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[06/37] calcite git commit: [CALCITE-1717] Remove avatica from the tree
diff --git a/avatica/site/_docs/ b/avatica/site/_docs/
deleted file mode 100644
index f128a4f..0000000
--- a/avatica/site/_docs/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
-layout: docs
-title: Custom Client Artifacts
-permalink: /docs/custom_client_artifacts.html
-{% comment %}
-Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
-contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
-this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
-The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0
-(the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
-the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-{% endcomment %}
-As of Apache Calcite Avatica 1.9.0, there are two artifacts (jars) provided that enable client-access
-to an Avatica server over JDBC.
-{% highlight xml %}
-  <!-- Shaded artifact -->
-  <dependency>
-    <groupId>org.apache.calcite.avatica</groupId>
-    <artifactId>avatica</artifactId>
-  </dependency>
-  <!-- Non-shaded artifact -->
-  <dependency>
-    <groupId>org.apache.calcite.avatica</groupId>
-    <artifactId>avatica-core</artifactId>
-  </dependency>
-{% endhighlight %}
-In keeping with the convention of previous releases, `org.apache.calcite.avatica:avatica` is a JAR
-which contains all of the necessary dependencies of the Avatica client code base. Those classes which
-can be safely relocated are done so to reduce the potential for classpath issues.
-Avatica 1.9.0 will introduce a new artifact `org.apache.calcite.avatica:avatica-core` which is only
-the Avatica client classes without any bundled dependencies. This artifact enables users to build a
-classpath with different versions of JARs than what Avatica presently depends upon. This is a "your-mileage-may-vary"
-or "void-your-warranty" type of decision (as you are using Avatica with dependecies which we have not tested);
-however, some downstream projects do provide reasonable assurances of compatibilities across releases.
-## Building your own Avatica client artifact
-In some cases, it may be beneficial to provide specific versions of Avatica dependencies. Here is
-a brief `pom.xml` which outlines how this can be done.
-{% highlight xml %}
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
-  <modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion>
-  <groupId>myorg.custom.client</groupId>
-  <artifactId>my-special-app-client</artifactId>
-  <packaging>jar</packaging>
-  <name>Special Application Client Artifact</name>
-  <description>A custom artifact which uses Apache Calcite Avatica for my Org's Special Application</description>
-  <properties>
-    <myorg.prefix>myorg.custom.client</myorg.prefix>
-  </properties>
-  <dependencies>
-    <dependency>
-      <groupId>org.apache.calcite.avatica</groupId>
-      <artifactId>avatica-core</artifactId>
-      <version>1.9.0</version>
-    </dependency>
-    <dependency>
-      <groupId>org.apache.httpcomponents</groupId>
-      <artifactId>httpclient</artifactId>
-      <!-- Override the version from avatica-core (4.5.2) to address a hypothetical bug in httpclient -->
-      <version>4.5.3</version>
-    </dependency>
-    <!-- Include Guava for the "Special Application" -->
-    <dependency>
-      <groupId></groupId>
-      <artifactId>guava</artifactId>
-      <version>17.0</version>
-    </dependency>
-  </dependencies>
-  <build>
-    <plugins>
-      <plugin>
-        <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
-        <artifactId>maven-shade-plugin</artifactId>
-        <executions>
-          <execution>
-            <phase>package</phase>
-            <goals>
-              <goal>shade</goal>
-            </goals>
-            <configuration>
-              <!-- Relocate Jackson, Protobuf, Apache Commons HttpClient and HttpComponents, but not Guava.
-                   The hypothetical "Special App" would be expecting Guava in the standard location -->
-              <relocations>
-                <relocation>
-                  <pattern>com.fasterxml.jackson</pattern>
-                  <shadedPattern>${myorg.prefix}.com.fasterxml.jackson</shadedPattern>
-                </relocation>
-                <relocation>
-                  <pattern></pattern>
-                  <shadedPattern>${myorg.prefix}</shadedPattern>
-                </relocation>
-                <relocation>
-                  <pattern>org.apache.http</pattern>
-                  <shadedPattern>${myorg.prefix}.org.apache.http</shadedPattern>
-                </relocation>
-                <relocation>
-                  <pattern>org.apache.commons</pattern>
-                  <shadedPattern>${myorg.prefix}.org.apache.commons</shadedPattern>
-                </relocation>
-              </relocations>
-              <createDependencyReducedPom>false</createDependencyReducedPom>
-            </configuration>
-          </execution>
-        </executions>
-      </plugin>
-    </plugins>
-  </build>
-{% endhighlight %}
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deleted file mode 100644
index 6e5184f..0000000
--- a/avatica/site/_docs/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,314 +0,0 @@
-layout: docs
-title: History
-permalink: "/docs/history.html"
-{% comment %}
-Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
-contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
-this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
-The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0
-(the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
-the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-{% endcomment %}
-For a full list of releases, see
-<a href="">github</a>.
-Downloads are available on the
-[downloads page]({{ site.baseurl }}/downloads/).
-## <a href="">1.9.0</a> / 2016-11-01
-{: #v1-9-0}
-Apache Calcite Avatica 1.9.0 includes various improvements to make it
-more robust and secure, while maintaining API and protocol
-compatibility with previous versions. We now include non-shaded and
-shaded artifacts, to make it easier to embed Avatica in your
-application. There is improved support for the JDBC API, including
-better type conversions and support for canceling statements. The
-transport is upgraded to use protobuf-3.1.0 (previously 3.0 beta).
-Compatibility: This release is tested
-on Linux, macOS, Microsoft Windows;
-using Oracle JDK 1.7, 1.8;
-Guava versions 14.0 to 19.0;
-other software versions as specified in `pom.xml`.
-Features and bug fixes
-* [<a href="">CALCITE-1471</a>]
-  `HttpServerSpnegoWithJaasTest.testAuthenticatedClientsAllowed` fails on Windows
-  (Aaron Mihalik)
-* [<a href="">CALCITE-1464</a>]
-  Upgrade Jetty version to 9.2.19v20160908
-* [<a href="">CALCITE-1463</a>]
-  In `standalone-server` jar, relocate dependencies rather than excluding them
-* [<a href="">CALCITE-1355</a>]
-  Upgrade to protobuf-java 3.1.0
-* [<a href="">CALCITE-1462</a>]
-  Remove Avatica pom cruft
-* [<a href="">CALCITE-1458</a>]
-  Add column values to the deprecated protobuf attribute
-* [<a href="">CALCITE-1433</a>]
-  Add missing dependencies to `avatica-server`
-* [<a href="">CALCITE-1433</a>]
-  Fix missing avatica `test-jar` dependency
-* [<a href="">CALCITE-1423</a>]
-  Add method `ByteString.indexOf(ByteString, int)`
-* [<a href="">CALCITE-1408</a>]
-  `ResultSet.getXxx` methods should throw `SQLDataException` if cannot convert to
-  the requested type (Laurent Goujon)
-* [<a href="">CALCITE-1410</a>]
-  Fix JDBC metadata classes (Laurent Goujon)
-* [<a href="">CALCITE-1224</a>]
-  Publish non-shaded and shaded versions of Avatica client artifacts
-* [<a href="">CALCITE-1407</a>]
-  `MetaImpl.fieldMetaData` wrongly uses 1-based column ordinals
-* [<a href="">CALCITE-1361</a>]
-  Remove entry from `AvaticaConnection.flagMap` when session closed
-* [<a href="">CALCITE-1399</a>]
-  Make the jcommander `SerializationConverter` public
-* [<a href="">CALCITE-1394</a>]
-  Javadoc warnings due to `CoreMatchers.containsString` and `mockito-all`
-* [<a href="">CALCITE-1390</a>]
-  Avatica JDBC driver wrongly modifies `Properties` object
-* [<a href="">CALCITE-1371</a>]
-  `PreparedStatement` does not process Date type correctly (Billy (Yiming) Liu)
-* [<a href="">CALCITE-1301</a>]
-  Add `cancel` flag to `AvaticaStatement`
-* [<a href="">CALCITE-1315</a>]
-  Retry the request on `NoHttpResponseException`
-* [<a href="">CALCITE-1300</a>]
-  Retry on HTTP-503 in hc-based `AvaticaHttpClient`
-* [<a href="">CALCITE-1263</a>]
-  Case-insensitive match and null default value for `enum` properties
-* [<a href="">CALCITE-1282</a>]
-  Adds an API method to set extra allowed Kerberos realms
-* [<a href="">CALCITE-1226</a>]
-  Disable `AvaticaSpnegoTest` due to intermittent failures
-Web site and documentation
-* [<a href="">CALCITE-1369</a>]
-  Add list of Avatica clients to the web site
-* [<a href="">CALCITE-1229</a>]
-  Restore API and Test API links to site
-* [<a href="">CALCITE-1287</a>]
-  TCK test for binary columns
-* [<a href="">CALCITE-1285</a>]
-  Fix client URL template in example config file
-## <a href="">1.8.0</a> / 2016-06-04
-{: #v1-8-0}
-Apache Calcite Avatica 1.8.0 continues the focus on compatibility with previous
-versions while also adding support for authentication between Avatica client and server.
-Performance, notably on the write-path, is also major area of improvement
-in this release, increasing as much as two to three times over previous versions
-with the addition of new API support. The documentation for both users and developers
-continues to receive improvements.
