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[24/30] incubator-trafodion git commit: TRAFODION-2731 CodeCleanup: Remove obsolete, legacy and unused code
diff --git a/core/sql/cli/rtdu.h b/core/sql/cli/rtdu.h
index a169413..607fc67 100644
--- a/core/sql/cli/rtdu.h
+++ b/core/sql/cli/rtdu.h
@@ -20,900 +20,5 @@
 // @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
-#ifndef RTDU_H
-#define RTDU_H
-/* -*-C++-*-
- *****************************************************************************
- *
- * File:         rtdu.h
- * Description:  Contains description of the object module.
- *               
- *               
- * Created:      10/15/94
- * Language:     C++
- *
- *
- *
- *
- *****************************************************************************
- */
-#include "NAVersionedObject.h"
-#include "Int64.h"
-#include "ExpError.h"
-// An SQL module consists of a header and several areas. The header
-// locates tha areas. An area is a contiguous string of bytes and it can
-// appear anywhere.
-// The SQL module is created or replaced by the SQL compiler and contains:
-//        (1) Header.
-//        (2) PLT (Procedure Location Table) area
-//        (3) SQL source area.
-//        (4) CONTROL area.
-//        (5) Name Map area.
-//        (6) DLT (Descriptor Location Table) area
-//        (7) Descriptor area.
-//        (8) SQL object area.
-//  The layout of a SQL module and the contents of the areas are discussed
-//  below.
-//  The term "offset" is often used. Offsets in the HEADER refer
-//  to the offset in the module of other areas relative to the start
-//  of the module header.
-//  Offsets in the different areas refer to offset WITHIN that area.
-//  (1) A HEADER area, describing global properties of the SQL module
-//      and anchoring the areas described below.
-//  (2) A PLT (Procedure Location Table) which is an area containing
-//      entries for all procedures in the module.
-//  (3) A SOURCE area which is an area containing the source SQL statements
-//      for all the procedures.
-//  (4) A CONTROL area which is an area containing the source SQL compiler
-//      CONTROL options for all the procedures. Used during auto recomp.
-//  (5) A NAME-MAP area which is an area containing name mapping information
-//      (e.g. default volume, DEFINEs, etc.) for all the procedures.
-//  (6) A DLT (Descriptor Location Table) which is an area containing
-//      entries for all static descriptor allocated in the module.
-//  (7) A DESCRIPTOR area which is an area containing the actual input and
-//      output descriptors.
-//  (8) An OBJECT area which is an area containing generated SQL object
-//      code for all the procedures.
-//      Following is a picture of a SQL module having 3 Procedures
-//       and 2 descriptors:
-//         Procedures 1 and 3 are CURSOR statements
-//         Procedure 1 and 2 have statement names.
-//                       +============================================+
-//   MODULE HEADER       |                                            |
-//                       +============================================+
-//   PLT AREA            | PLT (Procedure Location Table)             |
-//                       |  PLT Header                                |
-//                       |  Entry for Procedure 1                     |
-//                       |   Offset to source 1                       |
-//                       |   Offset to object 1                       |
-//                       |   Offset of CURSOR name.                   |
-//                       |   Offset of STATEMENT name.                |
-//                       |  Entry for Procedure 2                     |
-//                       |   Offset to source 2                       |
-//                       |   Offset to object 2                       |
-//                       |   Offset of CURSOR name = -1 (no cursor)   |
-//                       |   Offset of STATEMENT name.                |
-//                       |  Entry for Procedure 3                     |
-//                       |   Offset to source 3                       |
-//                       |   Offset to object 3                       |
-//                       |   Offset of CURSOR name.                   |
-//                       |   Offset of STATEMENT name = -1 (none)     |
-//                       |  CURSOR Name for Procedure 1               |
-//                       |  STATEMENT Name for Procedure 1            |
-//                       |  STATEMENT Name for Procedure 2            |
-//                       |  CURSOR Name for Procedure 3               |
-//                       +============================================+
-//   SQL SOURCE AREA     | SQL STATEMENTS                             |
-//                       |  source statement 1                        |
-//                       |  source statement 2                        |
-//                       |  source statement 3                        |
-//                       +============================================+
-//   CONTROL AREA        |                                            |
-//                       +============================================+
-//   NAME-MAP AREA       |                                            |
-//                       +============================================+
-//   DLT AREA            | DLT (Descriptor Location Table)            |
-//                       |  DLT Header                                |
-//                       |  Entry for Descriptor 1                    |
-//                       |   Offset to descriptor 1                   |
-//                       |   Offset of descriptor name.               |
-//                       |  Entry for Descriptor 2                    |
-//                       |   Offset to descriptor 2                   |
-//                       |   Offset of descriptor name.               |
-//                       |  Descriptor Name for descriptor 1          |
-//                       |  Descriptor Name for descriptor 2          |
-//                       +============================================+
-//   DESCRIPTOR AREA     |                                            |
-//                       +============================================+
-//   SQL OBJECT AREA     | OBJECTS FOR SQL STATEMENT                  |
-//                       |  object 1                                  |
-//                       |  object 2                                  |
-//                       |  object 3                                  |
-//                       +============================================+
-//      The SQL module header MODULE_HEADER_STRUCT is stored at the beginning
-//  of the module. It contains global information and anchors the other areas
-//  of the SQL module. It is loaded by the EXECUTOR when first referenced. All
-//  offsets stored in the header of a module are relative to the beginning of
-//  the module itself.
-class module_header_struct;
-class plt_entry_struct;
-class plt_header_struct;
-class dlt_entry_struct;
-class dlt_header_struct;
-class desc_entry_struct;
-class desc_header_struct;
-// SQL module header.
-const Int32 module_header_name_length = 512;  // 3-part ANSI name @128 bytes each
-                                            // plus some dots and some slack
-// of original 127
-const Int32 module_header_filler_at_end = 125; // update this as you add fields
-const Int32 plt_entry_filler_at_end = 14; 
-#define EYE_CATCHER_LEN         4
-#define MODULE_EYE_CATCHER      "MOD "
-#define PLT_EYE_CATCHER         "PLT "
-#define DLT_EYE_CATCHER         "DLT "
-// Assuming that the module header version doesn't change between R1.8 and R2.0 ...
