 portMappingElt.getChildrenWithName(new QName(
-                                         CloudControllerConstants.HTTPS_ELEMENT)); iterator.hasNext();) {
-                        OMElement httpsElt = (OMElement);
-                        String port =
-                                httpsElt.getAttributeValue(new QName(
-                                        CloudControllerConstants.PORT_ATTR));
-                        String proxyPort =
-                                httpsElt.getAttributeValue(new QName(
-                                        CloudControllerConstants.PROXY_PORT_ATTR));
-                        PortMapping mapping =
-                                new PortMapping(
-                                        CloudControllerConstants.HTTPS_ELEMENT,
-                                        port, proxyPort);
-                        aCartridge.addPortMapping(mapping);
-                    }
-                } else {
-                    String msg =
-                            "Essential '" +
-                                    CloudControllerConstants.PORT_MAPPING_ELEMENT +
-                                    "' element cannot" + " be found in " +
-                                    cartridgeElementString + " of " +
-                                    xmlSource;
-                    handleException(msg);
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    public List<ServiceContext> getServiceContexts() {
-        List<ServiceContext> serviceContextList = new ArrayList<ServiceContext>();
-        // services can be found from this XPATH
-        String xpath = CloudControllerConstants.SERVICES_ELEMENT_XPATH;
-        List<?> serviceNodes = getMatchingNodes(xpath, documentElement);
-        if (serviceNodes == null || serviceNodes.isEmpty()) {
-            // or from this XPATH
-            xpath = CloudControllerConstants.SERVICE_ELEMENT_XPATH;
-            serviceNodes = getMatchingNodes(xpath, documentElement);
-        }
-        if (serviceNodes == null || serviceNodes.isEmpty()) {
-            log.warn("No service found in this configuration file : " + xmlSource.getPath());
-            return serviceContextList;
-        }
-        for (Object obj : serviceNodes) {
-            ServiceContext serviceCtxt = new ServiceContext();
-            // set the definition file
-            serviceCtxt.setFile(xmlSource);
-            if (obj instanceof OMNode) {
-                OMNode serviceNode = (OMNode) obj;
-                if (serviceNode.getType() == OMNode.ELEMENT_NODE) {
-                    OMElement node = (OMElement) serviceNode;
-                    if (node.getAttribute(new QName(CloudControllerConstants.SERVICE_DOMAIN_ATTR)) == null) {
-                        String msg =
-                                "Essential '" + CloudControllerConstants.SERVICE_DOMAIN_ATTR + "' " +
-                                        "attribute of '" + CloudControllerConstants.SERVICE_ELEMENT +
-                                        "' element cannot be found in " + xmlSource;
-                        handleException(msg);
-                    }
-                    // set domain name
-                    serviceCtxt.setClusterId(node.getAttribute(new QName(
-                            CloudControllerConstants.SERVICE_DOMAIN_ATTR))
-                            .getAttributeValue());
-                    // set tenant range
-                    serviceCtxt.setTenantRange(node.getAttribute(new QName(
-                            CloudControllerConstants.SERVICE_TENANT_RANGE_ATTR))
-                            .getAttributeValue());
-                    serviceCtxt.setAutoScalerPolicyName(node.getAttribute(new QName(
-                            CloudControllerConstants.POLICY_NAME))
-                            .getAttributeValue());
-                    OMNode cartridgeNode =
-                            getFirstMatchingNode(xpath +
-                                    CloudControllerConstants.CARTRIDGE_ELEMENT_XPATH,
-                                    node);
-                    if (cartridgeNode != null && cartridgeNode.getType() == OMNode.ELEMENT_NODE) {
-                        OMElement cartridgeElt = (OMElement) cartridgeNode;
-                        String type =
-                                cartridgeElt.getAttribute(new QName(CloudControllerConstants.TYPE_ATTR))
-                                        .getAttributeValue();
-                        if ("".equals(type)) {
-                            String msg =
-                                    "Essential '" + CloudControllerConstants.TYPE_ATTR + "' " +
-                                            " attribute of '" +
-                                            CloudControllerConstants.CARTRIDGE_ELEMENT + "' of '" +
-                                            CloudControllerConstants.SERVICE_ELEMENT +
-                                            "' element cannot be found in " + xmlSource;
-                            handleException(msg);
-                        }
-                        // set Cartridge type
-                        serviceCtxt.setCartridgeType(type);
-                    }
-                    if (serviceCtxt.getCartridgeType() == null) {
-                        String msg =
-                                "Essential '" + CloudControllerConstants.CARTRIDGE_ELEMENT +
-                                        "' element" + " has not specified in " + xmlSource;
-                        handleException(msg);
-                    }
-                    // load payload
-                    loadPayload(getMatchingNodes(xpath + CloudControllerConstants.PAYLOAD_ELEMENT_XPATH,
-                            node), serviceCtxt);
-                    // load host name
-                    loadHostName(getMatchingNodes(xpath + CloudControllerConstants.HOST_ELEMENT_XPATH,
-                            node), serviceCtxt);
-                    // load properties
-                    loadProperties(node, serviceCtxt.getProperties());
-                }
-            }
-            FasterLookUpDataHolder.getInstance().addServiceContext(serviceCtxt);
-            // add each domain specific template to list
-            serviceContextList.add(serviceCtxt);
-        }
-        return serviceContextList;
-    }
-    public File getXmlSource() {
-        return xmlSource;
-    }
-    private void handleException(final String msg) {
-        log.error(msg);
-        throw new MalformedConfigurationFileException(msg);
-    }
-    private void handleException(final String msg, final Exception e) {
-        log.error(msg, e);
-        throw new MalformedConfigurationFileException(msg, e);
-    }
-    private void loadClassName(final IaasProvider iaas, final OMElement iaasElt) {
-        Iterator<?> it =
-                iaasElt.getChildrenWithName(new QName(
-                        CloudControllerConstants.CLASS_NAME_ELEMENT));
-        if (it.hasNext()) {
-            OMElement classNameElt = (OMElement);
-            iaas.setClassName(classNameElt.getText());
-        }
-        if (it.hasNext()) {
-            log.warn(xmlSource + " contains more than one " +
