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[06/32] Marvin + test changes from master Signed-off-by: SrikanteswaraRao Talluri
diff --git a/tools/marvin/marvin/ b/tools/marvin/marvin/
index c4f6e1e..31f663e 100644
--- a/tools/marvin/marvin/
+++ b/tools/marvin/marvin/
@@ -15,462 +15,768 @@
 # specific language governing permissions and limitations
 # under the License.
-"""Deploy datacenters according to a json configuration file"""
-import configGenerator
-import cloudstackException
-import cloudstackTestClient
-import logging
-from cloudstackAPI import *
-from os import path
-from time import sleep
+@Desc :
+class DeployDataCenters: Deploys DeleteDataCenters according to a json
+                         configuration file.
+class DeleteDataCenters: Deletes a DataCenter based upon the dc cfg
+                         settings provided.
+                         This settings file is the exported
+                         configuration from DeployDataCenters post
+                         its success
+from marvin import configGenerator
+from marvin.cloudstackException import (
+    InvalidParameterException,
+    GetDetailExceptionInfo)
+from marvin.cloudstackAPI import *
+from import (FAILED, SUCCESS)
+from marvin.lib.utils import (random_gen)
+from marvin.config.test_data import test_data
+from sys import exit
+import os
+import pickle
+from time import sleep, strftime, localtime
 from optparse import OptionParser
-class deployDataCenters(object):
-    def __init__(self, cfg, logger=None):
-        self.config = cfg
-        self.tcRunLogger = logger
+class DeployDataCenters(object):
+    '''
+    @Desc : Deploys the Data Center with information provided.
+            Once the Deployment is successful, it will export
+            the DataCenter settings to an obj file
+            ( can be used if wanted to delete the created DC)
+    '''
+    def __init__(self,
+                 test_client,
+                 cfg,
+                 logger=None,
+                 log_folder_path=None
+                 ):
+        self.__testClient = test_client
+        self.__config = cfg
+        self.__tcRunLogger = logger
+        self.__logFolderPath = log_folder_path
+        self.__apiClient = None
+        self.__cleanUp = {}
+    def __persistDcConfig(self):
+        try:
+            if self.__logFolderPath:
+                dc_file_path = self.__logFolderPath + "/dc_entries.obj"
+            else:
+                ts = strftime("%b_%d_%Y_%H_%M_%S", localtime())
+                dc_file_path = "dc_entries_" + str(ts) + ".obj"
+            file_to_write = open(dc_file_path, 'w')
+            if file_to_write:
+                pickle.dump(self.__cleanUp, file_to_write)
+                print "\n=== Data Center Settings are dumped to %s===" % \
+                      dc_file_path
+                self.__tcRunLogger.debug(
+                    "\n=== Data Center Settings are dumped to %s===" %
+                    dc_file_path)
+        except Exception as e:
+            print "Exception Occurred  while persisting DC Settings: %s" % \
+                  GetDetailExceptionInfo(e)
+    def __cleanAndExit(self):
+        try:
+            print "\n===deploy dc failed, so cleaning the created entries==="
+            if not test_data.get("deleteDC", None):
+                print "\n=== Deploy DC Clean Up flag not set. So, exiting ==="
+                exit(1)
+            self.__tcRunLogger.debug(
+                "===Deploy DC Failed, So Cleaning to Exit===")
+            remove_dc_obj = DeleteDataCenters(self.__testClient,
+                                              dc_cfg=self.__cleanUp,
+                                              tc_run_logger=self.__tcRunLogger
+                                              )
+            if remove_dc_obj:
+                if remove_dc_obj.removeDataCenter() == FAILED:
+                    print "\n===Removing DataCenter Failed==="
+                    self.__tcRunLogger.debug(
+                        "===Removing DataCenter Failed===")
+                else:
+                    print "\n===Removing DataCenter Successful==="
+                    self.__tcRunLogger.debug(
+                        "===Removing DataCenter Successful===")
+            exit(1)
+        except Exception as e:
+            print "Exception Occurred during DC CleanUp: %s" % \
+                  GetDetailExceptionInfo(e)
+    def __addToCleanUp(self, type, id):
+        if type not in self.__cleanUp.keys():
+            self.__cleanUp[type] = []
+        self.__cleanUp[type].append(id)
+        if "order" not in self.__cleanUp.keys():
+            self.__cleanUp["order"] = []
+        if type not in self.__cleanUp["order"]:
+            self.__cleanUp["order"].append(type)
     def addHosts(self, hosts, zoneId, podId, clusterId, hypervisor):
-        if hosts is None:
-            return
-        for host in hosts:
-            hostcmd = addHost.addHostCmd()
-            hostcmd.clusterid = clusterId
-            hostcmd.cpunumber = host.cpunumer
-            hostcmd.cpuspeed = host.cpuspeed
-            hostcmd.hostmac = host.hostmac
-            hostcmd.hosttags = host.hosttags
-            hostcmd.hypervisor = host.hypervisor
-            hostcmd.memory = host.memory
-            hostcmd.password = host.password
-            hostcmd.podid = podId
-            hostcmd.url = host.url
-            hostcmd.username = host.username
-            hostcmd.zoneid = zoneId
-            hostcmd.hypervisor = hypervisor
-            self.apiClient.addHost(hostcmd)
+        try:
+            if hosts is None:
+                return
+            for host in hosts:
+                hostcmd = addHost.addHostCmd()
+                hostcmd.clusterid = clusterId
+                hostcmd.cpunumber = host.cpunumer
+                hostcmd.cpuspeed = host.cpuspeed
+                hostcmd.hostmac = host.hostmac
+                hostcmd.hosttags = host.hosttags
+                hostcmd.hypervisor = host.hypervisor
+                hostcmd.memory = host.memory
+                hostcmd.password = host.password
+                hostcmd.podid = podId
+                hostcmd.url = host.url
+                hostcmd.username = host.username
+                hostcmd.zoneid = zoneId
+                hostcmd.hypervisor = hypervisor
+                ret = self.__apiClient.addHost(hostcmd)
+                if ret:
+                    self.__tcRunLogger.debug("=== Add Host Successful ===")
+                    self.__addToCleanUp("Host", ret[0].id)
+        except Exception as e:
+            print "Exception Occurred %s" % GetDetailExceptionInfo(e)
+            self.__tcRunLogger.exception("=== Adding Host Failed ===")
+            self.__cleanAndExit()
     def addVmWareDataCenter(self, vmwareDc):
-        vdc = addVmwareDc.addVmwareDcCmd()
-        vdc.zoneid = vmwareDc.zoneid
- =
-        vdc.vcenter = vmwareDc.vcenter
-        vdc.username = vmwareDc.username
-        vdc.password = vmwareDc.password
-        self.apiClient.addVmwareDc(vdc)
+        try:
+            vdc = addVmwareDc.addVmwareDcCmd()
+            vdc.zoneid = vmwareDc.zoneid
+   =
+            vdc.vcenter = vmwareDc.vcenter
+            vdc.username = vmwareDc.username
+            vdc.password = vmwareDc.password
+            ret = self.__apiClient.addVmwareDc(vdc)
+            if
+                self.__tcRunLogger.debug("=== Adding VmWare DC Successful===")
+                self.__addToCleanUp("VmwareDc",
+        except Exception as e:
+            print "Exception Occurred: %s" % GetDetailExceptionInfo(e)
+            self.__tcRunLogger.exception("=== Adding VmWare DC Failed===")
+            self.__cleanAndExit()
     def createClusters(self, clusters, zoneId, podId, vmwareDc=None):
-        if clusters is None:
-            return
-        if vmwareDc is not None:
-            vmwareDc.zoneid = zoneId
-            self.addVmWareDataCenter(vmwareDc)
-        for cluster in clusters:
-            clustercmd = addCluster.addClusterCmd()
-            clustercmd.clustername = cluster.clustername
-            clustercmd.clustertype = cluster.clustertype
-            clustercmd.hypervisor = cluster.hypervisor
-            clustercmd.password = cluster.password
-            clustercmd.podid = podId
-            clustercmd.url = cluster.url
-            clustercmd.username = cluster.username
-            clustercmd.zoneid = zoneId
-            clusterresponse = self.apiClient.addCluster(clustercmd)
-            clusterId = clusterresponse[0].id
-            if cluster.hypervisor.lower() != "vmware":
-                self.addHosts(cluster.hosts, zoneId, podId, clusterId,
-                              cluster.hypervisor)
-            self.waitForHost(zoneId, clusterId)
-            self.createPrimaryStorages(cluster.primaryStorages, zoneId, podId,
-                                       clusterId)
+        try:
+            if clusters is None:
+                return