-#define R18_MODULE_HEADER_VERSION       3
-enum { NULL_RTDU_OFFSET = -1, MAX_RTDU_NAME_LEN = 34 };
-// SourceArea should be made Unicode (when we have time)
-typedef char        SourceChar;
-typedef SourceChar* SourceBuf;
-class module_header_struct : public NAVersionedObject {
-  Int64 prep_timestamp;         // julian time stamp of preprocessing  00-07
-  Int64 compile_timestamp;      // julian time stamp of SQL compile    08-15
-  char  eye_catcher[EYE_CATCHER_LEN];  // set to "MOD "                16-19
-  Int32 module_length;          // length of the module                20-23
-  Int32 flags;                  // various status flags                24-27
-  Int32 num_areas;              // number of areas (excluding header)  28-31
-                                //  i.e. number of following offsets
-                                //  to such areas. presently = 8
-  Int32 plt_area_length;        // length of plt area                  32-35
-  Int32 plt_area_offset;        // offset to plt area                  36-39
-  Int32 plt_hdr_length;         // length of plt header                40-43
-  Int32 plt_entry_length;       // length of one plt entry             44-47
-  Int32 source_area_length;     // length of sql source area           48-51
-  Int32 source_area_offset;     // offset to sql source area           52-55
-  Int32 recomp_control_area_length; // length of control info area     56-59
-  Int32 recomp_control_area_offset; // offset to control info area     60-63
-  Int32 schema_names_area_length; // length of cat/sch name area       64-67
-  Int32 schema_names_area_offset; // offset to cat/sch name area       68-71
-  Int32 dlt_area_length;        // length of dlt area                  72-75
-  Int32 dlt_area_offset;        // offset to dlt area                  76-79
-  Int32 dlt_hdr_length;         // length of dlt header                80-83
-  Int32 dlt_entry_length;       // length of one dlt entry             84-87
-  Int32 descriptor_area_length; // length of descriptor area           88-91
-  Int32 descriptor_area_offset; // offset to descriptor area           92-95
-  Int32 desc_hdr_length;        // length of descriptor header         96-99
-  Int32 desc_entry_length;      // length of one descriptor entry     100-103
-  Int32 object_area_length;     // length of object area              104-107
-  Int32 object_area_offset;     // offset to object area.             108-111
-  char  module_name[module_header_name_length]; //                    112-623
-                                // fully qualified name of object file
-                                //  at time of sql static compilation.
-                                // blanks before sql compilation.
-                                // Right now only 34 bytes are used!!
-  UInt32 version_;              // module version, as defined in 
-                                // ComVersionPublic.h                 624-627
-                                // room for future growth
-  Int32 vproc_area_length;      // length of vproc area               628-631
-  Int32 vproc_area_offset;      // offset of vproc area               632-635
-  Int32 filler_[module_header_filler_at_end]; //                      636-879
-  //!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-  // the module_header_struct's size and data member layout (except 
-  // filler_ and its replacements) must not change across compatible
-  // versions. otherwise, ContextCli::addmodule() would not be able to
-  // correctly read the binary modules written by StaticCompiler.cpp
-  //!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-  module_header_struct() : NAVersionedObject(-1)
-  {
-    initialize();
-  }
-  void initialize();
-  virtual unsigned char getClassVersionID() { return R18_MODULE_HEADER_VERSION;}
-  virtual short getClassSize()      { return (short)sizeof(*this); }
-  virtual void populateImageVersionIDArray()
-  {
-  setImageVersionID(0,getClassVersionID());
-  }
-  unsigned char getVersion()
-  {
-     return getImageVersionID(0);
-  }
-  ULng32 getModuleVersion() const
-  {
-     return version_;
-  }
-  void setModuleVersion(const ULng32 value)
-  {
-     version_ = value;
-  }
-  Lng32 RtduStructIsCorrupt()
-  {
-    if (str_cmp(eye_catcher, MODULE_EYE_CATCHER, EYE_CATCHER_LEN) != 0 ||
-	module_length <= 0 ||
-	num_areas <= 0 ||
-	plt_area_length < 0)
-      return -CLI_MODULEFILE_CORRUPTED;		// diags code, it is corrupt
-    return 0;					// no error, not corrupt
-  }
-  // drivePack and write this structure out to file fd
-  Lng32 write(Int32 fd);
-// The PLT (Procedure location table) of a module is stored within the plt area
-//  of a module file.
-// It consists of:
-//  (1) a fixed length header described by plt_header_struct.
-//  (2) a variable length array of procedure entries, an entry being described
-//      by plt_entry_struct.
-//  (3) a variable length array containing cursor names and statement names.
-//      Each name is a varchar string of maximum length 34( cm^sim^name^len ).
-//      Names are stored packed, i.e. trailing blanks have been stripped.
-//      hence a name may be on an odd byte boundary.
-// Each entry describes and locates a "procedure", where a procedure logically
-//  consists of 4 parts:
-//   (a) a sql source statement.
-//   (b) a cursor name and/or a statement name.
-//   (c) a corresponding sql object.
-//   (d) optional input and output descriptor.
-// Note that some of the parts of a procedure may be missing.
-// All offsets are set to a negative value (= -1) when they are invalid.
-// Offsets to statements and objects of procedures are computed relative
-//  to the beginning of the source area and object area resp.
-// Offsets to cursor/statement names are computed relative to the end
-//  of the PLT itself, i.e. the offset of the first name is = 0.
-// body of template for a plt entry
-class plt_entry_struct : public NAVersionedObject {
-  plt_entry_struct()
-  : NAVersionedObject(-1)
-  { }
-  //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // Byte offset of statement name for a procedure.
-  // Offsets are measured from the end of the PLT.
-  // Names are stored in varchar format, and they are packed, i.e. their
-  //  offsets may be odd numbers.
-  // Note that it could hold NAString * sometime, see arkcmp/cmp_templ.cpp
-  //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  Long stmtname_offset;   //                                      00-03
-  //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // Byte offset of cursor name for a procedure.
-  // Set to -1 if no cursor name is associated with the statement.
-  // Offsets are measured from the end of the PLT.
-  // Names are stored in varchar format, and they are packed, i.e. their
-  //  offsets may be odd numbers.
-  // Note that it could hold NAString * sometime, see arkcmp/cmp_templ.cpp
-  //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  Long curname_offset;    //                                      04-07
-  //--------------------------------------------------
-  // description of sql source statement for section
-  //--------------------------------------------------
-  Int32 source_offset;     // offset of sql statement from         08-11
-                           //  beginning of source area.
-  Int32 source_length;     // length of item pointed by source_off 12-15
-  //----------------------------------------------------------------
-  // description of the cat.sch name used when compiling this stmt.
-  // Used at recomp time.
-  //----------------------------------------------------------------
-  Int32 schema_name_offset;  // offset of schema name from           16-19
-                             //  beginning of schema_names area.
-  Int32 schema_name_length;  // length of item pointed by sch_nm_off 20-23
-  //--------------------------------------------------------
-  // description of sql object for procedure.
-  // a section object is:
-  //  generated code for a dml statement.
-  //  the unmodified source statement for a ddl statement.
-  //--------------------------------------------------------
-  Int32 gen_object_offset; // offset of sql object from beginning  24-27
-                           //  of object area.
