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Posted to by on 2019/01/23 13:35:57 UTC

svn commit: r1851913 - in /subversion/trunk/subversion: include/svn_client.h libsvn_client/conflicts.c svn/conflict-callbacks.c tests/libsvn_client/conflicts-test.c

Author: stsp
Date: Wed Jan 23 13:35:57 2019
New Revision: 1851913

Add two resolver options for 'dir move vs dir move upon merge' conflicts.

These new options work similar to their existing counterparts for files.

* subversion/include/svn_client.h
   svn_client_conflict_option_both_moved_dir_move_merge): Declare.

* subversion/libsvn_client/conflicts.c
   resolve_both_moved_dir_move_merge): New resolution option handlers.
   configure_option_both_moved_dir_merge): Enable new options on applicable
   tree conflicts.
   svn_client_conflict_option_set_moved_to_abspath2): Handle new options.

* subversion/svn/conflict-callbacks.c
  (builtin_resolver_options): Assign resolver menu keys to the new options.

* subversion/tests/libsvn_client/conflicts-test.c
   test_merge_dir_move_vs_dir_move_accept_move, test_funcs): Add new tests.
  (create_dir_move_vs_dir_move_merge_conflict): New helper for above tests.


Modified: subversion/trunk/subversion/include/svn_client.h
--- subversion/trunk/subversion/include/svn_client.h (original)
+++ subversion/trunk/subversion/include/svn_client.h Wed Jan 23 13:35:57 2019
@@ -4635,6 +4635,8 @@ typedef enum svn_client_conflict_option_
   /* Options for local move vs incoming move on merge. */
   svn_client_conflict_option_both_moved_file_merge, /*< since New in 1.12 */
   svn_client_conflict_option_both_moved_file_move_merge, /*< since New in 1.12 */
+  svn_client_conflict_option_both_moved_dir_merge, /*< since New in 1.12 */
+  svn_client_conflict_option_both_moved_dir_move_merge, /*< since New in 1.12 */
 } svn_client_conflict_option_id_t;

Modified: subversion/trunk/subversion/libsvn_client/conflicts.c
--- subversion/trunk/subversion/libsvn_client/conflicts.c (original)
+++ subversion/trunk/subversion/libsvn_client/conflicts.c Wed Jan 23 13:35:57 2019
@@ -8997,6 +8997,317 @@ unlock_wc:
   return SVN_NO_ERROR;
+/* Implements conflict_option_resolve_func_t.
+ * Resolve an incoming move vs local move conflict by merging from the
+ * incoming move's target location to the local move's target location,
+ * overriding the incoming move. */
+static svn_error_t *
+resolve_both_moved_dir_merge(svn_client_conflict_option_t *option,
+                             svn_client_conflict_t *conflict,
+                             svn_client_ctx_t *ctx,
+                             apr_pool_t *scratch_pool)
+  svn_client_conflict_option_id_t option_id;
+  const char *victim_abspath;
+  const char *local_moved_to_abspath;
+  svn_wc_operation_t operation;
+  const char *lock_abspath;
+  svn_error_t *err;
+  const char *repos_root_url;
+  const char *incoming_old_repos_relpath;
+  svn_revnum_t incoming_old_pegrev;
+  const char *incoming_new_repos_relpath;
+  svn_revnum_t incoming_new_pegrev;
+  const char *incoming_moved_repos_relpath;
+  struct conflict_tree_incoming_delete_details *incoming_details;
+  apr_array_header_t *possible_moved_to_abspaths;
+  const char *incoming_moved_to_abspath;
+  struct conflict_tree_local_missing_details *local_details;
+  apr_array_header_t *local_moves;
+  svn_client__conflict_report_t *conflict_report;
+  const char *incoming_old_url;
+  const char *incoming_moved_url;
+  svn_opt_revision_t incoming_old_opt_rev;
+  svn_opt_revision_t incoming_moved_opt_rev;
+  victim_abspath = svn_client_conflict_get_local_abspath(conflict);
+  operation = svn_client_conflict_get_operation(conflict);
+  incoming_details = conflict->tree_conflict_incoming_details;
+  if (incoming_details == NULL || incoming_details->moves == NULL)
+    return svn_error_createf(SVN_ERR_WC_CONFLICT_RESOLVER_FAILURE, NULL,
+                             _("The specified conflict resolution option "
+                               "requires details for tree conflict at '%s' "
+                               "to be fetched from the repository first."),
+                            svn_dirent_local_style(victim_abspath,
+                                                   scratch_pool));
+  if (operation == svn_wc_operation_none)
+    return svn_error_createf(SVN_ERR_WC_CORRUPT, NULL,
+                             _("Invalid operation code '%d' recorded for "
+                               "conflict at '%s'"), operation,
+                             svn_dirent_local_style(victim_abspath,