-                    CloudControllerConstants.CLASS_NAME_ELEMENT + " elements!" +
-                    " Elements other than the first will be neglected.");
-        }
-        if (iaas.getClassName() == null) {
-            String msg =
-                    "Essential '" + CloudControllerConstants.CLASS_NAME_ELEMENT + "' element " +
-                            "has not specified in " + xmlSource;
-            handleException(msg);
-        }
-    }
-    private void loadCredentials(final IaasProvider iaas, final OMElement iaasElt,
-                                 final String xpath) {
-        Iterator<?> it =
-                iaasElt.getChildrenWithName(new QName(
-                        CloudControllerConstants.CREDENTIAL_ELEMENT));
-        if (it.hasNext()) {
-            OMElement credentialElt = (OMElement);
-            // retrieve the value using secure vault
-            SecretResolver secretResolver = SecretResolverFactory.create(documentElement, false);
-            String alias =
-                    credentialElt.getAttributeValue(new QName(
-                            CloudControllerConstants.ALIAS_ATTRIBUTE));
-            // retrieve the secured password
-            if (secretResolver != null && secretResolver.isInitialized() &&
-                    secretResolver.isTokenProtected(alias)) {
-                iaas.setCredential(secretResolver.resolve(alias));
-            }
-            // if we still cannot find a value, we try to assign the value which
-            // is specified
-            // in the element, if any
-            if (iaas.getCredential() == null) {
-                log.warn("Unable to find a value for " + CloudControllerConstants.CREDENTIAL_ELEMENT +
-                        " element from Secure Vault." +
-                        "Hence we will try to assign the plain text value (if specified).");
-                iaas.setCredential(credentialElt.getText());
-            }
-        }
-        if (it.hasNext()) {
-            log.warn(xmlSource + " contains more than one " +
-                    CloudControllerConstants.CREDENTIAL_ELEMENT + " elements!" +
-                    " Elements other than the first will be neglected.");
-        }
-        if (iaas.getCredential() == null) {
-            String msg =
-                    "Essential '" + CloudControllerConstants.CREDENTIAL_ELEMENT + "' element" +
-                            " has not specified in " + xmlSource;
-            handleException(msg);
-        }
-    }
-    private void loadCredentials(Region region, final OMElement iaasElt) {
-        Iterator<?> it =
-                iaasElt.getChildrenWithName(new QName(
-                        CloudControllerConstants.CREDENTIAL_ELEMENT));
-        if (it.hasNext()) {
-            OMElement credentialElt = (OMElement);
-            // retrieve the value using secure vault
-            SecretResolver secretResolver = SecretResolverFactory.create(documentElement, false);
-            String alias =
-                    credentialElt.getAttributeValue(new QName(
-                            CloudControllerConstants.ALIAS_ATTRIBUTE));
-            // retrieve the secured password
-            if (secretResolver != null && secretResolver.isInitialized() &&
-                    secretResolver.isTokenProtected(alias)) {
-                region.setCredential(secretResolver.resolve(alias));
-            }
-            // if we still cannot find a value, we try to assign the value which
-            // is specified
-            // in the element, if any
-            if (region.getCredential() == null) {
-                log.warn("Unable to find a value for " + CloudControllerConstants.CREDENTIAL_ELEMENT +
-                        " element from Secure Vault." +
-                        "Hence we will try to assign the plain text value (if specified).");
-                region.setCredential(credentialElt.getText());
-            }
-        }
-        if (it.hasNext()) {
-            log.warn(xmlSource + " contains more than one " +
-                    CloudControllerConstants.CREDENTIAL_ELEMENT + " elements!" +
-                    " Elements other than the first will be neglected.");
-        }
-        if (region.getCredential() == null) {
-            String msg =
-                    "Essential '" + CloudControllerConstants.CREDENTIAL_ELEMENT + "' element" +
-                            " has not specified in " + xmlSource;
-            handleException(msg);
-        }
-    }
-    private void loadHostName(final List<OMNode> nodes, final ServiceContext serviceCtxt) {
-        if (nodes == null || nodes.isEmpty()) {
-            return;
-        }
-        // read host element
-        if (nodes.get(0).getType() == OMNode.ELEMENT_NODE) {
-            OMElement node = (OMElement) nodes.get(0);
-            if (node.getText() != null) {
-                serviceCtxt.setHostName(node.getText());
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    private void loadIdentity(final IaasProvider iaas, final OMElement iaasElt) {
-        Iterator<?> it =
-                iaasElt.getChildrenWithName(new QName(CloudControllerConstants.IDENTITY_ELEMENT));
-        if (it.hasNext()) {
-            OMElement identityElt = (OMElement);
-            // retrieve the value using secure vault
-            SecretResolver secretResolver = SecretResolverFactory.create(documentElement, false);
-            String alias =
-                    identityElt.getAttributeValue(new QName(
-                            CloudControllerConstants.ALIAS_ATTRIBUTE));
-            // retrieve the secured password
-            if (secretResolver != null && secretResolver.isInitialized() &&
-                    secretResolver.isTokenProtected(alias)) {
-                iaas.setIdentity(secretResolver.resolve(alias));
-            }
-            // if we still cannot find a value, we try to assign the value which
-            // is specified
-            // in the element, if any
-            if (iaas.getIdentity() == null) {
-                log.warn("Unable to find a value for " + CloudControllerConstants.IDENTITY_ELEMENT +
-                        " element from Secure Vault." +
-                        "Hence we will try to assign the plain text value (if specified).");
-                iaas.setIdentity(identityElt.getText());
-            }
-        }
-        if (it.hasNext()) {
-            log.warn(xmlSource + " contains more than one " + CloudControllerConstants.IDENTITY_ELEMENT +
-                    " elements!" + " Elements other than the first will be neglected.");
-        }
-        if (iaas.getIdentity() == null) {
-            String msg =
-                    "Essential '" + CloudControllerConstants.IDENTITY_ELEMENT + "' element" +
-                            " has not specified in " + xmlSource;
-            handleException(msg);
-        }
-    }
-    private void loadIdentity(final Region region, final OMElement iaasElt) {
-        Iterator<?> it =
-                iaasElt.getChildrenWithName(new QName(CloudControllerConstants.IDENTITY_ELEMENT));
-        if (it.hasNext()) {
-            OMElement identityElt = (OMElement);
-            // retrieve the value using secure vault