-  Int32 gen_object_length; // byte length of sql object produced   28-31
-                           //  by sql compiler.
-  Int32 input_desc_entry;  // entry into DLT describing the        32-35
-                           // input descriptor. 0 based.
-  Int32 output_desc_entry; // entry into DLT describing the        36-39
-                           // output descriptor. 0 based.
-  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // Offset to name-map
-  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  Int32 name_map_offset;   //                                      40-43
-  //------------------------------------
-  // status flags.
-  //------------------------------------
-  Int32 status;            //                                      44-47
-  // if the statement entry points to a cursor this indicates whether
-  // the cursor is holdable..or not
-  Int32 holdable;         //                                       48-51
-  Int32 statementIndex;   //                                       52-55
-  //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // Offset and length of control information(CQD, CT, CQS) for this stmt.
-  // Offset relative to start of recomp_control_area_offset pointed to
-  // by module header.
-  // Offset points to class RecompControlInfo created at static compile time.
-  // Used at auto recomp time to ship back to mxcmp.
-  //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  Int32 recomp_control_info_offset;                            // 56-59
-  Int32 recomp_control_info_length;                            // 60-63
-  Int32 filler_[plt_entry_filler_at_end]; //                       64-91
-  //!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-  // the plt_entry_struct's size and data member layout (except 
-  // filler_ and its replacements) must not change across compatible
-  // versions. otherwise, ContextCli::addmodule() would not be able to
-  // correctly read the binary modules written by StaticCompiler.cpp
-  //!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-  // get this entry's statement or cursor name and its length
-  inline Int32 getNameAndLen
-  (module_header_struct &mHdr, plt_header_struct &pHdr, char *&name);
-  virtual unsigned char getClassVersionID() { return 1; }
-  virtual short getClassSize()      { return (short)sizeof(*this); }
-  virtual void populateImageVersionIDArray()
-  {
-  setImageVersionID(0,getClassVersionID());
-  }
-  NABoolean autoRecomp()      { return (status & AUTO_RECOMP)    != 0; }
-  void setAutoRecomp(NABoolean v)      
-           { (v ? status |= AUTO_RECOMP : status &= ~AUTO_RECOMP); }
-  NABoolean recompWarn()      { return (status & RECOMP_WARN)    != 0; }
-  void setRecompWarn(NABoolean v)      
-           { (v ? status |= RECOMP_WARN : status &= ~RECOMP_WARN); }
-  NABoolean nametypeNsk()      { return (status & NAMETYPE_NSK)    != 0; }
-  void setNametypeNsk(NABoolean v)      
-           { (v ? status |= NAMETYPE_NSK : status &= ~NAMETYPE_NSK); }
-  NABoolean odbcProcess()      { return (status & ODBC_PROCESS)    != 0; }
-  void setOdbcProcess(NABoolean v)      
-           { (v ? status |= ODBC_PROCESS : status &= ~ODBC_PROCESS); }
-  enum StatusFlags {
-    AUTO_RECOMP = 0x0001,
-    RECOMP_WARN = 0x0002,
-    NAMETYPE_NSK = 0x0004,
-    ODBC_PROCESS = 0x0008
-  };
-// Structure describing the header of a PLT (Procedure Location Table).
-class plt_header_struct : public NAVersionedObject {
-  plt_header_struct()
-  :  NAVersionedObject(-1)
-  { }
-  char             eye_catcher[EYE_CATCHER_LEN]; // set to "PLT "   00-03
-  Int32            plt_len;        // Total length of the PLT area. 04-07
-  Int32            num_procedures; // Number of procedure entries   08-11
-  Int32            name_len;       // total byte length of          12-15
-                                   // cursor/statement name area
-  char filler_[16];                                             //  16-23
-  //plt_entry_struct plte[1];      // (num_procedures - 1) entries following
-  plt_entry_struct *getPLTEntry(Int32 zbi, Int32 entryLen) {
-    // this address arithmetic must reflect the way StaticCompiler.cpp
-    // writes and Context.cpp's addModule() reads the plt_area
-    assert(0 <= zbi && zbi < num_procedures); 
-    return (plt_entry_struct*)((char*)this + sizeof(*this) + zbi*entryLen);
-  }
-  char *getStmtNameStart(module_header_struct &hdr) {
-    // this address arithmetic must reflect the way StaticCompiler.cpp
-    // writes and Context.cpp's addModule() reads the plt_area
-    return (((char*)(this)) + hdr.plt_hdr_length 
-            + num_procedures * hdr.plt_entry_length);
-  }
-  virtual unsigned char getClassVersionID() { return 1; }
-  virtual short getClassSize()      { return (short)sizeof(*this); }
-  virtual void populateImageVersionIDArray()
-  {
-  setImageVersionID(0,getClassVersionID());
-  }
-  Lng32 RtduStructIsCorrupt()
-  {
-  if (str_cmp(eye_catcher, PLT_EYE_CATCHER, EYE_CATCHER_LEN) != 0 ||
-      plt_len <= 0)
-    return -CLI_MODULEFILE_CORRUPTED;		// diags code, it is corrupt
-  return 0;					// no error, not corrupt
-  }
-  // drivePack and write this structure out to file fd
-  Lng32 write(Int32 fd);
-// The DLT (Descriptor location table) of a module is stored within the dlt
-//  area of a module file.
-// It consists of:
-//  (1) a fixed length header described by dlt_header_struct.
-//  (2) a variable length array of dlt entries, an entry being described
-//      by dlt_entry_struct.
-//  (3) a variable length array containing descriptor names.
-//      Each name is a varchar string of maximum length 34( ?? ).
-//      Names are stored packed, i.e. trailing blanks have been stripped.
-//      hence a name may be on an odd byte boundary.
-// Each entry describes a "descriptor", where a descriptor logically
-//  consists of 2 parts:
-//   (a) a descriptor name
-//   (b) a corresponding descriptor
-// Offsets to descriptor is computed relative to the beginning of the
-//  descriptor area.
-// Offsets to descriptor names are computed relative to the end
-//  of the DLT itself, i.e. the offset of the first name is = 0.
-// struct describing an input or output descriptor
-// All *_offset fields in this struct are relative to the end of all
-// entries for this desc_header_struct.