+                                                    scratch_pool));
+  option_id = svn_client_conflict_option_get_id(option);
+  SVN_ERR_ASSERT(option_id == svn_client_conflict_option_both_moved_dir_merge);
+  SVN_ERR(svn_client_conflict_get_repos_info(&repos_root_url, NULL,
+                                             conflict, scratch_pool,
+                                             scratch_pool));
+  SVN_ERR(svn_client_conflict_get_incoming_old_repos_location(
+            &incoming_old_repos_relpath, &incoming_old_pegrev,
+            NULL, conflict, scratch_pool,
+            scratch_pool));
+  SVN_ERR(svn_client_conflict_get_incoming_new_repos_location(
+            &incoming_new_repos_relpath, &incoming_new_pegrev,
+            NULL, conflict, scratch_pool,
+            scratch_pool));
+  possible_moved_to_abspaths =
+    svn_hash_gets(incoming_details->wc_move_targets,
+                  get_moved_to_repos_relpath(incoming_details, scratch_pool));
+  incoming_moved_to_abspath =
+    APR_ARRAY_IDX(possible_moved_to_abspaths,
+                  incoming_details->wc_move_target_idx, const char *);
+  local_details = conflict->tree_conflict_local_details;
+  local_moves = svn_hash_gets(local_details->wc_move_targets,
+                        local_details->move_target_repos_relpath);
+  local_moved_to_abspath =
+    APR_ARRAY_IDX(local_moves, local_details->wc_move_target_idx, const char *);
+  /* ### The following WC modifications should be atomic. */
+  SVN_ERR(svn_wc__acquire_write_lock_for_resolve(
+            &lock_abspath, ctx->wc_ctx,
+            svn_dirent_get_longest_ancestor(victim_abspath,
+                                            local_moved_to_abspath,
+                                            scratch_pool),
+            scratch_pool, scratch_pool));
+  /* Perform the merge. */
+  incoming_old_url = apr_pstrcat(scratch_pool, repos_root_url, "/",
+                                 incoming_old_repos_relpath, SVN_VA_NULL);
+  incoming_old_opt_rev.kind = svn_opt_revision_number;
+  incoming_old_opt_rev.value.number = incoming_old_pegrev;
+  incoming_moved_repos_relpath =
+      get_moved_to_repos_relpath(incoming_details, scratch_pool);
+  incoming_moved_url = apr_pstrcat(scratch_pool, repos_root_url, "/",
+                                   incoming_moved_repos_relpath, SVN_VA_NULL);
+  incoming_moved_opt_rev.kind = svn_opt_revision_number;
+  incoming_moved_opt_rev.value.number = incoming_new_pegrev;
+  err = svn_client__merge_locked(&conflict_report,
+                                 incoming_old_url, &incoming_old_opt_rev,
+                                 incoming_moved_url, &incoming_moved_opt_rev,
+                                 local_moved_to_abspath, svn_depth_infinity,
+                                 TRUE, TRUE, /* do a no-ancestry merge */
+                                 FALSE, FALSE, FALSE,
+                                 TRUE, /* Allow mixed-rev just in case,
+                                        * since conflict victims can't be
+                                        * updated to straighten out
+                                        * mixed-rev trees. */
+                                 NULL, ctx, scratch_pool, scratch_pool);
+  if (err)
+    goto unlock_wc;
+  /* Revert local addition of the incoming move's target. */
+  err = svn_wc_revert6(ctx->wc_ctx, incoming_moved_to_abspath,
+                       svn_depth_infinity, FALSE, NULL, TRUE, FALSE,
+                       FALSE /*added_keep_local*/,
+                       NULL, NULL, /* no cancellation */
+                       ctx->notify_func2, ctx->notify_baton2,
+                       scratch_pool);
+  if (err)
+    goto unlock_wc;
+  err = svn_wc__del_tree_conflict(ctx->wc_ctx, victim_abspath, scratch_pool);
+  if (err)
+    goto unlock_wc;
+  if (ctx->notify_func2)
+    {
+      svn_wc_notify_t *notify;
+      notify = svn_wc_create_notify(victim_abspath, svn_wc_notify_resolved_tree,
+                                    scratch_pool);
+      ctx->notify_func2(ctx->notify_baton2, notify, scratch_pool);
+    }
+  svn_io_sleep_for_timestamps(local_moved_to_abspath, scratch_pool);
+  conflict->resolution_tree = option_id;
+  err = svn_error_compose_create(err, svn_wc__release_write_lock(ctx->wc_ctx,
+                                                                 lock_abspath,
+                                                                 scratch_pool));
+  SVN_ERR(err);
+  return SVN_NO_ERROR;
+/* Implements conflict_option_resolve_func_t.