-            SecretResolver secretResolver = SecretResolverFactory.create(documentElement, false);
-            String alias =
-                    identityElt.getAttributeValue(new QName(
-                            CloudControllerConstants.ALIAS_ATTRIBUTE));
-            // retrieve the secured password
-            if (secretResolver != null && secretResolver.isInitialized() &&
-                    secretResolver.isTokenProtected(alias)) {
-                region.setIdentity(secretResolver.resolve(alias));
-            }
-            // if we still cannot find a value, we try to assign the value which
-            // is specified
-            // in the element, if any
-            if (region.getIdentity() == null) {
-                log.warn("Unable to find a value for " + CloudControllerConstants.IDENTITY_ELEMENT +
-                        " element from Secure Vault." +
-                        "Hence we will try to assign the plain text value (if specified).");
-                region.setIdentity(identityElt.getText());
-            }
-        }
-        if (it.hasNext()) {
-            log.warn(xmlSource + " contains more than one " + CloudControllerConstants.IDENTITY_ELEMENT +
-                    " elements!" + " Elements other than the first will be neglected.");
-        }
-        if (region.getIdentity() == null) {
-            String msg =
-                    "Essential '" + CloudControllerConstants.IDENTITY_ELEMENT + "' element" +
-                            " has not specified in " + xmlSource;
-            handleException(msg);
-        }
-    }
-    /*private void loadMaxInstanceLimit(IaasProvider iaas, final OMElement iaasElt) {
-         Iterator<?> it =
-                          iaasElt.getChildrenWithName(new QName(
-                                                                CloudControllerConstants.MAX_INSTANCE_LIMIT_ELEMENT));
-         if (it.hasNext()) {
-             OMElement maxInstanceLimitElt = (OMElement);
-             try {
-                 iaas.setMaxInstanceLimit(Integer.parseInt(maxInstanceLimitElt.getText()));
-             } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
-                 String msg =
-                              CloudControllerConstants.MAX_INSTANCE_LIMIT_ELEMENT +
-                                      " element contained" + " in " + xmlSource + "" +
-                                      " has a value which is not an Integer value.";
-                 handleException(msg, e);
-             }
-         }
-         if (it.hasNext()) {
-             log.warn(xmlSource + " contains more than one " +
-                      CloudControllerConstants.MAX_INSTANCE_LIMIT_ELEMENT + " elements!" +
-                      " Elements other than the first will be neglected.");
-         }
-     }*/
-    private void loadPayload(final List<OMNode> nodes, final ServiceContext serviceCtxt) {
-        if (nodes == null || nodes.isEmpty()) {
-            return;
-        }
-        // read payload element
-        if (nodes.get(0).getType() == OMNode.ELEMENT_NODE) {
-            OMElement node = (OMElement) nodes.get(0);
-            if (node.getText() != null) {
-                StringBuilder payload = new StringBuilder(node.getText());
-                serviceCtxt.setPayload(payload);
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    private void loadProperties(final OMElement elt, final Map<String, String> propertyMap) {
-        Iterator<?> it =
-                elt.getChildrenWithName(new QName(CloudControllerConstants.PROPERTY_ELEMENT));
-        while (it.hasNext()) {
-            OMElement prop = (OMElement);
-            if (prop.getAttribute(new QName(CloudControllerConstants.PROPERTY_NAME_ATTR)) == null ||
-                    prop.getAttribute(new QName(CloudControllerConstants.PROPERTY_VALUE_ATTR)) == null) {
-                String msg =
-                        "Property element's, name and value attributes should be specified " +
-                                "in " + xmlSource;
-                handleException(msg);
-            }
-            propertyMap.put(prop.getAttribute(new QName(CloudControllerConstants.PROPERTY_NAME_ATTR))
-                    .getAttributeValue(),
-                    prop.getAttribute(new QName(CloudControllerConstants.PROPERTY_VALUE_ATTR))
-                            .getAttributeValue());
-        }
-    }
-    private void loadProvider(final IaasProvider iaas, final OMElement iaasElt) {
-        Iterator<?> it =
-                iaasElt.getChildrenWithName(new QName(CloudControllerConstants.PROVIDER_ELEMENT));
-        if (it.hasNext()) {
-            OMElement providerElt = (OMElement);
-            iaas.setProvider(providerElt.getText());
-        }
-        if (it.hasNext()) {
-            log.warn(xmlSource + " contains more than one " + CloudControllerConstants.PROVIDER_ELEMENT +
-                    " elements!" + " Elements other than the first will be neglected.");
-        }
-        if (iaas.getProvider() == null) {
-            String msg =
-                    "Essential '" + CloudControllerConstants.PROVIDER_ELEMENT + "' element " +
-                            "has not specified in " + xmlSource;
-            handleException(msg);
-        }
-    }
-    private void loadRegion(final IaasProvider iaas) {
-        List<Region> regions = iaas.getListOfRegions();
-        if (regions == null) {
-            iaas.setListOfRegions((regions = new ArrayList<Region>()));
-        }
-        List<OMNode> nodeList = getMatchingNodes(CloudControllerConstants.REGION_XPATH);
-        // this is a valid scenario. User can have 0..1 iaas provider elements
-        // in cloud-controller xml.
-        if (nodeList == null || nodeList.isEmpty()) {
-            return;
-        }
-        for (OMNode node : nodeList) {
-            regions.add(getRegion(node, regions, iaas));
-        }
-    }
-    private void loadZone(final Region region) {
-        List<Zone> zones = region.getListOfZones();
-        if (zones == null) {
-            region.setListOfZones((zones = new ArrayList<Zone>()));
-        }
-        List<OMNode> nodeList = getMatchingNodes(CloudControllerConstants.ZONE_XPATH);
-        // this is a valid scenario. User can have 0..1 iaas provider elements
-        // in cloud-controller xml.
-        if (nodeList == null || nodeList.isEmpty()) {
-            return;
-        }
-        for (OMNode node : nodeList) {
-            zones.add(getZone(node, zones, region));
-        }
-    }
-    private void loadHost(final Zone zone) {
-        List<Host> hosts = zone.getListOfHosts();
-        if (hosts == null) {
-            zone.setListOfHosts((hosts = new ArrayList<Host>()));
-        }
-        List<OMNode> nodeList = getMatchingNodes(CloudControllerConstants.HOST_XPATH);
-        // this is a valid scenario. User can have 0..1 iaas provider elements
-        // in cloud-controller xml.
-        if (nodeList == null || nodeList.isEmpty()) {
-            return;
-        }
-        for (OMNode node : nodeList) {
-            hosts.add(getHost(node, hosts, zone));
-        }
-    }
-    /* Have to handle at the autoscaler level...