-class desc_entry_struct : public NAVersionedObject {
-  Int32 datatype;              // 00-03
-  Int32 length;                // 04-07
-  Int32 charset_offset;        // 08-11
-  Int32 coll_seq_offset;       // 12-15
-  Int32 scale;                 // 16-19
-  Int32 precision;             // 20-23
-  Int32 fractional_precision;  // 24-27
-  Int32 output_name_offset;    // 28-31
-  Int32 heading_offset;        // 32-35
-  Int32 var_ptr;               // 36-39
-  Int32 var_data;              // 40-43
-  Int32 ind_ptr;               // 44-47
-  Int32 ind_data;              // 48-51
-  Int32 datatype_ind;          // 52-55
-  Int32 rowsetSize;            // 56-59
-  Int16 nullable;              // 60-61
-  Int16 generated_output_name; // 62-63
-  Int16 string_format;         // 64-65
-  char  reservedForSPJ_[6];    // 66-71
-  char  filler_[30];            // 72-101
-  desc_entry_struct()
-  :  NAVersionedObject(-1)
-  {
-    Lng32 lenDescEntryStruct = ((char *)filler_ - (char *)&datatype);
-    memset (&datatype, 0, lenDescEntryStruct);
-    memset (filler_, 0, 30);
-  }
-  virtual unsigned char getClassVersionID() { return 1; }
-  virtual short getClassSize()      { return (short)sizeof(*this); }
-  virtual void populateImageVersionIDArray()
-  {
-  setImageVersionID(0,getClassVersionID());
-  }
-class desc_header_struct : public NAVersionedObject {
-  desc_header_struct()
-  :  NAVersionedObject(-1)
-  { }
-  Int32             num_entries;   // 00-03
-  char              filler_[4];    // 04-07
-  //desc_entry_struct desc_entry[1];// followed by (num_entries - 1) entries
-                                   // of desc_entry_struct
-  desc_entry_struct *getDescEntry(Int32 zbi, Int32 entryLen) {
-    // this address arithmetic must reflect the way StaticCompiler.cpp
-    // writes and Context.cpp's addModule() reads DescSeq/SimpleDesc area
-    assert(0 <= zbi && zbi < num_entries); 
-    return (desc_entry_struct*)((char*)this + sizeof(*this) + zbi*entryLen);
-  }
-  virtual unsigned char getClassVersionID() { return 1; }
-  virtual short getClassSize()      { return (short)sizeof(*this); }
-  virtual void populateImageVersionIDArray()
-  {
-  setImageVersionID(0,getClassVersionID());
-  }
-// body of template for a dlt entry
-class dlt_entry_struct : public NAVersionedObject {
-  dlt_entry_struct()
-  : NAVersionedObject(-1)
-  { }
-  //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // Byte offset of descriptor name.
-  // Offsets are measured from the end of the DLT.
-  // Names are stored in varchar format, and they are packed, i.e. their
-  //  offsets may be odd numbers.
-  //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
-#ifdef NA_64BIT
-  // dg64 - 32-bits on disk
-  Int32  descname_offset;   //                                00-03
-  Lng32 descname_offset;   //                                00-03
-  //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // Byte offset of statement name for which this descriptor is defined.
-  // Offsets are measured from the end of the DLT.
-  // Names are stored in varchar format, and they are packed, i.e. their
-  //  offsets may be odd numbers.
-  //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
-#ifdef NA_64BIT
-  // dg64 - 32-bits on disk
-  Int32  stmtname_offset;   //                                04-07
-  Lng32 stmtname_offset;   //                                04-07
-  //--------------------------------------------------
-  // description of descriptor
-  //--------------------------------------------------
-#ifdef NA_64BIT
-  // dg64 - 32-bits on disk
-  Int32  descriptor_offset; // offset of descriptor from the  08-11
-  Lng32 descriptor_offset; // offset of descriptor from the  08-11
-                          //  beginning of descriptor area.
-                          // Points to desc_header_struct.
-  enum DESC_TYPE {
-  };
-  Int16 /*DESC_TYPE*/ desc_type;  //                        12-13
-  char                filler_[26]; //                       14-39
-  virtual unsigned char getClassVersionID() { return 1; }
-  virtual short getClassSize()      { return (short)sizeof(*this); }
-  virtual void populateImageVersionIDArray()
-  {
-  setImageVersionID(0,getClassVersionID());
-  }
-// Structure describing the header of a DLT (Descriptor Location Table).
-class dlt_header_struct : public NAVersionedObject {
-  char             eye_catcher[EYE_CATCHER_LEN]; // set to "DLT "   00-03
-  Int32            dlt_len;         //                              04-07
-  Int32            num_descriptors; // Number of descriptor entries 08-11
-  Int32            name_len;        // Total byte length of         12-15
-                                    // descriptor name area.
-  char filler_[16];                                             //  16-23
-  // dlt_entry_struct dlte[1];      // (num_descriptors - 1) entries following
-                                    // this struct.
-  dlt_entry_struct *getDLTEntry(Int32 zbi, Int32 entryLen) {
-    assert(0 <= zbi && zbi < num_descriptors); 
-    // this address arithmetic must reflect the way StaticCompiler.cpp
-    // writes and Context.cpp's addModule() reads the dlt_area
-    return (dlt_entry_struct*)((char*)this + sizeof(*this) + zbi*entryLen);
-  }
-  virtual unsigned char getClassVersionID() { return 1; }
-  virtual short getClassSize()      { return (short)sizeof(*this); }
-  Lng32 RtduStructIsCorrupt()
-  {
-  if (str_cmp(eye_catcher, DLT_EYE_CATCHER, EYE_CATCHER_LEN) != 0 ||
-      num_descriptors <= 0 ||
-      dlt_len <= 0)
-    return -CLI_MODULEFILE_CORRUPTED;		// diags code, it is corrupt
-  return 0;					// no error, not corrupt
-  }
-  virtual void populateImageVersionIDArray()
-  {
-  setImageVersionID(0,getClassVersionID());
-  }
-// class RtduRecompControlInfo
-//   This class contains all information related to control options.
-//   It is created at static compile time and is shipped back as is
-//   during auto recompilation by cli to mxcmp.
-// cqdInfo_:  contains packed currentDefaults_ 
-//            (see sqlcomp/nadefaults.cpp)
-// ctoInfo_:  contains packed control table options 
-//            (see optimizer/ControlDB.cpp)
-// cqsInfo_:  contains the shape in effect for this stmt.