+ * Resolve an incoming move vs local move conflict by merging from the
+ * incoming move's target location to the local move's target location,
+ * overriding the incoming move. */
+static svn_error_t *
+resolve_both_moved_dir_move_merge(svn_client_conflict_option_t *option,
+                                  svn_client_conflict_t *conflict,
+                                  svn_client_ctx_t *ctx,
+                                  apr_pool_t *scratch_pool)
+  svn_client_conflict_option_id_t option_id;
+  const char *victim_abspath;
+  const char *local_moved_to_abspath;
+  svn_wc_operation_t operation;
+  const char *lock_abspath;
+  svn_error_t *err;
+  const char *repos_root_url;
+  const char *incoming_old_repos_relpath;
+  svn_revnum_t incoming_old_pegrev;
+  const char *incoming_new_repos_relpath;
+  svn_revnum_t incoming_new_pegrev;
+  struct conflict_tree_incoming_delete_details *incoming_details;
+  apr_array_header_t *possible_moved_to_abspaths;
+  const char *incoming_moved_to_abspath;
+  struct conflict_tree_local_missing_details *local_details;
+  apr_array_header_t *local_moves;
+  svn_client__conflict_report_t *conflict_report;
+  const char *incoming_old_url;
+  const char *incoming_moved_url;
+  svn_opt_revision_t incoming_old_opt_rev;
+  svn_opt_revision_t incoming_moved_opt_rev;
+  victim_abspath = svn_client_conflict_get_local_abspath(conflict);
+  operation = svn_client_conflict_get_operation(conflict);
+  incoming_details = conflict->tree_conflict_incoming_details;
+  if (incoming_details == NULL || incoming_details->moves == NULL)
+    return svn_error_createf(SVN_ERR_WC_CONFLICT_RESOLVER_FAILURE, NULL,
+                             _("The specified conflict resolution option "
+                               "requires details for tree conflict at '%s' "
+                               "to be fetched from the repository first."),
+                            svn_dirent_local_style(victim_abspath,
+                                                   scratch_pool));
+  if (operation == svn_wc_operation_none)
+    return svn_error_createf(SVN_ERR_WC_CORRUPT, NULL,
+                             _("Invalid operation code '%d' recorded for "
+                               "conflict at '%s'"), operation,
+                             svn_dirent_local_style(victim_abspath,
+                                                    scratch_pool));
+  option_id = svn_client_conflict_option_get_id(option);
+  SVN_ERR_ASSERT(option_id ==
+                 svn_client_conflict_option_both_moved_dir_move_merge);
+  SVN_ERR(svn_client_conflict_get_repos_info(&repos_root_url, NULL,
+                                             conflict, scratch_pool,
+                                             scratch_pool));
+  SVN_ERR(svn_client_conflict_get_incoming_old_repos_location(
+            &incoming_old_repos_relpath, &incoming_old_pegrev,
+            NULL, conflict, scratch_pool,
+            scratch_pool));
+  SVN_ERR(svn_client_conflict_get_incoming_new_repos_location(
+            &incoming_new_repos_relpath, &incoming_new_pegrev,
+            NULL, conflict, scratch_pool,
+            scratch_pool));
+  possible_moved_to_abspaths =
+    svn_hash_gets(incoming_details->wc_move_targets,
+                  get_moved_to_repos_relpath(incoming_details, scratch_pool));
+  incoming_moved_to_abspath =
+    APR_ARRAY_IDX(possible_moved_to_abspaths,
+                  incoming_details->wc_move_target_idx, const char *);
+  local_details = conflict->tree_conflict_local_details;
+  local_moves = svn_hash_gets(local_details->wc_move_targets,
+                        local_details->move_target_repos_relpath);
+  local_moved_to_abspath =
+    APR_ARRAY_IDX(local_moves, local_details->wc_move_target_idx, const char *);
+  /* ### The following WC modifications should be atomic. */
+  SVN_ERR(svn_wc__acquire_write_lock_for_resolve(
+            &lock_abspath, ctx->wc_ctx,
+            svn_dirent_get_longest_ancestor(victim_abspath,
+                                            local_moved_to_abspath,
+                                            scratch_pool),
+            scratch_pool, scratch_pool));
+  /* Revert the incoming move target directory. */
+  err = svn_wc_revert6(ctx->wc_ctx, incoming_moved_to_abspath,
+                       svn_depth_infinity,
+                       FALSE, NULL, TRUE, FALSE,
+                       TRUE /*added_keep_local*/,
+                       NULL, NULL, /* no cancellation */
+                       ctx->notify_func2, ctx->notify_baton2,
+                       scratch_pool);
+  if (err)
+    goto unlock_wc;
+  /* The move operation is not part of natural history. We must replicate
+   * this move in our history. Record a move in the working copy. */
+  err = svn_wc__move2(ctx->wc_ctx, local_moved_to_abspath,
+                      incoming_moved_to_abspath,
+                      FALSE, /* this is not a meta-data only move */
