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Posted to by Mary Peterson <> on 2001/10/31 16:33:35 UTC

Server-side includes

I can't get my server-side includes to work.  It was working initially, but now it doesn't work.  I'm running apache 1.3.19 on Win NT.  My virtual host configuration is as follows:

<VirtualHost IP:Port>
     DocumentRoot d:\ORACLE\iSuites\Apache\Apache\docs\QIES.Dev
     Options Includes	
     AddType text/html .shtml
     AddHandler server-parsed .shtml
     AddType text/html .html
     AddHandler server-parsed .html
     ServerName hostname:port
     ErrorLog logs/hostname:port-error_log
     CustomLog logs/hostname:port-access_log common

If anyone has a "quick" solution or can direct me to another user group I would appreciate it.
