You are viewing a plain text version of this content. The canonical link for it is here.
Posted to by Apache Jenkins Server <> on 2021/02/11 00:34:31 UTC

Build failed in Jenkins: Kafka » kafka-trunk-jdk11 #503

See <>


[github] MINOR: Add ClientQuotaMetadataManager for processing QuotaRecord  (#10101)

[github] MINOR: Add RaftReplicaManager (#10069)

[...truncated 3.61 MB...]

AclAuthorizerTest > testNoAclFoundOverride() STARTED

AclAuthorizerTest > testNoAclFoundOverride() PASSED

AclAuthorizerTest > testAuthorizeByResourceTypeWildcardResourceDenyDominate() STARTED

AclAuthorizerTest > testAuthorizeByResourceTypeWildcardResourceDenyDominate() PASSED

AclAuthorizerTest > testEmptyAclThrowsException() STARTED

AclAuthorizerTest > testEmptyAclThrowsException() PASSED

AclAuthorizerTest > testAuthorizeByResourceTypeNoAclFoundOverride() STARTED

AclAuthorizerTest > testAuthorizeByResourceTypeNoAclFoundOverride() PASSED

AclAuthorizerTest > testSuperUserWithCustomPrincipalHasAccess() STARTED

AclAuthorizerTest > testSuperUserWithCustomPrincipalHasAccess() PASSED

AclAuthorizerTest > testAuthorizeByResourceTypeWithAllOperationAce() STARTED

AclAuthorizerTest > testAuthorizeByResourceTypeWithAllOperationAce() PASSED

AclAuthorizerTest > testAllowAccessWithCustomPrincipal() STARTED

AclAuthorizerTest > testAllowAccessWithCustomPrincipal() PASSED

AclAuthorizerTest > testDeleteAclOnWildcardResource() STARTED

AclAuthorizerTest > testDeleteAclOnWildcardResource() PASSED

AclAuthorizerTest > testAuthorizerZkConfigFromKafkaConfig() STARTED

AclAuthorizerTest > testAuthorizerZkConfigFromKafkaConfig() PASSED

AclAuthorizerTest > testChangeListenerTiming() STARTED

AclAuthorizerTest > testChangeListenerTiming() PASSED

AclAuthorizerTest > testWritesLiteralWritesLiteralAclChangeEventWhenInterBrokerProtocolLessThanKafkaV2eralAclChangesForOlderProtocolVersions() STARTED

AclAuthorizerTest > testWritesLiteralWritesLiteralAclChangeEventWhenInterBrokerProtocolLessThanKafkaV2eralAclChangesForOlderProtocolVersions() PASSED

AclAuthorizerTest > testAuthorzeByResourceTypeSuperUserHasAccess() STARTED

AclAuthorizerTest > testAuthorzeByResourceTypeSuperUserHasAccess() PASSED

AclAuthorizerTest > testAuthorizeByResourceTypePrefixedResourceDenyDominate() STARTED

AclAuthorizerTest > testAuthorizeByResourceTypePrefixedResourceDenyDominate() PASSED

AclAuthorizerTest > testAuthorizeByResourceTypeMultipleAddAndRemove() STARTED

AclAuthorizerTest > testAuthorizeByResourceTypeMultipleAddAndRemove() PASSED

AclAuthorizerTest > testThrowsOnAddPrefixedAclIfInterBrokerProtocolVersionTooLow() STARTED

AclAuthorizerTest > testThrowsOnAddPrefixedAclIfInterBrokerProtocolVersionTooLow() PASSED

AclAuthorizerTest > testAccessAllowedIfAllowAclExistsOnPrefixedResource() STARTED

AclAuthorizerTest > testAccessAllowedIfAllowAclExistsOnPrefixedResource() PASSED

AclAuthorizerTest > testAuthorizeByResourceTypeDenyTakesPrecedence() STARTED

AclAuthorizerTest > testAuthorizeByResourceTypeDenyTakesPrecedence() PASSED

AclAuthorizerTest > testHighConcurrencyModificationOfResourceAcls() STARTED

AclAuthorizerTest > testHighConcurrencyModificationOfResourceAcls() PASSED

AclAuthorizerTest > testAuthorizeByResourceTypeWithAllPrincipalAce() STARTED

AclAuthorizerTest > testAuthorizeByResourceTypeWithAllPrincipalAce() PASSED

AclAuthorizerTest > testAuthorizeWithEmptyResourceName() STARTED

AclAuthorizerTest > testAuthorizeWithEmptyResourceName() PASSED

AclAuthorizerTest > testAuthorizeThrowsOnNonLiteralResource() STARTED

AclAuthorizerTest > testAuthorizeThrowsOnNonLiteralResource() PASSED

AclAuthorizerTest > testDeleteAllAclOnPrefixedResource() STARTED

AclAuthorizerTest > testDeleteAllAclOnPrefixedResource() PASSED

AclAuthorizerTest > testAddAclsOnLiteralResource() STARTED

AclAuthorizerTest > testAddAclsOnLiteralResource() PASSED

AclAuthorizerTest > testGetAclsPrincipal() STARTED

AclAuthorizerTest > testGetAclsPrincipal() PASSED

AclAuthorizerTest > testWritesExtendedAclChangeEventIfInterBrokerProtocolNotSet() STARTED

AclAuthorizerTest > testWritesExtendedAclChangeEventIfInterBrokerProtocolNotSet() PASSED

AclAuthorizerTest > testAccessAllowedIfAllowAclExistsOnWildcardResource() STARTED

AclAuthorizerTest > testAccessAllowedIfAllowAclExistsOnWildcardResource() PASSED

AclAuthorizerTest > testLoadCache() STARTED

AclAuthorizerTest > testLoadCache() PASSED

AuthorizerInterfaceDefaultTest > testAuthorizeByResourceTypeWithAllHostAce() STARTED

AuthorizerInterfaceDefaultTest > testAuthorizeByResourceTypeWithAllHostAce() PASSED

AuthorizerInterfaceDefaultTest > testAuthorizeByResourceTypeIsolationUnrelatedDenyWontDominateAllow() STARTED

AuthorizerInterfaceDefaultTest > testAuthorizeByResourceTypeIsolationUnrelatedDenyWontDominateAllow() PASSED

AuthorizerInterfaceDefaultTest > testAuthorizeByResourceTypeWildcardResourceDenyDominate() STARTED

AuthorizerInterfaceDefaultTest > testAuthorizeByResourceTypeWildcardResourceDenyDominate() PASSED

AuthorizerInterfaceDefaultTest > testAuthorizeByResourceTypeWithAllOperationAce() STARTED

AuthorizerInterfaceDefaultTest > testAuthorizeByResourceTypeWithAllOperationAce() PASSED

AuthorizerInterfaceDefaultTest > testAuthorzeByResourceTypeSuperUserHasAccess() STARTED

AuthorizerInterfaceDefaultTest > testAuthorzeByResourceTypeSuperUserHasAccess() PASSED

AuthorizerInterfaceDefaultTest > testAuthorizeByResourceTypePrefixedResourceDenyDominate() STARTED

AuthorizerInterfaceDefaultTest > testAuthorizeByResourceTypePrefixedResourceDenyDominate() PASSED

AuthorizerInterfaceDefaultTest > testAuthorizeByResourceTypeMultipleAddAndRemove() STARTED

AuthorizerInterfaceDefaultTest > testAuthorizeByResourceTypeMultipleAddAndRemove() PASSED

AuthorizerInterfaceDefaultTest > testAuthorizeByResourceTypeDenyTakesPrecedence() STARTED

AuthorizerInterfaceDefaultTest > testAuthorizeByResourceTypeDenyTakesPrecedence() PASSED

AuthorizerInterfaceDefaultTest > testAuthorizeByResourceTypeWithAllPrincipalAce() STARTED

AuthorizerInterfaceDefaultTest > testAuthorizeByResourceTypeWithAllPrincipalAce() PASSED

AclEntryTest > testAclJsonConversion() STARTED

AclEntryTest > testAclJsonConversion() PASSED

AuthorizerWrapperTest > testAuthorizeByResourceTypeDisableAllowEveryoneOverride() STARTED

AuthorizerWrapperTest > testAuthorizeByResourceTypeDisableAllowEveryoneOverride() PASSED

AuthorizerWrapperTest > testAuthorizeByResourceTypeWithAllHostAce() STARTED

AuthorizerWrapperTest > testAuthorizeByResourceTypeWithAllHostAce() PASSED

AuthorizerWrapperTest > testAuthorizeByResourceTypeIsolationUnrelatedDenyWontDominateAllow() STARTED

AuthorizerWrapperTest > testAuthorizeByResourceTypeIsolationUnrelatedDenyWontDominateAllow() PASSED

AuthorizerWrapperTest > testAuthorizeByResourceTypeWildcardResourceDenyDominate() STARTED

AuthorizerWrapperTest > testAuthorizeByResourceTypeWildcardResourceDenyDominate() PASSED

AuthorizerWrapperTest > testAuthorizeByResourceTypeEnableAllowEveryOne() STARTED

AuthorizerWrapperTest > testAuthorizeByResourceTypeEnableAllowEveryOne() PASSED

AuthorizerWrapperTest > testAuthorizeByResourceTypeWithAllOperationAce() STARTED

AuthorizerWrapperTest > testAuthorizeByResourceTypeWithAllOperationAce() PASSED

AuthorizerWrapperTest > testAuthorzeByResourceTypeSuperUserHasAccess() STARTED

AuthorizerWrapperTest > testAuthorzeByResourceTypeSuperUserHasAccess() PASSED

AuthorizerWrapperTest > testAuthorizeByResourceTypePrefixedResourceDenyDominate() STARTED

AuthorizerWrapperTest > testAuthorizeByResourceTypePrefixedResourceDenyDominate() PASSED

AuthorizerWrapperTest > testAuthorizeByResourceTypeMultipleAddAndRemove() STARTED

AuthorizerWrapperTest > testAuthorizeByResourceTypeMultipleAddAndRemove() PASSED

AuthorizerWrapperTest > testAuthorizeByResourceTypeDenyTakesPrecedence() STARTED

AuthorizerWrapperTest > testAuthorizeByResourceTypeDenyTakesPrecedence() PASSED

AuthorizerWrapperTest > testAuthorizeByResourceTypeWithAllPrincipalAce() STARTED

AuthorizerWrapperTest > testAuthorizeByResourceTypeWithAllPrincipalAce() PASSED

ControllerContextTest > testPartitionFullReplicaAssignmentReturnsEmptyAssignmentIfTopicOrPartitionDoesNotExist() STARTED

ControllerContextTest > testPartitionFullReplicaAssignmentReturnsEmptyAssignmentIfTopicOrPartitionDoesNotExist() PASSED

ControllerContextTest > testPartitionReplicaAssignmentForTopicReturnsEmptyMapIfTopicDoesNotExist() STARTED

ControllerContextTest > testPartitionReplicaAssignmentForTopicReturnsEmptyMapIfTopicDoesNotExist() PASSED

ControllerContextTest > testPreferredReplicaImbalanceMetric() STARTED

ControllerContextTest > testPreferredReplicaImbalanceMetric() PASSED

ControllerContextTest > testPartitionReplicaAssignmentForTopicReturnsExpectedReplicaAssignments() STARTED

ControllerContextTest > testPartitionReplicaAssignmentForTopicReturnsExpectedReplicaAssignments() PASSED

ControllerContextTest > testReassignTo() STARTED

ControllerContextTest > testReassignTo() PASSED

ControllerContextTest > testPartitionReplicaAssignment() STARTED

ControllerContextTest > testPartitionReplicaAssignment() PASSED

ControllerContextTest > testUpdatePartitionFullReplicaAssignmentUpdatesReplicaAssignment() STARTED

ControllerContextTest > testUpdatePartitionFullReplicaAssignmentUpdatesReplicaAssignment() PASSED

ControllerContextTest > testReassignToIdempotence() STARTED

ControllerContextTest > testReassignToIdempotence() PASSED

ControllerContextTest > testPartitionReplicaAssignmentReturnsEmptySeqIfTopicOrPartitionDoesNotExist() STARTED

ControllerContextTest > testPartitionReplicaAssignmentReturnsEmptySeqIfTopicOrPartitionDoesNotExist() PASSED

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':connect:runtime:test'.
> There were failing tests. See the report at: file://<>

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

* Get more help at

Deprecated Gradle features were used in this build, making it incompatible with Gradle 7.0.
Use '--warning-mode all' to show the individual deprecation warnings.

BUILD FAILED in 1h 33m 21s
250 actionable tasks: 214 executed, 36 up-to-date
Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure
Recording test results
Not sending mail to unregistered user

Jenkins build is back to normal : Kafka » kafka-trunk-jdk11 #531

Posted by Apache Jenkins Server <>.
See <>

Build failed in Jenkins: Kafka » kafka-trunk-jdk11 #530

Posted by Apache Jenkins Server <>.
See <>


[github] MINOR: fix some ducktape test issues (#10181)

[...truncated 3.66 MB...]

KafkaZkClientTest > testSetGetAndDeletePartitionReassignment() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testSetGetAndDeletePartitionReassignment() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testIsrChangeNotificationsDeletion() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testIsrChangeNotificationsDeletion() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testGetDataAndVersion() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testGetDataAndVersion() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testGetChildren() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testGetChildren() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testSetAndGetConsumerOffset() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testSetAndGetConsumerOffset() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testClusterIdMethods() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testClusterIdMethods() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testEntityConfigManagementMethods() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testEntityConfigManagementMethods() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testUpdateLeaderAndIsr() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testUpdateLeaderAndIsr() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testUpdateBrokerInfo() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testUpdateBrokerInfo() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testCreateRecursive() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testCreateRecursive() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testGetConsumerOffsetNoData() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testGetConsumerOffsetNoData() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testDeleteTopicPathMethods() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testDeleteTopicPathMethods() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testSetTopicPartitionStatesRaw() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testSetTopicPartitionStatesRaw() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testAclManagementMethods() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testAclManagementMethods() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testPreferredReplicaElectionMethods() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testPreferredReplicaElectionMethods() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testPropagateLogDir() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testPropagateLogDir() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testGetDataAndStat() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testGetDataAndStat() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testReassignPartitionsInProgress() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testReassignPartitionsInProgress() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testCreateTopLevelPaths() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testCreateTopLevelPaths() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testGetAllTopicsInClusterDoesNotTriggerWatch() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testGetAllTopicsInClusterDoesNotTriggerWatch() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testIsrChangeNotificationGetters() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testIsrChangeNotificationGetters() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testLogDirEventNotificationsDeletion() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testLogDirEventNotificationsDeletion() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testGetLogConfigs() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testGetLogConfigs() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testBrokerSequenceIdMethods() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testBrokerSequenceIdMethods() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testAclMethods() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testAclMethods() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testCreateSequentialPersistentPath() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testCreateSequentialPersistentPath() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testConditionalUpdatePath() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testConditionalUpdatePath() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testGetAllTopicsInClusterTriggersWatch() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testGetAllTopicsInClusterTriggersWatch() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testDeleteTopicZNode() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testDeleteTopicZNode() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testDeletePath() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testDeletePath() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testGetBrokerMethods() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testGetBrokerMethods() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testCreateTokenChangeNotification() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testCreateTokenChangeNotification() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testGetTopicsAndPartitions() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testGetTopicsAndPartitions() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testRegisterBrokerInfo() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testRegisterBrokerInfo() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testRetryRegisterBrokerInfo() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testRetryRegisterBrokerInfo() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testConsumerOffsetPath() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testConsumerOffsetPath() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testDeleteRecursiveWithControllerEpochVersionCheck() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testDeleteRecursiveWithControllerEpochVersionCheck() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testTopicAssignments() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testTopicAssignments() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testControllerManagementMethods() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testControllerManagementMethods() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testTopicAssignmentMethods() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testTopicAssignmentMethods() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testConnectionViaNettyClient() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testConnectionViaNettyClient() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testPropagateIsrChanges() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testPropagateIsrChanges() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testControllerEpochMethods() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testControllerEpochMethods() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testDeleteRecursive() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testDeleteRecursive() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testGetTopicPartitionStates() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testGetTopicPartitionStates() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testCreateConfigChangeNotification() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testCreateConfigChangeNotification() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testDelegationTokenMethods() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testDelegationTokenMethods() PASSED

LiteralAclStoreTest > shouldHaveCorrectPaths() STARTED

LiteralAclStoreTest > shouldHaveCorrectPaths() PASSED

LiteralAclStoreTest > shouldRoundTripChangeNode() STARTED

LiteralAclStoreTest > shouldRoundTripChangeNode() PASSED

LiteralAclStoreTest > shouldThrowFromEncodeOnNoneLiteral() STARTED

LiteralAclStoreTest > shouldThrowFromEncodeOnNoneLiteral() PASSED

LiteralAclStoreTest > shouldWriteChangesToTheWritePath() STARTED

LiteralAclStoreTest > shouldWriteChangesToTheWritePath() PASSED

LiteralAclStoreTest > shouldHaveCorrectPatternType() STARTED

LiteralAclStoreTest > shouldHaveCorrectPatternType() PASSED

LiteralAclStoreTest > shouldDecodeResourceUsingTwoPartLogic() STARTED

LiteralAclStoreTest > shouldDecodeResourceUsingTwoPartLogic() PASSED

ReassignPartitionsZNodeTest > testDecodeInvalidJson() STARTED

ReassignPartitionsZNodeTest > testDecodeInvalidJson() PASSED

ReassignPartitionsZNodeTest > testEncode() STARTED

ReassignPartitionsZNodeTest > testEncode() PASSED

ReassignPartitionsZNodeTest > testDecodeValidJson() STARTED

ReassignPartitionsZNodeTest > testDecodeValidJson() PASSED

ControllerApisTest > testBrokerRegistration() STARTED

ControllerApisTest > testBrokerRegistration() PASSED

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':connect:runtime:test'.
> There were failing tests. See the report at: file://<>

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

* Get more help at

Deprecated Gradle features were used in this build, making it incompatible with Gradle 7.0.
Use '--warning-mode all' to show the individual deprecation warnings.

BUILD FAILED in 1h 41m 44s
257 actionable tasks: 220 executed, 37 up-to-date
Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure
Recording test results
Not sending mail to unregistered user

Build failed in Jenkins: Kafka » kafka-trunk-jdk11 #529

Posted by Apache Jenkins Server <>.
See <>


[github] MINOR: Test the new KIP-500 quorum mode in ducktape (#10105)

[...truncated 3.67 MB...]
KafkaZkClientTest > testSetAndGetConsumerOffset() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testSetAndGetConsumerOffset() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testClusterIdMethods() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testClusterIdMethods() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testEntityConfigManagementMethods() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testEntityConfigManagementMethods() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testUpdateLeaderAndIsr() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testUpdateLeaderAndIsr() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testUpdateBrokerInfo() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testUpdateBrokerInfo() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testCreateRecursive() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testCreateRecursive() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testGetConsumerOffsetNoData() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testGetConsumerOffsetNoData() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testDeleteTopicPathMethods() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testDeleteTopicPathMethods() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testSetTopicPartitionStatesRaw() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testSetTopicPartitionStatesRaw() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testAclManagementMethods() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testAclManagementMethods() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testPreferredReplicaElectionMethods() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testPreferredReplicaElectionMethods() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testPropagateLogDir() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testPropagateLogDir() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testGetDataAndStat() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testGetDataAndStat() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testReassignPartitionsInProgress() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testReassignPartitionsInProgress() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testCreateTopLevelPaths() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testCreateTopLevelPaths() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testGetAllTopicsInClusterDoesNotTriggerWatch() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testGetAllTopicsInClusterDoesNotTriggerWatch() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testIsrChangeNotificationGetters() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testIsrChangeNotificationGetters() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testLogDirEventNotificationsDeletion() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testLogDirEventNotificationsDeletion() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testGetLogConfigs() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testGetLogConfigs() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testBrokerSequenceIdMethods() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testBrokerSequenceIdMethods() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testAclMethods() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testAclMethods() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testCreateSequentialPersistentPath() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testCreateSequentialPersistentPath() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testConditionalUpdatePath() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testConditionalUpdatePath() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testGetAllTopicsInClusterTriggersWatch() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testGetAllTopicsInClusterTriggersWatch() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testDeleteTopicZNode() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testDeleteTopicZNode() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testDeletePath() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testDeletePath() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testGetBrokerMethods() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testGetBrokerMethods() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testCreateTokenChangeNotification() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testCreateTokenChangeNotification() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testGetTopicsAndPartitions() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testGetTopicsAndPartitions() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testRegisterBrokerInfo() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testRegisterBrokerInfo() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testRetryRegisterBrokerInfo() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testRetryRegisterBrokerInfo() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testConsumerOffsetPath() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testConsumerOffsetPath() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testDeleteRecursiveWithControllerEpochVersionCheck() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testDeleteRecursiveWithControllerEpochVersionCheck() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testTopicAssignments() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testTopicAssignments() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testControllerManagementMethods() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testControllerManagementMethods() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testTopicAssignmentMethods() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testTopicAssignmentMethods() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testConnectionViaNettyClient() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testConnectionViaNettyClient() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testPropagateIsrChanges() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testPropagateIsrChanges() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testControllerEpochMethods() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testControllerEpochMethods() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testDeleteRecursive() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testDeleteRecursive() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testGetTopicPartitionStates() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testGetTopicPartitionStates() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testCreateConfigChangeNotification() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testCreateConfigChangeNotification() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testDelegationTokenMethods() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testDelegationTokenMethods() PASSED

LiteralAclStoreTest > shouldHaveCorrectPaths() STARTED

LiteralAclStoreTest > shouldHaveCorrectPaths() PASSED

LiteralAclStoreTest > shouldRoundTripChangeNode() STARTED

LiteralAclStoreTest > shouldRoundTripChangeNode() PASSED

LiteralAclStoreTest > shouldThrowFromEncodeOnNoneLiteral() STARTED

LiteralAclStoreTest > shouldThrowFromEncodeOnNoneLiteral() PASSED

LiteralAclStoreTest > shouldWriteChangesToTheWritePath() STARTED

LiteralAclStoreTest > shouldWriteChangesToTheWritePath() PASSED

LiteralAclStoreTest > shouldHaveCorrectPatternType() STARTED

LiteralAclStoreTest > shouldHaveCorrectPatternType() PASSED

LiteralAclStoreTest > shouldDecodeResourceUsingTwoPartLogic() STARTED

LiteralAclStoreTest > shouldDecodeResourceUsingTwoPartLogic() PASSED

ReassignPartitionsZNodeTest > testDecodeInvalidJson() STARTED

ReassignPartitionsZNodeTest > testDecodeInvalidJson() PASSED

ReassignPartitionsZNodeTest > testEncode() STARTED

ReassignPartitionsZNodeTest > testEncode() PASSED

ReassignPartitionsZNodeTest > testDecodeValidJson() STARTED

ReassignPartitionsZNodeTest > testDecodeValidJson() PASSED

ControllerApisTest > testBrokerRegistration() STARTED

ControllerApisTest > testBrokerRegistration() PASSED

3425 tests completed, 1 failed, 7 skipped

> Task :core:test FAILED

FAILURE: Build completed with 2 failures.

1: Task failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':connect:runtime:test'.
> There were failing tests. See the report at: file://<>

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

2: Task failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':core:test'.
> There were failing tests. See the report at: file://<>

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

* Get more help at

Deprecated Gradle features were used in this build, making it incompatible with Gradle 7.0.
Use '--warning-mode all' to show the individual deprecation warnings.

BUILD FAILED in 1h 49m 23s
257 actionable tasks: 220 executed, 37 up-to-date
Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure
Recording test results
Not sending mail to unregistered user

Build failed in Jenkins: Kafka » kafka-trunk-jdk11 #528

Posted by Apache Jenkins Server <>.
See <>


[Manikumar Reddy] KAFKA-12324: Upgrade jetty to fix CVE-2020-27218

[github] MINOR: Raft request thread should discover api versions (#10157)

[...truncated 3.67 MB...]
KafkaZkClientTest > testGetChildren() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testGetChildren() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testSetAndGetConsumerOffset() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testSetAndGetConsumerOffset() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testClusterIdMethods() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testClusterIdMethods() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testEntityConfigManagementMethods() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testEntityConfigManagementMethods() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testUpdateLeaderAndIsr() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testUpdateLeaderAndIsr() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testUpdateBrokerInfo() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testUpdateBrokerInfo() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testCreateRecursive() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testCreateRecursive() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testGetConsumerOffsetNoData() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testGetConsumerOffsetNoData() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testDeleteTopicPathMethods() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testDeleteTopicPathMethods() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testSetTopicPartitionStatesRaw() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testSetTopicPartitionStatesRaw() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testAclManagementMethods() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testAclManagementMethods() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testPreferredReplicaElectionMethods() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testPreferredReplicaElectionMethods() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testPropagateLogDir() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testPropagateLogDir() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testGetDataAndStat() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testGetDataAndStat() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testReassignPartitionsInProgress() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testReassignPartitionsInProgress() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testCreateTopLevelPaths() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testCreateTopLevelPaths() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testGetAllTopicsInClusterDoesNotTriggerWatch() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testGetAllTopicsInClusterDoesNotTriggerWatch() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testIsrChangeNotificationGetters() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testIsrChangeNotificationGetters() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testLogDirEventNotificationsDeletion() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testLogDirEventNotificationsDeletion() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testGetLogConfigs() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testGetLogConfigs() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testBrokerSequenceIdMethods() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testBrokerSequenceIdMethods() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testAclMethods() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testAclMethods() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testCreateSequentialPersistentPath() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testCreateSequentialPersistentPath() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testConditionalUpdatePath() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testConditionalUpdatePath() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testGetAllTopicsInClusterTriggersWatch() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testGetAllTopicsInClusterTriggersWatch() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testDeleteTopicZNode() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testDeleteTopicZNode() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testDeletePath() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testDeletePath() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testGetBrokerMethods() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testGetBrokerMethods() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testCreateTokenChangeNotification() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testCreateTokenChangeNotification() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testGetTopicsAndPartitions() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testGetTopicsAndPartitions() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testRegisterBrokerInfo() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testRegisterBrokerInfo() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testRetryRegisterBrokerInfo() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testRetryRegisterBrokerInfo() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testConsumerOffsetPath() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testConsumerOffsetPath() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testDeleteRecursiveWithControllerEpochVersionCheck() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testDeleteRecursiveWithControllerEpochVersionCheck() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testTopicAssignments() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testTopicAssignments() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testControllerManagementMethods() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testControllerManagementMethods() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testTopicAssignmentMethods() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testTopicAssignmentMethods() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testConnectionViaNettyClient() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testConnectionViaNettyClient() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testPropagateIsrChanges() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testPropagateIsrChanges() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testControllerEpochMethods() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testControllerEpochMethods() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testDeleteRecursive() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testDeleteRecursive() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testGetTopicPartitionStates() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testGetTopicPartitionStates() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testCreateConfigChangeNotification() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testCreateConfigChangeNotification() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testDelegationTokenMethods() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testDelegationTokenMethods() PASSED

LiteralAclStoreTest > shouldHaveCorrectPaths() STARTED

LiteralAclStoreTest > shouldHaveCorrectPaths() PASSED

LiteralAclStoreTest > shouldRoundTripChangeNode() STARTED

LiteralAclStoreTest > shouldRoundTripChangeNode() PASSED

LiteralAclStoreTest > shouldThrowFromEncodeOnNoneLiteral() STARTED

LiteralAclStoreTest > shouldThrowFromEncodeOnNoneLiteral() PASSED

LiteralAclStoreTest > shouldWriteChangesToTheWritePath() STARTED

LiteralAclStoreTest > shouldWriteChangesToTheWritePath() PASSED

LiteralAclStoreTest > shouldHaveCorrectPatternType() STARTED

LiteralAclStoreTest > shouldHaveCorrectPatternType() PASSED

LiteralAclStoreTest > shouldDecodeResourceUsingTwoPartLogic() STARTED

LiteralAclStoreTest > shouldDecodeResourceUsingTwoPartLogic() PASSED

ReassignPartitionsZNodeTest > testDecodeInvalidJson() STARTED

ReassignPartitionsZNodeTest > testDecodeInvalidJson() PASSED

ReassignPartitionsZNodeTest > testEncode() STARTED

ReassignPartitionsZNodeTest > testEncode() PASSED

ReassignPartitionsZNodeTest > testDecodeValidJson() STARTED

ReassignPartitionsZNodeTest > testDecodeValidJson() PASSED

ControllerApisTest > testBrokerRegistration() STARTED

ControllerApisTest > testBrokerRegistration() PASSED

FAILURE: Build completed with 2 failures.

1: Task failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':connect:runtime:test'.
> There were failing tests. See the report at: file://<>

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

2: Task failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':streams:test'.
> There were failing tests. See the report at: file://<>

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

* Get more help at

Deprecated Gradle features were used in this build, making it incompatible with Gradle 7.0.
Use '--warning-mode all' to show the individual deprecation warnings.

BUILD FAILED in 1h 47m 27s
257 actionable tasks: 220 executed, 37 up-to-date
Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure
Recording test results
Not sending mail to unregistered user

Build failed in Jenkins: Kafka » kafka-trunk-jdk11 #527

Posted by Apache Jenkins Server <>.
See <>


[github] MINOR: Remove redundant log close in `KafkaRaftClient` (#10168)

[...truncated 3.64 MB...]

SocketServerTest > remoteCloseWithBufferedReceives() PASSED

SocketServerTest > testThrottledSocketsClosedOnShutdown() STARTED

SocketServerTest > testThrottledSocketsClosedOnShutdown() PASSED

SocketServerTest > closingChannelWithCompleteAndIncompleteBufferedReceives() STARTED

SocketServerTest > closingChannelWithCompleteAndIncompleteBufferedReceives() PASSED

SocketServerTest > testInterBrokerListenerAsPrivilegedListener() STARTED

SocketServerTest > testInterBrokerListenerAsPrivilegedListener() PASSED

SocketServerTest > testSslSocketServer() STARTED

SocketServerTest > testSslSocketServer() PASSED

SocketServerTest > testDisabledRequestIsRejected() STARTED

SocketServerTest > testDisabledRequestIsRejected() PASSED

SocketServerTest > tooBigRequestIsRejected() STARTED

SocketServerTest > tooBigRequestIsRejected() PASSED

SocketServerTest > testNoOpActionResponseWithThrottledChannelWhereThrottlingInProgress() STARTED

SocketServerTest > testNoOpActionResponseWithThrottledChannelWhereThrottlingInProgress() PASSED

KafkaTest > testZookeeperKeyStorePassword() STARTED

KafkaTest > testZookeeperKeyStorePassword() PASSED

KafkaTest > testConnectionsMaxReauthMsExplicit() STARTED

KafkaTest > testConnectionsMaxReauthMsExplicit() PASSED

KafkaTest > testKafkaSslPasswordsWithSymbols() STARTED

KafkaTest > testKafkaSslPasswordsWithSymbols() PASSED

KafkaTest > testZkSslProtocol() STARTED

KafkaTest > testZkSslProtocol() PASSED

KafkaTest > testZkSslCipherSuites() STARTED

KafkaTest > testZkSslCipherSuites() PASSED

KafkaTest > testZkSslKeyStoreType() STARTED

KafkaTest > testZkSslKeyStoreType() PASSED

KafkaTest > testZkSslOcspEnable() STARTED

KafkaTest > testZkSslOcspEnable() PASSED

KafkaTest > testConnectionsMaxReauthMsDefault() STARTED

KafkaTest > testConnectionsMaxReauthMsDefault() PASSED

KafkaTest > testZkSslTrustStoreLocation() STARTED

KafkaTest > testZkSslTrustStoreLocation() PASSED

KafkaTest > testZkSslEnabledProtocols() STARTED

KafkaTest > testZkSslEnabledProtocols() PASSED

KafkaTest > testKafkaSslPasswords() STARTED

KafkaTest > testKafkaSslPasswords() PASSED

KafkaTest > testGetKafkaConfigFromArgs() STARTED

KafkaTest > testGetKafkaConfigFromArgs() PASSED

KafkaTest > testZkSslClientEnable() STARTED

KafkaTest > testZkSslClientEnable() PASSED

KafkaTest > testZookeeperTrustStorePassword() STARTED

KafkaTest > testZookeeperTrustStorePassword() PASSED

KafkaTest > testGetKafkaConfigFromArgsNonArgsAtTheEnd() STARTED

KafkaTest > testGetKafkaConfigFromArgsNonArgsAtTheEnd() PASSED

KafkaTest > testGetKafkaConfigFromArgsNonArgsOnly() STARTED

KafkaTest > testGetKafkaConfigFromArgsNonArgsOnly() PASSED

KafkaTest > testGetKafkaConfigFromArgsNonArgsAtTheBegging() STARTED

KafkaTest > testGetKafkaConfigFromArgsNonArgsAtTheBegging() PASSED

KafkaTest > testZkSslKeyStoreLocation() STARTED

KafkaTest > testZkSslKeyStoreLocation() PASSED

KafkaTest > testZkSslCrlEnable() STARTED

KafkaTest > testZkSslCrlEnable() PASSED

KafkaTest > testZkSslEndpointIdentificationAlgorithm() STARTED

KafkaTest > testZkSslEndpointIdentificationAlgorithm() PASSED

KafkaTest > testZkSslTrustStoreType() STARTED

KafkaTest > testZkSslTrustStoreType() PASSED

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [1] name=print nothing, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@465a137e, value = [B@7ad9d403), properties=Map(print.value -> false), expected= STARTED

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [1] name=print nothing, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@465a137e, value = [B@7ad9d403), properties=Map(print.value -> false), expected= PASSED

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [2] name=print key, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@72167c8e, value = [B@46dbc703), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.value -> false), expected=someKey

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [2] name=print key, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@72167c8e, value = [B@46dbc703), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.value -> false), expected=someKey

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [3] name=print value, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@305027bf, value = [B@5e6b7e34), properties=Map(), expected=someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [3] name=print value, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@305027bf, value = [B@5e6b7e34), properties=Map(), expected=someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [4] name=print empty timestamp, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, NoTimestampType = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@1f588b7b, value = [B@7a3a44c), properties=Map(print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> false), expected=NO_TIMESTAMP

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [4] name=print empty timestamp, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, NoTimestampType = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@1f588b7b, value = [B@7a3a44c), properties=Map(print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> false), expected=NO_TIMESTAMP

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [5] name=print log append time timestamp, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, LogAppendTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@367f06d8, value = [B@33e044fd), properties=Map(print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> false), expected=LogAppendTime:1234

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [5] name=print log append time timestamp, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, LogAppendTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@367f06d8, value = [B@33e044fd), properties=Map(print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> false), expected=LogAppendTime:1234

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [6] name=print create time timestamp, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@68b812a9, value = [B@72a35a36), properties=Map(print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> false), expected=CreateTime:1234

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [6] name=print create time timestamp, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@68b812a9, value = [B@72a35a36), properties=Map(print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> false), expected=CreateTime:1234

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [7] name=print partition, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@3c24cb7c, value = [B@dd2a7a9), properties=Map(print.partition -> true, print.value -> false), expected=Partition:9

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [7] name=print partition, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@3c24cb7c, value = [B@dd2a7a9), properties=Map(print.partition -> true, print.value -> false), expected=Partition:9

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [8] name=print offset, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@2557d1e0, value = [B@4dcd5d96), properties=Map(print.offset -> true, print.value -> false), expected=Offset:9876

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [8] name=print offset, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@2557d1e0, value = [B@4dcd5d96), properties=Map(print.offset -> true, print.value -> false), expected=Offset:9876

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [9] name=print headers, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@57a80078, value = [B@4fdf0acb), properties=Map(print.headers -> true, print.value -> false), expected=h1:v1,h2:v2

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [9] name=print headers, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@57a80078, value = [B@4fdf0acb), properties=Map(print.headers -> true, print.value -> false), expected=h1:v1,h2:v2

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [10] name=print empty headers, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@67e0ba5f, value = [B@42b8df5e), properties=Map(print.headers -> true, print.value -> false), expected=NO_HEADERS

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [10] name=print empty headers, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@67e0ba5f, value = [B@42b8df5e), properties=Map(print.headers -> true, print.value -> false), expected=NO_HEADERS

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [11] name=print all possible fields with default delimiters, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@13060182, value = [B@3ffeccb), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.headers -> true, print.partition -> true, print.offset -> true, print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> true), expected=CreateTime:1234	Partition:9	Offset:9876	h1:v1,h2:v2	someKey	someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [11] name=print all possible fields with default delimiters, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@13060182, value = [B@3ffeccb), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.headers -> true, print.partition -> true, print.offset -> true, print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> true), expected=CreateTime:1234	Partition:9	Offset:9876	h1:v1,h2:v2	someKey	someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [12] name=print all possible fields with custom delimiters, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@612f9ca9, value = [B@6569edfd), properties=Map(line.separator -> ^, print.key -> true, headers.separator -> #, print.headers -> true, key.separator -> |, print.partition -> true, print.offset -> true, print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> true), expected=CreateTime:1234|Partition:9|Offset:9876|h1:v1#h2:v2|someKey|someValue^ STARTED

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [12] name=print all possible fields with custom delimiters, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@612f9ca9, value = [B@6569edfd), properties=Map(line.separator -> ^, print.key -> true, headers.separator -> #, print.headers -> true, key.separator -> |, print.partition -> true, print.offset -> true, print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> true), expected=CreateTime:1234|Partition:9|Offset:9876|h1:v1#h2:v2|someKey|someValue^ PASSED

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [13] name=print key with custom deserializer, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@4640eac3, value = [B@3a25df74), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.headers -> true, print.value -> true, key.deserializer ->, expected=h1:v1,h2:v2	SOMEKEY	someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [13] name=print key with custom deserializer, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@4640eac3, value = [B@3a25df74), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.headers -> true, print.value -> true, key.deserializer ->, expected=h1:v1,h2:v2	SOMEKEY	someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [14] name=print value with custom deserializer, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@dded15b, value = [B@4c0934d1), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.headers -> true, print.value -> true, value.deserializer ->, expected=h1:v1,h2:v2	someKey	SOMEVALUE

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [14] name=print value with custom deserializer, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@dded15b, value = [B@4c0934d1), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.headers -> true, print.value -> true, value.deserializer ->, expected=h1:v1,h2:v2	someKey	SOMEVALUE

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [15] name=print headers with custom deserializer, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@58c38c5b, value = [B@69b279a0), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.headers -> true, print.value -> true, headers.deserializer ->, expected=h1:V1,h2:V2	someKey	someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [15] name=print headers with custom deserializer, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@58c38c5b, value = [B@69b279a0), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.headers -> true, print.value -> true, headers.deserializer ->, expected=h1:V1,h2:V2	someKey	someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [16] name=print key and value, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@121d39c4, value = [B@173728ea), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.value -> true), expected=someKey	someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [16] name=print key and value, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@121d39c4, value = [B@173728ea), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.value -> true), expected=someKey	someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [17] name=print fields in the beginning, middle and the end, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@39cefcca, value = [B@2e13f200), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.value -> true, print.partition -> true), expected=Partition:9	someKey	someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [17] name=print fields in the beginning, middle and the end, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@39cefcca, value = [B@2e13f200), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.value -> true, print.partition -> true), expected=Partition:9	someKey	someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [18] name=null value without custom null literal, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@424ceb1, value = null), properties=Map(print.key -> true), expected=someKey	null

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [18] name=null value without custom null literal, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@424ceb1, value = null), properties=Map(print.key -> true), expected=someKey	null

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [19] name=null value with custom null literal, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@7005c561, value = null), properties=Map(print.key -> true, null.literal -> NULL), expected=someKey	NULL

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [19] name=null value with custom null literal, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@7005c561, value = null), properties=Map(print.key -> true, null.literal -> NULL), expected=someKey	NULL

3418 tests completed, 1 failed, 7 skipped

> Task :core:test FAILED

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':core:test'.
> There were failing tests. See the report at: file://<>

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

* Get more help at

Deprecated Gradle features were used in this build, making it incompatible with Gradle 7.0.
Use '--warning-mode all' to show the individual deprecation warnings.

