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-<h2>Collection Constraints (NUnit 2.4 / 2.5)</h2>
-<p>Collection constraints perform tests that are specific to collections.
-   The following collection constraints are provided. Before NUnit 2.4.6,
-   these constraints only operated on true Collections. Beginning with 2.4.6,
-   they can work with any object that implements IEnumerable.
-<p>Beginning with NUnit 2.4.2, use of an improper argument type caused tests
-   to fail. Later releases give an error rather than a failure, so that negated
-   constraints will not appear to succeed. 
-<p>For example, both of the following statements give an error in later releases, 
-   but the second would have succeeded in earlier versions of NUnit.
-<div class="code"><pre>
-int[] iarray = new int[] { 1, 2, 3 };
-Assert.That( 5, Is.SubsetOf( iarray ) );  // Fails in early releases
-Assert.That( 5, Is.Not.SubsetOf( iarray ) ); /
-<p>Applies a constraint to each item in a collection, succeeding only if all of them succeed.
-<div class="code"><pre>
-AllItemsConstraint(Constraint itemConstraint)
-<div class="code"><pre>
-<h4>Examples of Use</h4>
-<div class="code"><pre>
-int[] iarray = new int[] { 1, 2, 3 };
-string[] sarray = new string[] { "a", "b", "c" };
-Assert.That( iarray, Is.All.Not.Null );
-Assert.That( sarray, Is.All.InstanceOf<string>() );
-Assert.That( iarray, Is.All.GreaterThan(0) );
-Assert.That( iarray, Has.All.GreaterThan(0) );
-<p>Applies a constraint to each item in a collection, succeeding if at least one of them succeeds.
-<div class="code"><pre>
-SomeItemsConstraint(Constraint itemConstraint)
-<div class="code"><pre>
-<h4>Examples of Use</h4>
-<div class="code"><pre>
-int[] iarray = new int[] { 1, 2, 3 };
-string[] sarray = new string[] { "a", "b", "c" };
-Assert.That( iarray, Has.Some.GreaterThan(2) );
-Assert.That( sarray, Has.Some.Length(1) );
-<p>Applies a constraint to each item in a collection, succeeding only if all of them fail.
-<div class="code"><pre>
-NoItemConstraint(Constraint itemConstraint)
-<div class="code"><pre>
-<h4>Examples of Use</h4>
-<div class="code"><pre>
-int[] iarray = new int[] { 1, 2, 3 };
-string[] sarray = new string[] { "a", "b", "c" };
-Assert.That( iarray, Has.None.Null );
-Assert.That( iarray, Has.No.Null );
-Assert.That( sarray, Has.None.EqualTo("d") );
-Assert.That( iarray, Has.None.LessThan(0) );
-<p>Tests that a collection contains only unique items.
-<div class="code"><pre>
-<div class="code"><pre>
-<h4>Example of Use</h4>
-<div class="code"><pre>
-string[] sarray = new string[] { "a", "b", "c" };
-Assert.That( sarray, Is.Unique );
-<p>Tests that a collection contains an object. 
-<div class="code"><pre>
-CollectionContainsConstraint( object )
-<div class="code"><pre>
-Has.Member( object )
-Contains.Item( object )
-<div class="code"><pre>
-...Using(IComparer comparer)
-...Using<T>(IComparer&lt;T&gt; comparer)
-...Using<T>(Comparison&lt;T&gt; comparer)
-<h4>Examples of Use</h4>
-<div class="code"><pre>
-int[] iarray = new int[] { 1, 2, 3 };
-string[] sarray = new string[] { "a", "b", "c" };
-Assert.That( iarray, Has.Member(3) );
-Assert.That( sarray, Has.Member("b") );
-Assert.That( sarray, Contains.Item("c") );
-Assert.That( sarray, Has.No.Member("x") );
-<li>For references, <b>Has.Member</b> uses object equality to find a member in a 
-collection. To check for an object equal to an item the collection, use 
-<p>Tests that two collections are equivalent - that they contain 
-the same items, in any order.
-<div class="code"><pre>
-CollectionEquivalentConstraint( IEnumerable other )
-<div class="code"><pre>
-Is.EquivalentTo( IEnumerable other )
-<h4>Examples of Use</h4>
-<div class="code"><pre>
-int[] iarray = new int[] { 1, 2, 3 };
-string[] sarray = new string[] { "a", "b", "c" };
-Assert.That( new string[] { "c", "a", "b" }, Is.EquivalentTo( sarray ) );
-Assert.That( new int[] { 1, 2, 2 }, Is.Not.EquivalentTo( iarray ) );
-<li>To compare collections for equality, use Is.EqualTo().
-<p>Tests that one collection is a subset of another.
-<div class="code"><pre>
-CollectionSubsetConstraint( ICollection )
-<div class="code"><pre>
-Is.SubsetOf( IEnumerable )
-<h4>Example of Use</h4>
-<div class="code"><pre>
-int[] iarray = new int[] { 1, 2, 3 };
-Assert.That( new int[] { 1, 3 }, Is.SubsetOf( iarray ) );
-<h3>CollectionOrderedConstraint (NUnit 2.5)</h3>
-<p>Tests that a collection is ordered.
-<div class="code"><pre>
-<div class="code"><pre>
-<div class="code"><pre>
-...By(string propertyName)
-...Using(IComparer comparer)
-...Using<T>(IComparer&lt;T&gt; comparer)
-...Using<T>(Comparison&lt;T&gt; comparer)
-<h4>Examples of Use</h4>
-<div class="code"><pre>
-int[] iarray = new int[] { 1, 2, 3 };
-string[] sarray = new string[] { "c", "b", "a" };
-string[] sarray2 = new string[] ( "a", "aa", "aaa" );
-Assert.That( iarray, Is.Ordered );
-Assert.That( sarray, Is.Ordered.Descending );
-Assert.That( sarray2, Is.Ordered.By("Length");
-<li>Modifiers may be combined and may appear in any order. If the
-same modifier is used more than once, the result is undefined.
-<li>The syntax of Is.Ordered has changed from earlier betas.
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-<li><a href="sameasConstraint.html">SameAs&nbsp;Constraint</a></li>
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-<h3>CombinatorialAttribute (NUnit 2.5)</h3>
-<p>The <b>CombinatorialAttribute</b> is used on a test to specify that NUnit should
-   generate test cases for all possible combinations of the individual
-   data items provided for the parameters of a test. Since this is the
-   default, use of this attribute is optional.