-     private void loadScalingOrders(final IaasProvider iaas, final OMElement iaasElt) {
-         // set scale up order
-         Iterator<?> it =
-                          iaasElt.getChildrenWithName(new QName(
-                                                                CloudControllerConstants.SCALE_UP_ORDER_ELEMENT));
-         if (it.hasNext()) {
-             OMElement scaleUpOrderElt = (OMElement);
-             try {
-                 iaas.setScaleUpOrder(Integer.parseInt(scaleUpOrderElt.getText()));
-             } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
-                 String msg =
-                              CloudControllerConstants.SCALE_UP_ORDER_ELEMENT + " element contained" +
-                                      " in " + xmlSource + "" +
-                                      " has a value which is not an Integer value.";
-                 handleException(msg, e);
-             }
-         }
-         if (it.hasNext()) {
-             log.warn(xmlSource + " contains more than one " +
-                      CloudControllerConstants.SCALE_UP_ORDER_ELEMENT + " elements!" +
-                      " Elements other than the first will be neglected.");
-         }
-         if (iaas.getScaleUpOrder() == -1) {
-             String msg =
-                          "Essential '" + CloudControllerConstants.SCALE_UP_ORDER_ELEMENT + "' element" +
-                                  " has not specified in " + xmlSource;
-             handleException(msg);
-         }
-         // set scale down order
-         it = iaasElt.getChildrenWithName(new QName(CloudControllerConstants.SCALE_DOWN_ORDER_ELEMENT));
-         if (it.hasNext()) {
-             OMElement scaleDownElt = (OMElement);
-             try {
-                 iaas.setScaleDownOrder(Integer.parseInt(scaleDownElt.getText()));
-             } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
-                 String msg =
-                              CloudControllerConstants.SCALE_DOWN_ORDER_ELEMENT + " element contained" +
-                                      " in " + xmlSource + "" +
-                                      " has a value which is not an Integer value.";
-                 handleException(msg, e);
-             }
-         }
-         if (it.hasNext()) {
-             log.warn(xmlSource + " contains more than one " +
-                      CloudControllerConstants.SCALE_DOWN_ORDER_ELEMENT + " elements!" +
-                      " Elements other than the first will be neglected.");
-         }
-         if (iaas.getScaleDownOrder() == -1) {
-             String msg =
-                          "Essential '" + CloudControllerConstants.SCALE_DOWN_ORDER_ELEMENT + "' element" +
-                                  " has not specified in " + xmlSource;
-             handleException(msg);
-         }
-     }*/
-    private void loadTemplate(final IaasProvider iaas, final OMElement iaasElt) {
-        Iterator<?> it =
-                iaasElt.getChildrenWithName(new QName(CloudControllerConstants.IMAGE_ID_ELEMENT));
-        if (it.hasNext()) {
-            OMElement imageElt = (OMElement);
-            iaas.setImage(imageElt.getText());
-        }
-        if (it.hasNext()) {
-            log.warn(xmlSource + " contains more than one " + CloudControllerConstants.IMAGE_ID_ELEMENT +
-                    " elements!" + " Elements other than the first will be neglected.");
-        }
-    }
-    private void neglectingWarn(final String elt, final int size) {
-        if (size > 1) {
-            log.warn(xmlSource + " contains more than one " + elt + " elements!" +
-                    " Elements other than the first will be neglected.");
-        }
-    }
-    public void parse() {
-        if (xmlSource.exists()) {
-            try {
-                documentElement = new StAXOMBuilder(xmlSource.getPath()).getDocumentElement();
-            } catch (Exception ex) {
-                String msg = "Error occurred when parsing the " + xmlSource.getPath() + ".";
-                handleException(msg, ex);
-            }
-        } else {
-            String msg = "Configuration file cannot be found : " + xmlSource.getPath();
-            handleException(msg);
-        }
-    }
-    private void plainTextWarn(final String elt) {
-        log.warn("Unable to find a value for " + elt + " element from Secure Vault." +
-                "Hence we will try to assign the plain text value (if specified).");
-    }
-    private String resolveSecret(final OMElement elt) {
-        // retrieve the value using secure vault
-        SecretResolver secretResolver = SecretResolverFactory.create(documentElement, false);
-        String alias = elt.getAttributeValue(new QName(CloudControllerConstants.ALIAS_ATTRIBUTE));
-        // retrieve the secured password
-        if (secretResolver != null && secretResolver.isInitialized() &&
-                secretResolver.isTokenProtected(alias)) {
-            return secretResolver.resolve(alias);
-        }
-        return null;
-    }
-    public void setDataPublisherRelatedData() {
-        String eltStr = CloudControllerConstants.DATA_PUBLISHER_ELEMENT;
-        // get dataPublisher element
-        OMElement element =
-                getElement(documentElement, eltStr,
-                        CloudControllerConstants.DATA_PUBLISHER_XPATH);
-        if (element == null) {
-            return;
-        }
-        FasterLookUpDataHolder dataHolder = FasterLookUpDataHolder.getInstance();
-        // get enable attribute
-        boolean isEnable =
-                Boolean.parseBoolean(element.getAttributeValue(new QName(
-                        CloudControllerConstants.ENABLE_ATTR)));
-        dataHolder.setEnableBAMDataPublisher(isEnable);
-        if (isEnable) {
-            // get bam server info
-            OMElement childElement =
-                    getFirstChildElement(element,
-                            CloudControllerConstants.BAM_SERVER_ELEMENT);
-            OMElement elt;
-            if (childElement != null) {
-                // set bam user name
-                elt =
-                        getFirstChildElement(childElement,
-                                CloudControllerConstants.BAM_SERVER_ADMIN_USERNAME_ELEMENT);
-                if (elt != null) {
-                    dataHolder.setBamUsername(elt.getText());
-                }
-                // set bam password
-                elt =
-                        getFirstChildElement(childElement,
-                                CloudControllerConstants.BAM_SERVER_ADMIN_PASSWORD_ELEMENT);
-                if (elt != null) {
-                    String password = resolveSecret(elt);
-                    if (password == null) {
-                        plainTextWarn(CloudControllerConstants.BAM_SERVER_ADMIN_PASSWORD_ELEMENT);
-                        password = elt.getText();
-                    }
-                    if (password != null) {
-                        dataHolder.setBamPassword(password);
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            // set cron
-            childElement = getFirstChildElement(element, CloudControllerConstants.CRON_ELEMENT);
-            if (childElement != null) {
-                dataHolder.setDataPublisherCron(childElement.getText());
-            }
-            // set cassandra info
-            childElement = getFirstChildElement(element, CloudControllerConstants.CASSANDRA_INFO_ELEMENT);
-            if (childElement != null) {
-                // set connection url
-                elt = getFirstChildElement(childElement, CloudControllerConstants.CONNECTION_URL_ELEMENT);
-                if (elt != null) {
-                    dataHolder.setCassandraConnUrl(elt.getText());
-                }
-                // set user name
-                elt = getFirstChildElement(childElement, CloudControllerConstants.USER_NAME_ELEMENT);
-                if (elt != null) {
-                    dataHolder.setCassandraUser(elt.getText());
-                }
-                // set password
-                elt = getFirstChildElement(childElement, CloudControllerConstants.PASSWORD_ELEMENT);
-                if (elt != null) {
-                    String password = resolveSecret(elt);
-                    if (password == null) {
-                        plainTextWarn(CloudControllerConstants.PASSWORD_ELEMENT);
-                        password = elt.getText();
-                    }
-                    if (password != null) {
-                        dataHolder.setCassandraPassword(password);
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    /**
-     * @param cartridgeElementString Cartridges section as a {@link String}
-     * @param aCartridge             {@link Cartridge} instance.
