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Posted to by Nick Scavelli <> on 2008/06/20 16:56:13 UTC

Extending Theme Issue (Struts 2.1.2)

I am struggling to extend a theme for my web application.  The parent property in does not seem to work for my custom theme I am trying to implement.  Theme name is ccast2_0, and I have added  struts.ui.theme=ccast2_0 and struts.ui.templateDir=template to  Side note you cannot have a period in the theme name.  Adding struts.ui.theme=ccast2.0 threw a NullPointerException.  Changed to 2_0 and it worked, sorta...Continuing on:

According to the documentation I should be able to have /template/ccast2_0 with a file and parent=xhtml in the file and be set.  Not the case since I'm getting this error:

06/20/2008 10:44:26,859 ERROR (com.opensymphony.xwork2.util.logging.commons.CommonsLogger:24) - Could not load the FreeMarker template named 'form-close':  
06/20/2008 10:44:26,859 ERROR (com.opensymphony.xwork2.util.logging.commons.CommonsLogger:24) - Attempted: /template/ccast2_0/form-close.ftl  
06/20/2008 10:44:26,859 ERROR (com.opensymphony.xwork2.util.logging.commons.CommonsLogger:24) - The TemplateLoader provided by the FreeMarker Configuration was a: freemarker.cache.MultiTemplateLoader  
06/20/2008 10:44:26,859 ERROR (com.opensymphony.xwork2.util.logging.commons.CommonsLogger:28) - error when rendering Template /template/ccast2_0/form-close.ftl not found.
    at freemarker.template.Configuration.getTemplate(
    at freemarker.template.Configuration.getTemplate(

If I copy all the xhtml theme files from the struts2 jar into this folder, guess what it works.  This is not extending, that's copying.  I also copied all theme files from the struts2 jar: simple, xhtml, css_xhtml, into my /template/<theme> directory to see if that worked and no dice.  I must be doing something extremely stupid here because I haven't seen any posts regarding this issue.

Please advise !


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