-<p>The following test will be executed six times, as follows:
-	MyTest(1, "A")
-	MyTest(1, "B")
-	MyTest(2, "A")
-	MyTest(2, "B")
-	MyTest(3, "A")
-	MyTest(3, "B")
-<div class="code"><pre>
-[Test, Combinatorial]
-public void MyTest(
-    [Values(1,2,3)] int x,
-    [Values("A","B")] string s)
-    ...
-<h4>See also...</h4>
-<li><a href="sequential.html">SequentialAttribute</a><li><a href="pairwise.html">PairwiseAttribute</a></ul>
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-<h2>Comparisons (NUnit 2.2.4)</h2>
-<p>The following methods test whether one object is greater than than another.
-   Contrary to the normal order of Asserts, these methods are designed to be
-   read in the "natural" English-language or mathematical order. Thus 
-   <b>Assert.Greater( x, y )</b> asserts that x is greater than y ( x &gt; y ). </p>
-<div class="code" style="width: 36em" >
-<pre>Assert.Greater( int arg1, int arg2 );
-Assert.Greater( int arg1, int arg2, string message );
-Assert.Greater( int arg1, int arg2, string message, 
-                object[] parms );
-Assert.Greater( uint arg1, uint arg2 );
-Assert.Greater( uint arg1, uint arg2, string message );
-Assert.Greater( uint arg1, uint arg2, string message, 
-                object[] parms );
-Assert.Greater( long arg1, long arg2 );
-Assert.Greater( long arg1, long arg2, string message );
-Assert.Greater( long arg1, long arg2, string message, 
-                object[] parms );
-Assert.Greater( ulong arg1, ulong arg2 );
-Assert.Greater( ulong arg1, ulong arg2, string message );
-Assert.Greater( ulong arg1, ulong arg2, string message, 
-                object[] parms );
-Assert.Greater( decimal arg1, decimal arg2 );
-Assert.Greater( decimal arg1, decimal arg2, string message );
-Assert.Greater( decimal arg1, decimal arg2, string message, 
-                object[] parms );
-Assert.Greater( double arg1, double arg2 );
-Assert.Greater( double arg1, double arg2, string message );
-Assert.Greater( double arg1, double arg2, string message, 
-                object[] parms );
-Assert.Greater( double arg1, double arg2 );
-Assert.Greater( double arg1, double arg2, string message );
-Assert.Greater( double arg1, double arg2, string message, 
-                object[] parms );
-Assert.Greater( float arg1, float arg2 );
-Assert.Greater( float arg1, float arg2, string message );
-Assert.Greater( float arg1, float arg2, string message, 
-                object[] parms );
-Assert.Greater( IComparable arg1, IComparable arg2 );
-Assert.Greater( IComparable arg1, IComparable arg2, string message );
-Assert.Greater( IComparable arg1, IComparable arg2, string message, 
-                object[] parms );</pre>
-<p>The following methods test whether one object is greater than or equal to another.
-   Contrary to the normal order of Asserts, these methods are designed to be
-   read in the "natural" English-language or mathematical order. Thus 
-   <b>Assert.GreaterOrEqual( x, y )</b> asserts that x is greater than or equal to y ( x &gt;= y ). </p>
-<div class="code" style="width: 36em" >
-<pre>Assert.GreaterOrEqual( int arg1, int arg2 );
-Assert.GreaterOrEqual( int arg1, int arg2, string message );
-Assert.GreaterOrEqual( int arg1, int arg2, string message, 
-                object[] parms );
-Assert.GreaterOrEqual( uint arg1, uint arg2 );
-Assert.GreaterOrEqual( uint arg1, uint arg2, string message );
-Assert.GreaterOrEqual( uint arg1, uint arg2, string message, 
-                object[] parms );
-Assert.GreaterOrEqual( long arg1, long arg2 );
-Assert.GreaterOrEqual( long arg1, long arg2, string message );
-Assert.GreaterOrEqual( long arg1, long arg2, string message, 
-                object[] parms );
-Assert.GreaterOrEqual( ulong arg1, ulong arg2 );
-Assert.GreaterOrEqual( ulong arg1, ulong arg2, string message );
-Assert.GreaterOrEqual( ulong arg1, ulong arg2, string message, 
-                object[] parms );
-Assert.GreaterOrEqual( decimal arg1, decimal arg2 );
-Assert.GreaterOrEqual( decimal arg1, decimal arg2, string message );
-Assert.GreaterOrEqual( decimal arg1, decimal arg2, string message, 
-                object[] parms );
-Assert.GreaterOrEqual( double arg1, double arg2 );
-Assert.GreaterOrEqual( double arg1, double arg2, string message );
-Assert.GreaterOrEqual( double arg1, double arg2, string message, 
-                object[] parms );
-Assert.GreaterOrEqual( double arg1, double arg2 );
-Assert.GreaterOrEqual( double arg1, double arg2, string message );
-Assert.GreaterOrEqual( double arg1, double arg2, string message, 
-                object[] parms );
-Assert.GreaterOrEqual( float arg1, float arg2 );
-Assert.GreaterOrEqual( float arg1, float arg2, string message );
-Assert.GreaterOrEqual( float arg1, float arg2, string message, 
-                object[] parms );
-Assert.GreaterOrEqual( IComparable arg1, IComparable arg2 );
-Assert.GreaterOrEqual( IComparable arg1, IComparable arg2, string message );
-Assert.GreaterOrEqual( IComparable arg1, IComparable arg2, string message, 
-                object[] parms );</pre>
-<p>The following methods test whether one object is less than than another.
