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Posted to by Shahbaz Chaudhary <> on 2008/06/16 06:24:53 UTC

C# API receiving null values

I am using qpid's last stable release: M2

I am trying to subscribe to a topic using the C# API, publishing using the Java API (JMS) and the broker is also Java (rather than the C++ version).

It looks like my C# program is correctly listening to incoming messages (my 'OnMessage' function is called repeatedly), however, there doesn't seem to be anything of value in the IMessage payload.

I get the following exception:

System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: uriString
   at System.Uri..ctor(String uriString)
   at Apache.Qpid.Client.Message.BindingURL.Parse()
   at Apache.Qpid.Client.Message.BindingURL..ctor(String url)
   at Apache.Qpid.Client.Message.AbstractQmsMessage.ReadReplyToHeader()
   at Apache.Qpid.Client.Message.AbstractQmsMessage.get_ReplyToExchangeName()
   at Apache.Qpid.Client.Message.AbstractQmsMessage.ToString()

But I can't figure out where this is coming from.  This is apparently not even a qpid specific exception, people on the web have see something similar with ASP.NET, web services, etc.

Following is the toString result of the message I send through my Java API:


{price=10.617051124572754, symbol=MSFT, size=8185460096350332850}

JMS Correlation ID: null

JMS timestamp: 0

JMS expiration: 0

JMS priority: 0

JMS delivery mode: 0

JMS reply to: null

JMS Redelivered: false

JMS Destination: null

JMS Type: null

JMS MessageID: ID:a3bb43c2-c51d-4c56-b55f-6bcab0f4f314

AMQ message number: -1


My code is a basically a simplified version of TopicListener.cs, available in qpid's svn.

Please let me know if I miseed something here.

Following is my code:

using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.Linq;

using System.Text;

using Apache.Qpid.Messaging;

using Apache.Qpid.Client.Qms;

using Apache.Qpid.Client;

namespace QPidSubscriber


class QPidSubscriber


Apache.Qpid.Messaging.IConnection connection;

IConnectionInfo connectionInfo;

IChannel channel;

IMessageConsumer consumer;

string qpidServer = "amqp://guest:guest@1/test?brokerlist='tcp://localhost:5672'";

string topicName = "md.bids";

string fieldName = "size";

object fieldValue;

public QPidSubscriber()



initializeNewTopicField(topicName, fieldName);


void initializeQpid(string url)


connectionInfo = QpidConnectionInfo.FromUrl(url);

connection = new AMQConnection(connectionInfo);

channel = connection.CreateChannel(false, AcknowledgeMode.AutoAcknowledge, 1);



void initializeNewTopicField(string topic, string field)


string tempQ = channel.GenerateUniqueName();

channel.DeclareQueue(tempQ, false, true, true); 

channel.Bind(tempQ, ExchangeNameDefaults.TOPIC, topic);

consumer = channel.CreateConsumerBuilder(tempQ).Create();

consumer.OnMessage += new MessageReceivedDelegate(OnMessage);



public void OnMessage(IMessage message)


//fieldValue = message.Headers.GetLong(fieldName).ToString();

fieldValue = message.Headers[fieldName];

Console.WriteLine(fieldValue);//<== fieldValue is always null!!



static void Main(string[] args)


QPidSubscriber qps = new QPidSubscriber();



