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[GitHub] [incubator-doris] yangzhg opened a new issue #2039: Support Grouping Sets, Rollup and Cube to extend group by statement

yangzhg opened a new issue #2039: Support Grouping Sets, Rollup and Cube to extend group by statement
   ## 1. GROUPING SETS Background
   The `CUBE`, `ROLLUP`, and `GROUPING` `SETS` extensions to SQL make querying and reporting easier and faster. `CUBE`, `ROLLUP`, and grouping sets produce a single result set that is equivalent to a `UNION` `ALL` of differently grouped rows. `ROLLUP` calculates aggregations such as `SUM`, `COUNT`, `MAX`, `MIN`, and `AVG` at increasing levels of aggregation, from the most detailed up to a grand total. `CUBE` is an extension similar to `ROLLUP`, enabling a single statement to calculate all possible combinations of aggregations. The `CUBE`, `ROLLUP`, and the `GROUPING` `SETS` extension lets you specify just the groupings needed in the `GROUP` `BY` clause. This allows efficient analysis across multiple dimensions without performing a `CUBE` operation. Computing a `CUBE` creates a heavy processing load, so replacing cubes with grouping sets can significantly increase performance.
   To enhance performance, `CUBE`, `ROLLUP`, and `GROUPING SETS` can be parallelized: multiple processes can simultaneously execute all of these statements. These capabilities make aggregate calculations more efficient, thereby enhancing database performance, and scalability.
   The three `GROUPING` functions help you identify the group each row belongs to and enable sorting subtotal rows and filtering results.
   ### 1.1 GROUPING SETS Syntax
   `GROUPING SETS` syntax lets you define multiple groupings in the same query. `GROUP BY` computes all the groupings specified and combines them with `UNION ALL`. For example, consider the following statement:
   SELECT a, b, SUM( c ) FROM tab1 GROUP BY GROUPING SETS ( (a, b), (a), (b), ( ) );
   This statement is equivalent to:
   SELECT a, b, SUM( c ) FROM tab1 GROUP BY a, b
   SELECT a, null, SUM( c ) FROM tab1 GROUP BY a
   SELECT null, b, SUM( c ) FROM tab1 GROUP BY b
   SELECT null, null, SUM( c ) FROM tab1
   This is an example of real query:
   mysql> SELECT * FROM t;
   | k1   | k2   | k3   |
   | a    | A    |    1 |
   | a    | A    |    2 |
   | a    | B    |    1 |
   | a    | B    |    3 |
   | b    | A    |    1 |
   | b    | A    |    4 |
   | b    | B    |    1 |
   | b    | B    |    5 |
   8 rows in set (0.01 sec)
   mysql> SELECT k1, k2, SUM(k3) FROM t GROUP BY GROUPING SETS ( (k1, k2), (k2), (k1), ( ) );
   | k1   | k2   | sum(`k3`) |
   | b    | B    |         6 |
   | a    | B    |         4 |
   | a    | A    |         3 |
   | b    | A    |         5 |
   | NULL | B    |        10 |
   | NULL | A    |         8 |
   | a    | NULL |         7 |
   | b    | NULL |        11 |
   | NULL | NULL |        18 |
   9 rows in set (0.06 sec)
   ### 1.2 ROLLUP Syntax
   `ROLLUP` enables a `SELECT` statement to calculate multiple levels of subtotals across a specified group of dimensions. It also calculates a grand total. `ROLLUP` is a simple extension to the `GROUP` `BY` clause, so its syntax is extremely easy to use. The `ROLLUP` extension is highly efficient, adding minimal overhead to a query.
   `ROLLUP` appears in the `GROUP` `BY` clause in a `SELECT` statement. Its form is:
   ROLLUP ( e1, e2, e3, ... )
   This statement is equivalent to GROUPING SETS as followed:
   ( e1, e2, e3, ... ),
   ( e1, e2 ),
   ( e1 ),
   ( )
   ### 1.3 CUBE Syntax
   Like `ROLLUP`   `CUBE` generates all the subtotals that could be calculated for a data cube with the specified dimensions.
   CUBE ( e1, e2, e3, ... )
   e.g.  CUBE ( a, b, c )  is equivalent to GROUPING SETS as followed:
   ( a, b, c ),
   ( a, b ),
   ( a,    c ),
   ( a       ),
   (    b, c ),
   (    b    ),
   (       c ),
   (         )
   ### 1.4 GROUPING_ID() Function
   `GROUPING_ID` describes which of a list of expressions are grouped in a row produced by a `GROUP BY` query. The `GROUPING_ID` function simply returns the decimal equivalent of the binary value formed as a result of the concatenation of the values returned by the `GROUPING` functions.