-   Contrary to the normal order of Asserts, these methods are designed to be
-   read in the "natural" English-language or mathematical order. Thus 
-   <b>Assert.Less( x, y )</b> asserts that x is less than y ( x &lt; y ). </p>
-<div class="code" style="width: 36em" >
-<pre>Assert.Less( int arg1, int arg2 );
-Assert.Less( int arg1, int arg2, string message );
-Assert.Less( int arg1, int arg2, string message, 
-                object[] parms );
-Assert.Less( uint arg1, uint arg2 );
-Assert.Less( uint arg1, uint arg2, string message );
-Assert.Less( uint arg1, uint arg2, string message, 
-                object[] parms );
-Assert.Less( long arg1, long arg2 );
-Assert.Less( long arg1, long arg2, string message );
-Assert.Less( long arg1, long arg2, string message, 
-                object[] parms );
-Assert.Less( ulong arg1, ulong arg2 );
-Assert.Less( ulong arg1, ulong arg2, string message );
-Assert.Less( ulong arg1, ulong arg2, string message, 
-                object[] parms );
-Assert.Less( decimal arg1, decimal arg2 );
-Assert.Less( decimal arg1, decimal arg2, string message );
-Assert.Less( decimal arg1, decimal arg2, string message, 
-                object[] parms );
-Assert.Less( double arg1, double arg2 );
-Assert.Less( double arg1, double arg2, string message );
-Assert.Less( double arg1, double arg2, string message, 
-                object[] parms );
-Assert.Less( float arg1, float arg2 );
-Assert.Less( float arg1, float arg2, string message );
-Assert.Less( float arg1, float arg2, string message, 
-                object[] parms );
-Assert.Less( IComparable arg1, IComparable arg2 );
-Assert.Less( IComparable arg1, IComparable arg2, string message );
-Assert.Less( IComparable arg1, IComparable arg2, string message, 
-                object[] parms );</pre>
-<p>The following methods test whether one object is less than or equal to another.
-   Contrary to the normal order of Asserts, these methods are designed to be
-   read in the "natural" English-language or mathematical order. Thus 
-   <b>Assert.LessOrEqual( x, y )</b> asserts that x is less than or equal to y ( x &lt;= y ). </p>
-<div class="code" style="width: 36em" >
-<pre>Assert.LessOrEqual( int arg1, int arg2 );
-Assert.LessOrEqual( int arg1, int arg2, string message );
-Assert.LessOrEqual( int arg1, int arg2, string message, 
-                object[] parms );
-Assert.LessOrEqual( uint arg1, uint arg2 );
-Assert.LessOrEqual( uint arg1, uint arg2, string message );
-Assert.LessOrEqual( uint arg1, uint arg2, string message, 
-                object[] parms );
-Assert.LessOrEqual( long arg1, long arg2 );
-Assert.LessOrEqual( long arg1, long arg2, string message );
-Assert.LessOrEqual( long arg1, long arg2, string message, 
-                object[] parms );
-Assert.LessOrEqual( ulong arg1, ulong arg2 );
-Assert.LessOrEqual( ulong arg1, ulong arg2, string message );
-Assert.LessOrEqual( ulong arg1, ulong arg2, string message, 
-                object[] parms );
-Assert.LessOrEqual( decimal arg1, decimal arg2 );
-Assert.LessOrEqual( decimal arg1, decimal arg2, string message );
-Assert.LessOrEqual( decimal arg1, decimal arg2, string message, 
-                object[] parms );
-Assert.LessOrEqual( double arg1, double arg2 );
-Assert.LessOrEqual( double arg1, double arg2, string message );
-Assert.LessOrEqual( double arg1, double arg2, string message, 
-                object[] parms );
-Assert.LessOrEqual( float arg1, float arg2 );
-Assert.LessOrEqual( float arg1, float arg2, string message );
-Assert.LessOrEqual( float arg1, float arg2, string message, 
-                object[] parms );
-Assert.LessOrEqual( IComparable arg1, IComparable arg2 );
-Assert.LessOrEqual( IComparable arg1, IComparable arg2, string message );
-Assert.LessOrEqual( IComparable arg1, IComparable arg2, string message, 
-                object[] parms );</pre>
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-<li><a href="equalityAsserts.html">Equality&nbsp;Asserts</a></li>
-<li><a href="identityAsserts.html">Identity&nbsp;Asserts</a></li>
-<li><a href="conditionAsserts.html">Condition&nbsp;Asserts</a></li>
-<li id="current"><a href="comparisonAsserts.html">Comparison&nbsp;Asserts</a></li>
-<li><a href="typeAsserts.html">Type&nbsp;Asserts</a></li>
-<li><a href="exceptionAsserts.html">Exception&nbsp;Asserts</a></li>
-<li><a href="utilityAsserts.html">Utility&nbsp;Methods</a></li>
-<li><a href="stringAssert.html">String&nbsp;Assert</a></li>
-<li><a href="collectionAssert.html">Collection&nbsp;Assert</a></li>
-<li><a href="fileAssert.html">File&nbsp;Assert</a></li>
-<li><a href="directoryAssert.html">Directory&nbsp;Assert</a></li>
-<li><a href="constraintModel.html">Constraints</a></li>
-<li><a href="attributes.html">Attributes</a></li>
-<li><a href="runningTests.html">Running&nbsp;Tests</a></li>
-<li><a href="extensibility.html">Extensibility</a></li>
-<li><a href="releaseNotes.html">Release&nbsp;Notes</a></li>
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-<h2>Comparison Constraints (NUnit 2.4 / 2.5)</h2>
-<p>Comparison constraints are able to test whether one value
-is greater or less than another. Comparison constraints work
-on numeric values, as well as other objects that implement the
-<b>IComparable</b> interface or - beginning with NUnit 2.5 - 
-<p>Beginning with NUnit 2.5, you may supply your own comparison
-algorithm through the <b>Using</b> modifier.
-<p>Tests that one value is greater than another.
-<div class="code"><pre>
-GreaterThanConstraint(object expected)
-<div class="code"><pre>
-Is.GreaterThan(object expected)
-<div class="code"><pre>
-...Using(IComparer comparer)
-...Using<T>(IComparer&lt;T&gt; comparer)
-...Using<T>(Comparison&lt;T&gt; comparer)
-<h4>Examples of Use</h4>
-<div class="code"><pre>
-Assert.That(7, Is.GreaterThan(3));
-    Is.GreaterThan(theExpected).Using(myComparer));
-<p>Tests that one value is greater than or equal to another.
-<div class="code"><pre>
-GreaterThanOrEqualConstraint(object expected)
-<div class="code"><pre>
-Is.GreaterThanOrEqualTo(object expected)
-Is.AtLeast(object expected)
-<div class="code"><pre>
-...Using(IComparer comparer)
-...Using<T>(IComparer&lt;T&gt; comparer)
-...Using<T>(Comparison&lt;T&gt; comparer)
-<h4>Examples of Use</h4>
-<div class="code"><pre>
-Assert.That(7, Is.GreaterThanOrEqualTo(3));
-Assert.That(7, Is.AtLeast(3));
-Assert.That(7, Is.GreaterThanOrEqualTo(7));
-Assert.That(7, Is.AtLeast(7));
-    Is.GreaterThanOrEqualTo(theExpected).Using(myComparer));
-<p>Tests that one value is less than another.