-A number of protocol issues are resolved relating to the proper serialization of
-decimals, the wire-API semantics of signed integers that were marked as unsigned
-integers, and the unintentional Base64-encoding of binary data using the Protocol
-Buffers serialization in Avatica. These issues were fixed in such a way to be
-backwards compatible, but older clients/servers may still compute incorrect data.
-Users of Avatica 1.7.x should not notice any issues in upgrading existing applications
-and are encouraged to upgrade as soon as possible.
-Features and bug fixes
-* [<a href=''>CALCITE-1159</a>]
-  Support Kerberos-authenticated clients using SPNEGO
-* [<a href=''>CALCITE-1173</a>]
-  Basic and Digest authentication
-* [<a href=''>CALCITE-1249</a>]
-  L&N incorrect for source and non-shaded jars for avatica-standalone-server module
-* [<a href=''>CALCITE-1103</a>]
-  Decimal data serialized as Double in Protocol Buffer API
-* [<a href=''>CALCITE-1205</a>]
-  Inconsistency in protobuf TypedValue field names
-* [<a href=''>CALCITE-1207</a>]
-  Allow numeric connection properties, and K, M, G suffixes
-* [<a href=''>CALCITE-1209</a>]
-  Byte strings not being correctly decoded when sent to avatica using protocol buffers
-* [<a href=''>CALCITE-1213</a>]
-  Changing AvaticaDatabaseMetaData from class to interface breaks compatibility
-* [<a href=''>CALCITE-1218</a>]
-  Mishandling of uncaught exceptions results in no ErrorResponse sent to client
-* [<a href=''>CALCITE-1230</a>]
-  Add SQLSTATE reference data as enum SqlState
-* [<a href=''>CALCITE-1243</a>]
-  max_row_count in protobuf Requests should be signed int
-* [<a href=''>CALCITE-1247</a>]
-  JdbcMeta#prepare doesn't set maxRowCount on the Statement
-* [<a href=''>CALCITE-1254</a>]
-  Support PreparedStatement.executeLargeBatch
-* [<a href=''>CALCITE-643</a>]
-  User authentication for avatica clients
-* [<a href=''>CALCITE-1128</a>]
-  Support addBatch()/executeBatch() in remote driver
-* [<a href=''>CALCITE-1179</a>]
-  Extend list of time units and time unit ranges
-* [<a href=''>CALCITE-1180</a>]
-  Support clearBatch() in remote driver
-* [<a href=''>CALCITE-1185</a>]
-  Send back ErrorResponse on failure to parse requests
-* [<a href=''>CALCITE-1192</a>]
-  Document protobuf and json REP types with examples
-* [<a href=''>CALCITE-1214</a>]
-  Support url-based kerberos login
-* [<a href=''>CALCITE-1236</a>]
-  Log exceptions sent back to client in server log
-* [<a href=''>CALCITE-836</a>]
-  Provide a way for the Avatica client to query the server versions
-* [<a href=''>CALCITE-1156</a>]
-  Bump jetty version
-* [<a href=''>CALCITE-1184</a>]
-  Update Kerby dependency to 1.0.0-RC2
-* [<a href=''>CALCITE-1190</a>]
-  Cross-Version Compatibility Test Harness
-* [<a href=''>CALCITE-1113</a>]
-  Parameter precision and scale are not returned from Avatica REST API
-* [<a href=''>CALCITE-1186</a>]
-  Parameter 'signed' metadata is always returned as false
-* [<a href=''>CALCITE-1189</a>]
-  Unit test failure when JVM default charset is not UTF-8
-* [<a href=''>CALCITE-1061</a>]
-  RemoteMetaTest#testRemoteStatementInsert's use of hsqldb isn't guarded
-* [<a href=''>CALCITE-1194</a>]
-  Avatica metrics has non-test dependency on JUnit
-* [<a href=''>CALCITE-835</a>]
-  Unicode character seems to be handled incorrectly in Avatica
-Web site and documentation
-* [<a href=''>CALCITE-1251</a>]
-  Write release notes
-* [<a href=''>CALCITE-1201</a>]
-  Bad character in JSON docs
-* [<a href=''>CALCITE-1267</a>]
-  Point to release notes on website in README
-* [<a href=''>CALCITE-1163</a>]
-  Avatica sub-site logo leads to Calcite site instead of Avatica's
-* [<a href=''>CALCITE-1202</a>]
-  Lock version of Jekyll used by website
-## <a href="">1.7.1</a> / 2016-03-18
-{: #v1-7-1}
-This is the first release of Avatica as an independent project. (It
-is still governed by Apache Calcite's PMC, and stored in the same git
-repository as Calcite, but releases are no longer synchronized, and
-Avatica does not depend on any Calcite modules.)
-One notable technical change is that we have replaced JUL (`java.util.logging`)
-with [SLF4J]( SLF4J provides an API that Avatica can use
-independent of the logging implementation. This is more
-flexible for users: they can configure Avatica's logging within their
-own chosen logging framework. This work was done in
-If you have configured JUL in Calcite/Avatica previously, you'll
-notice some differences, because JUL's `FINE`, `FINER` and `FINEST`
-logging levels do not exist in SLF4J. To deal with this, we mapped
-`FINE` to SLF4J's `DEBUG` level, and mapped `FINER` and `FINEST` to
-The performance of Avatica was an important focus for this release as well.
-Numerous improvements aimed at reducing the overall latency of Avatica RPCs
-was reduced. Some general testing showed an overall reduction of latency
-by approximately 15% over the previous release.
-Compatibility: This release is tested on Linux, Mac OS X, Microsoft
-Windows; using Oracle JDK 1.7, 1.8; Guava versions 12.0.1 to 19.0;
-other software versions as specified in `pom.xml`.
-Features and bug fixes
-* [<a href="">CALCITE-1156</a>]
-  Upgrade Jetty from 9.2.7.v20150116 to 9.2.15.v20160210
-* [<a href="">CALCITE-1141</a>]
-  Bump `version.minor` for Avatica
-* [<a href="">CALCITE-1132</a>]
-  Update `artifactId`, `groupId` and `name` for Avatica
-* [<a href="">CALCITE-1064</a>]
-  Address problematic `maven-remote-resources-plugin`
-* In `TimeUnit` add `WEEK`, `QUARTER`, `MICROSECOND` values, and change type of
-  `multiplier`
-* Update `groupId` when Calcite POMs reference Avatica modules
-* [<a href="">CALCITE-1078</a>]
-  Detach avatica from the core calcite Maven project
-* [<a href="">CALCITE-1117</a>]
-  Default to a `commons-httpclient` implementation
-* [<a href="">CALCITE-1118</a>]
-  Add a noop-JDBC driver for testing Avatica server
-* [<a href="">CALCITE-1119</a>]
-  Additional metrics instrumentation for request processing
-* [<a href="">CALCITE-1094</a>]
-  Replace `ByteArrayOutputStream` to avoid synchronized writes
-* [<a href="">CALCITE-1092</a>]
-  Use singleton descriptor instances for protobuf field presence checks
-* [<a href="">CALCITE-1093</a>]
-  Reduce impact of `ArrayList` performance
-* [<a href="">CALCITE-1086</a>]
-  Avoid sending `Signature` on `Execute` for updates
-* [<a href="">CALCITE-1031</a>]
-  In prepared statement, `CsvScannableTable.scan` is called twice
-* [<a href="">CALCITE-1085</a>]
-  Use a `NoopContext` singleton in `NoopTimer`
-* [<a href="">CALCITE-642</a>]
-  Add an avatica-metrics API
-* [<a href="">CALCITE-1071</a>]
-  Improve hash functions
-* [<a href="">CALCITE-669</a>]
-  Mass removal of Java Logging for SLF4J
-* [<a href="">CALCITE-1067</a>]
-  Test failures due to clashing temporary table names
-* [<a href="">CALCITE-999</a>]
-  Clean up maven POM files
-Web site and documentation
-* [<a href="">CALCITE-1142</a>]
-  Create a `README` for Avatica
-* [<a href="">CALCITE-1144</a>]
-  Fix `LICENSE` for Avatica
-* [<a href="">CALCITE-1143</a>]
-  Remove unnecessary `NOTICE` for Avatica
-* [<a href="">CALCITE-1139</a>]
-  Update Calcite's `KEYS` and add a copy for Avatica
-* [<a href="">CALCITE-1140</a>]
-  Release notes and website updates for Avatica 1.7
-* Instructions for Avatica site
-* New logo and color scheme for Avatica site
-* [<a href="">CALCITE-1079</a>]
-  Split out an Avatica website, made to slot into the Calcite site at `/avatica`
-## Past releases
-Prior to release 1.7.1, Avatica was released as part of Calcite. Maven
-modules had groupId 'org.apache.calcite' and module names
-'calcite-avatica', 'calcite-avatica-server' etc.