+                      TRUE, /* allow mixed-revisions just in case */
+                      NULL, NULL, /* don't allow user to cancel here */
+                      ctx->notify_func2, ctx->notify_baton2,
+                      scratch_pool);
+  if (err)
+    goto unlock_wc;
+   * into the locally moved merge target. */
+  incoming_old_url = apr_pstrcat(scratch_pool, repos_root_url, "/",
+                                 incoming_old_repos_relpath, SVN_VA_NULL);
+  incoming_old_opt_rev.kind = svn_opt_revision_number;
+  incoming_old_opt_rev.value.number = incoming_old_pegrev;
+  incoming_moved_url = apr_pstrcat(scratch_pool, repos_root_url, "/",
+                                   incoming_details->move_target_repos_relpath,
+                                   SVN_VA_NULL);
+  incoming_moved_opt_rev.kind = svn_opt_revision_number;
+  incoming_moved_opt_rev.value.number = incoming_new_pegrev;
+  err = svn_client__merge_locked(&conflict_report,
+                                 incoming_old_url, &incoming_old_opt_rev,
+                                 incoming_moved_url, &incoming_moved_opt_rev,
+                                 incoming_moved_to_abspath, svn_depth_infinity,
+                                 TRUE, TRUE, /* do a no-ancestry merge */
+                                 FALSE, FALSE, FALSE,
+                                 TRUE, /* Allow mixed-rev just in case,
+                                        * since conflict victims can't be
+                                        * updated to straighten out
+                                        * mixed-rev trees. */
+                                 NULL, ctx, scratch_pool, scratch_pool);
+  if (err)
+    goto unlock_wc;
+  err = svn_wc__del_tree_conflict(ctx->wc_ctx, victim_abspath, scratch_pool);
+  if (err)
+    goto unlock_wc;
+  if (ctx->notify_func2)
+    {
+      svn_wc_notify_t *notify;
+      notify = svn_wc_create_notify(victim_abspath, svn_wc_notify_resolved_tree,
+                                    scratch_pool);
+      ctx->notify_func2(ctx->notify_baton2, notify, scratch_pool);
+    }
+  svn_io_sleep_for_timestamps(local_moved_to_abspath, scratch_pool);
+  conflict->resolution_tree = option_id;
+  err = svn_error_compose_create(err, svn_wc__release_write_lock(ctx->wc_ctx,
+                                                                 lock_abspath,
+                                                                 scratch_pool));
+  SVN_ERR(err);
+  return SVN_NO_ERROR;
 /* Implements conflict_option_resolve_func_t. */
 static svn_error_t *
 resolve_incoming_move_dir_merge(svn_client_conflict_option_t *option,
@@ -10878,6 +11189,107 @@ configure_option_both_moved_file_merge(s
   return SVN_NO_ERROR;
+/* Configure 'both moved dir merge' resolution options for a tree conflict. */
+static svn_error_t *
+configure_option_both_moved_dir_merge(svn_client_conflict_t *conflict,
+                                       svn_client_ctx_t *ctx,
+                                       apr_array_header_t *options,
+                                       apr_pool_t *scratch_pool)
+  svn_wc_operation_t operation;
+  svn_node_kind_t victim_node_kind;
+  svn_wc_conflict_action_t incoming_change;
+  svn_wc_conflict_reason_t local_change;
+  const char *incoming_old_repos_relpath;
+  svn_revnum_t incoming_old_pegrev;
+  svn_node_kind_t incoming_old_kind;
+  const char *incoming_new_repos_relpath;
+  svn_revnum_t incoming_new_pegrev;
+  svn_node_kind_t incoming_new_kind;
+  const char *wcroot_abspath;
+  SVN_ERR(svn_wc__get_wcroot(&wcroot_abspath, ctx->wc_ctx,
+                             conflict->local_abspath, scratch_pool,
+                             scratch_pool));
+  operation = svn_client_conflict_get_operation(conflict);
+  victim_node_kind = svn_client_conflict_tree_get_victim_node_kind(conflict);
+  incoming_change = svn_client_conflict_get_incoming_change(conflict);
+  local_change = svn_client_conflict_get_local_change(conflict);
+  SVN_ERR(svn_client_conflict_get_incoming_old_repos_location(
+            &incoming_old_repos_relpath, &incoming_old_pegrev,
+            &incoming_old_kind, conflict, scratch_pool,
+            scratch_pool));
+  SVN_ERR(svn_client_conflict_get_incoming_new_repos_location(
+            &incoming_new_repos_relpath, &incoming_new_pegrev,
+            &incoming_new_kind, conflict, scratch_pool,
+            scratch_pool));
+  if (operation == svn_wc_operation_merge &&
+      victim_node_kind == svn_node_none &&
+      incoming_old_kind == svn_node_dir &&
+      incoming_new_kind == svn_node_none &&
+      local_change == svn_wc_conflict_reason_missing &&
+      incoming_change == svn_wc_conflict_action_delete)
+    {
+      struct conflict_tree_incoming_delete_details *incoming_details;
+      struct conflict_tree_local_missing_details *local_details;
+      const char *description;