-<div class="code"><pre>
-LessThanConstraint(object expected)
-<div class="code"><pre>
-Is.LessThan(object expected)
-<div class="code"><pre>
-...Using(IComparer comparer)
-...Using<T>(IComparer&lt;T&gt; comparer)
-...Using<T>(Comparison&lt;T&gt; comparer)
-<h4>Examples of Use</h4>
-<div class="code"><pre>
-Assert.That(3, Is.LessThan(7));
-    Is.LessThan(theExpected).Using(myComparer));
-<p>Tests that one value is less than or equal to another.
-<div class="code"><pre>
-LessThanOrEqualConstraint(object expected)
-<div class="code"><pre>
-Is.LessThanOrEqualTo(object expected)
-Is.AtMost(object expected)
-<div class="code"><pre>
-...Using(IComparer comparer)
-...Using<T>(IComparer&lt;T&gt; comparer)
-...Using<T>(Comparison&lt;T&gt; comparer)
-<h4>Examples of Use</h4>
-<div class="code"><pre>
-Assert.That(3, Is.LessThanOrEqualTo(7));
-Assert.That(3, Is.AtMost(7));
-Assert.That(3, Is.LessThanOrEqualTo(3));
-Assert.That(3, Is.AtMost(3));
-    Is.LessThanOrEqualTo(theExpected).Using(myComparer));
-<div class="code"><pre>
-RangeConstraint(IComparable from, IComparable to)
-<div class="code"><pre>
-Is.InRange(IComparable from, IComparable to)
-<div class="code"><pre>
-...Using(IComparer comparer)
-...Using<T>(IComparer&lt;T&gt; comparer)
-...Using<T>(Comparison&lt;T&gt; comparer)
-<h4>Examples of Use</h4>
-<div class="code"><pre>
-int[] iarray = new int[] { 1, 2, 3 }
-Assert.That( 42, Is.InRange(1, 100) );
-Assert.That( iarray, Is.All.InRange(1, 3) );
-    Is.InRange(lowExpected, highExpected).Using(myComparer));
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-<h2>Compound Constraints (NUnit 2.4)</h2>
-<p>Compound constraints are used to combine other constraints in various ways.
-<table class="constraints">
-<tr><th>Syntax Helper</th><th>Constructor</th><th>Operation</th></tr>
-<tr><td>Is.Not...</td><td>NotConstraint( Constraint )</td><td>Negates or reverses the effect of a constraint</td></tr>
-<tr><td>Is.All...</td><td>AllItemsConstraint( Constraint )</td><td>Tests that all members of a collection match the constraint</td></tr>
-<tr><td>Constraint &amp; Constraint</td><td>AndConstraint( Constraint, Constraint )</td><td>Tests that both of the constraints are met</td></tr>
-<tr><td>Constraint | Constraint</td><td>OrConstraint( Constraint, Constraint )</td><td>Tests that at least one of the constraints is met</td></tr>
-<h4>Examples of Use</h4>
-<div class="code"><pre>
-Assert.That( 2 + 2, Is.Not.EqualTo( 5 );
-Assert.That( new int[] { 1, 2, 3 }, Is.All.GreaterThan( 0 ) );
-Assert.That( 2.3, Is.GreaterThan( 2.0 ) & Is.LessThan( 3.0 ) );
-Assert.That( 3, Is.LessThan( 5 ) | Is.GreaterThan( 10 ) ); 
-// Using inheritance
-Expect( 2 + 2, Not.EqualTo( 5 ) );
-Expect( 2.3, GreaterThan( 2.0 ) & LessThan( 3.0 ) );
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-<li><a href="pathConstraints.html">Path&nbsp;Constraints</a></li>
-<li><a href="typeConstraints.html">Type&nbsp;Constraints</a></li>
-<li><a href="stringConstraints.html">String&nbsp;Constraints</a></li>
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-<li><a href="throwsConstraint.html">Throws&nbsp;Constraint</a></li>
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-<h2>Condition Asserts</h2>
-<p>Methods that test a specific condition are named for the condition they test and 
-	take the value tested as their first argument and, optionally a message as the 
-	second. The following methods are provided:</p>
-<div class="code" style="width: 36em">
-<pre>Assert.IsTrue( bool condition );
-Assert.IsTrue( bool condition, string message );
-Assert.IsTrue( bool condition, string message, object[] parms );
-Assert.True( bool condition );
-Assert.True( bool condition, string message );
-Assert.True( bool condition, string message, object[] parms );
-Assert.IsFalse( bool condition);
-Assert.IsFalse( bool condition, string message );
-Assert.IsFalse( bool condition, string message, object[] parms );
-Assert.False( bool condition);
-Assert.False( bool condition, string message );
-Assert.False( bool condition, string message, object[] parms );
-Assert.IsNull( object anObject );
-Assert.IsNull( object anObject, string message );
-Assert.IsNull( object anObject, string message, object[] parms );
-Assert.Null( object anObject );
-Assert.Null( object anObject, string message );
-Assert.Null( object anObject, string message, object[] parms );
-Assert.IsNotNull( object anObject );
-Assert.IsNotNull( object anObject, string message );
-Assert.IsNotNull( object anObject, string message, object[] parms );
-Assert.NotNull( object anObject );
-Assert.NotNull( object anObject, string message );
-Assert.NotNull( object anObject, string message, object[] parms );
-Assert.IsNaN( double aDouble );
-Assert.IsNaN( double aDouble, string message );
-Assert.IsNaN( double aDouble, string message, object[] parms );
-Assert.IsEmpty( string aString );
-Assert.IsEmpty( string aString, string message );
-Assert.IsEmpty( string aString, string message,
-          params object[] args );
-Assert.IsNotEmpty( string aString );
-Assert.IsNotEmpty( string aString, string message );
-Assert.IsNotEmpty( string aString, string message,
-          params object[] args );
-Assert.IsEmpty( ICollection collection );
-Assert.IsEmpty( ICollection collection, string message );
-Assert.IsEmpty( ICollection collection, string message,
-          params object[] args );
-Assert.IsNotEmpty( ICollection collection );
-Assert.IsNotEmpty( ICollection collection, string message );
-Assert.IsNotEmpty( ICollection collection, string message,
-          params object[] args );</pre>
-<p>Two forms are provided for the True, False, Null and NotNull
-conditions. The "Is" forms are compatible with earlier versions
-of the NUnit framework, while those without "Is" are provided
-for compatibility with NUnitLite.