   Each `GROUPING_ID` argument must be an element of the `GROUP BY` list. `GROUPING_ID ()` returns an **integer** bitmap whose lowest N bits may be lit. A lit **bit** indicates the corresponding argument is not a grouping column for the given output row. The lowest-order **bit** corresponds to argument N, and the N-1th lowest-order **bit** corresponds to argument 1. If the column is a grouping column the bit is 0 else is 1.
   For example:
   mysql> select * from t;
   | k1   | k2   | k3   |
   | a    | A    |    1 |
   | a    | A    |    2 |
   | a    | B    |    1 |
   | a    | B    |    3 |
   | b    | A    |    1 |
   | b    | A    |    4 |
   | b    | B    |    1 |
   | b    | B    |    5 |
   grouping sets result:
   mysql> SELECT k1, k2, GROUPING_ID(), SUM(k3) FROM t GROUP BY GROUPING SETS ( (k1, k2), (k2), (k1), ( ) );
   | k1   | k2   | grouping_id() | sum(`k3`) |
   | a    | A    |             0 |         3 |
   | a    | B    |             0 |         4 |
   | a    | NULL |             1 |         7 |
   | b    | A    |             0 |         5 |
   | b    | B    |             0 |         6 |
   | b    | NULL |             1 |        11 |
   | NULL | A    |             2 |         8 |
   | NULL | B    |             2 |        10 |
   | NULL | NULL |             3 |        18 |
   9 rows in set (0.02 sec)
   ### 1.5 GROUPING Function
   Indicates whether a specified column expression in a `GROUP BY` list is aggregated or not. `GROUPING `returns 1 for aggregated or 0 for not aggregated in the result set. `GROUPING` can be used only in the `SELECT` list, `HAVING`, and `ORDER BY` clauses when `GROUP BY` is specified.
   ## 2. Object
   Support `GROUPING SETS`, `ROLLUP` and `CUBE ` syntax,impliments 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 1.4, 1.5
   ### 2.1 GROUPING SETS Syntax
   SELECT ...
   FROM ...
   [ ... ]
   GROUP BY GROUPING SETS ( groupSet [ , groupSet [ , ... ] ] )
   [ ... ]
   groupSet ::= { ( expr  [ , expr [ , ... ] ] )}
   Expression,column name.
   ### 2.2 ROLLUP Syntax
   SELECT ...
   FROM ...
   [ ... ]
   GROUP BY ROLLUP ( expr  [ , expr [ , ... ] ] )
   [ ... ]
   Expression,column name.
   ### 2.3 CUBE Syntax
   SELECT ...
   FROM ...
   [ ... ]
   GROUP BY CUBE ( expr  [ , expr [ , ... ] ] )
   [ ... ]
   Expression,column name.
   ## 3. Implementation
   ### 3.1 Overall Design Approaches
   For `GROUPING SET`  is equivalent to the `UNION` of  `GROUP BY` .  So we can expand input rows, and run an  GROUP BY on these rows。
   For example:
   SELECT a, b FROM src GROUP BY a, b GROUPING SETS ((a, b), (a), (b), ());
   Data in  table src :
   1, 2
   3, 4
   Base on  GROUPING SETS , we can expend the input to:
   1, 2       (GROUPING_ID: a, b -> 00 -> 0)
   1, null    (GROUPING_ID: a, null -> 01 -> 1)
   null, 2    (GROUPING_ID: null, b -> 10 -> 2)
   null, null (GROUPING_ID: null, null -> 11 -> 3)
   3, 4       (GROUPING_ID: a, b -> 00 -> 0)
   3, null    (GROUPING_ID: a, null -> 01 -> 1)
   null, 4    (GROUPING_ID: null, b -> 10 -> 2)
   null, null (GROUPING_ID: null, null -> 11 -> 3)
   And then use those row as input, then GROUP BY  a, b, GROUPING_ID
   ### 3.2 Example
   Table t:
   mysql> select * from t;
   | k1   | k2   | k3   |
   | a    | A    |    1 |
   | a    | A    |    2 |
   | a    | B    |    1 |
   | a    | B    |    3 |
   | b    | A    |    1 |
   | b    | A    |    4 |
   | b    | B    |    1 |
   | b    | B    |    5 |
   8 rows in set (0.01 sec)
   for the query:
   SELECT k1, k2, GROUPING_ID(), SUM(k3) FROM t GROUP BY GROUPING SETS ((k1, k2), (k1), (k2), ());
   First,expand the input,every row expand into 4 rows ( the size of GROUPING SETS), and insert GROUPING_ID column
   e.g.  a, A, 1 expanded to:
   | k1   | k2   | k3   | GROUPING_ID() |
   | a    | A    |    1 |             0 |