-class RtduRecompControlInfo : public NAVersionedObject
-  RtduRecompControlInfo()
-       :  NAVersionedObject(-1),
-	  numCqdInfoEntries_(0),
-	  cqdInfo_(NULL), ctoInfo_(NULL), cqsInfo_(NULL),
-	  cqdInfoLength_(0), ctoInfoLength_(0), cqsInfoLength_(0),
-	  flags_(0)
-  {
-  };
-  virtual unsigned char getClassVersionID()       { return 1; }
-  virtual void populateImageVersionIDArray()
-  { setImageVersionID(0,getClassVersionID()); }
-  void initialize(Lng32 numCqdInfoEntries,
-		  char * cqdInfo, Lng32 cqdInfoLength,
-		  char * ctoInfo, Lng32 ctoInfoLength,
-		  char * cqsInfo, Lng32 cqsInfoLength)
-  {
-    flags_ = 0;
-    numCqdInfoEntries_ = numCqdInfoEntries;
-    cqdInfo_ = cqdInfo;
-    cqdInfoLength_ = cqdInfoLength;
-    ctoInfo_ = ctoInfo;
-    ctoInfoLength_ = ctoInfoLength;
-    cqsInfo_ = cqsInfo;
-    cqsInfoLength_ = cqsInfoLength;
-    memset(filler_, 0, 48);
-  };
-  Lng32 numCqdInfoEntries() { return numCqdInfoEntries_;};
-  char * cqdInfo() { return cqdInfo_;}
-  Lng32   cqdInfoLength() { return cqdInfoLength_;};
-  char * ctoInfo() { return ctoInfo_;}
-  Lng32   ctoInfoLength() { return ctoInfoLength_;};
-  char * cqsInfo() { return cqsInfo_;}
-  Lng32   cqsInfoLength() { return cqsInfoLength_;};
-  Lng32 packedLength()
-  {
-    Lng32 size = sizeof(RtduRecompControlInfo);
-    size += cqdInfoLength_ + ctoInfoLength_ + cqsInfoLength_;
-    return size;
-  };
-  void packIt(char * basePtr)
-  {
-    if (cqdInfoLength_ > 0)
-      {
-	cqdInfo_ = (char *)((char *)cqdInfo_ - (char *)basePtr);
-      }
-    if (ctoInfoLength_ > 0)
-      {
-	ctoInfo_ = (char *)((char *)ctoInfo_ - (char *)basePtr);
-      }
-    if (cqsInfoLength_ > 0)
-      {
-	cqsInfo_ = (char *)((char *)cqsInfo_ - (char *)basePtr);
-      }
-  };
-  void unpackIt(char * basePtr)
-  {
-    if (cqdInfoLength_ > 0)
-      {
-	cqdInfo_ = (Long)cqdInfo_ + (char *)basePtr;
-      }
-    if (ctoInfoLength_ > 0)
-      {
-	ctoInfo_ = (Long)ctoInfo_ + (char *)basePtr;
-      }
-    if (cqsInfoLength_ > 0)
-      {
-	cqsInfo_ = (Long)cqsInfo_ + (char *)basePtr;
-      }
-  };
-#ifdef NA_64BIT
-  // dg64 - 32-bits on disk
-  Int32    numCqdInfoEntries_;
-  Lng32   numCqdInfoEntries_;
-  char * cqdInfo_;    // information related to CQD
-#ifdef NA_64BIT
-  // dg64 - 32-bits on disk
-  Int32    cqdInfoLength_;
-  Lng32   cqdInfoLength_;
-  char * ctoInfo_;    // information related to Control Table Options
-#ifdef NA_64BIT
-  // dg64 - 32-bits on disk
-  Int32    ctoInfoLength_;
-  Lng32   ctoInfoLength_;
-  char * cqsInfo_;    // the Control Query Shape in use for this stmt.
-#ifdef NA_64BIT
-  // dg64 - 32-bits on disk
-  Int32    cqsInfoLength_;
-  Lng32   cqsInfoLength_;
-  UInt32 flags_;
-  char filler_[48];   // of original 48 filler bytes
-// get this entry's statement or cursor name and its length
-inline Int32 plt_entry_struct::getNameAndLen
-(module_header_struct &mHdr, plt_header_struct &pHdr, char *&name)
-  const Int32 LEN = 4; Int32 length=0;
-  char *start = pHdr.getStmtNameStart(mHdr);
-  if (stmtname_offset >= 0) {
-    str_cpy_all((char *)&length, (start + stmtname_offset), LEN);
-    name = start + stmtname_offset + LEN;
-  }
-  else if (curname_offset >= 0) {
-    str_cpy_all((char *)&length, (start + curname_offset), LEN);
-    name = start + curname_offset + LEN;
-  }
-  return length;
-inline static void initializeVersionFields(plt_header_struct *dest)
-  plt_header_struct src;
-  if (dest) memcpy(dest, &src, sizeof(NAVersionedObject));
-inline static void initializeVersionFields(plt_entry_struct *dest)
-  plt_entry_struct src;
-  if (dest) memcpy(dest, &src, sizeof(NAVersionedObject));
-inline static void initializeVersionFields(dlt_header_struct *dest)
-  dlt_header_struct src;
-  if (dest) memcpy(dest, &src, sizeof(NAVersionedObject));
-inline static void initializeVersionFields(dlt_entry_struct *dest)
-  dlt_entry_struct src;
-  if (dest) memcpy(dest, &src, sizeof(NAVersionedObject));
-inline static void initializeVersionFields(desc_header_struct *dest) 
-  desc_header_struct src;
-  if (dest) memcpy(dest, &src, sizeof(NAVersionedObject));
-inline static void initializeVersionFields(desc_entry_struct *dest)
-  desc_entry_struct src;
-  if (dest) 
-  {
-    memcpy(dest, &src, sizeof(NAVersionedObject));
-  }
+this file is obsolete and has been removed
diff --git a/core/sql/cli/rtdu2.cpp b/core/sql/cli/rtdu2.cpp
index 3163512..da1a5fa 100644
--- a/core/sql/cli/rtdu2.cpp
+++ b/core/sql/cli/rtdu2.cpp
@@ -35,257 +35,3 @@
-#include "Platform.h"
-#include "rtdu2.h"
-#include "ExpError.h"
-//ss_cc_change : This file is obsolete and is not used
-// read and return module header structure
-(fstream              &mf,     // (IN): binary module file
- module_header_struct &hdr,    // (IN): target of read
- const char *         name,    // (IN): name of module (for error msg)
- ComDiagsArea         &diags)  // (IN): deposit any error msg here
-  // read the module header
-  mf.seekg(0, ios::beg);
- *)&hdr, sizeof(module_header_struct));
-  if ( {
-    diags << DgSqlCode(-CLI_READ_ERROR) << DgString0(name);
-    return NULL;
-  }
-  // give versioning a chance to massage/migrate it to this version
-  module_header_struct modHdrCls, *latestModHdr = (module_header_struct*)
-    hdr.driveUnpack(&hdr, &modHdrCls, NULL);
-  if (!latestModHdr) {
-    // error: version is no longer supported
-    diags << DgSqlCode(-CLI_MODULE_HDR_VERSION_ERROR) 
-          << DgString0(name);
-    return NULL;
-  }
-  // verify its validity
-  Lng32 errCode = latestModHdr->RtduStructIsCorrupt();
-  if (errCode) {
-    // the module file is corrupted or has invalid data
-    diags << DgSqlCode(errCode) << DgString0(name);
-    return NULL;
-  }
-  return latestModHdr;
-// read and return procedure location table area (header + entries)
-(fstream              &mf,          // (IN) : binary module file
- module_header_struct &latestModHdr,// (IN) : its module header
- NAHeap               &heap,        // (IN) : allocate PLT area from here
- const char *     name,       // (IN) : module name (for error msg)
- ComDiagsArea         &diags,       // (IN) : deposit any error msg here
- plt_header_struct   *&pltArea)     // (OUT): plt header + entries
-  // make sure we have reasonable arguments
-  if (latestModHdr.plt_area_offset  <= 0 ||
-      latestModHdr.plt_area_length  <= 0 ||
-      latestModHdr.plt_hdr_length   <= 0 ||
-      latestModHdr.plt_entry_length <= 0)
-    return -1;
-  // allocate space for PLT header
-  plt_header_struct pltHdrCls, *latestPLTHdr, *plt;
-  plt = (plt_header_struct *)
-    heap.allocateMemory(latestModHdr.plt_hdr_length);
-  // read procedure location table header