-     * @param deploymentNodes        list of deployment directory nodes
-     */
-    private void setDeploymentDirs(String cartridgeElementString, Cartridge aCartridge,
-                                   List<?> deploymentNodes) {
-        Object nodeObj;
-        if ((nodeObj = deploymentNodes.get(0)) instanceof OMNode) {
-            OMNode deploymentNode = (OMNode) nodeObj;
-            if (deploymentNode.getType() == OMNode.ELEMENT_NODE) {
-                OMElement deployElt = (OMElement) deploymentNode;
-                if (deployElt.getAttributeValue(new QName(
-                        CloudControllerConstants.BASE_DIR_ATTR)) != null) {
-                    aCartridge.setBaseDir(deployElt.getAttributeValue(new QName(
-                            CloudControllerConstants.BASE_DIR_ATTR)));
-                }
-                for (Iterator<?> iterator =
-                             deployElt.getChildrenWithName(new QName(
-                                     CloudControllerConstants.DIRECTORY_ELEMENT)); iterator.hasNext();) {
-                    OMElement dir = (OMElement);
-                    aCartridge.addDeploymentDir(dir.getText());
-                }
-            } else {
-                String msg =
-                        "Essential '" + CloudControllerConstants.DEPLOYMENT_ELEMENT +
-                                "' element cannot" + " be found in " +
-                                cartridgeElementString + " of " + xmlSource;
-                handleException(msg);
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    public void setIaasProvidersList() {
-        List<IaasProvider> iaasProviders = FasterLookUpDataHolder.getInstance().getIaasProviders();
-        if (iaasProviders == null) {
-            FasterLookUpDataHolder.getInstance()
-                    .setIaasProviders((iaasProviders = new ArrayList<IaasProvider>()));
-        }
-        List<OMNode> nodeList = getMatchingNodes(CloudControllerConstants.IAAS_PROVIDER_XPATH);
-        // this is a valid scenario. User can have 0..1 iaas provider elements
-        // in cloud-controller xml.
-        if (nodeList == null || nodeList.isEmpty()) {
-            return;
-        }
-        for (OMNode node : nodeList) {
-            iaasProviders.add(getIaasProvider(node, iaasProviders));
-        }
-    }
-    public void setPartitionsList() {
-        Set<String> partitionIds = TopologyManager.getInstance().getTopology().getPartitionMap().keySet();
-        List<String> ids = new ArrayList<String>();
-        List<OMNode> nodeList = getMatchingNodes(CloudControllerConstants.PARTITION_XPATH);
-        // this is a valid scenario. User can have 0..1 iaas provider elements
-        // in cloud-controller xml.
-        if (nodeList == null || nodeList.isEmpty()) {
-            return;
-        }
-        for (OMNode node : nodeList) {
-            ids.add(getPartition(node).getId());
-        }
-        //have to remove the non existing partition from the map
-        boolean isFound;
-        for (String parId : partitionIds) {
-            isFound = false;
-            for (String id : ids) {
-                if (parId.equals(id)) {
-                    isFound = true;
-                    break;
-                }
-            }
-            if (!isFound) {
-                //have to remove the partition id from the Topology
-                TopologyBuilder.handlePartitionRemoved(TopologyManager.getInstance().getTopology().getPartition(parId));
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    public void setTopologySyncRelatedData() {
-        String eltStr = CloudControllerConstants.TOPOLOGY_SYNC_ELEMENT;
-        // get topologySync element
-        OMElement element =
-                getElement(documentElement, eltStr,
-                        CloudControllerConstants.TOPOLOGY_SYNC_XPATH);
-        if (element == null) {
-            return;
-        }
-        // get enable attribute
-        boolean isEnable =
-                Boolean.parseBoolean(element.getAttributeValue(new QName(
-                        CloudControllerConstants.ENABLE_ATTR)));
-        FasterLookUpDataHolder dataHolder = FasterLookUpDataHolder.getInstance();
-        dataHolder.setEnableTopologySync(isEnable);
-        if (isEnable) {
-            TopologyConfig topologyConfig = new TopologyConfig();
-            // load properties
-            loadProperties(element, topologyConfig.getProperties());
-            dataHolder.setTopologyConfig(topologyConfig);
-        }
-    }
-    public boolean validate(final File schemaFile) throws Exception {
-        validate(documentElement, schemaFile);
-        return true;
-    }
-    public void validate(final OMElement omElement, final File schemaFile) throws Exception {
-        Element sourceElement;
-        // if the OMElement is created using DOM implementation use it
-        if (omElement instanceof ElementImpl) {
-            sourceElement = (Element) omElement;
-        } else { // else convert from llom to dom
-            sourceElement = getDOMElement(omElement);
-        }
-        // Create a SchemaFactory capable of understanding WXS schemas.
-        // Load a WXS schema, represented by a Schema instance.