BUILD FAILED in 1h 17m 16s
257 actionable tasks: 220 executed, 37 up-to-date
Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure
Recording test results
Not sending mail to unregistered user

Build failed in Jenkins: Kafka » kafka-trunk-jdk11 #526

Posted by Apache Jenkins Server <>.
See <>


[github] KAFKA-12276: Add the quorum controller code (#10070)

[github] KAFKA-12335 Upgrade junit from 5.7.0 to 5.7.1 (#10145)

[github] MINOR: Enhance the documentation with the metric unit which is milliseconds (#10148)

[github] MINOR: AbstractCoordinator should log with its subclass (#10149)

[github] MINOR: apply Utils.isBlank to code base (#10124)

[...truncated 3.66 MB...]
SocketServerTest > testSaslReauthenticationFailureNoKip152SaslAuthenticate() STARTED

SocketServerTest > testSaslReauthenticationFailureNoKip152SaslAuthenticate() PASSED

SocketServerTest > testClientDisconnectionUpdatesRequestMetrics() STARTED

SocketServerTest > testClientDisconnectionUpdatesRequestMetrics() PASSED

SocketServerTest > testProcessorMetricsTags() STARTED

SocketServerTest > testProcessorMetricsTags() PASSED

SocketServerTest > remoteCloseWithBufferedReceivesFailedSend() STARTED

SocketServerTest > remoteCloseWithBufferedReceivesFailedSend() PASSED

SocketServerTest > testMaxConnectionsPerIp() STARTED

SocketServerTest > testMaxConnectionsPerIp() PASSED

SocketServerTest > testConnectionId() STARTED

SocketServerTest > testConnectionId() PASSED

SocketServerTest > remoteCloseSendFailure() STARTED

SocketServerTest > remoteCloseSendFailure() PASSED

SocketServerTest > testBrokerSendAfterChannelClosedUpdatesRequestMetrics() STARTED

SocketServerTest > testBrokerSendAfterChannelClosedUpdatesRequestMetrics() PASSED

SocketServerTest > testControlPlaneTakePrecedenceOverInterBrokerListenerAsPrivilegedListener() STARTED

SocketServerTest > testControlPlaneTakePrecedenceOverInterBrokerListenerAsPrivilegedListener() PASSED

SocketServerTest > testNoOpAction() STARTED

SocketServerTest > testNoOpAction() PASSED

SocketServerTest > simpleRequest() STARTED

SocketServerTest > simpleRequest() PASSED

SocketServerTest > testSendActionResponseWithThrottledChannelWhereThrottlingInProgress() STARTED

SocketServerTest > testSendActionResponseWithThrottledChannelWhereThrottlingInProgress() PASSED

SocketServerTest > testIdleConnection() STARTED

SocketServerTest > testIdleConnection() PASSED

SocketServerTest > remoteCloseWithoutBufferedReceives() STARTED

SocketServerTest > remoteCloseWithoutBufferedReceives() PASSED

SocketServerTest > remoteCloseWithCompleteAndIncompleteBufferedReceives() STARTED

SocketServerTest > remoteCloseWithCompleteAndIncompleteBufferedReceives() PASSED

SocketServerTest > testZeroMaxConnectionsPerIp() STARTED

SocketServerTest > testZeroMaxConnectionsPerIp() PASSED

SocketServerTest > testClientInformationWithLatestApiVersionsRequest() STARTED

SocketServerTest > testClientInformationWithLatestApiVersionsRequest() PASSED

SocketServerTest > testMetricCollectionAfterShutdown() STARTED

SocketServerTest > testMetricCollectionAfterShutdown() PASSED

SocketServerTest > testSessionPrincipal() STARTED

SocketServerTest > testSessionPrincipal() PASSED

SocketServerTest > configureNewConnectionException() STARTED

SocketServerTest > configureNewConnectionException() PASSED

SocketServerTest > testSaslReauthenticationFailureWithKip152SaslAuthenticate() STARTED

SocketServerTest > testSaslReauthenticationFailureWithKip152SaslAuthenticate() PASSED

SocketServerTest > testMaxConnectionsPerIpOverrides() STARTED

SocketServerTest > testMaxConnectionsPerIpOverrides() PASSED

SocketServerTest > processNewResponseException() STARTED

SocketServerTest > processNewResponseException() PASSED

SocketServerTest > remoteCloseWithIncompleteBufferedReceive() STARTED

SocketServerTest > remoteCloseWithIncompleteBufferedReceive() PASSED

SocketServerTest > testStagedListenerShutdownWhenConnectionQueueIsFull() STARTED

SocketServerTest > testStagedListenerShutdownWhenConnectionQueueIsFull() PASSED

SocketServerTest > testStagedListenerStartup() STARTED

SocketServerTest > testStagedListenerStartup() PASSED

SocketServerTest > testConnectionRateLimit() STARTED

SocketServerTest > testConnectionRateLimit() PASSED

SocketServerTest > testConnectionRatePerIp() STARTED

SocketServerTest > testConnectionRatePerIp() PASSED

SocketServerTest > processCompletedSendException() STARTED

SocketServerTest > processCompletedSendException() PASSED

SocketServerTest > processDisconnectedException() STARTED

SocketServerTest > processDisconnectedException() PASSED

SocketServerTest > closingChannelWithBufferedReceives() STARTED

SocketServerTest > closingChannelWithBufferedReceives() PASSED

SocketServerTest > sendCancelledKeyException() STARTED

SocketServerTest > sendCancelledKeyException() PASSED

SocketServerTest > processCompletedReceiveException() STARTED

SocketServerTest > processCompletedReceiveException() PASSED

SocketServerTest > testControlPlaneAsPrivilegedListener() STARTED

SocketServerTest > testControlPlaneAsPrivilegedListener() PASSED

SocketServerTest > closingChannelSendFailure() STARTED

SocketServerTest > closingChannelSendFailure() PASSED

SocketServerTest > idleExpiryWithBufferedReceives() STARTED

SocketServerTest > idleExpiryWithBufferedReceives() PASSED

SocketServerTest > testSocketsCloseOnShutdown() STARTED

SocketServerTest > testSocketsCloseOnShutdown() PASSED

SocketServerTest > testNoOpActionResponseWithThrottledChannelWhereThrottlingAlreadyDone() STARTED

SocketServerTest > testNoOpActionResponseWithThrottledChannelWhereThrottlingAlreadyDone() PASSED

SocketServerTest > pollException() STARTED

SocketServerTest > pollException() PASSED

SocketServerTest > closingChannelWithBufferedReceivesFailedSend() STARTED

SocketServerTest > closingChannelWithBufferedReceivesFailedSend() PASSED

SocketServerTest > remoteCloseWithBufferedReceives() STARTED

SocketServerTest > remoteCloseWithBufferedReceives() PASSED

SocketServerTest > testThrottledSocketsClosedOnShutdown() STARTED

SocketServerTest > testThrottledSocketsClosedOnShutdown() PASSED

SocketServerTest > closingChannelWithCompleteAndIncompleteBufferedReceives() STARTED

SocketServerTest > closingChannelWithCompleteAndIncompleteBufferedReceives() PASSED

SocketServerTest > testInterBrokerListenerAsPrivilegedListener() STARTED

SocketServerTest > testInterBrokerListenerAsPrivilegedListener() PASSED

SocketServerTest > testSslSocketServer() STARTED

SocketServerTest > testSslSocketServer() PASSED

SocketServerTest > testDisabledRequestIsRejected() STARTED

SocketServerTest > testDisabledRequestIsRejected() PASSED

SocketServerTest > tooBigRequestIsRejected() STARTED

SocketServerTest > tooBigRequestIsRejected() PASSED

SocketServerTest > testNoOpActionResponseWithThrottledChannelWhereThrottlingInProgress() STARTED

SocketServerTest > testNoOpActionResponseWithThrottledChannelWhereThrottlingInProgress() PASSED

KafkaTimerTest > testKafkaTimer() STARTED

KafkaTimerTest > testKafkaTimer() PASSED

LinuxIoMetricsCollectorTest > testReadProcFile() STARTED

LinuxIoMetricsCollectorTest > testReadProcFile() PASSED

LinuxIoMetricsCollectorTest > testUnableToReadNonexistentProcFile() STARTED

LinuxIoMetricsCollectorTest > testUnableToReadNonexistentProcFile() PASSED

TransactionsWithMaxInFlightOneTest > testTransactionalProducerSingleBrokerMaxInFlightOne() STARTED

TransactionsWithMaxInFlightOneTest > testTransactionalProducerSingleBrokerMaxInFlightOne() PASSED

ControllerApisTest > testBrokerRegistration() STARTED

ControllerApisTest > testBrokerRegistration() PASSED

3418 tests completed, 1 failed, 7 skipped

> Task :core:test FAILED

FAILURE: Build completed with 2 failures.

1: Task failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':streams:test'.
> There were failing tests. See the report at: file://<>

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

2: Task failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':core:test'.
> There were failing tests. See the report at: file://<>

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

* Get more help at

Deprecated Gradle features were used in this build, making it incompatible with Gradle 7.0.
Use '--warning-mode all' to show the individual deprecation warnings.

BUILD FAILED in 1h 49m 52s
257 actionable tasks: 220 executed, 37 up-to-date
Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure
Recording test results
Not sending mail to unregistered user

Build failed in Jenkins: Kafka » kafka-trunk-jdk11 #525

Posted by Apache Jenkins Server <>.
See <>


[Colin McCabe] MINOR: Fix Raft broker restart issue when offset partitions are deferred #10155

[github] KAFKA-12332; Error partitions from topics with invalid IDs in LISR requests (#10143)

[github] MINOR: Correct warning about increasing capacity when insufficient nodes to assign standby tasks (#10151)

[github] KAFKA-12343: Handle exceptions better in TopicAdmin, including UnsupportedVersionException (#10158)

[github] KAFKA-9274: Throw TaskCorruptedException instead of TimeoutException when TX commit times out (#10072)

[github] KAFKA-10817; Add clusterId validation to raft Fetch handling (#10129)

[github] KAFKA-12339: Add retry to admin client's listOffsets (#10152)

[Colin McCabe] KAFKA-12334: Add the KIP-500 metadata shell

[github] KAFKA-9672: Leader with ISR as a superset of replicas (#9631)

[...truncated 3.66 MB...]

ReplicaStateMachineTest > testInvalidOnlineReplicaToNewReplicaTransition() STARTED

ReplicaStateMachineTest > testInvalidOnlineReplicaToNewReplicaTransition() PASSED

ReplicaStateMachineTest > testReplicaDeletionStartedToReplicaDeletionIneligibleTransition() STARTED

ReplicaStateMachineTest > testReplicaDeletionStartedToReplicaDeletionIneligibleTransition() PASSED

ReplicaStateMachineTest > testInvalidReplicaDeletionSuccessfulToOfflineReplicaTransition() STARTED

ReplicaStateMachineTest > testInvalidReplicaDeletionSuccessfulToOfflineReplicaTransition() PASSED

ReplicaStateMachineTest > testInvalidReplicaDeletionIneligibleToNewReplicaTransition() STARTED

ReplicaStateMachineTest > testInvalidReplicaDeletionIneligibleToNewReplicaTransition() PASSED

ReplicaStateMachineTest > testReplicaDeletionIneligibleToOnlineReplicaTransition() STARTED

ReplicaStateMachineTest > testReplicaDeletionIneligibleToOnlineReplicaTransition() PASSED

ReplicaStateMachineTest > testInvalidReplicaDeletionStartedToNewReplicaTransition() STARTED

ReplicaStateMachineTest > testInvalidReplicaDeletionStartedToNewReplicaTransition() PASSED

ReplicaStateMachineTest > testInvalidNonexistentReplicaToReplicaDeletionSuccessfulTransition() STARTED

ReplicaStateMachineTest > testInvalidNonexistentReplicaToReplicaDeletionSuccessfulTransition() PASSED

ReplicaStateMachineTest > testNewReplicaToOnlineReplicaTransition() STARTED

ReplicaStateMachineTest > testNewReplicaToOnlineReplicaTransition() PASSED

ControllerEventManagerTest > testEventQueueTime() STARTED

ControllerEventManagerTest > testEventQueueTime() PASSED

ControllerEventManagerTest > testEventThatThrowsException() STARTED

ControllerEventManagerTest > testEventThatThrowsException() PASSED

ControllerEventManagerTest > testEventQueueTimeResetOnTimeout() STARTED

ControllerEventManagerTest > testEventQueueTimeResetOnTimeout() PASSED

ControllerEventManagerTest > testEventWithoutRateMetrics() STARTED

ControllerEventManagerTest > testEventWithoutRateMetrics() PASSED

ControllerEventManagerTest > testSuccessfulEvent() STARTED

ControllerEventManagerTest > testSuccessfulEvent() PASSED

ControllerEventManagerTest > testMetricsCleanedOnClose() STARTED

ControllerEventManagerTest > testMetricsCleanedOnClose() PASSED

InterBrokerSendThreadTest > shouldCreateClientRequestAndSendWhenNodeIsReady() STARTED

InterBrokerSendThreadTest > shouldCreateClientRequestAndSendWhenNodeIsReady() PASSED

InterBrokerSendThreadTest > testFailingExpiredRequests() STARTED

InterBrokerSendThreadTest > testFailingExpiredRequests() PASSED

InterBrokerSendThreadTest > shouldCallCompletionHandlerWithDisconnectedResponseWhenNodeNotReady() STARTED

InterBrokerSendThreadTest > shouldCallCompletionHandlerWithDisconnectedResponseWhenNodeNotReady() PASSED

InterBrokerSendThreadTest > shouldNotSendAnythingWhenNoRequests() STARTED

InterBrokerSendThreadTest > shouldNotSendAnythingWhenNoRequests() PASSED

MetricsTest > testUpdateJMXFilter() STARTED

MetricsTest > testUpdateJMXFilter() PASSED

MetricsTest > testGeneralBrokerTopicMetricsAreGreedilyRegistered() STARTED

MetricsTest > testGeneralBrokerTopicMetricsAreGreedilyRegistered() PASSED

MetricsTest > testLinuxIoMetrics() STARTED

MetricsTest > testLinuxIoMetrics() PASSED

MetricsTest > testMetricsReporterAfterDeletingTopic() STARTED

MetricsTest > testMetricsReporterAfterDeletingTopic() PASSED

MetricsTest > testSessionExpireListenerMetrics() STARTED

MetricsTest > testSessionExpireListenerMetrics() PASSED

MetricsTest > testBrokerTopicMetricsUnregisteredAfterDeletingTopic() STARTED

MetricsTest > testBrokerTopicMetricsUnregisteredAfterDeletingTopic() PASSED

MetricsTest > testYammerMetricsCountMetric() STARTED

MetricsTest > testYammerMetricsCountMetric() PASSED

MetricsTest > testClusterIdMetric() STARTED

MetricsTest > testClusterIdMetric() PASSED

MetricsTest > testControllerMetrics() STARTED

MetricsTest > testControllerMetrics() PASSED

MetricsTest > testWindowsStyleTagNames() STARTED

MetricsTest > testWindowsStyleTagNames() PASSED

MetricsTest > testBrokerStateMetric() STARTED

MetricsTest > testBrokerStateMetric() PASSED

MetricsTest > testBrokerTopicMetricsBytesInOut() STARTED

MetricsTest > testBrokerTopicMetricsBytesInOut() PASSED

MetricsTest > testJMXFilter() STARTED

MetricsTest > testJMXFilter() PASSED

KafkaTimerTest > testKafkaTimer() STARTED

KafkaTimerTest > testKafkaTimer() PASSED

LinuxIoMetricsCollectorTest > testReadProcFile() STARTED

LinuxIoMetricsCollectorTest > testReadProcFile() PASSED

LinuxIoMetricsCollectorTest > testUnableToReadNonexistentProcFile() STARTED

LinuxIoMetricsCollectorTest > testUnableToReadNonexistentProcFile() PASSED

ClusterToolTest > testClusterTooOldToHaveId() STARTED

ClusterToolTest > testClusterTooOldToHaveId() PASSED

ClusterToolTest > testPrintClusterId() STARTED

ClusterToolTest > testPrintClusterId() PASSED

ClusterToolTest > testLegacyModeClusterCannotUnregisterBroker() STARTED

ClusterToolTest > testLegacyModeClusterCannotUnregisterBroker() PASSED

ClusterToolTest > testUnregisterBroker() STARTED

ClusterToolTest > testUnregisterBroker() PASSED

ReplicaVerificationToolTest > testReplicaBufferVerifyChecksum() STARTED

ReplicaVerificationToolTest > testReplicaBufferVerifyChecksum() PASSED

MirrorMakerTest > testDefaultMirrorMakerMessageHandlerWithNoTimestampInSourceMessage() STARTED

MirrorMakerTest > testDefaultMirrorMakerMessageHandlerWithNoTimestampInSourceMessage() PASSED

MirrorMakerTest > testDefaultMirrorMakerMessageHandler() STARTED

MirrorMakerTest > testDefaultMirrorMakerMessageHandler() PASSED

MirrorMakerTest > testDefaultMirrorMakerMessageHandlerWithHeaders() STARTED

MirrorMakerTest > testDefaultMirrorMakerMessageHandlerWithHeaders() PASSED

CustomDeserializerTest > checkDeserializerTopicIsNotNull() STARTED

CustomDeserializerTest > checkDeserializerTopicIsNotNull() PASSED

CustomDeserializerTest > checkFormatterCallDeserializerWithHeaders() STARTED

CustomDeserializerTest > checkFormatterCallDeserializerWithHeaders() PASSED

GetOffsetShellTest > testTopicPartitionsFlagWithTopicFlagCauseExit() STARTED

GetOffsetShellTest > testTopicPartitionsFlagWithTopicFlagCauseExit() PASSED

GetOffsetShellTest > testTopicPatternArgWithPartitionsArg() STARTED

GetOffsetShellTest > testTopicPatternArgWithPartitionsArg() PASSED

GetOffsetShellTest > testTopicNameArg() STARTED

GetOffsetShellTest > testTopicNameArg() PASSED

GetOffsetShellTest > testTopicPatternArg() STARTED

GetOffsetShellTest > testTopicPatternArg() PASSED

GetOffsetShellTest > testTopicPartitionsNotFoundForNonExistentTopic() STARTED

GetOffsetShellTest > testTopicPartitionsNotFoundForNonExistentTopic() PASSED

GetOffsetShellTest > testPartitionsArg() STARTED

GetOffsetShellTest > testPartitionsArg() PASSED

GetOffsetShellTest > testTopicPartitionsArgWithInternalExcluded() STARTED

GetOffsetShellTest > testTopicPartitionsArgWithInternalExcluded() PASSED

GetOffsetShellTest > testNoFilterOptions() STARTED

GetOffsetShellTest > testNoFilterOptions() PASSED

GetOffsetShellTest > testTopicPartitionsFlagWithPartitionsFlagCauseExit() STARTED

GetOffsetShellTest > testTopicPartitionsFlagWithPartitionsFlagCauseExit() PASSED

GetOffsetShellTest > testTopicPartitionsArg() STARTED

GetOffsetShellTest > testTopicPartitionsArg() PASSED

GetOffsetShellTest > testInternalExcluded() STARTED

GetOffsetShellTest > testInternalExcluded() PASSED

GetOffsetShellTest > testTopicPartitionsNotFoundForNonMatchingTopicPartitionPattern() STARTED

GetOffsetShellTest > testTopicPartitionsNotFoundForNonMatchingTopicPartitionPattern() PASSED

GetOffsetShellTest > testTopicPartitionsNotFoundForExcludedInternalTopic() STARTED

GetOffsetShellTest > testTopicPartitionsNotFoundForExcludedInternalTopic() PASSED

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':connect:runtime:test'.
> There were failing tests. See the report at: file://<>

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

* Get more help at

Deprecated Gradle features were used in this build, making it incompatible with Gradle 7.0.
Use '--warning-mode all' to show the individual deprecation warnings.

BUILD FAILED in 1h 35m 39s
257 actionable tasks: 220 executed, 37 up-to-date
Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure
Recording test results
Not sending mail to unregistered user

Build failed in Jenkins: Kafka » kafka-trunk-jdk11 #524

Posted by Apache Jenkins Server <>.
See <>


[github] MINOR: Import classes that is used in docs to fix warnings. (#10136)

[github] KAFKA-10885 Refactor MemoryRecordsBuilderTest/MemoryRecordsTest to avoid a lot of… (#9906)

[github] MINOR: Add KIP-500 BrokerServer and ControllerServer (#10113)

[github] MINOR: Fix Typo in MirrorMaker README file (#10144)

[github] KAFKA-12303: Fix handling of null values by Flatten SMT (#10073)

[github] HOTFIX: Fix build error caused by ControllerApisTest.scala (#10146)

[github] TRIVIAL: fix JavaDocs formatting (#10134)

[Colin McCabe] KAFKA-12278; Ensure exposed api versions are consistent within listener (#10666)

[github] KAFKA-12331: Use LEO for the base offset of LeaderChangeMessage batch (#10138)

[github] KAFKA-9524: increase retention time for window and grace periods longer than one day (#10091)

[github] KAFKA-12258; Add support for splitting appending records (#10063)

[Chia-Ping Tsai] MINOR: Added missing import (KafkaVersion) to (#10154)

[github] MINOR: Fix broken link in quickstart.html (#10161)

[github] KAFKA-12340: Fix potential resource leak in Kafka*BackingStore (#10153)

[...truncated 3.65 MB...]

AclAuthorizerTest > testAuthorizeByResourceTypeWithAllHostAce() STARTED

AclAuthorizerTest > testAuthorizeByResourceTypeWithAllHostAce() PASSED

AclAuthorizerTest > testWritesLiteralAclChangeEventWhenInterBrokerProtocolIsKafkaV2() STARTED

AclAuthorizerTest > testWritesLiteralAclChangeEventWhenInterBrokerProtocolIsKafkaV2() PASSED

AclAuthorizerTest > testTopicAcl() STARTED

AclAuthorizerTest > testTopicAcl() PASSED

AclAuthorizerTest > testSuperUserHasAccess() STARTED

AclAuthorizerTest > testSuperUserHasAccess() PASSED

AclAuthorizerTest > testDeleteAclOnPrefixedResource() STARTED

AclAuthorizerTest > testDeleteAclOnPrefixedResource() PASSED

AclAuthorizerTest > testDenyTakesPrecedence() STARTED

AclAuthorizerTest > testDenyTakesPrecedence() PASSED

AclAuthorizerTest > testAuthorizeByResourceTypeIsolationUnrelatedDenyWontDominateAllow() STARTED

AclAuthorizerTest > testAuthorizeByResourceTypeIsolationUnrelatedDenyWontDominateAllow() PASSED

AclAuthorizerTest > testSingleCharacterResourceAcls() STARTED

AclAuthorizerTest > testSingleCharacterResourceAcls() PASSED

AclAuthorizerTest > testNoAclFoundOverride() STARTED

AclAuthorizerTest > testNoAclFoundOverride() PASSED

AclAuthorizerTest > testAuthorizeByResourceTypeWildcardResourceDenyDominate() STARTED

AclAuthorizerTest > testAuthorizeByResourceTypeWildcardResourceDenyDominate() PASSED

AclAuthorizerTest > testEmptyAclThrowsException() STARTED

AclAuthorizerTest > testEmptyAclThrowsException() PASSED

AclAuthorizerTest > testAuthorizeByResourceTypeNoAclFoundOverride() STARTED

AclAuthorizerTest > testAuthorizeByResourceTypeNoAclFoundOverride() PASSED

AclAuthorizerTest > testSuperUserWithCustomPrincipalHasAccess() STARTED

AclAuthorizerTest > testSuperUserWithCustomPrincipalHasAccess() PASSED

AclAuthorizerTest > testAuthorizeByResourceTypeWithAllOperationAce() STARTED

AclAuthorizerTest > testAuthorizeByResourceTypeWithAllOperationAce() PASSED

AclAuthorizerTest > testAllowAccessWithCustomPrincipal() STARTED

AclAuthorizerTest > testAllowAccessWithCustomPrincipal() PASSED

AclAuthorizerTest > testDeleteAclOnWildcardResource() STARTED

AclAuthorizerTest > testDeleteAclOnWildcardResource() PASSED

AclAuthorizerTest > testAuthorizerZkConfigFromKafkaConfig() STARTED

AclAuthorizerTest > testAuthorizerZkConfigFromKafkaConfig() PASSED

AclAuthorizerTest > testChangeListenerTiming() STARTED

AclAuthorizerTest > testChangeListenerTiming() PASSED

AclAuthorizerTest > testWritesLiteralWritesLiteralAclChangeEventWhenInterBrokerProtocolLessThanKafkaV2eralAclChangesForOlderProtocolVersions() STARTED

AclAuthorizerTest > testWritesLiteralWritesLiteralAclChangeEventWhenInterBrokerProtocolLessThanKafkaV2eralAclChangesForOlderProtocolVersions() PASSED

AclAuthorizerTest > testAuthorzeByResourceTypeSuperUserHasAccess() STARTED

AclAuthorizerTest > testAuthorzeByResourceTypeSuperUserHasAccess() PASSED

AclAuthorizerTest > testAuthorizeByResourceTypePrefixedResourceDenyDominate() STARTED

AclAuthorizerTest > testAuthorizeByResourceTypePrefixedResourceDenyDominate() PASSED

AclAuthorizerTest > testAuthorizeByResourceTypeMultipleAddAndRemove() STARTED

AclAuthorizerTest > testAuthorizeByResourceTypeMultipleAddAndRemove() PASSED

AclAuthorizerTest > testThrowsOnAddPrefixedAclIfInterBrokerProtocolVersionTooLow() STARTED

AclAuthorizerTest > testThrowsOnAddPrefixedAclIfInterBrokerProtocolVersionTooLow() PASSED

AclAuthorizerTest > testAccessAllowedIfAllowAclExistsOnPrefixedResource() STARTED

AclAuthorizerTest > testAccessAllowedIfAllowAclExistsOnPrefixedResource() PASSED

AclAuthorizerTest > testAuthorizeByResourceTypeDenyTakesPrecedence() STARTED

AclAuthorizerTest > testAuthorizeByResourceTypeDenyTakesPrecedence() PASSED

AclAuthorizerTest > testHighConcurrencyModificationOfResourceAcls() STARTED

AclAuthorizerTest > testHighConcurrencyModificationOfResourceAcls() PASSED

AclAuthorizerTest > testAuthorizeByResourceTypeWithAllPrincipalAce() STARTED

AclAuthorizerTest > testAuthorizeByResourceTypeWithAllPrincipalAce() PASSED

AclAuthorizerTest > testAuthorizeWithEmptyResourceName() STARTED

AclAuthorizerTest > testAuthorizeWithEmptyResourceName() PASSED

AclAuthorizerTest > testAuthorizeThrowsOnNonLiteralResource() STARTED

AclAuthorizerTest > testAuthorizeThrowsOnNonLiteralResource() PASSED

AclAuthorizerTest > testDeleteAllAclOnPrefixedResource() STARTED

AclAuthorizerTest > testDeleteAllAclOnPrefixedResource() PASSED

AclAuthorizerTest > testAddAclsOnLiteralResource() STARTED

AclAuthorizerTest > testAddAclsOnLiteralResource() PASSED

AclAuthorizerTest > testGetAclsPrincipal() STARTED

AclAuthorizerTest > testGetAclsPrincipal() PASSED

AclAuthorizerTest > testWritesExtendedAclChangeEventIfInterBrokerProtocolNotSet() STARTED

AclAuthorizerTest > testWritesExtendedAclChangeEventIfInterBrokerProtocolNotSet() PASSED

AclAuthorizerTest > testAccessAllowedIfAllowAclExistsOnWildcardResource() STARTED

AclAuthorizerTest > testAccessAllowedIfAllowAclExistsOnWildcardResource() PASSED

AclAuthorizerTest > testLoadCache() STARTED

AclAuthorizerTest > testLoadCache() PASSED

AuthorizerInterfaceDefaultTest > testAuthorizeByResourceTypeWithAllHostAce() STARTED

AuthorizerInterfaceDefaultTest > testAuthorizeByResourceTypeWithAllHostAce() PASSED

AuthorizerInterfaceDefaultTest > testAuthorizeByResourceTypeIsolationUnrelatedDenyWontDominateAllow() STARTED

AuthorizerInterfaceDefaultTest > testAuthorizeByResourceTypeIsolationUnrelatedDenyWontDominateAllow() PASSED

AuthorizerInterfaceDefaultTest > testAuthorizeByResourceTypeWildcardResourceDenyDominate() STARTED

AuthorizerInterfaceDefaultTest > testAuthorizeByResourceTypeWildcardResourceDenyDominate() PASSED

AuthorizerInterfaceDefaultTest > testAuthorizeByResourceTypeWithAllOperationAce() STARTED

AuthorizerInterfaceDefaultTest > testAuthorizeByResourceTypeWithAllOperationAce() PASSED

AuthorizerInterfaceDefaultTest > testAuthorzeByResourceTypeSuperUserHasAccess() STARTED

AuthorizerInterfaceDefaultTest > testAuthorzeByResourceTypeSuperUserHasAccess() PASSED

AuthorizerInterfaceDefaultTest > testAuthorizeByResourceTypePrefixedResourceDenyDominate() STARTED

AuthorizerInterfaceDefaultTest > testAuthorizeByResourceTypePrefixedResourceDenyDominate() PASSED

AuthorizerInterfaceDefaultTest > testAuthorizeByResourceTypeMultipleAddAndRemove() STARTED

AuthorizerInterfaceDefaultTest > testAuthorizeByResourceTypeMultipleAddAndRemove() PASSED

AuthorizerInterfaceDefaultTest > testAuthorizeByResourceTypeDenyTakesPrecedence() STARTED

AuthorizerInterfaceDefaultTest > testAuthorizeByResourceTypeDenyTakesPrecedence() PASSED

AuthorizerInterfaceDefaultTest > testAuthorizeByResourceTypeWithAllPrincipalAce() STARTED

AuthorizerInterfaceDefaultTest > testAuthorizeByResourceTypeWithAllPrincipalAce() PASSED

AclAuthorizerWithZkSaslTest > testAclUpdateWithSessionExpiration() STARTED

AclAuthorizerWithZkSaslTest > testAclUpdateWithSessionExpiration() PASSED

AclAuthorizerWithZkSaslTest > testAclUpdateWithAuthFailure() STARTED

AclAuthorizerWithZkSaslTest > testAclUpdateWithAuthFailure() PASSED

KafkaMetadataLogTest > testFailToIncreaseLogStartPastHighWatermark() STARTED

KafkaMetadataLogTest > testFailToIncreaseLogStartPastHighWatermark() PASSED

KafkaMetadataLogTest > testCreateReplicatedLogTruncatesFully() STARTED

KafkaMetadataLogTest > testCreateReplicatedLogTruncatesFully() PASSED

KafkaMetadataLogTest > testCreateSnapshot() STARTED

KafkaMetadataLogTest > testCreateSnapshot() PASSED

KafkaMetadataLogTest > testUpdateLogStartOffset() STARTED

KafkaMetadataLogTest > testUpdateLogStartOffset() PASSED

KafkaMetadataLogTest > testUnexpectedAppendOffset() STARTED

KafkaMetadataLogTest > testUnexpectedAppendOffset() PASSED

KafkaMetadataLogTest > testCleanupSnapshots() STARTED

KafkaMetadataLogTest > testCleanupSnapshots() PASSED

KafkaMetadataLogTest > testTruncateFullyToLatestSnapshot() STARTED

KafkaMetadataLogTest > testTruncateFullyToLatestSnapshot() PASSED

KafkaMetadataLogTest > testDoesntTruncateFully() STARTED

KafkaMetadataLogTest > testDoesntTruncateFully() PASSED

KafkaMetadataLogTest > testUpdateLogStartOffsetWithMissingSnapshot() STARTED

KafkaMetadataLogTest > testUpdateLogStartOffsetWithMissingSnapshot() PASSED

KafkaMetadataLogTest > testReadMissingSnapshot() STARTED

KafkaMetadataLogTest > testReadMissingSnapshot() PASSED

ControllerApisTest > testBrokerRegistration() STARTED

ControllerApisTest > testBrokerRegistration() PASSED

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':connect:runtime:test'.
> There were failing tests. See the report at: file://<>

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

* Get more help at

Deprecated Gradle features were used in this build, making it incompatible with Gradle 7.0.
Use '--warning-mode all' to show the individual deprecation warnings.

