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Posted to by Kazuhito SUGURI <> on 2006/06/06 03:10:18 UTC

Re: Problem running cactus from ant

Hi Ian,

In article <>,
Thu, 27 Apr 2006 14:34:16 +0100,
"Dickinson, Ian J. (HP Labs, Bristol, UK)" <> wrote: 
ian> I'm just getting going with using Cactus to test a J2EE project. I've
ian> built my cactified .war and deployed the .ear. I can run a simple test
ian> successfully using the ServletRunner on the server, but if I try to
ian> invoke the same test from the cactus task in ant, I get a
ian> ClassNotFoundException:
ian>    [cactus] Caused an ERROR
ian>    [cactus] com.hp.vrmm.station.StationInfoFacadeBeanTest
ian>    [cactus] java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
ian> com.hp.vrmm.station.StationInfoFacadeBeanTest
ian> The named class is present under WEB-INF/classes in the cactified .war,
ian> and, indeed, is invoked from the servlet test runner. My cactus task
ian> looks like this:

You have to set a client-side classpath properly.

ian>   <target name="run-cactus">
ian>       <cactus earfile="${build.dir}/test-${}" fork="yes"
ian>               printsummary="yes" haltonerror="true"
ian> haltonfailure="false">
ian>         <containerset>
ian>           <generic name="JBossGeneric" port="8088">
ian>             <startup target="generic.jboss.deploy"/>
ian>             <shutdown target="generic.jboss.undeploy"/>
ian>           </generic>
ian>         </containerset>
ian>         <formatter type="plain" usefile="false"/>
ian>         <test name="com.hp.vrmm.station.StationInfoFacadeBeanTest" />
ian>       </cactus>
ian>   </target>

As cactus ant-task is an extension of junit ant-task,
you can set the client-side classpath by using
classpath nested-element for the cactus task.

You may have already solved the problem, though.

Hope this helps,
Kazuhito SUGURI