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Posted to by on 2017/11/29 21:47:04 UTC

[2/2] mahout git commit: [WEBSITE] Deleted frontsite

[WEBSITE] Deleted frontsite


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: 697eae12c513f15e97a18b8a4e143fdc53064b7f
Parents: 2483037
Author: Trevor a.k.a @rawkintrevo <>
Authored: Wed Nov 29 15:46:42 2017 -0600
Committer: Trevor a.k.a @rawkintrevo <>
Committed: Wed Nov 29 15:46:42 2017 -0600

 website/                           |  24 +-
 website/front/404.html                          |   1 -
 website/front/Gemfile                           |   5 -
 website/front/                         |   5 -
 website/front/Rakefile                          | 306 -------------------
 website/front/_config.yml                       | 134 --------
 website/front/_includes/JB                      |   1 -
 website/front/_includes/navbar.html             |  91 ------
 website/front/_includes/themes                  |   1 -
 website/front/_layouts/default.html             |   6 -
 website/front/_layouts/page.html                |   7 -
 website/front/_layouts/post.html                |   7 -
 website/front/_plugins/debug.rb                 |  38 ---
 website/front/archive.html                      |  10 -
 website/front/assets                            |   1 -
 website/front/categories.html                   |  22 --
 website/front/                      |  70 -----
 website/front/community/                |  28 --
 website/front/community/       | 193 ------------
 website/front/community/                 |  64 ----
 website/front/community/              |  20 --
 website/front/community/        |  47 ---
 website/front/community/       |  30 --
 .../front/community/    |  19 --
 website/front/community/           |  64 ----
 website/front/developers/           |  84 -----
 .../developers/     |  28 --
 website/front/developers/   | 155 ----------
 website/front/developers/      | 241 ---------------
 .../developers/     |  40 ---
 website/front/developers/               |  47 ---
 website/front/developers/       |  46 ---
 website/front/developers/        |  43 ---
 website/front/developers/    |  30 --
 website/front/developers/     | 123 --------
 website/front/developers/       | 249 ---------------
 website/front/developers/     |  38 ---
 website/front/                      |  67 ----
 website/front/                          | 148 ---------
 website/front/screenshots/landing.png           | Bin 338899 -> 0 bytes
 40 files changed, 22 insertions(+), 2511 deletions(-)
diff --git a/website/ b/website/
index adb95a2..bd2bc09 100755
--- a/website/
+++ b/website/
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ export PATH=${GEM_HOME}/bin:$PATH
 (cd website/docs && bundle install --path ${GEM_HOME})
 (cd website/docs && bundle)
 (cd website/docs && bundle exec jekyll build --destination $WORKDIR/docs/latest)
+<<<<<<< HEAD
 # Set env for docs
@@ -31,11 +32,30 @@ tar -C $WORKDIR -xzf $WORKDIR/$DISTFILE apache-mahout-distribution-$MAHOUT_VERSI
 mkdir -p $WORKDIR/docs/$MAHOUT_VERSION/api
 mv $WORKDIR/apache-mahout-distribution-$MAHOUT_VERSION/docs $WORKDIR/docs/$MAHOUT_VERSION/api
+# Set env for docs
+if [ ! -d "$WORKDIR/docs/$MAHOUT_VERSION/api" ]; then
+	echo "API docs for $MAHOUT_VERSION not found, downloading them"
+	DISTFILE=apache-mahout-distribution-$MAHOUT_VERSION.tar.gz
+	# Copy API docs into _site
+	tar -C $WORKDIR -xzf $WORKDIR/$DISTFILE apache-mahout-distribution-$MAHOUT_VERSION/docs
+	mkdir -p $WORKDIR/docs/$MAHOUT_VERSION/api
+	mv $WORKDIR/apache-mahout-distribution-$MAHOUT_VERSION/docs $WORKDIR/docs/$MAHOUT_VERSION/api
+>>>>>>> 200882a468a5d5f72a53744ed959d38b56984ddb
 git checkout asf-site
 git clean -f -d
 git pull origin asf-site
-rm -rf *
-cp -a $WORKDIR/* .
+# rm -rf *
+#cp -a $WORKDIR/* .
+cp -r $WORKDIR/* .
 git add .
 git commit -m "Automatic Site Publish by Buildbot"
 git push origin asf-site
diff --git a/website/front/404.html b/website/front/404.html
deleted file mode 100755
index 6904bcd..0000000
--- a/website/front/404.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-Sorry this page does not exist =(
diff --git a/website/front/Gemfile b/website/front/Gemfile
deleted file mode 100755
index 301d29c..0000000
--- a/website/front/Gemfile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-source ""
-gem "jekyll", "~> 3.1"
-gem "jekyll-sitemap"
-gem "pygments.rb"
diff --git a/website/front/ b/website/front/
deleted file mode 100755
index 2283543..0000000
--- a/website/front/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-### Landing Page
-Stil needs a lot of work...
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/website/front/Rakefile b/website/front/Rakefile
deleted file mode 100755
index 183ca1e..0000000
--- a/website/front/Rakefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,306 +0,0 @@
-require "rubygems"
-require 'rake'
-require 'yaml'
-require 'time'
-SOURCE = "."
-  'version' => "0.3.0",
-  'themes' => File.join(SOURCE, "_includes", "themes"),
-  'layouts' => File.join(SOURCE, "_layouts"),
-  'posts' => File.join(SOURCE, "_posts"),
-  'post_ext' => "md",
-  'theme_package_version' => "0.1.0"
-# Path configuration helper
-module JB
-  class Path
-    SOURCE = "."
-    Paths = {
-      :layouts => "_layouts",
-      :themes => "_includes/themes",
-      :theme_assets => "assets/themes",
-      :theme_packages => "_theme_packages",
-      :posts => "_posts"
-    }
-    def self.base
-      SOURCE
-    end
-    # build a path relative to configured path settings.
-    def, opts = {})
-      opts[:root] ||= SOURCE
-      path = "#{opts[:root]}/#{Paths[path.to_sym]}/#{opts[:node]}".split("/")
-      path.compact!
-      File.__send__ :join, path
-    end
-  end #Path
-end #JB
-# Usage: rake post title="A Title" [date="2012-02-09"] [tags=[tag1,tag2]] [category="category"]
-desc "Begin a new post in #{CONFIG['posts']}"
-task :post do
-  abort("rake aborted: '#{CONFIG['posts']}' directory not found.") unless['posts'])
-  title = ENV["title"] || "new-post"
-  tags = ENV["tags"] || "[]"
-  category = ENV["category"] || ""
-  category = "\"#{category.gsub(/-/,' ')}\"" if !category.empty?
-  slug = title.downcase.strip.gsub(' ', '-').gsub(/[^\w-]/, '')
-  begin
-    date = (ENV['date'] ? Time.parse(ENV['date']) :'%Y-%m-%d')
-  rescue => e
-    puts "Error - date format must be YYYY-MM-DD, please check you typed it correctly!"
-    exit -1
-  end
-  filename = File.join(CONFIG['posts'], "#{date}-#{slug}.#{CONFIG['post_ext']}")
-  if File.exist?(filename)
-    abort("rake aborted!") if ask("#{filename} already exists. Do you want to overwrite?", ['y', 'n']) == 'n'
-  end
-  puts "Creating new post: #{filename}"
-  open(filename, 'w') do |post|
-    post.puts "---"
-    post.puts "layout: post"
-    post.puts "title: \"#{title.gsub(/-/,' ')}\""
-    post.puts 'description: ""'
-    post.puts "category: #{category}"
-    post.puts "tags: #{tags}"
-    post.puts "---"
-    post.puts "{% include JB/setup %}"
-  end
-end # task :post
-# Usage: rake page name="about.html"
-# You can also specify a sub-directory path.
-# If you don't specify a file extention we create an index.html at the path specified
-desc "Create a new page."
-task :page do
-  name = ENV["name"] || ""
-  filename = File.join(SOURCE, "#{name}")
-  filename = File.join(filename, "index.html") if File.extname(filename) == ""
-  title = File.basename(filename, File.extname(filename)).gsub(/[\W\_]/, " ").gsub(/\b\w/){$&.upcase}
-  if File.exist?(filename)
-    abort("rake aborted!") if ask("#{filename} already exists. Do you want to overwrite?", ['y', 'n']) == 'n'
-  end
-  mkdir_p File.dirname(filename)
-  puts "Creating new page: #{filename}"
-  open(filename, 'w') do |post|
-    post.puts "---"
-    post.puts "layout: page"
-    post.puts "title: \"#{title}\""
-    post.puts 'description: ""'
-    post.puts "---"
-    post.puts "{% include JB/setup %}"
-  end
-end # task :page
-desc "Launch preview environment"
-task :preview do
-  system "jekyll serve -w"
-end # task :preview
-# Public: Alias - Maintains backwards compatability for theme switching.