BUILD FAILED in 1h 39m 22s
250 actionable tasks: 214 executed, 36 up-to-date
Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure
Recording test results
Not sending mail to unregistered user

Build failed in Jenkins: Kafka » kafka-trunk-jdk11 #523

Posted by Apache Jenkins Server <>.
See <>


[Jun Rao] MINOR: Add note about topic IDs to upgrade doc (#10125)

[...truncated 3.44 MB...]
KafkaZkClientTest > testSetTopicPartitionStatesRaw() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testAclManagementMethods() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testAclManagementMethods() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testPreferredReplicaElectionMethods() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testPreferredReplicaElectionMethods() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testPropagateLogDir() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testPropagateLogDir() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testGetDataAndStat() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testGetDataAndStat() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testReassignPartitionsInProgress() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testReassignPartitionsInProgress() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testCreateTopLevelPaths() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testCreateTopLevelPaths() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testGetAllTopicsInClusterDoesNotTriggerWatch() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testGetAllTopicsInClusterDoesNotTriggerWatch() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testIsrChangeNotificationGetters() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testIsrChangeNotificationGetters() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testLogDirEventNotificationsDeletion() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testLogDirEventNotificationsDeletion() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testGetLogConfigs() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testGetLogConfigs() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testBrokerSequenceIdMethods() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testBrokerSequenceIdMethods() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testAclMethods() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testAclMethods() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testCreateSequentialPersistentPath() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testCreateSequentialPersistentPath() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testConditionalUpdatePath() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testConditionalUpdatePath() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testGetAllTopicsInClusterTriggersWatch() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testGetAllTopicsInClusterTriggersWatch() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testDeleteTopicZNode() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testDeleteTopicZNode() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testDeletePath() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testDeletePath() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testGetBrokerMethods() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testGetBrokerMethods() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testCreateTokenChangeNotification() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testCreateTokenChangeNotification() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testGetTopicsAndPartitions() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testGetTopicsAndPartitions() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testRegisterBrokerInfo() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testRegisterBrokerInfo() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testRetryRegisterBrokerInfo() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testRetryRegisterBrokerInfo() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testConsumerOffsetPath() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testConsumerOffsetPath() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testDeleteRecursiveWithControllerEpochVersionCheck() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testDeleteRecursiveWithControllerEpochVersionCheck() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testTopicAssignments() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testTopicAssignments() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testControllerManagementMethods() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testControllerManagementMethods() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testTopicAssignmentMethods() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testTopicAssignmentMethods() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testConnectionViaNettyClient() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testConnectionViaNettyClient() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testPropagateIsrChanges() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testPropagateIsrChanges() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testControllerEpochMethods() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testControllerEpochMethods() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testDeleteRecursive() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testDeleteRecursive() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testGetTopicPartitionStates() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testGetTopicPartitionStates() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testCreateConfigChangeNotification() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testCreateConfigChangeNotification() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testDelegationTokenMethods() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testDelegationTokenMethods() PASSED

LiteralAclStoreTest > shouldHaveCorrectPaths() STARTED

LiteralAclStoreTest > shouldHaveCorrectPaths() PASSED

LiteralAclStoreTest > shouldRoundTripChangeNode() STARTED

LiteralAclStoreTest > shouldRoundTripChangeNode() PASSED

LiteralAclStoreTest > shouldThrowFromEncodeOnNoneLiteral() STARTED

LiteralAclStoreTest > shouldThrowFromEncodeOnNoneLiteral() PASSED

LiteralAclStoreTest > shouldWriteChangesToTheWritePath() STARTED

LiteralAclStoreTest > shouldWriteChangesToTheWritePath() PASSED

LiteralAclStoreTest > shouldHaveCorrectPatternType() STARTED

LiteralAclStoreTest > shouldHaveCorrectPatternType() PASSED

LiteralAclStoreTest > shouldDecodeResourceUsingTwoPartLogic() STARTED

LiteralAclStoreTest > shouldDecodeResourceUsingTwoPartLogic() PASSED

ReassignPartitionsZNodeTest > testDecodeInvalidJson() STARTED

ReassignPartitionsZNodeTest > testDecodeInvalidJson() PASSED

ReassignPartitionsZNodeTest > testEncode() STARTED

ReassignPartitionsZNodeTest > testEncode() PASSED

ReassignPartitionsZNodeTest > testDecodeValidJson() STARTED

ReassignPartitionsZNodeTest > testDecodeValidJson() PASSED

ControllerContextTest > testPartitionFullReplicaAssignmentReturnsEmptyAssignmentIfTopicOrPartitionDoesNotExist() STARTED

ControllerContextTest > testPartitionFullReplicaAssignmentReturnsEmptyAssignmentIfTopicOrPartitionDoesNotExist() PASSED

ControllerContextTest > testPartitionReplicaAssignmentForTopicReturnsEmptyMapIfTopicDoesNotExist() STARTED

ControllerContextTest > testPartitionReplicaAssignmentForTopicReturnsEmptyMapIfTopicDoesNotExist() PASSED

ControllerContextTest > testPreferredReplicaImbalanceMetric() STARTED

ControllerContextTest > testPreferredReplicaImbalanceMetric() PASSED

ControllerContextTest > testPartitionReplicaAssignmentForTopicReturnsExpectedReplicaAssignments() STARTED

ControllerContextTest > testPartitionReplicaAssignmentForTopicReturnsExpectedReplicaAssignments() PASSED

ControllerContextTest > testReassignTo() STARTED

ControllerContextTest > testReassignTo() PASSED

ControllerContextTest > testPartitionReplicaAssignment() STARTED

ControllerContextTest > testPartitionReplicaAssignment() PASSED

ControllerContextTest > testUpdatePartitionFullReplicaAssignmentUpdatesReplicaAssignment() STARTED

ControllerContextTest > testUpdatePartitionFullReplicaAssignmentUpdatesReplicaAssignment() PASSED

ControllerContextTest > testReassignToIdempotence() STARTED

ControllerContextTest > testReassignToIdempotence() PASSED

ControllerContextTest > testPartitionReplicaAssignmentReturnsEmptySeqIfTopicOrPartitionDoesNotExist() STARTED

ControllerContextTest > testPartitionReplicaAssignmentReturnsEmptySeqIfTopicOrPartitionDoesNotExist() PASSED

TransactionsTest > testReadCommittedConsumerShouldNotSeeUndecidedData() SKIPPED

> Task :core:test FAILED

FAILURE: Build completed with 2 failures.

1: Task failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':connect:runtime:test'.
> There were failing tests. See the report at: file://<>

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

2: Task failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':core:test'.
> Process 'Gradle Test Executor 75' finished with non-zero exit value 1
  This problem might be caused by incorrect test process configuration.
  Please refer to the test execution section in the User Manual at

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

* Get more help at

Deprecated Gradle features were used in this build, making it incompatible with Gradle 7.0.
Use '--warning-mode all' to show the individual deprecation warnings.

BUILD FAILED in 1h 14m 15s
250 actionable tasks: 214 executed, 36 up-to-date
Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure
Recording test results
Not sending mail to unregistered user

Build failed in Jenkins: Kafka » kafka-trunk-jdk11 #522

Posted by Apache Jenkins Server <>.
See <>


[github] MINOR: use 'mapKey' to avoid unnecessary grouped data (#10082)

[github] MINOR: Fix typo (thread -> threads) in MirrorMaker (#10130)

[...truncated 3.61 MB...]

ControllerEventManagerTest > testMetricsCleanedOnClose() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaRequestWithAlreadyDefinedDeletedPartition() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaRequestWithAlreadyDefinedDeletedPartition() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testUpdateMetadataInterBrokerProtocolVersion() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testUpdateMetadataInterBrokerProtocolVersion() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testLeaderAndIsrRequestIsNew() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testLeaderAndIsrRequestIsNew() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaRequestsWhileTopicQueuedForDeletion() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaRequestsWhileTopicQueuedForDeletion() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testLeaderAndIsrRequestSentToLiveOrShuttingDownBrokers() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testLeaderAndIsrRequestSentToLiveOrShuttingDownBrokers() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaInterBrokerProtocolVersion() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaInterBrokerProtocolVersion() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaSentOnlyToLiveAndShuttingDownBrokers() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaSentOnlyToLiveAndShuttingDownBrokers() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaGroupsByBroker() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaGroupsByBroker() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testUpdateMetadataDoesNotIncludePartitionsWithoutLeaderAndIsr() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testUpdateMetadataDoesNotIncludePartitionsWithoutLeaderAndIsr() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testMixedDeleteAndNotDeleteStopReplicaRequests() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testMixedDeleteAndNotDeleteStopReplicaRequests() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testLeaderAndIsrInterBrokerProtocolVersion() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testLeaderAndIsrInterBrokerProtocolVersion() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testUpdateMetadataRequestSent() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testUpdateMetadataRequestSent() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testUpdateMetadataRequestDuringTopicDeletion() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testUpdateMetadataRequestDuringTopicDeletion() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testUpdateMetadataIncludesLiveOrShuttingDownBrokers() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testUpdateMetadataIncludesLiveOrShuttingDownBrokers() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaRequestSent() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaRequestSent() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaRequestsWhileTopicDeletionStarted() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaRequestsWhileTopicDeletionStarted() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testLeaderAndIsrRequestSent() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testLeaderAndIsrRequestSent() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaRequestWithoutDeletePartitionWhileTopicDeletionStarted() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaRequestWithoutDeletePartitionWhileTopicDeletionStarted() PASSED

FeatureZNodeTest > testDecodeFailOnInvalidFeatures() STARTED

FeatureZNodeTest > testDecodeFailOnInvalidFeatures() PASSED

FeatureZNodeTest > testEncodeDecode() STARTED

FeatureZNodeTest > testEncodeDecode() PASSED

FeatureZNodeTest > testDecodeSuccess() STARTED

FeatureZNodeTest > testDecodeSuccess() PASSED

FeatureZNodeTest > testDecodeFailOnInvalidVersionAndStatus() STARTED

FeatureZNodeTest > testDecodeFailOnInvalidVersionAndStatus() PASSED

ExtendedAclStoreTest > shouldHaveCorrectPaths() STARTED

ExtendedAclStoreTest > shouldHaveCorrectPaths() PASSED

ExtendedAclStoreTest > shouldRoundTripChangeNode() STARTED

ExtendedAclStoreTest > shouldRoundTripChangeNode() PASSED

ExtendedAclStoreTest > shouldThrowFromEncodeOnLiteral() STARTED

ExtendedAclStoreTest > shouldThrowFromEncodeOnLiteral() PASSED

ExtendedAclStoreTest > shouldThrowIfConstructedWithLiteral() STARTED

ExtendedAclStoreTest > shouldThrowIfConstructedWithLiteral() PASSED

ExtendedAclStoreTest > shouldWriteChangesToTheWritePath() STARTED

ExtendedAclStoreTest > shouldWriteChangesToTheWritePath() PASSED

ExtendedAclStoreTest > shouldHaveCorrectPatternType() STARTED

ExtendedAclStoreTest > shouldHaveCorrectPatternType() PASSED

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [1] name=print nothing, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@35e63e7b, value = [B@4c084416), properties=Map(print.value -> false), expected= STARTED

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [1] name=print nothing, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@35e63e7b, value = [B@4c084416), properties=Map(print.value -> false), expected= PASSED

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [2] name=print key, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@3e20f4bb, value = [B@74c48ccc), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.value -> false), expected=someKey

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [2] name=print key, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@3e20f4bb, value = [B@74c48ccc), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.value -> false), expected=someKey

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [3] name=print value, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@35422359, value = [B@4cddc5f8), properties=Map(), expected=someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [3] name=print value, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@35422359, value = [B@4cddc5f8), properties=Map(), expected=someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [4] name=print empty timestamp, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, NoTimestampType = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@756175f4, value = [B@25932578), properties=Map(print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> false), expected=NO_TIMESTAMP

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [4] name=print empty timestamp, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, NoTimestampType = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@756175f4, value = [B@25932578), properties=Map(print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> false), expected=NO_TIMESTAMP

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [5] name=print log append time timestamp, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, LogAppendTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@1ef8278, value = [B@233f65b8), properties=Map(print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> false), expected=LogAppendTime:1234

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [5] name=print log append time timestamp, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, LogAppendTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@1ef8278, value = [B@233f65b8), properties=Map(print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> false), expected=LogAppendTime:1234

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [6] name=print create time timestamp, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@5d0f6afe, value = [B@618b3cc2), properties=Map(print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> false), expected=CreateTime:1234

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [6] name=print create time timestamp, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@5d0f6afe, value = [B@618b3cc2), properties=Map(print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> false), expected=CreateTime:1234

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [7] name=print partition, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@1c8a8ec9, value = [B@44c02a45), properties=Map(print.partition -> true, print.value -> false), expected=Partition:9

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [7] name=print partition, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@1c8a8ec9, value = [B@44c02a45), properties=Map(print.partition -> true, print.value -> false), expected=Partition:9

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [8] name=print offset, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@62bef0b9, value = [B@5aebad00), properties=Map(print.offset -> true, print.value -> false), expected=Offset:9876

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [8] name=print offset, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@62bef0b9, value = [B@5aebad00), properties=Map(print.offset -> true, print.value -> false), expected=Offset:9876

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [9] name=print headers, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@12df8c52, value = [B@57881e4e), properties=Map(print.headers -> true, print.value -> false), expected=h1:v1,h2:v2

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [9] name=print headers, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@12df8c52, value = [B@57881e4e), properties=Map(print.headers -> true, print.value -> false), expected=h1:v1,h2:v2

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [10] name=print empty headers, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@4e71f629, value = [B@1a09ca29), properties=Map(print.headers -> true, print.value -> false), expected=NO_HEADERS

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [10] name=print empty headers, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@4e71f629, value = [B@1a09ca29), properties=Map(print.headers -> true, print.value -> false), expected=NO_HEADERS

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [11] name=print all possible fields with default delimiters, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@3d1e9925, value = [B@6511d864), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.headers -> true, print.partition -> true, print.offset -> true, print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> true), expected=CreateTime:1234	Partition:9	Offset:9876	h1:v1,h2:v2	someKey	someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [11] name=print all possible fields with default delimiters, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@3d1e9925, value = [B@6511d864), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.headers -> true, print.partition -> true, print.offset -> true, print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> true), expected=CreateTime:1234	Partition:9	Offset:9876	h1:v1,h2:v2	someKey	someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [12] name=print all possible fields with custom delimiters, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@2490aa51, value = [B@701c7468), properties=Map(line.separator -> ^, print.key -> true, headers.separator -> #, print.headers -> true, key.separator -> |, print.partition -> true, print.offset -> true, print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> true), expected=CreateTime:1234|Partition:9|Offset:9876|h1:v1#h2:v2|someKey|someValue^ STARTED

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [12] name=print all possible fields with custom delimiters, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@2490aa51, value = [B@701c7468), properties=Map(line.separator -> ^, print.key -> true, headers.separator -> #, print.headers -> true, key.separator -> |, print.partition -> true, print.offset -> true, print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> true), expected=CreateTime:1234|Partition:9|Offset:9876|h1:v1#h2:v2|someKey|someValue^ PASSED

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [13] name=print key with custom deserializer, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@39820cff, value = [B@52bb3153), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.headers -> true, print.value -> true, key.deserializer ->, expected=h1:v1,h2:v2	SOMEKEY	someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [13] name=print key with custom deserializer, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@39820cff, value = [B@52bb3153), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.headers -> true, print.value -> true, key.deserializer ->, expected=h1:v1,h2:v2	SOMEKEY	someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [14] name=print value with custom deserializer, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@49384355, value = [B@4282d288), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.headers -> true, print.value -> true, value.deserializer ->, expected=h1:v1,h2:v2	someKey	SOMEVALUE

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [14] name=print value with custom deserializer, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@49384355, value = [B@4282d288), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.headers -> true, print.value -> true, value.deserializer ->, expected=h1:v1,h2:v2	someKey	SOMEVALUE

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [15] name=print headers with custom deserializer, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@77b4aacc, value = [B@35f07ca4), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.headers -> true, print.value -> true, headers.deserializer ->, expected=h1:V1,h2:V2	someKey	someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [15] name=print headers with custom deserializer, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@77b4aacc, value = [B@35f07ca4), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.headers -> true, print.value -> true, headers.deserializer ->, expected=h1:V1,h2:V2	someKey	someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [16] name=print key and value, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@3e59a3a4, value = [B@6a9b2075), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.value -> true), expected=someKey	someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [16] name=print key and value, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@3e59a3a4, value = [B@6a9b2075), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.value -> true), expected=someKey	someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [17] name=print fields in the beginning, middle and the end, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@2e761c86, value = [B@62ecfc36), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.value -> true, print.partition -> true), expected=Partition:9	someKey	someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [17] name=print fields in the beginning, middle and the end, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@2e761c86, value = [B@62ecfc36), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.value -> true, print.partition -> true), expected=Partition:9	someKey	someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [18] name=null value without custom null literal, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@633be315, value = null), properties=Map(print.key -> true), expected=someKey	null

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [18] name=null value without custom null literal, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@633be315, value = null), properties=Map(print.key -> true), expected=someKey	null

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [19] name=null value with custom null literal, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@9d6f209, value = null), properties=Map(print.key -> true, null.literal -> NULL), expected=someKey	NULL

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [19] name=null value with custom null literal, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@9d6f209, value = null), properties=Map(print.key -> true, null.literal -> NULL), expected=someKey	NULL

3401 tests completed, 1 failed, 7 skipped

> Task :core:test FAILED

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':core:test'.
> There were failing tests. See the report at: file://<>

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Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

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Deprecated Gradle features were used in this build, making it incompatible with Gradle 7.0.
Use '--warning-mode all' to show the individual deprecation warnings.

BUILD FAILED in 1h 28m 0s
250 actionable tasks: 214 executed, 36 up-to-date
Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure
Recording test results
Not sending mail to unregistered user

Build failed in Jenkins: Kafka » kafka-trunk-jdk11 #521

Posted by Apache Jenkins Server <>.
See <>


[github] MINOR: Clarify config names for EOS versions 1 and 2 (#9670)

[...truncated 3.61 MB...]
ControllerChannelManagerTest > testLeaderAndIsrRequestIsNew() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaRequestsWhileTopicQueuedForDeletion() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaRequestsWhileTopicQueuedForDeletion() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testLeaderAndIsrRequestSentToLiveOrShuttingDownBrokers() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testLeaderAndIsrRequestSentToLiveOrShuttingDownBrokers() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaInterBrokerProtocolVersion() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaInterBrokerProtocolVersion() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaSentOnlyToLiveAndShuttingDownBrokers() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaSentOnlyToLiveAndShuttingDownBrokers() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaGroupsByBroker() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaGroupsByBroker() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testUpdateMetadataDoesNotIncludePartitionsWithoutLeaderAndIsr() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testUpdateMetadataDoesNotIncludePartitionsWithoutLeaderAndIsr() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testMixedDeleteAndNotDeleteStopReplicaRequests() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testMixedDeleteAndNotDeleteStopReplicaRequests() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testLeaderAndIsrInterBrokerProtocolVersion() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testLeaderAndIsrInterBrokerProtocolVersion() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testUpdateMetadataRequestSent() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testUpdateMetadataRequestSent() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testUpdateMetadataRequestDuringTopicDeletion() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testUpdateMetadataRequestDuringTopicDeletion() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testUpdateMetadataIncludesLiveOrShuttingDownBrokers() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testUpdateMetadataIncludesLiveOrShuttingDownBrokers() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaRequestSent() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaRequestSent() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaRequestsWhileTopicDeletionStarted() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaRequestsWhileTopicDeletionStarted() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testLeaderAndIsrRequestSent() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testLeaderAndIsrRequestSent() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaRequestWithoutDeletePartitionWhileTopicDeletionStarted() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaRequestWithoutDeletePartitionWhileTopicDeletionStarted() PASSED

FeatureZNodeTest > testDecodeFailOnInvalidFeatures() STARTED

FeatureZNodeTest > testDecodeFailOnInvalidFeatures() PASSED

FeatureZNodeTest > testEncodeDecode() STARTED

FeatureZNodeTest > testEncodeDecode() PASSED

FeatureZNodeTest > testDecodeSuccess() STARTED

FeatureZNodeTest > testDecodeSuccess() PASSED

FeatureZNodeTest > testDecodeFailOnInvalidVersionAndStatus() STARTED

FeatureZNodeTest > testDecodeFailOnInvalidVersionAndStatus() PASSED

ExtendedAclStoreTest > shouldHaveCorrectPaths() STARTED

ExtendedAclStoreTest > shouldHaveCorrectPaths() PASSED

ExtendedAclStoreTest > shouldRoundTripChangeNode() STARTED

ExtendedAclStoreTest > shouldRoundTripChangeNode() PASSED

ExtendedAclStoreTest > shouldThrowFromEncodeOnLiteral() STARTED

ExtendedAclStoreTest > shouldThrowFromEncodeOnLiteral() PASSED

ExtendedAclStoreTest > shouldThrowIfConstructedWithLiteral() STARTED

ExtendedAclStoreTest > shouldThrowIfConstructedWithLiteral() PASSED

ExtendedAclStoreTest > shouldWriteChangesToTheWritePath() STARTED

ExtendedAclStoreTest > shouldWriteChangesToTheWritePath() PASSED

ExtendedAclStoreTest > shouldHaveCorrectPatternType() STARTED

ExtendedAclStoreTest > shouldHaveCorrectPatternType() PASSED

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [1] name=print nothing, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@56535f4, value = [B@2e176be0), properties=Map(print.value -> false), expected= STARTED

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [1] name=print nothing, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@56535f4, value = [B@2e176be0), properties=Map(print.value -> false), expected= PASSED

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [2] name=print key, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@680a1549, value = [B@2126f53c), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.value -> false), expected=someKey

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [2] name=print key, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@680a1549, value = [B@2126f53c), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.value -> false), expected=someKey

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [3] name=print value, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@76572325, value = [B@5d6979a4), properties=Map(), expected=someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [3] name=print value, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@76572325, value = [B@5d6979a4), properties=Map(), expected=someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [4] name=print empty timestamp, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, NoTimestampType = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@65719f1d, value = [B@7368099a), properties=Map(print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> false), expected=NO_TIMESTAMP

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [4] name=print empty timestamp, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, NoTimestampType = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@65719f1d, value = [B@7368099a), properties=Map(print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> false), expected=NO_TIMESTAMP

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [5] name=print log append time timestamp, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, LogAppendTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@3ce952d9, value = [B@2adba8b9), properties=Map(print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> false), expected=LogAppendTime:1234

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [5] name=print log append time timestamp, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, LogAppendTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@3ce952d9, value = [B@2adba8b9), properties=Map(print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> false), expected=LogAppendTime:1234

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [6] name=print create time timestamp, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@43bb4388, value = [B@702cb6bc), properties=Map(print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> false), expected=CreateTime:1234

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [6] name=print create time timestamp, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@43bb4388, value = [B@702cb6bc), properties=Map(print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> false), expected=CreateTime:1234

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [7] name=print partition, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@6254dfa, value = [B@71cca3e7), properties=Map(print.partition -> true, print.value -> false), expected=Partition:9

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [7] name=print partition, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@6254dfa, value = [B@71cca3e7), properties=Map(print.partition -> true, print.value -> false), expected=Partition:9

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [8] name=print offset, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@68f21955, value = [B@7dfedba1), properties=Map(print.offset -> true, print.value -> false), expected=Offset:9876

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [8] name=print offset, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@68f21955, value = [B@7dfedba1), properties=Map(print.offset -> true, print.value -> false), expected=Offset:9876

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [9] name=print headers, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@51181379, value = [B@455f5126), properties=Map(print.headers -> true, print.value -> false), expected=h1:v1,h2:v2

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [9] name=print headers, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@51181379, value = [B@455f5126), properties=Map(print.headers -> true, print.value -> false), expected=h1:v1,h2:v2

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [10] name=print empty headers, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@5b13cd87, value = [B@5496bb3a), properties=Map(print.headers -> true, print.value -> false), expected=NO_HEADERS

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [10] name=print empty headers, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@5b13cd87, value = [B@5496bb3a), properties=Map(print.headers -> true, print.value -> false), expected=NO_HEADERS

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [11] name=print all possible fields with default delimiters, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@58f1c3fd, value = [B@2610653e), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.headers -> true, print.partition -> true, print.offset -> true, print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> true), expected=CreateTime:1234	Partition:9	Offset:9876	h1:v1,h2:v2	someKey	someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [11] name=print all possible fields with default delimiters, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@58f1c3fd, value = [B@2610653e), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.headers -> true, print.partition -> true, print.offset -> true, print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> true), expected=CreateTime:1234	Partition:9	Offset:9876	h1:v1,h2:v2	someKey	someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [12] name=print all possible fields with custom delimiters, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@63aafb8e, value = [B@284d3aa), properties=Map(line.separator -> ^, print.key -> true, headers.separator -> #, print.headers -> true, key.separator -> |, print.partition -> true, print.offset -> true, print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> true), expected=CreateTime:1234|Partition:9|Offset:9876|h1:v1#h2:v2|someKey|someValue^ STARTED

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [12] name=print all possible fields with custom delimiters, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@63aafb8e, value = [B@284d3aa), properties=Map(line.separator -> ^, print.key -> true, headers.separator -> #, print.headers -> true, key.separator -> |, print.partition -> true, print.offset -> true, print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> true), expected=CreateTime:1234|Partition:9|Offset:9876|h1:v1#h2:v2|someKey|someValue^ PASSED

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [13] name=print key with custom deserializer, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@54bc162c, value = [B@71a0a010), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.headers -> true, print.value -> true, key.deserializer ->, expected=h1:v1,h2:v2	SOMEKEY	someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [13] name=print key with custom deserializer, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@54bc162c, value = [B@71a0a010), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.headers -> true, print.value -> true, key.deserializer ->, expected=h1:v1,h2:v2	SOMEKEY	someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [14] name=print value with custom deserializer, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@55e6a6d5, value = [B@21b23c59), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.headers -> true, print.value -> true, value.deserializer ->, expected=h1:v1,h2:v2	someKey	SOMEVALUE

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [14] name=print value with custom deserializer, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@55e6a6d5, value = [B@21b23c59), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.headers -> true, print.value -> true, value.deserializer ->, expected=h1:v1,h2:v2	someKey	SOMEVALUE

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [15] name=print headers with custom deserializer, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@769e8805, value = [B@69532503), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.headers -> true, print.value -> true, headers.deserializer ->, expected=h1:V1,h2:V2	someKey	someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [15] name=print headers with custom deserializer, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@769e8805, value = [B@69532503), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.headers -> true, print.value -> true, headers.deserializer ->, expected=h1:V1,h2:V2	someKey	someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [16] name=print key and value, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@963e6f2, value = [B@39834373), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.value -> true), expected=someKey	someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [16] name=print key and value, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@963e6f2, value = [B@39834373), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.value -> true), expected=someKey	someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [17] name=print fields in the beginning, middle and the end, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@3c67056e, value = [B@548668b2), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.value -> true, print.partition -> true), expected=Partition:9	someKey	someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [17] name=print fields in the beginning, middle and the end, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@3c67056e, value = [B@548668b2), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.value -> true, print.partition -> true), expected=Partition:9	someKey	someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [18] name=null value without custom null literal, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@3bfdded7, value = null), properties=Map(print.key -> true), expected=someKey	null

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [18] name=null value without custom null literal, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@3bfdded7, value = null), properties=Map(print.key -> true), expected=someKey	null

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [19] name=null value with custom null literal, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@2d04965f, value = null), properties=Map(print.key -> true, null.literal -> NULL), expected=someKey	NULL

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [19] name=null value with custom null literal, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@2d04965f, value = null), properties=Map(print.key -> true, null.literal -> NULL), expected=someKey	NULL

3401 tests completed, 1 failed, 7 skipped

> Task :core:test FAILED

FAILURE: Build completed with 2 failures.

1: Task failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':connect:runtime:test'.
> There were failing tests. See the report at: file://<>

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

2: Task failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':core:test'.
> There were failing tests. See the report at: file://<>

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

* Get more help at

Deprecated Gradle features were used in this build, making it incompatible with Gradle 7.0.
Use '--warning-mode all' to show the individual deprecation warnings.

BUILD FAILED in 1h 27m 42s
250 actionable tasks: 214 executed, 36 up-to-date
Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure
Recording test results
Not sending mail to unregistered user

Build failed in Jenkins: Kafka » kafka-trunk-jdk11 #520

Posted by Apache Jenkins Server <>.
See <>


[github] Fixed README and added clearer error message. (#10133)

[...truncated 4.53 MB...]
GroupEndToEndAuthorizationTest > testNoGroupAcl() PASSED

GroupEndToEndAuthorizationTest > testNoProduceWithDescribeAcl() STARTED

GroupEndToEndAuthorizationTest > testNoProduceWithDescribeAcl() PASSED

GroupEndToEndAuthorizationTest > testNoDescribeProduceOrConsumeWithoutTopicDescribeAcl() STARTED

GroupEndToEndAuthorizationTest > testNoDescribeProduceOrConsumeWithoutTopicDescribeAcl() PASSED

GroupEndToEndAuthorizationTest > testProduceConsumeViaSubscribe() STARTED

GroupEndToEndAuthorizationTest > testProduceConsumeViaSubscribe() PASSED

GroupEndToEndAuthorizationTest > testTwoConsumersWithDifferentSaslCredentials() STARTED

GroupEndToEndAuthorizationTest > testTwoConsumersWithDifferentSaslCredentials() PASSED

SslConsumerTest > testCoordinatorFailover() STARTED

SslConsumerTest > testCoordinatorFailover() PASSED

SslConsumerTest > testSimpleConsumption() STARTED

SslConsumerTest > testSimpleConsumption() PASSED

SaslOAuthBearerSslEndToEndAuthorizationTest > testNoConsumeWithoutDescribeAclViaSubscribe() STARTED

SaslOAuthBearerSslEndToEndAuthorizationTest > testNoConsumeWithoutDescribeAclViaSubscribe() PASSED

SaslOAuthBearerSslEndToEndAuthorizationTest > testProduceConsumeWithPrefixedAcls() STARTED

SaslOAuthBearerSslEndToEndAuthorizationTest > testProduceConsumeWithPrefixedAcls() PASSED

SaslOAuthBearerSslEndToEndAuthorizationTest > testProduceConsumeViaAssign() STARTED

SaslOAuthBearerSslEndToEndAuthorizationTest > testProduceConsumeViaAssign() PASSED

SaslOAuthBearerSslEndToEndAuthorizationTest > testNoConsumeWithDescribeAclViaAssign() STARTED

SaslOAuthBearerSslEndToEndAuthorizationTest > testNoConsumeWithDescribeAclViaAssign() PASSED

SaslOAuthBearerSslEndToEndAuthorizationTest > testProduceConsumeTopicAutoCreateTopicCreateAcl() STARTED

SaslOAuthBearerSslEndToEndAuthorizationTest > testProduceConsumeTopicAutoCreateTopicCreateAcl() PASSED

SaslOAuthBearerSslEndToEndAuthorizationTest > testProduceConsumeWithWildcardAcls() STARTED

SaslOAuthBearerSslEndToEndAuthorizationTest > testProduceConsumeWithWildcardAcls() PASSED

SaslOAuthBearerSslEndToEndAuthorizationTest > testNoConsumeWithDescribeAclViaSubscribe() STARTED

SaslOAuthBearerSslEndToEndAuthorizationTest > testNoConsumeWithDescribeAclViaSubscribe() PASSED

SaslOAuthBearerSslEndToEndAuthorizationTest > testNoConsumeWithoutDescribeAclViaAssign() STARTED

SaslOAuthBearerSslEndToEndAuthorizationTest > testNoConsumeWithoutDescribeAclViaAssign() PASSED

SaslOAuthBearerSslEndToEndAuthorizationTest > testNoGroupAcl() STARTED

SaslOAuthBearerSslEndToEndAuthorizationTest > testNoGroupAcl() PASSED

SaslOAuthBearerSslEndToEndAuthorizationTest > testNoProduceWithDescribeAcl() STARTED

SaslOAuthBearerSslEndToEndAuthorizationTest > testNoProduceWithDescribeAcl() PASSED

SaslOAuthBearerSslEndToEndAuthorizationTest > testNoDescribeProduceOrConsumeWithoutTopicDescribeAcl() STARTED

SaslOAuthBearerSslEndToEndAuthorizationTest > testNoDescribeProduceOrConsumeWithoutTopicDescribeAcl() PASSED

SaslOAuthBearerSslEndToEndAuthorizationTest > testProduceConsumeViaSubscribe() STARTED

SaslOAuthBearerSslEndToEndAuthorizationTest > testProduceConsumeViaSubscribe() PASSED

SaslOAuthBearerSslEndToEndAuthorizationTest > testTwoConsumersWithDifferentSaslCredentials() STARTED

SaslOAuthBearerSslEndToEndAuthorizationTest > testTwoConsumersWithDifferentSaslCredentials() PASSED

KafkaTimerTest > testKafkaTimer() STARTED

KafkaTimerTest > testKafkaTimer() PASSED

MetricsTest > testUpdateJMXFilter() STARTED

MetricsTest > testUpdateJMXFilter() PASSED

MetricsTest > testGeneralBrokerTopicMetricsAreGreedilyRegistered() STARTED

MetricsTest > testGeneralBrokerTopicMetricsAreGreedilyRegistered() PASSED

MetricsTest > testLinuxIoMetrics() STARTED

MetricsTest > testLinuxIoMetrics() PASSED

MetricsTest > testMetricsReporterAfterDeletingTopic() STARTED

MetricsTest > testMetricsReporterAfterDeletingTopic() PASSED

MetricsTest > testSessionExpireListenerMetrics() STARTED

MetricsTest > testSessionExpireListenerMetrics() PASSED

MetricsTest > testBrokerTopicMetricsUnregisteredAfterDeletingTopic() STARTED

MetricsTest > testBrokerTopicMetricsUnregisteredAfterDeletingTopic() PASSED

MetricsTest > testYammerMetricsCountMetric() STARTED

MetricsTest > testYammerMetricsCountMetric() PASSED

MetricsTest > testClusterIdMetric() STARTED

MetricsTest > testClusterIdMetric() PASSED

MetricsTest > testControllerMetrics() STARTED

MetricsTest > testControllerMetrics() PASSED

MetricsTest > testWindowsStyleTagNames() STARTED

MetricsTest > testWindowsStyleTagNames() PASSED

MetricsTest > testBrokerStateMetric() STARTED

MetricsTest > testBrokerStateMetric() PASSED

MetricsTest > testBrokerTopicMetricsBytesInOut() STARTED

MetricsTest > testBrokerTopicMetricsBytesInOut() PASSED

MetricsTest > testJMXFilter() STARTED

MetricsTest > testJMXFilter() PASSED

ReplicaTest > testCannotIncrementLogStartOffsetPastHighWatermark() STARTED

ReplicaTest > testCannotIncrementLogStartOffsetPastHighWatermark() PASSED

ReplicaTest > testSegmentDeletionWithHighWatermarkInitialization() STARTED

ReplicaTest > testSegmentDeletionWithHighWatermarkInitialization() PASSED

ReplicaTest > testCannotDeleteSegmentsAtOrAboveHighWatermark() STARTED

ReplicaTest > testCannotDeleteSegmentsAtOrAboveHighWatermark() PASSED

PartitionLockTest > testNoLockContentionWithoutIsrUpdate() STARTED

PartitionLockTest > testNoLockContentionWithoutIsrUpdate() PASSED

PartitionLockTest > testAppendReplicaFetchWithUpdateIsr() STARTED

PartitionLockTest > testAppendReplicaFetchWithUpdateIsr() PASSED

PartitionLockTest > testAppendReplicaFetchWithSchedulerCheckForShrinkIsr() STARTED

PartitionLockTest > testAppendReplicaFetchWithSchedulerCheckForShrinkIsr() PASSED

PartitionLockTest > testGetReplicaWithUpdateAssignmentAndIsr() STARTED

PartitionLockTest > testGetReplicaWithUpdateAssignmentAndIsr() PASSED

BrokerEndPointTest > testFromJsonV4WithNoFeatures() STARTED

BrokerEndPointTest > testFromJsonV4WithNoFeatures() PASSED

BrokerEndPointTest > testEndpointFromUri() STARTED

BrokerEndPointTest > testEndpointFromUri() PASSED

BrokerEndPointTest > testHashAndEquals() STARTED

BrokerEndPointTest > testHashAndEquals() PASSED

BrokerEndPointTest > testFromJsonV4WithNoRack() STARTED

BrokerEndPointTest > testFromJsonV4WithNoRack() PASSED

BrokerEndPointTest > testFromJsonFutureVersion() STARTED

BrokerEndPointTest > testFromJsonFutureVersion() PASSED

BrokerEndPointTest > testFromJsonV4WithNullRack() STARTED

BrokerEndPointTest > testFromJsonV4WithNullRack() PASSED

BrokerEndPointTest > testBrokerEndpointFromUri() STARTED

BrokerEndPointTest > testBrokerEndpointFromUri() PASSED

BrokerEndPointTest > testFromJsonV1() STARTED

BrokerEndPointTest > testFromJsonV1() PASSED

BrokerEndPointTest > testFromJsonV2() STARTED

BrokerEndPointTest > testFromJsonV2() PASSED

BrokerEndPointTest > testFromJsonV3() STARTED

BrokerEndPointTest > testFromJsonV3() PASSED

BrokerEndPointTest > testFromJsonV5() STARTED

BrokerEndPointTest > testFromJsonV5() PASSED

TransactionsWithMaxInFlightOneTest > testTransactionalProducerSingleBrokerMaxInFlightOne() STARTED

TransactionsWithMaxInFlightOneTest > testTransactionalProducerSingleBrokerMaxInFlightOne() PASSED

AuthorizerIntegrationTest > shouldSuccessfullyAbortTransactionAfterTopicAuthorizationException() SKIPPED

> Task :core:test FAILED

FAILURE: Build completed with 2 failures.

1: Task failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':streams:test'.
> There were failing tests. See the report at: file://<>

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

2: Task failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':core:test'.
> Process 'Gradle Test Executor 73' finished with non-zero exit value 1
  This problem might be caused by incorrect test process configuration.
  Please refer to the test execution section in the User Manual at

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

* Get more help at

Deprecated Gradle features were used in this build, making it incompatible with Gradle 7.0.
Use '--warning-mode all' to show the individual deprecation warnings.

BUILD FAILED in 1h 17m 46s
250 actionable tasks: 214 executed, 36 up-to-date
Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure
Recording test results
Not sending mail to unregistered user

Build failed in Jenkins: Kafka » kafka-trunk-jdk11 #519

Posted by Apache Jenkins Server <>.
See <>


[github] MINOR: remove duplicate code of serializing auto-generated data (#10128)

[...truncated 3.61 MB...]