-Please refer to the
-[Calcite release page](
-for information about previous Avatica releases.
diff --git a/avatica/site/_docs/ b/avatica/site/_docs/
deleted file mode 100644
index 24689b5..0000000
--- a/avatica/site/_docs/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,535 +0,0 @@
-layout: docs
-title: HOWTO
-permalink: /docs/howto.html
-{% comment %}
-Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
-contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
-this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
-The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0
-(the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
-the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-{% endcomment %}
-Here's some miscellaneous documentation about using Calcite and its various
-* TOC
-## Building from a source distribution
-Prerequisites are maven (3.2.1 or later)
-and Java (JDK 1.7 or later, 1.8 preferred) on your path.
-Unpack the source distribution `.tar.gz` or `.zip` file,
-`cd` to the root directory of the unpacked source,
-then build using maven:
-{% highlight bash %}
-$ tar xvfz apache-calcite-avatica-1.9.0-src.tar.gz
-$ cd apache-calcite-avatica-1.9.0-src
-$ mvn install
-{% endhighlight %}
-[Running tests](#running-tests) describes how to run more or fewer
-## Building from git
-Prerequisites are git, maven (3.2.1 or later)
-and Java (JDK 1.7 or later, 1.8 preferred) on your path.
-Create a local copy of the github repository,
-`cd` to its root directory,
-then build using maven:
-{% highlight bash %}
-$ git clone git://
-$ cd calcite/avatica
-$ mvn install
-{% endhighlight %}
-[Running tests](#running-tests) describes how to run more or fewer
-## Running tests
-The test suite will run by default when you build, unless you specify
-{% highlight bash %}
-$ mvn clean verify -Dcheckstyle.skip
-{% endhighlight %}
-By default, invoking the `verify` Maven lifecycle phase will also cause checkstyle
-rules to be run. It is expected that contributions pass the checkstyle rules; however,
-it is common to ignore these while working on a feature/bug and fix them at the end.
-## Contributing
-See the [developers guide]({{ site.baseurl }}/develop/#contributing).
-## Getting started
-See the [developers guide]({{ site.baseurl }}/develop/#getting-started).
-# Advanced topics for developers
-The following sections might be of interest if you are adding features
-to particular parts of the code base. You don't need to understand
-these topics if you are just building from source and running tests.
-## Rebuilding generated Protocol Buffer code
-Calcite's Avatica Server component supports RPC serialization
-using [Protocol Buffers](
-In the context of Avatica, Protocol Buffers can
-generate a collection of messages defined by a schema. The library
-itself can parse old serialized messages using a
-new schema. This is highly desirable in an environment where the
-client and server are not guaranteed to have the same version of
-Typically, the code generated by the Protocol Buffers library doesn't
-need to be re-generated only every build, only when the schema changes.
-First, install Protobuf 3.1:
-{% highlight bash %}
-$ wget
-$ tar xf protobuf-java-3.1.0.tar.gz && cd protobuf-3.1.0
-$ ./configure
-$ make
-$ sudo make install
-{% endhighlight %}
-Then, re-generate the compiled code:
-{% highlight bash %}
-$ cd avatica/core
-$ ./src/main/scripts/
-{% endhighlight %}
-# Advanced topics for committers
-The following sections are of interest to Calcite committers and in
-particular release managers.
-## Set up PGP signing keys (for Calcite committers)
-Follow instructions [here]( to
-create a key pair. (On Mac OS X, I did `brew install gpg` and
-`gpg --gen-key`.)
-Add your public key to the `KEYS` file by following instructions in
-the `KEYS` file.
-## Run a GPG agent
-By default, Maven plugins which require you to unlock a GPG secret key
-will prompt you in the terminal. To prevent you from having to enter
-this password numerous times, it is highly recommended to install and
-run `gpg-agent`.
-This can be started automatically via an `~/.xsession` on Linux or some
-scripting in your shell's configuration script of choice (e.g. `~/.bashrc` or `~/.zshrc`)
-{% highlight bash %}
-GPG_AGENT=$(which gpg-agent)
-export GPG_TTY
-if [[ -f "$GPG_AGENT" ]]; then
-  envfile="${HOME}/.gnupg/gpg-agent.env"
-  if test -f "$envfile" && kill -0 $(grep GPG_AGENT_INFO "$envfile" | cut -d: -f 2) 2>/dev/null; then
-      source "$envfile"
-  else
-      eval "$(gpg-agent --daemon --log-file=~/.gpg/gpg.log --write-env-file "$envfile")"
-  fi
-  export GPG_AGENT_INFO  # the env file does not contain the export statement
-{% endhighlight %}
-Also, ensure that `default-cache-ttl 6000` is set in `~/.gnupg/gpg-agent.conf`
-to guarantee that your credentials will be cached for the duration of the build.
-## Making a snapshot (for Calcite committers)
-Before you start:
-* Set up signing keys as described above.
-* Make sure you are using JDK 1.7 (not 1.8).
-{% highlight bash %}
-# Make sure that there are no junk files in the sandbox
-git clean -xn
-mvn -Papache-release clean install
-{% endhighlight %}
-When the dry-run has succeeded, change `install` to `deploy`.
-## Making a release (for Calcite committers)
-Before you start:
-* Set up signing keys as described above.
-* Make sure you are using JDK 1.7 (not 1.8).
-* Check that `README` and `site/_docs/` have the correct version number.
-* Set `version.major` and `version.minor` in `pom.xml`.
-* Trigger a
-  <a href="">Coverity scan</a>
-  by merging the latest code into the `julianhyde/coverity_scan` branch,
-  and when it completes, make sure that there are no important issues.
-* Make sure that
-  <a href="">
-  every "resolved" JIRA case</a> (including duplicates) has
-  a fix version assigned (most likely the version we are
-  just about to release)
-Create a release branch named after the release, e.g.
-`branch-avatica-1.9`, and push it to Apache.
-{% highlight bash %}
-$ git checkout -b branch-avatica-X.Y
-$ git push -u origin branch-avatica-X.Y
-{% endhighlight %}
-We will use the branch for the entire the release process. Meanwhile,
-we do not allow commits to the master branch. After the release is
-final, we can use `git merge --ff-only` to append the changes on the
-release branch onto the master branch. (Apache does not allow reverts
-to the master branch, which makes it difficult to clean up the kind of
-messy commits that inevitably happen while you are trying to finalize
-a release.)
-Now, set up your environment and do a dry run. The dry run will not
-commit any changes back to git and gives you the opportunity to verify
-that the release process will complete as expected.
-If any of the steps fail, clean up (see below), fix the problem, and
-start again from the top.
-{% highlight bash %}
-# Make sure that there are no junk files in the sandbox
-git clean -xn
-# Do a dry run of the release:prepare step, which sets version numbers.
-mvn -DdryRun=true -DreleaseVersion=X.Y.Z -DdevelopmentVersion=X.Y.Z+1-SNAPSHOT -Dtag=calcite-avatica-X.Y.Z-rcN -Papache-release${asf.username} release:prepare
-{% endhighlight %}
-Check the artifacts:
-* In the `target` directory should be these 8 files, among others:
-  * apache-calcite-avatica-X.Y.Z-src.tar.gz
-  * apache-calcite-avatica-X.Y.Z-src.tar.gz.asc
-  * apache-calcite-avatica-X.Y.Z-src.tar.gz.md5
-  * apache-calcite-avatica-X.Y.Z-src.tar.gz.sha1
-  *
-  *
-  *
-  *
-* Note that the file names start `apache-calcite-avatica-`.
-* In the two source distros `.tar.gz` and `.zip` (currently there is
-  no binary distro), check that all files belong to a directory called
-  `apache-calcite-avatica-X.Y.Z-src`.
-* That directory must contain files `NOTICE`, `LICENSE`,
-  `README`, ``
-  * Check that the version in `README` is correct
-* For each .jar, verify that the `META-INF` directory contains the correct
-  contents for `DEPENDENCIES`, `LICENSE` and `NOTICE` per the
-  source/classes contained. Refer to the ASF licensing documentation on
-  what is required.
-* Check PGP, per [this](
-If something is not correct, you can invoke the `release:clean` mojo to remove the
-generated files from your workspace:
-{% highlight bash %}
-mvn release:clean
-{% endhighlight %}
-If successful, remove the `-DdryRun` flag and run the release for real.
-{% highlight bash %}
-# Prepare sets the version numbers, creates a tag, and pushes it to git.
