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Posted to by Stefán Baxter <> on 2016/01/11 23:10:48 UTC

Fwd: Minor assistance with a Lucene plugin (reader for now)

--- sent this previously to users@drill but dev@drill may be a better


Rahul Challapalli started to implement a Lucene reader a while back and I'm
trying to pitch in. (#1/#2)

I have made some progress but I could benefit from talking to some one that
know his way around the implementation of a reader/writer before I continue.

Discussion points:

   - Best practices for a reader
   - If a list/document containing such information exists

   - The strange implementation of IN and BETWEEN
   - seems to creates multiple EQUALS
   (Lucene supports ranges and this approach does not suit query building

   - Support for array based results
   - looking for a simple example

   - Write support
   - A simple/good example suitable for scaffolding

The plugin is reading Lucene indexes, processing queries and returning
results. Lucene does how ever, being an free-text
stemming/tokenizing/analyser based indexer, not support exact matches when
the underlying value is not stored unprocessed.

I have not done any real performance testing but the speed seems to be
quite good.


#1 -
#2 -