-<p>Assert.IsEmpty and Assert.IsNotEmpty may be used to test either a string
-or a collection.</p>
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-<h2>Condition Constraints (NUnit 2.4)</h2>
-<p>ConditionConstraints test a specific condition and are named for the condition 
-   they test. They verify that the actual value satisfies the condition. The
-   following condition helpers are provided.
-<p>Tests that a value is Null.
-<div class="code"><pre>
-<div class="code"><pre>
-<h4>Examples of Use</h4>
-<div class="code"><pre>
-Assert.That( anObject, Is.Null );
-Assert.That( anObject, Is.Not.Null );
-<p>Tests that a value is true.
-<div class="code"><pre>
-<div class="code"><pre>
-<h4>Example of Use</h4>
-<div class="code"><pre>
-Assert.That( condition, Is.True );
-<p>Tests that a value is false.
-<div class="code"><pre>
-<div class="code"><pre>
-<h4>Example of Use</h4>
-<div class="code"><pre>
-Assert.That( condition, Is.False );
-<p>Tests that a value is floating-point NaN.
-<div class="code"><pre>
-<div class="code"><pre>
-<h4>Examples of Use</h4>
-<div class="code"><pre>
-Assert.That( aDouble, Is.NaN );
-Assert.That( aDouble, Is.Not.NaN );
-<p>Tests that an object is an empty string, directory or collection.
-<div class="code"><pre>
-<div class="code"><pre>
-<h4>Examples of Use</h4>
-<div class="code"><pre>
-Assert.That( aString, Is.Empty );
-Assert.Thst( dirInfo, Is.Empty );
-Assert.That( collection, Is.Empty );
-<li><b>EmptyConstraint</b> creates and uses either an <b>EmptyStringConstraint</b>,
-<b>EmptyDirectoryConstraint</b> or <b>EmptyCollectionConstraint</b> depending on 
-the argument tested.
-<li>A <b>DirectoryInfo</b> argument is required in order to test for an empty directory.
-To test whether a string represents a directory path, you must first construct
-a <b>DirectoryInfo</b>.
-<p>Tests that an array, collection or other IEnumerable is composed
-of unique items with no duplicates.
-<div class="code"><pre>
-<div class="code"><pre>
-<h4>Example of Use</h4>
-<div class="code"><pre>
-Assert.That( collection, Is.Unique );
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-<h2>Configuration Editor</h2>
-<p>The Configuration Editor is displayed using the Project | Configuration | Edit� menu item and
-supports the following operations:</p>
-<div class="screenshot-right">
-   <img src="img/configEditor.jpg"></div>
-<p>Remove the selected configuration. If it was
-the active config, then the next one in the list
-is made active.</p>
-<p>Rename the selected configuration.</p>
-<p>Add a new configuration. The Add
-Configuration dialog allows specifying an
-existing configuration to use as a template.</p>
-<h3>Make Active</h3>
-<p>Makes the selected configuration active.</p>
-<p>Exits the configuration editor</p>
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-<h2>Configuration Files</h2>
-<p>NUnit uses configuration files for the test runner executable � either nunit-console.exe or
-nunitgui.exe � as well as for the tests being run. Only settings that pertain to NUnit itself should be in
-the nunit-console.exe.config and nunit-gui.exe.config, while those that pertain to your own
-application and tests should be in a separate configuration file.</p>
-<h3>NUnit Configuration Files</h3>
-<p>One main purpose of the nunit-console and nunit-gui config files is to allow 
-NUnit to run with various versions of the .NET framework. NUnit is built using
-versions 1.1 and 2.0 of the framework. The two builds are provided as separate
-downloads and either build can be made to run against other versions of the CLR.</p>
-<p>As delivered, the <startup> section of each config file is commented out,
-causing NUnit to run with the version of .NET used to build it. If you uncomment 
-the <startup> section, the entries there control the order in which alternate 
-framework versions are selected.</p>
-<h3>Test Configuration File</h3>
-<p>When a configuration file is used to provide settings or to control the environment in which a test
-is run, specific naming conventions must be followed.</p>
-<p>If a single assembly is being loaded, then the configuration file is given the name of the assembly
-file with the config extension. For example, the configuration file used to run nunit.tests.dll must
-be named nunit.tests.dll.config and located in the same directory as the dll.</p>
-<p>If an NUnit project is being loaded into a single AppDomain, the configuration file uses the 
-name of the project file with the extension <i>changed</i> to config. For example, the project 
-AllTests.nunit would require a configuration file named AllTests.config, located in the same 
-directory as AllTests.nunit. The same rule is followed when loading Visual Studio projects or solutions.</p>
-<p><b>Note:</b> The above only applies if a single AppDomain is being used. If an NUnit 
-project is loaded using a separate AppDomain for each assembly, then the individual
-configuration files for each of the assemblies are used.
-<p>Generally, you should be able to simply copy your application config file and rename it as
-described above.</p>
-<p>It is also possible to effect the behavior of NUnit by adding special sections
-to the test config file. A config file using these sections might look like this:
-<div class="code" style="width: 36em">
-&lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?&gt;
-  &lt;configSections&gt;
-    &lt;sectionGroup name="NUnit"&gt;
-      &lt;section name="TestCaseBuilder"
-	    type="System.Configuration.NameValueSectionHandler"/&gt;
-      &lt;section name="TestRunner"
-	    type="System.Configuration.NameValueSectionHandler"/&gt;
-    &lt;/sectionGroup&gt;
-  &lt;/configSections&gt;
-  &lt;NUnit&gt;
-    &lt;TestCaseBuilder&gt;
-      &lt;add key="OldStyleTestCases" value="false" /&gt;
-    &lt;/TestCaseBuilder&gt;
-    &lt;TestRunner&gt;
-      &lt;add key="ApartmentState" value="MTA" /&gt;
-      &lt;add key="ThreadPriority" value="Normal" /&gt;
-	  &lt;add key="DefaultLogThreshold" value="Error" /&gt;
-	&lt;/TestRunner&gt;
-  &lt;/NUnit&gt;
-  ...
-<p>The entries in the above file are all 
-set to default values. The meaning of each setting is as follows:
-<p>If set to "true" NUnit will recognize methods beginning 
-"test..." as tests. The prefix is case insensitive.
-<p>Sets the apartment state for the thread used to run tests.
-<p>Sets the thread priority for the test thread.