-mvn -DreleaseVersion=X.Y.Z -DdevelopmentVersion=X.Y.Z+1-SNAPSHOT -Dtag=calcite-avatica-X.Y.Z-rc0 -Papache-release${asf.username} release:prepare
-# Perform checks out the tagged version, builds, and deploys to the staging repository
-mvn -Papache-release${asf.username} release:perform -Darguments="-DskipTests"
-{% endhighlight %}
-Verify the staged artifacts in the Nexus repository:
-* Go to []( and login
-* Under `Build Promotion`, click `Staging Repositories`
-* In the `Staging Repositories` tab there should be a line with profile `org.apache.calcite`
-* Navigate through the artifact tree and make sure the .jar, .pom, .asc files are present
-* Check the box on in the first column of the row,
-  and press the 'Close' button to publish the repository at
-  (or a similar URL)
-Upload the artifacts via subversion to a staging area,
-{% highlight bash %}
-# Create a subversion workspace, if you haven't already
-mkdir -p ~/dist/dev
-pushd ~/dist/dev
-svn co
-# Move the files into a directory
-cd target
-mkdir ~/dist/dev/calcite/apache-calcite-avatica-X.Y.Z-rcN
-mv apache-calcite-avatica-* ~/dist/dev/calcite/apache-calcite-avatica-X.Y.Z-rcN
-# Check in
-cd ~/dist/dev/calcite
-svn add apache-calcite-avatica-X.Y.Z-rcN
-svn ci
-{% endhighlight %}
-## Cleaning up after a failed release attempt (for Calcite committers)
-{% highlight bash %}
-# Make sure that the tag you are about to generate does not already
-# exist (due to a failed release attempt)
-git tag
-# If the tag exists, delete it locally and remotely
-git tag -d apache-calcite-X.Y.Z
-git push origin :refs/tags/apache-calcite-avatica-X.Y.Z
-# Remove modified files
-mvn release:clean
-# Check whether there are modified files and if so, go back to the
-# original git commit
-git status
-git reset --hard HEAD
-{% endhighlight %}
-## Validate a release
-{% highlight bash %}
-# Check that the signing key (e.g. 2AD3FAE3) is pushed
-gpg --recv-keys key
-# Check keys
-curl -O
-# Sign/check md5 and sha1 hashes
-# (Assumes your O/S has 'md5' and 'sha1' commands.)
-function checkHash() {
-  cd "$1"
-  for i in *.{zip,pom,gz}; do
-    if [ ! -f $i ]; then
-      continue
-    fi
-    if [ -f $i.md5 ]; then
-      if [ "$(cat $i.md5)" = "$(md5 -q $i)" ]; then
-        echo $i.md5 present and correct
-      else
-        echo $i.md5 does not match
-      fi
-    else
-      md5 -q $i > $i.md5
-      echo $i.md5 created
-    fi
-    if [ -f $i.sha1 ]; then
-      if [ "$(cat $i.sha1)" = "$(sha1 -q $i)" ]; then
-        echo $i.sha1 present and correct
-      else
-        echo $i.sha1 does not match
-      fi
-    else
-      sha1 -q $i > $i.sha1
-      echo $i.sha1 created
-    fi
-  done
-checkHash apache-calcite-X.Y.Z-rcN
-{% endhighlight %}
-## Get approval for a release via Apache voting process (for Calcite committers)
-Release vote on dev list
-{% highlight text %}
-Subject: [VOTE] Release apache-calcite-avatica-X.Y.Z (release candidate N)
-Hi all,
-I have created a build for Apache Calcite Avatica X.Y.Z, release candidate N.
-Thanks to everyone who has contributed to this release.
-<Further details about release.> You can read the release notes here:
-The commit to be voted upon:
-Its hash is XXXX.
-The artifacts to be voted on are located here:
-The hashes of the artifacts are as follows:
-src.tar.gz.md5 XXXX
-src.tar.gz.sha1 XXXX XXXX XXXX
-A staged Maven repository is available for review at:
-Release artifacts are signed with the following key:
-Please vote on releasing this package as Apache Calcite Avatica X.Y.Z.
-The vote is open for the next 72 hours and passes if a majority of
-at least three +1 PMC votes are cast.
-[ ] +1 Release this package as Apache Calcite X.Y.Z
-[ ]  0 I don't feel strongly about it, but I'm okay with the release
-[ ] -1 Do not release this package because...
-Here is my vote:
-+1 (binding)
-{% endhighlight %}
-After vote finishes, send out the result:
-{% highlight text %}
-Subject: [RESULT] [VOTE] Release apache-calcite-avatica-X.Y.Z (release candidate N)
-Thanks to everyone who has tested the release candidate and given
-their comments and votes.
-The tally is as follows.
-N binding +1s:
-N non-binding +1s:
-No 0s or -1s.
-Therefore I am delighted to announce that the proposal to release
-Apache Calcite Avatica X.Y.Z has passed.
-Thanks everyone. We\u2019ll now roll the release out to the mirrors.
-There was some feedback during voting. I shall open a separate
-thread to discuss.
-{% endhighlight %}
-Use the [Apache URL shortener]( to generate
-shortened URLs for the vote proposal and result emails. Examples:
-[]( and
-## Publishing a release (for Calcite committers)
-After a successful release vote, we need to push the release
-out to mirrors, and other tasks.
-Choose a release date.
-This is based on the time when you expect to announce the release.
-This is usually a day after the vote closes.
-Remember that UTC date changes at 4pm Pacific time.
-In JIRA, search for
-[all issues resolved in this release](,
-and do a bulk update changing their status to "Closed",
-with a change comment
-"Resolved in release X.Y.Z (YYYY-MM-DD)"
-(fill in release number and date appropriately).
-Uncheck "Send mail for this update".
-Promote the staged nexus artifacts.
-* Go to []( and login
-* Under "Build Promotion" click "Staging Repositories"
-* In the line with "orgapachecalcite-xxxx", check the box
-* Press "Release" button
-Check the artifacts into svn.
-{% highlight bash %}
-# Get the release candidate.
-mkdir -p ~/dist/dev
-cd ~/dist/dev
-svn co
-# Copy the artifacts. Note that the copy does not have '-rcN' suffix.
-mkdir -p ~/dist/release
-cd ~/dist/release
-svn co
-cd calcite
-cp -rp ../../dev/calcite/apache-calcite-avatica-X.Y.Z-rcN apache-calcite-avatica-X.Y.Z
-svn add apache-calcite-X.Y.Z
-# Check in.
-svn ci
-{% endhighlight %}
-Svnpubsub will publish to the
-[release repo]( and propagate to the
-[mirrors]( within 24 hours.
-If there are now more than 2 releases, clear out the oldest ones:
-{% highlight bash %}
-cd ~/dist/release/calcite
-svn rm apache-calcite-avatica-X.Y.Z
-svn ci
-{% endhighlight %}
-The old releases will remain available in the
-[release archive](
-Add a release note by copying
-[site/_posts/]({{ site.sourceRoot }}/site/_posts/,
-generate the javadoc and copy to `site/target/apidocs` and `site/target/testapidocs`,
-[publish the site](#publish-the-web-site),
-and check that it appears in the contents in [news](http://localhost:4000/news/).
-After 24 hours, announce the release by sending an email to
-You can use
-[the 1.6.0 announcement](
-as a template. Be sure to include a brief description of the project.
-## Publishing the web site (for Calcite committers)
-{: #publish-the-web-site}
-See instructions in
-[site/]({{ site.sourceRoot }}/site/
diff --git a/avatica/site/_docs/ b/avatica/site/_docs/
deleted file mode 100644
index 4b04e33..0000000
--- a/avatica/site/_docs/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,176 +0,0 @@
-layout: docs
-title: Background
-permalink: /docs/index.html
-{% comment %}
-Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
-contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
-this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
-The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0
-(the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
-the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-{% endcomment %}
-Avatica is a framework for building JDBC and ODBC drivers for databases,
-and an RPC wire protocol.
-![Avatica Architecture](
-Avatica's Java binding has very few dependencies.
-Even though it is part of Apache Calcite it does not depend on other parts of
-Calcite. It depends only on JDK 1.7+ and Jackson.
-Avatica's wire protocols are JSON or Protocol Buffers over HTTP. The
-Java implementation of the JSON protocol uses
-[Jackson]( to convert
-request/response command objects to/from JSON.
-Avatica-Server is a Java implementation of Avatica RPC.
-Core concepts:
-* [Meta]({{ site.apiRoot }}/org/apache/calcite/avatica/Meta.html)
-  is a local API sufficient to implement any Avatica provider
-* [AvaticaFactory]({{ site.apiRoot }}/org/apache/calcite/avatica/AvaticaFactory.html)
-  creates implementations of the JDBC classes on top of a `Meta`
-* [Service]({{ site.apiRoot }}/org/apache/calcite/avatica/remote/Service.html)
-  is an interface that implements the functions of `Meta` in terms
-  of request and response command objects
-## JDBC
-Avatica implements JDBC by means of
-[AvaticaFactory]({{ site.apiRoot }}/org/apache/calcite/avatica/AvaticaFactory.html).
-An implementation of `AvaticaFactory` creates implementations of the
-JDBC classes ([Driver]({{ site.jdkApiRoot }}/java/sql/Driver.html),
-[Connection]({{ site.jdkApiRoot }}/java/sql/Connection.html),
-[Statement]({{ site.jdkApiRoot }}/java/sql/Statement.html),
-[ResultSet]({{ site.jdkApiRoot }}/java/sql/ResultSet.html))
-on top of a `Meta`.
-## ODBC
-Work has not started on Avatica ODBC.
-Avatica ODBC would use the same wire protocol and could use the same server
-implementation in Java. The ODBC client would be written in C or C++.
-Since the Avatica protocol abstracts many of the differences between providers,
-the same ODBC client could be used for different databases.
-Although the Avatica project does not include an ODBC driver, there
-are ODBC drivers written on top of the Avatica protocol, for example
-[an ODBC driver for Apache Phoenix](
-## HTTP Server
-Avatica-server embeds the Jetty HTTP server, providing a class
-[HttpServer]({{ site.apiRoot }}/org/apache/calcite/avatica/server/HttpServer.html)
-that implements the Avatica RPC protocol
-and can be run as a standalone Java application.