-task :switch_theme => "theme:switch"
-namespace :theme do
-  # Public: Switch from one theme to another for your blog.
-  #
-  # name - String, Required. name of the theme you want to switch to.
-  #        The theme must be installed into your JB framework.
-  #
-  # Examples
-  #
-  #   rake theme:switch name="the-program"
-  #
-  # Returns Success/failure messages.
-  desc "Switch between Jekyll-bootstrap themes."
-  task :switch do
-    theme_name = ENV["name"].to_s
-    theme_path = File.join(CONFIG['themes'], theme_name)
-    settings_file = File.join(theme_path, "settings.yml")
-    non_layout_files = ["settings.yml"]
-    abort("rake aborted: name cannot be blank") if theme_name.empty?
-    abort("rake aborted: '#{theme_path}' directory not found.") unless
-    abort("rake aborted: '#{CONFIG['layouts']}' directory not found.") unless['layouts'])
-    Dir.glob("#{theme_path}/*") do |filename|
-      next if non_layout_files.include?(File.basename(filename).downcase)
-      puts "Generating '#{theme_name}' layout: #{File.basename(filename)}"
-      open(File.join(CONFIG['layouts'], File.basename(filename)), 'w') do |page|
-        page.puts "---"
-        page.puts if File.exist?(settings_file)
-        page.puts "layout: default" unless File.basename(filename, ".html").downcase == "default"
-        page.puts "---"
-        page.puts "{% include JB/setup %}"
-        page.puts "{% include themes/#{theme_name}/#{File.basename(filename)} %}" 
-      end
-    end
-    puts "=> Theme successfully switched!"
-    puts "=> Reload your web-page to check it out =)"
-  end # task :switch
-  # Public: Install a theme using the theme packager.
-  # Version 0.1.0 simple 1:1 file matching.
-  #
-  # git  - String, Optional path to the git repository of the theme to be installed.
-  # name - String, Optional name of the theme you want to install.
-  #        Passing name requires that the theme package already exist.
-  #
-  # Examples
-  #
-  #   rake theme:install git=""
-  #   rake theme:install name="cool-theme"
-  #
-  # Returns Success/failure messages.
-  desc "Install theme"
-  task :install do
-    if ENV["git"]
-      manifest = theme_from_git_url(ENV["git"])
-      name = manifest["name"]
-    else
-      name = ENV["name"].to_s.downcase
-    end
-    packaged_theme_path =, :node => name)
-    abort("rake aborted!
-      => ERROR: 'name' cannot be blank") if name.empty?
-    abort("rake aborted! 
-      => ERROR: '#{packaged_theme_path}' directory not found.
-      => Installable themes can be added via git. You can find some here:
-      => To download+install run: `rake theme:install git='[PUBLIC-CLONE-URL]'`
-      => example : rake theme:install git=''
-    ") unless
-    manifest = verify_manifest(packaged_theme_path)
-    # Get relative paths to packaged theme files
-    # Exclude directories as they'll be recursively created. Exclude meta-data files.
-    packaged_theme_files = []
- {
-      Dir.glob("**/*.*") { |f| 
-        next if ( || f =~ /^(manifest|readme|packager)/i )
-        packaged_theme_files << f 
-      }
-    }
-    # Mirror each file into the framework making sure to prompt if already exists.
-    packaged_theme_files.each do |filename|
-      file_install_path = File.join(JB::Path.base, filename)
-      if File.exist? file_install_path and ask("#{file_install_path} already exists. Do you want to overwrite?", ['y', 'n']) == 'n'
-        next
-      else
-        mkdir_p File.dirname(file_install_path)
-        cp_r File.join(packaged_theme_path, filename), file_install_path
-      end
-    end
-    puts "=> #{name} theme has been installed!"
-    puts "=> ---"
-    if ask("=> Want to switch themes now?", ['y', 'n']) == 'y'
-      system("rake switch_theme name='#{name}'")
-    end
-  end
-  # Public: Package a theme using the theme packager.
-  # The theme must be structured using valid JB API.
-  # In other words packaging is essentially the reverse of installing.
-  #
-  # name - String, Required name of the theme you want to package.
-  #        
-  # Examples
-  #
-  #   rake theme:package name="twitter"
-  #
-  # Returns Success/failure messages.
-  desc "Package theme"
-  task :package do
-    name = ENV["name"].to_s.downcase
-    theme_path =, :node => name)
-    asset_path =, :node => name)
-    abort("rake aborted: name cannot be blank") if name.empty?
-    abort("rake aborted: '#{theme_path}' directory not found.") unless
-    abort("rake aborted: '#{asset_path}' directory not found.") unless
-    ## Mirror theme's template directory (_includes)
-    packaged_theme_path =, :root =>, :node => name))
-    mkdir_p packaged_theme_path
-    cp_r theme_path, packaged_theme_path
-    ## Mirror theme's asset directory
-    packaged_theme_assets_path =, :root =>, :node => name))
-    mkdir_p packaged_theme_assets_path
-    cp_r asset_path, packaged_theme_assets_path
-    ## Log packager version
-    packager = {"packager" => {"version" => CONFIG["theme_package_version"].to_s } }
-    open(, :node => "#{name}/packager.yml"), "w") do |page|
-      page.puts packager.to_yaml
-    end
-    puts "=> '#{name}' theme is packaged and available at: #{, :node => name)}"
-  end
-end # end namespace :theme
-# Internal: Download and process a theme from a git url.
-# Notice we don't know the name of the theme until we look it up in the manifest.
-# So we'll have to change the folder name once we get the name.
-# url - String, Required url to git repository.
-# Returns theme manifest hash
-def theme_from_git_url(url)
-  tmp_path =, :node => "_tmp")
-  abort("rake aborted: system call to git clone failed") if !system("git clone #{url} #{tmp_path}")
-  manifest = verify_manifest(tmp_path)
-  new_path =, :node => manifest["name"])
-  if File.exist?(new_path) && ask("=> #{new_path} theme package already exists. Override?", ['y', 'n']) == 'n'
-    remove_dir(tmp_path)
-    abort("rake aborted: '#{manifest["name"]}' already exists as theme package.")
-  end
-  remove_dir(new_path) if File.exist?(new_path)
-  mv(tmp_path, new_path)
-  manifest
-# Internal: Process theme package manifest file.
-# theme_path - String, Required. File path to theme package.
-# Returns theme manifest hash
-def verify_manifest(theme_path)
-  manifest_path = File.join(theme_path, "manifest.yml")
-  manifest_file = manifest_path )
-  abort("rake aborted: repo must contain valid manifest.yml") unless File.exist? manifest_file
-  manifest = YAML.load( manifest_file )
-  manifest_file.close
-  manifest
-def ask(message, valid_options)
-  if valid_options
-    answer = get_stdin("#{message} #{valid_options.to_s.gsub(/"/, '').gsub(/, /,'/')} ") while !valid_options.include?(answer)
-  else
-    answer = get_stdin(message)
-  end
-  answer
-def get_stdin(message)
-  print message
-  STDIN.gets.chomp
-#Load custom rake scripts
-Dir['_rake/*.rake'].each { |r| load r }
diff --git a/website/front/_config.yml b/website/front/_config.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 346fec9..0000000
--- a/website/front/_config.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,134 +0,0 @@
-# This is the default format.
-# For more see:
-permalink: /:categories/:year/:month/:day/:title
-exclude: [".rvmrc", ".rbenv-version", "", "Rakefile", "", "vendor", "node_modules", "scss", "screenshots", "Gemfile.lock", "Gemfile"]
-#pygments: true
-highlighter: rouge
-markdown: kramdown
-  extensions: ["tables"]
-encoding: utf-8
-# Themes are encouraged to use these universal variables
-# so be sure to set them if your theme uses them.
-title : Apache Mahout
-tagline: Distributed Linear Algebra
-author :
-  name : The Apache Software Foundation
-  email :
-  github : apache
-  twitter : ASF
-  feedburner : feedname
-# Serving
-detach:  false
-port:    4000
-baseurl: "" # does not include hostname
-# The production_url is only used when full-domain names are needed
-# such as sitemap.txt
-# Most places will/should use BASE_PATH to make the urls
-# If you have set a CNAME ( set your custom domain here.
-# Else if you are pushing to, replace with your username.
-# Finally if you are pushing to a GitHub project page, include the project name at the end.
