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Posted to by "Bailey, Shane C." <> on 2003/08/04 18:35:09 UTC

Using the wrong version of valiator?


Validation is working for my String[] dynaform attributes.  I have seen
others on the list say it works for them.

So I looked at the source code (of my commons-validator.jar using jad).
Either it can't be working or I am using

the wrong version of that jar.   Do I need to get the latest
commons-validator.jar?  If so, I don't remember where I

retrieved the one I have now.  Did it come with Struts download?


Source Code:

    public static boolean validateRequired(Object bean,

                                           ValidatorAction va, Field field,

                                           ActionErrors errors,

                                           HttpServletRequest request) {


        String value = null;

        if (isString(bean)) {

            value = (String) bean;

        } else {

            value = ValidatorUtil.getValueAsString(bean,


        if (GenericValidator.isBlankOrNull(value)) {


                                 Resources.getActionError(request, va,


            return false;

        } else {

            return true;







ValidatorUtil.getValueAsString(bean, field.getProperty()) does a toString()
on the value and a toString() on a String[] 

which isn't null is some String like "[Ljava.lang.String;@3cfaab"   and so
then isBlankOrNull() is checking for null or



Here is how my field is declared on the JSP:

           <html:select property="roles" multiple="true" size="7">



property="roleName" />



Here is how it is declared in the struts config:

            <form-property name="roles" type="java.lang.String[]"/>