-Connectors in HTTP server can be configured if needed by extending
-`HttpServer` class and overriding its `configureConnector()` method.
-For example, user can set `requestHeaderSize` to 64K bytes as follows:
-{% highlight java %}
-HttpServer server = new HttpServer(handler) {
-  @Override
-  protected ServerConnector configureConnector(
-      ServerConnector connector, int port) {
-    HttpConnectionFactory factory = (HttpConnectionFactory)
-        connector.getDefaultConnectionFactory();
-    factory.getHttpConfiguration().setRequestHeaderSize(64 << 10);
-    return super.configureConnector(connector, port);
-  }
-{% endhighlight %}
-## Project structure
-We know that it is important that client libraries have minimal dependencies.
-Avatica is currently part of Apache Calcite.
-It does not depend upon any other part of Calcite.
-At some point Avatica could become a separate project.
-* [org.apache.calcite.avatica]({{ site.apiRoot }}/org/apache/calcite/avatica/package-summary.html) Core framework
-* [org.apache.calcite.avatica.remote]({{ site.apiRoot }}/org/apache/calcite/avatica/remote/package-summary.html) JDBC driver that uses remote procedure calls
-* [org.apache.calcite.avatica.server]({{ site.apiRoot }}/org/apache/calcite/avatica/server/package-summary.html) HTTP server
-* [org.apache.calcite.avatica.util]({{ site.apiRoot }}/org/apache/calcite/avatica/util/package-summary.html) Utilities
-## Status
-### Implemented
-* Create connection, create statement, metadata, prepare, bind, execute, fetch
-* RPC using JSON over HTTP
-* Local implementation
-* Implementation over an existing JDBC driver
-* Composite RPCs (combining several requests into one round trip)
-  * Execute-Fetch
-  * Metadata-Fetch (metadata calls such as getTables return all rows)
-### Not implemented
-* RPCs
-  * CloseStatement
-  * CloseConnection
-* Composite RPCs
-  * CreateStatement-Prepare
-  * CloseStatement-CloseConnection
-  * Prepare-Execute-Fetch (Statement.executeQuery should fetch first N rows)
-* Remove statements from statement table
-* Statement.execute applied to SELECT statement
-## Clients
-The following is a list of available Avatica clients. Several describe
-themselves as adapters for
-[Apache Phoenix]( but also work with other
-Avatica back-ends. Contributions for clients in other languages are
-highly welcomed!
-### Microsoft .NET driver for Apache Phoenix Query Server
-* [Home page](
-* Language: C#
-* *License*: [Apache 2.0](
-* Avatica version 1.2.0 onwards
-* *Maintainer*: Microsoft Azure
-### Boostport
-* [Home page](
-* *Language*: Go
-* *License*: [Apache 2.0](
-* Avatica version 1.8.0 onwards
-* *Maintainer*: Boostport
-### Avatica thin client
-* [Home page](
-* *Language*: Java
-* *License*: [Apache 2.0](
-* Any Avatica version
-* *Maintainer*: Apache Calcite community
-### Apache Phoenix database adapter for Python
-* [Home page](
-* Language: Python
-* *License*: [Apache 2.0](
-* Avatica version 1.2.0 to 1.6.0
-* *Maintainer*: Luk�\u0161 Lalinsk�
diff --git a/avatica/site/_docs/ b/avatica/site/_docs/
deleted file mode 100644
index 6340c59..0000000
--- a/avatica/site/_docs/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1191 +0,0 @@
-layout: docs
-title: JSON Reference
-sidebar_title: JSON Reference
-permalink: /docs/json_reference.html
-  - { name: "CatalogsRequest" }
-  - { name: "CloseConnectionRequest" }
-  - { name: "CloseStatementRequest" }
-  - { name: "ColumnsRequest" }
-  - { name: "CommitRequest" }
-  - { name: "ConnectionSyncRequest" }
-  - { name: "CreateStatementRequest" }
-  - { name: "DatabasePropertyRequest" }
-  - { name: "ExecuteRequest" }
-  - { name: "ExecuteBatchRequest" }
-  - { name: "FetchRequest" }
-  - { name: "OpenConnectionRequest" }
-  - { name: "PrepareAndExecuteBatchRequest" }
-  - { name: "PrepareAndExecuteRequest" }
-  - { name: "PrepareRequest" }
-  - { name: "RollbackRequest" }
-  - { name: "SchemasRequest" }
-  - { name: "SyncResultsRequest" }
-  - { name: "TableTypesRequest" }
-  - { name: "TablesRequest" }
-  - { name: "TypeInfoRequest" }
-  - { name: "AvaticaParameter" }
-  - { name: "AvaticaSeverity" }
-  - { name: "AvaticaType" }
-  - { name: "ColumnMetaData" }
-  - { name: "ConnectionProperties" }
-  - { name: "CursorFactory" }
-  - { name: "DatabaseProperty" }
-  - { name: "Frame" }
-  - { name: "QueryState" }
-  - { name: "Rep" }
-  - { name: "RpcMetadata" }
-  - { name: "Signature" }
-  - { name: "StateType" }
-  - { name: "StatementHandle" }
-  - { name: "StatementType" }
-  - { name: "Style" }
-  - { name: "TypedValue" }
-  - { name: "CloseConnectionResponse" }
-  - { name: "CloseStatementResponse" }
-  - { name: "CommitResponse" }
-  - { name: "ConnectionSyncResponse" }
-  - { name: "CreateStatementResponse" }
-  - { name: "DatabasePropertyResponse" }
-  - { name: "ErrorResponse" }
-  - { name: "ExecuteBatchResponse" }
-  - { name: "ExecuteResponse" }
-  - { name: "FetchResponse" }
-  - { name: "OpenConnectionResponse" }
-  - { name: "PrepareResponse" }
-  - { name: "ResultSetResponse" }
-  - { name: "RollbackResponse" }
-  - { name: "SyncResultsResponse" }
-{% comment %}
-Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
-contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
-this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
-The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0
-(the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
-the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-{% endcomment %}
-As Avatica uses JSON to serialize messages sent over an HTTP transport,
-the RPC layer is agnostic of the language used by a client. While the Avatica
-server is written in Java, this enables clients to interact with the server
-using any language instead of being limited to Java.
-A specification of the JSON request and response objects are documented
-below. Programmatic bindings for these JSON objects are only available
-in Java. For support outside of Java, see the Protocol Buffer
-[bindings]({{ site.baseurl }}/docs/avatica_protobuf_reference.html)
-## Index
-### Requests
-  {% for item in page.requests %}<li><a href="#{{ | downcase }}">{{ }}</a></li>{% endfor %}
-### Responses
-  {% for item in page.responses %}<li><a href="#{{ | downcase }}">{{ }}</a></li>{% endfor %}
-### Miscellaneous
-  {% for item in page.miscellaneous %}<li><a href="#{{ | downcase }}">{{ }}</a></li>{% endfor %}
-## Requests
-The collection of all JSON objects accepted as requests to Avatica. All Requests include a `request` attribute
-which uniquely identifies the concrete Request from all other Requests.
-### CatalogsRequest
-This request is used to fetch the available catalog names in the database.
-{% highlight json %}
-  "request": "getCatalogs",
-  "connectionId": "000000-0000-0000-00000000"
-{% endhighlight %}
-`connectionId` (required string) The identifier of the connection to use.
-### CloseConnectionRequest
-This request is used to close the Connection object in the Avatica server identified by the given IDs.
-{% highlight json %}
-  "request": "closeConnection",
-  "connectionId": "000000-0000-0000-00000000"
-{% endhighlight %}
-`connectionId` (required string) The identifier of the connection to close.
-### CloseStatementRequest
-This request is used to close the Statement object in the Avatica server identified by the given IDs.
-{% highlight json %}
-  "request": "closeStatement",
-  "connectionId": "000000-0000-0000-00000000",
-  "statementId": 12345
-{% endhighlight %}
-`connectionId` (required string) The identifier of the connection to which the statement belongs.
-`statementId` (required integer) The identifier of the statement to close.
-### ColumnsRequest
-This request is used to fetch columns in the database given some optional filtering criteria.
-{% highlight json %}
-  "request": "getColumns",
-  "connectionId": "000000-0000-0000-00000000",
-  "catalog": "catalog",
-  "schemaPattern": "schema_pattern.*",
-  "tableNamePattern": "table_pattern.*",
-  "columnNamePattern": "column_pattern.*"
-{% endhighlight %}
-`connectionId` (required string) The identifier of the connection on which to fetch the columns.
-`catalog` (optional string) The name of a catalog to limit returned columns.
-`schemaPattern` (optional string) A Java Pattern against schemas to limit returned columns.
-`tableNamePattern` (optional string) A Java Pattern against table names to limit returned columns.
-`columnNamePattern` (optional string) A Java Pattern against column names to limit returned columns.
-### CommitRequest
-This request is used to issue a `commit` on the Connection in the Avatica server identified by the given ID.
-{% highlight json %}
-  "request": "commit",
-  "connectionId": "000000-0000-0000-00000000"
-{% endhighlight %}
-`connectionId` (required string) The identifier of the connection on which to invoke commit.
-### ConnectionSyncRequest
-This request is used to ensure that the client and server have a consistent view of the database properties.