-        SchemaFactory factory = SchemaFactory.newInstance(XMLConstants.W3C_XML_SCHEMA_NS_URI);
-        Source source = new StreamSource(schemaFile);
-        // Create a Validator object, which can be used to validate
-        // an instance document.
-        Schema schema = factory.newSchema(source);
-        Validator validator = schema.newValidator();
-        // Validate the DOM tree.
-        validator.validate(new DOMSource(sourceElement));
-    }
+//    private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(AxiomXpathParser.class);
+//    private OMElement documentElement;
+//    private final File xmlSource;
+//    public AxiomXpathParser(final File xmlFile) {
+//        xmlSource = xmlFile;
+//    }
+//    /**
+//     * @param cartridgeElementString Cartridges section as a {@link String}
+//     * @param aCartridge             {@link} instance.
+//     * @param appTypesNodes          nodes of App types.
+//     */
+//    private void getAppTypes(String cartridgeElementString, Cartridge aCartridge,
+//                             List<?> appTypesNodes) {
+//        Object nodeObj;
+//        if (!appTypesNodes.isEmpty()) {
+//            if ((nodeObj = appTypesNodes.get(0)) instanceof OMNode) {
+//                OMNode appTypeNode = (OMNode) nodeObj;
+//                if (appTypeNode.getType() == OMNode.ELEMENT_NODE) {
+//                    OMElement appTypesElt = (OMElement) appTypeNode;
+//                    for (Iterator<?> iterator =
+//                                 appTypesElt.getChildrenWithName(new QName(
+//                                         CloudControllerConstants.APP_TYPE_ELEMENT)); iterator.hasNext();) {
+//                        OMElement appElt = (OMElement);
+//                        String name =
+//                                appElt.getAttributeValue(new QName(
+//                                        CloudControllerConstants.NAME_ATTR));
+//                        String appSpecificMapping =
+//                                appElt.getAttributeValue(new QName(
+//                                        CloudControllerConstants.APP_SPECIFIC_MAPPING_ATTR));
+//                        AppType appType;
+//                        if (appSpecificMapping == null) {
+//                            appType = new AppType(name);
+//                        } else {
+//                            appType =
+//                                    new AppType(name,
+//                                            Boolean.valueOf(appSpecificMapping));
+//                        }
+//                        aCartridge.addAppType(appType);
+//                    }
+//                } else {
+//                    String msg =
+//                            "Essential '" + CloudControllerConstants.APP_TYPE_ELEMENT +
+//                                    "' element cannot" + " be found in " +
+//                                    cartridgeElementString + " of " +
+//                                    xmlSource;
+//                    handleException(msg);
+//                }
+//            }
+//        }
+//    }
+//    /**
+//     * @return a List of {@link Cartridge}s.
+//     */
+//    public List<Cartridge> getCartridgesList() {
+//        FasterLookUpDataHolder dataHolder = FasterLookUpDataHolder.getInstance();
+//        List<IaasProvider> iaasProviders = dataHolder.getIaasProviders();
+//        if (iaasProviders == null) {
+//            dataHolder.setIaasProviders((iaasProviders = new ArrayList<IaasProvider>()));
+//        }
+//        List<Cartridge> cartridges = new ArrayList<Cartridge>();
+//        String xpath = CloudControllerConstants.CARTRIDGES_ELEMENT_XPATH;
+//        // cartridges can be found from this XPATH
+//        List<?> cartridgeNodes = getMatchingNodes(xpath, documentElement);
+//        if (cartridgeNodes == null || cartridgeNodes.isEmpty()) {
+//            // or from this XPATH
+//            xpath = CloudControllerConstants.CARTRIDGE_ELEMENT_XPATH;
+//            cartridgeNodes = getMatchingNodes(xpath, documentElement);
+//        }
+//        if (cartridgeNodes == null || cartridgeNodes.isEmpty()) {
+//            log.warn("No cartridge found in this configuration file : " + xmlSource.getPath());
+//            return cartridges;
+//        }
+//        for (Object obj : cartridgeNodes) {
+//            if (obj instanceof OMNode) {
+//                OMNode cartridgeNode = (OMNode) obj;
+//                if (cartridgeNode.getType() == OMNode.ELEMENT_NODE) {
+//                    OMElement cartridgeElement = (OMElement) cartridgeNode;
+//                    // retrieve Attributes of a Cartridge definition
+//                    String type = cartridgeElement.getAttributeValue(new QName(
+//                            CloudControllerConstants.TYPE_ATTR));
+//                    String host = cartridgeElement.getAttributeValue(new QName(
+//                            CloudControllerConstants.HOST_ATTR));
+//                    String provider = cartridgeElement.getAttributeValue(new QName(
+//                            CloudControllerConstants.PROVIDER_ATTR));
+//                    String version =
+//                            cartridgeElement.getAttributeValue(new QName(
+//                                    CloudControllerConstants.VERSION_ATTR));
+//                    boolean multiTenant = Boolean.valueOf(cartridgeElement.getAttributeValue(new QName(
+//                            CloudControllerConstants.MULTI_TENANT_ATTR)));
+//                    Cartridge aCartridge;
+//                    if ((aCartridge = dataHolder.getCartridge(type)) == null) {
+//                        aCartridge = new Cartridge(type, host, provider, version, multiTenant);
+//                    }
+//                    // read displayName
+//                    Iterator<?> itName =
+//                            cartridgeElement.getChildrenWithName(new QName(
+//                                    CloudControllerConstants.DISPLAY_NAME_ELEMENT));
+//                    if (itName.hasNext()) {
+//                        OMElement name = (OMElement);
+//                        aCartridge.setDisplayName(name.getText());
+//                    }
+//                    // read description
+//                    Iterator<?> it =
