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Posted to by Pavel Vlasov <> on 2004/01/03 22:44:47 UTC

Pamda 1.0.0 (UML -> Code generator which supports Aspect Oriented Modeling)


Please add Pamda to the list of external tools and tasks.

Description: Pamda is an MDA tool (UML2Code generator) implemented as Ant task. Pamda supports Aspect-Oriented Modeling (AOM) and comes with AOM UML Profile and sample project. The tool uses XMI as its input and Velocity as template engine. All elements in the metamodel have navigate(XPath expression) and iterate(XPath expression) (powered by JXPath) which make templates easy to write. 
Tested with XMI produced by Enterprise Architect.

License: GPL

Compatibility: Tested with Ant 1.5.2


Best regards, Pavel Vlasov.