-{% highlight json %}
-  "request": "connectionSync",
-  "connectionId": "000000-0000-0000-00000000",
-  "connProps": ConnectionProperties
-{% endhighlight %}
-`connectionId` (required string) The identifier of the connection to synchronize.
-`connProps` (optional nested object) A <a href="#connectionproperties">ConnectionProperties</a> object to synchronize between the client and server.
-### CreateStatementRequest
-This request is used to create a new Statement in the Avatica server.
-{% highlight json %}
-  "request": "createStatement",
-  "connectionId": "000000-0000-0000-00000000"
-{% endhighlight %}
-`connectionId` (required string) The identifier of the connection to use in creating a statement.
-### DatabasePropertyRequest
-This request is used to fetch all <a href="#databaseproperty">database properties</a>.
-{% highlight json %}
-  "request": "databaseProperties",
-{% endhighlight %}
-`connectionId` (required string) The identifier of the connection to use when fetching the database properties.
-### ExecuteBatchRequest
-This request is used to execute a batch of updates on a PreparedStatement.
-{% highlight json %}
-  "request": "executeBatch",
-  "connectionId": "000000-0000-0000-00000000",
-  "statementId": 12345,
-  "parameterValues": [ [ TypedValue, TypedValue, ... ], [ TypedValue, TypedValue, ...], ... ]
-{% endhighlight %}
-`connectionId` (required string) The identifier of the connection to use when fetching the database properties.
-`statementId` (required integer) The identifier of the statement created using the above connection.
-`parameterValues` (required array of array) An array of arrays of <a href="#typedvalue">TypedValue</a>'s. Each element
-  in the array is an update to a row, while the outer array represents the entire "batch" of updates.
-### ExecuteRequest
-This request is used to execute a PreparedStatement, optionally with values to bind to the parameters in the Statement.
-{% highlight json %}
-  "request": "execute",
-  "statementHandle": StatementHandle,
-  "parameterValues": [TypedValue, TypedValue, ... ],
-  "maxRowCount": 100
-{% endhighlight %}
-`statementHandle` (required object) A <a href="#statementhandle">StatementHandle</a> object.
-`parameterValues` (optional array of nested objects) The <a href="#typedvalue">TypedValue</a> for each parameter on the prepared statement.
-`maxRowCount` (required long) The maximum number of rows returned in the response.
-### FetchRequest
-This request is used to fetch a batch of rows from a Statement previously created.
-{% highlight json %}
-  "request": "fetch",
-  "connectionId": "000000-0000-0000-00000000",
-  "statementId": 12345,
-  "offset": 0,
-  "fetchMaxRowCount": 100
-{% endhighlight %}
-`connectionId` (required string) The identifier of the connection to use.
-`statementId` (required integer) The identifier of the statement created using the above connection.
-`offset` (required integer) The positional offset into a result set to fetch.
-`fetchMatchRowCount` (required integer) The maximum number of rows to return in the response to this request.
-### OpenConnectionRequest
-This request is used to open a new Connection in the Avatica server.
-{% highlight json %}
-  "request": "openConnection",
-  "connectionId": "000000-0000-0000-00000000",
-  "info": {"key":"value", ...}
-{% endhighlight %}
-`connectionId` (required string) The identifier of the connection to open in the server.
-`info` (optional string-to-string map) A Map containing properties to include when creating the Connection.
-### PrepareAndExecuteBatchRequest
-This request is used as short-hand to create a Statement and execute an batch of SQL commands in that Statement.
-{% highlight json %}
-  "request": "prepareAndExecuteBatch",
-  "connectionId": "000000-0000-0000-00000000",
-  "statementId": 12345,
-  "sqlCommands": [ "SQL Command", "SQL Command", ... ]
-{% endhighlight %}
-`connectionId` (required string) The identifier for the connection to use.
-`statementId` (required integer) The identifier for the statement created by the above connection to use.
-`sqlCommands` (required array of strings) An array of SQL commands
-### PrepareAndExecuteRequest
-This request is used as a short-hand for create a Statement and fetching the first batch of results in a single call without any parameter substitution.
-{% highlight json %}
-  "request": "prepareAndExecute",
-  "connectionId": "000000-0000-0000-00000000",
-  "statementId": 12345,
-  "sql": "SELECT * FROM table",
-  "maxRowCount": 100,
-{% endhighlight %}
-`connectionId` (required string) The identifier for the connection to use.
-`statementId` (required integer) The identifier for the statement created by the above connection to use.
-`sql` (required string) A SQL statement
-`maxRowCount` (required long) The maximum number of rows returned in the response.
-### PrepareRequest
-This request is used to create create a new Statement with the given query in the Avatica server.
-{% highlight json %}
-  "request": "prepare",
-  "connectionId": "000000-0000-0000-00000000",
-  "sql": "SELECT * FROM table",
-  "maxRowCount": 100,
-{% endhighlight %}
-`connectionId` (required string) The identifier for the connection to use.
-`sql` (required string) A SQL statement
-`maxRowCount` (required long) The maximum number of rows returned in the response.
-### SyncResultsRequest
-This request is used to reset a ResultSet's iterator to a specific offset in the Avatica server.
-{% highlight json %}
-  "request": "syncResults",
-  "connectionId": "000000-0000-0000-00000000",
-  "statementId": 12345,
-  "state": QueryState,
-  "offset": 200
-{% endhighlight %}
-`connectionId` (required string) The identifier for the connection to use.
-`statementId` (required integer) The identifier for the statement to use.
-`state` (required object) The <a href="#querystate">QueryState</a> object.
-`offset` (required long) The offset into the ResultSet to seek to.
-### RollbackRequest
-This request is used to issue a `rollback` on the Connection in the Avatica server identified by the given ID.
-{% highlight json %}
-  "request": "rollback",
-  "connectionId": "000000-0000-0000-00000000"
-{% endhighlight %}
-`connectionId` (required string) The identifier for the connection on which to invoke rollback.
-### SchemasRequest
-This request is used to fetch the schemas matching the provided criteria in the database.
-{% highlight json %}
-  "request": "getSchemas",
-  "connectionId": "000000-0000-0000-00000000",
-  "catalog": "name",
-  "schemaPattern": "pattern.*"
-{% endhighlight %}
-`connection_id` The identifier for the connection to fetch schemas from.
-`catalog` (required string) The name of the catalog to fetch the schema from.
-`schemaPattern` (required string) A Java pattern of schemas to fetch.
-### TableTypesRequest
-This request is used to fetch the table types available in this database.
-{% highlight json %}
-  "request": "getTableTypes",
-  "connectionId": "000000-0000-0000-00000000"
-{% endhighlight %}
-`connectionId` The identifier of the connection to fetch the table types from.
-### TablesRequest
-This request is used to fetch the tables available in this database filtered by the provided criteria.
-{% highlight json %}
-  "request": "getTables",
-  "connectionId": "000000-0000-0000-00000000",
-  "catalog": "catalog_name",
-  "schemaPattern": "schema_pattern.*",
-  "tableNamePattern": "table_name_pattern.*",
-  "typeList": [ "TABLE", "VIEW", ... ]
-{% endhighlight %}
-`catalog` (optional string) The name of a catalog to restrict fetched tables.
-`connectionId` The identifier of the connection to fetch the tables from.
-`schemaPattern` (optional string) A Java Pattern representing schemas to include in fetched tables.
-`tableNamePattern` (optional string) A Java Pattern representing table names to include in fetched tables.
-`typeList` (optional array of string) A list of table types used to restrict fetched tables.
-### TypeInfoRequest
-This request is used to fetch the types available in this database.
-{% highlight json %}
-  "request": "getTypeInfo",
-  "connectionId": "000000-0000-0000-00000000"
-{% endhighlight %}
-`connectionId` The identifier of the connection to fetch the types from.
-## Responses
-The collection of all JSON objects returned as responses from Avatica. All Responses include a `response` attribute
-which uniquely identifies the concrete Response from all other Responses.
-### CloseConnectionResponse
-A response to the <a href="#closeconnectionrequest">CloseConnectionRequest</a>.
-{% highlight json %}
-  "response": "closeConnection",
-  "rpcMetadata": RpcMetadata
-{% endhighlight %}
-`rpcMetadata` <a href="#rpcmetadata">Server metadata</a> about this call.
-### CloseStatementResponse
-A response to the <a href="#closestatementrequest">CloseStatementRequest</a>.
-{% highlight json %}
-  "response": "closeStatement",
-  "rpcMetadata": RpcMetadata
-{% endhighlight %}
-`rpcMetadata` <a href="#rpcmetadata">Server metadata</a> about this call.
-### CommitResponse
-A response to the <a href="#commitrequest">CommitRequest</a>.
-{% highlight json %}
-  "response": "commit"
-{% endhighlight %}
-There are no extra attributes on this Response.
-### ConnectionSyncResponse
-A response to the <a href="#connectionsyncrequest">ConnectionSyncRequest</a>. Properties included in the
-response are those of the Connection in the Avatica server.
-{% highlight json %}
-  "response": "connectionSync",
-  "connProps": ConnectionProperties,
-  "rpcMetadata": RpcMetadata
-{% endhighlight %}
-`connProps` The <a href="#connectionproperties">ConnectionProperties</a> that were synchronized.