+            if vmwareDc is not None:
+                vmwareDc.zoneid = zoneId
+                self.addVmWareDataCenter(vmwareDc)
+            for cluster in clusters:
+                clustercmd = addCluster.addClusterCmd()
+                clustercmd.clustername = cluster.clustername
+                clustercmd.clustertype = cluster.clustertype
+                clustercmd.hypervisor = cluster.hypervisor
+                clustercmd.password = cluster.password
+                clustercmd.podid = podId
+                clustercmd.url = cluster.url
+                clustercmd.username = cluster.username
+                clustercmd.zoneid = zoneId
+                clusterresponse = self.__apiClient.addCluster(clustercmd)
+                if clusterresponse[0].id:
+                    clusterId = clusterresponse[0].id
+                    self.__tcRunLogger.\
+                        debug("Cluster Name : %s Id : %s Created Successfully"
+                              % (str(cluster.clustername), str(clusterId)))
+                    self.__addToCleanUp("Cluster", clusterId)
+                if cluster.hypervisor.lower() != "vmware":
+                    self.addHosts(cluster.hosts, zoneId, podId, clusterId,
+                                  cluster.hypervisor)
+                self.waitForHost(zoneId, clusterId)
+                self.createPrimaryStorages(cluster.primaryStorages,
+                                           zoneId,
+                                           podId,
+                                           clusterId)
+        except Exception as e:
+            print "Exception Occurred %s" % GetDetailExceptionInfo(e)
+            self.__tcRunLogger.exception("====Cluster %s Creation Failed"
+                                         "=====" %
+                                         str(cluster.clustername))
+            self.__cleanAndExit()
     def waitForHost(self, zoneId, clusterId):
         Wait for the hosts in the zoneid, clusterid to be up
         2 retries with 30s delay
-        retry, timeout = 2, 30
-        cmd = listHosts.listHostsCmd()
-        cmd.clusterid, cmd.zoneid = clusterId, zoneId
-        hosts = self.apiClient.listHosts(cmd)
-        while retry != 0:
-            for host in hosts:
-                if host.state != 'Up':
-                    break
-            sleep(timeout)
-            retry = retry - 1
-    def createPrimaryStorages(self, primaryStorages, zoneId, podId, clusterId):
-        if primaryStorages is None:
-            return
-        for primary in primaryStorages:
-            primarycmd = createStoragePool.createStoragePoolCmd()
-            primarycmd.details = primary.details
-   =
-            primarycmd.podid = podId
-            primarycmd.tags = primary.tags
-            primarycmd.url = primary.url
-            primarycmd.zoneid = zoneId
-            primarycmd.clusterid = clusterId
-            self.apiClient.createStoragePool(primarycmd)
-    def createPods(self, pods, zoneId, networkId=None):
-        if pods is None:
-            return
-        for pod in pods:
-            createpod = createPod.createPodCmd()
-   =
-            createpod.gateway = pod.gateway
-            createpod.netmask = pod.netmask
-            createpod.startip = pod.startip
-            createpod.endip = pod.endip
-            createpod.zoneid = zoneId
-            createpodResponse = self.apiClient.createPod(createpod)
-            podId =
-            if pod.guestIpRanges is not None and networkId is not None:
-                self.createVlanIpRanges("Basic", pod.guestIpRanges, zoneId,
-                                        podId, networkId)
-            self.createClusters(pod.clusters, zoneId, podId,
-                                vmwareDc=pod.vmwaredc)
+        try:
+            retry, timeout = 2, 30
+            cmd = listHosts.listHostsCmd()
+            cmd.clusterid, cmd.zoneid = clusterId, zoneId
+            hosts = self.__apiClient.listHosts(cmd)
+            while retry != 0:
+                for host in hosts:
+                    if host.state != 'Up':
+                        break
+                sleep(timeout)
+                retry = retry - 1
+        except Exception as e:
+            print "\nException Occurred:%s" %\
+                  GetDetailExceptionInfo(e)
+            self.__tcRunLogger.exception("=== List Hosts Failed===")
+            self.__cleanAndExit()
+    def createPrimaryStorages(self,
+                              primaryStorages,
+                              zoneId,
+                              podId,
+                              clusterId):
+        try:
+            if primaryStorages is None:
+                return
+            for primary in primaryStorages:
+                primarycmd = createStoragePool.createStoragePoolCmd()
+                primarycmd.details = primary.details
+       =
+                primarycmd.podid = podId
+                primarycmd.tags = primary.tags
+                primarycmd.url = primary.url
+                primarycmd.zoneid = zoneId
+                primarycmd.clusterid = clusterId
+                ret = self.__apiClient.createStoragePool(primarycmd)
+                if
+                    self.__tcRunLogger.debug(
+                        "=== Creating Storage Pool Successful===")
+                    self.__addToCleanUp("StoragePool",
+        except Exception as e:
+            print "Exception Occurred: %s" % GetDetailExceptionInfo(e)
+            self.__tcRunLogger.\
+                exception("=== Create Storage Pool Failed===")
+            self.__cleanAndExit()
+    def createPods(self,
+                   pods,
+                   zoneId,
+                   networkId=None):
+        try:
+            if pods is None:
+                return
+            for pod in pods:
+                createpod = createPod.createPodCmd()
+       =
+                createpod.gateway = pod.gateway
+                createpod.netmask = pod.netmask
+                createpod.startip = pod.startip
+                createpod.endip = pod.endip
+                createpod.zoneid = zoneId
+                createpodResponse = self.__apiClient.createPod(createpod)
+                if
+                    podId =
+                    self.__tcRunLogger.debug("Pod Name : %s Id : %s "
+                                             "Created Successfully" %
+                                             (str(, str(podId)))
+                    self.__addToCleanUp("Pod", podId)
+                if pod.guestIpRanges is not None and networkId is not None:
+                    self.createVlanIpRanges("Basic", pod.guestIpRanges, zoneId,
+                                            podId, networkId)
+                self.createClusters(pod.clusters, zoneId, podId,
+                                    vmwareDc=pod.vmwaredc)
+        except Exception as e:
+            print "Exception Occurred: %s" % GetDetailExceptionInfo(e)
+            self.__tcRunLogger.\
+                exception("====Pod: %s Creation "
+                          "Failed=====" % str(
+            self.__cleanAndExit()
     def createVlanIpRanges(self, mode, ipranges, zoneId, podId=None,
                            networkId=None, forvirtualnetwork=None):
-        if ipranges is None:
-            return
-        for iprange in ipranges:
-            vlanipcmd = createVlanIpRange.createVlanIpRangeCmd()
-            vlanipcmd.account = iprange.account
-            vlanipcmd.domainid = iprange.domainid
-            vlanipcmd.endip = iprange.endip
-            vlanipcmd.gateway = iprange.gateway
-            vlanipcmd.netmask = iprange.netmask
-            vlanipcmd.networkid = networkId
-            vlanipcmd.podid = podId
-            vlanipcmd.startip = iprange.startip
-            vlanipcmd.zoneid = zoneId
-            vlanipcmd.vlan = iprange.vlan
-            if mode == "Basic":
-                if forvirtualnetwork:
-                    vlanipcmd.forvirtualnetwork = "true"
+        try:
+            if ipranges is None:
+                return
+            for iprange in ipranges:
+                vlanipcmd = createVlanIpRange.createVlanIpRangeCmd()
+                vlanipcmd.account = iprange.account
+                vlanipcmd.domainid = iprange.domainid
+                vlanipcmd.endip = iprange.endip
+                vlanipcmd.gateway = iprange.gateway
+                vlanipcmd.netmask = iprange.netmask
+                vlanipcmd.networkid = networkId
+                vlanipcmd.podid = podId
+                vlanipcmd.startip = iprange.startip
+                vlanipcmd.zoneid = zoneId
+                vlanipcmd.vlan = iprange.vlan
+                if mode == "Basic":
+                    if forvirtualnetwork:
+                        vlanipcmd.forvirtualnetwork = "true"
+                    else:
+                        vlanipcmd.forvirtualnetwork = "false"
-                    vlanipcmd.forvirtualnetwork = "false"
-            else:
-                vlanipcmd.forvirtualnetwork = "true"
-            self.apiClient.createVlanIpRange(vlanipcmd)
+                    vlanipcmd.forvirtualnetwork = "true"
+                ret = self.__apiClient.createVlanIpRange(vlanipcmd)
+                if
+                    self.__tcRunLogger.debug(
+                        "=== Creating Vlan Ip Range Successful===")
+                    self.__addToCleanUp("VlanIpRange",
+        except Exception as e:
+            print "Exception Occurred: %s" % GetDetailExceptionInfo(e)
+            self.__tcRunLogger.\
+                exception("=== Create Vlan Ip Range Failed===")
+            self.__cleanAndExit()
     def createSecondaryStorages(self, secondaryStorages, zoneId):
-        if secondaryStorages is None:
-            return
-        for secondary in secondaryStorages:
-            secondarycmd = addImageStore.addImageStoreCmd()
-            secondarycmd.url = secondary.url
-            secondarycmd.provider = secondary.provider
-            secondarycmd.details = []
-            if secondarycmd.provider == 'S3' \
-                    or secondarycmd.provider == "Swift":
-                for key, value in vars(secondary.details).iteritems():
-                    secondarycmd.details.append({
+        try:
+            if secondaryStorages is None:
+                return
+            for secondary in secondaryStorages:
+                secondarycmd = addImageStore.addImageStoreCmd()
+                secondarycmd.url = secondary.url
+                secondarycmd.provider = secondary.provider
+                secondarycmd.details = []
+                if secondarycmd.provider == 'S3' \
+                        or secondarycmd.provider == "Swift":
+                    for key, value in vars(secondary.details).iteritems():
+                        secondarycmd.details.append({
+                                                    'key': key,
+                                                    'value': value
+                                                    })
+                if secondarycmd.provider == "NFS":
+                    secondarycmd.zoneid = zoneId
+                ret = self.__apiClient.addImageStore(secondarycmd)
+                if
+                    self.__tcRunLogger.debug(
+                        "===Add Image Store Successful===")
+                    self.__addToCleanUp("ImageStore",
+        except Exception as e:
+            print "Exception Occurred: %s" % GetDetailExceptionInfo(e)
+            self.__tcRunLogger.\
+                exception("=== Add Image Store Failed===")
+            self.__cleanAndExit()
+    def createCacheStorages(self, cacheStorages, zoneId):
+        try:
+            if cacheStorages is None:
+                return
+            for cache in cacheStorages:
+                cachecmd = createSecondaryStagingStore.\
+                    createSecondaryStagingStoreCmd()
+                cachecmd.url = cache.url
+                cachecmd.provider = cache.provider
+                cachecmd.zoneid = zoneId
+                cachecmd.details = []
+                if cache.details:
+                    for key, value in vars(cache.details).iteritems():
+                        cachecmd.details.append({
                                                 'key': key,
                                                 'value': value
-            if secondarycmd.provider == "NFS":
-                secondarycmd.zoneid = zoneId
-            self.apiClient.addImageStore(secondarycmd)
-    def createCacheStorages(self, cacheStorages, zoneId):
-        if cacheStorages is None:
-            return
-        for cache in cacheStorages:
-            cachecmd = createSecondaryStagingStore.\
-                createSecondaryStagingStoreCmd()
-            cachecmd.url = cache.url
-            cachecmd.provider = cache.provider
-            cachecmd.zoneid = zoneId
-            cachecmd.details = []
-            if cache.details:
-                for key, value in vars(cache.details).iteritems():
-                    cachecmd.details.append({
-                                            'key': key,
-                                            'value': value
-                                            })
-            self.apiClient.createSecondaryStagingStore(cachecmd)
+                ret = self.__apiClient.createSecondaryStagingStore(cachecmd)
+                if
+                    self.__tcRunLogger.debug(
+                        "===Creating Secondary StagingStore Successful===")
+                    self.__addToCleanUp("SecondaryStagingStore",
+        except Exception as e:
+            print "Exception Occurred: %s" % GetDetailExceptionInfo(e)
+            self.__tcRunLogger.\
+                exception("=== Creating "
+                          "SecondaryStagingStorage Failed===")
+            self.__cleanAndExit()
     def createNetworks(self, networks, zoneId):
-        if networks is None:
-            return
-        for network in networks:
-            networkcmd = createNetwork.createNetworkCmd()
-            networkcmd.displaytext = network.displaytext
-   =
-            networkcmd.networkofferingid = network.networkofferingid
-            networkcmd.zoneid = zoneId
-            ipranges = network.ipranges
-            if ipranges:
-                iprange = ipranges.pop()
-                networkcmd.startip = iprange.startip
-                networkcmd.endip = iprange.endip
-                networkcmd.gateway = iprange.gateway
-                networkcmd.netmask = iprange.netmask
-            networkcmdresponse = self.apiClient.createNetwork(networkcmd)
-            networkId =
-            return networkId
+        try:
+            if networks is None:
+                return
+            for network in networks:
+                networkcmd = createNetwork.createNetworkCmd()
+                networkcmd.displaytext = network.displaytext
+       =
+                networkcmd.networkofferingid = network.networkofferingid
+                networkcmd.zoneid = zoneId
+                ipranges = network.ipranges
+                if ipranges:
+                    iprange = ipranges.pop()
+                    networkcmd.startip = iprange.startip
+                    networkcmd.endip = iprange.endip
+                    networkcmd.gateway = iprange.gateway
+                    networkcmd.netmask = iprange.netmask
+                networkcmdresponse = self.__apiClient.createNetwork(networkcmd)
+                if
+                    networkId =
+                    self.__tcRunLogger.\
+                        debug("Creating Network Name : %s Id : %s Successful"
+                              % (str(, str(networkId)))
+                    self.__addToCleanUp("Network", networkId)
+                    return networkId
+        except Exception as e:
+            print "Exception Occurred %s" % GetDetailExceptionInfo(e)
+            self.__tcRunLogger.\
+                exception("====Network : %s "
+                          "Creation Failed=====" % str(
+            self.__cleanAndExit()
     def createPhysicalNetwork(self, net, zoneid):
-        phynet = createPhysicalNetwork.createPhysicalNetworkCmd()
-        phynet.zoneid = zoneid
- =
-        phynet.isolationmethods = net.isolationmethods
-        phynetwrk = self.apiClient.createPhysicalNetwork(phynet)
-        self.addTrafficTypes(, net.traffictypes)
-        return phynetwrk
-    def updatePhysicalNetwork(self, networkid, state="Enabled", vlan=None):
-        upnet = updatePhysicalNetwork.updatePhysicalNetworkCmd()
- = networkid
-        upnet.state = state
-        if vlan:
-            upnet.vlan = vlan
-        return self.apiClient.updatePhysicalNetwork(upnet)
+        try:
+            phynet = createPhysicalNetwork.createPhysicalNetworkCmd()
+            phynet.zoneid = zoneid
+   =
+            phynet.isolationmethods = net.isolationmethods
+            phynetwrk = self.__apiClient.createPhysicalNetwork(phynet)
+            if
+                self.__tcRunLogger.\
+                    debug("Creating Physical Network Name : "
+                          "%s Id : %s Successful" % (str(,
+                                                     str(
+                self.__addToCleanUp("PhysicalNetwork",
+            self.addTrafficTypes(, net.traffictypes)
+            return phynetwrk
+        except Exception as e:
+            print "Exception Occurred: %s" % GetDetailExceptionInfo(e)
+            self.__tcRunLogger.exception("====Physical Network "
+                                         "Creation Failed=====")
+            self.__cleanAndExit()
+    def updatePhysicalNetwork(self, networkid, state="Enabled",
+                              vlan=None):
+        try:
+            upnet = updatePhysicalNetwork.updatePhysicalNetworkCmd()
+   = networkid
+            upnet.state = state
+            if vlan:
+                upnet.vlan = vlan
+            ret = self.__apiClient.updatePhysicalNetwork(upnet)