-production_url :
-# All Jekyll-Bootstrap specific configurations are namespaced into this hash
-JB :
-  version : 0.3.0
-  # All links will be namespaced by BASE_PATH if defined.
-  # Links in your website should always be prefixed with {{BASE_PATH}}
-  # however this value will be dynamically changed depending on your deployment situation.
-  #
-  # CNAME (
-  #   (urls will be prefixed with "/" and work relatively)
-  #
-  # GitHub Pages (
-  #   (urls will be prefixed with "/" and work relatively)
-  #
-  # GitHub Project Pages (
-  #
-  #   A GitHub Project site exists in the `gh-pages` branch of one of your repositories.
-  #
-  #   - When in Localhost, your site will run from root "/" regardless of BASE_PATH
-  #   - Only the following values are falsy: ["", null, false]
-  #   - When setting BASE_PATH it must be a valid url.
-  #     This means always setting the protocol (http|https) or prefixing with "/"
-  # By default, the asset_path is automatically defined relative to BASE_PATH plus the enabled theme.
-  # ex: [BASE_PATH]/assets/themes/[THEME-NAME]
-  #
-  # Override this by defining an absolute path to assets here.
-  # ex:
-  #
-  #   /assets
-  #
-  ASSET_PATH : false
-  # These paths are to the main pages Jekyll-Bootstrap ships with.
-  # Some JB helpers refer to these paths; change them here if needed.
-  #
-  archive_path: /archive.html
-  categories_path : /categories.html
-  tags_path : /tags.html
-  atom_path : /atom.xml
-  rss_path : /rss.xml
-  # Settings for comments helper
-  # Set 'provider' to the comment provider you want to use.
-  # Set 'provider' to false to turn commenting off globally.
-  #
-#  comments :
-#    provider : disqus
-#    disqus :
-#      short_name : jekyllbootstrap
-#    livefyre :
-#      site_id : 123
-#    intensedebate :
-#      account : 123abc
-#    facebook :
-#      appid : 123
-#      num_posts: 5
-#      width: 580
-#      colorscheme: light
-  # Settings for analytics helper
-  # Set 'provider' to the analytics provider you want to use.
-  # Set 'provider' to false to turn analytics off globally.
-  # Settings for sharing helper.
-  # Sharing is for things like tweet, plusone, like, reddit buttons etc.
-  # Set 'provider' to the sharing provider you want to use.
-  # Set 'provider' to false to turn sharing off globally.
-  #
-  sharing :
-    provider : false
-  # Settings for all other include helpers can be defined by creating
-  # a hash with key named for the given helper. ex:
-  #
-  #   pages_list :
-  #     provider : "custom"
-  #
-  # Setting any helper's provider to 'custom' will bypass the helper code
-  # and include your custom code. Your custom file must be defined at:
-  #   ./_includes/custom/[HELPER]
-  analytics :
-   provider : google
-   google :
-       tracking_id : 'UA-98314020-1'
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/website/front/_includes/JB b/website/front/_includes/JB
deleted file mode 120000
index 78a010c..0000000
--- a/website/front/_includes/JB
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/website/front/_includes/navbar.html b/website/front/_includes/navbar.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 787b3d5..0000000
--- a/website/front/_includes/navbar.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-{% include JB/setup %}
-<div class="collapse navbar-collapse" id="main-navbar">
-    <ul class="nav navbar-nav">
-        <!-- Download -->
-        <li><a href="{{ BASE_PATH }}/downloads.html">Download Mahout</a></li>
-        <!-- Developers -->
-        <li id="dropdown">
-            <a href="#" class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" role="button" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false">Developers<span class="caret"></span></a>
-            <ul class="dropdown-menu">
-                <!--<li><a href="/developers/key-concepts.html">Key-Concepts</a></li>  needs to be filled out -->
-                <!--<li><a href="/developers/index.html">Developer Resources</a></li>  moved to docs -->
-                <!--<li><a href="/developers/patch-check-list.html">Patch Check List</a></li> going to github template -->
-                <!--<li><a href="/developers/reference.html">References</a></li> a lot of overlap with books, talks, etc. page -->
-                <!--<li><a href="/developers/thirdparty-dependencies.html">Third Party Dependencies</a></li> is our site the reasonable place for this? -->
-                <!--<li><a href="/developers/version-control.html">Version Control</a></li>-->
-                <li class="divider"></li>
-                <li class="nav-header">&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>How Tos</b></li>
-                <li><a href="/developers/how-to-contribute.html">How to Contribute</a></li>
-                <li><a href="/developers/buildingmahout.html">How to Build Mahout</a></li>
-                <li><a href="/developers/githubPRs.html">How to Merge a Github PR</a></li> <!-- gtg, added new info for develop and feature branching -->
-                <li><a href="/developers/how-to-become-a-committer.html">How to Become a Committer</a></li>
-                <li><a href="/developers/how-to-release.html">How to Release</a></li>
-                <li><a href="/developers/how-to-update-the-website.html">How to Update the Website</a></li>
-                <li><a href="/developers/publish-website.html">How to Publish the Website</a></li>
-                <li class="divider"></li>
-                <li class="nav-header">&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>Miscellaneous</b></li>
-                <li><a href="/developers/issue-tracker.html">Issues Tracking (JIRA)</a></li>
-                <li><a href="/developers/release-notes.html">Release Notes</a></li>
-            </ul>
-        </li>
-        <!-- Docs -->
-        <li class="dropdown">
-            <a href="#" class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" role="button" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false">Docs <span class="caret"></span></a>    <ul class="dropdown-menu">
-                <li><span><b>&nbsp;&nbsp;Release</b></span></li>
-                <li><a href="/docs/0.13.0">0.13.0</a></li>
-                <li><a href="/tbd">Older Versions</a></li>
-                <li role="separator" class="divider"></li>
-                <li><span><b>&nbsp;&nbsp;Snapshot</b>&nbsp;(development)&nbsp;<span></li>
-                <li><a href="/docs/0.13.1-SNAPSHOT">0.13.1-SNAPSHOT</a></li>
-            </ul>
-        </li>
-        <!-- Community -->
-        <li id="dropdown">
-            <a href="#" class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" role="button" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false">Community<span class="caret"></span></a>
-            <ul class="dropdown-menu">
-                <li><a href="/community/history.html">History of the Apache Mahout Project</a></li>
-                <li><a href="/community/blogs.html">Blog Posts About Mahout</a></li>
-                <li><a href="/community/recent-upcoming-talks.html">Recent and Upcoming Talks</a></li>
-                <!--<li><a href="/community/books-tutorials-and-talks.html">Books Tutorials and Talks</a></li>-->
-                <!--<li><a href="/community/faq.html">FAQ</a></li> needs a lot of updating -->
-                <li><a href="/community/gsoc.html">GSoC</a></li> <!-- Is OK- updated Map/Reduce verbage to reflect Samsara -->
-                <!--<li><a href="/community/mahout-benchmarks.html">Mahout Benchmarks</a></li> These are old, Keep them? -->
-                <!--<li><a href="/community/mahout-wiki.html">Mahout Wiki</a></li> at very least needs links cleanedup - do we still want this even?-->
-                <li><a href="/community/mailing-lists.html">Mailing Lists</a></li> <!-- Clean and pretty -->
-                <!--<li><a href="/community/powered-by-mahout.html">Powered By Mahout</a></li> needs update -->
-                <li><a href="/community/privacy-policy.html">Privacy Policy</a></li>
-                <!--<li><a href="/community/professional-support.html">Professional Support</a></li> update if we even want to keep -->
-                <li><a href="/community/who-we-are.html">Who We Are</a></li> <!-- nikolai needs to add himself -->
-            </ul>
-        </li>
-        <!--<li><a href="/docs/0.13.1-SNAPSHOT/index.html">Overview</a></li> not sure this need to be-->
-    </ul>
-    <form class="navbar-form navbar-left">
-        <div class="form-group">
-            <input type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="Search">
-        </div>
-        <button type="submit" class="btn btn-default">Submit</button>
-    </form>
-    <ul class="nav navbar-nav navbar-right">
-        <li><a href="">Github</a></li>
-        <!-- Apache -->
-        <li class="dropdown">
-            <a href="#" class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" role="button" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false">Apache <span class="caret"></span></a>
-            <ul class="dropdown-menu">
-                <li><a href="">Apache Software Foundation</a></li>
-                <li><a href="">Apache License</a></li>
-                <li><a href="">Sponsorship</a></li>
-                <li><a href="">Thanks</a></li>
-            </ul>
-        </li>
-    </ul>
-</div><!-- /.navbar-collapse -->
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index ec60279..0000000
--- a/website/front/_layouts/default.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-theme :
-  name : mahout3
-{% include JB/setup %}
-{% include themes/mahout3/default.html %}
diff --git a/website/front/_layouts/page.html b/website/front/_layouts/page.html
deleted file mode 100755
index 0e123f9..0000000
--- a/website/front/_layouts/page.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-theme :
-  name : mahout3
-layout: default
-{% include JB/setup %}
-{% include themes/mahout3/page.html %}
diff --git a/website/front/_layouts/post.html b/website/front/_layouts/post.html
deleted file mode 100755
index 9b8f584..0000000
--- a/website/front/_layouts/post.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-theme :
-  name : mahout3
-layout: default
-{% include JB/setup %}
-{% include themes/mahout3/post.html %}
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deleted file mode 100755
index e1dde39..0000000
--- a/website/front/_plugins/debug.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-# A simple way to inspect liquid template variables.
