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Posted to by s s <> on 2005/11/08 20:29:32 UTC

deserializer exception

I am getting an exception thrown when using Axis 1.2 for invoking a 
My call is using a URL and a query as the methodname.  The 
EncodingStyleURI is 
I keep getting the following exception:
No Deserializer found to deserialize a 
'' using encoding style 

I also tried using the SOAPMappingRegistry as was suggested in a 
previous post.  But my compiler keeps telling me that the method mapTypes 
expects (String, QName, Class, Serializer, Deserializer).  I tried using  
smr.mapTypes(Constants.NS_URI_SOAP_ENC, new 
    "string"), null, null, sd); as suggested but it did not compile.
Any suggestions??

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