ControllerEventManagerTest > testSuccessfulEvent() PASSED

ControllerEventManagerTest > testMetricsCleanedOnClose() STARTED

ControllerEventManagerTest > testMetricsCleanedOnClose() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaRequestWithAlreadyDefinedDeletedPartition() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaRequestWithAlreadyDefinedDeletedPartition() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testUpdateMetadataInterBrokerProtocolVersion() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testUpdateMetadataInterBrokerProtocolVersion() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testLeaderAndIsrRequestIsNew() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testLeaderAndIsrRequestIsNew() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaRequestsWhileTopicQueuedForDeletion() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaRequestsWhileTopicQueuedForDeletion() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testLeaderAndIsrRequestSentToLiveOrShuttingDownBrokers() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testLeaderAndIsrRequestSentToLiveOrShuttingDownBrokers() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaInterBrokerProtocolVersion() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaInterBrokerProtocolVersion() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaSentOnlyToLiveAndShuttingDownBrokers() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaSentOnlyToLiveAndShuttingDownBrokers() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaGroupsByBroker() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaGroupsByBroker() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testUpdateMetadataDoesNotIncludePartitionsWithoutLeaderAndIsr() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testUpdateMetadataDoesNotIncludePartitionsWithoutLeaderAndIsr() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testMixedDeleteAndNotDeleteStopReplicaRequests() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testMixedDeleteAndNotDeleteStopReplicaRequests() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testLeaderAndIsrInterBrokerProtocolVersion() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testLeaderAndIsrInterBrokerProtocolVersion() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testUpdateMetadataRequestSent() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testUpdateMetadataRequestSent() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testUpdateMetadataRequestDuringTopicDeletion() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testUpdateMetadataRequestDuringTopicDeletion() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testUpdateMetadataIncludesLiveOrShuttingDownBrokers() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testUpdateMetadataIncludesLiveOrShuttingDownBrokers() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaRequestSent() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaRequestSent() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaRequestsWhileTopicDeletionStarted() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaRequestsWhileTopicDeletionStarted() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testLeaderAndIsrRequestSent() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testLeaderAndIsrRequestSent() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaRequestWithoutDeletePartitionWhileTopicDeletionStarted() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaRequestWithoutDeletePartitionWhileTopicDeletionStarted() PASSED

FeatureZNodeTest > testDecodeFailOnInvalidFeatures() STARTED

FeatureZNodeTest > testDecodeFailOnInvalidFeatures() PASSED

FeatureZNodeTest > testEncodeDecode() STARTED

FeatureZNodeTest > testEncodeDecode() PASSED

FeatureZNodeTest > testDecodeSuccess() STARTED

FeatureZNodeTest > testDecodeSuccess() PASSED

FeatureZNodeTest > testDecodeFailOnInvalidVersionAndStatus() STARTED

FeatureZNodeTest > testDecodeFailOnInvalidVersionAndStatus() PASSED

ExtendedAclStoreTest > shouldHaveCorrectPaths() STARTED

ExtendedAclStoreTest > shouldHaveCorrectPaths() PASSED

ExtendedAclStoreTest > shouldRoundTripChangeNode() STARTED

ExtendedAclStoreTest > shouldRoundTripChangeNode() PASSED

ExtendedAclStoreTest > shouldThrowFromEncodeOnLiteral() STARTED

ExtendedAclStoreTest > shouldThrowFromEncodeOnLiteral() PASSED

ExtendedAclStoreTest > shouldThrowIfConstructedWithLiteral() STARTED

ExtendedAclStoreTest > shouldThrowIfConstructedWithLiteral() PASSED

ExtendedAclStoreTest > shouldWriteChangesToTheWritePath() STARTED

ExtendedAclStoreTest > shouldWriteChangesToTheWritePath() PASSED

ExtendedAclStoreTest > shouldHaveCorrectPatternType() STARTED

ExtendedAclStoreTest > shouldHaveCorrectPatternType() PASSED

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [1] name=print nothing, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@d675b46, value = [B@5722109a), properties=Map(print.value -> false), expected= STARTED

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [1] name=print nothing, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@d675b46, value = [B@5722109a), properties=Map(print.value -> false), expected= PASSED

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [2] name=print key, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@67a1e2b, value = [B@76c83b6a), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.value -> false), expected=someKey

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [2] name=print key, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@67a1e2b, value = [B@76c83b6a), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.value -> false), expected=someKey

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [3] name=print value, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@679d07b6, value = [B@3a5d774b), properties=Map(), expected=someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [3] name=print value, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@679d07b6, value = [B@3a5d774b), properties=Map(), expected=someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [4] name=print empty timestamp, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, NoTimestampType = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@6c00ad6d, value = [B@5b24d8ec), properties=Map(print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> false), expected=NO_TIMESTAMP

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [4] name=print empty timestamp, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, NoTimestampType = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@6c00ad6d, value = [B@5b24d8ec), properties=Map(print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> false), expected=NO_TIMESTAMP

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [5] name=print log append time timestamp, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, LogAppendTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@548bc489, value = [B@53d067c), properties=Map(print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> false), expected=LogAppendTime:1234

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [5] name=print log append time timestamp, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, LogAppendTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@548bc489, value = [B@53d067c), properties=Map(print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> false), expected=LogAppendTime:1234

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [6] name=print create time timestamp, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@6c3fa873, value = [B@11a1fea0), properties=Map(print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> false), expected=CreateTime:1234

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [6] name=print create time timestamp, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@6c3fa873, value = [B@11a1fea0), properties=Map(print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> false), expected=CreateTime:1234

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [7] name=print partition, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@1b04df91, value = [B@76e7346b), properties=Map(print.partition -> true, print.value -> false), expected=Partition:9

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [7] name=print partition, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@1b04df91, value = [B@76e7346b), properties=Map(print.partition -> true, print.value -> false), expected=Partition:9

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [8] name=print offset, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@670a66f4, value = [B@7940c04b), properties=Map(print.offset -> true, print.value -> false), expected=Offset:9876

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [8] name=print offset, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@670a66f4, value = [B@7940c04b), properties=Map(print.offset -> true, print.value -> false), expected=Offset:9876

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [9] name=print headers, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@448560a5, value = [B@b0e4032), properties=Map(print.headers -> true, print.value -> false), expected=h1:v1,h2:v2

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [9] name=print headers, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@448560a5, value = [B@b0e4032), properties=Map(print.headers -> true, print.value -> false), expected=h1:v1,h2:v2

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [10] name=print empty headers, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@54f581a7, value = [B@47e66c9c), properties=Map(print.headers -> true, print.value -> false), expected=NO_HEADERS

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [10] name=print empty headers, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@54f581a7, value = [B@47e66c9c), properties=Map(print.headers -> true, print.value -> false), expected=NO_HEADERS

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [11] name=print all possible fields with default delimiters, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@458c6baf, value = [B@80fc0c3), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.headers -> true, print.partition -> true, print.offset -> true, print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> true), expected=CreateTime:1234	Partition:9	Offset:9876	h1:v1,h2:v2	someKey	someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [11] name=print all possible fields with default delimiters, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@458c6baf, value = [B@80fc0c3), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.headers -> true, print.partition -> true, print.offset -> true, print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> true), expected=CreateTime:1234	Partition:9	Offset:9876	h1:v1,h2:v2	someKey	someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [12] name=print all possible fields with custom delimiters, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@708f90dc, value = [B@4f980dd), properties=Map(line.separator -> ^, print.key -> true, headers.separator -> #, print.headers -> true, key.separator -> |, print.partition -> true, print.offset -> true, print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> true), expected=CreateTime:1234|Partition:9|Offset:9876|h1:v1#h2:v2|someKey|someValue^ STARTED

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [12] name=print all possible fields with custom delimiters, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@708f90dc, value = [B@4f980dd), properties=Map(line.separator -> ^, print.key -> true, headers.separator -> #, print.headers -> true, key.separator -> |, print.partition -> true, print.offset -> true, print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> true), expected=CreateTime:1234|Partition:9|Offset:9876|h1:v1#h2:v2|someKey|someValue^ PASSED

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [13] name=print key with custom deserializer, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@228e42fe, value = [B@547187b4), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.headers -> true, print.value -> true, key.deserializer ->, expected=h1:v1,h2:v2	SOMEKEY	someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [13] name=print key with custom deserializer, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@228e42fe, value = [B@547187b4), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.headers -> true, print.value -> true, key.deserializer ->, expected=h1:v1,h2:v2	SOMEKEY	someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [14] name=print value with custom deserializer, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@408a5169, value = [B@181e22eb), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.headers -> true, print.value -> true, value.deserializer ->, expected=h1:v1,h2:v2	someKey	SOMEVALUE

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [14] name=print value with custom deserializer, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@408a5169, value = [B@181e22eb), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.headers -> true, print.value -> true, value.deserializer ->, expected=h1:v1,h2:v2	someKey	SOMEVALUE

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [15] name=print headers with custom deserializer, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@6731353a, value = [B@6c38ab71), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.headers -> true, print.value -> true, headers.deserializer ->, expected=h1:V1,h2:V2	someKey	someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [15] name=print headers with custom deserializer, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@6731353a, value = [B@6c38ab71), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.headers -> true, print.value -> true, headers.deserializer ->, expected=h1:V1,h2:V2	someKey	someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [16] name=print key and value, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@7eabbe86, value = [B@174bd2c2), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.value -> true), expected=someKey	someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [16] name=print key and value, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@7eabbe86, value = [B@174bd2c2), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.value -> true), expected=someKey	someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [17] name=print fields in the beginning, middle and the end, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@2ed9605c, value = [B@4155ecfc), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.value -> true, print.partition -> true), expected=Partition:9	someKey	someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [17] name=print fields in the beginning, middle and the end, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@2ed9605c, value = [B@4155ecfc), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.value -> true, print.partition -> true), expected=Partition:9	someKey	someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [18] name=null value without custom null literal, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@6bb832d0, value = null), properties=Map(print.key -> true), expected=someKey	null

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [18] name=null value without custom null literal, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@6bb832d0, value = null), properties=Map(print.key -> true), expected=someKey	null

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [19] name=null value with custom null literal, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@28236fc9, value = null), properties=Map(print.key -> true, null.literal -> NULL), expected=someKey	NULL

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [19] name=null value with custom null literal, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@28236fc9, value = null), properties=Map(print.key -> true, null.literal -> NULL), expected=someKey	NULL

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':connect:runtime:test'.
> There were failing tests. See the report at: file://<>

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

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Deprecated Gradle features were used in this build, making it incompatible with Gradle 7.0.
Use '--warning-mode all' to show the individual deprecation warnings.

BUILD FAILED in 1h 23m 9s
250 actionable tasks: 214 executed, 36 up-to-date
Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure
Recording test results
Not sending mail to unregistered user

Build failed in Jenkins: Kafka » kafka-trunk-jdk11 #518

Posted by Apache Jenkins Server <>.
See <>


[github] MINOR: Remove unused LeaderAndIsrResponse.partitions() since it has been replaced with partitionErrors() (#10127)

[...truncated 3.61 MB...]

ControllerEventManagerTest > testSuccessfulEvent() PASSED

ControllerEventManagerTest > testMetricsCleanedOnClose() STARTED

ControllerEventManagerTest > testMetricsCleanedOnClose() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaRequestWithAlreadyDefinedDeletedPartition() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaRequestWithAlreadyDefinedDeletedPartition() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testUpdateMetadataInterBrokerProtocolVersion() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testUpdateMetadataInterBrokerProtocolVersion() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testLeaderAndIsrRequestIsNew() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testLeaderAndIsrRequestIsNew() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaRequestsWhileTopicQueuedForDeletion() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaRequestsWhileTopicQueuedForDeletion() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testLeaderAndIsrRequestSentToLiveOrShuttingDownBrokers() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testLeaderAndIsrRequestSentToLiveOrShuttingDownBrokers() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaInterBrokerProtocolVersion() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaInterBrokerProtocolVersion() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaSentOnlyToLiveAndShuttingDownBrokers() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaSentOnlyToLiveAndShuttingDownBrokers() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaGroupsByBroker() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaGroupsByBroker() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testUpdateMetadataDoesNotIncludePartitionsWithoutLeaderAndIsr() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testUpdateMetadataDoesNotIncludePartitionsWithoutLeaderAndIsr() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testMixedDeleteAndNotDeleteStopReplicaRequests() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testMixedDeleteAndNotDeleteStopReplicaRequests() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testLeaderAndIsrInterBrokerProtocolVersion() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testLeaderAndIsrInterBrokerProtocolVersion() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testUpdateMetadataRequestSent() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testUpdateMetadataRequestSent() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testUpdateMetadataRequestDuringTopicDeletion() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testUpdateMetadataRequestDuringTopicDeletion() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testUpdateMetadataIncludesLiveOrShuttingDownBrokers() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testUpdateMetadataIncludesLiveOrShuttingDownBrokers() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaRequestSent() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaRequestSent() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaRequestsWhileTopicDeletionStarted() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaRequestsWhileTopicDeletionStarted() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testLeaderAndIsrRequestSent() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testLeaderAndIsrRequestSent() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaRequestWithoutDeletePartitionWhileTopicDeletionStarted() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaRequestWithoutDeletePartitionWhileTopicDeletionStarted() PASSED

FeatureZNodeTest > testDecodeFailOnInvalidFeatures() STARTED

FeatureZNodeTest > testDecodeFailOnInvalidFeatures() PASSED

FeatureZNodeTest > testEncodeDecode() STARTED

FeatureZNodeTest > testEncodeDecode() PASSED

FeatureZNodeTest > testDecodeSuccess() STARTED

FeatureZNodeTest > testDecodeSuccess() PASSED

FeatureZNodeTest > testDecodeFailOnInvalidVersionAndStatus() STARTED

FeatureZNodeTest > testDecodeFailOnInvalidVersionAndStatus() PASSED

ExtendedAclStoreTest > shouldHaveCorrectPaths() STARTED

ExtendedAclStoreTest > shouldHaveCorrectPaths() PASSED

ExtendedAclStoreTest > shouldRoundTripChangeNode() STARTED

ExtendedAclStoreTest > shouldRoundTripChangeNode() PASSED

ExtendedAclStoreTest > shouldThrowFromEncodeOnLiteral() STARTED

ExtendedAclStoreTest > shouldThrowFromEncodeOnLiteral() PASSED

ExtendedAclStoreTest > shouldThrowIfConstructedWithLiteral() STARTED

ExtendedAclStoreTest > shouldThrowIfConstructedWithLiteral() PASSED

ExtendedAclStoreTest > shouldWriteChangesToTheWritePath() STARTED

ExtendedAclStoreTest > shouldWriteChangesToTheWritePath() PASSED

ExtendedAclStoreTest > shouldHaveCorrectPatternType() STARTED

ExtendedAclStoreTest > shouldHaveCorrectPatternType() PASSED

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [1] name=print nothing, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@5f279d8f, value = [B@3f4cee2a), properties=Map(print.value -> false), expected= STARTED

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [1] name=print nothing, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@5f279d8f, value = [B@3f4cee2a), properties=Map(print.value -> false), expected= PASSED

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [2] name=print key, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@4ad3b8ed, value = [B@72041605), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.value -> false), expected=someKey

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [2] name=print key, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@4ad3b8ed, value = [B@72041605), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.value -> false), expected=someKey

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [3] name=print value, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@68f6e555, value = [B@6b6778b), properties=Map(), expected=someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [3] name=print value, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@68f6e555, value = [B@6b6778b), properties=Map(), expected=someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [4] name=print empty timestamp, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, NoTimestampType = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@51f5b360, value = [B@3133365), properties=Map(print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> false), expected=NO_TIMESTAMP

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [4] name=print empty timestamp, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, NoTimestampType = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@51f5b360, value = [B@3133365), properties=Map(print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> false), expected=NO_TIMESTAMP

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [5] name=print log append time timestamp, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, LogAppendTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@5c90a21f, value = [B@692f8c29), properties=Map(print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> false), expected=LogAppendTime:1234

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [5] name=print log append time timestamp, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, LogAppendTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@5c90a21f, value = [B@692f8c29), properties=Map(print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> false), expected=LogAppendTime:1234

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [6] name=print create time timestamp, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@15bd4cdf, value = [B@fafdd16), properties=Map(print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> false), expected=CreateTime:1234

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [6] name=print create time timestamp, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@15bd4cdf, value = [B@fafdd16), properties=Map(print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> false), expected=CreateTime:1234

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [7] name=print partition, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@56f616a6, value = [B@432d9695), properties=Map(print.partition -> true, print.value -> false), expected=Partition:9

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [7] name=print partition, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@56f616a6, value = [B@432d9695), properties=Map(print.partition -> true, print.value -> false), expected=Partition:9

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [8] name=print offset, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@3c09e19b, value = [B@4dbfcc61), properties=Map(print.offset -> true, print.value -> false), expected=Offset:9876

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [8] name=print offset, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@3c09e19b, value = [B@4dbfcc61), properties=Map(print.offset -> true, print.value -> false), expected=Offset:9876

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [9] name=print headers, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@2b1ab056, value = [B@42c129e), properties=Map(print.headers -> true, print.value -> false), expected=h1:v1,h2:v2

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [9] name=print headers, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@2b1ab056, value = [B@42c129e), properties=Map(print.headers -> true, print.value -> false), expected=h1:v1,h2:v2

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [10] name=print empty headers, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@7806a78f, value = [B@15194af8), properties=Map(print.headers -> true, print.value -> false), expected=NO_HEADERS

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [10] name=print empty headers, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@7806a78f, value = [B@15194af8), properties=Map(print.headers -> true, print.value -> false), expected=NO_HEADERS

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [11] name=print all possible fields with default delimiters, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@32ac4a6c, value = [B@13aa8645), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.headers -> true, print.partition -> true, print.offset -> true, print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> true), expected=CreateTime:1234	Partition:9	Offset:9876	h1:v1,h2:v2	someKey	someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [11] name=print all possible fields with default delimiters, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@32ac4a6c, value = [B@13aa8645), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.headers -> true, print.partition -> true, print.offset -> true, print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> true), expected=CreateTime:1234	Partition:9	Offset:9876	h1:v1,h2:v2	someKey	someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [12] name=print all possible fields with custom delimiters, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@5e5d7160, value = [B@14cbed9), properties=Map(line.separator -> ^, print.key -> true, headers.separator -> #, print.headers -> true, key.separator -> |, print.partition -> true, print.offset -> true, print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> true), expected=CreateTime:1234|Partition:9|Offset:9876|h1:v1#h2:v2|someKey|someValue^ STARTED

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [12] name=print all possible fields with custom delimiters, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@5e5d7160, value = [B@14cbed9), properties=Map(line.separator -> ^, print.key -> true, headers.separator -> #, print.headers -> true, key.separator -> |, print.partition -> true, print.offset -> true, print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> true), expected=CreateTime:1234|Partition:9|Offset:9876|h1:v1#h2:v2|someKey|someValue^ PASSED

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [13] name=print key with custom deserializer, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@51e36bb6, value = [B@16bc5761), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.headers -> true, print.value -> true, key.deserializer ->, expected=h1:v1,h2:v2	SOMEKEY	someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [13] name=print key with custom deserializer, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@51e36bb6, value = [B@16bc5761), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.headers -> true, print.value -> true, key.deserializer ->, expected=h1:v1,h2:v2	SOMEKEY	someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [14] name=print value with custom deserializer, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@df547fe, value = [B@79861e7e), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.headers -> true, print.value -> true, value.deserializer ->, expected=h1:v1,h2:v2	someKey	SOMEVALUE

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [14] name=print value with custom deserializer, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@df547fe, value = [B@79861e7e), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.headers -> true, print.value -> true, value.deserializer ->, expected=h1:v1,h2:v2	someKey	SOMEVALUE

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [15] name=print headers with custom deserializer, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@25900133, value = [B@6b8cf540), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.headers -> true, print.value -> true, headers.deserializer ->, expected=h1:V1,h2:V2	someKey	someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [15] name=print headers with custom deserializer, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@25900133, value = [B@6b8cf540), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.headers -> true, print.value -> true, headers.deserializer ->, expected=h1:V1,h2:V2	someKey	someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [16] name=print key and value, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@4ce19578, value = [B@5dd0774), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.value -> true), expected=someKey	someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [16] name=print key and value, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@4ce19578, value = [B@5dd0774), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.value -> true), expected=someKey	someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [17] name=print fields in the beginning, middle and the end, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@29b8f350, value = [B@5b078b8b), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.value -> true, print.partition -> true), expected=Partition:9	someKey	someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [17] name=print fields in the beginning, middle and the end, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@29b8f350, value = [B@5b078b8b), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.value -> true, print.partition -> true), expected=Partition:9	someKey	someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [18] name=null value without custom null literal, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@39f71819, value = null), properties=Map(print.key -> true), expected=someKey	null

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [18] name=null value without custom null literal, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@39f71819, value = null), properties=Map(print.key -> true), expected=someKey	null

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [19] name=null value with custom null literal, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@6c597a9a, value = null), properties=Map(print.key -> true, null.literal -> NULL), expected=someKey	NULL

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [19] name=null value with custom null literal, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@6c597a9a, value = null), properties=Map(print.key -> true, null.literal -> NULL), expected=someKey	NULL

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':connect:runtime:test'.
> There were failing tests. See the report at: file://<>

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

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Deprecated Gradle features were used in this build, making it incompatible with Gradle 7.0.
Use '--warning-mode all' to show the individual deprecation warnings.

BUILD FAILED in 1h 26m 1s
250 actionable tasks: 214 executed, 36 up-to-date
Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure
Recording test results
Not sending mail to unregistered user

Build failed in Jenkins: Kafka » kafka-trunk-jdk11 #517

Posted by Apache Jenkins Server <>.
See <>


[github] MINOR: Update (#10117)

[...truncated 3.62 MB...]

ControllerEventManagerTest > testSuccessfulEvent() PASSED

ControllerEventManagerTest > testMetricsCleanedOnClose() STARTED

ControllerEventManagerTest > testMetricsCleanedOnClose() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaRequestWithAlreadyDefinedDeletedPartition() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaRequestWithAlreadyDefinedDeletedPartition() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testUpdateMetadataInterBrokerProtocolVersion() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testUpdateMetadataInterBrokerProtocolVersion() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testLeaderAndIsrRequestIsNew() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testLeaderAndIsrRequestIsNew() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaRequestsWhileTopicQueuedForDeletion() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaRequestsWhileTopicQueuedForDeletion() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testLeaderAndIsrRequestSentToLiveOrShuttingDownBrokers() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testLeaderAndIsrRequestSentToLiveOrShuttingDownBrokers() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaInterBrokerProtocolVersion() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaInterBrokerProtocolVersion() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaSentOnlyToLiveAndShuttingDownBrokers() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaSentOnlyToLiveAndShuttingDownBrokers() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaGroupsByBroker() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaGroupsByBroker() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testUpdateMetadataDoesNotIncludePartitionsWithoutLeaderAndIsr() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testUpdateMetadataDoesNotIncludePartitionsWithoutLeaderAndIsr() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testMixedDeleteAndNotDeleteStopReplicaRequests() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testMixedDeleteAndNotDeleteStopReplicaRequests() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testLeaderAndIsrInterBrokerProtocolVersion() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testLeaderAndIsrInterBrokerProtocolVersion() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testUpdateMetadataRequestSent() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testUpdateMetadataRequestSent() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testUpdateMetadataRequestDuringTopicDeletion() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testUpdateMetadataRequestDuringTopicDeletion() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testUpdateMetadataIncludesLiveOrShuttingDownBrokers() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testUpdateMetadataIncludesLiveOrShuttingDownBrokers() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaRequestSent() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaRequestSent() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaRequestsWhileTopicDeletionStarted() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaRequestsWhileTopicDeletionStarted() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testLeaderAndIsrRequestSent() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testLeaderAndIsrRequestSent() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaRequestWithoutDeletePartitionWhileTopicDeletionStarted() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaRequestWithoutDeletePartitionWhileTopicDeletionStarted() PASSED

FeatureZNodeTest > testDecodeFailOnInvalidFeatures() STARTED

FeatureZNodeTest > testDecodeFailOnInvalidFeatures() PASSED

FeatureZNodeTest > testEncodeDecode() STARTED

FeatureZNodeTest > testEncodeDecode() PASSED

FeatureZNodeTest > testDecodeSuccess() STARTED

FeatureZNodeTest > testDecodeSuccess() PASSED

FeatureZNodeTest > testDecodeFailOnInvalidVersionAndStatus() STARTED

FeatureZNodeTest > testDecodeFailOnInvalidVersionAndStatus() PASSED

ExtendedAclStoreTest > shouldHaveCorrectPaths() STARTED

ExtendedAclStoreTest > shouldHaveCorrectPaths() PASSED

ExtendedAclStoreTest > shouldRoundTripChangeNode() STARTED

ExtendedAclStoreTest > shouldRoundTripChangeNode() PASSED

ExtendedAclStoreTest > shouldThrowFromEncodeOnLiteral() STARTED

ExtendedAclStoreTest > shouldThrowFromEncodeOnLiteral() PASSED

ExtendedAclStoreTest > shouldThrowIfConstructedWithLiteral() STARTED

ExtendedAclStoreTest > shouldThrowIfConstructedWithLiteral() PASSED

ExtendedAclStoreTest > shouldWriteChangesToTheWritePath() STARTED

ExtendedAclStoreTest > shouldWriteChangesToTheWritePath() PASSED

ExtendedAclStoreTest > shouldHaveCorrectPatternType() STARTED

ExtendedAclStoreTest > shouldHaveCorrectPatternType() PASSED

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [1] name=print nothing, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@7db5f9a5, value = [B@4b4f6803), properties=Map(print.value -> false), expected= STARTED

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [1] name=print nothing, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@7db5f9a5, value = [B@4b4f6803), properties=Map(print.value -> false), expected= PASSED

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [2] name=print key, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@3d5f05b2, value = [B@21e3684d), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.value -> false), expected=someKey

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [2] name=print key, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@3d5f05b2, value = [B@21e3684d), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.value -> false), expected=someKey

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [3] name=print value, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@3a201495, value = [B@6a27c28b), properties=Map(), expected=someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [3] name=print value, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@3a201495, value = [B@6a27c28b), properties=Map(), expected=someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [4] name=print empty timestamp, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, NoTimestampType = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@2f9028e8, value = [B@158b9c57), properties=Map(print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> false), expected=NO_TIMESTAMP

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [4] name=print empty timestamp, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, NoTimestampType = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@2f9028e8, value = [B@158b9c57), properties=Map(print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> false), expected=NO_TIMESTAMP

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [5] name=print log append time timestamp, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, LogAppendTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@2fb5a6cf, value = [B@7bd21a28), properties=Map(print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> false), expected=LogAppendTime:1234

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [5] name=print log append time timestamp, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, LogAppendTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@2fb5a6cf, value = [B@7bd21a28), properties=Map(print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> false), expected=LogAppendTime:1234

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [6] name=print create time timestamp, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@552bbad2, value = [B@1c0bed04), properties=Map(print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> false), expected=CreateTime:1234

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [6] name=print create time timestamp, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@552bbad2, value = [B@1c0bed04), properties=Map(print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> false), expected=CreateTime:1234

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [7] name=print partition, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@1e8aa394, value = [B@75e2e937), properties=Map(print.partition -> true, print.value -> false), expected=Partition:9

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [7] name=print partition, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@1e8aa394, value = [B@75e2e937), properties=Map(print.partition -> true, print.value -> false), expected=Partition:9

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [8] name=print offset, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@7d972073, value = [B@3e378108), properties=Map(print.offset -> true, print.value -> false), expected=Offset:9876

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [8] name=print offset, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@7d972073, value = [B@3e378108), properties=Map(print.offset -> true, print.value -> false), expected=Offset:9876

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [9] name=print headers, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@756a0359, value = [B@1723f792), properties=Map(print.headers -> true, print.value -> false), expected=h1:v1,h2:v2

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [9] name=print headers, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@756a0359, value = [B@1723f792), properties=Map(print.headers -> true, print.value -> false), expected=h1:v1,h2:v2

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [10] name=print empty headers, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@31ff7aca, value = [B@11793702), properties=Map(print.headers -> true, print.value -> false), expected=NO_HEADERS

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [10] name=print empty headers, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@31ff7aca, value = [B@11793702), properties=Map(print.headers -> true, print.value -> false), expected=NO_HEADERS

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [11] name=print all possible fields with default delimiters, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@39afcf08, value = [B@26eac028), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.headers -> true, print.partition -> true, print.offset -> true, print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> true), expected=CreateTime:1234	Partition:9	Offset:9876	h1:v1,h2:v2	someKey	someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [11] name=print all possible fields with default delimiters, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@39afcf08, value = [B@26eac028), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.headers -> true, print.partition -> true, print.offset -> true, print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> true), expected=CreateTime:1234	Partition:9	Offset:9876	h1:v1,h2:v2	someKey	someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [12] name=print all possible fields with custom delimiters, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@6c09c715, value = [B@34103cb1), properties=Map(line.separator -> ^, print.key -> true, headers.separator -> #, print.headers -> true, key.separator -> |, print.partition -> true, print.offset -> true, print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> true), expected=CreateTime:1234|Partition:9|Offset:9876|h1:v1#h2:v2|someKey|someValue^ STARTED

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [12] name=print all possible fields with custom delimiters, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@6c09c715, value = [B@34103cb1), properties=Map(line.separator -> ^, print.key -> true, headers.separator -> #, print.headers -> true, key.separator -> |, print.partition -> true, print.offset -> true, print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> true), expected=CreateTime:1234|Partition:9|Offset:9876|h1:v1#h2:v2|someKey|someValue^ PASSED

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [13] name=print key with custom deserializer, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@730062b4, value = [B@39b177c), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.headers -> true, print.value -> true, key.deserializer ->, expected=h1:v1,h2:v2	SOMEKEY	someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [13] name=print key with custom deserializer, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@730062b4, value = [B@39b177c), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.headers -> true, print.value -> true, key.deserializer ->, expected=h1:v1,h2:v2	SOMEKEY	someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [14] name=print value with custom deserializer, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@64add9ae, value = [B@3fd602b0), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.headers -> true, print.value -> true, value.deserializer ->, expected=h1:v1,h2:v2	someKey	SOMEVALUE

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [14] name=print value with custom deserializer, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@64add9ae, value = [B@3fd602b0), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.headers -> true, print.value -> true, value.deserializer ->, expected=h1:v1,h2:v2	someKey	SOMEVALUE

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [15] name=print headers with custom deserializer, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@5c7637ce, value = [B@8080285), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.headers -> true, print.value -> true, headers.deserializer ->, expected=h1:V1,h2:V2	someKey	someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [15] name=print headers with custom deserializer, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@5c7637ce, value = [B@8080285), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.headers -> true, print.value -> true, headers.deserializer ->, expected=h1:V1,h2:V2	someKey	someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [16] name=print key and value, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@262da83, value = [B@d2e8bfd), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.value -> true), expected=someKey	someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [16] name=print key and value, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@262da83, value = [B@d2e8bfd), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.value -> true), expected=someKey	someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [17] name=print fields in the beginning, middle and the end, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@7d68ebc6, value = [B@2c1d97c3), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.value -> true, print.partition -> true), expected=Partition:9	someKey	someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [17] name=print fields in the beginning, middle and the end, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@7d68ebc6, value = [B@2c1d97c3), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.value -> true, print.partition -> true), expected=Partition:9	someKey	someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [18] name=null value without custom null literal, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@7a47f813, value = null), properties=Map(print.key -> true), expected=someKey	null

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [18] name=null value without custom null literal, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@7a47f813, value = null), properties=Map(print.key -> true), expected=someKey	null

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [19] name=null value with custom null literal, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@1504b004, value = null), properties=Map(print.key -> true, null.literal -> NULL), expected=someKey	NULL

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [19] name=null value with custom null literal, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@1504b004, value = null), properties=Map(print.key -> true, null.literal -> NULL), expected=someKey	NULL

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':tools:test'.
> There were failing tests. See the report at: file://<>

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

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Deprecated Gradle features were used in this build, making it incompatible with Gradle 7.0.
Use '--warning-mode all' to show the individual deprecation warnings.

BUILD FAILED in 1h 24m 53s
250 actionable tasks: 214 executed, 36 up-to-date
Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure
Recording test results
Not sending mail to unregistered user

Build failed in Jenkins: Kafka » kafka-trunk-jdk11 #516

Posted by Apache Jenkins Server <>.
See <>


[github] KAFKA-12327: Remove MethodHandle usage in CompressionType (#10123)

[...truncated 3.61 MB...]