+            return ret
+        except Exception as e:
+            print "Exception Occurred: %s" % GetDetailExceptionInfo(e)
+            self.__tcRunLogger.\
+                exception("====Update Physical Network Failed=====")
+            self.__cleanAndExit()
     def enableProvider(self, provider_id):
-        upnetprov =\
-            updateNetworkServiceProvider.updateNetworkServiceProviderCmd()
- = provider_id
-        upnetprov.state = "Enabled"
-        self.apiClient.updateNetworkServiceProvider(upnetprov)
+        try:
+            upnetprov =\
+                updateNetworkServiceProvider.updateNetworkServiceProviderCmd()
+   = provider_id
+            upnetprov.state = "Enabled"
+            ret = self.__apiClient.updateNetworkServiceProvider(upnetprov)
+            if
+                self.__tcRunLogger.debug(
+                    "===Update Network Service Provider Successfull===")
+        except Exception as e:
+            print "Exception Occurred: %s" % GetDetailExceptionInfo(e)
+            self.__tcRunLogger.\
+                exception(
+                    "====Update Network Service Provider Failed=====")
+            self.__cleanAndExit()
     def configureProviders(self, phynetwrk, providers):
         We will enable the virtualrouter elements for all zones. Other
         providers like NetScalers, SRX, etc are explicitly added/configured
-        for provider in providers:
-            pnetprov = listNetworkServiceProviders.\
-                listNetworkServiceProvidersCmd()
-            pnetprov.physicalnetworkid =
-            pnetprov.state = "Disabled"
-   =
-            pnetprovres = self.apiClient.listNetworkServiceProviders(pnetprov)
-            if pnetprovres and len(pnetprovres) > 0:
-                if == 'VirtualRouter'\
-                   or == 'VpcVirtualRouter':
-                    vrprov = listVirtualRouterElements.\
-                        listVirtualRouterElementsCmd()
-                    vrprov.nspid = pnetprovres[0].id
-                    vrprovresponse = self.apiClient.\
-                        listVirtualRouterElements(vrprov)
-                    vrprovid = vrprovresponse[0].id
-                    vrconfig = \
-                        configureVirtualRouterElement.\
-                        configureVirtualRouterElementCmd()
-                    vrconfig.enabled = "true"
-           = vrprovid
-                    self.apiClient.configureVirtualRouterElement(vrconfig)
-                    self.enableProvider(pnetprovres[0].id)
-                elif == 'InternalLbVm':
-                    internallbprov = listInternalLoadBalancerElements.\
-                        listInternalLoadBalancerElementsCmd()
-                    internallbprov.nspid = pnetprovres[0].id
-                    internallbresponse = self.apiClient.\
-                        listInternalLoadBalancerElements(internallbprov)
-                    internallbid = internallbresponse[0].id
-                    internallbconfig = \
-                        configureInternalLoadBalancerElement.\
-                        configureInternalLoadBalancerElementCmd()
-                    internallbconfig.enabled = "true"
-           = internallbid
-                    self.apiClient.\
-                        configureInternalLoadBalancerElement(internallbconfig)
-                    self.enableProvider(pnetprovres[0].id)
-                elif == 'SecurityGroupProvider':
-                    self.enableProvider(pnetprovres[0].id)
-            elif in ['Netscaler', 'JuniperSRX', 'F5BigIp']:
-                netprov = addNetworkServiceProvider.\
-                    addNetworkServiceProviderCmd()
-       =
-                netprov.physicalnetworkid =
-                result = self.apiClient.addNetworkServiceProvider(netprov)
-                for device in provider.devices:
-                    if == 'Netscaler':
-                        dev = addNetscalerLoadBalancer.\
-                            addNetscalerLoadBalancerCmd()
-                        dev.username = device.username
-                        dev.password = device.password
-                        dev.networkdevicetype = device.networkdevicetype
-                        dev.url = configGenerator.getDeviceUrl(device)
-                        dev.physicalnetworkid =
-                        self.apiClient.addNetscalerLoadBalancer(dev)
-                    elif == 'JuniperSRX':
-                        dev = addSrxFirewall.addSrxFirewallCmd()
-                        dev.username = device.username
-                        dev.password = device.password
-                        dev.networkdevicetype = device.networkdevicetype
-                        dev.url = configGenerator.getDeviceUrl(device)
-                        dev.physicalnetworkid =
-                        self.apiClient.addSrxFirewall(dev)
-                    elif == 'F5BigIp':
-                        dev = addF5LoadBalancer.addF5LoadBalancerCmd()
-                        dev.username = device.username
-                        dev.password = device.password
-                        dev.networkdevicetype = device.networkdevicetype
-                        dev.url = configGenerator.getDeviceUrl(device)
-                        dev.physicalnetworkid =
-                        self.apiClient.addF5LoadBalancer(dev)
-                    else:
-                        raise cloudstackException.\
-                            InvalidParameterException("Device %s doesn't match\
- any know provider type" % device)
-                self.enableProvider(
+        try:
+            for provider in providers:
+                pnetprov = listNetworkServiceProviders.\
+                    listNetworkServiceProvidersCmd()
+                pnetprov.physicalnetworkid =
+                pnetprov.state = "Disabled"
+       =
+                pnetprovres = self.__apiClient.listNetworkServiceProviders(
+                    pnetprov)
+                if pnetprovres and len(pnetprovres) > 0:
+                    if == 'VirtualRouter'\
+                       or == 'VpcVirtualRouter':
+                        vrprov = listVirtualRouterElements.\
+                            listVirtualRouterElementsCmd()
+                        vrprov.nspid = pnetprovres[0].id
+                        vrprovresponse = self.__apiClient.\
+                            listVirtualRouterElements(vrprov)
+                        vrprovid = vrprovresponse[0].id
+                        vrconfig = \
+                            configureVirtualRouterElement.\
+                            configureVirtualRouterElementCmd()
+                        vrconfig.enabled = "true"
+               = vrprovid
+                        self.__apiClient.\
+                            configureVirtualRouterElement(vrconfig)
+                        self.enableProvider(pnetprovres[0].id)
+                    elif == 'InternalLbVm':
+                        internallbprov = listInternalLoadBalancerElements.\
+                            listInternalLoadBalancerElementsCmd()
+                        internallbprov.nspid = pnetprovres[0].id
+                        internallbresponse = self.__apiClient.\
+                            listInternalLoadBalancerElements(internallbprov)
+                        internallbid = internallbresponse[0].id
+                        internallbconfig = \
+                            configureInternalLoadBalancerElement.\
+                            configureInternalLoadBalancerElementCmd()
+                        internallbconfig.enabled = "true"
+               = internallbid
+                        self.__apiClient.\
+                            configureInternalLoadBalancerElement(
+                                internallbconfig)
+                        self.enableProvider(pnetprovres[0].id)
+                    elif == 'SecurityGroupProvider':
+                        self.enableProvider(pnetprovres[0].id)
+                elif in ['Netscaler', 'JuniperSRX', 'F5BigIp']:
+                    netprov = addNetworkServiceProvider.\
+                        addNetworkServiceProviderCmd()
+           =
+                    netprov.physicalnetworkid =
+                    result = self.__apiClient.addNetworkServiceProvider(
+                        netprov)
+                    if
+                        self.__tcRunLogger.\
+                            debug("==== AddNetworkServiceProvider "
+                                  "Successful=====")
+                        self.__addToCleanUp(
+                            "NetworkServiceProvider",
+                    for device in provider.devices:
+                        if == 'Netscaler':
+                            dev = addNetscalerLoadBalancer.\
+                                addNetscalerLoadBalancerCmd()
+                            dev.username = device.username
+                            dev.password = device.password