-<p>Sets the level for logging captured by NUnit. In the
-current version only log4net logging is captured, so the
-level must be one that is defined by log4net.
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-<h2>NUnit-Console Command Line Options</h2>
-<p>The console interface has a few additional options compared to the forms 
-	interface. The command line must always specify one or more file names. The 
-	console interface always creates an XML representation of the test results. 
-	This file by default is called TestResult.xml and is placed in the working 
-	directory.</p>
-<p><b>Note:</b> By default the nunit-console program is not added to your path. You 
-	must do this manually if this is the desired behavior.</p>
-<p><b>Note:</b> Under the Windows operating system, options may be prefixed by either
-    a forward slash or a hyphen. Under Linux, a hyphen must be used. Options that
-	take values may use an equal sign, a colon or a space to separate the option 
-	from its value.</p>
-<h4>Specifying an Assembly</h4>
-<p>The console program must always have an assembly or project specified. To run 
-the tests contained in the nunit.tests.dll use the following command:</p>
-<pre class="programtext">        nunit-console nunit.tests.dll</pre>
-<p>To run the tests in nunit.tests.dll through the Visual Studio project, use:</p>
-	<pre class="programtext">        nunit-console nunit.tests.csproj</pre>
-<p>To run the same tests through an NUnit test project you have defined, use:</p>
-	<pre class="programtext">        nunit-console nunit.tests.nunit</pre>
-<h4>Specifying an Assembly and a Test to be Run</h4>
-<p>You may specify a test to be run by providing the full name of the test along
-with the containing assembly. For example to run NUnit.Tests.AssertionTests
-in the nunit.tests assembly use the following command:
-<pre class="programtext">        nunit-console /run:NUnit.Tests.AssertionTests nunit.tests.dll</pre>
-<p>The name of the test to be run may be that of a test case, test fixture or
-a namespace. 
-<p>You can specify multiple tests by separating names with commas (without spaces). For example:
-<pre class="programtext">        nunit-console /run:NUnit.Tests.AssertionTests,NUnit.Tests.ConstraintTests nunit.tests.dll</pre>
-<p>Unlike the <b>/fixture</b> option, this option affects the running
-rather than the loading of the tests. Consequently it supports much broader use,
-including situations involving SetUpFixtures, which are not run if the class
-in question is not loaded. You should use <b>/run</b> in lieu of <b>/fixture</b>
-in most cases.
-<h4>Specifying an Assembly and a Fixture to be Loaded</h4>
-<p>When specifying a fixture, you must give the full name of the test fixture 
-	along with the containing assembly. For example, to load the 
-	NUnit.Tests.AssertionTests in the nunit.tests.dll assembly use the following 
-	command:
-	<pre class="programtext">        nunit-console /fixture:NUnit.Tests.AssertionTests nunit.tests.dll</pre>
-<p>The name specified after the <b>/fixture</b> option may be that of a TestFixture 
-	class, a legacy suite (using the Suite property ) or a namespace. If a 
-	namespace is given, then all fixtures under that namespace are loaded.</p>
-<p>This option is provided for backward compatibility. In most cases, you will
-be better served by using the <b>/run</b> option.
-<h4>Specifying the .NET Framework Version</h4>
-<p>Most applications are written to run under a specific version of the CLR.
-A few are designed to operate correctly under multiple versions. In either case,
-it is important to be able to specify the CLR version to be used for testing.</p>
-<p>Prior to version 2.5, it was necessary to run the console program itself using
-the CLR version under which you wanted to run tests. This was done either by 
-editing the nunit-console.exe.config file or by setting the COMPLUS_Version
-environment variable before running the program.
-<p>Under NUnit 2.5 and later versions, you may still use either of these approaches, 
-but a simpler method is available.
-<p>The <b>/framework</b> option allows you to specify the version of the runtime
-    to be used in executing tests. If that version specified is different from the
-    one being used by NUnit, the tests are run in a separate process. For example,
-    you may enter
-    <pre class="programtext">        nunit-console myassembly.dll /framework:net-1.1</pre>
-<p>This command will run tests under .NET 1.1 even if you are running the .NET 2.0
-	build of the nunit-console. Beginning with version 2.5.3, all versions of .NET 
-	through 4.0 as well	as Mono profiles 1.0, 2.0 and 3.5 are supported.
-<h4>Specifying Test Categories to Include or Exclude</h4>
-<p>NUnit provides CategoryAttribute for use in marking tests as belonging to 
-	one or more categories. Categories may be included or excluded in a test run 
-	using the <b>/include</b> and <b>/exclude</b> options. The following command 
-	runs only the tests in the BaseLine category:
-	<pre class="programtext">        nunit-console myassembly.dll /include:BaseLine</pre>
-<p>The following command runs all tests <b>except</b> those in the Database 
-	category:
-	<pre class="programtext">        nunit-console myassembly.dll /exclude:Database</pre>
-Multiple categories may be specified on either option, by using commas to 
-separate them.
-<p><b>Notes:</b> Beginning with NUnit 2.4, the /include and /exclude options may
-   be combined on the command line. When both are used, all tests with the included 
-   categories are run except for those with the excluded categories.</p>
-<p>Beginning with NUnit 2.4.6, you may use a <b>Category Expression</b> with either
-of these options:
-	<dt>A|B|C
-	<dd>Selects tests having any of the categories A, B or C.
-	<dt>A,B,C
-	<dd>Selects tests having any of the categories A, B or C.
-	<dt>A+B+C
-	<dd>Selects only tests having all three of the categories assigned
-	<dt>A+B|C
-	<dd>Selects tests with both A and B OR with category C.
-	<dt>A+B-C
-	<dd>Selects tests with both A and B but not C.
-	<dt>-A
-	<dd>Selects tests not having category A assigned
-	<dt>A+(B|C)
-	<dd>Selects tests having both category A and either of B or C
-<p>The comma operator is equivalent to | but has a higher precendence. Order
-of evaluation is as follows:
-<li>Unary exclusion operator (-)
-<li>High-precendence union operator (,)
-<li>Intersection and set subtraction operators (+ and binary -)
-<li>Low-precedence union operator (|)
-<p><b>Note:</b> Because the operator characters have special meaning,
-you should avoid creating a category that uses any of them in it's name.
-For example, the category "db-tests" could not be used on the command
-line, since it appears to means "run category db, except for category tests."
-The same limitation applies to characters that have special meaning for
-the shell you are using.