-# Usage:
-#  Can be used anywhere liquid syntax is parsed (templates, includes, posts/pages)
-#  {{ site | debug }}
-#  {{ site.posts | debug }}
-require 'pp'
-module Jekyll
-  # Need to overwrite the inspect method here because the original
-  # uses < > to encapsulate the psuedo post/page objects in which case
-  # the output is taken for HTML tags and hidden from view.
-  #
-  class Post
-    def inspect
-      "#Jekyll:Post @id=#{}"
-    end
-  end
-  class Page
-    def inspect
-      "#Jekyll:Page @name=#{}"
-    end
-  end
-end # Jekyll
-module Jekyll
-  module DebugFilter
-    def debug(obj, stdout=false)
-      puts obj.pretty_inspect if stdout
-      "<pre>#{obj.class}\n#{obj.pretty_inspect}</pre>"
-    end
-  end # DebugFilter
-end # Jekyll
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/website/front/archive.html b/website/front/archive.html
deleted file mode 100755
index dc7c054..0000000
--- a/website/front/archive.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-layout: page
-title : Archive
-header : Post Archive
-group: navigation
-{% include JB/setup %}
-{% assign posts_collate = site.posts %}
-{% include JB/posts_collate %}
\ No newline at end of file
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deleted file mode 120000
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--- a/website/front/assets
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@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
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deleted file mode 100755
index cdb8789..0000000
--- a/website/front/categories.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-layout: page
-title: Categories
-header: Posts By Category
-group: navigation
-{% include JB/setup %}
-<ul class="tag_box inline">
-  {% assign categories_list = site.categories %}
-  {% include JB/categories_list %}
-{% for category in site.categories %} 
-  <h2 id="{{ category[0] }}-ref">{{ category[0] | join: "/" }}</h2>
-  <ul>
-    {% assign pages_list = category[1] %}  
-    {% include JB/pages_list %}
-  </ul>
-{% endfor %}
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deleted file mode 100755
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--- a/website/front/
+++ /dev/null
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-## Changelog
-Public releases are all root nodes.  
-Incremental version bumps that were not released publicly are nested where appropriate.
-P.S. If there is a standard (popular) changelog format, please let me know.
-- **0.3.0 : 2013.02.24**
-    - **Features**
-    - Update twitter bootstrap to 2.2.2. Add responsiveness and update design a bit.
-    - @techotaku fixes custom tagline support (finally made it in!)
-    - @opie4624 adds ability to set tags from the command-line.
-    - @lax adds support for RSS feed. Adds rss and atom html links for discovery.
-    - Small typo fixes.
-    - **Bug Fixes**
-    - @xuhdev fixes theme:install bug which does not overwrite theme even if saying 'yes'.
-- **0.2.13 : 2012.03.24**   
-    - **Features**
-    - 0.2.13 : @mjpieters Updates pages_list helper to only show pages having a title.
-    - 0.2.12 : @sway recommends showing page tagline only if tagline is set.
-    - 0.2.11 : @LukasKnuth adds 'description' meta-data field to post/page scaffold.
-    - **Bug Fixes**
-    - 0.2.10 : @koriroys fixes typo in atom feed
-- **0.2.9 : 2012.03.01**   
-    - **Bug Fixes**
-    - 0.2.9 : @alishutc Fixes the error on post creation if date was not specified.
-- **0.2.8 : 2012.03.01**   
-    - **Features**
-    - 0.2.8 : @metalelf0 Added option to specify a custom date when creating post.
-    - 0.2.7 : @daz Updates twitter theme framework to use 2.x while still maintaining core layout. #50
-              @philips and @treggats add support for page.tagline metadata. #31 & #48
-    - 0.2.6 : @koomar Adds Mixpanel analytics provider. #49
-    - 0.2.5 : @nolith Adds ability to load custom rake scripts. #33
-    - 0.2.4 : @tommyblue Updated disqus comments provider to be compatible with posts imported from Wordpress. #47
-    - **Bug Fixes**
-    - 0.2.3 : @3martini Adds Windows MSYS Support and error checks for git system calls. #40
-    - 0.2.2 : @sstar Resolved an issue preventing disabling comments for individual pages #44
-    - 0.2.1 : Resolve incorrect HOME\_PATH/BASE\_PATH settings
-- **0.2.0 : 2012.02.01**   
-  Features
-    - Add Theme Packages v 0.1.0
-      All themes should be tracked and maintained outside of JB core.
-      Themes get "installed" via the Theme Installer.
-      Theme Packages versioning is done separately from JB core with
-      the main intent being to make sure theme versions are compatible with the given installer.
-    - 0.1.2 : @jamesFleeting adds facebook comments support
-    - 0.1.1 : @SegFaultAX adds tagline as site-wide configuration
-- **0.1.0 : 2012.01.24**   
-  First major versioned release.   
-  Features   
-    - Standardize Public API
-    - Use name-spacing and modulation where possible.
-    - Ability to override public methods with custom code.
-    - Publish the theme API.
-    - Ship with comments, analytics integration.
-- **0.0.1 : 2011.12.30**    
-  First public release, lots of updates =p
-  Thank you everybody for dealing with the fast changes and helping
-  me work out the API to a manageable state.
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deleted file mode 100644
index 3b2da80..0000000
--- a/website/front/community/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-layout: default
-title: History of Apache Mahout
-    name: mahout2
-<!-- Add to this collection, newest date on top in following format:
-### [Title](Link to Post)
-**Author**, _MM/DD/YYYY_, Name of Host
-### [Precanned Algorithms in Apache Mahout](
-**Trevor Grant** | _05/02/2017_ |
-An introduction to the new Algorithms Framework
-### [Getting Started With Apache Mahout](
-**Trevor Grant** | _04/25/2017_ |
-How to setup Apache Mahout in IBM's Datascience Experience Notebooking Environment, and run a few trivial programs. 
-### [Mahout 0.10.x: first Mahout release as a programming environment](
-**Dmitriy Lyubimov, Andrew Palumbo** | _04/09/2017_ |
-Introduces Apache Mahout of the post-MapReduce era, and lays out motivations for change in focus.
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deleted file mode 100644
index 40b509b..0000000
--- a/website/front/community/
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@@ -1,193 +0,0 @@
-layout: default
-title: Building Mahout
-    name: mahout2
-# Building Mahout from Source
-## Prerequisites
-* Java JDK 1.7
-* Apache Maven 3.3.9
-## Getting the source code
-Checkout the sources from the [Mahout GitHub repository](
-either via
-    git clone
-    git clone
-## Building From Source
-###### Prerequisites:
-Linux Environment (preferably Ubuntu 16.04.x) Note: Currently only the JVM-only build will work on a Mac.
-gcc > 4.x
-NVIDIA Card (installed with OpenCL drivers alongside usual GPU drivers)
-###### Downloads
-Install java 1.7+ in an easily accessible directory (for this example,  ~/java/)
-Create a directory ~/apache/ .
-Download apache Maven 3.3.9 and un-tar/gunzip to ~/apache/apache-maven-3.3.9/ .
-Download and un-tar/gunzip Hadoop 2.4.1 to ~/apache/hadoop-2.4.1/ .
-Download and un-tar/gunzip spark-1.6.3-bin-hadoop2.4 to  ~/apache/ .
-Choose release: Spark-1.6.3 (Nov 07 2016)
-Choose package type: Pre-Built for Hadoop 2.4
-Install ViennaCL 1.7.0+
-If running Ubuntu 16.04+
-sudo apt-get install libviennacl-dev
-Otherwise if your distribution’s package manager does not have a viennniacl-dev package >1.7.0, clone it directly into the directory which will be included in when  being compiled by Mahout:
-mkdir ~/tmp
-cd ~/tmp && git clone
-cp -r viennacl/ /usr/local/
-cp -r CL/ /usr/local/
-Ensure that the OpenCL 1.2+ drivers are installed (packed with most consumer grade NVIDIA drivers).  Not sure about higher end cards.