+//                            cartridgeElement.getChildrenWithName(new QName(
+//                                    CloudControllerConstants.DESCRIPTION_ELEMENT));
+//                    if (it.hasNext()) {
+//                        OMElement desc = (OMElement);
+//                        aCartridge.setDescription(desc.getText());
+//                    }
+//                    // load properties of this cartridge
+//                    loadProperties(cartridgeElement, aCartridge.getProperties());
+//                    // retrieve the list of IaaS providers
+//                    List<?> iaasProviderNodes = getMatchingNodes(xpath + CloudControllerConstants.IAAS_PROVIDER_ELEMENT_XPATH,
+//                            cartridgeElement);
+//                    getIaasProviders(iaasProviders, cartridgeElement.toString(), aCartridge, iaasProviderNodes);
+//                    // load dirs
+//                    List<?> deploymentNodes = getMatchingNodes(xpath + CloudControllerConstants.DEPLOYMENT_ELEMENT_XPATH,
+//                            cartridgeElement);
+//                    setDeploymentDirs(cartridgeElement.toString(), aCartridge, deploymentNodes);
+//                    // load port mappings
+//                    List<?> portMappingNodes =
+//                            getMatchingNodes(xpath +
+//                                    CloudControllerConstants.PORT_MAPPING_ELEMENT_XPATH,
+//                                    cartridgeElement);
+//                    getPortMappings(cartridgeElement.toString(), aCartridge, portMappingNodes);
+//                    // load appTypes
+//                    List<?> appTypesNodes =
+//                            getMatchingNodes(xpath +
+//                                    CloudControllerConstants.APP_TYPES_ELEMENT_XPATH,
+//                                    cartridgeElement);
+//                    getAppTypes(cartridgeElement.toString(), aCartridge, appTypesNodes);
+//                    cartridges.add(aCartridge);
+//                    if (dataHolder.getCartridge(type) == null) {
+//                        dataHolder.addCartridge(aCartridge);
+//                    }
+//                }
+//            }
+//        }
+//        return cartridges;
+//    }
+//    /**
+//     * @param iaasProviders
+//     * @param cartridgeElementString
+//     * @param aCartridge
+//     * @param iaasProviderNodes
+//     */
+//    private void getIaasProviders(List<IaasProvider> iaasProviders,
+//                                  String cartridgeElementString, Cartridge aCartridge,
+//                                  List<?> iaasProviderNodes) {
+//        for (Object nodeObj : iaasProviderNodes) {
+//            if (nodeObj instanceof OMNode) {
+//                OMNode iaasProviderNode = (OMNode) nodeObj;
+//                if (iaasProviderNode.getType() == OMNode.ELEMENT_NODE) {
+//                    OMElement iaasElt = (OMElement) iaasProviderNode;
+//                    // add the IaasProvider to this cartridge
+//                    aCartridge.addIaasProvider(getIaasProvider(iaasElt, iaasProviders));
+//                } else {
+//                    String msg =
+//                            "Essential '" +
+//                                    CloudControllerConstants.IAAS_PROVIDER_ELEMENT +
+//                                    "' element cannot" + " be found in " +
+//                                    cartridgeElementString + " of " +
+//                                    xmlSource;
+//                    handleException(msg);
+//                }
+//            }
+//        }
+//    }
+//    private Element getDOMElement(final OMElement omElement) {
+//        // Get the StAX reader from the created element
+//        XMLStreamReader llomReader = omElement.getXMLStreamReader();
+//        // Create the DOOM OMFactory
+//        OMFactory doomFactory = DOOMAbstractFactory.getOMFactory();
+//        // Create the new builder
+//        StAXOMBuilder doomBuilder = new StAXOMBuilder(doomFactory, llomReader);
+//        // Get the document element
+//        OMElement newElem = doomBuilder.getDocumentElement();
+//        return newElem instanceof Element ? (Element) newElem : null;
+//    }
+//    private OMElement getElement(final Object obj) {
+//        OMNode node;
+//        if ((obj instanceof OMNode) && (node = (OMNode) obj).getType() == OMNode.ELEMENT_NODE) {
+//            OMElement element = (OMElement) node;
+//            return element;
+//        }
+//        return null;
+//    }
+//    private OMElement getElement(final OMElement rootElt, final String eltStr, final String xpath) {
+//        List<?> nodes = getMatchingNodes(xpath, rootElt);
+//        neglectingWarn(eltStr, nodes.size());
+//        OMElement element = getElement(nodes.get(0));
+//        return element;
+//    }
+//    private OMElement getFirstChildElement(final OMElement root, final String childName) {
+//        Iterator<?> it = root.getChildrenWithName(new QName(childName));
+//        if (it.hasNext()) {
+//            return (OMElement);
+//        }
+//        return null;
+//    }
+//    /**
+//     * @param xpath XPATH expression to be read.
+//     * @param elt   OMElement to be used for the search.
+//     * @return List matching OMNode list
+//     */
+//    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
+//    public OMNode getFirstMatchingNode(final String xpath, final OMElement elt) {
+//        AXIOMXPath axiomXpath;
+//        List<OMNode> nodeList = null;
+//        try {
+//            axiomXpath = new AXIOMXPath(xpath);
+//            nodeList = axiomXpath.selectNodes(elt);
+//        } catch (JaxenException e) {
+//            String msg = "Error occurred while reading the Xpath (" + xpath + ")";
+//            log.error(msg, e);
+//            throw new CloudControllerException(msg, e);
+//        }
+//        return nodeList != null ? nodeList.get(0) : null;
+//    }
+//    private IaasProvider getIaasProvider(final OMNode item, List<IaasProvider> iaases) {
+//        IaasProvider iaas = null;
+//        if (item.getType() == OMNode.ELEMENT_NODE) {
+//            OMElement iaasElt = (OMElement) item;
+//            if (iaases != null) {
+//                // check whether this is a reference to a predefined IaaS.