ControllerEventManagerTest > testSuccessfulEvent() PASSED

ControllerEventManagerTest > testMetricsCleanedOnClose() STARTED

ControllerEventManagerTest > testMetricsCleanedOnClose() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaRequestWithAlreadyDefinedDeletedPartition() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaRequestWithAlreadyDefinedDeletedPartition() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testUpdateMetadataInterBrokerProtocolVersion() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testUpdateMetadataInterBrokerProtocolVersion() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testLeaderAndIsrRequestIsNew() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testLeaderAndIsrRequestIsNew() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaRequestsWhileTopicQueuedForDeletion() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaRequestsWhileTopicQueuedForDeletion() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testLeaderAndIsrRequestSentToLiveOrShuttingDownBrokers() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testLeaderAndIsrRequestSentToLiveOrShuttingDownBrokers() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaInterBrokerProtocolVersion() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaInterBrokerProtocolVersion() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaSentOnlyToLiveAndShuttingDownBrokers() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaSentOnlyToLiveAndShuttingDownBrokers() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaGroupsByBroker() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaGroupsByBroker() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testUpdateMetadataDoesNotIncludePartitionsWithoutLeaderAndIsr() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testUpdateMetadataDoesNotIncludePartitionsWithoutLeaderAndIsr() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testMixedDeleteAndNotDeleteStopReplicaRequests() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testMixedDeleteAndNotDeleteStopReplicaRequests() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testLeaderAndIsrInterBrokerProtocolVersion() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testLeaderAndIsrInterBrokerProtocolVersion() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testUpdateMetadataRequestSent() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testUpdateMetadataRequestSent() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testUpdateMetadataRequestDuringTopicDeletion() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testUpdateMetadataRequestDuringTopicDeletion() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testUpdateMetadataIncludesLiveOrShuttingDownBrokers() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testUpdateMetadataIncludesLiveOrShuttingDownBrokers() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaRequestSent() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaRequestSent() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaRequestsWhileTopicDeletionStarted() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaRequestsWhileTopicDeletionStarted() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testLeaderAndIsrRequestSent() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testLeaderAndIsrRequestSent() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaRequestWithoutDeletePartitionWhileTopicDeletionStarted() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaRequestWithoutDeletePartitionWhileTopicDeletionStarted() PASSED

FeatureZNodeTest > testDecodeFailOnInvalidFeatures() STARTED

FeatureZNodeTest > testDecodeFailOnInvalidFeatures() PASSED

FeatureZNodeTest > testEncodeDecode() STARTED

FeatureZNodeTest > testEncodeDecode() PASSED

FeatureZNodeTest > testDecodeSuccess() STARTED

FeatureZNodeTest > testDecodeSuccess() PASSED

FeatureZNodeTest > testDecodeFailOnInvalidVersionAndStatus() STARTED

FeatureZNodeTest > testDecodeFailOnInvalidVersionAndStatus() PASSED

ExtendedAclStoreTest > shouldHaveCorrectPaths() STARTED

ExtendedAclStoreTest > shouldHaveCorrectPaths() PASSED

ExtendedAclStoreTest > shouldRoundTripChangeNode() STARTED

ExtendedAclStoreTest > shouldRoundTripChangeNode() PASSED

ExtendedAclStoreTest > shouldThrowFromEncodeOnLiteral() STARTED

ExtendedAclStoreTest > shouldThrowFromEncodeOnLiteral() PASSED

ExtendedAclStoreTest > shouldThrowIfConstructedWithLiteral() STARTED

ExtendedAclStoreTest > shouldThrowIfConstructedWithLiteral() PASSED

ExtendedAclStoreTest > shouldWriteChangesToTheWritePath() STARTED

ExtendedAclStoreTest > shouldWriteChangesToTheWritePath() PASSED

ExtendedAclStoreTest > shouldHaveCorrectPatternType() STARTED

ExtendedAclStoreTest > shouldHaveCorrectPatternType() PASSED

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [1] name=print nothing, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@278d25f0, value = [B@278239c6), properties=Map(print.value -> false), expected= STARTED

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [1] name=print nothing, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@278d25f0, value = [B@278239c6), properties=Map(print.value -> false), expected= PASSED

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [2] name=print key, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@2205ba4e, value = [B@57e2fa3f), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.value -> false), expected=someKey

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [2] name=print key, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@2205ba4e, value = [B@57e2fa3f), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.value -> false), expected=someKey

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [3] name=print value, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@ca378af, value = [B@33c282be), properties=Map(), expected=someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [3] name=print value, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@ca378af, value = [B@33c282be), properties=Map(), expected=someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [4] name=print empty timestamp, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, NoTimestampType = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@3c9a8942, value = [B@7c69bfec), properties=Map(print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> false), expected=NO_TIMESTAMP

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [4] name=print empty timestamp, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, NoTimestampType = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@3c9a8942, value = [B@7c69bfec), properties=Map(print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> false), expected=NO_TIMESTAMP

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [5] name=print log append time timestamp, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, LogAppendTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@6b18c6ce, value = [B@4c687e61), properties=Map(print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> false), expected=LogAppendTime:1234

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [5] name=print log append time timestamp, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, LogAppendTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@6b18c6ce, value = [B@4c687e61), properties=Map(print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> false), expected=LogAppendTime:1234

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [6] name=print create time timestamp, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@24503e37, value = [B@1577638e), properties=Map(print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> false), expected=CreateTime:1234

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [6] name=print create time timestamp, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@24503e37, value = [B@1577638e), properties=Map(print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> false), expected=CreateTime:1234

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [7] name=print partition, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@3874f958, value = [B@37e01341), properties=Map(print.partition -> true, print.value -> false), expected=Partition:9

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [7] name=print partition, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@3874f958, value = [B@37e01341), properties=Map(print.partition -> true, print.value -> false), expected=Partition:9

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [8] name=print offset, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@1264320c, value = [B@3ca148dd), properties=Map(print.offset -> true, print.value -> false), expected=Offset:9876

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [8] name=print offset, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@1264320c, value = [B@3ca148dd), properties=Map(print.offset -> true, print.value -> false), expected=Offset:9876

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [9] name=print headers, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@2380d828, value = [B@14cdbd02), properties=Map(print.headers -> true, print.value -> false), expected=h1:v1,h2:v2

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [9] name=print headers, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@2380d828, value = [B@14cdbd02), properties=Map(print.headers -> true, print.value -> false), expected=h1:v1,h2:v2

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [10] name=print empty headers, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@3ad0e3b2, value = [B@7112ef23), properties=Map(print.headers -> true, print.value -> false), expected=NO_HEADERS

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [10] name=print empty headers, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@3ad0e3b2, value = [B@7112ef23), properties=Map(print.headers -> true, print.value -> false), expected=NO_HEADERS

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [11] name=print all possible fields with default delimiters, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@39ebc142, value = [B@6c2295ca), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.headers -> true, print.partition -> true, print.offset -> true, print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> true), expected=CreateTime:1234	Partition:9	Offset:9876	h1:v1,h2:v2	someKey	someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [11] name=print all possible fields with default delimiters, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@39ebc142, value = [B@6c2295ca), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.headers -> true, print.partition -> true, print.offset -> true, print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> true), expected=CreateTime:1234	Partition:9	Offset:9876	h1:v1,h2:v2	someKey	someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [12] name=print all possible fields with custom delimiters, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@51d2268f, value = [B@37dfb061), properties=Map(line.separator -> ^, print.key -> true, headers.separator -> #, print.headers -> true, key.separator -> |, print.partition -> true, print.offset -> true, print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> true), expected=CreateTime:1234|Partition:9|Offset:9876|h1:v1#h2:v2|someKey|someValue^ STARTED

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [12] name=print all possible fields with custom delimiters, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@51d2268f, value = [B@37dfb061), properties=Map(line.separator -> ^, print.key -> true, headers.separator -> #, print.headers -> true, key.separator -> |, print.partition -> true, print.offset -> true, print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> true), expected=CreateTime:1234|Partition:9|Offset:9876|h1:v1#h2:v2|someKey|someValue^ PASSED

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [13] name=print key with custom deserializer, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@50d98609, value = [B@282dd51d), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.headers -> true, print.value -> true, key.deserializer ->, expected=h1:v1,h2:v2	SOMEKEY	someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [13] name=print key with custom deserializer, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@50d98609, value = [B@282dd51d), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.headers -> true, print.value -> true, key.deserializer ->, expected=h1:v1,h2:v2	SOMEKEY	someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [14] name=print value with custom deserializer, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@3e68a285, value = [B@782b0d68), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.headers -> true, print.value -> true, value.deserializer ->, expected=h1:v1,h2:v2	someKey	SOMEVALUE

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [14] name=print value with custom deserializer, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@3e68a285, value = [B@782b0d68), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.headers -> true, print.value -> true, value.deserializer ->, expected=h1:v1,h2:v2	someKey	SOMEVALUE

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [15] name=print headers with custom deserializer, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@4bd5ff94, value = [B@58efae6), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.headers -> true, print.value -> true, headers.deserializer ->, expected=h1:V1,h2:V2	someKey	someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [15] name=print headers with custom deserializer, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@4bd5ff94, value = [B@58efae6), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.headers -> true, print.value -> true, headers.deserializer ->, expected=h1:V1,h2:V2	someKey	someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [16] name=print key and value, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@7e090c58, value = [B@5e691ebc), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.value -> true), expected=someKey	someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [16] name=print key and value, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@7e090c58, value = [B@5e691ebc), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.value -> true), expected=someKey	someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [17] name=print fields in the beginning, middle and the end, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@7178a3dd, value = [B@46feebc7), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.value -> true, print.partition -> true), expected=Partition:9	someKey	someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [17] name=print fields in the beginning, middle and the end, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@7178a3dd, value = [B@46feebc7), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.value -> true, print.partition -> true), expected=Partition:9	someKey	someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [18] name=null value without custom null literal, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@2a8a8a2e, value = null), properties=Map(print.key -> true), expected=someKey	null

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [18] name=null value without custom null literal, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@2a8a8a2e, value = null), properties=Map(print.key -> true), expected=someKey	null

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [19] name=null value with custom null literal, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@3dd3dfc, value = null), properties=Map(print.key -> true, null.literal -> NULL), expected=someKey	NULL

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [19] name=null value with custom null literal, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@3dd3dfc, value = null), properties=Map(print.key -> true, null.literal -> NULL), expected=someKey	NULL

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':connect:runtime:test'.
> There were failing tests. See the report at: file://<>

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

* Get more help at

Deprecated Gradle features were used in this build, making it incompatible with Gradle 7.0.
Use '--warning-mode all' to show the individual deprecation warnings.

BUILD FAILED in 1h 27m 28s
250 actionable tasks: 214 executed, 36 up-to-date
Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure
Recording test results
Not sending mail to unregistered user

Build failed in Jenkins: Kafka » kafka-trunk-jdk11 #515

Posted by Apache Jenkins Server <>.
See <>


[Manikumar Reddy] KAFKA-12297: Make MockProducer return RecordMetadata with values as per contract

[...truncated 7.17 MB...]
QuotaUtilsTest > testBoundedThrottleTimeObservedRateAboveQuotaAboveLimit() STARTED

QuotaUtilsTest > testBoundedThrottleTimeObservedRateAboveQuotaAboveLimit() PASSED

QuotaUtilsTest > testThrottleTimeObservedRateBelowQuota() STARTED

QuotaUtilsTest > testThrottleTimeObservedRateBelowQuota() PASSED

QuotaUtilsTest > testBoundedThrottleTimeObservedRateBelowQuota() STARTED

QuotaUtilsTest > testBoundedThrottleTimeObservedRateBelowQuota() PASSED

QuotaUtilsTest > testBoundedThrottleTimeThrowsExceptionIfProvidedNonRateMetric() STARTED

QuotaUtilsTest > testBoundedThrottleTimeThrowsExceptionIfProvidedNonRateMetric() PASSED

QuotaUtilsTest > testBoundedThrottleTimeObservedRateAboveQuotaBelowLimit() STARTED

QuotaUtilsTest > testBoundedThrottleTimeObservedRateAboveQuotaBelowLimit() PASSED

QuotaUtilsTest > testBoundedThrottleTimeObservedRateEqualsQuota() STARTED

QuotaUtilsTest > testBoundedThrottleTimeObservedRateEqualsQuota() PASSED

QuotaUtilsTest > testThrottleTimeThrowsExceptionIfProvidedNonRateMetric() STARTED

QuotaUtilsTest > testThrottleTimeThrowsExceptionIfProvidedNonRateMetric() PASSED

QuotaUtilsTest > testThrottleTimeObservedRateEqualsQuota() STARTED

QuotaUtilsTest > testThrottleTimeObservedRateEqualsQuota() PASSED

QuotaUtilsTest > testThrottleTimeObservedRateAboveQuota() STARTED

QuotaUtilsTest > testThrottleTimeObservedRateAboveQuota() PASSED

TimerTaskListTest > testAll() STARTED

TimerTaskListTest > testAll() PASSED

CoreUtilsTest > testGenerateUuidAsBase64() STARTED

CoreUtilsTest > testGenerateUuidAsBase64() PASSED

CoreUtilsTest > testAbs() STARTED

CoreUtilsTest > testAbs() PASSED

CoreUtilsTest > testReplaceSuffix() STARTED

CoreUtilsTest > testReplaceSuffix() PASSED

CoreUtilsTest > testCircularIterator() STARTED

CoreUtilsTest > testCircularIterator() PASSED

CoreUtilsTest > testReadBytes() STARTED

CoreUtilsTest > testReadBytes() PASSED

CoreUtilsTest > testCsvList() STARTED

CoreUtilsTest > testCsvList() PASSED

CoreUtilsTest > testReadInt() STARTED

CoreUtilsTest > testReadInt() PASSED

CoreUtilsTest > testAtomicGetOrUpdate() STARTED

CoreUtilsTest > testAtomicGetOrUpdate() PASSED

CoreUtilsTest > testUrlSafeBase64EncodeUUID() STARTED

CoreUtilsTest > testUrlSafeBase64EncodeUUID() PASSED

CoreUtilsTest > testCsvMap() STARTED

CoreUtilsTest > testCsvMap() PASSED

CoreUtilsTest > testInLock() STARTED

CoreUtilsTest > testInLock() PASSED

CoreUtilsTest > testTryAll() STARTED

CoreUtilsTest > testTryAll() PASSED

CoreUtilsTest > testSwallow() STARTED

CoreUtilsTest > testSwallow() PASSED

ExitTest > shouldAddShutdownHookImmediately() STARTED

ExitTest > shouldAddShutdownHookImmediately() PASSED

ExitTest > shouldHaltImmediately() STARTED

ExitTest > shouldHaltImmediately() PASSED

ExitTest > shouldExitImmediately() STARTED

ExitTest > shouldExitImmediately() PASSED

ExitTest > shouldNotInvokeShutdownHookImmediately() STARTED

ExitTest > shouldNotInvokeShutdownHookImmediately() PASSED

KafkaMetadataLogTest > testFailToIncreaseLogStartPastHighWatermark() STARTED

KafkaMetadataLogTest > testFailToIncreaseLogStartPastHighWatermark() PASSED

KafkaMetadataLogTest > testCreateReplicatedLogTruncatesFully() STARTED

KafkaMetadataLogTest > testCreateReplicatedLogTruncatesFully() PASSED

KafkaMetadataLogTest > testCreateSnapshot() STARTED

KafkaMetadataLogTest > testCreateSnapshot() PASSED

KafkaMetadataLogTest > testUpdateLogStartOffset() STARTED

KafkaMetadataLogTest > testUpdateLogStartOffset() PASSED

KafkaMetadataLogTest > testCleanupSnapshots() STARTED

KafkaMetadataLogTest > testCleanupSnapshots() PASSED

KafkaMetadataLogTest > testTruncateFullyToLatestSnapshot() STARTED

KafkaMetadataLogTest > testTruncateFullyToLatestSnapshot() PASSED

KafkaMetadataLogTest > testDoesntTruncateFully() STARTED

KafkaMetadataLogTest > testDoesntTruncateFully() PASSED

KafkaMetadataLogTest > testUpdateLogStartOffsetWithMissingSnapshot() STARTED

KafkaMetadataLogTest > testUpdateLogStartOffsetWithMissingSnapshot() PASSED

KafkaMetadataLogTest > testReadMissingSnapshot() STARTED

KafkaMetadataLogTest > testReadMissingSnapshot() PASSED

RaftManagerTest > testShutdownIoThread() STARTED

RaftManagerTest > testShutdownIoThread() PASSED

RaftManagerTest > testUncaughtExceptionInIoThread() STARTED

RaftManagerTest > testUncaughtExceptionInIoThread() PASSED

RequestChannelTest > testNonAlterRequestsNotTransformed() STARTED

RequestChannelTest > testNonAlterRequestsNotTransformed() PASSED

RequestChannelTest > testAlterRequests() STARTED

RequestChannelTest > testAlterRequests() PASSED

RequestChannelTest > testJsonRequests() STARTED

RequestChannelTest > testJsonRequests() PASSED

RequestChannelTest > testIncrementalAlterRequests() STARTED

RequestChannelTest > testIncrementalAlterRequests() PASSED

ControllerContextTest > testPartitionFullReplicaAssignmentReturnsEmptyAssignmentIfTopicOrPartitionDoesNotExist() STARTED

ControllerContextTest > testPartitionFullReplicaAssignmentReturnsEmptyAssignmentIfTopicOrPartitionDoesNotExist() PASSED

ControllerContextTest > testPartitionReplicaAssignmentForTopicReturnsEmptyMapIfTopicDoesNotExist() STARTED

ControllerContextTest > testPartitionReplicaAssignmentForTopicReturnsEmptyMapIfTopicDoesNotExist() PASSED

ControllerContextTest > testPreferredReplicaImbalanceMetric() STARTED

ControllerContextTest > testPreferredReplicaImbalanceMetric() PASSED

ControllerContextTest > testPartitionReplicaAssignmentForTopicReturnsExpectedReplicaAssignments() STARTED

ControllerContextTest > testPartitionReplicaAssignmentForTopicReturnsExpectedReplicaAssignments() PASSED

ControllerContextTest > testReassignTo() STARTED

ControllerContextTest > testReassignTo() PASSED

ControllerContextTest > testPartitionReplicaAssignment() STARTED

ControllerContextTest > testPartitionReplicaAssignment() PASSED

ControllerContextTest > testUpdatePartitionFullReplicaAssignmentUpdatesReplicaAssignment() STARTED

ControllerContextTest > testUpdatePartitionFullReplicaAssignmentUpdatesReplicaAssignment() PASSED

ControllerContextTest > testReassignToIdempotence() STARTED

ControllerContextTest > testReassignToIdempotence() PASSED

ControllerContextTest > testPartitionReplicaAssignmentReturnsEmptySeqIfTopicOrPartitionDoesNotExist() STARTED

ControllerContextTest > testPartitionReplicaAssignmentReturnsEmptySeqIfTopicOrPartitionDoesNotExist() PASSED

TransactionsWithMaxInFlightOneTest > testTransactionalProducerSingleBrokerMaxInFlightOne() STARTED

TransactionsWithMaxInFlightOneTest > testTransactionalProducerSingleBrokerMaxInFlightOne() PASSED

TransactionsTest > testReadCommittedConsumerShouldNotSeeUndecidedData() SKIPPED

2941 tests completed, 1 failed, 8 skipped

> Task :core:test FAILED

FAILURE: Build completed with 2 failures.

1: Task failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':connect:runtime:test'.
> There were failing tests. See the report at: file://<>

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

2: Task failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':core:test'.
> Process 'Gradle Test Executor 78' finished with non-zero exit value 1
  This problem might be caused by incorrect test process configuration.
  Please refer to the test execution section in the User Manual at

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

* Get more help at

Deprecated Gradle features were used in this build, making it incompatible with Gradle 7.0.
Use '--warning-mode all' to show the individual deprecation warnings.

BUILD FAILED in 1h 16m 33s
250 actionable tasks: 243 executed, 7 up-to-date
Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure
Recording test results
Not sending mail to unregistered user

Re: Build failed in Jenkins: Kafka » kafka-trunk-jdk11 #514

Posted by Ran Lupovich <>.

בתאריך שבת, 13 בפבר׳ 2021, 18:59, מאת Apache Jenkins Server ‏<>:

> See <
> >
> Changes:
> [github] MINOR: Update zstd and use classes with no finalizers (#10120)
> ------------------------------------------
> [...truncated 3.61 MB...]
> ControllerEventManagerTest > testSuccessfulEvent() PASSED
> ControllerEventManagerTest > testMetricsCleanedOnClose() STARTED
> ControllerEventManagerTest > testMetricsCleanedOnClose() PASSED
> ControllerChannelManagerTest >
> testStopReplicaRequestWithAlreadyDefinedDeletedPartition() STARTED
> ControllerChannelManagerTest >
> testStopReplicaRequestWithAlreadyDefinedDeletedPartition() PASSED
> ControllerChannelManagerTest >
> testUpdateMetadataInterBrokerProtocolVersion() STARTED
> ControllerChannelManagerTest >
> testUpdateMetadataInterBrokerProtocolVersion() PASSED
> ControllerChannelManagerTest > testLeaderAndIsrRequestIsNew() STARTED
> ControllerChannelManagerTest > testLeaderAndIsrRequestIsNew() PASSED
> ControllerChannelManagerTest >
> testStopReplicaRequestsWhileTopicQueuedForDeletion() STARTED
> ControllerChannelManagerTest >
> testStopReplicaRequestsWhileTopicQueuedForDeletion() PASSED
> ControllerChannelManagerTest >
> testLeaderAndIsrRequestSentToLiveOrShuttingDownBrokers() STARTED
> ControllerChannelManagerTest >
> testLeaderAndIsrRequestSentToLiveOrShuttingDownBrokers() PASSED
> ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaInterBrokerProtocolVersion()
> ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaInterBrokerProtocolVersion()
> ControllerChannelManagerTest >
> testStopReplicaSentOnlyToLiveAndShuttingDownBrokers() STARTED
> ControllerChannelManagerTest >
> testStopReplicaSentOnlyToLiveAndShuttingDownBrokers() PASSED
> ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaGroupsByBroker() STARTED
> ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaGroupsByBroker() PASSED
> ControllerChannelManagerTest >
> testUpdateMetadataDoesNotIncludePartitionsWithoutLeaderAndIsr() STARTED
> ControllerChannelManagerTest >
> testUpdateMetadataDoesNotIncludePartitionsWithoutLeaderAndIsr() PASSED
> ControllerChannelManagerTest >
> testMixedDeleteAndNotDeleteStopReplicaRequests() STARTED
> ControllerChannelManagerTest >
> testMixedDeleteAndNotDeleteStopReplicaRequests() PASSED
> ControllerChannelManagerTest >
> testLeaderAndIsrInterBrokerProtocolVersion() STARTED
> ControllerChannelManagerTest >
> testLeaderAndIsrInterBrokerProtocolVersion() PASSED
> ControllerChannelManagerTest > testUpdateMetadataRequestSent() STARTED
> ControllerChannelManagerTest > testUpdateMetadataRequestSent() PASSED
> ControllerChannelManagerTest >
> testUpdateMetadataRequestDuringTopicDeletion() STARTED
> ControllerChannelManagerTest >
> testUpdateMetadataRequestDuringTopicDeletion() PASSED
> ControllerChannelManagerTest >
> testUpdateMetadataIncludesLiveOrShuttingDownBrokers() STARTED
> ControllerChannelManagerTest >
> testUpdateMetadataIncludesLiveOrShuttingDownBrokers() PASSED
> ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaRequestSent() STARTED
> ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaRequestSent() PASSED
> ControllerChannelManagerTest >
> testStopReplicaRequestsWhileTopicDeletionStarted() STARTED
> ControllerChannelManagerTest >
> testStopReplicaRequestsWhileTopicDeletionStarted() PASSED
> ControllerChannelManagerTest > testLeaderAndIsrRequestSent() STARTED
> ControllerChannelManagerTest > testLeaderAndIsrRequestSent() PASSED
> ControllerChannelManagerTest >
> testStopReplicaRequestWithoutDeletePartitionWhileTopicDeletionStarted()
> ControllerChannelManagerTest >
> testStopReplicaRequestWithoutDeletePartitionWhileTopicDeletionStarted()
> FeatureZNodeTest > testDecodeFailOnInvalidFeatures() STARTED
> FeatureZNodeTest > testDecodeFailOnInvalidFeatures() PASSED
> FeatureZNodeTest > testEncodeDecode() STARTED
> FeatureZNodeTest > testEncodeDecode() PASSED
> FeatureZNodeTest > testDecodeSuccess() STARTED
> FeatureZNodeTest > testDecodeSuccess() PASSED
> FeatureZNodeTest > testDecodeFailOnInvalidVersionAndStatus() STARTED
> FeatureZNodeTest > testDecodeFailOnInvalidVersionAndStatus() PASSED
> ExtendedAclStoreTest > shouldHaveCorrectPaths() STARTED
> ExtendedAclStoreTest > shouldHaveCorrectPaths() PASSED
> ExtendedAclStoreTest > shouldRoundTripChangeNode() STARTED
> ExtendedAclStoreTest > shouldRoundTripChangeNode() PASSED
> ExtendedAclStoreTest > shouldThrowFromEncodeOnLiteral() STARTED
> ExtendedAclStoreTest > shouldThrowFromEncodeOnLiteral() PASSED
> ExtendedAclStoreTest > shouldThrowIfConstructedWithLiteral() STARTED
> ExtendedAclStoreTest > shouldThrowIfConstructedWithLiteral() PASSED
> ExtendedAclStoreTest > shouldWriteChangesToTheWritePath() STARTED
> ExtendedAclStoreTest > shouldWriteChangesToTheWritePath() PASSED
> ExtendedAclStoreTest > shouldHaveCorrectPatternType() STARTED
> ExtendedAclStoreTest > shouldHaveCorrectPatternType() PASSED
> DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [1] name=print nothing,
> record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null,
> offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value
> size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value =
> [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly =
> false), key = [B@77f9453a, value = [B@13b20fc8),
> properties=Map(print.value -> false), expected= STARTED
> DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [1] name=print nothing,
> record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null,
> offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value
> size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value =
> [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly =
> false), key = [B@77f9453a, value = [B@13b20fc8),
> properties=Map(print.value -> false), expected= PASSED
> DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [2] name=print key,
> record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null,
> offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value
> size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value =
> [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly =
> false), key = [B@5a23b1ac, value = [B@28e0b7e4), properties=Map(print.key
> -> true, print.value -> false), expected=someKey
> DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [2] name=print key,
> record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null,
> offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value
> size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value =
> [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly =
> false), key = [B@5a23b1ac, value = [B@28e0b7e4), properties=Map(print.key
> -> true, print.value -> false), expected=someKey
> DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [3] name=print value,
> record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null,
> offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value
> size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value =
> [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly =
> false), key = [B@d675b46, value = [B@5722109a), properties=Map(),
> expected=someValue
> DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [3] name=print value,
> record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null,
> offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value
> size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value =
> [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly =
> false), key = [B@d675b46, value = [B@5722109a), properties=Map(),
> expected=someValue
> DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [4] name=print empty timestamp,
> record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null,
> offset = 9876, NoTimestampType = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized
> value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1,
> value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly
> = false), key = [B@10cb7503, value = [B@3db9af69),
> properties=Map(print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> false),
> expected=NO_TIMESTAMP
> DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [4] name=print empty timestamp,
> record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null,
> offset = 9876, NoTimestampType = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized
> value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1,
> value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly
> = false), key = [B@10cb7503, value = [B@3db9af69),
> properties=Map(print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> false),
> expected=NO_TIMESTAMP
> DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [5] name=print log append time timestamp,
> record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null,
> offset = 9876, LogAppendTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized
> value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1,
> value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly
> = false), key = [B@ab36ef3, value = [B@4dd209ff),
> properties=Map(print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> false),
> expected=LogAppendTime:1234
> DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [5] name=print log append time timestamp,
> record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null,
> offset = 9876, LogAppendTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized
> value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1,
> value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly
> = false), key = [B@ab36ef3, value = [B@4dd209ff),
> properties=Map(print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> false),
> expected=LogAppendTime:1234
> DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [6] name=print create time timestamp,
> record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null,
> offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value
> size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value =
> [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly =
> false), key = [B@67a1e2b, value = [B@76c83b6a),
> properties=Map(print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> false),
> expected=CreateTime:1234
> DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [6] name=print create time timestamp,
> record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null,
> offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value
> size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value =
> [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly =
> false), key = [B@67a1e2b, value = [B@76c83b6a),
> properties=Map(print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> false),
> expected=CreateTime:1234
> DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [7] name=print partition,
> record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null,
> offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value
> size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value =
> [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly =
> false), key = [B@679d07b6, value = [B@3a5d774b),
> properties=Map(print.partition -> true, print.value -> false),
> expected=Partition:9
> DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [7] name=print partition,
> record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null,
> offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value
> size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value =
> [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly =
> false), key = [B@679d07b6, value = [B@3a5d774b),
> properties=Map(print.partition -> true, print.value -> false),
> expected=Partition:9
> DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [8] name=print offset,
> record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null,
> offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value
> size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value =
> [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly =
> false), key = [B@6c00ad6d, value = [B@5b24d8ec),
> properties=Map(print.offset -> true, print.value -> false),
> expected=Offset:9876
> DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [8] name=print offset,
> record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null,
> offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value
> size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value =
> [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly =
> false), key = [B@6c00ad6d, value = [B@5b24d8ec),
> properties=Map(print.offset -> true, print.value -> false),
> expected=Offset:9876
> DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [9] name=print headers,
> record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null,
> offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value
> size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value =
> [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly =
> false), key = [B@548bc489, value = [B@53d067c),
> properties=Map(print.headers -> true, print.value -> false),
> expected=h1:v1,h2:v2
> DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [9] name=print headers,
> record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null,
> offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value
> size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value =
> [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly =
> false), key = [B@548bc489, value = [B@53d067c),
> properties=Map(print.headers -> true, print.value -> false),
> expected=h1:v1,h2:v2
> DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [10] name=print empty headers,
> record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null,
> offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value
> size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [], isReadOnly = false), key =
> [B@670a66f4, value = [B@7940c04b), properties=Map(print.headers -> true,
> print.value -> false), expected=NO_HEADERS
> DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [10] name=print empty headers,
> record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null,
> offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value
> size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [], isReadOnly = false), key =
> [B@670a66f4, value = [B@7940c04b), properties=Map(print.headers -> true,
> print.value -> false), expected=NO_HEADERS
> DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [11] name=print all possible fields with
> default delimiters, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9,
> leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size =
> 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers =
> [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value =
> [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@448560a5, value = [B@b0e4032),
> properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.headers -> true, print.partition ->
> true, print.offset -> true, print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> true),
> expected=CreateTime:1234     Partition:9     Offset:9876     h1:v1,h2:v2
>  someKey someValue
> DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [11] name=print all possible fields with
> default delimiters, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9,
> leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size =
> 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers =
> [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value =
> [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@448560a5, value = [B@b0e4032),
> properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.headers -> true, print.partition ->
> true, print.offset -> true, print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> true),
> expected=CreateTime:1234     Partition:9     Offset:9876     h1:v1,h2:v2
>  someKey someValue
> DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [12] name=print all possible fields with
> custom delimiters, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9,
> leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size =
> 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers =
> [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value =
> [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@3f07aa61, value = [B@403a6752),
> properties=Map(line.separator -> ^, print.key -> true, headers.separator ->
> #, print.headers -> true, key.separator -> |, print.partition -> true,
> print.offset -> true, print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> true),
> expected=CreateTime:1234|Partition:9|Offset:9876|h1:v1#h2:v2|someKey|someValue^
> DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [12] name=print all possible fields with
> custom delimiters, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9,
> leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size =
> 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers =
> [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value =
> [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@3f07aa61, value = [B@403a6752),
> properties=Map(line.separator -> ^, print.key -> true, headers.separator ->
> #, print.headers -> true, key.separator -> |, print.partition -> true,
> print.offset -> true, print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> true),
> expected=CreateTime:1234|Partition:9|Offset:9876|h1:v1#h2:v2|someKey|someValue^
> DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [13] name=print key with custom
> deserializer, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9,
> leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size =
> 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers =
> [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value =
> [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@2fd5b7b8, value = [B@56237da0),
> properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.headers -> true, print.value ->
> true, key.deserializer ->,
> expected=h1:v1,h2:v2   SOMEKEY someValue
> DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [13] name=print key with custom
> deserializer, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9,
> leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size =
> 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers =
> [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value =
> [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@2fd5b7b8, value = [B@56237da0),
> properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.headers -> true, print.value ->
> true, key.deserializer ->,
> expected=h1:v1,h2:v2   SOMEKEY someValue
> DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [14] name=print value with custom
> deserializer, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9,
> leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size =
> 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers =
> [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value =
> [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@458c6baf, value = [B@80fc0c3),
> properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.headers -> true, print.value ->
> true, value.deserializer ->,
> expected=h1:v1,h2:v2        someKey SOMEVALUE
> DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [14] name=print value with custom
> deserializer, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9,
> leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size =
> 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers =
> [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value =
> [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@458c6baf, value = [B@80fc0c3),
> properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.headers -> true, print.value ->
> true, value.deserializer ->,
> expected=h1:v1,h2:v2        someKey SOMEVALUE
> DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [15] name=print headers with custom
> deserializer, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9,
> leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size =
> 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers =
> [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value =
> [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@708f90dc, value = [B@4f980dd),
> properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.headers -> true, print.value ->
> true, headers.deserializer ->,
> expected=h1:V1,h2:V2    someKey someValue
> DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [15] name=print headers with custom
> deserializer, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9,
> leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size =
> 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers =
> [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value =
> [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@708f90dc, value = [B@4f980dd),
> properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.headers -> true, print.value ->
> true, headers.deserializer ->,
> expected=h1:V1,h2:V2    someKey someValue
> DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [16] name=print key and value,
> record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null,
> offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value
> size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value =
> [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly =
> false), key = [B@228e42fe, value = [B@547187b4), properties=Map(print.key
> -> true, print.value -> true), expected=someKey someValue
> DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [16] name=print key and value,
> record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null,
> offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value
> size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value =
> [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly =
> false), key = [B@228e42fe, value = [B@547187b4), properties=Map(print.key
> -> true, print.value -> true), expected=someKey someValue
> DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [17] name=print fields in the beginning,
> middle and the end, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9,
> leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size =
> 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers =
> [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value =
> [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@6731353a, value = [B@6c38ab71),
> properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.value -> true, print.partition ->
> true), expected=Partition:9      someKey someValue
> DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [17] name=print fields in the beginning,
> middle and the end, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9,
> leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size =
> 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers =
> [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value =
> [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@6731353a, value = [B@6c38ab71),
> properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.value -> true, print.partition ->
> true), expected=Partition:9      someKey someValue
> DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [18] name=null value without custom null
> literal, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9,
> leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size =
> 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers =
> [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value =
> [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@7eabbe86, value = null),
> properties=Map(print.key -> true), expected=someKey  null
> DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [18] name=null value without custom null
> literal, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9,
> leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size =
> 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers =
> [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value =
> [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@7eabbe86, value = null),
> properties=Map(print.key -> true), expected=someKey  null
> DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [19] name=null value with custom null
> literal, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9,
> leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size =
> 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers =
> [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value =
> [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@174bd2c2, value = null),
> properties=Map(print.key -> true, null.literal -> NULL), expected=someKey
>      NULL
> DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [19] name=null value with custom null
> literal, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9,
> leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size =
> 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers =
> [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value =
> [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@174bd2c2, value = null),
> properties=Map(print.key -> true, null.literal -> NULL), expected=someKey
>      NULL
> FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
> * What went wrong:
> Execution failed for task ':connect:runtime:test'.
> > There were failing tests. See the report at: file://<
> >
> * Try:
> Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or
> --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.
> * Get more help at
> Deprecated Gradle features were used in this build, making it incompatible
> with Gradle 7.0.
> Use '--warning-mode all' to show the individual deprecation warnings.
> See
> BUILD FAILED in 1h 26m 44s
> 250 actionable tasks: 214 executed, 36 up-to-date
> Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure
> Recording test results
> Not sending mail to unregistered user

Build failed in Jenkins: Kafka » kafka-trunk-jdk11 #514

Posted by Apache Jenkins Server <>.
See <>


[github] MINOR: Update zstd and use classes with no finalizers (#10120)

[...truncated 3.61 MB...]

ControllerEventManagerTest > testSuccessfulEvent() PASSED

ControllerEventManagerTest > testMetricsCleanedOnClose() STARTED

ControllerEventManagerTest > testMetricsCleanedOnClose() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaRequestWithAlreadyDefinedDeletedPartition() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaRequestWithAlreadyDefinedDeletedPartition() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testUpdateMetadataInterBrokerProtocolVersion() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testUpdateMetadataInterBrokerProtocolVersion() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testLeaderAndIsrRequestIsNew() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testLeaderAndIsrRequestIsNew() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaRequestsWhileTopicQueuedForDeletion() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaRequestsWhileTopicQueuedForDeletion() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testLeaderAndIsrRequestSentToLiveOrShuttingDownBrokers() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testLeaderAndIsrRequestSentToLiveOrShuttingDownBrokers() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaInterBrokerProtocolVersion() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaInterBrokerProtocolVersion() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaSentOnlyToLiveAndShuttingDownBrokers() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaSentOnlyToLiveAndShuttingDownBrokers() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaGroupsByBroker() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaGroupsByBroker() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testUpdateMetadataDoesNotIncludePartitionsWithoutLeaderAndIsr() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testUpdateMetadataDoesNotIncludePartitionsWithoutLeaderAndIsr() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testMixedDeleteAndNotDeleteStopReplicaRequests() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testMixedDeleteAndNotDeleteStopReplicaRequests() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testLeaderAndIsrInterBrokerProtocolVersion() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testLeaderAndIsrInterBrokerProtocolVersion() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testUpdateMetadataRequestSent() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testUpdateMetadataRequestSent() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testUpdateMetadataRequestDuringTopicDeletion() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testUpdateMetadataRequestDuringTopicDeletion() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testUpdateMetadataIncludesLiveOrShuttingDownBrokers() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testUpdateMetadataIncludesLiveOrShuttingDownBrokers() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaRequestSent() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaRequestSent() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaRequestsWhileTopicDeletionStarted() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaRequestsWhileTopicDeletionStarted() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testLeaderAndIsrRequestSent() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testLeaderAndIsrRequestSent() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaRequestWithoutDeletePartitionWhileTopicDeletionStarted() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaRequestWithoutDeletePartitionWhileTopicDeletionStarted() PASSED

FeatureZNodeTest > testDecodeFailOnInvalidFeatures() STARTED

FeatureZNodeTest > testDecodeFailOnInvalidFeatures() PASSED

FeatureZNodeTest > testEncodeDecode() STARTED

FeatureZNodeTest > testEncodeDecode() PASSED

FeatureZNodeTest > testDecodeSuccess() STARTED

FeatureZNodeTest > testDecodeSuccess() PASSED

FeatureZNodeTest > testDecodeFailOnInvalidVersionAndStatus() STARTED

FeatureZNodeTest > testDecodeFailOnInvalidVersionAndStatus() PASSED

ExtendedAclStoreTest > shouldHaveCorrectPaths() STARTED

ExtendedAclStoreTest > shouldHaveCorrectPaths() PASSED

ExtendedAclStoreTest > shouldRoundTripChangeNode() STARTED

ExtendedAclStoreTest > shouldRoundTripChangeNode() PASSED

ExtendedAclStoreTest > shouldThrowFromEncodeOnLiteral() STARTED

ExtendedAclStoreTest > shouldThrowFromEncodeOnLiteral() PASSED

ExtendedAclStoreTest > shouldThrowIfConstructedWithLiteral() STARTED

ExtendedAclStoreTest > shouldThrowIfConstructedWithLiteral() PASSED

ExtendedAclStoreTest > shouldWriteChangesToTheWritePath() STARTED

ExtendedAclStoreTest > shouldWriteChangesToTheWritePath() PASSED

ExtendedAclStoreTest > shouldHaveCorrectPatternType() STARTED

ExtendedAclStoreTest > shouldHaveCorrectPatternType() PASSED

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [1] name=print nothing, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@77f9453a, value = [B@13b20fc8), properties=Map(print.value -> false), expected= STARTED

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [1] name=print nothing, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@77f9453a, value = [B@13b20fc8), properties=Map(print.value -> false), expected= PASSED

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [2] name=print key, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@5a23b1ac, value = [B@28e0b7e4), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.value -> false), expected=someKey

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [2] name=print key, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@5a23b1ac, value = [B@28e0b7e4), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.value -> false), expected=someKey

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [3] name=print value, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@d675b46, value = [B@5722109a), properties=Map(), expected=someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [3] name=print value, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@d675b46, value = [B@5722109a), properties=Map(), expected=someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [4] name=print empty timestamp, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, NoTimestampType = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@10cb7503, value = [B@3db9af69), properties=Map(print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> false), expected=NO_TIMESTAMP

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [4] name=print empty timestamp, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, NoTimestampType = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@10cb7503, value = [B@3db9af69), properties=Map(print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> false), expected=NO_TIMESTAMP

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [5] name=print log append time timestamp, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, LogAppendTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@ab36ef3, value = [B@4dd209ff), properties=Map(print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> false), expected=LogAppendTime:1234

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [5] name=print log append time timestamp, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, LogAppendTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@ab36ef3, value = [B@4dd209ff), properties=Map(print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> false), expected=LogAppendTime:1234

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [6] name=print create time timestamp, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@67a1e2b, value = [B@76c83b6a), properties=Map(print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> false), expected=CreateTime:1234

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [6] name=print create time timestamp, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@67a1e2b, value = [B@76c83b6a), properties=Map(print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> false), expected=CreateTime:1234

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [7] name=print partition, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@679d07b6, value = [B@3a5d774b), properties=Map(print.partition -> true, print.value -> false), expected=Partition:9

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [7] name=print partition, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@679d07b6, value = [B@3a5d774b), properties=Map(print.partition -> true, print.value -> false), expected=Partition:9

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [8] name=print offset, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@6c00ad6d, value = [B@5b24d8ec), properties=Map(print.offset -> true, print.value -> false), expected=Offset:9876

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [8] name=print offset, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@6c00ad6d, value = [B@5b24d8ec), properties=Map(print.offset -> true, print.value -> false), expected=Offset:9876

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [9] name=print headers, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@548bc489, value = [B@53d067c), properties=Map(print.headers -> true, print.value -> false), expected=h1:v1,h2:v2

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [9] name=print headers, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@548bc489, value = [B@53d067c), properties=Map(print.headers -> true, print.value -> false), expected=h1:v1,h2:v2

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [10] name=print empty headers, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@670a66f4, value = [B@7940c04b), properties=Map(print.headers -> true, print.value -> false), expected=NO_HEADERS

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [10] name=print empty headers, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@670a66f4, value = [B@7940c04b), properties=Map(print.headers -> true, print.value -> false), expected=NO_HEADERS

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [11] name=print all possible fields with default delimiters, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@448560a5, value = [B@b0e4032), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.headers -> true, print.partition -> true, print.offset -> true, print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> true), expected=CreateTime:1234	Partition:9	Offset:9876	h1:v1,h2:v2	someKey	someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [11] name=print all possible fields with default delimiters, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@448560a5, value = [B@b0e4032), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.headers -> true, print.partition -> true, print.offset -> true, print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> true), expected=CreateTime:1234	Partition:9	Offset:9876	h1:v1,h2:v2	someKey	someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [12] name=print all possible fields with custom delimiters, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@3f07aa61, value = [B@403a6752), properties=Map(line.separator -> ^, print.key -> true, headers.separator -> #, print.headers -> true, key.separator -> |, print.partition -> true, print.offset -> true, print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> true), expected=CreateTime:1234|Partition:9|Offset:9876|h1:v1#h2:v2|someKey|someValue^ STARTED

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [12] name=print all possible fields with custom delimiters, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@3f07aa61, value = [B@403a6752), properties=Map(line.separator -> ^, print.key -> true, headers.separator -> #, print.headers -> true, key.separator -> |, print.partition -> true, print.offset -> true, print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> true), expected=CreateTime:1234|Partition:9|Offset:9876|h1:v1#h2:v2|someKey|someValue^ PASSED

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [13] name=print key with custom deserializer, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@2fd5b7b8, value = [B@56237da0), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.headers -> true, print.value -> true, key.deserializer ->, expected=h1:v1,h2:v2	SOMEKEY	someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [13] name=print key with custom deserializer, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@2fd5b7b8, value = [B@56237da0), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.headers -> true, print.value -> true, key.deserializer ->, expected=h1:v1,h2:v2	SOMEKEY	someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [14] name=print value with custom deserializer, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@458c6baf, value = [B@80fc0c3), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.headers -> true, print.value -> true, value.deserializer ->, expected=h1:v1,h2:v2	someKey	SOMEVALUE

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [14] name=print value with custom deserializer, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@458c6baf, value = [B@80fc0c3), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.headers -> true, print.value -> true, value.deserializer ->, expected=h1:v1,h2:v2	someKey	SOMEVALUE

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [15] name=print headers with custom deserializer, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@708f90dc, value = [B@4f980dd), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.headers -> true, print.value -> true, headers.deserializer ->, expected=h1:V1,h2:V2	someKey	someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [15] name=print headers with custom deserializer, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@708f90dc, value = [B@4f980dd), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.headers -> true, print.value -> true, headers.deserializer ->, expected=h1:V1,h2:V2	someKey	someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [16] name=print key and value, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@228e42fe, value = [B@547187b4), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.value -> true), expected=someKey	someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [16] name=print key and value, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@228e42fe, value = [B@547187b4), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.value -> true), expected=someKey	someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [17] name=print fields in the beginning, middle and the end, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@6731353a, value = [B@6c38ab71), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.value -> true, print.partition -> true), expected=Partition:9	someKey	someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [17] name=print fields in the beginning, middle and the end, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@6731353a, value = [B@6c38ab71), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.value -> true, print.partition -> true), expected=Partition:9	someKey	someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [18] name=null value without custom null literal, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@7eabbe86, value = null), properties=Map(print.key -> true), expected=someKey	null

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [18] name=null value without custom null literal, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@7eabbe86, value = null), properties=Map(print.key -> true), expected=someKey	null

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [19] name=null value with custom null literal, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@174bd2c2, value = null), properties=Map(print.key -> true, null.literal -> NULL), expected=someKey	NULL

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [19] name=null value with custom null literal, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@174bd2c2, value = null), properties=Map(print.key -> true, null.literal -> NULL), expected=someKey	NULL

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':connect:runtime:test'.
> There were failing tests. See the report at: file://<>

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

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Deprecated Gradle features were used in this build, making it incompatible with Gradle 7.0.
Use '--warning-mode all' to show the individual deprecation warnings.