+      apr_array_header_t *local_moves;
+      const char *local_moved_to_abspath;
+      const char *incoming_moved_to_abspath;
+      apr_array_header_t *incoming_move_target_wc_abspaths;
+      incoming_details = conflict->tree_conflict_incoming_details;
+      if (incoming_details == NULL || incoming_details->moves == NULL ||
+          apr_hash_count(incoming_details->wc_move_targets) == 0)
+              return SVN_NO_ERROR;
+      local_details = conflict->tree_conflict_local_details;
+      if (local_details == NULL ||
+          apr_hash_count(local_details->wc_move_targets) == 0)
+          return SVN_NO_ERROR;
+      local_moves = svn_hash_gets(local_details->wc_move_targets,
+                                  local_details->move_target_repos_relpath);
+      local_moved_to_abspath =
+        APR_ARRAY_IDX(local_moves, local_details->wc_move_target_idx,
+                      const char *);
+      incoming_move_target_wc_abspaths =
+        svn_hash_gets(incoming_details->wc_move_targets,
+                      get_moved_to_repos_relpath(incoming_details,
+                                                 scratch_pool));
+      incoming_moved_to_abspath =
+        APR_ARRAY_IDX(incoming_move_target_wc_abspaths,
+                      incoming_details->wc_move_target_idx, const char *);
+      description =
+        apr_psprintf(
+          scratch_pool, _("apply changes to '%s' and revert addition of '%s'"),
+          svn_dirent_local_style(
+            svn_dirent_skip_ancestor(wcroot_abspath, local_moved_to_abspath),
+            scratch_pool),
+          svn_dirent_local_style(
+            svn_dirent_skip_ancestor(wcroot_abspath, incoming_moved_to_abspath),
+            scratch_pool));
+      add_resolution_option(
+        options, conflict, svn_client_conflict_option_both_moved_dir_merge,
+        _("Merge to corresponding local location"),
+        description, resolve_both_moved_dir_merge);
+      SVN_ERR(describe_incoming_move_merge_conflict_option(
+                &description, conflict, ctx, local_moved_to_abspath,
+                scratch_pool, scratch_pool));
+      add_resolution_option(options, conflict,
+        svn_client_conflict_option_both_moved_dir_move_merge,
+        _("Move and merge"), description,
+        resolve_both_moved_dir_move_merge);
+    }
+  return SVN_NO_ERROR;
 /* Return a copy of the repos replath candidate list. */
 static svn_error_t *
@@ -10932,7 +11344,9 @@ svn_client_conflict_option_get_moved_to_
       id != svn_client_conflict_option_sibling_move_file_text_merge &&
       id != svn_client_conflict_option_sibling_move_dir_merge &&
       id != svn_client_conflict_option_both_moved_file_merge &&
-      id != svn_client_conflict_option_both_moved_file_move_merge)
+      id != svn_client_conflict_option_both_moved_file_move_merge &&
+      id != svn_client_conflict_option_both_moved_dir_merge &&
+      id != svn_client_conflict_option_both_moved_dir_move_merge)
       /* We cannot operate on this option. */
       *possible_moved_to_repos_relpaths = NULL;
@@ -11076,7 +11490,9 @@ svn_client_conflict_option_set_moved_to_
       id != svn_client_conflict_option_sibling_move_file_text_merge &&
       id != svn_client_conflict_option_sibling_move_dir_merge &&
       id != svn_client_conflict_option_both_moved_file_merge &&
-      id != svn_client_conflict_option_both_moved_file_move_merge)
+      id != svn_client_conflict_option_both_moved_file_move_merge &&
+      id != svn_client_conflict_option_both_moved_dir_merge &&
+      id != svn_client_conflict_option_both_moved_dir_move_merge)
     return SVN_NO_ERROR; /* We cannot operate on this option. Nothing to do. */
   victim_abspath = svn_client_conflict_get_local_abspath(conflict);
@@ -11188,7 +11604,9 @@ svn_client_conflict_option_get_moved_to_
       id != svn_client_conflict_option_sibling_move_file_text_merge &&
       id != svn_client_conflict_option_sibling_move_dir_merge &&
       id != svn_client_conflict_option_both_moved_file_merge &&
-      id != svn_client_conflict_option_both_moved_file_move_merge)
+      id != svn_client_conflict_option_both_moved_file_move_merge &&
+      id != svn_client_conflict_option_both_moved_dir_merge &&
+      id != svn_client_conflict_option_both_moved_dir_move_merge)
       /* We cannot operate on this option. */
       *possible_moved_to_abspaths = NULL;
@@ -11324,7 +11742,9 @@ svn_client_conflict_option_set_moved_to_
       id != svn_client_conflict_option_sibling_move_file_text_merge &&
       id != svn_client_conflict_option_sibling_move_dir_merge &&
       id != svn_client_conflict_option_both_moved_file_merge &&
-      id != svn_client_conflict_option_both_moved_file_move_merge)
+      id != svn_client_conflict_option_both_moved_file_move_merge &&
+      id != svn_client_conflict_option_both_moved_dir_merge &&
+      id != svn_client_conflict_option_both_moved_dir_move_merge)