+                            dev.networkdevicetype = device.networkdevicetype
+                            dev.url = configGenerator.getDeviceUrl(device)
+                            dev.physicalnetworkid =
+                            ret = self.__apiClient.addNetscalerLoadBalancer(
+                                dev)
+                            if
+                                self.__tcRunLogger.\
+                                    debug("==== AddNetScalerLB "
+                                          "Successful=====")
+                                self.__addToCleanUp(
+                                    "NetscalerLoadBalancer",
+                        elif == 'JuniperSRX':
+                            dev = addSrxFirewall.addSrxFirewallCmd()
+                            dev.username = device.username
+                            dev.password = device.password
+                            dev.networkdevicetype = device.networkdevicetype
+                            dev.url = configGenerator.getDeviceUrl(device)
+                            dev.physicalnetworkid =
+                            ret = self.__apiClient.addSrxFirewall(dev)
+                            if
+                                self.__tcRunLogger.\
+                                    debug("==== AddSrx "
+                                          "Successful=====")
+                                self.__addToCleanUp("SrxFirewall",
+                        elif == 'F5BigIp':
+                            dev = addF5LoadBalancer.addF5LoadBalancerCmd()
+                            dev.username = device.username
+                            dev.password = device.password
+                            dev.networkdevicetype = device.networkdevicetype
+                            dev.url = configGenerator.getDeviceUrl(device)
+                            dev.physicalnetworkid =
+                            ret = self.__apiClient.addF5LoadBalancer(dev)
+                            if
+                                self.__tcRunLogger.\
+                                    debug("==== AddF5 "
+                                          "Successful=====")
+                                self.__addToCleanUp("F5LoadBalancer",
+                        else:
+                            raise InvalidParameterException(
+                                "Device %s doesn't match "
+                                "any know provider "
+                                "type" % device)
+                    self.enableProvider(
+        except Exception as e:
+            print "Exception Occurred: %s" % GetDetailExceptionInfo(e)
+            self.__tcRunLogger.\
+                exception("====List Network "
+                          "Service Providers Failed=====")
+            self.__cleanAndExit()
     def addTrafficTypes(self, physical_network_id, traffictypes):
         [self.addTrafficType(physical_network_id, traffic_type)
             for traffic_type in traffictypes]
     def addTrafficType(self, physical_network_id, traffictype):
-        traffic_type = addTrafficType.addTrafficTypeCmd()
-        traffic_type.physicalnetworkid = physical_network_id
-        traffic_type.traffictype = traffictype.typ
-        traffic_type.kvmnetworklabel = traffictype.kvm\
-            if traffictype.kvm is not None else None
-        traffic_type.xennetworklabel = traffictype.xen\
-            if traffictype.xen is not None else None
-        traffic_type.vmwarenetworklabel = traffictype.vmware\
-            if traffictype.vmware is not None else None
-        traffic_type.simulatorlabel = traffictype.simulator\
-            if traffictype.simulator is not None else None
-        return self.apiClient.addTrafficType(traffic_type)
+        try:
+            traffic_type = addTrafficType.addTrafficTypeCmd()
+            traffic_type.physicalnetworkid = physical_network_id
+            traffic_type.traffictype = traffictype.typ
+            traffic_type.kvmnetworklabel = traffictype.kvm\
+                if traffictype.kvm is not None else None
+            traffic_type.xennetworklabel = traffictype.xen\
+                if traffictype.xen is not None else None
+            traffic_type.vmwarenetworklabel = traffictype.vmware\
+                if traffictype.vmware is not None else None
+            traffic_type.simulatorlabel = traffictype.simulator\
+                if traffictype.simulator is not None else None
+            ret = self.__apiClient.addTrafficType(traffic_type)
+            if
+                self.__tcRunLogger.debug("===Add TrafficType Successful====")
+                self.__addToCleanUp("TrafficType",
+                return ret
+        except Exception as e:
+            print "Exception Occurred: %s" % GetDetailExceptionInfo(e)
+            self.__tcRunLogger.\
+                exception("==== Add TrafficType Failed=====")
+            self.__cleanAndExit()
     def enableZone(self, zoneid, allocation_state="Enabled"):
-        zoneCmd = updateZone.updateZoneCmd()
- = zoneid
-        zoneCmd.allocationstate = allocation_state
-        return self.apiClient.updateZone(zoneCmd)
+        try:
+            zoneCmd = updateZone.updateZoneCmd()
+   = zoneid
+            zoneCmd.allocationstate = allocation_state
+            ret = self.__apiClient.updateZone(zoneCmd)
+            if
+                self.__tcRunLogger.debug("==== Enable Zone SuccessFul=====")
+                return ret
+        except Exception as e:
+            print "Exception Occurred: %s" % GetDetailExceptionInfo(e)
+            self.__tcRunLogger.exception("==== Enable Zone Failed=====")
+            self.__cleanAndExit()
     def updateZoneDetails(self, zoneid, details):
-        zoneCmd = updateZone.updateZoneCmd()
- = zoneid
-        zoneCmd.details = details
-        return self.apiClient.updateZone(zoneCmd)
+        try:
+            zoneCmd = updateZone.updateZoneCmd()
+   = zoneid
+            zoneCmd.details = details
+            ret = self.__apiClient.updateZone(zoneCmd)
+            if
+                self.__tcRunLogger.debug("=== Update Zone SuccessFul===")
+                return ret
+        except Exception as e:
+            print "Exception Occurred: %s" % GetDetailExceptionInfo(e)
+            self.__tcRunLogger.exception("==== Update Zone  Failed=====")
+            self.__cleanAndExit()
+    def createZone(self, zone, rec=0):
+        try:
+            zoneresponse = self.__apiClient.createZone(zone)
+            if
+                self.__addToCleanUp("Zone",
+                self.__tcRunLogger.\
+                    debug("Zone Name : %s Id : %s Created Successfully" %
+                          (str(, str(
+                return
+            else:
+                self.__tcRunLogger.\
+                    exception("====Zone : %s Creation Failed=====" %
+                              str(
+                print "\n====Zone : %s Creation Failed=====" % str(
+                if not rec:
+           = + "_" + random_gen()
+                    self.__tcRunLogger.\
+                        debug("====Recreating Zone With New Name : "
+                              "%s" %
+                    print "\n====Recreating Zone With New Name ====", \
+                        str(
+                    return self.createZone(zone, 1)
+        except Exception as e:
+            print "\nException Occurred under createZone : %s" % \
+                  GetDetailExceptionInfo(e)
+            self.__tcRunLogger.exception("====Create Zone Failed ===")
+            return FAILED
     def createZones(self, zones):
-        for zone in zones:
-            createzone = createZone.createZoneCmd()
-            createzone.dns1 = zone.dns1
-            createzone.dns2 = zone.dns2
-            createzone.internaldns1 = zone.internaldns1
-            createzone.internaldns2 = zone.internaldns2
-   =
-            createzone.securitygroupenabled = zone.securitygroupenabled
-            createzone.localstorageenabled = zone.localstorageenabled
-            createzone.networktype = zone.networktype
-            if zone.securitygroupenabled != "true":
-                createzone.guestcidraddress = zone.guestcidraddress
-            zoneresponse = self.apiClient.createZone(createzone)
-            zoneId =
-            for pnet in zone.physical_networks:
-                phynetwrk = self.createPhysicalNetwork(pnet, zoneId)
-                self.configureProviders(phynetwrk, pnet.providers)
-                self.updatePhysicalNetwork(, "Enabled",
-                                           vlan=pnet.vlan)
-            if zone.networktype == "Basic":
-                listnetworkoffering =\
-                    listNetworkOfferings.listNetworkOfferingsCmd()
-       =\
-                    "DefaultSharedNetscalerEIPandELBNetworkOffering" \
-                    if len(filter(lambda x:
-                                  x.typ == 'Public',
-                                  zone.physical_networks[0].