-  mf.seekg(latestModHdr.plt_area_offset, ios::beg);
- *)plt, latestModHdr.plt_hdr_length);
-  if ( {
-    diags << DgSqlCode(-CLI_READ_ERROR) << DgString0(name);
-    return -1;
-  }
-  // give versioning a chance to massage/migrate it to this version
-  latestPLTHdr = (plt_header_struct*)plt->driveUnpack(plt, &pltHdrCls,NULL);
-  if (!latestPLTHdr) {
-    // error: version is no longer supported
-    diags << DgSqlCode(-CLI_MOD_PLT_HDR_VERSION_ERROR) 
-          << DgString0(name);
-    return -1;
-  }
-  pltArea = latestPLTHdr;
-  Int32 num_procs = latestPLTHdr->num_procedures;
-  if (num_procs >= 1) {
-	// allocate space for PLT header + entries
-    heap.deallocateMemory(plt);
-    plt = (plt_header_struct *)
-      heap.allocateMemory((size_t)latestModHdr.plt_area_length);
-    // read procedure location table header + entries
-    mf.seekg(latestModHdr.plt_area_offset, ios::beg);
- *)plt, (Int32)latestModHdr.plt_area_length);
-    if ( {
-      diags << DgSqlCode(-CLI_READ_ERROR) << DgString0(name);
-      return -1;
-    }
-    // give versioning a chance to massage/migrate it to this version
-    latestPLTHdr = (plt_header_struct*)plt->driveUnpack(plt, &pltHdrCls, NULL);
-    if (!latestPLTHdr) {
-      // error: version is no longer supported
-      diags << DgSqlCode(-CLI_MOD_PLT_HDR_VERSION_ERROR) 
-            << DgString0(name);
-      return -1;
-    }
-    pltArea = latestPLTHdr;
-  }
-  // verify its validity
-  Lng32 errCode = pltArea->RtduStructIsCorrupt();
-  if (errCode) {
-    // the module file is corrupted or has invalid data
-    diags << DgSqlCode(errCode) << DgString0(name);
-    heap.deallocateMemory(plt);
-    return -1;
-  }
-  return num_procs;
-// read and return descriptor location table area (header + entries)
-(fstream              &mf,          // (IN) : binary module file
- module_header_struct &latestModHdr,// (IN) : its module header
- NAHeap               &heap,        // (IN) : allocate DLT area from here
- const char *     name,       // (IN) : module name (for error msg)
- ComDiagsArea         &diags,       // (IN) : deposit any error msg here
- dlt_header_struct   *&dltArea)     // (OUT): dlt header + entries
-  // make sure we have reasonable arguments
-  if (latestModHdr.dlt_area_offset  <= 0 ||
-      latestModHdr.dlt_area_length  <= 0 ||
-      latestModHdr.dlt_hdr_length   <= 0 ||
-      latestModHdr.dlt_entry_length <= 0)
-    return -1;
-  // allocate space for DLT header
-  dlt_header_struct dltHdrCls, *latestDLTHdr, *dlt;
-  dlt = (dlt_header_struct *)
-    heap.allocateMemory(latestModHdr.dlt_hdr_length);
-  // read descriptor location table header
-  mf.seekg(latestModHdr.dlt_area_offset, ios::beg);
- *)dlt, latestModHdr.dlt_hdr_length);
-  if ( {
-    diags << DgSqlCode(-CLI_READ_ERROR) << DgString0(name);
-    return -1;
-  }
-  // give versioning a chance to massage/migrate it to this version
-  latestDLTHdr = (dlt_header_struct*)dlt->driveUnpack(dlt, &dltHdrCls, NULL);
-  if (!latestDLTHdr) {
-    // error: version is no longer supported
-    diags << DgSqlCode(-CLI_MOD_DLT_HDR_VERSION_ERROR) 
-          << DgString0(name);
-    return -1;
-  }
-  dltArea = latestDLTHdr;
-  Int32 num_descs = latestDLTHdr->num_descriptors;
-  if (num_descs >= 1) {
-	// allocate space for DLT header + entries
-    heap.deallocateMemory(dlt);
-    dlt = (dlt_header_struct *)
-      heap.allocateMemory((size_t)latestModHdr.dlt_area_length);
-    // read descriptor location table header + entries
-    mf.seekg(latestModHdr.dlt_area_offset, ios::beg);
- *)dlt, (Int32)latestModHdr.dlt_area_length);
-    if ( {
-      diags << DgSqlCode(-CLI_READ_ERROR) << DgString0(name);
-      return -1;
-    }
-    // give versioning a chance to massage/migrate it to this version
-    latestDLTHdr = (dlt_header_struct*)dlt->driveUnpack(dlt, &dltHdrCls, NULL);
-    if (!latestDLTHdr) {
-      // error: version is no longer supported
-      diags << DgSqlCode(-CLI_MOD_DLT_HDR_VERSION_ERROR) 
-            << DgString0(name);
-      return -1;
-    }
-    dltArea = latestDLTHdr;
-  }
-  // verify its validity
-  Lng32 errCode = dltArea->RtduStructIsCorrupt();
-  if (errCode) {
-    // the module file is corrupted or has invalid data
-    diags << DgSqlCode(errCode) << DgString0(name);
-    heap.deallocateMemory(dlt);
-    return -1;
-  }
-  return num_descs;
-// read and return descriptor area (headers + entries)
-(fstream              &mf,          // (IN) : binary module file
- module_header_struct &latestModHdr,// (IN) : its module header
- NAHeap               &heap,        // (IN) : allocate DESC area from here
- const char *         name,       // (IN) : module name (for error msg)
- ComDiagsArea         &diags,       // (IN) : deposit any error msg here
- char                *&descArea)    // (OUT): desc headers + entries
-  // make sure we have reasonable arguments
-  if (latestModHdr.descriptor_area_offset <= 0 ||
-      latestModHdr.descriptor_area_length <= 0)
-    return -1;
-  // allocate space for DESC headers + entries
-  descArea = (char*)
-    heap.allocateMemory((size_t)latestModHdr.descriptor_area_length);
-  // read DESC headers + entries
-  mf.seekg(latestModHdr.descriptor_area_offset, ios::beg);
-, (Int32)latestModHdr.descriptor_area_length);
-  if ( {
-    diags << DgSqlCode(-CLI_READ_ERROR) << DgString0(name);
-    return -1;
-  }
-  return 1; // all OK
-// read and return a binary module file's source area
-SourceBuf readSourceArea
-(fstream               &mf,          // (IN) : binary module file
- module_header_struct  &latestModHdr,// (IN) : its module header
- NAHeap                &heap,        // (IN) : allocate PLT area from here
- const char *          name,         // (IN) : module name (for error msg)
- ComDiagsArea          &diags)       // (IN) : deposit any error msg here
-  SourceBuf srcArea = NULL;
-  if (latestModHdr.source_area_length > 0) {
-    // allocate space for source area
-    srcArea = (SourceBuf)
-      heap.allocateMemory((size_t)latestModHdr.source_area_length);
-    // read source area
-    mf.seekg(latestModHdr.source_area_offset, ios::beg);
-, (Int32)latestModHdr.source_area_length);
-    if ( {
-      diags << DgSqlCode(-CLI_READ_ERROR) << DgString0(name);
-      return NULL;
-    }
-  }
-  return srcArea;
diff --git a/core/sql/cli/rtdu2.h b/core/sql/cli/rtdu2.h
index f3965c3..d0197c0 100644
--- a/core/sql/cli/rtdu2.h
+++ b/core/sql/cli/rtdu2.h
@@ -22,121 +22,7 @@
 #ifndef RTDU2_H
 #define RTDU2_H
-/* -*-C++-*-
- *****************************************************************************
- *
- * File:         rtdu2.h
- * Description:  Contains description of the object module.