-<p>For a clear understanding of how category 
-	selection works, review the documentation for both the 
-	<a href="category.html">Category Attribute</a> and the 
-	<a href="explicit.html">Explicit Attribute</a>.</p>
-<h4>Redirecting Output</h4>
-<p>Output created by the test, which is normally shown on the console, may be 
-    redirected to a file. The following command redirects standard output to the 
-	file TestResult.txt:
-	<pre class="programtext">        nunit-console nunit.tests.dll /out:TestResult.txt</pre>
-<p>The following command redirects standard error output to the StdErr.txt file.
-	<pre class="programtext">        nunit-console nunit.tests.dll /err:StdErr.txt</pre>
-<p><b>Note:</b>This option only redirects output produced <b>by the tests</b>,
-    together with selected NUnit output that is interspersed with the test output.
-	It does not redirect <b>all</b> console output. If you want to redirect <b>all</b>
-	output to a file, you should use command line redirection as supported by the
-	shell you are using. This option exists for the purpose of separating test
-	output from other output, such as the NUnit summary report.
-<h4>Labeling Test Output</h4>
-<p>The output from each test normally follows right after that of the preceding 
-	test. You may use the <b>/labels</b> option to cause an identifying label to be 
-	displayed at the start of each test case.</p>
-<h4>Specifying the XML file name</h4>
-<p>As stated above, the console program always creates an XML representation of the 
-	test results. To change the name of the output file to 
-	&quot;console-test.xml&quot; use the following command line option:
-	<pre class="programtext">        nunit-console /xml:console-test.xml nunit.tests.dll</pre>
-<p><b>Note:</b> For additional information see the XML schema for the test results. 
-	This file is in the same directory as the executable and is called
-	<a href="files/Results.xsd">Results.xsd</a>. 
-<h4>Specifying which Configuration to run</h4>
-<p>When running tests from a Visual Studio or NUnit project, the first 
-	configuration found will be loaded by default. Usually this is Debug. The 
-	configuration loaded may be controlled by using the <b>/config</b> switch. The 
-	following will load and run tests for the Release configuration of 
-	nunit.tests.dll.
-	<pre class="programtext">        nunit-console nunit.tests.csproj /config:Release</pre>
-<p><b>Note:</b> This option has no effect when loading an assembly directly.</p>
-<h4>Specifying Multiple Assemblies</h4>
-<p>You may run tests from multiple assemblies in one run using the console 
-	interface even if you have not defined an NUnit test project file. The 
-	following command would run a suite of tests contained in assembly1.dll, 
-	assembly2.dll and assembly3.dll.
-	<pre class="programtext">        nunit-console assembly1.dll assembly2.dll assembly3.dll</pre>
-<p><b>Notes:</b> You may specify multiple assemblies, but not multiple NUnit or 
-	Visual Studio projects on the command line. Further, you may not specify an 
-	NUnit or Visual Studio project together with a list of assemblies.</p>
-<p>Beginning with NUnit 2.4, the console loads multiple assemblies specified
-   in this way into separate AppDomains by default. You may provide a separate
-   config file for each assembly. You may override the default by use of the
-   <b>/domain</b> option.
-<p>Beginning with NUnit 2.4, the <b>/fixture</b>
-	option, when used with multiple assemblies, will run tests matching the 
-	fixture name in all the assemblies. In earlier versions, only the first
-	test found was executed.</p>
-<h4>Controlling the Use of Processes</h4>
-<p>The <b>/process</b> option controls how NUnit loads tests in processes. The
-   following values are recognized.
-   <dl style="margin-left: 2em">
-   <dt><b>Single</b>
-   <dd>All the tests are run in the nunit-console process. This is the default.
-   <dt><b>Separate</b>
-   <dd>A separate process is created to run the tests.
-   <dt><b>Multiple</b>
-   <dd>A separate process is created for each test assembly, whether specified
-   on the command line or listed in an NUnit project file.
-   </dl>
-<h4>Controlling the Use of AppDomains</h4>
-<p>The <b>/domain</b> option controls of the creation of AppDomains for running tests.
-    The following values are recognized:</p>
-	<dl style="margin-left: 2em">
-	<dt><b>None</b>
-	<dd>No domain is created - the tests are run in the primary domain. This normally
-	requires copying the <b>NUnit</b> assemblies into the same directory as your tests.
-	<dt><b>Single</b>
-	<dd>A test domain is created - this is how NUnit worked prior to version 2.4
-	<dt><b>Multiple</b>
-	<dd>A separate test domain is created for each assembly
-	</dl>
-<p>The default is to use multiple domains if multiple assemblies are listed on 
-	the command line. Otherwise a single domain is used.</p>
-<h4>Specifying a Default Timeout Value</h4>
-<p>The <b>/timeout</b> option takes an int value representing the default timeout
-to be used for test cases in this run. If any test exceeds the timeout value,
-it is cancelled and reported as an error. The default value may be overridden
-for selected tests by use of <b>TimeoutAttribute</b>.
-<p><b>Note:</b> If you do not use this option, no timeout is set and tests
-may run for any amount of time.
-<h4>Other Options</h4>
-<p>The <b>/trace</b> option allows you to control the amount of information that NUnit
-	writes to its internal trace log. Valid values are Off, Error, Warning,Info
-	and Debug. The default is Off.
-<p>The <b>/noshadow</b> option disables shadow copying of the assembly in order to 
-	provide improved performance.</p>
-<p>The <b>/nothread</b> option suppresses use of a separate thread for running the 
-	tests and uses the main thread instead.</p>
-<p>The <b>/wait</b> option causes the program to wait for user input before 
-	exiting. This is useful when running nunit-console from a shortcut.</p>
-<p>The <b>/xmlconsole</b> option displays raw XML output on the console rather than 
-	transforming it. This is useful when debugging problems with the XML format.</p>
-<p>The <b>/nologo</b> option disables display of the copyright information at the 
-	start of the program.</p>
-<p>The <b>/help</b> or <b>/?</b> option displays a brief help message</p>
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-<h2>Constraint-Based Assert Model (NUnit 2.4)</h2>
-<p>The constraint-based Assert model uses a single method of the Assert class
-   for all assertions. The logic necessary to carry out each assertion is
-   embedded in the constraint object passed as the second parameter to that
-   method.
