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Posted to by Christopher Taylor <> on 2010/11/26 15:22:21 UTC

deploying a loose jar to a repository using svn wagon

Hi list,


I'm having trouble deploying a loose jar file with a pom file I created
myself to a repository that needs to be accessed via svn.


the command line I'm using is:

mvn -f jarfile.pom.xml deploy:deploy-file
-Durl=scm:svn:https://repoURL/mvnrepo -DrepositoryId=myProduct-repo
-Dfile=jarfile.jar -DpomFile=jarfile.pom.xml


In the pom, I've configured the repository as follows:























      <!-- uniqueVersion>false</uniqueVersion -->


      <name>MYPRODUCT repository</name>








      <name>MYPRODUCT repository</name>





      <name>MYPRODUCT snapshots repository</name>





when I run the command line, I get the following error message (under
cygwin, svn is installed and on the path):

 [ERROR] Failed to execute goal
(default-cli) on project projectid: Failed to retrieve remote metadata
mygroupId:artifactId:myversion/maven-metadata.xml: Could not transfer
metadatamygroupId:artifactId:myversion/maven-metadata.xml from repoid
(repourl): Error getting file from SCM: No such provider: 'svn'.


the repository url exists, but is empty (I just created the directory).
However, I suspect something else is wrong because maven is complaining
about the missing provider. I've been googling this for most of
yesterday and today, but haven't found anyone doing this (or maybe it
just works for everyone else), so I'd appreciate any help/pointers you
could offer.



  --Christopher Taylor