+//                for (IaasProvider iaasProvider : iaases) {
+//                    if (iaasProvider.getType()
+//                            .equals(iaasElt.getAttribute(new QName(
+//                                    CloudControllerConstants.TYPE_ATTR))
+//                                    .getAttributeValue())) {
+//                        iaas = new IaasProvider(iaasProvider);
+//                        break;
+//                    }
+//                }
+//            }
+//            if (iaas == null) {
+//                iaas = new IaasProvider();
+//            }
+//            if (iaas.getType() == null) {
+//                iaas.setType(iaasElt.getAttribute(new QName(CloudControllerConstants.TYPE_ATTR))
+//                        .getAttributeValue());
+//            }
+//            if ("".equals(iaas.getType())) {
+//                String msg =
+//                        "'" + CloudControllerConstants.IAAS_PROVIDER_ELEMENT + "' element's '" +
+//                                CloudControllerConstants.TYPE_ATTR +
+//                                "' attribute should be specified!";
+//                handleException(msg);
+//            }
+//            // this is not mandatory
+//            String name =
+//                    (iaasElt.getAttribute(new QName(CloudControllerConstants.NAME_ATTR)) == null)
+//                            ? iaas.getName()
+//                            : iaasElt.getAttributeValue(new QName(
+//                            CloudControllerConstants.NAME_ATTR));
+//            iaas.setName(name);
+//            String xpath = CloudControllerConstants.IAAS_PROVIDER_ELEMENT_XPATH;
+//            // load other elements
+//            loadClassName(iaas, iaasElt);
+//            loadProvider(iaas, iaasElt);
+//            //load region
+//            loadRegion(iaas);
+////			loadMaxInstanceLimit(iaas, iaasElt);
+//            loadProperties(iaasElt, iaas.getProperties());
+//            loadTemplate(iaas, iaasElt);
+////			loadScalingOrders(iaas, iaasElt);
+//            loadIdentity(iaas, iaasElt);
+//            loadCredentials(iaas, iaasElt, xpath);
+//        }
+//        return iaas;
+//    }
+//    private Partition getPartition(final OMNode item) {
+//        Partition partition = null;
+//        Partition oldPartition = null;
+//        String id = null;
+//        String type = null;
+//        if (item.getType() == OMNode.ELEMENT_NODE) {
+//            OMElement iaasElt = (OMElement) item;
+//            Iterator<?> it =
+//                    iaasElt.getChildrenWithName(new QName(CloudControllerConstants.ID_ELEMENT));
+//            if (it.hasNext()) {
+//                OMElement providerElt = (OMElement);
+//                id = providerElt.getText();
+//            }
+//            if (it.hasNext()) {
+//                log.warn(xmlSource + " contains more than one " + CloudControllerConstants.ID_ELEMENT +
+//                        " elements!" + " Elements other than the first will be neglected.");
+//            }
+//            if (id == null) {
+//                String msg =
+//                        "Essential '" + CloudControllerConstants.ID_ELEMENT + "' element " +
+//                                "has not specified in " + xmlSource;
+//                handleException(msg);
+//            }
+//            oldPartition = TopologyManager.getInstance().getTopology().getPartition(id);
+//            Iterator<?> it1 =
+//                    iaasElt.getChildrenWithName(new QName(CloudControllerConstants.SCOPE_ELEMENT));
+//            if (it1.hasNext()) {
+//                OMElement providerElt = (OMElement);
+//                type = providerElt.getText();
+//            }
+//            if (it1.hasNext()) {
+//                log.warn(xmlSource + " contains more than one " + CloudControllerConstants.SCOPE_ELEMENT +
+//                        " elements!" + " Elements other than the first will be neglected.");
+//            }
+//            if (type == null) {
+//                String msg =
+//                        "Essential '" + CloudControllerConstants.SCOPE_ELEMENT + "' element " +
+//                                "has not specified in " + xmlSource;
+//                handleException(msg);
+//            }
+//            if (oldPartition != null) {
+//                //load region id
+//                if (oldPartition.getId().equals(id)) {
+//                    partition = oldPartition;
+//                }
+//            }
+//            if (partition == null) {
+//                partition = new Partition();
+//                partition.setId(id);
+//                partition.setScope(Scope.valueOf(type));
+//                loadProperties(iaasElt, partition.getProperties());
+//                //handle partition created event
+//                TopologyBuilder.handlePartitionCreated(partition);
+//            } else {
+//                Partition partition1 = new Partition();
+//                partition1.setId(id);
+//                partition1.setScope(Scope.valueOf(type));
+//                loadProperties(iaasElt, partition1.getProperties());
+//                Gson gson = new Gson();
+//                String partitionS = gson.toJson(partition);
+//                String partition1S = gson.toJson(partition1);
+//                if (!partitionS.endsWith(partition1S)) {
+//                    partition.setId(id);
+//                    partition.setScope(Scope.valueOf(type));
+//                    loadProperties(iaasElt, partition.getProperties());
+//                    //handle update partition event
+//                    TopologyBuilder.handlePartitionUpdated(partition, oldPartition);
+//                }
+//            }
+//        }
+//        return partition;
+//    }
+//    private Region getRegion(final OMNode item, List<Region> regions, IaasProvider provider) {
+//        Region region = null;
+//        String type = null;
+//        if (item.getType() == OMNode.ELEMENT_NODE) {
+//            OMElement regionElm = (OMElement) item;
+//            OMElement iaasElt = (OMElement) regionElm.getParent();
+//            if (!iaasElt.getAttribute(new QName(CloudControllerConstants.TYPE_ATTR))
+//                    .getAttributeValue().equals(provider.getType())) {
+//                return region;
+//            }
+//            Iterator<?> it =
+//                    regionElm.getChildrenWithName(new QName(CloudControllerConstants.TYPE_ELEMENT));
+//            if (it.hasNext()) {
+//                OMElement providerElt = (OMElement);
+//                type = providerElt.getText();
+//            }
+//            if (it.hasNext()) {
+//                log.warn(xmlSource + " contains more than one " + CloudControllerConstants.TYPE_ELEMENT +
+//                        " elements!" + " Elements other than the first will be neglected.");
+//            }
+//            if (type == null) {
+//                String msg =
+//                        "Essential '" + CloudControllerConstants.TYPE_ELEMENT + "' element " +
+//                                "has not specified in " + xmlSource;
+//                handleException(msg);
+//            }
+//            if (regions != null) {
+//                // check whether this is a reference to a predefined Region.
+//                for (Region region1 : regions) {
+//                    //load region id
+//                    if (region1.getType().equals(type)) {
+//                        region = region1;
+//                        break;
+//                    }
+//                }
+//            }
+//            if (region == null) {
+//                region = new Region();
+//                region.setType(type);
+//            }
+//            Iterator<?> it1 =
+//                    regionElm.getChildrenWithName(new QName(CloudControllerConstants.ID_ELEMENT));
+//            if (it1.hasNext()) {
+//                OMElement providerElt = (OMElement);
+//                region.setId(providerElt.getText());
+//            }
+//            if (it1.hasNext()) {
+//                log.warn(xmlSource + " contains more than one " + CloudControllerConstants.TYPE_ELEMENT +
+//                        " elements!" + " Elements other than the first will be neglected.");
+//            }
+//            if (region.getId() == null) {
+//                String msg =
+//                        "Essential '" + CloudControllerConstants.TYPE_ELEMENT + "' element " +
+//                                "has not specified in " + xmlSource;
+//                handleException(msg);
+//            }
+//            if (provider