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Posted to by h iroshan <> on 2009/07/09 00:23:46 UTC

new Hook doesn't work

Hi All,

I created a new hook for some additional task in mod_proxy_balancer .I
clearly followed the steps at . I register my Hook as

 static  void  ap_proxy_balancer_register_hook(apr_pool_t *p)
  //additional code goes here
    proxy_hook_my_request(proxy_balancer_my_request, NULL, NULL,


By using  apxs tool this module and mod_proxy module can compile without any
error. When my server runs,  the proxy_balancer_my_request function never
execute and all the other hooks execute there functions without any problem.
Even there is no any error message in error log also. I want to know why
this proxy_balancer_my_reques function never execute?

Please Help me