-Clone mahout repository into `~/apache`.
-git clone
-###### Configuration
-When building mahout for a spark backend, we need four System Environment variables set:
-    export MAHOUT_HOME=/home/<user>/apache/mahout
-    export HADOOP_HOME=/home/<user>/apache/hadoop-2.4.1
-    export SPARK_HOME=/home/<user>/apache/spark-1.6.3-bin-hadoop2.4    
-    export JAVA_HOME=/home/<user>/java/jdk-1.8.121
-Mahout on Spark regularly uses one more env variable, the IP of the Spark cluster’s master node (usually the node which one would be logged into).
-To use 4 local cores (Spark master need not be running)
-export MASTER=local[4]
-To use all available local cores (again, Spark master need not be running)
-export MASTER=local[*]
-To point to a cluster with spark running: 
-export MASTER=spark://master.ip.address:7077
-We then add these to the path:
-These should be added to the your ~/.bashrc file.
-###### Building Mahout with Apache Maven
-From the  $MAHOUT_HOME directory we may issue the commands to build each using mvn profiles.
-JVM only:
-mvn clean install -DskipTests
-JVM with native OpenMP level 2 and level 3 matrix/vector Multiplication
-mvn clean install -Pviennacl-omp -Phadoop2 -DskipTests
-JVM with native OpenMP and OpenCL for Level 2 and level 3 matrix/vector Multiplication.  (GPU errors fall back to OpenMP, currently only a single GPU/node is supported).
-mvn clean install -Pviennacl -Phadoop2 -DskipTests
-### Changing Scala Version
-To change the Scala version used it is possible to use profiles, however the resulting artifacts seem to have trouble being resolved with SBT.
-mvn clean install -Pscala-2.11
-Maven is able to resolve the resulting artifacts effectively, this will also work if the goal is simply to use the Mahout-Shell. However if the goal is to build with SBT, the following tool should be used
-cd $MAHOUT_HOME/buildtools
-./ 2.11
-Now go back to `$MAHOUT_HOME` and execute
-mvn clean install -Pscala-2.11
-**NOTE:** you still need to pass the `-Pscala-2.11` profile, as this determines and propegates the minor scala version (e.g. 2.11.8)
-### The Distribution Profile
-The distribution profile, among other things, will produce the same artifact for multiple Scala and Spark versions.
-Specifically, in addition to creating all of the
-Default Targets:
-- Spark 1.6 Bindings, Scala-2.10
-- Mahout-Math Scala-2.10
-- ViennaCL Scala-2.10*
-- ViennaCL-OMP Scala-2.10*
-- H2O Scala-2.10
-It will also create:
-- Spark 2.0 Bindings, Scala-2.11
-- Spark 2.1 Bindings, Scala-2.11
-- Mahout-Math Scala-2.11
-- ViennaCL Scala-2.11*
-- ViennaCL-OMP Scala-2.11*
-- H2O Scala-2.11
-Note: * ViennaCLs are only created if the `viennacl` or `viennacl-omp` profiles are activated.
-By default, this phase will execute the `package` lifecycle goal on all built "extra" varients.
-E.g. if you were to run
-mvn clean install -Pdistribution
-You will `install` all of the "Default Targets" but only `package` the "Also created".
-If you wish to `install` all of the above, you can set the `` switch as follows:
-mvn clean install -Pdistribution
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-layout: default
-title: Google Summer of Code
-    name: mahout2
-# Google Summer of Code
-Mahout has been mentoring students in Google Summer of Code (GSoC) for as long as
-the project has existed.  To help students better understand what is
-expected of them, this page lays out common advice, links and other tips
-and tricks for successfully creating a GSoC proposal for Mahout.
-Be warned, however, that GSoC, particularly at the Apache Software
-Foundation (ASF), is fairly competitive.  Not only are you competing
-against others within Mahout, but Mahout is competing with other projects
-in the ASF.  Therefore, it is very important that proposals be well
-referenced and well thought out.  Even if you don't get selected, consider
-sticking around.  Open source is fun, a great career builder and can open up many
-opportunities for you.
-## Tips on Good Proposals
-* Interact with the community before proposal time.  This is actually part
-of how we rate proposals.  Having a good idea is just one part of the
-process.  You must show you can communicate and work within the community
-parameters.   You might even consider putting up a patch or two that shows
-you get how things work.  See [How To Contribute](how-to-contribute.html).
-* Since Machine Learning is fairly academic, be sure to cite your sources
-in your proposal.
-* Provide a realistic timeline.  Be sure you indicate what other
-obligations you have during the summer.  It may seem worthwhile to lie
-here, but we have failed students mid-term in the past because they did not
-participate as they said they would.  Failing mid-term means not getting
-* Do not mail mentors off list privately unless it is something truly
-personal (most things are not).  This will likely decrease your chances of
-being selected, not increase them.
-* DO NOT BITE OFF MORE THAN YOU CAN CHEW.  Every year, there are a few
-students who propose to implement 3-5 machine learning algorithms, all in a two month period.	They NEVER get selected.   Be
-realistic.  All successful projects to date follow, more or less, the
-following formula:  Implement algorithm in Samsara (Mahout's R-Like Scala DSL).	Write Unit Tests. 
-Do some bigger scale tests.  Write 1 or 2 examples.  Write Website
-documentation.	That's it.  Trust us, it takes a summer to do these things.
-## What to expect once selected
-* Just as in the proposals, almost all interaction should take place on the
-mailing lists.	Only personal matters related to your whereabouts or your
-evaluation will take place privately.
-* Show up.  Ask questions.  Be engaged.  We don't care if you know it all
-about what you are implementing.  We care about you contributing to open
-source.  You learn.  We learn.	Win-win.
-* Enjoy it!  Contributing to open source can open some amazing doors for
-your career.  
-<a name="GSOC-References"></a>
-## References
- * [GSoC Home]( - official GSoC page
- * [GSoC FAQ]( - official FAQ
- * [Apache GSoC coordination]( - official Apache GSoC documentation, especially important  if you want to become a mentor
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deleted file mode 100644
index bebc2f9..0000000
--- a/website/front/community/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-layout: default
-title: History of Apache Mahout
-    name: mahout2
-TODO: Would really like to get perspective of multiple people here
-## Pre-Apache
-## Decision to Move to ASF
-## Early Releases
-## The 0.9.x Major Vendor Freeze
-## Mahout Samsara 0.10.0+
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--- a/website/front/community/
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-layout: default
-title: Mailing Lists, IRC and Archives
-    name: mahout2
-# General
-Communication at Mahout happens primarily online via mailing lists. We have
-a user as well as a dev list for discussion. In addition there is a commit
-list so we are able to monitor what happens on the wiki and in svn.
-<div class="container-fluid">
-    <div class="row">
-        <div class="col-md-8"><div class="mahoutMailListBox1">
-            <b>User</b> - This list is for users of Mahout to ask questions, share knowledge, and
-                                           discuss issues. Do send mail to this list with usage and configuration
-                                           questions and problems. Also, please send questions to this list to verify
-                                           your problem before filing issues in JIRA. 
-                                           </div></div>
-        <div class="col-md-2"><div class="mahoutMailListBox1"><a href="">Subscribe</a></div></div>
-        <div class="col-md-2"><div class="mahoutMailListBox1"><a href="">Un-Subscribe</a></div></div> 
-    </div>
-    <div class="row">
-        <div class="col-md-8"><div class="mahoutMailListBox2">
-            <b>Developers</b> - This is the list where participating developers of the Mahout project meet
-                                                  and discuss issues concerning Mahout internals, code changes/additions,
-                                                  etc. Do not send mail to this list with usage questions or configuration
-                                                  questions and problems.
-         </div></div>
-        <div class="col-md-2"><div class="mahoutMailListBox2"><a href="">Subscribe</a></div></div>
-        <div class="col-md-2"><div class="mahoutMailListBox2"><a href="">Un-Subscribe</a></div></div> 
-    </div>
-    <div class="row">
-        <div class="col-md-8"><div class="mahoutMailListBox1"><b>Commits</b></div></div>
-        <div class="col-md-2"><div class="mahoutMailListBox1"><a href="">Subscribe</a></div></div>
-        <div class="col-md-2"><div class="mahoutMailListBox1"><a href="">Un-Subscribe</a></div></div> 
-    </div>
-## Official Apache Archive
-* [New Pony Mail](
-* [New Pony Mail](
-* [Old Apache Mail Archives](
-* [Old Apache Mail Archives](
diff --git a/website/front/community/ b/website/front/community/
deleted file mode 100644
index 9b51f6e..0000000
--- a/website/front/community/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-layout: default
-title: Privacy Policy
-    name: mahout2
-Information about your use of this website is collected using server access
-logs and a tracking cookie. The collected information consists of the
-* The IP address from which you access the website;
-* The type of browser and operating system you use to access our site;
-* The date and time you access our site;
-* The pages you visit; and
-* The addresses of pages from where you followed a link to our site.