     return NULL; /* We cannot operate on this option. Nothing to do. */
   victim_abspath = svn_client_conflict_get_local_abspath(conflict);
@@ -11525,6 +11945,8 @@ svn_client_conflict_tree_get_resolution_
   SVN_ERR(configure_option_both_moved_file_merge(conflict, ctx, *options,
+  SVN_ERR(configure_option_both_moved_dir_merge(conflict, ctx, *options,
+                                                scratch_pool));
   return SVN_NO_ERROR;

Modified: subversion/trunk/subversion/svn/conflict-callbacks.c
--- subversion/trunk/subversion/svn/conflict-callbacks.c (original)
+++ subversion/trunk/subversion/svn/conflict-callbacks.c Wed Jan 23 13:35:57 2019
@@ -449,6 +449,8 @@ static const resolver_option_t builtin_r
   /* Options for incoming move vs local move. */
   { "m", svn_client_conflict_option_both_moved_file_merge },
   { "M", svn_client_conflict_option_both_moved_file_move_merge },
+  { "m", svn_client_conflict_option_both_moved_dir_merge },
+  { "M", svn_client_conflict_option_both_moved_dir_move_merge },
   { NULL }

Modified: subversion/trunk/subversion/tests/libsvn_client/conflicts-test.c
--- subversion/trunk/subversion/tests/libsvn_client/conflicts-test.c (original)
+++ subversion/trunk/subversion/tests/libsvn_client/conflicts-test.c Wed Jan 23 13:35:57 2019
@@ -6946,6 +6946,257 @@ test_merge_file_edit_move_vs_file_move_a
   return SVN_NO_ERROR;
+static svn_error_t *
+create_dir_move_vs_dir_move_merge_conflict(svn_client_conflict_t **conflict,
+                                           svn_test__sandbox_t *b,
+                                           svn_client_ctx_t *ctx)
+  svn_opt_revision_t opt_rev;
+  const char *branch_url;
+  apr_array_header_t *options;
+  svn_client_conflict_option_t *option;
+  apr_array_header_t *possible_moved_to_abspaths;
+  /* Create a branch of node "A". */
+  SVN_ERR(sbox_wc_copy(b, "A", "A2"));
+  SVN_ERR(sbox_wc_commit(b, "")); /* r2 */
+  /* Move a directory on trunk. */
+  SVN_ERR(sbox_wc_move(b, "A/B", "A/B-moved"));
+  SVN_ERR(sbox_wc_commit(b, "")); /* r3 */
+  /* Edit a file in the moved directory on trunk. */
+  SVN_ERR(sbox_file_write(b, "A/B-moved/E/alpha",
+                          modified_file_content));
+  SVN_ERR(sbox_wc_commit(b, ""));
+  /* Move the same direcotry to a different location on the branch. */
+  SVN_ERR(sbox_wc_move(b, "A2/B", "A2/B-also-moved"));
+  SVN_ERR(sbox_wc_commit(b, ""));
+  /* Edit a file in the moved directory on the branch. */
+  SVN_ERR(sbox_file_write(b, "A2/B-also-moved/lambda",
+                          modified_file_content));
+  SVN_ERR(sbox_wc_commit(b, ""));
+  /* Merge branch to trunk. */
+  SVN_ERR(sbox_wc_update(b, "", SVN_INVALID_REVNUM));
+  branch_url = apr_pstrcat(b->pool, b->repos_url, "/A2", SVN_VA_NULL);
+  opt_rev.kind = svn_opt_revision_head;
+  opt_rev.value.number = SVN_INVALID_REVNUM;
+  SVN_ERR(svn_client_merge_peg5(branch_url, NULL, &opt_rev,
+                                sbox_wc_path(b, "A"),
+                                svn_depth_infinity,
+                                FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE,
+                                NULL, ctx, b->pool));
+  SVN_ERR(svn_client_conflict_get(conflict, sbox_wc_path(b, "A/B"),
+                                  ctx, b->pool, b->pool));
+  {
+    svn_client_conflict_option_id_t expected_opts[] = {
+      svn_client_conflict_option_postpone,
+      svn_client_conflict_option_accept_current_wc_state,
+      svn_client_conflict_option_incoming_delete_ignore,
+      svn_client_conflict_option_incoming_delete_accept,
+      -1 /* end of list */
+    };
+    SVN_ERR(assert_tree_conflict_options(*conflict, ctx, expected_opts,
+                                         b->pool));
+  }
+  SVN_ERR(svn_client_conflict_tree_get_details(*conflict, ctx, b->pool));
+  {
+    svn_client_conflict_option_id_t expected_opts[] = {
+      svn_client_conflict_option_postpone,
+      svn_client_conflict_option_accept_current_wc_state,
+      svn_client_conflict_option_both_moved_dir_merge,
+      svn_client_conflict_option_both_moved_dir_move_merge,
+      -1 /* end of list */
+    };
+    SVN_ERR(assert_tree_conflict_options(*conflict, ctx, expected_opts,
+                                         b->pool));
+  }
+  SVN_ERR(svn_client_conflict_tree_get_resolution_options(&options, *conflict,
+                                                          ctx, b->pool,
+                                                          b->pool));
+  option = svn_client_conflict_option_find_by_id(
+             options, svn_client_conflict_option_both_moved_dir_merge);
+  SVN_TEST_ASSERT(option != NULL);
+  SVN_ERR(svn_client_conflict_option_get_moved_to_abspath_candidates(
+            &possible_moved_to_abspaths, option, b->pool, b->pool));
+  /* The resolver finds two possible move destinations because both
+   * branches are checked out into the same working copy.
