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Posted to by on 2005/03/09 17:57:48 UTC

.NET and Axis


I have posted emails on this topic before but have never really understood the problem I was experiencing until now. Sorry for any misleading mails up to this point. I also apologise in advance for the length of this mail.  Hopefully people can understand what I am getting at!

The problem (as I now understand it) is that in order to use a wrapped/literal service to send data between .NET and Axis, the Java Bean property names need to start with an UPPER case character in the XML.  

Easier to explain with code I think.... 

The Java Bean class can have the property name in lower case, e.g., stringValue 

private java.lang.String stringValue; 

but must serialise it to start with an upper case character, e.g., StringValue 

org.apache.axis.description.ElementDesc elemField = new org.apache.axis.description.ElementDesc(); 
        elemField.setXmlName(new javax.xml.namespace.QName("urn:ionic.webservices.2005.03.Types", "StringValue")); 
        elemField.setXmlType(new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "string")); 

so that the c# class has properties that start with upper case, e.g., StringValue not stringValue 

    public class MyComplexType { 
        /// <remarks/> 
        public string StringValue; 
        /// <remarks/> 
        public int IntValue; 
        /// <remarks/> 
        public System.DateTime DateTimeValue; 
        /// <remarks/> 
        public System.DateTime Created; 
        /// <remarks/> 
        public System.Single FloatValue; 
        /// <remarks/> 
        [System.Xml.Serialization.XmlElementAttribute("ChildObjects", IsNullable=true)] 
        public MyComplexType[] ChildObjects; 

If I don't include the Axis generated Custom Serializer and Deserializer in my classes (coz I have tons of existing classes that have lots of comments in them and existed before I needed to expose my application using web services), Axis uses org.apache.axis.encoding.ser.BeanDeserializerFactory for the serialization which means that the c# properties are generated with the same case as the Java class, i.e., starting with a lower case letter, and the data is not serialized correctly. 

For example, if the following code is executed from a .NET client 

CTSOAP service = new CTSOAP(); 

MyComplexType type = service.getComplexType("caller"); 

type is not null but type.stringValue is an empty string. 

If I use the Axis generated classes, then the properties are serialized and deserialized using properties where the first character is Upper case and this solves the problem.

I don't want to use the Axis generated classes for the reasons specified above, but do I have any choice if I want to go to wrapped/literal?  

This problem does not exist for rpc/encoded. 

Any comments would be appreciated. 

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