-                                  traffictypes)) > 0 \
-                    else "DefaultSharedNetworkOfferingWithSGService"
-                if zone.networkofferingname is not None:
-           = zone.networkofferingname
-                listnetworkofferingresponse = \
-                    self.apiClient.listNetworkOfferings(listnetworkoffering)
-                guestntwrk =
-                guestntwrk.displaytext = "guestNetworkForBasicZone"
-       = "guestNetworkForBasicZone"
-                guestntwrk.zoneid = zoneId
-                guestntwrk.networkofferingid = \
-                    listnetworkofferingresponse[0].id
-                networkid = self.createNetworks([guestntwrk], zoneId)
-                self.createPods(zone.pods, zoneId, networkid)
-                if self.isEipElbZone(zone):
+        try:
+            for zone in zones:
+                zonecmd = createZone.createZoneCmd()
+                zonecmd.dns1 = zone.dns1
+                zonecmd.dns2 = zone.dns2
+                zonecmd.internaldns1 = zone.internaldns1
+                zonecmd.internaldns2 = zone.internaldns2
+       =
+                zonecmd.securitygroupenabled = zone.securitygroupenabled
+                zonecmd.localstorageenabled = zone.localstorageenabled
+                zonecmd.networktype = zone.networktype
+                if zone.securitygroupenabled != "true":
+                    zonecmd.guestcidraddress = zone.guestcidraddress
+                zoneId = self.createZone(zonecmd)
+                if zoneId == FAILED:
+                    self.__tcRunLogger.\
+                        exception(
+                            "====Zone: %s Creation Failed. So Exiting=====" %
+                            str(
+                    self.__cleanAndExit()
+                for pnet in zone.physical_networks:
+                    phynetwrk = self.createPhysicalNetwork(pnet, zoneId)
+                    self.configureProviders(phynetwrk, pnet.providers)
+                    self.updatePhysicalNetwork(, "Enabled",
+                                               vlan=pnet.vlan)
+                if zone.networktype == "Basic":
+                    listnetworkoffering =\
+                        listNetworkOfferings.listNetworkOfferingsCmd()
+           =\
+                        "DefaultSharedNetscalerEIPandELBNetworkOffering" \
+                        if len(filter(lambda x:
+                                      x.typ == 'Public',
+                                      zone.physical_networks[0].
+                                      traffictypes)) > 0 \
+                        else "DefaultSharedNetworkOfferingWithSGService"
+                    if zone.networkofferingname is not None:
+               = zone.networkofferingname
+                    listnetworkofferingresponse = \
+                        self.__apiClient.listNetworkOfferings(
+                            listnetworkoffering)
+                    guestntwrk =
+                    guestntwrk.displaytext = "guestNetworkForBasicZone"
+           = "guestNetworkForBasicZone"
+                    guestntwrk.zoneid = zoneId
+                    guestntwrk.networkofferingid = \
+                        listnetworkofferingresponse[0].id
+                    networkid = self.createNetworks([guestntwrk], zoneId)
+                    self.createPods(zone.pods, zoneId, networkid)
+                    if self.isEipElbZone(zone):
+                        self.createVlanIpRanges(
+                            zone.networktype, zone.ipranges,
+                            zoneId, forvirtualnetwork=True)
+                isPureAdvancedZone = (zone.networktype == "Advanced"
+                                      and zone.securitygroupenabled != "true")
+                if isPureAdvancedZone:
+                    self.createPods(zone.pods, zoneId)
                     self.createVlanIpRanges(zone.networktype, zone.ipranges,
-                                            zoneId, forvirtualnetwork=True)
-            isPureAdvancedZone = (zone.networktype == "Advanced"
-                                  and zone.securitygroupenabled != "true")
-            if isPureAdvancedZone:
-                self.createPods(zone.pods, zoneId)
-                self.createVlanIpRanges(zone.networktype, zone.ipranges,
-                                        zoneId)
-            elif (zone.networktype == "Advanced"
-                  and zone.securitygroupenabled == "true"):
-                listnetworkoffering =\
-                    listNetworkOfferings.listNetworkOfferingsCmd()
-       =\
-                    "DefaultSharedNetworkOfferingWithSGService"
-                if zone.networkofferingname is not None:
-           = zone.networkofferingname
-                listnetworkofferingresponse = \
-                    self.apiClient.listNetworkOfferings(listnetworkoffering)
-                networkcmd = createNetwork.createNetworkCmd()
-                networkcmd.displaytext = "Shared SG enabled network"
-       = "Shared SG enabled network"
-                networkcmd.networkofferingid =\
-                    listnetworkofferingresponse[0].id
-                networkcmd.zoneid = zoneId
-                ipranges = zone.ipranges
-                if ipranges:
-                    iprange = ipranges.pop()
-                    networkcmd.startip = iprange.startip
-                    networkcmd.endip = iprange.endip
-                    networkcmd.gateway = iprange.gateway
-                    networkcmd.netmask = iprange.netmask
-                    networkcmd.vlan = iprange.vlan
-                networkcmdresponse = self.apiClient.createNetwork(networkcmd)
-                networkId =
-                self.createPods(zone.pods, zoneId, networkId)
-            '''Note: Swift needs cache storage first'''
-            self.createCacheStorages(zone.cacheStorages, zoneId)
-            self.createSecondaryStorages(zone.secondaryStorages, zoneId)
-            enabled = getattr(zone, 'enabled', 'True')
-            if enabled == 'True' or enabled is None:
-                self.enableZone(zoneId, "Enabled")
-            details = getattr(zone, 'details')
-            if details is not None:
-                det = [d.__dict__ for d in details]
-                self.updateZoneDetails(zoneId, det)
-        return
+                                            zoneId)
+                elif (zone.networktype == "Advanced"
+                      and zone.securitygroupenabled == "true"):
+                    listnetworkoffering =\
+                        listNetworkOfferings.listNetworkOfferingsCmd()
+           =\
+                        "DefaultSharedNetworkOfferingWithSGService"
+                    if zone.networkofferingname is not None:
+               = zone.networkofferingname
+                    listnetworkofferingresponse = \
+                        self.__apiClient.listNetworkOfferings(
+                            listnetworkoffering)
+                    networkcmd = createNetwork.createNetworkCmd()
+                    networkcmd.displaytext = "Shared SG enabled network"
+           = "Shared SG enabled network"
+                    networkcmd.networkofferingid =\
+                        listnetworkofferingresponse[0].id
+                    networkcmd.zoneid = zoneId
+                    ipranges = zone.ipranges
+                    if ipranges:
+                        iprange = ipranges.pop()
+                        networkcmd.startip = iprange.startip
+                        networkcmd.endip = iprange.endip
