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Posted to by Marc Slemko <> on 1998/03/31 00:04:13 UTC

APIs and 1.3

It has been suggested that we need to make a stable, documented API before
1.3 that has more explicit and enforced restrictions on what is and isn't

I do not see that as useful or necessary.  It is a whole lot of work that
just ends up delaying 2.0 without a huge amount of gain because you can't
make the 1.3 API right without messing with it a lot.

Re: APIs and 1.3

Posted by Rodent of Unusual Size <Ke...@Golux.Com>.
Marc Slemko wrote:
> It has been suggested that we need to make a stable, documented API before
> 1.3 that has more explicit and enforced restrictions on what is and isn't
> allowed..

Mmm.  I'd go along with that (the documented part, at least) if you changed
"1.3" to "2.0".  In other words, I think we need this for the version
that's going to be out there for a while before being succeeded - namely,
1.3.*.  But I don't think 1.3.0 should be held up for it - uh-uh.

#ken	P-)}

Ken Coar                    <http://Web.Golux.Com/coar/>
Apache Group member         <>
"Apache Server for Dummies" <http://WWW.Dummies.Com/