BUILD FAILED in 1h 26m 44s
250 actionable tasks: 214 executed, 36 up-to-date
Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure
Recording test results
Not sending mail to unregistered user

Build failed in Jenkins: Kafka » kafka-trunk-jdk11 #513

Posted by Apache Jenkins Server <>.
See <>


[github] KAFKA-12326: Corrected regresion in MirrorMaker 2 executable introduced with KAFKA-10021 (#10122)

[...truncated 3.61 MB...]

ControllerEventManagerTest > testSuccessfulEvent() PASSED

ControllerEventManagerTest > testMetricsCleanedOnClose() STARTED

ControllerEventManagerTest > testMetricsCleanedOnClose() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaRequestWithAlreadyDefinedDeletedPartition() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaRequestWithAlreadyDefinedDeletedPartition() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testUpdateMetadataInterBrokerProtocolVersion() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testUpdateMetadataInterBrokerProtocolVersion() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testLeaderAndIsrRequestIsNew() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testLeaderAndIsrRequestIsNew() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaRequestsWhileTopicQueuedForDeletion() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaRequestsWhileTopicQueuedForDeletion() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testLeaderAndIsrRequestSentToLiveOrShuttingDownBrokers() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testLeaderAndIsrRequestSentToLiveOrShuttingDownBrokers() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaInterBrokerProtocolVersion() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaInterBrokerProtocolVersion() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaSentOnlyToLiveAndShuttingDownBrokers() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaSentOnlyToLiveAndShuttingDownBrokers() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaGroupsByBroker() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaGroupsByBroker() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testUpdateMetadataDoesNotIncludePartitionsWithoutLeaderAndIsr() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testUpdateMetadataDoesNotIncludePartitionsWithoutLeaderAndIsr() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testMixedDeleteAndNotDeleteStopReplicaRequests() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testMixedDeleteAndNotDeleteStopReplicaRequests() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testLeaderAndIsrInterBrokerProtocolVersion() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testLeaderAndIsrInterBrokerProtocolVersion() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testUpdateMetadataRequestSent() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testUpdateMetadataRequestSent() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testUpdateMetadataRequestDuringTopicDeletion() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testUpdateMetadataRequestDuringTopicDeletion() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testUpdateMetadataIncludesLiveOrShuttingDownBrokers() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testUpdateMetadataIncludesLiveOrShuttingDownBrokers() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaRequestSent() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaRequestSent() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaRequestsWhileTopicDeletionStarted() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaRequestsWhileTopicDeletionStarted() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testLeaderAndIsrRequestSent() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testLeaderAndIsrRequestSent() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaRequestWithoutDeletePartitionWhileTopicDeletionStarted() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaRequestWithoutDeletePartitionWhileTopicDeletionStarted() PASSED

FeatureZNodeTest > testDecodeFailOnInvalidFeatures() STARTED

FeatureZNodeTest > testDecodeFailOnInvalidFeatures() PASSED

FeatureZNodeTest > testEncodeDecode() STARTED

FeatureZNodeTest > testEncodeDecode() PASSED

FeatureZNodeTest > testDecodeSuccess() STARTED

FeatureZNodeTest > testDecodeSuccess() PASSED

FeatureZNodeTest > testDecodeFailOnInvalidVersionAndStatus() STARTED

FeatureZNodeTest > testDecodeFailOnInvalidVersionAndStatus() PASSED

ExtendedAclStoreTest > shouldHaveCorrectPaths() STARTED

ExtendedAclStoreTest > shouldHaveCorrectPaths() PASSED

ExtendedAclStoreTest > shouldRoundTripChangeNode() STARTED

ExtendedAclStoreTest > shouldRoundTripChangeNode() PASSED

ExtendedAclStoreTest > shouldThrowFromEncodeOnLiteral() STARTED

ExtendedAclStoreTest > shouldThrowFromEncodeOnLiteral() PASSED

ExtendedAclStoreTest > shouldThrowIfConstructedWithLiteral() STARTED

ExtendedAclStoreTest > shouldThrowIfConstructedWithLiteral() PASSED

ExtendedAclStoreTest > shouldWriteChangesToTheWritePath() STARTED

ExtendedAclStoreTest > shouldWriteChangesToTheWritePath() PASSED

ExtendedAclStoreTest > shouldHaveCorrectPatternType() STARTED

ExtendedAclStoreTest > shouldHaveCorrectPatternType() PASSED

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [1] name=print nothing, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@28680d15, value = [B@186601e6), properties=Map(print.value -> false), expected= STARTED

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [1] name=print nothing, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@28680d15, value = [B@186601e6), properties=Map(print.value -> false), expected= PASSED

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [2] name=print key, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@7caa9401, value = [B@35ce3a95), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.value -> false), expected=someKey

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [2] name=print key, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@7caa9401, value = [B@35ce3a95), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.value -> false), expected=someKey

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [3] name=print value, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@51c07761, value = [B@1701d692), properties=Map(), expected=someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [3] name=print value, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@51c07761, value = [B@1701d692), properties=Map(), expected=someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [4] name=print empty timestamp, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, NoTimestampType = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@3fa352ef, value = [B@7b7ddd1c), properties=Map(print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> false), expected=NO_TIMESTAMP

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [4] name=print empty timestamp, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, NoTimestampType = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@3fa352ef, value = [B@7b7ddd1c), properties=Map(print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> false), expected=NO_TIMESTAMP

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [5] name=print log append time timestamp, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, LogAppendTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@29d4c66d, value = [B@30f83083), properties=Map(print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> false), expected=LogAppendTime:1234

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [5] name=print log append time timestamp, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, LogAppendTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@29d4c66d, value = [B@30f83083), properties=Map(print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> false), expected=LogAppendTime:1234

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [6] name=print create time timestamp, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@15e93859, value = [B@6982c5), properties=Map(print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> false), expected=CreateTime:1234

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [6] name=print create time timestamp, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@15e93859, value = [B@6982c5), properties=Map(print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> false), expected=CreateTime:1234

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [7] name=print partition, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@f01db0b, value = [B@7e0c8e40), properties=Map(print.partition -> true, print.value -> false), expected=Partition:9

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [7] name=print partition, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@f01db0b, value = [B@7e0c8e40), properties=Map(print.partition -> true, print.value -> false), expected=Partition:9

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [8] name=print offset, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@22fb5a28, value = [B@6e489b18), properties=Map(print.offset -> true, print.value -> false), expected=Offset:9876

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [8] name=print offset, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@22fb5a28, value = [B@6e489b18), properties=Map(print.offset -> true, print.value -> false), expected=Offset:9876

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [9] name=print headers, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@6f90cc59, value = [B@75f43165), properties=Map(print.headers -> true, print.value -> false), expected=h1:v1,h2:v2

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [9] name=print headers, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@6f90cc59, value = [B@75f43165), properties=Map(print.headers -> true, print.value -> false), expected=h1:v1,h2:v2

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [10] name=print empty headers, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@2748d5e7, value = [B@66bdd025), properties=Map(print.headers -> true, print.value -> false), expected=NO_HEADERS

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [10] name=print empty headers, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@2748d5e7, value = [B@66bdd025), properties=Map(print.headers -> true, print.value -> false), expected=NO_HEADERS

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [11] name=print all possible fields with default delimiters, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@11f04165, value = [B@696407ef), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.headers -> true, print.partition -> true, print.offset -> true, print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> true), expected=CreateTime:1234	Partition:9	Offset:9876	h1:v1,h2:v2	someKey	someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [11] name=print all possible fields with default delimiters, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@11f04165, value = [B@696407ef), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.headers -> true, print.partition -> true, print.offset -> true, print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> true), expected=CreateTime:1234	Partition:9	Offset:9876	h1:v1,h2:v2	someKey	someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [12] name=print all possible fields with custom delimiters, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@8e200c9, value = [B@d6c508), properties=Map(line.separator -> ^, print.key -> true, headers.separator -> #, print.headers -> true, key.separator -> |, print.partition -> true, print.offset -> true, print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> true), expected=CreateTime:1234|Partition:9|Offset:9876|h1:v1#h2:v2|someKey|someValue^ STARTED

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [12] name=print all possible fields with custom delimiters, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@8e200c9, value = [B@d6c508), properties=Map(line.separator -> ^, print.key -> true, headers.separator -> #, print.headers -> true, key.separator -> |, print.partition -> true, print.offset -> true, print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> true), expected=CreateTime:1234|Partition:9|Offset:9876|h1:v1#h2:v2|someKey|someValue^ PASSED

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [13] name=print key with custom deserializer, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@13be571e, value = [B@5aac61f9), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.headers -> true, print.value -> true, key.deserializer ->, expected=h1:v1,h2:v2	SOMEKEY	someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [13] name=print key with custom deserializer, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@13be571e, value = [B@5aac61f9), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.headers -> true, print.value -> true, key.deserializer ->, expected=h1:v1,h2:v2	SOMEKEY	someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [14] name=print value with custom deserializer, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@157f1ad0, value = [B@2c65122f), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.headers -> true, print.value -> true, value.deserializer ->, expected=h1:v1,h2:v2	someKey	SOMEVALUE

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [14] name=print value with custom deserializer, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@157f1ad0, value = [B@2c65122f), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.headers -> true, print.value -> true, value.deserializer ->, expected=h1:v1,h2:v2	someKey	SOMEVALUE

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [15] name=print headers with custom deserializer, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@68c05830, value = [B@59c61727), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.headers -> true, print.value -> true, headers.deserializer ->, expected=h1:V1,h2:V2	someKey	someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [15] name=print headers with custom deserializer, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@68c05830, value = [B@59c61727), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.headers -> true, print.value -> true, headers.deserializer ->, expected=h1:V1,h2:V2	someKey	someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [16] name=print key and value, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@34822f55, value = [B@30f2a780), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.value -> true), expected=someKey	someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [16] name=print key and value, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@34822f55, value = [B@30f2a780), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.value -> true), expected=someKey	someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [17] name=print fields in the beginning, middle and the end, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@22f235ba, value = [B@68ae6c02), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.value -> true, print.partition -> true), expected=Partition:9	someKey	someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [17] name=print fields in the beginning, middle and the end, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@22f235ba, value = [B@68ae6c02), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.value -> true, print.partition -> true), expected=Partition:9	someKey	someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [18] name=null value without custom null literal, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@6caccdb3, value = null), properties=Map(print.key -> true), expected=someKey	null

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [18] name=null value without custom null literal, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@6caccdb3, value = null), properties=Map(print.key -> true), expected=someKey	null

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [19] name=null value with custom null literal, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@16644b6c, value = null), properties=Map(print.key -> true, null.literal -> NULL), expected=someKey	NULL

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [19] name=null value with custom null literal, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@16644b6c, value = null), properties=Map(print.key -> true, null.literal -> NULL), expected=someKey	NULL

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':connect:runtime:test'.
> There were failing tests. See the report at: file://<>

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

* Get more help at

Deprecated Gradle features were used in this build, making it incompatible with Gradle 7.0.
Use '--warning-mode all' to show the individual deprecation warnings.

BUILD FAILED in 1h 41m 44s
250 actionable tasks: 214 executed, 36 up-to-date
Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure
Recording test results
Not sending mail to unregistered user

Build failed in Jenkins: Kafka » kafka-trunk-jdk11 #512

Posted by Apache Jenkins Server <>.
See <>


[github] MINOR: Add FetchSnapshot API doc in KafkaRaftClient (#10097)

[github] KAFKA-12321 the comparison function for uuid type should be 'equals' rather than '==' (#10098)

[...truncated 3.63 MB...]

TransactionMarkerChannelManagerTest > shouldAbortAppendToLogOnEndTxnWhenNotCoordinatorError() STARTED

TransactionMarkerChannelManagerTest > shouldAbortAppendToLogOnEndTxnWhenNotCoordinatorError() PASSED

TransactionMarkerChannelManagerTest > shouldRetryAppendToLogOnEndTxnWhenCoordinatorNotAvailableError() STARTED

TransactionMarkerChannelManagerTest > shouldRetryAppendToLogOnEndTxnWhenCoordinatorNotAvailableError() PASSED

TransactionMarkerChannelManagerTest > shouldCompleteAppendToLogOnEndTxnWhenSendMarkersSucceed() STARTED

TransactionMarkerChannelManagerTest > shouldCompleteAppendToLogOnEndTxnWhenSendMarkersSucceed() PASSED

TransactionMarkerChannelManagerTest > shouldGenerateRequestPerPartitionPerBroker() STARTED

TransactionMarkerChannelManagerTest > shouldGenerateRequestPerPartitionPerBroker() PASSED

TransactionMarkerChannelManagerTest > shouldRemoveMarkersForTxnPartitionWhenPartitionEmigrated() STARTED

TransactionMarkerChannelManagerTest > shouldRemoveMarkersForTxnPartitionWhenPartitionEmigrated() PASSED

TransactionMarkerChannelManagerTest > shouldSkipSendMarkersWhenLeaderNotFound() STARTED

TransactionMarkerChannelManagerTest > shouldSkipSendMarkersWhenLeaderNotFound() PASSED

TransactionMarkerRequestCompletionHandlerTest > shouldRemoveTopicPartitionFromWaitingSetOnUnsupportedForMessageFormat() STARTED

TransactionMarkerRequestCompletionHandlerTest > shouldRemoveTopicPartitionFromWaitingSetOnUnsupportedForMessageFormat() PASSED

TransactionMarkerRequestCompletionHandlerTest > shouldThrowIllegalStateExceptionWhenRecordListTooLargeError() STARTED

TransactionMarkerRequestCompletionHandlerTest > shouldThrowIllegalStateExceptionWhenRecordListTooLargeError() PASSED

TransactionMarkerRequestCompletionHandlerTest > shouldCompleteDelayedOperationWhenInvalidProducerEpoch() STARTED

TransactionMarkerRequestCompletionHandlerTest > shouldCompleteDelayedOperationWhenInvalidProducerEpoch() PASSED

TransactionMarkerRequestCompletionHandlerTest > shouldRetryPartitionWhenNotLeaderOrFollowerError() STARTED

TransactionMarkerRequestCompletionHandlerTest > shouldRetryPartitionWhenNotLeaderOrFollowerError() PASSED

TransactionMarkerRequestCompletionHandlerTest > shouldThrowIllegalStateExceptionWhenInvalidRequiredAcksError() STARTED

TransactionMarkerRequestCompletionHandlerTest > shouldThrowIllegalStateExceptionWhenInvalidRequiredAcksError() PASSED

TransactionMarkerRequestCompletionHandlerTest > shouldReEnqueuePartitionsWhenBrokerDisconnected() STARTED

TransactionMarkerRequestCompletionHandlerTest > shouldReEnqueuePartitionsWhenBrokerDisconnected() PASSED

TransactionMarkerRequestCompletionHandlerTest > shouldRetryPartitionWhenNotEnoughReplicasError() STARTED

TransactionMarkerRequestCompletionHandlerTest > shouldRetryPartitionWhenNotEnoughReplicasError() PASSED

TransactionMarkerRequestCompletionHandlerTest > shouldCompleteDelayedOperationWhenNoErrors() STARTED

TransactionMarkerRequestCompletionHandlerTest > shouldCompleteDelayedOperationWhenNoErrors() PASSED

TransactionMarkerRequestCompletionHandlerTest > shouldThrowIllegalStateExceptionWhenCorruptMessageError() STARTED

TransactionMarkerRequestCompletionHandlerTest > shouldThrowIllegalStateExceptionWhenCorruptMessageError() PASSED

TransactionMarkerRequestCompletionHandlerTest > shouldCompleteDelayedOperationWhenCoordinatorLoading() STARTED

TransactionMarkerRequestCompletionHandlerTest > shouldCompleteDelayedOperationWhenCoordinatorLoading() PASSED

TransactionMarkerRequestCompletionHandlerTest > shouldCompleteDelayedOperationWheCoordinatorEpochFenced() STARTED

TransactionMarkerRequestCompletionHandlerTest > shouldCompleteDelayedOperationWheCoordinatorEpochFenced() PASSED

TransactionMarkerRequestCompletionHandlerTest > shouldThrowIllegalStateExceptionWhenUnknownError() STARTED

TransactionMarkerRequestCompletionHandlerTest > shouldThrowIllegalStateExceptionWhenUnknownError() PASSED

TransactionMarkerRequestCompletionHandlerTest > shouldCompleteDelayedOperationWhenNotCoordinator() STARTED

TransactionMarkerRequestCompletionHandlerTest > shouldCompleteDelayedOperationWhenNotCoordinator() PASSED

TransactionMarkerRequestCompletionHandlerTest > shouldCompleteDelayedOperationWhenCoordinatorEpochChanged() STARTED

TransactionMarkerRequestCompletionHandlerTest > shouldCompleteDelayedOperationWhenCoordinatorEpochChanged() PASSED

TransactionMarkerRequestCompletionHandlerTest > shouldRetryPartitionWhenUnknownTopicOrPartitionError() STARTED

TransactionMarkerRequestCompletionHandlerTest > shouldRetryPartitionWhenUnknownTopicOrPartitionError() PASSED

TransactionMarkerRequestCompletionHandlerTest > shouldRetryPartitionWhenNotEnoughReplicasAfterAppendError() STARTED

TransactionMarkerRequestCompletionHandlerTest > shouldRetryPartitionWhenNotEnoughReplicasAfterAppendError() PASSED

TransactionMarkerRequestCompletionHandlerTest > shouldThrowIllegalStateExceptionWhenMessageTooLargeError() STARTED

TransactionMarkerRequestCompletionHandlerTest > shouldThrowIllegalStateExceptionWhenMessageTooLargeError() PASSED

TransactionMarkerRequestCompletionHandlerTest > shouldThrowIllegalStateExceptionIfErrorCodeNotAvailableForPid() STARTED

TransactionMarkerRequestCompletionHandlerTest > shouldThrowIllegalStateExceptionIfErrorCodeNotAvailableForPid() PASSED

TransactionMarkerRequestCompletionHandlerTest > shouldRetryPartitionWhenKafkaStorageError() STARTED

TransactionMarkerRequestCompletionHandlerTest > shouldRetryPartitionWhenKafkaStorageError() PASSED

RequestChannelTest > testNonAlterRequestsNotTransformed() STARTED

RequestChannelTest > testNonAlterRequestsNotTransformed() PASSED

RequestChannelTest > testAlterRequests() STARTED

RequestChannelTest > testAlterRequests() PASSED

RequestChannelTest > testJsonRequests() STARTED

RequestChannelTest > testJsonRequests() PASSED

RequestChannelTest > testIncrementalAlterRequests() STARTED

RequestChannelTest > testIncrementalAlterRequests() PASSED

RequestConvertToJsonTest > testAllResponseTypesHandled() STARTED

RequestConvertToJsonTest > testAllResponseTypesHandled() PASSED

RequestConvertToJsonTest > testAllRequestTypesHandled() STARTED

RequestConvertToJsonTest > testAllRequestTypesHandled() PASSED

RequestConvertToJsonTest > testRequestDescMetrics() STARTED

RequestConvertToJsonTest > testRequestDescMetrics() PASSED

RequestConvertToJsonTest > testClientInfoNode() STARTED

RequestConvertToJsonTest > testClientInfoNode() PASSED

RequestConvertToJsonTest > testRequestDesc() STARTED

RequestConvertToJsonTest > testRequestDesc() PASSED

RequestConvertToJsonTest > testRequestHeaderNode() STARTED

RequestConvertToJsonTest > testRequestHeaderNode() PASSED

MetricsTest > testUpdateJMXFilter() STARTED

MetricsTest > testUpdateJMXFilter() PASSED

MetricsTest > testGeneralBrokerTopicMetricsAreGreedilyRegistered() STARTED

MetricsTest > testGeneralBrokerTopicMetricsAreGreedilyRegistered() PASSED

MetricsTest > testLinuxIoMetrics() STARTED

MetricsTest > testLinuxIoMetrics() PASSED

MetricsTest > testMetricsReporterAfterDeletingTopic() STARTED

MetricsTest > testMetricsReporterAfterDeletingTopic() PASSED

MetricsTest > testSessionExpireListenerMetrics() STARTED

MetricsTest > testSessionExpireListenerMetrics() PASSED

MetricsTest > testBrokerTopicMetricsUnregisteredAfterDeletingTopic() STARTED

MetricsTest > testBrokerTopicMetricsUnregisteredAfterDeletingTopic() PASSED

MetricsTest > testYammerMetricsCountMetric() STARTED

MetricsTest > testYammerMetricsCountMetric() PASSED

MetricsTest > testClusterIdMetric() STARTED

MetricsTest > testClusterIdMetric() PASSED

MetricsTest > testControllerMetrics() STARTED

MetricsTest > testControllerMetrics() PASSED

MetricsTest > testWindowsStyleTagNames() STARTED

MetricsTest > testWindowsStyleTagNames() PASSED

MetricsTest > testBrokerStateMetric() STARTED

MetricsTest > testBrokerStateMetric() PASSED

MetricsTest > testBrokerTopicMetricsBytesInOut() STARTED

MetricsTest > testBrokerTopicMetricsBytesInOut() PASSED

MetricsTest > testJMXFilter() STARTED

MetricsTest > testJMXFilter() PASSED

ControllerContextTest > testPartitionFullReplicaAssignmentReturnsEmptyAssignmentIfTopicOrPartitionDoesNotExist() STARTED

ControllerContextTest > testPartitionFullReplicaAssignmentReturnsEmptyAssignmentIfTopicOrPartitionDoesNotExist() PASSED

ControllerContextTest > testPartitionReplicaAssignmentForTopicReturnsEmptyMapIfTopicDoesNotExist() STARTED

ControllerContextTest > testPartitionReplicaAssignmentForTopicReturnsEmptyMapIfTopicDoesNotExist() PASSED

ControllerContextTest > testPreferredReplicaImbalanceMetric() STARTED

ControllerContextTest > testPreferredReplicaImbalanceMetric() PASSED

ControllerContextTest > testPartitionReplicaAssignmentForTopicReturnsExpectedReplicaAssignments() STARTED

ControllerContextTest > testPartitionReplicaAssignmentForTopicReturnsExpectedReplicaAssignments() PASSED

ControllerContextTest > testReassignTo() STARTED

ControllerContextTest > testReassignTo() PASSED

ControllerContextTest > testPartitionReplicaAssignment() STARTED

ControllerContextTest > testPartitionReplicaAssignment() PASSED

ControllerContextTest > testUpdatePartitionFullReplicaAssignmentUpdatesReplicaAssignment() STARTED

ControllerContextTest > testUpdatePartitionFullReplicaAssignmentUpdatesReplicaAssignment() PASSED

ControllerContextTest > testReassignToIdempotence() STARTED

ControllerContextTest > testReassignToIdempotence() PASSED

ControllerContextTest > testPartitionReplicaAssignmentReturnsEmptySeqIfTopicOrPartitionDoesNotExist() STARTED

ControllerContextTest > testPartitionReplicaAssignmentReturnsEmptySeqIfTopicOrPartitionDoesNotExist() PASSED

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':connect:runtime:test'.
> There were failing tests. See the report at: file://<>

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

* Get more help at

Deprecated Gradle features were used in this build, making it incompatible with Gradle 7.0.
Use '--warning-mode all' to show the individual deprecation warnings.

BUILD FAILED in 1h 46m 54s
250 actionable tasks: 214 executed, 36 up-to-date
Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure
Recording test results
Not sending mail to unregistered user

Build failed in Jenkins: Kafka » kafka-trunk-jdk11 #511

Posted by Apache Jenkins Server <>.
See <>


[github] MINOR: KIP-631 KafkaConfig fixes and improvements (#10114)

[...truncated 3.61 MB...]

ControllerEventManagerTest > testSuccessfulEvent() PASSED

ControllerEventManagerTest > testMetricsCleanedOnClose() STARTED

ControllerEventManagerTest > testMetricsCleanedOnClose() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaRequestWithAlreadyDefinedDeletedPartition() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaRequestWithAlreadyDefinedDeletedPartition() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testUpdateMetadataInterBrokerProtocolVersion() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testUpdateMetadataInterBrokerProtocolVersion() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testLeaderAndIsrRequestIsNew() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testLeaderAndIsrRequestIsNew() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaRequestsWhileTopicQueuedForDeletion() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaRequestsWhileTopicQueuedForDeletion() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testLeaderAndIsrRequestSentToLiveOrShuttingDownBrokers() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testLeaderAndIsrRequestSentToLiveOrShuttingDownBrokers() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaInterBrokerProtocolVersion() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaInterBrokerProtocolVersion() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaSentOnlyToLiveAndShuttingDownBrokers() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaSentOnlyToLiveAndShuttingDownBrokers() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaGroupsByBroker() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaGroupsByBroker() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testUpdateMetadataDoesNotIncludePartitionsWithoutLeaderAndIsr() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testUpdateMetadataDoesNotIncludePartitionsWithoutLeaderAndIsr() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testMixedDeleteAndNotDeleteStopReplicaRequests() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testMixedDeleteAndNotDeleteStopReplicaRequests() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testLeaderAndIsrInterBrokerProtocolVersion() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testLeaderAndIsrInterBrokerProtocolVersion() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testUpdateMetadataRequestSent() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testUpdateMetadataRequestSent() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testUpdateMetadataRequestDuringTopicDeletion() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testUpdateMetadataRequestDuringTopicDeletion() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testUpdateMetadataIncludesLiveOrShuttingDownBrokers() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testUpdateMetadataIncludesLiveOrShuttingDownBrokers() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaRequestSent() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaRequestSent() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaRequestsWhileTopicDeletionStarted() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaRequestsWhileTopicDeletionStarted() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testLeaderAndIsrRequestSent() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testLeaderAndIsrRequestSent() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaRequestWithoutDeletePartitionWhileTopicDeletionStarted() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaRequestWithoutDeletePartitionWhileTopicDeletionStarted() PASSED

FeatureZNodeTest > testDecodeFailOnInvalidFeatures() STARTED

FeatureZNodeTest > testDecodeFailOnInvalidFeatures() PASSED

FeatureZNodeTest > testEncodeDecode() STARTED

FeatureZNodeTest > testEncodeDecode() PASSED

FeatureZNodeTest > testDecodeSuccess() STARTED

FeatureZNodeTest > testDecodeSuccess() PASSED

FeatureZNodeTest > testDecodeFailOnInvalidVersionAndStatus() STARTED

FeatureZNodeTest > testDecodeFailOnInvalidVersionAndStatus() PASSED

ExtendedAclStoreTest > shouldHaveCorrectPaths() STARTED

ExtendedAclStoreTest > shouldHaveCorrectPaths() PASSED

ExtendedAclStoreTest > shouldRoundTripChangeNode() STARTED

ExtendedAclStoreTest > shouldRoundTripChangeNode() PASSED

ExtendedAclStoreTest > shouldThrowFromEncodeOnLiteral() STARTED

ExtendedAclStoreTest > shouldThrowFromEncodeOnLiteral() PASSED

ExtendedAclStoreTest > shouldThrowIfConstructedWithLiteral() STARTED

ExtendedAclStoreTest > shouldThrowIfConstructedWithLiteral() PASSED

ExtendedAclStoreTest > shouldWriteChangesToTheWritePath() STARTED

ExtendedAclStoreTest > shouldWriteChangesToTheWritePath() PASSED

ExtendedAclStoreTest > shouldHaveCorrectPatternType() STARTED

ExtendedAclStoreTest > shouldHaveCorrectPatternType() PASSED

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [1] name=print nothing, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@45d5634c, value = [B@72ec222c), properties=Map(print.value -> false), expected= STARTED

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [1] name=print nothing, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@45d5634c, value = [B@72ec222c), properties=Map(print.value -> false), expected= PASSED

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [2] name=print key, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@7cc9d99a, value = [B@7f89cfb9), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.value -> false), expected=someKey

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [2] name=print key, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@7cc9d99a, value = [B@7f89cfb9), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.value -> false), expected=someKey

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [3] name=print value, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@1ccb0bbf, value = [B@19b57f3f), properties=Map(), expected=someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [3] name=print value, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@1ccb0bbf, value = [B@19b57f3f), properties=Map(), expected=someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [4] name=print empty timestamp, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, NoTimestampType = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@2b82609a, value = [B@1a478654), properties=Map(print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> false), expected=NO_TIMESTAMP

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [4] name=print empty timestamp, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, NoTimestampType = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@2b82609a, value = [B@1a478654), properties=Map(print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> false), expected=NO_TIMESTAMP

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [5] name=print log append time timestamp, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, LogAppendTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@5e15f050, value = [B@6c6b302a), properties=Map(print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> false), expected=LogAppendTime:1234

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [5] name=print log append time timestamp, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, LogAppendTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@5e15f050, value = [B@6c6b302a), properties=Map(print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> false), expected=LogAppendTime:1234

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [6] name=print create time timestamp, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@54550b8d, value = [B@72864275), properties=Map(print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> false), expected=CreateTime:1234

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [6] name=print create time timestamp, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@54550b8d, value = [B@72864275), properties=Map(print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> false), expected=CreateTime:1234

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [7] name=print partition, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@3e0ab05, value = [B@363f3133), properties=Map(print.partition -> true, print.value -> false), expected=Partition:9

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [7] name=print partition, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@3e0ab05, value = [B@363f3133), properties=Map(print.partition -> true, print.value -> false), expected=Partition:9

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [8] name=print offset, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@4a4a4d1a, value = [B@a9f2bcc), properties=Map(print.offset -> true, print.value -> false), expected=Offset:9876

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [8] name=print offset, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@4a4a4d1a, value = [B@a9f2bcc), properties=Map(print.offset -> true, print.value -> false), expected=Offset:9876

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [9] name=print headers, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@ca10119, value = [B@43581f17), properties=Map(print.headers -> true, print.value -> false), expected=h1:v1,h2:v2

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [9] name=print headers, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@ca10119, value = [B@43581f17), properties=Map(print.headers -> true, print.value -> false), expected=h1:v1,h2:v2

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [10] name=print empty headers, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@61b58e85, value = [B@4804338a), properties=Map(print.headers -> true, print.value -> false), expected=NO_HEADERS

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [10] name=print empty headers, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@61b58e85, value = [B@4804338a), properties=Map(print.headers -> true, print.value -> false), expected=NO_HEADERS

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [11] name=print all possible fields with default delimiters, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@ed92dcc, value = [B@532de314), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.headers -> true, print.partition -> true, print.offset -> true, print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> true), expected=CreateTime:1234	Partition:9	Offset:9876	h1:v1,h2:v2	someKey	someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [11] name=print all possible fields with default delimiters, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@ed92dcc, value = [B@532de314), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.headers -> true, print.partition -> true, print.offset -> true, print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> true), expected=CreateTime:1234	Partition:9	Offset:9876	h1:v1,h2:v2	someKey	someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [12] name=print all possible fields with custom delimiters, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@1ea18e52, value = [B@77d0766f), properties=Map(line.separator -> ^, print.key -> true, headers.separator -> #, print.headers -> true, key.separator -> |, print.partition -> true, print.offset -> true, print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> true), expected=CreateTime:1234|Partition:9|Offset:9876|h1:v1#h2:v2|someKey|someValue^ STARTED

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [12] name=print all possible fields with custom delimiters, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@1ea18e52, value = [B@77d0766f), properties=Map(line.separator -> ^, print.key -> true, headers.separator -> #, print.headers -> true, key.separator -> |, print.partition -> true, print.offset -> true, print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> true), expected=CreateTime:1234|Partition:9|Offset:9876|h1:v1#h2:v2|someKey|someValue^ PASSED

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [13] name=print key with custom deserializer, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@30209214, value = [B@c29f247), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.headers -> true, print.value -> true, key.deserializer ->, expected=h1:v1,h2:v2	SOMEKEY	someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [13] name=print key with custom deserializer, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@30209214, value = [B@c29f247), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.headers -> true, print.value -> true, key.deserializer ->, expected=h1:v1,h2:v2	SOMEKEY	someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [14] name=print value with custom deserializer, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@5efbcf4b, value = [B@1d83b519), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.headers -> true, print.value -> true, value.deserializer ->, expected=h1:v1,h2:v2	someKey	SOMEVALUE

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [14] name=print value with custom deserializer, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@5efbcf4b, value = [B@1d83b519), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.headers -> true, print.value -> true, value.deserializer ->, expected=h1:v1,h2:v2	someKey	SOMEVALUE

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [15] name=print headers with custom deserializer, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@42c06479, value = [B@52aed2d3), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.headers -> true, print.value -> true, headers.deserializer ->, expected=h1:V1,h2:V2	someKey	someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [15] name=print headers with custom deserializer, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@42c06479, value = [B@52aed2d3), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.headers -> true, print.value -> true, headers.deserializer ->, expected=h1:V1,h2:V2	someKey	someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [16] name=print key and value, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@52afce5a, value = [B@5204826b), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.value -> true), expected=someKey	someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [16] name=print key and value, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@52afce5a, value = [B@5204826b), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.value -> true), expected=someKey	someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [17] name=print fields in the beginning, middle and the end, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@48161f14, value = [B@2af62b2a), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.value -> true, print.partition -> true), expected=Partition:9	someKey	someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [17] name=print fields in the beginning, middle and the end, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@48161f14, value = [B@2af62b2a), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.value -> true, print.partition -> true), expected=Partition:9	someKey	someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [18] name=null value without custom null literal, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@6a6802a6, value = null), properties=Map(print.key -> true), expected=someKey	null

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [18] name=null value without custom null literal, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@6a6802a6, value = null), properties=Map(print.key -> true), expected=someKey	null

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [19] name=null value with custom null literal, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@52193a6f, value = null), properties=Map(print.key -> true, null.literal -> NULL), expected=someKey	NULL

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [19] name=null value with custom null literal, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@52193a6f, value = null), properties=Map(print.key -> true, null.literal -> NULL), expected=someKey	NULL

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':connect:runtime:test'.
> There were failing tests. See the report at: file://<>

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

* Get more help at

Deprecated Gradle features were used in this build, making it incompatible with Gradle 7.0.
Use '--warning-mode all' to show the individual deprecation warnings.