+                        networkcmd.gateway = iprange.gateway
+                        networkcmd.netmask = iprange.netmask
+                        networkcmd.vlan = iprange.vlan
+                    networkcmdresponse = self.__apiClient.createNetwork(
+                        networkcmd)
+                    if
+                        self.__addToCleanUp("Network",
+                        self.__tcRunLogger.\
+                            debug("create Network Successful. NetworkId : %s "
+                                  % str(
+                    self.createPods(zone.pods, zoneId,
+                '''Note: Swift needs cache storage first'''
+                self.createCacheStorages(zone.cacheStorages, zoneId)
+                self.createSecondaryStorages(zone.secondaryStorages, zoneId)
+                enabled = getattr(zone, 'enabled', 'True')
+                if enabled == 'True' or enabled is None:
+                    self.enableZone(zoneId, "Enabled")
+                details = getattr(zone, 'details')
+                if details is not None:
+                    det = [d.__dict__ for d in details]
+                    self.updateZoneDetails(zoneId, det)
+            return
+        except Exception as e:
+            print "\nException Occurred %s" % GetDetailExceptionInfo(e)
+            self.__tcRunLogger.exception("==== Create Zones Failed ===")
     def isEipElbZone(self, zone):
         if (zone.networktype == "Basic"
@@ -479,64 +785,30 @@ class deployDataCenters(object):
             return True
         return False
-    def registerApiKey(self):
-        listuser = listUsers.listUsersCmd()
-        listuser.account = "admin"
-        listuserRes = self.testClient.getApiClient().listUsers(listuser)
-        userId = listuserRes[0].id
-        apiKey = listuserRes[0].apikey
-        securityKey = listuserRes[0].secretkey
-        if apiKey is None:
-            registerUser = registerUserKeys.registerUserKeysCmd()
-   = userId
-            registerUserRes = \
-                self.testClient.getApiClient().registerUserKeys(registerUser)
-            apiKey = registerUserRes.apikey
-            securityKey = registerUserRes.secretkey
-        self.config.mgtSvr[0].port = 8080
-        self.config.mgtSvr[0].apiKey = apiKey
-        self.config.mgtSvr[0].securityKey = securityKey
-        return apiKey, securityKey
-    def loadCfg(self):
-        ''' Retrieving Management Server Connection Details '''
-        mgtDetails = self.config.mgtSvr[0]
-        ''' Retrieving Database Connection Details'''
-        dbSvrDetails = self.config.dbSvr
-        self.testClient = \
-            cloudstackTestClient.\
-            cloudstackTestClient(mgtDetails,
-                                 dbSvrDetails,
-                                 logger=self.tcRunLogger)
-        if mgtDetails.apiKey is None:
-            mgtDetails.apiKey, mgtDetails.securityKey = self.registerApiKey()
-            mgtDetails.port = 8080
-            self.testClient = \
-                cloudstackTestClient.cloudstackTestClient(
-                    mgtDetails,
-                    dbSvrDetails,
-                    logger=self.tcRunLogger)
-        self.apiClient = self.testClient.getApiClient()
-        """set hypervisor"""
-        if mgtDetails.hypervisor:
-            self.apiClient.hypervisor = mgtDetails.hypervisor
-        else:
-            self.apiClient.hypervisor = "XenServer"  # Defaults to Xenserver
+    def setClient(self):
+        '''
+        @Name : setClient
+        @Desc : Sets the API Client retrieved from test client
+        '''
+        self.__apiClient = self.__testClient.getApiClient()
     def updateConfiguration(self, globalCfg):
-        if globalCfg is None:
-            return None
-        for config in globalCfg:
-            updateCfg = updateConfiguration.updateConfigurationCmd()
-   =
-            updateCfg.value = config.value
-            self.apiClient.updateConfiguration(updateCfg)
+        try:
+            if globalCfg is None or self.__apiClient is None:
+                return None
+            for config in globalCfg:
+                updateCfg = updateConfiguration.updateConfigurationCmd()
+       =
+                updateCfg.value = config.value
+                ret = self.__apiClient.updateConfiguration(updateCfg)
+                if
+                    self.__tcRunLogger.debug(
+                        "==UpdateConfiguration Successfull===")
+        except Exception as e:
+            print "Exception Occurred %s" % GetDetailExceptionInfo(e)
+            self.__tcRunLogger.\
+                exception("===UpdateConfiguration Failed===")
+            self.__cleanAndExit()
     def copyAttributesToCommand(self, source, command):
         map(lambda attr: setattr(command, attr, getattr(source, attr, None)),
@@ -544,42 +816,307 @@ class deployDataCenters(object):
                    ["required", "isAsync"], dir(command)))
     def configureS3(self, s3):
-        if s3 is None:
-            return
-        command = addS3.addS3Cmd()
-        self.copyAttributesToCommand(s3, command)
-        self.apiClient.addS3(command)
+        try:
+            if s3 is None:
+                return
+            command = addS3.addS3Cmd()
+            self.copyAttributesToCommand(s3, command)
+            ret = self.__apiClient.addS3(command)
+            if
+                self.__tcRunLogger.debug("===AddS3 Successfull===")
+                self.__addToCleanUp("s3",
+        except Exception as e:
+            self.__tcRunLogger.exception("====AddS3 Failed===")
+            self.__cleanAndExit()
     def deploy(self):
-        self.loadCfg()
-        self.updateConfiguration(self.config.globalConfig)
-        self.createZones(self.config.zones)
-        self.configureS3(self.config.s3)
+        try:
+            print "\n==== Deploy DC Started ===="
+            self.__tcRunLogger.debug("\n==== Deploy DC Started ====")
+            '''
+            Step1 : Set the Client
+            '''
+            self.setClient()
+            '''
+            Step2: Update the Configuration
+            '''
+            self.updateConfiguration(self.__config.globalConfig)
+            '''
+            Step3 :Deploy the Zone
+            '''
+            self.createZones(self.__config.zones)
+            self.configureS3(self.__config.s3)
+            '''
+            Persist the Configuration to an external file post DC creation
+            '''
+            self.__persistDcConfig()
+            print "\n====Deploy DC Successful====="
+            self.__tcRunLogger.debug("\n====Deploy DC Successful====")
+            return SUCCESS
+        except Exception as e:
+            print "\nException Occurred Under deploy :%s" % \
+                  GetDetailExceptionInfo(e)
+            self.__tcRunLogger.debug("\n====Deploy DC Failed====")
+            print "\n====Deploy DC Failed===="
+            self.__cleanAndExit()
+            return FAILED
+class DeleteDataCenters:
+    '''
+    @Desc : Deletes the Data Center using the settings provided.
+            tc_client :Client for deleting the DC.
+            dc_cfg_file : obj file exported by DeployDataCenter
+            when successfully created DC.
+                          This file is serialized one containing
+                          entries with successful DC.
+            dc_cfg: If dc_cfg_file, is not available, we can use
+            the dictionary of elements to delete.
+            tc_run_logger: Logger to dump log messages.
