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Posted to by sebb <> on 2005/06/16 14:46:19 UTC

Config element behaviour

Configuration elements are currently handled by passing them the the
addTestElement() method of each Sampler in scope.

The HTTP Samplers process the Cookie, Header and Auth Manager elements
separately, and pass the rest to the superclass addTestElement()

This is in AbstractTestElement, and calls mergeIn(), which extracts
the properties from the Config element, and adds them to the Sampler

Seems to me that this default behaviour is only suitable for some of
the ConfigTestElement types - for example, does it really make sense
for the LdapConfig properties to be added to every sampler in scope?
Surely it's only realy relevant for LDAP Samplers?

There seem to be two classes of Config elements - generic ones (e.g.
CSVDataSet ?), and those that are specific to particular samplers
(e.g. CookieManager)

Perhaps there should be a marker interface for the generic config
types; AbstractTestElement could ignore the others. Individual
samplers would need to override addTestElement() if they wanted to
process other config types.

Does this make sense? Or is it not important that the extra properties
from the config elements are added to the samplers?


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