+   *
+   *   Possible working copy destinations for moved-away 'A/B' are:
+   *    (1): 'A/B-also-moved
+   *    (2): 'A2/B-also-moved
+   *   Only one destination can be a move; the others are copies.
+   */
+  SVN_TEST_INT_ASSERT(possible_moved_to_abspaths->nelts, 2);
+    APR_ARRAY_IDX(possible_moved_to_abspaths, 0, const char *),
+    sbox_wc_path(b, "A/B-also-moved"));
+    APR_ARRAY_IDX(possible_moved_to_abspaths, 1, const char *),
+    sbox_wc_path(b, "A2/B-also-moved"));
+  return SVN_NO_ERROR;
+static svn_error_t *
+test_merge_dir_move_vs_dir_move(const svn_test_opts_t *opts,
+                                apr_pool_t *pool)
+  svn_test__sandbox_t *b = apr_palloc(pool, sizeof(*b));
+  svn_client_ctx_t *ctx;
+  svn_client_conflict_t *conflict;
+  svn_opt_revision_t opt_rev;
+  struct status_baton sb;
+  struct svn_client_status_t *status;
+  svn_stringbuf_t *buf;
+  SVN_ERR(svn_test__sandbox_create(b, "merge_dir_move_vs_dir_move",
+                                   opts, pool));
+  SVN_ERR(sbox_add_and_commit_greek_tree(b)); /* r1 */
+  SVN_ERR(svn_test__create_client_ctx(&ctx, b, b->pool));
+  SVN_ERR(create_dir_move_vs_dir_move_merge_conflict(&conflict, b, ctx));
+  SVN_ERR(svn_client_conflict_tree_resolve_by_id(
+            conflict,
+            svn_client_conflict_option_both_moved_dir_merge,
+            ctx, b->pool));
+  /* The node "A/B" should not exist. */
+  SVN_TEST_ASSERT_ERROR(svn_client_conflict_get(&conflict,
+                                                sbox_wc_path(b, "A/B"),
+                                                ctx, pool, pool),
+                        SVN_ERR_WC_PATH_NOT_FOUND);
+  /* The node "A/B-also-moved" should not exist. */
+  SVN_TEST_ASSERT_ERROR(svn_client_conflict_get(
+                          &conflict,
+                          sbox_wc_path(b, "A/B-also-moved"), ctx, pool, pool),
+                        SVN_ERR_WC_PATH_NOT_FOUND);
+  /* Ensure that the merged directory has the expected status. */
+  opt_rev.kind = svn_opt_revision_working;
+  sb.result_pool = b->pool;
+  SVN_ERR(svn_client_status6(NULL, ctx, sbox_wc_path(b, "A/B-moved"),
+                             &opt_rev, svn_depth_unknown, TRUE, TRUE,
+                             TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, NULL,
+                             status_func, &sb, b->pool));
+  status = sb.status;
+  SVN_TEST_ASSERT(status->kind == svn_node_dir);
+  SVN_TEST_ASSERT(status->versioned);
+  SVN_TEST_ASSERT(!status->conflicted);
+  SVN_TEST_ASSERT(status->node_status == svn_wc_status_normal);
+  SVN_TEST_ASSERT(status->text_status == svn_wc_status_normal);
+  SVN_TEST_ASSERT(status->prop_status == svn_wc_status_none);
+  SVN_TEST_ASSERT(!status->copied);
+  SVN_TEST_ASSERT(!status->switched);
+  SVN_TEST_ASSERT(!status->file_external);
+  SVN_TEST_ASSERT(status->moved_from_abspath == NULL);
+  SVN_TEST_ASSERT(status->moved_to_abspath == NULL);
+  /* Make sure the edited files have the expected content. */
+  SVN_ERR(svn_stringbuf_from_file2(&buf, sbox_wc_path(b, "A/B-moved/lambda"),
+                                   pool));
+  SVN_TEST_STRING_ASSERT(buf->data, modified_file_content);
+  SVN_ERR(svn_stringbuf_from_file2(&buf, sbox_wc_path(b, "A/B-moved/E/alpha"),
+                                   pool));
+  SVN_TEST_STRING_ASSERT(buf->data, modified_file_content);
+  return SVN_NO_ERROR;
+static svn_error_t *
+test_merge_dir_move_vs_dir_move_accept_move(const svn_test_opts_t *opts,
+                                            apr_pool_t *pool)
+  svn_test__sandbox_t *b = apr_palloc(pool, sizeof(*b));
+  svn_client_ctx_t *ctx;
+  svn_client_conflict_t *conflict;
+  svn_opt_revision_t opt_rev;
+  struct status_baton sb;
+  struct svn_client_status_t *status;
+  svn_stringbuf_t *buf;
+  SVN_ERR(svn_test__sandbox_create(b, "merge_dir_move_vs_dir_move_accept_move",
