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Posted to by Tristan Steele <> on 2022/08/03 04:18:33 UTC

Configurable timeout on stopping process group?

Good Day,

I am currently working through an issue related to the timeout that is set
on stopping a process group. The error is "Failed while waiting for
components to transition to state of STOPPED.".

This error comes about when trying to programmatically update a process
group to the latest version from NiFi Registry, using a POST to the
/versions/update-requests/process-groups/ API endpoint. From undertaking
similar activities in the UI it's not unusual for this to take a while,
there are a lot of things to stop within the process group.

I'm wondering if there is a way to specify the timeout to wait until
throwing this error? I've had a look at the doco and haven't found anything
yet? The process group does eventually stop and if I re-run the API update
command a few minutes later will succeed without error.

Thanks in advance,