BUILD FAILED in 1h 28m 0s
250 actionable tasks: 214 executed, 36 up-to-date
Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure
Recording test results
Not sending mail to unregistered user

Build failed in Jenkins: Kafka » kafka-trunk-jdk11 #510

Posted by Apache Jenkins Server <>.
See <>


[github] KAFKA-12272: Fix commit-interval metrics (#10102)

[...truncated 3.61 MB...]
ControllerChannelManagerTest > testLeaderAndIsrRequestIsNew() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaRequestsWhileTopicQueuedForDeletion() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaRequestsWhileTopicQueuedForDeletion() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testLeaderAndIsrRequestSentToLiveOrShuttingDownBrokers() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testLeaderAndIsrRequestSentToLiveOrShuttingDownBrokers() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaInterBrokerProtocolVersion() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaInterBrokerProtocolVersion() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaSentOnlyToLiveAndShuttingDownBrokers() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaSentOnlyToLiveAndShuttingDownBrokers() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaGroupsByBroker() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaGroupsByBroker() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testUpdateMetadataDoesNotIncludePartitionsWithoutLeaderAndIsr() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testUpdateMetadataDoesNotIncludePartitionsWithoutLeaderAndIsr() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testMixedDeleteAndNotDeleteStopReplicaRequests() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testMixedDeleteAndNotDeleteStopReplicaRequests() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testLeaderAndIsrInterBrokerProtocolVersion() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testLeaderAndIsrInterBrokerProtocolVersion() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testUpdateMetadataRequestSent() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testUpdateMetadataRequestSent() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testUpdateMetadataRequestDuringTopicDeletion() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testUpdateMetadataRequestDuringTopicDeletion() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testUpdateMetadataIncludesLiveOrShuttingDownBrokers() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testUpdateMetadataIncludesLiveOrShuttingDownBrokers() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaRequestSent() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaRequestSent() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaRequestsWhileTopicDeletionStarted() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaRequestsWhileTopicDeletionStarted() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testLeaderAndIsrRequestSent() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testLeaderAndIsrRequestSent() PASSED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaRequestWithoutDeletePartitionWhileTopicDeletionStarted() STARTED

ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaRequestWithoutDeletePartitionWhileTopicDeletionStarted() PASSED

FeatureZNodeTest > testDecodeFailOnInvalidFeatures() STARTED

FeatureZNodeTest > testDecodeFailOnInvalidFeatures() PASSED

FeatureZNodeTest > testEncodeDecode() STARTED

FeatureZNodeTest > testEncodeDecode() PASSED

FeatureZNodeTest > testDecodeSuccess() STARTED

FeatureZNodeTest > testDecodeSuccess() PASSED

FeatureZNodeTest > testDecodeFailOnInvalidVersionAndStatus() STARTED

FeatureZNodeTest > testDecodeFailOnInvalidVersionAndStatus() PASSED

ExtendedAclStoreTest > shouldHaveCorrectPaths() STARTED

ExtendedAclStoreTest > shouldHaveCorrectPaths() PASSED

ExtendedAclStoreTest > shouldRoundTripChangeNode() STARTED

ExtendedAclStoreTest > shouldRoundTripChangeNode() PASSED

ExtendedAclStoreTest > shouldThrowFromEncodeOnLiteral() STARTED

ExtendedAclStoreTest > shouldThrowFromEncodeOnLiteral() PASSED

ExtendedAclStoreTest > shouldThrowIfConstructedWithLiteral() STARTED

ExtendedAclStoreTest > shouldThrowIfConstructedWithLiteral() PASSED

ExtendedAclStoreTest > shouldWriteChangesToTheWritePath() STARTED

ExtendedAclStoreTest > shouldWriteChangesToTheWritePath() PASSED

ExtendedAclStoreTest > shouldHaveCorrectPatternType() STARTED

ExtendedAclStoreTest > shouldHaveCorrectPatternType() PASSED

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [1] name=print nothing, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@680b78c9, value = [B@229d9111), properties=Map(print.value -> false), expected= STARTED

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [1] name=print nothing, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@680b78c9, value = [B@229d9111), properties=Map(print.value -> false), expected= PASSED

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [2] name=print key, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@7e090c58, value = [B@5e691ebc), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.value -> false), expected=someKey

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [2] name=print key, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@7e090c58, value = [B@5e691ebc), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.value -> false), expected=someKey

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [3] name=print value, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@3aa473ba, value = [B@488fe7c2), properties=Map(), expected=someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [3] name=print value, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@3aa473ba, value = [B@488fe7c2), properties=Map(), expected=someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [4] name=print empty timestamp, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, NoTimestampType = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@7e524947, value = [B@685834cf), properties=Map(print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> false), expected=NO_TIMESTAMP

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [4] name=print empty timestamp, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, NoTimestampType = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@7e524947, value = [B@685834cf), properties=Map(print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> false), expected=NO_TIMESTAMP

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [5] name=print log append time timestamp, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, LogAppendTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@7178a3dd, value = [B@46feebc7), properties=Map(print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> false), expected=LogAppendTime:1234

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [5] name=print log append time timestamp, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, LogAppendTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@7178a3dd, value = [B@46feebc7), properties=Map(print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> false), expected=LogAppendTime:1234

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [6] name=print create time timestamp, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@2a8a8a2e, value = [B@3dd3dfc), properties=Map(print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> false), expected=CreateTime:1234

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [6] name=print create time timestamp, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@2a8a8a2e, value = [B@3dd3dfc), properties=Map(print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> false), expected=CreateTime:1234

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [7] name=print partition, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@370f0011, value = [B@61e75e4), properties=Map(print.partition -> true, print.value -> false), expected=Partition:9

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [7] name=print partition, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@370f0011, value = [B@61e75e4), properties=Map(print.partition -> true, print.value -> false), expected=Partition:9

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [8] name=print offset, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@78bb44f3, value = [B@12e3b4c5), properties=Map(print.offset -> true, print.value -> false), expected=Offset:9876

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [8] name=print offset, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@78bb44f3, value = [B@12e3b4c5), properties=Map(print.offset -> true, print.value -> false), expected=Offset:9876

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [9] name=print headers, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@5da32100, value = [B@2867de05), properties=Map(print.headers -> true, print.value -> false), expected=h1:v1,h2:v2

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [9] name=print headers, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@5da32100, value = [B@2867de05), properties=Map(print.headers -> true, print.value -> false), expected=h1:v1,h2:v2

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [10] name=print empty headers, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@11bb8109, value = [B@e2eea79), properties=Map(print.headers -> true, print.value -> false), expected=NO_HEADERS

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [10] name=print empty headers, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@11bb8109, value = [B@e2eea79), properties=Map(print.headers -> true, print.value -> false), expected=NO_HEADERS

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [11] name=print all possible fields with default delimiters, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@29383bea, value = [B@137cb8de), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.headers -> true, print.partition -> true, print.offset -> true, print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> true), expected=CreateTime:1234	Partition:9	Offset:9876	h1:v1,h2:v2	someKey	someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [11] name=print all possible fields with default delimiters, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@29383bea, value = [B@137cb8de), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.headers -> true, print.partition -> true, print.offset -> true, print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> true), expected=CreateTime:1234	Partition:9	Offset:9876	h1:v1,h2:v2	someKey	someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [12] name=print all possible fields with custom delimiters, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@5e02c071, value = [B@278684ea), properties=Map(line.separator -> ^, print.key -> true, headers.separator -> #, print.headers -> true, key.separator -> |, print.partition -> true, print.offset -> true, print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> true), expected=CreateTime:1234|Partition:9|Offset:9876|h1:v1#h2:v2|someKey|someValue^ STARTED

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [12] name=print all possible fields with custom delimiters, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@5e02c071, value = [B@278684ea), properties=Map(line.separator -> ^, print.key -> true, headers.separator -> #, print.headers -> true, key.separator -> |, print.partition -> true, print.offset -> true, print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> true), expected=CreateTime:1234|Partition:9|Offset:9876|h1:v1#h2:v2|someKey|someValue^ PASSED

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [13] name=print key with custom deserializer, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@4f090c9b, value = [B@3945f7ec), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.headers -> true, print.value -> true, key.deserializer ->, expected=h1:v1,h2:v2	SOMEKEY	someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [13] name=print key with custom deserializer, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@4f090c9b, value = [B@3945f7ec), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.headers -> true, print.value -> true, key.deserializer ->, expected=h1:v1,h2:v2	SOMEKEY	someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [14] name=print value with custom deserializer, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@655467fa, value = [B@7338062b), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.headers -> true, print.value -> true, value.deserializer ->, expected=h1:v1,h2:v2	someKey	SOMEVALUE

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [14] name=print value with custom deserializer, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@655467fa, value = [B@7338062b), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.headers -> true, print.value -> true, value.deserializer ->, expected=h1:v1,h2:v2	someKey	SOMEVALUE

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [15] name=print headers with custom deserializer, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@67ef9af0, value = [B@73d26dbd), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.headers -> true, print.value -> true, headers.deserializer ->, expected=h1:V1,h2:V2	someKey	someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [15] name=print headers with custom deserializer, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@67ef9af0, value = [B@73d26dbd), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.headers -> true, print.value -> true, headers.deserializer ->, expected=h1:V1,h2:V2	someKey	someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [16] name=print key and value, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@357fbf8a, value = [B@645fe50), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.value -> true), expected=someKey	someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [16] name=print key and value, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@357fbf8a, value = [B@645fe50), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.value -> true), expected=someKey	someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [17] name=print fields in the beginning, middle and the end, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@37c28307, value = [B@5e6d64c), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.value -> true, print.partition -> true), expected=Partition:9	someKey	someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [17] name=print fields in the beginning, middle and the end, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@37c28307, value = [B@5e6d64c), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.value -> true, print.partition -> true), expected=Partition:9	someKey	someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [18] name=null value without custom null literal, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@24843372, value = null), properties=Map(print.key -> true), expected=someKey	null

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [18] name=null value without custom null literal, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@24843372, value = null), properties=Map(print.key -> true), expected=someKey	null

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [19] name=null value with custom null literal, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@5a5bef3f, value = null), properties=Map(print.key -> true, null.literal -> NULL), expected=someKey	NULL

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [19] name=null value with custom null literal, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@5a5bef3f, value = null), properties=Map(print.key -> true, null.literal -> NULL), expected=someKey	NULL

3398 tests completed, 1 failed, 7 skipped

> Task :core:test FAILED

FAILURE: Build completed with 2 failures.

1: Task failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':connect:runtime:test'.
> There were failing tests. See the report at: file://<>

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

2: Task failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':core:test'.
> There were failing tests. See the report at: file://<>

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

* Get more help at

Deprecated Gradle features were used in this build, making it incompatible with Gradle 7.0.
Use '--warning-mode all' to show the individual deprecation warnings.

BUILD FAILED in 1h 31m 9s
250 actionable tasks: 214 executed, 36 up-to-date
Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure
Recording test results
Not sending mail to unregistered user

Build failed in Jenkins: Kafka » kafka-trunk-jdk11 #509

Posted by Apache Jenkins Server <>.
See <>


[github] MINOR: Improve confusing admin client shutdown logging (#10107)

[...truncated 3.62 MB...]
LinuxIoMetricsCollectorTest > testReadProcFile() STARTED

LinuxIoMetricsCollectorTest > testReadProcFile() PASSED

LinuxIoMetricsCollectorTest > testUnableToReadNonexistentProcFile() STARTED

LinuxIoMetricsCollectorTest > testUnableToReadNonexistentProcFile() PASSED

AssignmentStateTest > [1] isr=List(101, 102, 103), replicas=List(101, 102, 103), adding=List(), removing=List(), original=List(), isUnderReplicated=false STARTED

AssignmentStateTest > [1] isr=List(101, 102, 103), replicas=List(101, 102, 103), adding=List(), removing=List(), original=List(), isUnderReplicated=false PASSED

AssignmentStateTest > [2] isr=List(101, 102), replicas=List(101, 102, 103), adding=List(), removing=List(), original=List(), isUnderReplicated=true STARTED

AssignmentStateTest > [2] isr=List(101, 102), replicas=List(101, 102, 103), adding=List(), removing=List(), original=List(), isUnderReplicated=true PASSED

AssignmentStateTest > [3] isr=List(101, 102, 103), replicas=List(101, 102, 103), adding=List(104, 105), removing=List(102), original=List(101, 102, 103), isUnderReplicated=false STARTED

AssignmentStateTest > [3] isr=List(101, 102, 103), replicas=List(101, 102, 103), adding=List(104, 105), removing=List(102), original=List(101, 102, 103), isUnderReplicated=false PASSED

AssignmentStateTest > [4] isr=List(101, 102, 103), replicas=List(101, 102, 103), adding=List(104, 105), removing=List(), original=List(101, 102, 103), isUnderReplicated=false STARTED

AssignmentStateTest > [4] isr=List(101, 102, 103), replicas=List(101, 102, 103), adding=List(104, 105), removing=List(), original=List(101, 102, 103), isUnderReplicated=false PASSED

AssignmentStateTest > [5] isr=List(101, 102, 103), replicas=List(101, 102, 103), adding=List(), removing=List(102), original=List(101, 102, 103), isUnderReplicated=false STARTED

AssignmentStateTest > [5] isr=List(101, 102, 103), replicas=List(101, 102, 103), adding=List(), removing=List(102), original=List(101, 102, 103), isUnderReplicated=false PASSED

AssignmentStateTest > [6] isr=List(102, 103), replicas=List(102, 103), adding=List(101), removing=List(), original=List(102, 103), isUnderReplicated=false STARTED

AssignmentStateTest > [6] isr=List(102, 103), replicas=List(102, 103), adding=List(101), removing=List(), original=List(102, 103), isUnderReplicated=false PASSED

AssignmentStateTest > [7] isr=List(103, 104, 105), replicas=List(101, 102, 103), adding=List(104, 105, 106), removing=List(), original=List(101, 102, 103), isUnderReplicated=false STARTED

AssignmentStateTest > [7] isr=List(103, 104, 105), replicas=List(101, 102, 103), adding=List(104, 105, 106), removing=List(), original=List(101, 102, 103), isUnderReplicated=false PASSED

AssignmentStateTest > [8] isr=List(103, 104, 105), replicas=List(101, 102, 103), adding=List(104, 105, 106), removing=List(), original=List(101, 102, 103), isUnderReplicated=false STARTED

AssignmentStateTest > [8] isr=List(103, 104, 105), replicas=List(101, 102, 103), adding=List(104, 105, 106), removing=List(), original=List(101, 102, 103), isUnderReplicated=false PASSED

AssignmentStateTest > [9] isr=List(103, 104), replicas=List(101, 102, 103), adding=List(104, 105, 106), removing=List(), original=List(101, 102, 103), isUnderReplicated=true STARTED

AssignmentStateTest > [9] isr=List(103, 104), replicas=List(101, 102, 103), adding=List(104, 105, 106), removing=List(), original=List(101, 102, 103), isUnderReplicated=true PASSED

PartitionTest > testMakeLeaderDoesNotUpdateEpochCacheForOldFormats() STARTED

PartitionTest > testMakeLeaderDoesNotUpdateEpochCacheForOldFormats() PASSED

PartitionTest > testIsrExpansion() STARTED

PartitionTest > testIsrExpansion() PASSED

PartitionTest > testReadRecordEpochValidationForLeader() STARTED

PartitionTest > testReadRecordEpochValidationForLeader() PASSED

PartitionTest > testAlterIsrUnknownTopic() STARTED

PartitionTest > testAlterIsrUnknownTopic() PASSED

PartitionTest > testIsrNotShrunkIfUpdateFails() STARTED

PartitionTest > testIsrNotShrunkIfUpdateFails() PASSED

PartitionTest > testFetchOffsetForTimestampEpochValidationForFollower() STARTED

PartitionTest > testFetchOffsetForTimestampEpochValidationForFollower() PASSED

PartitionTest > testIsrNotExpandedIfUpdateFails() STARTED

PartitionTest > testIsrNotExpandedIfUpdateFails() PASSED

PartitionTest > testLogConfigDirtyAsBrokerUpdated() STARTED

PartitionTest > testLogConfigDirtyAsBrokerUpdated() PASSED

PartitionTest > testAddAndRemoveMetrics() STARTED

PartitionTest > testAddAndRemoveMetrics() PASSED

PartitionTest > testListOffsetIsolationLevels() STARTED

PartitionTest > testListOffsetIsolationLevels() PASSED

PartitionTest > testAppendRecordsAsFollowerBelowLogStartOffset() STARTED

PartitionTest > testAppendRecordsAsFollowerBelowLogStartOffset() PASSED

PartitionTest > testFetchLatestOffsetIncludesLeaderEpoch() STARTED

PartitionTest > testFetchLatestOffsetIncludesLeaderEpoch() PASSED

PartitionTest > testUnderReplicatedPartitionsCorrectSemantics() STARTED

PartitionTest > testUnderReplicatedPartitionsCorrectSemantics() PASSED

PartitionTest > testFetchOffsetSnapshotEpochValidationForFollower() STARTED

PartitionTest > testFetchOffsetSnapshotEpochValidationForFollower() PASSED

PartitionTest > testMaybeShrinkIsr() STARTED

PartitionTest > testMaybeShrinkIsr() PASSED

PartitionTest > testLogConfigNotDirty() STARTED

PartitionTest > testLogConfigNotDirty() PASSED

PartitionTest > testMonotonicOffsetsAfterLeaderChange() STARTED

PartitionTest > testMonotonicOffsetsAfterLeaderChange() PASSED

PartitionTest > testUpdateAssignmentAndIsr() STARTED

PartitionTest > testUpdateAssignmentAndIsr() PASSED

PartitionTest > testMakeFollowerWithNoLeaderIdChange() STARTED

PartitionTest > testMakeFollowerWithNoLeaderIdChange() PASSED

PartitionTest > testAppendRecordsToFollowerWithNoReplicaThrowsException() STARTED

PartitionTest > testAppendRecordsToFollowerWithNoReplicaThrowsException() PASSED

PartitionTest > testFollowerDoesNotJoinISRUntilCaughtUpToOffsetWithinCurrentLeaderEpoch() STARTED

PartitionTest > testFollowerDoesNotJoinISRUntilCaughtUpToOffsetWithinCurrentLeaderEpoch() PASSED

PartitionTest > testSingleInFlightAlterIsr() STARTED

PartitionTest > testSingleInFlightAlterIsr() PASSED

PartitionTest > testShouldNotShrinkIsrIfFollowerCaughtUpToLogEnd() STARTED

PartitionTest > testShouldNotShrinkIsrIfFollowerCaughtUpToLogEnd() PASSED

PartitionTest > testFetchOffsetSnapshotEpochValidationForLeader() STARTED

PartitionTest > testFetchOffsetSnapshotEpochValidationForLeader() PASSED

PartitionTest > testOffsetForLeaderEpochValidationForLeader() STARTED

PartitionTest > testOffsetForLeaderEpochValidationForLeader() PASSED

PartitionTest > testAtMinIsr() STARTED

PartitionTest > testAtMinIsr() PASSED

PartitionTest > testAlterIsrInvalidVersion() STARTED

PartitionTest > testAlterIsrInvalidVersion() PASSED

PartitionTest > testOffsetForLeaderEpochValidationForFollower() STARTED

PartitionTest > testOffsetForLeaderEpochValidationForFollower() PASSED

PartitionTest > testMakeLeaderUpdatesEpochCache() STARTED

PartitionTest > testMakeLeaderUpdatesEpochCache() PASSED

PartitionTest > testUseCheckpointToInitializeHighWatermark() STARTED

PartitionTest > testUseCheckpointToInitializeHighWatermark() PASSED

PartitionTest > testMaybeReplaceCurrentWithFutureReplicaDifferentBaseOffsets() STARTED

PartitionTest > testMaybeReplaceCurrentWithFutureReplicaDifferentBaseOffsets() PASSED

PartitionTest > testFetchOffsetForTimestampEpochValidationForLeader() STARTED

PartitionTest > testFetchOffsetForTimestampEpochValidationForLeader() PASSED

PartitionTest > testMakeFollowerWithWithFollowerAppendRecords() STARTED

PartitionTest > testMakeFollowerWithWithFollowerAppendRecords() PASSED

PartitionTest > testShouldNotShrinkIsrIfPreviousFetchIsCaughtUp() STARTED

PartitionTest > testShouldNotShrinkIsrIfPreviousFetchIsCaughtUp() PASSED

PartitionTest > testGetReplica() STARTED

PartitionTest > testGetReplica() PASSED

PartitionTest > testReadRecordEpochValidationForFollower() STARTED

PartitionTest > testReadRecordEpochValidationForFollower() PASSED

PartitionTest > testAlterIsrUnexpectedError() STARTED

PartitionTest > testAlterIsrUnexpectedError() PASSED

PartitionTest > testZkIsrManagerAsyncCallback() STARTED

PartitionTest > testZkIsrManagerAsyncCallback() PASSED

PartitionTest > testLogConfigDirtyAsTopicUpdated() STARTED

PartitionTest > testLogConfigDirtyAsTopicUpdated() PASSED

PartitionTest > testMaybeReplaceCurrentWithFutureReplica() STARTED

PartitionTest > testMaybeReplaceCurrentWithFutureReplica() PASSED

PartitionTest > testLastFetchedOffsetValidation() STARTED

PartitionTest > testLastFetchedOffsetValidation() PASSED

PartitionTest > testUpdateFollowerFetchState() STARTED

PartitionTest > testUpdateFollowerFetchState() PASSED

3398 tests completed, 1 failed, 7 skipped

> Task :core:test FAILED

FAILURE: Build completed with 2 failures.

1: Task failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':connect:runtime:test'.
> There were failing tests. See the report at: file://<>

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

2: Task failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':core:test'.
> There were failing tests. See the report at: file://<>

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

* Get more help at

Deprecated Gradle features were used in this build, making it incompatible with Gradle 7.0.
Use '--warning-mode all' to show the individual deprecation warnings.

BUILD FAILED in 1h 29m 59s
250 actionable tasks: 214 executed, 36 up-to-date
Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure
Recording test results
Not sending mail to unregistered user

Build failed in Jenkins: Kafka » kafka-trunk-jdk11 #508

Posted by Apache Jenkins Server <>.
See <>


[github] MINOR: Add BrokerMetadataListener (#10111)

[...truncated 3.65 MB...]
TransactionMarkerRequestCompletionHandlerTest > shouldRetryPartitionWhenNotLeaderOrFollowerError() STARTED

TransactionMarkerRequestCompletionHandlerTest > shouldRetryPartitionWhenNotLeaderOrFollowerError() PASSED

TransactionMarkerRequestCompletionHandlerTest > shouldThrowIllegalStateExceptionWhenInvalidRequiredAcksError() STARTED

TransactionMarkerRequestCompletionHandlerTest > shouldThrowIllegalStateExceptionWhenInvalidRequiredAcksError() PASSED

TransactionMarkerRequestCompletionHandlerTest > shouldReEnqueuePartitionsWhenBrokerDisconnected() STARTED

TransactionMarkerRequestCompletionHandlerTest > shouldReEnqueuePartitionsWhenBrokerDisconnected() PASSED

TransactionMarkerRequestCompletionHandlerTest > shouldRetryPartitionWhenNotEnoughReplicasError() STARTED

TransactionMarkerRequestCompletionHandlerTest > shouldRetryPartitionWhenNotEnoughReplicasError() PASSED

TransactionMarkerRequestCompletionHandlerTest > shouldCompleteDelayedOperationWhenNoErrors() STARTED

TransactionMarkerRequestCompletionHandlerTest > shouldCompleteDelayedOperationWhenNoErrors() PASSED

TransactionMarkerRequestCompletionHandlerTest > shouldThrowIllegalStateExceptionWhenCorruptMessageError() STARTED

TransactionMarkerRequestCompletionHandlerTest > shouldThrowIllegalStateExceptionWhenCorruptMessageError() PASSED

TransactionMarkerRequestCompletionHandlerTest > shouldCompleteDelayedOperationWhenCoordinatorLoading() STARTED

TransactionMarkerRequestCompletionHandlerTest > shouldCompleteDelayedOperationWhenCoordinatorLoading() PASSED

TransactionMarkerRequestCompletionHandlerTest > shouldCompleteDelayedOperationWheCoordinatorEpochFenced() STARTED

TransactionMarkerRequestCompletionHandlerTest > shouldCompleteDelayedOperationWheCoordinatorEpochFenced() PASSED

TransactionMarkerRequestCompletionHandlerTest > shouldThrowIllegalStateExceptionWhenUnknownError() STARTED

TransactionMarkerRequestCompletionHandlerTest > shouldThrowIllegalStateExceptionWhenUnknownError() PASSED

TransactionMarkerRequestCompletionHandlerTest > shouldCompleteDelayedOperationWhenNotCoordinator() STARTED

TransactionMarkerRequestCompletionHandlerTest > shouldCompleteDelayedOperationWhenNotCoordinator() PASSED

TransactionMarkerRequestCompletionHandlerTest > shouldCompleteDelayedOperationWhenCoordinatorEpochChanged() STARTED

TransactionMarkerRequestCompletionHandlerTest > shouldCompleteDelayedOperationWhenCoordinatorEpochChanged() PASSED

TransactionMarkerRequestCompletionHandlerTest > shouldRetryPartitionWhenUnknownTopicOrPartitionError() STARTED

TransactionMarkerRequestCompletionHandlerTest > shouldRetryPartitionWhenUnknownTopicOrPartitionError() PASSED

TransactionMarkerRequestCompletionHandlerTest > shouldRetryPartitionWhenNotEnoughReplicasAfterAppendError() STARTED

TransactionMarkerRequestCompletionHandlerTest > shouldRetryPartitionWhenNotEnoughReplicasAfterAppendError() PASSED

TransactionMarkerRequestCompletionHandlerTest > shouldThrowIllegalStateExceptionWhenMessageTooLargeError() STARTED

TransactionMarkerRequestCompletionHandlerTest > shouldThrowIllegalStateExceptionWhenMessageTooLargeError() PASSED

TransactionMarkerRequestCompletionHandlerTest > shouldThrowIllegalStateExceptionIfErrorCodeNotAvailableForPid() STARTED

TransactionMarkerRequestCompletionHandlerTest > shouldThrowIllegalStateExceptionIfErrorCodeNotAvailableForPid() PASSED

TransactionMarkerRequestCompletionHandlerTest > shouldRetryPartitionWhenKafkaStorageError() STARTED

TransactionMarkerRequestCompletionHandlerTest > shouldRetryPartitionWhenKafkaStorageError() PASSED

RequestChannelTest > testNonAlterRequestsNotTransformed() STARTED

RequestChannelTest > testNonAlterRequestsNotTransformed() PASSED

RequestChannelTest > testAlterRequests() STARTED

RequestChannelTest > testAlterRequests() PASSED

RequestChannelTest > testJsonRequests() STARTED

RequestChannelTest > testJsonRequests() PASSED

RequestChannelTest > testIncrementalAlterRequests() STARTED

RequestChannelTest > testIncrementalAlterRequests() PASSED

RequestConvertToJsonTest > testAllResponseTypesHandled() STARTED

RequestConvertToJsonTest > testAllResponseTypesHandled() PASSED

RequestConvertToJsonTest > testAllRequestTypesHandled() STARTED

RequestConvertToJsonTest > testAllRequestTypesHandled() PASSED

RequestConvertToJsonTest > testRequestDescMetrics() STARTED

RequestConvertToJsonTest > testRequestDescMetrics() PASSED

RequestConvertToJsonTest > testClientInfoNode() STARTED

RequestConvertToJsonTest > testClientInfoNode() PASSED

RequestConvertToJsonTest > testRequestDesc() STARTED

RequestConvertToJsonTest > testRequestDesc() PASSED

RequestConvertToJsonTest > testRequestHeaderNode() STARTED

RequestConvertToJsonTest > testRequestHeaderNode() PASSED

MetricsTest > testUpdateJMXFilter() STARTED

MetricsTest > testUpdateJMXFilter() PASSED

MetricsTest > testGeneralBrokerTopicMetricsAreGreedilyRegistered() STARTED

MetricsTest > testGeneralBrokerTopicMetricsAreGreedilyRegistered() PASSED

MetricsTest > testLinuxIoMetrics() STARTED

MetricsTest > testLinuxIoMetrics() PASSED

MetricsTest > testMetricsReporterAfterDeletingTopic() STARTED

MetricsTest > testMetricsReporterAfterDeletingTopic() PASSED

MetricsTest > testSessionExpireListenerMetrics() STARTED

MetricsTest > testSessionExpireListenerMetrics() PASSED

MetricsTest > testBrokerTopicMetricsUnregisteredAfterDeletingTopic() STARTED

MetricsTest > testBrokerTopicMetricsUnregisteredAfterDeletingTopic() PASSED

MetricsTest > testYammerMetricsCountMetric() STARTED

MetricsTest > testYammerMetricsCountMetric() PASSED

MetricsTest > testClusterIdMetric() STARTED

MetricsTest > testClusterIdMetric() PASSED

MetricsTest > testControllerMetrics() STARTED

MetricsTest > testControllerMetrics() PASSED

MetricsTest > testWindowsStyleTagNames() STARTED

MetricsTest > testWindowsStyleTagNames() PASSED

MetricsTest > testBrokerStateMetric() STARTED

MetricsTest > testBrokerStateMetric() PASSED

MetricsTest > testBrokerTopicMetricsBytesInOut() STARTED

MetricsTest > testBrokerTopicMetricsBytesInOut() PASSED

MetricsTest > testJMXFilter() STARTED

MetricsTest > testJMXFilter() PASSED

ControllerContextTest > testPartitionFullReplicaAssignmentReturnsEmptyAssignmentIfTopicOrPartitionDoesNotExist() STARTED

ControllerContextTest > testPartitionFullReplicaAssignmentReturnsEmptyAssignmentIfTopicOrPartitionDoesNotExist() PASSED

ControllerContextTest > testPartitionReplicaAssignmentForTopicReturnsEmptyMapIfTopicDoesNotExist() STARTED

ControllerContextTest > testPartitionReplicaAssignmentForTopicReturnsEmptyMapIfTopicDoesNotExist() PASSED

ControllerContextTest > testPreferredReplicaImbalanceMetric() STARTED

ControllerContextTest > testPreferredReplicaImbalanceMetric() PASSED

ControllerContextTest > testPartitionReplicaAssignmentForTopicReturnsExpectedReplicaAssignments() STARTED

ControllerContextTest > testPartitionReplicaAssignmentForTopicReturnsExpectedReplicaAssignments() PASSED

ControllerContextTest > testReassignTo() STARTED

ControllerContextTest > testReassignTo() PASSED

ControllerContextTest > testPartitionReplicaAssignment() STARTED

ControllerContextTest > testPartitionReplicaAssignment() PASSED

ControllerContextTest > testUpdatePartitionFullReplicaAssignmentUpdatesReplicaAssignment() STARTED

ControllerContextTest > testUpdatePartitionFullReplicaAssignmentUpdatesReplicaAssignment() PASSED

ControllerContextTest > testReassignToIdempotence() STARTED

ControllerContextTest > testReassignToIdempotence() PASSED

ControllerContextTest > testPartitionReplicaAssignmentReturnsEmptySeqIfTopicOrPartitionDoesNotExist() STARTED

ControllerContextTest > testPartitionReplicaAssignmentReturnsEmptySeqIfTopicOrPartitionDoesNotExist() PASSED

3398 tests completed, 2 failed, 7 skipped

> Task :core:test FAILED

FAILURE: Build completed with 4 failures.

1: Task failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':tools:test'.
> There were failing tests. See the report at: file://<>

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

2: Task failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':connect:mirror:test'.
> There were failing tests. See the report at: file://<>

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

3: Task failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':connect:runtime:test'.
> There were failing tests. See the report at: file://<>

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

4: Task failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':core:test'.
> There were failing tests. See the report at: file://<>

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

* Get more help at

Deprecated Gradle features were used in this build, making it incompatible with Gradle 7.0.
Use '--warning-mode all' to show the individual deprecation warnings.