- *               
- *               
- * Created:      10/15/94
- * Language:     C++
- *
- *
- *
- *
- *****************************************************************************
- */
-#include <fstream>
-#include "ComDiags.h"
-#include "NAMemory.h"
-#include "rtdu.h"
-// The following code used to be in two places: 
-//   context.cpp's addModule() and
-//   cmpmod.cpp's openInputModuleFile()
-// So to avoid inconsistent code changes, we merged the two versions 
-// of that code into the following helper functions.
-// read and return module header structure
-SQLCLI_LIB_FUNC module_header_struct*
-(fstream              &mf,     // (IN): binary module file
- module_header_struct &hdr,    // (IN): target of read
- const char *         name,    // (IN): name of module (for error msg)
- ComDiagsArea         &diags); // (IN): deposit any error msg here
-// requires: caller has invoked NAVersionedObject::setReallocator() to
-//           set up the memory allocator for any version-migrated object(s)
-//           mf is the binary module file (open for reading)
-//           hdr has enough space to hold the module_header_struct
-// modifies: hdr, diags, NAVersionedObject::reallocator Space
-// effects : read module_header_struct from mf
-//           driveUnpack, verify it, deposit any error msg in diags
-//           return result of driveUnpack()
-// read and return procedure location table area (header + entries)
-(fstream              &mf,          // (IN) : binary module file
- module_header_struct &latestModHdr,// (IN) : its module header
- NAHeap               &heap,        // (IN) : allocate PLT area from here
- const char *         name,         // (IN) : module name (for error msg)
- ComDiagsArea         &diags,       // (IN) : deposit any error msg here
- plt_header_struct   *&pltArea);    // (OUT): plt header + entries
-// requires: caller has invoked NAVersionedObject::setReallocator() to
-//           set up the memory allocator for any version-migrated object(s)
-//           mf is the binary module file (open for reading)
-//           latestModHdr is the result of readModuleHeader()
-// modifies: heap, diags, pltArea
-// effects:  allocate space for procedure location table (PLT) area
-//           read PLT area from mf
-//           driveUnpack, verify it, deposit any error msg in diags
-//           pltArea = result of driveUnpack()
-//           return: < 0 if an error occurred,
-//                   pltArea->num_procedures, otherwise.
-// read and return desccriptor location table area (header + entries)
-(fstream              &mf,          // (IN) : binary module file
- module_header_struct &latestModHdr,// (IN) : its module header
- NAHeap               &heap,        // (IN) : allocate DLT area from here
- const char *         name,         // (IN) : module name (for error msg)
- ComDiagsArea         &diags,       // (IN) : deposit any error msg here
- dlt_header_struct   *&dltArea);    // (OUT): dlt header + entries
-// requires: caller has invoked NAVersionedObject::setReallocator() to
-//           set up the memory allocator for any version-migrated object(s)
-//           mf is the binary module file (open for reading)
-//           latestModHdr is the result of readModuleHeader()
-// modifies: heap, diags, dltArea
-// effects:  allocate space for descriptor location table (DLT) area
-//           read DLT area from mf
-//           driveUnpack, verify it, deposit any error msg in diags
-//           dltArea = result of driveUnpack()
-//           return: < 0 if an error occurred,
-//                   dltArea->num_descriptors, otherwise.
-// read and return desccriptor area (headers + entries)
-(fstream              &mf,          // (IN) : binary module file
- module_header_struct &latestModHdr,// (IN) : its module header
- NAHeap               &heap,        // (IN) : allocate DESC area from here
- const char *         name,         // (IN) : module name (for error msg)
- ComDiagsArea         &diags,       // (IN) : deposit any error msg here
- char                *&descArea);   // (OUT): desc headers + entries
-// requires: mf is the binary module file (open for reading)
-//           latestModHdr is the result of readModuleHeader()
-// modifies: heap, diags, descArea
-// effects:  allocate space for descriptor (DESC) area
-//           read DESC area from mf, deposit any error msg in diags
-//           return: < 0 if an error occurred,
-//                   >=0 otherwise
-// read and return a binary module file's source area
-(fstream              &mf,          // (IN) : binary module file
- module_header_struct &latestModHdr,// (IN) : its module header
- NAHeap               &heap,        // (IN) : allocate source area from here
- const char *         name,        // (IN) : module name (for error msg)
- ComDiagsArea         &diags);      // (IN) : deposit any error msg here
-// requires: mf is the binary module file (open for reading)
-//           latestModHdr is the result of readModuleHeader()
-// modifies: heap, diags
-// effects:  allocate space for source area
-//           read and return source area of mf if all OK
-//           return NULL otherwise
+this file is obsolete and has been removed
diff --git a/core/sql/cli/sql_id.cpp b/core/sql/cli/sql_id.cpp
index f73ca26..4a7e0d4 100644
--- a/core/sql/cli/sql_id.cpp
+++ b/core/sql/cli/sql_id.cpp
@@ -46,7 +46,6 @@
 #if 0
 // Create a new SQL module id.