-`rpcMetadata` <a href="#rpcmetadata">Server metadata</a> about this call.
-### CreateStatementResponse
-A response to the <a href="#createstatementrequest">CreateStatementRequest</a>. The ID of the statement
-that was created is included in the response. Clients will use this `statementId` in subsequent calls.
-{% highlight json %}
-  "response": "createStatement",
-  "connectionId": "000000-0000-0000-00000000",
-  "statementId": 12345,
-  "rpcMetadata": RpcMetadata
-{% endhighlight %}
-`connectionId` The identifier for the connection used to create the statement.
-`statementId` The identifier for the created statement.
-`rpcMetadata` <a href="#rpcmetadata">Server metadata</a> about this call.
-### DatabasePropertyResponse
-A response to the <a href="#databasepropertyrequest">DatabasePropertyRequest</a>. See <a hred="#databaseproperty">DatabaseProperty</a>
-for information on the available property keys.
-{% highlight json %}
-  "response": "databaseProperties",
-  "map": { DatabaseProperty: Object, DatabaseProperty: Object, ... },
-  "rpcMetadata": RpcMetadata
-{% endhighlight %}
-`map` A map of <a href="#databaseproperty">DatabaseProperty</a> to value of that property. The value may be some
-primitive type or an array of primitive types.
-`rpcMetadata` <a href="#rpcmetadata">Server metadata</a> about this call.
-### ErrorResponse
-A response when an error was caught executing a request. Any request may return this response.
-{% highlight json %}
-  "response": "error",
-  "exceptions": [ "stacktrace", "stacktrace", ... ],
-  "errorMessage": "The error message",
-  "errorCode": 42,
-  "sqlState": "ABC12",
-  "severity": AvaticaSeverity,
-  "rpcMetadata": RpcMetadata
-{% endhighlight %}
-`exceptions` A list of stringified Java StackTraces.
-`errorMessage` A human-readable error message.
-`errorCode` A numeric code for this error.
-`sqlState` A five character alphanumeric code for this error.
-`severity` An <a href="#avaticaseverity">AvaticaSeverity</a> object which denotes how critical the error is.
-`rpcMetadata` <a href="#rpcmetadata">Server metadata</a> about this call.
-### ExecuteBatchResponse
-A response to <a href="#executebatchrequest">ExecuteBatchRequest</a> and <a href="#prepareandexecutebatchrequest">PrepareAndExecuteRequest</a>
-which encapsulates the update counts for a batch of updates.
-{% highlight json %}
-  "response": "executeBatch",
-  "connectionId": "000000-0000-0000-00000000",
-  "statementId": 12345,
-  "updateCounts": [ 1, 1, 0, 1, ... ],
-  "missingStatement": false,
-  "rpcMetadata": RpcMetadata
-{% endhighlight %}
-`connectionId` The identifier for the connection used to create the statement.
-`statementId` The identifier for the created statement.
-`updateCounts` An array of integers corresponding to each update contained in the batch that was executed.
-`missingStatement` True if the operation failed because the Statement is not cached in the server, false otherwise.
-`rpcMetadata` <a href="#rpcmetadata">Server metadata</a> about this call.
-### ExecuteResponse
-A response to the <a href="#executerequest">ExecuteRequest</a> which contains the results for a metadata query.
-{% highlight json %}
-  "response": "executeResults",
-  "resultSets": [ ResultSetResponse, ResultSetResponse, ... ],
-  "missingStatement": false,
-  "rpcMetadata": RpcMetadata
-{% endhighlight %}
-`resultSets` An array of <a href="#resultsetresponse">ResultSetResponse</a>s.
-`missingStatement` A boolean which denotes if the request failed due to a missing Statement.
-`rpcMetadata` <a href="#rpcmetadata">Server metadata</a> about this call.
-### FetchResponse
-A response to the <a href="#fetchrequest">FetchRequest</a> which contains the request for the query.
-{% highlight json %}
-  "response": "fetch",
-  "frame": Frame,
-  "missingStatement": false,
-  "missingResults": false,
-  "rpcMetadata": RpcMetadata
-{% endhighlight %}
-`frame` A <a href="#frame">Frame</a> containing the results of the fetch.
-`missingStatement` A boolean which denotes if the request failed due to a missing Statement.
-`missingResults` A boolean which denotes if the request failed due to a missing ResultSet.
-`rpcMetadata` <a href="#rpcmetadata">Server metadata</a> about this call.
-### OpenConnectionResponse
-A response to the <a href="#openconnectionrequest">OpenConnectionRequest</a>. The ID for the connection that
-the client should use in subsequent calls was provided by the client in the request.
-{% highlight json %}
-  "response": "openConnection",
-  "rpcMetadata": RpcMetadata
-{% endhighlight %}
-`rpcMetadata` <a href="#rpcmetadata">Server metadata</a> about this call.
-### PrepareResponse
-A response to the <a href="#preparerequest">PrepareRequest</a>. This response includes a <a href="#statementhandle">StatementHandle</a>
-which clients must use to fetch the results from the Statement.
-{% highlight json %}
-  "response": "prepare",
-  "statement": StatementHandle,
-  "rpcMetadata": RpcMetadata
-{% endhighlight %}
-`statement` A <a href="#statementhandle">StatementHandle</a> object.
-`rpcMetadata` <a href="#rpcmetadata">Server metadata</a> about this call.
-### ResultSetResponse
-A response which contains the results and type details from a query.
-{% highlight json %}
-  "response": "resultSet",
-  "connectionId": "000000-0000-0000-00000000",
-  "statementId": 12345,
-  "ownStatement": true,
-  "signature": Signature,
-  "firstFrame": Frame,
-  "updateCount": 10,
-  "rpcMetadata": RpcMetadata
-{% endhighlight %}
-`connectionId` The identifier for the connection used to generate this response.
-`statementId` The identifier for the statement used to generate this response.
-`ownStatement` Whether the result set has its own dedicated statement. If true, the server must automatically close the
-statement when the result set is closed. This is used for JDBC metadata result sets, for instance.
-`signature` A non-optional nested object <a href="#signature">Signature</a>
-`firstFrame` A optional nested object <a href="#frame">Frame</a>
-`updateCount` A number which is always `-1` for normal result sets. Any other value denotes a "dummy" result set
-that only contains this count and no additional data.
-`rpcMetadata` <a href="#rpcmetadata">Server metadata</a> about this call.
-### RollbackResponse
-A response to the <a href="#rollbackrequest">RollBackRequest</a>.
-{% highlight json %}
-  "response": "rollback"
-{% endhighlight %}
-There are no extra attributes on this Response.
-### SyncResultsResponse
-A response to the <a href="#syncresultsrequest">SyncResultsRequest</a>. When `moreResults` is true, a <a href="#fetchrequest">FetchRequest</a>
-should be issued to get the next batch of records. When `missingStatement` is true, the statement must be re-created using <a href="#preparerequest">PrepareRequest</a>
-or the appropriate Request for a DDL request (e.g. <a href="#catalogsrequest">CatalogsRequest</a> or <a href="#schemasrequest">SchemasRequest</a>).
-{% highlight json %}
-  "response": "syncResults",
-  "moreResults": true,
-  "missingStatement": false,
-  "rpcMetadata": RpcMetadata
-{% endhighlight %}
-`moreResults` A boolean which denotes if results exist for the ResultSet being "synced" per the request.
-`missingStatement` A boolean which denotes if the statement for the ResultSet still exists.
-`rpcMetadata` <a href="#rpcmetadata">Server metadata</a> about this call.
-## Miscellaneous
-### AvaticaParameter
-This object describes the "simple", or scalar, JDBC type representation of a column in a result. This does not include
-complex types such as arrays.
-{% highlight json %}
-  "signed": true,
-  "precision": 10,
-  "scale": 2,
-  "parameterType": 8,
-  "typeName": "integer",
-  "className": "java.lang.Integer",
-  "name": "number"
-{% endhighlight %}
-`signed` A boolean denoting whether the column is a signed numeric.
-`precision` The maximum numeric precision supported by this column.
-`scale` The maximum numeric scale supported by this column.
-`parameterType` An integer corresponding to the JDBC Types class denoting the column's type.
-`typeName` The JDBC type name for this column.
-`className` The Java class backing the JDBC type for this column.
-`name` The name of the column.
-### AvaticaSeverity
-This enumeration describes the various levels of concern for an error in the Avatica server.
-One of:
-* `FATAL`
-* `ERROR`
-### AvaticaType
-This object describes a simple or complex type for a column. Complex types will contain
-additional information in the `component` or `columns` attribute which describe the nested
-types of the complex parent type.
-{% highlight json %}
-  "type": "scalar",
-  "id": "identifier",
-  "name": "column",
-  "rep": Rep,
-  "columns": [ ColumnMetaData, ColumnMetaData, ... ],
-  "component": AvaticaType
-{% endhighlight %}
-`type` One of: `scalar`, `array`, `struct`.
-`id` A numeric value corresponding to the type of the object per the JDBC Types class.
-`name` The readable name of the JDBC type.
-`rep` A nested <a href="#rep">Rep</a> object used by Avatica to hold additional type information.
-`columns` For `STRUCT` types, a list of the columns contained in that `STRUCT`.