-Part of this information is gathered using a tracking cookie set by the
-Google Analytics service and handled by Google as described in their
-privacy policy. See your browser documentation for instructions on how to
-disable the cookie if you prefer not to share this data with Google.
-We use the gathered information to help us make our site more useful to
-visitors and to better understand how and when our site is used. We do not
-track or collect personally identifiable information or associate gathered
-data with any personally identifying information from other sources.
-By using this website, you consent to the collection of this data in the
-manner and for the purpose described above.
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deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/website/front/community/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-layout: default
-title: Recent and Upcoming Talks
-    name: mahout2
-**APACHE MAHOUT'S NEW RECOMMENDER ALGORITHM AND USING GPUS TO SPEED MODEL CREATION** _Pat Ferrel, Andy Palumbo_. [GPU Technology Conference]( Silicon Valley, CA- May 11, 2017
-**EXTENDING MAHOUT-SAMSARA LINEAR ALGEBRA DSL TO SUPPORT GPU CLUSTERS** _Suneel Marthi, Trevor Grant_. [GPU Technology Conference]( Silicon Valley, CA- May 11, 2017
-**Apache​ ​Mahout:​ ​An​ ​Extendable​ ​Machine​ ​Learning​ ​Framework​ ​for​ ​Spark​ ​and​ ​Flink** _Trevor Grant_. [Apache Big Data]( Miami, FL- May 16, 2017
-**An Apache Based Intelligent IoT Stack for Transportation** _Trevor Grant, Joe Olsen_. [ApacheCon IoT]( Miami, FL- May 18, 2017
-**Apache Mahout: Distributed Matrix Math for Machine Learning** _Andrew Musselman_. [MLConf]( Seattle, WA- May 19, 2017
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deleted file mode 100644
index ca3efc6..0000000
--- a/website/front/community/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-layout: default
-title: Who we are
-    name: mahout2
-<a name="WhoWeAre-Whoweare"></a>
-# Who we are
-Apache Mahout is maintained by a team of volunteer developers.
-<a name="WhoWeAre-CoreCommitters"></a>
-## Core Committers
-(Please keep the list below in alphabetical order by first name.)
-Name | Mail | PMC | Comment 
-Anand Avati | avati@... | No | Twitter: @anandavati
-Andrew Musselman | akm@... | Yes | Twitter: @akm
-Andrew Palumbo | apalumbo@... | Yes (Chair) | |
-Benson Margulies | bimargulies@... | Yes | |
-Dan Filimon | dfilimon@... | No | |
-Dmitriy Lyubimov | dlyubimov@... | No (Emeritus) | 
-Drew Farris | drew@... | Yes | |
-Ellen Friedman | ellenf@... | No | Twitter: @Ellen_Friedman 
-Frank Scholten | frankscholten@... | No | |
-Gokhan Capan | gcapan@... | No | <a href="">LinkedIn Profile</a>
-Grant Ingersoll | gsingers@... | Yes | Twitter: @gsingers
-Isabel Drost-Fromm | isabel@... | Yes | Passion for free software (development, but to some extend also the political and economic implications), interested in agile development and project management, lives in Germany. Follow me on Twitter @MaineC
-Jacob Alexander Mannix | jmannix@... | Yes | |
-Jeff Eastman | jeastman@... | No (Emeritus) |
-Paritosh Ranjan | pranjan@... | Yes | Twitter: @paritoshranjan
-Pat Ferrel | pat@... |  Yes | Twitter: @occam 
-Robin Anil | robinanil@... | Yes | |
-Sean Owen | srowen@... | No (Emeritus) |
-Sebastian Schelter | ssc@... | Yes | |
-Shannon Quinn | squinn@... | No | |
-Stevo Slavić|  sslavic@... | No | Twitter: @sslavic
-Suneel Marthi | smarthi@... | Yes | Twitter: @suneelmarthi
-Ted Dunning | tdunning@... |  Yes | 
-Tom Pierce | tcp@... | No | |
-Trevor Grant | rawkintrevo@... | Yes | Twitter: @rawkintrevo , [Blog](
-<a name="WhoWeAre-EmeritusCommitters"></a>
-## Emeritus Committers
-* Niranjan Balasubramanian (nbalasub@...)
-* Otis Gospodnetic (otis@...)
-* David Hall (dlwh@...)
-* Erik Hatcher (ehatcher@...)
-* Ozgur Yilmazel (oyilmazel@...)
-* Dawid Weiss (dweiss@...)
-* Karl Wettin (kalle@...)
-* AbdelHakim Deneche (adeneche@...)
-Note that the email addresses above end with
-<a name="WhoWeAre-Contributors"></a>
-## Contributors
-Apache Mahout contributors and their contributions to individual issues can be found at Apache <a href="">JIRA</a>.
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-layout: default
-title: Github PRs
-    name: mahout2
-# Handling Github PRs #
-## How to Create a PR (for contributers)
-Read [[1]]. 
-Pull requests are made to apache/mahout repository on Github. 
-## Merging a PR and Closing it (for committers). 
-Remember that pull requests are equivalent to a remote branch with potentially a multitude of commits. 
-In this case it is recommended to squash remote commit history to have one commit per issue, rather 
-than merging in a multitude of contributer's commits. In order to do that, as well as close the PR at the 
-same time, it is recommended to use **squash commits**.
-Read [[2]] (merging locally). Merging pull requests are equivalent to merging contributor's branch:
-    git checkout master      # switch to local master branch
-    git pull apache master   # fast-forward to current remote HEAD
-    git pull --squash cbranch  # merge to master 
-In this example we assume that contributor Github handle is "cuser" and the PR branch name is "cbranch" there. We also 
-assume that *apache* remote is configured as 
-    apache (fetch)
-    apache (push)
-Squash pull ensures all PR history is squashed into single commit. Also, it is not yet committed, even if 
-fast forward is possible, so you get chance to change things before committing.
-At this point resolve conflicts, if any, or ask contributor to rebase on top of master, if PR went out of sync.
-Suppose everything is fine, you now can commit the squashed request 
-    git commit -a
-edit message to contain "MAHOUT-YYYY description **closes #ZZ**", where ZZ is the pull request number. 
-Including "closes #ZZ" will close PR automatically. More information [[3]].
-   push apache master
-(this will require credentials).
-Note on `master` branch: Minor patches, bug fixes, complete features, etc. may be merged to `master`.  Features that 
-are still under development should be pushed to a feature branch with reasonable name or better yet `mahout-xxxx` where 
-`xxxx` is the JIRA number. 
-Note on squashing: Since squash discards remote branch history, repeated PRs from the same remote branch are 
-difficult for merging. The workflow implies that every new PR starts with a new rebased branch. This is more 
-important for contributors to know, rather than for committers, because if new PR is not mergeable, github
-would warn to begin with. Anyway, watch for dupe PRs (based on same source branches). This is a bad practice.
-## Closing a PR without committing 
-When we want to reject a PR (close without committing), just do the following commit on master's HEAD 
-*without merging the PR*: 
-    git commit --allow-empty -m "closes #ZZ *Won't fix*"
-    git push apache master
-that should close PR without merging and any code modifications in the master repository.
-## Apache/github integration features 
-Read [[4]]. Issue handles mentioned in comments and PR name should post to mailing lists and Jira.
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-layout: default
-title: How to Become a Commmiter
-    name: mahout2
-# How to Become a Committer
-While there's no exact criteria for becoming a committer, there is a fairly
-obvious path to becoming a committer.
-For starters, one should be familiar with the [Apache Way ](, especially the part about meritocracy.
-Second, participate in the mailing lists, help answer questions when you
-can and do so in a respectful manner.  This is often more important than
-writing amazing code.
-Third, write code, add patches, stick with them and be patient.  Add unit
-tests and documentation.  In general, tackling 3 or 4 decent patches is
-where the bar is at, but it depends on the state of the project.  In the
-earlier stages of the project, the bar is a bit lower, so it pays to join
-Finally, it is then up to someone to nominate them to the PMC.	Typically,
-one of the existing committers does this by sending an email to the private
-PMC mailing list (private@m.a.o, where m.a.o is and then
-the PMC votes on it.  Nominations often occur internal to the PMC as well.
