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Posted to by james <> on 2001/03/22 05:48:58 UTC


I've written a task that parses a particular Bean.class and reads/writes all
the import statements that match a certain pattern to a file called
"imports.txt". I plan on using this file within the <support> tag in ejbjar
so that I can jar up all of my bean's dependant classes.

    <support dir="${env.CLIENT_CLASSES}"  includesfile="imports.txt"/>

my problem is that I cannot seem to find any documentation on the what the
proper format of an includesfile should be.  I've tried writing out each
line as an include tag ( <include file="..."/> )
but this doesn't work.  I've also tried '' and of
course that doesn't work.
I've looked through this mailing list and have gotten some indication that
the include files should be
indicated like this: com/company/foo/fool.class... is this right? Will this
also help to avoid  the parser errors I've been getting? Ant says that my
includesfile is a poor aproximation of xml, which is correct on one level
but wrong in so many others....

thanks in advance, even if you don't help,