   | a    | NULL |    1 |             1 |
   | NULL | A    |    1 |             2 |
   | NULL | NULL |    1 |             3 |
   Finally, all rows expended as follows (32 rows):
   | k1   | k2   | k3   | GROUPING_ID() |
   | a    | A    |    1 |             0 |
   | a    | A    |    2 |             0 |
   | a    | B    |    1 |             0 |
   | a    | B    |    3 |             0 |
   | b    | A    |    1 |             0 |
   | b    | A    |    4 |             0 |
   | b    | B    |    1 |             0 |
   | b    | B    |    5 |             0 |
   | a    | NULL |    1 |             1 |
   | a    | NULL |    1 |             1 |
   | a    | NULL |    2 |             1 |
   | a    | NULL |    3 |             1 |
   | b    | NULL |    1 |             1 |
   | b    | NULL |    1 |             1 |
   | b    | NULL |    4 |             1 |
   | b    | NULL |    5 |             1 |
   | NULL | A    |    1 |             2 |
   | NULL | A    |    1 |             2 |
   | NULL | A    |    2 |             2 |
   | NULL | A    |    4 |             2 |
   | NULL | B    |    1 |             2 |
   | NULL | B    |    1 |             2 |
   | NULL | B    |    3 |             2 |
   | NULL | B    |    5 |             2 |
   | NULL | NULL |    1 |             3 |
   | NULL | NULL |    1 |             3 |
   | NULL | NULL |    1 |             3 |
   | NULL | NULL |    1 |             3 |
   | NULL | NULL |    2 |             3 |
   | NULL | NULL |    3 |             3 |
   | NULL | NULL |    4 |             3 |
   | NULL | NULL |    5 |             3 |
   32 rows in set.
   now GROUP BY k1, k2, GROUPING_ID():
   | k1   | k2   | grouping_id() | sum(`k3`) |
   | a    | A    |             0 |         3 |
   | a    | B    |             0 |         4 |
   | a    | NULL |             1 |         7 |
   | b    | A    |             0 |         5 |
   | b    | B    |             0 |         6 |
   | b    | NULL |             1 |        11 |
   | NULL | A    |             2 |         8 |
   | NULL | B    |             2 |        10 |
   | NULL | NULL |             3 |        18 |
   9 rows in set (0.02 sec)
   The result is equivalent to the UNION ALL
   select k1, k2, sum(k3) from t group by k1, k2
   select NULL, k2, sum(k3) from t group by k2
   select k1, NULL, sum(k3) from t group by k1
   select NULL, NULL, sum(k3) from t;
   | k1   | k2   | sum(`k3`) |
   | b    | B    |         6 |
   | b    | A    |         5 |
   | a    | A    |         3 |
   | a    | B    |         4 |
   | a    | NULL |         7 |
   | b    | NULL |        11 |
   | NULL | B    |        10 |
   | NULL | A    |         8 |
   | NULL | NULL |        18 |
   9 rows in set (0.06 sec)
   ### 3.3 FE 
   #### 3.3.1 Tasks
   1. Add GroupByClause, repalce groupingExprs.
   2. Add Grouping Sets, Cube and RollUp syntax.
   3. Add GroupByClause in SelectStmt.
   4. add virtual column GROUPING\_\_ID,and insert into groupingExprs,
   5. Add a PlanNode, name as RepeatNode. For GroupingSets aggregation insert RepeatNode to the plan.
   #### 3.3.2 Tuple
   In order to add GROUPING_ID to groupingExprs in GroupByClause, need to create virtual SlotRef, also, need tot create a tuple for this slot, named GROUPING\_\_ID Tuple.
   For the plannode RepeatNode, it's input is all the  tuple of it's children, It's output tuple is the repeat data and GROUPING_ID.
   #### 3.3.3 Expression and Function Substitution
   expr -> if(bitand(pos, grouping_id)=0, expr, null) for expr in extension grouping clause
   grouping_id() -> grouping_id(grouping_id) for grouping_id function
   ### 3.4 BE
   #### 3.4.1 Tasks
   1. Add RepeatNode executor, expend the input data and append GROUPING_ID to every row
   2. Implements grouping_id() function.

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