-`component` For `ARRAY` types, the type of the elements contained in that `ARRAY`.
-### ColumnMetaData
-This object represents the JDBC ResultSetMetaData for a column.
-{% highlight json %}
-  "ordinal": 0,
-  "autoIncrement": true,
-  "caseSensitive": true,
-  "searchable": false,
-  "currency": false,
-  "nullable": 0,
-  "signed": true,
-  "displaySize": 20,
-  "label": "Description",
-  "columnName": "col1",
-  "schemaName": "schema",
-  "precision": 10,
-  "scale": 2,
-  "tableName": "table",
-  "catalogName": "catalog",
-  "type": AvaticaType,
-  "readOnly": false,
-  "writable": true,
-  "definitelyWritable": true,
-  "columnClassName": "java.lang.String"
-{% endhighlight %}
-`ordinal` A positional offset number.
-`autoIncrement` A boolean denoting whether the column is automatically incremented.
-`caseSensitive` A boolean denoting whether the column is case sensitive.
-`searchable` A boolean denoting whether this column supports all WHERE search clauses.
-`currency` A boolean denoting whether this column represents currency.
-`nullable` A number denoting whether this column supports null values.
-* 0 = No null values are allowed
-* 1 = Null values are allowed
-* 2 = It is unknown if null values are allowed
-`signed` A boolean denoting whether the column is a signed numeric.
-`displaySize` The character width of the column.
-`label` A description for this column.
-`columnName` The name of the column.
-`schemaName` The schema to which this column belongs.
-`precision` The maximum numeric precision supported by this column.
-`scale` The maximum numeric scale supported by this column.
-`tableName` The name of the table to which this column belongs.
-`catalogName` The name of the catalog to which this column belongs.
-`type` A nested <a href="#avaticatype">AvaticaType</a> representing the type of the column.
-`readOnly` A boolean denoting whether the column is read-only.
-`writable` A boolean denoting whether the column is possible to be updated.
-`definitelyWritable` A boolean denoting whether the column definitely can be updated.
-`columnClassName` The name of the Java class backing the column's type.
-### ConnectionProperties
-This object represents the properties for a given JDBC Connection.
-{% highlight json %}
-  "connProps": "connPropsImpl",
-  "autoCommit": true,
-  "readOnly": true,
-  "transactionIsolation": 0,
-  "catalog": "catalog",
-  "schema": "schema"
-{% endhighlight %}
-`autoCommit` (optional boolean) A boolean denoting if autoCommit is enabled for transactions.
-`readOnly` (optional boolean) A boolean denoting if a JDBC connection is read-only.
-`transactionIsolation` (optional integer) An integer which denotes the level of transactions isolation per the JDBC
-specification. This value is analogous to the values defined in `java.sql.Connection`.
-* 0 = Transactions are not supported
-* 1 = Dirty reads, non-repeatable reads and phantom reads may occur.
-* 2 = Dirty reads are prevented, but non-repeatable reads and phantom reads may occur.
-* 4 = Dirty reads and non-repeatable reads are prevented, but phantom reads may occur.
-* 8 = Dirty reads, non-repeatable reads, and phantom reads are all prevented.
-`catalog` (optional string) The name of the catalog to include when fetching connection properties.
-`schema` (optional string) The name of the schema to include when fetching connection properties.
-### CursorFactory
-This object represents the information required to cast untyped objects into the necessary type for some results.
-{% highlight json %}
-  "style": Style,
-  "clazz": "java.lang.String",
-  "fieldNames": [ "column1", "column2", ... ]
-{% endhighlight %}
-`style` A string denoting the <a href="#style">Style</a> of the contained objects.
-### DatabaseProperty
-This object represents the exposed database properties for a Connection through the Avatica server.
-One of:
-### Frame
-This object represents a batch of results, tracking the offset into the results and whether more results still exist
-to be fetched in the Avatica server.
-{% highlight json %}
-  "offset": 100,
-  "done": true,
-  "rows": [ [ val1, val2, ... ], ... ]
-{% endhighlight %}
-`offset` The starting position of these `rows` in the encompassing result set.
-`done` A boolean denoting whether more results exist for this result set.
-`rows` An array of arrays corresponding to the rows and columns for the result set.
-### QueryState
-This object represents the way a ResultSet was created in the Avatica server. A ResultSet could be created by a user-provided
-SQL or by a DatabaseMetaData operation with arguments on that operation.
-{% highlight json %}
-  "type": StateType,
-  "sql": "SELECT * FROM table",
-  "metaDataOperation": MetaDataOperation,
-  "operationArgs": ["arg0", "arg1", ... ]
-{% endhighlight %}
-`type` A <a href="#statetype">StateType</a> object denoting what type of operation backs the ResultSet for this query.
-`sql` The SQL statement which created the ResultSet for this query. Required if the `type` is `SQL`.
-`metaDataOperation` The DML operation which created the ResultSet for this query. Required if the `type` is `METADATA`.
-`operationArgs` The arguments to the invoked DML operation. Required if the `type` is `METADATA`.
-### Rep
-This enumeration represents the concrete Java type for some value.
-One of:
-* `BYTE`
-* `SHORT`
-* `LONG`
-* `FLOAT`
-### RpcMetadata
-This object contains assorted per-call/contextual metadata returned by the Avatica server.
-{% highlight json %}
-  "serverAddress": "localhost:8765"
-{% endhighlight %}
-`serverAddress` The `host:port` of the server which created this object.
-### Signature
-This object represents the result of preparing a Statement in the Avatica server.
-{% highlight json %}
-  "columns": [ ColumnMetaData, ColumnMetaData, ... ],
-  "sql": "SELECT * FROM table",
-  "parameters": [ AvaticaParameter, AvaticaParameter, ... ],
-  "cursorFactory": CursorFactory,
-  "statementType": StatementType
-{% endhighlight %}
-`columns` An array of <a href="#columnmetadata">ColumnMetaData</a> objects denoting the schema of the result set.
-`sql` The SQL executed.
-`parameters` An array of <a href="#avaticaparameter">AvaticaParameter</a> objects denoting type-specific details.
-`cursorFactory` An <a href="#cursorfactory">CursorFactory</a> object representing the Java representation of the frame.
-`statementType` An <a href="#statementtype">StatementType</a> object representing the type of Statement.
-### StateType
-This enumeration denotes whether user-provided SQL or a DatabaseMetaData operation was used to create some ResultSet.
-One of:
-* `SQL`
-### StatementHandle
-This object encapsulates all of the information of a Statement created in the Avatica server.
-{% highlight json %}
-  "connectionId": "000000-0000-0000-00000000",
-  "id": 12345,
-  "signature": Signature
-{% endhighlight %}
-`connectionId` The identifier of the connection to which this statement belongs.
-`id` The identifier of the statement.
-`signature` A <a href="#signature">Signature</a> object for the statement.
-### StatementType
-This enumeration represents what kind the Statement is.
-One of:
-* `MERGE`
-* `DROP`
-* `ALTER`
-* `CALL`
-### Style
-This enumeration represents the generic "class" of type for a value.
-One of:
-* `ARRAY`
-* `LIST`
-* `MAP`
-### TypedValue
-This object encapsulates the type and value for a column in a row.
-{% highlight json %}
-  "type": "type_name",
-  "value": object
-{% endhighlight %}
-`type` A name referring to the type of the object stored in `value`.
-`value` A JSON representation of a JDBC type.
-The following chart documents how each <a href="#rep">Rep</a> value is serialized
-into a JSON value. Consult the [JSON documentation](
-for more information on valid attributes in JSON.
-| <a href="#rep">Rep</a> Value | Serialized | Description |
-| PRIMITIVE_BOOLEAN | boolean ||
-| BOOLEAN | boolean ||
-| PRIMITIVE_BYTE | number | The numeric value of the `byte`. |
-| BYTE | number ||
-| PRIMITIVE_CHAR | string ||
-| CHARACTER | string ||
-| PRIMITIVE_SHORT | number ||
-| SHORT | number ||
-| PRIMITIVE_INT | number ||
-| INTEGER | number ||
-| PRIMITIVE_LONG | number ||
-| LONG | number ||
-| PRIMITIVE_FLOAT | number ||
-| FLOAT | number ||
-| PRIMITIVE_DOUBLE | number ||
-| DOUBLE | number ||
-| BIG_INTEGER | number | Implicitly handled by Jackson. |
-| BIG_DECIMAL | number | Implicitly handled by Jackson. |
-| JAVA_SQL_TIME | number | As an integer, milliseconds since midnight. |
-| JAVA_SQL_DATE | number | As an integer, the number of days since the epoch. |
-| JAVA_SQL_TIMESTAMP | number | As a long, milliseconds since the epoch. |
-| JAVA_UTIL_DATE | number | As a long, milliseconds since the epoch. |
-| BYTE_STRING | string | A Base64-encoded string. |
-| STRING | string | |
-| NUMBER | number | A general number, unknown what concrete type. |
-| OBJECT | null | Implicitly converted by Jackson. |
-| NULL | null | Implicitly converted by Jackson. |
-| ARRAY | N/A | Implicitly handled by Jackson. |
-| STRUCT | N/A | Implicitly handled by Jackson. |
-| MULTISET | N/A | Implicitly handled by Jackson. |