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Posted to by Saminda Abeyruwan <> on 2006/01/02 08:05:43 UTC

Integrating Routing via different transport

Hi all,

This mail mainly concern on JIRA {}, where Synapse supporting
Routing of messages via different transports.

Axis2FlexibleMEPClient is  the class that is responsible for second stage
routing of messages in Synapse. Currently the logic in this class handles
only HTTP.

What we need in this arena is to introduce a mechanism to to chose among
existing transport and custom transport to support second phase routing.
Simply speaking Axis2FlexibleMEPClient works as ServiceClient in Axis2.

To make the learning curve zero and get hold of the wonderful engineering of
Axis2, i would like to propose the following mechanism to handle
Axis2FlexibleMEPClient logic for different transports.

Let's allow a different "repository" (may i call
axis2flexible_mepclient_repository ) to create a ConfigurationContext, which
has to be used in Axis2FlexibleMEPClient.send(MessageContext). Let's make
sure the Axis2.xml containing in that repository doesn't give provision for
engaging "Addressing".  If we use standard ConfigurationContextFactory to
create  ConfigurationContext  passing "null" as repository, we have no
provision of disabling addressing module engagement.  Let's keep the
location of this repository in the main Axis2.xml, where we use to get
configuration information for Synapse. {we already keep the property to hold
the synapse.xml's location}

so main Axis2.xml contains repository as follows ,

<axisconfig name="Axis2Synapse">

So integrating any transport as easy as Axis2 handle transport and most
importantly learning is zero.

If needed addressing,  we can pragmatically engage addressing module.  Using
prior technique we can directly use transport configuration via deployment
and we can allow Axis2's transport mechanism to handle the transport
functionalities easily.

Please be kind enough to comment on this

Thank you