 	Lng32 version, const char* name, 
 	Lng32 timestamp, 
@@ -59,7 +58,6 @@ SQLMODULE_ID* new_SQLMODULE_ID(
 // intialize a SQL module id.
 	Lng32 version, const char* name, 
 	Lng32 timestamp,
@@ -75,7 +73,6 @@ void init_SQLMODULE_ID(SQLMODULE_ID* m,
 #if 0
 // Create a new SQL object id.
 	Lng32 version, enum SQLOBJ_ID_NAME_MODE mode, 
 	const SQLMODULE_ID* module, const char* id, 
@@ -90,7 +87,6 @@ SQLCLI_OBJ_ID* new_SQLCLI_OBJ_ID(
 // initialize a SQL object id.
 	Lng32 version, enum SQLOBJ_ID_NAME_MODE mode, 
 	const SQLMODULE_ID* module, const char* id, 
@@ -111,7 +107,6 @@ void init_SQLCLI_OBJ_ID(SQLCLI_OBJ_ID* x,
 // compare two SQL object ids for equality.
 Int32 isEqualByName(SQLCLI_OBJ_ID* x, SQLCLI_OBJ_ID* y)
 // 8/6/98: Unicode based comparison is not enabled yet
@@ -132,7 +127,6 @@ Int32 isEqualByName(SQLCLI_OBJ_ID* x, SQLCLI_OBJ_ID* y)
 // compare two SQL module ids for equality.
 Int32 isEqualByName(const SQLMODULE_ID* x, const SQLMODULE_ID* y)
 // 8/6/98: Unicode based comparison is not enabled yet
@@ -152,7 +146,6 @@ Int32 isEqualByName(const SQLMODULE_ID* x, const SQLMODULE_ID* y)
 // set the name for a SQL object id.
 void setNameForId(SQLCLI_OBJ_ID* x, const char* name, Lng32 len, const char* charset)
    x->identifier = name;
@@ -166,7 +159,6 @@ void setNameForId(SQLCLI_OBJ_ID* x, const char* name, Lng32 len, const char* cha
 // set the name for a SQL module id.
 void setNameForModule(SQLMODULE_ID* m, const char* name, Lng32 len, const char* charset)
    m->module_name = name;
@@ -183,7 +175,6 @@ void setNameForModule(SQLMODULE_ID* m, const char* name, Lng32 len, const char*
 // get the name of a SQL module id in 
 // Unicode.
 NAWchar* getModNameInWchar(const SQLMODULE_ID* m)
    static NAWcharBuf * buf = new NAWcharBuf(MAX_CHAR_SET_STRING_LENGTH+1);
@@ -211,7 +202,6 @@ NAWchar* getModNameInWchar(const SQLMODULE_ID* m)
 // get the name of a SQL object id in 
 // Unicode.
 NAWchar* getIdInWchar(SQLCLI_OBJ_ID* x)
    static NAWcharBuf * buf = new NAWcharBuf(MAX_CHAR_SET_STRING_LENGTH+1);
@@ -238,7 +228,6 @@ NAWchar* getIdInWchar(SQLCLI_OBJ_ID* x)
 // get the name of a SQL module id in locale.
 char* getModNameInLocale(const SQLMODULE_ID* m)
    if ( m == 0 ) return 0;
@@ -272,7 +261,6 @@ char* getModNameInLocale(const SQLMODULE_ID* m)
 // get the name of a SQL object id in locale.
 char* getIdInLocale(SQLCLI_OBJ_ID* x)
    if ( x == 0 ) return 0;
diff --git a/core/sql/cli/sql_id.h b/core/sql/cli/sql_id.h
index f225ab4..b0f361d 100644
--- a/core/sql/cli/sql_id.h
+++ b/core/sql/cli/sql_id.h
@@ -64,7 +64,6 @@
     SQLCHARSETSTRING_ISO88591 : (sqlcli_obj_ptr) -> charset		\
 #if 0
 	Lng32 version = SQLCLI_CURRENT_VERSION, 
 	const char* module_name = 0,
@@ -74,7 +73,6 @@ SQLMODULE_ID* new_SQLMODULE_ID(
 	Lng32 version = SQLCLI_CURRENT_VERSION, 
 	const char* module_name = 0, 
@@ -83,7 +81,6 @@ void init_SQLMODULE_ID(SQLMODULE_ID* m,
 	Lng32 name_len = 0
 #if 0
 	enum SQLOBJ_ID_NAME_MODE mode = stmt_name, 
 	const SQLMODULE_ID* module = 0, 
@@ -97,7 +94,6 @@ SQLCLI_OBJ_ID* new_SQLCLI_OBJ_ID( Lng32 version = SQLCLI_CURRENT_VERSION,
 #define new_SQLDESC_ID new_SQLCLI_OBJ_ID
 	Lng32 version = SQLCLI_CURRENT_VERSION, 
 	enum SQLOBJ_ID_NAME_MODE mode = stmt_name, 
@@ -111,27 +107,13 @@ void init_SQLCLI_OBJ_ID(SQLCLI_OBJ_ID* x,
 #define init_SQLSTMT_ID init_SQLCLI_OBJ_ID
 #define init_SQLDESC_ID init_SQLCLI_OBJ_ID
 Int32 isEqualByName(SQLCLI_OBJ_ID* x, SQLCLI_OBJ_ID* y);
 Int32 isEqualByName(const SQLMODULE_ID* x, const SQLMODULE_ID* y);
 void setNameForId(SQLCLI_OBJ_ID* x, const char* name, Lng32 len, 
 	          const char* charset = SQLCHARSETSTRING_ISO88591);
 void setNameForModule(SQLMODULE_ID* x, const char* name, Lng32 len, 
 	              const char* charset = SQLCHARSETSTRING_ISO88591);
-#if 0
-SQLCLI_LIB_FUNC NAWchar* getModNameInWchar(const SQLMODULE_ID* m);
-SQLCLI_LIB_FUNC char* getModNameInLocale(const SQLMODULE_ID* m);
-SQLCLI_LIB_FUNC char* getIdInLocale(SQLCLI_OBJ_ID* x);
diff --git a/core/sql/cli/sqlciSRLStubs.cpp b/core/sql/cli/sqlciSRLStubs.cpp
index 71546d3..38ad282 100644
--- a/core/sql/cli/sqlciSRLStubs.cpp
+++ b/core/sql/cli/sqlciSRLStubs.cpp
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
 // @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
 #include "NAStringDef.h"
@@ -28,3 +29,4 @@
 #endif  // RW_NO_LOCALE