+    '''
+    def __init__(self,
+                 tc_client,
+                 dc_cfg_file=None,
+                 dc_cfg=None,
+                 tc_run_logger=None
+                 ):
+        self.__dcCfgFile = dc_cfg_file
+        self.__dcCfg = dc_cfg
+        self.__tcRunLogger = tc_run_logger
+        self.__apiClient = None
+        self.__testClient = tc_client
+    def __deleteCmds(self, cmd_name, cmd_obj):
+        '''
+        @Name : __deleteCmds
+        @Desc : Deletes the entities provided by cmd
+        '''
+        if cmd_name.lower() == "deletehostcmd":
+            cmd_obj.forcedestroylocalstorage = "true"
+            cmd_obj.force = "true"
+            '''
+            Step1 : Prepare Host For Maintenance
+            '''
+            host_maint_cmd = prepareHostForMaintenance.\
+                prepareHostForMaintenanceCmd()
+   =
+            host_maint_resp = self.__apiClient.prepareHostForMaintenance(
+                host_maint_cmd)
+            if host_maint_resp:
+                '''
+                Step2 : List Hosts for Resource State
+                '''
+                list_host_cmd = listHosts.listHostsCmd()
+       =
+                retries = 3
+                for i in xrange(retries):
+                    list_host_resp = self.__apiClient.\
+                        listHosts(list_host_cmd)
+                    if (list_host_resp) and\
+                            (list_host_resp[0].resourcestate == 'Maintenance'):
+                        break
+                    sleep(30)
+        if cmd_name.lower() == "deletestoragepoolcmd":
+            cmd_obj.forced = "true"
+            store_maint_cmd = enableStorageMaintenance.\
+                enableStorageMaintenanceCmd()
+   =
+            store_maint_resp = self.__apiClient.\
+                enableStorageMaintenance(store_maint_cmd)
+            if store_maint_resp:
+                list_store_cmd = listStoragePools.listStoragePoolsCmd()
+       =
+                retries = 3
+                for i in xrange(retries):
+                    store_maint_resp = self.__apiClient.\
+                        listStoragePools(list_store_cmd)
+                    if (store_maint_resp) and \
+                            (store_maint_resp[0].state == 'Maintenance'):
+                        break
+                    sleep(30)
+        return cmd_obj
+    def __setClient(self):
+        '''
+        @Name : setClient
+        @Desc : Sets the API Client retrieved from test client
+        '''
+        self.__apiClient = self.__testClient.getApiClient()
+    def __cleanEntries(self):
+        '''
+        @Name : __cleanAndEntries
+        @Description: Cleans up the created DC in order of creation
+        '''
+        try:
+            ret = FAILED
+            if "order" in self.__dcCfg.keys() and len(self.__dcCfg["order"]):
+                self.__dcCfg["order"].reverse()
+            print "\n====Clean Up Entries===", self.__dcCfg
+            for type in self.__dcCfg["order"]:
+                self.__tcRunLogger.debug(
+                    "====CleanUp Started For Type: %s====" %
+                    type)
+                if type:
+                    temp_ids = self.__dcCfg[type]
+                    ids = [items for items in temp_ids if items]
+                    for id in ids:
+                        del_mod = "delete" + type
+                        del_cmd = getattr(
+                            globals()[del_mod],
+                            del_mod + "Cmd")
+                        del_cmd_obj = del_cmd()
+                        del_cmd_resp = getattr(
+                            globals()[del_mod],
+                            del_mod + "Response")
+               = id
+                        del_cmd_obj = self.__deleteCmds(
+                            del_mod +
+                            "Cmd",
+                            del_cmd_obj)
+                        del_func = getattr(self.__apiClient, del_mod)
+                        del_cmd_resp = del_func(del_cmd_obj)
+                        if del_cmd_resp:
+                            self.__tcRunLogger.debug(
+                                "====%s CleanUp Failed. ID: %s ===" %
+                                (type, id))
+                        else:
+                            self.__tcRunLogger.debug(
+                                "====%s CleanUp Successful. ID : %s===" %
+                                (type, id))
+            ret = SUCCESS
+        except Exception as e:
+            print "\n==== Exception Under __cleanEntries: %s ==== % " \
+                  % GetDetailExceptionInfo(e)
+            self.__tcRunLogger.exception(
+                "\n==== Exception Under __cleanEntries: %s ==== % " %
+                GetDetailExceptionInfo(e))
+        finally:
+            return ret
+    def removeDataCenter(self):
+        '''
+        @Name : removeDataCenter
+        @Desc : Removes the Data Center provided by Configuration
+                If Input dc file configuration is None, uses the cfg provided
+                else uses the dc file to get the configuration
+        '''
+        try:
+            self.__setClient()
+            self.__tcRunLogger.debug("====DeployDC: CleanUp Started====")
+            print "\n====DeployDC: CleanUp Started===="
+            ret = FAILED
+            if self.__dcCfgFile:
+                file_to_read = open(self.__dcCfgFile, 'r')
+                if file_to_read:
+                    self.__dcCfg = pickle.load(file_to_read)
+            if self.__dcCfg:
+                ret = self.__cleanEntries()
+        except Exception as e:
+            print "\n==== Exception Under removeDataCenter: %s ====" % \
+                  GetDetailExceptionInfo(e)
+            self.__tcRunLogger.exception(
+                "===DeployDC CleanUp FAILED: %s ====" %
+                GetDetailExceptionInfo(e))
+        finally:
+            return ret
 if __name__ == "__main__":
+    '''
+    @Desc : This module facilitates the following:
+            1. Deploying DataCenter by using the input provided
+            configuration.
+              EX: python -i <inp-cfg-file>
+            2. Removes a created DataCenter by providing
+            the input configuration file and data center settings file
+              EX: python -i <inp-cfg-file>
+              -r <dc_exported_entries>
+    '''
     parser = OptionParser()
     parser.add_option("-i", "--input", action="store",
-                      default="./datacenterCfg", dest="input", help="the path \
-                      where the json config file generated, by default is \
-                      ./datacenterCfg")
+                      default=None, dest="input",
+                      help="the path \
+                      where the json config file generated")
+    parser.add_option("-r", "--remove", action="store",
+                      default=None, dest="remove",
+                      help="path to file\
+                      where the created dc entries are kept")
     (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
+    '''
+    Verify the input validity
+    '''
+    if options.input is None and options.remove is None:
+        print "\n==== For DeployDataCenter: Please Specify a " \
+              "Valid Input Configuration File===="
+        print "\n==== For DeleteDataCenters: Please Specify a " \
+              "Valid Input Configuration File and DC Settings===="
+        exit(1)
+    '''
+    Imports the Modules Required
+    '''
     from marvin.marvinLog import MarvinLog
-    cfg = configGenerator.getSetupConfig(options.input)
+    from marvin.cloudstackTestClient import CSTestClient
+    '''
+    Step1: Create the Logger
+    '''
     log_obj = MarvinLog("CSLog")
-    tcRunLogger = log_obj.setLogHandler("/tmp/debug.log")
-    deploy = deployDataCenters(cfg, tcRunLogger)
-    deploy.deploy()
-    """
-    create = createStoragePool.createStoragePoolCmd()
-    create.clusterid = 1
-    create.podid = 2
- = "fdffdf"
-    create.url = "nfs://jfkdjf/fdkjfkd"
-    create.zoneid = 2
-    deploy = deployDataCenters("./datacenterCfg")
-    deploy.loadCfg()
-    deploy.apiClient.createStoragePool(create)
-    """
+    cfg = configGenerator.getSetupConfig(options.input)
+    log = cfg.logger
+    ret = log_obj.createLogs("DeployDataCenter",
+                             log)
+    if ret != FAILED:
+        log_folder_path = log_obj.getLogFolderPath()
+        tc_run_logger = log_obj.getLogger()
+    else:
+        print "\n===Log Creation Failed. Please Check==="
+        exit(1)
+    '''
+    Step2 : Create Test Client
+    '''
+    obj_tc_client = CSTestClient(cfg.mgtSvr[0], cfg.dbSvr,
+                                 logger=tc_run_logger)
+    if obj_tc_client and obj_tc_client.createTestClient() == FAILED:
+        print "\n=== TestClient Creation Failed==="
+        exit(1)
+    '''
+    Step3: Verify and continue whether to deploy a DC or remove a DC
+    '''
+    if (options.input) and (os.path.isfile(options.input)) and \
+            (options.remove is None):
+        '''
+        @Desc : Deploys a Data Center with provided Config
+        '''
+        deploy = DeployDataCenters(obj_tc_client,
+                                   cfg,
+                                   tc_run_logger,
+                                   log_folder_path=log_folder_path)
+        deploy.deploy()
+        exit(1)
+    if options.remove and os.path.isfile(options.remove) and options.input:
+        '''
+        @Desc : Removes a Data Center with provided Config
+        '''
+        remove_dc_obj = DeleteDataCenters(obj_tc_client,
+                                          dc_cfg_file=options.remove,
+                                          tc_run_logger=tc_run_logger
+                                          )
+        if remove_dc_obj:
+            if remove_dc_obj.removeDataCenter() == FAILED:
+                print "\n===Removing DataCenter Failed==="
+                tc_run_logger.debug("\n===Removing DataCenter Failed===")
+            else:
+                print "\n===Removing DataCenter Successful==="
+                tc_run_logger.debug("\n===Removing DataCenter Successful===")
+        exit(1)
diff --git a/tools/marvin/marvin/integration/ b/tools/marvin/marvin/integration/
deleted file mode 100644
index 57823fc..0000000
--- a/tools/marvin/marvin/integration/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-# distributed with this work for additional information
-# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-# specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
diff --git a/tools/marvin/marvin/integration/lib/ b/tools/marvin/marvin/integration/lib/
deleted file mode 100644
index 978b68a..0000000
--- a/tools/marvin/marvin/integration/lib/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-# distributed with this work for additional information
-# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-# specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.