BUILD FAILED in 1h 48m 8s
250 actionable tasks: 214 executed, 36 up-to-date
Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure
Recording test results
Not sending mail to unregistered user

Build failed in Jenkins: Kafka » kafka-trunk-jdk11 #507

Posted by Apache Jenkins Server <>.
See <>


[github] MINOR: Introduce the KIP-500 Broker lifecycle manager (#10095)

[github] MINOR: add the MetaLogListener, LocalLogManager, and Controller interface. (#10106)

[github] MINOR: Support Raft-based metadata quorums in system tests (#10093)

[...truncated 3.61 MB...]
SocketServerTest > testConnectionRateLimit() PASSED

SocketServerTest > testConnectionRatePerIp() STARTED

SocketServerTest > testConnectionRatePerIp() PASSED

SocketServerTest > processCompletedSendException() STARTED

SocketServerTest > processCompletedSendException() PASSED

SocketServerTest > processDisconnectedException() STARTED

SocketServerTest > processDisconnectedException() PASSED

SocketServerTest > closingChannelWithBufferedReceives() STARTED

SocketServerTest > closingChannelWithBufferedReceives() PASSED

SocketServerTest > sendCancelledKeyException() STARTED

SocketServerTest > sendCancelledKeyException() PASSED

SocketServerTest > processCompletedReceiveException() STARTED

SocketServerTest > processCompletedReceiveException() PASSED

SocketServerTest > testControlPlaneAsPrivilegedListener() STARTED

SocketServerTest > testControlPlaneAsPrivilegedListener() PASSED

SocketServerTest > closingChannelSendFailure() STARTED

SocketServerTest > closingChannelSendFailure() PASSED

SocketServerTest > idleExpiryWithBufferedReceives() STARTED

SocketServerTest > idleExpiryWithBufferedReceives() PASSED

SocketServerTest > testSocketsCloseOnShutdown() STARTED

SocketServerTest > testSocketsCloseOnShutdown() PASSED

SocketServerTest > testNoOpActionResponseWithThrottledChannelWhereThrottlingAlreadyDone() STARTED

SocketServerTest > testNoOpActionResponseWithThrottledChannelWhereThrottlingAlreadyDone() PASSED

SocketServerTest > pollException() STARTED

SocketServerTest > pollException() PASSED

SocketServerTest > closingChannelWithBufferedReceivesFailedSend() STARTED

SocketServerTest > closingChannelWithBufferedReceivesFailedSend() PASSED

SocketServerTest > remoteCloseWithBufferedReceives() STARTED

SocketServerTest > remoteCloseWithBufferedReceives() PASSED

SocketServerTest > testThrottledSocketsClosedOnShutdown() STARTED

SocketServerTest > testThrottledSocketsClosedOnShutdown() PASSED

SocketServerTest > closingChannelWithCompleteAndIncompleteBufferedReceives() STARTED

SocketServerTest > closingChannelWithCompleteAndIncompleteBufferedReceives() PASSED

SocketServerTest > testInterBrokerListenerAsPrivilegedListener() STARTED

SocketServerTest > testInterBrokerListenerAsPrivilegedListener() PASSED

SocketServerTest > testSslSocketServer() STARTED

SocketServerTest > testSslSocketServer() PASSED

SocketServerTest > testDisabledRequestIsRejected() STARTED

SocketServerTest > testDisabledRequestIsRejected() PASSED

SocketServerTest > tooBigRequestIsRejected() STARTED

SocketServerTest > tooBigRequestIsRejected() PASSED

SocketServerTest > testNoOpActionResponseWithThrottledChannelWhereThrottlingInProgress() STARTED

SocketServerTest > testNoOpActionResponseWithThrottledChannelWhereThrottlingInProgress() PASSED

DynamicConnectionQuotaTest > testDynamicConnectionQuota() STARTED

DynamicConnectionQuotaTest > testDynamicConnectionQuota() PASSED

DynamicConnectionQuotaTest > testDynamicListenerConnectionQuota() STARTED

DynamicConnectionQuotaTest > testDynamicListenerConnectionQuota() PASSED

DynamicConnectionQuotaTest > testDynamicListenerConnectionCreationRateQuota() STARTED

DynamicConnectionQuotaTest > testDynamicListenerConnectionCreationRateQuota() PASSED

DynamicConnectionQuotaTest > testDynamicIpConnectionRateQuota() STARTED

DynamicConnectionQuotaTest > testDynamicIpConnectionRateQuota() PASSED

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [1] name=print nothing, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@45838ef6, value = [B@1dcea6d3), properties=Map(print.value -> false), expected= STARTED

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [1] name=print nothing, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@45838ef6, value = [B@1dcea6d3), properties=Map(print.value -> false), expected= PASSED

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [2] name=print key, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@312cca54, value = [B@59bc0a9c), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.value -> false), expected=someKey

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [2] name=print key, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@312cca54, value = [B@59bc0a9c), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.value -> false), expected=someKey

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [3] name=print value, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@62f2d4c5, value = [B@27f587a), properties=Map(), expected=someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [3] name=print value, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@62f2d4c5, value = [B@27f587a), properties=Map(), expected=someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [4] name=print empty timestamp, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, NoTimestampType = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@55564c0b, value = [B@6c0744d7), properties=Map(print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> false), expected=NO_TIMESTAMP

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [4] name=print empty timestamp, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, NoTimestampType = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@55564c0b, value = [B@6c0744d7), properties=Map(print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> false), expected=NO_TIMESTAMP

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [5] name=print log append time timestamp, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, LogAppendTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@18a7f16e, value = [B@60e3c688), properties=Map(print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> false), expected=LogAppendTime:1234

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [5] name=print log append time timestamp, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, LogAppendTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@18a7f16e, value = [B@60e3c688), properties=Map(print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> false), expected=LogAppendTime:1234

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [6] name=print create time timestamp, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@732f88b, value = [B@51c52546), properties=Map(print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> false), expected=CreateTime:1234

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [6] name=print create time timestamp, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@732f88b, value = [B@51c52546), properties=Map(print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> false), expected=CreateTime:1234

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [7] name=print partition, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@76ce9291, value = [B@8e7dd46), properties=Map(print.partition -> true, print.value -> false), expected=Partition:9

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [7] name=print partition, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@76ce9291, value = [B@8e7dd46), properties=Map(print.partition -> true, print.value -> false), expected=Partition:9

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [8] name=print offset, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@18818a71, value = [B@60966332), properties=Map(print.offset -> true, print.value -> false), expected=Offset:9876

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [8] name=print offset, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@18818a71, value = [B@60966332), properties=Map(print.offset -> true, print.value -> false), expected=Offset:9876

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [9] name=print headers, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@624e2fab, value = [B@5475d349), properties=Map(print.headers -> true, print.value -> false), expected=h1:v1,h2:v2

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [9] name=print headers, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@624e2fab, value = [B@5475d349), properties=Map(print.headers -> true, print.value -> false), expected=h1:v1,h2:v2

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [10] name=print empty headers, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@cf3bc2, value = [B@7a5a4f09), properties=Map(print.headers -> true, print.value -> false), expected=NO_HEADERS

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [10] name=print empty headers, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@cf3bc2, value = [B@7a5a4f09), properties=Map(print.headers -> true, print.value -> false), expected=NO_HEADERS

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [11] name=print all possible fields with default delimiters, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@227c074f, value = [B@4a90e286), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.headers -> true, print.partition -> true, print.offset -> true, print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> true), expected=CreateTime:1234	Partition:9	Offset:9876	h1:v1,h2:v2	someKey	someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [11] name=print all possible fields with default delimiters, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@227c074f, value = [B@4a90e286), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.headers -> true, print.partition -> true, print.offset -> true, print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> true), expected=CreateTime:1234	Partition:9	Offset:9876	h1:v1,h2:v2	someKey	someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [12] name=print all possible fields with custom delimiters, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@33f8d13d, value = [B@1b72f24c), properties=Map(line.separator -> ^, print.key -> true, headers.separator -> #, print.headers -> true, key.separator -> |, print.partition -> true, print.offset -> true, print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> true), expected=CreateTime:1234|Partition:9|Offset:9876|h1:v1#h2:v2|someKey|someValue^ STARTED

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [12] name=print all possible fields with custom delimiters, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@33f8d13d, value = [B@1b72f24c), properties=Map(line.separator -> ^, print.key -> true, headers.separator -> #, print.headers -> true, key.separator -> |, print.partition -> true, print.offset -> true, print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> true), expected=CreateTime:1234|Partition:9|Offset:9876|h1:v1#h2:v2|someKey|someValue^ PASSED

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [13] name=print key with custom deserializer, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@5976d812, value = [B@143f9568), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.headers -> true, print.value -> true, key.deserializer ->, expected=h1:v1,h2:v2	SOMEKEY	someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [13] name=print key with custom deserializer, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@5976d812, value = [B@143f9568), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.headers -> true, print.value -> true, key.deserializer ->, expected=h1:v1,h2:v2	SOMEKEY	someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [14] name=print value with custom deserializer, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@6d57b102, value = [B@28e52f2), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.headers -> true, print.value -> true, value.deserializer ->, expected=h1:v1,h2:v2	someKey	SOMEVALUE

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [14] name=print value with custom deserializer, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@6d57b102, value = [B@28e52f2), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.headers -> true, print.value -> true, value.deserializer ->, expected=h1:v1,h2:v2	someKey	SOMEVALUE

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [15] name=print headers with custom deserializer, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@6af2031e, value = [B@5589cd2c), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.headers -> true, print.value -> true, headers.deserializer ->, expected=h1:V1,h2:V2	someKey	someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [15] name=print headers with custom deserializer, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@6af2031e, value = [B@5589cd2c), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.headers -> true, print.value -> true, headers.deserializer ->, expected=h1:V1,h2:V2	someKey	someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [16] name=print key and value, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@506b93e, value = [B@75ef62ae), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.value -> true), expected=someKey	someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [16] name=print key and value, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@506b93e, value = [B@75ef62ae), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.value -> true), expected=someKey	someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [17] name=print fields in the beginning, middle and the end, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@5eab116e, value = [B@6bd67b12), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.value -> true, print.partition -> true), expected=Partition:9	someKey	someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [17] name=print fields in the beginning, middle and the end, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@5eab116e, value = [B@6bd67b12), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.value -> true, print.partition -> true), expected=Partition:9	someKey	someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [18] name=null value without custom null literal, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@12bff30a, value = null), properties=Map(print.key -> true), expected=someKey	null

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [18] name=null value without custom null literal, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@12bff30a, value = null), properties=Map(print.key -> true), expected=someKey	null

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [19] name=null value with custom null literal, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@42ea85e8, value = null), properties=Map(print.key -> true, null.literal -> NULL), expected=someKey	NULL

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [19] name=null value with custom null literal, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@42ea85e8, value = null), properties=Map(print.key -> true, null.literal -> NULL), expected=someKey	NULL

3398 tests completed, 2 failed, 7 skipped

> Task :core:test FAILED

FAILURE: Build completed with 2 failures.

1: Task failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':connect:runtime:test'.
> There were failing tests. See the report at: file://<>

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

2: Task failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':core:test'.
> There were failing tests. See the report at: file://<>

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

* Get more help at

Deprecated Gradle features were used in this build, making it incompatible with Gradle 7.0.
Use '--warning-mode all' to show the individual deprecation warnings.

BUILD FAILED in 1h 33m 18s
250 actionable tasks: 214 executed, 36 up-to-date
Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure
Recording test results
Not sending mail to unregistered user

Build failed in Jenkins: Kafka » kafka-trunk-jdk11 #506

Posted by Apache Jenkins Server <>.
See <>


[github] MINOR: Remove always-passing validation in TestRecordTest#testProducerRecord (#9930)

[...truncated 7.23 MB...]

SocketServerTest > processNewResponseException() PASSED

SocketServerTest > remoteCloseWithIncompleteBufferedReceive() STARTED

SocketServerTest > remoteCloseWithIncompleteBufferedReceive() PASSED

SocketServerTest > testStagedListenerShutdownWhenConnectionQueueIsFull() STARTED

SocketServerTest > testStagedListenerShutdownWhenConnectionQueueIsFull() PASSED

SocketServerTest > testStagedListenerStartup() STARTED

SocketServerTest > testStagedListenerStartup() PASSED

SocketServerTest > testConnectionRateLimit() STARTED

SocketServerTest > testConnectionRateLimit() PASSED

SocketServerTest > testConnectionRatePerIp() STARTED

SocketServerTest > testConnectionRatePerIp() PASSED

SocketServerTest > processCompletedSendException() STARTED

SocketServerTest > processCompletedSendException() PASSED

SocketServerTest > processDisconnectedException() STARTED

SocketServerTest > processDisconnectedException() PASSED

SocketServerTest > closingChannelWithBufferedReceives() STARTED

SocketServerTest > closingChannelWithBufferedReceives() PASSED

SocketServerTest > sendCancelledKeyException() STARTED

SocketServerTest > sendCancelledKeyException() PASSED

SocketServerTest > processCompletedReceiveException() STARTED

SocketServerTest > processCompletedReceiveException() PASSED

SocketServerTest > testControlPlaneAsPrivilegedListener() STARTED

SocketServerTest > testControlPlaneAsPrivilegedListener() PASSED

SocketServerTest > closingChannelSendFailure() STARTED

SocketServerTest > closingChannelSendFailure() PASSED

SocketServerTest > idleExpiryWithBufferedReceives() STARTED

SocketServerTest > idleExpiryWithBufferedReceives() PASSED

SocketServerTest > testSocketsCloseOnShutdown() STARTED

SocketServerTest > testSocketsCloseOnShutdown() PASSED

SocketServerTest > testNoOpActionResponseWithThrottledChannelWhereThrottlingAlreadyDone() STARTED

SocketServerTest > testNoOpActionResponseWithThrottledChannelWhereThrottlingAlreadyDone() PASSED

SocketServerTest > pollException() STARTED

SocketServerTest > pollException() PASSED

SocketServerTest > closingChannelWithBufferedReceivesFailedSend() STARTED

SocketServerTest > closingChannelWithBufferedReceivesFailedSend() PASSED

SocketServerTest > remoteCloseWithBufferedReceives() STARTED

SocketServerTest > remoteCloseWithBufferedReceives() PASSED

SocketServerTest > testThrottledSocketsClosedOnShutdown() STARTED

SocketServerTest > testThrottledSocketsClosedOnShutdown() PASSED

SocketServerTest > closingChannelWithCompleteAndIncompleteBufferedReceives() STARTED

SocketServerTest > closingChannelWithCompleteAndIncompleteBufferedReceives() PASSED

SocketServerTest > testInterBrokerListenerAsPrivilegedListener() STARTED

SocketServerTest > testInterBrokerListenerAsPrivilegedListener() PASSED

SocketServerTest > testSslSocketServer() STARTED

SocketServerTest > testSslSocketServer() PASSED

SocketServerTest > testDisabledRequestIsRejected() STARTED

SocketServerTest > testDisabledRequestIsRejected() PASSED

SocketServerTest > tooBigRequestIsRejected() STARTED

SocketServerTest > tooBigRequestIsRejected() PASSED

SocketServerTest > testNoOpActionResponseWithThrottledChannelWhereThrottlingInProgress() STARTED

SocketServerTest > testNoOpActionResponseWithThrottledChannelWhereThrottlingInProgress() PASSED

DynamicConnectionQuotaTest > testDynamicConnectionQuota() STARTED

DynamicConnectionQuotaTest > testDynamicConnectionQuota() PASSED

DynamicConnectionQuotaTest > testDynamicListenerConnectionQuota() STARTED

DynamicConnectionQuotaTest > testDynamicListenerConnectionQuota() PASSED

DynamicConnectionQuotaTest > testDynamicListenerConnectionCreationRateQuota() STARTED

DynamicConnectionQuotaTest > testDynamicListenerConnectionCreationRateQuota() PASSED

DynamicConnectionQuotaTest > testDynamicIpConnectionRateQuota() STARTED

DynamicConnectionQuotaTest > testDynamicIpConnectionRateQuota() PASSED

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [1] name=print nothing, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@20d1104f, value = [B@341632fa), properties=Map(print.value -> false), expected= STARTED

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [1] name=print nothing, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@20d1104f, value = [B@341632fa), properties=Map(print.value -> false), expected= PASSED

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [2] name=print key, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@14a6baac, value = [B@1122db20), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.value -> false), expected=someKey

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [2] name=print key, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@14a6baac, value = [B@1122db20), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.value -> false), expected=someKey

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [3] name=print value, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@6f8bd317, value = [B@3f36b570), properties=Map(), expected=someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [3] name=print value, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@6f8bd317, value = [B@3f36b570), properties=Map(), expected=someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [4] name=print empty timestamp, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, NoTimestampType = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@1e640be0, value = [B@199838d7), properties=Map(print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> false), expected=NO_TIMESTAMP

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [4] name=print empty timestamp, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, NoTimestampType = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@1e640be0, value = [B@199838d7), properties=Map(print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> false), expected=NO_TIMESTAMP

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [5] name=print log append time timestamp, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, LogAppendTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@283a5398, value = [B@22adfeda), properties=Map(print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> false), expected=LogAppendTime:1234

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [5] name=print log append time timestamp, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, LogAppendTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@283a5398, value = [B@22adfeda), properties=Map(print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> false), expected=LogAppendTime:1234

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [6] name=print create time timestamp, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@1c28ca64, value = [B@442e07b6), properties=Map(print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> false), expected=CreateTime:1234

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [6] name=print create time timestamp, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@1c28ca64, value = [B@442e07b6), properties=Map(print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> false), expected=CreateTime:1234

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [7] name=print partition, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@3e722a38, value = [B@73645802), properties=Map(print.partition -> true, print.value -> false), expected=Partition:9

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [7] name=print partition, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@3e722a38, value = [B@73645802), properties=Map(print.partition -> true, print.value -> false), expected=Partition:9

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [8] name=print offset, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@29c5c7e0, value = [B@1d6276d9), properties=Map(print.offset -> true, print.value -> false), expected=Offset:9876

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [8] name=print offset, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@29c5c7e0, value = [B@1d6276d9), properties=Map(print.offset -> true, print.value -> false), expected=Offset:9876

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [9] name=print headers, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@32eebca7, value = [B@631b46b0), properties=Map(print.headers -> true, print.value -> false), expected=h1:v1,h2:v2

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [9] name=print headers, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@32eebca7, value = [B@631b46b0), properties=Map(print.headers -> true, print.value -> false), expected=h1:v1,h2:v2

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [10] name=print empty headers, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@2d70836b, value = [B@14677eb3), properties=Map(print.headers -> true, print.value -> false), expected=NO_HEADERS

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [10] name=print empty headers, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@2d70836b, value = [B@14677eb3), properties=Map(print.headers -> true, print.value -> false), expected=NO_HEADERS

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [11] name=print all possible fields with default delimiters, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@4369f20c, value = [B@4957a787), properties=HashMap(print.key -> true, print.headers -> true, print.partition -> true, print.offset -> true, print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> true), expected=CreateTime:1234	Partition:9	Offset:9876	h1:v1,h2:v2	someKey	someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [11] name=print all possible fields with default delimiters, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@4369f20c, value = [B@4957a787), properties=HashMap(print.key -> true, print.headers -> true, print.partition -> true, print.offset -> true, print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> true), expected=CreateTime:1234	Partition:9	Offset:9876	h1:v1,h2:v2	someKey	someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [12] name=print all possible fields with custom delimiters, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@60151e1d, value = [B@4f28664a), properties=HashMap(line.separator -> ^, print.key -> true, headers.separator -> #, print.headers -> true, key.separator -> |, print.partition -> true, print.offset -> true, print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> true), expected=CreateTime:1234|Partition:9|Offset:9876|h1:v1#h2:v2|someKey|someValue^ STARTED

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [12] name=print all possible fields with custom delimiters, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@60151e1d, value = [B@4f28664a), properties=HashMap(line.separator -> ^, print.key -> true, headers.separator -> #, print.headers -> true, key.separator -> |, print.partition -> true, print.offset -> true, print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> true), expected=CreateTime:1234|Partition:9|Offset:9876|h1:v1#h2:v2|someKey|someValue^ PASSED

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [13] name=print key with custom deserializer, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@435d1431, value = [B@37c2e842), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.headers -> true, print.value -> true, key.deserializer ->, expected=h1:v1,h2:v2	SOMEKEY	someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [13] name=print key with custom deserializer, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@435d1431, value = [B@37c2e842), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.headers -> true, print.value -> true, key.deserializer ->, expected=h1:v1,h2:v2	SOMEKEY	someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [14] name=print value with custom deserializer, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@7379ced0, value = [B@582eb012), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.headers -> true, print.value -> true, value.deserializer ->, expected=h1:v1,h2:v2	someKey	SOMEVALUE

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [14] name=print value with custom deserializer, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@7379ced0, value = [B@582eb012), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.headers -> true, print.value -> true, value.deserializer ->, expected=h1:v1,h2:v2	someKey	SOMEVALUE

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [15] name=print headers with custom deserializer, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@780ec3ad, value = [B@788b3c98), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.headers -> true, print.value -> true, headers.deserializer ->, expected=h1:V1,h2:V2	someKey	someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [15] name=print headers with custom deserializer, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@780ec3ad, value = [B@788b3c98), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.headers -> true, print.value -> true, headers.deserializer ->, expected=h1:V1,h2:V2	someKey	someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [16] name=print key and value, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@45b96217, value = [B@683af492), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.value -> true), expected=someKey	someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [16] name=print key and value, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@45b96217, value = [B@683af492), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.value -> true), expected=someKey	someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [17] name=print fields in the beginning, middle and the end, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@2a18ba5b, value = [B@238961ed), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.value -> true, print.partition -> true), expected=Partition:9	someKey	someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [17] name=print fields in the beginning, middle and the end, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@2a18ba5b, value = [B@238961ed), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.value -> true, print.partition -> true), expected=Partition:9	someKey	someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [18] name=null value without custom null literal, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@1fd33e22, value = null), properties=Map(print.key -> true), expected=someKey	null

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [18] name=null value without custom null literal, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@1fd33e22, value = null), properties=Map(print.key -> true), expected=someKey	null

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [19] name=null value with custom null literal, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@13065232, value = null), properties=Map(print.key -> true, null.literal -> NULL), expected=someKey	NULL

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [19] name=null value with custom null literal, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@13065232, value = null), properties=Map(print.key -> true, null.literal -> NULL), expected=someKey	NULL

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':connect:runtime:test'.
> There were failing tests. See the report at: file://<>

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

* Get more help at

Deprecated Gradle features were used in this build, making it incompatible with Gradle 7.0.
Use '--warning-mode all' to show the individual deprecation warnings.

BUILD FAILED in 1h 42m 55s
250 actionable tasks: 243 executed, 7 up-to-date
Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure
Recording test results
Not sending mail to unregistered user

Build failed in Jenkins: Kafka » kafka-trunk-jdk11 #505

Posted by Apache Jenkins Server <>.
See <>


[github] KAFKA-5235: GetOffsetShell: Support for multiple topics and consumer configuration override (KIP-635) (#9430)

[...truncated 3.62 MB...]

KafkaZkClientTest > testUpdateBrokerInfo() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testUpdateBrokerInfo() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testCreateRecursive() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testCreateRecursive() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testGetConsumerOffsetNoData() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testGetConsumerOffsetNoData() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testDeleteTopicPathMethods() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testDeleteTopicPathMethods() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testSetTopicPartitionStatesRaw() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testSetTopicPartitionStatesRaw() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testAclManagementMethods() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testAclManagementMethods() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testPreferredReplicaElectionMethods() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testPreferredReplicaElectionMethods() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testPropagateLogDir() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testPropagateLogDir() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testGetDataAndStat() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testGetDataAndStat() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testReassignPartitionsInProgress() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testReassignPartitionsInProgress() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testCreateTopLevelPaths() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testCreateTopLevelPaths() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testGetAllTopicsInClusterDoesNotTriggerWatch() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testGetAllTopicsInClusterDoesNotTriggerWatch() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testIsrChangeNotificationGetters() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testIsrChangeNotificationGetters() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testLogDirEventNotificationsDeletion() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testLogDirEventNotificationsDeletion() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testGetLogConfigs() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testGetLogConfigs() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testBrokerSequenceIdMethods() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testBrokerSequenceIdMethods() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testAclMethods() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testAclMethods() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testCreateSequentialPersistentPath() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testCreateSequentialPersistentPath() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testConditionalUpdatePath() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testConditionalUpdatePath() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testGetAllTopicsInClusterTriggersWatch() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testGetAllTopicsInClusterTriggersWatch() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testDeleteTopicZNode() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testDeleteTopicZNode() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testDeletePath() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testDeletePath() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testGetBrokerMethods() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testGetBrokerMethods() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testCreateTokenChangeNotification() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testCreateTokenChangeNotification() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testGetTopicsAndPartitions() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testGetTopicsAndPartitions() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testRegisterBrokerInfo() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testRegisterBrokerInfo() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testRetryRegisterBrokerInfo() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testRetryRegisterBrokerInfo() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testConsumerOffsetPath() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testConsumerOffsetPath() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testDeleteRecursiveWithControllerEpochVersionCheck() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testDeleteRecursiveWithControllerEpochVersionCheck() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testTopicAssignments() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testTopicAssignments() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testControllerManagementMethods() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testControllerManagementMethods() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testTopicAssignmentMethods() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testTopicAssignmentMethods() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testConnectionViaNettyClient() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testConnectionViaNettyClient() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testPropagateIsrChanges() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testPropagateIsrChanges() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testControllerEpochMethods() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testControllerEpochMethods() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testDeleteRecursive() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testDeleteRecursive() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testGetTopicPartitionStates() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testGetTopicPartitionStates() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testCreateConfigChangeNotification() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testCreateConfigChangeNotification() PASSED

KafkaZkClientTest > testDelegationTokenMethods() STARTED

KafkaZkClientTest > testDelegationTokenMethods() PASSED

LiteralAclStoreTest > shouldHaveCorrectPaths() STARTED

LiteralAclStoreTest > shouldHaveCorrectPaths() PASSED

LiteralAclStoreTest > shouldRoundTripChangeNode() STARTED

LiteralAclStoreTest > shouldRoundTripChangeNode() PASSED

LiteralAclStoreTest > shouldThrowFromEncodeOnNoneLiteral() STARTED

LiteralAclStoreTest > shouldThrowFromEncodeOnNoneLiteral() PASSED

LiteralAclStoreTest > shouldWriteChangesToTheWritePath() STARTED

LiteralAclStoreTest > shouldWriteChangesToTheWritePath() PASSED

LiteralAclStoreTest > shouldHaveCorrectPatternType() STARTED

LiteralAclStoreTest > shouldHaveCorrectPatternType() PASSED

LiteralAclStoreTest > shouldDecodeResourceUsingTwoPartLogic() STARTED

LiteralAclStoreTest > shouldDecodeResourceUsingTwoPartLogic() PASSED

ReassignPartitionsZNodeTest > testDecodeInvalidJson() STARTED

ReassignPartitionsZNodeTest > testDecodeInvalidJson() PASSED

ReassignPartitionsZNodeTest > testEncode() STARTED

ReassignPartitionsZNodeTest > testEncode() PASSED

ReassignPartitionsZNodeTest > testDecodeValidJson() STARTED

ReassignPartitionsZNodeTest > testDecodeValidJson() PASSED

ControllerContextTest > testPartitionFullReplicaAssignmentReturnsEmptyAssignmentIfTopicOrPartitionDoesNotExist() STARTED

ControllerContextTest > testPartitionFullReplicaAssignmentReturnsEmptyAssignmentIfTopicOrPartitionDoesNotExist() PASSED

ControllerContextTest > testPartitionReplicaAssignmentForTopicReturnsEmptyMapIfTopicDoesNotExist() STARTED

ControllerContextTest > testPartitionReplicaAssignmentForTopicReturnsEmptyMapIfTopicDoesNotExist() PASSED

ControllerContextTest > testPreferredReplicaImbalanceMetric() STARTED

ControllerContextTest > testPreferredReplicaImbalanceMetric() PASSED

ControllerContextTest > testPartitionReplicaAssignmentForTopicReturnsExpectedReplicaAssignments() STARTED

ControllerContextTest > testPartitionReplicaAssignmentForTopicReturnsExpectedReplicaAssignments() PASSED

ControllerContextTest > testReassignTo() STARTED

ControllerContextTest > testReassignTo() PASSED

ControllerContextTest > testPartitionReplicaAssignment() STARTED

ControllerContextTest > testPartitionReplicaAssignment() PASSED

ControllerContextTest > testUpdatePartitionFullReplicaAssignmentUpdatesReplicaAssignment() STARTED

ControllerContextTest > testUpdatePartitionFullReplicaAssignmentUpdatesReplicaAssignment() PASSED

ControllerContextTest > testReassignToIdempotence() STARTED

ControllerContextTest > testReassignToIdempotence() PASSED

ControllerContextTest > testPartitionReplicaAssignmentReturnsEmptySeqIfTopicOrPartitionDoesNotExist() STARTED

ControllerContextTest > testPartitionReplicaAssignmentReturnsEmptySeqIfTopicOrPartitionDoesNotExist() PASSED

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':connect:runtime:test'.
> There were failing tests. See the report at: file://<>

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

* Get more help at

Deprecated Gradle features were used in this build, making it incompatible with Gradle 7.0.
Use '--warning-mode all' to show the individual deprecation warnings.

BUILD FAILED in 1h 34m 19s
250 actionable tasks: 214 executed, 36 up-to-date
Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure
Recording test results
Not sending mail to unregistered user

Build failed in Jenkins: Kafka » kafka-trunk-jdk11 #504

Posted by Apache Jenkins Server <>.
See <>


[github] MINOR: Prevent creating partition.metadata until ID can be written (#10041)

[...truncated 3.45 MB...]
SocketServerTest > testConnectionRatePerIp() PASSED

SocketServerTest > processCompletedSendException() STARTED

SocketServerTest > processCompletedSendException() PASSED

SocketServerTest > processDisconnectedException() STARTED

SocketServerTest > processDisconnectedException() PASSED

SocketServerTest > closingChannelWithBufferedReceives() STARTED

SocketServerTest > closingChannelWithBufferedReceives() PASSED

SocketServerTest > sendCancelledKeyException() STARTED

SocketServerTest > sendCancelledKeyException() PASSED

SocketServerTest > processCompletedReceiveException() STARTED

SocketServerTest > processCompletedReceiveException() PASSED

SocketServerTest > testControlPlaneAsPrivilegedListener() STARTED

SocketServerTest > testControlPlaneAsPrivilegedListener() PASSED

SocketServerTest > closingChannelSendFailure() STARTED

SocketServerTest > closingChannelSendFailure() PASSED

SocketServerTest > idleExpiryWithBufferedReceives() STARTED

SocketServerTest > idleExpiryWithBufferedReceives() PASSED

SocketServerTest > testSocketsCloseOnShutdown() STARTED

SocketServerTest > testSocketsCloseOnShutdown() PASSED

SocketServerTest > testNoOpActionResponseWithThrottledChannelWhereThrottlingAlreadyDone() STARTED

SocketServerTest > testNoOpActionResponseWithThrottledChannelWhereThrottlingAlreadyDone() PASSED

SocketServerTest > pollException() STARTED

SocketServerTest > pollException() PASSED

SocketServerTest > closingChannelWithBufferedReceivesFailedSend() STARTED

SocketServerTest > closingChannelWithBufferedReceivesFailedSend() PASSED

SocketServerTest > remoteCloseWithBufferedReceives() STARTED

SocketServerTest > remoteCloseWithBufferedReceives() PASSED

SocketServerTest > testThrottledSocketsClosedOnShutdown() STARTED

SocketServerTest > testThrottledSocketsClosedOnShutdown() PASSED

SocketServerTest > closingChannelWithCompleteAndIncompleteBufferedReceives() STARTED

SocketServerTest > closingChannelWithCompleteAndIncompleteBufferedReceives() PASSED

SocketServerTest > testInterBrokerListenerAsPrivilegedListener() STARTED

SocketServerTest > testInterBrokerListenerAsPrivilegedListener() PASSED

SocketServerTest > testSslSocketServer() STARTED

SocketServerTest > testSslSocketServer() PASSED

SocketServerTest > testDisabledRequestIsRejected() STARTED

SocketServerTest > testDisabledRequestIsRejected() PASSED

SocketServerTest > tooBigRequestIsRejected() STARTED

SocketServerTest > tooBigRequestIsRejected() PASSED

SocketServerTest > testNoOpActionResponseWithThrottledChannelWhereThrottlingInProgress() STARTED

SocketServerTest > testNoOpActionResponseWithThrottledChannelWhereThrottlingInProgress() PASSED

KafkaTimerTest > testKafkaTimer() STARTED

KafkaTimerTest > testKafkaTimer() PASSED

LinuxIoMetricsCollectorTest > testReadProcFile() STARTED

LinuxIoMetricsCollectorTest > testReadProcFile() PASSED

LinuxIoMetricsCollectorTest > testUnableToReadNonexistentProcFile() STARTED

LinuxIoMetricsCollectorTest > testUnableToReadNonexistentProcFile() PASSED

TransactionsWithMaxInFlightOneTest > testTransactionalProducerSingleBrokerMaxInFlightOne() STARTED

TransactionsWithMaxInFlightOneTest > testTransactionalProducerSingleBrokerMaxInFlightOne() PASSED

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [1] name=print nothing, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@71668b23, value = [B@2741d33e), properties=Map(print.value -> false), expected= STARTED

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [1] name=print nothing, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@71668b23, value = [B@2741d33e), properties=Map(print.value -> false), expected= PASSED

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [2] name=print key, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@9bdc750, value = [B@20cc3d7a), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.value -> false), expected=someKey

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [2] name=print key, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@9bdc750, value = [B@20cc3d7a), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.value -> false), expected=someKey

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [3] name=print value, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@197359b9, value = [B@6e50accd), properties=Map(), expected=someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [3] name=print value, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@197359b9, value = [B@6e50accd), properties=Map(), expected=someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [4] name=print empty timestamp, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, NoTimestampType = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@9306110, value = [B@48d6baa1), properties=Map(print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> false), expected=NO_TIMESTAMP

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [4] name=print empty timestamp, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, NoTimestampType = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@9306110, value = [B@48d6baa1), properties=Map(print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> false), expected=NO_TIMESTAMP

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [5] name=print log append time timestamp, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, LogAppendTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@4b6b9c93, value = [B@20b667f7), properties=Map(print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> false), expected=LogAppendTime:1234

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [5] name=print log append time timestamp, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, LogAppendTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@4b6b9c93, value = [B@20b667f7), properties=Map(print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> false), expected=LogAppendTime:1234

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [6] name=print create time timestamp, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@2a84aa10, value = [B@577a0e53), properties=Map(print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> false), expected=CreateTime:1234

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [6] name=print create time timestamp, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@2a84aa10, value = [B@577a0e53), properties=Map(print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> false), expected=CreateTime:1234

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [7] name=print partition, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@40e28f2b, value = [B@5378d11f), properties=Map(print.partition -> true, print.value -> false), expected=Partition:9

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [7] name=print partition, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@40e28f2b, value = [B@5378d11f), properties=Map(print.partition -> true, print.value -> false), expected=Partition:9

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [8] name=print offset, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@5c23254a, value = [B@5baca00b), properties=Map(print.offset -> true, print.value -> false), expected=Offset:9876

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [8] name=print offset, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@5c23254a, value = [B@5baca00b), properties=Map(print.offset -> true, print.value -> false), expected=Offset:9876

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [9] name=print headers, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@f63e782, value = [B@1a063f58), properties=Map(print.headers -> true, print.value -> false), expected=h1:v1,h2:v2

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [9] name=print headers, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@f63e782, value = [B@1a063f58), properties=Map(print.headers -> true, print.value -> false), expected=h1:v1,h2:v2

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [10] name=print empty headers, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@57069ef1, value = [B@7686c25b), properties=Map(print.headers -> true, print.value -> false), expected=NO_HEADERS

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [10] name=print empty headers, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@57069ef1, value = [B@7686c25b), properties=Map(print.headers -> true, print.value -> false), expected=NO_HEADERS

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [11] name=print all possible fields with default delimiters, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@3a06b3cb, value = [B@65aec56b), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.headers -> true, print.partition -> true, print.offset -> true, print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> true), expected=CreateTime:1234	Partition:9	Offset:9876	h1:v1,h2:v2	someKey	someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [11] name=print all possible fields with default delimiters, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@3a06b3cb, value = [B@65aec56b), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.headers -> true, print.partition -> true, print.offset -> true, print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> true), expected=CreateTime:1234	Partition:9	Offset:9876	h1:v1,h2:v2	someKey	someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [12] name=print all possible fields with custom delimiters, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@6bc2e39, value = [B@4668b0af), properties=Map(line.separator -> ^, print.key -> true, headers.separator -> #, print.headers -> true, key.separator -> |, print.partition -> true, print.offset -> true, print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> true), expected=CreateTime:1234|Partition:9|Offset:9876|h1:v1#h2:v2|someKey|someValue^ STARTED

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [12] name=print all possible fields with custom delimiters, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@6bc2e39, value = [B@4668b0af), properties=Map(line.separator -> ^, print.key -> true, headers.separator -> #, print.headers -> true, key.separator -> |, print.partition -> true, print.offset -> true, print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> true), expected=CreateTime:1234|Partition:9|Offset:9876|h1:v1#h2:v2|someKey|someValue^ PASSED

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [13] name=print key with custom deserializer, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@497fdb42, value = [B@5ae9ca9b), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.headers -> true, print.value -> true, key.deserializer ->, expected=h1:v1,h2:v2	SOMEKEY	someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [13] name=print key with custom deserializer, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@497fdb42, value = [B@5ae9ca9b), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.headers -> true, print.value -> true, key.deserializer ->, expected=h1:v1,h2:v2	SOMEKEY	someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [14] name=print value with custom deserializer, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@3d43ea19, value = [B@3e2dc8d6), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.headers -> true, print.value -> true, value.deserializer ->, expected=h1:v1,h2:v2	someKey	SOMEVALUE

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [14] name=print value with custom deserializer, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@3d43ea19, value = [B@3e2dc8d6), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.headers -> true, print.value -> true, value.deserializer ->, expected=h1:v1,h2:v2	someKey	SOMEVALUE

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [15] name=print headers with custom deserializer, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@93fb19a, value = [B@1d961f34), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.headers -> true, print.value -> true, headers.deserializer ->, expected=h1:V1,h2:V2	someKey	someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [15] name=print headers with custom deserializer, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@93fb19a, value = [B@1d961f34), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.headers -> true, print.value -> true, headers.deserializer ->, expected=h1:V1,h2:V2	someKey	someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [16] name=print key and value, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@3fa72dbd, value = [B@6f1c39e7), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.value -> true), expected=someKey	someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [16] name=print key and value, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@3fa72dbd, value = [B@6f1c39e7), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.value -> true), expected=someKey	someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [17] name=print fields in the beginning, middle and the end, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@7aa00d78, value = [B@56e6eee), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.value -> true, print.partition -> true), expected=Partition:9	someKey	someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [17] name=print fields in the beginning, middle and the end, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@7aa00d78, value = [B@56e6eee), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.value -> true, print.partition -> true), expected=Partition:9	someKey	someValue

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [18] name=null value without custom null literal, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@1cc7426b, value = null), properties=Map(print.key -> true), expected=someKey	null

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [18] name=null value without custom null literal, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@1cc7426b, value = null), properties=Map(print.key -> true), expected=someKey	null

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [19] name=null value with custom null literal, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@65743393, value = null), properties=Map(print.key -> true, null.literal -> NULL), expected=someKey	NULL

DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [19] name=null value with custom null literal, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@65743393, value = null), properties=Map(print.key -> true, null.literal -> NULL), expected=someKey	NULL

KafkaServerTest > testAlreadyRegisteredAdvertisedListeners() SKIPPED

2264 tests completed, 1 failed, 7 skipped

> Task :core:test FAILED

FAILURE: Build completed with 2 failures.

1: Task failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':streams:test'.
> There were failing tests. See the report at: file://<>

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

2: Task failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':core:test'.
> Process 'Gradle Test Executor 73' finished with non-zero exit value 1
  This problem might be caused by incorrect test process configuration.
  Please refer to the test execution section in the User Manual at

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

* Get more help at

Deprecated Gradle features were used in this build, making it incompatible with Gradle 7.0.
Use '--warning-mode all' to show the individual deprecation warnings.

BUILD FAILED in 1h 31m 21s
250 actionable tasks: 214 executed, 36 up-to-date
Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure
Recording test results
Not sending mail to unregistered user