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-layout: default
-title: How to Contribute
-    name: mahout2
-# How to Contribute
-*Contributing to an Apache project* is about more than just writing code --
-it's about doing what you can to make the project better.  There are lots
-of ways to contribute!
-<a name="HowToContribute-BeInvolved"></a>
-## Get Involved
-Discussions at Apache happen on the mailing list. To get involved, you should join the [Mahout mailing lists](/general/mailing-lists,-irc-and-archives.html).  In particular:
-* The **user list** (to help others)
-* The **development list** (to join discussions of changes)  -- This is the best place
-to understand where the project is headed.
-* The **commit list** (to see changes as they are made)
-Please keep discussions about Mahout on list so that everyone benefits. 
-Emailing individual committers with questions about specific Mahout issues
-is discouraged.  See [](
-.  Apache  has a number of [email tips for contributors][1] as well.
-<a name="HowToContribute-WhattoWorkOn?"></a>
-## What to Work On?
-What do you like to work on?  There are a ton of things in Mahout that we
-would love to have contributions for: documentation, performance improvements, better tests, etc.
-The best place to start is by looking into our [issue tracker]( and
-seeing what bugs have been reported and seeing if any look like you could
-take them on.  Small, well written, well tested patches are a great way to
-get your feet wet.  It could be something as simple as fixing a typo.  The
-more important piece is you are showing you understand the necessary steps
-for making changes to the code.  Mahout is a pretty big beast at this
-point, so changes, especially from non-committers, need to be evolutionary
-not revolutionary since it is often very difficult to evaluate the merits
-of a very large patch.	Think small, at least to start!
-Beyond JIRA, hang out on the dev@ mailing list. That's where we discuss
-what we are working on in the internals and where you can get a sense of
-where people are working.
-Also, documentation is a great way to familiarize yourself with the code
-and is always a welcome addition to the codebase and this website. Feel free 
-to contribute texts and tutorials! Committers will make sure they are added 
-to this website, and we have a [guide for making website updates][2].
-We also have a [wide variety of books and slides][3] for learning more about 
-machine learning algorithms. 
-If you are interested in working towards being a committer, [general guidelines are available online](/developers/how-to-become-a-committer.html).
-<a name="HowToContribute-ContributingCode(Features,BigFixes,Tests,etc...)"></a>
-## Contributing Code (Features, Big Fixes, Tests, etc...)
-This section identifies the ''optimal'' steps community member can take to
-submit a changes or additions to the Mahout code base.	This can be new
-features, bug fixes optimizations of existing features, or tests of
-existing code to prove it works as advertised (and to make it more robust
-against possible future changes).
-Please note that these are the "optimal" steps, and community members that
-don't have the time or resources to do everything outlined on this below
-should not be discouraged from submitting their ideas "as is" per "Yonik
-Seeley's (Solr committer) Law of Patches": 
-*A half-baked patch in Jira, with no documentation, no tests and no backwards compatibility is better than no patch at all.*
-Just because you may not have the time to write unit tests, or cleanup
-backwards compatibility issues, or add documentation, doesn't mean other
-people don't. Putting your patch out there allows other people to try it
-and possibly improve it.
-<a name="HowToContribute-Gettingthesourcecode"></a>
-## Getting the source code
-First of all, you need to get the [Mahout source code](/developers/version-control.html). Most development is done on the "trunk".  Mahout mirrors its codebase on [GitHub]( The first step to making a contribution is to fork Mahout's master branch to your GitHub repository.  
-<a name="HowToContribute-MakingChanges"></a>
-## Making Changes
-Before you start, you should send a message to the [Mahout developer mailing list](/general/mailing-lists,-irc-and-archives.html)
-(note: you have to subscribe before you can post), or file a ticket in  our [issue tracker](/developers/issue-tracker.html).
-Describe your proposed changes and check that they fit in with what others are doing and have planned for the project.  Be patient, it may take folks a while to understand your requirements.
- 1. Create a JIRA Issue (if one does not already exist or you haven't already) 
- 2. Pull the code from your GitHub repository 
- 3. Ensure that you are working with the latest code from the [apache/mahout]( master branch.
- 3. Modify the source code and add some (very) nice features. 
-     - Be sure to adhere to the following points:
-         - All public classes and methods should have informative Javadoc
-    comments.  
-         - Code should be formatted according to standard
-    [Java coding conventions](,
-    with two exceptions:
-             - indent two spaces per level, not four.  
-             - lines can be 120 characters, not 80.  
-         - Contributions should pass existing unit tests. 
-         - New unit tests should be provided to demonstrate bugs and fixes.
- 4. Commit the changes to your local repository. 
- 4. Push the code back up to your GitHub repository.
- 5. Create a [Pull Request]( to the to apache/mahout repository on Github.
-     - Include the corresponding JIRA Issue number and description in the title of the pull request: 
-        - ie. MAHOUT-xxxx: < JIRA-Issue-Description >
- 6. Committers and other members of the Mahout community can then comment on the Pull Request.  Be sure to watch for comments, respond and make any necessary changes.
-Please be patient. Committers are busy people too. If no one responds to your Pull Request after a few days, please make friendly reminders on the mailing list.  Please
-incorporate other's suggestions into into your changes if you think they're reasonable.  Finally, remember that even changes that are not committed are useful to the community.
-<a name="HowToContribute-UnitTests"></a>
-#### Unit Tests
-Please make sure that all unit tests succeed before creating your Pull Request.
-Run *mvn clean test*, if you see *BUILD SUCCESSFUL* after the tests have finished, all is ok, but if you see *BUILD FAILED*, 
-please carefully read the errors messages and check your code.
-#### Do's and Don'ts
-Please do not:
-* reformat code unrelated to the bug being fixed: formatting changes should
-be done in separate issues.
-* comment out code that is now obsolete: just remove it.
-* insert comments around each change, marking the change: folks can use
-subversion to figure out what's changed and by whom.
-* make things public which are not required by end users.
-Please do:
-* try to adhere to the coding style of files you edit;
-* comment code whose function or rationale is not obvious;
-* update documentation (e.g., ''package.html'' files, the website, etc.)
-<a name="HowToContribute-Review/ImproveExistingPatches"></a>
-## Review/Improve Existing Pull Requests
-If there's a JIRA issue that already has a Pull Request with changes that you think are really good, and works well for you -- please add a comment saying so.   If there's room
-for improvement (more tests, better javadocs, etc...) then make the changes on your GitHub branch and add a comment about them.	If a lot of people review a Pull Request and give it a
-thumbs up, that's a good sign for committers when deciding if it's worth spending time to review it -- and if other people have already put in
-effort to improve the docs/tests for an issue, that helps even more.
-For more information see [Handling GitHub PRs](
-  [1]:
-  [2]:
-  [3]:
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-layout: default
-title: How to Release Mahout
-    name: mahout2
-Title: How To Release
-# How To Release Mahout
-*This page is prepared for Mahout committers. You need committer rights to
-create a new Mahout release.*
-<a name="HowToRelease-ReleasePlanning"></a>
-# Release Planning
-Start a discussion on mahout-dev about having a release, questions to bring
-up include:
- * Any [Unresolved JIRA issues for the upcoming release ](-!executeadvanced.jspa?jqlquery=project+%3d+mahout+and+resolution+%3d+unresolved+and+fixversion+%3d+%220.6%22&runquery=true&clear=true.html)
- * Any [Resolved or Closed JIRA issues missing a "Fix Version" ](-!executeadvanced.jspa?jqlquery=project+%3d+mahout+and+%28status+%3d+resolved+or+status+%3d+closed%29+and+fixversion+is+null+and+resolution+%3d+fixed&runquery=true&clear=true.html)
- that should be marked as fixed in this release?
- * Does any documentation need an update?
- * Who is going to be the "release engineer"?