+                                   opts, pool));
+  SVN_ERR(sbox_add_and_commit_greek_tree(b)); /* r1 */
+  SVN_ERR(svn_test__create_client_ctx(&ctx, b, b->pool));
+  SVN_ERR(create_dir_move_vs_dir_move_merge_conflict(&conflict, b, ctx));
+  SVN_ERR(svn_client_conflict_tree_resolve_by_id(
+            conflict,
+            svn_client_conflict_option_both_moved_dir_move_merge,
+            ctx, b->pool));
+  /* The node "A/B" should not exist. */
+  SVN_TEST_ASSERT_ERROR(svn_client_conflict_get(&conflict,
+                                                sbox_wc_path(b, "A/B"),
+                                                ctx, pool, pool),
+                        SVN_ERR_WC_PATH_NOT_FOUND);
+  /* The node "A/B-moved" should be moved to A/B-also-moved. */
+  opt_rev.kind = svn_opt_revision_working;
+  sb.result_pool = b->pool;
+  SVN_ERR(svn_client_status6(NULL, ctx, sbox_wc_path(b, "A/B-moved"),
+                             &opt_rev, svn_depth_empty, TRUE, TRUE,
+                             TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, NULL,
+                             status_func, &sb, b->pool));
+  status = sb.status;
+  SVN_TEST_ASSERT(status->kind == svn_node_dir);
+  SVN_TEST_ASSERT(status->versioned);
+  SVN_TEST_ASSERT(!status->conflicted);
+  SVN_TEST_ASSERT(status->node_status == svn_wc_status_deleted);
+  SVN_TEST_ASSERT(status->text_status == svn_wc_status_normal);
+  SVN_TEST_ASSERT(status->prop_status == svn_wc_status_none);
+  SVN_TEST_ASSERT(!status->copied);
+  SVN_TEST_ASSERT(!status->switched);
+  SVN_TEST_ASSERT(!status->file_external);
+  SVN_TEST_ASSERT(status->moved_from_abspath == NULL);
+  SVN_TEST_STRING_ASSERT(status->moved_to_abspath,
+                         sbox_wc_path(b, "A/B-also-moved"));
+  /* Ensure that the merged directory has the expected status. */
+  SVN_ERR(svn_client_status6(NULL, ctx, sbox_wc_path(b, "A/B-also-moved"),
+                             &opt_rev, svn_depth_empty, TRUE, TRUE,
+                             TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, NULL,
+                             status_func, &sb, b->pool));
+  status = sb.status;
+  SVN_TEST_ASSERT(status->kind == svn_node_dir);
+  SVN_TEST_ASSERT(status->versioned);
+  SVN_TEST_ASSERT(!status->conflicted);
+  SVN_TEST_ASSERT(status->node_status == svn_wc_status_added);
+  SVN_TEST_ASSERT(status->text_status == svn_wc_status_normal);
+  SVN_TEST_ASSERT(status->prop_status == svn_wc_status_none);
+  SVN_TEST_ASSERT(status->copied);
+  SVN_TEST_ASSERT(!status->switched);
+  SVN_TEST_ASSERT(!status->file_external);
+  SVN_TEST_STRING_ASSERT(status->moved_from_abspath,
+                         sbox_wc_path(b, "A/B-moved"));
+  SVN_TEST_ASSERT(status->moved_to_abspath == NULL);
+  /* Make sure the edited files have the expected content. */
+  SVN_ERR(svn_stringbuf_from_file2(&buf,
+                                   sbox_wc_path(b, "A/B-also-moved/lambda"),
+                                   pool));
+  SVN_TEST_STRING_ASSERT(buf->data, modified_file_content);
+  SVN_ERR(svn_stringbuf_from_file2(&buf,
+                                   sbox_wc_path(b, "A/B-also-moved/E/alpha"),
+                                   pool));
+  SVN_TEST_STRING_ASSERT(buf->data, modified_file_content);
+  return SVN_NO_ERROR;
 /* ========================================================================== */
@@ -7066,6 +7317,10 @@ static struct svn_test_descriptor_t test
                        "file move vs file edit-move during merge"),
                        "file edit-move vs file move merge accept move"),
+    SVN_TEST_OPTS_PASS(test_merge_dir_move_vs_dir_move,
+                       "dir move vs dir move during merge"),
+    SVN_TEST_OPTS_PASS(test_merge_dir_move_vs_dir_move_accept_move,
+                       "dir move vs dir move during merge accept move"),