-<p>Here's a very simple assert using the constraint model:
-<pre>      Assert.That( myString, Is.EqualTo("Hello") );</pre>
-<p>The second argument in this assertion uses one of NUnit's <b>syntax helpers</b>
-to create an <b>EqualConstraint</b>. The same assertion could also be made in this form:
-<pre>      Assert.That( myString, new EqualConstraint("Hello") );</pre>
-<p>Using this model, all assertions are made using one of the forms of the
-   Assert.That() method, which has a number of overloads...
-<div class="code" style="width: 36em">
-Assert.That( object actual, IResolveConstraint constraint )
-Assert.That( object actual, IResolveConstraint constraint, 
-             string message )
-Assert.That( object actual, IResolveConstraint constraint,
-             string message, object[] parms )
-Assert.That( ActualValueDelegate del, IResolveConstraint constraint )
-Assert.That( ActualValueDelegate del, IResolveConstraint constraint, 
-             string message )
-Assert.That( ActualValueDelegate del, IResolveConstraint constraint,
-             string message, object[] parms )
-Assert.That<T>( ref T actual, IResolveConstraint constraint )
-Assert.That<T>( ref T actual, IResolveConstraint constraint, 
-             string message )
-Assert.That<T>( ref T actual, IResolveConstraint constraint,
-             string message, object[] parms )
-Assert.That( bool condition );
-Assert.That( bool condition, string message );
-Assert.That( bool condition, string message, object[] parms );
-Assert.That( TestDelegate del, IResolveConstraint constraint );
-<p>If you derive your test fixture class from <b>AssertionHelper</b>, the
-Expect() method may be used in place of Assert.That()...
-<div class="code" style="width: 36em">
-Expect( object actual, IResolveConstraint constraint )
-Expect( object actual, IResolveConstraint constraint, 
-             string message )
-Expect( object actual, IResolveConstraint constraint, 
-             string message, object[] parms )
-Expect( ActualValueDelegate del, IResolveConstraint constraint )
-Expect( ActualValueDelegate del, IResolveConstraint constraint, 
-             string message )
-Expect( ActualValueDelegate del, IResolveConstraint constraint,
-             string message, object[] parms )
-Expect<T>( ref T actual, IResolveConstraint constraint )
-Expect<T>( ref T actual, IResolveConstraint constraint, 
-             string message )
-Expect<T>( ref T actual, IResolveConstraint constraint,
-             string message, object[] parms )
-Expect( bool condition );
-Expect( bool condition, string message );
-Expect( bool condition, string message, object[] parms );
-Expect( TestDelegate del, IResolveConstraint constraint );
-<p>The overloads that take a bool work exactly like Assert.IsTrue.
-<p>For overloads taking a constraint, the argument must be a object implementing 
-  the <b>IConstraint</b> interface, which supports performing a test
-   on an actual value and generating appropriate messages. This interface
-   is described in more detail under 
-   <a href="customConstraints.html">Custom Constraints</a>.
-<p>NUnit provides a number of constraint classes similar to the <b>EqualConstraint</b>
-   used in the example above. Generally, these classes may be used directly or
-   through a syntax helper. Test fixture classes inheriting from <b>AssertionHelper</b>
-   are able to use shorter forms. The valid forms are described on the pages related to
-   each constraint. Note that the menu items listed to the right generally reflect the
-   names of the syntax helpers.
-<p><b>See also:</b> the 
-<a href="classicModel.html">classic model</a> of assertions.
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-<li><a href="equalConstraint.html">Equal&nbsp;Constraint</a></li>
-<li><a href="sameasConstraint.html">SameAs&nbsp;Constraint</a></li>
-<li><a href="conditionConstraints.html">Condition&nbsp;Constraints</a></li>
-<li><a href="comparisonConstraints.html">Comparison&nbsp;Constrants</a></li>
-<li><a href="pathConstraints.html">Path&nbsp;Constraints</a></li>
-<li><a href="typeConstraints.html">Type&nbsp;Constraints</a></li>
-<li><a href="stringConstraints.html">String&nbsp;Constraints</a></li>
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-<li><a href="propertyConstraint.html">Property&nbsp;Constraint</a></li>
-<li><a href="throwsConstraint.html">Throws&nbsp;Constraint</a></li>
-<li><a href="compoundConstraints.html">Compound&nbsp;Constraints</a></li>
-<li><a href="delayedConstraint.html">Delayed&nbsp;Constraint</a></li>
-<li><a href="listMapper.html">List&nbsp;Mapper</a></li>
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-<h2>Context Menu</h2>
-<p>The context menu is displayed when one of the tree nodes is right-clicked.</p>
-<p>Runs the selected test - disabled if a test is running.</p>
-<h4>Run All</h4>
-<p>Runs all the tests.</p>
-<h4>Run Failed</h4>
-<p>Runs only the tests that failed on the previous run.</p>
-<h4>Show Checkboxes</h4>
-<p>Turns the display of checkboxes in the tree on or off. The checkboxes may
-   be used to select multiple tests for running.</p>
-<p>Expands the selected test node � invisible if the node is expanded or has no children.</p>
-<p>Collapses the selected test node � invisible if the node is collapsed or has no children.</p>
-<h4>Expand All</h4>
-<p>Expands all nodes of the tree.</p>
-<h4>Collapse All</h4>
-<p>Collapses all nodes in the tree to the root.</p>
-<h4>Load Fixture</h4>
-<p>Reloads only the currently selected fixture or namespace. The fixture,
-once loaded, remains in effect through any subsequent reloads. This generally
-results in substantial reduction in load time.</p>
-<h4>Clear Fixture</h4>
-<p>Reloads all the tests, clearing the currently loaded fixture.</p>
-<p>Displays the <a href="testProperties.html">Test Properties</a> for the selected test node.</p>
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-<li><a href="nunit-gui.html">Gui&nbsp;Runner</a></li>
-<li><a href="guiCommandLine.html">Command-Line</a></li>
-<li><a href="mainMenu.html">Main&nbsp;Menu</a></li>
-<li id="current"><a href="contextMenu.html">Context&nbsp;Menu</a></li>
-<li><a href="settingsDialog.html">Settings&nbsp;Dialog</a></li>
-<li><a href="addinsDialog.html">Addins&nbsp;Dialog</a></li>
-<li><a href="testProperties.html">Test&nbsp;Properties</a></li>
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-<li><a href="runtimeSelection.html">Runtime&nbsp;Selection</a></li>
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-<li><a href="configFiles.html">Configuration&nbsp;Files</a></li>
-<li><a href="multiAssembly.html">Multiple&nbsp;Assemblies</a></li>
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