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Posted to by "Marco A.G.Pinto" <> on 2015/07/10 00:16:21 UTC

AOO 5.0 - Portuguese dictionary pre- and -post reform


I was on Freenode IRC in the LibreOffice channels suggesting them to 
implement an ODT property for the Portuguese dictionaries in order to 
accept pre- and post- reform, so that later, when it becomes official, 
AOO would have to implement it as well.

They told me that it depends on the BCP 47 language tags (not supported 
by AOO) and there was a special site for it:

Then, they found it was already there ("Updated Mon 8 Jun 2015"): -> search for pt-ao1990 -> returns 
valid subtag/variant

If we expand "show notes" - it shows that it was updated on June 8th, 
2015 (the channel operator said: "assume updated = newly created in this 

The post-reform is based on the language agreement of 1990.

Could someone implement this into AOO 5.0?

Then, instead of two OXTs with the pt_PT dictionaries we could probably 
have just one with both variants, just like we have for the English 


Kind regards,
        >Marco A.G.Pinto