- * What day should be targeted for the release ?  Leave buffer time for a
-code freeze and release candidate testing; make sure at least a few people
-commit to having time to help test the release candidates around the target
-<a name="HowToRelease-CodeFreeze"></a>
-# Code Freeze
-For 7-14 days prior to the release target date, have a "code freeze" where
-committers agree to only commit things if they:
- * Are documentation improvements (including fixes to eliminate Javadoc
- * Are new test cases that improve test coverage
- * Are bug fixes found because of improved test coverage
- * Are new tests and bug fixes for new bugs encountered by manually testing
-<a name="HowToRelease-StepsForReleaseEngineer"></a>
-# Steps For Release Engineer
-<a name="HowToRelease-Beforebuildingrelease"></a>
-## Before building release
-1. Check that all tests pass after a clean compile: mvn clean test
-1. Check that there are no remaining unresolved Jira issues with the
-upcoming version number listed as the "Fix" version
-1. Publish any prev. unpublished Third Party Deps: [Thirdparty Dependencies](thirdparty-dependencies.html)
-<a name="HowToRelease-PreviewingtheArtifacts"></a>
-## Previewing the Artifacts
-1. To build the artifacts:
-1. # mvn -Pmahout-release,apache-release,hadoop2 package
-<a name="HowToRelease-Makingarelease"></a>
-## Making a release
-* Check if documentation needs an update
-* Update the web site's news by updating a working copy of the SVN
-directory at
-* Commit these changes. It is important to do this prior to the build so
-that it is reflected in the copy of the website included with the release
-for documentation purposes.
-* If this is your first release, add your key to the KEYS file. The KEYS
-file is located on Github at
- and copy it
-to the release directory. 
-Make sure you commit your change.
-* Ensure you have set up standard Apache committer settings in
- ~/.m2/settings.xml as per [this page](
-* Add a profile to your ~/.m2/settings.xml in the <profiles> section with:
- <blockquote>
-  <profiles>
-    <profile>
-      <id>mahout_release</id>
-      <properties>
-	<gpg.keyname>YOUR PGP KEY NAME</gpg.keyname>
-	<gpg.passphrase>YOUR SIGNING PASSCODE HERE</gpg.passphrase>
-	<username>USERNAME</username>
-      </properties>
-    </profile>
-  </profiles>
-* You may also need to add the following to the <servers> section in
-~/.m2/settings.xml in order to upload artifacts (as the -Dusername=
--Dpassword= didn't work for Grant for 0.8, but this did):
-  <id>apache.releases.https</id>
-  <username>USERNAME</username>
-  <password>PASSWORD</password>
-* Set environment variable MAVEN_OPTS to -Xmx1024m to ensure the tests can
-* export _JAVA_OPTIONS="-Xmx1g"
-* If you are outside the US, then may not resolve to the
-main US-based Subversion servers. (Compare the IP address you get for with to see if they are different.) This
-will cause problems during the release since it will create a revision and
-then immediately access, but, there is a replication lag of perhaps a
-minute to the non-US servers. To temporarily force using the US-based
-server, edit your equivalent of /etc/hosts and map the IP address of to
-* Create the release candidate:
-     mvn -Pmahout-release,apache-release,hadoop2 release:prepare release:perform 
-  If you have problems authenticating to, try adding to the command line 
-      -Dusername=\[user]\ -Dpassword=\[password\]
- If it screws up, first try doing:
-  mvn -Dmahout-release,apache-release,hadoop2 release:rollback. 
- followed by
-  mvn -Dmahout-release,apache-release,hadoop2 release:clean
- This will likely save you time and do the right thing. You may also need to delete the tag in source control:
-  git tag -d mahout-X.XX.X; git push apache :refs/tags/mahout-X.XX.X
- You may also have to rollback the version numbers in the POM files.
- If you want to skip test cases while rebuilding, use
- mvn -DpreparationGoals="clean compile" release:prepare release:perform
-* Review the artifacts, etc. on the Apache Repository (using Sonatype's
-Nexus application) site:
-           You will need to login using your ASF SVN credentials and then
-browse to the staging area.
-* Once you have reviewed the artifacts, you will need to "Close" out
-the staging area under Nexus, which then makes the artifacts available for
-others to see.
-     * Log in to Nexus
-     * Click the Staging Repositories link in the left hand menu
-     * Click the Mahout staged one that was just uploaded by the
-release:perform target
-     * Click Close in the toolbar. See
-for a picture
-     * Copy the "Repository URL" link to your email; it should be like
-* Call a VOTE on  Votes require 3 days before
-passing.  See Apache [release policy|]
- for more info.
-* If there's a problem, you need to unwind the release and start all
-        <blockquote>
-        mvn -Pmahout-release,apache-release,hadoop2 versions:set -DnewVersion=PREVIOUS_SNAPSHOT
-        mvn -Pmahout-release,apache-release,hadoop2 versions:commit
-        git commit 
-        git push --delete apache <tagname> (deletes the remote tag)
-        git tag -d tagname (deletes the local tag)
-* Release the artifact in the Nexus Repository in the same way you
-Closed it earlier.
-* Add your key to the KEYS file at
-* Copy the assemblies and their supporting files (tar.gz, zip, tar.bz2,
-plus .asc, .md5, .pom, .sha1 files) to the ASF mirrors at:<version>/. You should
-make sure the group "mahout" owns the files and that they are read only
-(-r--r--r-- in UNIX-speak). See [Guide To Distributing Existing Releases Through The ASF Mirrors|]
- and the links that are there.
-     * cd /www/
-     * mkdir <VERSION>
-     * cd <VERSION>
-     * wget -e robots=off --no-check-certificate -np -r
-     * mv*
-     * rm -rf
-     * rm index.html
-* Wait 24 hours for release to propagate to mirrors.
-* Clean up JIRA: Bulk close all X.Y JIRA issues.  Mark the Version
-number as being released (see Manage Versions.)  Add the next version
-(X.Y+1) if necessary.
-* Update release version on and
-* Send announcements to the user and developer lists.
-See also:
-### Post Release
-## Versioning
-* Create the next version in JIRA (if it doesn't already exist)   
-* Mark the version as "released" in JIRA (noting the release date)
-## Documentation
-* Change wiki to match current best practices (remove/change deprecations,
-## Publicity
-* update freshmeat
-* blog away
-* Update MLOSS entry:  See Grant for
-## Related Resources
-# TODO: Things To Cleanup in this document
-* more specifics about things to test before starting or after packaging
-(RAT, run scripts against example, etc...)
-* include info about [Voting |]
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-layout: default
-title: How to Update the Website
-    name: mahout2
-# How to update the Mahout Website
-<a name="HowToUpdateTheWebsite-Howtoupdatethemahouthomepage"></a>
-## How to update the mahout home page
-1. Clone Apache Mahout, the website is contained in the `website/` folder, and all pages are writtin in markdown.
-1. Once you have made appropriate changes, please open a pull request. 
-<a name="HowToUpdateTheWebsite-SomeDo'sandDont'sofupdatingthewiki"></a>
-## Some Do's and Dont's of updating the web site
-1. Keep all pages cleanly formatted - this includes using standard formatting for headers etc.
-1. Try to keep a single page for a topic instead of starting multiple ones.
-If the topics are related, put it under as a child under the similar page.
-1. Notify the developers of orphaned or broken links.
-## How to push changes to the actual website (committers only)
-1. `svn co asf-mahout`
-1. Run Terminal
-       ```
-       JEKYLL_ENV=production bundle exec jekyll build
-       ```
-Setting `JEKYLL_ENV=production ...` is going to build the docs with {{ BASE_PATH }} from `_config.yml` filled in. This 
-required when building `docs` especially (it sets to `/docs/[VERSION]`). 
-1. Copy `mahout/website/_site` to `asf-mahout/site/docs/<MAHOUT-VERSION>/`
-1. `svn commit` 
-... `svnpubsub` will come into play... 
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-layout: default
-title: Developers
-    name: mahout2
-<a name="DeveloperResources-MakingaContribution"></a>
-## Making a Contribution
-Mahout is always looking for contributions, especially in the areas of
-documentation. See our [How to contribute](/developers/how-to-contribute.html) page for details.
-<a name="DeveloperResources-SourceCode"></a>
-## Source Code
-The source files are stored using Git, our page on [version control](/developers/version-control.html) has details on how to access the sourcecode.
-<a name="DeveloperResources-Documentation"></a>
-## Documentation
-Javadoc and Scaladoc documentation is available online by module:
- * [Mahout Math](
- * [Mahout Math Scala bindings](
- * [Mahout Spark bindings](
- * [Mahout Spark bindings shell](
- * [Mahout H2O backend Scaladoc](
- * [Mahout H2O backend Javadoc](
- * [Mahout HDFS](
- * [Mahout Map-Reduce](
- * [Mahout Examples](
- * [Mahout Integration](
-<a name="DeveloperResources-Issues"></a>
-## Issues
-All bugs, improvements, [pull requests](, etc. should be logged in our [issue tracker](/developers/issue-tracker.html).
-<a name="DeveloperResources-ContinuousIntegration"></a>
-## Continuous Integration
-Mahout is continuously built on an hourly basis on the [Apache Jenkins](  build system.